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Comparison of intravenous tranexamic acid versus sublingual misoprostol in reducing blood loss in patients undergoing caesarean section-an analytical observational study


Abstract and Figures

Background: Preventing postpartum haemorrhage using uterotonics or other antifibrinolytic drugs is need of the hour among women undergoing caesarean section (CS). This study is to compare the effectiveness of intravenous Tranexamic acid versus sublingual misoprostol in reducing blood loss by assessing intraoperative and postoperative blood loss in patients undergoing CS. Methods: Analytical observational study was conducted in department of obstetrics and gynaecology at sri Devaraj URS medical college, among 118 pregnant women admitted for CS. Study was conducted between January 2020 to June 2021. The sample was divided equally into intravenous tranexamic acid and sublingual misoprostol groups. Number of mops, pads soaked, suction volume excluding the amniotic fluid, preoperative and post-operative haemoglobin, any complication were recorded. Results: The mean of mops counts in the misoprostol, TXA group were noted as 4.73±1.27, 3.2±1.45 respectively. Around 8.47% of the participants in the misoprostol group required uterotonics, whereas, 15.25% in the TXA group required uterotonics. The preoperative and postoperative haemoglobin in misoprostol group were identified as 11.67±1.37, 10.78±1.12 respectively, whereas it was identified as 11.76±1.43, 11.17±1.4 in TXA group. The common side effects identified in the misoprostol group was chills, vomiting and fever with 47.46%, 13.56% and 11.86% while, it was 11.86%, 5.08% and 3.39% in the TXA group. Conclusions: Both intravenous tranexamic acid, sublingual misoprostol could be prescribed as standard therapy to significantly control blood loss and increase the quality of surgery with better outcomes. But the use of TXA proved slightly better as there were lesser side effects and significantly lesser blood loss in uncomplicated cases.
April 2023 · Volume 12 · Issue 4 Page 1
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Rao DM et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr;12(4):xxx-xxx
pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Original Research Article
Comparison of intravenous tranexamic acid versus sublingual
misoprostol in reducing blood loss in patients undergoing caesarean
section-an analytical observational study
Deeksha Rao M., Munikrishna M.*
Obstetric haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal
mortality worldwide, irrespective of the mode of delivery.
CS is one of the most commonly performed major
operations in women throughout the world, escalating
between 20 and 30% in most developed countries over the
past four decades.1 India is representative of the magnitude
of this problem. The increasing incidence of CS has
contributed to postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), as the
average blood loss during CS is twice that of vaginal
delivery, which accounts for nearly 25% of maternal
deaths.2,3 Annually about 530000 women die in the world
as a consequence of pregnancy or childbirth, and 14
million women suffer blood loss, with 2% of deaths
occurring in 2-4 hours after blood loss starts.4 Although
there has been a remarkable improvement in the
prevention and treatment of blood loss during CS in recent
years, deaths due to blood loss remain relatively common
in some parts of the world. To lower the occurrence rate of
major morbidity and mortality due to blood loss during CS,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sri Devaraj URS Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka, India
Received: 02 January 2023
Accepted: 09 March 2023
Dr. Munikrishna M.,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Preventing postpartum haemorrhage using uterotonics or other antifibrinolytic drugs is need of the hour
among women undergoing caesarean section (CS). This study is to compare the effectiveness of intravenous
Tranexamic acid versus sublingual misoprostol in reducing blood loss by assessing intraoperative and postoperative
blood loss in patients undergoing CS.
Methods: Analytical observational study was conducted in department of obstetrics and gynaecology at sri Devaraj
URS medical college, among 118 pregnant women admitted for CS. Study was conducted between January 2020 to
June 2021. The sample was divided equally into intravenous tranexamic acid and sublingual misoprostol groups.
Number of mops, pads soaked, suction volume excluding the amniotic fluid, preoperative and post-operative
haemoglobin, any complication were recorded.
Results: The mean of mops counts in the misoprostol, TXA group were noted as 4.73±1.27, 3.2±1.45 respectively.
