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Pre-spawning habitat use of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) inferred from stable isotope analysis

  • University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain
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Abstract and Figures

Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT; Thunnus thynnus) spawn primarily in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea, but migrate to foraging habitats throughout the North Atlantic where they are the target of commercial and recreational fisheries. Their natal origin has been characterized through otolith oxygen isotope analysis to link fish on both spawning grounds and foraging habitats to their spawning ground origins, but connectivity on a shorter, seasonal timescale is still not completely understood. Nitrogen isoscapes in the North Atlantic include a distinct separation of productive, nearshore and more oligotrophic open ocean foraging habitats. We used linear discriminant analysis of bulk nitrogen isotope data to estimate the percent of ABFT that occupied shelf or open ocean foraging habitats prior to capture on eastern and western Atlantic spawning grounds. ABFT in the Gulf of Mexico were mainly classified as previous shelf foragers (91%), while ABFT associated with eastern Atlantic spawning grounds primarily had an open ocean/Mediterranean Sea classification (96% Morocco, 79% Strait of Gibraltar, 91% Balearic Sea, 100% Adriatic Sea). Amino acid nitrogen isotope data of ABFT from the Gulf of Mexico confirmed that observed bulk nitrogen isotope differences were due to baseline rather than trophic variability and source amino acid values generally aligned most closely with literature values from shelf and slope waters rather than open ocean habitats. These data provide insight into the foraging habitats that support eastern and western Atlantic spawning assemblages.
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Marine Biology (2023) 170:67
Pre‑spawning habitat use ofAtlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
inferred fromstable isotope analysis
JohnM.Logan1 · AndrewS.Wozniak2· JoséLuisVarela3· AlisonRobertson4,5
Received: 30 August 2022 / Accepted: 6 April 2023 / Published online: 29 April 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023
Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT; Thunnus thynnus) spawn primarily in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea, but migrate
to foraging habitats throughout the North Atlantic where they are the target of commercial and recreational fisheries. Their
natal origin has been characterized through otolith oxygen isotope analysis to link fish on both spawning grounds and foraging
habitats to their spawning ground origins, but connectivity on a shorter, seasonal timescale is still not completely understood.
Nitrogen isoscapes in the North Atlantic include a distinct separation of productive, nearshore and more oligotrophic open
ocean foraging habitats. We used linear discriminant analysis of bulk nitrogen isotope data to estimate the percent of ABFT
that occupied shelf or open ocean foraging habitats prior to capture on eastern and western Atlantic spawning grounds. ABFT
in the Gulf of Mexico were mainly classified as previous shelf foragers (91%), while ABFT associated with eastern Atlantic
spawning grounds primarily had an open ocean/Mediterranean Sea classification (96% Morocco, 79% Strait of Gibraltar,
91% Balearic Sea, 100% Adriatic Sea). Amino acid nitrogen isotope data of ABFT from the Gulf of Mexico confirmed that
observed bulk nitrogen isotope differences were due to baseline rather than trophic variability and source amino acid values
generally aligned most closely with literature values from shelf and slope waters rather than open ocean habitats. These data
provide insight into the foraging habitats that support eastern and western Atlantic spawning assemblages.
Keywords Chemical tracers· Isoscapes· Movement· Nitrogen· North Atlantic
Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT; Thunnus thynnus) are highly
migratory top predators that support fisheries throughout the
North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (Mather etal. 1995;
Fromentin and Powers 2005). ABFT are currently managed
by the International Commission for the Conservation of
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) as two separate (i.e., eastern and
western) stocks divided at the 45ºW meridian. Stock inde-
pendence has been supported by genetic (Carlsson etal.
2007) and tagging (Block etal. 2005) data. However, shelf
and open ocean waters throughout the North Atlantic act as
both foraging and fishing grounds for the species; further-
more, there is mounting evidence from electronic tagging
and chemical tracer studies of ABFT migrations and mixing
between eastern and western management areas (Walli etal.
2009; Rooker etal. 2014; Kerr etal. 2020). Electronic tag-
ging data have revealed complex and varied migratory pat-
terns, including movement across the stock boundary (Block
etal. 2001; Walli etal. 2009; Galuardi etal. 2010; Aarestrup
etal. 2022). The extent to which eastern and western stock
fish occupy the foraging grounds of the other stock compli-
cates management of this highly valuable species. Making
this problem more contentious is the large difference in stock
sizes with the eastern stock being estimated at an order of
magnitude larger than the western stock (Anonymous 2017).
