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Nutritional Dried Matter, Crude Protein and Crude Fiber on Lowland Tidal Grass Fermented by Probiotic Microorganisms for Use Bali Cattle Feed



This study was aimed to determine nutritional value of lowland tidal grass fermented by probiotic microorganisms. This study used a completely randomized design and investigated two factors, namely varieties of lowland tidal grass (kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum), kumpai minyak (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) and kumpai padi (Oryza rufipogon)) and probiotic microorganism concentration (0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 percent). The following parameters were observed, including dried matter content, crude protein content and crude fiber content. The results showed that the use of probiotics have significant effects on crude protein content and crude fiber content. In conclusion, the use of probiotics can improve the nutritional value of grass. The best result was obtained on kumpai tembaga grass (Ischaemum rugosum) fermented with 0.7% probiotic microorganism. Keywords: nutritional evaluation, lowland tidal grass, fermentation, probiotics microorgansms Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai nutrisi rumput tidal dataran rendah yang difermentasi menggunakan mikroba probiotik. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dan mengamati dua faktor, yaitu varitas rumput tidal dataran rendah (kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum), kumpai minyak (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) dan kumpai padi (Oryza rufipogon)) dan mikroba probiotik (0,3; 0,5; 0,7 dan 0,9 persen). Parameter yang diamati meliputi kandungan bahan kering, protein kasar, dan serat kasar. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan probiotik memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan protein kasar dan serat kasar. Dapat disumpulkan bahwa penggunaan probiotik dapat meningkatkan nilai nutrisi dari rumput. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada rumput kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum) yang difermentasi menggunakan 0,7% mikroba probiotik. Kata kunci: evaluasi nutrisi, rumput tidal dataran rendah, fermentasi, mikroba probiotik
Muhakka et al./Animal Production. 17(1):24-29, January 2015
Accredited by DGHE No. 81/DIKTI/Kep./2011. ISSN 1411-2027
Nutritional Dried Matter, Crude Protein and Crude Fiber
on Lowland Tidal Grass Fermented by Probiotic Microorganisms
for Use Bali Cattle Feed
Muhakka1)*, A Wijaya2) and M Ammar3)
1)Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Palembang-Prabumulih Street KM.32
Ogan Ilir, South Sum atra
2)Department of Agricultual Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Sriwijaya University, Palembang-
Prabumulih Street KM.32 Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra
3)Department of Agr onomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Sriwijaya University, Palembang-Prabumulih
Street KM.32 Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra
*Corresponding author email:
Abstract. This study was aimed to determine nutritional value of lowland tidal grass fermented by probiotic
microorganisms. This study used a completely randomized design and investigated two factors, namely
varieties of lowland tidal grass (kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum), kumpai minyak (Hymenachne
amplexicaulis) and kumpai padi (Oryza rufipogon)) and probiotic microorganism concentration (0.3, 0.5, 0.7
and 0.9 percent). The following parameters were observed, including dried matter content, crude protein
content and crude fiber content. The results showed that the use of probiotics have significant effects on
crude protein content and crude fiber content. In conclusion, the use of probiotics can improve the nutritional
value of grass. The best result was obtained on kumpai tembaga grass (Ischaemum rugosum) fermented with
0.7% probiotic microorganism.
Keywords: nutritional evaluation, lowland tidal grass, fermentation, probiotics microorgansms
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai nutrisi rumput tidal dataran rendah yang
difermentasi menggunakan mikroba probiotik. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dan
mengamati dua faktor, yaitu varitas rumput tidal dataran rendah (kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum),
kumpai minyak (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) dan kumpai padi (Oryza rufipogon)) dan mikroba probiotik (0,3;
0,5; 0,7 dan 0,9 persen). Parameter yang diamati meliputi kandungan bahan kering, protein kasar, dan serat
kasar. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan probiotik memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan
protein kasar dan serat kasar. Dapat disumpulkan bahwa penggunaan probiotik dapat meningkatkan nilai
nutrisi dari rumput. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada rumput kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum) yang
difermentasi menggunakan 0,7% mikroba probiotik.
Kata kunci: evaluasi nutrisi, rumput tidal dataran rendah, fermentasi, mikroba probiotik
Bali beef cattle belong to the ruminant
livestock with high reproduction, good-quality
carcass and low-fat content. Low productivity
of ruminant livestock in the tropical regions
was caused by poor quality feed,
characterized by low protein content, high
crude fiber content and low digestibility. Grass
fermented by probiotic microorganisms
offered high nutritional value and better
digestibility (Khuluq, 2012). Therefore,
probiotic microorganisms allows better
production for feed preparation.
