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ISSUE 4. Combination of climate change and human activities endangering cultural heritage in Istanbul



Issue 4. Pages: 44-49 Combination of climate change and human activities endangering cultural heritage in Istanbul
Cultural heritage in the
context of disasters and
climate change
Insights from the DCMS-AHRC Cultural Heritage
and Climate Change Cohort
A research report by PRAXIS: Arts and
Humanities for Global Development
and CRITICAL: Cultural Heritage Risk
and Impact Tools for Integrated and
Collaborative Learning
Edited by:
Francesca Giliberto and Rowan Jackson
October 2022
Front cover: Nomadic old Woman. They live for several months a year in tents, looking
for fresh pastures for their goats, from which comes cashmere wool. In Ladakh, Kashmir,
India. Credit: klublu, Adobe stock
© PRAXIS: Arts and Humanities for Global Development and CRITICAL: Cultural Heritage
Risk and Impact Tools for Integrated and Collaborative Learning 2022
University of Leeds
PRAXIS: Arts and Humanities for Global Development
Leeds LS2 9JT
United Kingdom
Email: - Prof Stuart Taberner, Principal Investigator
University of Edinburgh
CRITICAL: Cultural Heritage Risk and Impact Tools for Integrated and Collaborative Learning 2022
Edinburgh EH8 9XP
United Kingdom
Email: - Dr Kate Donovan, Principal Investigator
Research team:
Dr Francesca Giliberto, research fellow on heritage for global challenges, University of Leeds
Dr Rowan Jackson, university teacher in and programme director for environmental
sustainability, University of Edinburgh
Dr Luba Pirgova-Morgan, research fellow on COVID-19, University of Leeds.
Graphic Design:
Bonner McHardy
Recommended Citation:
Giliberto F. and Jackson, R. (eds.). (2022). Cultural Heritage in the Context of Disasters and Climate
Change. Insights from the DCMS-AHRC Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Cohort. Leeds-
Edinburgh: University of Leeds and University of Edinburgh. DOI: 10.48785/100/107.
With thanks to our funders:
Foreword 4
Introduction 6
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and
projects achievements 12
Challenges for cultural heritage resulting from natural disasters and climate change 13
Innovative research methodologies and approaches 16
Project achievements and research findings 18
Issue briefs 24
Issue 1. Introducing technology to break the unsustainable cycle of building
replacement after earthquakes towards a culture of reuse and risk mitigation 26
Issue 2. Social capital network for the furniture industry in Damietta: Damietta’s
furniture networks: a heritage asset facing climate emergency 32
Issue 3. Heritage is a dynamic tool for climate change adaptation and resilience building 38
Issue 4. Combination of climate change and human activities endangering cultural
heritage in Istanbul 44
Issue 5. Heritage is a resource for coping with climate change as well as being
threatened by it 50
Issue 6. Noteworthy lessons on the impact of climate change on intangible
cultural heritage in Zimbabwe 56
Issue 7. Multiple facets of traditional land management systems crucial to evaluate
effects on a single issue such as adapting to a changing climate 62
Issue 8. A participatory approach to mapping, measuring and mobilising cultural
heritage in Brazil’s Iron Quadrangle 68
Issue 9. Understanding climate vulnerability and promoting adaptation planning by
improving preparedness measures for African cultural heritage sites and communities 74
Lessons learnt and recommendations 81
Lessons learnt and recommendations for policymakers, funding bodies, researchers
and practitioners 83
Lessons learnt 84
Recommendations 88
Conclusions and future research 92
James Fenner
Senior Investment Manager - Heritage, Culture and
Creative Arts, Arts and Humanities Research Council
In 2020 the Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC) and the Department for
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
launched a funding partnership, funded as a
part of UK Official Development Assistance
(ODA) and working collaboratively with
other partners such as the British Council,
to support research on how developing
countries could respond more effectively
to the challenges for cultural heritage resulting
from natural disasters and climate change.
Research proposals were sought which
responded in an agile way in order to inform
future research and policy in this area, ranging
in scope from prevention and resilience, to
preparedness and response, including
emergency response, to living with, and
adapting to change and/or loss. Projects which
explore learning from past cultural heritage
emergency responses and/or which explore
learning or intersections with responses to
risks to, and impacts upon, cultural heritage
resulting from other crises (e.g. conflict,
displacement) were welcomed. Nine awards
were made through the call, creating a
dedicated cohort of projects focussed on
cultural heritage and climate change that is
showcased and discussed in this report.
This report comes at an important time for
threatened cultural heritage sites and people
throughout the world. In fact, a recent report
by the International Council on Monuments
and Sites (ICOMOS) highlighted the ‘immense’
and ‘untapped’ potential for cultural heritage
to spur action on climate change and support
a transition towards resilient and low carbon
pathways. These AHRC-DCMS funded projects
go some way to tapping this potential and
highlighting the multiple roles that heritage can
play in supporting efforts to mitigate and
adapt to climate change and disaster impacts.
The projects underline not only the multiple
threats associated with climate change and
natural hazards but also the multiple forms of
cultural heritage that people value across the
world. Researchers focused on tangible
households, cityscapes and traditional objects
and intangible songs, knowledges, belief
systems, memories, and cultural practices in
different local, regional, and national contexts.
But heritage should not be characterised as
solely passive and vulnerable to the changing
environment; heritage provides capacities in
the form of traditional knowledge transmitted
between generations, including local-specific
practices and traditions that can provide
culture-inspired solutions to heat stress,
drought, flood management, and so on. In
addition, the broad field of cultural heritage
studies incorporates innovative methodologies
and technologies that allow heritage attributes
and risks to be quantified and visualised.
This report benchmarks the importance of
cultural heritage as medium through which we
can think about climate change and natural
hazards differently. Heritage is how people
invest value in places, structures, objects,
practices, ideas, and sounds. Understanding
what people value could therefore provide a
greater indication of what is at risk and how we
negotiate an uncertain future.
Rowan Jackson and Francesca Giliberto
In a collaboration between the UK Government’s
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
(DCMS) and the Arts and Humanities Research
Council (AHRC), the Global Challenges Research
Fund (GCRF) Urgency Grants invited proposals
from researchers using innovative approaches
to address the impacts of natural disasters and
climate change on tangible and intangible
cultural heritage in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries (LMICs).
This AHRC-DCMS collaboration operated in a
wider workstream within the United Kingdom
(UK) Official Development Assistance (ODA)
programme, to support effective responses
to development and disaster relief challenges
in the Global South.
The main goal of this call was to fund cultural
heritage research that can inform future
research and policy on disaster preparedness,
emergency response, loss and damage, and
adaptation to current and expected global
environmental changes such as climate
change and natural disasters.
This report comprises results from individual
projects funded by AHRC and the DCMS and
collaborative workshops organised by the
PRAXIS and CRITICAL teams. The editorial
team comprises Dr. Francesca Giliberto
(PRAXIS) and Dr. Rowan Jackson (CRITICAL),
who were responsible for organising workshops,
leading report planning and writing, and editing
the final report. Dr. Luba Pirgova-Morgan and
Dr. Kate Donovan were involved in the
planning and facilitation of the collaborative
workshops, including a written contribution on
COVID-19 by Dr. Pirgova-Morgan.
Contributions to writing and feedback on this
report were also provided by Dr. Bernadette
Devilat, Dr. Kate Donovan, Dr. William Megarry,
Dr. Paul Heritage, Dr. Gustavo Möller, Prof.
Nomalanga Mpofu Hamadziripi, Prof. Ashraf
Osman, Prof. Hisham Elkadi, Dr. Alan Forrest,
Prof. Mike Crang and Prof Stuart Taberner.
Additional written contributions are recognised
in each chapter of the report.
The context for this workstream is the
recognition that cultural heritage is increasingly
exposed to climate and disaster risk, and that
there is a need for effective preparedness
and management strategies in response to
global environmental change (Harrison et
al., 2020; Harvey and Perry, 2015). There is
growing demand from international heritage
organisations, including the International
Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
and United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for mechanisms
to assess, monitor and respond to disasters,
whether they are caused by natural or
human-induced hazards (ICOMOS, 2019).
In recognition of the growing risk to cultural
heritage, a cultural heritage protection
workstream was commissioned to understand
the diverse impacts of natural disasters and
climate change on different heritage assets in
LMICs. Such diversity is not limited to physical
sites and monuments. It includes cultural
traditions, livelihoods, social networks and the
environment. Loss and damage resulting from
climate change will therefore be inevitable
(e.g. what is at risk?), have political consequences
(e.g. what is safeguarded?), and how can we
adapt to change (e.g. how can we work with
change?) (DeSilvey and Harrison, 2020).
Nine research projects were funded as part of
this workstream and these are the so-called
Cultural Heritage and Climate Change (CHCC)
Cohort. Projects in the cohort span a range
of cultural heritage forms – both tangible
and intangible – as well as approaches to the
assessment of risk. Heritage assets explored
by the research projects include vernacular
architecture, natural and cultural landscapes,
UNESCO World Heritage sites, historic towns
and villages, listed monuments, archaeological
sites, indigenous rock paintings and ceramics,
land management practices, cultural practices
and community networks. All the projects
explore ways to develop effective responses
to challenges in anticipation of (and response
to) climate change and disaster impacts. They
also focus on the challenge of developing
an effective community of practice between
academics in the UK and LMICs. The funded
projects cover much of the Middle East
(Egypt, Turkey, Yemen), Sub-Saharan Africa
(Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe), South East
Asia (India, Himalaya region, Sri Lanka), and
South America (Iron Quadrangle in Brazil).
The background, findings and recommendations
of each project are described in the policy
briefs included in section 3.
Report scope and methodology
This report has been prepared by the PRAXIS
and CRITICAL project teams led by the
University of Leeds and University of Edinburgh
respectively. It discusses the results of a
series of workshops organised by the research
teams between February and September 2022
and project-specific policy briefs prepared
by the nine research projects (section 3).
We hope it will inform funding bodies,
policymakers, academics, practitioners and
other stakeholders about how to improve
current practices tackling cultural heritage
PRAXIS: arts and humanities for global
PRAXIS is a £1m research project funded by
the AHRC and focused on arts and humanities
(A&H) research across the GCRF and Newton
Fund portfolios. Specifically, it aims to
consolidate learning, amplify its impact and
policy relevance and champion the distinctive
contribution that A&H research can make
to tackling urgent development challenges.
PRAXIS has four main strands: Heritage,
Conflict, Youth and COVID-19. In addressing a
wide variety of global challenges and United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), PRAXIS has paid special attention
to climate change and disasters in relation
to cultural heritage, human rights and the
development of more environmentally
sustainable research practices.
CRITICAL: cultural heritage risk and
impact tools for integrated and
collaborative learning (Highlight)
CRITICAL is a £180,000 project funded by
the AHRC and DCMS to assess the impacts of
climate change and natural hazards on cultural
heritage in LMICs. This project specifically
aimed at facilitating knowledge exchange
between heritage professionals in South Africa,
Indonesia and Sri Lanka with the wider aim of
assessing local-scale adaptive capacity and risk
to cultural and natural heritage. As an output
of this project, CRITICAL worked to facilitate
knowledge synthesis and policy impact through
the organisation of cross-portfolio workshops,
and through collaboration with the PRAXIS
team at the University of Leeds.
Old Nepalese woman manually braids the mat on
an old homemade loom, in the city of Lo Mantang,
the capital of the Upper Mustang. Nepal. Credit:
Papava, Adobe stock
Making Tibetan Buddhist Mani Stone - stone with
holy mantras. Credit: Vladimir Melnik, Adobe stock
management in the face of climate change
and disaster impacts. More specifically, we
have drawn together the lessons learnt from
international collaborations between academics,
practitioners and research participants to
make recommendations to UK research
councils and policymakers.
From the start of the workstream in November
2020, the AHRC and DCMS organised quarterly
meetings to provide updates on funding and
to facilitate discussion between project
Principal Investigators (PIs). The meetings
were an opportunity for knowledge exchange
and to discuss funding calls and the challenges
associated with remote work during COVID-19.
They also provided time for two online cross-
portfolio workshops organised by the PRAXIS
and CRITICAL teams to facilitate knowledge
exchange and synthesis between the nine
projects in the CHCC Cohort. The first of
these, in February 2022, focused on core
themes across the portfolio and project-
specific findings, research challenges and
recommendations to AHRC and the DCMS.
We synthesised this information and cross-
analysed it for this report (see section 2).
Those findings have contributed to the definitions
of recommendations for the cultural heritage
protection workstream, including innovative
and critical approaches to heritage conservation
and management in a world affected by
climate change and disasters (see section 4).
The second workshop, in April 2022, facilitated
knowledge exchange through structured
project presentations that we have translated
into the policy briefs included in section 3.
More on the first workshop –
February 2022
In the first workshop we introduced the
objectives of this collaborative work:
to create a space for exchanging findings
between projects;
to develop a roadmap for policy impact
through synthesis and communication via
succinct issue briefs;
to capture core themes, key findings, best
practice in research and recommendations
using Miro Discussion Boards and
structured presentations.
For the workshop, we divided the cohort of
projects into one group with four projects
and a second group containing five, facilitated
by the PRAXIS and CRITICAL teams respectively.
Miro Discussion Boards were structured into
four discussion themes:
core themes and achievements – including
background and key findings;
research challenges – what worked and
what did not;
approaches and methods in heritage
recommendations for funding bodies,
policymakers and heritage researchers and
The boards were used to facilitate conversation
between groups about each of these four
themes. Sticky notes allowed each project to
contribute to the policy synthesis in their own
words while discussions were underway.
Then, we synthesised the information from
the two discussion boards into cross-cutting
themes and circulated these within the cohort
before workshop two.
More on the second workshop –
April 2022
In the second workshop we wanted to
communicate the projects’ results in a format
that could be translated into a two-page policy
brief for the AHRC and DCMS. Presentations
were limited to seven minutes, five slides, four
photos and three recommendations. The
structure shown in figure 1 was provided as a
guide for each presentation and the write-up
of each policy brief. This allowed groups to
add additional cross-cutting themes to the
existing lists collected from workshop one.
After the second workshop we circulated a
policy brief template to allow an easy
translation of project data into the policy
brief format. The policy briefs prepared by
the nine research projects are presented in
section 3 of this report.
Report structure
This report’s structure corresponds with the
aim of the AHRC GCRF Urgency Grant call
and the outputs of the PRAXIS-CRITICAL
workshops. Section 2 provides a detailed
introduction to the challenges associated
with natural and human-made disaster and
climate change impacts on cultural heritage.
It also outlines the innovative research
approaches and methods adopted by
projects across the portfolio. It synthesises
the core themes, achievements and results
across projects. Section 3 includes nine issue
briefs, one prepared by each research project.
Section 4 provides lessons and
recommendations to funding bodies (e.g.
AHRC), policymakers (e.g. DCMS), researchers
in cultural heritage studies, archaeology,
global change research and the arts and
humanities, and practitioners safeguarding
cultural heritage sites. Finally, section 5
presents some conclusive remarks and areas
for future research.
“Heritage is much more than the
preservation of old buildings
and sites. What we eat, how we
dance, how we mourn the dead,
what we sing and how we love
are practices that can sustain us
despite all sorts of onslaughts.
How this is represented and who
represents it become key in any
conversation after catastrophe.”
Dominique Niemand, Research Associate,
University of Pretoria, South Africa.
DeSilvey, C. and Harrison, R. (2020).
Anticipating loss: rethinking endangerment
in heritage futures, International Journal
of Heritage Studies, 26(1), pp. 1–7.
Harrison, R., DeSilvey, C., Holtorf, C.,
Macdonald, S., Bartolini, N., Breithoff, E.,
Fredheim, H., Lyons, A., May, S., Morgan
J. and Penrose, S. (2020). Heritage
Futures: Comparative Approaches to
Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices.
London: UCL Press.
Harvey, D. C. and Perry, J. (2015).
Introduction – Heritage and climate change:
the future is not the past. In: Harvey, D. C.
and Perry, J. (eds.). The Future of Heritage
as Climates Change. Loss, Adaptation
and Creativity. London: Routledge.
ICOMOS. (2019). Future of Our Pasts:
Engaging Cultural Heritage in
Climate Action. Paris: ICOMOS.
Figure 1. Scope of the two workshops and approach to policy synthesis
Reflection on AHRC-DCMS Objectives
What are
the core
What worked? And
what did not?
