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Users perception of the OH-EpiCap evaluation tool based on its application to nine national antimicrobial resistance surveillance systems

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Abstract and Figures

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance systems involve multiple stakeholders and multilevel standard operating procedures, which increase in complexity with further integration of the One Health (OH) concept. AMR is a OH challenge. It is crucial for the success of an AMR surveillance system to evaluate its performance in meeting the proposed objectives, while complying with resource restrictions. The OH-EpiCap tool was created to evaluate the degree of compliance of hazard surveillance activities with essential OH concepts across there dimensions: organization, operational activities, and impact of the OH surveillance system. To present feedback on the application of the OH-EpiCap from a user s perspective, the tool was used to evaluate nine national AMR surveillance systems, each with different monitoring contexts and objectives. The OH-EpiCap tool was assessed using the updated CoEvalAMR methodology. This methodology evaluates the content themes and functional aspects of the tool in a standardized way, while it also captures the user s subjective experiences in using the tool via a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) approach. The results of the evaluation of the OH-EpiCap are presented and discussed. The OH-EpiCap is an easy-to-use tool, which can facilitate a fast macro-overview of the application of the OH concept to a surveillance activity, when used by specialists in the matter, serving as a basis for the discussion of possible adaptations of AMR surveillance activities, or targeting areas that may be further investigated using other pre-established tools.
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Users’ perception of the OH-EpiCap evaluation tool based on its
application to nine national antimicrobial resistance surveillance
Pedro Moura1, Lucie Collineau*2, Marianne Sandberg1, Laura Tomassone3, Daniele De
Meneghi3, Madelaine Norström4, Houda Bennani5, Barbara Häsler5, Mélanie Colomb-Cotinat6,
Clémence Bourély7, Maria-Eleni Filippitzi8,9, Sarah Mediouni10, Elena Boriani11, Muhammad
Asaduzzaman12, Manuela Caniça13, Cécile Aenishaenslin10, Lis Alban14,15
1 National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark,
2 Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational
Health and Safety (ANSES), Lyon, France,
3 Dept. of Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy,
4 Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Ås, Norway,
5 Dept. of Pathobiology and Population Sciences, Royal Veterinary College, London, United
6 Santé publique France, direction des maladies infectieuses, Saint Maurice, France,
7 French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, General Directorate for Food, Animal Health Unit, Paris,
8 Laboratory of Animal Health Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
9 Veterinary Epidemiology Unit, Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium,
10 Département de pathologie et microbiologie, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada,
11 EB Consult, Hellebæk, Denmark
12 Dept. of Community Medicine & Global Health, Institute of Health & Society, University of Oslo,
Oslo, Norway
13 National Reference Laboratory of Antibiotic Resistances and Healthcare Associated Infections,
Dept. of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal
14 Dept. for Food Safety, Veterinary Issues and Risk Analysis, Danish Agriculture & Food Council,
Copenhagen, Denmark,
15 Dept. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
* Correspondence:
Lucie Collineau
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NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance systems involve multiple stakeholders and multilevel
standard operating procedures, which increase in complexity with further integration of the One
Health (OH) concept. AMR is a OH challenge. It is crucial for the success of an AMR surveillance
system to evaluate its performance in meeting the proposed objectives, while complying with
resource restrictions. The OH-EpiCap tool was created to evaluate the degree of compliance of
hazard surveillance activities with essential OH concepts across there dimensions: organization,
operational activities, and impact of the OH surveillance system.
To present feedback on the application of the OH-EpiCap from a user’s perspective, the tool was
used to evaluate nine national AMR surveillance systems, each with different monitoring contexts
and objectives. The OH-EpiCap tool was assessed using the updated CoEvalAMR methodology. This
methodology evaluates the content themes and functional aspects of the tool in a standardized way,
while it also captures the user’s subjective experiences in using the tool via a strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) approach.
The results of the evaluation of the OH-EpiCap are presented and discussed. The OH-EpiCap is an
easy-to-use tool, which can facilitate a fast macro-overview of the application of the OH concept to a
surveillance activity, when used by specialists in the matter, serving as a basis for the discussion of
possible adaptations of AMR surveillance activities, or targeting areas that may be further
investigated using other pre-established tools.
1 Introduction
The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and The United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) have established the One Health (OH) High Level Expert Panel
(OHHLEP) (1). This Panel defines OH as “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably
balance and optimize the health of people, animals, and ecosystems” recognizing that the health of
humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment are closely linked and
interdependent (1).
The circulation of microorganisms carrying AMR genes cannot be restricted to one specie or sector,
or to a specific geographical location. Also, given the cross use of certain antimicrobial agents in
humans, animals, and plants, AMR is one of the quintessential examples of a global scale OH
challenge (2). Therefore, a coordinated, multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach is necessary to
address the issue (3,4).
Integrated surveillance, according to Aenishaenslin et al., is the “systematic collection, analysis,
interpretation of data, and dissemination of information collected from different components of a
system to provide a global, multidisciplinary, multi-perspective understanding of a health problem
and to inform system-based decisions”(5). These actions should be coordinated between the human,
animal and environmental sectors (6).
