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Continuous electroencephalogram (cEEG) findings and neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonates with congenital heart disease (CHD) at 12-24 months of age

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Objective This study aims to assess the role of continuous EEG (cEEG) background patterns and duration of cross-clamp time and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to predict abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes at 12–24 months on Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III). Study design: This retrospective cohort study included infants with CHD and cEEG monitoring, who underwent surgery by 44 weeks gestational age. Results: 34 patients were included, who were operated at median age − 7 days. Longer duration of cross- camp time was associated with poor language composite scores (LCS) (p value = 0.036). A significant association existed between severity of encephalopathy in 24-hour post-operative period and poor LCS (p value = 0.026). Conclusion: Majority of neonates with CHD have below average cognitive, language and motor composite scores on BSID-III. Longer duration of cross-clamp time and severity of encephalopathy during 24-hour post-operative EEG monitoring are associated with poor LCS.
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Continuous electroencephalogram (cEEG) ndings
and neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonates
with congenital heart disease (CHD) at 12-24
months of age
Swetha Padiyar ( )
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital
Neil Friedman
Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ
Elia Pestana-Knight
Cleveland Clinic
Linda Franic
Cleveland Clinic
Sarah Worley
Cleveland Clinic
Hany Aly
Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital
Posted Date: April 7th, 2023
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 
Read Full License
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This study aims to assess the role of continuous EEG (cEEG) background patterns and duration of cross-
clamp time and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to predict abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes at
12–24 months on Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III).
Study design: This retrospective cohort study included infants with CHD and cEEG monitoring, who
underwent surgery by 44 weeks gestational age.
Results: 34 patients were included, who were operated at median age − 7 days. Longer duration of cross-
camp time was associated with poor language composite scores (LCS) (p value = 0.036). A signicant
association existed between severity of encephalopathy in 24-hour post-operative period and poor LCS (p
value = 0.026).
Conclusion: Majority of neonates with CHD have below average cognitive, language and motor
composite scores on BSID-III. Longer duration of cross-clamp time and severity of encephalopathy during
24-hour post-operative EEG monitoring are associated with poor LCS.
Congenital heart disease (CHD) encompasses both structural and non-structural anomalies present at
birth.1,2 Congenital heart defects or structural malformations of the heart are the most common type of
birth defects in the US with an incidence of 4–50/1000 live births reported by various studies.3 Neonates
with CHD have an increased risk of brain injury. The etiology of brain injury in neonates who undergo
corrective surgery for CHD is multifactorial.4 Hypothesized etiologies include disturbances in brain
metabolic function, brain injury, and abnormal brain development in addition to genetic predisposition.5
Neurodevelopmental disability after congenital cardiac surgery is common and is the most consequential
sequelae of congenital heart disease (CHD).6,7 Recent literature shows higher risk of neurodevelopmental
impairment such as diculties with language, attention, academic achievement, ne and gross motor
skills and psychological factors in this population. 8–11 Prospective studies in infants with CHD who had
undergone cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery reported cognitive outcomes within the low normal
range with motor outcomes > 1 standard deviation below population means.8,12 Mortality rate and
survival outcomes in neonates with CHD undergoing surgical repair have improved over time, with
advances in medical therapies, surgical techniques and critical care management. It is estimated that
more than 90% of these children survive into adulthood.13 14 Given the increased survival rate, focus has
now shifted from preventing mortality to preventing adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Methods to
identify brain injury and predict neurodevelopmental outcomes using non-invasive neuro-diagnostic tests
such as continuous electroencephalography (cEEG) could improve prognostication and long-term
monitoring in these children. The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) guidelines
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recommends long term EEG monitoring in neonates and infants with CHD that require early surgery.15 A
previous study showed that only 55% of infants had normal pre-operative EEG. 16 Clinical seizures during
post-operative period have been described in 5–20% of neonates whereas EEG only seizures are more
common occurring in 5–26% neonates.17–23 A strong predictive value of adverse neurological and
developmental outcomes at 1 year of age was found in neonates who had evidence of seizure activity
within rst 48 hours in the post-operative period.24 Also, increased mortality was signicantly associated
with occurrence of post-operative seizures and delay in recovery of the aEEG background pattern beyond
48 hours.25 The value of cEEG monitoring to assess abnormal cerebral activity in the pre and post-
operative period in larger groups of neonates with CHD undergoing palliative or corrective cardiac surgery
has not been previously reported. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to assess the role of
cEEG background patterns, presence of sleep wake cycles and seizure activity in the pre-operative and
post-operative period to predict abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes at 12–24 months in neonates
with congenital heart disease requiring cardiac surgery. We also investigated if there was an association
between cross clamp time, arrest time and CPB time with cognitive, language and motor scores on Bayley
Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID – III) at 12–24 months. The secondary aim was to
evaluate intra-operative factors such as cross clamp time, arrest time and CPB time and its correlation
with cEEG ndings after cardiac surgery. We hypothesized that infants with CHD have abnormal pre-
operative and post- operative cEEG ndings and that these abnormalities were associated with poor
outcomes in BSID- III scores at 12–24 months of age.
