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Exploring innovation for sustainable agriculture: A systematic case study of permaculture in Nepal


Abstract and Figures

As the adverse consequences of the industrial/modern agricultural framework, which encompasses high-input agrarian production and intensive cultivation, are increasing, an alternative is essential. Permaculture is a bunch of sustainable practices that incorporate an assortment of components and promote comprehensive and multi-polycultures including perennial plants, high degrees of biodiversity, crop-animal integration, whole watershed management, and self-sustaining on-site energy production, all of which straightforwardly affect the sustainable approach and promote ecological parameters. This case study attempts to better comprehend the local knowledge in terms of planning and fostering a permaculture system that considers their work, culture, and environmental concerns. In particular, this research focuses on the combined ideology, actual practices, and co-opting nature of three Nepalese permaculturists. The current study employs the notion of imaginaries to comprehend how permaculture may supplant the present agricultural system. Therefore, the study promotes and urges agricultural actioners to create profound and emotional associations with the planet, as well as their creativity and imagination, to impact good natural change.
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Heliyon 9 (2023) e15899
Available online 2 May 2023
2405-8440/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Case report
Exploring innovation for sustainable agriculture: A systematic case
study of permaculture in Nepal
Shubh Pravat Singh Yadav
, Vivek Lahutiya, Netra Prasad Ghimire, Bishnu Yadav,
Prava Paudel
G. P. Koirala College of Agriculture and Research Center, Purbanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
Modern/industrial agricultural system
Ecological impacts
As the adverse consequences of the industrial/modern agricultural framework, which encom-
passes high-input agrarian production and intensive cultivation, are increasing, an alternative is
essential. Permaculture is a bunch of sustainable practices that incorporate an assortment of
components and promote comprehensive and multi-polycultures including perennial plants, high
degrees of biodiversity, crop-animal integration, whole watershed management, and self-
sustaining on-site energy production, all of which straightforwardly affect the sustainable
approach and promote ecological parameters. This case study attempts to better comprehend the
local knowledge in terms of planning and fostering a permaculture system that considers their
work, culture, and environmental concerns. In particular, this research focuses on the combined
ideology, actual practices, and co-opting nature of three Nepalese permaculturists. The current
study employs the notion of imaginaries to comprehend how permaculture may supplant the
present agricultural system. Therefore, the study promotes and urges agricultural actioners to
create profound and emotional associations with the planet, as well as their creativity and
imagination, to impact good natural change.
1. Introduction
Amongst human endeavours, the most fundamental and essential is agriculture. Agricultural frameworks that have been intensied
can produce vast amounts of food, but their long-term viability is in doubt [13]. The idea that agricultural systems would need to
adapt is widely acknowledged as climate change continues to dominate the scientic debate. Intensive farming techniques have
grievous ramications for the environment and society overall [1,4]. Permaculture, as an alternative to large-scale agriculture
techniques, furnishes an international network with a solutions-oriented approach to sustainability, with the goal of designing and
developing sustainable communities in harmony with natural ecosystems [3,5]. Permaculture has been acknowledged as a new
ecological paradigm of sustainable practices in an assortment of elds, including environment, organic farming, forestry, agriculture,
landscape, engineering, and city planning [6]. Permaculture is a term formed from the words permanentand agriculture, coined
by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the 1970s and 1980s [610], is acquiring ubiquity as a natural resource management strategy
[6,11]. Permaculture is the product of an innovative amalgamation of frameworks thinking and planning based on a knowledge of
natural ecosystem processes, conventional small-scale mixed agriculture, low-inuence innovation, and redistributive civil rights into
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.P.S. Yadav).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 13 May 2022; Received in revised form 18 February 2023; Accepted 25 April 2023
Heliyon 9 (2023) e15899
a versatile, interlinked dynamic design system for designing and implementing a self-sustaining human network [6,10,12]. Its ideas
and strategies are fundamentally casual, different, and unregulated, and they are disseminated through networks of practitioners [9].
Permaculture has historically demonstrated the most effective on small, local, and individual levels, which is both a strength and a
shortcoming. While local activity is critical to sustainable progress, it cannot be the exclusive domain of impact. To develop sustainable
prospects, more foundational types of plans and associations, from provincial to public to worldwide, are required [10].
The core principle of permaculture is that humans can diminish or supplant energy and pollution-intensive industrial technology,
especially in agriculture, via careful, employment of biological resources, and holistic design modelled after natural ecosystems [9,13].
Permaculture sees nature in an inventive manner and then applies it functionally. Therefore, it has the effect that it depicts. Perma-
culture assemblages most evidently foster this image of nature in the manner they socially organize themselves, purposefully and
reluctantly fabricating social congurations that resemble natural environments, which can be termed eco-mimicking [14]. It is a
coherent and explicit set of designs that supports the abstraction of the Spiral of Intervention. This philosophy is based on the idea
that nature ought to sprint its course with the least amount of human interference possible. Its a dynamic mindset that goes beyond
less work, more prominent outcome[15].
The permaculture approach to production accentuates variety and multifunctionality, through the execution of polycultures and
perennial crops, land use expansion, and whole-agroecosystem integrated water management [16]. It is a normally exploratory
endeavour in manners that propose close connections to formal review. Its interventions are experimental at all levels; each design
instance is distinct [17]. Managing a permaculture system, on the other hand, entails constantly watching and settling the
ever-changing interactions between the natural entities that make up the system [9]. For instance, If Asian wasps kill bees, it is
desirable to over acquaint chickens to hunt the wasps, thereby providing the hens protein needs, then apply synthetic chemical
pesticides. Similarly, each of the plants in the association corn/bean/squash has at least one purpose: to provide food. When grown
together, however, each provides a benecial presence for the other two: bean roots supply nitrogen, corn gives an accommodating tail
to the bean to develop and obtain daylight, and squash leaves, which form a canopy over the ground, assist with directing soil moisture
and slow the growth of contender plants. This is a brilliant illustration of alternative instructions for replacing todays industrial
agriculture [9].
In 1986, the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture Nepal (INSAN) collaborated with Agricultural Project Services (APROSC) and Win
rock International to organize the rst permaculture design course training facilitated by Bill Mollison in Kathmandu. Subsequently,
numerous permaculture workshops have been held, and permaculture has become a common term for various sustainable farming
activities in Nepal [18,19]. These advancements are part of an information cycle that continuously seeks to improve itself and provide
better service to user groups. After encountering difculties with a top-down approach for a few years, the rst real farmers design
course was held in 1995, where farmers collaborated with other farmers on permaculture design [20]. The Nepal Permaculture Group
(NPG) was established in 1992 to bring together NGOs and individuals who are independently engaged in sustainable agriculture,
organic agriculture, and permaculture. Although the NPG is a signicant milestone in the organic agriculture movement in Nepal,
there are only a few organizations/individuals explicitly working with permaculture models [19]. Table 1 illustrates some of those
instances of permaculture implementation in Nepal.
In Nepal, the dominant development industry advocates for chemical-intensive farming using the approach of ‘industrial agri-
culture, which has several drawbacks in terms of diminishing the biophysical systems ability to manage various risks and
Table 1
List of some organizations and farmers utilizing permaculture in Nepal.
Practitioners location Initiation
Size Model Design elements
Tulsi Prasad Baral Malepatan,
1970 0.15 ha Integration model Kitchen garden, Vegetable farming
KB. Gurung Damauli, Tanahu Agroforestry model Fruit production, Fodder production
Khadga Regmi Bhantanpur,
Integration model Fishery, Vegetable farming, Livestock production,
Brinda Rai Sankhuwasabha Sustainable farming
Programme (JPP)
MidWest Nepal 1988 Employed in
150 villages
Community training-
based model
Fruit & vegetable production, Kitchen Garden,
Beekeeping, Weaving, Drinking water systems,
Agroforestry, Local culture, Leather cottage
Center (HPC)
Surkhet & Humla 2010 Works with 850
Households &
Community training-
based model
Fruit nursery, Beekeeping, Cash crops,
Composting, Tree planting, Covering food, House
cleaning, Hygiene
Hasera Agriculture
Kavrepalanchowk Works with 20
development model
Namuna Prangarik
Krishi Sahakari
Arba, Pokhara 2010 Works with 60
Inclusive farming
Vegetable production
References: [18,20,21,23,24].
