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Oromotor functioning plays a foundational role in spoken communication and feeding, two areas of significant difficulty for many autistic individuals. However, despite years of research and established differences in gross and fine motor skills in this population, there is currently no clear consensus regarding the presence or nature of oral motor control deficits in autistic individuals. In this scoping review, we summarize research published between 1994 and 2022 to answer the following research questions: (1) What methods have been used to investigate oromotor functioning in autistic individuals? (2) Which oromotor behaviors have been investigated in this population? and (3) What conclusions can be drawn regarding oromotor skills in this population? Seven online databases were searched resulting in 107 studies meeting our inclusion criteria. Included studies varied widely in sample characteristics, behaviors analyzed, and research methodology. The large majority (81%) of included studies report a significant oromotor abnormality related to speech production, nonspeech oromotor skills, or feeding within a sample of autistic individuals based on age norms or in comparison to a control group. We examine these findings to identify trends, address methodological aspects hindering cross-study synthesis and generalization, and provide suggestions for future research.
Oromotor skills in autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review
Marc F. Maffei
| Karen V. Chenausky
| Simone V. Gill
Helen Tager-Flusberg
| Jordan R. Green
Department of Communication Sciences and
Disorders, MGH Institute of Health
Professions, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Neurology Department, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences,
Sargent College, Boston University, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Department of Psychological and Brain
Sciences, Boston University, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Speech and Hearing Biosciences and
Technology Program, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Jordan R. Green, MGH Institute of Health
Professions, 36 First Avenue, Boston, MA
02129-4557, USA.
Funding information
National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders, Grant/Award
Numbers: P50 DC018006, F31 DC020108, R00
DC017490, K24 DC016312
Oromotor functioning plays a foundational role in spoken communication and
feeding, two areas of significant difficulty for many autistic individuals. However,
despite years of research and established differences in gross and fine motor skills
in this population, there is currently no clear consensus regarding the presence or
nature of oral motor control deficits in autistic individuals. In this scoping review,
we summarize research published between 1994 and 2022 to answer the following
research questions: (1) What methods have been used to investigate oromotor
functioning in autistic individuals? (2) Which oromotor behaviors have been
investigated in this population? and (3) What conclusions can be drawn regarding
oromotor skills in this population? Seven online databases were searched resulting
in 107 studies meeting our inclusion criteria. Included studies varied widely in
sample characteristics, behaviors analyzed, and research methodology. The large
majority (81%) of included studies report a significant oromotor abnormality
related to speech production, nonspeech oromotor skills, or feeding within a sam-
ple of autistic individuals based on age norms or in comparison to a control
group. We examine these findings to identify trends, address methodological
aspects hindering cross-study synthesis and generalization, and provide sugges-
tions for future research.
Lay Summary
Autistic individuals demonstrate movement abnormalities during tasks including
walking, balancing, reaching, and tool use. However, little is known about move-
ments of the mouth despite well-known difficulties with speech and feeding in
ASD. Here we (1) summarize studies related to mouth movements in ASD, show-
ing that 81% of these studies indicate significant abnormalities in autistic individ-
uals, (2) discuss common findings in these studies, and (3) make suggestions for
future research.
autism spectrum disorder, feeding behavior, motor skills, speech disorders, speech production
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental dis-
ability defined by persistent deficits in social communica-
tion and interaction and by restricted, repetitive patterns
of behavior, interests, or activities (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). While these core symptoms often
manifest as stereotyped or repetitive movements, motor
impairments themselves are not considered a diagnostic
marker of ASD. Nonetheless, the presence of motor
abnormalities among children with ASD is well estab-
lished, including in infancy (West, 2019), and some have
argued that motor impairments constitute a core feature
of ASD (Fournier et al., 2010; Hilton et al., 2012).
Received: 22 February 2023 Accepted: 15 March 2023
DOI: 10.1002/aur.2923
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Autism Research published by International Society for Autism Research and Wiley Periodicals LLC.
Autism Research. 2023;139. 1
Prevalence estimates of motor impairment in ASD are
reported as high as 35%100% (D. Green et al., 2002;
Licari et al., 2020), and these impairments appear to be
significantly underdiagnosed (Licari et al., 2020). The
reported deficits impact both gross and fine motor skills
and include hypotonia, postural instability, and impair-
ments related to balance, gait, object control, manual
dexterity, repetitive hand and foot movements, precision
grip, and handwriting (Freitag et al., 2007; Garrido
et al., 2017; Gong et al., 2020; Jansiewicz et al., 2006;
Kushki et al., 2011; Ming et al., 2007; Miyahara
et al., 1997; Pan et al., 2009). From a motor control per-
spective, there is evidence suggesting that these deficits
result from difficulties with motor planning (Dewey
et al., 2007; Glazebrook et al., 2006; Mari et al., 2003),
motor execution (Glazebrook et al., 2009; Rinehart
et al., 2006), and the integration of sensory information
(Cascio et al., 2012). There is growing interest in under-
standing motor functioning among individuals with ASD
since motor impairments are associated with full-scale IQ
(Klupp et al., 2021), executive functioning (Michel
et al., 2011), and communicative development (Alcock &
Krawczyk, 2010; Bedford et al., 2016; Gernsbacher
et al., 2008; West, 2019) in this population.
Oromotor skills (i.e., motor skills involving the man-
dible, lips, lower face, soft palate, and/or tongue) have
received relatively little attention in ASD, which reflects
a similar paucity of developmental oromotor research
across populations including typically developing chil-
dren and children with other developmental disabilities.
The functional significance of oromotor skills, which pro-
vide a foundation for behaviors including sucking, chew-
ing, vocalizing, babbling, and speaking, cannot be
overstated. However, many questions remain unanswered
regarding oromotor skills in ASD, including whether or
when adult-like levels of oromotor function are achieved,
how to best assess these skills, how to categorize and
interpret observed abnormalities, and whether these skills
are linked to the development of other outcomes such as
social functioning, nonverbal IQ, ASD symptom severity,
and expressive and receptive language.
Oromotor development and function
Typical oromotor development involves the refinement
of a variety of functional movements over time, begin-
ning as early as 12 weeks after gestation when sucking
behaviors can be observed via ultrasound (de Vries
et al., 1982). Precursors to vocal imitation are observed
within days after birth (Chen et al., 2004; Meltzoff &
Moore, 1983) and the development of adult-like oromo-
tor skills continues past age 10 (see Kent &
Vorperian, 1995). There is little information available
regarding the developmental course of oromotor skills in
ASD, although impairments of oral imitation have been
reported as early as 26 months (Rogers et al., 2003), and
oromotor differences remain through adulthood
(Kissine & Geelhand, 2019; Shriberg et al., 2001). Fur-
thermore, younger siblings of children diagnosed with
ASDwho themselves have a heightened likelihood of
receiving an ASD diagnosis (Zwaigenbaum
et al., 2007)often demonstrate delayed onset of devel-
opmental motor milestones (Iverson & Wozniak, 2007)
and significant differences in fine motor skills at 12, 24,
and 36 months compared to typically developing controls
(Garrido et al., 2017), suggesting that similar deficits may
be manifested in the oromotor system.
How oromotor function is assessed
Oromotor function is assessed using a variety of methods,
which each provide relative advantages for addressing
particular research questions. Perceptual methods include
visual-perceptual assessments of structure and function
(e.g., an oral mechanism examination) and auditory-
perceptual assessments of tasks such as the repetition of
speech sounds, spontaneous speech production, and max-
imum performance tasks (e.g., diadochokinetic rates).
Perceptual assessment approaches provide ecologically
valid data that are often relatively simple to acquire,
although typically require extensive training, are suscepti-
ble to multiple sources of rater bias (Kent, 1996), and
may be too coarse and/or unreliable to detect subtle dif-
ferences in motor function (Green, 2015). Instrumental
assessment approaches such as acoustic (i.e., based on
sound signals) and kinematic (i.e., based on movement
signals) analyses, on the other hand, provide highly
detailed and reliable data that offer valuable insights into
the physiologic development and performance of the oro-
motor system. However, these methods often require spe-
cialized equipment and may be time-consuming to
analyze and interpret. Various perceptual and instrumen-
tal methods have been used to assess oromotor function-
ing in ASD, but these methods have not been
summarized and reported in prior literature, making it
difficult to assess the quality and type of information
available regarding this issue.
What is assessed?
Speech production involves the fine coordination of over
100 muscles across multiple systems responsible for respi-
ration, phonation, resonance, and articulation
(Duffy, 2019). Many aspects of speech are studied in typi-
cally developing children to characterize normal develop-
ment and function, and in atypical populations as a tool
for clinical stratification, progress monitoring, and the
prediction of developmental outcomes.
Perhaps the most widely reported characteristic of
speech is articulatory accuracy assessed via auditory-
perceptual evaluation. Analysis of speech errors can offer
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important information about the presence and nature of
a motor speech disorder (Pernon et al., 2022), including
for differential diagnosis (Allison et al., 2020). Other
approaches to assessing the overall adequacy of speech
production include measuring intelligibility (i.e., the
degree to which the speech signal is understood by a lis-
tener) (e.g., Kent et al., 1989) and phonetic inventory
(i.e., the number of speech sounds produced correctly)
(e.g., Chenausky et al., 2018), which can be used to indi-
rectly assess the capabilities of the oral motor system.
Other aspects of speech production that are com-
monly assessed include temporal features like the dura-
tion of speech sounds and the rate of speech production,
which can both provide important information about
motor planning and execution abilities. Specific charac-
teristics of the speech signal available via acoustic
analysisincluding formants (i.e., resonant frequencies
corresponding to vocal tract configurations) (see Kent &
Vorperian, 2018 for a review) and voice onset time
(i.e., the length of time between the release of a stop con-
sonant and the onset of voicing) (Allen et al., 2003)
allow examination of the speed, consistency, and coordi-
nation of the speech motor system. Kinematic methods
(e.g., electromagnetic articulography or video-based
movement tracking) provide highly detailed data regard-
ing movement velocity, acceleration, and magnitude
(Nip, 2012; Yunusova et al., 2010), from which
researchers can derive information including the level of
coordination among articulators (J. R. Green
et al., 2002) and the spatiotemporal stability of speech
movements (Smith et al., 1995). Speech motor function
may also be investigated more directly via real-time
recordings of muscle activations via surface electromyog-
raphy (EMG; e.g., McClean & Tasko, 2003) and imaging
of brain activity, such as with electroencephalography
(EEG; e.g., Janssen et al., 2020), positron emission
tomography (PET; e.g., Price, 2012), functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI; e.g., Price, 2012), and magne-
toencephalography (MEG; e.g., Heinks-Maldonado
et al., 2006).
Nonspeech oromotor skills
Nonspeech oromotor skills are also commonly assessed,
including lateralizing and protruding the tongue, spread-
ing and puckering the lips, puffing the cheeks, and open-
ing and closing the mouth. Assessment of these tasks is
useful for several reasons. First, it can provide valuable
information about the motor functioning of the articula-
tors in isolation, since speakers may be able to compen-
sate for impairments in one articulator by adapting the
performance of another during speech (Yunusova
et al., 2008). Second, the motor control of speech is
domain-specific, characterized by functional neurological
organization attuned specifically for the generation of
speech sounds (Ziegler & Ackermann, 2013). Therefore,
the assessment of single articulators in nonspeech con-
texts independent of influences from the linguistic system
provides unique information about oromotor function
(Ballard & Robin, 2002). Third, nonspeech oromotor
imitation is particularly useful in the assessment of chil-
dren with ASD, up to one-third of whom remain mini-
mally verbal by school age (Tager-Flusberg &
Kasari, 2013) and therefore have significant difficulty
providing speech samples for evaluation. Nonspeech oro-
motor skills are most commonly assessed visuo-
perceptually via an oral mechanism examination or stan-
dardized test (e.g., the Oral Speech Mechanism Screening
Examination; St. Louis & Ruscello, 2000). Alternatively,
nonspeech oromotor behaviors such as spontaneous
motility of the articulators have been assessed kinemati-
cally (Green & Wilson, 2006).
Despite the significant functional impacts of speech
development, the most critical function of the oromotor
system is feeding. There is much research interest in the
feeding behaviors of children diagnosed with ASD since
they are five times more likely to experience feeding prob-
lems compared to their peers (Sharp et al., 2013), leading
to a high rate of nutritional deficiencies (Cornish, 1998).
The most commonly reported difficulties among children
with ASD are restricted food preferences related to sen-
sory aversions, although a limited body of research has
investigated feeding-related motor impairments in ASD.
Methods of assessment have included perceptual observa-
tion as part of an oromotor assessment battery (Amato &
Slavin, 1998), observational studies of meals (Peterson
et al., 2016), and EMG measurements of muscle activity
during a feeding action (e.g., Cattaneo et al., 2007).
Potential correlations between oromotor and
other skills in ASD
Oromotor skills may serve as valuable predictors of other
skills in ASD, such as expressive and receptive language,
social functioning, and nonverbal IQ. Valid predictors of
language outcomes in ASD are critical since the mecha-
nisms that underlie severe language impairments in ASD
remain unclear and such knowledge would directly
inform the development of high-quality language inter-
ventions. Predictors of other variables such as ASD
symptom severity, nonverbal IQ, and social functioning
are also critically needed, since the assessment of such
skills currently requires waiting until the typical age of
emergence of skills like symbolic play, spoken language,
and direction following, leading to a delay in identifica-
tion of impairments. There is promising evidence that
oromotor skills can act as a predictor for these skills; for
instance, some studies show that oromotor skills are
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predictive of expressive language (e.g., Amato &
Slavin, 1998; Gernsbacher et al., 2008), including in mini-
mally verbal autistic individuals (Chenausky et al., 2019).
Aims of this scoping review
Due to a paucity of systematic research regarding oromo-
tor skills in ASD, it is currently unclear which oromotor
skills have been investigated in ASD, what methods have
been used to investigate these skills, and what generaliza-
tions (if any) can be made from existing findings. Indeed,
there does not even appear to be a consensus on whether
oromotor skills are impacted in this population. For
instance, while some research suggests that oromotor
skills such as articulation are relatively spared among
autistic individuals (Dalton et al., 2017; Kjelgaard &
Tager-Flusberg, 2001), other studies report overt abnor-
malities in oromotor functioning such as reduced speech
accuracy, longer sound durations, reduced consistency of
speech production, and decreased oromotor control dur-
ing nonspeech tasks (Adams, 1998; Chenausky
et al., 2019; Gernsbacher et al., 2008; Kissine &
Geelhand, 2019).
For these reasons, a fuller understanding of the oro-
motor skills of autistic individuals is warranted. Such
findings have the potential to advance efforts to improve
the early detection of speech and language deficits in
ASD, support the use of motor- or articulation-based
therapies in conjunction with language-based approaches
for autistic individuals, and identify neurobiological
mechanisms influencing communication development.
The purpose of this scoping review is to summarize and
disseminate existing research concerning oromotor skills
among autistic individualsincluding research correlat-
ing these skills to other outcomesand to address meth-
odological aspects of these studies that hinder cross-study
synthesis and generalization to the population. The long-
term goal is to motivate future investigations into the
presence, nature, and severity of oromotor impairments
in ASD and the association of such deficits with other
functional skills.
This review follows the framework for a scoping review
outlined by Arksey and OMalley (2005), who provided
guidelines that were used to structure the methodology
reported below. The review also adhered to the PRISMA
guidelines for scoping reviews (Tricco et al., 2018).
Research questions
To summarize and disseminate research findings and to
identify research gaps in the existing body of literature,
we addressed the following three research questions:
(1) What methods have been used to investigate oromo-
tor functioning among individuals with ASD?, (2) Which
oromotor behaviors have been investigated?, and
(3) What conclusions can be drawn regarding oromotor
skills in ASD?
Search procedures
In consultation with a health sciences librarian, a com-
prehensive search was conducted of the following data-
bases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Literature (CINAHL), Education Resources Information
Center (ERIC), MEDLINE, ProQuest Dissertations &
Theses Database (PQDT), PsychInfo, ScienceDirect, and
Web of Science. Studies pertinent to the outlined research
questions were found by searching databases using three
combined categories of carefully selected keywords
(i.e., autism, motor, and oromotor). The search terms
used were: [autis* AND (motor OR articulation) AND
((oral OR oral* OR oro*) OR feeding OR chewing OR
(nonspeech OR nonspeech) OR speech OR articula-
tion)]. Search syntax was adjusted as necessary to fit the
requirements of specific databases.
To be included in the review, a study had to meet the
following inclusion criteria: (1) subject-specific or aggre-
gate data that applied only to individuals with ASD
(of any age) could be extracted, (2) the diagnosis of ASD
was made using an established tool (e.g., the Autism
Diagnostic Observation Schedule [ADOS] or the Child
Autism Rating Scale [CARS]) according to DSM-IV or
DSM-5 criteria (and thus published no earlier than 1994),
(3) quantitative data from a behavioral measure
(i.e., perceptual or instrumental), parent report, or medi-
cal record review of oromotor function was reported, and
(4) the study was available in English. A study was
excluded from the review if it met any of the following
exclusion criteria: (1) the main diagnosis of the ASD
participant(s) was a known syndrome (e.g., Fragile X
Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome), (2) a comorbid diag-
nosis with potential to explain oromotor differences
(e.g., hearing impairment, cerebral palsy) was reported,
or (3) the study was conducted using an animal model.
