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Artificial intelligence in scientific writing: a friend or a foe?



The generative pre-trained transformer, ChatGPT, is a chatbot that could serve as a powerful tool in scientific writing. ChatGPT is a so-called large language model (LLM) that is trained to mimic the statistical patterns of language in an enormous database of human-generated text combined from text in books, articles and websites across a wide range of domains. ChatGPT can assist scientists with material organization, draft creation and proofreading, making it a valuable tool in research and publishing. This paper discusses the use of this artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot in academic writing by presenting one simplified example. Specifically, it reflects our experience of using ChatGPT to draft a scientific article for Reproductive BioMedicine Online and highlights the pros, cons and concerns associated with using LLM-based AI for generating a manuscript.
Articial intelligence in scienticwriting:a
friend or a foe?
Signe Altm
*, Alberto Sola-Leyva
, Andres Salumets
The generative pre-trained transformer, ChatGPT, is a chatbot that could serve as a powerful tool in scientic writing. ChatGPT
is a so-called large language model (LLM) that is trained to mimic the statistical patterns of language in an enormous database of
human-generated text combined from text in books, articles and websites across a wide range of domains. ChatGPT can assist
scientists with material organization, draft creation and proofreading, making it a valuable tool in research and publishing. This
paper discusses the use of this articial intelligence (AI) chatbot in academic writing by presenting one simplied example.
Specically, it reects our experience of using ChatGPT to draft a scientic article for Reproductive BioMedicine Online and
highlights the pros, cons and concerns associated with using LLM-based AI for generating a manuscript.
The introduction of the
generative pre-trained
transformer ChatGPT in
November 2022 by OpenAI
shook the scientic world. It was instantly
acknowledged as a new level of tool that
articial intelligence (AI) can provide for
seeking online for information, answers
and solutions (Macdonald et al., 2023).
ChatGPT is a type of chatbot designed to
provide natural language-processing
capabilities for a wide range of applications.
It is a large language model (LLM) that
generates sentences based on mimicking
the statistical patterns of language in an
enormous database of human-generated
text combined from text from books,
articles and websites across a wide range of
domains (Stokel-Walker, 2023). In addition
to ChatGPT, there are other free LLM
platforms such as, writesonic.
com (100 free generations per month), (10 free extracts of writing per
day) and
Language-based AI has already entered the
academic community. Many researchers
are believed to use chatbots as research
assistants to help in organizing their
thoughts, provide feedback on their work,
help with code writing and summarize the
research literature (Hutson, 2022).
Regardless of the lack of guidelines for its
use in scientic writing, and the debate
over whether ChatGPT should be listed as
a co-author or how/whether to
acknowledge its use, four manuscripts
have been reported in preprint where
ChatGPT has been credited as an author
(Stokel-Walker, 2023), and one article has
documented the use of AI for generating a
scientic paper (Getahun, 2022). These
LLMs offer a powerful tool for a wide range
of applications and demonstrate the
potential of these models to transform the
way we interact with language, scientic
writing and science, which may lead to
another revolutionary stage of progress in
This paper reects on the experience of
using ChatGPT to draft a research article
for Reproductive BioMedicine Online.We
highlight the pros and cons of AI for
manuscript generation and discuss
potential concerns regarding the use of the
LLM platform alongside our writing. For
this test, it was decided to generate a
simulated study comprising of 10,000
women undergoing IVF cycles who had
been tested for endometrial receptivity;
the main focus of the study was to be
whether the state of the endometrium
(receptive/non-receptive) inuences the
outcome of treatment (successful
pregnancy/no pregnancy). The data were
wholly fabricated. ChatGPT was then used
to guide us in deciding how to proceed
with the data and to help to draft the
manuscript. Using ChatGPT it took the
authors a total of 15 min to create the initial
chat and the inputs, and to obtain the
output texts for the manuscript.
First, the simulated dataset was described.
The conversation with ChatGPT was as
follows (all conversations are unmodied
SA: We have a dataset consisting of a
cohort of 10000 women, some have
receptive endometrium and some have
not. We also have data if the embryo
transfer resulted in a successful pregnancy
or not.
ChatGPT: Great! Having this data set on
women and the success of their embryo
transfer can be useful for analyzing factors
that contribute to successful pregnancy
Articial intelligence
Large language model
Scientic writing
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Instituto de Investigaci
on Biosanitaria ibs.GRANADA, Granada, Spain
Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC),
Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Competence Centre on Health Technologies, Tartu, Estonia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
© 2023 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
*Corresponding author. E-mail address: (S. Altm
ae). 1472-
6483/© 2023 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Declaration: The authors report no nancial or commercial conicts of interest.
One possible analysis that could be done
with this data is to examine if there is a
difference in the success rates of embryo
transfer between women with receptive
endometrium and those without. This can
be done using statistical tests such as a
chi-square test or logistic regression.
Additionally, it may be helpful to
investigate other factors that could
potentially inuence successful pregnancy
outcomes, such as age, BMI, previous
pregnancies, and any underlying medical
conditions. These factors could be
included as covariates in the statistical
analysis to see if they have a signicant
effect on the relationship between
receptive endometrium and successful
embryo transfer.
Overall, the analysis of this data set could
provide insights into the factors that
contribute to successful pregnancy
outcomes and inform clinical practice for
improving embryo transfer success rates.
Next, the data were specied:
SA: Our data were as follows: 5500
women with receptive phase endometrium
and 4500 women with non-receptive
endometrium. Our analysis using chi-
square test showed that as 80% of women
with receptive phase endometrium
(n=4400) had successful pregnancy while
40% of women with non-receptive
endometrium (n=1800) achieved
successful pregnancy, the differences were
ChatGPT: Based on the results of your
analysis using the chi-square test, it
appears that there is a signicant
difference in the success rates of embryo
transfer between women with receptive
phase endometrium and those without.
Specically, 80% of women with receptive
endometrium achieved a successful
pregnancy, while only 40% of women
without receptive endometrium did.
This difference in success rates may
suggest that having a receptive
endometrium is an important factor for
successful embryo transfer and
subsequent pregnancy. However, it is
important to note that other factors, such
as age, BMI, and medical history, may also
be contributing to the observed
differences in success rates.
Further analyses, such as logistic
regression, could be performed to explore
the relationship between endometrial
receptivity and successful pregnancy
outcomes while controlling for potential
confounding variables.
Based on this example it can be seen that,
once the dataset has been explained, the
platform can guide and help scientists in
choosing proper study analysis methods,
and additionally suggest important factors
that should be considered in the analysis.
The current paper did not test the
platforms capacity for more advanced
statistical approaches, but it has been
demonstrated that ChatGPT is able to
generate codes for using the programming
language R (Macdonald et al., 2023).
