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MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks


Abstract and Figures

Epidemic prediction is a fundamental task for epidemic control and prevention. Many mechanistic models and deep learning models are built for this task. However, most mechanistic models have difficulty estimating the time/region-varying epidemiological parameters, while most deep learning models lack the guidance of epidemiological domain knowledge and interpretability of prediction results. In this study, we propose a novel hybrid model called MepoGNN for multi-step multi-region epidemic forecasting by incorporating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and graph learning mechanisms into Metapopulation SIR model. Our model can not only predict the number of confirmed cases but also explicitly learn the epidemiological parameters and the underlying epidemic propagation graph from heterogeneous data in an end-to-end manner. Experiment results demonstrate our model outperforms the existing mechanistic models and deep learning models by a large margin. Furthermore, the analysis on the learned parameters demonstrates the high reliability and interpretability of our model and helps better understanding of epidemic spread. Our model and data have already been public on GitHub forecastingHybrid modelMetapopulation epidemic modelGraph Neural NetworksDeep learningCOVID-19
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MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic
Forecasting with Graph Neural Networks
Qi Cao1, Renhe Jiang
1, Chuang Yang1, Zipei Fan1, Xuan Song1,2, and
Ryosuke Shibasaki1
1The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
{caoqi,jiangrh,chuang.yang};; {songxuan,shiba}
Epidemic prediction is a fundamental task for epidemic con-
trol and prevention. Many mechanistic models and deep learning models
are built for this task. However, most mechanistic models have difficulty
estimating the time/region-varying epidemiological parameters, while
most deep learning models lack the guidance of epidemiological domain
knowledge and interpretability of prediction results. In this study, we pro-
pose a novel hybrid model called MepoGNN for multi-step multi-region
epidemic forecasting by incorporating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
and graph learning mechanisms into Metapopulation SIR model. Our
model can not only predict the number of confirmed cases but also explic-
itly learn the epidemiological parameters and the underlying epidemic
propagation graph from heterogeneous data in an end-to-end manner.
Experiment results demonstrate our model outperforms the existing mech-
anistic models and deep learning models by a large margin. Furthermore,
the analysis on the learned parameters demonstrates the high reliability
and interpretability of our model and helps better understanding of epi-
demic spread. Our model and data have already been public on GitHub
Keywords: Epidemic forecasting ·Hybrid model ·Metapopulation epi-
demic model ·Graph neural networks ·Deep learning ·COVID-19
1 Introduction
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused around 500
million confirmed cases and more than 6 million deaths in the global, and it is still
ongoing. Due to this circumstance, epidemic forecasting has been a key research
topic again as it can guide the policymakers to develop effective interventions and
allocate the limited medical resources. Many mechanistic models and deep learning
models have been built for the epidemic prediction task. In particular, human
mobility is seen as one of the most important factors to understand and forecast
the epidemic propagation among different regions. In this study, we employ
Corresponding Author.
2 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
Fig. 1: Illustration of metapopulation epidemic propagation among regions [1].
metapopulation SIR model [1, 2] as the base model for our task, which extends
the most fundamental compartmental model (i.e., SIR [11]) in epidemiology with
metapopulation epidemic propagation. As illustrated in Fig. 1, it divides the total
population under the epidemic into several sub-populations (e.g., by regions).
Each sub-population consists of three compartments,
(susceptible individuals),
(infectious individuals),
(removed individuals, including deaths and recovery
cases), and the human mobility between sub-populations is modeled as a directed
graph. Thus, it can well model the epidemic propagation in a large-scale area.
The metapopulation epidemic models have achieved great success in modeling
and analyzing the propagation of epidemic diseases, such as SARS, H1N1, and
Malaria [3–5].
However, it is always a non-trivial task to build a metapopulation epidemic
model, especially for new emerging epidemics such as the COVID-19 due to
the following reasons. First, the epidemiological parameters in metapopulation
model keep varying from region to region and time to time. As we all know,
the Coronavirus keeps evolving, and the transmissibility and mortality of the
variants (e.g., Alpha, Delta, and Omicron) are significantly different. Besides, the
intervention policies and the human movements also vary over different periods
and regions. Second, due to the mixed factors mentioned above, the epidemic
propagation effects via human mobility in metapopulation model are also difficult
to be obtained or estimated. In the case of prefecture-level prediction in Japan,
we need to collect the large-scale human mobility data of the entire Japan and
obtain the amount of human movements between each pair of prefectures. Then
how to accurately infer the underlying disease propagation network becomes
another intractable task. Third, besides the daily infection data, external features
such as date information (e.g.,
dayof week
) and daily movement change patterns
should also be involved.
To tackle these challenges, we incorporate deep learning modules into metapop-
ulation SIR model to form a novel hybrid epidemic model. Specifically, we first
learn the time/region-varying epidemiological parameters from multiple data
features through a spatio-temporal module, which consists of Temporal Con-
volutional Networks (TCN) and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN). Next,
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 3
we design two types of graph learning module to automatically approximate
the underlying epidemic propagation graph based on the countrywide human
mobility data. Furthermore, we let the learned latent graph be shared by the
spatio-temporal module and the metapopulation SIR module, which further
enhances the model interpretability and reliability. Previous deep learning meth-
ods [6–10] simply treat the epidemic forecasting as time-series prediction task or
spatio-temporal prediction task, which can only output the predicted number of
infections in a pure black-box manner. Recent study [29] involves the classical
epidemic modeling into deep neural networks, however, it does not explicitly
consider the epidemic propagation among regions via metapopulation modeling
like ours, which largely limits the model interpretability for multi-region epidemic
forecasting. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first hybrid model
that couples metapopulation epidemic model with spatio-temporal graph neural
networks. In summary, our work has the following contributions:
We propose a novel hybrid model along with two types of graph learning mod-
ule for multi-step multi-region epidemic prediction by mixing metapopulation
epidemic model and spatio-temporal graph convolution networks.