A total of 16,399 studies were collected for screening
(Figure 1). After removing 3855 duplicates that were
included in the results from more than one database,
12,544 articles were left to consider. The first author
(MFM) read the titles and, as necessary, the abstracts of
all remaining articles to remove irrelevant articles
(i.e., violated exclusionary criteria within the title or
abstract). To assess reliability, the second author (KVC)
screened the titles and abstracts of 1500 articles, and the
inter-rater reliability was 75%. The first author made the
final decision on disagreements during this stage, and
776 studies that could not be excluded based on the title
and abstract screening were selected for full-text review.
The first and second authors independently read 370 of
these studies and achieved an inter-rater agreement of
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80%, settling disagreements at this stage by discussion.
The first author then reviewed the additional 406 studies.
669 studies were excluded during this stage, with the most
common reasons being lack of quantitative oromotor
data (512 studies), no ASD-specific findings (34 studies),
diagnosis of ASD not made by an approved instrument
(32 studies), and being a review paper (18 studies). Rea-
sonable effort was made to contact authors or their asso-
ciated organizations when papers were unavailable. A
total of 107 research papers, book chapters, and theses
were ultimately included in the review.
For this scoping review, we define oromotor as referring
to skills involving the use of the mandibular, labial, facial,
velar, and lingual structures for speech, nonspeech oral
movements, and feeding. Studies specific to breath support
or phonatory control (e.g., vocal loudness, average funda-
mental frequency, pitch variation during lexical stress tasks,
etc.) were excluded. However, studies investigating the
coordination of the articulatory and phonatory subsystems
(e.g., measures of voice onset time) were included since they
involve oral structures in addition to laryngeal structures.
Studies addressing prosody cannot be disregarded when
considering the connection between speech and language
(for a review of this topic see Loveall et al., 2021) but were
generally considered outside the scope of this review unless
the duration of speech sounds was reported (e.g., Diehl &
Paul, 2013; Grossman et al., 2010; Van Santen et al., 2010).
Studies involving infant siblings of children with ASD
(who have an elevated likelihood of receiving an ASD diag-
nosis) were only included if a valid ASD diagnosis was later
made and reported in the study. Finally, studies that looked
primarily at phonological skills were excluded unless some
information about oromotor functioning could be derived
from the results.
The following data, if reported, were extracted from
each included study and entered into a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet: author(s), title, year of publication, journal,
sample size, number of male and female subjects, control
group type, participant ages, diagnosis method, NVIQ,
expressive language skills, behavior(s) analyzed
(e.g., accuracy, duration, etc.), test(s) used, speech unit(s)
analyzed (i.e., phoneme, syllable, phrase/sentence, and/or
connected/spontaneous speech), domain(s) investigated
(i.e., speech, nonspeech, and/or feeding), data type
(i.e., perceptual, instrumental, report/questionnaire,
and/or record review), and results. Because this is a scop-
ing review of existing studies, it did not require ethics
committee approval.
The studies included in this review were heterogeneous in
terms of their aims, sample characteristics, and method-
ology. Table 3provides a summary of the included litera-
ture including a summary of relevant results.
Aims of included studies
Of the 107 studies included in this scoping review, some
were explicitly designed to investigate motor speech skills
(21 studies; 20%) or nonspeech oromotor skills (six stud-
ies; 6%), or motor aspects of feeding (one study; 1%).
However, the majority of studies included oromotor skills
as descriptive statistics or an outcome measure while
investigating other areas including general eating distur-
bances (nine studies; 8%), prosody (13 studies; 12%), gen-
eral speech sound production skills (13 studies; 12%),
intervention outcomes (11 studies; 10%), language skills
(six studies, 6%), general motor functioning (five studies,
5%), and a variety of other areas (22 studies; 20%) includ-
ing imitation abilities, early features of ASD, and inten-
tion understanding.
diagram summarizing the study
identification process.
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Sample characteristics
ASD diagnosis
A valid, documented method of ASD diagnosis or confir-
mation of diagnosis was an inclusion criterion for this
review to ensure that findings pertain specifically to autistic
children (i.e., to accurately characterize participants). The
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS or
ADOS-2; Lord et al., 2012) was used to confirm an ASD
diagnosis in 58 studies (54%); the Autism Diagnostic Inter-
view, Revised (ADI-R; Rutter, Le Couteur, & Lord, 2003)
was used in 15 studies (14%); the Child Autism Rating
Scale (CARS; Schopler et al., 1986) was used in 14 studies
(13%); the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ;
Rutter, Bailey, & Lord, 2003) was used in 10 studies (9%);
and the Childrens Communication Checklist (CCC;
Bishop, 1998) was used in two studies (2%). Assessment
tools used in a single study were the Autism Spectrum Rat-
ing Scales (ASRS; Goldstein & Naglieri, 2009), the Social
Responsiveness Scale (SRS; Constantino & Gruber, 2005),
the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS; Gilliam, 2006),
and the Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young
Children (STAT; Stone et al., 2004).
Fifty-seven studies (53%) made specific reference to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM-IV or -5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
criteria for diagnosis of ASD, and eight studies (7%)
referred to the World Health Organizations International
Classification of Diseases (ICD; World Health
Organization, 2004). The remaining 42 studies (39%)
reported only the tool and not the classification system used
for diagnosis or confirmation of diagnosis.
Sample size
The number of autistic subjects included in each study ran-
ged from one (Biller et al., 2022; Biller & Johnson, 2020;
Kim & Seung, 2015; Petinou, 2021) to 294 (Nakaoka
et al., 2022), with nine additional papers including over one
hundred autistic subjects (Demartini et al., 2021;Gal
et al., 2022; Gernsbacher et al., 2008; Leader et al., 2020;
Mandelbaum et al., 2006; Manfredonia et al., 2019;
Parmeggiani et al., 2019; Vashdi, 2014; Vissoker
et al., 2019). Eighteen studies (17%) included a sample of
fewer than 10 autistic subjects, 27 studies (25%) had a sam-
plesizeof1020 autistic subjects, 24 studies (22%) had a
sample size of 2130 autistic subjects, 13 studies (12%) had
asamplesizeof3150, and 25 studies (23%) had a sample
size of over 50 autistic subjects.
Age range
Means, standard deviations, and ranges of autistic sub-
jectsages were extracted from each paper. Among the
studies in which mean age was reported or could be cal-
culated (n=96), nine studies (9%) had a mean subject
age of 02.9 years, 23 studies (24%) had a mean subject
age of 3.05.9 years, 25 studies (26%) had a mean subject
age of 6.08.9 years, 15 studies (16%) had a mean subject
age of 9.011.9 years, 11 studies (11%) had a mean sub-
ject age of 12.017.9 years, and 13 studies (14%) had a
mean subject age of 18 years or older. Figure 2provides
a visual representation of the mean subject age and, when
possible, range in years.
Male-to-female ratio
The male-to-female ratio of children meeting criteria for
ASD is often cited to be approximately 4:1, although a
systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence studies
found that the ratio may be closer to 3:1 (Loomes
et al., 2017). Many studies included in the current scoping
review included both male and female subjects and
reported the number of each (n=79), allowing the calcu-
lation and comparison of male-to-female ratios.
The smallest male-to-female ratio was 0.9:1 (Lundin
Remnélius et al., 2022), the only study with more female
than male autistic subjects. The male-to-female ratios of
the remaining papers ranged from 1:1 (i.e., an equal num-
ber of male and female subjects) to 33:1 (i.e., one female
subject for every 33 male subjects). The median ratio was
4:1, the mode was 4:1, and the mean male-to-female ratio
was 4.8:1. Of the 79 studies included in this male-to-
female ratio analysis, a total of 35 studies (44%) had a
male-to-female ratio between 2:1 and 4:1.
Nonverbal IQ/mental age
Seventy-six studies (71%) reported a mean, range, or
inclusion cutoff value of nonverbal IQ or mental age for
their sample of autistic individuals. There was significant
heterogeneity between and within studies, and the
FIGURE 2 Mean and range of subject ages, ordered by
mean (n=96).
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assessment tools used to measure IQ or mental age were
also varied. Results from a total of 18 different standard-
ized assessment tools were reported, as were various com-
posite scores, subtest scores, and age equivalents from
these tests. See Table 3for IQ data from each included
Expressive language abilities
Sixty-one studies (57%) reported data related to the
expressive language skills of their sample of autistic indi-
viduals, excluding composite language scores measuring
both expressive and receptive skills. Overall, 19 different
standardized assessment tools were used to quantify
expressive language in terms of normative scores or age
equivalents. In addition, other methods derived from nat-
ural language samples were used (e.g., number of differ-
ent words, mean length of utterance, and presence/
absence of productive syntax), particularly in studies
involving minimally verbal autistic children. As with
nonverbal IQ, expressive language scores were heteroge-
neous both within and across studies, and scores are
reported in detail in Table 3.
Control samples
A total of 72 studies (67%) included a control group.
Most control groups were comprised of individuals con-
sidered typically developing,”“neurotypical,or simply
non-ASD(64 studies; 60% of all studies; 89% of studies
with a control group). Other control samples included
individuals with a developmental delay (six studies; 6%
of all studies), suspected or diagnosed CAS (four studies;
4%), borderline/low IQ or intellectual disability (three
studies; 3%), genetic disorders (three studies; 3%), an ele-
vated likelihood of receiving an ASD diagnosis due to
having an older sibling with ASD (three studies; 3%),
learning disabilities (two studies; 2%), and developmental
language disorder/specific language impairment (two
studies; 2%). Control populations used in a single study
were individuals with a motor speech disorder, a speech
sound disorder, an expressive language disorder, a recep-
tive language disorder, or a traumatic brain injury.
Research question 1: What methods have been
used to investigate oromotor functioning among
individuals with ASD?
Methodologies of included studies
Perceptual studies
Sixty-six studies (62%) used perceptual (i.e., auditory per-
ceptual and/or visual perceptual) methods of assessment.
Of those 66 perceptual studies, 56 (85%) reported a deficit
among autistic individuals on some measure of oromotor
functioning. The remaining 10 perceptual studies (15%)
did not report a significant oromotor impairment among
their ASD sample (Dalton et al., 2017; Demopoulos &
Lewine, 2016; Espanola Aguirre & Gutierrez, 2019;
McCann et al., 2007; McCleery et al., 2006; Nadig &
Shaw, 2011; Noterdaeme, 2002; Sheinkopf et al., 2000;
Shriberg et al., 2019; Yoder et al., 2015).
Interviews or questionnaires of autistic individuals or
their caregivers were used in 14 studies (13%; Ashley
et al., 2020; Demartini et al., 2021; Gal et al., 2022;
Gernsbacher et al., 2008; Leader et al., 2020; Lundin
Remnélius et al., 2022; Nakaoka et al., 2022; Shriberg
et al., 2010; Spek et al., 2020; Stevenson et al., 2017;
Thurm et al., 2007; van Dijk et al., 2021; Velleman
et al., 2010; Vissoker et al., 2019). Nine of these studies
(64%) reported a deficit in some measure of oromotor
functioning among their autistic sample. Parent question-
naires used in these studies were the Autism Eating Ques-
tionnaire (AEQ; Vissoker et al., 2019), the Autism
Spectrum Disorder Mealtime Behavior Questionnaire
(ASD-MBQ; Nakaoka et al., 2020); the Behavioral Pedi-
atrics Feeding Assessment Scale (BPFAS; Crist &
Napier-Phillips, 2001), the Montreal Childrens Hospital
Feeding Scale (MCH-FS; Ramsay et al., 2011), the
Screening Tool of Feeding Problems for Children (STEP-
CHILD; Seiverling et al., 2011), the Sequenced Inventory
of Communication Development (SICD; Hedrick
et al., 1975), the SWedish Eating Assessment for Autism
spectrum disorders (SWEAA; Karlsson et al., 2013), and
the item imitates soundsfrom the Vineland Adaptive
Behavior Scales (VABS; Sparrow et al., 1984). Three
studies used non-standardized questionnaires or caregiver
reports: Gernsbacher et al. (2008) and Stevenson et al.
(2017) employed a landmark-based parent interview pro-
cedure designed to aid recollection of childrens motor
skills at specific ages, and Velleman et al. (2010) inter-
viewed parents directly regarding variables associated
with signs of dysarthria and apraxia of speech in their
childrens speech.
Medical record review
Two studies (2%) conducted retrospective reviews of
medical records to identify oromotor deficits among sam-
ples of autistic individuals. These studies identified an
increased prevalence of an absent sucking reflex in
infancy (Parmeggiani et al., 2019) and a high comorbidity
of ASD and the motor speech disorder childhood apraxia
of speech (CAS; Vashdi et al., 2020).
Instrumental studies
Thirty-six studies (34%) utilized instrumental methods of
assessment. Of those 36 studies, 29 (81%) reported a defi-
cit among autistic individuals on some measure of oro-
motor functioning. Twenty-four studies (67% of
instrumental studies) used acoustic analyses, five studies
(14%) used facial motion tracking (Gladfelter &
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Goffman, 2018; Kothare et al., 2021; Manfredonia
et al., 2019; Parish-Morris et al., 2018; Samad
et al., 2019), two studies (5%) used electromyography to
measure muscle activation (Cattaneo et al., 2007;
Pascolo & Cattarinussi, 2012), and two studies (5%) used
magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (Chenausky,
Kernbach, et al., 2017; Heller Murray et al., 2022). Each
of the following methods was used in only one study:
nasometry (Kasthurirathne et al., 2020), magnetoenceph-
alography (Pang et al., 2016), and ultrasound tongue
imaging (McKeever et al., 2022).
Assessment tools used
Less than half of the included studies (n=51, 48%) used
a standardized assessment tool to examine oromotor
function. Of these 51 studies, 33 (65%) used a norm-
referenced assessment tool. The remaining studies relied
on a test under development, a test that had not been
norm-referenced, or a test without readily available psy-
chometric data. Table 1lists the assessment tools used in
the included studies, the overall purpose of the test as
stated by the test developers, and the number of included
studies in which each test was used.
Of the assessment tools used, seven were designed to
assess articulation and/or phonology or phonological
processing (AAPS, CTOPP, DEAP, GFTA, POP,
SWPT, and TPPD), six to assess feeding skills (AEQ,
SWEAA), four to assess the oral speech mechanism
(CDOMA, OSMSE, POME, and VMPAC), two to
assess prosody (PEPS-C and T-TRIP), and one to aid in
the diagnosis of CAS (KSPT). The remaining tests are
assessments of expressive and receptive communicative
abilities or general development that include subtests use-
ful for assessing oromotor skills or were used to elicit spe-
cific types of speech samples for instrumental analysis.
For example, the NEPSY is a broad assessment of neuro-
psychological development that includes the Oromotor
Sequences subtest in which a child repeats articulatory
sequences and tongue twisters. The specific editions of
these tests used in each study are included in Table 3.
Question 2: What oromotor behaviors have been
As indicated in Figure 3, of the 107 included studies, 83 stud-
ies (78%) address the domain of speech production,
28 (26%) address nonspeech oral movements, and 19 (18%)
address motor-related feeding issues. Nineteen studies (18%)
addressed more than one of these domains (e.g., speech and
nonspeech oral movements). Specific information regarding
the skills examined in these studies is provided below, orga-
nized by methodology (i.e., perceptual, instrumental, parent
interview/questionnaire, and medical record review) in des-
cending order of frequency.
Perceptual studies
The most common oromotor skill assessed perceptually
was speech accuracy (i.e., whether or not a speech stimu-
lus was produced correctly) (52 of 66 perceptual speech
studies; 79%). Among studies examining speech accuracy,
31 studies (60%) examined the accuracy of phonemes
(i.e., vowels and/or consonants) either in isolation or
within productions of words or nonwords, 19 studies
(37%) examined the accuracy of syllables, four studies
(8%) examined accuracy during the production of phrases
or sentences, and seven studies (13%) examined speech
accuracy during spontaneous or connected speech (e.g., a
picture description task).
Twenty-two perceptual studies (33%) examined the
ability to accurately perform nonspeech oral movements
(Adams, 1998; Akin-Bulbul & Ozdemir, 2022; Amato &
Slavin, 1998; Belmonte et al., 2013; Biller &
Johnson, 2019,2020; Bodison, 2015; Chenausky
et al., 2019; Chenausky & Tager-Flusberg, 2017; Dalton
et al., 2017; Deshmukh, 2012; Espanola Aguirre &
Gutierrez, 2019; Gernsbacher et al., 2008; Kim &
Seung, 2015; Mandelbaum et al., 2006; McDaniel
et al., 2018; Noterdaeme, 2002; Rogers et al., 2003;
Rogers & Pennington, 2021; Tierney et al., 2015;
Velleman et al., 2010; Yoder et al., 2015).
