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Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran


Abstract and Figures

Numerous water supply utilities around the world face challenges in successfully distributing water in distribution networks due to increased urbanization, population growth, and climate change. The age of the water supply facilities is a particular issue, which is aggravated by their inadequate maintenance and operation. Due of this, many water utilities have recently adopted integrated and intelligent water supply solutions that leverage information technology, artificial intelligence, big data, and IOT (Internet of Things) to handle water supply system issues. In this study, a smart dashboard of water distribution network operation was developed to improve the effectiveness of Tehran, Iran's water delivery system. In order to properly manage water resources, the article proposes adopting knowledge management systems in Tehran's municipal water distribution and transmission networks.
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Environmental Industry Letters
ISSN: 2806-2965
Volume 1, Issue 1
Received: 14.02.2023, Accepted: 13.03.2023
Environmental Industry Letters, 2023
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network
Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
Amirhossein Kiyan1, Mohammad Gheibi2,3*, Reza Moezzi2,3, Kourosh Behzadian4
1Department of Engineering, Azad Islamic University, Karaj branch, Karaj, Iran
2Association of Talent under Liberty in Technology (TULTECH), Tallinn, Estonia
3Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, Technical University of Liberec,
Czech Republic
4School of Computing and Engineering, University of West London, London, UK
Numerous water supply utilities around the world face challenges in successfully distributing water in
distribution networks due to increased urbanization, population growth, and climate change. The age of
the water supply facilities is a particular issue, which is aggravated by their inadequate maintenance
and operation. Due of this, many water utilities have recently adopted integrated and intelligent water
supply solutions that leverage information technology, artificial intelligence, big data, and IOT (Internet
of Things) to handle water supply system issues. In this study, a smart dashboard of water distribution
network operation was developed to improve the effectiveness of Tehran, Iran's water delivery system.
In order to properly manage water resources, the article proposes adopting knowledge management
systems in Tehran's municipal water distribution and transmission networks.
Keywords: Water distribution networks; Knowledge management; Decision support system; Multiple
Criteria Decision Making; Hydraulic model
The water supply and distribution network are an essential component of modern cities, and
the effective management of these systems is crucial for ensuring the sustainability,
reliability, and quality of water supply. According to the World Bank, around 2.2 billion people
lack access to safe drinking water, and around 4.2 billion people lack access to safely managed
sanitation services [1]. One of the most significant challenges in the water industry is the
management, maintenance, repairs, and control of facilities related to urban water supply
networks. Effective management of urban water supply systems is necessary for ensuring the
reliability, sustainability, and quality of water supply [2]. Therefore, knowledge management
systems [3-5] play a critical role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of water
distribution networks. In the water and sewage industry, hydraulic and quantitative issues
are given priority over qualitative factors. However, it is essential to note that these two
factors are interdependent, underscoring the need to study them simultaneously [6]. To
overcome this issue, knowledge management mechanisms are implemented in urban water
distribution and transmission. Knowledge management is the process of developing and
transferring technical knowledge and experience of individuals within the system to future
generations [7]. The transfer of experience and knowledge through various methods, such as
interviews and questionnaires, is one of the essential pillars of knowledge management.
Moreover, a proposal system section allows the system to update and modify previous
methods to address challenges effectively. Knowledge management systems help water
distribution networks deal with data and information challenges in decision-making
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
processes. These systems also provide timely and accurate information for risk management
and crisis prevention, such as water shortages, contamination, or natural disasters [8]. One of
the critical characteristics of knowledge management is the ability to analyse problems with
maximum accuracy in minimal time to provide appropriate solutions. This approach ensures
prompt actions during emergencies, reducing the negative impacts of crises on water supply
systems. Knowledge management systems can optimize water supply network operations,
reduce water loss, and improve water quality and reliability [9]. In conclusion, a decision-
making support system with a smart dashboard capable of reading, analysing, and providing
solutions with the highest accuracy in the shortest possible time is crucial for efficient
management of urban water supply networks, especially in highly populated cities such as
Tehran. While Tehran's water and sewage companies have a team of expert and experienced
professionals in urban water management and supply, not all experts will be available during
massive and urgent crises due to retirement, leave, or transfer to another city. Therefore, this
study aims to address this issue by implementing knowledge management systems in
Tehran's urban water distribution and transmission networks to manage water resources
In recent years, there has been significant focus on improving the urban water distribution
network, with particular emphasis on the design and operation of the system for enhancing
its efficiency and effectiveness. The growing capacity to collect data has led to a greater
demand for quick and accurate analysis of this information. To facilitate decision-making
based on data, scientific and standardized methods, as well as insights from prior experiences
within the system, it has become essential to develop decision support systems (DSS) that can
effectively process and present information to operators. The development of a decision
support system (DSS) is a critical component of smart dashboard systems for managing
treatment plants. In the following, we will examine research conducted to create a DSS system
specifically for water systems. Marques et al. in [8] conducted research on a multi-criteria
decision-making analysis system that serves as a tool to support decision-makers during a
crisis [10]. Effective management of water distribution networks requires addressing
conflicts of interest and collaborating with stakeholders. To address these complex needs,
methods such as Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) [11], [12] can be used to identify
the most flexible solutions that consider all aspects and requirements. MCDM typically
involves three main steps, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
Fig. 1. Three steps for Multi Criteria Decision Making analysis [13], [14]
In [9] Zhang et al. conducted research on various methods of partitioning and proposed a
multi-criteria optimization method for partitioning based on hydraulic, water quality, and
economic indicators. They subsequently developed a final solution for managing the amount
of leakage based on segmentation, utilizing the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
(NSGA-II) method. The study was conducted using one of the EPANET benchmarks as a case
study [15]. In their research, they proposed a new framework named Burst Location
Identification Framework (BLIFF), which utilizes the FL-DensNet software to accurately
determine the location of one or more potential pipe breaks in a given area. The BLIFF3
framework leverages hydraulic models of the water distribution network to simulate pipe
bursts and then trains the FL-DenseNet software. Moreover, the framework has the ability to
predict future potential burst points by collecting new pressure data in the network and
feeding it to the software. The study applies the framework to two pre-existing case studies,
achieving successful identification of the location of 57 out of 58 bursts. A general diagram of
the design is shown in Fig. 2 [16].