Our model can explicitly learn the time/region-varying epidemiological pa-
rameters as well as the latent epidemic propagation among regions from the
heterogeneous inputs like infection related data, human mobility data, and
meta information in a completely end-to-end manner.
We collect and process the big human GPS trajectory data and other COVID-
19 related data that covers the 47 prefectures of Japan from 2020/04/01 to
2021/09/21 for countrywide epidemic forecasting.
We conduct comprehensive experiments to validate not only the superior
forecasting performance but also the high interpretability of our model. Our
model and data have already been public on GitHub
2 Related Work
The models for epidemic simulation and forecasting can be divided into two
types: mechanistic approaches and deep learning approaches.
Mechanistic approaches are built based on the domain knowledge of epidemi-
ology which employ pre-defined physical rules to model infectious diseases’ trans-
mission dynamics, mainly classical compartmental models [11, 12], metapopulation
models [2, 13–15] and agent-based models [16–18]. The classical compartmental
models simulate the spread of infectious diseases in a homogeneous population
which are unable to model epidemic spread between regions. The metapopula-
tion models assume the heterogeneity of sub-populations and use the human
mobility pattern between regions to model the spread of the epidemic [1, 2]. The
agent-based models directly use the individual-level movement pattern [16, 17]
or trajectories [18] to emulate the contagion process. Our work is related to the
metapopulation model which is most suitable for multi-region epidemic forecast-
ing task. To implement epidemic modeling, it needs to be calibrated first using
4 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
historical observations and use the optimized or manually modified parameters
to make prediction. These efforts are hardly applicable for multi-step forecasting
tasks. The parameters calibration process needs high computational complexity,
especially when facing huge parameter state space [16, 13]. Moreover, in most
mechanistic models, epidemiological parameters keep fixed during forecasting.
The variation of parameters through time is not considered which leads to the
problem of cumulative error on multi-step prediction.
Deep learning approaches have shown excellent performance in the modeling
and forecasting on time series prediction tasks. As a typical time series, several
research efforts utilizing deep learning techniques, such as LSTM [6, 8], have been
conducted for epidemic forecasting over a single region [6,8, 19, 20]. Nevertheless,
the epidemic propagation is often spatially dependent, i.e., co-evolving over re-
gions. Thus, treating epidemic forecasting as a multivariate time-series prediction
task, performing collaborative forecasting over multiple geographical units should
be a more reasonable choice. For such tasks, a key challenge is to model the
complex and implicit spatio-temporal dependencies among the observations, on
which much evidence shows that GNN can perform very well for modeling the
inter-series relationships. A series of state-of-the-art solutions based on GNN have
been proposed for multivariate time-series prediction tasks, such as STGCN [21],
DCRNN [22], GraphWaveNet [23], ColaGNN [9], and CovidGNN [10]. In partic-
ular, ColaGNN [9] and CovidGNN [10] were explicitly designed for the epidemic
prediction. However, these works ignore the domain knowledge of epidemiology
and are hard to interpret from the epidemiological perspective. STAN [19] incor-
porates epidemiological constraints into deep learning models, but it can only
predict infections of a single region. CausalGNN [29] embeds single-patched SIRD
model into GNN for multi-region epidemic forecasting.
Overall, we distinguish our work from existing ones in the following ways:
Compared with the mechanistic models, MepoGNN adopts an end-to-end frame-
work that can predict the dynamic change of epidemiological parameters and
use predicted parameters to produce multi-region and multi-step prediction;
Compared with the deep learning models for the multi-region prediction task,
MepoGNN incorporates the domain knowledge of epidemiology and enhances
the interpretability by combining spatio-temporal deep learning model with
the metapopulation model; Furthermore, MepoGNN can output the prediction
of infections through the metapopulation epidemic model and learn the inter-
pretable epidemiological parameters and the latent graph of epidemic propagation
3 Problem
In this study, we focus on forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases for multi-
region and multi-step simultaneously. For a single region, the historical daily con-
firmed cases from timestep
+1 to
can be represented as x
Then, the historical daily confirmed cases of
regions can be denoted as
2, ...,
N} RN×Tin
. Besides the
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 5
historical observations, we also incorporate the external factors to form a multi-
channel input as
2, ...,
. Details of the input features will be introduced in Section 5.1. Ad-
ditionally, human mobility between regions (static flow data U
dynamic flow data
) is used as another type of input.
The prediction target is the daily confirmed cases of
regions in next
timesteps Yt+1:t+Tout RN×Tout . The problem can be formulated as follows:
{X t(Tin1):t,U}or {X t(Tin 1):t,Ot(Tin 1):t}f(·)
Yt+1:t+Tout (1)
4 Methodology
We present Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks (MepoGNN),
demonstrated in Fig. 2, for spatio-temporal epidemic prediction. MepoGNN
consists of three major components: metapopulation SIR module, spatio-temporal
module and graph learning module. These three components tightly cooperate
with each other. Graph learning module learns the mobility intensity between
regions as a graph and output it to spatio-temporal module and metapopulation
SIR module. Spatio-temporal module captures the spatio-temporal dependency
to predict the sequences of parameters for metapopulation SIR module. Then,
Fig. 2: Proposed Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks (MepoGNN)
for spatio-temporal epidemic prediction.
6 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
metapopulation SIR module takes the learned graph and the predicted parameters
to produce the multi-step prediction of daily confirmed cases.
