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Location, location, location: survival of Antarctic biota requires the best real estate

The Royal Society
Biology Letters

Abstract and Figures

The origin of terrestrial biota in Antarctica has been debated since the discovery of springtails on the first historic voyages to the southern continent more than 120 years ago. A plausible explanation for the long-term persistence of life requiring ice-free land on continental Antarctica has, however, remained elusive. The default glacial eradication scenario has dominated because hypotheses to date have failed to provide a mechanism for their widespread survival on the continent, particularly through the Last Glacial Maximum when geological evidence demonstrates that the ice sheet was more extensive than present. Here, we provide support for the alternative nunatak refuge hypothesis-that ice-free terrain with sufficient relief above the ice sheet provided refuges and was a source for terrestrial biota found today. This hypothesis is supported here by an increased understanding from the combination of biological and geological evidence, and we outline a mechanism for these refuges during successive glacial maxima that also provides a source for coastal species. Our cross-disciplinary approach provides future directions to further test this hypothesis that will lead to new insights into the evolution of Antarctic landscapes and how they have shaped the biota through a changing climate.
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Opinion piece
Cite this article: Stevens MI, Mackintosh AN.
2023 Location, location, location: survival
of Antarctic biota requires the best real estate.
Biol. Lett. 19: 20220590.
Received: 12 December 2022
Accepted: 2 March 2023
Subject Areas:
ecology, environmental science, evolution,
springtails, ice-free, glacial refuge, cosmogenic
dating, nunatak, ice sheet
Author for correspondence:
Mark I. Stevens
Electronic supplementary material is available
online at
Global change biology
Location, location, location: survival
of Antarctic biota requires the best
real estate
Mark I. Stevens
and Andrew N. Mackintosh
Securing Antarcticas Environmental Future, Earth and Biological Sciences, South Australian Museum,
SA 5000, Australia
School of Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Securing Antarcticas Environmental Future, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment,
Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3800, Australia
MIS, 0000-0003-1505-1639
The origin of terrestrial biota in Antarctica has been debated since the dis-
covery of springtails on the first historic voyages to the southern continent
more than 120 years ago. A plausible explanation for the long-term persist-
ence of life requiring ice-free land on continental Antarctica has, however,
remained elusive. The default glacial eradication scenario has dominated
because hypotheses to date have failed to provide a mechanism for their
widespread survival on the continent, particularly through the Last Glacial
Maximum when geological evidence demonstrates that the ice sheet was
more extensive than present. Here, we provide support for the alternative
nunatak refuge hypothesisthat ice-free terrain with sufficient relief above
the ice sheet provided refuges and was a source for terrestrial biota found
today. This hypothesis is supported here by an increased understanding
from the combination of biological and geological evidence, and we outline
a mechanism for these refuges during successive glacial maxima that also
provides a source for coastal species. Our cross-disciplinary approach
provides future directions to further test this hypothesis that will lead to
new insights into the evolution of Antarctic landscapes and how they
have shaped the biota through a changing climate.
1. Ancient relicts or recent colonizers?
The presence of biota, such as springtails (Arthropoda: Collembola) that inhabit
Antarctic ice-free areas year-round, has troubled biologists for more than 120
years since their discovery during the first historic voyages. The first springtails
collected were during the Belgian Antarctic Expedition (18971899) from Harry
Island (Antarctic Peninsula) [1,2], while Herluf Klövstad collected the first
springtails from continental Antarctica on the northern coast of Victoria Land
(Ross Sea Region) during the Southern Cross British Antarctic Expedition
(18981900) [3]. Springtails are now known to exist widely in ice-free areas
across Antarctica [47]. As more species were discovered, researchers began
to question whether they colonized since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM;
2619 kya [8]) when it was assumed that most of Antarctica was ice covered.
The alternative, and less favoured, scenario was that they were relict species
that survived in isolation for millions of years from pre-glacial times [913]
when they shared the continent with a suite of, now extinct, biota that included
Nothofagus-herb tundra, weevils, flies, freshwater fish, gastropods, bivalves and
ostracods [1419]. Two issues have hampered our ability to adequately evaluate
© 2023 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original
author and source are credited.
these competing theories of introduction versus long-term
survival; first, that the morphological characters used to
define species have erroneously provided an illusion that
some are cosmopolitan (e.g. [4,5]), and second, that early
ice sheet reconstructions suggested that Antarctica was cov-
ered by a significant ice sheet at the LGM (e.g. [20]), which
presumably subsumed most currently ice-free terrain. These
issues led to the assumption that biota colonized the conti-
nent during interglacial periods when ice retreat provided
sufficient ice-free habitats; the assumption of glacial eradication
came to dominate (e.g. [21]).