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
Fig. 2. How the model works
Other studies proposed a pollutant leak detection method to improve the control of water
quantity and quality in water distribution networks by employing machine learning methods
[17-19] such as Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) for modeling and Generalized Likelihood
Ratio Test (GLRT) for pollutant and leak detection. The study's results show positive
outcomes in all neural network and Support Vector Regression (SVR) methods used for
modeling, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed innovative approach [20]. In the
following, Table 1 listed the studies use DSS for water distribution networks.
Table 1. DSS systems used in different studies
The measured parameters
Applied techniques
and tools
A case study in
Novayacaria region
Placement of sensors based
on flow pressure analysis
A case study in
Novayacaria region
A case study of a
small town in China
vulnerability assessment of
water distribution network
considering uncertainty in
different collapse modes
A case study of a
small town in China
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
A case study in the
southern parts of
Evaluation of network
sensitivity and reliability
A case study in the
southern parts of
Benchmark available
on EPANET for Milan
Functional analysis of
leakage parameters by
leakage performance index
available on
EPANET for Milan
A case study of Zarqa
(Oman), Sanaa
(Yemen), and Wanza
Assessing the actual water
loss and checking its
accuracy and uncertainty
A case study of
Zarqa (Oman),
Sanaa (Yemen), and
Wanza (Tanzania)
Case study of Ikaria
Limassol (Cairo), and
Hanoi (Vietnam)
Leakage modeling and
Case study of Ikaria
Limassol (Cairo),
and Hanoi
A case study of Hanoi
Minimize network cost
A case study of
Hanoi (Vietnam)
A case study of
Analysis of priority
selection based on network
A case study of
A case study of Hanoi
(Vietnam) and
Limassol (Cairo)
Using the hybrid feature
selection algorithm
A case study of
Hanoi (Vietnam)
and Limassol
project on the water
distribution network
A tool for tolerability and
online safety management -
pollutant transport
project on the water
EPANET benchmark
Create a schedule for
pumping in the distribution
EPANET benchmark
EPANET2 benchmark
Management and quick
response in the water
distribution network and
estimation of pressure and
flow effects
Tehran metropolis
Tehran, the capital of Iran, is a sprawling metropolis with an urban area spanning 720 square
kilometers. With a population of 8,693,706 people according to the Iran Statistics Center's
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
2016 census, it is the most heavily populated region in the country. As such, providing
essential services to its residents is a critical task in enhancing the quality of public life.
Services essential to the well-being of Tehran's population include energy supply, security,
public transportation, water purification, sewage collection, and public health. Among these,
the provision of clean, purified water is particularly crucial, as it plays a significant role in
safeguarding the health of citizens. Tehran province's water distribution network spans an
impressive 14,893 kilometers, with pipes ranging in diameter from 80 to 800 mm. The
network's pipes are constructed using a variety of materials, including steel, concrete, ductile,
cast iron, asbestos, and polyethylene. The Water and Sewerage Company of Tehran province
operates through approximately 1.5 million active branches, which equates to roughly 3.23
million units. Of these branches, around 1.31 million are equivalent to 274,000 household
units, with the remainder serving non-domestic purposes. To maintain water pressure and
store drinking water, the company has commissioned 265 reservoir units across Tehran
province, with a combined volume of 24.2 million cubic meters. The province's distribution
network comprises over 12,1940 valves, with an additional 683 pressure relief valves
installed to regulate water flow.
Water distribution network
The water distribution network is a crucial component of urban water supply systems,
responsible for delivering safe and clean water to consumers. In most cities, the cost of
constructing and maintaining the water distribution network accounts for between 50 and 90
percent of the total expenses of the water supply facilities.
Since replacing pipes in the network after a few years of operation can be expensive,
engineers and planners base their calculations on estimates of population growth for the next
25 to 40 years. This approach ensures that the network is designed to meet the anticipated
demand for water and can adapt to changing population patterns over time.