4.1 Metapopulation SIR Module
SIR model is one of the most fundamental compartmental models in epidemi-
ology, used for modeling the epidemic spread [11]. However, it can only model
the epidemic spread for a homogeneous population, which ignores the epidemic
propagation between sub-populations. Metapopulation SIR model [2] fills this
gap by assuming the heterogeneity of sub-populations and using human mobility
to model the propagation between sub-populations. Metapopulation SIR model,
consists of three compartments for each sub-population:
for number of sus-
ceptible individuals,
for number of infectious individuals,
for the number
of recovered or deceased individuals of sub-population
at time
the size of sub-population
which is assumed to be a constant number, where
is the rate of infection, and
is the rate of recovery and
mortality. Furthermore, it uses
to represent the epidemic propagation from
sub-population (also called patch)
. The original metapopulation SIR
model [2] is shown as follows:
dt =β·St
dt =β·St
dt =γ·It
In this study, we model population of each region as sub-population in metapop-
ulation SIR model. So, the
can be represented by human mobility between
regions. Because of different characteristics of regions, policy changes with time
and so on, there is spatio-temporal heterogeneity of epidemic spread. In our
are assumed to vary over time and regions. In addition, to
to be extremely small and make it be in a relatively stable magnitude,
is omitted from the equations. Thus, we extend the original metapopulation
SIR in Eq. 2 as follows:
dt =βt+1
dt =βt+1
dt =γt+1
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 7
With predicted
(the epidemic propagation matrix formed
by {ht+1
nm |n, m {1,2, ..., N }}), S,I,Rcan be updated iteratively:
n, It
n, Rt
n, It+1
n, Rt+1
n] (4)
The final prediction output of daily confirmed cases can be formed as:
1. . . ˆyt+Tout
n. . . ˆyt+Tout
4.2 Spatio-Temporal Module for Epidemiological Parameters
Spatio-temporal module takes the node input features
X RN×Tin×C
the weighted adjacency matrix
as input and output the predicted
. We use the spatio-temporal layer
(ST layer) combining Gated TCN and GCN (same as in GraphWaveNet [23])
to capture the spatio-temporal dependency. Gated TCN [24] is used to capture
temporal dependency:
Ql=g(Θ1?Zl+b1)σ(Θ2?Zl+b2) (6)
is input of
-th layer,
are temporal convolution kernels, b
and b
are biases,
) is tanh activation function for output,
) is sigmoid
function to form the gate,
is convolution,
is element-wise product. Next,
we model the regions and the interactions between regions as a graph and use
diffusion graph convolution [22,23] to capture the spatial dependency:
Pf=A/rowsum(A),Pb=AT/rowsum(AT) (7)
where A
is weighted adjacency matrix,
is forward transition matrix,
Pbis backward transition matrix, ˜
Zlis output of l-th layer.
Multiple ST layers can be stacked to capture the spatio-temporal dependency
in different scales. We use a gated dense connection to bridge different ST layers.
It can extract important information from previous ST layers and pass it to next
Dl=(X,if l= 1,
Dl1+Zl,otherwise. (9)
8 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
Zl+1 =(X,if l= 0,
Zl) + Dl(1 σ(˜
Zl)),otherwise. (10)
stores the information from previous layers. Then, we concatenate the
output from different layers through skip connections to fuse the information
of different scales. Finally, the parameters
produced through two fully connected layers, respectively.
Fig. 3: Two types of graph learning: Adaptive and Dynamic.
4.3 Graph Learning Module for Epidemic Propagation
There are two different graphs used in metapopulation SIR module and spatio-
temporal module, respectively. Unlike the trivial method which input two fixed
graphs to each module separately, we make two modules share a single learnable
graph. With the shared learnable graph, the spatial dependency used in spatio-
temporal module would be consistent with epidemic propagation in metapopula-
tion SIR module which can improve the interpretability of our model. Furthermore,
the parameters of graph learning module can be updated by gradients from both
spatio-temporal module and metapopulation SIR module which make learned
graph more realistic.
As shown in Fig. 3, there are two types of graph learning module to deal
with different input data. The first type is adaptive graph learning module which
takes the static flow data (e.g., commuter survey data) as input. Intuitively, we
initialize an adaptive graph
with static flow matrix Uand make it learnable
through training. Then, the adaptive graph can be output to spatio-temporal
module (Eq. 7) as
and to metapopulation SIR module (Eq. 3) as
H RN×N×1
(which means we use same
for all timesteps). The second
type is dynamic graph learning module which takes the dynamic OD flow tensor
as input. Although the OD flow and epidemic spread status are both dynamic,
but they are not necessarily one-to-one temporally corresponding. Considering
the delayed effect, influence of mobility on epidemic spread can be seen as a
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 9
weighted average of the given past values (
days). So, we initialize a learnable
time weight matrix
and normalize it as
through a softmax
function. The normalized time weight matrix can map the historical dynamic
to its influence on future epidemic spread. The
output of
Ht+1:t+Tout RN×N×Tout
can be calculated as follows:
L=Sof tmax:,j (L) (11)
Ht+1:t+Tout =˜
i=1 Ht+i
Why propose two types of graph learning? Dynamic graph learning
module can illustrate the dynamic change of epidemic propagation. But it re-
quires dynamic flow data which is not available in most cases. To improve the
applicability of our model, we propose adaptive graph learning module to address
this problem. With two types of graph learning module, our model can handle
different situations of data availability in the best way possible.