Bali beef cattle are tolerant to local feed
and can endure lacking feed although losing
drastic weight afterwards; however, sufficient
good quality feed will cause considerably
rapid weight gain. This phenomenon is called
compensatory growth. Therefore, it is
essential to upgrade feed quality especially
fiber to maintain good productivity even in dry
Muhakka et al./Animal Production 16(3):24-29, January 2015
Accredited by DGHE No. 81/DIKTI/Kep./2011. ISSN 1411-202
season (Tanuwiria et al., 2006, Farizaldi, 2011)
during which lowland tidal grass is prevalent
in South Sumatera province. Indonesia has a
total of 13.3 million ha of lowland tidal area
spread in Sumatera, Kalimantan and Irian Jaya
(Ali et al., 2012).
There are several kinds of lowland tidal
grass which have been identified and used for
livestock feed, including kumpai minyak
(Hymenachne amplexicaulis) grass, kumpai
tembaga (Hymenachne acutigluma) grass, and
padi hiang (Oryza rufipogon) grass. Despite
high productivity, tidal grass has poor quality
and high crude fiber. Improving the nutritional
values through physical, chemical and
enzymatic processing as well as fermentation
is to ensue. The use of probiotic
microorganisms in livestock feed fermentation
is expected to hydrolize crude fiber in grass to
improve feed digestibility (Allaily et al., 2011).
According to Farizal (2008), suplement can
improve digestibility of Hymenachne
amplexica. Wina (2005) proposed the use of
probiotic microorganisms to increase livestock
productivity. Muhakka et al., (2014) used
bioplus probiotics of 75 g per period in Bali
beef cattle to gain 0.78 kg/head/day. This
research was aimed to evaluate the nutritional
values of lowland idal grass using probiotic
Materials and Methods
The research was conducted at laboratory
for Livestock Feed and Nutriotion, Faculty of
Agriculture, Sriwjaya University, from August
to October 2011. Meterials used in this study
were Hymenachne acutigluma (kumpai
tembaga) grass, Hymenachne amplexicaulis
(kumpai minyak) grass, and Oryza rufipogon
(kumpai padi) grass, probiotic microorganisms
and chemical materials needed for in vitro
measurement of digestibility, whereas the
following equipments were used, including
sickle, knife, pair of scale, plastic ware and
stoppered glass.
The research used Completely Randomized
Design with two factors, to comprise 12
treatment combinations each with 3 replicates
(Table 1). The factors were varieties of swamp
grass (kumpai tembaga (Ischaemum rugosum)
namely kumpai minyak (Hymenachne
amplexicaulis) and kumpai padi (Oryza
rufipogon)) and probiotic microorganism,
commercially known as effective
microorganisms or EM4 (0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9
percent). The obtained Data were subject to
analysis of variance (Steel and Torrie, 1993)
then Least signifance Difference to measure
the difference across treatments.
Fermentation of lowland tidal grass
Probiotic microorgansms were utilized in
grass fermentation. Grass materials were cut 5
cm long and mixed with probiotic
microorganisms according to the treatment
and added with 0.6 % urea (Lembah Hijau
Multifarm, 1999). The samples were packed
with plastic pocket, humidified with water to
reach 60% relative humidity, and fermented
for 21 days. The fermentation product was
then wind-dried prior to proxymate analysis
and in vitro digestibility.
Measurement of various parameters
Percentage of dry matters was measured
by oven-drying the samples at 105 oC. After a
few hours, the samples were taken out and
weighed. This step was repeated several times
to obtain constant weight which was then
multiplied with the fresh weight to get dry
matter content.
To calculate nitrogen content, sample was
subjected to Kjeldahl treatment. Sulphuric
acid was used along with catalyst agent and
heating. Organic matter of the sample was
oxidized by sulphuric acid to give ammonium
sulphate, whereas excessive sulphuric acid
would be neutralized with sodium hydroxide
to form base solution. The sample was then
distilled in acidic medium to obtain nitrogen
Muhakka et al./Animal Production. 17(1):24-29, January 2015
Accredited by DGHE No. 81/DIKTI/Kep./2011. ISSN 1411-2027
Table 1. Combination treatment between probiotics and type of marsh grass
Dosage of
Type of Lowland Tidal Grass
Rugosum (R1)
amplexicaulis (R2)
rufipogon (R3)
0.3 % (P1)
0.5 % (P2)
0.7 % (P3)
0.9 % (P4)
Crude fiber content was analyzed by
filtering the fat-free sample, adding 1.25%
sulphuric acid and heating for 30 min. The
residue was filtered and added with 1.25%
NaOH solution before 30 min heating. The
residue was washed, dried and weighed
before ashing. The residue weight difference
before and after ashing is defined as crude
fiber content.