Fourteen (21%) measured phonetic inventory either
in imitation or from a spontaneous speech sample (Biller
et al., 2022; Broome et al., 2021; Chenausky et al., 2016,
2018,2021; Chenausky, Nelson, & Tager-Flusberg, 2017;
Chenausky, Norton, et al., 2022; Chenausky, Norton, &
Schlaug, 2017; Chenausky & Schlaug, 2018; Kim &
Seung, 2015; Landa et al., 2013; Petinou, 2021; Schoen
et al., 2011; Yoder et al., 2015), 11 (17%) examined
speech rate or diadochokinetic rate (DDK; rapidly pro-
duced sequences of syllables) (Chenausky et al., 2019,
2020,2021; Deshmukh, 2012; Mahler, 2012;
Mandelbaum et al., 2006; Nadig & Shaw, 2011; Patel
et al., 2020; Shriberg et al., 2001,2011; Velleman
et al., 2010), seven (11%) examined the consistency or sta-
bility of speech production (Chenausky et al., 2019,2020,
2021; Deshmukh, 2012; Gladfelter & Goffman, 2018;
Mahler, 2012; Shriberg et al., 2011), six (9%) examined
motor-related feeding/eating behaviors (Amato &
Slavin, 1998; Brisson et al., 2012; McDaniel et al., 2018;
Peterson et al., 2016,2019; Yoder et al., 2015), five (8%)
examined speech intelligibility (Gabig, 2008; Koegel
et al., 1998; Lyakso et al., 2017; Petinou, 2021; Shriberg
et al., 2001), five (8%) examined vocalization quality
(Chenausky, Nelson, & Tager-Flusberg, 2017; Plumb &
Wetherby, 2013; Schoen et al., 2011; Sheinkopf
et al., 2000; Trembath et al., 2019), four (6%) examined
resonance quality (Chenausky et al., 2019,2020,2021;
Shriberg et al., 2011), and three (5%) examined coarticu-
lation (Chenausky et al., 2016,2020,2021). Speech sound
duration (Sheinkopf et al., 2000) and motor anticipation
(Brisson et al., 2012) were examined perceptually in one
study each.
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Instrumental studies
Acoustic analysis
Of the 24 studies that used acoustic analysis, 10 studies
(42%) used these methods to measure the duration of
vowels, syllables, or words (Diehl & Paul, 2013;
Grossman et al., 2010; Hubbard & Trauner, 2007;
Kissine & Geelhand, 2019; Lyakso et al., 2016,2017;
Paul et al., 2008; Shriberg et al., 2019; Van Santen
et al., 2010; Velleman et al., 2010), nine studies (38%)
examined vowel formants (i.e., concentrations of acoustic
energy at particular frequencies) (Chenausky et al., 2021;
Kissine et al., 2021; Kissine & Geelhand, 2019; Lyakso
et al., 2016,2017; Shriberg et al., 2019; Sullivan
et al., 2013; Talkar et al., 2020; Velleman et al., 2010),
seven studies (29%) examined speech rate (Ehlen
et al., 2020; Nadig & Shaw, 2011; Ochi et al., 2019; Patel
et al., 2020; Shriberg et al., 2011; Velleman et al., 2010;
Wynn et al., 2018), and five studies (21%) examined the
consistency or stability of speech production (Chenausky
et al., 2021; Kissine et al., 2021; Kissine &
Geelhand, 2019; Shriberg et al., 2011,2019). Each of the
TABLE 1 Tests used to assess oromotor function in included studies.
Abbreviation Test name Test citation Stated purpose
AAPS Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale Fudala and Reynolds (1986) Articulation/phonology 1
AEQ Autism Eating Questionnaire Gal et al. (2022) Feeding skills 2
ASD-MBQ Mealtime Behavior Questionnaire for Children
with ASD
Nakaoka et al. (2020) Feeding skills 1
BPFAS Behavioral Pediatrics Feeding Assessment Scale Crist and Napier-Phillips (2001) Feeding skills 1
CDOMA Com DEALL Oro Motor Assessment Archana (2008) Oral motor function 1
CSBS Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Wetherby and Prizant (2002) Communication
CTOPP Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing Wagner et al. (2013) Phonological processing 1
DEAP Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and
Dodd et al. (2002) Articulation/phonology 2
GFTA Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation Goldman and Fristoe (2015) Articulation/phonology 10
KSPT Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children Kaufman (1995) Identification of CAS 9
MCH-FS The Montreal Childrens Hospital Feeding Scale Ramsay et al. (2011) Feeding skills 1
MVIA Motor and Vocal Imitation Assessment Espanola Aguirre and Gutierrez
Motor and vocal imitation 1
NEPSY A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment Korkman et al. (2007) Neuropsychological
OSMSE Oral Speech Mechanism Screening Examination St. Louis and Ruscello (2000) Oral structure and function 2
PEPS-C Profiling Elements of Prosody in Speech
Peppé and McCann (2003) Prosody 2
Pre-School Oral Motor Examination Sheppard (1990) Oral motor function 3
POP Polysyllable Preschool Test Baker (2013) Articulation/phonology 2
SICD Sequenced Inventory of Communication
Hedrick et al. (1975) Communication
SIPT Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Ayres (1996) Sensory integration 1
Screening Tool of Feeding Problems for Children Seiverling et al. (2011) Feeding skills 1
SWEAA SWedish Eating Assessment for Autism Spectrum
Karlsson et al. (2013) Feeding skills 4
SWPT Single Word Polysyllable Test Gozzard et al. (2006) Articulation/phonology 1
TOLD-P Test of Language DevelopmentPrimary Newcomer and Hammill (1997) Oral language proficiency 1
TPPD Greek Test of Phonetic and Phonological
Levanti et al. (1995) Articulation/phonology 1
T-TRIP Tennessee Test of Rhythm and Intonation Patterns Koike and Asp (1981) Prosody 1
VABS Vineland-II Adaptive Behavior Scales Sparrow et al. (1984) Aiding diagnosis of ID/DD 1
VMPAC Verbal Motor Production Assessment for Children Hayden and Square-Storer
Oral motor function 5
Abbreviations: CAS, childhood apraxia of speech; DD, developmental disability; ID, intellectual disability.
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following speech features was examined in a single study:
temporal synchrony with a metronome (Franich
et al., 2020), speech rhythm (Lau et al., 2022), voice onset
time (i.e., the duration of time between the release of a
plosive and the onset of voicing) (Chenausky & Tager-
Flusberg, 2017), coarticulation (Chenausky et al., 2021),
and phoneme accuracy (Chenausky et al., 2021). Two
studies employed novel acoustic analysis techniques:
Talkar et al. (2020) examined correlations among speech
acoustics, videos of facial movements, and handwriting
data to investigate correlations across systems, and Sulli-
van et al. (2013) used spectral analysis to examine three
different timescales of acoustic signals and derive infor-
mation regarding syllabic rhythm, formant transitions,
and place of articulation.
Facial motion tracking
Five studies (14% of instrumental studies) used facial
motion tracking to examine oromotor performance.
Gladfelter and Goffman (2018) used a 3D optical camera
to capture signals from infrared light-emitting diodes
affixed to childrens faces to quantify speech motor sta-
bility during word learning. Markerless facial motion
tracking was used in the remaining studies to quantify lip
aperture, mouth surface area, jaw velocity, and jaw accel-
eration (Kothare et al., 2021); the use of the lips and jaw
in posed facial expressions of emotions (Manfredonia
et al., 2019); movements of the lips and jaw in spontane-
ous facial actions (Samad et al., 2019); and mouth move-
ment diversity (Parish-Morris et al., 2018).
Electromyography (EMG)
Two studies examined electromyographic activity of the
mylohyoid muscle during goal-oriented actions
(Cattaneo et al., 2007; Pascolo & Cattarinussi, 2012).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Two studies used MRI to examine the relationship
between white matter tracts and speech improvement
during intervention (Chenausky, Kernbach, et al., 2017)
and intra-subject variability in neural activity during
speech production (Heller Murray et al., 2022) among
autistic individuals.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Pang et al. (2016) used magnetoencephalography to
examine differences in brain activity during the perfor-
mance of increasingly complex oromotor tasks underly-
ing speech production (i.e., a simple oromotor task, a
phoneme production task, and a phonemic sequenc-
ing task).
Kasthurirathne et al. (2020) used a nasometer to quantify
nasalance (i.e., the ratio of nasal resonance and oral reso-
nance during speech) in a group of autistic teenagers.
McKeever et al. (2022) used ultrasound imaging to exam-
ine the rate, accuracy, and consistency of tongue move-
ments during DDK repetitions.
Questionnaire/parent report
Fourteen studies (13%) used questionnaires or parent
report to investigate oromotor skills. The majority of
these studies (10 studies; 71% of questionnaire/report
studies) investigated motor-related feeding behaviors
(Ashley et al., 2020; Demartini et al., 2021; Gal
et al., 2022; Karlsson et al., 2013; Leader et al., 2020;
Lundin Remnélius et al., 2022; Nakaoka et al., 2022;
Spek et al., 2020; van Dijk et al., 2021; Vissoker
et al., 2019). Four studies (29%) used questionnaires or
parent report to address nonspeech skills (Gernsbacher
et al., 2008; Stevenson et al., 2017; Thurm et al., 2007;
Velleman et al., 2010). Both Gernsbacher et al. (2008)
and Stevenson et al. (2017) prompted parents with retro-
spective questions regarding activities such as puffing
cheeks on request at age 2 years. Thurm et al. (2007)
prompted parents with one item from the SICD regard-
ing a childs ability to imitate a raspberry/tongue click,
and Velleman et al. (2010) surveyed parents on a variety
of oromotor characteristics including muscular weakness
of the speech mechanism and problems with the tongue
and velum. A questionnaire or parent report was used to
investigate speech production in a single study: Velleman
et al. (2010) surveyed parents of autistic children with
questions regarding speech distortions, abnormal oral
motor postures during speech, and the production of
unclear consonants.
Medical record review
Two studies (2%) used medical record review to investi-
gate oromotor abnormalities. Parmeggiani et al. (2019)
FIGURE 3 Percentage of studies investigating the domains of
speech, nonspeech, and feeding.
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
examined the medical records of autistic children to
investigate putative early features of ASD including the
absence of a sucking reflex in infancy. Vashdi et al.
(2020) examined the medical records of children diag-
nosed with CAS or suspected CAS for the co-occurrence
of an ASD diagnosis.
Question 3: What do these studies tell us about
oromotor skills in ASD?
A variety of results were reported in the included stud-
ies, which are summarized below as well as in Tables 2
and 3. Table 2displays (1) the most frequently exam-
ined behaviors in the included studies, (2) the number
of included studies examining that behavior, (3) the
number and percentage of studies reporting an abnor-
mality for the behavior among autistic subjects, and
(4) and the nature of the abnormality. Table 3provides
detailed information about each study including rele-
vant results.
The most commonly investigated aspect of speech motor
functioning among the included studies was the accuracy
of oral movements during speech, which was investigated
in 52 of the 107 studies (49%). Accuracy was quantified
using non-standardized perceptual measures
(e.g., percent phonemes correct, judgments of distortion),
standardized tests like the GFTA and KSPT, and acous-
tic techniques. Forty-four of these studies (85%) reported
abnormal accuracy based on normative data or in com-
parison to a control group. In all studies reporting an
abnormality related to speech accuracy, accuracy was
decreased in the ASD group.
Phonetic inventory
Fifteen studies (14%) reported the phonetic inventories of
autistic children, all using auditory-perceptual methods.
Three of these studies included comparisons to a control
group, each of which reported significant differences
related to autistic speakers. Two of these studies reported
a smaller phonetic inventory in an ASD group (Landa &
Garrett-Mayer, 2006; Schoen et al., 2011); Chenausky,
Nelson, and Tager-Flusberg (2017) found no significant
difference in phonetic inventory between toddlers who
were later diagnosed with ASD and those who were not,
although observed a significant Age * Group interaction
in which toddlers with an elevated likelihood of an ASD
diagnosis who did not go on to receive a diagnosis gained
a smaller number of phonemes between 18 and
24 months than non-autistic controls and toddlers who
were later diagnosed with ASD. The remaining 12 studies
(Biller et al., 2022; Broome et al., 2021; Chenausky
et al., 2016,2018,2021; Chenausky, Kernbach,
et al., 2017; Chenausky, Norton, et al., 2022; Chenausky,
Norton, & Schlaug, 2017; Chenausky & Schlaug, 2018;
Kim & Seung, 2015; Petinou, 2021; Yoder et al., 2015)
used phonetic inventory as a baseline measure or out-
come measure without direct comparison to a control
group or normative values.
TABLE 2 Summary of most frequently examined behaviors in included studies.
Behavior # Studies # Abnormal Type of abnormality
Accuracy 52 44 (85%) Reduced accuracy
Consistency/stability 13 11 (85%) Reduced consistency; increased consistency
Rate 13 7 (54%) Slower rate; less entrainment
Duration 11 9 (82%) Longer duration; less difference in duration between
speaking conditions
Formant values 8 6 (75%) Outcome measures too variable to discern a dominant
Coordination/coarticulation 6 6 (100%) Reduced coordination; difficulty with coarticulation
Vocalization quality 5 3 (60%) Reduced speechlike vocalizations; increased atypical
Intelligibility 4 3 (75%) Reduced intelligibility
Nonspeech oral movements 28 20 (71%) Reduced nonspeech oromotor control; differences in
brain activity
Eating/feeding skills 19 11 (58%) Reduced oral control for feeding
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TABLE 3 Relevant data from included studies.
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Adams (1998) S/NS Accuracy 4 (3), 3:1 9.0 ± 2.3
TD LIPS (92.75 ± 10.5) - P KSPT TD > ASD on oral movements, complex
productions, and total score;
ASD =TD on simple productions
Akin-Bulbul and
Ozdemir (2022)
S/NS Accuracy 30 (22),
2.7 ± 0.3
TD, DD BSID-III Cognitive
- P - TD > ASD on meaningful and
nonmeaningful vocal imitation
Amato and Slavin
S/NS/F Accuracy, feeding
20 (16), 4:1 (2.54.0) - - V and NV P OME Verbal and nonverbal groups had reduced
oromotor functioning. V > NV on
overall score, eating behaviors,
voluntary nonverbal oral ability, and
pre-speech/speech behavior; V =NV
on musculoskeletal anatomy and
basic oral motor functions
Arutiunian et al. (2022) S Accuracy 71 9.6 ± 1.4 (7
TD 83.1 ± 20.5 (40125) Various P - TD > ASD on nonword repetition,
TD =ASD on word repetition
Ashley et al. (2020) F Feeding difficulty 19 (15),
(1.33.0) TD, HR,
MSEL-VR (30.9
± 10.9)
MSEL-EL 25.9 ± 8.1 Q BPFAS ASD =TD on oral motor skills for eating
Belmonte et al. (2013) S/NS Accuracy 31 (25),
3.4 ± 0.8
- - Various P CDOMA 35% of ASD group had an oral motor
impairment associated with an
EL/RL disparity (EL < RL). Oral
motor skills correlated with pre-
intervention RL and EL and with
learning rates. Oral motor skills
varied independently of GM and FM
Biller and Johnson
S Accuracy, voicing 5 (4), 4:1 5.3 ± 1.3
- MSEL-VR AE 1:8
MSEL AE 0.9 ± 0.2 P VMPAC MV autistic children below age level on
oromotor control and number of
speech sounds/syllables produced
imitatively or spontaneously
Biller and Johnson
S Accuracy, voicing 1 (1) 3.3 - MSEL-NV AE 2:1 MSEL-EL AE 1.8 P VMPAC Oromotor control skills in 5th percentile
Biller et al. (2022) S Inventory, voicing 1 (1) 4.9 - MSEL-VR 2:0 Exp. vocab 25 words P VMPAC Limited sound repertoire
Bodison (2015) NS Accuracy 32 (25),
7.5 ± 1.4 (5
- - - P SIPT Reduced imitative oral praxis
Boorom (2018) S Accuracy 11 (11) 4.9 ± 0.3
- - TOPEL DV raw 24.1 ± 17.3 P CTOPP-2 Below average group mean for nonword
Brisson et al. (2012) F Motor
13 (13) 0.3 ± 0.1
TD 8/13 subjects
IQ < 75
- P - TD > ASD on anticipatory mouth
opening in response to an
approaching spoon
Broome et al. (2021) S Accuracy,
22 (20),
3.9 ± 1.2 (2
- WPPSI-III 99 ± 20.7 PLS-4 EC 65.6 ± 14.2 (5085) P POP Cluster analysis identified three
subgroups: high language/high
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
speech, low EL/low speech/high RL,
and low language/low speech
Broome et al. (2022) S Inventory 23 (21),
4.4 ± 1.3 (2
- WPPSI-III 99 ± 20.7 PLS-4 EC 65.6 ± 14.2 (5085) P POP, SWPT Varied speech development trajectories by
subgroup: high language/high speech
and low EL/low speech/high RL
remained stable; low language/low
speech was variable
Cattaneo et al. (2007) F Muscle activity 8 (7), 7:1 6.2 (5.19.0) TD WISC-R (98 ± 12.4) - I - TD > ASD on mylohyoid activity while
observing a person eat and while
reaching for/grasping food
Chenausky and Schlaug
S Accuracy,
30 (25), 5:1 6.4 (3.49.7) - - EV < 20 words P - Reduced % syllables approximately
correct at baseline
Chenausky and Tager-
Flusberg (2017)
S VOT 11 (7), 1.8:1 2.2 ± 0.6
TD, HR- Age 3 MSEL EL 53.6 ± 8.6 P/I - ASD =HR=LRC on VOT mean and
standard deviation. ASD significantly
less likely to produce acoustically
distinct VOT for /b/ and /p/ at
36 months, but not at 18 or
24 months
Chenausky et al. (2016) S Accuracy,
30 (27), 9:1 1.5 ± 0.5 (1
- MSEL-MA (21.4
± 9.2) (n=14)
EV < 20 words P/I KSPT Reduced syllables approximated, vowels
correct, and consonants correct at
Chenausky, Kernbach,
et al. (2017)
S Accuracy,
30 (25), 5:1 6.3 ± 1.6
- MSEL-VR (27.9
± 9.7)
MSEL EL 11.2 ± 2.4 (619) P - White matter integrity accounted for
significant variance in % syllable-
initial consonants correct, %
responses, and % syllable insertions
Chenausky, Nelson, and
S Inventory 10 (7), 2.3:1 6.3 (3.49.7) TD, HR- Age 2 MSEL EL 48.0 ± 9.2 P - Vocalization rate predicted # different
consonants for non-autistic, but not
autistic, children at 12 months and
for both groups at 18 and 24 months.