5 Experiment
5.1 Data
We set 47 prefectures of Japan and 2020/04/01
2021/09/21 (539 days) as our
study area and time period, respectively. The number of daily confirmed cases and
cumulative cases and deaths are collected from the NHK COVID-19 database
The number of recovered cases is collected from Japan LIVE Dashboard
(original data source is from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan).
The population of each prefecture is collected from 2020 census data. With
above-mentioned data, daily
of each prefecture can be calculated. Apart
from the number of daily confirmed cases, the input node features also include
daily movement change, the ratio of daily confirmed cases in active cases, and
dayof week
. The movement change data is collected from Facebook Movement
Range Maps
. It records the change of people movement range compared to a
baseline period. Because it is not provided at prefecture level, we use population
weighted average to get data at prefecture level. The input static flow data for
adaptive graph learning module is the number of commuters between prefectures,
which is collected from 2015 census data. The input dynamic flow data for
dynamic graph learning module is the daily OD flow data among 47 prefectures,
which is generated from human GPS trajectory data provided by Blogwatcher
Inc.. To mitigate the spatio-temporal imbalance in our data, we use stay put
ratio (ratio of people staying in a single location all day) in Facebook Movement
Range Maps to get the ratio of active users and use it to normalize the OD flow.
Finally, the input features of 47 prefectures are generated as a (539, 47, 4) tensor,
the static flow is a (47, 47) matrix, and the dynamic flow is a (539, 47, 47) tensor.
10 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
5.2 Setting
The input time length
and output time length
are both set to 14
days which means we use two-week historical observations to do the two-week
prediction of daily confirmed cases. Then, we split the data with ratio 6:1:1 to
get training/validation/test datasets, respectively. The fifth wave of infection in
Japan is included in test dataset to test the model performance on a real outbreak
situation. During training, we use the curriculum learning strategy [26] which
increases one prediction horizon every two epochs starting from one day ahead
prediction. The batch size is set to 32. The loss function is set as MAE (Mean
Absolute Error). Adam is set as the optimizer, where the learning rate is 1e-3 and
weight decay is 1e-8. The training algorithm would either be early-stopped if the
validation error did not decrease within 20 epochs or be stopped after 300 epochs.
PyTorch is used to implement our model. Then experiments are performed on a
server with four 2080Ti GPUs. Finally, we evaluate the performance of model
on 3 days, 7 days, 14 days ahead prediction and overall 14 steps prediction. The
four metrics are used to qualify the performance: RMSE (Root Mean Square
Error), MAE (Mean Absolute Error), MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error)
and RAE (Relative Absolute Error). To mitigate the influence of randomness,
we perform 5 trials for each model and calculate the mean and 95% confidence
interval of results. The used random seeds are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
5.3 Evaluation
We implement three classes of baselines to compare and evaluate our model on
epidemic prediction task:
Mechanistic Models: (1) SIR [11]. SIR model is one of most basic com-
partmental models in epidemiology. We use optimized
of each regions
to produce the prediction. (2) SIR(Copy). Because of weekly periodicity, we
copy the
of last week to produce the prediction. (3) MetaSIR [2].
Metapopulation SIR model considers the heterogeneity of sub-populations and
models the interaction between sub-populations. We use the commuter survey
data as
and optimize
for each region to produce the prediction. (4)
MetaSIR(Copy). We copy the
of last week to produce the prediction.
Spatio-temporal Deep Learning Models: (5) STGCN [21]. STGCN is
one of the earliest models which applies GCN and TCN to do spatio-temporal
prediction. (6) DCRNN [22]. DCRNN proposes a variant of GCN, called
diffusion convolution and combines it with gated recurrent unit (GRU) to build
a spatio-temporal prediction model. (7) GraphWaveNet [23]. GraphWaveNet
proposes an adaptive learnable graph and uses GCN and TCN to capture spatio-
temporal dependency. (8) MTGNN [26]. MTGNN uses a graph learning module
to learn spatial correlation and fuse different spatial hops and different TCN
kernels to enhance the model capacity. (9) AGCRN [27]. AGCRN uses GCN
and GRU along with a graph learning module and a node adaptive parameter
learning module to capture spatio-temporal dependency.
