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A case of Mullerian choristoma in lipomyelocele


Abstract and Figures

Objective: Müllerian choristoma associated with spinal dysraphism is a rare diagnosis. Case: We present a case of heterotopic fallopian tube tissue found in a lipomyelocele. The patient, a 19-year-old woman, complained of swelling and pain in her lower back. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed spina bifida occulta at L3, tethered cord, and L3 lipoma. L3 - L4 laminectomy was performed, and the lipoma was removed. Histological examination revealed the presence of ectopic fallopian tube tissue within the lipoma.
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Kalayjyan et al.
Medical Science and Discovery, 2023; 10(3):201-203
A case of Mullerian choristoma in lipomyelocele
Andronik Ishkhan Kalayjyan1, Avetis A. Kirakosyan1, Emma S
1 Astghik Medical Center, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Yerevan, Armenia
* Corresponding Author: Emma S Maghakyan E-mail:
Objective: Müllerian choristoma associated with spinal dysraphism is a rare diagnosis.
We present a case of heterotopic fallopian tube tissue found in a lipomyelocele.
The patient, a 19-year-old woman, complained of swelling and pain in her lower back.
Magnetic resonance imaging revealed spina bifida occulta at L3, tethered cord, and L3
lipoma. L3 - L4 laminectomy was performed, and the lipoma was removed. Histological
examination revealed the presence of ectopic fallopian tube tissue within the lipoma.
Keywords: Müllerian choristoma, lipomyelocele,
Case Report Article
Received 23-02-2023
Accepted 27-02-2023
Available Online: 25-02-2023
Published 30-03-2023
Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 4.0
A choristoma is a benign, tumor-like growth of microscopically normal tissue that develops
in an abnormal location (1). Lipomyelocele is a type of lipoma that is associated with spina
bifida and extends through a defect in the spinal cord. In this report, we present an unusual
case of a 19-year-old woman who was diagnosed with Mullerian choristoma in association
with spinal dysraphism, spina bifida occulta at L3, tethered cord, and lipomyelocele. At the
time of writing this text, there were fewer than 10 similar cases reported in the literature.
A 19-year-old woman presented with a soft swelling in the lumbar region of her spine,
which she had noticed since childhood. She also complained of low back pain, which
worsened while walking. She did not have a history of any neurological deficits, and her
menstrual history was normal. Upon physical and neurological examinations, there were no
notable abnormalities, and routine laboratory tests were within normal ranges.
Further imaging tests were conducted, including a 1.5 Tesla MRI with IV contrast of the
lumbo-sacral region of the spine. The MRI revealed spinal dysraphism, which is a
congenital abnormality characterized by incomplete closure of the neural tube, at the level
of L3 vertebra (
Figure 1
). Additionally, there was a tethered cord, which occurs when the
spinal cord is abnormally attached to the surrounding tissue, and an extradural lipoma that
was communicating with the subcutaneous fatty swelling. These findings were consistent
with an extradural lipomyelocele.
The patient underwent surgery, which involved a laminectomy at L3 and L4 and removal
of the lipoma. The surgical specimen consisted of two pieces that measured 6.5 x 4 x 2 cm
in total. Histological sections of the specimen showed skeletal muscles and mature adipose
tissue with cyst-like structures that were lined with a single layer of columnar epithelium
Figure 2).
Immunohistochemical examinations were performed, and the results showed that the
epithelial cells had a moderate positive nuclear reaction for PAX8 and an intensive
membranous reaction for CK7. The proliferative activity of the epithelial cells was low,
and Ki67 labeled only 0.5-1% of the cells. The epithelial cells were negative for CK20. The
overall histological picture and the results of the immunohistochemical examinations were
consistent with the presence of ectopic fallopian tube tissue (i.e., ectopic tissue from the
Mullerian compartment) within the soft tissues.
The patient recovered well after the surgery, and there were no postoperative
complications. She was discharged from the hospital without pain.
Kalayjyan et al.