In terms of the water distribution system, the piping network can be designed in three ways:
1. Branch networks are the simplest type of water distribution networks, resembling trees in
their structure. The water flow in these networks is unidirectional, flowing from larger
branches to smaller branches. While the calculation of branch networks is straightforward, a
significant drawback is that if a pipe part is damaged, all the sections downstream will lose
water pressure. Additionally, water may become stagnant at the ends of the branches due to
low consumption, which does not affect water quality. However, the constant unidirectional
flow and slow speed in these networks can result in increased sedimentation in sub-branches.
2. Ring networks are formed by connecting the ends of branch networks, resulting in a closed
loop. Water flow in ring networks changes direction based on consumption, and each area can
receive water supply from two or more directions. Compared to branch networks, ring
networks do not suffer from the issue of water loss in case of a pipe break. However, their
construction costs are higher, and their calculation is more complex due to the changing flow
direction in the pipes, which must be carefully analyzed.
3. Combined networks are a practical solution to the high construction costs of ring networks,
making them uneconomical in certain areas. As such, a combination of both branch and ring
networks is often used in urban water distribution systems. This hybrid approach offers a
balance between cost-effectiveness and efficiency, allowing for a more adaptable and
versatile network design that can meet the varying demands of different areas.
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
Fig. 3 shows a simple design of the connection process and return of settled water, where
unused water is re-entered into the cycle.
Fig. 3. Water treatment plant and water distribution network
The types of influential parameters of water distribution networks can be divided into the
following 2 general categories:
1. Piping method: (Division of the distribution network in terms of piping)
In this division, the distribution network is separated into 3 categories: branched, circular,
and mixed.
2. Pressure supply system: (Division of distribution network in terms of pressure supply
In creating water flow and ensuring adequate pressure in a distribution network, the force of
gravity is often utilized whenever possible. Gravity networks are preferred due to their simple
design, which results in greater reliability during operation. However, in cases where gravity
networks cannot be established, pressure in the water distribution network can be provided
through the use of pumping stations.
Distribution networks are classified into various types based on their pressure supply,
1. Gravitational network of the first type:
If the studied area has a small area and there is a sufficient height difference, the pressure of
the entire area is provided by one or more tanks with the same height.
2. Gravity network of the second type:
If the area being studied is relatively large, with significant changes in elevation, the use of
one or more reservoirs with the same height level may not be feasible. In such cases, it
becomes necessary to install either reservoir-type or mechanical pressure reduction facilities,
such as pressure relief valves, to divide the city into different pressure zones. This allows for
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
the delivery of water at optimal pressures for each zone while ensuring efficient use of
3. Composite gravity network:
In areas surrounded by natural heights on several sides, additional reservoirs can be
constructed at lower elevations compared to the primary reservoir. With this approach,
during peak consumption hours, all tanks are connected to the distribution network and
included in the operating circuit. During periods of low consumption, some tanks are excluded
from the circuit to avoid water overflow in the lower tanks. To prevent overflow, flow control
facilities, such as flow control valves at the entrance of tanks, must be installed. This system
offers several advantages, including a reduction in the diameter of the main pipes required
for the distribution network compared to simple gravity mode, resulting in lower operational
Gravity pumping:
In cases where the water supply location is downstream of the city and the distribution
network is located at a higher elevation than the supply location, pumping is required to move
water to the distribution network. Pumped water is stored in storage tanks during low
consumption hours, and during peak consumption hours, the pumping station and storage
tanks work together to supply water to the distribution network.
Direct pumping:
In cases where there is not enough elevation difference in the region, water distribution and
supply are achieved through direct pumping of water to the distribution network. However,
this system can be associated with several issues, such as pressure fluctuations during
different usage hours. Therefore, it is generally used in special conditions and for small-scale
The primary objective in creating a hydraulic model of a water distribution system is to
achieve a comprehensive understanding of the system's various states to enhance its design
and operation both quantitatively and qualitatively. The model and its simulation results in a
distribution system can generally be summarized as follows:
System design in connection with modification and development: the hydraulic model
provides designers with a useful tool to evaluate proposed and existing water distribution
networks, identify defects, evaluate proposed solutions, and make modifications and
developments to the system.
Training of users: the hydraulic model can be used as an educational tool to train and help
users understand the system and the effects of applying different policies and operating
methods on its efficiency.
Designing optimal exploitation strategies: experts can use the hydraulic model to analyze
the existing system and develop optimal exploitation strategies and methods, leading to the
establishment of useful rules and guidelines.
Evaluation of system operation and results: the hydraulic model provides valuable
information about the impact of different operation policies on the system's efficiency.
System maintenance: The hydraulic model can provide a comprehensive understanding of
the water distribution system, which enables experts to identify potential issues and plan for
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
preventative maintenance. This allows for a systematic and long-term plan for supply and
maintenance based on prediction and prevention, reducing downtime and maximizing
Optimizing the system in emergencies: The hydraulic model can identify situations that
occur when a part of the network is out of order and the load is transferred from one part to
another part. This allows for appropriate measures to be taken to minimize water loss and
maintain supply to affected areas during emergencies, such as natural disasters or system
Existing situation: The hydraulic model can provide facilities needed for water supply in
different stages of the city's development according to the available and needed water
resources. This helps in the planning and development of water distribution systems to
ensure adequate and reliable supply to meet current and future demand.