More recently, the alternative nunatak refuge hypothesis
that the survival of the vast majority of biota during glacial
maxima occurred on terrain that protruded through the ice
sheet (nunataks) with sufficient relief to have remained ice-
freehas gained support based only on the unique assem-
blage of biota present [9,10,22]. Despite this support, it has
remained perplexing because it fails to account for the vast
majority of biota that today resides in low-elevation coastal
margins of Antarctica [22]. In an attempt to reconcile the
presence of Antarctic species along or near the Antarctic
coastal margins, geothermal activity was proposed as a sol-
ution [23]. Here, we detail limitations of this hypothesis to
account for the most biodiverse regions in Antarctica and
provide support for the alternative nunatak refuge hypothesis.
Importantly, we have compiled support by using an
increased understanding from the combination of biological
and geological evidence, and we detail a mechanism that
provides an essential source for coastal species.
2. A framework for the survival of Antarctic biota
during glacial maxima
(a) Geothermal glacial refugia hypothesis
The most extensive reviews exploring the survival of Antarc-
tic biota during glacial maxima, although acknowledging the
unique endemic species that exist on the continent, struggle
to explain the majority of biota that is currently found near
the coastal regions of Antarctica [1113,22]. In an attempt to
reconcile the persistence of Antarctic coastal biota, one
hypothesis suggested by Convey & Lewis Smith [23] and
later tested by Fraser et al. [24] postulated that geothermal
activity provides a mechanism to maintain ice-free land near
coastal margins during glacial maxima. For geothermal activity
to provide a plausible mechanism maintaining ice-free coastal
refuges, it would require there to be sufficient sites through-
out Antarctica where regionally isolated endemic species
would have persisted across the LGM and into the present.
Fraser et al. [24], using a 100 km radius, showed that the sur-
vival of springtails (and other biota) occurs today in the
vicinity of some geothermal sites on the South Shetland
Islands and northern Antarctic Peninsula (figure 1; electronic
supplementary material, figure S1), which were also recently
suggested as playing a role in the persistence of springtails
across the LGM and prior [29]. However, these species have
much wider distributions, including the Antarctic Peninsula
and offshore islands [6]. Likewise, the proximity to geother-
mal sites of three (of eight) species in Victoria Land is at
least within 100 km (figure 1; electronic supplementary
material, figures S4 and S5). However, for springtails that
are not found outside Antarctica [6] and predominantly are
distributed along coastal margins, the vast majority do not
overlap with any geothermal site (figure 1; electronic sup-
plementary material, figures S1S7). Geothermal activity
and other potential refugia (see [22]), while perhaps locally
important in a few specific cases, do not provide an expla-
nation for broader species survival in coastal regions at the
LGM or through previous glacial maxima.
(b) Nunatak refuge hypothesis
(i) Geological evidence
For the nunatak refuge hypothesis to be robust, we need to
explore if variations in ice sheet thickness across Antarctica
during glacial maxima allowed for widespread ice-free habi-
tats to be maintained. Modern ice sheet reconstructions based
on both onshore and offshore geological evidence, as well as
dating of these features shows that the ice sheet at the LGM
expanded onto the continental shelf and in coastal regions
it thickened by hundreds of metres [30,31], with the greatest
increases (greater than 1 km) observed in West Antarctica
[32,33]. Cosmogenic isotope dating is uniquely suited to Ant-
arctic environments [34] where geological dating of glacial
deposits on the flanks of Antarctic nunataks indicates in
many cases mountain slopes and some moraines remained
uncovered during the LGM [3545]. Furthermore, cosmo-
genic isotope data from regions with extensive datasets
and/or consistent findings from multiple nuclides (see elec-
tronic supplementary material) indicate that persistent ice-
free conditions have likely existed since at least the LGM
and in many cases much longer [35,37,38,40,43,4651]
(figure 2a; electronic supplementary material, figures S1
S7). Most of these regions harbour short-range endemic
biota, including springtails (figure 2a). In some locations,
such as Victoria Land, Transantarctic Mountains and Dron-
ning Maud Land, there is evidence of ice-free conditions
persisting for millions of years [40,43,46]. In Victoria Land,
low-altitude moraines provide an additional habitat [4],
and such features may persist for thousands of years, particu-
larly when they are associated with long-standing nunataks
[53]. By contrast, despite evidence for ice-free nunataks
[33,38,40,4951], springtails appear to be entirely absent
from marine-based sectors of the ice sheet (West Antarctica,
the Weddell Sea sector, and Wilkes and Aurora subglacial
basins) where the ice is grounded below sea level [54]
(figure 2a; electronic supplementary material, figures S3, S6
and S7). Such marine-based glaciers are known to be highly
dynamic, substantially expanding and contracting during
glacial-interglacial cycles (for example, in East Antarctica,
Marie Byrd Land and Ellsworth Land [33,5557]) providing
limited long-term refuge for biota.