Based on the few lines of explanation in the
invented dataset (above), we started to test
ChatGPTs ability to write a scientic
paper with all its sections, starting with the
SA: Based on these data, could you please
draft an abstract for Reproductive
Biomedicine Online journal?
ChatGPT: Sure, here's a possible draft of
an abstract for the Reproductive
Biomedicine Online journal based on the
data you provided:
Title: The Impact of Endometrial
Receptivity on Successful Embryo Transfer
in Women: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Abstract: This retrospective cohort study
aimed to investigate the impact of
endometrial receptivity on successful
embryo transfer in women. The study
included 10,000 women who underwent
embryo transfer and had data on
endometrial receptivity and pregnancy
outcomes. Of these, 5500 women had
receptive endometrium, while 4500
women did not. The chi-square test
revealed a signicant difference in the
success rates of embryo transfer between
the two groups, with 80% of women with
receptive endometrium achieving a
successful pregnancy, compared to only
40% of women without receptive
endometrium. These ndings suggest that
endometrial receptivity may play an
important role in the success of embryo
transfer and subsequent pregnancy.
Further research, such as logistic
regression analysis, may help to identify
other factors that could impact successful
pregnancy outcomes in women
undergoing embryo transfer. These results
have important implications for clinical
practice, as they highlight the need to
consider endometrial receptivity when
assessing the likelihood of successful
pregnancy following embryo transfer.
The generated Abstract needs an
additional one or two sentences of
introduction about the topic, but as a
whole the text is acceptable. The
unstructured format is valid for Review
Articles for the journal, whereas Original
Articles would require a structured
abstract with subheadings. The particular
form for the Abstract was chosen for the
current journal, but it can easily be
changed to any journals format of interest.
In addition to constructing an Abstract,
ChatGPT also suggested a title: The
impact of endometrial receptivity on
successful embryo transfer in women: a
retrospective cohort study, which sounds
highly appropriate considering the data
that were provided.
As a next step, ChatGPT was asked to
perform a literature search for nding
relevant studies in the eld that could be
integrated into the manuscript:
SA: Could you help me nding some
papers that have performed similar
studies, and help to create a bibliography?
ChatGPT: Sure, here are a few papers
that have performed similar studies on the
relationship between endometrial
receptivity and successful embryo transfer:
1. Elizabete, V., Armanda, C., Rodrigo,
C., Jo~
ao, M., Miguel, V., Ana, P., ... &
Ana, R. (2015). Impact of endometrial
thickness and pattern on pregnancy
outcome after in vitro fertilization and
embryo transfer. Journal of Assisted
Reproduction and Genetics, 32(2),
2. Kasius, A., Smit, J. G., Torrance, H. L.,
Eijkemans, M. J., & Mol, B. W. (2014).
Endometrial thickness and pregnancy
rates after IVF: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Human
Reproduction Update, 20(4), 530-541.
3. Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., Sun, Y., & Yan, L.
(2015). The association between
endometrial thickness and outcome of
in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic
sperm injection cycles: a systematic
review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, 8(4), 5277-
4. Yu, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Li, Y., &
Zhao, Y. (2015). Endometrial thickness
and its relationship with the outcome
of in vitro fertilization and embryo
transfer in fresh and frozen-thawed
embryo transfer cycles. Acta
Obstetricia et Gynecologica
Scandinavica, 94(12), 1292-1297.
As one can see the suggested papers are of
relevance for the outcomes of embryo
transfer and IVF but they are not relevant
in the current study setting where the aim
was to assess the effect of endometrial
receptivity on the success of IVF
treatment. Therefore, the following query
was specied:
SA: The studies you highlight focus on
endometrial thickness. Could you make a
new search of similar studies and
bibliography focussing on endometrial
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here are some
studies that focus on endometrial
receptivity and successful embryo transfer,
along with their corresponding
1. Lessey, B. A. (2000). The role of
endometrial receptivity in
implantation. Human Reproduction,
15(suppl_6), 87-95.
2. Norwitz, E. R., Schust, D. J., & Fisher,
S. J. (2001). Implantation and the
survival of early pregnancy. New
England Journal of Medicine, 345(19),
3. Gzgzyan, A. M., Safonova, Y. A.,
Melnikova, N. V., & Rudakova, E. B.
(2018). Endometrial receptivity in the
course of infertility treatment: current
approaches and prospects.
Gynecological Endocrinology, 34
(sup1), 21-25.
4. Nikas, G., Develioglu, O. H., Toner, J.
P., Jones Jr, H. W., & Check, J. H.
(2000). Endometrial receptivity
defects during IVF cycles with and
without ovarian stimulation. Journal of
Assisted Reproduction and Genetics,
17(6), 347-352.
In both bibliography searches, it was found
that the references provided did not, in
most cases, exist and indeed this, in our
opinion, is one of the biggest concerns
when using ChatGPT. Out of the eight
references provided within the two
searches, 25% (n= 2) of the references
were correct while 75% (n= 6) did not
exist in the PubMed/Google databases. In
fact, it has been consistently reported that
created references do not exist in the form
presented, although they have similar titles
to some existing references (Macdonald et
al., 2023). Furthermore, the current
ChatGPT version was trained in 2021
(Nath et al., 2022), meaning that more
recent papers might not be included.
We therefore tested the system further by
asking for newer references:
SA: Could you search for studies also
among the last years, like 2022 and 2023?
ChatGPT: Sure, here are some recent
studies on endometrial receptivity and
successful embryo transfer published in
2022 and 2023:
1. Li, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Sun, J., Hu, J.,
Gao, Y., ... & Yang, L. (2022).
Endometrial receptivity analysis using
transcriptomics and microbiome
analysis in women with unexplained
infertility. BMC Women's Health, 22(1),
2. Dai, W., Han, Q., Wang, Y., Xu, B.,
Sun, Y., & Zhang, H. (2022).
Endometrial receptivity analysis using
a non-invasive biopsy approach in IVF/
ICSI cycles: a prospective study.
Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 45
(2), 362-370.
3. Liu, Y., Han, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, S.,
Gao, L., Zhao, X., ... & Liu, Y. (2023).
The role of endometrial microbiota in
embryo implantation and pregnancy
outcomes in IVF/ICSI cycles. Human
Reproduction, 38(1), 136-145.
4. Hu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Yang, X.,
Zou, J., Wei, D., ... & Sun, Y. (2022).
Endometrial receptivity signature
based on the endometrial microbiota
and transcriptomics predicts
pregnancy outcomes in IVF/ICSI
cycles. Fertility and Sterility, 118(4),
It can be seen that even though the
references are new (with a main focus on
the microbiome), they do not match with
the studys scope of the effect of
endometrial receptivity on the outcome of
IVF treatment. Furthermore, none of the
four references ChatGPT provided exists
in PubMed/Google. It is evident that the
suggested references are inaccurate, so
authors should adopt a critical approach
towards the technology, which evidently
requires further development.