Core Themes
Results and
Project Successes
and Challenges
Facing Cultural
Three Bullet-Point
Workshop one
to funders and
Workshop twoSynthesis Report
of case-specific
Synthesis of
Overview of
Cross-cutting Portfolio
Issue Briefs
Cross-portfolio synthesis:
challenges, methodologies
and projects achievements
Chitral valley, Hindukush, Pakistan - September 2021: Portrait
daily life activity of Kalash people in ramburet-bamburet
village show an ethicnity costume of kalash tribe. Credit:
Анастасия Смирнова, Adobe Stock
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
Challenges for cultural heritage
resulting from natural disasters
and climate change
Francesca Giliberto and Rowan Jackson
Defining heritage
“Heritage is a living and dynamic concept, interwoven with peoples and
places, an expression of cultural diversity and of different modalities of
‘artistic creation, production, dissemination, distribution and enjoyment,
whatever the means and technologies used’ (UNESCO 2005, Art. 1). Heritage
encompasses tangible objects, such as monuments and historic buildings,
movable and immovable sculpture and paintings, cave dwellings, underwater
heritage; and also cultural landscapes in rural and urban contexts, natural
areas, ecosystems, and biodiversity (UNESCO 1972, Art. 1; 2008, Annex
3). It further consists of intangible attributes, including: ‘oral traditions
and expressions, language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage,
performing arts, social practices, rituals and festive events, knowledge and
practices concerning nature and the universe, traditional craftsmanship’
(UNESCO 2003, Art. 2; 2005, Art. 4-5).” Extract from “Giliberto, F. (2021). Heritage
for Global Challenges, Leeds: University of Leeds.”
The nine projects of the DCMS/AHRC CHCC
Cohort address a variety of challenges faced
by cultural heritage and their associated
communities in the context of climate change
and disasters – two factors that often intersect.
Challenges posed by climate change include
extreme heat, drought and lack of water,
melting glaciers, volatile and extreme
precipitation, cyclones, landslides and rising
sea levels (Sesana et al., 2021). On the other
hand, the projects investigate the impacts of
disasters on cultural heritage, in particular
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, land
exploitation due to industrial mining and
large-scale development projects, which are
often exacerbated by climate change. In this
context, cultural heritage is not given sufficient
consideration in planning for disaster risk
management, and cultural heritage protection
is still not sufficiently integrated into national,
regional and local risk management strategies
(Romão and Bertolin, 2022). The projects
propose innovative solutions and possible
ways forward.
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
After disasters, priority actions focus on
providing shelter, relocating affected
communities and humanitarian measures,
rather than preserving cultural heritage assets
(Spennemann and Graham, 2007). Some of the
CHCC Cohort projects investigate effective
ways to document, inventory and record
both tangible and intangible cultural heritage
at risk of irreversible damage or disappearance
in the disaster aftermath. For example, the
project A sustainable re-construction
method for seismic-prone heritage areas
of India based on advanced recording
technologies focuses on the challenges
faced by vernacular architecture, including
housing and non-monumental heritage, in a
post-earthquake situation. This particular type
of heritage can provide affordable solutions
to cope with local environmental and climatic
conditions for local residents. However, it is
also particularly vulnerable to substantial
damage and destruction in the context of
seismic hazards, and repair, reuse, retrofit and
adaptation are frequently neglected in favour
of new constructions that are not sensitive to
local contexts. Focusing on intangible aspects,
the project Inventorying intangible cultural
heritage assets affected by Cyclone Idai
in Chimanimani, Chipinge and Buhera
districts in Zimbabwe addresses the urgent
need to provide evidence-based databases on
oral traditions, performing arts, social
practices, indigenous rituals and food systems,
which are often marginalised in favour of
more tangible assets (e.g. buildings, monuments
and archaeological sites).
Two other projects concentrate on the
pressing need to address structural, cultural
and socio-economic damage caused by
increasing climate change and disasters.
Developing a novel climate change Risk
Assessment Framework for cultural
heritage in Turkey (CRAFT) focuses on the
consequences of intense rainfalls, floods and
landslides on the cultural heritage of Istanbul,
particularly in the historic centre, which is a
UNESCO World Heritage site. Conservation
of climate change endangered cultural
furniture industry heritage in Damietta,
Egypt examines the impacts of climate
change and sea level rise on the long-term
conservation of interconnected tangible and
intangible attributes, with a particular focus
on cultural values and practices and community
social capital networks.
Two more projects, in Brazil and South Asia,
show a lack of community recognition and
involvement in cultural heritage, climate
Issue 1. 3D scanner, Bela, India. Credit: M. Mane.
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
change and disaster processes. Roots of
resilience explores the dramatic threat that
industrial mining poses for Brazilian cultural
heritage in the Iron Quadrangle – including
two UNESCO World Heritage sites and
indigenous non-material culture – and on the
lives of associated local communities. In
another region characterised by significant
political conflicts. Fragile heritage ecologies:
vernacular cultures and the at-risk
landscapes of the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya
mountain region draws attention to how, in
landscape-protected areas, the focus is on
protecting and preserving the physical
environment, flora and fauna rather than on
local communities and their cultural heritage,
which are often ignored by dominant policy
narratives and discussions. A third project,
Mitigating climate change effects through
traditional land management practices,
points out how the links between natural and
cultural heritage – a separation that is not
recognised by local people in Soqotra – have
been ignored by conservation programmes
that focus entirely on biodiversity.
“There is an urgent need for flooding and landslide susceptibility mapping of
cultural heritage in Turkey, particularly in Istanbul. This project is a direct
response to this urgent need. A multidisciplinary team of experts from Durham
University (UK), Middle East Technical University and Yildiz Technical University
in Turkey are working with the Turkish Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency
Management Authority (AFAD) and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality on
developing flood and landslide risk management plans for the UNESCO World
Heritage areas of Istanbul. The timescale for the impact of this project has to be
realised very quickly as a consequence of the urgency of the problem.”
Ashraf Osman, Principal Investigator, Durham University. Project: CRAFT
Issue 5. Intangible Heritage ahnd Dance in Gilgit-
Baltistan. Credit: Zahra Hussain.
Innovative research
methodologies and approaches
“Heritage is fluid and complex, it
is political in every sense. The
work of heritage allows difficult
conversations to take place in
imaginative ways, allowing for
history to be understood as being
in the present.”
Prof Siona O’Connell, International
Co-investigator, University of Pretoria,
South Africa. Project: CRITICAL
The projects from the CHCC Cohort combine
arts and humanities methodologies with
more technical and environmental ones, as
well as quantitative and qualitative ones. The
aim is to develop innovative interdisciplinary
approaches to tackling the complex challenges
facing cultural heritage in the context of
disasters and climate change.
Some projects complemented the use of
new digital technologies with more qualitative
methodologies. The use of 3D laser scanning
(or LiDAR) combined with interviews and
social surveys, for example, proved successful
in recording built heritage and associated
ways of life after a disaster. In fact, this
methodology enables a more comprehensive
assessment of the state of the art and so it
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
Portrait of women
in traditional tibetan
clothes inside their
house in Ladakh,
Kashmir, India.
Credit: klublu,
Adobe Stock
supports innovative and culturally sensitive
approaches for heritage conservation, post-
disaster re-construction, risk management
and risk mitigation (see issue 1).
Other projects used a Geographic Information
System (GIS) to map cultural heritage according
to its vulnerability to climate change, starting
from the collection of hydro-geological,
topographical and environmental data related
to rainfall patterns, flood and landslide,
topography and soil properties as well as
graphical data (see issue 4), or to understand
spatio-temporal patterns of social capital
transactions in the furniture industry in
Damietta (see issue 2).
A few projects used mostly creative and
participatory methodologies, such as visual
storytelling, visual ethnography, documentary
film-making and arts-based approaches, to
collect community perceptions and build
narratives by engaging with the communities
themselves, particularly in remote and rural
environments (see issue 3 and issue 5).
Another project developed a participatory
and co-created methodology to stimulate
community engagement by empowering five
arts-based organisations to co-define and
carry out the research through quantitative
and qualitative surveys (see issue 8). Creative
methodologies proved to be particularly
effective, recognising the plurality of cultural
expressions related to the preservation and
management of heritage assets (tangible and
intangible) affected by complex challenges
such as climate change and disasters.
In other projects, providing training courses
through online webinars and hybrid workshops
supported development of local abilities to
use innovative tools, such as the climate
vulnerability assessment of cultural heritage
sites, and the adaption of these tools to the
peculiarities of different local contexts (see
issue 9). Developing local skills and abilities
will improve the assessment of vulnerabilities
and risks associated with cultural heritage,
and therefore its long-term preservation and
management in an ever-changing environment.
Moreover, this process has allowed the
researchers, normally recognised as the
‘experts’, to learn from community knowledge
and practices in a reciprocal and fruitful
knowledge exchange process. Finally, the
organisation of focus groups with stakeholders
from different governmental departments
helped to bridge the communication gap
between different policy sectors, such as
those related to cultural heritage and to
natural hazards and risks (see issue 4).
“As we answered or filled in the
questionnaires ourselves, we ended up
learning or finding out several things that
we had no idea existed. One of those things
was the relevance of the organisations
within societies and how they have been
acting within their social range. So it was
with great pleasure that we participated
in this research because it is only then
that we are able to find out what indeed is
our cultural heritage, how it is inserted in
our city, how it becomes part of the history
of that city, and this could perhaps end up
becoming a guideline for the future.
Nowadays I consider cultural heritage as a
precious asset that we have.”
Renata Vilaça, research participant from Banda São
Sebastião, Brazil. Project: Roots of Resilience
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
Project achievements and
research findings
“This multi-disciplinary network of academic researchers, designers, policymakers
and international agencies aims to examine and promote the cultural and economic
resilience of Damietta, which is under threat from climate change and contemporary
decision-making that is insensitive to its socio-cultural heritage. By documenting
and highlighting the intangible cultural heritage of this craft industry and its social
networks, a strong case is made to protect these practices and save the economic
livelihood of the city’s inhabitants.”
Anonymous quote. Project: Conservation of climate change-endangered cultural furniture industry
heritage in Damietta
Recognising the plurality of
heritage interpretations and values
A core aspect identified by the nine projects
is the need to recognise the variety of
heritage attributes and values existing in a
location affected by climate change and
disasters, as well as their multiple
interpretations by different stakeholders.
Moving from a top-down to a bottom-up
approach, a comprehensive and inclusive
understanding and documentation of diverse
heritage attributes (tangible and intangible) is
the first crucial step for safeguarding that
heritage in the aftermath of a disaster and
during climate change adaptation.
The projects emphasised that it is important
not only to document and inventory tangible
heritage assets but also to provide evidence-
based information on intangible cultural
heritage (ICH), which is often neither
recognised nor valued by local officials. ICH
includes knowledge and practices concerning
nature and the universe (e.g. sacred places
and traditional and religious ceremonies),
traditional artisanship, oral traditions and
expressions, performing arts, social practices,
rituals and festive events, among others
(UNESCO, 2003). One particular project gave
emphasis to the significance of inventory ICH
to support the resilience, reconstruction and
relocation of communities affected by
Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe (see issue 6).
Another project built the case for UNESCO
recognising craft-making methods in
Damietta as ICH (see Issue 2).
Recognising multiple heritage attributes and
values is also relevant for the development of
effective preparedness and management
strategies, including tools to assess the
vulnerability of heritage sites against potential
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
hazards and protect cultural heritage facing
climate change and disasters. Another project,
in Istanbul, Turkey, drew attention to how a
qualitative societal approach is crucial during
the identification of the consequences of
hazards. In fact, this recognition process is
strongly interrelated with the different value
judgements and interpretations (social,
cultural, economic, environmental,
psychological, etc.) associated with cultural
heritage by multiple groups (see issue 4).
Finally, the CRITICAL project provided
additional insights into the dynamic aspects
of heritage, which are constantly changing,
and how these influence local livelihoods and
social cohesion over time (see issue 3). It
also outlined how these different perceptions
of heritage are useful in opening up
conversations about vulnerability and
adaptive capacity and avoiding assumptions
when developing risk assessments by building
on diverse narratives and understanding.
Bridging cultural and natural
heritage approaches and
decolonising knowledge
Cultural and natural heritage are often
considered separately and regulated and
managed by different governmental
departments (Larsen and Wijesuriya, 2015).
But they are inseparable and interdependent,
and recognising this is key to ensuring
sustainable and integrated approaches to
tackling the impacts of climate change and
managing disaster responses and risk
preparedness (Giliberto and Maclagan, 2021).
The artificial separation between cultural and
natural heritage (and related approaches) is
found more frequently in western legislations,
processes and practices than in local and
indigenous knowledge, practices and
management systems, which focus on more
holistic and integrated concepts that
exemplify the interdependency between
humanity and nature. Two projects highlighted
how the cultural heritage of the mountain
communities in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya
region is often ignored in favour of natural
landscape and remarkable flora and fauna
(see issue 5) and how large-scale development
and conservation programmes in the Soqotra
Archipelago have mainly focused on
biodiversity and natural heritage (see issue 7).
A key outcome from the CHCC Cohort was
therefore to bridge the gap between cultural
and natural approaches to climate change and
disasters and to provide more holistic and
integrated solutions. In doing so, it has been
crucial to engage with the plurality of knowledge
systems (not only the dominant western
ones) and to learn from local and indigenous
knowledge and practices for climate adaptation
and management of sites to complement the
dominant scientific narrative on climate
science and climate responses. Local
communities need to be primary stakeholders
in the interpretation and significance of their
heritage (issue 5), and their knowledge must
be incorporated into the development of new
approaches, tools and frameworks for climate
and disaster responses.
“The research team went into the
communities to learn from the
people; they got their context,
knowledge, concepts and viewpoints
from the communities that
experienced the disaster. Therefore,
the findings are evidence-based,
collective and co-created.”
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Youth,
Sports, Arts and Recreation. Project:
Inventory ICH
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
For example, one project explained how the
traditional knowledge of Soqotra people has
continuously evolved to cope with extreme
and unpredictable weather. This constitutes an
incredible source of understanding and provides
contemporary solutions to adapt to climate
change locally (see issue 7). Finally, the
cohort emphasised how this knowledge
exchange between researchers, policymakers
and local and indigenous peoples must always
to be consensual and beneficial for the
communities involved.
Developing people-centred,
community-based and participatory
approaches using arts and culture
The projects highlighted the importance of
implementing people-centred, community-
based and participatory approaches to
recognise the plurality of heritage values,
bridge the gap between cultural and natural
heritage approaches and decolonise knowledge.
These approaches can also stimulate a
community’s resilience when climate change
and disasters affect it, and support more
comprehensive risk and vulnerability
assessments. Engaging directly with local
people, the projects have collected first-hand
narratives from marginalised groups like
women, children, the elderly and people with
disabilities about the impact of climate
change and disasters on local communities
(see, for example, issue 6). They have also
accessed expert knowledge (including
indigenous and community knowledge) on
the ground via participatory approaches that
have facilitated intergenerational and
intersectoral knowledge transfer in different
geographical locations (see issue 3 and
issue 9).
The nine projects delivered compelling case
studies showing how arts and culture can be
used to promote local engagement and active
participation in the development of
community-based research practices. For
instance, a project used data visualisation and
exhibitions to engage a local community in
India. This approach increased risk awareness
and opened up discussions about how to
repair vernacular architectures after an
earthquake incorporating local knowledge
(see issue 1). Another project focused on co-
creating and co-conducting the research with
communities living in the Brazilian Iron
Quadrangle, working in partnership with local
arts organisations (see issue 8). Through
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
“Climate change is already resulting in the loss and damage of cultural heritage sites
across Africa. This loss is not limited to historical and archaeological buildings and
places; it is also affecting communities and their cultural traditions. How those who
care for Africa’s cultural heritage respond to the threat of climate change has profound
implications for the resilience of the broader community. The CVI-Africa project has
worked closely with heritage professionals and researchers from across the continent
to better understand this ongoing challenge by identifying the degree of vulnerability
and building a foundation for future adaptation and conservation strategies.”
Dr Will Megarry, Principal Investigator, Queen’s University Belfast, and Climate Change Focal Point at
the International Council on Monuments and Sites. Project: CVI Africa
immersive arts workshops and training
sessions, local communities co-created
inventories of cultural practices and assets
that were important to them. This process
also helped to establish a dialogue with
policymakers and local authorities about the
role that cultural heritage can have in
promoting resilience and sustainable processes
of transformation and regeneration.
Supporting local capacities and
developing a community of practice
Working in partnership between UK institutions
and local organisations has proved to be a
decisive element in the achievement of the
projects’ goals. In most cases project partners,
with previous experience and the ability to
speak local languages, have engaged directly
with the communities, for example when
collecting research data on the ground. The
COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged a
process of transferring more ownership and
responsibilities to local partners in conducting
part of the research because UK researchers
could not carry out fieldwork. Instead, local
partners were trained in data collection and
obtaining quality data. Some also had access to
specific tools (e.g. laser scanners) and received
ad-hoc training in how to use them (see issue 1).
The result is stronger local abilities and newly
acquired local skills in research and in
practices to address cultural heritage
preservation. According to project PIs, the
process of conducting the research itself has
become as important as the production of
specific research outputs and findings. It has
also created more actively involved local
partners in the co-design of the data
collection strategy to make it more aligned
with local needs and expectations (see issue 8).
Furthermore, the projects from this cohort
have contributed to the development of a
community of practice around various aspects
related to cultural heritage, climate change
and disasters and a multidisciplinary research
network by organising training courses,
capacity building activities, joint drafting of
research outputs, webinars, workshops and
other knowledge exchange events.