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uncertainties. Farmers are not receiving protable prices for their products and are compelled to incur high expenses for fertilizers and
pesticides [21]. Hence, there is enormous potential for implementing permaculture in Nepal. The country possesses abundant re-
sources that can be integrated into the permaculture model on farms. However, these resources frequently go unnoticed or unused due
to the orientation towards commercial agriculture or the shift from subsistence to modern industrial agriculture [19,22]. The
implementation of permaculture techniques enhances farmers capacity to grow organic crops to meet their food and nutritional
requirements and access local markets to sell surplus produce. This approach can also improve crop yields while promoting social,
environmental, and economic advantages [19,20]. Additionally, a farmer who has adopted permaculture practices noted that I use less
fuel, have better meals, few pests in the garden, visit the forest less because more fodder and fuel is coming from my land and best of all, my rice
production has increased from ten to twelve hundred KGs without any extra costs[20]. Overall, the image suggests that permaculture can
be a relevant alternative for Nepalese farmers compared to the current industrial agriculture practices.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to unpack the general structure of permaculture and explores the function of its elementals,
such as ecological insights, design principles, exercises, and morals. Additionally, to illustrate the three instances that depict per-
maculture as a characteristic afnity with applied versatility research. This paper portrays the permaculture development in Nepal, a
predominantly agrarian nation. It imparts the state of permaculture at a local level in three different geographical areas in Nepal,
which is presented through the voices and perspectives of the permaculturists in contextualized format.
2. Permaculture ethics and principles
Permaculture activists invest energy in anothers locales, sharing seeds as well as experience-based information about how to try
the developments thoughts and morals [25]. Ethics and principles can be blended in a variety of ways and under a variety of cir-
cumstances [26].
2.1. Permaculture ethics
Permaculture provides a reasonable ethical framework for all of its designs, which is the foundation of the permaculture paradigm
[2,17]. They essentially depict the accompanying three gist: every part of the framework performs various obligations. Second, the
systems preferred functions are maintained by many components. Third, everything in the framework is connected to all the other
things [8]. Permaculture is a utilitarian ethic and value-based system that gives an eco-driven redenition of the expression sus-
tainable management,as well as afrmation of the socio-biological and nancial ethos [27]. It is based on regenerating environments
and their constituent living things, addressing individualsrequirements, and decently and evenhandedly disseminating permaculture
framework results [28]. Permaculture means to re-interface individuals with nature to create positive changes through regenerative
techniques [29], guided by three principal ethics often described.
2.1.1. Earth care
The rst ethical principle, earth care, will undoubtedly evolve and pervade all elements of permaculture. It centers around
making courses of action for all ecosystems to persist and develop since people cant ourish without a healthy planet [15,26]. It
underlines the signicance of a healthy planet as the foundation for human prosperity and healthy human habitats [26,30]. To
enhance sustainability and respectful utilization of natural resources, including the sustaining of soil, woods, and water, working with
nature and forestalling environmental damage [2,31,32]. It addresses Mollison and Holmgrens mentality of " working with nature
rather than against it " [33].
2.1.2. People care
The second ethical guideline, people carealludes to meeting peoples basic and existential needs so that they can live a decent life
without causing harm to the environment [15,30,33]. Dealing with oneself, ones family, and ones local area: helping out others,
supporting individuals who need admittance to good food and clean water, and building sustainable frameworks that create lifes
necessities are only a couple of models [2,31]. It underscores the signicance of people approaching the assets they expect for their
prosperity and fundamental necessities. It features the worth of collaboration and kinship in having a cheerful and healthy existence
2.1.3. Fair share
The initial two ethical standards are combined in the fair shareethic. It all boils down to accepting that natural resources are
nite and must be shared equally among humans, animals, and plants, as well as between present and future generations [2,15,26,30].
The idea of putting limits to consumption and reproduction and dispersing excesswas initially associated with the concept of fair
shares within a worldview in which nature is abundant yet additionally restricts [26,33]. Fair share depicts itself through an insightful
proverb i.e., A man, who has vanquished himself might behave appropriately at any opportunity in an acceptable manner. A man like
this is appropriately considered a living artist[32].
2.2. Permaculture principles
Permaculture is an assortment of twelve principles that serve as a design framework while allowing for a variety of solutions to be
utilized in different circumstances [2,33]. These principles provide us with the tools which would permit us to redesign our
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surroundings and discover answers to a range of challenges. Each of these principles has its distinct viewpoint, and the combination of
all principles is intended to accomplish overall system balance [12,26]. These standards aid in the development of agricultural and
social systems that replicate the diversity, multi-usefulness, and self-guideline of natural ecosystems and harmonize more intimately
with ecological systems to enhance sustainability [28,30,32]. The twelve principles of permaculture design as shown in Fig. 1, are
outlined as.
2.2.1. Observe and interact
Conguration starts with the careful and sustained study of the environment [2]. It takes account of different seasons, times of day,
and civilizations. Ways of drawing in and creating with natural patterns are addressed [26,34,35].
2.2.2. Catch and store energy, nutrients, and water
This principle urges people to make maximum use of the environments energy [35]. Solar panels and wind turbines are ideal
instances of this hypothesis since they capture energy and water while they are abundant and store them for critical crossroads [2,31,
35]. Renewable methods of generating energy and utilizing ought to be focused on. Energy, which permits us to work, should never be
squandered [26,34].
2.2.3. Obtain a yield
This concept ensures that the system is as self-sufcient as feasible in producing essentials [2]. Agricultural production is expected
for freedom and continuation. Yields are positive and form positive feedback loops [34]. An attitude shift happens when there is a yield
since individuals are more propelled to give when there is an overow since the concern of scarcity is lifted [35].
2.2.4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
Addressing the idea implies creating sufcient negative feedback loops to maintain a healthy system equilibrium [2,35].
2.2.5. Use and value renewable resources
A diverse utilization of renewable assets at an acceptable degree of usage can help us restrict our consumption [34]; such as
sunlight, rainwater, and strategies that recover soil and minimize foreign inputs [2,31].
2.2.6. Produce no waste
As the population grows, recycling, composting, and trash reduction become more crucial [2,31]. For example, the process of
photosynthesis creates no waste in nature. This is the gist of this philosophy, which is to make zero waste and use it as much as feasible
2.2.7. Design from patterns to details
For effective design, identify the patterns that naturally occur and ll in the specics later [2,35]. For instance; A fruit tree, should
be surrounded by other plants in the garden. Such as green beans or squash crawling up the pine tree. Herbs, spices, and other owers
might be planted at the foot of the tree to attract benecial insects or supply nutrients to the soil (forming a symbiotic relationship) [26,
Fig. 1. Illustrative representation of permaculture ethics and principles (Modied from [36]).
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2.2.8. Integrate rather than segregate
This necessitates the comprehension of intricate natural linkages and the viable exploitation of such interactions [33,34]. Rather
than implementing monocultures, design with synergistic interactions in mind, such as mutually benecial polycultures ought to be
considered [2].
2.2.9. Use small and slow solutions
More modest frameworks are simpler to oversee than bigger ones, permitting them to properly utilization of local resources and
produce more long-haul results [2,34]. It likewise empowers genuine criticism and discretion [26,35].
2.2.10. Use and value diversity
Monoculture-based societies are vulnerable to unforeseen change. Permaculture aims to comprehend the past, present, and future
potentials of biological and cultural diversity [34]. A few plants, for instance, promote the supply of nitrogen, a fundamental part of
rich soil, while others attract pollinating insects [35]. Since diversity enhances resilience, the system is less prone to failure [2].
2.2.11. Use edges and value the marginal
The area where multiple zones meet is frequently the most intriguing and innovative (6). As opposed to excusing the negligible, we
ought to look to utilize its diversity and production [34].
2.2.12. Creatively use and respond to change
There is an evolutionary component to all ecological systems. Notice changes in the climate and mediate at the proper overall
setting [2,31,34].
3. Ecological impacts of industrial/modern agriculture
Agriculture, in many respects, may be considered the last outskirts of modern upheaval in numerous ways [2]. While the current
farming system has been demonstrated to be exceptionally useful, it has additionally had overall natural and social consequences [37].