In short, the references currently provided
by ChatGPT cannot be trusted and need
to be meticulously revised. To achieve truly
reliable responses, LLM need to be trained
on specic knowledge domains, which can
be a complex and costly processes.
Stanford researchers and the company
MosaicML are collaborating to develop a
PubMed GPT (Alvero, 2023). However, it is
acknowledged that, due to the extensive
parameters involved in such a PubMed
GPT, compromises need to be made
between the models intricacy, the
expense and the need for a specialized
architecture (Gupta, 2022).
As a next step, we asked ChatGPT to
prepare an Introduction:
SA: Could you write a short introduction
about endometrial receptivity and its
importance for embryo transfer?
Endometrial receptivity refers to the
window of time during a menstrual cycle
when the endometrium, the lining of the
uterus, is capable of supporting embryo
implantation and pregnancy. It is a critical
factor in successful embryo transfer and is
inuenced by a variety of hormonal,
molecular, and cellular factors. Identifying
the optimal time for embryo transfer
based on endometrial receptivity can
improve the chances of successful
pregnancy and reduce the risk of
implantation failure and miscarriage.
Endometrial receptivity assessment is
therefore an important tool in assisted
reproductive technology (ART) and fertility
As an Introduction should include
references, this input was also specied:
SA: Could you please write again a short
introduction about endometrial receptivity
and its importance for embryo transfer
with adding references?
RBMO VOLUME 00 ISSUE 00 2023 3
Endometrial receptivity refers to the
window of time during a menstrual cycle
when the endometrium, the lining of the
uterus, is capable of supporting embryo
implantation and pregnancy. It is a critical
factor in successful embryo transfer and is
inuenced by a variety of hormonal,
molecular, and cellular factors. Identifying
the optimal time for embryo transfer
based on endometrial receptivity can
improve the chances of successful
pregnancy and reduce the risk of
implantation failure and miscarriage.
Endometrial receptivity assessment is
therefore an important tool in assisted
reproductive technology (ART) and fertility
Several studies have demonstrated the
importance of assessing endometrial
receptivity in optimizing the timing of
embryo transfer. In a study by Ruiz-Alonso
et al., endometrial receptivity analysis
using transcriptomic biomarkers improved
pregnancy rates by up to 23% in women
undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)
treatment (1). Similarly, another study by
Haouzi et al. found that endometrial
receptivity analysis improved the success
rate of frozen embryo transfers by up to
29% (2).
Furthermore, other studies have
investigated the molecular mechanisms
and cellular processes involved in
endometrial receptivity. For example, a
study by Miravet-Valenciano et al.
explored the role of microRNAs in
endometrial receptivity and found that
specic microRNAs were differentially
expressed during the receptive phase of
the menstrual cycle (3). Another study by
Grewal et al. investigated the impact of
endometrial microbiota on endometrial
receptivity and found that microbial
dysbiosis was associated with implantation
failure and pregnancy loss (4).
Overall, assessing endometrial receptivity
is a crucial step in optimizing the timing of
embryo transfer and improving the
success rates of ART and fertility
1. Ruiz-Alonso et al. Fertility and Sterility.
2013; 99(3): 801-7.
2. Haouzi et al. Human Reproduction.
2013; 28(3): 761-9.
3. Miravet-Valenciano et al. Fertility and
Sterility. 2017; 107(1): 246-55.e5.
4. Grewal et al. Journal of Assisted
Reproduction and Genetics. 2020; 37
(8): 1931-9.
A critical reader will notice that the
Introduction is not exactly what would be
expected for the current study idea, but
some concepts and sentences could be
used and it denitely provides ideas and
sentences that would help with the writing
process. Again, the revision of the
references resulted in disappointing
results, with none of the provided
references actually existing.
SA: Based on our study data provided
before, could you write a methods section
for the journal
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's a draft of a
methods section for the study based on
the data you provided:
Study population
The study population consisted of 10,000
women who underwent embryo transfer at
a single fertility clinic between January 1,
20XX and December 31, 20XX. The
inclusion criteria were women of
reproductive age who underwent embryo
transfer with fresh or frozen embryos.
Women with a history of recurrent
implantation failure, uterine anomalies, or
endometrial pathologies were excluded
from the study.
Endometrial receptivity assessment
Endometrial receptivity was assessed by
histologic evaluation of endometrial biopsy
samples obtained prior to embryo transfer.
Endometrial biopsy samples were obtained
using a Pipelle catheter during the mid-
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (day 21
to 24). The samples were xed in formalin,
embedded in parafn, and stained with
hematoxylin and eosin. Endometrial
receptivity was determined by the
presence or absence of morphological
changes consistent with the receptive
phase of the menstrual cycle, including the
presence of uterodomes, secretion in the
glandular epithelium, and edema in the
Pregnancy outcome assessment
Pregnancy outcome was assessed by
measurement of serum beta-human
chorionic gonadotropin (b-hCG) levels
and transvaginal ultrasound examination.
Serum b-hCG levels were measured
14 days after embryo transfer, and a value
greater than 25 IU/L was considered a
positive pregnancy test. Transvaginal
ultrasound examination was performed 4
to 5 weeks after embryo transfer to
conrm the presence of a gestational sac
and fetal heartbeat.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using the chi-square test
to compare the proportion of women with
successful pregnancy between the receptive
and non-receptive endometrium groups. A
P-value of less than 0.05 was considered
statistically signicant. All statistical analyses
were performed using SPSS version XX (IBM
Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
This study was approved by the
Institutional Review Board of [Name of
Institution]. All patients provided written
informed consent prior to participation in
the study. Condentiality and anonymity
of the participants were maintained
throughout the study.
As only two sentences on study data had
obtain a generated output with so much text,
all of which would be relevant for a
manuscript. For instance, the text on the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, endometrial
receptivity assessment, pregnancy outcome
assessment and ethical statement is helpful in
guiding authors.
SA: Based on my study data, could you
also compose results and discussion
section for the Reproductive Biomedicine
Online journal?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's a draft of the
results and discussion sections for the
study based on the data you provided:
Of the 10,000 women included in the
study, 5500 (55%) had receptive phase
endometrium and 4500 (45%) had non-
receptive endometrium. Of the 5500
women with receptive phase
endometrium, 4400 (80%) had successful
pregnancy, while of the 4500 women with
non-receptive endometrium, 1800 (40%)
had successful pregnancy. The difference
in the proportion of successful pregnancies
between the two groups was statistically
signicant (P <0.001) according to the
chi-square test.