Solving issues and problems raised in hot seasons and times of water scarcity and crisis: The
hydraulic model can simulate and predict the effects of different operating policies and
methods on the efficiency of the system during times of high demand or water scarcity. This
allows for the development of effective strategies and solutions to mitigate issues and ensure
an adequate supply of water during critical periods.
Studies related to urban water losses: the model can be used to study and identify areas with
high water losses, and to develop strategies to reduce these losses, which can have significant
economic and environmental benefits.
Studying, checking, and evaluating the system, simultaneously with the operation: the model
can be used to continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the water distribution
system in real-time, identifying potential problems before they become critical.
Studies related to energy management in the distribution network: the model can be used
to analyze energy consumption in the distribution network, and to develop energy-efficient
strategies that can help to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions.
Studies and economic evaluation of the distribution system: the model can be used to
evaluate the economic efficiency of the distribution system, taking into account factors such
as construction costs, operating costs, and environmental impacts.
Carrying out qualitative studies and trending in the qualitative mode of the network: the
model can be used to conduct qualitative studies of the water distribution network, such as
water quality analysis and monitoring, and to identify trends and patterns in the system that
can help to optimize performance.
Determining the size and type of required facilities such as tanks and pumping stations: the
model can be used to determine the optimal size and type of tanks and pumping stations
needed to meet the demand of the water distribution system, and to optimize their location
for maximum efficiency.
Determining the location of various facilities in the distribution network: The model can
help identify optimal locations for various facilities, such as pumping stations, treatment
plants, and storage tanks, based on factors such as population density, water demand, and
available resources.
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
Determining the size, type, and location of valves: Valves are critical components of the
distribution network, and the model can help determine the optimal size, type, and location
of valves based on factors such as pipe diameter, water pressure, and flow rate.
Determining the appropriate size of the pipes: The model can help determine the optimal
size of pipes based on factors such as water demand, pressure, and flow rate, to ensure that
the system operates efficiently and effectively.
Determining the volume required for firefighting: The model can help determine the volume
of water required for firefighting and ensure that the distribution network is capable of
providing the necessary water supply.
Determining different pressure areas and analyzing the specific issues of each area: The
model can help identify different pressure zones within the distribution network and analyze
specific issues, such as pressure drops, leaks, and water quality problems, in each area.
Determining water needs and network capacity at different points and times: The model can
help determine the water demand and network capacity at different points and times, which
is critical for ensuring that the system can meet the water needs of the community.
Determining the amount of incoming load to neighboring networks and adjusting the load:
The model can help determine the amount of incoming load to neighboring networks and
adjust the load to ensure that the system operates efficiently and effectively.
Preparation of hydraulic model of water distribution network
Over the past two decades, there has been significant growth in the industry and
advancements in methods for collecting, processing, and storing statistical information. These
advancements have led to the development of techniques for simulating current situations
and predicting future scenarios, which are critical for the management of water distribution
networks. As a result, water distribution network analysis methods have become widely
accepted as important and efficient tools for understanding hydraulic and qualitative
behavior, evaluating development plans, and improving overall performance. Despite the fact
that there are still some uncertainties in describing the basic relationships that show the
influence of process parameters in water networks, these models are effective and
appropriate tools for quantitative and qualitative estimations of process variables. Overall,
the use of these models has opened up new perspectives for experts in the field of water
management and has enabled them to make better-informed decisions based on the
simulation and prediction of various scenarios.
Water distribution network modeling steps
a) Definition of the topic:
The first step in preparing a model is to identify the subject matter. This principle applies to
the modeling of water distribution networks as well. The following are the general topics on
which a model for water distribution networks can be based:
Studying comprehensive water plans
Evaluating and monitoring water quality
Estimating the efficiency of the water distribution network
Conducting studies related to energy management of water distribution networks
Developing plans for modifying and repairing the water distribution network
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
Establishing communication with nearby networks
Designing new water distribution networks
Utilizing the water distribution network efficiently
b) Model selection
When selecting a model, numerous factors should be considered, and the ability of the models
to meet the needs will depend on these factors. The selection of the model entails asking
various questions, and if answered, the desired software is chosen and utilized. Some of the
questions that arise during model selection include:
How detailed is the model?
Does it simulate all pipes within the distribution network?
Does it simulate all valves, pumps, tanks, and other control systems?
How detailed are the usage and patterns that it should simulate?
c) Model calibration
Dynamic calibration (dynamic)
Simple calibration (stable)
d) The type of simulation required
Permanent or static
Expanded or dynamic
How to connect the model with other applications such as GIS, CAD, databases, etc.
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
Technical and economic considerations
e) Collecting and organizing information
The information required in distribution network models is divided into two categories,
quantitative and qualitative.