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
“The proposed framework could improve the chances of a rapid and effective
response in case of an earthquake, enhance the possibilities of reusing existing
structures, and increase preparedness and resilience in local communities while
virtually preserving its culture embedded as the record of a ‘living heritage’. To
achieve this, the project tests a strategic partnership between academia,
governmental institutions, and NGOs to inform actions in conserving at-risk built
heritage. This involves planning and building local capacity, relevant for its potential
scalability and applicability in other similar seismic-prone heritage settlements.”
Dr Bernadette Devilat, Principal Investigator, Nottingham Trent University. Project: A sustainable
re-construction method for seismic-prone heritage areas of India
Improving ways to assess heritage
vulnerabilities and risks and
increase projects’ transferability
and scalability
Sustained disaster risk and vulnerability
research have demonstrated the importance
of understanding the local contextual factors
that shape vulnerability and expose given
groups and structures to natural and human-
made hazards. Each project in this report
illustrates how on-the-ground knowledge of
vulnerability and hazards exposure underpins
the development of effective risk assessment
tools. Assumptions cannot be made as to the
greatest risk facing heritage assets and the
local groups that value them. Projects such as
Values-based climate change risk assessment:
piloting the climate vulnerability index (CVI)
for cultural heritage in Africa (CVI Africa),
show how significant resourcing – financial
and human – are required to co-develop
suitable risk assessments (see issue 9). Local
engagement and buy-in are essential when
providing suitable risk tools and methodologies
where financing extends to stakeholders who
hold knowledge of their communities, cultural
heritage and local environments.
A significant example is the CRAFT project,
which aims to evaluate the landslides and
flash flooding impacts on World Heritage
sites in Istanbul via a multidisciplinary
approach (see issue 4). The project has
developed a vulnerability assessment model,
built on a vulnerability index, to identify and
provide effective measures to mitigate
current and future hazards. This model was
designed in a way that can be replicated or
adapted for other cultural heritage sites in
Turkey. The CVI Africa project focuses on
Sub-Saharan Africa instead, examining the
scalability and replicability of assessment
methodologies in diverse contexts. In
particular, it centred on training heritage
professionals to pilot the CVI, which evaluates
the physical and ecological impacts of current
and projected climate change on cultural
heritage, and its utility and long-term value in
multiple sites in Africa (Tanzania and Nigeria).
This project filled a gap, because many
techniques and assessments of this kind have
been only tested in places like Western
Europe, Australia and North America.
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
Slum houses located in. Accra, Ghana. Credit: Nataly Reinch, Adobe Stock
Giliberto, F. and Maclagan, H. (2021). Biocultural Heritage and Landscapes: Linking
Nature and Culture. Heritage and Our Sustainable Future Report Series, Issue 1. Leeds-
London: PRAXIS and UK National Commission for UNESCO.
Larsen, P. and Wijesuriya, G. (2015). Nature-Culture Interlinkages in World Heritage:
Bridging the Gap. World Heritage, 75, pp. 4–15.
Romão, X. and Bertolin, C. (2022). Risk protection for cultural heritage and historic centres:
Current knowledge and further research needs, International Journal of Disaster Risk
Reduction, 67, 102652.
Sesana, E., Gagnon, A. S, Ciantelly, C., Cassar, J. and Hughes, J. J. 2021. Climate change
impacts on cultural heritage: A literature review, WIREs Climate Change, 12(4).
Spennemann, D. H. R. and Graham, K. (2007). The importance of heritage preservation in
natural disaster situations, Int. J. Risk Assessment and Management, 7(6/7), pp. 993–1001.
UNESCO (1972). Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural
Heritage. Paris: UNESCO.
UNESCO (2003). Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Paris:
UNESCO (2005). Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural
Expression. Paris: UNESCO.
UNESCO (2008). Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage
Convention. Paris: UNESCO.
Cross-portfolio synthesis: challenges, methodologies and projects achievements
Issue briefs
Issue briefs
Issue briefs
A village in the high glacier mountains of
hindu kush tribe. Credit: Muhammad
Adobe Stock
Issue 1.
Introducing technology to
break the unsustainable
cycle of building
replacement after
earthquakes towards a
culture of reuse and risk
Issue briefs
Bernadette Devilata, M. Gamal Abdelmonemb,
Felipe Lanuzac, Jigna Desaid, Mrudula Manee,
Zeus Pithawallaf, Rohit Jigyasug, Sukrit Senh,
Aditya Singhi, and Repaul Kanjij
a Principal Investigator, Centre for Architecture,
Urbanism and Global Heritage (CAUGH),
Nottingham Trent University (NTU), Nottingham, UK;
b Co-Investigator, CAUGH, NTU, Nottingham, UK;
c Research Fellow, CAUGH, NTU, Nottingham, UK;
d Co-Investigator, Center for Heritage Conservation
(CHC), CEPT Research and Development Foundation
(CRDF), Ahmedabad, India;
e Research Associate, CHC, CRDF, Ahmedabad, India;
f Research Assistant, CHC, CRDF, Ahmedabad, India;
g Co-Investigator, International Centre for the Study
of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural
Property (ICCROM), Rome, Italy;
h Research Associate, ICCROM, Rome, Italy;
i Project Partner Representative, Hunnarshala
Foundation, Bhuj, India;
j Project Partner Representative, Gujarat Institute
of Disaster Management (GIDM), Gandhinagar, India.
Issue briefs
Plan of a family temple in Bela with damage
identification that is still visible from the 2001
earthquake (7.7. Mw magnitude). Deviations in
plinths and walls identified in the 3D laser scan
data reveal underlying structural problems that
put at risk the entire building.
Copyright: © 3D for Heritage India NTU. 2022.
Credit: Felipe Lanuza based on the data by B.
Devilat, M. Mane and Z. Pithawalla, supported
by J. Desai, A. Singh, T. Choudhari and S. Sen.
A sustainable re-construction method
for seismic-prone heritage areas of India
based on advanced recording
technologies, Nottingham Trent
University (PI: Bernadette Devilat)
Center for Heritage Conservation (CHC),
CEPT Research and Development
Foundation (CRDF), Ahmedabad, India;
Hunnarshala Foundation (Bhuj, India);
Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management
(GIDM), Gandhinagar, India; International
Centre for the Study of the Preservation
and Restoration of Cultural Property
(ICCROM), Rome, Italy.
November 2020 – July 2022
Problem statement and aims
Vernacular housing in heritage settlements is
liable to deterioration, damage and
destruction due to disasters and human-
induced hazards. This non-monumental
heritage is mainly built by inhabitants as an
economical and affordable response to local
climatic and environmental conditions. When
located in seismic areas, this built heritage is
at greater risk due to earthquakes posing a
destructive and recurrent threat. Despite this,
responses are usually triggered afterwards,
because people lack mitigation strategies to
diminish destruction. The fastest and most
common post-earthquake approach is to
build anew, yet the most sustainable is to reuse,
considering the building’s embedded energy
and heritage significance. However, there is a
lack of relevant documentation for culturally
sensitive recovery and preparedness, repairs
are usually costly and slow, and large numbers
of affected constructions make damage
assessment difficult. Thus, we exploit advanced
documentation technologies aiming towards
a new approach to re-construction (Devilat,
2013), towards a culture of repair, reuse,
adaptation and risk mitigation.
We used advanced recording technologies
and social surveys to develop a sustainable
re-construction framework for seismic-prone
heritage settlements of the Kutch region in
Gujarat, India. It is a fast, affordable and
scalable approach to break the unsustainable
cycle of buildings’ replacement and subsequent
heritage loss using a combination of tools to
capture social and built environment data,
such as interviews, mapping, drone capture,
photography and 3D laser scanning in the
pilot case study of Bela. With them, we have
assessed the context environment and
understood how it supports people’s ways of
living to enhance the number and quality of
conserved historical buildings and create risk
mitigation strategies.
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
The proposed framework enhances the
possibilities to repair existing structures, risk
preparedness, planning and design in non-
monumental heritage and disaster mitigation
and presents a key institutional framework for
its potential implementation in similar seismic
areas. It considers re-construction as the
repair, reinforcement and risk management of
buildings instead of their complete
replacement, a more sustainable alternative
than building anew after each seismic event,
defining four strategic guidelines:
Issue briefs
1. For immediate post-earthquake action: to
inform damage assessment at two
different scales simultaneously, the village
and the individual buildings. The data
obtained can help governing bodies and
other concerned authorities assess the
affected areas from macro to micro levels,
an invaluable resource for planning new,
effective measures. The information
resources it offers make it faster and
easier to understand the characteristics of
a site after an earthquake, accelerating the
response of the authorities.
2. Mid and long-term study: including
evaluation of previous earthquake
responses, risk assessment and insertion
of technology to enhance preparedness
and risk mitigation processes.
3. Community engagement and
participation: critical for adequately
contextualising the information obtained,
validating it and getting local support for
further actions. By sharing and discussing
the work with the inhabitants, it is possible
to incorporate local knowledge for the
communities’ risk preparedness and engage
with the visual representations of their
village to value their traditional environment.
4. Applicability via institutional and academic
partnerships: implementation of the
proposed framework requires active
participation and coordination of multiple
departments and agencies of the state,
with technology introduction via training,
resources and documentation accessibility.
For this, a partnership is recommended
between academia, local NGOs, and
Workshop and exhibition “Digital Bela: architectural heritage in a new light” (Bela, 17–18th November
2021), including images, videos and architectural projections obtained from the captured data
presented to community members to understand its potential for earthquake-related prevention and
recovery. Copyright: © 3D for Heritage India NTU. 2021. Credit: Bernadette Devilat.
Issue briefs
governmental institutions. Academia can
help with the technical aspect of 3D
surveying and NGOs with building and
local implementation, while governments
can coordinate the introduction of
technology in their methods and procedures.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
The framework proposed is for the seismic
risk management of heritage settlements
and structures, covering digital
documentation, structural evaluation and
rapid post-earthquake damage assessment.
It informs community-driven disaster risk
reduction measures, aiming towards
building resilience.
Adopting the methodology would also
improve the chances of rapid post-disaster
damage assessment and effective response
in case of an earthquake, potentially leading
to sustainable re-construction and recovery.
Specific knowledge and expensive equipment
for documenting are required. A partnership
with academic institutions is proposed to
tackle these limitations. Also, a practical guide
on using 3D laser scanning in post-earthquake
contexts will be available for free in different
languages on the project’s website.
For heritage and academic institutions
This framework could be scalable and replicable
to other settlements of heritage value at risk
of disasters and conflicts, provided that a local
level contextualisation is implemented in terms of
language, terminology, local skills, administrative
structure and social acceptance.
For NGOs, academia and institutions
involved in post-disaster situations
As critical mediators in reaching the
community in greater depth and transferring
technical knowledge that might have been
lost over the years, this can be extrapolated
to bridge to external and governmental
agencies for broader applicability considering
existing links and trust, in line with
recommended bottom-up post-earthquake
re-construction approaches.
Issue briefs
Analysis of the cross-section AA'
from the LiDAR data of a small
family temple in Bela, Gujarat. The
possibility of generating this building
profile is helpful for analysis using
specific structural software.
Copyright: © 3D for Heritage India
NTU. 2022. Credit: Felipe Lanuza
based on the data by B. Devilat, M.
Mane and Z. Pithawalla, supported
by J. Desai, A. Singh, T. Choudhari
and S. Sen.
Issue briefs
For Indian authorities and institutions
The framework’s successful implementation
depends on institutional support and
community engagement. Therefore, forging
a network of key stakeholders is essential
for its planning and execution in different
contexts. This is why a Policy Brief was
developed in English, Hindi and Gujarati,
available on the project’s website.
Include heritage conservation/management
as a part of the local governance mandate.
Support local authorities in developing
post-earthquake emergency, long-term
and pre-earthquake risk management plans
using the 3D data of specific settlements,
including evacuation routes and safety
measures based on the as-built conditions
documented. This will help to improve the
agility and pertinence of the actions.
With special thanks to Mahavir Acharya
and Tanvi Choudhari (Hunnarshala
Foundation) for collaborating at various
stages; and the whole Bela community for
generously taking part in this project. Also,
to Nigar Shaikh and Saatvika Pancholi (CHC
CRDF), and Komal Pawaskar (Hunnarshala
Foundation), who helped in the community
engagement activities and exhibition at Bela.
Existing policy: Gujarat State Disaster
Management Authority (GSDMA). (2001).
Gujarat Earthquake Reconstruction
and Rehabilitation Policy, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat. Accessed: [06 May 2022].
Conference paper: Devilat, B. (2021).
Pioneering Advanced Recording
Technologies for Post-earthquake
Damage Assessment and Re-construction
in Chilean Heritage Areas. In: M. Shehade
and T. Stylianou-Lambert (eds.). Emerging
Technologies and the Digital Transformation
of Museums and Heritage Sites. RISE IMET
2021, Communications in Computer and
Information Science, vol 1432. Switzerland:
Springer, Cham.
Conference paper: Devilat, B., R. Jigyasu,
J. Desai, G. Abdelmonem, F. Lanuza and M.
Mane. (2021). “Towards a sustainable re-
construction method for seismic-prone
heritage areas of Gujarat (India) based
on advanced recording technologies.
In: S. Hernández (ed.), WIT Transactions on
The Built Environment STREMAH 2021,
Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 203, pp. 185–197.
Guidance document: ICCROM, NTU and
CHC CRDF. (2022). 3D Laser Scanning
documentation for informing the post-
earthquake recovery of heritage settlements:
a practical guide. Nottingham, UK. Available
DOI: [10.17631/rd-2022-0005-dprac]
Policy brief: NTU, GIDM, CHC CRDF and
Hunnarshala Foundation. (2022). A
framework for earthquake assessment, re-
construction and risk mitigation of
buildings in historical settlements of Gujarat
using advanced recording technologies.
Nottingham, UK. Available from:
DOI: [10.17631/rd-2022-0006-dfram]
Issue 2.
Social capital network
for the furniture
industry in Damietta:
Damietta’s furniture
networks: a heritage
asset facing climate
Issue briefs
Professor Hisham Elkadia and Professor Stuart
a Chair of Architecture, University of Salford;
b Professor of Design, University of Lancaster.
Conservation of climate change-
endangered cultural furniture industry
heritage in Damietta, Egypt, University of
Salford (PI: Hisham Elkadi)
Centre of Environment and Development
for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE),
Egypt; Pinocchio wooden products,
Member of the National Furniture
Council, Egypt; Crafts Council, UK.
December 2020 – April 2022
Issue briefs
Ihab Mohammed, CC BY-SA 4.0, via
Wikimedia Commons.
Problem statement and aims
In the Nile Delta region, 6.1M inhabitants are
at risk of sea-level rise. The furniture industry
also accounts for 2.1% of total production of
goods in Egypt, with Damietta’s furniture
industry alone producing £300M of annual
Climate change and sea-level rise in Damietta
pose a major risk to the conservation and
continuance of cultural values and practices
that form irreplaceable layers of social capital
networks in this community. Sea-level rise
threatens to disrupt the spatial social capital
networks that are central to the success of
the furniture craft industry in Damietta.
Critically, the interrelated tangible (including
elaborately carved furniture) and intangible
cultural heritage (including social networks)
directly affect the city’s resilience and
economic growth.
The furniture industry in Damietta also finds
itself at a crossroads between the inherited
traditional crafts and the use of digital tools
that are enabling more contemporary designs
and products that are increasingly desirable
to customers in both global and local markets.
The uncoupling of design education and
industry skills also adds to the magnitude of
this dichotomy.
This project employs interviews and an on-
the-ground survey as tools to collate the
opinions and understanding of individual
workers and enterprise owners about their
motivations and values in relation to their
work, and the relationship of their work to
place. The survey is also used for
Geographical Information System (GIS)
mapping the spatio-temporal patterns of
social capital transactions in the furniture
industry in Damietta to understand:
Predominant motivations and values,
according to Schwartz’s spectrum of
human values;
The relationship of the crafts to place;
The relationship of the crafts to
sustainability, practical benefits and their
environmental impacts, social benefits,
personal benefits and economic viability.
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
Enlisting in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural
Heritage List
The project builds the case for UNESCO
Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) recognition
The socio-business capital networks that
enable the success of the furniture
The unique designs and woodcarving
being made and the continuation of a
tradition of over one hundred years.
UNESCO ICH recognition would raise the
profile while putting in place measures to
ensure the crafts are passed on from one
generation to the next. This will also enable:
Maintaining social capital networks in the
face of sea-level rise;
Issue briefs
Telling the stories of the histories, crafts
and makers in Damietta;
Developing up-to-date communication/
branding approaches that effectively
communicate the crafts through films,
documentaries, photography, articles etc;
Developing a dedicated crafts museum
with both a physical and a virtual presence;
Work with universities to develop young
designers, as well as apprenticeship
programmes in the traditional craft;.