(ii) Biological evidence
For Antarctic biota, there is a growing body of molecular
evidence revealing long-term isolation and persistence of
short-range endemic species on the Antarctic continent
[7,5864]. For springtails that are a dominant driver for biodi-
versity patterns across the Antarctic realm [25] (figure 1), data
show that these endemic species were likely present in
ice-free refuges for at least 1512 Ma [17,46,58]. Endemism
is present in most sectors of the continent [6,7], and this
is supported by geological dating indicating long-term ice-
free conditions at sites (figure 2a; see also electronic
2 Biol. Lett. 19: 20220590
supplementary material, file). So how does this explain species
presence today in coastal habitats? Clues to this remarkable sur-
vival come from well-known alpine and polar studies (e.g.
[6568]). In alpine and polar regions, the greatest biodiversity
is found living in or near glacial forelands [6571] and studies
have shown that biota occupy this glacial foreland ecosystem as it
shiftsadjacent to glacial margins as they expand or contract
[49,65,66,68,71,72]. This association adjacent to modern ice
has also been identified as one of the most biodiverse ecologi-
cal zones in Antarctica, despite the proximity of biota to a
much-expanded ice front during glacial maxima [6971].
This scenario is illustrated in figure 2b, where, during glacial
maxima, species contract to small pockets of favourable habi-
tat (such as a glacial foreland ecosystem or analogous
moraine ecosystems) in terrain that protruded above or on
the modern ice sheet ( figure 2b). During an interglacial,
species disperse down slopes and valleys with the glacial
foreland that shifts with glacial margins as the ice retreats
(figure 2c), with dispersal also potentially being assisted by
meltwater (that is well known as a dispersal vector, e.g.
[73]) spreading biota towards coastal areas as they become
ice-free. Today, the presence of every known endemic spring-
tail species on the continent and central Antarctic Peninsula is
within 100 km of known LGM ice-free refuges indicated by
cosmogenic dating (figure 2a; electronic supplementary
material, figures S1S7). The converse is also true; springtails
are absent from extensive ice-free regions (see figures 1 and
2a), likely because these regions do not contain terrain with
appropriate environments to serve as refuges when lowland
ice expanded during glacial maxima.
3. New directions
Our suggested framework provides the necessary way
forward to test predictions using an evidence-based approach.
We posit that Antarcticas nunataks provide the most
likely refuge for the long-term survival of species, and
this explains the patterns of isolated short-range endemic
species we find today, where there is an increasing body
of evidence that none are shared between regions and
some regions are entirely lacking in species. The nunatak
refuge hypothesis also explains how species can be present
during interglacials in coastal areas adjacent to their
refugiathey do so by shifting up and down slopes
within glacial foreland ecosystems.
Going forward, cross-disciplinary collaborations can provide
a more complete picture of the evolution of Antarctic land-
scapes and the biota they harbour, but this requires
cosmogenic isotope dating specifically targeted towards iden-
tifying ice-free terrain at the LGM or older (e.g. [40,43,45]),
integrated with biological investigations that unequivocally
define connectivity versus isolation (e.g. [7,59,61,62,64,74,75])
to identify broader refugial sites. While we have well-synchro-
nized geochronology with springtail presence in ice-free
conditions in Victoria Land, the Transantarctic Mountains
and Dronning Maud Land (figure 2a), there are three specific
tests that can be carried out to further evaluate the nunatak
refuge hypothesis: (1) the Antarctic Peninsula has well-docu-
mented springtail records, but their provenance is uncertain
[6,29] and age control on LGM and earlier landscapes is
sparse [38]further biological (using robust molecular
Figure 1. All terrain ice-free today shown as colour-shaded regions that represent the 16 currently recognized Antarctic Conservation Biodiversity Regions (ACBRs),
where those labelled in bold text contain springtail species that accounts for 82% of the total ACBR area [25]. Springtail species occur in two of the four volcanic
regions (within 100 km) highlighted by ellipses, where small (orange) and large (red) geothermal-specific sites are indicated (adapted from [24]). Blue shade around
Antarctica matches the current below sea level shown in figure 2a. Map created using Quantarctica [26] in QGIS ver. 3.22.7 [27] with our compiled data files [28].