Quantitative information:
In the water distribution network, quantitative information includes the following:
Information related to the network (topography, geographic conditions, map, and location
of piping routes)
Information related to consumption (domestic, commercial, industrial consumption
statistics, etc.)
Qualitative information:
If preparing a water quality model in a network is considered, information on water quality
analysis and quality criteria and goals of the network is required.
Examining and determining criteria and limitations
In preparing the hydraulic model and presenting the exploitation scenarios, attention is
always paid to the point that the pressure and flow in the pipelines are at the optimal level
and also within the range of the existing criteria. In this section, the basics of the desired
criteria are explained.
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
a) Flow rate
In general, the flow rate in the pipelines from 3 points should be taken into consideration in
the preparation of the hydraulic model. Water speed in the distribution pipes should not be
excessive. Because water speeds from one side based on the DarcyWeisbach equation
increase the pressure drop and, on the other hand, the pressure facility rises the height of the
pumps and generally the cost of the pumps. The fixed and current pumping stations and
networks are distributed. Based on the relationship between changing the amount of motion,
the amount of force imported in the knees and highways due to the change and high flow rate
causes the pipes to break, especially in the joints. Also, due to the possibility of a sudden
closure of the cutting valves in one section, compression trauma is created in other parts that
increase the chance of breaking those points, depending on the speed. The high speed of water
causes the wall of the pipe to erode, especially at the opening of the pipe and at the junction
of the two pipes, and if this is not considered, the useful life of the pipelines will be reduced.
Given the above, the maximum selection is necessary and the minimum for water speed in the
pipes and the speed constraint is usually considered as the following. The maximum water
speed in pipes with a diameter of 5 mm/ s is 2 m/ s and in pipes with a diameter equal to or
greater than 0.5 mm/ s. The minimum water rate in the water pipelines is taken into
consideration, which is caused by the low sediment rate in the pipes, and on the other hand,
water-soluble gases are bubbles that are bubbles in the water. The tall parts of the pipelines
accumulate and disrupt the flow of water and also change the taste of the water. According to
the world's acceptable standards, a minimum speed of 1 to 2 m / s is considered.
b) Pressure
The maximum pressure in the pipelines should be enough for the pipes to withstand the
existing pressure, especially at the joints, in the worst working conditions of the pipe, i.e.,
static conditions. High pressure provides the risk of breaking the pipes in low points and pits,
on the other hand, the pressure plays an effective role in the amount of leakage and water
loss, and it also causes the class of the pipe to rise and, as a result, increase the costs of water
supply facilities. Limiting the pressure in the network is important because at the time of
maximum consumption and harvesting of water, the pressure should not be less than 0.3
atmospheres in any part of the city, and the addition of pressure should not cause an increase
in consumption and especially water losses. Logically, the general point of view in preparing
the hydraulic model of the water distribution network to reduce losses should be in such a
way that, taking into account the technical and economic aspects, the pressures in the major
covered levels should be the lowest possible value. The maximum pressure is raised when the
risk of pipe bursting in the weak points of the network, especially at night when the water
flow inside the network is very slow as a result the pressure drop reaches the minimum
possible and finally, the hydraulic pressure approaches its maximum i.e. equivalent to static
pressure. , and this causes the pipes, fittings, and valves to break. Therefore, according to the
working pressure of the existing pipes and the proposed pipes that are made for a pressure
of 6 to 12 atmospheres, and also considering the possibility of their rotting after installation,
the non-responsiveness of the pressure of the pipes in practice, compared to the nominal
pressure, the existence of network weakness In the connection places and the installation of
pipeline accessories, and in addition, according to the water industry standard, the maximum
allowable pressure of the water distribution network is determined and limited to an
appropriate amount according to the water column. The minimum water pressure in the
water distribution network should be enough to have the necessary pressure for the
consumer in the pipe at the beginning of each branch. This pressure should provide the
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
pressure drop in the meter and accessories, the floors and height of the building, and the
minimum pressure required on the last floor of the building during the peak consumption of
the hot months of the year, which is at least 20 meters’ column for cities where the
construction of buildings up to three floors are allowed. Water should be taken into account
in preparing the hydraulic model of the water distribution network to prepare the
appropriate exploitation processes that reduce water losses. The maximum pressure range
between 20 and 40 meters of the water column will be observed.
Smartening of urban water distribution networks requires the study of existing hydraulic
software, to obtain the evaluation of the indicators required for the smartening of the
network. Therefore, the hydraulic software should be reviewed according to the level of
access to the program, hydraulic capability, connection with other programs, and water
quality modeling, and sufficient knowledge of their characteristics should be obtained.
EPANET is one of the most powerful software among hydraulic software, which is the basis of
the development of much existing software. The availability of mathematical equations is one
of the prominent features of smart networks. The existence of these equations requires the
existence of SDK, API, or Toolkit so that it is possible to access the text of the program in a
suitable mode. To use or provide hydraulic software, the needs of the urban water
distribution intelligent network must be known first. The items that should be checked as
network requirements include the following items.