Like other tunas, bluefin tuna are “energy speculators”
(Brill 1996; Korsmeyer etal. 1996) with high metabolic
Responsible Editor: S. Hamilton.
* John M. Logan
1 Massachusetts Division ofMarine Fisheries, NewBedford,
MA02744, USA
2 School ofMarine Science andPolicy, University
ofDelaware, Lewes, DE19958, USA
3 Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y
Ambientales, Universidad de Cádiz, República Saharui s/n,
11510PuertoReal, Spain
4 School ofMarine andEnvironmental Sciences, University
ofSouth Alabama, Mobile, AL36688, USA
5 Dauphin Island Sea Lab, DauphinIsland, AL36528, USA
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Black Sea) have lower δ 15 N and δ 13 C values than saline habitats of the Mediterranean and especially NE Atlantic shelf seas due to increased terrestrially derived or fixed (low δ 15 N and δ 13 C values) nitrogen and carbon and/or lower quantities of resuspended (remineralised, high δ 15 N and δ 13 C values) nitrogen and carbon from sediments or the deep-ocean (Barnes et al., 2009;Fulton et al., 2012;Magozzi et al., 2017;Rafter et al., 2019). For these reasons, offshore habitats and consumers often contain lower δ 13 C than benthic and neritic ones (Amiraux et al., 2023;DeNiro & Epstein, 1978) yet shelf δ 15 N values are often higher due to high levels of fractionation and more complex food webs (Logan et al., 2023). It is important to note that many factors govern the complex variation in δ 15 N and δ 13 C between consumers, including the environmental conditions, levels of benthic-pelagic coupling and the production in each habitat foraged (Barnes et al., 2009;Jennings et al., 2008;Sigman et al., 2009). ...
... Spatial relationships suggested that NE Atlantic and central-eastern Mediterranean fish foraged less in shelf waters, and more offshore (depleted 13 C); probably due to deep-diving opportunities in these locations (Battaglia et al., 2013;Olafsdottir et al., 2016;Wilson & Block, 2009), and/or their lower δ 13 C baselines as a result of less benthic-pelagic coupling (Magozzi et al., 2017;Pinzone et al., 2019). Spatial relationships in δ 15 N values further suggested that some Mediterranean catches, like the 2020 sample with low δ 15 N values, may have foraged mostly, or solely offshore (Logan et al., 2023;Rafter et al., 2019;Wells et al., 2021). Relationships between size and δ 15 N values in modern samples also support that F I G U R E 3 Spatial and temporal relationships with isotope values explaining variation in Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) foraging ecology. ...
... This issue may be overcome through the application of compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) to disentangle source versus trophic effects (e.g. Logan et al., 2023) and confirm that despite regime shifts (Beaugrand et al., 2015;Conversi et al., 2010;Drinkwater, 2006;Siano et al., 2021;Tomasovych et al., 2020), BFT have been robust to ecosystem changes. ...
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During recent decades, the health of ocean ecosystems and fish populations has been threatened by overexploitation, pollution and anthropogenic‐driven climate change. Due to a lack of long‐term ecological data, we have a poor grasp of the true impact on the diet and habitat use of fishes. This information is vital if we are to recover depleted fish populations and predict their future dynamics. Here, we trace the long‐term diet and habitat use of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT), Thunnus thynnus , a species that has had one of the longest and most intense exploitation histories, owing to its tremendous cultural and economic importance. Using carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotope analyses of modern and ancient BFT including 98 archaeological and archival bones from 11 Mediterranean locations ca. 1st century to 1941 CE, we infer a shift to increased pelagic foraging around the 16th century in Mediterranean BFT. This likely reflects the early anthropogenic exploitation of inshore coastal ecosystems, as attested by historical literature sources. Further, we reveal that BFT which migrated to the Black Sea–and that disappeared during a period of intense exploitation and ecosystem changes in the 1980s–represented a unique component, isotopically distinct from BFT of NE Atlantic and Mediterranean locations. These data suggest that anthropogenic activities had the ability to alter the diet and habitat use of fishes in conditions prior to those of recent decades. Consequently, long‐term data provide novel perspectives on when marine ecosystem modification began and the responses of marine populations, with which to guide conservation policy.