Study population:
This retrospective cohort study was performed at the neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (NICU
and PICU) of Cleveland Clinic Childrens Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. From the medical records
database, all infants that had been admitted with a diagnosis of CHD between January 2010 to
December 2018 and had been monitored with cEEG were identied. In our hospital, cEEG is a routine
procedure in all critically ill infants with CHD prior to and after cardiac surgery. The surgical management
of CHD did not change during this period. Infants with any type of CHD who underwent cardiac surgery
using CPB from birth until 44 weeks gestational age (GA) were included in the study. Neonates with
gestational age less than 36 weeks, conrmed genetic disorders, multiple congenital anomalies or known
underlying neurological abnormalities were excluded from the study. Infants that were transferred to
another facility prior to critical care service discontinuation and infants who underwent cardiac
transplantation within 30 months of cardiac surgery were also excluded. The study was approved by the
Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Pediatric Institute Research Committee at Cleveland Clinic
Continuous EEG (cEEG):
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A 19-channel continuous cEEG recording was performed prior to and for at least 24 hours after cardiac
surgery. Post-operative cEEG was started after the patient was transferred to the ICU and hemodynamic
stability was achieved. Only infants with pre-operative and post-operative cEEG recordings were included
in this study. Twenty electrodes were placed according to the international 10–20 montage system
(modied for neonates) with collodion adhesive. 9 The cEEG service includes acquisition and review
software, network infrastructure, trained and licensed EEG technologists and physicians. The Cleveland
Clinic EEG laboratory is accredited by ABRET. cEEG was performed using the Nihon-Koden digital video
EEG system with a portable EEG acquisition machine networked to the main server allowing EEG review
at the bedside and also, remotely in the central monitoring unit.
cEEG variables such as background patterns, inter-burst interval (IBI) – amplitude and duration,
symmetry, synchrony, presence of sleep wake cycles, grapho-elements and seizure activity were
assessed. The cEEGs were classied as normal or abnormal based on background patterns. Normal EEG
background was dened as normal continuity and discontinuity (IBI < 4 seconds in quiet sleep), IBI
Amplitude 25–50 µV in awake or active sleep, symmetry and synchrony, spontaneous cycling among
wake, active and quiet sleep and normal grapho-elements. Furthermore, severity of encephalopathy was
graded as mild, mild-moderate, moderate, moderate-severe, severe encephalopathy according to
classication of neonatal EEGs by Shellhaas et al based on EEG background features including presence
or lack of continuity or discontinuity, synchrony, symmetry, IBI amplitude and duration and grapho-
elements seen during most part of the EEG recording. 15,26 Sleep wake cycle was graded as normal or
absent. Epileptic activity was classied as single seizure, multiple seizures or status epilepticus. Ictal
discharges were characterized for timing, multifocality, lateralization and anti-seizure medication.
Immediate post-operative EEG was obtained as bedside cEEG monitoring for initial 60 minutes post-
surgery. All neonatal EEGS were interpreted by the pediatric epileptologist team for clinical purposes. For
the study, cEEG recordings were assessed independently by two investigators, one a neonatologist with
experience in cEEG interpretation and second, a senior EEG technician. If any discrepancies in ndings
were noted, nal decisions were made by a pediatric epileptologist. cEEG ndings were described for the
entire length of available recording for each neonate.
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development – 3rd edition (BSID-III):
The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III; Bayley, 1993, 2006) is an
individually administered instrument designed to assess the developmental functioning of infants,
toddlers, and young children aged between 1 and 42 months. The Bayley-III provides coverage of the
following ve domains: cognitive, language, motor, adaptive, and social-emotional development. For this
study, we used the three main domains – cognitive scale, language scale (includes receptive and
expressive communication) and motor scale (includes gross and ne motor skills). A mean composite
score of 100 was considered within normal limit, with a standard deviation of 15. A score between 70–85
was considered as mild delay, scores between 55–70 as moderate delay and scores below 55 was
classied as profound delay.