For example, industrialized agricultural systems are annihilating biodiverse conditions, contaminating water, forming dead zones in
oceans, gambling with human wellbeing through pesticide exposures and disease outbreaks, delivering toxins into the food cycle, and
contributing to global warming [38]. The industrial agriculture system utilizes unsustainable amounts of water, fossil fuels, and topsoil
[39,40]. Signicant greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, broad manure, and pesticide contamination, soil loss and degradation,
dwindling pollinators, and human health hazards are a couple of the ecological impacts of current farming [2,37]; which are further
illustrated briey.
3.1. Monoculture, chemical usage, and loss of diversity
To ease mechanized farming, huge elds of just a single crop variety are cultivated which is tend to be a monoculture. External
inputs, including notably chemical fertilizers and pesticides, are signicantly required in these articially simplied ecosystems.
Chemical fertilizers high in NPK fertilizers deplete the soil of key micronutrients over the long haul and wipe out valuable soil living
beings that guide in supplement move to plants [2]. Similarly, pesticides, while initially enhancing yields, become less effective over
time as pests develop resistance to them, and they frequently kill soil microbes and fungi, as well as benecial species that help control
destructive creatures [2,39]. It takes longer to measure and results in the extinction of animals, sheries, pollinators, and human
ailments [2].
3.2. Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
Climate change and agriculture are two interconnected peculiarities that happen on a worldwide scale. Global warming initiatives
have a substantial inuence on agricultural circumstances, such as temperature, precipitation, and glacier runoff [41]. The world
population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, with food consumption expected to quadruple from present levels [38]. Agronomic
operations in general contribute to the phenomena of global warming by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and changing
land cover, both of which alter the surfaces albedo and the radiation balance [2,41]. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, agriculture is directly responsible for around 20% of human-generated greenhouse gas emissions [39]. Land-use
changes account for around 14% of absolute human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, and quite a bit of this land advancement is
for agricultural purposes [2,39]. Methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide gases are produced by farming activities, such as livestock
management, rice paddies creation and maintenance, sugar cane burning, and soil bacterial nitrication-denitrication [41,42]. As a
result, the expected perils of climate change have expanded, and the natural equilibrium has been disturbed [15,43].
3.3. Water consumption
Agriculture consumes 85% of the freshwater on the planet. A single kilogram of wheat requires around 1300 gallons of water,
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whereas rice requires 3000 L, beef requires 15,500 L, and a single 50g bag of salad requires approximately 50 L. Green revolution
hybrids perform poorly than many traditional cultivars in the absence of extra water and chemical fertilizers. The viability of these
crops will become increasingly doubtful as freshwater grows scarcer [2].
3.4. Deforestation
The explanations behind eliminating forest areas are numerous. Conversion of forest land to agriculture and ranches, as well as
urban areas and hydrocarbon exploitation, are only a few of the reasons [41]. When forests are replaced by agricultural land for crops
or animals, atmospheric carbon sequestration is reduced [41,44]. The environmental services provided by forests, such as biodiversity,
soil protection, and subsurface water recharge, are difcult to compare to the monetary return derived from agriculture due to the
differing value systems [38,39,41].
3.5. Soil degradation
Soil quality is dynamic, and it might change rapidly relying on soil features, climate conditions, land use, and agricultural tech-
niques. Overgrazing, cover removal, topsoil loss, salinization, and nutrient depletion are all processes that kill plants and degrade soil
[41]. Currently, modern agriculture practices are adding to the debasement of basic ecological processes that support life on earth, for
example, environmental change, biosphere integrity loss, damaging land system alterations, and phosphorus and nitrogen manure
eutrophication of oceans [37,41].
3.6. Eutrophication
When surplus runoff of nutrients is leached into water bodies, algae quickly proliferate. Algae devour all of the nutrients needed by
other aquatic organisms. When an algal population reaches its pinnacle, it begins to die, forming a layer of anoxic conditions known as
the ‘death zone, which is harmful to aquatic life [41,43]. The deterioration of water bodies is also caused by the quality of industrial
wastewater efuents [45].
Fig. 2. Above depicts the geographical location of the case study sites, namely the Gandaki trout sh Farm (GTF), Sotang organic farm (SOF), and
Organic Ghar (OG).
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3.7. Soil erosion
Because growing grain for this business takes so much acreage, feedlot cattle, and industrial animal agriculture, in general, deplete
topsoil [39], overgrazed and nutrient-depleted elds expose the surface to erosion by preventing the proper growth of vegetation [41].
3.8. Water-logging and salinity
Many low-rainfall places have been transformed into agricultural wonderlands, at least in the short term, thanks to irrigation [42].
Excessive irrigation, on the other hand, might have an environmental cost in the form of waterlogging and salinization. Irrigation
water contains salts that deplete the soils productivity over time [39]. Similarly, rice eldssaturated soil is ideal for methanogenesis,
which releases methane into the atmosphere [41].
To limit those ecological impacts (above-mentioned) of the industrial agricultural system, a pioneering concept is introduced also
known as the alternative agricultural system i.e., permaculture.
4. Materials and methods
4.1. Study areas
This study was carried out at three different geographical locations throughout Nepal. The rst study was carried out near the
village Basantar (Dharan, Nepal; 26.821024, 87.300660), which experiences a sub-tropical climate with an average annual rainfall of
39.74 in. The second study was carried out near the village Sripur (Bharatpur, Nepal; 27.640319, 84.371023), which also experiences a
sub-tropical climate with a mean annual rainfall of 114.2 in. Likewise, the third study was carried out near Sardikhola (Puranchour,
Nepal; 28.329634, 83.978499), which experiences a temperate climate with an average rainfall of 39.37 in. Under these locations, the
general permaculture practices and descriptions in those farms were addressed and uniformly examined. The geographical positions
and general description of the study sites are presented in Fig. 2.
4.2. Study methodology
The idea of permaculture was created by Ref. [46] as an integrated, dynamic system of perennial or self-perpetuating plant and
animal species benecial to man. According to Ref. [47], permaculture has evolved to the point that it is now dened as consciously
Fig. 3. Orthophotoplan of the studied site (Sotang organic farm).
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built landscapes that imitate the pattern and connections seen in nature while generating an abundance of food, bre, and energy for
meeting local requirements.The research began with assessments of the literature on the theoretical background as well as the current
state of the permaculture network in Nepal. The research methodology used in this study includes the selection of an area with an
agricultural land use environment, observation and analysis of land use, crops, and settlement, using the conceptual content analysis
method [48,49]. This research primarily focuses on the personal motivations, knowledge exchange, and experiences of permaculture
practitioners. Three case studies were selected as an appropriate analytical approach to collect the necessary in-depth information
[12]. The study is based on permaculture experts who have been working for over a biennium in Nepal. To assess each practitioners
designs and social interventions in the Nepalese agricultural sector, case studies for each one were created by looking at relevant
papers, conducting in-depth interviews, and visiting farms. Three ethical criteriaearth care, people care, and fair sharewere used
to evaluate their accomplishments [50]. The practitioners social and design initiatives in their different communities serve as our
observational variables. In addition to the observational technique, we also conducted in-depth interviews with the practitioners to
gather primary data. To further investigate the similarities between the design procedures, social interventions, and their results, we
gathered secondary data from journals, books, and blogs and used conceptual and relational content analysis.
5. Permaculture in Nepal
5.1. Sotang Organic Farm (SOF)
The Sotang organic farm was created in 1998 by Mr. Krishna Rai. The cultural practices are directly based on the permaculture
model. They produce multiple products, use only organic amendments and no pesticides or mineral fertilizers, and achieve high yields.
The total farm size is about 2.032 ha and only 40% of the land is used for cultivation area. The other 60% is occupied by animal farms,
as shown in Fig. 3.