3 Biol. Lett. 19: 20220590
dating, e.g. [76]) and geochronology are required to evaluate
whether nunataks remained ice-free; (2) regions where geo-
chronology indicates that nunataks likely remained ice-free at
the LGM (for example in the Prince Charles Mountains;
[40,77]), but where, to date, evidence for springtail presence
remains equivocal albeit for recent environmental DNA signa-
tures from soils [78]such biological signals warrant further
exploration and (3) greater focus on regions where the
geochronology is suggestive of ice-free nunataks at the LGM
[35,36,4751] and biological investigations are limited or
yet to be done, for example, in Enderby Land, Ellsworth
Mountains and Transantarctic Mountains (figure 2a).
4. Conclusion
We have described a mechanism that allowed for springtails
to survive in isolation in refugia across the LGM in ice-free
habitats. Support for long-term continuity across Antarctic
ice-free terrain is provided by geological dating of glacial
deposits since the ice sheet first formed (approx. 34 Ma;
[7981]). More recently, molecular data have revealed that
species found on the continent are a suite of unique locally
endemic survivors from at least the last 1512 Ma [7,56,58]
when ice sheet thickening appears to have reached its maxi-
mum [17,46,82]. Together, these data highlight striking
(a) land elevation topography
(b)(c)glacial maxima
high-altitude refugia—extreme isolation low-altitude habitat—regional isolation
glacial minima
Figure 2. (a) Distribution of springtail species shown as coloured dots with ellipses indicating short-range endemic species, overlaid on the land elevational topo-
graphy of Antarctica (blue = below sea level, green/yellow/brown = above sea level, see key in (b)). The presence of every known endemic springtail species on the
continent and central Antarctic Peninsula is within 100 km of LGM ice-free refuges indicated by cosmogenic dating (red diamonds) and these occur in six ACBRs,
while potential ice-free refugia without springtails occur in three ACBRs (orange diamonds) (compiled from (b) Survival of springtails
(colours represent isolated species) in ice-free terrain shift with glacial margins (foreland) as ice expands during glacial maxima. (c) Dispersal of springtails
during glacial minima (interglacial) shift with the glacial foreland as lower altitude ice-free land becomes available; biota disperse into low-elevation habitats
into coastal regions. Map and distance measurements performed using Quantarctica and land elevational topography created using BedMachine [52], in QGIS
with our compiled data files [28].
4 Biol. Lett. 19: 20220590
levels of endemism on the continent revealing biodiversity
patterns in ice-free Antarctica that contributes significant
insights to the now widely accepted Antarctic Continental
Biodiversity Regions(ACBRs) [25] (figure 1).
Recent modelling of snow and ice melt indicates that cur-
rent ice-free regions in Antarctica may expand up to 25%
within the twenty-first century [83]. If these projections are cor-
rect, Antarctica will be changed forever with anthropogenic
climate change, and endemic springtails once regionally iso-
lated may no longer need refugia that have served them well
for millions of years. How these once isolated communities
cope with a vastly changing landscape with biotic interactions
not experienced for millions of years remains largely unknown.
Data accessibility. Supplementary files, including all data files we used in
QGIS for springtail records, geothermal and geochronological sites
shown in figures 1 and 2 are available from the Dryad Digital
Repository: [28].
The data are provided in the electronic supplementary material
Authorscontributions. M.I.S.: conceptualization, data curation, formal
analysis, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project
administration, software, validation, visualization, writingoriginal
draft and writingreview and editing; A.N.M.: conceptualization,
data curation, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, vali-
dation, writingoriginal draft and writingreview and editing.
All authors gave final approval for publication and agreed to be
held accountable for the work performed therein.
Conflict of interest declaration. We declare we have no competing interests.
Funding. This manuscript was supported in part from the Australian
Research Council (ARC) funding under the SRIEAS (grant agreement
no. SR200100005) (Securing Antarcticas Environmental Future).