The application of this concept to national surveillance systems is essential to better understand AMR
genes emergence and dispersion and to sustain risk mitigation decisions (7). A strategic framework,
which supports intersectoral collaboration in national strategies against AMR, aiming to keep
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 18, 2023. ; medRxiv preprint
antimicrobials (AM) effective for future generations of people and animals, has recently been
released by the OHHLEP (8).
Technological innovations and new health challenges may arise and impact a system’s performance
and demands. Therefore, conducting regular evaluations of a surveillance system’s processes and
performance is crucial to assess if the established objectives are being met in the most cost-efficient
way (9). OH initiatives should preferably be evaluated using a methodology that targets all
disciplines encompassed and estimate the potential added value of the current approach over a less
integrated one (10). The objectives of the evaluation should be made clear from the start, and an
overview of the systems’ surveillance components should be produced to guide it, and to balance the
objectives of the evaluation with the available resources to perform it (9).
The international network CoEvalAMR was established in 2019 with the aim of providing guidance
to help users in choosing an assessment tool from a catalogue of tools available to evaluate
antimicrobial use (AMU) and AMR surveillance systems (11). Moreover, it was the aim to guide
future applications and improvement of the tools assessed and the development of new tools. To meet
all these aims, a methodology focusing on the users’ perception of the tool was developed in Phase 1
of the CoEvalAMR network (12). The methodology has recently been updated and further refined as
part of the work undertaken in Phase 2 of the network. It encompasses the evaluation of descriptive
and functional aspects, together with an assessment of content themes and SWOT questions (13). The
original methodology has previously been used by Sandberg et al. to provide feedback on six
different evaluation tools based on their application in eight countries (12).
The OH-EpiCap tool has been developed by the MATRIX consortium, funded by the One Health
European Joint Program (14) to systematize the characterization of epidemiological surveillance
activities in a national surveillance system. More specifically, the purpose of the OH-EpiCap is to
facilitate the evaluation and reinforcement of national capacities and capabilities for OH integrated
surveillance of zoonotic hazards (14). In the present work, users’ feedback was provided on the OH-
EpiCap, which was selected because it is a new tool that is presented as an easy-to-apply tool,
covering previously overlooked aspects such as the impact of integrated surveillance.
The objectives of this work were to:
i. Apply and evaluate the OH-EpiCap tool using the updated CoEvalAMR user’s perception
ii. Present feedback on the application of the OH-EpiCap tool to nine national AMR
surveillance systems, with different monitoring contexts and objectives.
2. Materials and methods
2.1 The OH-EpiCap tool
The OH-EpiCap tool is composed of three thematic domains (called dimensions), each with four
different targets that are again segmented into four indicators, leading to a total of 48 standardized
indicators, briefly presented in Table 1. These indicators are presented in the form of a questionnaire
containing single choice questions with five options to choose from, to be answered using a semi-
quantitative scale from 1 to 4, with 4 representing the best scenario for integrated OH surveillance. If
a certain indicator is not applicable to the system under evaluation, it is possible to select “non-
applicable” as an answer. All indicators in each target area have the same weight and the average
value of the answers given is converted into the score of the target area. The tool also includes a
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is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 18, 2023. ; medRxiv preprint
graphical interface where the results of the evaluation are presented in a dashboard that can be
exported as a report. The OH-EpiCap tool is available at the website:
2.2 Data collection
The number of individuals involved in the evaluation of each case study varied from one to five;
these individuals are referred to as “assessors” throughout the text. The assessors filled in the OH-
EpiCap evaluation tool during either a one or two round workshop that lasted a total of two to eight
hours. All the assessors involved had expertise in AMR surveillance in the country they represented
for this study, answering the indicator questions according to their own work experience or
knowledge from previous activities. Whenever needed, additional experts and information sources
were consulted. The number of assessors and their affiliation, the type of workshop conducted, and
the total duration of the evaluation are described for each country case study in Table S1. The
surveillance system including its main aims evaluated in each country case study can be consulted in
Table 2. The systems were selected by the assessors for their own convenience and interest.
2.3 Data analysis
The users’ perception methodology used to evaluate the OH-EpiCap was developed during Phase 1
of the CoEvalAMR network project and was described in Sandberg et al., (12). The original
methodology consisted of questions related to 1) functional aspects, 2) content themes as well as 3)
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). The methodology has recently been
updated and further refined based among others on experience using the methodology (13). As stated
above, it was created in the scope of the CoEvalAMR network to systematically capture the user’s
experience when assessing an integrated system for AMR surveillance using a pre-designed
evaluation tool. The updated version consists of the following components: 1) A general description
of the case study and the tool, 2) two standardized scoring schemes, one regarding functional aspects,
another for content themes, and 3) a SWOT analysis, as described below. The OH-EpiCap tool was
evaluated by the assessors using the methodology, and the outcomes of evaluation were summarized
and presented in the Results section.
The functional aspects of the OH-EpiCap were scored semi-quantitatively using a scale from 1-4 or
“non-applicable”. Groups composed of several functional aspects were averaged in each evaluation
case. The median, maximum and minimum of the scores given by the assessors are presented in a
radar diagram in Figure 1A of the results section. The content themes of the OH-EpiCap were also
scored semi-quantitatively using a scale from 1-4. The three segments that compose the theme
“Integration” were averaged in each evaluation case, and the median, maximum and minimum of the
scores given by the assessors are presented in a radar diagram in Figure 1B of the results section.