• Pressure zone management and network isolation
To provide a solution in the field of network pressure management, pollution and incident
management, and other cases, the program in question should have the ability to provide
pressure zoning to isolate a subsection of the main network against pollution. Based on the
limitations and according to the conditions, this work is done by the hydraulic motor and at
the request of the programming algorithms.
• Access to equations
Access to the mathematical equations required by the network to provide a function to display
the results in hydraulic software should be considered. The relevant software should not only
be able to create the mathematical model of the network but also should be able to zone and
isolate the desired parts and optimize the isolated mathematical model.
• Hydraulic solution based on pressure and leakage
Managing pressure and leakage in the network is one of the main goals of network
intelligence. Therefore, the ability of the hydraulic motor to solve problems related to
pressure and leakage in the urban water distribution network is vital.
• Update and extensibility
Based on the feedback from the development of knowledge, the increase in experience
resulting from the operation of the network, and the events resulting from it, the smart
network for the management and operation of urban water distribution should be able to
improve its performance in managing and dealing with incidents and the special operating
conditions can be updated and expandable in sync with their daily operation.
• Communication with other related and partner software
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
The smart network of urban water distribution management, due to its vastness, should be
able to read, analyze and develop in other software environments such as CAD, GIS, SDI, etc.
The conceptual scope and volume of data in the system show the connection of hydraulic
software with other software as inevitable. Therefore, issues such as water supply
management, non-revenue water management, pressure management, event management,
passive defense, and quick response to water quality and quantity anomalies in the urban
water distribution network should be among the functional features of the hydraulic motor
system provided for the system.
Table 2. Comparison of different software according to the access level of the program.
Tool Kit
Helix delta-Q
Info Water
Mike Net
Optimizer WDS
Synergi Water
Water CAD/Water
Water NAM
GIS water
GIS pipe
Hydraulic CAD
Urbano Hydra
Pipe Flow Expert
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
Table 3. Comparison of different software in terms of connecting with other programs and water
quality modeling
WQA (Water
GUI (Graphical
Helix delta-Q
DXF files
Info Water SA
Info Water
Mike Net
From 250
Optimizer WDS
Synergy Water
From 200
10000 to
CAD interface
GIS integrated
Water CAD/Water
From 10 to
CAD interface
GIS integrated
Import from
Cad & GIS
Water NAM
From 50 to
integrated with
GIS water
integrated with
GIS pipe
Inte Auto CAD
A. Kiyan, M. Gheibi, R. Moezzi, K. Behzadian
Hydraulic CAD
integrated with
Up to 6000
tubes and
integrated with
From 250
to 20000
AutoCAD files
Urbano Hydra
Created with
Up to
tubes and
CAD module
GIS linkable
From 200
GIS module
DB module
Number of
10 sources
with 9
and 1000
Pipe Flow Expert
From 25 to
The water distribution network is an essential component of urban water supply systems,
as it is responsible for delivering potable water to users. The establishment of a decision
support system (DSS) is a vital part of smart dashboard systems for controlling the
aforementioned network. This paper has been thoroughly examined with the DSS applied in
several research. Then, a hydraulic model of the water distribution network, taking into
account significant parameters, was discussed. Consideration is given to the pressure and
flow rate as two crucial factors. Lastly, the existing hydraulic software are compared in terms
of availability, SDK, API, and WQA in an effort to acquire an evaluation of the indicators
necessary for network smartening. Based on intended output and distribution network
facilities, the analysis revealed that EPANET is the optimal software for Tehran city.
The authors would like to thank the Association of Talent under Liberty in Technology
(TULTECH) in Estonia for supporting this research project.
Smart Dashboard of Water Distribution Network Operation: A Case Study of Tehran
The authors confirm that there is no conflict of interests associated with this publication.
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... The findings underscore the model's enhanced performance for stations situated downstream as opposed to those situated upstream, a pattern that corresponds well with the calibrated river flow successfully reaching downstream stations. In general, these techniques have the potential to be examined and applied across various scientific disciplines, with particular relevance to environmental studies [58][59][60][61]. ...
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Predicting monthly streamflow is essential for hydrological analysis and water resource management. Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM) and recurrent neural networks (RNN), exhibit extraordinary efficacy in streamflow forecasting. This study employs RNN and LSTM to construct data-driven streamflow forecasting models. Sensitivity analysis, utilizing the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method, also is crucial for model refinement and identification of critical variables. This study covers monthly streamflow data from 1979 to 2014, employing five distinct model structures to ascertain the most optimal configuration. Application of the models to the Zarrine River basin in northwest Iran, a major sub-basin of Lake Urmia, demonstrates the superior accuracy of the RNN algorithm over LSTM. At the outlet of the basin, quantitative evaluations demonstrate that the RNN model outperforms the LSTM model across all model structures. The S3 model, characterized by its inclusion of all input variable values and a four-month delay, exhibits notably exceptional performance in this aspect. The accuracy measures applicable in this particular context were RMSE (22.8), R2 (0.84), and NSE (0.8). This study highlights the Zarrine River’s substantial impact on variations in Lake Urmia’s water level. Furthermore, the ANOVA method demonstrates exceptional performance in discerning the relevance of input factors. ANOVA underscores the key role of station streamflow, upstream station streamflow, and maximum temperature in influencing the model’s output. Notably, the RNN model, surpassing LSTM and traditional artificial neural network (ANN) models, excels in accurately mimicking rainfall–runoff processes. This emphasizes the potential of RNN networks to filter redundant information, distinguishing them as valuable tools in monthly streamflow forecasting.