EL predicted # different consonants
for only the non-autistic children at
18 and 24 months. Mean # different
consonants at 12, 18, and 24 months
was not significantly different
between groups
Chenausky, Norton, and
Schlaug (2017)
S/NS Accuracy,
4 (4) 5 ± 1.2 (4.1
- MSEL-VR (26.8
± 13.9)
MSEL EL raw 13.3 ± 4.4 P KSPT V > MV on oral movements and simple
Chenausky et al. (2018) S Accuracy,
38 (31),
6.4 ± 1.6
- MSEL-VR (30.1
± 9.6)
MSEL EL 11.1 ± 2.7 I - Reduced % syllables approximately
correct at baseline. Baseline phonetic
inventory significantly predicted
change in % syllables approximately
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
correct, while nonverbal IQ, baseline
expressive language, and age did not
Chenausky et al. (2019) S/NS Accuracy, rate,
54 (41),
6.5 ± 1.7
- LIPS-3 30115 (67.4
± 19.5)
NDW 46.3 ± 57.1 P - 24% of sample exhibited severely
disordered speech including >4 signs
of CAS, 30% had speech
abnormalities inconsistent with CAS,
and 24% produced too little speech
for analysis. NS oromotor ability was
not predictive of EL. Speech
imitation predicted # different words
in the sCAS and insufficient speech
Chenausky et al. (2020) S Accuracy, rate,
27 (24), 8:1 6.6 ± 1.4 (4
(29.6 ± 9.0)
MSEL EL raw 11.2 ± 1.7 (8
P GFTA-2 MV autistic children with CAS exhibited
significantly slower rate and more
vowel errors, syllable segmentation,
groping, difficulty with
coarticulation, and additions
compared to a verbal CAS group,
although fewer consonant distortions
Chenausky et al. (2021) S Accuracy, rate,
38 (33),
6.8 ± 1.7 (5
- MSEL-VR 30.3
± 9.8
MSEL EL raw 11.3 ± 2.7 (6
P KSPT A cluster defined by perceptual within-
token variability demonstrated more
within- and between-token variability
and less centralized vowel space than
the low variability group and TD
Chenausky, Norton,
et al. (2022)
S Accuracy,
14 (11),
10 ± 3.9 (4.3
- LIPS-3 69.1 ± 8.5 EV < 20 words P KSPT Low % syllables, consonants, and vowels
correct; low KSPT scores; small
phonetic inventory
Cleland et al. (2010) S Accuracy 69 9.5 ± 2.2
- RPM (103.0 ± 15.0) CELF-3 EL 84.1 ± 20.2 P GFTA-2 12% of sample below average on GFTA,
although 33% in the normal range
presented with errors. Non-
developmental errors observed in
both groups
Dalton et al. (2017) S/NS Accuracy 10 (6), 1.5:1 4.8 ± 0.5 (3
± 1.3
MLU > 3.0 P VMPAC ASD =TD =sCAS on nonverbal oral,
verbal motor, and concurrent verbal
motor imitation. NS oral imitation
and verbal motor imitation were
correlated with joint attention only in
ASD group
Demartini et al. (2021) F Feeding difficulty 106 (77),
33.2 ± 12.9
TD WAIS-IV 70 ADOS communication 4.7
± 2.0
Q SWEAA TD > ASD on motor control for eating
S Accuracy 60 (48), 4:1 TD P GFTA-2 ASD =TD on GFTA
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Demopoulos and
Lewine (2016)
10.8 ± 3.4
136 (81.7
± 22.0)
CELF-4 EL 75.5 ± 26.6 (45
Deshmukh (2012) S/NS Accuracy, rate,
12 (12) 6.5 ± 1.9 (4
TD, MSD - EVT 100.0 ± 14.8 P DEAP,
ASD group had normal oral structure/
function. 15% of the ASD group
below the normal range on the
GFTA. ASD =TD on rate and
Diehl and Paul (2013) S Duration 24 (16), 2:1 12.3 ± 2.3
TD, LrnD WASI/DAS (103.61
± 17.14)
CELF-IV 100.5 ± 16.2 I PEPS-C ASD > TD on utterance length when
expressing dislike, asking questions,
and making statements. ASD =TD
when expressing like and when using
stress to indicate focus
Ehlen et al. (2020) S Rate 32 (18),
37.1 ± 10.7 TD Incl. criteria >85 - I - ASD =TD on word duration
Espanola Aguirre and
Gutierrez (2019)
S/NS Accuracy 30 (22),
3.6 ± 1.0
TD MSEL composite
56.6 ± 11.3
MCDI # of words 155.7
± 150.1
P MVIA ASD =TD on vocal and facial imitation
Franich et al. (2020) S Coordination 10 (9), 9:1 (2231) TD TONI-4 (102.33
± 9.56)
- I - TD > ASD on timing phrases along with
a metronome; ASD had longer time
interval between two consecutive
repetitions of first word in target
Gabig (2008) S Accuracy,
15 (13),
6.5 ± 0.7 (5
TD DAS 95 ± 10.6 LUL 5.1 ± 2.1 P TOLD-P:3 53% of ASD group below average on an
articulation task
Gal et al. (2022) F Feeding difficulty 105 (87),
3.4 ± 1.3 (3
TD - - Q AEQ TD > ASD on chewing and swallowing
Gernsbacher et al.
NS Accuracy 115 (92),
7.9 ± 3.7
TD - Various P/Q KSPT TD > ASD on parent reports of NS
oromotor skills; parent reports
distinguished autistic children with
minimally, moderately, and highly
fluent speech. Reports of oromotor
and manual motor skills were
correlated. Home videos
corroborated parent reports for 97%
of subjects. During direct assessment,
minimally and highly fluent autistic
children were significantly
distinguished on most NS oral motor
Gladfelter and Goffman
S Accuracy,
12 (9), 3:1 7.8 ± 1.9
TD TONI-4 (96.6
± 6.54)
EVT 95.8 ± 7.6 (79112) P/I - ASD =TD on oral mechanism exam.
ASD =TD on increase in phonetic
accuracy during word learning.
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Although not more stable at baseline,
ASD > TD on gains in stability from
pre- to post-test
Grossman et al. (2010) S Duration 16 12.3 ± 2.3
TD KBIT-2 (109.6
± 19.1)
- I - ASD > TD on length of first- and last-
syllable stress items
Heller Murray et al.
S Brain activity 15 (12), 4:1 16.7 ± 2.3
TD LIPS-3111.9 ± 26.3 NDW/minute 10.3 ± 4.4 (4.9
I - ASD =TD on average speech activation
and inter-subject variability in speech
activation; ASD > TD on intra-
subject neural variability. Intra-
subject variability correlated with
autism severity but not number of
Hubbard and Trauner
S Duration 18 (6), 2:1 14.5 (621) TD - - I - Non-autistic children and children with
AS had longer syllable durations
during sad compared to happy and
angry utterances, children with
autism did not
Karlsson et al. (2013) F Feeding difficulty 57 (38), 2:1 18.7 ± 2.9
TD WISC/WAIS > 70 - Q SWEAA ASD =TD on motor control for eating
Kasthurirathne et al.
S Resonance 11 (9), 4.5:1 15.8 ± 1 (14
TD - Verbally fluent I - ASD > TD on nasalance
Kim (2014) S Accuracy 2 (2) 8.3 ± 1.5
- - - P - Reduced phoneme accuracy at baseline
Kim and Seung (2015) S/NS Accuracy,
1 (1) 11 - - EVT-2 AE 3.3 P GFTA-2,
Normal NS oromotor skills except
reduced range of lip movement.
Accurately produced all individual
vowels, consonants, syllable types,
repetitive syllables, and simple
monosyllabic words. Age equivalent
of 2 years on the GFTA; atypical
errors and inconsistent error patterns
within and across sessions
Kissine and Geelhand
S Consistency,
38 (26),
28.1 ± 11.5 TD WAIS-4 FSIQ
(112.0 ± 25.8)
- I - TD > ASD on F1F3 dispersion,
indicating increased articulatory
stability in the ASD group.
ASD > TD on syllable duration
Kissine et al. (2021) S Consistency,
20 (20) 31.6 ± 10.7
TD WAIS-IV 112.06
± 22.8
- I - ASD > TD on articulatory stability; ASD
groups non-native vowel production
was less accurate and more
influenced by native vowels than TD
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Kjelgaard and Tager-
Flusberg (2001)
S Accuracy 89 (80),
7.3 ± 2.4 (4
- DAS (90.1 ± 19.6) CELF-EL 74.86 ± 17.63; EVT
84.89 ± 17.51
P GFTA Average GFTA scores for normal,
borderline, and impaired language
subgroups, although the impaired
group scores were significantly lower
than both other groups
Koegel et al. (1998) S Accuracy,
5 (4), 4:1 5.5 ± 1.4
- - Various P AAPS Intelligibility ratings ranged from mostly
not intelligibleto sometimes
Kothare et al. (2021) S Speed 22 (12),
11.4 ± 2.5 (8
- WISC-FSIQ 102.95
± 19.79
CELF-5 EL 100.1 ± 20.5 (59
I - Jaw speed/acceleration correlated with
dominant hand speed
Landa et al. (2013) S Inventory 54 (44),
(0.53.5) TD, HRMSEL-C 85.3 ± 19.0 - P - TD > early-ASD group (first clinical
impression by 14 months) on
consonant inventory at 14, 18, and
24 months. TD > late-ASD group on
consonant inventory at 14 and
24 months. Early ASD =late ASD
on consonant inventory
Lau et al. (2022) S Rhythm 57 (48),
16.6 ± 8 (6
IV 106.15
± 12.97
- I - TD > ASD on speech rhythm measures
Leader et al. (2020) F Feeding difficulty 136 (98),
8.4 ± 4.1 - - - Q STEP-CHILD 60% of sample reported to have chewing
Lundin Remnélius et al.
F Feeding difficulty 28 (13),
20.3 ± 4.4
TD, LrnD,
92.86 ± 21.22 - Q SWEAA Motor control for eating correlated with
internalizing conditions but not
autistic traits
Lyakso et al. (2016) S Duration,
25 (514) TD - - I - ASD TD on F3 values during
emotional speech, F2F1 values for
/a/ and /u/, and F3F2 values for /i/.
Autistic children who had
developmental reversals at age 1.5
3 years those at developmental
risk from birth on formant measures
Lyakso et al. (2017) S Duration,
30 (514) TD MA 4:07:0 - P/I - TD > ASD on word intelligibility.
Listeners falsely identified male
autistic subjects as female more often
than TD children and tended to
underestimate the age of the autistic
children. Autistic children with a
developmental reversal at age 1.5
3 years those at developmental
risk from birth on vowel duration
Mahler (2012) S/NS 7 (7) TD - EVT 105.3 P
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Accuracy, rate,
7.4 ± 1.7
TD > ASD on DDK accuracy,
consistency. TD =ASD on DDK
rate. ASD in normal range on GFTA
and OSMSE Structure/Function.
86% failed OSMSE DDK task
Mandelbaum et al.
S/NS Accuracy, rate,
neuro exam
116 (93),
8.9 ± 1.6 (7
ID, DLD Various - P - Non-ASD/low-IQ > ASD/low-IQ on
oromotor tasks. ASD/high-
IQ > ASD/low-IQ on timed and
untimed oromotor tasks. Per
neurological exam, ASD/low-
IQ > DLD, ASD/low-IQ > ASD/
high-IQ, and non-ASD/low-
IQ > ASD/high-IQ on ratings of
oromotor apraxia
Manfredonia et al.
NS Facial expression 144 (112),
14.6 ± 7.8 (6
TD KBIT-2 99.2 ± 19.6 - I - TD > ASD on upturned lip corner during
happy emotional expression;
activations of lip and jaw correlated
with social skills
McCann et al. (2007) S Accuracy 31 (25),
9.8 (613) TD RPM 96.4 ± 15.9 CELF-3 EL 90% below normal
P GFTA-2 Within ASD group, 84% scored within
the normal range, 10% had a mild
impairment and 6% had a more
significant impairment on GFTA
McCleery et al. (2006) S Accuracy 14 (12), 6:1 3.3 (2.16.9) TD BSID MA (1:6) MCDI NDW 7 (026) P - ASD =TD on patterns of phoneme
acquisition and production
McDaniel et al. (2018) NS/F Accuracy 65 (54),
3.6 ± 0.6
- MSEL DR 36 ± 15 MCDI NDW 17 ± 25 (0117) P OME Reduced eating and NS oromotor skills.
Imitative and nonimitative oral
motor performance was not
significantly correlated with
receptiveexpressive vocabulary
McKeever et al. (2022) S Accuracy, rate,
8 (6), 3:1 10.1 ± 2.1
TD LIPS 89.71 ± 11.37 - I - ASD =TD on max rate of syllable
production, accuracy of single
syllable sequences, and articulatory
stability. ASD group was more likely
to have different tongue shapes for
fast and slow rates
Nadig and Shaw (2011) S Rate 15 (13),
10.8 ± 1.5
(105 ± 15)
- P/I - ASD =TD on speech rate, perceptually
and acoustically
Nakaoka et al. (2022) F Feeding difficulty 294 (229),
10 ± 4 (318) - - SCQ 12.1 ± 7.3 Q ASD-MBQ Reduced score on oral motor function for
eating. Oral motor function
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
correlated with social skills and
sensory profile
Narzisi et al. (2013) S Accuracy 22 (22) 9.8 ± 3.7 (5
141 (103.4
± 16.3)
NEPSY-II Language scores
similar to controls
P NEPSY-II TD > ASD on production of articulatory
sequences and tongue twisters
Noterdaeme (2002) S/NS Accuracy 11 (8), 2.7:1 9.8 ± 2.3 TD, ELD,
KABC 103 ± 14 HTLF IS 38 ± 15 P - Per neurological exam, ASD =TD on
oral motor function
Ochi et al. (2019) S Rate 62 (62) 26.9 ± 7 TD WAIS-III FSIQ
106.4 ± 14.3
- I - ASD =TD on speech rate and speech
rate variance
Pang et al. (2016) S/NS Brain activity 21 (17),
11.4 ± 3.2 (6
± 18.1
OWLSII-OE 88.6 ± 24.4 I - During nonspeech task, ASD > TD on
magnitude and delayed latency in
motor control areas and magnitude
in an executive control area. During
phoneme production, ASD > TD on
latency delays in frontal and
temporal language processing areas.
During oromotor sequencing,
ASD > TD on magnitude and
delayed latency in a sensory
integration area
Parish-Morris et al.
S Consistency,
17 (15),
26.9 ± 7.3 TD WASI-II FSIQ
102.1 ± 19.8
- I - TD > ASD on mouth movement diversity
Parmeggiani et al. (2019) F Sucking reflex 105 (82),
1.1 ± 0.8
- Various - R - Absent sucking reflex in 16.2% of ASD
Pascolo and Cattarinussi
F Muscle activity 7 (7) 7.3 ± 1.8 TD WISC-R > 70 - I - ASD =TD on mylohyoid activity and
timing of initiation of mouth opening
when bringing food to mouth
Patel et al. (2020) S Rate 55 (45),
16.6 ± 6.6
104.22 ± 12.03
- P/I - TD > ASD on speech rate instrumentally,
but not perceptually
Paul et al. (2008) S Duration 46 (43),
13.2 ± 4.4
TD WISC-3 PIQ 95.0
± 20.5
CELF-III EL 99.7 ± 21.5 I T-TRIP No differences in syllable duration among
uncombined ASD groups (HFA, AS,
PDD-NOS). For the combined ASD
group, ASD > TD on difference
between duration of stressed and
unstressed syllables
Peter et al. (2019) S Accuracy 2 (1), 1:1 6.7 ± 3 (4.6
TD RIAS-NII (84) Severely delayedP GFTA-2 Two siblings with dx of ASD and CAS
demonstrated reduced articulatory
accuracy, vowel errors, inconsistent
errors, and reduced DDK rates.