The SWOT analysis was undertaken to capture the assessors’ subjective experiences when applying
the OH-EpiCap. Hence, assessors were asked to report the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats (SWOT) of the evaluation tool. More specifically, the following wording accompanied each
component: Strengths: “The strengths of this tool are”, Weaknesses: “The weaknesses of this tool
are”, Opportunities: “The added value(s) of using this tool is” and Threats: “This tool might be
criticized because of”. A qualitative synthesis of the feedback provided by the assessors was
performed following the same principles as described by Sandberg et al. (2021), which were based on
grounded theory (16): all individual sentences were collected, after this, sentences with similar
content were simplified and condensed into one sentence. The synthesis was performed by three of
the authors and later verified by the assessors and it can be found in Table 4.
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3 Results
The products of the evaluation conducted by the assessors using the updated CoEvalAMR user’s
perception methodology are presented below, segmented into the following: Functional aspects
(Figure 1A), Content themes (Figure 1B) and SWOT analysis (Table 3)
3.1 Functional aspects
Regarding ease-of-use, the tool scored highly mainly due to its user-friendly interface with
checkboxes to answer the indicators. When it came to the scope, the OH-EpiCap tool does not seem
to cover all aspects connected with OH surveillance.
As for prerequisites to use the tool, no previous data collection is required, and the answers can be
given based on the evaluators' experience connected with the surveillance activity. Most indicators
require that the evaluation is conducted with specialists in the surveillance activity, or that they are
consulted in the process, given that an in-depth perspective of the whole surveillance system is
needed. No training is necessary to get acquainted with the tool, however it is recommended that at
least one of the evaluators gets acquainted with the indicators and clarifies any doubts before
organizing a workshop with the specialists involved in the evaluation and other relevant actors.
The tool is free to use, and it can be successfully applied by a small group, involving three to four
persons in most cases, providing that the group can form a clear cross-sectoral picture of the
surveillance system. Depending on the expertise of the stakeholders gathered, the evaluation can be
conducted in half a day or slightly longer.
The outputs generated provide an excellent overview of the responses given. However, the content of
the evaluation needs to be discussed with relevant actors before it can be translated into specific
changes in the surveillance activity.
3.2 Content themes
The tool does not encompass indicators specifically addressing AMU and AMR surveillance.
Even though not covered to a complete extent, the OH-EpiCap provides an excellent overview of the
thematic areas connected with the human and budget resources needed to maintain the surveillance
activity, as well as the collaboration in the governance structures of the system and in the technical
surveillance activities. It also encompasses indicators about the possible adaptation of the
surveillance activities to new challenges and in an efficient manner. The overall impact of the
surveillance activity is also covered, but the tool does not go into details regarding how the
information generated by the surveillance activity could lead to changes in the health outputs. It also
does not go into details in the governance domain, specifically the accountability of stakeholders, the
coordination of activities and the transparency of processes.
4 Discussion
4.1 Overall perception on the tool
According to the information collected in the nine case studies, the OH-EpiCap can provide an
overview of several crucial topics connected with AMR integrated surveillance, even though the tool
is not specifically designed to evaluate these activities. The OH-EpiCap tool provides a superficial
assessment of the three dimensions targeted, which cover most of the elements that are important for
assessing surveillance systems, as described in the Integrated surveillance systems evaluation (ISSE)
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framework (5). The ISSE framework identified five levels of assessment for such surveillance
systems, which include the integration of a OH approach, the production of integrated information
and expertise, the generation of actionable knowledge, the influence on decision-making and the
contribution to desirable outcomes. Evaluating these five levels in a comprehensive manner requires
important time and resources, and the OH-EpiCap tool constitutes a good first step towards their
overall evaluation.
Simplistic design and user friendliness, without requiring training of evaluators are highly
appreciated, not just by our assessors but also among users in general as shown in a survey recently
undertaken among surveillance program practitioners and evaluators (17).
The outputs generated by the OH-EpiCap may not lead directly to actions, however these can provide
the basis for discussing further improvements with relevant stakeholders, as presented in a case study
by Moura et al. (2022). The MATRIX project also encompasses other activities that are
complementary to the OH-EpiCap, such as the “Roadmap to develop national One Health
Surveillance” which aims to function as a guideline for the development of OH Surveillance
activities according to needs and resources in different countries (18).
An evaluation using the OH-EpiCap can be conducted in a short period of time and with a small
group of stakeholders, making it feasible to conduct an evaluation in situations with low resources
and recurrently, when changes are implemented, benchmarking the system with itself over time. This
can be made easily as the OH-EpiCap tool contains benchmarking functionalities. These
functionalities were not investigated in the present study, because of the different aims and purposes
of the systems evaluated as noted in Table 2, e.g., the Danish DANMAP serves the purpose of
integrated monitoring of AMU and AMR for both the animal and human sectors, while the Italian
ClassyFarm encompasses mainly farm-level risk categorization components (e.g. biosecurity and
animal welfare, besides AMR and AMU) whereas the AMR surveillance in the human sector is
conducted by different institutions (19). Both approaches are valuable for AMR surveillance and
control and ultimately connected with the objectives of the country, but the approaches are not
comparable. It is also worth mentioning that, given the above-mentioned differences in the aims of
the surveillance activities evaluated, questions connected to real-time response capacity were
considered not relevant in certain cases.