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 11
Table 1: Performance Comparison with Baselines
3 Days Ahead 7 Days Ahead
SIR 429.4±23.2 153.9±5.2 83.8±0.7 0.47±0.02 507.5±29.6 191.4±7.7 111.4±3.8 0.57±0.02
SIR(Copy) 248.1 97.4 57.4 0.29 318.5 127.1 67.2 0.38
MetaSIR 336.0±21.6 126.8±3.5 72.2±0.9 0.38±0.01 429.8±25.5 166.9±3.7 92.9±0.8 0.50±0.01
MetaSIR(Copy) 236.5 92.2 54.1 0.28 307.6 120.0 62.7 0.36
STGCN 375.6±18.8 118.6±10.8 45.3±2.8 0.36±0.03 381.1±17.7 128.0±6.6 52.5±3.0 0.38±0.02
DCRNN 305.0±9.8 89.3±4.4 37.3±0.7 0.27±0.01 323.8±15.9 107.6±5.3 47.3±1.4 0.32±0.02
AGCRN 223.5±28.5 80.0±7.8 56.6±13.2 0.24±0.02 253.1±37.7 97.9±7.6 60.8±10.1 0.29±0.02
GraphWaveNet 223.8±46.6 70.6±11.7 35.4±1.2 0.21±0.04 259.9±52.2 89.2±15.2 42.3±1.5 0.27±0.05
MTGNN 297.6±19.2 102.4±6.7 40.6±0.8 0.31±0.02 363.5±37.9 130.9±13.1 49.1±1.7 0.39±0.04
CovidGNN 261.9±55.5 88.4±16.7 43.3±3.8 0.27±0.05 305.4±70.6 116.5±23.8 60.9±5.3 0.35±0.07
ColaGNN 221.7±40.7 72.7±7.2 38.9±1.5 0.22±0.02 300.6±61.2 109.4±16.4 49.3±1.5 0.33±0.05
MepoGNN(Adp) 141.0±7.2 54.3±2.3 34.9±0.8 0.16±0.01 174.6±10.1 69.7±4.2 41.4±1.6 0.21±0.01
MepoGNN(Dyn) 135.9±17.8 52.7±4.6 34.2±0.7 0.16±0.01 160.6±4.5 67.6±1.2 41.7±0.9 0.20±0.00
14 Days Ahead Overall
SIR 890.2±83.8 314.5±16.9 228.3±11.8 0.94±0.05 595.0±43.5 210.0±9.2 128.2±4.7 0.63±0.03
SIR(Copy) 835.5 332.6 183.2 1.00 539.1 190.2 102.7 0.57
MetaSIR 766.1±58.5 279.1±8.2 177.4±4.5 0.84±0.02 500.4±33.9 182.1±4.4 104.9±1.3 0.55±0.01
MetaSIR(Copy) 786.4 302.7 161.9 0.91 503.7 175.6 92.7 0.53
STGCN 430.2±15.8 159.4±6.0 74.7±3.7 0.48±0.02 389.5±7.9 132.0±2.9 55.6±2.4 0.40±0.01
DCRNN 377.9±11.1 146.0±5.0 69.5±4.0 0.44±0.01 335.0±11.8 112.5±4.5 49.5±1.3 0.34±0.01
AGCRN 390.4±105.8 149.0±11.4 88.0±12.8 0.45±0.03 322.7±136.7 108.0±9.9 67.9±15.6 0.32±0.03
GraphWaveNet 389.8±20.8 144.4±7.3 60.2±4.2 0.43±0.02 294.7±40.9 100.1±11.1 44.7±1.4 0.30±0.03
MTGNN 443.5±15.4 168.3±8.1 68.0±2.9 0.50±0.02 363.2±20.5 130.0±8.3 50.7±1.6 0.39±0.03
CovidGNN 414.7±59.8 177.4±15.9 111.2±6.6 0.53±0.05 329.6±59.8 124.2±19.2 66.9±4.2 0.37±0.06
ColaGNN 388.3±23.2 153.4±10.2 75.5±10.8 0.46±0.03 310.7±31.4 110.2±7.2 51.9±3.7 0.33±0.02
MepoGNN(Adp) 261.1±16.0 105.1±7.3 60.1±3.2 0.32±0.02 196.2±11.3 75.4±4.7 44.0±1.6 0.23±0.01
MepoGNN(Dyn) 253.2±7.5 107.0±3.0 62.0±2.0 0.32±0.01 186.1±5.0 74.3±2.0 44.4±0.8 0.22±0.01
12 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
Table 2: Ablation Study
Graph Model Mean RMSE Mean MAE Mean MAPE Mean RAE
Adaptive w/o glm 209.51±22.70 81.85±6.69 47.51±2.62 0.25±0.02
w/o propagation 203.23±24.70 82.05±8.05 45.84±1.68 0.25±0.02
w/o SIR 318.05±16.30 108.53±5.26 46.07±0.53 0.33±0.02
MepoGNN 196.16±11.33 75.45±4.65 44.02±1.55 0.23±0.01
Dynamic w/o glm 194.50±17.65 76.84±6.04 43.63±1.59 0.23±0.02
w/o propagation 200.55±17.00 80.73±5.54 45.16±1.24 0.24±0.01
w/o SIR 290.78±33.92 102.00±9.93 45.79±1.61 0.31±0.03
MepoGNN 186.07±4.99 74.30±1.99 44.43±0.77 0.22±0.01
GNN-based Epidemic Models: (10) CovidGNN [10]. CovidGNN is
one of the earliest GNN-based epidemic models. It embeds temporal features on
node and uses GCN with skip connections to capture spatial dependency. (11)
ColaGNN [9]. ColaGNN uses the location-aware attention to extract spatial
dependency and uses GCN to integrate the spatio-temporal information.
Performance Evaluation: In Table 1, we compare the performance on three
different horizons and overall performance for multi-step prediction among the
above-mentioned three classes of baseline models and proposed MepoGNN with
two types of graph learning module. Generally, the spatio-temporal deep learning
models and GNN-based epidemic models outperform the mechanistic models,
especially for long horizons. Among all baseline models, GraphWaveNet gets the
best performance. However, our proposed two MepoGNN models get the very
significant improvement over all baseline models. For two types of graph learning
module, dynamic one gets slightly better performance than adaptive one. Fig.
4 compares the 7 days ahead prediction results of Tokyo and Hyogo of the top
two baseline models and MepoGNN model with dynamic graph learning module.
From the prediction results, GraphWaveNet and ColaGNN can not produce
accurate predictions for high daily confirmed cases during the outbreak. This
phenomenon could be explained by different data distributions of daily confirmed
cases in training dataset and test dataset. The test dataset covers the period of
fifth epidemic wave in Japan which is much more severe than previous ones. Deep
learning models have difficulty to predict these high daily confirmed cases that
never happened before the fifth wave. However, with the help of metapopulation
SIR module, our proposed MepoGNN model can handle this problem and make
significantly better prediction for unprecedented surge of cases. This capability is
very crucial for a trustworthy epidemic forecasting model.