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Shared genetic variants contributing
to ASD and CAS were proposed
Peterson et al. (2016) F Feeding difficulty 6 (6) (46) - - - P - Reduced ability to clear mouth of food
within 30 s for most of ASD sample
Peterson et al. (2019) F Feeding difficulty 6 (6) (35) - - - P - Reduced ability to clear mouth of food
within 30 s
Petinou (2021) S Accuracy,
1 (1) 4 - - - P - Reduced phonetic inventory, percent
consonants correct, words correct,
and intelligibility
Plumb and Wetherby
S Accuracy 50 (43),
21.3 ± 1.9
± 25.8
- P - TD > ASD on proportion of
vocalizations containing at least a
vowel. ASD > TD on proportion of
atypical and distress vocalizations.
Within ASD group, vocalizations
containing a vowel were correlated
with developmental levels, and
communicative vocalizations
uniquely predicted age 3 EL
Rainsdon (2018) S Accuracy 3 (2), 2:1 4 ± 0.2 (3.8
- - SPELT-P2 5469 P GFTA-3 All participants in the below-average
range on the GFTA
Rogers et al. (1996) NS Accuracy 17 (15),
2.9 ± 0.3
LrnD, ID,
± 12.1
- P - Controls > ASD on non-meaningful
sequential facial imitations.
ASD =Controls on non-meaningful
single facial imitations and single or
sequential meaningful facial
Rogers et al. (2003) NS Accuracy 24 (20), 5:1 15.5 ± 3.1
44 (23.7 ± 6.3)
- P - TD > ASD, DD > ASD on oral imitation
task. In ASD group, oral-facial
imitation moderately correlated with
ASD severity and joint attention, but
not with EL
Samad et al. (2019) NS Magnitude 10 (10) 13.5 ± 2.4 TD Incl. criteria >70 - I - TD > ASD on activation magnitudes of
FAUs and correlations between
FAUs, although ASD > TD on
activation of mouth frown
Schoen et al. (2011) S Accuracy,
30 (23),
2.4 ± 0.4
TD - VABS EL AE 1.2 ± 0.4 P - ASD > TD on number of atypical
nonspeech vocalizations.
TDA > ASD =TDL on number of
early, middle, late, and total
consonants. TDA > ASD on English
consonant blends. ASD > TDA on
number of atypical blends
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
Sheinkopf et al. (2000) S Duration,
15 (13),
3.7 ± 0.7 DD MPSMT MA 22.13
± 5.07
RDLS EL AE 1.2 ± 0.2 P - ASD =TD on proportion of syllables
containing vowel sounds and
proportion of syllables containing
abnormally long vowels
Shriberg et al. (2001) S Accuracy, rate,
30 (30) 5.8 ± 1.2 (4
- WISC-3 PIQ (89.0
± 23.8)
HFA TLC:E (8.2 ± 4.0); AS
TLC:E (8.3 ± 4.0)
P - HFA > TD and AS > TD on residual
distortion errors. HFA > TD on
slow articulation/pause timeand
slow/pause timeratings.
HFA > AS on slow articulation/
pause timeratings
Shriberg et al. (2011) S Accuracy, rate,
46 (36),
6 ± 1.2 TD, CAS,
WISC-4 PIQ 67149
(102.8 ± 16.1)
- P/I - Results suggest a modest increase in risk
of Speech Delay, substantial increase
in risk of Speech Error, and no
elevated risk for CAS in verbal ASD.
55% of ASD sample had
lengthened vowels, 55% had
increased percentage of phoneme
distortion, and 25% had slow
speaking rate
Shriberg et al. (2019) S Accuracy,
42 (33),
21.2 ± 10.7
GenD, TBI KBIT-2 (104.3
± 15.7)
- P/I - 83.3% of ASD group classified as normal
speech acquisition, 16.7% with
Speech Delay or Persistent Speech
Delay, 0% with Speech Errors or
Persistent Speech Errors. 85.7% of
ASD group had no motor speech
disorder, 14.3% had speech motor
delay, 0% had childhood dysarthria
or CAS
Spek et al. (2020) F Feeding difficulty 89 (53),
38.5 ± 12 TD - - Q SWEAA ASD =TD on motor control for eating;
within ASD group men had more
motor control problems than women
Stevenson et al. (2017) NS Accuracy 13 (9), 2.3:1 8 ± 4.1 (3
TD - SCQ communication 6.9 ± 2.4 Q - TD > ASD on oral motor skills. Oral
motor skills were negatively
correlated with autistic traits and
positively associated with pragmatic
language skills
Sullivan et al. (2013) S Accuracy,
39 (29),
1 ± 0.3 (1.5
TD, DD - MSEL EL 26.9 ± 9.2 (2056) I - Some of ASD group TD on a measure
associated with place of articulation.
Articulatory features were
significantly associated with RL in
ASD group
Talkar et al. (2020) S 5 (5) 7.2 ± 0.4 TD FSIQ 105135 (124) - I -
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
ASD > TD in the variance of F2 during
syllable sequencing and free speech
and in the variance of F3 during
sustained vowels. Correlation
between F0 and formant values
during connected speech perfectly
discriminated ASD versus TD
Thurm et al. (2007) S/NS Accuracy 83 (71),
(25) DD Various Age 5 VABS composite EL AE
ratio 0.4 ± 0.3
TD > ASD on parent reports of child
imitating sounds of adults
immediately after hearing them.
Imitation of adult sounds
discriminated groups which did and
did not acquire EL at age 5
Tierney et al. (2015) S/NS CAS dx 11, 3.3:1 (24.6) - - - P KSPT 63.6% of ASD group met criteria for CAS
Trembath et al. (2019) S Vocalization
23 (17),
4.1 ± 0.8
- MSEL-DQ 64.1
± 21.9
VABS EL 20.5 ± 11.8 (347);
MSEL EL 22.9 ± 11.1 (7
P - Change in vocalization ratio over time
correlated with EL and nonverbal
cognition; vocalizations per minute
not correlated with language skills
van Dijk et al. (2021) F Feeding difficulty 80 (55),
4 ± 1.1 (00) TD WPPSI/SON-R/
BSID 90.32
± 18.25
- Q MCH-FS ASD =TD on caregiver reports of
chewing problems
Van Santen et al. (2010) S Duration 26 6.6 ± 1.3 (4
(117.63 ± 11.48)
- I PEPS-C ASD =TD on duration of syllables
during lexical stress, emphatic stress,
or contrastive stress tasks
Vashdi et al. (2020) S CAS dx 170 - - - R - 61% of children with CAS or sCAS also
had a dx of ASD
Velleman et al. (2010) S/NS Accuracy, rate,
10 (9), 9:1 5.4 ± 0.9
TD, sCAS NVIQ 7090 PLS-4-EC (70.8 ± 15.6) P/I/Q VMPAC Parents of 60% of ASD group reported
signs of CD, CAS, or both. 6/10 in
ASD group exhibited severe focal
oromotor control deficits (one
moderate), 4/10 exhibited severe
speech motor deficits (four
moderate). ASD > TD and
ASD > sCAS on multiple formant
values. ASD > TD on duration of
some vowels. TD > ASD on average
variation in speech duration
Vissoker et al. (2019) F Feeding difficulty 105 (105) 3.4 ± 4.3 (2
TD - - Q AEQ ASD > TD on caregiver reports of
chewing and swallowing problems
Whitehouse et al. (2008) S/NS Accuracy 34 (33),
10.8 ± 2.8
DLD WASI 80137
(105.0 ± 14.0)
ERRNI MLUw 89.8 ± 13.4 P NEPSY ASD with language impairment > ASD
with appropriate language on
oromotor sequencing. ASD with
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TABLE 3 (Continued)
Author(s) Domain
nASD (M),
M:F ratio
ASD age M
± SD (range) Controls
Exp. lang M± SD (range)
language impairment > SLI on
oromotor sequencing. Both ASD
groups > SLI on sentence repetition.
ASD with appropriate NWR
skills =ASD without appropriate
NWR skills on oromotor sequencing
Wynn et al. (2018) S Rate 30 (21),
19.2 ± 10.4
TD Adults >90 Child group CELF-V EL 88.7 I - TD adults entrained speech rate; ASD
adults, ASD children, and TD
children did not
Wynn et al. (2022) S Accuracy 30 (21),
19.2 ± 10.4
TD Adults >90 Adequate to participate in task I - TD > ASD on articulatory precision
Yan et al. (2021) S Accuracy 30 (26),
5.7 ± 1.3 TD PTONI 59.53
± 12.32
- P - Reduced phonemes correct at baseline
Yoder et al. (2015) NS/F Accuracy,
87 (71),
2.9 ± 0.6
- MSEL MA 1:0 ± 0:5 MCDI-WS 3.7 ± 5.0 (018) P OME, CSBS Imitative and non-imitative oromotor
skills did not have added predictive
value for EL or RL among initially
NV children with ASD
Zarokanellou et al.
S Accuracy 46 (35),
9.1 ± 1.5 (7
TD RCPM 104.8 ± 14.1 EOWPVT-R raw score 63.3
± 14.2
P TPPD TD > ASD on nonword repetition,
TD > ASD on speech accuracy
Note: Greater than (>) and less than (<) indicate significant difference in performance.
F, feeding; NS, nonspeech; S, speech.
CAS, childhood apraxia of speech; DD, developmental delay; DLD, Developmental Language Disorder; ELD, expressive language disorder; GenD, genetic disorder; HR, high-risk siblings; HR, high-risk siblings without ASD; HR+, high-risk siblings with
ASD; ID, intellectual disability; LrnD, learning disability; MSD, motor speech disorder; RLD, receptive language disorder; sCAS, suspected childhood apraxia of speech; SSD, speech sound disorder; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TD, typically developing.
AE, age equivalent; BSID, Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development; DAS, Differential Ability Scales; DR, developmental ratio; FSIQ, Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient; KABC, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children; KBIT, Kaufman Brief
Intelligence Test; LIPS, Leiter International Performance Scale; MA, mental age; MPSMT, Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental Tests; MSEL, Mullen Scales of Early Learning; NV, nonverbal; NVDQ, Nonverbal Developmental Quotient; NVIQ, nonverbal IQ;
NVMA, Nonverbal Mental Age; PIQ, Performance IQ; PRI, Perceptual Reasoning Index; PTONI, Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence; RCPM, The Ravens Colored Progressive Matrices; RIAS, Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales; RPM, The
Ravens Progressive Matrices; SON-R, Snijders-Oomen nonverbal intelligence tests; TONI, Test of Nonverbal Intelligence; VR, Visual Reception; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; WISC, Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children; WPPSI, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence.
ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; AE, Age equivalent; AS, Asperger syndrome; CELF, Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals; DV, Definitional Vocabulary; EC, Expressive Communication; EL, Expressive Language; EOWPVT,
Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test; ERRNI, Expression, Reception and Recall of Narrative Instrument; EV, expressive vocabulary; EVT, Expressive Vocabulary Test; HFA, high-functioning autism; HTLF, Heidelberg Test of Language
Development; IS, Imitation of Grammatical Structures; LUL, longest utterance length; MCDI, MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory; MLU, mean length of utterance; MLUw, Mean number of words per utterance; MSEL, Mullen Scales
of Early Learning; NDW, Number of different words; NV, Nonverbal; OE, Oral Expression; OWLS, Oral and Written Language Scales; PLS, Preschool Language Scale; RDLS, Reynell Developmental Language Scales; SCQ, Social Communication
Questionnaire; SPELT-P, Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test-Preschool; TLC, Test of Language Competence; TOPEL, Test of Preschool Early Literacy; V, Verbal; VABS, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales; WS, Words said.
I, instrumental; P, Perceptual; Q, questionnaire/report; R, medical record review.
See Table 2for test names.
AS, Asperger syndrome; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; CD, childhood dysarthria; DDK, diadochokinetic; dx, diagnosis; EL, expressive language; FAU, facial action unit; FM, fine motor; GM, gross motor; HFA, high-functioning autism; NWR, nonword
repetition; PDD-NOS, Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified; RL, receptive language; SLI, specific language impairment; TDA, typically developing age-matched controls; TDL, typically developing language-matched controls.
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Thirteen studies (12%) examined the consistency or sta-
bility of oromotor movements (six perceptual and five
instrumental studies). Eleven of these 13 studies (85%)
found significant abnormalities related to consistency or
stability in a sample of autistic individuals. Interestingly,
of these 11 studies, six reported reduced consistency/
stability (Chenausky et al., 2019,2020,2021;
Mahler, 2012; Shriberg et al., 2011; Talkar et al., 2020)
and five reported increased consistency/stability
(Gladfelter & Goffman, 2018; Kissine et al., 2021;
Kissine & Geelhand, 2019; Parish-Morris et al., 2018;
Velleman et al., 2010) in an ASD group. Findings of
reduced consistency/stability include (1) higher ratings of
inconsistent errors,”“variable errors,or less stable
whole word errors(Chenausky et al., 2019,2020,2021;
Shriberg et al., 2011); (2) reduced consistency of phoneme
accuracy during DDK repetitions (Mahler, 2012); and
(3) increased variability in formant values during DDK
repetitions, free speech, and sustained vowels (Talkar
et al., 2020). Findings of higher consistency/stability
include (1) greater improvement in motor stability during
a nonword learning task compared to controls
(Gladfelter & Goffman, 2018); (2) greater articulatory
stability in the production of native vowels compared to
non-autistic controls (Kissine et al., 2021; Kissine &
Geelhand, 2019); (3) less average variation in speech
durations (Velleman et al., 2010); and (4) a restricted rep-
ertoire of mouth movements during conversational
speech (Parish-Morris et al., 2018).
Of the 13 studies (12%) that examined speech or DDK
rate (i.e., the number of syllables or words per unit of
time) among autistic individuals (10 perceptual and six
acoustic studies, including two studies using both
approaches), eight (62%) reported a significant abnor-
mality in a group of autistic individuals and five (38%)
did not report significant group differences. Among the
eight studies that reported a rate abnormality in the ASD
group, six reported a slower rate among autistic speakers
(Chenausky et al., 2019,2020,2021; Patel et al., 2020;
Shriberg et al., 2001,2011), one reported general abnor-
mality of rate without indicating a direction
(Mandelbaum et al., 2006), and one reported that autistic
adults do not entrain their speaking rate (i.e., modify rate
to match a communication partners rate) while non-
autistic adults do (Wynn et al., 2018).
Of the 11 studies (10%) that examined the duration of
phonemes or syllables among autistic individuals
(10 instrumental studies and one perceptual study), nine
(82%) reported a significant difference between autistic
and non-autistic individuals and two (18%) reported simi-
lar rates between autistic individuals and controls. Of the
eight studies that reported a significant abnormality, four
reported longer sound durations in the ASD group
(Diehl & Paul, 2013; Grossman et al., 2010; Kissine &
Geelhand, 2019; Shriberg et al., 2011; Velleman
et al., 2010), one reported a group difference without
indicating the direction of the finding (Lyakso
et al., 2017), and three studies reported significantly less
difference in duration between speaking conditions by
autistic speakers (i.e., between emotional states [Hub-
bard & Trauner, 2007] and between stressed and
unstressed syllables [Lyakso et al., 2016; Paul
et al., 2008]).
Vowel production/formant values
Eight studies (7%) used acoustic methods to examine the
formant values of phonemes (i.e., resonant frequencies
corresponding to vocal tract configurations) produced by
autistic speakers. Among these studies, six (75%)
reported significant group differences between autistic
and control groups (Kissine et al., 2021; Kissine &
Geelhand, 2019; Lyakso et al., 2016,2017; Talkar
et al., 2020; Velleman et al., 2010), one study examined
two autistic children intended to represent subgroups of
ASD but without the use of a control group (Chenausky
et al., 2021), and one study found no significant differ-
ence between groups (Sullivan et al., 2013). Abnormal
findings among these studies include (1) reduced F1F3
dispersion among autistic speakers, suggesting more
invariant articulatory gestures during vowel production
(Kissine et al., 2021; Kissine & Geelhand, 2019); (2) an
increased attraction index when producing non-native
vowels, suggesting that autistic speakers produce vowels
with formant values closer to those of one of their native
vowels than to target non-native vowels compared to
controls (Kissine et al., 2021); (3) larger formant trian-
gles, suggesting a larger magnitude of tongue movements
during vowel production in autistic speakers (Lyakso
et al., 2016,2017; although note that statistical signifi-
cance was not reported); (4) increased variance of for-
mants during various speech tasks (Talkar et al., 2020);
and (5) higher formant values among autistic speakers
during prolonged vowels (Velleman et al., 2010) and dur-
ing emotional speech (Lyakso et al., 2016). Chenausky
et al. (2021) examined the speech of two minimally verbal
autistic children hypothesized to belong to different sub-
phenotypes (i.e., motor speech disorder and motor speech
disorder +auditory processing disorder). Using formant
analyses, they found a similar level of phoneme distortion
between the two children, but that the child with only a
suspected motor speech disorder had a larger searching
articulation index, larger token-to-token variability, and
a larger vowel space.