4.2 Recommendations
AMR surveillance systems are complex and encompass multiple hazards e.g., surveillance of clinical
isolates in human health, bacterial isolates from animals at slaughter lines and in slurry and sewage
systems, each with their own particularities and logistics (5). So, an overall picture had to be thought
of to answer some indicators, which may justify the application of the tool to several of these
components, focusing on one hazard at a time.
Most of the indicator questions were considered simple and straight forward. However, considering
the expected worldwide application of the tool by users, who may have different use of the English
language and, hence, familiarity with the terminology used, materials should be developed to
unequivocally clarify the aim of all indicators. With the publication of case studies evaluations and
the scientific paper accompanying the tool (14), this should be accounted for. It is also important to
note at the time of writing this work, the OH-EpiCap tool was still in a Beta Version, so the phrasing
of indicators was not final. The tool was subsequently applied in nine different countries, by different
native language users, providing important feed-back to the developers regarding the phrasing of the
indicator question.
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4.3 Possible application of the OH-EpiCap
By highlighting components, which may be improved in a hazard integrated surveillance activity, the
OH-EpiCap is a valuable new addition, which can act as a simple gateway to conduct a more in-
depth evaluation of certain surveillance system components as considered relevant. This may be done
by using other preestablished tools designed to evaluate OH integration, such as the Evaluation of
Collaboration for Surveillance (ECoSur) or The Network for Evaluation of One Health (NEOH).
ECoSur has been developed to facilitate an in-depth analysis of the organization and functioning of
collaboration taking place in a multisectoral surveillance system, aiming to evaluate the overall
quality and relevance of such collaboration in meeting the objectives envisioned by stakeholders to
produce the expected outputs of the program (20). From a user’s perspective, this tool gives a
detailed evaluation of multisectoral collaboration in OH surveillance activities, however it requires a
high level of abstraction to understand the indicator questions listed in the tool. Moreover,
conducting a full evaluation is rewarding regarding quality of output, but remains time and resource
demanding (12).
NEOH allows the evaluation of the coherence between operational and organizational aspects of OH
activities, with the aim of identifying the added value of the integration across disciplines and sectors
(21). From a user’s perspective, this tool is a comprehensive, multi-faceted fit for a transversal and
detailed analysis of OH initiatives. However, conducting an evaluation using NEOH may be difficult
and time consuming given that users should have specific training in systems thinking to make the
most out of it (12).
One of the ongoing activities in the CoEvalAMR network aims to simplify the application of the
NEOH and ECoSur tools, using a modular approach. Given the complexity of evaluating integrated
antimicrobial resistance surveillance systems, this could be of great value, targeting the evaluation to
certain components which need to be prioritized.
Within the CoEvalAMR network, case studies have already been conducted from a user’s perspective
on the application of the ECoSur (22) and the NEOH (23–26) tools. Other tools and frameworks that
have been specifically designed to evaluate integrated AMR surveillance have also been evaluated:
the FAO Progressive Management Pathway for AMR (FAO-PMP-AMR) (27–30) designed to guide
countries in the implementation of National Action Plans for AMU and AMR (31); the FAO
Assessment Tool for Laboratories and AMR Surveillance Systems (FAO-ATLASS) (32) developed
to facilitate the assessment and definition of targets to improve national AMR surveillance systems in
the food and agriculture sectors (33) and the Integrated Surveillance System Evaluation framework
(ISSE framework) (34,35) developed to structure an assessment of the added value of integration in
AMR surveillance systems (36). The selection tool developed by the CoEvalAMR network can help
users to select an appropriate tool for their needs (37).
5 Conclusion
The OH-EpiCap is a welcome new addition to the portfolio of existing tools to evaluate integrated
AMR surveillance systems. It provides a brief macro-overview of relevant OH topics, such as the
perceived added value of establishing a OH team as a governance structure, serving as a basis to
discuss possible adaptations of AMR surveillance activities, or targeting areas that may be further
investigated using other established tools. It is easy to use, requires no training, and can be performed
in less than a day, on the condition that detailed knowledge about the surveillance system to evaluate
is present in the group performing the evaluation.
. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review) The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 18, 2023. ; medRxiv preprint
6 Conflict of Interest
LC was involved in the development of the OH-EpiCap tool. The remaining authors declare that the
research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
7 Author Contributions
The main author drafted the first version of the paper together with LA and LC, which was then
commented by all authors. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
8 Funding
This study was funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research through the Joint Programming
Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR)
9 Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge Henok Ayalew Tegegne, Carlijn Bogaardt, Lucie Collineau, Géraldine Cazeau,
Renaud Lailler, Johana Reinhardt, Emma Taylor, Joaquin M Prada, Viviane Hénaux for the development
of the OH-EpiCap tool and for making it available to conduct this work, as well as the stakeholders who
provided information to conduct the evaluations in the different case studies.