Initially, he was encouraged to utilize agrochemicals, such as chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, vitamins, and
hormones, due to a long-held belief that these chemicals would increase crop yield and productivity. The initial results appeared to
support this belief, as productivity increased substantially after the implementation of these chemicals. However, this increase was not
sustainable, and crop yields began to decline rapidly. Additionally, the cost of producing farm products increased, resulting in a smaller
prot margin. Furthermore, the use of agrochemicals had adverse effects on consumer health due to the consumption of contaminated
farm products, ultimately leading to economic losses for the farm. In light of these challenges, he sought guidance from agricultural
experts and researchers, who recommended the adoption of permaculture as a potential solution. In 2005, he began implementing
permaculture techniques on their farm, which were later adopted by 150 other farmers. The implementation involved the production
and use of vermicompost, composted manure, liquid manure, and integrated pest management tools to control and manage pests and
As they continued to implement permaculture techniques, they recognized that soil health is a key factor in the agricultural sector,
impacting crop health and productivity. They subsequently focused on improving the soils health through the use of organic materials
produced on the farm, which fostered soil health and microbial activity while enhancing soil biodiversity. He also realized that human
activities have been disrupting the ecosystems balance, resulting in adverse effects on human health. As a result, the farm now
produces 100% certied organic products and engages in hydroponics, cattle farming, pig and sh farming, vertical farming, poultry
rearing, and oriculture, among other practices, as shown in Figs. 47. His success in producing his basic needs and marketable surplus
from an average-sized farm is based on his observation of nature, emphasis on self-reliance, and analysis of markets and consumers.
Continuing the very trend, the farm has the potential to achieve massive social and economic success. The farm can improve the
livelihood of a large number of people via employment. Farm activities over a long period can also improve the surrounding envi-
ronmental conditions. The farm has an excellent layout, which can be very helpful for someone willing to start or set up a permaculture
farm. Soon, the farm has the potential to not only meet the domestic demand for organic produce but also export its products to foreign
Fig. 4. Illustrates the hydroponic cultivation method employed at the farm.
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5.2. Organic Ghar (OG)
Chandra Prasad Adhikari is an owner of Organic Ghar known for its organic farming/permaculture. But it was not the scenario
some years ago. His fathers and grandfather analyzed the demand for agro-products and in contrast to that, the decline in production of
Fig. 5. Depicts the vertical farming method used at the farm.
Fig. 6. Displays the practice of animal husbandry specically cattle rearing on the farm.
Fig. 7. Showcases aquaculture or sh farming as a major activity carried out on the farm.
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the farm output started using chemical fertilizers to boost the yield and productivity of the farm. Although they found a signicant rise
in the yield and productivity, soon after the application of chemicals the tenure didnt last for long. The yield reduced massively. This
led the farm to critical situations and eventually they realize that the usage of chemicals to foster productivity is the lone reason for the
decline of production. Therefore, the revolutionary concept of permaculture was introduced on the farm in the year 2020, to sort out
their miserable phase, as shown in Fig. 8.
After the introduction of the permaculture system in the farm activities, the yield didnt rise as much as they would have expected
as soil condition was brought to its worst due to excessive use of chemicals but they knew they must stick with the system for a longer
period to get a better result and they did so. They stopped using the chemical fertilizer ever since they came to know its hazardous
effect on soil and the ecosystem. They formed a group of 80 families and started the concept of permaculture within the community
practically. Overall, an area of 2.02 ha was added to the production area, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10. They started using organic
manures like vermicompost, bi-products of livestock, crop residue, Farmyard manure, etc to raise crops. The farm itself produces
enough amount of vermicompost that can be used throughout the community. Vermicompost is extracted after sorting out the worms
out of the compost using nets, as shown in Fig. 11. Earthworms are also reared in good quantity.
They have managed beehives on their farm which not only support better pollination of the crops or plants but also marketing of
honey (about 5501000 lbs.) quantity annually provided as an extra income source for the farm. Furthermore, the rearing of black
soldier ies for research and development is also carried out by the farm aided by National Innovation Center (NIC) and supported by
Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), as shown in Fig. 12. The grown larvae are utilized to feed the indigenous chicken that
effectually supports the nutritional intake and gives better carcass results. Eventually as the fruits of patience are sweetall the hard
work and patience of sticking to the permaculture concept paid off sweetly for the farm. The productivity of this farm has gone higher
to meet its own as well as marketing demand too.
The farm is wasting no expenses on any agrochemicals to control diseases or pests because of the matter of Back to nature, the
nature itself balances the pest and natural enemies to prevent loss of crops due to diseases and pest outbreaks- Chandra Prasad
Following the ongoing trend of permaculture, the upcoming days or years for this farm will certainly be much brighter. The soil
health will reach its peak tness, resulting in the production of much healthier corn at a signicantly reduced cost, which will invite
more benets from the farm business. Due to sound agricultural practices, the environmental conditions will also improve. The
expanding area under cultivation will tend to employ a large number of people, and hence their livelihoods will improve along with the
farms social and economic status. Raising black soldier ies and feeding them to indigenous chicken breeds to improve carcass-related
traits can be benecial to other poultry farms. Therefore, other farmers can learn something new along with permaculture practices.
Fig. 8. Orthophotoplan of the studied site (Organic Ghar/Prangarik Sikai Kendra).
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Heliyon 9 (2023) e15899
5.3. Gandaki Trout Farm (GTF)
Being situated in the Kaski district Gandaki trout farm is one of the provenances with an area of 4 ha, as shown in Fig. 13. The most
popular trout farm is well known for its culture and production of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss). It was established in the year
2010 by Lachhin Gurung. He was motivated by the growing demand for trout in the market but not so appreciable production to meet
Fig. 9. Illustrates a substantial acreage exclusively allocated for the cultivation of rice.
Fig. 10. Showcases an extensive area covered with paddies.
Fig. 11. Illustrates the process of vermicompost production on the farm, wherein shes raised in the surrounding pool are utilized to generate
nutrient-rich compost.
S.P.S. Yadav et al.
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this rising demand. He along with his workers started the farm with a very small investment of 12 lakhs. They excavated two ponds
initially for the production which later grew in number and size as the farm ourished. They designed and constructed the farm in such
a way that it not only has higher production of trout sh but also utilizes the prospect of agritourism and agriproduct production in
Kaski, as shown in Figs. 1417. The feed for sh has been formulated here itself but the raw materials are imported from India. It
includes sh meal, brown soybean (30%), wheat (17%), and Rice husk (14%). Out of which almost 30% of the feed constitutes are
produced on the farm.
The necessary crops are raised on the farm utilizing the water coming out of the sh pool as it contains nitrogenous byproducts from
sh. This helps in better production of the crops to be utilized in the feed formulation and the cycle goes on. This helps in the pro-
duction of organic crops and further minimizes the expenditure of the farm. The seeds of the sh are produced on the farm in the
breeding house. They have managed separate structures and pools for various stages of sh for better handling and production.
Freshwater keeps circulating in the ponds structures which is a basis of raceway culture.
Eventually, all the efforts and patience to stick with their farm strategies/permaculture led them to their success. Now, they have an
Fig. 12. Portrays the breeding of black soldier ies for potential applications in sustainable waste management.
Fig. 13. Orthophotoplan of the studied site (Gandaki trout sh farm).
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income of 23 lakhs per month and a team of 2223 workers who handle the farm brilliantly making the farm well known not only in
the Kaski district but also all around the globe. His farm is one of the pioneer farms which is capable to promote agritourism. With the
arrival of international and national tourists, albeit in higher numbers, as well as the increased demand from customers in Pokhara
itself for trout, the business is picking up smoothly.
The Gandaki trout farm shows a promising potential to be one of the most visited tourism sites for domestic as well as international
explorers because of the eye-catching elements employed in its establishment, operation, and management. The farm will have an
Fig. 14. Provides a visual representation of the aesthetically pleasing landscape and comprehensive perspective of the study site.
Fig. 15. Showcases the stunning scenery and holistic viewpoint of the farm, as captured through the lens of the observer.
Fig. 16. Displays the utilization of closed raceway culture for the purposeful cultivation of trout.
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extended prot margin because of its systematic raising practices and additional services for the customers. The farm can add addi-
tional subcenters for marketing purposes, which will increase the number of people employed and prot. Very soon, the farm will
occupy a major share in trout sh production and marketing, following the same trend.
