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Strategic application of imaging in DMOAD clinical trials: focus on eligibility, drug delivery, and semiquantitative assessment of structural progression

SAGE Publications Inc
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease

Abstract and Figures

Despite decades of research efforts and multiple clinical trials aimed at discovering efficacious disease-modifying osteoarthritis (OA) drugs (DMOAD), we still do not have a drug that shows convincing scientific evidence to be approved as an effective DMOAD. It has been suggested these DMOAD clinical trials were in part unsuccessful since eligibility criteria and imaging-based outcome evaluation were solely based on conventional radiography. The OA research community has been aware of the limitations of conventional radiography being used as a primary imaging modality for eligibility and efficacy assessment in DMOAD trials. An imaging modality for DMOAD trials should be able to depict soft tissue and osseous pathologies that are relevant to OA disease progression and clinical manifestations of OA. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fulfills these criteria and advances in technology and increasing knowledge regarding imaging outcomes likely should play a more prominent role in DMOAD clinical trials. In this perspective article, we will describe MRI-based tools and analytic methods that can be applied to DMOAD clinical trials with a particular emphasis on knee OA. MRI should be the modality of choice for eligibility screening and outcome assessment. Optimal MRI pulse sequences must be chosen to visualize specific features of OA.
Subchondral bone phenotype of knee osteoarthritis. Phenotypic stratification may help in selecting patients most likely to benefit from a specific candidate DMOAD molecule. Compounds targeting the subchondral bone may have an impact on bone marrow lesions. For this reason, knees with large bone marrow lesions or those with multiple lesions are included in such trials. (a) Sagittal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed image shows a large bone marrow lesion in the medial femoral condyle fulfilling the definition of the subchondral bone phenotype (arrows). In addition, there is a minor subchondral cyst and widespread full-thickness cartilage damage. Note that knees with extensive widespread full-thickness cartilage loss are likely not responsive to any anti-catabolic mode of action as there is not sufficient cartilage to preserve and measure structural DMOAD effects. Phenotypes may overlap and one knee may exhibit more than one specific phenotype. This knee also exhibits large effusion-synovitis and thus fulfills the inflammatory phenotype, in addition. (b) Sagittal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed MRI of another patient shows several tibial and femoral bone marrow lesions (arrows). In comparison with the bone marrow lesion in (a), these are smaller in size or volume but numerous and thus defining this knee as exhibiting the subchondral bone phenotype. Note that bone marrow lesions are nonspecific findings and multiple differential diagnoses apply. In this case, there is an identical-appearing signal change at the femoral metaphysis consistent with red marrow conversion in the typical location. In contrast, subchondral OA-related bone marrow lesions are localized directly adjacent to the subchondral plate.
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Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis
2023, Vol. 15: 1–14
DOI: 10.1177/
© The Author(s), 2023.
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Musculoskeletal Disease
Imaging plays an important role not only in oste-
oarthritis (OA) research in general1 but specifi-
cally also in disease-modifying OA drugs
(DMOAD) clinical trials.2 Although the OA
research community has been aware of the limita-
tions of conventional radiography as an imaging
tool,3 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
other more advanced modalities have not resulted
in regulatory approval of a DMOAD to date.
MRI enables detailed structural assessment of
OA-affected joints that is not possible using radi-
ography.4,5 Despite decades of research efforts
and multiple clinical trials to try to develop
efficacious DMOADs, we still do not have a drug
that has been approved by regulatory agencies.
It has been discussed that the radiography-based
definition of structural eligibility is one of the rea-
sons for failure of DMOAD trials.6–10 Several
plausible explanations exist to elaborate on this
statement. First, the definition of OA disease
severity based on radiography is limited due to
lack of reproducibility of radiographic joint space
measurements.3 Second, there are only weak
associations between radiography-depicted struc-
tural changes and pain.11 Third, radiography can-
not depict potentially detrimental findings, which
Strategic application of imaging in DMOAD
clinical trials: focus on eligibility, drug
delivery, and semiquantitative assessment
of structural progression
Ali Guermazi , Frank W. Roemer , Michel D. Crema, Mohamed Jarraya,
Ali Mobasheri and Daichi Hayashi
Abstract: Despite decades of research efforts and multiple clinical trials aimed at
discovering efficacious disease-modifying osteoarthritis (OA) drugs (DMOAD), we still do
not have a drug that shows convincing scientific evidence to be approved as an effective
DMOAD. It has been suggested these DMOAD clinical trials were in part unsuccessful since
eligibility criteria and imaging-based outcome evaluation were solely based on conventional
radiography. The OA research community has been aware of the limitations of conventional
radiography being used as a primary imaging modality for eligibility and efficacy assessment
in DMOAD trials. An imaging modality for DMOAD trials should be able to depict soft
tissue and osseous pathologies that are relevant to OA disease progression and clinical
manifestations of OA. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fulfills these criteria and advances
in technology and increasing knowledge regarding imaging outcomes likely should play a
more prominent role in DMOAD clinical trials. In this perspective article, we will describe
MRI-based tools and analytic methods that can be applied to DMOAD clinical trials with a
particular emphasis on knee OA. MRI should be the modality of choice for eligibility screening
and outcome assessment. Optimal MRI pulse sequences must be chosen to visualize specific
features of OA.
Keywords: clinical trial, disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs, imaging, knee osteoarthritis,
Received: 13 September 2022; revised manuscript accepted: 2 March 2023.
Correspondence to:
Ali Guermazi
Department of Radiology,
School of Medicine, Boston
University, Boston, MA
02132, USA
VA Boston Healthcare
System, 1400 VFW
Parkway, West Roxbury,
Frank W. Roemer
Department of Radiology,
Erlangen & Friedrich-
Alexander Universität
(FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Erlangen, Germany
Department of Radiology,
School of Medicine, Boston
University, Boston, MA,
Michel D. Crema
Institute of Sports
Imaging, Sports Medicine
Department, French
National Institute of Sports
(INSEP), Paris, France
Department of Radiology,
School of Medicine, Boston
University, Boston, MA,
Mohamed Jarraya
Department of Radiology,
Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, USA
Ali Mobasheri
Research Unit of Health
Sciences and Technology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Oulu, Oulu,
Department of
Regenerative Medicine,
State Research Institute
Centre for Innovative
Medicine, Vilnius,
Department of Joint
Surgery, First Affiliated
Hospital of Sun Yat-sen
University, Guangzhou,
1165558TAB0010.1177/1759720X231165558Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal DiseaseA Guermazi, FW Roemer
Musculoskeletal Disease
Volume 15
indicate an increased risk of articular collapse or
rapid disease progression.2 Last, radiography can-
not depict most of the articular and periarticular
tissues [such as menisci, cartilage, bone marrow
lesions (BMLs), ligaments, and synovitis].3
In this perspective article, we will describe how
we can wisely utilize available imaging modalities
and techniques for DMOAD trials, with an
emphasis on MRI and knee OA. We will explain
available MRI-based semiquantitative (SQ) scor-
ing systems that can be applied to DMOAD tri-
als, how to select appropriate MRI pulse
sequences depending on the specific target tissue
of the trial, how radiography can still be utilized
in DMOAD trials in combination with MRI, and
the need to consider different phenotypes of OA
when designing DMOAD trials.