In addition, the sustainability of the
industry could be improved by considering
the potential viability of localised tree
planting and the development of expertise
in sustainable practices related to the
management of locally produced woods.
Reflections: values and place in Damietta’s craft
The project provides a solid understanding of
the nature, patterns and significance of
Damietta’s furniture industry as an economic
and cultural hub.
The social capital networks (trust, networks
and norms) in Damietta are a significant
asset providing an economic advantage
that is under threat due to sea-level rise.
Those networks are essential to preserving
the community’s livelihoods and work-live
patterns, and thus the cultural values of
the community.
The traditional furniture-making production
patterns and craftsmanship skills form a
unique heritage value that is worthy of
conservation and protection. There is a
need to advocate for multiple variations
that can be adopted within furniture-
making, ranging from art-oriented product
design to full commercial mass production.
It is imperative to encourage entrepreneurial
mentorship and professional art agency to
have a prominent role in the Damietta
furniture industry.
Matching design-oriented education to the
local makers is essential to the future
development of the craft skills and
industry production.
Providing digital support and digital tools
to makers in Damietta is imperative to
counteract the community’s pressure and
fear of “new technologies”.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
The unpacking of threats from sea-level
rise led to in-depth investigation not only
of the values of the craft industry and its
relationship to place and sustainability but
also of the socio-economic roots of decline
and loss of livelihood in the community.
The gap between traditional craft makers
and those who champion the digitalisation
of craft could be bridged through
development of contemporary design
typologies that are attractive to the
market together with contemporary
business and marketing models.
Sustainable and ethical design are imperative
to the sustainability of the craft. University
and industry partnerships are key to the
survival of the industry.
Issue briefs
For United Nations’ agencies
Protect the social capital networks of
Damietta’s craft heritage from climate
change adversaries through inclusion in the
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.
For local authorities and decision makers
Utilise Damietta’s Furniture City as a strong
logistics body and facilitation hub that
primarily aims to connect local enterprises
with the global market.
Introduce sectors to the industry that are
currently lacking, such as marketing agencies,
to specifically tackle the introduction and
management of, for example, high-end
products to elite art communities.
For civil society and the private sector
There is a need for a spectrum of
development directions rather than a
dichotomy between traditional vs digitised
approaches. These include:
- Production of singular pieces that
exhibit full traditional skills and craft;
- A limit on mass production, where
merchandise handcraft is valued for its
bespoke relationship with specific
-Hybrid digitised production with
traditional handcraft finishing.
Empowering the local industry bodies
within Damietta to:
-Maintain a continuous link between
micro-, small- and medium-size
enterprises (MSMEs) and decision
makers, to advocate for positive
updates to critical laws and regulations;
Advocate for establishing funding
strategies and programmes that ensure
the inclusive supported shift to new
digitised production;
Provide business plan support to MSMEs
to ensure all price points in the market are
Establish ongoing links between education
providers and industry MSMEs and
introduce new educational requirements
and standards based on what is needed in
local and global markets.
Establish a set of central standards of
production which take into account the
traditional craft of the city as well as global
tastes and demand.
Issue briefs
The project team would like to acknowledge
the support of Her Excellency Manal Awad,
Governor of Damietta and Her Excellency
Nadia Makram, former Minister of the
Environment. Particular thanks to Dr N.
Heysham, UK Craft Council, and our
researchers Esraa El-Marakby (UoS), Gloria
Lanci and Maria Youitani-Lacovitdes.
Journal papers:
Heysham, N., Elkadi, H. and Biscaya, S.
(2021). Exploring social capital within
Damietta’s furniture industry value chain
as mode of community currency,
International Journal of Community
Currency Research, 25(1), pp. 52–67.
Heysham, N. and Elkadi, H. (2021).
Geospatial Mapping of Social Capital
Networks of Furniture Industry, paper
presented at a conference on Cities in a
Changing World, London, 16 –18th June 2021.
Elkadi, H. (2022). Architecture De-Light: Key
moments in Architecture History, Université
De Paris, Malaqais, 20-22 April 2022,
Transparence et légèreté en architecture
– Façades, murs rideaux, enveloppes
intelligentes, 1790-2025.
Elkadi, H. (2021). Social networks and
mitigation against climate change, keynote
speech, Urgent Interventions to Build
Socio-Ecological Systems Resilience to
Natural Hazards in MENA region, UNESCO,
9 Dec 2021. Available at: https://en. [Accessed: 9
August 2022]
Book: Walker, S. and Evans, M. (2018).
Design Roots: cultural significant designs,
products and practices. Bloomsbury,
Online report: CRAFT Final Report
Professor Hisham Elkadi
Social Networks and mitigation against climate change
The Cultural Furniture Industry Heritage Damietta Egypt
Issue briefs
Social Networks and mitigation against climate change. The Cultural Furniture Industry
Heritage – Damietta, Egypt. Credit: H. Elkadi.
Issue 3.
Heritage is a dynamic tool for
climate change adaptation
and resilience building
Issue briefs
Kate Donovana; Rowan Jacksonb; Siona O’Connellc;
Dulma Karunarthnad; Esti Anantasarie; Arry
Retnowatif; Dominique Niemandg, Younghwa
Chah, Ashrika Sharmai, and Aythya Youngj.
a Principal Investigator, School of GeoSciences,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK;
b Post-Doctoral Research Associate, School of
GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK;
c International Co-Investigator, Faculty of
Humanities, University of Pretoria, Pretoria,
South Africa;
d International Co-Investigator, Centre for Asia
Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria,
Victoria, BC, Canada;
e Research Associate, Centre of Excellence in
Technological Innovation for Disaster
Mitigation (GAMA-InaTEK), Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia;
f International Co-Investigator, Centre of
Excellence in Technological Innovation for
Disaster Mitigation (GAMA-InaTEK), Universitas
Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia;
g Research Associate, Faculty of Humanities,
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa;
h Post-Doctoral Research Associate, School of
GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK;
i Research Associate, School of GeoSciences,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK;
j Research Associate, School of GeoSciences,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Issue briefs
Key stakeholders were interviewed in Yogyakarta
City about the heritage of the River Code.
Credit: Arry Retnowati 2021. All rights reserved.
CRITICAL: Cultural heritage risk and
impact tools for integrated and
collaborative learning (Highlight),
University of Edinburgh (PI: Katherine
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South
Africa; Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives,
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC,
Canada; Center of Excellence of
Technological Innovation for Disaster
Mitigation (GAMA-InaTEK); Universitas
Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
December 2020 – June 2022
Problem statement and aims
There can be no sustainable development
without disaster risk reduction (DRR)
including climate change adaptation (CCA). Yet
these rely on a foundation of understanding
risk in all its complexity. Heritage is a missing
component of conventional risk approaches,
despite its ability to shape our identity,
deliver capacities and expose vulnerabilities.
The CRITICAL project aimed to better
understand the role of heritage within risk
assessment through the investigation of three
case study sites and developing a community
of practice across three Low-Middle Income
Countries (LMICs). The case study sites were
of different sizes: the small-scale settlement
of Elandskloof in South Africa, the city region
of Yogyakarta, Indonesia and a national
approach across Sri Lanka. Exploring these
three scales, we were able to capture a
narrative-based risk assessment for heritage
and found that heritage opens avenues for
dialogue on livelihoods, gender, local-level
capacity and vulnerability.
At a national scale, Dr Karunarthna carried out
multiple interviews and facilitated two
workshops in rural settlements across Sri Lanka.
Furthermore, her work included a review of
historical literature exploring the role of
women in traditional rural practices. At city-
scale, Dr Retnowati and Ms Anantasari carried
out a series of interviews with key stakeholders
along the River Code in Yogyakarta region. In
South Africa, Prof O’Connell and Ms Niemand
led two workshops, a household survey and a
series of interviews in Elandskloof. In addition,
a review of climate data for each site and a
systematic synthesis of literature related to
heritage, risk and value was undertaken
(Crowley et al., 2022).
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
Local risk narratives have challenged
conventional top-down approaches to
understanding the threats to heritage from
climate change. We find that our case studies
identified how local communities value place
and how heritage can be a mechanism for
engagement with adaptation. Conventional
risk assessments for heritage sites rarely take
into account local-level values and are
currently largely lacking in LMICs (Crowley et
al., 2022). Heritage is considered a resource in
the three case study sites. In Yogyakarta, the
river is a heritage asset and forms a cultural
axis through the city. In Elandskloof, we
uncovered a narrative of loss in terms of
inter-generational knowledge due to forced
Issue briefs
removal and climate change. The capacity of
women and their traditional environmental
knowledge for climate adaptation was
captured across Sri Lanka. The research
findings were discussed at a final stakeholder
workshop in March 2022, resulting in the
identification of three areas of critical thinking:
Heritage as procedural – heritage should
not necessarily be preserved in a static state
without understanding its influence in local
and regional level resilience-building and
how it is influenced by socio-economic
change as well as environmental stressors.
Heritage as a research and engagement
tool – there is a need for more creative
and local-level methods for discussing
vulnerability and capacity. Our research
has found that using heritage as a lens
opens a dialogue on place-based issues
vital for adaptation and wider resilience.
Heritage as adaptation and vulnerability
influencers – heritage is part of a local
people’s vulnerability and capacity for CCA
and a crucial component in resilience-
building. Heritage can be a critical asset for
people living with environmental change
and how heritage is ‘protected’ can have
significant impact on people’s vulnerability.
For example, the designation of UNESCO
World Heritage (WH) status can exclude
the needs of local people, while embracing
local environmental expertise can open up
space for hybrid knowledge production
that leads to improved adaptation.
The research team reflected on their cross-
disciplinary work during this project at a time
of global pandemic. A learning approach was
central to this project and the interdisciplinary
team has captured and shared a diversity of
voice on heritage through a freely available
e-learning course, a series of videos and
ArcGIS story maps.
Workshop participants in rural Sri Lanka. Credit: Dulma Karunarthna, 2021. All rights reserved.
Issue briefs
Lessons learnt and study limitations
Local-led, flexible research design (fully
supported by international co-investigators)
enabled a deeper investigation.
The COVID pandemic not only led to
challenges in continuity for the research
teams due to illness and problems in
accessing isolated settlements, but it also
caused a loss of elder-held knowledge
within those settlements.
Full team face-to-face meetings were not
possible during the project. Virtual meetings
worked well and enabled attendance, but a
full team meeting would have improved
team discussions, refinement of final
outputs and the future roadmap.
There are three core recommendations that
speak across different audiences:
Examine and support the role of heritage
for adaptive capacity and resilience-building.
Enable access to, and dialogue around,
climate change information for people
living in isolated and marginalised settlements.
Expand the resources for local-level
adaptation through heritage-driven risk
Specifically, we ask funders and policy
makers at international and local levels to:
Move away from viewing heritage solely as
a built asset that needs preserving or
protection. Consider instead a narrative of
heritage as a capacity for adaptation and
Ensure that UNESCO WH Outstanding
Universal Value is balanced with local-level
understanding of value for heritage.
Invest in adaptation funds that are driven
by the local-level needs and aim to move
beyond assessment into implementation,
monitoring and learning.
Ensure all funds enable local meaningful
participation and target forgotten or
marginalised voices.
Support interdisciplinary and women-led
applied research projects that test new
ways of thinking and doing with local
people rather than for local people.
Future research should incorporate an
evaluation of heritage hotspots to capture a
diversity of case studies demonstrating value
and influence for climate change adaptation
and disaster management. This should be
underpinned by locally designed and led,
flexible research. Finally, future research
should share findings and tools back to the
local people and enable access and dialogue
around climate change information, especially
for those living in isolated and marginalised
Issue briefs
We would like to thank and acknowledge
our funders, the UK Arts and Humanities
Research Council and the UK Government
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and
Sport (Award ref: AH/V006371/1). We would
also like to thank our expert advisory panel
for their invaluable time and support
throughout this project, in particular
Professor Andrew Dugmore and Dr Sukanya
Krishnamurthy at the University of
Edinburgh, Professor David Harvey and
Professor Nick Shepard at Aarhus University,
Denmark, and Terry Cannon at the
Institute for Development Studies, UK. We
would also like to thank those who have
contributed through reviews, video
contributions and attendance at stakeholder
workshops. Most importantly, we would
like to acknowledge and thank the people
who have contributed their time and
knowledge to this project from Sri Lanka,
Indonesia and South Africa.
Journal paper: Crowley, K. et al. (2022).
Cultural Heritage and risk assessments: Gaps,
challenges and future research directions
for the inclusion of heritage within climate
change adaptation and disaster management,
Journal of Climate Resilience and Sustainability,
1(3), e45. DOI: [10.1002/cli2.45]
Blog site: CRITICAL project blog site
Book chapter: Crowley, K., Jackson, R.
and Young, A. (In Press). The uncertain
pathway towards climate change adaptation.
In: University of Pretoria Press and Edinburgh
Climate Change Institute (eds.). Elandskloof:
A Chronology of Loss.
ArcGIS Story Maps:
Karunarathna, D., Crowley, K., and Jackson, R.
(2022). Climate story telling in Sri Lanka.
Retnowati, A., Anantasari, E. and Crowley., K.
(2022). Kali Code: Heritage landscapes
in Indonesia.
O’Connell, S., Niemand, D., and Jackson, R.
(2022). Elandskloof: A chronology of loss.
Issue briefs
Local community members in Elandskloof meet with researchers to talk about their
traumatic forced removal from the land. Credit: Siona O’Connell 2021. All rights reserved.
Issue 4.
Combination of climate
change and human activities
endangering cultural heritage
in Istanbul
Issue briefs
North bank of Golden Horn Bosphorus in Istanbul.
Credit: Andy Chisholm, Adobe Stock
Ashraf Osmana, Professor, Durham University, UK
(Principal Investigator), Nejan Huvajb, Meltem
Şenol Balabanc, Zeynep Gül Ünald, David Tolle,
Marti Lloret-Cabotf, Michael Anthony Crangg,
Mehmet Akif Alkanh, Betül Konukçui, Emin Yahya
Menteşej, Samprada Pradhank, Olgu Orakcıl, Banu
Gökmen Erdoğanm, Anıl Tarancın, Zeynep Ece
Atabayo, and Aynur Uluçp
a Professor, Durham University, UK (Principal
b Middle East Technical University (METU), TR (TR
local coordinator), Associate Professor at Civil
Engineering Department (Co-Investigator);
c METU, Associate Professor at City and Regional
Planning Department, (Co-Investigator);
d Yıldız Technical University, Professor at Architecture
Department (Restoration division), (Co-Investigator);
e Professor, Department of Engineering and Co-
Director of Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience,
Durham University, (Co-Investigator);
f Professor, Department of Engineering, Durham
University, (Co-Investigator);
g Professor, Department of Geography, Durham
University, (Co-Investigator);
h AFAD, The Disaster and Emergency Management
Presidency of Turkey;
i Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality;
j Bogazici University Kandilli Observatory and
Earthquake Research Institute, Post-Doctoral
Research Associate;
k Durham University, Post-Doctoral Research
Associate (engineer at Mott MacDonald now);
l METU, MS student at Civil Engineering
Department (PhD student at KU Leuven University
in Belgium now);
m YTU, Ph.D. student (Assistant Professor at Trakya
University now); n METU, PhD student at Geodetic
and Geographic Information Technologies;
o YTU, PhD student and Research Assistant at
Architecture Department (Restoration Division);
p METU, PhD student at City and Regional Planning
Department, METU.
Issue briefs
Developing a novel climate change risk
assessment framework for cultural
heritage in Turkey (CRAFT), Durham
University (PI: Ashraf Osman)
Middle East Technical University
(METU); Yıldız Technical University
(YTU); AFAD, The Disaster and
Emergency Management Presidency
of Turkey; Istanbul Metropolitan
Municipality; Bogazici University
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake
Research Institute.
December 2020 – October 2022
Problem statement and aims
Turkey is one of the most archaeologically
and culturally rich places in the world, with 18
UNESCO World Heritage (WH) sites and an
additional 78 locations on the tentative list.
Istanbul and its UNESCO WH historical areas
have recently suffered from frequent floods
as a result of intense rainfalls caused by a
changing climate. Floods, rainfall-triggered
landslides and subsequent moisture problems
have resulted in significant structural damage
to cultural heritage.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop
tools to understand the hazard landscape and
the value (by social, psychological and economic
means) of the heritage sites to assess their
vulnerability against potential hazards,
including climate change. Identification of risk
involves the assessment of the hazard and the
evaluation of the consequences of that
hazard. Assessing the hazard is usually tackled
using scientific methods based on climate
models and quantitative approaches to flood
and landslide assessment. However, identification
of the consequences requires a qualitative
societal approach, recognising the complexity
of value judgements about cultural heritage.
We carried out desk study/data collection and
processing on rainfall patterns, flood and
landslide, topography and soil properties. This
is coupled with Geographic Information
System (GIS) analysis to produce flooding and
landslide susceptibility mapping for the
cultural heritage in Istanbul. Heritage places
at greater risk were identified, and a field
survey was carried out to collect critical
information about the physical condition of
each structure and its surroundings, as well as
past indicators of floods and landslides. Focus
groups and meetings with stakeholders were
held to inform contextualisation and
understanding of the value of cultural heritage.