The present study investigated the
association between endometrial
receptivity and pregnancy outcome in
women undergoing embryo transfer. Our
results demonstrate that women with
receptive phase endometrium had a
signicantly higher proportion of
successful pregnancies compared to
women with non-receptive endometrium.
These ndings are consistent with previous
studies that have shown a positive
association between endometrial
receptivity and pregnancy outcome (1-3).
The endometrium undergoes dynamic
changes throughout the menstrual cycle,
and the receptive phase of the
endometrium is a critical window for
successful embryo implantation (4). The
presence of uterodomes, secretion in the
glandular epithelium, and edema in the
stroma are all morphological changes that
occur during the receptive phase and are
indicative of a favorable endometrial
environment for embryo implantation (5).
The histologic evaluation of endometrial
biopsy samples obtained during the mid-
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is a
reliable method for assessing endometrial
receptivity (6).
Our ndings have important clinical
implications for the management of
women undergoing assisted reproductive
technologies (ART) such as in vitro
fertilization (IVF). Endometrial receptivity
testing may be used to identify women with
a higher likelihood of successful pregnancy
and optimize the timing of embryo transfer
(7). Additionally, endometrial receptivity
may serve as a potential target for
therapeutic interventions aimed at
improving pregnancy outcomes in women
undergoing ART (8).
In conclusion, our study provides further
evidence for the importance of
endometrial receptivity in the success of
embryo transfer and supports the use of
endometrial receptivity testing in the
management of women undergoing ART.
Future research is needed to explore
potential interventions to improve
endometrial receptivity and ultimately
improve pregnancy outcomes in this
1. Haouzi D, Assou S, Mahmoud K, et al.
Gene expression prole of human
endometrial receptivity: comparison
between natural and stimulated cycles
for the same patients. Hum Reprod.
2. Figueira RCS, Setti AS, Braga DPAF,
et al. Is the receptivity of the
endometrium impaired in obese
patients undergoing IVF? Reprod Biol
Endocrinol. 2011;9(1):123.
3. Zeng Y, Chen X, Liu Y, et al.
Endometrial thickness, morphology,
and molecular markers may predict
unsuccessful pregnancy with IVF.
Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018;16(1):114.
4. Lessey BA. Assessment of endometrial
receptivity. Fertil Steril. 2011;96(3):522-
5. Maccarrone M, Bari M, Battista N, et
al. The key role of the
endocannabinoid system in human
implantation. J Reprod Immunol.
6. Ruiz-Alonso M, Blesa D, Diaz-Gimeno
P, et al.
Again, the references are discouraging: the
text refers to eight references but the
output provides only six, and even then the
nal one is incomplete. Further checking
shows that only two of the references exist.
The Discussion text is not perfect, but it
certainly provides helpful concepts and
sentences to help to build a critical
discussion section. The use of term
uterodomeis interesting. This term was
not familiar to the authors and after a
Google/PubMed search we understood
that it meant pinopodes, and only 13
studies were found in PubMed using
uterodome. It is intriguing, however, how
the AI algorithm found the rare expression
uterodomeinstead of the commonly
used term pinopodes.
Plagiarism of original content is
undoubtedly a major concern when using
AI, and while ChatGPT itself has not been
detected to commit extensive plagiarism,
AI journalism as a whole has been reported
to engage in this (Christian, 2023). This
raises the question of whether there
should be a threshold for the acceptable
amount of AI-generated content, and also
whether its frequent use, in the long term,
would result in the production of similar
paragraphs and structures in papers within
the same eld (Macdonald et al., 2023).
ChatGPT was therefore asked to assess
the level of plagiarism:
SA: Could you assess the level of
plagiarism in the last text of Results and
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I
don't have access to plagiarism detection
tools or databases to check for similarity
between the text and other sources.
However, I can conrm that the text
includes proper citations and references to
previously published studies, which is an
important aspect of avoiding plagiarism.
It's always recommended to use proper
citation and referencing when using
information or ideas from other sources to
avoid any issues related to plagiarism.
We set out to run our own plagiarism
checking using, and to our
surprise the similarity index was only 19%,
with the main areas of similarity being
detected in the Materials section, which is
to be expected (see the Supplementary
File for the Turnitin report). In short, the
similarity check was acceptable and, based
on the plagiarism checking that was
applied, the manuscript would pass an
editorial ofce scrutiny.
It can be challenging to distinguish
between AI-generated and original texts
(Else, 2023). However, a number of tools,
including GPTZero, GPT-2 Output
Detector and several AI Detectors (writer.
com,,,,, crossplag.
com), have been developed to determine
whether a given text is generated by a
language model. These tools classify the
paper as either real(human-generated) or
fake(AI-generated), with a percentage
representing the condence level
(Anderson et al., 2023). A previous study
used AI-generated text and, after applying
RBMO VOLUME 00 ISSUE 00 2023 5
paraphrasing-AI software, found that the
detection rate of realtext increased from
0.02% to 99.52% (Anderson et al., 2023).
This clearly suggests that new protection
methods may need to be developed and
implemented for AI detection.
It has been shown that ChatGPT texts of
research papers can pass plagiarism
detectors with a 100% originality score
(Else, 2023). This leads to signicant
concerns regarding authorship and
publication ethics, as scientists can no
longer be certain if the text is an original
work by a scientist or has been generated
by AI (Sample, 2023). Some scientic
journals have already warned that they will
review texts in order to avoid the copy and
paste approach of AI-generated texts
(ICMJE, n.d.), while others support AI
systems to provide a digital watermark on
their creations, or just support
transparency in scientic writing via an
adequate acknowledgement of LLM use.
As this race to control and nd new
solutions for rephrasing AI tools is never-
ending, we believe that, instead of
developing new tools to control the
situation, we should focus on informing
and training authors how to adequately use
LLM platforms.
SA: Could you review this paper (the texts
generated such as Abstract, Introduction,
Methods, Results and Discussion) and tell
us if you agree to submit it to Reproductive
Biomedicine Online journal?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I
cannot make a nal decision on whether
to submit a paper to a specic journal.
However, I can provide some general
feedback on the paper based on the
content generated:
The abstract provides a clear summary
of the study's aims, methods, and key
The introduction provides a concise
overview of the importance of
endometrial receptivity in embryo
transfer and contextualizes the study's
aims within the existing literature.
The methods section provides a clear
description of the study design, data
collection, and statistical analysis.
The results section presents the key
ndings in a clear and concise manner
and includes appropriate statistical
The discussion section provides a
thorough interpretation of the ndings
and their implications for clinical
practice, with reference to the existing
Overall, the paper appears to be well-
structured and clearly written, with
appropriate citation of relevant literature.