... A notable degree of variability in intraspecific δ 15 N values was observed for E. alletteratus and in δ 13 C values for E. alletteratus, A. rochei and S. sarda that may be attributed to the migratory movements of these species across regions. The large area they cover brings together ecosystems with distinct nitrogen isotope baselines and characteristics that might modify feeding throughout the migration period [67][68][69][70]. In fact, trophic dissimilarities between different geographical areas for a given species have already been corroborated, including tunas as highly migratory species [34,62,69,71]. ...
... The large area they cover brings together ecosystems with distinct nitrogen isotope baselines and characteristics that might modify feeding throughout the migration period [67][68][69][70]. In fact, trophic dissimilarities between different geographical areas for a given species have already been corroborated, including tunas as highly migratory species [34,62,69,71]. Unfortunately, there is limited information available on the migratory patterns of these species in the study area [7], and the data available are too scarce within each month/season to attempt to analyse the effects of body size [67]. ...
In order to study the trophic level of small tuna species and their contribution to the carbon flow in pelagic food webs, an analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes was carried out. The investigation was focused on four small tuna species (Auxis rochei, Auxis thazard, Euthynnus alletteratus and Sarda sarda) commonly harvested in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The isotope analysis showed how the results for S. sarda are different from the rest of the species analysed, with a higher trophic level, similar to other major tuna species. The greatest niche overlap in δ13C and δ15N occurs among A. rochei, A. thazard and E. alletteratus. Auxis rochei and E. alletteratus showed a size-dependent variability in δ15N, and in δ13C for S. sarda. The small tuna S. sarda exhibits the highest migration rates among various geographical areas in comparison to other small pelagic tunas, and the seasonal variability of isotope values in the area studied can be attributed to the incorporation of larger individuals with a higher lipid content. The results of this work provide new information on the ecological role played by small tuna in food webs, which is more complex and varied than currently thought. This knowledge is essential for a more effective management of fisheries.
... In the western Mediterranean Sea, Cardona et al. (2012) reported lower δ 15 N values and higher δ 13 C values in muscle tissue of BLT, which may reflect spatial variation in baseline stable isotope data, rather than differences in TP. A similar isotopic pattern was also observed between Mediterranean and western Atlantic populations of albacore and bluefin tuna (Goñi et al., 2011b;Logan et al., 2023). According to Goñi et al. (2011b), baseline δ 15 N values seem to be lower in the Mediterranean Sea than in the eastern Atlantic, whereas the opposite occurs with baseline δ 13 C values. ...
Bullet tuna (BLT), Auxis rochei, and frigate tuna (FRI), Auxis thazard, are globally exploited wide-ranging species. These anatomically similar tunas may share pelagic habitats in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Feeding patterns were investigated in BLT and FRI individuals caught in the Gulf of Cadiz (East Atlantic) in 2019-2021 with the aim to decipher trophic interactions. Stomach content analyses showed a predominantly piscivorous diet, dominated by anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Further cluster analysis coupled to a similarity profile permutation test revealed interspecific dietary differences in 2019 and 2021, as well as interannual differences in BLT. The trophic niche estimated from muscle and liver isotopic data was broader in BLT, and no considerable overlap of isotopic niches was found between the two species. Trophic positions (TP) were estimated in 2020 and 2021 using isotopic data of mesozooplankton as the food web baseline of the area. Muscle data showed that BLT occupied a higher TP than FRI in both 2020 and 2021, whereas liver data estimated a higher TP for FRI in 2020. Differences in isotopic compositions of BLT from the Gulf of Cadiz compared to individuals from the western Mediterranean suggest low mixing rates between populations.
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Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) are commercially and ecologically valuable, but management is complicated by their highly migratory lifestyle. Recent collections of bluefin tuna larvae in the Slope Sea off northeastern United States have opened questions about how this region contributes to population dynamics. We analyzed larvae collected in the Slope Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in 2016 to estimate larval abundance and growth rates and used a high-resolution regional ocean circulation model to estimate spawning locations and larval transport. We did not detect a regional difference in growth rates, but found that Slope Sea larvae were larger than Gulf of Mexico larvae prior to exogenous feeding. Slope Sea larvae generally backtracked to locations north of Cape Hatteras and would have been retained within the Slope Sea until the early juvenile stage. Overall, our results provide supporting evidence that the Slope Sea is a major spawning ground that is likely to be important for population dynamics. Further study of larvae and spawning adults in the region should be prioritized to support management decisions.