Around 8.47% of the participants in the misoprostol group required uterotonics, whereas, 15.25% in the TXA group
required uterotonics. The preoperative and postoperative haemoglobin in misoprostol group were identified as
11.67±1.37, 10.78±1.12 respectively, whereas it was identified as 11.76±1.43, 11.17±1.4 in TXA group. The common
side effects identified in the misoprostol group was chills, vomiting and fever with 47.46%, 13.56% and 11.86% while,
it was 11.86%, 5.08% and 3.39% in the TXA group.
Conclusions: Both intravenous tranexamic acid, sublingual misoprostol could be prescribed as standard therapy to
significantly control blood loss and increase the quality of surgery with better outcomes. But the use of TXA proved
slightly better as there were lesser side effects and significantly lesser blood loss in uncomplicated cases.
Keywords: Haemorrhage, Uterotonics, CS, Postpartum, Anti-fibrinolytic agents
Rao DM et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr;12(4):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 12 · Issue 4 Page 2
preventive measures should be taken to reduce
intraoperative blood loss during CS.
Anti-fibrinolytic agents, such as tranexamic acid (TA),
reduce the risk of death due to bleeding in trauma patients,
and it has been suggested that TA administration reduces
blood loss in females after vaginal or elective CS.5 A
recent systematic review and mathematical model
estimated that almost 22,000 deaths per year could be
averted worldwide if TXA were used prophylactically.6
Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog,
commonly used for the prevention and management of
post-operative blood loss with potent uterotonic properties
and fewer side effects at therapeutic doses and can be used
in low-resource settings.7 Youssef et al found preoperative
administration of sublingual misoprostol (400 μg) during
CS is better than postoperative administration, with
reduced intraoperative and postoperative blood loss and
drop in hemoglobin levels.8
Despite searching the available evidence, it was found that
there is a dearth of literature regarding the efficacy of
intravenous TA and sublingual misoprostol in reducing
bleeding after CS, especially in developing countries like
India. Sahhaf et al found no significant differences
between misoprostol to TXA and suggested more studies
with a greater population.9 Therefore, this study was
designed to evaluate and compare the efficacy of these two
therapeutic options in controlling blood loss following CS.
Aims and objectives
Aim and Objectives were to compare the effectiveness of
intravenous tranexamic acid versus sublingual misoprostol
in reducing blood loss by assessing intraoperative and
postoperative blood loss in patients undergoing CS.
Study design
Analytical observational study was used.
Study setting
This study was conducted in the department of obstetrics
and gynaecology at sri Devaraj URS medical, Tamaka,
Source population
Pregnant women visiting the department of obstetrics and
gynaecology at sri Devaraj URS medical, Tamaka, Kolar.
Study population
All the eligible patients admitted for CS in the department
of obstetrics and gynaecology at sri Devaraj URS medical
college were considered as the study population.
Study period
The study conducted between January 2020 to June 2021.
Sample size
The sample size was calculated based on the mean suction
blood loss in both tranexamic acid and misoprostol groups
in a previous study by Pakhniat et al.10 Thus considering a
90% power and an alpha error of 1%, a sample size of 59
was taken in each group.
Group A (59)-Intravenous tranexamic acid will be given.
(A dose of 1 gram slowly over 2 minutes, at least 10
minutes before the start of the procedure). Group B (59)-
Sublingual misoprostol of 400 mcg as soon as the baby
was born. In both groups, 20 units of oxytocin were
administered in 1 L of RL with the rate of 1000 CC/h.
Sampling technique
All eligible subjects recruited into study consecutively by
convenient sampling for feasibility of study.
Ethics statement
The study was approved by the institutional human ethics
committee and institutional review board [Reference:
SDUMC/KLR/IEC/147/2019-20]. Data confidentiality
was maintained. Written informed consent was obtained
from the patients.
Inclusion criteria
Woman aged between completed 18 and 40 years,
gestational age between 37 weeks and 42 weeks, singleton
pregnancy and patients undergoing lower segment CS
under spinal anesthesia were included in the study.