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Clinical Parameters:
Baseline characteristics that were recorded included demographics, birth history (gestational age, birth
weight, Apgar scores, cord pH, mode of delivery), type of CHD and details pertaining to the surgery
including age at surgery, pre-operative and discharge oxygen saturation, The Society of Thoracic
Surgeons-European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (STAT) score, type of surgical repair, time to
rst chest closure, days till rst extubation, extra-corporeal support days, CPB time, cross clamp time,
regional cerebral perfusion time, cardiac arrest requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation, acute kidney
injury, intensive care length of stay, total length of stay, use of steroids and sedatives started in 24–48
hours post operatively were also noted. Neonates were classied as Class 1 (Two ventricles with no aortic
arch obstruction), Class 2 (Two ventricles with aortic arch obstruction), Class 3 (One ventricle without
arch obstruction), and Class 4 (One ventricle with arch obstruction) based on the American Heart
Association (AHA) anatomic classication of CHD.
Data Collection:
Data were collected and managed using Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap), a web based
electronic application through Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital.
Statistical Analysis:
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS 9.4 software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). All analyses
were performed on a complete-case basis and all tests were two-tailed and performed at a signicance
level of 0.05. Data were described using medians and ranges for continuous variables and counts and
percentages for categorical variables. Associations of cEEG ndings were assessed using non-parametric
Kruskal-Wallis tests for categorical variables and Spearman rank correlations for continuous and ordinal
ndings. P- values of < 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical signicance.
A total of 98 patients with CHD who underwent surgical correction with CPB were identied. Of these 98
patients, 87 patients underwent surgery by chronological age of 44 weeks. 21 patients were excluded
from the study. The reasons for not undergoing cEEG monitoring included patients transferred from
outside facilities for surgical correction and critical clinical condition in the immediate post-operative
period requiring repeat surgical intervention. 32 infants had no EEG recordings or BSID follow up. The
nal cohort consisted of 34 infants as shown in Fig. 1.
Patient demographic characteristics and neurological assessments are shown in Table 1. Of the 34
patients included in the study, 21 (62%) were males and 32 (94%) belonged to non-Hispanic ethnic group.
The median gestational age was 39 weeks (IQR 36–42). Surgery in these infants took place at median
age of 7 days (IQR 0–44), with median length of ICU stay of 13 days (IQR 2.0–69) and total length of
stay 24 days (IQR 8.0–218). 1 out of 34 patients died in the post-operative period, with an overall
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mortality rate of 2.9%. All 34 neonates had neurological abnormalities during long term follow-up. Most
common neurological abnormality observed was developmental delay (76%) and microcephaly (35%).
Only 3 neonates had pre-operative MRI done, all of which were abnormal showing a stroke in 2 out of 3
neonates. 34 neonates had pre- and 18 neonates had post-operative head US obtained showing
abnormal results in 33% of neonates after surgery.
The cardiac defects were Class 1 in 14 neonates (41%), Class 2 in 6 neonates (18%), Class 3 in 6
neonates (18%) and Class 4 in 8 neonates (24%) as shown in Table 2. The median duration of CPB was
117 minutes (IQR 0-166) and cross clamp time was 50 minutes (IQR 0–81). Two neonates (5.9%) were
placed on ECMO with 20% requiring ECMO for 2 days and 20% neonates for 3 days.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics, neurological status and classication of cardiac defects and surgical
procedures for infants with congenital heart disease (N=34)
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Table 2. Descriptive statistics for neurocognitive outcomes at 12-24 months
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Factor N Statistics
Age at BSIDa (months), median (min, max) 34 17 (12, 24)
BSID Cognitive Scaled, median (min, max) 34 8.0 (1.0, 15)
BSID Cognitive Composite, median (min, max) 34 90 (55, 125)
BSID Cognitive Percentile, median (min, max) 34 25 (0.10, 95)
BSID Cognitive Category, n (%) 34
  Extremely Low 4 (12)
  Borderline 3 (8.8)
  Low Average 7 (21)
  Average 13 (38)
  High Average 4 (12)
  Superior 3 (8.8)
BSID Language Scaled, median (min, max) 33 14 (2.0, 32)
BSID Language Composite, median (min, max) 33 83 (47, 135)