6. Discussion
Utilizing conceptual content analysis, our study revealed some shared themes and issues among the three permaculture practi-
tioners [51], including enhancing biodiversity, reducing crop losses, producing multiple crops, improving food security, developing
ecological balance, enhancing living conditions of neighbours farmers, and decreasing reliance on external supplies. Analysis of
permaculture ethical principles of earth care, people care, and fair share demonstrated that Organic Ghar (OG) most effectively
implemented design principles (91.67%), followed by Sotang Organic Farm (SOF) (83.33%) and Gandaki Trout Farm (GTF) (47.22%),
as depicted in Table 2. Our results indicated that OG and SOF were able to promote both the quantitative and qualitative growth of
other farmers in their community. These ndings are consistent with previous studies [12,21,48,5256]. Likewise, GTF seems to
adhere its primary competence as a tourism operator and utilizes sustainable practices as a point of differentiation in commercial
business. GTF also demonstrated that environmentally-conscious tourists are willing to seek out agricultural sustainability [57]. When
considered in light of the agrarian crisis and the relational content analysis of the three permaculturists [58], our results suggest that
permaculture design interventions offer viable solutions to address farmers crises in Nepal against industrial agriculture. Our study
highlights the success of permaculture design in promoting food security, access to clean food, income generation, and local diver-
sication. Despite this, permaculture design has yet to be integrated into agricultural education in Nepal. Therefore, we advocate
including permaculture education in the current agricultural educational domain in Nepal. Although permaculture is still in its infancy
in Nepal, numerous international examples illustrate its application and relative benets which are listed below.
1. Kuala Ping serves as a clear example of successful permaculture design principles being implemented to achieve sustainable
agricultural practices through the integration of local people, environment, and technologies, resulting in the proper preservation
and protection of ecosystem resources in Malaysia [48].
2. Similarly, an international permaculture site in rural Bulgaria (Sing) demonstrated a model based on social and ecological re-
lationships, which transformed rural livelihoods and beneted the local community [31].
3. Soneva, an eco-tourism service provider in Maldives and Thailand, implemented environmentally and socially conscious practices,
such as composting leftover foods and wastes and eliminating chemical inputs, resulting in the production of a diverse range of
fruits and vegetables [52].
4. Landscape redesigning and interventions utilizing permaculture principles in Odisha, India, improved the food supply, access to
clean and healthy food, economic upliftment, and diversication of local commodities for 13 primitive tribes and 62 tribal com-
munities [55].
5. The application of permaculture procedures in Le Bec-Hellouin, Normandie, France, led to improved nutrient availability and
balanced reserves of soil organic carbon in the cultivated lands uppermost soil [40].
6. Permaculture design played a signicant role in conservation of soil and water resources contributing to ecosystem diversity in the
management of reservoirs serving natural habitats for wildlife in Gibraleon, Tamera, and Vivencia Dehesa, Spain [59].
7. Rural tourism in Brasov, Romania, promoted the conservation of nature and environment along with agricultural systems through
sustainable practices in the tourism sector of rural regions [30].
8. The residential area at Denai Alam, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, provides an opportunity for the local community to participate
in permaculture design principles, with plans to incorporate aspects such as greywater treatment and various gardens (e.g., spiral
herb and vegetable gardens) in urban permaculture [56].
Fig. 17. Portrays the use of a closed raceway culture technique to rear trout in a controlled aquatic environment.
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Heliyon 9 (2023) e15899
These examples provide evidence of the potential benets of permaculture design principles in various settings and highlight the
need for greater focus on permaculture education, research, and practice in agriculture, landscaping, healthcare, and product design to
address societal issues and create job opportunities in this era of climate crisis.
7. Conclusion
Designing and planning with nature is an ecosystem-based approach that demonstrates sustainable practices in diverse aspects.
This permaculture system is involved in planning and fabricating by following the natural patterns of permaculture locales.
Table 2
Evaluation of ecological well-being of the farms.
SN. Design principles Farms that have implemented the
preceding principles
Earth care
1. Observe and interact Farms design and management are based on careful observation and
interaction with nature
2. Catch and store energy Farms energy requirements are met through on-site capture and storage OG
3. Obtain a Yield Food produced on the farm meets the farms dietary needs SOF, OG, GTF
4. Apply self-regulation and accept
Farms practices are shaped by natural feedback OG, SOF
5. Use and value renewable
resources and services
Renewable resources and services are employed with an eye toward their
long-term impact
6. Produce no waste Waste is reused OG, SOF
7. Design from pattern to details Design and management of the farm take natural patterns into account SOF, OG, GTF
8. - Integrate rather than segregate Farms elements and functions are carefully integrated SOF, OG, GTF
9. Use small and slow solutions Small, and slow solutions are employed when making changes to the
landscape design
10. - Use and value diversity Farm is designed to increase and value species diversity SOF, OG, GTF
11. Use edges and value the marginal Landscape is designed to maximize edges and margins, where different
types of land meet
12. Creatively use and respond to
Landscape design also allows for exibility and adaptability OG, GTF
People care
1. Observe and interact Farm seeks to foster good relationships with its neighbours SOF, OG
2. Catch and store energy Inputs for the farm are produced locally SOF, OG
3. Obtain a yield Farms food is grown without chemical inputs SOF, OG, GTF
4. Apply self-regulation and accept
Social and community feedback prompts changes in behaviour SOF, OG, GTF
5. Use and value renewable
resources and services
Renewable community resources and services are used with an eye toward
their long-term impact
6. Produce no waste Waste is not sent to landlls SOF, OG
7. Design from patterns to details Farm seeks broader community input in making design decisions SOF, OG
8. Integrate rather than segregate Farm is open to the public, and partnerships are sought with other
9. Use small and slow solutions Community works collectively to resolve local issues SOF, OG
10. Use and value diversity Respect is shown for peoples choices related to ethnicity, sexual
orientation, gender, age, religion, and culture
11. Use edges and value the marginal Socially progressive marginalized movements are valued SOF, OG, GTF
12. Creatively use and respond to
Action is taken to address social crises and solve problems in the
Fair share
1. Observe and interact Recognizing and responding to limits on production and consumption
2. Catch and store energy Farm inputs are generated on-site OG, SOF
3. Obtain a yield Income is generated through on-site activities SOF, OG, GTF
4. Apply self-regulation and accept
Fair share is employed in the consumption and distribution of resources OG
5. Use and value renewable
resources and services
Money is not spent on non-renewable resources OG, SOF
6. Produce no waste Waste is viewed as a resource OG, SOF
7. Design from patterns to details Integrated systems are used to optimize productivity and efciency SOF, OG, GTF
8. Integrate rather than segregate Farm seeks to integrate its production with other local farms OG
9. Use small and slow solutions Ecological management is employed to solve production problems rather
than resorting to the use of chemicals
10. Use and value diversity Diversity of income streams is generated on the farm SOF, OG, GTF
11. Use edges and value the marginal Gaps in the market are considered when deciding which product streams
to invest in
12. Creatively use and respond to
Creative problem-solving is employed to address production ow issues SOF, OG, GTF
SOF: Sotang Organic Farm; OG: Organic Ghar; GTF: Gandaki Trout Farm.
S.P.S. Yadav et al.
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Subsequently, permaculturists should have a careful comprehension of the concepts of permaculture as well as the capacity to
recognize the appropriate permaculture design pattern. Through this permaculture methods might be utilized to accomplish various
objectives. As revealed in this study, permaculture can assist farmers to maintain livelihood activities and increase their ability to deal
with environmental issues. Its likewise the key to boosting social and environmental resilience. Furthermore, by properly integrating a
diverse range of aspects, the present agrarian framework might be uprooted and replaced with a more methodical, dynamic, and
environmentally friendly system. Therefore, this case study entails a strong emphasis on adhering to the ethical angles and codes of
permaculture to accomplish sustainability and supplant the modern/industrial agricultural system.
Author contribution statement
Shubh Pravat Singh Yadav: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the
data; Contributed reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper. Vivek Lahutiya: Conceived and designed the experi-
ments; Performed the experiments; Wrote the paper. Netra Prasad Ghimire, Bishnu Yadav, and Prava Paudel: Performed the experi-
ments; Wrote the paper.
Data availability statement
No data was used for the research described in the article.
Additional information
No additional information is available for this paper.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
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S.P.S. Yadav et al.
... The overuse of inorganic fertilizers in modern agriculture has harmed the ecology and soil (Kiran et al., 2022). Lately, there has been a growing trend in utilizing organic fertilizers such as farmyard manure (FYM), vermicompost, poultry manure, neem cake, and goat manure to improve crop yield and maintain soil fertility, as noted by Yadav et al. (2023a). The quantity of soil organic carbon (C) is affected differently over the long term by the utilization of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are affected by cropping patterns, soil variances, and environmental conditions (Ahmad et al., 2016). ...