Exclusion criteria
Antepartum hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia,
any underlying disease (heart, liver, kidney, pulmonary),
allergic to tranexamic acid (allergy, thromboembolic
events during pregnancy) and misoprostol. Coagulation
disorders, intrauterine fetal demise, polyhydramnios,
fibroid, DIC, anticoagulant therapy and previous history of
uterine rupture were excluded.
Data collection
All the relevant parameters were documented in a
structured study proforma. All the routine investigations
required for preoperative evaluation were done for the
proposed surgery. In the operating room, the IV line was
secured, and the patient was shifted to the OT room under
aseptic precaution. The patient was painted and draped.
Spinal anesthesia was given, and a CS was done.
Intraoperatively, the vitals were recorded.
Rao DM et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr;12(4):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 12 · Issue 4 Page 3
Parameters observed
Number of mops, pads soaked, suction volume excluding
the amniotic fluid. Preoperative and postoperative
hemoglobin and the presence of any complication in the
preoperative and postoperative periods was noted,
particularly in relation to respiratory or cardiovascular
problems, nausea or vomiting, and headache.
Operational definitions
Primary PPH is defined as a blood loss of more than 1000
ml during the first 24 hours after delivery, and it is the most
common cause of maternal mortality worldwide.11
Study variables
Mops, suction volume, preoperative HB, and
postoperative HB were considered as primary outcome
Statistical analysis
Descriptive analysis was carried out by mean and standard
deviation for quantitative variables, frequency, and
proportion for categorical variables. Categorical outcomes
were compared between study groups using the Chi-square
test /Fisher's Exact test. For normally distributed
Quantitative parameters, the mean values were compared
between study groups using an independent sample t-test.
The change in the quantitative parameters before and after
the intervention was assessed by paired t-test. P<0.05 was
considered statistically significant. IBM SPSS version 22
was used for statistical analysis.12
A total of 118 subjects were included in the final analysis.
Mean age of women in tranexamic acid group was
24.12±3.3 years and in misoprostol group it was
23.81±3.64 years. Mean age difference between 2 groups
was not statistically significant (p=0.634). The 43
(72.88%) in tranexamic acid group and 42 (71.19%) in
misoprostol group in between 37-40 weeks gestational
age. Difference in terms of gestational age not statistically
significant (p=0.837). The 38 (64.41%) in tranexamic acid
group, and 35 (59.32%) in misoprostol group had
emergency CS and difference of groups in terms of type of
CS was not statistically significant (p=0.57) (Table 1).
The mean of mops count was 3.2±1.45 in tranexamic acid
group, and 4.73±1.27 in misoprostol group. The difference
in mops count between study groups was statistically
significant (p<0.001). In tranexamic acid group, 6
(10.17%) participants suction volume was less than 200
ml, for 26 (44.07%) it was between 200 to 400 ml and 27
(45.76%) had between 400 to 600 ml. In misoprostol
group, 8 (13.56%) had suction volume less than 200 ml,
29 (49.15%) had between 200 to 400 ml and 22 (37.29%)
had between 400 to 600 ml and difference in proportions
between the groups was statistically not significant
(p=0.619). Nine (15.25%) participants in tranexamic acid
group and 5 (8.47%) in misoprostol group needed
uterotonics and difference in proportions between groups
was statistically not significant (p=0.255). Only 1(1.69%)
participant needed additional procedure (bilateral internal
iliac artery ligation) to control intraoperative bleeding and
2 (3.39%) participants needed blood transfusion in
tranexamic acid group (Table 2).
Table 1: Comparison of baseline and maternal
parameters between study groups, (n=118).
Study groups (Mean± SD)
acid, (n=59)
Age (Years)
Gestational age (weeks)
43 (72.88)
42 (71.19)
16 (27.1)
17 (28.81)
Type of CS
24 (40.68)
38 (64.41)
35 (59.32)
Table 2: Comparison of baseline and maternal
parameters between study groups, (n=118).