X-ray-based patient selection/screening for
DMOAD trials
Radiographic SQ assessment of knee radiographs
is typically performed to select/screen participants
for DMOAD trials. Structural disease severity of
OA is defined by the Kellgren and Lawrence
(KL)12 grading system, which assigns a score
based on the presence or absence of osteophytes
and joint space narrowing. Investigators can strat-
ify patients into those who are eligible (the pres-
ence of definite OA but not end-stage OA) and
those who are ineligible (the absence of definite
OA or the presence of end-stage OA). Subjects
who have mild OA (KL grade 2) and moderate
OA (KL grade 3) are usually enrolled in DMOAD
trials. Because the radiographic appearance of
joint space width (JSW) can vary significantly
depending on the knee positioning or angulation
of the X-ray beam, it is important to acquire
standardized weight-bearing anteroposterior
bilateral knee X-rays at the time of eligibility
screening.13 For this purpose, positioning devices
such as Synaflexer™ should be used, or fluoros-
copy-guided X-ray acquisition should be per-
formed.3,14 Despite using positioning devices,
false-positive or false-negative longitudinal
change in JSW may be observed as shown in
Figure 1 in an exemplary fashion.
At baseline, JSW should be measured as a surro-
gate for the integrity of cartilage and menisci. There
are pros and cons for selecting low or high JSW
thresholds for enrolling patients, and there is mixed
literature evidence to support either choice. On one
hand, investigators may wish to include knees with
sufficiently preserved cartilage, especially for study-
ing potential anti-catabolic drug effects on articular
cartilage. For example, prior DMOAD trials have
used a threshold value of the remaining medial JSW
to be 2 mm or 2.5 mm.15–17 Using 2 mm minimal
JSW (mJSW) will lead to inclusion of a higher pro-
portion of knees because a larger number of KL
grade 2/3 patients (including those with diffuse full-
thickness chondral loss) would fulfill that crite-
rion.16,17 On the other hand, a recent clinical trial of
Sprifermin showed that selection of patients with
low minimum JSW and moderate to high knee pain
at baseline resulted in more rapid progression of
OA and knees with advanced OA showed symptom
modification by the drug.18 Furthermore, KL grade
3 knee OA was shown to progress more rapidly
than KL grade 2 knee OA.19
Figure 1. Reproducibility limitations of radiography and superiority of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in
depicting osteoarthritis as a whole-joint disease. (a) Baseline anterior–posterior (a.p.) radiograph shows a
normal medial tibiofemoral joint space width (arrows). (b) At 2 years follow-up, there is apparent definitive
joint space narrowing (arrowheads). Soft tissues are not assessable on the radiograph. (c) Baseline MRI of the
same knee shows discrete superficial cartilage thinning of the medial tibia (arrowhead) while the cartilage of
the medial femur is apparently normal. There is minimal medial meniscal extrusion of 2 mm still considered
physiologic. (d) Two years later, no definite cartilage loss is observed (arrowheads) and meniscal extrusion has
not progressed (arrow). Apparent progression on the a.p. radiograph is due to positioning errors with minimal
change in beam angulation leading to false-positive joint space narrowing.
World Health
Centre for Public
Health Aspects of
Musculoskeletal Health
and Aging, Liege,
Daichi Hayashi
Department of
Radiology, Tufts
Medical Center, Tufts
Medicine, Boston, MA,
Department of
Radiology, School
of Medicine, Boston
University, Boston,
A Guermazi, FW Roemer et al. 3
Trained and experienced musculoskeletal radiol-
ogists play a key role in X-ray-based screening for
DMOAD trials. First, they should perform the
X-ray-based eligibility reading in a centralized
fashion14 based on KL grading to exclude sub-
jects without radiographic OA (KL grade 0 or 1)
or end-stage OA (KL grade 4). Second, they
should perform the assessment of the minimum
JSW, although the same task may also be per-
formed in a semi-automated fashion using vali-
dated tools being quality checked by expert
readers after the initial assessment. Third, they
should exclude additional subjects at eligibility
who meet predefined radiographic exclusionary
findings described below. These exclusionary
findings include advanced osteonecrosis, sub-
chondral insufficiency fractures, severe varus or
valgus malalignment, large subchondral cysts
which may have a high risk of collapse during a
trial, femoral or tibial fracture, and radiographi-
cally appreciable rheumatic/neoplastic/metabolic
MRI-based eligibility screening and
phenotypic stratification of subjects
Following successful radiography-based screen-
ing and consideration of relevant exclusionary/
inclusionary criteria, MRI should be utilized as an
additional eligibility screening tool. ROAMES20
is a relatively new scoring system (published in
January 2020) and data from clinical trials using
ROAMES are yet to be published. In ROAMES,
SQ assessment of cartilage, menisci, BMLs, oste-
ophytes, synovitis (‘Hoffa-synovitis’), and joint
effusion (‘effusion-synovitis’) is performed.
Moreover, diagnoses of exclusion including sub-
chondral insufficiency fractures and meniscal
root tears are recorded as ‘present’ or ‘absent’
(Figure 2). An important aim of ROAMES is to
perform phenotypic stratification (Table 1) of
potentially eligible participants and to detect
exclusionary findings which cannot be depicted
by radiography.20,21 A recent study showed that it
is uncommon to find high-risk exclusionary MRI
findings that potentially precludes safe participa-
tion in a DMOAD trial.22 However, such exclu-
sionary findings are found in about 3% of KL
grade 2 knees and about 12% of KL grade 3
knees. This study highlights the value of using
MRI screening.22
Based on the aim of DMOAD trials and types of
agents being tested, several factors should be con-
sidered when deciding patients belonging to
which phenotype will be most suitable for inclu-
sion in a trial. Of note, in this article, we focus our
discussions to structural phenotypes that are rel-
evant to imaging-based outcome criteria.
However, there are clinical phenotypes (intra-
and systemic) and molecular endotypes (bone
and cartilage/inflammatory/low repair/metabolic)
of OA that are of interest to the broader OA
Figure 2. Diagnoses of exclusion using MRI as an instrument to define patient eligibility. (a) Axial T2-
weighted MRI shows a complete posterior root tear of the medial meniscus (arrows). (b) Corresponding
coronal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed image shows corresponding medial meniscal extrusion due
to mechanical instability of the medial meniscus (arrow). Root tears are considered high-risk findings for
rapid progression of cartilage loss and subsequent articular collapse. For this reason, patients exhibiting root
tears should not be included in clinical DMOAD trials as joints exhibiting root tears are likely not amenable to
any pharmacologic DMOAD effects. (c) Coronal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed image shows articular
collapse due to subchondral insufficiency fracture of the medial femoral condyle. There is an osteochondral
depression at the fracture site (arrow) and corresponding large bone marrow edema (asterisk). In addition,
there is a large nonspecific subchondral cyst (arrowhead). Bone cysts that potentially increase the risk for
fracture are considered exclusionary at screening.
Musculoskeletal Disease
Volume 15
research community, and those are described in
other dedicated publications.23,24 If one is testing
a compound that is aimed to regenerate cartilage,
there should be enough cartilage remaining in the
knee joint so the drug’s efficacy in cartilage regen-
eration at the site of cartilage damage can be
demonstrated. Inclusion of knees with the ‘carti-
lage-meniscus’ phenotype is likely to be most rel-
evant for such a study. However, in a recent
FNIH study, only 5% of 485 subjects (after
excluding KL grade 1 knees and those having
meniscal root tears) fulfilled the cartilage/menis-
cus phenotype based on the original ROAMES
definition.21 These knees had diffuse full-thick-
ness chondral damage and meniscal tears/macer-
ation in medial and lateral tibiofemoral
compartments. Application of a less stringent
definition with a single compartment needing to
demonstrate meniscal tear, the number of partici-
pants classified as cartilage-meniscus phenotype
rose to 21%. A recent analysis based on the FNIH
cohort showed phenotypic stratification of the
cartilage-meniscus phenotype in various subtypes
can be done, and may help to define trial cohorts
at the time of screening.25 In that analysis, KL
grade 2 knees and all definitions demonstrated
raised odds of progression, while KL grade 3
knees demonstrated an apparent protective effect.