Medical Science and Discovery, 2023; 10(3):201-203
Figure 1:
Figure 1 shows a 1.5 Tesla MRI with IV contrast of the lumbo-sacral region, revealing spinal dysraphism, spina
bifida occulta at the level of the L3 vertebra, a tethered cord, and an extradural lipoma communicating with subcutaneous
fatty swelling.
Figure 2:
Histological and immunohistochemical examinations of the specimen showed the presence of ectopic fallopian
tube tissue, which is a type of ectopic tissue from the Mullerian compartment, within the soft tissues.
Kalayjyan et al.
Medical Science and Discovery, 2023; 10(3):201-203
The Mullerian ducts play a crucial role in the development of
the urogenital system, giving rise to the uterus, uterine tubes,
cervix, and the upper third of the vagina in females, under the
influence of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH). The
development of the Mullerian ducts is tightly regulated by
various signaling molecules and gene expression, including
EMX2, HOXA13, PAX2, LIM1, and Wnt. These genes are
also involved in the development of heterotopic sites, which
can lead to the formation of Mullerian choristomas.
Spina bifida is a type of congenital malformation that occurs
due to incomplete closure or formation of the embryonic
neural tube, resulting in the splitting (bifid) of the spinal
column (5). During primary neurulation, the ectoderm layer
above the notochord undergoes proliferation to form the
neural plate. The neural folds subsequently elevate from the
lateral edges of the neural plate, ultimately approaching one
another in the midline and fusing to create the neural tube.
During embryonic development, the process of neurulation
involves the proliferation and elevation of the neural plate,
which eventually fuses to form the neural tube. This process
begins in the cervical region and progresses in both the
cephalic and caudal directions. Below L-2, the spinal
segments are formed by secondary neurulation. After neural
tube closure, the epithelial ectoderm separates from the neural
ectoderm through disjunction. The epithelial layers then fuse
to form the skin covering the neural tube, while mesenchyme
migrates between the neural tube and skin to create the
meninges, neural arches of the vertebrae, and paraspinal
muscles. In the third month of development, the spinal cord
extends the entire length of the embryo. However, if there are
any abnormalities in these developmental stages, a spinal
dysraphism, or defect in neural tube closure, can occur (6).
While the exact cause of Mullerian choristomas is not fully
understood, one hypothesis is that they result from
misplacement of Mullerian duct tissue during embryonic
development. Normally, the Mullerian ducts migrate towards
the urogenital sinus to form the female reproductive tract.
However, if some of the Mullerian duct tissue becomes
misplaced and ends up in the caudal neural tube, it could
explain the presence of Mullerian tissue in this location (7).
This theory is supported by studies that have identified
Mullerian-like tissue within spina bifida cysts and lipomas.
Acknowledgments: None
Conflict of interest: The authors declared no potential
conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article. This research did not receive
and a specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Author Contributions: AIK, AAK, ESA: Study Design,
Surgical Procedures, ESA: literature review and writing:
ESA: Revision
Ethical approval: All procedures followed were in
accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible
committee on human experimentation (institutional and
national) and/or with the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 and
later versions. Informed consent or substitute for it was
obtained from all patients for being included in the study.
Written consent was obtained from each patient to use their
hospital data.
1. Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen C, Chi AC. Color atlas of oral and
maxillofacial diseases-E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2018 Sep 26.
2. Lee KH, Roland PS. Heterotopias, Teratoma, and Choristoma.
Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Springer,
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7. Troiano RN, McCarthy SM. Mullerian duct anomalies: imaging and
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Copyright © 2023 The Author(s); This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, (CC BY NC) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited. International Journal of Medical Science and Discovery.
... In this case, mullerianosis lesion is located in the lower-middle part of the rectovaginal septum at the end of the midline of the human body, which is consistent with the distribution of lesions described by Batt RE [2,6] ,Hattori H [7] , Andronik IshkhanKalayjyan [8] , Pansera [9] ,Buerger [10] ,Xueyan Chen [11] ,and others.Based on Ludwig's theory [12] , Batt R.E predicted that no cases of endocervicoticchoristomas will be found above the diaphragm [6] . Conversely, it is predicted that no cases of endosalpingiosischoristomas will be found below the pelvic diaphragm.Whether this prediction can be established requires the discovery of new cases for verification. ...