BSID Language Percentile, median (min, max) 33 13 (0.10, 99)
BSID Language Category, n (%) 33
  Extremely Low 8 (24)
  Borderline 7 (21)
  Low Average 7 (21)
  Average 9 (27)
  High Average 1 (3.0)
  Very Superior 1 (3.0)
BSID Motor Scaled, median (min, max) 34 13 (2.0, 28)
BSID Motor Composite, median (min, max) 34 78 (46, 124)
BSID Motor Percentile, median (min, max) 34 6.5 (0.10, 95)
BSID Motor Category, n (%) 34
  Extremely Low 9 (26)
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Factor N Statistics
  Borderline 9 (26)
  Low Average 5 (15)
  Average 9 (26)
  High Average 1 (2.9)
  Superior 1 (2.9)
aBSID Bayley Scale of Infant Development
Table 3. Predictors of cognitive, language and motor composite score (CCS) at 12-24 months
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Cognitive composite
score Language composite
score Motor composite score
Factor N Statistics P
value N Statistics P
value N Statistics P
Pre-op EEG
Interburst Interval
- Amplitude
32 0.09
0.62 32 -0.06
0.76 32 0.04
Pre-op EEG
Interburst Interval
- Duration
32 -0.08
0.67 32 -0.04
0.85 32 -0.13
Post-op EEG
.  No
.  Yes
32 0.26 32 0.066 0.45
17 95 [80,
110] 17 89 [77,
103] 17 82 [67,
15 90 [75,
95] 15 77 [62,
94] 15 73 [70,
Post-op EEG
.  No
.  Yes
32 0.21 32 0.065 0.54
14 90 [75,
95] 14 76 [62,
94] 14 76 [70,
18 95 [80,
110] 18 88 [77,
103] 18 82 [67,
Post-op EEG
.  No
.  Yes
32 0.37 0.27 0.60
11 90 [80,
11 83 [59,
11 73 [64,
21 95 [80,
21 83 [74,
21 82 [73,
Post-op EEG
Interburst Interval
- Amplitude
32 0.11
0.56 32 0.01
0.95 32 0.01
Post-op EEG
Interburst Interval
- Duration
32 0.28
0.12 32 0.34
0.053 32 0.22
Post-op 24H EEG
.  No
.  Yes
29 0.45 29 0.096 0.59
17 95 [80,
17 97 [65,
17 85 [64,
12 90 [83,
12 78 [74,
12 75 [70,
Post-op 24H EEG
.  No
29 0.45 29 0.096 0.59
12 90 [83,
12 78 [74,
12 75 [70,
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.  Yes 17 95 [80,
17 97 [65,
17 85 [64,
Post-op 24H EEG
Sleep-wake cycle
.  No
.  Yes
29 0.079 29 0.11 0.36
19 95 [80,
19 89 [74,
19 82 [67,
10 90 [65,
10 76 [65,
10 76 [64,
Post-op 24H EEG
Interburst Interval
- Amplitude
29 -0.14
0.48 29 -0.34
0.070 29 -0.17
Post-op 24H EEG
Interburst Interval
- Duration
29 0.20
0.31 29 0.33
0.082 29 0.10
Severity of pre-op
EEG 32 0.01
0.95 32 0.12
0.51 32 0.00
Severity of post-
op EEG 32 0.09
0.64 32 0.12
0.51 32 0.02
Factor N Statistics P
value N Statistics P
value N Statistics P
Severity of post-
op 24H EEG 29 0.19 (-0.19,
0.52) 0.32 29 0.41
29 0.16
Cross- clamp
time 32 0.04 (-0.25,
0.33) 0.78 32 0.32
32 0.08
Arrest time 32 -0.00
0.99 32 0.13
0.43 32 -0.21
Bypass time 32 -0.05
0.75 32 0.24
0.12 32 -0.05
Statistics presented as Median [25th, 75th percentiles] with Kruskal-Wallis test or Spearman's correlation
(95% CI).
Overall neurocognitive outcomes for the cohort assessed by BSID -III are described in Table 2. Bayley
Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Version 3 was administered at a median age of 17 months
(IQR 12–24). For the cognitive subtest, median scaled score was 8 (IQR 1.0–15). Median cognitive
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composite score was 90 (IQR 55–125). 13 neonates (38%) had an average cognitive score, where as 21%
had a low average score and 12% had extremely low composite score. Median language composite score
was 83 (IQR 47–135) with 9 neonates (27%) scoring an average score and 24% with an extremely low
score. On the motor subtest, median composite score was 78 (IQR 46–124), 26% of these neonates had
an average, borderline and extremely low scores respectively. We examined the association of various
components of EEG background activity with subtests of BSID-III – cognitive, language and motor (Table
3.). Pre-operative inter-burst interval amplitude and duration, immediate and 24-hour post-operative cEEG
background activity including continuity, excessive discontinuity, synchrony, inter-burst interval amplitude
and duration and presence or absence of sleep wake cycles were not associated with poor outcomes in
the cognitive and motor subtests of BSID- III (Table 3.). Pre-operative and immediate and 24 hour post-
operative severity of EEG ndings and encephalopathy as well as duration of cross- clamp time, bypass
time and arrest time were not associated poor cognitive or motor BSID-III scores at 12–24 months of age.
As shown in Table 3. Pre-operative inter-burst interval amplitude and background, immediate and 24 hour
post-operative background activity components on cEEG were not predictive of poor outcomes in the
language subtest. Severity of EEG classication and encephalopathy for the 24 hour post-operative EEG
was associated with a lower language composite score and was predictive of poor performance in the
language subtest of BSID-III (p = 0.026). Also, longer duration of cross clamp time was associated with
below average language composite scores during BSID-III testing at 12–24 months (p = 0.036).