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This research aimed to assess the influence of various chemical and organic fertilizers on the vegetative and reproductive characteristics of the New Kuroda variety of carrots (Dacus Carota). The study included the recommended NPK dose (80:60:60 kg/ha), individual components of N (80 kg/ha), P (60 kg/ha), K (60 kg/ha), as well as organic sources such as goat manure (15 t/ha), FYM (20 t/ha), and a control group without any fertilizer. Measurements of growth and reproductive traits were taken at 45, 55, 65, 75, and 85 days post-sowing. Results indicated that the recommended NPK dose consistently outperformed other fertilizer sources in enhancing both vegetative and reproductive parameters. The highest yield of 10.94 tons/ha was achieved with NPK fertilizer, while organic sources like goat manure demonstrated the second-highest growth and development traits. The control group exhibited the lowest growth and development parameters. These results show that these fertiliser sources have a considerable favourable influence on the vegetative and reproductive development of the New Kuroda carrot variety. The outcomes indicate how various fertiliser sources may significantly improve the vegetative and reproductive development of the New Kuroda carrot; the recommended dosage of NPK in conjunction with the supply of goat manure fertilizer stands out as very appropriate techniques for producing carrots. This illustrates how applying a balanced dosage of these fertilisers may lead to increased carrot yield.
... While chemical pesticides are available, their use is approached with caution due to environmental and health concerns, pushing for an increased focus on integrated pest management (Sah & Sharma, 2023;Mishra et al., 2021). Further, Yadav et al. (2023c) reported a rising trend among farmers towards adopting integrated pest management approaches for controlling pests in their crops. Thus, by exploring the most effective measures against YSB, this study addresses potential yield losses which in turn, aids for economic security of the community. ...
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Rice, a staple food for over half the global population, is crucial for food security, economic stability, and cultural significance. Its production, however, is threatened by pests like the Yellow Stem Borer (YSB), which causes substantial yield losses, especially in rice-dominant regions like Nepal. This study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of biological, botanical, and chemical pesticides against YSB in spring rice crops of Ratuwamai, Morang, Nepal. For this, we apply biological methods/pathogens like Bacillus thuringiensis, to target YSB; botanical pesticides, derived from plants like Azadirachtin and Mugworth, act as repellents; while chemical pesticides such as Cypermethrin, Chlorpyriphos and Cartap Hydrochloride offer rapid control but come with environmental risks. Among those six pesticides used, the present findings revealed that chlorpyriphos 20% EC have minimum mean dead heart with 4.92% and cypermethrin 10% EC have minimum mean white ear head with 2.44% respectively after application of first and second dose of treatments respectively. Likewise, most plant yield attributes were superior where chlorpyriphos was used. Though bacillus and azadirachtin reduced the dead heart and white ear head symptoms, they couldn’t give good yield than that of chemical pesticides. Thence, through our research we investigated the impacts of different biological, botanical, and chemical pesticides in controlling YSB population densities, and influencing yield and yield attributing characters from the field experiment.
... Sustainable agriculture [16], Alternative agriculture, Permanent agriculture [17], and Permaculture are all agricultural systems with similar principles. The principal values represent the importance of ecological balance [18], [19]. ...
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Organic farming is of the utmost importance in promoting environmentally sustainable agricultural practices, minimizing environmental contamination, and avoiding using chemical fertilizers and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Even inexperienced and seasoned farmers frequently encounter formidable obstacles when attempting to authenticate their organic farming status by acquiring organic agriculture certification. The current level of agricultural land maturity is accurately assessed by a comprehensive model presented in this study, which also provides a framework for the transition to organic farming standards. These maturity models were formulated through an exhaustive analysis of agricultural standards, an extensive review of pertinent literature, and expert interviews conducted in 15 distinct locations, with each expert holding certification in a minimum of three organic agricultural standards. Identifying characteristics germane to organic standards, integrating them into maturity models, and establishing maturity items and dimensions are also components of the study. The outcome of our investigation is the Sustainable Organic Farming Maturity (SOFaM) model, which consists of five levels and eight dimensions, as well as a standard operating procedure manual for organic agricultural standard certification applications. This model's potential as an assessment instrument for determining the maturity level of agricultural land has been validated by experts who hold credentials in three distinct domains and three locations. The SOFaM model has the potential to function as a paradigm shift in the agricultural sector, streamline the certification process following organic farming standards, and guarantee adherence to predetermined criteria.
... The application of organic manures, such as goat manure, vermicompost, farmyard manure (FYM), and compost, enhances soil water retention and supplies both macro and micro nutrients for improved crop yield (Biondo et al., 2014). In recent times, there has been an increasing inclination towards the use of natural fertilizers like Farmyard Manure (FYM), Vermicompost, Poultry manure, Neem cake, and Goat manure to enhance crop productivity and sustain soil health, as observed by Yadav et al. (2023a). Apart from nutrient requirements, the yield of beetroot is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the chosen variety. ...
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The use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers plays a crucial role in farming practices in Nepal, depending on their availability. Applying fertilizers like compost, vermicompost, goat manure, and NPK has shown significant effects on various aspects of plant growth and yield. This study was conducted in Diktel, Khotang district of Nepal, from March 14th to June 7th, 2023, aiming to evaluate how different organic and inorganic sources affect the growth and yield of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.). The experiment followed a one-factor randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications, involving five treatments: T1: 100% Compost manure, T2: 100% Vermicompost, T3: 100% Goat manure, T4: 100% NPK, and T5: Control. The results clearly showed that both vegetative and reproductive traits were significantly varies among several treatments utilized in the experiments at 0.1% level of significance. Compost application consistently showed better results across most growth and yield parameters assessed. Growth parameters included plant height, leaf count per plant, leaf length, and leaf width, while yield parameters included beetroot diameter, beetroot length, root yield, and leaf yield. Organic compost manure particularly stood out, displaying significantly larger beetroot diameter (4.85 cm) and greater beetroot length (9.3 cm). Additionally, compost manure led to notably increased root yield (13.95 t/ha) compared to the control treatment, which recorded a lower root yield (6.28 t/ha). Overall, all treatments outperformed the control in terms of growth and yield parameters. These findings suggest that organic compost manure is the most favorable choice for achieving high-quality beetroot production in the hilly regions of Nepal.
... However, 93.75% of respondents in Solukhumbu considered protein bait expensive, contrasting with 86.7% in Sindhuli (Table 5). Yadav et al. (2023b) reported that there is a growing inclination among farmers towards integrated pest management approaches for pest control in their crops. The timing of protein bait spray is critical for effective control of Chinese citrus fruit flies, typically applied 25 days after adult emergence (Table 6). ...
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This study conducted between January and June 2022 aimed to assess the impact of precipitation on Bactrocera minax, a citrus pest, in Nepal's Solukhumbu and Sindhuli districts. Primary data were gathered from 84 respondents using pre-tested interview schedules, focal group discussions (FGD), and key informant interviews (KII), while secondary information was collected through literature review. The results highlighted the Chinese citrus fruit fly as a significant citrus pest causing fruit drop, particularly impacting Mandarin cultivation after sweet orange displacement. Farmers in Sindhuli exhibited greater motivation and trust in citrus cultivation compared to those in Solukhumbu. Notably, the fruit drop was lower (4.33%) in Sindhuli where the Area-wide Management Program (AWCP) utilizing protein bait and field sanitation was applied, in contrast to Solukhumbu where fruit drop was higher (35.5%), suggesting the effectiveness of AWCP. The PMAMP Sindhuli super zone played a direct role in the study, with respondents in Sindhuli demonstrating higher awareness of Chinese citrus fruit flies and AWCP. Technical and financial support for citrus cultivation was also more prevalent in Sindhuli. Furthermore, the study found that the majority of respondents perceived protein bait (AWCP) as the most straightforward, effective, and expensive management method, despite its limited application in Solukhumbu. This study underscores the importance of AWCP in mitigating citrus pest infestation, particularly in areas with high precipitation, and emphasizes the need for broader adoption of effective management strategies in citrus cultivation regions.
... Sustainable agriculture practices, such as agroecology and organic farming, prioritize diverse crop varieties and landraces adapted to local conditions. Sustainable agriculture promotes practices that enhance the resilience and adaptation of agricultural systems to changing environmental conditions (Yadav et al., 2023c). Germplasm conservation provides a repository of genetic resources that can be used to breed crop varieties with traits such as drought tolerance, pest resistance, and nutrient efficiency. ...