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
A vulnerability assessment concept has been
developed for the cultural and historical
assets of Istanbul. The model is built upon a
vulnerability index and it gave insight into the
potential loss that heritage assets can face.
The CRAFT project has identified 150 cultural
heritage places in the Historical Peninsula of
Istanbul that could be endangered by floods
and landslides. An index for damage
assessment has been developed. We have
recognised the inevitability of loss, where the
impacts of climate and environmental change
may lead to the conclusion that conservation
of some monuments is unsustainable.
Issue briefs
The CRAFT project found evidence of the
change in rainfall patterns and climatic events.
However, there is a disproportionate increase
in flood events and flood-related damage in
Istanbul’s cultural heritage sites due to
construction activities in historical sites.
CRAFT has delivered a number of knowledge
transfer events successfully, including:
An online short training course on disaster
management and natural hazards for cultural
heritage. It was delivered on 22 February
2022 with a total of 132 participants from
the UK, Turkey, India, Germany, Japan,
Algeria, Taiwan, Italy and Azerbaijan.
An international online workshop on
climate risk assessment for cultural heritage.
It was held on 23 February 2022, attended
by 113 participants.
Both events have attracted participants from
universities, research institutes, government
agencies, cultural heritage protection agencies
and municipalities, members of other related
international projects (PROCULTHER and
PRAXIS) and NGOs. Discussion sessions were
held to share experiences and encourage the
rapid exploitation of the concepts developed
in the study.
Early signs of the project influencing current
policies are evident:
Engagement with Istanbul Metropolitan
Municipality Heritage Division Cooperation,
an authority that is responsible for the
management and maintenance of the
historical heritage of Istanbul.
An invitation to participate in a national
cultural heritage policy-making discussion
in Turkey. As an example, the Metropolitan
Municipality of the City of Bursa and
UNESCO Bursa Site Management Unit held
a panel entitled “Cultural Heritage, Climate
Change and Sustainability Panel” on 15
June 2022. Out of the four speakers, three
were from the CRAFT project team.
Meeting with Istanbul Metrope Municipality Cultural Heritage Division. Credit: Nejan Huvaj.
Issue briefs
Lessons learnt and study limitations
More training and interaction are needed
(especially among different agencies such
as the national disaster agency and cultural
heritage managers);
The fieldwork data collection forms
developed as part of this project can be
used for other areas (the forms can be
shared with stakeholders);
The methodology is applied in a pilot area
in Istanbul, and it seems to be promising in
identifying critical areas. This methodology
can be used for ranking/prioritisation/
There is difficulty in data collection as
government agencies and local authorities
have poor data collection and archiving
The data could better to be shared with all
stakeholders, via an online platform where
There are many areas with drainage/
surface water/flooding-related problems.
Non-destructive remedial measures can be
developed (keeping the integrity and
heritage properties of the structures).
Reconstruction strategies can be developed.
Raising awareness: a significant portion of
the public does not know about cultural
heritage and associated risks.
Green, sustainable urban infrastructure
systems, such as rainwater harvesting,
green roofs, flood control ponds and
basins, currently do not exist in Istanbul
and they should be explored and
Evaluating the values of monuments may
differ for different stakeholders and not
simply align on one solution.
More training and interaction are needed,
especially among different agencies such
as the national disaster agency and cultural
heritage managers.
Issue briefs
The Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) - Istanbul, Turkey. Credit: muratart, Adobe Stock
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Cultural
Heritage Division.
Ciritci, I. and Yücel, G. (2019). Ani Yağışlar
ve Su Baskını Riski Altındaki Tarihi Yapılar
İstanbul Tarihi Yarımada: Ahi Çelebi Camisi,
Academic Perspective Procedia, 2, pp. 172–
181. (In Turkish).
Issue briefs
Research fieldwork in the historical peninsula of Istanbul, Turkey. Credit: Nejan Huvaj.
Issue 5.
Heritage is a resource for
coping with climate change as
well as being threatened by it
Issue briefs
Mike Cranga and Zahra Hussainb
a Professor of Geography, Durham University;
b Founder, chartered architect, Laajverd,
Fragile heritage ecologies: vernacular
cultures and the at-risk landscapes of the
Hindu-Kush-Himalaya mountain region,
Durham University (PI: Michael Crang)
Laajverd, University of Gilgit-Baltistan.
September 2020 – November 2022
Issue briefs
A woman wearing traditional dress sitting
on wall and looking at Hunza valley in
autumn season, Gilgit Baltistan in Pakistan,
Asia. Credit: Punnawit Suwattananun,
Problem statement and aims
As the terrible heatwave and then catastrophic
floods this year have made all too clear,
Pakistan is very vulnerable to the effects of
climate change. It is estimated to be the 7th
most vulnerable country in the world. Partly
this is because it hosts part of the Third Pole,
the greatest expanse of ice at low latitudes
(but high altitude) in the glaciers of the Hindu
Kush Himalaya and this is melting rapidly, with
a third to half likely to disappear this century.
The warming of this region is ahead of the
global and Northern Hemisphere averages. It
will lead to a tripling of the risk of Glacial Lake
Outburst Floods (GLOF) in the whole
Himalayas – and the Karakoram, Pamir and
western Himalaya ranges, which this project
works across, will be the regions with the
most substantial increase in GLOF hazard.
This creates both sudden floods and lack of
water in dry seasons. Indeed, changes in the
seasons themselves are causing shifts, including
lower rainfall that reduces grazing and fodder
crop possibilities, while earlier springs are
affecting fruit orchards and dominant tree
types are moving from willow to juniper.
Amidst this, the vernacular heritage and folk
culture of local peoples are largely overlooked.
They are remote from political power, and
indeed lack formal representation in democratic
structures. With different languages and
heritages of different folk religions from the
majority in the country, they are not seen as
positive agents to respond to change nor as
bearers of heritage practices. Their concerns
are often overlooked in favour of the
dramatic landscape shifts and threats to
charismatic megafauna.
Our research seeks to not only document the
complex and differentiated local heritages but
also to build capacity for local people to
create their own records of their heritage,
what it means and the legacies it shows.
We have used a participatory method of
community mapping and transects to explore
local knowledge of heritage and local narratives
and combined that with formal surveys and
physical analysis of the environment, aerial
surveys and analysis of the risks of climate
change-related flooding. Local people
identified key sites and were trained in
cataloguing and recording their characteristics.
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
Increase heritage awareness and encourage
recognition of both tangible and intangible
heritages to promote inclusive and
community-centred approaches to tourism.
Local crafts and folklore form an asset that
needs to be documented, reproduced and
developed as a resource for tourism. We
have provided templates for documenting
the practices and processes of craft-making
in textual/visual formats, and for training
community organizations to do likewise.
Likewise, conservation efforts and protection
of material heritage need to focus beyond
archaeological sites and celebrated heritage sites.
A network of community museums (open air
and heritage parks included) can be established
across the region where local communities
get a platform to showcase and narrate their
cultural practices and landscapes.
Issue briefs
Authenticity of cultural heritage must be
recognised and considered in any interventions
and new projects developed in a locality.
Local communities need to retain control of
the interpretation and significance of their
heritage. Developments in built form should
work in sympathy with the local vernacular
aesthetic but also ways of life and everyday
practice. Many developments are poorly
adapted to changing climate and the ways of
living in the region.
Validate local heritages and different
religious heritages.
Some religious heritage from pre-Muslim eras
is not only neglected but under threat of
vandalism. Local syncretic religious practices
and beliefs in the supernatural are not confined
to a few celebrated cultural sites but can be
appreciated more widely.
Crafts are tied up with the whole agricultural
system, which is altering due to climate change
and new transport connections. Craft skills
need developing to take advantage of new,
relatively high value opportunities, or local
producers risk being out-competed. Sustainable
livelihoods depend on evolving the products
in line with successful developments in other
parts of the wider Himalayan mountain region.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
There has thus far been very little or no
official support for local vernacular heritage.
Local bylaws on development need
amending to include heritage conservation
in urban developments.
There are multiple layers of heritage and
different values given to different heritages
by different parts of the community in the
region. Often, this means some are ignored
or neglected, or at worst actively destroyed.
Kalasha woman living in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya mountain region. Credit: Zahra Hussain.
Issue briefs
For culture and tourism departments
Regulate the influx of tourists in specific
valleys throughout the year via tourist
passes and permits.
Develop outdoor heritage parks and trails
to generate activities for tourists and
exhibit the local landscape.
Develop small marketplaces/ shops to
exhibit local crafts and cuisine in main and
side valleys. This must be operated in
partnership with the local community who
should derive the benefits from it.
Conduct training for local communities,
local support organisations (LSOs) and
other stakeholders in sustainable heritage
tourism practices.
For the Department of Archaeology
Conserve/ protect material heritage apart
from archaeological sites and celebrated
heritage sites.
Devise mechanisms for the documentation,
protection and conservation of immaterial/
intangible heritage.
The Fragile Heritage Economy (FHE)
framework can be adopted to inventory
tangible and intangible heritage assets.
Convert vernacular houses/structures into
guest houses/cultural centres through
proper adaptive re-use strategies.
Issue briefs
For local communities
Use the FHE framework as a tool for
documenting heritage assets and creating
personalised inventories.
Set up community-based heritage
Showcase local crafts and cuisine at
Document local cuisine.
Conduct story-telling sessions with
community elders for the awareness of
young children.
Conduct heritage walks with local children
and tourists.
The engagement of many local bodies
has been vital, we would especially thank
the KPK Department of Archaeology, the
University of Baltistan and the Baltistan
Culture and Development Foundation.
Hussain, Z. (2019). Integrating Cultural
Landscapes for Community Museum
Development: Architecture, Design,
Strategies. Museum International, 71(3-4),
Hussain, Z. (2019). Mapping the
Intangible: 'At Risk' Heritage Landscapes
in Northern Pakistan. In: Coningham,
R. and Lewer, N. (eds.). Archaeology,
Cultural Heritage Protection and
Community Engagement in South Asia.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 105–1119.
Hussain, Z. (2021). ‘Drawing in’ other
worlds: Addressing fragile heritage
landscapes through cosmopolitical maps.
Journal of Community Archaeology &
Heritage, 8(2), pp. 127–141.
Issue briefs
Image top: Kalasha street. Credit: Zahra Hussain.
Image left: Hindu-Kush-Himalays landscape and community members. Credit: Zahra Hussain.
Issue 6.
Noteworthy lessons on the
impact of climate change on
intangible cultural heritage
in Zimbabwe
Issue briefs
Nomalanga Mpofu Hamadziripia, Lesley
Machekab and Jacob Maparac
a Principal Investigator, Marondera University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology;
b Co-Investigator, Marondera University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology;
c Co-Investigator, Chinhoyi University of
Inventorying intangible cultural heritage
assets affected by Cyclone Idai in
Chimanimani, Chipinge and Buhera
districts in Zimbabwe, Marondera
University (PI: Nomalanga Hamadziripi)
Ministry of Youth, Arts, Sports and
Recreation; Zimbabwe National
Commission for UNESCO; Office of
Secretary for Provincial Affairs and
Devolution, Manicaland Province.
February 2021 – May 2022
Issue briefs
Aftermath Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth
in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, pictures of
affected villages taken from helicopter.
Credit: Miros, Adobe Stock
Problem statement and aims
Zimbabwe suffered the devastating effects of
Cyclone Idai in 2019 when lives were lost,
homes destroyed and livelihoods severely
affected. The devastation and loss caused by
Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe also affected the
intangible cultural heritage (ICH) assets of the
communities in the Chimanimani, Chipinge
and Buhera districts of Zimbabwe. These ICH
assets include oral traditions, performing arts,
social practices, indigenous rituals, kinship
systems and indigenous food systems. The
overall aim of the project was the recovery or
restoration of the ICH of the Cyclone Idai-
affected communities through inventorying
the ICH assets. This study is of urgency to
provide evidence-based information about
the ICH of these affected communities that is
useful for sustainable resilience, reconstruction
and relocation of those communities. ICH is
often damaged or destroyed in the aftermath
of a disaster due to insensitive conservation,
recovery and reconstruction, hence the project
inventoried the affected ICH for safeguarding.
The study used a mixed-methods approach.
Semi-structured and structured tools were
developed for the qualitative and quantitative
methods. The research tools were discussed
and pre-tested with the key stakeholders
during the stakeholder sensitisation meetings.
The interview guide was originally written in
English then translated into Shona. The
responses were given mostly in Shona or
Ndau as Chipinge and Chimanimani are Ndau-
speaking areas. The electronic questionnaire
contained the following sections: domains of
ICH; correlation between Cyclone Idai, ICH
and climate change; impact of the cyclone on
ICH, livelihoods and indigenous food systems;
psycho-social impacts of Cyclone Idai on
affected and non-affected communities.
Quantitative data was captured on an
android-based software called Kobo Toolbox,
a free platform for collecting humanitarian
and research data. With consent from the
participants, all interviews were recorded and
later transcribed.
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
Threat of climate change to intangible
cultural heritage.
Climate change-induced disasters, such as
Cyclone Idai, pose a severe threat to ICH
including oral traditions, performing arts,
social practices, indigenous rituals, kinship
systems and indigenous food systems. The
impact of climate change-induced disasters,
such as cyclones, affects intangible cultural
heritage assets including food production with
subsequent impact on food security. Lack of
maintenance and loss of traditional knowledge
have increased the vulnerability of cultural
heritage assets in many regions of the world.
Impact of Cyclone Idai on ICH
Cyclone Idai goes down in history as one of
the foulest tropical cyclones on record to
affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere
(Yuhas, 2019). It affected close to 2.2 million
people in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi
(World Vision, 2019). The findings reveal that
Cyclone Idai caused considerable impact on
ICH, including indigenous food systems and
livelihoods. The other findings were that
burial and mourning practices were breached,
as well as the associated rituals and social
relationships. The findings also revealed that
while there was considerable impact on ICH,
some practices were already waning before
the cyclone and the cyclone simply accelerated
their loss. Another interesting finding was that
Issue briefs
Peacock area in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. Cyclone Idai destroyed what was once a built-up and vibrant
business centre where a number of traditional ceremonies were held by the local and traditional
leadership. The ICH was destroyed with the place… the bricks are what remain. Credit: Dr Lesley Macheka.
Issue briefs
the cyclone has caused some ‘forgotten’
practices to re-emerge, for example, the
practice of performing traditional rituals
before the onset of the rain. The latter finding
was buttressed in the narratives where
people strongly believe that the shunning of
traditional practices can be the reason why
the misfortune struck.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
Climate-induced natural disasters such as
cyclones have an impact on ICH. In the case of
Cyclone Idai, the following lessons were learnt:
The impact of climate change on ICH is
under-researched and, in most cases,
undocumented, especially in Southern
Africa. Moreover, there is little to no
literature from Southern Africa on the
impacts of climate-induced natural
disasters on ICH.
The impact of Cyclone Idai on ICH was
multidimensional and all the UNESCO
domains of ICH were affected. These
domains include oral traditions, performing
arts, social practices, indigenous rituals,
kinship systems.
There is a need to mainstream indigenous
weather forecasting systems into risk
reduction frameworks such as the United
Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster
Risk Reduction.
For government
Mainstream ICH in disaster risk management
and response protocols that focus on
supporting culturally sensitive actions based
on context-specific needs of communities.
This means using indigenous knowledge
and providing platforms for communities
to collect, report and use local knowledge
to mitigate and manage disasters.
Issue briefs
Strengthen the roles and responsibilities of
local leaders in emergency response
protocols – especially in contexts where
national disasters are declared.
Revise the mandatory moratorium on
declaring death in emergency contexts.
The current government stipulation/law of
waiting for five years does not allow
closure and healing for survivors.
Increase awareness of ICH in disaster risk
management institutions. More training is
required for both government and non-
government actors in the need to
mainstream ICH in disaster risk management.
For departments of health and civic society
Psychosocial support should be prioritised
for different groups of people who were
directly or indirectly affected by Cylcone
Idai, i.e. victims, first responders, traditional
leaders and host communities, so that
they understand those being relocated in
their spaces.
For civil protection and researchers
Develop a resource manual on safeguarding
and mobilising ICH in disaster contexts.
This research project was supported
by the Arts and Humanities Research
Council, which is part of UK Research
and Innovation [grant number: AH/
V0 06 43 6/ 1].
The research team would also like
to acknowledge the support they
received from their respective
institutions, Marondera University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology
and Chinhoyi University of Technology.
The research team is also indebted
to the two research assistants, Ms
Vimbainashe Dembedza and Ms Pamela
World Vision, (2019). 2019 Cyclone Idai:
Facts, FAQs, and how to help.