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11 Tables and figures
Table 1: Dimensions, targets and indicators evaluated by the OH-EpiCap tool – modified after
Table 2: National AMR surveillance systems evaluated using the OH-EpiCap tool
Dimension 1: Organisation
Target 1.1 Formalisation:
common aim, support
documentations, shared
leadership, and definition
of roles/composition of
coordination committees
Target 1.2 Coverage:
inclusion of all relevant
actors, disciplines,
sectors, geography,
populations, and related
Target 1.3 Resources:
budget and human
resources, program
training, and sharing of
Target 1.4 Evaluation and
resilience: internal and
external evaluations,
implementation of corrective
measures, and adaptability to
Dimension 2: Operational activities
Target 2.1 Data collection
and methods sharing:
multisectoral collaboration
in the design of
surveillance protocols and
data collection,
harmonization of laboratory
techniques and data
Target 2.2 Data
sharing: data sharing
agreements, assessment
of data quality,
usefulness of shared
data, and the compliance
of data with the FAIR
Interoperability and
Reusability) principle
Target 2.3 Data
analysis and
integration for data
analysis, sharing of
analysis techniques,
sharing of scientific
expertise, and
harmonization of
Target 2.4 Communication:
internal and external
dissemination to decision-
makers, and information
sharing in case of suspicion/
particular events
Dimension 3: Impact
Target 3.1 Technical
outputs: timely detection
of emergence,
epidemiological knowledge
improvement, increased
effectiveness of
surveillance, and reduction
of operational costs
Target 3.2
Collaborative added
value: strengthening of
the OH team and
network, international
collaboration, and
common strategy (road
map) design
Target 3.3 Immediate
and intermediate
outcomes: advocacy,
preparedness, and
interventions based on
the information
Target 3.4 Ultimate
outcomes: research
opportunities, policy changes
and behavioural changes and
better health outcomes
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Country Name of the system Main aims of the system
Bangladesh One Health Event Based
Surveillance (EBS)
Develop a ‘One Health surveillance system platform’ to
enable early detection of disease outbreaks. Coordinated
joint response to disease outbreaks
AMR-AMU surveillance
program in the context of
developing the OH AMU-
AMR national report (OH
Summarize results and trends of existing monitoring
programs: related to the consumption of antibiotic agents
for food animals and humans and to the monitoring
occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria isolated
from food animals, humans and food of animal origin
Identify blind spots in monitoring programs and make
recommendations to improve future monitoring
Canadian Integrated
Program for Antimicrobial
Resistance Surveillance
Provide an integrated approach to monitor trends in
antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use in humans &
animals and help identify appropriate measures to contain
the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria between
animals, food, and people in Canada
Facilitate assessment of the public health impact of
antimicrobials used in humans & agriculture to support the
creation of evidence-based policies to control AMU in
hospital, community, and agricultural settings
Provide timely analysis and dissemination of surveillance
data to stakeholders, and facilitate knowledge translation
via targeted communications products
Allow accurate comparisons with other countries that use
similar surveillance systems (NARMS, DANMAP)
Provision of data for Health Canada—Veterinary Drugs
Directorate for new antimicrobial drug approval processes
and post-approval monitoring
Danish Program for
surveillance of
antimicrobial consumption
and resistance in bacteria
from food animals, food
and humans (DANMAP)
Monitor the consumption of antimicrobial agents for food
animals and humans and the occurrence of antimicrobial
resistance in bacteria isolated from food animals, food of
animal origin and humans
Study associations between antimicrobial consumption and
antimicrobial resistance
Identify routes of transmission and areas for further
research studies
France Surveillance system for
AMR, AMU and
antimicrobial residues
Monitor trends of AMU and AMR in humans and animals,
incl. in diseased animals
Assess what is common to several sectors and what is not
Inform policy recommendations and assess the impact of
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Italy ClassyFarm
Risk categorization of farms according to an integrated
approach containing biosecurity, welfare, AMU/AMR,
animal health and lesions at slaughterhouse
The surveillance
programme for
antimicrobial resistance in
human pathogens (NORM)
and the monitoring
programme for
antimicrobial resistance in
bacteria from feed, food and
animals (NORM-VET)
Collect and process data about antibiotic resistance of
microbe isolates to determine the incidence and prevalence
of antibiotic resistance and monitor changes over time
Drive, promote and provide a basis for research to
understand why microbes develop antibiotic resistance,
with a view to promoting and developing preventive
measures in the treatment of infectious diseases
Provide a basis to give health advice and information on
measures that could prevent development antimicrobial
drug resistance to the public and local, regional and central
health authorities
Give the Norwegian health authorities a foundation to
contribute to international statistics within specific areas
Provide and present data on the occurrence and distribution
of antimicrobial resistance over time.
Describe the relationship between the use of antimicrobials
and occurrence of resistance in the veterinary and food
production sectors.
The information generated is used for research, setting
policies, assessing risks, and evaluating interventions
Infection Prevention and
Control and Antimicrobial
Resistance Program
Monitor the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in
bacteria isolated from humans
Identify routes of transmission
Detect and monitor outbreaks caused by bacteria with
antimicrobial resistant genes
Prevent the emergence and transmission of bacteria with
antimicrobial resistant genes
Kingdom Surveillance system for
AMU and AMR in the UK
Monitor AMU in humans and animals
Monitor trends of AMR in bacteria isolated from humans,
food producing animals, and food of animal origin
Detect new and emerging AMR threats
Inform policy recommendations and assess the impact of
Figure 1: Evaluation of the functional aspects (1A) and content themes (1B) of the OH-EpiCap
tool according to the CoEvalAMR user’s perception methodology based upon nine case studies
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Table 3 – Outcome of SWOT analysis of the OH-EpiCap tool, based on an application of the tool in nine country cases
Topic and
meaning Synthesis of the comments provided
The strengths
of this tool are
A feasible compromise between comprehensiveness in quantity of information captured and human/time resources required to carr
y out evaluation.