This study evaluated the role of cEEG background patterns, presence of sleep wake cycles and seizure
activity in the pre-operative and post-operative period to predict abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes
at 12–24 months in neonates with CHD requiring cardiac surgery. In this retrospective study, we report
that 1) majority of infants with CHD that underwent surgical repair by 44 weeks GA had below average
scores in all three subtests (cognitive, language and motor) of BSID-III at 12–24 months of age 2)
Severity of encephalopathy classication for 24-hour postoperative EEG was predictive of poor language
composite scores during BSID-III) Longer duration of cross-clamp time was associated with below
average language composite score.
Our results demonstrated a higher rate (100%) of neurological abnormalities observed among the thirty-
four neonates that were included in the study and subsequently followed-up in the outpatient clinic. Most
common neurological abnormality in this study population was abnormal tone and developmental delay
(76%) followed by microcephaly (35%). Previous studies have demonstrated that more than 50% of
newborns with complex heart defects have clinical evidence of neurological impairments on exam before
surgery and these are subsequently risk factors for long term neurodevelopmental abnormalities. 27–29
Another study looking at 2 different forms of CPB for correction of TGA showed neurological impairment
in up to 37% of enrolled patients. 8 In our study, 67% of neonates with abnormal pre-operative MRI
demonstrated a nding of stroke. Thesendings are similar to results demonstrated in previous studies.
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In this study population, median cross clamp time and CPB time was 50 minutes and 118 minutes
respectively (Table1.) Prolonged circulatory arrest time is a major risk factor for neurodevelopmental
impairments. 8,35 Follow-up studies in children who had undergone open heart surgery with periods of
arrest longer than 60 minutes and as short as 45 minutes showed associated neurodevelopmental
impairments. 50,51 In our cohort, longer duration cross-clamp time was associated with poor language
composite score on BSID-III assessment at 12–24 months of age (p = 0.036) (Table3.) Some previous
studies including the Boston circulatory Arrest Trial have provided evidence for the deleterious effects of
deep hypothermic circulatory arrest vs low ow CPB. 36–38
Factors contributing to neurologic and developmental impairment in infants with CHD are multifactorial
and comprises a complex interaction between preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative factors. 39
Also, neurodevelopmental dysfunction rates vary by disease complexity. 40 In our cohort, BSID-III was
administered at a median age of 17 months. The median cognitive composite score was 90 and 21%
neonates had below average cognitive scores. The median motor composite score was 78 and 67% of
these neonates had below average scores. Median language composite score was 83 with 66% of
neonates demonstrating below average scores (Table3.) Previous studies have demonstrated that mean
composite scores for Bayley III were slightly higher compared with composite scores for Bayley II. 41
Mean cognitive scores ranged from 91.0 to 104.8, mean language scores ranged from 87.8 to 97.0 and
mean motor scores ranged from 86.0 to 97.0.22, 25,42−43 Masoller et al in a case-control stud
demonstrated lower cognitive (91 vs 103), language (97 vs 108) and motor (86 vs 100). 45 Andropoulos
et al demonstrated composite scores for cognition (102 13.3), motor (89.6 14.1) and language (87.8
12.5) and no association between preoperative brain injury and neurodevelopmental outcomes. 46
EEG background activity has been shown to be an important measure of functional brain maturation and
impairment. 47 This study demonstrated that various components of cEEG background activity during
pre, immediate and 24-hour postoperative period was not associated with poor median cognitive
composite, language and motor composite scores. Severity of encephalopathy during pre, immediate and
24-hour postoperative EEG tracing was not predictive of lower cognitive and motor composite scores.
This is consistent with ndings of Gunn et al demonstrating no association between preoperative aEEG
background pattern and neurodevelopmental outcomes. 25 Similarly, Robertson et al showed no
association between EEG abnormalities, reduced cerebral blood ow and neurodevelopmental outcomes.
48 Severity of encephalopathy during the 24 hour postoperative period was associated with poor
language composite score on BSID-III (p = 0.026) (Table3.). Andropoulos et al reported lower language
scores associated with preoperative brain injury on MRI in infants with TGA who underwent cardiac
surgery. 44 Another study by William et al demonstrated a positive correlation between preoperative left
frontal polar and left frontal ß power and cognitive scores. 49 Hence, neonates with higher grades of
encephalopathy and severity on EEG in the immediate 24 hour postoperative period are at a higher risk of
poor language scores on BSID-III.