Yuhas, A. (2019). Cyclone Idai May Be
'One of the Worst' Disasters in the
Southern Hemisphere. Article from New
York Times, 19 March 2019.
Issue briefs
Cyclone Idai killed hundreds of people and destroyed infrastructure and crops in
Chimanimani Zimbabwe. Credit: Steve Mathambo Ngoma, Shutterstock
Issue 7.
Multiple facets of traditional
land management systems
crucial to evaluate effects on
a single issue such as adapting
to a changing climate
Issue briefs
Alan Forresta, Julian Jansen van Rensburgb,
Soqotra Heritage Projectc
a Biodiversity Scientist, Centre for Middle
Eastern Plants, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh;
b Research Associate, Royal Botanic Garden
c Soqotra Heritage Project, Soqotra, Yemen.
Mitigating climate change effects through
traditional land management practices,
Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh (PI:
Alan Forrest)
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE);
University of Edinburgh (UoE); General
Organization for Antiquities and
Museums, Yemen (GOAM); Arab Regional
Centre for World Heritage (ARC-WH).
October 2020 – December 2022
Issue briefs
Diqelwel leem, Modified natural depression
for water collection and storage in remote
arid landscape on Soqotra.
Credit: Julian Jansen van Rensburg.
Problem statement and aims
The Soqotra Archipelago has long been
renowned for its natural heritage and was
inscribed in the World Heritage List in 2008
for its unique and rich biodiversity. The
cultural heritage of Soqotra, however, has
been little studied despite the demonstrated
value placed by the Soqotri people on the
links between natural and cultural heritage –
links that have been almost totally ignored in
formal conservation programmes.
Within living memory, the people of Soqotra
have relied on their traditional knowledge
systems to manage their livestock and survive
in periods of extreme weather conditions – a
traditional knowledge that is being lost as
development proceeds and young people are
less interested in their traditional ways of life.
These traditional knowledge systems have
evolved over millennia to cope with the
extreme and unpredictable weather patterns
and may hold some answers as to how
climate change can be adapted to locally. The
current practitioners are the last of a
generation with the knowledge from which
we can learn, lending an urgency to the
collection of this knowledge.
The aim of the project is to better understand
whether the linkages between climate and a
traditional way of life have contemporary
relevance, and to propose recommendations
to a range of stakeholders as conservation
practices on Soqotra are revised in the face
of climate change.
To capture contemporary views and practices
and community perception of changing
climate and land management, a series of
questions we prepared for a diverse array of
communities on Soqotra that could be
compared with historical knowledge and
similar interviews undertaken in the 1990s
and 2000s.
Local climate station data has been compared
to re-analysed regional ERA5 data to give a
picture of changes in regional climate since
the 1980s and to compare this with
community perceptions of climate change
and extreme weather events.
Following initial results further exploration of
the value of animals, and how this may be
adapted to bring about sustainable climate-
proof systems, is ongoing.
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
The climate of Soqotra and the western
Indian Ocean
The climate of Soqotra is complex and varies
over short distances based upon a variety of
local and regional influences. Little is known
about the changing climate in the western
Indian Ocean and its potential effects on
Soqotra. ERA5 data was used to examine and
address this in the light of (a) community
perception of the changing climate, and (b)
the detection of trends since 1980 and
projection into the future. It was NOT the
intention to apply broad scale regional data
to topographically influenced modelling on a
small island.
While a trend of increased precipitation can
be seen, this is strongly influenced by a small
number of extreme events in recent years
that could have occurred by chance. Even so
this has implications for water availability and
storage in a complex island system dominated
by a karstic landscape. It is also clear that a
Issue briefs
full appreciation of water availability and
recharge is still lacking, including the relevance
of fog in terms of both plant growth and
water availability.
Contemporary value of traditional land-use
management practices
In the east of Soqotra, traditional herding and
transhumance are still practised to a large
extent. In this area, the largest family expense
is food for the family, followed by animal feed.
In the south, where these traditions are rarely
practiced, the biggest expense is supplementary
animal feed. In drought years, the cost of this
supplementary feed can plunge families into
debt. Moreover, in drought years these
communities no longer know where to access
traditional water sources or store/use it
sustainably, which can result in great hardship.
People are gathering less fodder and spend
less time herding and managing animals.
Those that are moving their animals to
different areas are doing so primarily because
they cannot afford supplementary feed in
times of drought.
Until all facets of animal management are
coordinated in a systematic approach it will
not be possible to implement sustainable
solutions to these connected issues.
The wall system of Soqotra. Soqotra is covered by a network of wall systems – no longer maintained
– that are interpreted as land and water management systems in a karstic landscape.
Credit: Julian Jansen van Rensburg.
Issue briefs
Re-evaluation of the drivers of traditional
land-use scenarios
The main driver of traditional land-use
practices was the management of animals, as
these gave fundamental products such as
meat, milk and wool. This is no longer the
case: food and drink are purchased (as seen
from this being the largest cost to families in
many areas) and cloth is imported. Therefore,
in order to manage animals in a way that is
more sustainable and in tune with a varied
and changing environment the animals must
attain added value.
This is being addressed through more detailed
interviews with a subset of communities to
address animal value and associated sustainable
land management. These will also consider
societal impacts, such as long-term grazing,
accommodation while herding, and the
requirements of communities in a
development scenario.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
Study limitations: climate data. The island is
so topographically diverse that accurately
predicting future climate scenarios over
extremely small spatial scales is
methodologically problematic and potentially
irrelevant: the likelihood of a range of
small-scale local interventions being
proposed, implemented and monitored is
low due to a lack of resources and capacity.
This is compounded by a lack of knowledge
of certain components (water catchment
and use, land tenure, etc). This is a result of
cost/benefit considerations: it is hard to
justify a large amount of resources to propose
solutions for a small, isolated and potentially
unique cultural and geographical system.
It is clear that land management practices,
animal husbandry, water storage and access
solutions have changed over the last
decades, but in different ways in different
communities. There is a challenge to design
and implement solutions island-wide in a
sustainable way. Direct comparison with a
range of additional island systems would
be of value to share experiences.
There are many external actors on Soqotra
and it has become clear that (a) local
community requirements are not being
addressed systematically and (b) fundamental
requirements such as Environmental Impact
Assessments (EIAs) are not being applied.
Systematic planning is not being undertaken
and the application of sustainable resources
is not being addressed. The voices of local
communities and actors on Soqotra are
not being heard: external actors and
finances have a strong influence in both a
political and a scientific context.
For United Nations member states
Insist on long-term sustainable solutions
that are resource-enabled and monitored
while retaining flexibility across diverse
Issue briefs
Soqotra Community Interviews. Members of
the project team interviewing community
members about their traditional land
management practices and how it relates to
their knowledge of local climate. Credit:
Soqotra Heritage Project.
landscapes and in rapidly changing
development scenarios;
Listen to the voices and experiences of
communities alongside – not instead of –
reliance on externally funded and analysed
scientific data.
For United Nations agencies
Examine funding and support activities
that take into account all sectors of society
and subject areas, e.g. on Soqotra there
has been an exclusive focus on biodiversity
while ignoring cultural heritage, and of
promoting humanitarian assistance without
considering biodiversity or cultural
heritage in implementation;
Ensure all United Nations agency-funded
activities follow best practice, e.g. when
considering humanitarian responses consider
EIA, heritage value and conservation,
sustainability rather than focusing on a
single short-term solution;
Even where external resources are required,
ensure local direction, implementation and
management with a focus on developing
sustainable income streams decoupled
from external sources.
For civil society and the private sector
Civil society and private sector bodies
based on Soqotra have little involvement
in heritage conservation and planning
– this requires examination prior to
recommendations for a more inclusive
Demonstrate best practice in project
implementation as an example to all actors
and agencies.
Thank you to the people of Soqotra who
allowed the SHP team into their homes
and lives to gather the data that was used
in this report.
None cited.
Issue briefs
Image left: Dragon Blood tree felled by recent
cyclones on Soqotra, impacting livelihoods and the
traditional knowledge used to manage natural
resources. Credit: Soqotra Heritage Project.
Image right: Members of the Project Team in transit
to community interviews, through an arid landscape
resources. Credit: Soqotra Heritage Project.
Issue 8.
A participatory approach
to mapping, measuring and
mobilising cultural heritage
in Brazil’s Iron Quadrangle
Issue briefs
Paul Heritagea, Leandro Valiatib, Gustavo Möller c,
Natália Nunes Aguiard and Karina Pietro Biasi Ruize
ª Professor of Drama and Performance and
Director of People’s Palace Projects, Queen
Mary, University of London, United Kingdom;
b Lecturer in Arts and Cultural Management,
The University of Manchester;
c Project Manager and research assistant at
People’s Palace Projects do Brasil;
d Research Assistant at People’s Palace Projects
do Brasil;
e Research Assistant at People’s Palace Projects
do Brasil.
Roots of resilience (ROR), Queen Mary,
University of London (PI: Paul Heritage)
Inhotim Institute (Brazil); Corporação
Musical Banda São Sebastião (Brazil);
Casa Quilombê (Brazil); Fundação
Cultural Carlos Drummond de Andrade
(Brazil); Grupo Atrás do Pano (Brazil);
and Associação Cultural Clube Osquindô
July 2020 – December 2022
Issue briefs
Young trombonist Letícia Rafaelli de
Oliveira Fernandes playing in a deactivated
mine in the city of Mariana, Minas Gerais,
Brazil. Credit: People’s Palace Projects.
Problem statement and aims
The roots of resilience (ROR) research
project addresses an acute threat to Brazilian
cultural heritage: the imminent risk in Brazil's
Iron Quadrangle from catastrophic natural
and humanitarian disasters resulting from
industrial mining. The Iron Quadrangle is a
region of rich cultural, environmental and
historical value but also the site of Brazil's
largest iron ore reserves. Despite the unique
cultural significance of Brazil's Iron Quadrangle,
there has been no systematic research to
measure the impact of recent disasters on
the region's cultural heritage or on the lives
of local communities: two major landslip and
flood events in 2015 and 2019 resulted in the
loss of almost 300 lives and wreaked
environmental devastation along a 1000km
watershed. The project’s aim is to contribute
to the development of community-based
research practices that will strengthen the
integration of cultural heritage sustainability
into national disaster and risk reduction
strategies in Brazil.
ROR used the ‘Relative Values’ (Arts and
Humanities Research Council-funded research
project) methodology, developed by People’s
Palace Projects (PPP) to evaluate the socio-
economic impacts of cultural organisations in
a participatory and co-created way. To
understand the context of the participating
organisations, their actions and impacts on
their audience, and to develop a hazard
perception diagnosis, we use secondary and
primary data collected through 489 survey
questionnaires administered with organisations’
target audience, beneficiaries and local
networks, and 15 semi-structured interviews
conducted with two or three members from
each organisation, all analysed combining
quantitative and qualitative methods. Local
partners were engaged at every stage of the
research development, delivery and
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
Socio-economic impacts of partner
The data collected has demonstrated the role
cultural organisations play in promoting well-
being for their communities as well as their
members and/or employees, especially in
times of crisis. These organisations promote
the development of interpersonal and
professional skills and position the cultural
and educational sectors as a means of
employment and income generation, offering
an alternative to the mining-dependent
production chain that dominates opportunities
for the inhabitants of the Iron Quadrangle.
They also produce important connections
between communities and territory, history,
culture and local cultural heritage, all of which
are considered fundamental to heritage
preservation, in the transmission of practices
and traditions as well as in generating investment.
Hazard perception diagnosis
Amongst the environmental threats noted by
respondents, the rupture of new tailings dams
is the most feared. However, survey
respondents are also highly concerned about
the exploitation of natural resources and
other threats that are predominantly under
the control and influence of public authorities.
Dialogue between communities and public
authorities was highlighted as critical in
ensuring the implementation of policies to
preserve cultural and environmental heritage
and to contain climate change. The research
has highlighted that mining, despite its
Issue briefs
economic importance, should be managed
according to the precautionary principle to
reduce its negative impact on human lives
and the environment.
Co-creating inventories of the Iron
Quadrangle’s heritage
Our partner organisations took part in
immersive arts workshops and training
sessions that allowed them to co-create
inventories of their cultural practices and
assets. This data, these stories and this
cultural knowledge are now available to local
teachers, policymakers and local authorities,
to help establish what role cultural heritage
can have as part of a process of transformation,
resilience and regeneration.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
Cultural heritage is a tool to build capacity
and resilience in local communities facing
environmental disasters and climate change.
Disasters are not natural: it is essential to
develop and strengthen a culture of risk
reduction and disaster prevention.
Climate change increases the existing risks
that mineral exploitation places on
communities and on cultural and natural
heritage in the Iron Quadrangle.
Thiago SKP (right) – Rap artist from Itabira – performing his song Quanto vale? written as part of the
research for Roots of Resilience. Thiago's performance was part of a public seminar at the theatre of
the Carlos Drummond de Andrade Foundation. The graffiti by Derio Di Carvalho (left) represents the
song’s lyrics. Credit: People’s Palace Projects.
Issue briefs
For United Nations (UN) member states and
international agencies
Recognise culture as a human right,
integrating a cultural dimension in risk
prevention and impact mitigation planning.
Support and expand research around the
impact of disasters and climate change on
local and regional cultural heritage.
Include local cultural knowledge and
practices in risk management and impact
mitigation planning.
For regional and local stakeholders
Support and expand research around the
impact of disasters and climate change on
local and regional cultural heritage.
Value the knowledge and cultural practices
of local communities to preserve cultural
and natural heritage.
Mobilise local and regional stakeholders,
organisations and the creative sector to
define priorities and seek collaborative
solutions to the current natural and
manmade challenges.
Issue briefs
Mining landscape in the city of Itabira, place of origin of the Vale company. Credit: People’s Palace Projects.
For Iron Quadrangle’s public stakeholders
Foster the region’s creative economy
through municipal and/or regional policies,
recognising the socio-economic
importance of local cultural heritage in the
Iron Quadrangle and its potential to
diversify the local economy.
Strengthen participatory bodies, engaging
local communities to support cultural
management and governance in risk
Establish an educational programme for
young people that can help to raise
awareness about the importance of
cultural heritage in the region and the
impact of climate and environmental
disasters there.
Inhotim Institute (Brazil), Corporação
Musical Banda São Sebastião (Brazil), Casa
Quilombê (Brazil), Fundação Cultural
Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Brazil),
Grupo Atrás do Pano (Brazil), Associação
Cultural Clube Osquindô (Brazil) and
Jurema Machado (consultant).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. (2021). Climate Change 2021: the
Physical Science Basis. Summary for
Policymakers. Geneva: IPCC.
Secretary of State for Environment and
Sustainable Development (SEMAD).
(2021). Diagnóstico ambiental do Estado de
Minas Gerais: suporte para o planejamento
anual das fiscalizações ambientais. Belo
Horizonte: SEMAD.
Furtado, J. (2015). Mobilização comunitária
para a redução de riscos de desastres.
Florianópolis: CEPED UFSC.
Campos, L. and Corrêa, S. (2021). Políticas
públicas de gestão de risco ao Patrimônio
Cultural frente aos efeitos das mudanças
climáticas, Habitus, 19(1), pp. 78–92.
Wisnik, J. M. (2018). Maquinação do
Mundo: Drummond e a Mineração. São
Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
Issue briefs
Mining landscape in the city of Itabira, place of origin of the Vale company. Credit: People’s Palace Projects.
Issue 9.
Understanding climate
vulnerability and promoting
adaptation planning by
improving preparedness
measures for African
cultural heritage sites and
Issue briefs
Dr Will Megarrya, Dr Albino Jopelab, Prof Jane
Downesc, Dr Ewan Hyslopd, Dr Scott Herone and
Dr Jon Dayf
a Principal Investigator, School of Natural and
Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast, UK;
b Co-Investigator, African World Heritage Fund,
Midrand, South Africa;
c Co-Investigator, Archaeology Institute,
University of the Highlands and Islands, UK;
d Co-Investigator, Historic Environment
Scotland, UK;
e Project Partners, James Cook University,
Townsville, Australia.
Values-based climate change risk
assessment: piloting the Climate
Vulnerability Index for cultural heritage in
Africa (also cited as CVI Africa), Queen’s
University of Belfast (PI: William Megarry)
Tanzanian Wildlife Authority (Tanzania),
Union of Concerned Scientists (USA),
International Council on Monuments and
Sites (France), The Climate Heritage
Network, Historic England (UK),
International National Trusts Organisation
(UK), ICOMOS Nigeria (Nigeria),
American University of Yola (Nigeria),
National Museums Tanzania (Tanzania).
November 2020 – August 2022
Issue briefs
World heritage site, the oldest Standing
Mosque Kilwa Kisiwani. Credit: Mbwana,
Adobe Stock.