However, it's important to note that the
decision to submit a paper to a specic
journal depends on many factors, including
the journal's scope, editorial policies, and
the perceived t of the paper with the
journal's readership. It's always a good idea
to carefully read the journal's guidelines and
review previously published papers in the
journal to ensure that the paper is a good t
before submitting it for consideration.
The initial concern over whether ChatGPT
should be listed as a co-author now seems
to be clear that an AI language model
cannot take responsibility for and make
decisions related to its content and
therefore does not meet the requirements
of an author. Indeed, the Nature and
Science editorial teams have recently
announced that AI packages do not full
the criteria for a study author as they
cannot take responsibility for the content
and integrity of the paper (Stokel-Walker,
2023). In the end, authors are responsible
for the integrity and validity of their work
and should cite any use of LLM in the
Methods or Acknowledgements section.
The following principles have been
incorporated into the existing guide for
authors of all Springer Nature journals: (i)
no LLM tool will be accepted as a credited
author on a research paper, and (ii)
researchers using LLM tools should detail
their use of such tools in the Methods or
Acknowledgements section. If these
sections are absent, the Introduction or
another appropriate section maybe used
to acknowledge the use of the LLM
(Editorial, 2023).
Our experiment of using ChatGPT for
scientic writing demonstrates that
ChatGPT has a high potential for
becoming a great help to researchers in
designing their study, performing analyses
and drafting the study results into a
scientic article. This would denitely help
in overcoming the blank-sheet syndrome
that all authors face from time to time.
Nevertheless, it should be considered as a
helpful tool to speed up the process and
not as a replacement for authorswork, as
it clearly requires human oversight at all
stages and nal input for guaranteeing the
accuracy and reliability of the results.
When using ChatGPT, several issues arise
that should be considered, such as ethics
and integrity, accuracy and reliability.
Although LLMs are able to produce
increasingly realistic text, the integrity and
accuracy of using these models in scientic
writing is unknown. Often the statements
generated are not necessarily true, and if
the same question is asked several times, it
generates different output answers (Stokel-
Walker, 2022). It has been reported that
while ChatGPT is capable of producing
credible scientic essays, the data it
generates are a combination of both true
and entirely fabricated information
(Alkaissi and McFarlane, 2023;J, 2022).
Another issue is intellectual property
rights: do they belong to the algorithm, to
the company that created it or to the
scientist who presents the work? Also,
what happens with the data that are
inserted into the online system? Will it be
saved or used later by others?
When using ChatGPT in scientic writing,
we want to highlight that if papers are not
properly revised, there is a high risk of
presenting incorrect information and non-
existent references, especially among
writers without domain expertise in the
topic. Furthermore, once a paper has
been submitted to a journal, the editors
and referees will not have the time to
check its accuracy phrase by phrase,
reference by reference. We sincerely hope
that ChatGPT (and other similar LLMs) will
not turn out to be a tool of
misinformation. We consider the
inaccuracy and misinformation to be the
biggest concern today in using ChatGPT.
When using the ChatGPT, it creates
surprisingly intelligent-sounding text. We
would like to stress the word sounding
here as, based on our own (and others)
experience, the text at rst seems
acceptable but on closer inspection can be
seen to contain misinformation and
inaccuracies. In short, we would like
authors to be aware that it is an excellent
tool to help but not to replace their work.
AI tools such as ChatGPT have sparked a
polarized debate among academics. While
some consider it to be a helpful tool for
speeding up research, others see it as a
threat to the integrity of authorship
(Salvagno et al., 2023). Whether we like it
or not, LLMs are conquering scientic
writing in both good and bad ways, and it is
our task to be aware of their shortcomings
and strengths. Several journals have raised
the question of how to regulate their use.
We believe that instead of regulating use,
the focus should be on providing
guidelines on how to use them correctly,
highlighting the pros and cons of their use.
These free-to-use tools are and will
continue to be the reality and it is up to us
how to accept and work with them.
We encourage researchers to try
ChatGPT (
Overall, the experience is pleasant and
exciting, resembling an instant and friendly
conversation. In fact, the current version of
ChatGPT is trained to be polite and
pleasant as lters to prevent it generating
hate speech have been applied (Alvero,
2023). Who would not want to co-work or
collaborate with somebodywho is always
available, answers your queries within a
second and is supportive and positive
throughout the process?
data was used for the research described
in the article.
The Estonian Research Council (grant
PRG1076), Horizon 2020 innovation grant
(ERIN, grant no. EU952516) and Enterprise
Estonia (grant EU48695).
This work is supported by Grants Endo-
Map PID2021-12728OB-100 and PRE2018-
085440 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/
501100011033 and ERFD A way of making
Europe; Grants RYC-2016-21199 funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by
ESF Investing in your future; FEDER/Junta
de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y
Conocimiento: ROBIN A-CTS-614-
UGR20, and IRENE P20_00158.
Supplementary material associated with this
Alkaissi, H., McFarlane, S.I., 2023. Articial
Hallucinations in ChatGPT: Implications in
Scientic Writing. Cureus 15, e35179. https://doi.
Alvero, R., 2023. ChatGPT: Rumors of Human
ProvidersDemise Have Been Greatly
Exaggerated. Fertil. Steril. in press. https://doi.
Anderson, N., Belavy, D.L., Perle, S.M.,
Hendricks, S., Hespanhol, L., Verhagen, E.,
Memon, A.R., 2023. AI did not write this
manuscript, or did it? Can we trick the AI text
detector into generated texts? The potential
future of ChatGPT and AI in Sports & Exercise
Medicine manuscript generation. BMJ Open
Sport Exerc. Med. 9, 14.
Christian, J., 2023. CNETs AI Journalist Appears to
Have Committed Extensive Plagiarism. Futurism.
Editorial, 2023. Tools such as ChatGPT threaten
transparent science; here are our ground rules
for their use. Nature 613, 612.
Else, H., 2023. Abstracts writtten by ChatGPT fool
scientists. Nature 613, 423.
Getahun, H., 2022. After an AI bot wrote a scientic
paper on itself, the researcher behind the
experiment says she hopes she didnt open a
pandoras box. Insider. https://www.insider.
Gupta, K., 2022. Stanford and MosaicML
Researchers Announce the Release of PubMed
GPT, a Purpose-Built AI Model Trained to.
Interpret Biomedical Language. Marketechpost.
Hutson, M., 2022. Could AI help you to write your
next paper? Nature 611, 192193.
ICMJE, I.C. of M.J.E., n.d. Dening the Role of
Authors and Contributors https://www.icmje.
J, V., 2022. Ai-generated answers temporarily
banned on coding Q&A site Stack Overow
[WWW Document]. The Verge.