This latter finding was likely because KL grade 3
knees stratified by the suggested definitions had
relatively mild chondral defects at the time of
ROAMES is a tool that can be used to perform
for phenotyping of knees that exhibit severe
BMLs (=predominant subchondral bone
changes), (severe BMLs), severe effusion/synovi-
tis (=predominant inflammatory changes), or
mixture of structural phenotypes in different
combinations (e.g. mixed cartilage-meniscus/sub-
chondral bone and mixed subchondral bone/
inflammatory). Depending on the exact type of
DMOAD under investigation, one must deter-
mine whether severe synovitis or BMLs are con-
traindicated for therapy, or they may interfere
with the desired effects of the compound. Figure 3
shows examples of subchondral BMLs in the con-
text of phenotypic stratification. Using ROAMES
one can stratify phenotypes to determine whether
the efficacy of the drug differs in various
Choice of MRI sequences suitable for
screening and evaluation of different
outcome measures
There are two ways of performing MRI screening
at the time of eligibility assessment of trial partici-
pants. One may choose to obtain a complete
series of MRI sequences for a comprehensive
whole joint assessment at the time of eligibility
screening. In this case, the investigators must
accept the risk of incurring extra cost of imaging
for those who are excluded after screening pro-
cess. A benefit of this approach is simplified
Table 1. Phenotypes of knee OA based on ROAMES.
Inflammatory The maximum grade of 3 of either Hoffa-synovitis or effusion-synovitis and at
least grade 2 in the respective other feature based on MOAKS
Cartilage-meniscus Presence of a meniscus score of at least grade 3 (i.e. any type of meniscal
substance loss/maceration) in the medial or lateral compartment and at least
grade 1 (any type of tear) in the other compartment, respectively, and presence
of cartilage damage grades 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, or 3.3 according to MOAKS
Subchondral bone Subregional bone marrow lesion size of grade 3 in at least one of three knee
Atrophic Osteophytes 1 in all locations of the TFJ and cartilage damage of grade 3 in at
least one MOAKS subregion of one or both compartments of the TFJ
Hypertrophic At least one osteophyte grade 3 in the medial TFJ or lateral TFJ and PFJ;
cartilage damage not more than grade 1 in any subregion of the same
compartment of the TFJ
MOAKS, Magnetic resonance Osteoarthritis Knee Score; OA, osteoarthritis; PFJ, patellofemoral joint; ROAMES, Rapid
OsteoArthritis MRI Eligibility Score; TFJ, tibiofemoral joint.
A Guermazi, FW Roemer et al. 5
logistics and patient convenience. Alternatively,
an abbreviated protocol with two quick sequences
[i.e. a sagittal and coronal PDW FS or IW FS,22
or a 3 min three-dimensional (3D) FSE sequence,
e.g. SPACE and VISTA] can be used at the time
of eligibility screening, and if a patient is indeed
eligible for inclusion, the patient will then return
to complete a full set of sequences of comprehen-
sive whole joint MRI assessment. This option is
logistically more challenging because there is a
need for two visits for included subjects in a rela-
tively short period. Some patients might decline
to return for the second full exam. So long as
there is sufficient budget, the first option would
be a preferable option for both the participants
and the researchers.
For the full MRI protocol, appropriate technical
considerations should be given. A dedicated knee
coil should be used to ascertain the best image
quality. Optimization of all MRI acquisition
parameters should be performed, including, but
not limited to, patient positioning, signal homo-
geneity, image orientation, and spatial resolution
and signal-to-noise ratio. This is an important
step to optimize quality of imaging and minimize
image degradation secondary to artifacts.26
Additional factors to consider are minimization of
patient discomfort during the MRI scan without
sacrificing image quality, and imaging cost within
the budgetary constraint. From the radiological
point of view, the most important issue is the
choice of most appropriate pulse sequences for
each specific pathological feature to be evaluated.
The use of an incorrect pulse sequence will pre-
clude the meaningful interpretation of acquired
images. Table 2 presents the summary of sug-
gested MR pulse sequences for optimum SQ
analysis of each knee OA feature, based on the
available literature evidence and authors’ own
expertise.26–28 Suggested protocols are optimally
performed on a 3T scanner, using multichannel
phased-array extremity coils for an optimal sig-
nal-to-noise ratio.29 However, 1.5T scanners will
also provide images with sufficient quality to per-
form reproducible SQ analyses.26
Fluid-sensitive fast spin echo (FSE) or turbo spin
echo (TSE) sequences [which include, for exam-
ple, T2-weighted, intermediate-weighted, or
Figure 3. Subchondral bone phenotype of knee osteoarthritis. Phenotypic stratification may help in
selecting patients most likely to benefit from a specific candidate DMOAD molecule. Compounds targeting
the subchondral bone may have an impact on bone marrow lesions. For this reason, knees with large bone
marrow lesions or those with multiple lesions are included in such trials. (a) Sagittal intermediate-weighted
fat-suppressed image shows a large bone marrow lesion in the medial femoral condyle fulfilling the definition
of the subchondral bone phenotype (arrows). In addition, there is a minor subchondral cyst and widespread
full-thickness cartilage damage. Note that knees with extensive widespread full-thickness cartilage loss are
likely not responsive to any anti-catabolic mode of action as there is not sufficient cartilage to preserve and
measure structural DMOAD effects. Phenotypes may overlap and one knee may exhibit more than one specific
phenotype. This knee also exhibits large effusion-synovitis and thus fulfills the inflammatory phenotype, in
addition. (b) Sagittal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed MRI of another patient shows several tibial and
femoral bone marrow lesions (arrows). In comparison with the bone marrow lesion in (a), these are smaller in
size or volume but numerous and thus defining this knee as exhibiting the subchondral bone phenotype. Note
that bone marrow lesions are nonspecific findings and multiple differential diagnoses apply. In this case, there
is an identical-appearing signal change at the femoral metaphysis consistent with red marrow conversion in
the typical location. In contrast, subchondral OA-related bone marrow lesions are localized directly adjacent to
the subchondral plate.
Musculoskeletal Disease
Volume 15
proton density (PD)-weighted fat-suppressed
sequences] obtained in three orthogonal planes are
time-efficient to deploy and particularly important
for evaluation of BMLs.30 Use of GRE sequences
for BML assessment31 is less suitable for SQ assess-
ment than fluid-sensitive fat-suppressed FSE/TSE
sequences because GRE sequences are relatively
insensitive to BMLs and can lead to underestima-
tion of the lesion size.32,33 A direct comparison of
BML visualization using GRE and FSE/TSE
sequences is shown in Figure 4.
GRE sequences are ideally deployed for 3D quan-
titative cartilage analysis (e.g. thickness and volu-
metric measurements), but not for focal cartilage
defects which should be evaluated using fluid-
sensitive FSE/TSE or short-tau inversion recov-
ery sequences.34,35 Another thing to consider is
that GRE sequences are prone to magnetic
susceptibility artifacts. One should be aware that
intra-articular vacuum phenomenon is depicted
as linear or punctate hypointensity within the
joint space, and misinterpreting such artifact as
meniscal damage or a chondral defect must be
Addition of a T1-weighted FSE/TSE or Dixon
sequence allows evaluation of subchondral sclero-
sis or intra-articular loose bodies with high sensi-
tivity. Angulating the imaging plane specifically
for certain structures to be assessed may be help-
ful, for example, paracoronal T2-weighted
sequence is helpful for differentiating anterior
cruciate ligament partial tears versus complete
tears. Fat-suppressed 3D FSE/TSE sequences
can be used as an alternative triplanar two-dimen-
sional (2D) TSE sequences. Both these tech-
niques can provide comparable results for SQ
Table 2. List of MRI pulse sequences that are suitable for evaluating various OA features using
semiquantitative scoring.
