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augustine soul picture embodied intelligence 2023



Reconciling contrary accounts of happiness from Augustine to enactivists in terms of developmental systems neurology with a question about the role of spindle neurons in grounding variable attunement to longer or shorter timespans and to inner or outer directed processes through extended self-development of genetically diverse human beings, with the long-term idea being an artificial soul and formal autonomy in developmental cognitive robotics.
insula - anterior cingulate - insula
mpfc (vmpfc-dmpfc)"
posterior cingulate
orientation to the good"
"compass point of conscience"
access to eternal law
through directed inner
sense to higher faculty"
harmony with lower levels,
"atonement" as attunement
to higher order product
through confession,
reflection, repentance =>
moral law written in heart"
bottom-up experience and
neoteny, development of
lower faculty
higher faculty
inner sense
freedom of self-creation through self-directed inner
sense towards truth (in Augustine's case) or another, as
access to eternal truths are variable in human beings...
can be refined through 'a sort of death', in revision of habit
through exercise of higher faculty as mediated by inner sense
vocation, highest potential
happiness is harmony between highest and lowest faculties, much like contemporaries...
top part develops long and late toward vocation as purpose in life
"Aim for common currency
between brain and psyche""
dynamical system, then
representational - bottom-up"
re self:"
"DM functionality may be
considered a psychological
baseline shaping its inner
thoughts and cognitions""
neglect development
happiness is feeling of optimal control in managing transitions
from stable configuration to stable configuration"
happiness as error minimization in terms of environment"
"slope chasing" as optimizing error for skill refinement and
novelty seeking balancing internal and external demands"
maintain metastable poise or ready for metastable transition
when opportunity presents i.e. external aordances
An account of happiness in terms that Augustine
Can we account for both?
seem to associate dmn dynamics with bundle of routine
conformations/configurations as adaptive fit states to
routinely visited niches including especially the "built
environment" including norms and so on
City of God through love and charity
City of man through worldly opportunism,
"metastable poise"
for example it is not clear how EEists can
account for this
mpfc (vmpfc-dmpfc)"
posterior cingulate
insula - anterior cingulate - insula
variability of spindle distributions and
different attunements to different timespans
can be directed through extended human
i.e. Augustine
different developmental courses may ground
different accounts of happiness
what about marginal cases?
relative sensitivities may ground different
accounts of happiness as purpose in life
happiness through confession in light of eternal
truth, i.e. we are error from moral perfection,
happiness as
resilience through
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