Full-text available
Spina bifida aperta is a type of neural tube defect (NTD). Although prenatal fetal surgery has been an available and effective treatment for it, the neurological functional recovery is still need to be enhanced. Our previous results revealed that deficiencies of sensory, motor, and parasympathetic neurons were primary anomalies that occurred with the spinal malformation. Therefore, we emphasized that nerve regeneration is critical for NTD therapy. We delivered an adenoviral construct containing genes inserted for green fluorescent protein and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Ad-GFP-BDNF) into the amniotic fluid to investigate its prenatal therapeutic potential for rat fetuses with spina bifida aperta. Using immunofluorescence, TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling staining, and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis, we assessed cell apoptosis in the defective spinal cord and Brn3a positive neuron survival in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG); a protein array was used to investigate the microenvironmental changes of the amniotic fluid. We found that most of the overexpressed BDNF was present on the lesions of the spina bifida fetuses, the number of apoptosis cells in Ad-GFP-BDNF-transfected spinal cords were reduced, mRNA levels of Bcl2/Bax were upregulated and Casp3 were downregulated compared with the controls, the proportion of Brn3a positive neurons in DRG were increased by activating the BDNF/TrkB/Akt signaling pathway, and most of the significant changes in cytokines in the amniotic fluid were related to the biological processes of regulation of apoptotic process and generation of neurons. These results suggest that intra-amniotic Ad-GFP-BDNF gene delivery might have potential as a supplementary approach to treat congenital malformations of neural tubes.
Lipomyelomeningocele represents a rare but complex neurological disorder that may present with neurological deterioration secondary to an inherent tethered spinal cord. Radiological testing is beneficial in determining the morphology of the malformation. Specialized testing such as urodynamic studies and neurophysiological testing may be beneficial in assessing for neurological dysfunction secondary to the lipomyelomeningocele. Early surgical intervention may be beneficial in preventing further neurological decline.
While estimates of the frequency of müllerian duct anomalies vary widely owing to different patient populations, nonstandardized classification systems, and differences in diagnostic data acquisition, these anomalies are clinically important, particularly in women who present with infertility. An understanding of the differences between these uterovaginal anomalies, as outlined in the most widely accepted classification system-that published by the American Fertility Society (AFS) in 1988-is imperative given the respective clinical manifestations, different treatment regimens, and prognosis for fetal salvage. Although the AFS classification system serves as a framework for description of anomalies, communication among physicians, and comparison of therapeutic modalities, there often is confusion about appropriate reporting of certain anomalies, particularly those with features of more than one class. Many of the anomalies are initially diagnosed at hysterosalpingography and ultrasonography; however, further imaging is often required for definitive diagnosis and elaboration of secondary findings. At this time, magnetic resonance imaging is the study of choice because of its high accuracy and detailed elaboration of uterovaginal anatomy. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are reserved for women in whom interventional therapy is likely to be undertaken.
HOX genes are a family of regulatory molecules that encode conserved transcription factors controlling aspects of morphogenesis and cell differentiation during normal embryonic development. All metazoans possess a common genetic system for embryonic patterning, and this system is also used in the reproductive tract. Hox genes are also expressed in the adult uterus. Hox genes are essential both for the development of mullerian tract in the embryonic period and adult function. Sex steroids regulate Hox gene expression during embryonic and endometrial development in the menstrual cycle. EMX2 and beta(3)-integrin acting downstream of Hoxa10 gene are likely involved in both these developmental processes. This article reviews the role and molecular regulation of Hox genes in reproductive tract development.
Color atlas of oral and maxillofacial diseases-E-book
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Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen C, Chi AC. Color atlas of oral and maxillofacial diseases-E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2018 Sep 26.
Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
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Lee KH, Roland PS. Heterotopias, Teratoma, and Choristoma. Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Springer, Berlin. 2013:1179-83.
Embryology, mullerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts). InStatPearls [Internet]
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