Simple and well-organized design, following a user-friendly step-by-step approach with boxes to check.
No previous extensive training is needed to use it.
The provided glossary encompassing explanations of what is meant by an expression is very helpful and increases the ease and swiftness of use.
Produces visually attractive figures, encompassed in a report, which provide a good overview of the answers given and make it easy to share and
communicate the results. An example of which can be seen in Figure S1 of the Supplementary material.
In the report, general suggestions for further improvements and indicators of good adherence to OH principles are provided.
It is available for free, useful for single or multidisciplinary settings and suitable for any country.
If the people who have a deep understanding of the surveillance system and all the main processes are consulted, it produces a lot of food for thought.
weaknesses of
this tool are
Some of the indicators could be further simplified, to facilitate their
Although comprehensive, the evaluation products are superficial, and they cannot be directly translated into action, requiring further investigation;
If surveillance initiatives are based on one dominating OH pillar, it is not easy to answer some indicators which are structured to catch multi-
sectoral/disciplinary collaborations.
Some criteria are difficult to score without dedicated ad-hoc studies.
Sometimes difficult to delineate which impacts comes from OH surveillance vs sectoral surveillance (Dimension 3).
Some indicators aiming at evaluating effectiveness refer more to technical performance of surveillance (sensitivity, timeliness) vs its capacity to inform
The tool is sometimes hard to apply to a system which integrates data from multiple domains such as AMR and AMU in animals and humans, but is
managed by only one institution, as several items refer to inter-institutions collaboration and governance.
The added
value(s) of
using this tool
Helpful to identify new areas that should be further investigated and to initiate discussion around the possibility of adapti
ng the surveillance systems.
Provides a good overview of a surveillance system targeting one hazard, or a component of a complex system.
Evaluation can be performed in a short time, so it may be done frequently, and after relevant updates.
Provides an evaluation at a macroscopic scale of the overall “OH-ness” of the system and facilitates an overall description of the system.
Can be used pragmatically for preliminary assessment.
Useful to identify key areas for improvement that can be evaluated into more details with a different tool.
This tool
might be
because of
The tool is not well adapted to evaluation of comp
lex surveillance systems that encompass multiple hazards and components, such as AMU and AMR,
given that the surveillance of different AMR bacteria may differ in the same surveillance system.
If results of evaluation or its application are not discussed with key people, its simplicity may lead to a superficial evaluation of certain aspects.
Some indicators are not applicable to country or program context e.g., added value of OH integration in the case a system was integrated from its beginning.
Because data collection is expected to be short (e.g., no interviews), it is critical to have the right experts around the table to provide the required knowledge.
Not suitable for end-users of the system.
To ensure full comprehension of some indicators, previous clarification of their aim may be required, giving special attention to the terminology used,
before conducting a meeting with relevant stakeholders.
While the tool provides output figures describing the level of OH-ness, it does not allow to visualize the actual system (distribution of surveillance programs
by sector and domain) or collaboration between actors/programs (e.g., via social network analysis). Adding this feature would be an asset.
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) resulting from antimicrobial use (AMU) is an emerging threat to global health. One of the key elements for a better understanding and management of AMU and AMR is to develop effective and efficient integrated surveillance systems that consider the complex epidemiology of these issues and the impacts of resistance on humans, animals and the environment. Consequently, for this project, an international consortium of experts from multiple fields called CoEvalAMR was formed with the objectives to study user needs, characterise and compare existing tools for the evaluation of integrated AMU and AMR surveillance, apply them to case studies, and elaborate guidance on the purpose-fit selection and the use of the tools. For the comparison of evaluation tools, questions were extracted from existing tools and attributed to themes, to assess the user needs, interviews were conducted with national key stakeholders, and we applied a series of different evaluation tools to understand and document their strengths and weaknesses. The guidance was refined iteratively. From 12 evaluation tools, 1117 questions/indicators were extracted and attributed to seven emerging themes. Twenty-three experts were interviewed, who suggested to increase the ease-of-use, grant open access, provide web-based interfaces and allow results to be automatically generated. Respondents also wished for tools providing the flexibility to conduct a rapid review, or an in-depth analysis of the surveillance system, depending on the evaluation objectives. The case studies emphasised that proper evaluations require adequate resources, typically requiring the involvement of several assessors and/or stakeholders, and can take weeks or months to complete. The resulting web-based guidance comprises six main sections: 1. Introduction to surveillance evaluation, 2. Evaluation of surveillance for AMU and AMR, 3. Evaluation tools, 4. Support for selecting an evaluation tool, 5. Case studies and 6. Directory of existing tools. The audience for the guidance is personnel working in public, private, and non-governmental organisations, from public health, animal health, plant health and environmental health, at local, national and international levels. We conclude that the field is challenged by opposing user needs for reduction and simplicity versus system approaches allowing the synthesis of that knowledge to sufficiently reflect the complexity of AMU and AMR ecology for real-world decisions. The CoEvalAMR web platform allows a better understanding of the different evaluation tools and assists users in the selection of an approach that corresponds to their evaluation needs. The CoEvalAMR consortium continues to address remaining gaps and consolidate evaluation tools and approaches in the future. One Health Impact Statement Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) resulting from antimicrobial use is a threat to human and animal health and may have unknown impacts on the environment. To understand how governance and human behaviour relate to AMR, it is important to implement integrated surveillance across the human, animal and environmental sectors. In this work, we describe the development of guidance on how to evaluate such surveillance, what the available tools cover and what gaps remain. The integration of surveillance is essential to address the interrelated pathways across the system. Consequently, the work with the reporting interdisciplinary consortium revealed that the broad diversity of users and their needs imply that a sustained exchange is needed to address the evolving challenge. This will be important to develop meaningful measures of impact and to avoid fixing one sector’s problems at the expense of another.