Ablation Study: To demonstrate the effect of different components of our
model, we conduct an ablation study for MepoGNN models with two different
graph learning modules, respectively. The variants are as follows: (1) w/o glm:
Remove the graph learning module of MepoGNN model; (2) w/o propagation:
Remove the metapopulation propagation from metapopulaiton SIR module
(which means metapopulation SIR model is reduced to SIR model); (3) w/o
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 13
SIR: Remove the metapopulation SIR module completely. Table 2 demonstrates
that all three components can bring significant boost of performance for our
model. Particularly, it is easy to find that the biggest performance drop happens
when removing the metapopulation SIR module. Because the metapopulation SIR
module enables the capability of MepoGNN model to handle the unprecedented
surge of cases.
Fig. 4: Predicted daily confirmed cases of Tokyo and Hyogo with horizon=7.
Fig. 5: 7-day moving average of predicted βof Tokyo with horizon=7.
14 Q. Cao, R. Jiang, C. Yang, Z. Fan, X. Song, R. Shibasaki
Fig. 6: Learned time weight matrix in dynamic graph learning module.
5.4 Case Study
The final output of MepoGNN model is fully produced by metapopulation SIR
module. It brings significant interpretability for our model. We conduct an analysis
for the predicted parameters of metapopulation SIR module to demonstrate the
interpretability. As shown in Fig. 5, we plot weekly average of predicted
of Tokyo
at 7 days ahead horizon in validation and test dataset and label major events
and policy changes on timeline.
starts to increase when state of emergency
ends and starts to decreases when state of emergency starts.
rapidly increases
during Tokyo Olympics, and decreases after it. It demonstrates the predicted
is consistent with reality. Fig. 6 shows the learned time weight matrix of
dynamic graph learning module. The most significant time lag of mobility effect
on epidemic spread is 22 days. This result is consistent with a public health
research [28] which states that the effective reproduction number significantly
increased 3 weeks after the nightlife places mobility increased in Tokyo. Although
the used indicator is different from our research, the mechanisms behind time
lag could be similar. Fig. 7 shows the learned graph of adaptive graph learning
module and the difference between it and commuter graph. The learned adaptive
mobility graph keeps the major structure of commuter graph. And the minor
change from initialization can reflect the difference between commuter graph and
spatial epidemic propagation.
6 Conclusion
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, epidemic forecasting has become a key research
topic again. In this study, we propose a novel hybrid model for epidemic forecasting
that incorporates spatio-temporal graph neural networks and graph learning
mechanisms into metapopulation SIR model. Our model can not only predict
MepoGNN: Metapopulation Epidemic Graph Neural Networks 15
Fig. 7: Learned adaptive mobility graph of the 47 prefectures of Japan with log
transformation (left) and its difference with static commuter graph (right).
the number of confirmed cases but also explicitly learn the time/region-varying
epidemiological parameters and the underlying epidemic propagation graph from
heterogeneous data in an end-to-end manner. Then, we evaluate our model by
using real COVID-19 infection data and big human mobility data of 47 prefectures
in Japan. The evaluation results demonstrate the superior performance as well
as the high reliability and interpretability of our model.
This work was partially supported by JST SICORP Grant Number JPMJSC2104.
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... COVID-19 spread prediction model [4], [5], SEIR model on the impact of travel restrictions [6], mobility network model [7], [8], human mobility prediction model based on deep learning methodology [9]. In another aspect, some work related to human mobility focused on spatial data and visualization, including snapshots of maps or visualization systems of the web application. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed human mobility patterns. Therefore, human mobility prediction for the “new normal” is crucial to infrastructure redesign, emergency management, and urban planning post the pandemic. This paper aims to predict people’s number of visits to various locations in New York City using COVID and mobility data in the past two years. To quantitatively model the impact of COVID cases on human mobility patterns and predict mobility patterns across the pandemic period, this paper develops a model CCAAT-GCN ( C ross- and C ontext- A ttention based Spatial-Temporal G raph C onvolutional N etworks). The proposed model is validated using SafeGraph data in New York City from August 2020 to April 2022. A rich set of baselines are performed to demonstrate the performance of our proposed model. Results demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method. Also, the attention matrix learned by our model exhibits a strong alignment with the COVID-19 situation and the points of interest within the geographic region. This alignment suggests that the model effectively captures the intricate relationships between COVID-19 case rates and human mobility patterns. The developed model and findings can offer insights into the mobility pattern prediction for future disruptive events and pandemics, so as to assist with emergency preparedness for planners, decision-makers and policymakers.
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Accurate epidemic forecasting plays a vital role for governments to develop effective prevention measures for suppressing epidemics. Most of the present spatio–temporal models cannot provide a general framework for stable and accurate forecasting of epidemics with diverse evolutionary trends. Incorporating epidemiological domain knowledge ranging from single-patch to multi-patch into neural networks is expected to improve forecasting accuracy. However, relying solely on single-patch knowledge neglects inter-patch interactions, while constructing multi-patch knowledge is challenging without population mobility data. To address the aforementioned problems, we propose a novel hybrid model called metapopulation-based spatio–temporal attention network (MPSTAN). This model aims to improve the accuracy of epidemic forecasting by incorporating multi-patch epidemiological knowledge into a spatio–temporal model and adaptively defining inter-patch interactions. Moreover, we incorporate inter-patch epidemiological knowledge into both model construction and the loss function to help the model learn epidemic transmission dynamics. Extensive experiments conducted on two representative datasets with different epidemiological evolution trends demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms the baselines and provides more accurate and stable short- and long-term forecasting. We confirm the effectiveness of domain knowledge in the learning model and investigate the impact of different ways of integrating domain knowledge on forecasting. We observe that using domain knowledge in both model construction and the loss function leads to more efficient forecasting, and selecting appropriate domain knowledge can improve accuracy further.