OA feature Imaging planes Pulse sequences (without intravenous
contrast unless otherwise stated)
Bone marrow lesions Axial/sagittal/coronal
(at least two orthogonal
T2-weighted FS TSE/FSE or STIR
Intermediate-weighted FS TSE/FSE or STIR
PD-weighted FS TSE/FSE or STIR
Osteophytes Axial/sagittal/coronal 3D high-resolution GRE (e.g. FLASH, DESS,
SPGR) and non-FS short TE-weighted (T1 is
preferred over PD)
Cartilage Variable 3D high-resolution GRE (e.g. FLASH, DESS,
SPGR) and T2-weighted* TSE, Intermediate-
weighted* TSE, or
PD-weighted* TSE (*FS or non-FS depending
on the specific research question)
Meniscus Sagittal/coronal T1-weighted FS, T2-weighted FS, PD-weighted
Ligaments Axial/sagittal/coronal Intermediate-weighted FS TSE, PD-weighted
Popliteal cyst Axial T2-weighted, PD-weighted
Synovitis on contrast
enhanced MRI
Axial/sagittal/coronal Pre- and post-contrast T1-weighted FS
Hoffa-synovitis on
noncontrast MRI
Mid-slices of the
sagittal plane
T2-weighted FS TSE, intermediate-weighted
FS, TSE, or PD-weighted FS TSE
Effusion synovitis on
noncontrast MRI
Axial T2-weighted* TSE, Intermediate-weighted*
TSE, or PD-weighted* TSE (*FS or non-FS
depending on the specific research question)
DESS, dual echo steady state; FLASH, fast low-angle shot; FS, fat-suppressed; GRE, gradient echo; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; OA, osteoarthritis; PD, proton density; SPGR, spoiled gradient echo; STIR, short-tau inversion
recovery; TE, time of echo; TSE/FSE, turbo spin echo/fast spin echo.
A Guermazi, FW Roemer et al. 7
assessment of knee OA, although 3D TSE
sequences exhibit different image characteristics
(e.g. increased blurriness).37
Thanks to modern advanced MRI techniques,
highly accelerated acquisition of imaging became
possible and scan time can be decreased to a frac-
tion of conventional scanning method. Examples
of such techniques include parallel imaging and
improvements in 3D FSE imaging, which enables
the acquisition of triplanar MRI of the knee in
less than 5 min.38–40 Artificial intelligence shows
additional promise regarding image accelera-
tion41,42 (Figure 5).
Imaging-guided intra-articular injection of
investigational drugs
Some investigational drugs and emerging biologic
treatment need to be administered through an
intra-articular injection.43–46 Such drugs include,
but not limited to, nerve growth factor agents,
fibroblast growth factors, platelet-rich plasma,
mesenchymal stem cells, etc.47 Intra-articular
injections of the knee should ideally be performed
under imaging guidance.48,49 A systematic review
revealed the superolateral approach was investi-
gated most and had the highest pooled accuracy
rate of correct injection of 91% [95% confidence
interval (CI) of 84–99%].50 An investigational
compound is unlikely to work if the injection is
extra-articular. Therefore, if an extra-articular
injection is documented, affected subjects should
be excluded from any outcome analysis to pre-
vent artificial reduction of demonstrated clinical
efficacy of the DMOAD being evaluated. Also,
the drug may cause an adverse event if it is extra-
articularly injected (e.g. development of hetero-
topic ossification or other structural side effects)
at follow-up.51 Examples of extra-articular admin-
istration with X-ray documentation are shown in
Figure 6.
To confirm correct intra-articular needle place-
ment, a lateral projection X-ray should be obtained
after injection of a small amount of intra-articular
air prior to the injection of the investigational
compound or placebo itself.52 Audible squishing
sounds after intra-articular injection of air can be
used as an additional proof of successful injec-
tion.53 Alternatively, ultrasound-guided intra-
articular drug delivery can be performed.54 This
technique is advantageous over X-ray guidance in
that real-time visualization of the needle tip posi-
tion is possible during the procedure. The pres-
ence of joint fluid in the medial or lateral gutters
can be helpful, providing an additional target for
needle placement. However, one may note that a
recent study showed that neither ultrasound-
guided nor palpation-guided intra-articular knee
injections provide a 100% success rate, using
intra-articular air visualization on lateral projec-
tion X-ray as a reference.55 Although ultrasound-
guided injection demonstrated somewhat higher
Figure 4. Relevance of sequence selection of feature-specific assessment. (a) Coronal intermediate-weighted
fat-suppressed sequence shows the medial tibiofemoral compartment. There are large bone marrow lesions
at the medial femur (arrows) and tibia (asterisk) reflected as areas of high signal intensity contrasting the
normal fatty marrow that is depicted with low signal. In addition, there are other signs of advanced structural
knee OA including widespread cartilage damage, marginal osteophytes, and meniscal extrusion. (b) Coronal
fast low-angle shot (FLASH) with water excitation (WE) MRI, a 3D high-resolution sequence, is commonly
used for cartilage quantification. This type of sequence, a gradient echo sequence, is prone to magnetic
susceptibility and thus relatively insensitive to BMLs and will lead to underestimation of the lesion size as
shown by the arrows. The tibial lesion is hardly depicted at all.
Musculoskeletal Disease
Volume 15
success rates than palpation-guided injection,
documenting the presence of intra-articular air
seems important to avoid subsequent extra-articu-
lar injection of DMOAD and to help minimize
artificial reduction of efficacy of such drugs.
SQ MRI scoring systems applicable
to DMOAD trials
There are several published SQ scoring systems
for the assessment of the articular and
periarticular tissues in knee OA. To overcome the
limitation of radiography-based evaluation, MRI
enables scoring of the whole joint including carti-
lage, menisci, BMLs, osteophytes, joint effusion,
synovitis, subchondral cysts, ligaments, and intra-
articular bodies. Some scoring systems such as
MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score (MOAKS)56 can
score the OA features of the whole joint, whereas
others may target only select features, e.g. BMLs,
synovitis, menisci, and osteophytes.20,27,57 Of
these, Rapid OsteoArthritis MRI Eligibility Score
Figure 5. Artificial intelligence applied to accelerate image acquisition. Trained convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) are used for post hoc image reconstruction. The original MRI data set is undersampled and
the missing structural information is re-created by the CNN resulting in almost equivalent image quality.
(a) Example shows coronal intermediate weighed fat-suppressed images acquired with a 7T ultrahigh-
field system. A super high-resolution matrix of 720 × 720 pixels is used with an in-plane resolution of 0.15
mm × 0.15 mm, 3 mm thickness, acquired in 9 min 30 s. (b) Fourfold undersampling with post-acquisition AI
reconstruction results in a decrease in imaging acquisition time down to 2 min 22 s. The image overall exhibits
a smoother image impression but the overall quality seems comparable. As CNNs always need extensive
training data, the future will need to show if rare findings are depicted with confidence and determination of
the ideal acceleration factor without losing relevant structural information needs to be shown in the future.
Figure 6. Example of documentation of extra-articular injection. The documentation of an intra-articular route
of administration is paramount and most easily achieved using air administered at the time of injection. (a)
Lateral radiograph shows air within Hoffa’s fat pad but not intra-articularly (arrows). (b) Another lateral X-ray
shows air in the prefemoral fat pad (arrow) but not within the joint cavity. (c) Another example shows an air
collection in the subcutaneous tissue but not in the joint (arrows).