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Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus; ABFT) is one of the most iconic fish species in the world. Recently, after being very rare for more than half a century, large bluefin tunas have returned to Nordic waters in late summer and autumn, marking the return of the largest predatory fish in Nordic waters. By tagging 18 bluefin tunas with electronic tags (pop-up satellite archival tags), we show that bluefin tuna observed in Nordic waters undertake different migration routes, with individuals migrating into the western Atlantic Ocean, while others stay exclusively in the eastern Atlantic and enter the Mediterranean Sea to spawn. We additionally present evidence of possible skipped spawning inferred from behavioural analyses. In Nordic waters, ABFT are primarily using the upper water column, likely reflecting feeding activity. The results support the hypothesis that ABFT migrating to Nordic waters return to the same general feeding area within the region on an annual basis. These observations may have important implications for management because (1) tunas that come into Nordic waters might represent only a few year classes (as evidenced by a narrow size range), and thus may be particularly vulnerable to area-specific exploitation, and (2) challenge the assumption of consecutive spawning in adult Atlantic bluefin tuna, as used in current stock assessment models. Without careful management and limited exploitation of this part of the ABFT population, the species’ return to Nordic waters could be short-lived.
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The northern edge of Georges Bank is an important seasonal foraging habitat for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the North Atlantic, where aggregations support commercial pelagic longline and harpoon fisheries. Following a period of overfishing during the 1990s, the North Atlantic X. gladius stock underwent a period of recovery during the early 2000s and was considered rebuilt in 2009. We analysed stomach contents from X. gladius (n = 39) harvested by the Canadian harpoon fishery on Georges Bank in 2007 to characterize diet in this important foraging habitat. We used electronic tagging data from X. gladius (n = 6) on Georges Bank in 2005–2007 to assess vertical habitat preferences and associated prey composition within those zones. We also used stable isotope analysis (δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N) of X. gladius liver (n = 2) and common prey types (Paralepididae, Myctophidae, Merluccidae, Ommastrephidae) as a longer‐term record of feeding. Stomach contents were co‐dominated by Paralepididae [31.9% weight (W)] and Ommastrephidae (36.8%W) with secondary contributions from hake (Merluccidae, 6.5%W), Myctophidae (2.9%W) and Sebastidae (2.1%W). X. gladius displayed diel vertical migrations, descending to depths of 300–400 m during daytime followed by residence in surface waters at night. X. gladius liver δ¹⁵N values were similar to or lower than values of primary stomach contents, likely due to bias of diet consumed in southerly waters with lower nitrogen isotope baselines prior to arrival on Georges Bank. Diet data are similar to results from historical studies from the late 1950s to the early 1980s. This apparent temporal stability to the underlying food web in this region may explain the high X. gladius site fidelity observed in electronic tagging studies and the consistent aggregation of these fish to this region.
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We examined how the trophic ecology of nine economically important marine taxa varied across three distinct areas of the Adriatic Sea. These taxa included three species of demersal fishes (European hake Merluccius merluccius, red mullet Mullus barbatus, black-bellied angler Lophius budegassa) and two species of decapod crustaceans (Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus, deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris) and four species of pelagic fishes (sardine Sardina pilchardus, anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus, Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus). We used two complementary methods that differed in their temporal context to examine and compare diet. Stomach contents analysis was used to describe the short term diet while stable isotope analysis was used compare long-term assimilated diet. Results showed that although there were spatial differences in what each species consumed, and in their trophic and isotopic niches, each species fed at similar trophic position across locations, indicating similar ecological function. Comparisons of biomass-weighted trophic position (δ¹⁵N) and consumer body size (log2 mass) showed evidence for a common isotopic size spectrum across areas, indicating the existence of a size-structured food web. In turn this allowed us to provide a first estimate of the predator–prey body mass ratio (PPMR) for this area (655:1). Results obtained within this study, in future, could be used for ecological modeling and improved long-term management of the Adriatic Sea’s marine resources.