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Plant genetic resources are critical for maintaining global biodiversity and ensuring food security. However, these resources face threats from factors such as habitat loss and climate change, with approximately 22% of plant species estimated to be at risk of extinction. To address this issue, both natural and biotechnological methods are being developed to preserve plant genetic resources, with germplasm being a key component. Germplasm contains the complete genetic information of a plant and can be stored for extended periods and replicated as required. The objective of this study is to emphasize the importance of preserving germplasm of endangered or near-extinct plant species through in situ and ex situ conservation methods. In situ conservation involves conserving species in their natural environment, while ex situ conservation includes using gene-seed banks and tissue culture to store genetic resources. These methods are crucial for maintaining genetic diversity and preventing the loss of valuable plant resources. The study highlights the various ex situ conservation methods, including cryopreservation, pollen and DNA banks, farmer's fields, botanic gardens, genetic reserves, and slow-growing cultures, which are essential for preserving germplasm. Gene banks worldwide currently hold over 7.4 million accessions of crop genetic resources, demonstrating the value of germplasm conservation efforts. Additionally, understanding the phenotypic and genetic characterization of related species is crucial for identifying endangered or vulnerable species that can diversify into new varieties or subspecies. In conclusion, prioritizing germplasm conservation efforts is crucial for meeting future demands while preserving endangered or vulnerable species. This will ensure that plant genetic resources remain available for future generations and that agricultural innovation can effectively address global food security challenges.
... Bio-fertilizer contains living material without any chemicals which is detrimental to the soil living (Ghimire et al., 2021). Lately, there has been an increasing trend in utilizing natural fertilizers such as Farmyard Manure (FYM), Vermicompost, Poultry manure, Neem cake, and Goat manure to improve crop yield and maintain soil fertility, according to Yadav et al. (2023c). Further, biofertilizers are involved in symbiotic and associative microbial activities with higher plants (Islam et al., 2012). ...
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A field study was conducted at a farmer’s field in Ratuwamai, Morang, from February 2023 to June 2023 to assess the impact of various bio-fertilizer sources on the growth and yield characteristics of rice. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and seven treatments. The treatments included: T1: Recommended NPK dose (100:30:30 kg/ha), T2: Farmyard manure (FYM) (12 t/ha), T3: Goat manure (8 t/ha), T4: Mycorrhiza (11.25 kg/ha), T5: Organic manure (11.25 kg/ha), T6: Mustard seed cake (3.75 t/ha), and T7: Control (no fertilizer). Our investigation explored the significant effects of these treatments on the growth and yield-contributing attributes of the Chaite-4 rice variety. Results indicated that T1 (7021.47 kg/ha) and T2 (6681.70 kg/ha) exhibited the highest grain yield, followed by T3 (5128.35 kg/ha), T2 (4482.78 kg/ha), T5 (4335.79 kg/ha), T4 (4253.80 kg/ha), with T7 showing the lowest yield (3971.64 kg/ha). The maximum straw yield was observed in T1 (11037.50 kg/ha) and T6 (10644.16 kg/ha), while the control (T7) had the lowest (7681.66 kg/ha). Additionally, parameters such as plant height, number of tillers per hill, effective tillers per hill, panicle length, panicle weight, 1000-grain weight, grains per panicle, and SPAD value were highest in T1 and T6, and lowest in T7. Furthermore, the biofertilizers with the greatest benefit-to-cost ratios were organic manure and mycorrhiza (2.0 and 1.9, respectively), while goat manure showed an average ratio (1.6), indicating their cost-effectiveness. These findings demonstrate that the application of these biofertilizers enhances rice crop development and output, leading to substantial returns on investment.
... In recent times, the adoption of organic fertilizers, including Farmyard Manure (FYM), Vermicompost, Poultry manure, Neem cake, and Goat manure, has been on the rise as a strategy to enhance crop productivity and sustain soil fertility (Yadav et al., 2023a). FYM, recognized for its eco-friendly nature, plays a role in maintaining soil health and improving crop yield by boosting soil fertility (Raj et al., 2014). ...
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An investigation was carried out in Diktel Rupakot Majhuwagadi Municipality, Matikore, Khotang. The aim was to evaluate how both organic and inorganic fertilizers influence the growth and yield traits of the New Kuroda carrot variety. The study utilized a Randomized Completely Block Design with seven treatments, including Control (T1), compost manure + Boron (T2) at 20 t/ha, poultry manure + Boron (T3) at 6 t/ha, vermicompost + Boron (T4) at 4 t/ha, NPK + Boron (T5) at 100:100:100 Kg/ha, neem cake + Boron (T6) at 5 t/ha, goat manure + Boron (T7) at 15 t/ha, and Borax at 10 kg/ha, replicated thrice. The results showed a significant impact of both organic and inorganic fertilizers on all growth and yield parameters. The tallest plants were observed in the compost manure + Boron treatment, followed by goat manure + Boron, whereas the Control had the shortest plants. Importantly, notable differences in yield parameters were noted among the treatments at 100 days after sowing (DAS). The highest root yield per plot was achieved with compost manure + Boron, indicating its superiority, followed by goat manure + Boron, whereas the Control had the lowest yield. This research suggests the use of organic manures to effectively enhance carrot yield.
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Agri-Tourism and Sustainable Agri-Business
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This article presents a specific methodology to evaluate ecological well-being on farms managed through permaculture design and practice. First tested on a case-study in Brazil, our aim is to propose an adaptation for testing and potential application in different sites and conditions. A brief review of the literature around ecological well-being, the permaculture ethics and design principles and the consecrated MESMIS methodology is presented in order to clarify the Permaculture MESMIS methodology and its applicability. In order to build upon the Permaculture MESMIS methodology, six steps were executed. The applicability of this methodology is explored at different stages, aiming to understand people's ecological well-being before and after the adoption of permaculture as a way of life. Different ways of applying such a methodology, as well as how to present its results, are also suggested.
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The solutions-based design framework of permaculture exhibits transformative potential, working to holistically integrate natural and human systems toward a more just society. The term can be defined and applied in a breadth of ways, contributing to both strengths and weaknesses for its capacity toward change. To explore the tension of breadth as strength and weakness, we interviewed 25 prominent permaculture teachers and practitioners across the United States (US) regarding how they define permaculture as a concept and perceive the term’s utility. We find that permaculture casts a wide net that participants grapple with in their own work. They engaged in a negotiation process of how they associate or disassociate themselves with the term, recognizing that it can be both unifying and polarizing. Further, there was noted concern of permaculture’s failure to cite and acknowledge its rootedness in Indigenous knowledge, as well as distinguish itself from Indigenous alternatives. We contextualize these findings within the resounding call for a decolonization of modern ways of living and the science of sustainability, of which permaculture can be critically part of. We conclude with recommended best practices for how to continuously (re-)define permaculture in an embodied and dynamic way to work toward these goals.
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Flores JJM, Buot Jr. IE. 2021. The structure of permaculture landscapes in the Philippines. Biodiversitas 22: 2032-2044. Biodiversity plays a crucial role in sustainable agriculture. Permaculture is a design philosophy that values this role as it consciously integrates diverse components into the farm landscape. The purpose of the study was to characterize the general structure of permaculture landscapes in the Philippines and identify the landscape components that comprise its farming systems. The research was conducted in 12 permaculture farms in 11 provinces in the Philippines in 2018. Aerial photography and farm inventory were employed for data collection. A crop diversity survey was conducted using a modified belt transect method with alternating 20 m2 plots within a 1 ha sampling area. Full enumeration of plant species in each plot was performed to determine species richness and samples were manually counted to compute for the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index. Results of the study showed that permaculture landscapes were organized into six spatial zones: ‘house,’ ‘garden,’ ‘grazing,’ ‘cash crops,’ ‘food forest,’ and 'wilderness.' It was identified that each zone contained components belonging to six categories: abiotic, biotic, man-made structural, technological, socio-economic, and cultural. 'Biotic' results showed that all sites recorded high species richness (>20-65) with the highest found in Glinoga Organic Farm with 65. Aloha House in Palawan had the highest diversity with a score of 0.311. An analysis of the ratio of plant species per plant category showed that the vegetable/cereal crops dominated the landscape in 50% of sites. While 20% were characterized by tree/fruit-bearing crops. Perennial species were the most abundant in all sites with 75-95% of the total plant species. In conclusion, permaculture provided a design framework for restructuring our agricultural landscapes into diverse and productive ecosystems for human settlement and food production.