Acknowledgements. We thank Lawrence Bird for technical assistance
with QGIS and BedMachine, Fern Meppem for the figures, and
Greg Balco, Duanne White, Richard Jones, Byron Adams, Matthew
Ferris, Steven Cooper and four anonymous reviewers for valuable
discussions and comments.
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... The austral biogeographical group (13.7%) includes some species that may have originated on the old continent of Gondwana, as did many vascular plants [23,24] and bryophytes [25]. Finally, the Antarctic-subantarctic endemic group (16.9%) should be considered to be composed of pre-Pleistocene survivors of the ice ages that somehow found refuge in ice-free areas, mainly on rocky substrates in coastal regions or nunataks [23,26,27]. Interestingly, some cosmopolitan species, such as Collema tenax (Sw.) ...
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This paper analyses the lichen flora of Navarino Island (Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn Region, Chile), identifying species shared with the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula). In this common flora, species are grouped by their biogeographic origin (Antarctic–subantarctic endemic, austral, bipolar, and cosmopolitan), their habitat on Navarino Island (coastal, forest, and alpine), their morphotype (crustaceous, foliaceous, fruticulose, and cladonioid), and the substrate from which they were collected (epiphytic, terricolous and humicolous, and saxicolous). A total of 124 species have been recognised as common on both sides of the Drake Passage, predominantly bipolar, crustaceous, and saxicolous species, and with an alpine distribution on Navarino Island. The most interesting fact is that more than 30% of the flora is shared between the southern tip of South America and the western Antarctic Peninsula, which is an indication of the existence of a meridian flow of propagules capable of crossing the Antarctic polar front.
... Soil nematodes are one of the most important groups of the terrestrial fauna in Antarctica (Maslen and Convey 2006) as they are abundant, taxonomically and functionally diverse and occupy a central position in the soil micro-food webs and may have an impact on nutrient cycling and carbon dioxide emission, when soils thaw for a longer period of the year under climate change (van den Hoogen et al. 2019). In the challenging environmental conditions of the Antarctic, their distribution is limited to ice-free areas, where they have evolved throughout millions of years of climatic fluctuations in refugia (Ebach et al. 2008, Stevens and Mackintosh 2023. The glaciations, long-term isolation, harsh climate and the patchy distribution of ice-free areas (present today where at least partially ice-free throughout repeated glacial maxima (Newman et al. 2009)) are the main factors affecting the Antarctic nematode fauna origin/ genesis (i.e. the formation of fauna under the influence of multiple factors -historical, geographic and ecological) (Andrássy 1998, Convey andPeck 2019). ...
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Soil nematodes are one of the most important terrestrial faunal groups in Antarctica, as they are a major component of soil micro-food webs. Despite their crucial role in soil processes, knowledge of their species diversity and distribution is still incomplete. Taxonomic studies of Antarctic nematodes are fragmented, which prevents assessment of the degree of endemicity and distribution of the species, as well as other aspects of biogeography. The present study is focused on the nematode fauna of one of the three Antarctic sub-regions, the Maritime Antarctic and summarises all findings published up to April 2023. A species list that includes 44 species, belonging to 21 genera, 16 families and eight orders is provided. A review of the literature on terrestrial nematodes inhabiting the Maritime Antarctic showed that the sites are unevenly studied. Three islands (Signy, King George and Livingston Islands) revealed highest species richness, probably due to the highest rates of research effort. Most species and four genera ( Antarctenchus , Pararhyssocolpus , Amblydorylaimus and Enchodeloides ) are endemic, proving that nematode fauna of the Maritime Antarctic is autochthonous and unique. Several groups of islands/sites have been revealed, based on their nematode fauna. The study showed that species with a limited distribution prevailed, while only two species ( Plectus antarcticus and Coomansus gerlachei ) have been found in more than 50% of the sites. Based on the literature data, details on species localities, microhabitat distribution, plant associations and availability of DNA sequences are provided.