... According Bates et al. (2008), it is highly complex to know the relationship between rainfall, river flow, and contamination of the water supply. Many water supply utilities around the world face challenges due to population growth and climate change (Kiyan et al. 2023;Talema 2023). The quality indicator parameters and pollution of water depends on human activities, population, temperature, rainfall intensity, degree of flow, salinity, source of water, industries, waste water availability, and others (Bates et al. 2008;Talema 2023). ...
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Climate variability can affect sustainability of water resources in rural areas. The impact of climate variability is greater for areas having low annual rainfall and complex topography. The objective of this study was to investigate spatial and temporal variability of climate and its impact on sustainability of rural water supplies in northern Ethiopia. Station-based climate data of six meteorological stations were gathered from Ethiopian Meteorology Institute (EMI) with varied recorded periods. Rainfall trend analysis was conducted using the Mann–Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator. Rate of water yield for hand-dug wells and springs was measured using pumping and recovery tests. Results of this study showed that no significant trends were detected for annual and seasonal rainfall of all stations, except the summer rainfall of Dengolat station. Average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures in the last 3 decades have been increasing by 0.68 and 0.34 °C, respectively. Yield test results of wells and springs of the study area varied from 0.01 to 1.34 L per second (l/s). Yield test results for wells and springs showed that only 19% of the water supply schemes satisfy the daily domestic consumption of 25 L/capita/day. The study implied that water yield of the water supply schemes is impacted by temporal and spatial climate variability. Water yield of wells and springs was positively correlated with annual rainfall, but negatively correlated with slope gradient of the study area. Water yield of the water supply schemes located nearby to check dams, reservoirs, ponds, and perennial rivers was relatively better compared to others schemes.
... This collection [18][19][20][21][22][23] includes articles on gas detection, management of air or water quality using sensors, and machine learning. These articles cover equipment configuration, sensor use, decision support systems, intelligent management of air/water quality and a dashboard for the water distribution network and provide real-time data. ...
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Pipe bursts in water distribution networks lead to considerable water loss and pose risks of bacteria and pollutant contamination. Pipe burst localisation methods help water service providers repair the burst pipes and restore water supply timely and efficiently. Although methods have been reported on burst detection and localisation, there is a lack of studies on accurate localisation of a burst within a potential district by accessible meters. To address this, a novel Burst Location Identification Framework by Fully-linear DenseNet (BLIFF) is proposed. In this framework, additional pressure meters are placed at limited, optimised places for a short period (minutes to hours) to monitor system behaviour after the burst. The fully-linear DenseNet (FL-DenseNet) newly developed in this study modifies the state-of-the-art deep learning algorithm to effectively extract features in the limited pressure signals for accurate burst localisation. BLIFF was tested on a benchmark network with different parameter settings, which showed that accurate burst localisation results can be achieved even with high model uncertainties. The framework was also applied to a real-life network, in which 57 of the total 58 synthetic bursts in the potential burst district were correctly located when the top five most possible pipes are considered and among them, 37 were successfully located when considering only the top one. Only one failed because of the very small pipe diameter and remote location. Comparisons with DenseNet and the traditional fully linear neural network demonstrate that the framework can effectively narrow the potential burst district to one or several pipes with good robustness and applicability. Codes are available at
Leakage reduction in water distribution networks is an absolute priority and several pressure management strategies have been proposed in the literature to tackle this issue. However, the definition of an effective relationship between leakage and relevant and measurable parameters still represents a challenge. This paper presented a novel performance parameter, the Leakage Performance Index (LPI), to minimize leakages starting from pressure and flow rate measurements. This parameter creates a ranking among the different nodes in the network, by properly weighting the pressure of each node with the output flow from the node in order to focus the pressure management strategy on those nodes whose impact, in terms of leakage, is expected to be greater. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed LPI, a model of an existing water distribution district in Italy was developed in EPAnet and validated by comparison with experimental results. The valve settings of the model were then used as variables of time-dependent optimization procedures aimed at minimizing different objective functions. Different scenarios were considered by varying the minimum guaranteed pressure at the customer points. The LPI minimization strategy was efficient insofar as it indirectly minimized the leakages, achieving the same results of the leakage minimization strategy.
Modeling the interactions of water and energy systems is important to the enforcement of infrastructure security and system sustainability. To this end, recent technological advancement has allowed the production of large volumes of data associated with functioning of these sectors. We are beginning to see that statistical and machine learning techniques can help elucidate characteristic patterns across these systems from water availability, transport, and use to energy generation, fuel supply, and customer demand, and in the interdependencies among these systems that can leave these systems vulnerable to cascading impacts from single disruptions. In this paper, we discuss ways in which data and machine learning can be applied to the challenges facing the energy-water nexus along with the potential issues associated with the machine learning techniques themselves. We then survey machine learning techniques that have found application to date in energy-water nexus problems. We conclude by outlining future research directions and opportunities for collaboration among the energy-water nexus and machine learning communities that can lead to mutual synergistic advantage.