Six studies (6%) addressed oromotor coordination among
autistic individuals (four perceptual and one instrumental
study). Each found significant differences indicating
decreased oromotor coordination among autistic
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individuals. Findings include (1) difficulty with coarticu-
lationor difficulty with initial configurations or transi-
tionsin autistic children or subgroups of autistic
children (Chenausky et al., 2019,2020,2021), (2) lower
performance on a test of oromotor sequences for high-
functioning autistic children compared to non-autistic
controls (Narzisi et al., 2013), (3) decreased temporal
coordination in autistic individuals during a speech task
using a metronome (Franich et al., 2020), and (4) a lower
complexity in the correlation of formants and facial
movements during a reading task, suggesting a decreased
independence of movements compared to control sub-
jects (Talkar et al., 2020).
Vocalization quality
Five studies (5%) examined vocalization quality among
young autistic children (i.e., whether vocalizations were
considered speechlike, nonspeechlike, or otherwise
abnormal). Three studies reported significant differences
between autistic children and comparison groups includ-
ing (1) significantly fewer speechlike vocalizations among
younger siblings of autistic children who later received an
ASD diagnosis compared to younger siblings who did
not receive an ASD diagnosis and typically developing
controls (Chenausky, Nelson, & Tager-Flusberg, 2017),
(2) fewer vocalizations containing a vowel and more
vocalizations not containing a vowel in autistic children
than typically developing peers (Plumb &
Wetherby, 2013), and (3) significantly more atypical
vocalizations among autistic children, with high-pitched
squeals accounting for much of this difference (Schoen
et al., 2011).
Four studies (4%) examined the intelligibility (i.e., the
amount of speech that is understood by a listener) of
autistic individuals, all using perceptual methods. Three
of these studies (75%) reported low intelligibility among
autistic speakers (Koegel et al., 1998; Lyakso et al., 2017;
Petinou, 2021), although it should be noted that Petinou
(2021) was a case study of one child and Lyakso et al.
(2017) did not report the statistical significance of the
reduced intelligibility in autistic children compared to
their control group.
Nonspeech oromotor skills
Twenty-eight studies (26% of all studies in this review)
investigated the nonspeech oromotor skills of autistic
individuals, and 25 studies reported whether the skills
were normal or abnormal. The remaining three studies
provided information regarding performance among sub-
groups of autistic individuals or regarding correlations
between nonspeech oral motor skills and language out-
comes rather than providing a comparison with norms or
a control group. Twenty studies (80% of those reporting
an outcome) reported abnormalities among a sample of
autistic individuals and five studies (Dalton et al., 2017;
Deshmukh, 2012; Espanola Aguirre & Gutierrez, 2019;
Mahler, 2012; Noterdaeme, 2002) reported no significant
difference in nonspeech oral motor skills between and
ASD group and a control group.
Among the studies reporting a significant difference
in nonspeech oromotor skills, a commonly reported find-
ing was that autistic individuals scored in the impaired
range or significantly lower than a control group on a test
of oromotor imitation such as the KSPT (Adams, 1998;
Chenausky et al., 2019; Chenausky, Norton, &
Schlaug, 2017; Gernsbacher et al., 2008; Kim &
Seung, 2015; Tierney et al., 2015), VMPAC (Biller &
Johnson, 2019,2020; Dalton et al., 2017; Velleman
et al., 2010), POME (Amato & Slavin, 1998; McDaniel
et al., 2018; Yoder et al., 2015), Com DEALL Oro
Motor Assessment (Belmonte et al., 2013), SIPT
(Bodison, 2015), or OSMSE (Deshmukh, 2012). These
tests assess an individuals ability to perform nonspeech
oral movements such as opening the jaw; elevating and
lateralizing the tongue; spreading and puckering lips; per-
forming sequences of oromotor tasks; and performing
functional behaviors like sucking and biting.
Other findings include differences in movements of
the lips during emotional expression (Manfredonia
et al., 2019; Samad et al., 2019) and differences in brain
activity during nonspeech oromotor tasks (Pang
et al., 2016) including increased magnitude and delayed
latency in motor control areas as well as increased magni-
tude in an executive control area. Of note, Belmonte
et al. (2013) found that nonspeech oromotor skills varied
independently of gross and fine motor skills among autis-
tic children, offering additional motivation for studying
these skills in addition to speech production abilities.
Feeding skills
Nineteen studies (18%) examined feeding-related oromo-
tor skills among autistic individuals10 using caregiver
questionnaires, six using perceptual methods, two using
instrumental methods, and one using medical record
review. Of these studies, 17 reported whether motor feed-
ing skills were normal or abnormal, and 11 of those
17 (65%) reported feeding-related oromotor deficits
(Amato & Slavin, 1998; Brisson et al., 2012; Cattaneo
et al., 2007; Demartini et al., 2021; Gal et al., 2022;
Leader et al., 2020; McDaniel et al., 2018; Nakaoka
et al., 2020; Parmeggiani et al., 2019; Peterson
et al., 2016; Vissoker et al., 2019).
Abnormal findings include decreased scores on
motor-related portions of the OME (eating behaviors;
Amato & Slavin, 1998; McDaniel et al., 2018), SWEAA
(motor control; Demartini et al., 2021), AEQ (chew-
ing and swallowing problems; Gal et al., 2022; Vissoker
et al., 2019), STEP-CHILD (chewing problems; Leader
et al., 2020), and ASD-MBQ (oral motor function;
Nakaoka et al., 2022). Brisson et al. (2012) reported
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
significantly less anticipatory mouth opening in response
to an approaching spoon among autistic infants com-
pared to typically developing infants, a finding which
may be considered alongside Cattaneo et al. (2007), who
reported significantly less mylohyoid muscle activity
among autistic children both when observing someone
reach for, grasp, and eat food and also when performing
the same action themselves. Parmeggiani et al. (2019)
used a medical record review of 105 autistic individuals
to reveal that 16.2% of the sample had an absent sucking
reflex as a newborn. Peterson et al. (2016) observed six
autistic children (aged 46 years) for mouth clean
(i.e., the absence of food larger than a grain of rice in the
childs mouth 30 s after a bite entered the mouth) and
noted that four of the children (67%) had a mean mouth
cleanof 0% over five attempts.
Associations between oromotor performance
and other skills in ASD
Twenty-six studies (24%) reported information regarding
associations or correlations between oromotor skills and
a variety of linguistic, cognitive, behavioral, or demo-
graphic variables among autistic individuals.
Expressive language
The relationship between oromotor skills and expressive
language skills was investigated in 12 studies, of which
nine (75%) reported an association between abnormal
oromotor skills and decreased expressive language abili-
ties. Specifically, it has been reported that verbal autistic
children (i.e., those who produce and vocalize consonant-
vowel syllables and use them during communicative
attempts) significantly outperform nonverbal autistic
children on measures of eating behaviors, voluntary non-
verbal oral skills, and pre-speech/speech behaviors
(Amato & Slavin, 1998). Oromotor skills have been
shown to accurately differentiate highly, moderately, and
minimally fluent autistic children (Gernsbacher
et al., 2008), and speech production ability accounts for
significant levels of variance in the number of different
words produced by minimally verbal autistic individuals
(Chenausky et al., 2019). Additionally, oromotor skills
have been found to positively correlate with both pre-
intervention expressive language and with learning rates
during expressive language intervention (Belmonte
et al., 2013) and with a caregiver questionnaire assessing
communication skills (Nakaoka et al., 2020). Whitehouse
et al. (2008) found that autistic children with age-
appropriate language outperformed autistic children with
language impairment on an assessment of oromotor
sequencing. Thurm et al. (2007) reported that perfor-
mance on the item imitating sounds of adults immedi-
ately after hearing themfrom the VABS at age 2 was a
significant discriminator of autistic children with and
without expressive language deficits at age 5. Trembath
et al. (2019) found that children with higher expressive
language scores (per the MSEL and VABS) demon-
strated greater increases in the vocalization ratio over
time. Finally, Sullivan et al. (2013) showed that the num-
ber of vocalizations produced by autistic children is
related to the variability of acoustic features correspond-
ing to the placement of articulators during speech.
Receptive language
Six studies examined correlations between oromotor
skills and receptive language. Five of these studies (83%)
reported a significant relationship. As with expressive
language, Belmonte et al. (2013) found that oromotor
skills are positively correlated with pre-intervention lan-
guage abilities as well as receptive language learning rates
during intervention. Receptive vocabulary differentiates
minimally and low verbal autistic children whose speech
production is within normal limits from those with sus-
pected CAS, those with non-CAS speech impairment,
and those with insufficient speech for perceptual rating
(Chenausky et al., 2019). Kjelgaard and Tager-Flusberg
(2001) found that word-level speech production ability
measured via the GFTA was associated with receptive
vocabulary. Thurm et al. (2007) reported that perfor-
mance on the item imitating sounds of adults immedi-
ately after hearing themfrom the VABS at age 2 was a
significant discriminator of autistic children with and
without receptive language deficits at age 5. Finally, Sul-
livan et al. (2013) found that acoustic measures of place-
ment of the articulators were associated with receptive
language skills among autistic children.
Expressive-receptive disparity
The relationship between receptive and expressive lan-
guage in ASD is of theoretical interest because of its
potential to reveal whether deficits of communicative
speech are due to underlying deficits in the use of lan-
guage or whether they can be attributed to expressive
language-specific abilities such as oromotor skills. Of the
two studies directly investigating this topic, Belmonte
et al. (2013) found that a receptive-expressive language
disparity (i.e., receptive language [RL] superior to expres-
sive language [EL]) was associated with oromotor impair-
ments among a subgroup of autistic children, while
McDaniel et al. (2018) found that although attention
toward a speaker was positively correlated with a
receptive-expressive vocabulary discrepancy (EL > RL),
oromotor performance was not correlated with a hypoth-
esized receptive-expressive vocabulary discrepancy in the
opposite direction (RL > EL).
Social skills
The relationship between oromotor skills and social func-
tioning was explored in three studies, each of which
reported significant correlations with measures of social
skills. Nakaoka et al. (2022) found that oromotor func-
tion was moderately correlated with scores from the
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Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ; Rutter, Bai-
ley, & Lord, 2003). Plumb and Wetherby (2013) found
moderate correlations between both total vocalizations
and transcribable vocalizations (i.e., syllabic vocaliza-
tions containing at least a vowel which may also contain
a consonant) with scores from the social composite score
of the CSBS (Wetherby & Prizant, 2002), and Trembath
et al. (2019) found that the ratio of speech to nonspeech
vocalizations in autistic children was significantly associ-
ated with scores on the SCQ.
Other skills
Studies included in this review have explored associations
between oromotor skills and other linguistic, cognitive,
behavioral, or demographic variables. In each case, sig-
nificant associations were reported. Positive associations
of various strengths have been found between oromotor
abilities and fine motor skills (Belmonte et al., 2013),
manual motor skills (Gernsbacher et al., 2008), joint
attention (Dalton et al., 2017), nonword repetition skills
(Zarokanellou et al., 2022), naming skills (Zarokanellou
et al., 2022), developmental outcomes as measured by the
Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL; Mullen, 1995)
(Plumb & Wetherby, 2013), symbolic behaviors
(Plumb & Wetherby, 2013), pragmatic language
(Stevenson et al., 2017), nonverbal IQ (Chenausky
et al., 2019), sensory profile (Nakaoka et al., 2022), and
daily living skills (Nakaoka et al., 2022). Negative associ-
ations have been reported between oromotor abilities and
autism characteristics (Stevenson et al., 2017) and inter-
nalizing conditions (Lundin Remnélius et al., 2022).
Our results indicate that despite the widespread notion
that speech production is relatively sparedat least when
assessed perceptuallyamong autistic individuals
(Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001; Rapin &
Dunn, 2003), the majority of available evidence indicates
abnormal oromotor control in this population. The per-
centage of studies reporting oromotor impairments var-
ied by domain (i.e., speech, nonspeech, and feeding) and
behavior analyzed. However, the majority of studies,
whether conducted with perceptual or instrumental
methods, indicated that autistic individuals demonstrate
significant abnormalities in oromotor functioning (85%
and 81%, respectively). For example, 85% of studies
examining speech accuracy and 80% of studies examining
nonspeech oral movements among autistic individuals
reported deficits. For some less commonly studied fea-
tures such as coarticulation/coordination, 100% of studies
reported an abnormality.
It is critical to note the numerous methodological
issues, sampling challenges, and contradictory findings
present in the included studies. These factors (discussed
in further detail below), along with the relatively small
number of studies analyzing particular oromotor behav-
iors, lead us to conclude that the current level of under-
standing of oromotor functioning in ASD is poor and
that additional rigorous research is necessary before we
can draw definitive conclusions. Below we will first dis-
cuss the findings of each of our research questions and
then explore several limitations associated with the body
of literature presented above.
What methods have been used to investigate
oromotor functioning among individuals
with ASD?
Sixty-one percent of the studies in this review used per-
ceptual (i.e., auditory and/or visual) methods. Perceptual
analyses often serve as the gold standard of assessment
for a variety of speech features and are used extensively
to diagnose the type and severity of motor speech disor-
ders, inform treatment targets, and monitor progress over
time (Duffy, 2019). However, the over-representation of
perceptual assessments in this review is likely one factor
influencing the mixed results across studies. Perceptual
assessments typically require intensive clinical training,
are vulnerable to rater bias (Borrie et al., 2012; Che-
nausky, Maffei, et al., 2022; Kent, 1996), and may be too
coarse and unreliable for detecting subtle oromotor defi-
cits (Green, 2015). Even experienced listeners are suscep-
tible to top-down linguistic processes during speech
perception such as disregarding acoustic errors to com-
prehend a speech signal more effectively (Bond &
Garnes, 1980). Indeed, the differences among perceptual
judgments made by expert judges are often larger than
the differences needed for diagnostic classification
(Kent, 1996). To take one example from this review,
nearly all of the assessments of nonspeech oromotor
functioning included in this study were obtained via audi-
tory and visual perceptual methods using tools such as
the OSMSE or VMPAC. The reliability of such measures
is contingent on the assumption that all raters have simi-
lar internal standards of parameters such as typical
ranges of motion during lip retraction or tongue laterali-
zation. Training materials and procedures are often pro-
vided with these assessment tools to improve reliability;
however, other sources of bias including listener familiar-
ity with a speaker (Tjaden & Liss, 1995) are known to
significantly impact perceptual judgments. Other studies
in this review made judgments regarding nonspeech oro-
motor skills based on novel tasks, modified versions of
existing tools, or prototypes of tools still in development,
reducing the reliability of these judgments.
Instrumental assessment methods including acoustic
analysis, EMG, MEG, MRI, ultrasound imaging, and
facial motion tracking were used in only 36 studies
(34%). These methods offer objective data, which miti-
gate the perceptual biases discussed above. Acoustic
methods, which are replicable, non-invasive, and widely
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
available, were by far the most commonly used instru-
mental approach in this review. Some studies included
both perceptual and instrumental assessment and draw
attention to the differences between these approaches.
For example, Patel et al. (2020) found a significant differ-
ence between autistic children and their typically develop-
ing peers in acousticbut not perceptualmeasures of
speaking rate, suggesting that instrumental methods can
detect subtle differences unavailable to even the trained
human ear.
However, the relationship between an acoustic signal
and perceptual speech features is often complex, particu-
larly when measuring gestalt perceptual constructs such
as articulatory or prosodic accuracy. For instance, judg-
ments of articulatory precision may not be correlated
with a single acoustic feature but rather with a combina-
tion of features such as formant transitions and speaking
rate (Chiu et al., 2021). In general, there is a need for fur-
ther research regarding the validity of acoustic measures
of constructs such as articulatory function (Allison
et al., 2020; Rowe et al., 2021).
Kinematic analyses such as facial motion tracking
and ultrasound tongue imaging, used in only six studies
in this review, offer highly precise data and crucial physi-
ological context for differences in motor function,
although require specialized equipment and time-
consuming data analysis. Incidentally, five of the six
studies utilizing kinematic technologies in this review
found significant abnormalities among individuals with
ASD (Gladfelter & Goffman, 2018; Manfredonia
et al., 2019; McKeever et al., 2022; Parish-Morris
et al., 2018; Samad et al., 2019). There is high potential
for kinematic techniques that have been used with other
populations to aid the study of oromotor function in
ASD, such as lip movement speed and duration
(Yunusova et al., 2010), lip shape (Iuzzini-Seigel
et al., 2015), temporal coordination of the articulators
(Green et al., 2000), jaw motion during chewing (Simione
et al., 2016; Wilson et al., 2012), and tongue and jaw
movements during swallowing (Perry et al., 2018).
The relative lack of instrumental investigations, which
are capable of objectively quantifying perceptual anoma-
lies in disordered speech, appears to be a gap in this liter-
ature. It is interesting to note that both perceptual and
instrumental methods resulted in nearly the same percent-
age of studies reporting an oromotor deficit (i.e., 85% of
perceptual studies and 81% of instrumental studies). The
similarity of these two percentages suggests that both
approaches are tapping into real deficits and offer rela-
tive methodological strengths. For instance, perceptual
methods will likely remain the gold standard for assessing
features such as phonetic inventory and vocalization
quality, while instrumental measures become increasingly
common for measures constructs such as rate, duration,
consistency, and certain aspects of accuracy.