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Background Antarctica and its unique biodiversity are increasingly at risk from the effects of global climate change and other human influences. A significant recent element underpinning strategies for Antarctic conservation has been the development of a system of Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions (ACBRs). The datasets supporting this classification are, however, dominated by eukaryotic taxa, with contributions from the bacterial domain restricted to Actinomycetota and Cyanobacteriota. Nevertheless, the ice-free areas of the Antarctic continent and the sub-Antarctic islands are dominated in terms of diversity by bacteria. Our study aims to generate a comprehensive phylogenetic dataset of Antarctic bacteria with wide geographical coverage on the continent and sub-Antarctic islands, to investigate whether bacterial diversity and distribution is reflected in the current ACBRs. Results Soil bacterial diversity and community composition did not fully conform with the ACBR classification. Although 19% of the variability was explained by this classification, the largest differences in bacterial community composition were between the broader continental and maritime Antarctic regions, where a degree of structural overlapping within continental and maritime bacterial communities was apparent, not fully reflecting the division into separate ACBRs. Strong divergence in soil bacterial community composition was also apparent between the Antarctic/sub-Antarctic islands and the Antarctic mainland. Bacterial communities were partially shaped by bioclimatic conditions, with 28% of dominant genera showing habitat preferences connected to at least one of the bioclimatic variables included in our analyses. These genera were also reported as indicator taxa for the ACBRs. Conclusions Overall, our data indicate that the current ACBR subdivision of the Antarctic continent does not fully reflect bacterial distribution and diversity in Antarctica. We observed considerable overlap in the structure of soil bacterial communities within the maritime Antarctic region and within the continental Antarctic region. Our results also suggest that bacterial communities might be impacted by regional climatic and other environmental changes. The dataset developed in this study provides a comprehensive baseline that will provide a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation efforts on the continent. Further studies are clearly required, and we emphasize the need for more extensive campaigns to systematically sample and characterize Antarctic and sub-Antarctic soil microbial communities. APsmQ8MphSAgg4BzZyqdNTVideo Abstract
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Cenozoic evolution of the Antarctic ice sheets is thought to be driven primarily by long-term changes in radiative forcing, but the tectonic evolution of Antarctica may also have played a substantive role. While deep-sea foraminiferal oxygen isotope records provide a combined measure of global continental ice volume and ocean temperature, they do not provide direct insights into non-radiative influences on Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics. Here we present an Antarctic compilation of Cenozoic upper-ocean temperature for the Ross Sea and offshore Wilkes Land, generated by membrane lipid distributions from archaea. We find trends of ocean temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen isotopes largely co-vary. However, this relationship is less clear for the late Oligocene, when high-latitude cooling occurred despite interpretation of oxygen isotopes suggesting global warming and ice-volume loss. We propose this retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet occurred in response to a tectonically driven marine transgression, with warm surface waters precluding marine-based ice-sheet growth. Marine ice-sheet expansion occurred only when ocean temperatures further cooled during the Oligocene–Miocene transition, with cold orbital conditions and low atmospheric carbon dioxide. Our results support a threshold response to atmospheric carbon dioxide, below which Antarctica’s marine ice sheets grow, and above which ocean warming exacerbates their retreat.
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Antarctic conservation science is crucial for enhancing Antarctic policy and understanding alterations to terrestrial Antarctic biodiversity. Antarctic conservation will have limited long‐term impacts in the absence of large‐scale biodiversity data, but if such data were available, it is likely to improve environmental protection regimes. To enable the prediction of Antarctic biodiversity across continental spatial scales through proxy variables, in the absence of baseline surveys, we linked Antarctic substrate‐derived environmental DNA (eDNA) sequence data from the remote Antarctic Prince Charles Mountains to a selected range of concomitantly collected measurements of substrate properties. We achieved this through application of a statistical method commonly used in machine learning. Our analysis indicated that neutral substrate pH, low conductivity, and certain substrate minerals are important predictors of the presence of basidiomycetes, chlorophytes, ciliophorans, nematodes, and tardigrades. A bootstrapped regression revealed how variations in the identified substrate parameters influence probabilities of detecting eukaryote phyla across vast and remote areas of Antarctica. We believe that our work will improve future taxon distribution modeling and aid in developing more targeted surveys of biodiversity conducted under logistically challenging conditions.