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been clearly identified as a major global health challenge. It is a leading cause of human deaths and also has a toll on animals, plants, and the environment. Despite the considerable socioeconomic impacts, the level of awareness of the problem remains woefully inadequate, and antimicrobials are not generally recognized as a global common good, one that everyone has a role and responsibility to conserve. It is imperative for antimicrobial stewardship to be more widely implemented to achieve better control of the AMR phenomenon. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations plays an important role in promoting and facilitating antimicrobial stewardship. The specific needs to be addressed and barriers to be overcome, in particular, in low-and middle-income countries in order to implement an-timicrobial stewardship practices in agrifood systems are being identified. As a global community, it is essential that we now move beyond discussing the AMR problem and focus on implementing solutions. Thus, FAO provides multi-pronged support for nations to improve antimicrobial stew-ardship through programs to strengthen governance, increase awareness, develop and enhance AMR surveillance, and implement best practices related to antimicrobial resistance in agrifood systems. For example, FAO is developing a platform to collect data on AMR in animals and antimicro-bial use (AMU) in plants (InFarm), working on a campaign to reduce the need to use antimicrobials, studying the use of alternatives to the use of antimicrobials (especially those used for growth promotion) and actively promoting the implementation of the Codex Alimentarius AMR standards. Together, these will contribute to the control of AMR and also bring us closer to the achievement of multiple sustainable development goals.
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Regular evaluation of integrated surveillance for antimicrobial use (AMU) and resistance (AMR) in animals, humans, and the environment is needed to ensure system effectiveness, but the question is how. In this study, six different evaluation tools were assessed after being applied to AMU and AMR surveillance in eight countries: (1) ATLASS: the Assessment Tool for Laboratories and AMR Surveillance Systems developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, (2) ECoSur: Evaluation of Collaboration for Surveillance tool, (3) ISSEP: Integrated Surveillance System Evaluation Project, (4) NEOH: developed by the EU COST Action “Network for Evaluation of One Health,” (5) PMP-AMR: The Progressive Management Pathway tool on AMR developed by the FAO, and (6) SURVTOOLS: developed in the FP7-EU project “RISKSUR.” Each tool was scored using (i) 11 pre-defined functional aspects (e.g., workability concerning the need for data, time, and people); (ii) a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)-like approach of user experiences (e.g., things that I liked or that the tool covered well); and (iii) eight predefined content themes related to scope (e.g., development purpose and collaboration). PMP-AMR, ATLASS, ECoSur, and NEOH are evaluation tools that provide a scoring system to obtain semi-quantitative results, whereas ISSEP and SURVTOOLS will result in a plan for how to conduct evaluation(s). ISSEP, ECoSur, NEOH, and SURVTOOLS allow for in-depth analyses and therefore require more complex data, information, and specific training of evaluator(s). PMP-AMR, ATLASS, and ISSEP were developed specifically for AMR-related activities—only ISSEP included production of a direct measure for “integration” and “impact on decision making.” NEOH and ISSEP were perceived as the best tools for evaluation of One Health (OH) aspects, and ECoSur as best for evaluation of the quality of collaboration. PMP-AMR and ATLASS seemed to be the most user-friendly tools, particularly designed for risk managers. ATLASS was the only tool focusing specifically on laboratory activities. Our experience is that adequate resources are needed to perform evaluation(s). In most cases, evaluation would require involvement of several assessors and/or stakeholders, taking from weeks to months to complete. This study can help direct future evaluators of integrated AMU and AMR surveillance toward the most adequate tool for their specific evaluation purpose.
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It is now widely acknowledged that surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) must adopt a “One Health” (OH) approach to successfully address the significant threats this global public health issue poses to humans, animals, and the environment. While many protocols exist for the evaluation of surveillance, the specific aspect of the integration of a OH approach into surveillance systems for AMR and antimicrobial Use (AMU), suffers from a lack of common and accepted guidelines and metrics for its monitoring and evaluation functions. This article presents a conceptual framework to evaluate the integration of OH in surveillance systems for AMR and AMU, named the Integrated Surveillance System Evaluation framework (ISSE framework). The ISSE framework aims to assist stakeholders and researchers who design an overall evaluation plan to select the relevant evaluation questions and tools. The framework was developed in partnership with the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS). It consists of five evaluation components, which consider the capacity of the system to: [1] integrate a OH approach, [2] produce OH information and expertise, [3] generate actionable knowledge, [4] influence decision-making, and [5] positively impact outcomes. For each component, a set of evaluation questions is defined, and links to other available evaluation tools are shown. The ISSE framework helps evaluators to systematically assess the different OH aspects of a surveillance system, to gain comprehensive information on the performance and value of these integrated efforts, and to use the evaluation results to refine and improve the surveillance of AMR and AMU globally.