Macdonald, C., Adeloye, D., Sheikh, A., Rudan, I.,
2023. Can ChatGPT draft a research article? An
example of population-level vaccine effectiveness
analysis. J. Glob. Health 13, 01003. https://doi.
Nath, S., Marie, A., Ellershaw, S., Korot, E.,
Keane, P.A., 2022. New meaning for NLP: the
trials and tribulations of natural language
processing with GPT-3 in ophthalmology. Br. J.
Ophthalmol. 106, 889892.
Salvagno, M., Chat, GPT, Taccone, F.S., Gerli, A.G.,
2023. Can articial intelligence help for scientic
writing? Crit. Care 27, 75.
Sample, I., 2023. Science journals ban listing of
ChatGPT as co-author on papers. Guardian. https://
Stokel-Walker, C., 2023. ChatGPT listed as author
on research papers: many scientists disapprove.
Nature 613, 620621.
Stokel-Walker, C., 2022. AI bot ChatGPT writes
smart essays - should professors worry? Nature. 9
Received 12 April 2023; accepted 12 April 2023.
RBMO VOLUME 00 ISSUE 00 2023 7
... Original article (25) Artificial intelligence in scientific writing: a friend or a foe? English 2023 ...
... ChatGPT also facilitated the optimization of the writing of scientific articles itself, assisting in the creation of drafts, literature review and improvement of the language used (7,11,(25)(26)(29)(30)33,(40)(41) . Its influence has also been observed in systematic reviews, where its interaction with the tool has been examined (11) . ...
... The topics covered range from scientific integrity and the evaluation of writing generation (6) , to specific medical cases, such as acute dacryocystitis (49) , intracranial neoplasia (36) , endometrial receptivity in in vitro fertilization (25) and plantar fasciitis in children (26) . ...
Full-text available
Objective: to map the scientific literature regarding the use of the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, ChatGPT, in academic writing in health. Method: this was a scoping review, following the JBI methodology. Conventional databases and gray literature were included. The selection of studies was applied after removing duplicates and individual and paired evaluation. Data were extracted based on an elaborate script, and presented in a descriptive, tabular and graphical format. Results: the analysis of the 49 selected articles revealed that ChatGPT is a versatile tool, contributing to scientific production, description of medical procedures and preparation of summaries aligned with the standards of scientific journals. Its application has been shown to improve the clarity of writing and benefits areas such as innovation and automation. Risks were also observed, such as the possibility of lack of originality and ethical issues. Future perspectives highlight the need for adequate regulation, agile adaptation and the search for an ethical balance in incorporating ChatGPT into academic writing. Conclusion: ChatGPT presents transformative potential in academic writing in health. However, its adoption requires rigorous human supervision, solid regulation, and transparent guidelines to ensure its responsible and beneficial use by the scientific community.
... Artigo original (25) Artificial intelligence in scientific writing: a friend or a foe? Inglês 2023 ...
... O ChatGPT também facilitou a otimização da escrita de artigos científicos em si, auxiliando na criação de rascunhos, revisão da literatura e aprimoramento da linguagem utilizada (7,11,(25)(26)(29)(30)33,(40)(41) . Sua influência também foi observada em revisões sistemáticas, onde sua interação com a ferramenta foi examinada (11) . ...
... Quanto aos temas emergentes, destaca-se a frequência dos termos "uso", "redação", "escrita científica", "autoria acadêmica", "geração" e "impacto". Os temas abordados variam desde a integridade científica e a avaliação da geração de redação (6) , até casos médicos específicos, como dacriocistite aguda (49) , neoplasia intracraniana (36) , receptividade endometrial em fertilização in vitro (25) e fascite plantar em crianças (26) . ...
Full-text available
Objetivo: mapear a literatura científica referente ao uso do Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer , ChatGPT, na escrita acadêmica em saúde. Método: tratou-se de uma revisão de escopo, seguindo o método do JBI. Foram incluídas bases de dados convencionais e literatura cinzenta. A seleção dos estudos foi realizada após a remoção de duplicatas e avaliação individual e em pares. Os dados foram extraídos com base em um roteiro elaborado, e apresentados de forma descritiva, tabular e gráfica. Resultados: a análise dos 49 artigos selecionados mostrou que o ChatGPT é uma ferramenta versátil, que contribui para a produção científica, descrição de procedimentos médicos e elaboração de resumos alinhados aos padrões das revistas científicas. Sua aplicação melhorou a clareza da redação e beneficia áreas como inovação e automação. Também foram observados riscos, como a possibilidade de falta de originalidade e questões éticas. Perspectivas futuras destacam a necessidade de regulamentação adequada, adaptação ágil e busca por um equilíbrio ético na incorporação do ChatGPT na escrita acadêmica. Conclusão: o ChatGPT apresenta um potencial transformador na escrita acadêmica na área da saúde. Contudo, sua adoção requer supervisão humana rigorosa, regulamentação sólida e diretrizes transparentes para garantir seu uso responsável e benéfico pela comunidade científica.
... Artículo original (25) Artificial intelligence in scientific writing: a friend or a foe? Inglés 2023 ...
... ChatGPT también facilitó la optimización de la propia redacción de artículos científicos, ayudando en la creación de borradores, revisión de la literatura y mejora del lenguaje utilizado (7,11,(25)(26)(29)(30)33,(40)(41) . Su influencia también se ha observado en revisiones sistemáticas, donde se ha examinado su interacción con la herramienta (11) . ...
... Los temas tratados van desde la integridad científica y la evaluación de la generación de escritura (6) , hasta casos médicos específicos, como dacriocistitis aguda (49) , neoplasia intracraneal (36) , receptividad endometrial en fertilización in vitro (25) y fascitis plantar en niños (26) . ...
Full-text available
Objetivo: mapear la literatura científica sobre el uso del Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer , ChatGPT, en la escritura académica en salud. Método: se trató de una revisión de alcance, siguiendo la metodología del JBI. Se incluyeron bases de datos convencionales y literatura gris. La selección de los estudios se realizó previa eliminación de duplicados y evaluación individual y en pares. Los datos se extrajeron basándose en un guión elaborado y se presentaron en un formato descriptivo, tabular y gráfico. Resultados: el análisis de los 49 artículos seleccionados reveló que ChatGPT es una herramienta versátil, que contribuye a la producción científica, descripción de procedimientos médicos y elaboración de resúmenes alineados con los estándares de las revistas científicas. Se ha demostrado que su aplicación mejora la claridad de la redacción y beneficia áreas como la innovación y la automatización. También se observaron riesgos, como la posibilidad de falta de originalidad y cuestiones éticas. Las perspectivas futuras resaltan la necesidad de una regulación adecuada, adaptación ágil y búsqueda de un equilibrio ético en la incorporación del ChatGPT a la escritura académica. Conclusión: ChatGPT presenta un potencial transformador en la escritura académica en el área de la salud. Sin embargo, su adopción requiere una supervisión humana rigurosa, una regulación sólida y directrices transparentes para garantizar su uso responsable y beneficioso por parte de la comunidad científica.