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Yellowfin tuna (YFT, Thunnus albacares ) is a commercially important species targeted by fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico (GM). Previous studies suggest a high degree of residency in the northern GM, although part of the population performs movements to southern Mexican waters. Whether YFT caught in southern waters also exhibit residency or migrate to the northern gulf is currently uncertain, and little is known regarding their trophic ecology. The isotopic composition (bulk & amino acids) of YFT muscle and liver tissues were compared to a zooplankton-based synoptic isoscape from the entire GM to infer feeding areas and estimate Trophic Position (TP). The spatial distribution of δ ¹⁵ N bulk and δ ¹⁵ N Phe values of zooplankton indicated two distinct isotopic baselines: one with higher values in the northern GM likely driven by denitrification over the continental shelf, and another in the central-southern gulf, where nitrogen fixation predominates. Based on the contribution of the two regional isotopic baselines to YFT tissues, broad feeding areas were inferred, with a greater contribution of the northern GM (over a one-year time scale by muscle), and to a lesser extent in the central-southern GM (over the ca. 6-month scale by liver). This was corroborated by similarities in δ ¹⁵ N Phe values between YFT and the northern GM. TP estimates were calculated based on stable isotope analysis of bulk (SIA) and compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA-AA) of the canonical source and trophic amino acids. Mean TP based on SIA was 4.9 ± 1.0 and mean TP based on CSIA-A was 3.9 ± 0.2. YFT caught within the Mexican region seem to feed in northern and in central and southern GM, while feeding in the northern GM has a temporal component. Thus, management strategies need to consider that YFT caught in US and Mexican waters are a shared binational resource that exhibit feeding migrations within the GM.
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During 2016-2018, unprecedented aggregations of the colonial pelagic tunicate Pyrosoma atlanticum were observed in the Northern California Current (NCC). Pyrosomes are common in tropical and sub-tropical ocean waters, but little is known about their abundance, distribution, and trophic ecology in mid-latitude systems. To assess these factors, pyrosomes were collected during cruises in the NCC in May and August 2017. A generalized additive model (GAM) was used to identify relationships between in situ environmental variables (temperature, salinity, fluorescence) and distribution and abundance patterns of pyrosomes in May 2017. Fatty acid (FA) profiles were then characterized as diet indicators, and bulk stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen was used to examine spatial variations in potential food sources and trophic level. The GAM identified sea surface temperature and surface salinity as significant variables related to pyrosome densities. The most abundant FA in the pyrosomes was docosahexanoic acid (22:6ω3), which serves in pelagic systems as a biomarker for dinoflagellates. Common FA biomarkers for bacteria, carnivory, and dinoflagellates differed by latitude, suggesting that pyrosomes have different diets over a broad latitudinal range. The δ ¹⁵ N values of P. atlanticum indicate that pyrosomes may be feeding at a relatively low trophic level compared to other zooplankton groups in this region. Offshore pyrosomes had lower δ ¹³ C values than those collected on the shelf, suggesting incorporation of nearshore carbon in pyrosome tissues. Previously documented rapid reproduction and growth of pyrosomes coupled with efficient feeding behavior for common NCC plankters may support their continued presence in this mid-latitude region.
Traditional stock assessments require, in part, accurate knowledge of growth relationships to estimate a variety of aspects involved in population conservation management of exploited species. In addition, the local distribution and condition of top pelagic predators is driven by detection of abundant forage aggregations and along with traditional stock assessments, should be considered for effective management of marine populations. Empirical analyses of these data are severely lacking for bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) tuna in the Atlantic Ocean, especially for the former. Given historical studies’ observations of these two top predators use as biological samplers due to their wide-ranging habitats throughout the world’s oceans, analyses of forage and trophic dynamics may provide vital and cost-effective information to be used in pelagic ecosystem-based management and health indication. With the objectives of determining and updating growth relationships and assessing spatio-temporal variability and other factors influencing forage and trophic dynamics in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, liver, muscle, otolith, and stomach tissues were collected from 318 bigeye and 797 yellowfin tuna captured in commercial longline and recreational rod and reel fisheries from 2018-2020. Through the use of annual otolith ageing, stomach content identification, and stable isotope analysis methods this study aims to provide a comprehensive examination of vital aspects necessary for improved management of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the northwest Atlantic and to contribute to their conservation in the Atlantic Ocean as a whole.