A Guermazi, FW Roemer et al. 9
(ROAMES)20 was created so that it can be used
to evaluate the eligibility of subjects in DMOAD
trials. Investigators can use MRI SQ scoring tools
to assess multi-tissue changes between the base-
line and follow-up time points for the determina-
tion of DMOAD efficacy and safety.2,26,58 For
instance, for the evaluation of anabolic com-
pounds, SQ assessment enables investigators to
capture safety concerns such as increased ossifi-
cation and osteophyte growth. Other concerning
imaging findings that can be detected include the
occurrence of subchondral insufficiency fracture,
osteonecrosis, and others.20 When compared with
quantitative volumetric cartilage assessment
(which evaluates quantitative changes invisible to
the human eye over a period by addressing an
entire knee joint compartment or plate),59 SQ
assessment is suited to evaluate superficial, par-
tial-thickness, and full-thickness focal chondral
defects. For a more global assessment of articular
cartilage across the entire compartment or a plate,
SQ evaluation may also depict chondral loss over
time (in periods as short as 6 months)60 but has
limited ability to capture anabolic effects like car-
tilage growth.
Importance of within-grade scoring
To increase the sensitivity to detect small changes
between time points, ‘within-grade’ SQ MRI
scoring is typically performed.61 Using this meth-
odology, even a small morphologic change that
does not fulfill the criteria for a full-grade change
(i.e. score change of 1) is still recorded as a longi-
tudinal change.62 Recently, it could also be shown
that within-grade assessment is associated with
longitudinal quantitative cartilage thickness loss
supporting the assumption that within-grade
change reflects real cartilage damage progres-
sion.63 Within-grade changes are also applied for
BML assessment and have been shown to be clin-
ically valid, which is illustrated in Figure 7.61
MRI interpretations without blinding
to time points
MRI evaluation is performed at multiple time
points in a DMOAD trial to observe the struc-
tural change between the baseline and the follow-
up time points. It is a routine practice within the
OA research community to perform MRI SQ
scoring at follow-up time points without readers
being blinded to the time points.64 Scoring of
MRIs in chronological order is known to increase
sensitivity in the detection of clinically relevant
longitudinal changes. If SQ scoring is done in a
random order and a blinded manner, readers may
not be able to capture a meaningful longitudinal
score changes for each imaging feature.64
Utility of the delta-sum and
delta-subregion approaches
SQ scoring of MRI data requires careful consid-
eration so that investigators can best deploy it to
record score changes at different timepoints in
DMOAD clinical trials. To begin with, adding
together all subregional scores from the knee
joint is not an ideal way of assessing longitudinal
score changes for the joint. As an example,
BMLs can show changes in size in a short time
period, and worsening and improvement of
BMLs in different subregions can occur at the
same time in the whole joint. In this case, there
may be no apparent change in an overall score
calculated by addition of all subregional scores.
Thus, the use of a ‘summation score’ can mask
what is truly happening in the joint.65,66 Another
important consideration is the use of ‘delta-sum
and delta-subregion’ method.67 In this method,
all subregional scores are summed up to calcu-
late the overall deterioration (>0), unchanged
(0), or improvement (<0). For example, the
knee joint is divided into 14 subregions in
MOAKS. For cartilage evaluation, no change in
two subregions, worsening in seven subregions,
and improvement in four subregions yield a
delta-subregion change of +3 for the whole
knee. One can use alternative methodology for
assessment of longitudinal changes, such as the
use of maximum grades and a latent class
Conclusions and future prospects
The use of MRI from screening to outcome
assessment, likely in combination with X-ray-
based KL grading, particularly to define eligibil-
ity, is encouraged in DMOAD trials, rather than
relying solely on radiography-based imaging cri-
teria. It is important to recognize various struc-
tural phenotypes of OA to perform more targeted
clinical trials. SQ analysis tools such as ROAMES
are available to facilitate longitudinal evaluation
of OA features and to assess the efficacy of
DMOADs. The choice of appropriate MR pulse
sequences and protocols are the key to a mean-
ingful evaluation of imaging features of OA. A
tailored abbreviated protocol of two sequences
usually takes less than 7 min depending on the
Musculoskeletal Disease
Volume 15
MRI parameters, which is notably shorter than a
standard MRI protocol that takes around 15 min.
Artificial intelligence approaches will help speed
up image acquisition by a factor of around 2 in
the near future.69 Technically successful imaging-
guided intra-articular injection of investigational
drugs is important to prevent unwanted reduction
in efficacy of such drugs. We anticipate that
DMOAD research and development will focus
more on early knee OA (i.e. knees with KL grade
0 and 1), painful and symptomatic knee OA, and
knees with imaging features fulfilling the MRI
diagnosis of OA. At present, however, an MRI
definition of early OA is yet to be fully deter-
mined, and regulatory agencies are unlikely to
approve a drug that is targeting a disease status
without a validated definition (i.e. ‘early’ MRI-
defined OA). Therefore, it is likely that candidate
DMOADs will have to show efficacy in sympto-
matic patients with established structural OA
first. If we can identify patients in the earliest pos-
sible stage of OA and treat them with available
efficacious DMOADs, we may be able to prevent
patients with early knee OA from progressing into
more advanced OA with irreversible damage for
which total knee arthroplasty will be the only cur-
rent treatment option. Of note, the US Food and
Drug Administration recently proposed that
DMOADs should help patients feel and function
better.70 Our research efforts and journey toward
the discovery and clinical development of an effi-
cacious DMOAD must continue to accomplish
these aims.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Author contributions
Ali Guermazi: Conceptualization; Investigation;
Methodology; Writing – original draft; Writing –
review & editing.
Frank W. Roemer: Data curation; Visualization;
Writing – original draft; Writing – review &
Michel D. Crema: Methodology; Visualization;
Writing – original draft; Writing – review &
Mohamed Jarraya: Methodology; Visualization;
Writing – original draft; Writing – review &
Ali Mobasheri: Methodology; Visualization;
Writing – original draft; Writing – review &
Daichi Hayashi: Conceptualization; Data cura-
tion; Formal analysis; Investigation; Writing –
original draft; Writing – review & editing.
Figure 7. Within-grade assessment. Semiquantitative MRI assessment is based on expert evaluation of MRIs
applying validated scoring systems. While definitive visual change may be apparent, often lesions (particularly
bone marrow lesions and cartilage alterations) do not fulfill the definition of a so-called full-grade change.
For this reason, and particularly to increase sensitivity to change, so-called within-grade changes have been
introduced that are able to document definite change despite not fulfilling a full-grade change. Within-grade
changes have been shown to be clinically valid and to correspond to quantitative cartilage loss. (a) Coronal
short tau inversion recovery (STIR) image shows a small bone marrow lesion at the central medial femur
(arrow). (b) Follow-up MRI 1 year later shows a definite increase in size that does not fulfill the criteria for a
full-grade change (arrowhead). This is a typical example of a within-grade increase of a subchondral bone
marrow lesion.
A Guermazi, FW Roemer et al. 11
The authors received no financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Competing interests
The authors declared the following potential con-
flicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article: AG:
received consultancy fees from Pfizer, Novartis,
MerckSerono, TissueGene, AstraZeneca, and
Regeneron. He is a shareholder of Boston Imaging
Core Lab., LLC.
FWR: Consultant to Calibr and Grünenthal. He
is a shareholder to of Boston Imaging Core Lab.,
MDC: He is a shareholder to of Boston Imaging
Core Lab., LLC.
AM: received consultancy fees from Pfizer,
Novartis AG, Kolon TissueGene, Sanofi, GSK,
Haleon, Laboratoires Expanscience, CSC
Pharma, Orion Corporation, Pacira Biosciences,
and Aptissen SA. He serves on the Scientific
Advisory Board of Kolon TissueGene,
ResearchSquare and Aptissen SA.
DH: received publication royalties from Wolters
All other authors have no competing interests.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Ali Guermazi
Frank W. Roemer
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... The progression of OA is a complex process involving inflammatory, mechanical, genetic and metabolic factors and prediction of the disease course is challenging [11]. MRI-based semi-quantitative (SQ) scoring of knee OA is a method to perform multi-tissue joint assessment and has been shown to be a valid and reliable way to measure structural multi-tissue involvement and progression of knee osteoarthritis [12,13]. Both cross-sectional presence and changes in features assessed by SQ imaging have been shown to be associated with subsequent progression [14][15][16]. ...