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Antarctica has been isolated and progressively glaciated for over 30 million years, with only approximately 0.3 % of its area currently ice-free and capable of supporting terrestrial ecosystems. As a result, invertebrate populations have become isolated and fragmented, in some cases leading to speciation. Terrestrial invertebrate species currently found in Antarctica often show multi-million year, and even Gondwanan, heritage, with little evidence of recent colonisation. Mesobiotus is a globally distributed tardigrade genus. It has commonly been divided into two “groups”, referred to as harmsworthi and furciger, with both groups currently considered cosmopolitan, with global reports including from both the Arctic and the Antarctic. However, some authors considered that Meb. furciger, as originally described, may represent an Antarctic-specific lineage. Using collections of tardigrades from across the Antarctic continent and publicly available sequences obtained from online databases, we use mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal sequence data to clarify the relationships of Antarctic Mesobiotus species. Our analyses show that all Antarctic members belong to a single lineage, evolving separately from non-Antarctic representatives. Within this Antarctic lineage there are further deep divisions among geographic regions of the continent, consistent with the presence of a species complex. Based on our data confirming the deep divisions between this Antarctic lineage, which includes representatives of both groups, we recommend that the use of furciger and harmsworthi group terminology is now abandoned, as it leads to systematic and biogeographical confusion. (Bertolani et al., 2014, Itang et al., 2020, Kaczmarek et al., 2018, Kayastha et al., 2021, Mapalo et al., 2017, Mapalo et al., 2016, Roszkowska et al., 2018, Stec, 2019, Stec et al., 2018, Stec and Kristensen, 2017; Tumanov, 2020)
The present-day morpho-stratigraphy of the Ross Sea is the result of Cenozoic tectonic and cryospheric events, and constitutes a key record of Antarctica's cryospheric evolution. An enduring problem in interpreting this record in a broader regional context is that the correlation between eastern and western Ross Sea stratigraphy has remained uncertain due to the limited number of drill sites. We correlate the glacial-related features observed on a dense network of seismic reflection profiles in McMurdo Sound with those identified in the Nordenskjöld and Drygalski Basins, as well as the basins farther east in the central Ross Sea. We present an improved correlation of the regional patterns of early to middle Miocene ice-sheet variance across the Ross Sea constrained by new evaluation of seismic facies and age models from one site recovered by the Antarctic Drilling Project (ANDRILL) in the southwestern most part of McMurdo Sound. We also integrate this correlation with the recently published seismic framework in the central Ross Sea. The formation of U-shaped valleys during the early Miocene in McMurdo Sound, together with prograding sedimentary wedges in the western-most basins, and the central Ross Sea, suggest two major phases of overall advance of a marine-terminating ice sheet between ~18 Ma and ~ 17.4 Ma. Widespread formation of turbiditic channel-levee systems in McMurdo Sound and rapid sediment deposition in Nordernskjöld Basin point to subsequent ice-sheet retreat between ~17.4 Ma and ~ 15.8 Ma, coinciding with the onset of the Miocene Climate Optimum (MCO; ~17–14.5 Ma). However, the carving of troughs and formation of irregular morphologic features suggest that an extensive ice sheet still remained along the western Ross margin at ~17.4 Ma and a brief episode of ice-sheet advance occurred at ~16.8 Ma in the earliest interval of the MCO. Subsequent marine-based ice sheet advance during the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT, ~14.0–13.8 Ma) is indicated by widespread erosional features. Our results reconcile the semi-continouous seismic and drill core stratigraphy of the offshore Ross Sea continental shelf with inferences of ice sheet dynamics from continuous far-field deep sea and sea level records, as well as the highly discontinous (and heavily debated) onshore records of pre-MMCT glaciation and aridification of the Transantarctic Mountains at 14 Ma.
Understanding how terrestrial biotic communities have responded to glacial recession since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) can inform present and future responses of biota to climate change. In Antarctica, the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) have experienced massive environmental changes associated with glacial retreat since the LGM, yet we have few clues as to how its soil invertebrate‐dominated animal communities have responded. Here, we surveyed soil invertebrate fauna from above and below proposed LGM elevations along transects located at 12 features across the Shackleton Glacier region. Our transects captured gradients of surface ages possibly up to 4.5 million years and the soils have been free from human disturbance for their entire history. Our data support the hypothesis that soils exposed during the LGM are now less suitable habitats for invertebrates than those that have been exposed by deglaciation following the LGM. Our results show that faunal abundance, community composition, and diversity were all strongly affected by climate‐driven changes since the LGM. Soils more recently exposed by glacial recession (as indicated by distances from present ice surfaces) had higher faunal abundances and species richness than older exposed soils. Higher abundances of the dominant nematode Scottnema were found in older exposed soils, while Eudorylaimus, Plectus, tardigrades, and rotifers preferentially occurred in more recently exposed soils. Approximately 30% of the soils from which invertebrates could be extracted had only Scottnema, and these single‐taxon communities occurred more frequently in soils exposed for longer periods of time. Our structural equation modeling of abiotic drivers highlighted soil salinity as a key mediator of Scottnema responses to soil exposure age. These changes in soil habitat suitability and biotic communities since the LGM indicate that Antarctic terrestrial biodiversity throughout the TAM will be highly altered by climate warming.