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Background Integrated antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance programmes require regular evaluation to ensure they are fit-for-purpose and that all actors understand their responsibilities. This will strengthen their relevance for the clinical setting which depends heavily on continued access to effective treatment options. Several evaluation tools addressing different surveillance aspects are available. Objectives To understand the strengths and weaknesses of three evaluation tools, and to improve guidance on how to choose a fit-for-purpose tool. Sources Three tools were assessed: 1) AMR-PMP - The Progressive Management Pathway tool on AMR developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations, 2) NEOH developed by the EU COST Action ‘Network for Evaluation of One Health’, and 3) SURVTOOLS developed in an FP7-EU project ‘RISKSUR’. Each tool was assessed with regard to contents, required evaluation processes including stakeholder engagement and resource demands, integration coverage across relevant sectors and applicability. They were compared using a pre-defined scoring scheme and a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT)-like format for commenting. Content All three tools address multiple decision-making levels and aspects of stakeholder engagement. NEOH focuses on system features, learning, sharing, leadership and infrastructure, and requires a description of the underlying system in which AMR develops. AMR-PMP focuses on four areas: Awareness, evidence, governance and practices and assesses the implementation degree of pre-chosen aspects within these areas. This requires less of the evaluator, but warrants participation of multiple stakeholders. SURVTOOL provides information and references on how to evaluate effectiveness, process and comprehensiveness of surveillance programmes. All three tools require veterinary epidemiology expertise and varying levels of evaluation methodology training to use appropriately. Implications The tools covered AMR surveillance and One Health aspects to varying degrees. This study provides guidance on aspects to consider when choosing between available tools and embarking on an evaluation of integrated surveillance.
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One Health surveillance for antimicrobial resistance has been promoted by the scientific community and by international organizations for more than a decade. In this article, we highlight issues that need to be addressed to improve the understanding of the effectiveness of One Health surveillance for antimicrobial resistance. We also outline the evidence needed to support countries planning to increase the level of integration of their surveillance system. Based on experience in Canada and other countries, we argue that more effort is needed to understand and measure the added value of One Health for antimicrobial resistance surveillance and to identify the most effective integration strategies. To date, guidelines for the development of One Health surveillance have focused mainly on the types of data that should be integrated. However, it may be necessary to apply the concept of One Health to surveillance tasks beyond data integration to realize the full value of the approach. Integration can be enhanced across different surveillance activities (data collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination), taking account of the different skills and perspectives of experts and stakeholders involved. More research is needed to investigate the mechanisms through which a One Health approach to surveillance can increase the performance of antimicrobial resistance surveillance and, ultimately, improve health outcomes.
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We applied the evaluation framework developed by the EU COST Action “Network of Evaluation of One Health” (NEOH) to assess the operations, supporting infrastructures and outcomes of a research consortium “University of Copenhagen Research Centre for Control of Antibiotic Resistance” (UC-CARE). This 4-year research project was a One Health (OH) initiative with participants from 14 departments over four faculties as well as stakeholders from industry and health authorities aiming to produce new knowledge to reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This was a case study focusing on assessing beneficial and counter-productive characteristics that could affect the OH outcomes. The study was also used to provide feedback to NEOH about the evaluation framework. The framework and evaluation tools are described in the introduction paper of this special journal issue. Data for the evaluation were extracted from the funding research proposal, the mid-term UC-CARE project evaluation report and supplemented with opinions elicited from project participants and stakeholders. Here, we describe the underlying system, theory of change behind the initiative and adapted questions from the NEOH tools that we used for semi-open interviews with consortium members throughout the evaluation process. An online survey was used to obtain information from stakeholders. The NEOH evaluation tools were then used for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the OH characteristics of UC-CARE. Senior UC-CARE researchers were interested and willing to be interviewed. Young scientists were more difficult to engage in interviews, and only 25% of stakeholders answered the online survey. Interviewees mentioned that the main benefit of UC-CARE was an increased awareness and general understanding of AMR issues. All interviewees stated that the adopted OH approach was relevant given the complexity of AMR. However, some questioned the applicability, and identified potentially counter-productive issues mainly related to the information sharing, collaboration and working methods across the consortium. A more integrated project organization, more stakeholder involvement and time for the project, flexibility in planning and a dedicated OH coordinator were suggested to allow for more knowledge exchange, potentially leading to a higher societal impact.
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In this literature review paper, the researcher has done some efforts to identify and further to elaborate the basic components of a research methods chapter that are integral part of any research paper while conducting grounded theory approach. Grounded theory is one of the data collection approach in qualitative research methods which is totally based on data rather than try to emerge theory from data. There are bulk of books and research papers written by world renowned researchers and authors but the aim of this paper is to help the early stage researchers in conducting their projects in grounded theory approach. In this paper, the researcher has shed light on history of grounded theory, how this theory rather approach works, target population, sampling technique, data collection methods and the role of a researcher in this whole research process, and another essential part of a qualitative research, ethics which play a crucial role while conducting and gathering a qualitative data, have also been discussed in this paper.