... The two most widely used SQ scoring systems for knee OA, MOAKS (MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score) and WORMS (Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score), rely on ordinal ratings of knee features by expert readers [14,17]. While guidance is available to describe how SQ scoring may be applied and can be used for clinical trial enrichment, less information is available on how these parameters should be used to assess outcomes [12,13,[18][19][20][21]. ...
... This approach should be used with caution for features that may fluctuate. It is recommended that in addition, the number of SRs with worsening and SRs with improvement are presented separately [13,16,26]. Improving scores may be expected with certain interventions, for example pharmacologic interventions with anticipated cartilage anabolic effects, and studies investigating such interventions should also consider separate assessment of worsening and improvement. ...
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Objective Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the whole joint involving multiple tissue types. MRI-based semi-quantitative (SQ) scoring of knee OA is a method to perform multi-tissue joint assessment and has been shown to be a valid and reliable way to measure structural multi-tissue involvement and progression of the disease. While recent work has described how SQ scoring may be used for clinical trial enrichment and disease phenotyping in OA, less guidance is available for how these parameters may be used to assess study outcomes. Design Here we present recommendations for summarizing disease progression within specific tissue types. We illustrate how various methods may be used to quantify longitudinal change using SQ scoring and review examples from the literature. Results Approaches to quantify longitudinal change across subregions include the count of number of subregions, delta-subregion, delta-sum, and maximum grade changes. Careful attention should be paid to features that may fluctuate, such as bone marrow lesions, or with certain interventions, for example pharmacologic interventions with anticipated cartilage anabolic effects. The statistical approach must align with the nature of the outcome. Conclusions SQ scoring presents a way to understand disease progression across the whole joint. As OA is increasingly recognized as a heterogeneous disease with different phenotypes a better understanding of longitudinal progression across tissue types may present an opportunity to match study outcome to patient phenotype or to treatment mechanism of action.
... These challenges, along with the long-term futility of conventional radiography, bring into focus the crucial importance of combining biochemical markers with more sensitive imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in early disease detection and progression monitoring as well as OA drug development [83]. The ongoing challenges also offer new and exciting opportunities for innovation and for the OA research community and pharmaceutical companies involved in developing DMOADs to develop better drugs. ...
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis globally and a major cause of pain, physical disability, and loss of economic productivity, with currently no causal treatment available. This review article focuses on current research on OA biomarkers and the potential for using biomarkers in future clinical practice and clinical trials of investigational drugs. We discuss how biomarkers, specifically soluble ones, have a long path to go before reaching clinical standards of care. We also discuss how biomarkers can help in phenotyping and subtyping to achieve enhanced stratification and move toward better-designed clinical trials. We also describe how biomarkers can be used for molecular endotyping and for determining the clinical outcomes of investigational cell-based therapies. Biomarkers have the potential to be developed as surrogate end points in clinical trials and help private-public consortia and the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries develop more effective and targeted personalized treatments and enhance clinical care for patients with OA.
The review examines pharmacological agents that can have potential disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs (disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs, DMOADs) status. DMOADs prevent the progression and further structural damage of the joint (structure-modifying effect), leading to a decrease in symptoms severity (symptom-modifying effect), such as pain, and improvement of joint function. Approaches to potential DMOADs selection are discussed: (1) the preferred target (bone, cartilage, synovia); (2) action drug mechanism / anti-cytokine therapy (matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, inhibitors of pro-inflammatory interleukins, etc.). The main delivery systems of drugs claiming to be of DMOADs status and possible contribution of immunological mechanisms to osteoarthritis pathogenesis are considered. Methods evaluating the effectiveness of DMOADs therapy are of great interest (cytology, microscopy, radiological research methods, blood and synovia biochemical markers). Based on research results analysis, the following substances can be considered as potential DMOADs: chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, undenatured type II collagen, vitamin D. Each of them has symptommodifying and structural-modifying effects.
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Background and Objectives: For the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA), intra-articular platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and novel crosslinked single-dose hyaluronic acid (HA) have both been reported to improve outcomes, but no study has compared them for the treatment of knee OA. We hypothesized patients with early-stage knee OA who received PRP injections would have more WOMAC score changes than those who received HA injections. This is the first prospective, double-blind, parallel, randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of intra-articular single-dose PRP versus novel crosslinked HA (HyajointPlus) for treating early-stage knee OA. Materials and Methods: This study analyzed 110 patients randomized into the PRP (n = 54) or HA (n = 56) groups. The primary outcome is the change of WOMAC score at 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-ups compared to baseline. Results: The data revealed significant improvements in all WOMAC scores in the PRP group at 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-up visits compared with the baseline level except for the WOMAC stiffness score at the 1-month follow up. In the HA group, significant improvements were observed only in the WOMAC pain score for all the follow-up visits and in WOMAC stiffness, function, and total scores at 6-month follow-up. When comparing the change of WOMAC score at 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-ups, no significant differences were found between PRP and HA group. Conclusions: This study revealed that both PRP and HA can yield significant improvements in WOMAC scores at 6-month follow-up without any between-group differences at 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-ups. Thus, both the single-injection regimens of PRP and HA can improve the functional outcomes for treating early-stage knee OA.
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Objective Aim was to describe three definitions for an MRI-defined cartilage-meniscus phenotype and to report phenotypic progression in Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) 2 and 3 knees over 48 months. Methods The study sample was a nested case-control study with knees showing either 1) radiographic and pain progression (“composite” case), 2) radiographic progression only, 3) pain progression only, and 4) no progression. MRI was performed on 3T systems. MRIs were read according to the MOAKS system. Knees were classified as having the cartilage-meniscus phenotype according to three modified ROAMES (Rapid OsteoArthritis MRI Eligibility Score) definitions (D): 1) ≤ 2.2 (10–75% of the region of cartilage surface area with 10–75% affected by full thickness loss), i.e. ‘D1’ 2) ≤ 2.1 (10–75% of the region of cartilage surface area with <10% affected by full thickness loss), i.e. ‘D2’ and 3) ≤ 2.0 (10–75% of the region of cartilage surface area without full thickness loss), i.e. ‘D3’. The odds of being a composite case for those with vs. without each definition was determined using logistic regression. Results 485 knees were included. For KL2 knees 191 (64%) knees fulfilled D1 criteria, 183 (62%) D2 and 167 (56%) D3. For KL3 these numbers were 164 (87%), 103 (55%) and 77 (41%). Odds for being a composite case for KL2 knees were 2.52 (95% CI 1.40,4.54) for D1, 1.93 (95% CI 1.11,3.35) for D2 and 1.92 (95% CI 1.13,3.28) for D3. For KL3 knees odds were 0.32 (95% CI 0.13,0.78) for D1, 0.56 (95% CI 0.31,1.01) for D2 and 0.49 (95% CI 0.26,0.91) for D3. Conclusion Increased odds for progression are seen for KL2 knees for all definitions, while this was not observed for KL3 knees. KL3 knees exceeding the maximum damage thresholds and not fulfilling the phenotypic definitions are still likely to experience further progression.
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In spite of a major public health burden with increasing prevalence, current osteoarthritis (OA) management is largely palliative with an unmet need for effective treatment. Both industry and academic researchers have invested a vast amount of time and financial expense to discover the first diseasing-modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs), with no regulatory success so far. In this narrative review, we discuss repurposed drugs as well as investigational agents which have progressed into phase II and III clinical trials based on three principal endotypes: bone-driven, synovitis-driven and cartilage-driven. Then, we will briefly describe the recent failures and lessons learned, promising findings from predefined post hoc analyses and insights gained, novel methodologies to enhance future success and steps underway to overcome regulatory hurdles.