The pan‐Antarctic distributions of several collembolan species have been supported by morphology for over 120 years. However, for most species where molecular data are available, these are now known to belong instead to several species, and most classified as short‐range endemics. One such species, Friesea grisea, had a pan‐Antarctic distribution that has been in question, but until recently, specimens of F. grisea from the type locality on South Georgia have not been included in any molecular appraisal. Here, we compare the molecular identity of specimens of F. grisea, from South Georgia, with other Antarctic and sub‐Antarctic species using the mitochondrial COI gene. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis for 14 species of Friesea from southern regions, including F. grisea sensu stricto with species previously identified as ‘F. grisea’ (F. antarctica, F. gretae and F. propria) confirms the distinctness of the South Georgian specimens based on molecular data, and these results are confirmed morphologically. The genus Friesea is one of the most speciose genera of Collembola known in the Antarctic region, and we provide an annotated key (dichotomous and interactive versions) to all Friesea species in the sub‐Antarctic and Antarctica. We compare the biogeography of Friesea to other Collembola from the region to highlight our current understanding of species boundaries and island linkages.
Quantarctica ( is a geospatial data package, analysis environment, and visualization platform for the Antarctic Continent, Southern Ocean (>40oS), and sub-Antarctic islands. Quantarctica works with the free, cross-platform Geographical Information System (GIS) software QGIS and can run without an Internet connection, making it a viable tool for fieldwork in remote areas. The data package includes basemaps, satellite imagery, terrain models, and scientific data in nine disciplines, including physical and biological sciences, environmental management, and social science. To provide a clear and responsive user experience, cartography and rendering settings are carefully prepared using colour sets that work well for typical data combinations and with consideration of users with common colour vision deficiencies. Metadata included in each dataset provides brief abstracts for non-specialists and references to the original data sources. Thus, Quantarctica provides an integrated environment to view and analyse multiple Antarctic datasets together conveniently and with a low entry barrier.
Recent ice sheet mass loss in Antarctica has been attributed to an influx of warm ocean waters, which drove grounding‐line retreat and ice thinning. Episodic retreat and rapid thinning also occurred in the southwestern Ross Sea during the Holocene, which today accommodates cold ocean waters. We applied finite element ice‐flow modeling to investigate the roles of ocean temperature and bed topography in the deglaciation of this region. First, our experiments demonstrate that bed topography controlled the spatial pattern of grounding‐line retreat. Topographic pinning points limited the rate of ice loss until retreat progressed beyond a bathymetric threshold. Second, ocean thermal forcing determined the timing of this ice loss. Enhanced ocean‐driven melt is required during the Early‐to‐Mid Holocene to replicate geological records of deglaciation, possibly indicating that warm ocean waters were once present in this region. On multi‐centennial timescales, ocean temperature drove, while bed topography controlled, nonlinear rates of ice mass loss.
This paper reviews the distribution, character and age of blue-ice moraines in Antarctica and asks whether there are implications for the study of former Pleistocene ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. Blue-ice forms where acceleration of downslope katabatic winds removes snow and causes ice to ablate. Upward ice flow compensates for the surface ablation and in some places brings rock debris to the surface to form a blue-ice moraine. Blue-ice moraines occur where topography focuses katabatic winds, notably outlet glaciers cutting through mountains and in the lee of nunataks and escarpments nearer the coast. Many Antarctic blue-ice moraines have been accumulating for millions of years. The cyclic growth and decay of Pleistocene ice sheets and the dominance of surface ablation near the ice-sheet margins are clearly different, yet there are aspects that apply to Pleistocene ice sheets. Based on Antarctic blue-ice deposits, equivalent deposits associated with former Pleistocene ice sheets are likely to: (1) lie in topographic sediment traps such as in side valleys or embayments next to outlet glaciers, (2) occur in the lee of mountains, (3) display a morphology indicating ice flow into the embayment or towards the mountain front, (4) include a wide range of lithologies derived from the inland ice sheet, yet consist wholly of local debris in places, (5) accumulate a thick deposit perhaps over successive glaciations. Further, (6) the location and intensity of moraine formation will change spatially and vertically in response to changes in the relative elevation of the surrounding mountains and its effect on ice flow. The extent to which these criteria will help in interpreting the behaviour of Pleistocene ice sheets is uncertain. But we use examples from the Greenland, Laurentide and Eurasian ice sheets to suggest that the concept of enhanced ablation by katabatic winds encouraging surface moraine formation helps resolve several puzzles.