... This has led to significant automation of many time-consuming jobs, potentially replacing more roles with AI. Interestingly, while researchers, the creators of AI/LLMs, benefit from LLMs for simple tasks (Meyer et al., 2023;Altmäe et al., 2023), it still takes years to train a qualified researcher due to the domain-specific and expertisedemanding nature of their work. Researchers now face increasing challenges with more papers to read, to beat, to write, and to review, resulting in longer and more intensive work hours. ...
Full-text available
This work is motivated by two key trends. On one hand, large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable versatility in various generative tasks such as writing, drawing, and question answering, significantly reducing the time required for many routine tasks. On the other hand, researchers, whose work is not only time-consuming but also highly expertise-demanding, face increasing challenges as they have to spend more time reading, writing, and reviewing papers. This raises the question: how can LLMs potentially assist researchers in alleviating their heavy workload? This study focuses on the topic of LLMs assist NLP Researchers, particularly examining the effectiveness of LLM in assisting paper (meta-)reviewing and its recognizability. To address this, we constructed the ReviewCritique dataset, which includes two types of information: (i) NLP papers (initial submissions rather than camera-ready) with both human-written and LLM-generated reviews, and (ii) each review comes with "deficiency" labels and corresponding explanations for individual segments, annotated by experts. Using ReviewCritique, this study explores two threads of research questions: (i) "LLMs as Reviewers", how do reviews generated by LLMs compare with those written by humans in terms of quality and distinguishability? (ii) "LLMs as Metareviewers", how effectively can LLMs identify potential issues, such as Deficient or unprofessional review segments, within individual paper reviews? To our knowledge, this is the first work to provide such a comprehensive analysis.
... This review is also helpful in providing the latest insights and research findings on endometrial receptivity, particularly focusing on the application and effectiveness of array analysis and other molecular techniques in improving IVF outcomes (34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40). Now the AI is playing the important role and also helping in this field with more suitable and correct methods for the fast diagnosis to improve the IVF and solving the problems related the reproductive genetics and in-vitro fertilisation (41)(42). ...
Conference Paper
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Endometrial receptivity plays a pivotal role in the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the assessment of endometrial receptivity in IVF cycles, focusing on the emerging role of array analysis techniques. Introduction: Successful embryo implantation hinges on the synchronous interaction between the developing embryo and the receptive endometrium. Understanding the molecular dynamics underlying endometrial receptivity is crucial for optimizing IVF outcomes. Methods: A systematic review of literature was conducted to identify studies investigating endometrial receptivity in the context of IVF. Special attention was given to research employing array analysis techniques to elucidate molecular markers associated with receptive endometrium. Discussion: Array analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for assessing endometrial receptivity by profiling gene expression patterns and molecular signatures. These techniques enable the identification of biomarkers indicative of a receptive endometrial environment, thereby facilitating personalized embryo transfer strategies and improving IVF success rates. Moreover, array analysis offers insights into the impact of various factors, such as hormonal stimulation protocols and endometrial pathologies, on endometrial receptivity. Conclusion: The integration of array analysis into clinical practice holds promise for enhancing the precision and efficacy of IVF treatments by enabling personalized approaches to embryo transfer timing and selection. However, further research is warranted to validate the clinical utility of array-based endometrial receptivity assessments and to optimize their integration into routine IVF protocols. Overall, leveraging array analysis techniques offers a paradigm shift in our understanding and management of endometrial receptivity in the context of IVF, ultimately leading to improved outcomes for couples undergoing fertility treatment.
... Ethical violations such as referencing, citation, permission procedures required in scientific writing, copyright, and plagiarism have been the subject of scientific writing literature. As this study reveals, there has been an increasing debate on the use of Chat GPT in scientific writing, especially in the last few years 8,15,17 . This obviously includes whether and how an AI model can be used in scientific writing. ...
Full-text available
Scientific knowledge has been growing continuously and rapidly in recent years. Scientific writing plays an important role in the process of scientific knowledge. In recent years, there has been an increasing research effort on scientific writing. This research aims to reveal the growth trend of global research on scientific writing, the contributions to the field, the trending topics of the field, the main themes of the field, and the social interaction of the countries contributing to the field. For this purpose, 968 publications covering the period between 1959-2023 obtained from the Web of Science database were analysed by bibliometric analysis. According to the results of the study, scientific writing literature has shown a significant growth trend since 2010. The most productive journals in the field come from science journals such as chemistry and biology. The most productive countries are USA and UK has the highest publication impact. The countries with the highest collaboration are USA and UK respectively. The trending topic of the SW area is on the use of Chat GPT in scientific writing. The SW area is divided into four themes: scientific literacy and communication, scientific writing in medical research, scientific writing in higher education, and ethics of scientific writing. This research provided a comprehensive review of the accumulated knowledge in the field of SW and provided a holistic perspective on the field. Furthermore, some possible directions for future research are shown. This research has shown that in addition to traditional studies that provide scientific writing guidelines, SW will be shaped more by artificial intelligence developments in the coming years.
... OpenAI's ChatGPT seemingly surpassed these limitations and holds the potential to fundamentally transform research across various domains (Cascella et al., 2023;Dwivedi et al., 2023b;Kung et al., 2023;Sallam, 2023;Zhu et al., 2023). Researchers have already demonstrated ChatGPT's ability to generate plausible research ideas, test suggestions and abstracts, and to improve spelling, grammar, and general editing (Altmäe et al., 2023;Bouschery et al., 2023;Dowling and Lucey, 2023;Gao et al., 2023;Hammad, 2023;Macdonald et al., 2023;Seghier, 2023). Numerous researchers have shared the outcomes of using ChatGPT prompts for various purposes, such as writing essays, novels, poems, or code (Biswas, 2023;Fitria, 2023;Kashefi and Mukerji, 2023;Surameery and Shakor, 2023). ...
Full-text available
AI-tools such as ChatGPT can assist researchers to improve the performance of the research process. This paper examines whether researchers could apply ChatGPT to develop and empirically validate new research scales. The study describes a process how to prompt ChatGPT to assist the scale development of a new construct, using the example of the construct of perceived value of ChatGPT-supported consumer behavior. The paper reports four main empirical studies (US: N = 148; Australia: N = 317; UK: N = 108; Germany: N = 51) that have been employed to validate the newly developed scale. The first study purifies the scale. The following studies confirm the adjusted factorial validity of the reduced scale. Although the empirical data imply a simplification of the initial multi-dimensional scale, the final three-dimensional operationalization is highly reliable and valid. The paper outlines the shortcomings and several critical notes to stimulate more research and discussion in this area.