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Purpose: To prospectively compare the efficacy and safety of intra-articular injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with hyaluronic acid (HA) and glucocorticosteroid (CS) control groups for knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in a randomized, triple-parallel, single-center clinical trial. Methods: A total of 75 patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups receiving a single injection of either leukocyte-poor platelet-rich plasma (25 knees), hyaluronic acid (25 knees), or glucocorticosteroid (25 knees). The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) score was collected at baseline and 6, 12, and 26 weeks after treatment. Results: After 6 weeks of PRP administration, a decrease in the mean WOMAC value was observed in all three study groups. Three months after administration, the greatest decrease in the mean WOMAC value was obtained in the PRP group. The results in the HA and CS groups were similar (p = 0.681). In the one-way analysis of variance and post hoc analysis using the HSD Tukey test, a significantly greater improvement was shown by comparing the PRP and CS groups (p = 0.001), and the PRP and HA groups (p = 0.010). After intra-articular injection of CS, the reduction in pain was greatest 6 weeks after administration, and the mean value was the lowest among all groups. During subsequent visits, the value of the pain subscale increased, and after 6 months, it was the highest among the studied groups. Using the Wilcoxon paired test, no PRP effect was found to reduce stiffness at the 6-month follow-up (p = 0.908). Functional improvement was achieved in all groups, i.e., a decrease in the value of this subscale 6 months after administration. The largest decrease was seen in the group that received PRP (p < 0.001) and then in the HA group. The smallest decrease among the investigated methods was shown in the CS group. Conclusions: Intra-articular injections of PRP can provide clinically significant functional improvement for at least 6 months in patients with mild to moderate KOA which is superior to HA or CS injections.
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Background: Numerous reports confirmed the safety and clinical efficacy of autologous adipose-derived stromal vascular fractions (SVF), which have recently been used to treat osteoarthritis (OA). However, there is still no consensus as to whether SVF can promote cartilage regeneration. Herein, the purpose of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of SVF versus hyaluronic acid (HA) in cartilage regeneration by establishing a cartilage model based on the three-dimensional fat-suppressed spoiled gradient recalled echo (3D-FS-SPGR) sequence. Methods: Patients with symptomatic OA were recruited in our research, who were randomized into two groups. Meanwhile, patients in Kellgren-Lawrence (K-L) grades 2 and 3 were distinguished in each group. In the test group, patients received SVF injections of the knee, while patients in the control group received the same dose of HA. Each patient underwent the 3D-FS-SPGR sequence to establish a cartilage model at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months, respectively. The cartilage was characterized into six regions, and relevant parameters of the cartilage model were counted. Clinical and radiographic scores were recorded in one-year follow-up. Results: In all regions, the thickness and volume of cartilage defect and the volume of healthy cartilage were improved to some extent in the test group, especially the medial femoral condyle (MF) and medial tibial condyle (MT). In grades 2 and 3, the thickness and volume of cartilage defect decreased by 0.92 ± 0.18 mm and 1.03 ± 0.23 mm and 84.00 ± 32.30 mm3 and 130.30 ± 49.56 mm3 in MF and by 0.96 ± 0.22 mm and 0.99 ± 0.14 mm and 64.18 ± 21.40 mm3 and 95.11 ± 19.93 mm3 in MT, respectively. No such phenomenon was observed in the control group. Meanwhile, the SVF-treated knees showed significant improvement in clinical and radiographic scores at 12 months. Nevertheless, these scores of the control group became worse at 12-month follow-up visit. Conclusion: Taken together, this study shows that intra-articular injection of SVF markedly improved the clinical symptoms without adverse events, thereby repairing the damaged articular cartilage through cartilage regeneration.
Background MRI is a powerful diagnostic tool with a long acquisition time. Recently, deep learning (DL) methods have provided accelerated high-quality image reconstructions from undersampled data, but it is unclear if DL image reconstruction can be reliably translated to everyday clinical practice. Purpose To determine the diagnostic equivalence of prospectively accelerated DL-reconstructed knee MRI compared with conventional accelerated MRI for evaluating internal derangement of the knee in a clinical setting. Materials and Methods A DL reconstruction model was trained with images from 298 clinical 3-T knee examinations. In a prospective analysis, patients clinically referred for knee MRI underwent a conventional accelerated knee MRI protocol at 3 T followed by an accelerated DL protocol between January 2020 and February 2021. The equivalence of the DL reconstruction of the images relative to the conventional images for the detection of an abnormality was assessed in terms of interchangeability. Each examination was reviewed by six musculoskeletal radiologists. Analyses pertaining to the detection of meniscal or ligament tears and bone marrow or cartilage abnormalities were based on four-point ordinal scores for the likelihood of an abnormality. Additionally, the protocols were compared with use of four-point ordinal scores for each aspect of image quality: overall image quality, presence of artifacts, sharpness, and signal-to-noise ratio. Results A total of 170 participants (mean age ± SD, 45 years ± 16; 76 men) were evaluated. The DL-reconstructed images were determined to be of diagnostic equivalence with the conventional images for detection of abnormalities. The overall image quality score, averaged over six readers, was significantly better (P < .001) for the DL than for the conventional images. Conclusion In a clinical setting, deep learning reconstruction enabled a nearly twofold reduction in scan time for a knee MRI and was diagnostically equivalent with the conventional protocol. © RSNA, 2023 Supplemental material is available for this article. See also the editorial by Roemer in this issue.