Two major trends related to the use of assessment
tools were also revealed in this review. First, assessment
tools designed specifically to assess oromotor functioning
(e.g., the VMPAC or OSMSE) were used in only 11 stud-
ies. The interpretation of results regarding oromotor
skills obtained using tools designed to assess other
domains (e.g., prosody, expressive language, and general
development) is significantly limited by these toolslack
of sensitivity in measuring oromotor function; in fact,
some of these assessments include as few as one item
related to the complex construct of oromotor function-
ing. Second, norm-referenced standardized assessment
tools were used in 33 total studies. While a control group
is often used instead of normative data, this under-
utilization of norm-referenced assessments underscores a
critical need for the development and use of valid and
reliable assessment tools in this area.
Sample size is a consideration that must be made
carefully when designing a study. Within this review,
39% of studies had a sample size of under 20 individuals
with ASD, and 17% had a sample size of fewer than
10 participants. Small samples, including single case stud-
ies, offer several advantages such as allowing for the col-
lection of a large amount of data that cannot easily be
obtained from a large sample and for initially exploring a
novel technique or hypothesis. However, findings of stud-
ies with small samples are significantly limited in their
statistical power and thus their generalizability to the
wider population of individuals with ASD.
What oromotor behaviors (including speech
skills) have been investigated?
The majority of studies (78%) in this review examined
speech production, compared to 25% of studies examin-
ing nonspeech oromotor control and 18% of studies
examining oromotor control related to feeding. The study
of speech production in this population is critical as
researchers investigate the nature of expressive communi-
cation deficits among autistic individuals. However, the
study of nonspeech oral motor control is imperative. The
reason lies in the uniqueness and domain-specificity of
speech, which involves distinct neural networks specifi-
cally tuned to the motor processes involved in speech pro-
duction. These processes are distinct from those of
nonspeech oral movements in a variety of ways including
relative muscular forces, velocities, durations, rhythmic
scaffoldings, and contextual embeddings (Ziegler &
Ackermann, 2013). Conclusions regarding nonspeech
oromotor skills cannot be made based on research study-
ing speech, and vice versa (Weismer, 2006). Studying
nonspeech and speech skills in parallel will also shed light
on questions related to whether motor impairments in
ASD are present globally throughout the motor system
or are manifested in the context of cognitively demanding
tasks such as language production. Thus, there appears
to be a relative dearth of research regarding nonspeech
oral motor control among autistic individuals. In the
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context of examining oromotor skills as potential predic-
tors of language impairment, we cannot ignore the possi-
bility that even sub-perceptual differences in nonspeech
oromotor skills may serve as valuable features in predic-
tive models.
This review also allows analysis of which behaviors
have been studied perceptually and which have been
studied instrumentally. Several features have been exam-
ined using both approachesfor instance, speech sound
accuracy has been assessed using binary correct/incorrect
ratings in perceptual studies and via measures such as
formant frequencies or voice onset time measurements in
instrumental studies. On the other hand, some features
were only examined perceptually, often in cases in which
a construct of interest is defined in relation to human lis-
teners (e.g., intelligibility, although note recent work
including Jacks et al., 2019 and Gutz et al., 2022 linking
automatic speech recognition and intelligibility). How-
ever, in the case of other features, a lack of research high-
lights the need for acoustic measures of these features.
For instance, while some work has been done to develop
acoustic measures of speech coordination (e.g., Rowe
et al., 2021; Weismer et al., 2003), currently there is a
need to establish valid and reliable acoustic measures of
such features. On the other hand, sophisticated measures
of oromotor coordination can be found in studies using
facial motion capture technology (Green et al., 2000;
Matsuo & Palmer, 2010; van Lieshout & Neufeld, 2014).
What conclusions can be drawn regarding
oromotor skills in ASD?
A large majority (81%) of studies included in this review
reported significant oromotor abnormalities among autis-
tic individuals. However, there is limited consensus
regarding the presence, type, and severity of deficits even
within specific domains (for instance, only 54% of studies
investigating speech rate found significant differences
among individuals with ASD). Additionally, different
abnormalities have been reported within the same fea-
ture, precluding straightforward synthesis and interpreta-
tion. For instance, among the 13 studies investigating
speech rate, findings for individuals with ASD included
typical rate, abnormally slow rate, an abnormal rate
without indication of direction, and a lack of speech rate
entrainment. Nonetheless, it is compelling to note that
for any given featurewhether related to speech, non-
speech oral behaviors, or feedingat least 50% of the
studies addressing that feature indicated a significant
abnormality among individuals with ASD.
Several findings from this review can be interpreted in
the context of known characteristics of ASD, including
the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior,
interests, or activities (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). Of the five instrumental studies inves-
tigating oromotor stability in this review, four support the
presence of reduced movement variability in the oromotor
system among autistic individuals (Gladfelter &
Goffman, 2018; Kissine et al., 2021; Kissine &
Geelhand, 2019; Parish-Morris et al., 2018), which may
be interpreted as a potential extension of restricted, repet-
itive patterns of behavior.Further support for this theme
of restrictedmotor behavior can be found in other stud-
ies included in this review that did not directly investigate
motor stability. Talkar et al. (2020) interpreted their
results regarding the coordination of motor acts as sug-
gesting that individuals with ASD may demonstrate
higher levels of coupling in their movements than typically
developing controls; Velleman et al. (2010) found that
their subjects with ASD had less average variation in their
speech durations compared to TD controls. Interestingly,
the results highlighted above stand in contrast with reports
of increased variability in temporal and spatial aspects of
other motor activities in ASD, including reaching, point-
ing, and saccadic movements (Glazebrook et al., 2006;
Gowen & Miall, 2005; Stanley-Cary et al., 2010).
Atypical or absent anticipatory behaviors are not a
diagnostic marker of ASD but have been observed
among autistic children since the earliest descriptions of
the disorder (Kanner, 1943). These deficits are widely
reported in the literature and include significant difficulty
with anticipation during behaviors such as load-lifting
(Martineau et al., 2004; Schmitz et al., 2003). For
instance, children with ASD demonstrate decreased pre-
dictive muscle activity in their left hand when removing a
weight from it with their right hand (Schmitz
et al., 2003). This and similar results suggest an over-
reliance on feedback (reactive) control and an under-
reliance on feedforward (predictive) control in the motor
systems of individuals with ASD. Several studies in this
review examined anticipatory oromotor behaviors; Bris-
son et al. (2012) reported an anticipation deficit observ-
able at 46 months of age among infants later diagnosed
with ASD, and Cattaneo et al. (2007) found decreased
activation of the mylohyoid muscle when autistic children
grasped food and brought it to their mouth. The young
age of the subjects in the study by Brisson et al. (2012)
study suggests the potential of such motor behaviors as a
predictor of outcomes in ASD. Ultimately, a lack of
additional studies confirming and expanding on these
findings prevents a clear understanding of whether such
failures of anticipation are related to the motor system or
to other domains (e.g., cognitive processing speed or the
interpretation of social cues).
The movement abnormalities observed across
domains in individuals with ASD (e.g., reduced variabil-
ity, reduced accuracy, deficits of anticipatory behavior,
and disrupted feedback control) do not appear to neatly
fit into a pre-established category of motor disorder
(e.g., dystonia, ataxia, hyperkinesia, or apraxia). The
existing literature raises the question of whether the
motor differences observed in ASD may constitute a dis-
tinct category of motor disorder. This notion has specific
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implications for the characterization of speech error pat-
terns among autistic individuals, which are variable and
do not conform to existing categories such as pediatric
dysarthria or childhood apraxia of speech in obvious
ways. Shriberg et al. (2010) provide a cover term
(i.e., Motor Speech Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified;
MSD-NOS) for speech, prosody, and voice behaviors
that are consistent with motor speech impairment but do
not correspond to the main classifications of apraxia or
dysarthria. Future research focusing on a holistic picture
of the cognitive, motor, and linguistic skills of individuals
with ASD should consider impairment profiles that fall
outside current diagnostic classification schemes and may
be consistent with well-established characteristics of
autistic individuals such as behavioral rigidity and antici-
patory difficulties.
Methodological limitations
Beyond several trends discussed above, an effective char-
acterization of oromotor functioning among individuals
with ASD is hindered by several methodological con-
straints characterizing the included studies.
First, it must be noted that studies with small sample
sizes are often inadequately powered to detect true group
differences and to produce generalizable results. For
instance, Adams (1998) provided one of the most
straightforward accounts of oromotor functioning in
ASD and is often cited as providing evidence for oromo-
tor and motor speech deficits in the population. How-
ever, the study had a sample of only four children with
ASD and four TD controls. Similarly, Tierney et al.
(2015) reported the compelling finding that 64% of their
sample of children with ASD also had comorbid CAS
based on a sample of only 11 children.
A second methodological limitation is the common
reliance on perceptual judgments, which were utilized in
nearly two-thirds of the studies included in this review.
These methods are often considered the gold standard in
speech assessment because of their ecological validity
but, as discussed above, have known limitations includ-
ing multiple sources of variability associated with
auditory-perceptual assessment (Kent, 1996) and the use
of rating schemes that may not be granular enough to
detect subtle oromotor differences (Green, 2015). Strate-
gies for attenuating the limitations of perceptual assess-
ment have been proposed, including the use of carefully
designed reference samples and increased listener training
(Kent, 1996).
Third, many standardized tests of childrens nonver-
bal oral and speech motor performance are limited by
inadequate psychometric development (McCauley &
Strand, 2008). Broome et al. (2017) conducted a system-
atic review specifically examining speech assessments for
children with ASD and noted similar psychometric limi-
tations, highlighting the need for standard procedures to
aid in cross-study comparison. For some less frequently
investigated motor speech features (e.g., consistency,
coordination), standardized tests do not currently exist,
and these skills are defined and examined in a variety of
ways across studies, precluding generalization.
Fourth, assessment tools for examining behaviors like
articulation and nonspeech imitation often utilize dichot-
omous correct/incorrect item scores, which do not make
a distinction between errors due to common developmen-
tal phonological processes or atypical errors representing
disordered development. This provides an obstacle to
understanding the nature of speech sound errors in this
population, including whether they represent atypical or
simply delayed developmental trajectories. Relatedly,
specific error types are often not reported, making char-
acterization of articulatory deficits difficult. For instance,
Tierney et al. (2015) provided results suggesting a high
prevalence of CAS among autistic children, based on
the presence of speech characteristics of apraxiaduring
administration of the KSPT, but did not discuss these
characteristics or their relative presence among their
Finally, the approach of using control groups
matched on age, IQ, or mental age in ASD language
research, as was done in many papers included in this
review, deserves careful consideration for reasons out-
lined by Tager-Flusberg (2004); in particular, heterogene-
ity of the ASD population, intellectual disability among
ASD participants, developmental changes with age, and
the possibility of recruitment bias have significant poten-
tial to impact the validity of using matched control sam-
ples in language research in ASD.
Sampling challenges
There are numerous significant challenges associated
with obtaining an adequate and representative sample of
oromotor functioning from children with ASD. First, it is
well established that deficits of imitation ability are pre-
sent among individuals with ASD (see Smith &
Bryson, 1994 for a review), although it remains unclear if
such deficits are indicative of neurological impairments
(e.g., difficulty with action planning), impaired social
skills, or deficits in cognitive functions such as forming
mental representations of events. Many of the standard-
ized tests used in the studies in this review require imita-
tion of oral movements and speech sounds, which creates
a challenge for the assessor who must be willing to utilize
alternative methods to elicit attempts and then interpret
assessments cautiously. Autistic individuals also often
demonstrate deficits in receptive language skills
(Kjelgaard & Tager-Flusberg, 2001), with important
implications on their ability to follow task instructions,
and making many tasksparticularly more complex
tasks such as producing sequences of syllables or
nonwordsimpractical for many autistic individuals.
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Additionally, as many as one-third of children with ASD
can be considered minimally verbal (Tager-Flusberg &
Kasari, 2013), meaning that they fail to acquire spoken
language beyond a limited set of single words or func-
tional phrases. This provides another significant obstacle
to oromotor assessment since these subjects may not pro-
duce enough spoken language to assess or may produce
unintelligible utterances than cannot easily be compared
to target productions. Methods for conducting research
with this population have been reviewed and discussed in
detail by Chenausky, Maffei, et al. (2022).
The methods used to recruit samples of autistic indi-
viduals, often influenced by the studys research ques-
tions, hypotheses, and available resources, also has a
significant influence on participant characteristics and
thus results. For example, a sample recruited through a
speech, language, and feeding clinic will almost certainly
be biased toward higher levels of oromotor deficits
and/or speech sound errors. On the other hand, a
population-based study recruiting through varied sources
(e.g., support groups, schools) may be more representa-
tive of a range of oromotor strengths and difficulties.
Similarly, the research questions addressed by a given
study will influence its sample. For instance, studies
investigating speech production deficits in minimally ver-
bal autistic children (e.g., Chenausky et al., 2019)or
assessing the prevalence of ASD among children with
CAS (e.g., Tierney et al., 2015; Vashdi et al., 2020) will
likely report different findings than studies in which the
participants were more verbal (e.g., Kjelgaard & Tager-
Flusberg, 2001).
Children with ASD are known to demonstrate a vari-
ety of speech sound errors, including both age-
appropriate phonological processes and atypical, age-
inappropriate errors (Cleland et al., 2010; Rapin
et al., 2009; Shriberg et al., 2011) as well as a potentially
higher prevalence of childhood apraxia of speech
(Chenausky et al., 2019; Tierney et al., 2015) and abnor-
malities of rate, coordination, and other features as
described in this review. The various classifications of
speech sound disorders and motor speech disorders are
not always clearly delineated, with significant symptoms
(e.g., consonant imprecision, prosodic errors) overlap-
ping between disorders. These similarities necessitate
careful and often challenging differential diagnosis
(Allison et al., 2020; Iuzzini-Seigel et al., 2022). We
excluded studies from this review if subjects had comor-
bidities with the potential to impact oromotor behaviors
(e.g., diagnosed hearing loss, cerebral palsy); however,
we cannot account for the real possibility that autistic
individuals may have more than one speech disorder, any
of which may occur in combination with the others.
Finally, behavioral research regarding ASD requires
consideration of the significant heterogeneity known to
characterize the population. This heterogeneity has been
observed in domains such as language (Rapin, 2006;
Tager-Flusberg, 2006) and IQ (Mayes & Calhoun, 2003),
as well at the levels of genetics (Szatmari, 1999) and neu-
roimaging (Martinez-Murcia et al., 2017). Changing
diagnostic criteria have led to a large increase in the
reported prevalence of ASD over the last several decades,
contributing further to the broad range of phenotypes
associated with the diagnosis of ASD. This variance has
important impacts both within studies (i.e., researchers
must ensure a representative sample of individuals with
ASD) and across studies. Studies of behavior in ASD
often constrain their sample using strict inclusion criteria
meant to create clean experimental groups and to answer
specific research questions. For instance, subgroups of
children with ASD have been selectively researched based
on impaired intelligibility (e.g., Koegel et al., 1998), a
diagnosis of CAS (e.g., Chenausky et al., 2020), or expo-
sure only to English at home (Schoen et al., 2011). A sig-
nificant trade-off of this approach is that it limits cross-
study comparison by not capturing the full range of
behaviors that characterize individuals with ASD.
Future research
The findings of this scoping review are intended to
inform and motivate future research. First, there is a rela-
tive dearth of instrumental studies compared to percep-
tual studies investigating oromotor functioning in ASD,
despite the wide availability and affordability of acoustic
analysis hardware and software. Instrumental methods
are objective, replicable, and sensitive to small differences
and changes over time compared to perceptual methods,
which have known limitations discussed above and which
involve intensive listener training. Second, while task
selection must be motivated by the specific research ques-
tions of a particular project, there appear to be relatively
few studies that compare the performance of autistic chil-
dren on differential tasks (e.g., real words vs. nonwords,
speech vs. nonspeech, single words vs. connected speech,
etc.). This is particularly important not only to specify
how oromotor impairments manifest, but also because
tasks often do not generalize to each other. For instance,
articulation tests and conversational speech samples can
provide significantly different accuracy profiles
(Morrison & Shriberg, 1992) and nonspeech oral motor
movements may not be associated with speech accuracy
(McCauley et al., 2009); future studies should consider
task selection in this context. Third, to further investigate
the correlations between oromotor performance and cog-
nitive, behavioral, or linguistic skills, further longitudinal
work should be performed to examine these relationships
over time. Finally, as discussed above, the current lack of
consensus on the nature of oromotor impairment among
autistic individuals suggests the possibility that the char-
acteristics of such an impairment (or multiple impairment
profiles) may fall outside existing classifications of speech
disorders. Future research with large samples of autistic
individuals may help to further elucidate this ongoing
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question and contribute to our understanding of this
complex topic.