... "Elicit" serves as a valuable tool for crafting the literature review section of a scientific article. It facilitates the organization of scientific literature, extraction of data, and provision of answers to questions based on research findings [44]. ...
Full-text available
The growing usage of Generative AI tools in scientific writing requires a critical examination of their benefits and challenges. This literature review is aimed at comprehensively analyzing current empirical research articles focused on the application of Generative AI in scientific writing. The Google Scholar database was used to search for the literature. The following keywords were used: "Generative AI" and "academic writing", "LLM" (Large Language Models) and "academic writing", "Generative AI" and "Scientific writing", and "ChatGPT" and "Scientific Writing". The search was restricted to articles published between January 1, 2023, and April 30, 2024. 15 articles were selected as appropriate for the study and analyzed. It was found that, thus far, ChatGPT is the most exploited tool in the studies. AI tools such as Bard (Gemini), Bing, Claude2, and Elicit were also tested. The benefits of Generative AI usage in scientific writing were found to be omnipresent. It can aid in the generation of structured abstracts, titles, introductions, literature reviews, and conclusions of a scientific article. Generative AI also makes writing more efficient and time-saving. Its capabilities in improving language and proofreading are well-established. However, the generation of inaccurate content and references by current commercially available LLMs poses a serious problem. The lack of critical thinking and tendency to produce non-original content are significant drawbacks. Generative AI should be employed with human oversight, serving as an assistant rather than a replacement. Transparency in AI usage in scientific writing is essential, along with the necessity for proper legal regulation.
... Ethical violations such as referencing, citation, permission procedures required in scientific writing, copyright, and plagiarism have been the subject of scientific writing literature. As this study reveals, there has been an increasing debate on the use of Chat GPT in scientific writing, especially in the last few years 8,15,17 . This obviously includes whether and how an AI model can be used in scientific writing. ...
Full-text available
Scientific knowledge has been growing continuously and rapidly in recent years. Scientific writing plays animportant role in the process of scientific knowledge. In recent years, there has been an increasing research effort on scientific writing. This research aims to reveal the growth trend of global research on scientific writing, the contributions to the field, the trending topics of the field, the main themes of the field, and the social interaction of the countries contributing to the field. For this purpose, 968 publications covering the period between 1959-2023 obtained from the Web of Science database were analysed by bibliometric analysis. According to the results of the study, scientific writing literature has shown a significant growth trend since 2010. The most productive journals in the field come from science journals such as chemistry and biology. The most productive countries are USA and UK has the highest publication impact. The countries with the highest collaboration are USA and UK respectively. The trending topic of the SW area is on the use of Chat GPT in scientific writing. The SW area is divided into four themes: scientific literacy and communication, scientific writing in medical research, scientific writing in higher education, and ethics of scientific writing. This research provided a comprehensive review of the accumulated knowledge in the field of SW and provided a holistic perspective on the field. Furthermore, some possible directions for future research are shown. This research has shown that in addition to traditional studies that provide scientific writing guidelines, SW will be shaped more by artificial intelligence developments in the coming years.
Full-text available
This paper discusses the use of Artificial Intelligence Chatbot in scientific writing. ChatGPT is a type of chatbot, developed by OpenAI, that uses the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) language model to understand and respond to natural language inputs. AI chatbot and ChatGPT in particular appear to be useful tools in scientific writing, assisting researchers and scientists in organizing material, generating an initial draft and/or in proofreading. There is no publication in the field of critical care medicine prepared using this approach; however, this will be a possibility in the next future. ChatGPT work should not be used as a replacement for human judgment and the output should always be reviewed by experts before being used in any critical decision-making or application. Moreover, several ethical issues arise about using these tools, such as the risk of plagiarism and inaccuracies, as well as a potential imbalance in its accessibility between high- and low-income countries, if the software becomes paying. For this reason, a consensus on how to regulate the use of chatbots in scientific writing will soon be required.
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While still in its infancy, ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), introduced in November 2022, is bound to hugely impact many industries, including healthcare, medical education, biomedical research, and scientific writing. Implications of ChatGPT, that new chatbot introduced by OpenAI on academic writing, is largely unknown. In response to the Journal of Medical Science (Cureus) Turing Test - call for case reports written with the assistance of ChatGPT, we present two cases one of homocystinuria-associated osteoporosis, and the other is on late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD), a rare metabolic disorder. We tested ChatGPT to write about the pathogenesis of these conditions. We documented the positive, negative, and rather troubling aspects of our newly introduced chatbot's performance.
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We reflect on our experiences of using Generative Pre-trained Transformer ChatGPT, a chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022, to draft a research article. We aim to demonstrate how ChatGPT could help researchers to accelerate drafting their papers. We created a simulated data set of 100 000 health care workers with varying ages, Body Mass Index (BMI), and risk profiles. Simulation data allow analysts to test statistical analysis techniques, such as machine-learning based approaches, without compromising patient privacy. Infections were simulated with a randomized probability of hospitalisation. A subset of these fictitious people was vaccinated with a fictional vaccine that reduced this probability of hospitalisation after infection. We then used ChatGPT to help us decide how to handle the simulated data in order to determine vaccine effectiveness and draft a related research paper. AI-based language models in data analysis and scientific writing are an area of growing interest, and this exemplar analysis aims to contribute to the understanding of how ChatGPT can be used to facilitate these tasks.
At least four articles credit the AI tool as a co-author, as publishers scramble to regulate its use. At least four articles credit the AI tool as a co-author, as publishers scramble to regulate its use. Credit: Iryna Imago/Shutterstock Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with screen showing artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with screen showing artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT
Researchers cannot always differentiate between AI-generated and original abstracts. Researchers cannot always differentiate between AI-generated and original abstracts. Credit: Ted Hsu/Alamy Webpage of ChatGPT is seen on OpenAI's website on a computer monitor Webpage of ChatGPT is seen on OpenAI's website on a computer monitor
Large language models can draft abstracts or suggest research directions, but these artificial-intelligence tools are a work in progress. Large language models can draft abstracts or suggest research directions, but these artificial-intelligence tools are a work in progress.
Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of machine intelligence focused on the interaction of human language with computer systems. NLP has recently been discussed in the mainstream media and the literature with the advent of Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), a language model capable of producing human-like text. The release of GPT-3 has also sparked renewed interest on the applicability of NLP to contemporary healthcare problems. This article provides an overview of NLP models, with a focus on GPT-3, as well as discussion of applications specific to ophthalmology. We also outline the limitations of GPT-3 and the challenges with its integration into routine ophthalmic care.