± ±
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This study has strengths and limitations. This study used continuous conventional 10-20system EEG for
neuromonitoring of neonates with CHD. Secondly, the study assessed various components of EEG
ndings and used this data to classify EEG background based on severity of encephalopathy. However,
this study has limitations too. Approximately 50% of neonates with CHD who underwent cardiac surgery
were lost to follow up and did not have Bayley assessment at 12–24 months of age. Although Bayley
Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-III provides an accurate assessment of a child’s developmental
status at 12–24 months, it has limited predictive value for later outcomes like intelligence quotient (IQ) or
behavioral issues in adolescence. This cohort study included a wide spectrum of CHD types having
different cEEG abnormalities further preventing subgroup analysis.
In this heterogeneous group of neonates with CHD who underwent repair by 44 weeks GA, majority of
neonates had below average cognitive, language and motor composite scores on BSID-III at 12–24
months of age. Longer duration of cross-clamp time was specically associated with poor language
composite scores. It is interesting to report a signicant association between severity of encephalopathy
during 24 hour postoperative EEG monitoring with poorer language composite scores on BSID-III
assessment. Early identication of high- risk infants is essential so that these infants would benet from
targeted early interventions to minimize neuromotor and behavioral decits in the future. Further studies
are needed to assess relationship between EEG background ndings and neurodevelopmental outcomes
in pre-school and school aged children with CHD.
Additional information:
Conict of Interest:The authors declare no competing nancial interests.
Patient consent:No patient consent was required for this retrospective cohort study
Data availability statement:The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Funding:No nancial assistance was received in support of this study.
AuthorContributions Statement Page
Dr. Padiyar helped design the study, designed data collection instruments, collected data, drafted the
initial manuscript, reviewed and revised the manuscript.
Dr. Friedman conceptualized and designed the study and reviewed the manuscript.
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Dr. Pestana-Knight helped design the study, reviewed and revised the manuscript for important
intellectual content.
Linda Franic helped design data collection instruments and collected data.
Sarah Worley helped with data stratication and statistical analysis.
Dr. Aly, coordinated and supervised data collection, and critically reviewed the manuscript for important
intellectual content.
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Figure 1
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Background —The outcome of infants who have transient seizures after open heart surgery has not been studied. Using the database of the Boston Circulatory Arrest Study involving 171 children with D-transposition of the great arteries, we explored the relationship between early postoperative clinical and EEG seizures and neurodevelopmental outcomes at ages 1 and 21/2 years. Methods and Results —At 1 year, children returned for developmental and neurological evaluations and MRI. Parent-completed developmental questionnaires were collected at 2 1/2 years of age. At 1 year, children with early postoperative seizures had lower Psychomotor Development Index (motor function) scores (clinical seizures: 12.9 mean difference [MD]; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2 to 23.6; P =.02; EEG seizures: 13.3 MD; 95% CI, 6.8 to 19.7; P <.001). Mental Developmental Index scores of children with clinical or EEG seizures were also lower, but the differences were not statistically significant. Infants with seizures were more likely to have an abnormal neurological examination (clinical seizures: 78% versus 31%; P =.008; EEG seizures: 58% versus 34%; P =.04). Children with EEG seizures were more likely to have MRI abnormalities (43% versus 13%, P =.002). At age 21/2, children with EEG seizures had lower scores in several areas of function. Conclusions —In infants undergoing the arterial switch operation for correction of D-transposition of the great arteries, transient postoperative clinical and EEG seizures were associated with worse neurodevelopmental outcomes at ages 1 and 2 1/2 years as well as neurological and MRI abnormalities at 1 year of age. The occurrence of such seizures may provide an early sign of brain injury with neurological and developmental sequelae.
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Objective: To evaluate the trends in survival for infants with critical congenital heart defects (CCHDs) and to examine the potential impact of timing of diagnosis and other prognostic factors on survival. Methods: We performed a retrospective population-based cohort study in infants born with structural congenital heart defects (CHDs) between 1979 and 2005 and ascertained by the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program. We estimated Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities for 12 CCHD phenotypes by birth era and timing of diagnosis among infants without noncardiac defects or chromosomal disorders and used stratified Cox proportional hazards models to assess potential prognostic factors. Results: Of 1 056 541 births, there were 6965 infants with CHDs (1830 with CCHDs). One-year survival was 75.2% for those with CCHDs (n = 1336) vs 97.1% for those with noncritical CHDs (n = 3530; P < .001). One-year survival for infants with CCHDs improved from 67.4% for the 1979-1993 birth era to 82.5% for the 1994-2005 era (P < .001). One-year survival was 71.7% for infants with CCHDs diagnosed at ≤1 day of age (n = 890) vs 82.5% for those with CCHDs diagnosed at >1 day of age (n = 405; P < .001). There was a significantly higher risk of 1-year mortality for infants with an earlier birth era, earlier diagnosis, and low birth weight and whose mothers were <30 years old. Conclusions: One-year survival for infants with CCHDs has been improving over time, yet mortality remains high. Later diagnosis is associated with improved 1-year survival. These benchmark data and identified prognostic factors may aid future evaluations of the impact of pulse oximetry screening on survival from CCHDs.