Problem statement and aims
In many regions of Africa the risks from
climate change are pronounced, as temperature
increases in these regions are projected to be
higher than the global mean increase. These
risks have been starkly illustrated in numerous
recent reports, which show that Africa – and
its heritage – are particularly vulnerable. How
those who care for cultural heritage respond
to these threats has profound implications for
the wider culture and development of many
countries. The CVI Africa project has improved
preparedness measures for African cultural
heritage sites and communities by embedding
vulnerability assessment into heritage
practice, investing in the time-critical need to
put cultural heritage onto a new pathway for
longer-term resilience-building and change
management processes. This has been
particularly important in light of the current
and anticipated impacts of climate change
and natural disasters.
The CVI Africa project has two key steps.
First, it provided remotely delivered
foundational training to a cohort of eight
African heritage professionals in climate
vulnerability assessment of cultural heritage
sites. This course included modules on World
Heritage, climate science, values mapping and
vulnerability assessment techniques. Secondly,
it embedded this learning by organising and
running hands-on workshops at two World
Heritage properties in Tanzania (The Ruins of
Kilwa Kisiwani and Ruins of Songo Mnara) and
Nigeria (The Sukur Cultural Landscape). These
workshops use an established approach
called the climate vulnerability index (Day et
al., 2020). These workshops were science-
driven and community-led, focusing on local
concerns and assessing vulnerability based on
input from local stakeholders on values and
adaptive capacities. Hybrid formats also
allowed for wider participation and engagement.
These results provided an assessment of both
CVI Consult rapid assessment of OUV vulnerability table.
Issue briefs
heritage and socio-economic vulnerability at
both properties as well as an assessment of
the utility of the technique within an African
context (Day et al., 2022, Heron et al., 2022).
Core themes, project achievements
and research findings
The need for increased training to boost the
preparedness of heritage professionals in
Africa and globally.
There is a time-critical need to improve
preparedness measures for African cultural
heritage sites and communities. Traditionally,
the heritage sector has been reactive to
global challenges; however, by putting cultural
heritage onto a new pathway for longer-term
resilience-building and change management
processes, in the light of the current and
anticipated impacts of climate change and
natural disasters, there is an opportunity to
be proactive in our response to climate
change. Its impacts are increasing at an
alarming rate and there is an urgent need to
prepare heritage professionals to respond
effectively, especially in worst-affected countries.
The need for standardised, replicable yet
adaptable tools and methodologies to assess
the vulnerability of heritage sites and their
The International Council on Monuments and
Sites (ICOMOS) has noted that, “…climate
change has become one of the most significant
and fastest-growing threats to people and
their heritage worldwide…” (ICOMOS, 2017).
Climate change will affect, directly or indirectly,
all cultural heritage sites around the world.
These impacts will disproportionately affect
cultural heritage in the global south and in
Africa in particular. There is a critical need to
prepare sites and communities for this
impending threat, yet the heritage sector
lacks tools and methodologies to achieve this.
Vulnerability assessment tools are among the
most important as they lay the framework for
adaptation planning. The CVI Africa project
assessed the utility of the CVI technique in an
African context and illustrated the importance
of malleability in challenging environments
and contexts.
The importance of meaningful knowledge
exchange and capacity-building
Climate change is a geopolitical issue, which
will affect all heritage sites. From Stonetown
in Zanzibar to Stonehenge in the UK, the
experiences of heritage professionals with be
both different and similar. There is huge
benefit in sharing knowledge across borders
and cultures. Traditional models of knowledge
transfer have favoured top-down educational
pedagogies rather than more meaningful and
democratic knowledge exchange that benefits
all. Locally developed solutions may be place-
specific, but they may also be transferrable to
other sites and contexts. This will be especially
relevant in parts of the world with longer
histories of climate action and adaption.
Lessons learnt and study limitations
The utility of alternative educational
pedagogies to increase inclusion in
training, enabling participation from a wide
range of people.
The importance of taking a values-based
approach to vulnerability, working with
diverse stakeholders including the local
community, to identify a plurality of values,
which are not solely limited to built heritage.
The value of transdisciplinary approaches
that engage with climate science to use
downscaled climate models to explore climate
impacts on a local and site-specific scale.
Issue briefs
The equal importance of training local
heritage professionals to interpret, understand
and apply these models in practice.
The importance of co-creation and
dissemination (including translation,
authorship, acknowledging and respecting
other knowledge systems) when running
and delivering projects.
For policy review bodies and research
To fund projects that lead to, or continue
to build, meaningful and ongoing relationships
with research partners, avoiding potentially
exploitative short-term research.
To focus on working internationally to
develop new tools and methodologies that
are malleable, transferrable and inclusive in
their methodologies and application.
To encourage projects that prioritise
inclusion and accessibility, especially for
minority groups. This might include online
elements or adapting existing methods to
promote greater involvement.
The Cultural Vulnerability Index (CVI) framework to undertake the assessment of climate change
vulnerability of World Heritage property and associated communities. Credit: Day et al. 2019.
Issue briefs
For funding bodies
Research funding prioritises projects that
follow empirical methodologies and
deliverables representative of western
scientific knowledge systems. There is a
need to fund other approaches that respect
a plurality of knowledge systems including
local and indigenous knowledge. To achieve
this, there is a need to expand review
panels for funding calls to include a wider
range of reviewers from diverse backgrounds.
Money is power in research. This means
that western researchers remain in control
of research projects, making meaningful
co-creation difficult. There is a need to
include exceptions for international
research to make financing in-country
researchers easier, targeting less-represented
countries with fewer post-colonial links.
For national and international heritage bodies
To ensure that tools and methodologies
are transferrable, scalable, adaptable and
replicable at different site types and scales.
To facilitate and fund continual professional
development for staff to learn new tools
and methodologies to prepare for climate
impacts, and to build these mechanisms
into job descriptions.
To incorporate climate vulnerability
assessment into periodic reporting
mechanisms for all heritage sites and to
incorporate results into management
planning cycles.
To promote the inclusion of cultural heritage
into state and sectoral adaptation plans.
Sukur Cultural Landscape. DipoTayo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Issue briefs
The project would like to acknowledge the
communities from Kilwa Kisiwani and
Sukur for their support and engagement
throughout the process. The CVI-Africa
project was made possible through a
generous grant awarded by the UK Arts
and Humanities Research Council’s Global
Challenges Research Fund. The grant was
funded through a demonstration scheme
arranged by the UK Government
Department for Digital, Culture, Media &
Sport (DCMS). The scheme contributes to
the development of a longer-term UK
Overseas Development Assistance (ODA)
funded workstream, to respond effectively
to climate change impacts on cultural
heritage focused on developing countries.
Day J. C., Heron S. F., Markham A. (2020).
Assessing the climate vulnerability of
the world’s natural and cultural heritage,
Parks Stewardship Forum, 36, 144–153.
ICOMOS. (2019). The Future of Our Pasts:
Engaging cultural heritage in climate
action Outline of Climate Change and
Cultural Heritage. Paris: International
Council on Monuments and Sites.
Day, J. C., Heron, S. F. H., Odiaua, I.,
Downes, J., Itua, E., Lass, A. A., Ekwurzel,
B. and Sham, A. (2022). An application of
the Climate Vulnerability Index for the
Sukur Cultural Landscape. Project
Report. Abuja, Nigeria: ICOMOS Nigeria.
Day, J. C., Heron, Scott, F., Markham, A.,
Downes, J., Gibson, J., Hyslop, E., Jones,
R. and Lyall, A. (2019). Climate Risk
Assessment for the Heart of Neolithic
Orkney World Heritage Site.
Conference Volume. Edinburgh: Historic
Environment Scotland.
Heron, S. F., Day, J. D., Mbogelah, M.,
Bugumba, R., Abraham, E., Sadi, M. .,
Noah, P., Khamis, M. S., Madenge, S. and
Megarry, W. (2022). Application of the
Climate Vulnerability Index for the
Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and the Ruins
of Songo Mnara, Tanzania. Project
Report. CVI Africa Project, Dar es Salaam,
Heron, S. F., Day, J. D., Mbogelah, M.,
Bugumba, R., Abraham, E., Sadi, M. B.,
Noah, P., Khamis, M. S., Madenge, S.,
Megarry, W. and Sanjo Mafuru, S. (2022).
Matumizi ya Kiashiria cha Mabadiliko
ya Tabia-nchi kwa Magofu ya Kilwa
Kisiwani na Magofu ya Songo Mnara,
Tanzania [Application of the Climate
Vulnerability Index for the Ruins of Kilwa
Kisiwani and the Ruins of Songo Mnara,
Tanzania. Swahili translation]. Project
Report. CVI Africa Project, Dar es Salaam,
Issue briefs
Lessons learnt and
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Flood affected village in
Northern Bangladesh. Credit:
Abdul Momin, Adobe Stock.
This final section outlines the lessons that
have been learnt across the CHCC Cohort
and the recommendations for policymakers,
funding bodies in the arts and humanities,
researchers and practitioners working on
cultural heritage preservation, management
and enhancement for current and future
generations, as well as on climate change and
disaster risk preparedness and management.
Lessons and recommendations are derived
from best practices and challenges faced
over the 18-month funding period across all
nine projects, including new learnings and
opportunities from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Lessons learnt and recommendations
for policymakers, funding bodies,
researchers and practitioners
Rowan Jackson, Francesca Giliberto and Luba Pirgova-Morgan
The following lessons and
recommendations are covered in
this section:
Communicate to stakeholders through
language translation and data access;
Identify target audiences and stakeholders
for research and policy impact;
Promote holistic and integrated
frameworks in heritage research;
Develop active channels to co-design and
incorporate learnings into national and
local policymaking;
Decolonise funding models to make
research participants, particularly
indigenous and local communities,
empowered stakeholders;
Encourage flexible financing to support
investigators in collaborating countries;
Foster continuity within research
workstreams for more sustainable and
impactful research projects;
Learning from COVID-19 with respect to all
stages of the research process.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Lessons learnt
1. Communicate to stakeholders
with outputs that are translated
into multiple languages and in
accessible mediums.
The lack of translation of research outputs
into local languages and into mediums that all
stakeholders can gain access to is a consistent
challenge across academic research in the UK.
The literature on dissemination of research
findings is dominated by the health sciences
but literature in the humanities and social
sciences remains limited. Projects in this
workstream span a wide geographical area
with multiple languages locally and nationally.
Many of the communities covered, as well as
local policymakers, have limited access to
trusted information on issues such as climate
change impacts and adaptation and disaster
risk. Access to research outputs cannot be
taken for granted and the ethical imperative
to disseminate research findings could be
considered a social contract for researchers
in receipt of public funding (Castree, 2016). In
this context, particular attention needs to be
paid to bridging the ‘digital divide’ existing
between different geographical areas (north/
south, urban/rural) and communities as well
as between UK institutions and overseas
partners. This may include the distribution of
physical resources (e.g. internet data, digital
devices, etc.) if there is limited or no access to
the internet, and collaboration and buy-in
from individuals who can help translate
(culturally and linguistically) for local stakeholders.
2. Identify relevant audiences and
provide targeted, clear messages
to achieve greater impact.
Researchers have a vital role in bridging
between local groups, practitioners and
policymakers. They can help to identify
challenges facing local-scale cultural heritage
and opportunities to enhance local-scale
capacities in response to impacts of climate
change and natural disasters. However, there
is a tendency for academic researchers to
produce outputs that appeal to a niche or a
very general audience who can interpret and
apply findings to common issues or (research)
agendas (Barry and Born, 2013). As a result,
this approach has a greater application to
academic impact than impacts on policy and
practice, for example as part of the Research
Excellence Framework (REF). Identifying
relevant policymakers and practitioners at the
local and national levels, supporting their
engagement at all stages of the research project,
and communicating clear lessons based on
project findings, are all crucial to promoting
policy-relevant research. Moreover, the
safeguarding of cultural heritage in its
tangible and intangible forms requires the
sustained participation of multiple local,
national and – in many cases – international
actors. This requires not only buy-in but also
the recognition of ownership, particularly
among local groups.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
3. Promote holistic and integrated
frameworks in heritage research.
This AHRC call highlighted the importance of
‘integrated understandings of the local,
cultural and historic contexts of cultural
heritage’ and the need to engage with ‘local
knowledges, expertise and communities’
(AHRC, 2020: 7). In addition, the call
encouraged exploration of the challenges and
debates associated with cultural heritage (e.g.
what cultural heritage means in different
cultural contexts). Integrated frameworks that
are built upon a critical study of cultural
heritage in its local, placed context provided
sufficient flexibility for each research project
to challenge the conventions of normative
(e.g. off-the-shelf) risk assessments that have
a disproportionate focus on impacts on the
material fabric of cultural heritage sites.
Across the project groups, a diverse range of
heritages emerged and a range of existing
and new risk tools provide a novel –
transferrable – means of studying climate
change and disaster impacts and adaptation.
More holistic approaches to heritage and the
development of vulnerability and risk
assessments may include in-depth studies
that focus on local cultural values and the
entanglement of natural and cultural heritage
(see for example Barnes et al., 2013). This in-
depth approach was utilised for example in
the CRITICAL project, which includes a study
that questioned how we define risk in analyses
of climate impacts on cultural heritage (Crowley
et al., 2022). In this context, it is important to
develop approaches able to overcome the
nature-culture dichotomy, often not recognised
by indigenous and local communities, in the
understanding of the complex interface
between climate impacts and adaptation. For
this reason, a standard risk assessment tool
would not adequately capture the interface
between local values, held by indigenous
groups, and climate change impacts that pose
risks to their lifeways. Moreover, institutional
partnerships between academia, NGOs and
governmental institutions will support a
better integration of heritage research into
climate change and disaster risk management
policy frameworks and practical actions.
4. Develop flexible financing and
research management to support
investigators in collaborating
countries outside the United Kingdom.
Flexible financing and resource management
from funding councils, where collaborating
countries outside the UK have greater
autonomy over the direction of the research
project, could support researchers in LMICs
and provide new and insightful directions to
research workstreams and policy. The findings
discussed in this report have shown how
giving more project ownership and data
collection responsibility to local partners has
positively influenced the projects’ success.
This process has also been boosted by the
outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which,
with international flight restrictions and
national lockdowns, limited opportunities for
UK researchers to conduct fieldwork and on-
the-ground research. Additionally, the
COVID-19 health crisis has encouraged the
development of new or additional resources
(e.g. long-term training materials), often with
the purpose of sharing those with local
partners. While the pandemic has supported
the reallocation of research funds across
projects to support local collaborators and
provide them additional autonomy in the
research direction at local levels, it is still
urgent to redistribute research funding to
give greater autonomy and responsibility to
investigators in LMICs for the implementation
of equitable partnerships.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
5. Decolonise funding models to
make research participants
empowered stakeholders.
Funding models in the UK support dominant
modes of thinking and research trends that
are conducive to the Western academy. This
could stifle originality and the ability of co-
investigators and research participants in
LMICs to direct the research agenda.
Decolonising funding models and research
practices should develop a participant-centred
model that gives financial resources and
control over the direction of funded projects.
Such models should go beyond the hyperbole
of transdisciplinary research, where research
participants hold sway over the direction of
the research project, to empower their own
decisions about what the focus of the project
should be and how theory is used to guide
and frame research subjects.
Decolonising funding models should recognise
the political and economic question
underpinning all research: who gets what?
This is an inherently challenging question that
those who draft research calls and principal
investigators have power to address. National
funding councils will necessarily support
research excellence in home institutions, but
financial arrangements can be rigid and create
barriers to funding that departs from western
orthodoxy and forms of payment. For
knowledge exchange to be equitable, research
partners in LMICs need to hold equal power
and control over research finances.
6. Continuity and flexibility within
research workstreams for sustainable
and impactful research on cultural
heritage in the context of climate
change and disasters.
Establishing trust relationships between UK
institutions, researchers and local partners
requires long-term engagement and a deep
understanding of local realities. This process
is only possible with sustained funding, which
is a significant challenge for international
research collaborations. Without sustained
funding over multi-year funding cycles, there
will be a lack of follow-through on the
learnings from projects studying climate and
disaster impacts on cultural heritage. Funding
flexibility is another key aspect in this context.
The AHRC's flexible approach to funding and
project duration during the pandemic, for
instance, has been of great support to the
effective achievement of the projects’ outcomes
during these challenging times.
As highlighted in the 2019 Futures of Our Past
report by ICOMOS, the safeguarding of cultural
heritage – both tangible and intangible –
necessitates ongoing monitoring and support
at the local scale. For research funding, this
means a continuity within workstreams that
maintains focus on core priorities, such as risk
assessment and supporting local capacities to
adapt to change, while building in new
research insights to inform new research and
policy priorities.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
An african carpenter during work takes
a board of wood to be cut. Credit:
Media Lens King, Adobe Stock.
7. Develop active channels to co-
design and incorporate learnings
into national policymaking.
Making space for active participation in, and
delivery of, project recommendations could
help shape more impactful recommendations
on cultural heritage management in the
context of climate change and disasters. In a
review of ‘how to’ guides on policy impact,
Cairney and Oliver (2020) warn of the bias
towards ‘heroic scientists’ overcoming odds
and highlight the uneven incentives,
opportunities and payoffs at the science-
policy interface, particularly for underrepresented
groups. Opportunities to work with policymakers
to communicate and incorporate learnings
from local research participants (who are
often not recognised as the experts they are)
into policy would provide a more transparent
and inclusive interface between academic
research and policymaking.