INTRODUCTION Knee osteoarthritis (OA) affects an estimated 14 million adults in the US, but no disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) that slow or stop disease progression have been approved to date. The absence of MRI screening prior to enrolling patients to clinical trials may be a contributing factor to failure of such trials due to possible inclusion of participants with safety signals such as existing pathology that that are indicative of a high-risk of OA progression or joint collapse, and as such would not be amenable by any pharmacologic DMOAD approaches. Presence of such findings should be part of exclusion criteria that would preclude participation in a randomized controlled DMOAD trial. Knees without any cartilage damage in any compartment are unlikely to demonstrate a clinically relevant response to cartilage-anabolic compounds and could also be considered for exclusion from DMOAD trials of this class of drugs to minimize risk to participants who are unlikely to benefit. OBJECTIVE Our objective was to estimate the prevalence of potential high risk exclusionary findings seen on knee MRI in a sample of knees with radiographic OA that would potentially qualify for a DMOAD trial, as well as intermediate-risk exclusionary findings. In addition, we estimated the prevalence of Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) 2 and 3 knees without any cartilage damage. METHODS We selected knees from the OAI with baseline radiographs centrally graded as KL 2 or 3, and medial minimum joint space width (mJSW) ≥ 1.5mm, common structural inclusion criteria for DMOAD trial enrollment. A musculoskeletal radiologist with 10 years of experience in MRI-based semiquantitative scoring of knee OA utilizing coronal intermediate weighted (IW) TSE and sagittal fat-suppressed IW TSE sequences on 3T MRI. Knee MRIs were scored for high-and intermediate-risk exclusionary MRI findings, as well as cartilage damage in any compartment. High-risk exclusionary MRI findings were defined as complete meniscus root tear, subchondral insufficiency fracture/spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee, osteochondritis dissecans, avascular necrosis, bone marrow infiltration, pigmented villonodular synovitis, large (>5cm) enchondroma, other solid tumors, stress fracture/traumatic contusion, findings suggestive of inflammatory disease (gout, RA, amyloid), large bone cysts, vascular findings (thrombosis or aneurysm), primary osteochondromatosis, hereditary multiple osteochondromas, meniscal bucket handle tear, and patella absent/surgically removed. Intermediate risk exclusionary MRI findings included incomplete meniscus root tear with extrusion > 3mm in the same compartment, intermediate size enchondroma (3-5 cm), tendon tear, severe tendinopathy, Hoffa's disease, and large parameniscal cyst/bursitis. Cartilage damage was scored in the medial and lateral tibiofemoral as well as the patellofemoral compartment. 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated with clustering at the participant-level to account for some participants with more than one knee included in the analysis. RESULTS We identified 3,446 knees from 2,372 participants with KL 2,3 knees and medial mJSW ≥ 1.5mm (KL2: 2,318; KL3:1,128). High risk exclusionary MRI findings were found in 192 knees overall, with a prevalence of 2.6% (95%CI: 2.0, 3.4) among KL2 knees and 11.6% (95%CI: 9.7, 13.9) among KL3 knees (figure 1). The most common finding was complete medial meniscus posterior root tear i.e., (KL2: 1.1% [95%CI: 0.7, 1.6] and KL3: 9.8% [95%CI: 8.0, 11.8]), followed by subchondral insufficiency fracture (overall 0.6% [95%CI: 0.4, 0.9]). Individually, other exclusionary criteria were rare, observed in ≤ 0.2% of the sample. Intermediate risk exclusionary findings were seen among 2.0% [95%CI: 1.5, 2.6] of KL2 knees and 5.1% [95%CI: 3.9, 6.6] of KL3 knees. The prevalence of chondroid lesions was 1.5% (95%CI: 1.2, 2.0) overall, predominately small, though some intermediate and large (i.e., 39, 10, and 4 knees, respectively). Of note, 9.8% (95%CI: 8.5, 11.1) of KL2 knees, and 2.0% (95%CI: 1.1, 2.9) of KL3 knees had no evidence of cartilage damage in any of the three compartments of the knee. Examples of exclusionary findings are shown in figure 2. CONCLUSION Although high risk exclusionary MRI findings that may preclude safe participation in DMOAD trials are individually uncommon, in aggregate, they are present in ∼3% of KL2 knees and ∼12% of KL3 knees, with complete medial meniscus posterior root tear the most common finding. There are additional intermediate risk exclusionary findings that may also have a detrimental effect on joint health in ∼2% of KL2 knees and ∼5% of KL3 knees. Knees without cartilage damage likely should not be included in DMOAD trials of cartilage-anabolic compounds. Our findings emphasize the potential value of implementing MRI screening using a simplified image acquisition approach (2 sequences only) for selection of patients to DMOAD trials to minimize potential safety signals. DICLOSURE STATEMENT AG has received consultancies fees from Pfizer, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Merck Serono, Regeneron and TissueGene and is shareholder of Boston Imaging Core Lab (BICL), LLC a company providing image assessment services. FWR is shareholder of BICL, LLC and has received consultancies fees from Calibr–California Institute of Biomedical Research and Grünenthal, GmbH. DH receives publication royalties from Wolters-Kluwer. CKK has received consultancy fees from Thuasne, Regeneron, Novartis, Kolon Tissue Gene, Taiwan Liposome, Amzell AZ, LG Chem, Express Scripts, and has received grants from Lilly, Pfizer GSK, Cumberland CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: [email protected]
INTRODUCTION To date no study has investigated the actual technical success rate of IA injections into the joint space. Knowledge of technical success is relevant to determine potential efficacy confounders due to inappropriate injection. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to determine the success rate of intra-articular injection of an investigational treatment of knee osteoarthritis pain into the knee joint with and without ultrasound guidance, using radiographic documentation of intra-articular air injection as the reference. METHODS Between December 2020 and March 2022, 216 patients underwent intra-articular injection of an investigational treatment, a cryopreserved Amniotic Suspension Allograft (ASA, Organogenesis, Canton, MA) into the knee joint, either under ultrasound guidance or with palpation-based injection without imaging guidance. Injection of the study treatment was performed in a phase 3 prospective double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled, parallel group, randomized control trial (RCT) in subjects with moderate to severe symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Injection was performed by physicians or physician-assistants in Orthopedics, Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, or Radiology. Inclusion criteria were the presence of radiographic knee OA (Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2 or above) and knee pain. About half of the recruited patients underwent ultrasound guided injection and the other half had palpation-guided injection without imaging guidance. 1 mL of 1% lidocaine was used to anesthetize the skin and periarticular tissues with a 27g needle prior to using a 21g 1.5-inch needle or 22g 3-inch needle for joint aspiration and injection of either ASA (2mL ASA + 2 mL saline) or 4 mL placebo (USP normal saline). After the injection of study treatment, and with the needle in the same exact location, 10 mL of air were injected, and a lateral X-ray of the knee was performed within 10 minutes to document the presence of intra-articular air. Radiographs were read by a musculoskeletal radiologist blinded to injection technique. Patients’ age, gender, body mass index (BMI), and radiographic knee OA grade were recorded. Collected data (success rate of intra-articular injection) were stratified according to guidance method (with or without ultrasound), approach of injection (medial, lateral suprapatellar, anterior), specialty of injector (Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Internal Medicine, or Radiology), experience of injector (<10 years, 10 years or more but <20 years, 20 years or more), sex, BMI, and Kellgren and Lawrence grade. One-sided Cochran-Armitage test for trend was used to evaluate if there was decreasing success rate with increasing BMI, and to evaluate if there was increasing success rate with increasing injector experience. RESULTS Included were 216 patients whose mean age was 59.8 (SD ± 10.2) years, and mean BMI 30.6 (4.8). 134 patients were male (62.0%). 94 patients had US-guided injection and 117 patients had palpation-guided injection. Details of demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Of these, 159 injections were intra-articular and 42 extra-articular. 3 injections were indeterminate since air was not visible on the X-ray and excluded from analysis. Although US-guided injection had higher success rate (80/94, 85.1%) than palpation-based injection (89/117, 76.1%), there was no statistically significant difference (p=0.10). There was no difference of success rate with respect of injection approach (medial or lateral, p=0.75). No statistically significant difference in success rate was seen regarding injector specialty, patient sex, BMI, or radiographic OA grade (Table 1). Table 2 also shows more experienced injectors had better success rate than less experienced injectors albeit not statistically significant (p=0.11). There was no trend for decreasing success rate of intra-articular injection with increasing BMI (3 categories), with p-value=0.43. CONCLUSION Neither ultrasound-guided nor palpation-guided injection provides 100% success rate for intra-articular injection of the knee as demonstrated by intra-articular air visualization on radiography. The more experienced operators have a higher success rate, with a threshold of 10 years of experience, while specialty or training seems to be less relevant. While ultrasound-guided injection showed somewhat higher success rates compared to palpation-guided injection, documentation of intraarticular injection using air seems paramount to avoid subsequent extra-articular injection of investigational or disease modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMAOD) compound and thus, maximize efficacy. SPONSOR No funding was received for the analysis of this Study. DICLOSURE STATEMENT AG has received consultancies from Pfizer, Novartis, Regeneron, AstraZeneca, Merck Serono, and TissueGene and is shareholder of Boston Imaging Core Lab (BICL), LLC. FWR is shareholder of BICL, LLC. and has received consultancies, speaking fees, and/or honoraria from Calibr –California Institute of Biomedical Research and Grünenthal, GmbH. MDC is shareholder of BICL, LLC. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: [email protected]
From June 30 to July 2, 2021, the 15th International Workshop on Osteoarthritis Imaging (IWOAI) was held as hybrid meeting with attendees joining both in-person in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and on-line. The theme of this meeting, “Open Up: The Multifaceted Nature of OA Imaging”, reflected the wide range of topics related to imaging or osteoarthritis (OA) that was featured during the workshop, as well as the diverse background of the attendees. This article presents a summary of the topics, new insights and research priorities that were presented and discussed during the plenary sessions at the IWOAI 2021.