Background: Neurological dysfunction may occur after corrective cardiac surgery using cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) with or without circulatory arrest. Different neurophysiological monitoring systems have been employed to detect neurological complications and possible brain injury in infants and children during and after cardiac surgery. The value of Elecetroencephalogram (EEG) in infants and children at risk for neurological sequelae has not been systematically studied. Methods: Sequential performance of two EEGs before and after cardiac surgery at a tertiary University Hospital to screen for possible brain injury after cardiac surgery in neonates and children undergoing CPB surgery. In addition, a complete neurological examination and assessment by a physiotherapist was performed. Results: Over a 4-year period, in 313 patients (age: 54.2 ± 55.7 months; normal initial EEG) after cardiac surgery CPB (duration of surgery: 146.0 ± 58.9 min; aortic cross clamp time: 34.1 ± 19.1 min), a 19-channel EEG recording was performed 2.4 ± 1.8 days prior to and 11.6 ± 5.3 days after cardiac surgery. An abnormal EEG was detected in only 8 of 313 patients (2.5%; focal slowing: 1, generalised slowing: 5, epiletiform discharges: 2) after cardiac surgery, while the EEG was normal in the remaining 305 patients (97.5%). In 1 patient, an intra-cerebral pathology was seen on MRI (ischemic); in 5 patients, follow-up EEGs were performed, which revealed normalized findings. None of the 8 patients demonstrated new focal neurological deficits on physical examination, but 33 (9.7%) children demonstrated minor abnormalities (e.g., subtle motor asymmetry, increase in muscle tone, etc.), which were unrelated to abnormal EEG findings. Conclusions: According to the used protocol, pathological EEG findings were very infrequent in our study cohort. The routine and indiscriminative recording of EEGs in children before and after corrective or palliative cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease using CPB is not recommended. Further intra-operative neuromonitoring methods with immediate intervention should be evaluated.
Objectives Fetuses with congenital heart disease have evidence of abnormal brain development before birth, which is thought to contribute to adverse neurodevelopment during childhood. We evaluated whether late pregnancy brain development can be predicted at the time of diagnosis by fetal brain Doppler, head biometry and the clinical form of congenital heart disease.Methods This prospective cohort study included 58 fetuses with congenital heart disease diagnosed at 19–24 weeks of gestation and 58 controls. At the time of diagnosis, we recorded fetal head circumference, biparietal diameter, middle cerebral artery pulsatility index, cerebroplacental ratio and brain perfusion by Fractional Moving Blood Volume. We classified cases in two clinical types, i.e. with expected high or low levels of placental (well-oxygenated) blood perfusion according to the anatomical defect. All fetuses underwent 3T magnetic resonance at 36–38 weeks’ gestation.ResultsAbnormal prenatal brain development was defined by a composite score including any of the following: total brain volume <10th centile, parietoccipital or cingulate fissure's depth <10th centile, and abnormal metabolic profile in the frontal lobe. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that middle cerebral artery pulsatility index (p<0.01, OR 12.7), cerebroplacental ratio (p<0.01, OR 8.7) and cephalic circumference (p<0.01, OR 6.2) were independent predictors of abnormal brain neurodevelopment, while the clinical type of congenital heart disease was not.Conclusions Fetal brain Doppler and cephalic biometry at the time of congenital heart disease diagnosis are independent predictors of abnormal brain development at birth, and could be used in future algorithms to improve counseling and targeted interventions.
AimTo determine the role of preoperative cranial ultrasound (cUS) in predicting neurodevelopmental outcome in infants undergoing bypass surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD).Method Prospective cohort study on 77 infants (44 males, 33 females) operated before 3 months of age (median age at surgery 10d [range 3–88d]) who received at least one preoperative cUS. Outcome at 1 year was assessed with a standardized neurological examination and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II (mental developmental index [MDI]; psychomotor developmental index [PDI]).ResultsAbnormalities on cUS were detected in 22 (29%) infants and consisted of diffuse brain oedema (n=12, 16%), periventricular white matter injury (n=5, 6%), ventricular dilatation (n=3, 4%), and intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) (n=2, 3%). Infants undergoing balloon-atrial septostomy (BAS) had a higher rate of subsequent brain oedema than those without BAS (p=0.006). cUS abnormalities were not related to neurodevelopmental outcome.InterpretationPreoperative cUS findings in infants undergoing bypass surgery for CHD occur rather frequently, consisting of mild lesions such as brain oedema or white matter changes. These findings, however, do not correlate with early neurodevelopmental outcome.