Results and Discussion
Dried matter content of lowland tidal grass
Dry matter content consisted of both
organic and inorganic matter, the former was
further degraded into simpler components
like crude fiber, crude protein and NFE
(Tillman et al., 1998). The average dry matter
content as products of lowland tidal grass
fermentation by probiotic microorganisms is
presented on Table 2.
The results of variance analysis showed
probiotic microorganism did not significantly
affect (P>0.05) dry matter content of lowland
tidal grass. Oryza rufipogon grass’s lowest dry
matter content (96.83%) was in 0.7% (EM4)
and the highest (99.63%) was in 0.3%.
Accordingly, the higher EM4 percentage the
lower dry matter content because nutritional
substances dissolved during fermentation.
Moreover, Sandi et al. (2012) stated that
silage pH decreased as EM4 addition
increased. Ratnakomala et al. (2006) reported
lower silage dry matter content (32.50%) in
elephant grass than that with EM4
Crude protein content
The average crude protein content as
products of lowland tidal grass fermentation
by probiotic microorganisms was presented
on Table 3. Analysis of variance showed that
probiotic microorganisms or EM4 significantly
(P<0.05) affected crude protein content of
lowland tidal grass. However, the interaction
of EM4 addition and variety of grass showed
no significant effects. The lowest crude
protein content (8.41%) was in 0.3% EM4 and
the highest (13.43%) was in 0.7% EM4 on
Hymenachne amplexicaulis grass. Likewise,
Santoso dan Hariadi (2008) reported 13.6%
crude protein in tropical grass. Higher results
were obtained by both Adrianton (2010) and
Jelantik and Belli (2010) on elephant grass
with 8.86% crude protein on various grass
cutting intervals.
Table 2. Mean effect of probiotics on the level of use of the dry matter content of some types of
marsh grass (%)
Dosage of
Type of Lowland Tidal Grass
0.3% (P1)
0.5% (P2)
0.7% (P3)
0.9% (P4)
Muhakka et al./Animal Production 16(3):24-29, January 2015
Accredited by DGHE No. 81/DIKTI/Kep./2011. ISSN 1411-202
Table 3. Mean effect of probiotics on the level of use of the crude protein content of some types
of marsh grass (%)
Dosage of
Type of Lowland Tidal Grass
Rugosum (R1)
amplexicaulis (R2)
Rufipogon (R3)
0.3% (P1)
0.5% (P2)
0.7% (P3)
0.9% (P4)
Values bearing diff erent superscripts within row and column are significant differences (P<0.05)
Further analysis using Least Significant
Difference test showed that 0.3% probiotic
microorganism addition (9.62% crude protein
content) did not differ significantly from 0.5%
(10.51%), but differed significantly from both
0.7% (11.96%) and 0.9% (11.37%). On the
other hand, 0.5% (10.51%) was significantly
different from 0.7% (11.96%) but no
significant difference was noticed in 0.9%
(11.37%). At last, 0.7% (11.96%) was not
significantly different from 0.9% (11.37%).
Varities of grass showed significant
differences. Crude protein content of Oriza
rufipogon grass (9.19%) differed significantly
from both Ischaemum rugosum (10.99%) and
Hymenachne amplexicaulis (12.43%) grass,
which was not signfiicantly different. Cude
protein content increased with the increasing
probiotic addition. During fermentation,
microbial cells in EM4 preparate were grown
and multiplied by energy and nitrogen source
from urea. The microrganisms were the
source of single cell protein. Consequently,
protein content increased. Setiawati et al.
(2013) reported that probiotics on catfish
could improve feed efficiency and protein
retention, and support optimal nutrients
utilization in feed. Preliminary study showed
Hymenachne amplexicaulis grass without
probiotic microorganisms contained 7.11%
crude protein but increased to 13.47% after
0.7% probiotic microbes fermentation. There
was 47.22% increase in crude protein content.