Accurately predicting individual-level infection state is of great value since its essential role in reducing the damage of the epidemic. However, there exists an inescapable risk of privacy leakage in the fine-grained user mobility trajectories required by individual-level infection prediction. In this paper, we focus on developing a framework of privacy-preserving individual-level infection prediction based on federated learning (FL) and graph neural networks (GNN). We propose Falcon , a F ederated gr A ph L earning method for privacy-preserving individual-level infe C tion predicti ON . It utilizes a novel hypergraph structure with spatio-temporal hyperedges to describe the complex interactions between individuals and locations in the contagion process. By organically combining the FL framework with hypergraph neural networks, the information propagation process of the graph machine learning is able to be divided into two stages distributed on the server and the clients, respectively, so as to effectively protect user privacy while transmitting high-level information. Furthermore, it elaborately designs a differential privacy perturbation mechanism as well as a plausible pseudo location generation approach to preserve user privacy in the graph structure. Besides, it introduces a cooperative coupling mechanism between the individual-level prediction model and an additional region-level model to mitigate the detrimental impacts caused by the injected obfuscation mechanisms. Extensive experimental results show that our methodology outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms and is able to protect user privacy against actual privacy attacks. Our code and datasets are available at the link:
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Epidemic prediction is a fundamental task for epidemic control and prevention. Many mechanistic models and deep learning models are built for this task. However, most mechanistic models have difficulty estimating the time/region-varying epidemiological parameters, while most deep learning models lack the guidance of epidemiological domain knowledge and interpretability of prediction results. In this study, we propose a novel hybrid model called MepoGNN for multi-step multi-region epidemic forecasting by incorporating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and graph learning mechanisms into Metapopulation SIR model. Our model can not only predict the number of confirmed cases but also explicitly learn the epidemiological parameters and the underlying epidemic propagation graph from heterogeneous data in an end-to-end manner. The multi-source epidemic-related data and mobility data of Japan are collected and processed to form the dataset for experiments. The experimental results demonstrate our model outperforms the existing mechanistic models and deep learning models by a large margin. Furthermore, the analysis on the learned parameters illustrate the high reliability and interpretability of our model and helps better understanding of epidemic spread. In addition, a mobility generation method is presented to address the issue of unavailable mobility data, and the experimental results demonstrate effectiveness of the generated mobility data as an input to our model.
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The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has swept across more than 180 countries and territories since late January 2020. As a worldwide emergency response, governments have implemented various measures and policies, such as self-quarantine, travel restrictions, work from home, and regional lockdown, to control the spread of the epidemic. These countermeasures seek to restrict human mobility because COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease that is spread by human-to-human transmission. Medical experts and policymakers have expressed the urgency to effectively evaluate the outcome of human restriction policies with the aid of big data and information technology. Thus, based on big human mobility data and city POI data, an interactive visual analytics system called Epidemic Mobility (EpiMob) was designed in this study. The system interactively simulates the changes in human mobility and infection status in response to the implementation of a certain restriction policy or a combination of policies (e.g., regional lockdown, telecommuting, screening). Users can conveniently designate the spatial and temporal ranges for different mobility restriction policies. Then, the results reflecting the infection situation under different policies are dynamically displayed and can be flexibly compared and analyzed in depth. Multiple case studies consisting of interviews with domain experts were conducted in the largest metropolitan area of Japan (i.e., Greater Tokyo Area) to demonstrate that the system can provide insight into the effects of different human mobility restriction policies for epidemic control, through measurements and comparisons.
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Under pandemic conditions, it is important to communicate local infection risks to better enable the general population to adjust their behaviors accordingly. In Japan, our team operates a popular non-government and not-for-profit dashboard project – “Japan LIVE Dashboard” – which allows the public to easily grasp the evolution of the pandemic on the internet. We presented the Dashboard design concept with a generic framework integrating socio-technical theories, disease epidemiology and related contexts, and evidence-based approaches. Through synthesizing multiple types of reliable and real-time local data sources from all prefectures across the country, the Dashboard allows the public access to user-friendly and intuitive disease visualization in real time and has gained an extensive online followership. To date, it has attracted c.30 million visits (98% domestic access) testifying to the reputation it has acquired as a user-friendly portal for understanding the progression of the pandemic. Designed as an open-source solution, the Dashboard can also be adopted by other countries as well as made applicable for other emerging outbreaks in the future. Furthermore, the conceptual design framework may prove applicable into other ehealth scaled for global pandemics.
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Modeling and predicting human mobility are of great significance to various application scenarios such as intelligent transportation system, crowd management, and disaster response. In particular, in a severe pandemic situation like COVID-19, human movements among different regions are taken as the most important point for understanding and forecasting the epidemic spread in a country. Thus, in this study, we collect big human GPS trajectory data covering the total 47 prefectures of Japan and model the daily human movements between each pair of prefectures with time-series Origin-Destination (OD) matrix. Then, given the historical observations from past days, we predict the countrywide OD matrices for the future one or more weeks by proposing a novel deep learning model called Origin-Destination Convolutional Recurrent Network (ODCRN). It integrates the recurrent and 2-dimensional graph convolutional components to deal with the highly complex spatiotemporal dependencies in sequential OD matrices. Experiment results over the entire COVID-19 period demonstrate the superiority of our proposed methodology over existing OD prediction models. Last, we apply the predicted countrywide OD matrices to the SEIR model, one of the most classic and widely used epidemic simulation model, to forecast the COVID-19 infection numbers for the entire Japan. The simulation results also demonstrate the high reliability and applicability of our countrywide OD prediction model for a pandemic scenario like COVID-19.