Objective To assess the extent of long-term morbidity in children with congenital heart disease (CHD). Study design We used data from the 1997-2011 National Health Interview Survey to study long-term outcomes in children aged 0-17 years with CHD. Parents were asked whether their child was diagnosed with CHD. We assessed for comorbidities, including autism/autism spectrum disorders; healthcare utilization, including number of emergency room visits; and daily life aspects, including number of days of school missed. These outcomes were compared between children with and without reported CHD using ORs and χ2 statistics. Results The study included 420 children with reported CHD and 180 048 children without CHD, with no significant between-group differences in age and sex. The odds of reporting worse health and more than 10 days of school/daycare missed in the previous year were 3 times higher for the children with CHD compared with those without CHD. Children aged 2-17 with CHD were more likely than those without CHD to have had a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (crude OR, 4.6; 95% CI, 1.9-11.0) or intellectual disability (Crude OR, 9.1; 95% CI, 5.4-15.4). The rates of emergency room, home, and doctors' office visits were significantly higher in the children with CHD. Conclusion Reported adverse outcomes were more prevalent in the children with CHD. Our findings, particularly those regarding neurodevelopmental outcomes, may be helpful for parents, healthcare providers, and others in assessing the specific needs of children and teenagers with CHD.
Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes are observed in up to 50% of infants after complex cardiac surgery. We sought to determine the association of perioperative anesthetic exposure with neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 12 months in neonates undergoing complex cardiac surgery and to determine the effect of brain injury determined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Retrospective cohort study of neonates undergoing complex cardiac surgery who had preoperative and 7-day postoperative brain MRI and 12-month neurodevelopmental testing with Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III). Doses of volatile anesthetics (VAA), benzodiazepines, and opioids were determined during the first 12 months of life. From a database of 97 infants, 59 met inclusion criteria. Mean ± sd composite standard scores were as follows: cognitive = 102.1 ± 13.3, language = 87.8 ± 12.5, and motor = 89.6 ± 14.1. After forward stepwise multivariable analysis, new postoperative MRI injury (P = 0.039) and higher VAA exposure (P = 0.028) were associated with lower cognitive scores. ICU length of stay (independent of brain injury) was associated with lower performance on all categories of the Bayley-III (P < 0.02). After adjustment for multiple relevant covariates, we demonstrated an association between VAA exposure, brain injury, ICU length of stay, and lower neurodevelopmental outcome scores at 12 months of age. These findings support the need for further studies to identify potential modifiable factors in the perioperative care of neonates with CHD to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes.
Objectives: Studies have demonstrated an association between congenital heart disease (CHD) and neurodevelopmental delay. Neuroimaging studies have also demonstrated a high incidence of preoperative brain abnormalities. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review to quantify the non-surgical risk of brain abnormalities and of neurodevelopmental delay in infants with CHD. Methods: MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library were searched electronically without language restrictions, utilizing combinations of the terms congenital heart, cardiac, neurologic, neurodevelopment, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, neuroimaging, autopsy, preoperative and outcome. Reference lists of relevant articles and reviews were hand-searched for additional reports. Cohort and case-control studies were included. Studies reporting neurodevelopmental outcomes and/or brain lesions on neuroimaging in infants with CHD before heart surgery were included. Cases of chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, case reports and editorials were excluded. Between-study heterogeneity was assessed using the I(2) test. Results: The search yielded 9129 citations. Full text was retrieved for 119 and the following were included in the review: 13 studies (n = 425 cases) reporting on brain abnormalities either preoperatively or in those who did not undergo congenital cardiac surgery and nine (n = 512 cases) reporting preoperative data on neurodevelopmental assessment. The prevalence of brain lesions on neuroimaging was 34% (95% CI, 24-46; I(2) = 0%) in transposition of the great arteries, 49% (95% CI, 25-72; I(2) = 65%) in left-sided heart lesions and 46% (95% CI, 40-52; I(2) =18.1%) in mixed/unspecified cardiac lesions, while the prevalence of neurodevelopmental delay was 42% (95% CI, 34-51; I(2) = 68.9). Conclusions: In the absence of chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, infants with CHD are at increased risk of brain lesions as revealed by neuroimaging and of neurodevelopmental delay. These findings are independent of the surgical risk, but it is unclear whether the time of onset is fetal or postnatal.
Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) have multiple factors contributing toward their risk of later neurodevelopmental difficulties. With earlier diagnosis and improved survival rates, the management of CHD now includes the recognition of neurodevelopmental risks and optimisation of neurodevelopmental outcomes is emphasised. Neuroimaging studies have shown early differences in brain development for children with CHD, who then are vulnerable to additional brain injury in the perinatal period. For some children, complications and co-morbidities may further increase the risk of brain injury. Synthesis of multiple factors is necessary to estimate neurodevelopmental prognosis for an individual child. Long-term neurodevelopmental follow-up of children with CHD is warranted for early identification of and intervention for difficulties.