It revealed that probiotic microorganims could
improve crude protein content. During
fermentation, lactic acid was produced as
primary metabolite which preserved silage. In
other words, lactic acid prevented silage from
spoilage by spoilage bacteria (Widyastuti,
2008; Supriyantono and Santoso, 2010).
Crude fiber contents
The average crude fiber content as product
from lowland tidal grass fermentation is
presented on Table 4. Analysis of variance
(P<0.05) showed significant effect of probiotic
microbes on crude fiber of grass. However,
the interaction between probiotic and grass
varieties revealed no significant effects. The
lowest crude fiber content (28.45%) was
found in 0.7% on Hymenachne amplexicaulis
grass, and the highest (35.07%) was 0,3% on
Oryza rufipogon. It was lower than 39.28 and
46.13% by Damry (2009) on grass at Lore
Utara Subdistrict, Poso District.
Least Significant Difference test result
indicated that treatment with 0.3% probiotic
microorganism addition (contained 33.36%
crude fiber content) did not differ significantly
from that with 0.5% (32.48%), but differed
significantly from both 0.7% (29.62%) and
0.9% (30.16%). While 0.5% (32.48%) was
significantly different from that of 0.7%
(29.62%), no significant difference was noticed
in 0.9% (30.16%).
Muhakka et al./Animal Production. 17(1):24-29, January 2015
Accredited by DGHE No. 81/DIKTI/Kep./2011. ISSN 1411-2027
Table 4. Mean levels influence the use of probiotics to the crude fiber content of some types of
marsh grass (%)
Dosage of
Type of Lowland Tidal Grass
Rugosum (R1)
amplexicaulis (R2)
Rufipogon (R3)
0.3% (P1)
0.5% (P2)
0.7% (P3)
0.9% (P4)
Values bearing different superscript within rows and columns are significant differences (P<0.05)
Varities of grass showed significant
differences in crude fiber content. Crude
protein content of Oriza rufipogon grass
(33.07%) differed significantly from both
Ischaemum rugosum (29.27%) and
Hymenachne amplexicaulis (29.57%). Crude
protein in Ischaemum rugosum (10.99%) did
not differ significantly from Hymenachne
amplexicaulis (12.43%), Oriza rufipogon
(29.27%), and Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Crude fiber content decreased with the
increase in probiotic use (up to 0.7%). There
was greater microbial activity in grass
fermentation which resulted in simultaneous
higher crude fiber content and decrease in
crude fiber content. During grass
fermentation, microbes produced enzymes
which degraded fibers. Lignocellulose
breakdown would release nitrogen, thus
decreasing crude fiber content.
Other study showed that Hymenachne
amplexicaulis grass without probiotic
microorganisms contained 33.67% crude fiber,
but decreased by 15.50 to 28.45% after 0.7%
probiotic microbes fermentation. Probiotic
microorganims was proven to lower the crude
fiber content. Bacteria in EM4 degraded
cellulose and hemicellulose into simple sugars.
As supported by Widyastuti (2008) that during
fermentation, cellulose and hemicellulose
were hydrolized by bacteria into sugars. A part
of the bacteria fermented the simple sugars
into lactic, acetic and butyric acids.
The use of probiotics could improve the
nutritional value of lowland tidal grass. The
best result was obtained on kumpai tembaga
grass (Ischaemum rugosum) fermented with
0.7% probiotic microorganism.