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Permaculture is a growing but little researched phenomenon emphasising care for the environment, equity, fair treatment of people and working with—and not against—nature. It thus represents a potential alternative to business as usual, capable of addressing fundamental challenges posed by human‐made climate change. The paper examines a previously ignored site of entrepreneurship by taking a practice perspective, exploring connections between the practice and growth of permaculture and institutional entrepreneurship. It assesses practice‐related and institutional factors affecting the start‐up and operation of permaculture enterprises in the United Kingdom. The study maps and surveys UK Permaculture Association members who have started up their own business and reports on qualitative data from personal interviews with twenty of them. Data analysis employs NVivo software and involves thematic analysis pertaining to the practice, institutional biographies and institutional portfolios of permaculture entrepreneurs. The findings show the importance of permaculture activists' institutional biographies and institutional portfolios to the start‐up and operation of permaculture enterprises and for shaping permaculture‐related practice. The contribution of the paper lies in how it balances attention to individual agency with subfield‐specific, organisational field and macrosocial factors in understanding ‘beyond profit’ entrepreneurship.
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The purpose of this research is to find if the stakeholders involved in rural tourism (primary producers of ecological goods, tourism service providers, and tourists, as carriers of demand for tangible products and ecological services) are concerned with integrating principles and values of sustainable tourism through permaculture and downshifting, and how these two phenomena might become sources for sustainable development in rural areas. To achieve this purpose, qualitative research was conducted among tourism producers, intermediaries, and tourists from the Brașov region–one of the most important touristic areas of Romania and, also, an important region with rural tourism destinations. The results revealed that there is a particular preoccupation regarding permaculture and downshifting, and they might contribute to the local development of rural tourism areas. The novelty elements brought by this research are synthesized in a matrix where permaculture and downshifting were presented as important sources for the sustainable development of tourism in rural areas.
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Water harvesting (WH) techniques have experienced a renaissance within a grassroots sustainability concept and movement called ‘permaculture’. Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest in the uptake of permaculture inspired solutions designed to restore the water cycle at a landscape level and to facilitate the delivery of ecosystem services as part of a holistic farming approach. In this study, we assessed four reservoirs built on a fruit farm in southern Spain in terms of usefulness. A simple hydrological model was developed utilising on-site data and two free calibration parameters, infiltration and evapotranspiration. The model matches the observations on the ground well, but indicates limited potential of WH within the boundaries of this particular farm. As the decade preceding the reservoir’s inception received more rain (2000–2010), this may have led to a misjudgement for on-farm water harvesting potential in the planning phase. We conclude that the design of WH reservoirs or water landscapes as a contribution to reversing desertification processes and mitigating climate change would benefit from long-term studies on the ground. Moreover, modelling-based scenario analyses can help better understand the dynamics and extent of its potential in establishing an effective and economically viable land restoration process for the region, taking into account climate change projections of increasing desertification in the Mediterranean basin, thereby contributing to the water-soil-food nexus, addressing sustainable development goals (SDGs) related to food (2), water (6), responsible consumption and production (12), climate action (13) and life on land (15).
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Worldwide, with the increase in awareness of health and environmental concerns, demand for organic agricultural products is increasing, however, its adoption in Nepal at the field level is minimal (0.30% of the total agricultural land area). Exploring the history of organic agriculture could answer, “why its growth, despite the increasing demand, is minimal?” The history of organic agriculture for commerce in Nepal is little known. This study thus explores the scope and history of commercial organic agriculture in Nepal. The paper identifies a few historical landmarks of organic agriculture; and while doing so, it describes the world history of organic agriculture. The study observed that a ‘pure’ form of organic agriculture in Nepal started in 1987, when an American research scholar established a commercial farm. Since then, it advanced until 1992, and then ‘merged’ with permaculture. The organic agriculture movement rejuvenated again in 2002 into the 10th five years plan. Much of the national policy documents on organic agriculture favored ‘income’ and perceived organic products as luxurious goods. As a result, much of the innovation in organic agriculture, government priorities, and people’s perception inclined towards earning dollars rather than environmental conservation and sustainability of the farming system. The movement of organic agriculture in Nepal deviated from its philosophical grounds and the government's priority increased on earnings, resulting in some myths in the Nepalese society on organic agriculture. All these factors caused minimal growth of organic agriculture, despite its great scope at national and international levels.
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Nutrient pollution and greenhouse gas emissions related to crop agriculture and confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in the US have changed substantially in recent years, in amounts and forms. This review is intended to provide a broad view of how nutrient inputs—from fertilizer and CAFOs—as well as atmospheric NH3 and greenhouse gas emissions, are changing regionally within the US and how these changes compare with nutrient inputs from human wastewater. Use of commercial nitrogen (N) fertilizer in the US, which now exceeds 12,000,000 metric tonnes (MT) continues to increase, at a rate of 60,000 MT per year, while that of phosphorus (P) has remained nearly constant over the past decade at around 1,800,000 MT. The number of CAFOs in the US has increased nearly 10% since 2012, driven largely by a near 13% increase in hog production. The annualized inventory of cattle, dairy cows, hogs, broiler chickens and turkeys is approximately 8.7 billion, but CAFOs are highly regionally concentrated by animal sector. Country-wide, N applied by fertilizer is about threefold greater than manure N inputs, but for P these inputs are more comparable. Total manure inputs now exceed 4,000,000 MT as N and 1,400,000 MT as P. For both N and P, inputs and proportions vary widely by US region. The waste from hog and dairy operations is mainly held in open lagoons that contribute to NH3 and greenhouse gas (as CH4 and N2O) emissions. Emissions of NH3 from animal waste in 2019 were estimated at > 4,500,000 MT. Emissions of CH4 from manure management increased 66% from 1990 to 2017 (that from dairy increased 134%, cattle 9.6%, hogs 29% and poultry 3%), while those of N2O increased 34% over the same time period (dairy 15%, cattle 46%, hogs 58%, and poultry 14%). Waste from CAFOs contribute substantially to nutrient pollution when spread on fields, often at higher N and P application rates than those of commercial fertilizer. Managing the runoff associated with fertilizer use has improved with best management practices, but reducing the growing waste from CAFO operations is essential if eutrophication and its effects on fresh and marine waters–namely hypoxia and harmful algal blooms (HABs)—are to be reduced.
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The term ‘Permaculture’ (PC) refers to a theory about diversified farming systems, based on an ethical attitude (worldview) and a practical design process, guided by 12 principles and flanked by a holistic sustainability concept. Invented in the wake of Australia’s socio-political ‘back-to-the-land’ aspirations of the 1970s, PC has since developed and grown into a diverse international grassroot movement. It can be considered a rural as well as an urban socio-cultural phenomenon that revolves around non-commercial gardening, for example urban community projects, or around farming for self-sufficiency, for instance in eco-villages. This paper intends to investigate which aspects of PC may be scalable to commercial farming whilst identifying PC aspects already implemented in commercial (organic) agriculture (OA). It analyses a current business case led by a German wholesaler of organic produce who worked in cooperation with a German supermarket chain to create the first nationwide PC label. To this end, the paper describes the degree of overlap between two organic farming certification schemes and the case study. As opposed to certified OA, PC is less prescriptive, using a deductive and inductive approach instead. It may expand scope and flexibility required for farm redesign towards improved resilience, reaching out to the landscape level. The productiveness of PC in commercial settings needs to be established further, such as best practices in soil regeneration and monitoring as well as the reduction of soil losses, or the valuation of added ecosystem services such as promotion of (agro-)biodiversity.
Permaculture design seeks to create sustainable communities, and over time has established itself as a transnational community of practice. Based on original interviews with permaculture practitioners from around the world, and drawing on the three core elements of communities of practice – shared domain, communality and shared practices – as our analytical framework, this paper makes three arguments. First, the shared domain of permaculture as a body of knowledge, a system of ethics and set of practical design principles creates an overarching teleological regime that anchors the globally dispersed collective activities of permaculture practitioners. Second, communality in the international permaculture community is centred around the permaculture design course, national and international permaculture convergences, and organisations and demonstration sites that act as hubs for practitioner interaction, linked across national borders by social media networks. Third, shared practices in the permaculture community centre on relationship-building and local-level community organisation.