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Background: During the second COVID-19 wave in August 2020, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government implemented public health and social measures (PHSMs) to reduce on-site dining. Assessing the associations between human behavior, infection, and social measures is essential to understand achievable reductions in cases and identify the factors driving changes in social dynamics. Objective: We investigated the association between night-time populations, the COVID-19 epidemic, and the implementation of PHSMs in Tokyo. Methods: We used mobile phone location data to estimate populations between 10-12pm in seven Tokyo metropolitan areas. Mobile phone trajectories were used to distinguish and extract on-site dining from stay-at-work and stay-at-home behaviors. Numbers of new cases and symptom onsets were obtained. Weekly mobility and infection data from March 1st to November 14th, 2020 were analyzed using a vector autoregression model. Results: An increase in symptom onsets was observed one week after the night-time population increased (coefficient = 0.60, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.28, 0.92). The effective reproduction number (R(t)) significantly increased three weeks after the night-time population increased (coefficient = 1.30, 95%CI = 0.72, 1.89). The night-time population increased significantly following reports of decreasing numbers of confirmed cases (coefficient = -0.44, 95%CI = -0.73, -0.15). Implementation of social measures to restaurants and bars was not significantly associated with night-time population (coefficient = 0.004, 95%CI = -0.07, 0.08). Conclusions: The night-time population started to increase once a decreasing incidence was announced. Considering time lags between infection and behavior changes, social measures should be planned in advance of the surge of epidemic, sufficiently informed by mobility data.
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Objective We aim to develop a hybrid model for earlier and more accurate predictions for the number of infected cases in pandemics by (1) using patients’ claims data from different counties and states that capture local disease status and medical resource utilization; (2) utilizing demographic similarity and geographical proximity between locations; and (3) integrating pandemic transmission dynamics into a deep learning model. Materials and Methods We proposed a spatio-temporal attention network (STAN) for pandemic prediction. It uses a graph attention network to capture spatio-temporal trends of disease dynamics and to predict the number of cases for a fixed number of days into the future. We also designed a dynamics-based loss term for enhancing long-term predictions. STAN was tested using both real-world patient claims data and COVID-19 statistics over time across US counties. Results STAN outperforms traditional epidemiological models such as susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR), susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR), and deep learning models on both long-term and short-term predictions, achieving up to 87% reduction in mean squared error compared to the best baseline prediction model. Conclusions By combining information from real-world claims data and disease case counts data, STAN can better predict disease status and medical resource utilization.
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic markedly changed human mobility patterns, necessitating epidemiological models that can capture the effects of these changes in mobility on the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)¹. Here we introduce a metapopulation susceptible–exposed–infectious–removed (SEIR) model that integrates fine-grained, dynamic mobility networks to simulate the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in ten of the largest US metropolitan areas. Our mobility networks are derived from mobile phone data and map the hourly movements of 98 million people from neighbourhoods (or census block groups) to points of interest such as restaurants and religious establishments, connecting 56,945 census block groups to 552,758 points of interest with 5.4 billion hourly edges. We show that by integrating these networks, a relatively simple SEIR model can accurately fit the real case trajectory, despite substantial changes in the behaviour of the population over time. Our model predicts that a small minority of ‘superspreader’ points of interest account for a large majority of the infections, and that restricting the maximum occupancy at each point of interest is more effective than uniformly reducing mobility. Our model also correctly predicts higher infection rates among disadvantaged racial and socioeconomic groups2–8 solely as the result of differences in mobility: we find that disadvantaged groups have not been able to reduce their mobility as sharply, and that the points of interest that they visit are more crowded and are therefore associated with higher risk. By capturing who is infected at which locations, our model supports detailed analyses that can inform more-effective and equitable policy responses to COVID-19.
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There is a continuing debate on relative benefits of various mitigation and suppression strategies aimed to control the spread of COVID-19. Here we report the results of agent-based modelling using a fine-grained computational simulation of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. This model is calibrated to match key characteristics of COVID-19 transmission. An important calibration outcome is the age-dependent fraction of symptomatic cases, with this fraction for children found to be one-fifth of such fraction for adults. We apply the model to compare several intervention strategies, including restrictions on international air travel, case isolation, home quarantine, social distancing with varying levels of compliance, and school closures. School closures are not found to bring decisive benefits unless coupled with high level of social distancing compliance. We report several trade-offs, and an important transition across the levels of social distancing compliance, in the range between 70% and 80% levels, with compliance at the 90% level found to control the disease within 13–14 weeks, when coupled with effective case isolation and international travel restrictions.
Infectious disease forecasting has been a key focus in the recent past owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and has proved to be an important tool in controlling the pandemic. With the advent of reliable spatiotemporal data, graph neural network models have been able to successfully model the inter-relation between the cross-region signals to produce quality forecasts, but like most deep-learning models they do not explicitly incorporate the underlying causal mechanisms. In this work, we employ a causal mechanistic model to guide the learning of the graph embeddings and propose a novel learning framework -- Causal-based Graph Neural Network (CausalGNN) that learns spatiotemporal embedding in a latent space where graph input features and epidemiological context are combined via a mutually learning mechanism using graph-based non-linear transformations. We design an attention-based dynamic GNN module to capture spatial and temporal disease dynamics. A causal module is added to the framework to provide epidemiological context for node embedding via ordinary differential equations. Extensive experiments on forecasting daily new cases of COVID-19 at global, US state, and US county levels show that the proposed method outperforms a broad range of baselines. The learned model which incorporates epidemiological context organizes the embedding in an efficient way by keeping the parameter size small leading to robust and accurate forecasting performance across various datasets.