The author expressed thankfullness to
Directorate General for Research and Public
Service of Indonesian Ministry for Education
and Culture for financing the research through
Hibah Bersaing scheme in 2011.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Ensiling is one solution to handle lack of forage at dry and wet season in tropical area. Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) is a popular crop conserved as silage, regarded with a relatively high dry matter (DM) content and adequate water soluble carbohydrates for fermentation to lactic acid. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of adding lactic acid bacteria inoculants to Napier grass at ensiling on the quality of silage. Two strain lactic acid bacteria inoculants Lactobacillus plantarum 1A-2 and 1BL-2 were added to the grass at different variation of inoculants , single or mix strain (0%, 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, and 1%) with 3% of rice brand as additive, and incubated for 30 days. The 1A-2 inoculants treatment lowered the pH between 3.67 to 4.18 and increased the lactate level of the grass silage 0.3 to 0.34 mg mL-1 compared with the control and other treatments. The parameters for destruction is under 5% and DM loss was considerably lower in single inoculants 1BL-2 (0.01-3.97%) and 1A-2 (0.31-5.18%). © 2006 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS SurakartaKey words: silage, fermentation, potential microorganism, lactic acid bacteria
Full-text available
Diterima dewan redaksi 22 Juni 2010) ABSTRAK JELANTIK, I.G.N dan H.L.L. BELLI. 2010. Pengaruh penambahan urea atau bungkil kelapa terhadap konsumsi dan kecernaan pada sapi Bali yang diberi jerami rumput tropis. JITV 15(3): 196-204. Sebanyak tiga ekor sapi Bali betina induk yang dilengkapi dengan kanula rumen diberi tiga jenis ransum yang berbeda yaitu pakan dasar berupa 2 kg bahan kering (BK) hay berkualitas sedang (Protein Kasar, PK = 7,47%) bersama-sama dengan hay berkualitas rendah yang diberikan secara ad libitum (HH) atau disuplementasi dengan urea (HU) atau bungkil kelapa (HC) pada aras nitrogen yang sama. Penelitian ini dirancang menurut rancangan bujur sangkar latin 3 x 3 dengan tujuan mengkaji pengaruh suplementasi urea atau bungkil kelapa terhadap konsumsi hay berkualitas rendah, pasokan nutrisi dan pemanfaatan nitrogen oleh Sapi Bali. Perubahan lingkungan rumen dan degradasi bahan kering dan protein di dalam rumen juga dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Suplementasi urea maupun bungkil kelapa tidak mampu meningkatkan konsumsi hay, akan tetapi konsumsi secara keseluruhan lebih tinggi (P < 0,05) pada ternak yang mendapatkan suplemen bungkil kelapa (HC) dibandingkan dengan ternak yang mendapatkan perlakuan lainnya (HH dan HU). Suplementasi bungkil kelapa juga meningkatkan kecernaan lemak kasar (EE), karbohidrat (CHO) dan energi bruto (GE) tetapi tidak mampu meningkatkan kecernaan NDF. pH cairan rumen meningkat (P < 0,05) dengan pemberian urea dan menurun (P < 0,05) dengan suplementasi bungkil kelapa. Kedua jenis suplemen yang diberikan meningkatkan konsentrasi ammonia rumen. Namun demikian, konsentrasi VFA, baik total maupun secara individu (asam asetat, propionate dan butirat) tidak dipengaruhi oleh pemberian kedua suplemen tersebut. Degradabilitas bahan kering dan NDF di dalam rumen cenderung meningkat pada ternak yang mendapatkan suplementasi urea tetapi tidak pada ternak yang mendapatkan suplemen bungkil kelapa. Suplementasi bungkil kelapa secara nyata meningkatkan imbangan protein pada ternak sapi Bali yang mengkonsumsi hay rumput alam. Sebaliknya suplementasi urea gagal meningkatkan imbangan protein pada ternak tersebut. Disimpulkan bahwa bungkil kelapa merupakan suplemen yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan urea untuk meningkatkan kecernaaan dan suplai nutrisi pada sapi Bali yang mengkonsumsi hay rumput alam berkualitas rendah. ABSTRACT JELANTIK, I.G.N and H. L.L. BELLI. 2010. Effect of urea or coconut cake supplementation on nutrient intake and digestion of Bali cows maintained on tropical grass hay. JITV 15(3): 196-204. Three rumen cannulated Bali cows were fed basal diet consisting of about 2 kg DM of medium quality grass hay (CP = 7.47%) together with ad libitum amount of low quality grass hay (CP = 3.5%) (HH). In the supplemented rations, this basal ration was supplemented with isonitrogenous amount of urea (HU) or coconut cake (HC). The experimental was on design 3 x 3 latin square aiming to study effects of different source of nitrogen supplementation on the intake of poor quality hay (PQH), total diet, nutrients supply and nitrogen utilisation by the animals. Changes in rumen environment and dry matter and protein degradation after supplementation were also investigated. Neither urea or coconut cake (CC) supplementation increased hay intake but the total dry matter intake was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in HC than in HH and HU. Digestibility of EE, CHO and GE but not NDF were also improved with CC supplementation. In contrast, CC supplementation tended to depress CF apparent digestibility. Rumen pH was significantly elevated (P < 0.05) with urea but it was reduced (P < 0.05) with CC supplementation. Both supplements increased rumen ammonia concentration, while total as well as individual VFAs remained unaffected. Dry matter and NDF rumen degradability tended to increase with urea but not with CC supplementation. Supplementation with coconut cake markedly improved protein balance while it was unimproved with urea supplementation.
The growth and nutritive value of elephant grass on different defoliation intervals
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