The Canary archipelago, which is part of the Atlantic biogeographical region of the Macaronesia, provides an appropriate habitat for tropical and temperate-water large pelagics. Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT, Thunnus thynnus) occur all year round in the Canary Islands. Life history traits of ABFT, specifically foraging patterns, have not been studied thus far in this region. We investigated the ABFT trophic biology, combining stomach content and stable isotope analyses. A high proportion (~77%) of the stomachs contained prey, denoting active foraging. The diet primarily consisted of fishes, among which the snipefish, Macroramphosus sp., was the major prey. Cephalopods and crustaceans were less important diet components. Besides natural prey, a well-preserved specimen of Cory's shearwater, Calonectris borealis, was found in one stomach sampled in 2018. Moreover, 16.7% of the stomachs contained plastic debris. Inter-annual isotopic differences were detected in liver tissue samples (PERMANOVA, p < 0.05), reflecting dietary shift in 2018, where δ15N values were lower than in 2016 and 2017. Isotopic niche width estimations from stable isotope Bayesian ellipse in R (SIBER) and kernel utilization density (KUD) suggest a more diverse diet in 2017. Standard ellipse corrected area (SEAC) and Bayesian standard ellipse area (SEAB) values from muscle and liver data indicate that the diet of ABFT in the Canary Islands is more euryphagous than in the Strait of Gibraltar (East Atlantic) but more stenophagous than it is in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence (West Atlantic). The present results indicate that the Canary archipelago represents a forging ground for ABFT in spring.
The highly migratory Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) has a distribution that spans the North Atlantic and two distinct spawning populations, an eastern population originating in the Mediterranean Sea and a western population originating in the Gulf of Mexico. Atlantic bluefin tuna are managed as two separate management units (east and west) in the North Atlantic, despite observed mixing that occurs across the management boundary. Characterizing the effects of stock mixing has been identified as a priority for improving the management of Atlantic bluefin tuna. Identifying the stock composition of landings from the Gulf of Maine is of particular importance, because approximately 70 % of the U.S. western Atlantic total allowable catch is removed from this region annually. The aim of our research was to apply otolith chemistry techniques to characterize the origin of bluefin tuna caught in the U.S. rod and reel fishery in the Gulf of Maine and to demonstrate how this information can be applied in fisheries management. Prior research established otolith stable isotope chemistry (δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O) as an effective and reliable stock identification tool, and we applied this approach to determine the population of origin of bluefin tuna collected from fishery dependent sampling (recreational and commercial) in the Gulf of Maine. Results indicated that the majority of fish caught in the Gulf of Maine from 2010 to 2013 were eastern origin. We found the highest proportion of eastern origin fish were caught in 2012 and the proportion of eastern origin fish was greater in late summer to fall. Although the majority of fish in small and intermediate size classes were eastern origin, fish in the largest size class (>250 cm) were predominantly western origin. Using these data, we demonstrated an approach for integrating mixed stock composition information into fishery-specific harvest data (U.S. rod and reel catch, catch-at-age, and catch-per-unit-effort). This information can be used to monitor mixed stock composition of the fishery, partition catch to population of origin, and to inform management decisions aimed at controlling population of origin harvest.
Understanding the trophic ecology of marine predators is pivotal to assess their ecological role in the ecosystems and develop management actions. Despite the ecological importance of predatory pelagic fish species, the trophic role that individual species play within marine communities in many marine basins, such the Mediterranean Sea, remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to provide new integrative information about the trophic ecology at different temporal scales of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda), little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. To quantify the trophic habits of these three species, we used stable isotopic analysis and isotopic mixing models from different tissues that integrate trophic information at different temporal scales (~1 month for liver, ~ several months for muscle, >1 year for fin). We found clear and consistent differences in the trophic habits among the three species and time spans within the same species. Although preying mainly on clupeiforms, Atlantic bonito and little tunny present a temporal segregation in the species preference, with Atlantic bonito preying mainly on European sardine and round sardinella at long-term, while little tunny preyed mainly on European anchovy. In the other hand, swordfish shows a more generalist trophic strategy with high preference for demersal prey. This study emphasises the utility of this integrative approach for trophic studies due to its capacity for monitoring trophic habits over different time spans.