Strengths and limitations
The strengths of this review include the wide-reaching
search strategy, which covered multiple large databases
and included peer-reviewed publications as well as Ph.D.
dissertations and book chapters. The inclusion of only
studies that met our criteria for reporting ASD diagnosis
also helped focus the findings of this review and increase
the generalizability of results to the population of individ-
uals diagnosed with ASD. On the other hand, this strict
adherence to our criteria (e.g., excluding studies in which
the method of ASD diagnosis was not described, or
which examined motor behaviors like phonation which
are closely related to oromotor function) may be consid-
ered a limitation since numerous relevant studies were
excluded and valuable data may have been lost in the
process. An additional limitation inherent to this scoping
review was the significant heterogeneity in study designs,
assessment tools, sample characteristics, and control
groups used in the included studies, which made cross-
study comparison and synthesis difficult.
Clinical implications
Findings from this scoping review demonstrate that,
despite methodological limitations and remaining gaps in
knowledge, there appear to be significant differences in
oromotor skills between autistic individuals and their
peers. This has multiple significant clinical implications
related to intervention and assessment in this population.
First, findings of existing and future research may moti-
vate the use of motor-based interventions to complement
linguistic approaches to expressive language therapy for
autistic individuals. Second, this review demonstrates
that there exists promising evidence for oromotor func-
tioning as a useful predictor of expressive language,
which would have a significant impact on the assessment
process of autistic children.
Research regarding oromotor functioning among autistic
individuals is critical to a fuller understanding of ASD,
with direct implications for early diagnosis of language
impairments, the identification of neurobiological mecha-
nisms influencing communication development, and the
creation or modification of language interventions. The
majority of studies in this review reported abnormal oro-
motor skills among autistic individuals, although inter-
pretation and generalization of these findings are
impacted by methodological limitations. A subset of
available evidence suggests that oromotor skills are
correlated with a variety of cognitive and behavioral abil-
ities, particularly expressive and receptive language skills.
Suggestions are provided for future research, which may
overcome existing limitations and further clarify this
important topic.
This work was supported by National Institute on Deaf-
ness and Other Communication Disorders Grants P50
DC018006, awarded to Helen Tager-Flusberg, support-
ing Karen V. Chenausky and Jordan R. Green; F31
DC020108, awarded to Marc F. Maffei; R00 DC017490,
awarded to Karen V. Chenausky; and K24 DC016312,
awarded to Jordan R. Green. We thank Jessica Bell at
the MGH Institute of Health Professions library for her
assistance in designing the search procedure for this
review. Our sincere thanks go to the researchers who con-
ducted the studies included in this review and, in particu-
lar, to the study participants and their families.
The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author upon reasonable
Marc F. Maffei
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How to cite this article: Maffei, M. F., Chenausky,
K. V., Gill, S. V., Tager-Flusberg, H., & Green,
J. R. (2023). Oromotor skills in autism spectrum
disorder: A scoping review. Autism Research,139.
19393806, 0, Downloaded from by Massachusetts General Hospital, Wiley Online Library on [03/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
... Although the evidence for CAS in some autistic individuals is growing (Chenausky et al., 2019;Chenausky, Baas, et al., 2023;Tierney et al., 2015;Vashdi et al., 2020), our comprehensive review of the literature suggests the presence of more global oromotor control deficits that may be consistent with childhood dysarthria (CD; see Maffei et al., 2023). CD is a neuromuscular speech disorder characterized by weakened, slow, involuntary, or otherwise impaired movement execution affecting the speech mechanism. ...
Purpose Motor deficits are widely documented among autistic individuals, and speech characteristics consistent with a motor speech disorder have been reported in prior literature. We conducted an auditory-perceptual analysis of speech production skills in low and minimally verbal autistic individuals as a step toward clarifying the nature of speech production impairments in this population and the potential link between oromotor functioning and language development. Method Fifty-four low or minimally verbal autistic individuals aged 4–18 years were video-recorded performing nonspeech oromotor tasks and producing phonemes, syllables, and words in imitation. Three trained speech-language pathologists provided auditory perceptual ratings of 11 speech features reflecting speech subsystem performance and overall speech production ability. The presence, attributes, and severity of signs of oromotor dysfunction were analyzed, as were relative performance on nonspeech and speech tasks and correlations between perceptual speech features and language skills. Results and Conclusions Our findings provide evidence of a motor speech disorder in this population, characterized by perceptual speech features including reduced intelligibility, decreased consonant and vowel precision, and impairments of speech coordination and consistency. Speech deficits were more associated with articulation than with other speech subsystems. Speech production was more impaired than nonspeech oromotor abilities in a subgroup of the sample. Oromotor deficits were significantly associated with expressive and receptive language skills. Findings are interpreted in the context of known characteristics of the pediatric motor speech disorders childhood apraxia of speech and childhood dysarthria. These results, if replicated in future studies, have significant potential to improve the early detection of language impairments, inform the development of speech and language interventions, and aid in the identification of neurobiological mechanisms influencing communication development.
... For school-aged MV autistic children and adolescents, if they can run or move around the playground as fast and smoothly as their peers and write or draw as fast as others in the class, it is more likely for them to have higher-quality reciprocal social interactions and more engaged learning experiences than those without an adequate level of motor skills, leading to more diverse language exposure that contributes to their language development. By definition, all MV autistic individuals experience considerable difficulties acquiring spoken language, potentially attributed to speech-specific motor limitations (Chenausky et al., 2019) or oromotor impairments (Maffei et al., 2023), which are not captured by the DCDQ used in this study. While oromotor-specific impairments may have hindered MV autistic individuals' abilities to speak, their language exposures facilitated by more advanced general motor skills may result in more pronounced receptive language development, leading to a more discrepant receptive-expressive discrepancy. ...
Among the approximately one‐third of autistic individuals who experience considerable challenges in acquiring spoken language and are minimally verbal (MV), relatively little is known about the range of their receptive language abilities. This study included 1579 MV autistic children and adolescents between 5 and 18 years of age drawn from the National Database for Autism Research and the SFARI Base data repository. MV autistic children and adolescents demonstrated significantly lower receptive language compared to the norms on standardized language assessment and parent report measures. Moreover, their receptive language gap widened with age. Overall, our sample demonstrated significantly better receptive than expressive language. However, at the individual level, only about 25% of MV autistic children and adolescents demonstrated significantly better receptive language relative to their minimal expressive levels. Social skills explained a significant proportion of the variance in parent‐reported receptive language skills, while motor skills were the most significant predictor of greater receptive‐expressive discrepancy. Findings from this study revealed the heterogeneous language profiles in MV autistic children and adolescents, underscoring the importance of individualizing interventions to match their different communication strengths and needs and integrating multiple interconnected areas to optimize their overall development of language comprehension, socialization, and general motor skills.
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In this study, we examined imitation performance, visual attention, and the relationship between imitation and visual attention of children with autism, developmental delay (DD), and typically developing (TD) children. The study findings revealed that children with autism and DD imitated less than TD children in all imitation tasks. Results also showed that children with autism spent less time looking at the model's face and movement area and more time looking at the external area. Lastly, the relationship between imitation and visual attention separated the study groups. The findings of the study provided new evidence that visual attention to movement area in children with autism was positively related to imitation performance in non-meaningful gestures.
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Purpose The clinical diagnosis of motor speech disorders (MSDs) is mainly based on perceptual approaches. However, studies on perceptual classification of MSDs often indicate low classification accuracy. The aim of this study was to determine in a forced-choice dichotomous decision-making task (a) how accuracy of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in perceptually classifying apraxia of speech (AoS) and dysarthria is impacted by speech task, severity of MSD, and listener's expertise and (b) which perceptual features they use to classify. Method Speech samples from 29 neurotypical speakers, 14 with hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson's disease (HD), 10 with poststroke AoS, and six with mixed dysarthria associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (MD-FlSp [combining flaccid and spastic dysarthria]), were classified by 20 expert SLPs and 20 student SLPs. Speech samples were elicited in spontaneous speech, text reading, oral diadochokinetic (DDK) tasks, and a sample concatenating text reading and DDK. For each recorded speech sample, SLPs answered three dichotomic questions following a diagnostic approach, (a) neurotypical versus pathological speaker, (b) AoS versus dysarthria, and (c) MD-FlSp versus HD, and a multiple-choice question on the features their decision was based on. Results Overall classification accuracy was 72% with good interrater reliability, varying with SLP expertise, speech task, and MSD severity. Correct classification of speech samples was higher for speakers with dysarthria than for AoS and higher for HD than for MD-FlSp. Samples elicited with continuous speech reached the best classification rates. An average number of three perceptual features were used for correct classifications, and their type and combination differed between the three MSDs. Conclusions The auditory-perceptual classification of MSDs in a diagnostic approach reaches substantial performance only in expert SLPs with continuous speech samples, albeit with lower accuracy for AoS. Specific training associated with objective classification tools seems necessary to improve recognition of neurotypical speech and distinction between AoS and dysarthria.
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We tested an intonation‐based speech treatment for minimally verbal children with autism (auditory‐motor mapping training, AMMT) against a nonintonation–based control treatment (speech repetition therapy, SRT). AMMT involves singing, rather than speaking, two‐syllable words or phrases. In time with each sung syllable, therapist and child tap together on electronic drums tuned to the same pitches, thus coactivating shared auditory and motor neural representations of manual and vocal actions, and mimicking the “babbling and banging” stage of typical development. Fourteen children (three females), aged 5.0–10.8, with a mean Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule‐2 score of 22.9 (SD = 2.5) and a mean Kaufman Speech Praxis Test raw score of 12.9 (SD = 13.0) participated in this trial. The main outcome measure was percent syllables approximately correct. Four weeks post‐treatment, AMMT resulted in a mean improvement of +12.1 (SE = 3.8) percentage points, compared to +2.8 (SE = 5.7) percentage points for SRT. This between‐group difference was associated with a large effect size (Cohen's d = 0.82). Results suggest that simultaneous intonation and bimanual movements presented in a socially engaging milieu are effective factors in AMMT and can create an individualized, interactive music‐making environment for spoken‐language learning in minimally verbal children with autism.
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Differences in speech prosody are a widely observed feature of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, it is unclear how prosodic differences in ASD manifest across different languages that demonstrate cross-linguistic variability in prosody. Using a supervised machine-learning analytic approach, we examined acoustic features relevant to rhythmic and intonational aspects of prosody derived from narrative samples elicited in English and Cantonese, two typologically and prosodically distinct languages. Our models revealed successful classification of ASD diagnosis using rhythm-relative features within and across both languages. Classification with intonation-relevant features was significant for English but not Cantonese. Results highlight differences in rhythm as a key prosodic feature impacted in ASD, and also demonstrate important variability in other prosodic properties that appear to be modulated by language-specific differences, such as intonation.
The purpose of this paper was to review best-practice methods of collecting and analyzing speech production data from minimally verbal autistic speakers. Data on speech production data in minimally verbal individuals are valuable for a variety of purposes, including phenotyping, clinical assessment, and treatment monitoring. Both perceptual ("by ear") and acoustic analyses of speech can reveal subtle improvements as a result of therapy that may not be apparent when correct/incorrect judgments are used. Key considerations for collecting and analyzing speech production data from this population are reviewed. The definition of "minimally verbal" that is chosen will vary depending on the specific hypotheses investigated, as will the stimuli to be collected and the task(s) used to elicit them. Perceptual judgments are ecologically valid but subject to known sources of bias; therefore, training and reliability procedures for perceptual analyses are addressed, including guidelines on how to select vocalizations for inclusion or exclusion. Factors to consider when recording and acoustically analyzing speech are also briefly discussed. In summary, the tasks, stimuli, training methods, analysis type(s), and level of detail that yield the most reliable data to answer the question should be selected. It is possible to obtain rich high-quality data even from speakers with very little speech output. This information is useful not only for research but also for clinical decision-making and progress monitoring.
Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of a combined intervention program, incorporating both communication and speech production strategies, on the spoken language of a minimally verbal child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Method This in-depth, clinical case study focused on a 4-year-old boy who was diagnosed with ASD. The study examined the spoken production of preselected words by the participant, using a combined intervention approach, consisting of three communication strategies and three speech production strategies during structured play. The target words were chosen based on aspects of neurotypical word learning during the first 50-word phase of language development. The combined intervention approach consisted of three communication strategies and three speech production strategies delivered during structured play activities. Results The participant demonstrated improved spontaneous and imitative production of the target words during treatment and maintained production of the target words 1 month after treatment ended. Additionally, the boy demonstrated production of seven out of the eight target words on the posttreatment MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDI): Words and Gestures, as well as an increase in the number of spoken words on the CDI that were more than what would be expected for a neurotypical child in a comparable developmental period. The communication strategy used most often was modeling (which required the child to respond), and the speech production strategy used most often was verbal modeling (which did not require the child to respond). Conclusions There appeared to be a quantitative and qualitative difference in production of the target words before and after treatment. Clinical implications for using communication and speech production strategies in combination for minimally verbal children with ASD are discussed.
Purpose: There is increasing interest in using automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems to evaluate impairment severity or speech intelligibility in speakers with dysarthria. We assessed the clinical validity of one currently available off-the-shelf (OTS) ASR system (i.e., a Google Cloud ASR API) for indexing sentence-level speech intelligibility and impairment severity in individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and we provided guidance for potential users of such systems in research and clinic. Method: Using speech samples collected from 52 individuals with ALS and 20 healthy control speakers, we compared word recognition rate (WRR) from the commercially available Google Cloud ASR API (Machine WRR) to clinician-provided judgments of impairment severity, as well as sentence intelligibility (Human WRR). We assessed the internal reliability of Machine and Human WRR by comparing the standard deviation of WRR across sentences to the minimally detectable change (MDC), a clinical benchmark that indicates whether results are within measurement error. We also evaluated Machine and Human WRR diagnostic accuracy for classifying speakers into clinically established categories. Results: Human WRR achieved better accuracy than Machine WRR when indexing speech severity, and, although related, Human and Machine WRR were not strongly correlated. When the speech signal was mixed with noise (noise-augmented ASR) to reduce a ceiling effect, Machine WRR performance improved. Internal reliability metrics were worse for Machine than Human WRR, particularly for typical and mildly impaired severity groups, although sentence length significantly impacted both Machine and Human WRRs. Conclusions: Results indicated that the OTS ASR system was inadequate for early detection of speech impairment and grading overall speech severity. While Machine and Human WRR were correlated, ASR should not be used as a one-to-one proxy for transcription speech intelligibility or clinician severity ratings. Overall, findings suggested that the tested OTS ASR system, Google Cloud ASR, has limited utility for grading clinical speech impairment in speakers with ALS.
Purpose While there has been mounting research centered on the diagnosis of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), little has focused on differentiating CAS from pediatric dysarthria. Because CAS and dysarthria share overlapping speech symptoms and some children have both motor speech disorders, differential diagnosis can be challenging. There is a need for clinical tools that facilitate assessment of both CAS and dysarthria symptoms in children. The goals of this tutorial are to (a) determine confidence levels of clinicians in differentially diagnosing dysarthria and CAS and (b) provide a systematic procedure for differentiating CAS and pediatric dysarthria in children. Method Evidence related to differential diagnosis of CAS and dysarthria is reviewed. Next, a web-based survey of 359 pediatric speech-language pathologists is used to determine clinical confidence levels in diagnosing CAS and dysarthria. Finally, a checklist of pediatric auditory–perceptual motor speech features is presented along with a procedure to identify CAS and dysarthria in children with suspected motor speech impairments. Case studies illustrate application of this protocol, and treatment implications for complex cases are discussed. Results The majority (60%) of clinician respondents reported low or no confidence in diagnosing dysarthria in children, and 40% reported they tend not to make this diagnosis as a result. Going forward, clinicians can use the feature checklist and protocol in this tutorial to support the differential diagnosis of CAS and dysarthria in clinical practice. Conclusions Incorporating this diagnostic protocol into clinical practice should help increase confidence and accuracy in diagnosing motor speech disorders in children. Future research should test the sensitivity and specificity of this protocol in a large sample of children with varying speech sound disorders. Graduate programs and continuing education trainings should provide opportunities to practice rating speech features for children with dysarthria and CAS. Supplemental Material
Purpose: Well-specified phonological representations are important for the development of spoken and written language. This study investigates the types of speech errors and the quality of phonological representations in Greek-speaking school-age children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HF-ASD), as well as the relationship between stored phonological representations and speech output in this sample, according to Stackhouse and Wells’ (1997) model. Method: All participants completed a phonological and a naming test, and a non-word repetition task. A receptive phonological task was administered to a subgroup of HF-ASD and typically developing (TD) participants. According to performance in the phonological test, the HF-ASD children were categorised as ASD with Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) or ASD without SSD. Result: The HF-ASD children made significantly more speech errors and showed significant difficulties in the repetition of non-words and the stored phonological representations compared to the TD group but had the same naming abilities with their TD peers. The ASD children with SSD and without SSD performed alike in the receptive task, indicating that both groups had unspecified phonological representations. Conclusion: These results support the hypothesis of distinct phonological representations for speech input and output and highlight the need of using receptive tasks to evaluate underlying phonological knowledge, a process which could allow clinicians to identify the level of speech breakdown.