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Chiral conformity emerges from the least-time free energy consumption

The Royal Society
Interface Focus
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The prevalence of chirally pure biological polymers is often assumed to stem from some slight preference for one chiral form at the origin of life. Likewise, the predominance of matter over antimatter is presumed to follow from some subtle bias for matter at the dawn of the universe. However, rather than being imposed from the start, handedness standards in societies emerged to make things work. Since work is the universal measure of transferred energy, it is reasoned that standards at all scales and scopes emerge to consume free energy. Free energy minimization, equal to entropy maximization, turns out to be the second law of thermodynamics when derived from statistical physics of open systems. This many-body theory is based on the atomistic axiom that everything comprises the same fundamental elements known as quanta of action; hence, everything follows the same law. According to the thermodynamic principle, the flows of energy naturally select standard structures over less-fit functional forms to consume free energy in the least time. Thermodynamics making no distinction between animate and inanimate renders the question of life’s handedness meaningless and deems the search for an intrinsic difference between matter and antimatter pointless.
Cite this article: Annila A. 2023
Chiral conformity emerges from the least-time
free energy consumption. Interface Focus 13:
Received: 25 November 2022
Accepted: 17 February 2023
One contribution of 15 to a theme issue
Making and breaking symmetries in mind and
Subject Areas:
astrobiology, biophysics, systems biology
chirality, entropy, free energy, natural
selection, statistical physics, symmetry
Author for correspondence:
Arto Annila
Chiral conformity emerges from the
least-time free energy consumption
Arto Annila
Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
AA, 0000-0003-2955-2389
The prevalence of chirally pure biological polymers is often assumed to
stem from some slight preference for one chiral form at the origin of life.
Likewise, the predominance of matter over antimatter is presumed to
follow from some subtle bias for matter at the dawn of the universe. How-
ever, rather than being imposed from the start, handedness standards in
societies emerged to make things work. Since work is the universal
measure of transferred energy, it is reasoned that standards at all scales
and scopes emerge to consume free energy. Free energy minimization,
equal to entropy maximization, turns out to be the second law of thermo-
dynamics when derived from statistical physics of open systems. This
many-body theory is based on the atomistic axiom that everything com-
prises the same fundamental elements known as quanta of action; hence,
everything follows the same law. According to the thermodynamic prin-
ciple, the flows of energy naturally select standard structures over less-fit
functional forms to consume free energy in the least time. Thermodynamics
making no distinction between animate and inanimate renders the question
of lifes handedness meaningless and deems the search for an intrinsic
difference between matter and antimatter pointless.
1. Introduction
The prevalence of left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars over their
mirror-image molecules on the Earth is not truly comprehended. Likewise, the
predominance of matter over antimatter in the universe is not well understood.
Here, I argue that chiral conformity, like all standards, emerges from mini-
mizing free energy in the least time. This universal imperative states the
common cause for molecular homochirality and corpuscular charge convention
while leaving specific scenarios to these standards open.
In physics, a cause is a force, i.e. a difference in energy. However, it may
seem as if forces are negligible to favour a form over its mirror image. There
is hardly any difference in energy between two enantiomers when in a
test tube [15] or between a particle and its antiparticle when in a cloud
chamber [6,7]. Thus, under these reduced experimental conditions, the dissym-
metry in abundance between left- and right-handed forms seems inexplicable
indeed [8,9].
Then again, inthe biosphere, the force for the enantiomeric excess is enormous.
Wrong-handed molecules would block metabolism consuming free energy, ulti-
mately totalling all energy absorbed in photosynthesis. Similarly, in the cosmos,
the broken chargeparity symmetry for particles is compelling. Antiparticles
would purge particles from participating in nuclear reactions powering stars,
thereby eventually terminating all processes. And in an economy, non-standard
components would jam assembly lines and shut down activity.
From this thermodynamic perspective, free energy minimization imposes
molecular and corpuscular standards for systems to gain balance with their sur-
roundings in the least time. Thus, the tellurian homochirality convention and the
universal chargeparity violation emerged from evolution rather than from some
subtle bias during abiogenesis [10,11] and baryogenesis [12]. I motivate this view
with an all-inclusive theory of evolution derived from statistical physics.
© 2023 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
... Contemplating the asymmetric production of forms in nature, with 'Chiral conformity emerges from the leasttime free energy consumption', Arto Annila [86] describes chiral symmetry breaking ('handedness', or geometric rotational asymmetry) across multiple systems, ranging from biophysical processes to the disproportional generation of matter and antimatter in the creation of the universe. The author argues that such symmetry breaking may not necessarily involve initial biases with respect to some underlying generative process. ...
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I outline a general thermodynamic condition for the earliest steps in the origin of life based on fluctuation theorems developed in the last two decades. I argue that the exponentially developing loop of asymmetric autocatalysis and thermodynamic tail-wind condition (TTC) in the prebiotic clutter was a key to a particular trajectory of decluttering via a sequence of early symmetry breaking events. Such decluttering was bound to result, most prominently, in homochiral amino acids and homochiral sugars composing nucleotides as the TTC exponentially favoured asymmetric autocatalytic processes over catalytic and symmetric autocatalytic processes in the clutter. I describe the loop's structure, including its chemical and physical properties, and explain that the TTC/asymmetric autocatalysis loop intersected with multiple chemical, geological and climatological feedback loops, thus providing conditions for the propagation of living systems as we know them.
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About a century ago, in the spirit of ancient atomism, the quantum of light was renamed the photon to suggest that it is the fundamental element of everything. Since the photon carries energy in its period of time, a flux of photons inexorably embodies a flow of time. Thus, time comprises periods as a trek comprises legs. The flows of quanta naturally select optimal paths (i.e., geodesics) to level out energy differences in the least amount of time. The corresponding flow equations can be written, but they cannot be solved. Since the flows affect their driving forces, affecting the flows, and so on, the forces (i.e., causes) and changes in motions (i.e., consequences) are inseparable. Thus, the future remains unpredictable. However, it is not all arbitrary but rather bounded by free energy. Eventually, when the system has attained a stationary state where forces tally, there are no causes and no consequences. Since there are no energy differences between the system and its surroundings, the quanta only orbit on and on. Thus, time does not move forward either but circulates.
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Significance The selection of a single molecular handedness among the two possible configurations of a given molecule, or homochirality, is observed across all living matter and is a mystery in the origin of life. Here, we show that large chemical systems are likely to undergo a spontaneous symmetry breaking toward a homochiral state as the number of chiral species increases. Through an analysis of a large chemical database, we find that there is no need of very large molecules for chiral species to dominate over achiral ones; it already happens when molecules contain about 10 heavy atoms.
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The homochirality of biological molecules (right-handed sugars and left-handed amino acids) is a signature of life. Extensive research has been devoted to understanding how enrichment of one enantiomer over the other might have emerged from a prebiotic world. Here, we use experimental data from the model Soai autocatalytic reaction system to evaluate the energy required for symmetry breaking and chiral amplification in molecular self-replication. One postulate for the source of the original imbalance is the tiny difference in energy between enantiomers due to parity violation in the weak force. We discuss the plausibility of parity violation energy difference coupled with asymmetric autocatalysis as a rationalization for absolute asymmetric synthesis and the origin of the homochirality of biological molecules. Our results allow us to identify the magnitude of the energy imbalance that gives rise to directed symmetry breaking and asymmetric amplification in this autocatalytic system.
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