This paper proposes a new leak/contaminant detection approach that aims to enhance the monitoring of water distribution network (WDN). The developed method relies on using machine learning (e.g Gaussian process regression (GPR)) as a modeling framework and generalized likelihood ratio (GLRT) for detection purposes. To improve the performances of the developed GPR model even further, multiscale representation of data will be used to develop multiscale extension of this method. Multiscale representation is a powerful data analysis technique that presents efficient separation of deterministic characteristics from random noise. Therefore, the multiscale GPR (MSGPR) method, that combines the advantages of the GPR method with those of multiscale representation, will be developed to enhance the WDN modeling performance. We develop a new technique for detecting leak/contaminant in WDN using GLRT. To further enhance the performance of GLRT, an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)-GLRT (EWMA-GLRT) chart is developed. The simulation results show that the MSGPR-based EWMA-GLRT method outperforms MSGPR-based GLRT and that both of them provide clear advantages over the neural networks (NN)- support vector regression (SVR)- and GPR-based GLRT techniques.
Water distribution networks (WDNs) are vital infrastructures in cities. However, reports about urban WDNs incidents that result in major system breakdowns and water outages are not uncommon, which repeatedly highlights the urgency of addressing vulnerability challenges of WDNs. This study aims to propose a new method for system-level, scenario-independent vulnerability assessment of WDNs, which considers the uncertainty in various failures that may happen in the system. The proposed method is developed based on the notion that the vulnerability of WDN is largely determined by its heterogeneity in node importance, which impacts how likely system malfunction or breakdown would happen should a small amount of nodes be attacked. Accordingly, the proposed method uses a set of indicators to measure the functional, structural and overall importance of each node in WDN, and introduces a novel network entropy model to measure the heterogeneity of importance of these nodes. The proposed method then assesses the systemic vulnerability of WDN, by benchmarking its current entropy against the entropies associated with the least and most vulnerable states of the system. The efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated in a case study, in which the assessment yielded by the proposed method was found theoretically reasonable as well as consistent with actual conditions of the case WDN.
Water Distribution Networks (WDN) are present in a large number of industrial processes and urban centers. Reservoirs, pipes, nodes, loops, and pumps compose WDN and their design can be formulated as an optimization problem. The main objective is the minimization of the network cost, which depends on the pipe diameters and flow directions known a priori. However, in the design of new WDN in real industrial problems, flow directions are unknown. In the present paper, a disjunctive Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming (MINLP) model is proposed for the synthesis of WDN considering unknown flow directions. Two case studies are employed to test the model and global optimization techniques are used in its solution. Results show that the global optima WDN cost with the correct flow directions is obtained for the studied cases without the necessity of using additional software to calculate pressure drops and velocities in the pipes.
In recent years, water leakage problems in water distribution networks (WDN) have been attracting more attention, with an emphasis on energy and water resources. As one of the measures used for flow monitoring and leakage control, water network sectorization is a research hotspot in China. This paper, which begins with an introduction of present sectorization methods, proposes a multi-objective optimization sectorization method based on a comprehensive consideration of the hydraulics, water quality and economy. This method is based on the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) which is a heuristic algorithm for multi-objective optimization to obtain the optimal schemes. In addition, human experience is also considered in the optimization process. In a case study, this method proves to be efficient in producing good results with little impact on the hydraulics and water quality of the WDN, and the results obtained are acceptable for multiple objectives. Therefore, this method provides references for the transformation of future water distribution network sectorization.
The hydraulic reliability and sensitivity analysis of large scale water distribution systems in presence of uncertainty is considered in this work. The assessment of the network reliability and sensitivity is performed by an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo method, namely Subset simulation. Prescribed nodal heads of storage tanks, nodal demands and pipe roughness coefficients are modeled as uncertain parameters and described in a probabilistic manner. Failure is assumed to occur when the minimum nodal head in the network is lower than a minimum allowable value. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated with the analysis of a real water distribution network consisting of a large number of nodes and pipes (of the order of thousands). The corresponding reliability problem represents a high dimensional problem. The approach gives an important insight into the performance, reliability and sensitivity of a class of complex utility networks.
This paper presents a sensor placement approach for classifier-based leak localization in water distribution networks. The proposed method is based on a hybrid feature selection algorithm that combines the use of a filter based on relevancy and redundancy with a wrapper based on genetic algorithms. This algorithm is applied to data generated by hydraulic simulation of the considered water distribution network and it determines the optimal location of a prespecified number of pressure sensors to be used by a leak localization method based on pressure models and classifiers proposed in previous works by the authors. The method is applied to a small-size simplified network (Hanoi) to better analyze its computational performance and to a medium-size network (Limassol) to demonstrate its applicability to larger real-size networks.