Developing a strong community of practice
between the diverse networks that make up
the cultural heritage sector requires financial
support to connect and sustain knowledge
exchange and influence policymaking. The
projects funded in this call comprise
collaborations between academics from a
range of disciplines, practitioners, arts
organisations and policymakers with important
contributions to, and stakes in, the safeguarding
of cultural and natural heritage. All projects
underline the importance of sustained
funding to support multi- and transdisciplinary
projects to understand diverse representations
of heritage and develop novel methodological
toolkits to address and address risks created
by climate change and natural hazards.
8. Learning from COVID-19 with
respect to all stages of the research
The pandemic encouraged researchers to
transform the research design of the projects.
COVID-19, for many, presented as an
opportunity to redefine the projects in a
more flexible, adaptive manner that better
corresponded to the changing pandemic
context. New research designs were less rigid
and encouraged additional knowledge
exchange with local partners. COVID-19
brought about a change in perspective
regarding contingency planning. With human
and travel restrictions in place, contingency
plans became essential to guarantee the
effective use of research funding for the
completion of projects’ goals.
COVID-19 impacted research practices,
including their methodologies. With a process
of shifting the data collection into the hands
of local partners, for example, additional
training has constituted an essential part of
research designs and should be taken into
consideration in the definition of the new
project methodologies.
Not all changes to project research designs,
communications, and practice will remain
after COVID. The cohort argued that, in some
cases, COVID brought about the finding of
'clumsy solutions' rather than 'elegant failures’.
These solutions are not ones that will remain
as part of research practice, but they could
contribute to a general change of perspectives
as to how we approach research in the first
place. Therefore, these nine projects and their
experiences constitute important lessons we
can learn from, not just in relation to COVID-19
but also for future pandemics, disasters or
other challenging contexts.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
This final section provides a selection of
recommendations to policymakers engaged in
safeguarding cultural heritage and supporting
international development, including climate
change adaptation and disaster relief.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
1. Recognise the existence of
multiple heritage assets and their
significance for diverse communities,
and mainstream them in disaster
risk management, climate adaptation
strategies and response protocols.
A comprehensive understanding of cultural
heritage in all its components – tangible and
intangible, cultural and natural – and their
interconnections constitutes the first critical
step for their effective safeguarding over time.
In this context, local populations must be
involved in the recognition and interpretation
of heritage assets and values to promote
inclusive approaches, while also increasing
awareness of multiple heritage narratives.
2. International development
funding should support local
groups, especially minority groups,
to make their own decisions.
Empowering communities to make decisions
about their own heritage is essential to protecting
the diverse and changing expressions of cultural
and natural heritage that are threatened by
climate change and natural disasters.
Policymakers should prioritise inclusion and
accessibility and allocate funding to support
local-scale capacity building that is sensitive
to local cultural traditions by putting decision-
making in the hands of local stakeholders. A
wider challenge is to roll out a sustainable
financial model for engaging local stakeholders
and developing a legacy through active and
sustained engagement.
3. Open access datasets are needed
to support local-scale capacity
Local heritage organisations and local and
national governments in LMICs need access
to datasets to assess risks to their cultural
heritage assets. Making project data from UK
research councils available to relevant
stakeholders requires: (1) translation into local
languages, (2) recognition of different cultures
of knowledge production in professional,
academic and government spaces, and (3)
different levels of access to online and public
information. Dissemination of research
findings should therefore include active
collaboration with relevant stakeholders to
provide accessible and trustworthy datasets
that can be used to conserve cultural heritage.
4. Constructing effective networks
of stakeholders whose values
influence the assessment and
management of risks to cultural
heritage should start from the
This will foster a more inclusive research and
management culture for safeguarding cultural
heritage in anticipation of (and in response
to) the impacts of climate change and natural
hazards. Breaking down the silos between
different academic disciplines, policy
departments and professional sectors is
required to overcome the lack of
communication across different actors and,
therefore, the development of more
integrated and interdisciplinary solutions.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Ruins of Mtoni palace in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Credit: olyasolodenko, Adobe Stock.
5. Understanding risk to cultural
heritage requires an effective
dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
To achieve this dialogue, local interest groups
should be identified, included and empowered
to make decisions about the research focus
(i.e. what are the research questions?), the
characterisation of cultural heritage (i.e. what
is cultural heritage?) and what is at risk (i.e.
what is of value to interest groups?).
Moreover, the role of local leaders should
also be strengthened in emergency response
to make sure that policy measures and
protocols are implemented on the ground by
local communities.
6. Invest in education and outreach
following cultural heritage research
Impact through accessible education
resources and public outreach should be a
legacy of public funding. Financial resources
should be allocated for online and in-person
education and training resources about
managing cultural heritage in the context of
climate and natural hazard risks. Several
projects in this report developed online
platforms and in-person workshops to share
diverse knowledge and skills relating to
cultural heritage values and the impacts of
climate and disaster impacts.
7. Support organisations that
engage communities in creative
arts, crafts and traditional
practices to foster climate action.
Creative arts and cultural heritage
organisations play an essential role in
expression, identity and recognition, especially
in disempowered groups who are vulnerable
to climate change and natural hazards.
8. Fund successful projects over
multi-year cycles to create impact.
Identify successful projects and continue to
resource collaborations with partners in
LMICs. This will create a more impactful
legacy for the project and contribute to
capacity-building through the identification of
risks to – and continued monitoring of –
cultural heritage. There is also further
potential to work with governments and
NGOs to develop appropriate adaptation
action plans.
9. Design risk tools and
methodologies that can be used by
academics and heritage managers
Risk tools and methods need to be
transferable, scalable and adaptable between
national and cultural contexts to effectively
identify and respond to climate and disaster
impacts. This requires financial resources for
the following: (1) language translation services,
(2) engagement with local communities to
build trust, (3) knowledge exchange between
researchers and heritage managers, and (4)
open access education and training resources
that are available internationally.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). (2020). AHRC Global Challenges
Research Fund (GCRF) Urgency Grants highlight notice for Proposals Addressing Impacts
on Cultural Heritage resulting from Natural Disasters and Climate Change.
Barnes, J., Dove, M., Lahsen, M., Mathews, A., McElwee, P., McIntosh, R., Moore, F.,
O'reilly, J., Orlove, B., Puri, R. and Weiss, H. (2013). Contribution of anthropology to the
study of climate change. Nature Climate Change, 3(6), pp. 541–544.
Barry, A. and Born, G. (2013). Interdisciplinarity: reconfigurations of the social and
natural sciences. In: Barry, A. and Born, G. (eds). Interdisciplinarity. Reconfigurations of
the Social and Natural Sciences. London: Routledge, pp. 1–56.
Cairney, P. and Oliver, K. (2020). How should academics engage in policymaking to
achieve impact? Political Studies Review, 18(2), pp. 228–244.
Castree, N. (2016). Geography and the new social contract for global change research,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41(3), pp. 328–347.
Crowley, K., Jackson, R., O'connell, S., Karunarthna, D., Anantasari, E., Retnowati, A. and
Niemand, D. (2022). Cultural Heritage and risk assessments: Gaps, challenges and future
research directions for the inclusion of heritage within climate change adaptation and
disaster management, Journal of Climate Resilience and Sustainability, 1(3), e45. DOI:
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Lessons learnt and recommendations
Conclusions and
future research
Wooden dwellings in Rumbur valley, one of the
three valleys inhabited with Kalasha people located
in Chitral District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Credit: Анастасия Смирнова, Adobe Stock
Francesca Giliberto and Rowan Jackson
This report has provided a synthesis of the
achievements of cultural heritage projects
across LMICs in Asia, Africa and South America
to provide recommendations for funders and
policymakers in the UK. But it is also hoped that
the report outlines a roadmap and steps towards
wider synthesis and policy impact across publicly
funded research.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
The success of this synthesis has been possible
through an active community of practice
developed and supported by the AHRC and
DCMS between 2020 and 2022, and a series
of knowledge exchange activities organised
by the PRAXIS and CRITICAL projects. The
community of practice provided a space for
research challenges and opportunities to be
discussed during the COVID-19 public health
emergency and international restrictions. This
space also cultivated a venue for the two
workshops described in this report and
formed the basis for the nine issue briefs with
key findings and recommendations that are
relevant to a range of international policymakers
and heritage organisations including the UK
Government and research councils.
Despite the progress made by the projects of
the CHCC Cohort, there is still extensive work
needed to safeguard cultural heritage (both
tangible and intangible) from the impacts of
climate change and disasters. For example, a
key point that emerged from the cohort
discussions is the lack of younger generations’
involvement in the continuation of traditional
knowledge and cultural heritage practices,
which have proved to be significant resources
to tackle climate change. Future research
could therefore explore both how to better
utilise traditional heritage management
knowledge and practices in the context of
climate change and also how to enhance
youth involvement in this context by using
arts, culture and heritage.
Moreover, there is a further need to explore
the potentialities and criticalities of using
cultural heritage to adapt to climate change,
prevent disasters and mitigate possible
impacts. Future research can investigate the
effectiveness of cultural strategies and
practices implemented in different regions
worldwide, particularly those developed by
indigenous and local communities. In this
context, particular attention needs to be paid
to fill a gap between academic research and
current practices, which are often disconnected,
and to stimulate more collaborative work
between researchers, practitioners and local
communities to develop innovative solutions
and maximise impacts. Additional research is
also needed to highlight successful practices
that can be transferred and scaled in different
contexts, while respecting the peculiarities of
specific cultures and locations. In this
framework, the building of (online) platforms
with data related to cultural heritage, climate
change and disasters that are accessible to
worldwide researchers, practitioners and
policymakers could facilitate the sharing of
information and knowledge development.
This report highlights the opportunities that
cultural heritage research offers to
understanding disaster risk and climate
change impacts and adaptation. The hope is
that cultural heritage perspectives can
contribute to more equitable partnerships
with LMICs that recognise everyone’s stake in
the future of our past.
Iranian women waving Persian rugs in the carpet workshop in Naein, Iran. Credit: MehmetOZB,
Adobe Stock.
University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom
0113 243 1751
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Full-text available
Climate change is a major risk to World Heritage (WH) and many sites are already experiencing impacts from climate change related hazards. This report outlines the results of applying the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) to Sukur Cultural Landscape, a WH property in northeastern Nigeria. The CVI methodology is a technique to assess rapidly the vulnerability of cultural and natural WH by identifying realised and potential impacts of climate change to both Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the associated community.
Full-text available
Através da definição de conceitos chaves para a compreender a relação entre o campo do patrimônio cultural e os efeitos das mudanças climáticas, buscou se, no presente artigo, trazer reflexões sobre as peculiaridades, dificuldades e possibilidades relacionadas à criação de políticas públicas que garantam a salvaguarda dos bens culturais acautelados frente aos possíveis impactos provocados pelos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. Assim como partilhar os preceitos já utilizados nos instrumentos infralegais que configuram estruturalmente a forma como se dá a proteção atualmente, estabelecendo efeitos e restrições decorrentes. Finalizando com breves indicações de diretrizes que podem corroborar com a intersetorialidade na prevenção de desastres e na mitigação dos riscos decorrentes das mudanças climáticas
Full-text available
Climate change, as revealed by gradual changes in temperature, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, and wind intensity, as well as sea level rise and changes in the occurrence of extreme events, is already affecting cultural heritage sites. Accordingly, there is a rapidly increasing body of research reporting on the impacts of climatic stressors on cultural heritage and on the assessment of climate change impacts on cultural heritage assets. This review synthesizes the international literature on climate change impacts on tangible cultural heritage by developing hazard‐impact diagrams focusing on the impacts of gradual changes in climate on: (1) the cultural heritage exposed to the outside environment, (2) the interiors of historical buildings and their collections, and (3) a third diagram associated with climate change and the impacts due to sudden changes in the natural physical environment (e.g., storm surges, floods and landslides, wildfire) in addition to sea level rise, permafrost thawing, desertification and changes in the properties of the oceans. These diagrams, which depict the relationships between various stressors and their impacts on cultural heritage, will allow other researchers, stakeholders, and potentially decision makers to determine the potential impacts of climate change on a specific cultural heritage asset without a separate examination of the literature. This review thus provides the current state‐of‐the‐art on the impacts of climate change on the tangible, built heritage, that is, monuments, archeological sites, historical buildings, as well as their interiors and the collections they hold, highlights the limitations of previous research, and provides recommendations for further studies. This article is categorized under: Assessing Impacts of Climate Change > Evaluating Future Impacts of Climate Change
The idea of discipline opens up a nexus of meaning. Disciplines discipline disciples.1 A commitment to a discipline is a way of ensuring that certain disciplinary methods and concepts are used rigorously and that undisciplined and undisciplinary objects, methods and concepts are ruled out. By contrast, ideas of interdisciplinarity imply a variety of boundary transgressions, in which the disciplinary and disciplining rules, trainings and subjectivities given by existing knowledge corpuses are put aside. In this introduction we interrogate the current preoccupation with interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, in particular the ascendance in recent years of a particular discourse on interdisciplinarity where it is associated with a more generalised transformation in the relations between science, technology and society. We are therefore less concerned with interdisciplinarity in general than with the contemporary formation of interdisciplinarity: how it has come to be seen as a solution to a series of current problems, in particular the relations between science and society, the development of accountability, and the need to foster innovation in the knowledge economy. The present situation, we will suggest, can be understood as a problematisation: 2 the question of whether a given knowledge practice is too disciplinary, or interdisciplinary, or not disciplinary enough has become an issue and an object of enquiry for governments, funding agencies and researchers.
This article introduces the Special Issue on Risk Protection for Cultural Heritage and Historic Centres. The article starts by reviewing the gaps in knowledge and practice related to disaster risk management of cultural heritage. It then reviews the contributions to the Special Issue, focussing on their multi-disciplinary findings that address some of the referred gaps. Finally, the article proceeds to discuss, in more detail, certain topics related to disaster risk management and cultural heritage that should be targeted by future research, emphasizing specific issues that need to be addressed.
This paper builds on the argument that large-scale infrastructural development in remote communities poses a threat to their local heritage landscape. This is done not only through physical intervention in landscapes (through bridges, roads, pipelines or ports) but also through imaginaries projected about development that tends to re-label local landscapes as hotspots for development. This paper explores drawing as a medium to explore fragile-heritage landscapes through the stories, folklores and experiences of local communities within their landscape. It proposes a mapping strategy that attempts to grasp the diminishing heritage landscapes of Gwadar, a coastal town in Pakistan which is being re-claimed as the hub of prosperity (port) connecting two infrastructural mammoths: the BRI land routes and maritime silk roads. Together with the community, their stories and memories, we ‘draw-in’ tangible, immaterial, invisible, human, spiritual and more-than-human entities, and their worlds that are at risk of erasure in the current wave of infrastructural development.
This article reviews the advice from the academic and ‘grey’ literatures to identify a list of dos and don’ts for academics seeking ‘impact’ from their research. From ‘how to do it’ sources, we identify consistent advice on how to engage effectively, largely because it is necessarily vague, safe, and focused primarily on individuals. We then consider the wider policymaking system in which actors make political choices and have unequal access to impact opportunities. We identify the effort it takes to have actual policy impact and how far academics should be expected to go to secure and take credit for it.
Anxious about the failure of decisionmakers to significantly reduce ‘the human impact’ on Earth, many global change researchers are looking for ways and means to influence public policy, business strategy and civil society more strongly. As part of this, there is a greater emphasis on understanding and altering the ‘human dimensions’ of global environmental change. A number of physical and society-environment geographers are involved in this endeavour, building on some valuable past achievements. But what lies ahead? I address this question by examining the rich idea of a ‘social contract’ – one little used in disciplinary debates about Geography's past, present and future, but now relatively common in certain wider discussions of anthropogenic global change. I suggest that there are currents of thinking in contemporary Geography that can offer something both new and much needed in the world of global change research. That ‘something’ is not ever more integrated, accurate analysis of dynamic, coupled human–environment interactions – as if we live in just one world requiring ever more ‘joined-up’ and granular description, explanation and prediction. Instead, it is an approach to research that eschews ontological holism, epistemological monism and the fact–value dualism. This approach suggests that taking the human dimensions of environmental change seriously requires a new kind of global change research that is at once overtly political and intellectually plural. Far from being a charter for ‘bias’ or ‘relativism’, I show that this approach expresses the rich senses of responsibility, accountability and representation contained in the version of a new social contract I advocate here. A wider implication of my argument is that Geography needs new stories about the nature and merits of ‘intra-disciplinarity’, ones better attuned to the role of research in fostering democracy in our ‘post-normal’ times. Thinking afresh about how research should influence society promises to alter many geographers’ sense of self while usefully repurposing global change research across several disciplines. The information, practices and views in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). © 2016 Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)