Study groups (Mean ± SD)
P value
acid, (n=59)
Mops count
Suction volume (ml)
6 (10.17)
8 (13.56)
26 (44.07)
29 (49.15)
27 (45.76)
22 (37.29)
Need for
9 (15.25)
5 (8.47)
1 (1.69)
0 (0)
2 (3.39)
0 (0)
*No statistical test was applied- due to 0 subjects in the cells.
There is reduction in post-op hemoglobin in both groups
when compared to preoperative hemoglobin, however, the
mean difference was high in misoprostol group (Table 3).
Out of 59 participants in tranexamic acid group, 7
(11.86%) participants had chills, 3 (5.08%) participants
had vomiting, 2 (3.39%) participants had fever and 5
(8.47%) participants had headache. Out of 59 participants
in misoprostol group, 28 (47.46%) participants had chills,
8 (13.56%) participants had vomiting, 7 (11.86%)
participants had fever and 4 (6.78%) participants had
headache. The difference between two groups was
statistically significant (p<0.001) (Figure 1).
Rao DM et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr;12(4):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 12 · Issue 4 Page 4
Figure 1: Cluster bar chart of comparison of side effects between study groups, (n=118).
Out of 118 participants in total, 25 patients underwent
elective CS, 24 patients underwent emergency CS in view
of fetal distress, 16 in view of previous CS and 16 in view
of maternal desire (Table 4).
Table 3: Comparison of hemoglobin pre to post in 2
groups individually, (n=118).
HB (g/dl)
Mean ± SD
P value
Tranexamic acid
Table 4: Descriptive analysis of indication in the study
groups, (n=118).
Previous LSCS (Elective)
Fetal distress
Previous LSCS
Contracted pelvis
Failed induction
Deep transverse arrest
According to the results, there was a significant reduction
in postoperative haemoglobin in both groups when
compared to the preoperative haemoglobin. However, the
mean difference was high in the Misoprostol group
(p<0.001). There are various studies regarding drugs used
to control blood loss during CS. However, authors could
not come across many published studies that compared the
efficacy of misoprostol and TXA during CS to prevent
post-operative blood loss. Hence, authors had to analyse
results with existing data comparing misoprostol and
oxytocin, and those between TXA and oxytocin infusion.
Pakniat et al found significantly lower total bleeding in
sublingual misoprostol compared to the tranexamic acid
group.10 Hemodynamic variables were stabilized greater in
the misoprostol group than in the tranexamic acid group.
Sahhaf et al found no significant differences between
misoprostol and tranexamic acid group in haemorrhage
during labour, postpartum haemoglobin level, and
discharge haemoglobin level, and stated that Misoprostol
has no specific preferences to TXA.9 The differences in
results may be due to the type and dosage of administered
drugs. Bose et al found statistically insignificant reduction
in blood loss in the TXA group compared with the
misoprostol group, irrespective of the presence or absence
of high-risk factors (470.30 vs 491.74 mL, p=0.487).2
One (1.69%) participant needed an additional procedure to
control intraoperative bleeding, and 2 (3.39%) participants
needed a blood transfusion in the tranexamic acid group in
the present study. Li et al in their systematic review and
meta-analysis found the lesser risk of blood transfusions
with tranexamic acid, which contrast with the present
study finding.13 Chaudhuri et al compared Misoprostol and
oxytocin versus oxytocin and placebo in reduction of
Rao DM et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr;12(4):xxx-xxx
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 12 · Issue 4 Page 5
blood loss during and after CS.14 The mean postoperative
blood loss was lower in the misoprostol group than in the
placebo group, but the difference was not statistically
significant (p=0.07). In the present study, sublingual
Misoprostol of 400mcg was given as soon as the baby was
born, and 20 units of oxytocin were administered in 1 L of
RL at the rate of 1000 CC/h.
In present study, misoprostol group had higher side effects,
with 28 (47.46%) participants having chills, 8 (13.56%)
having vomiting, and 7 (11.86%) having fever. Similarly,
Othman et al found more frequent temporary side effects,
including shivering and metallic taste, with use of
sublingual misoprostol.15 Tabatabaie et al found no side
effects, as nausea and diarrhoea with tranexamic acid, and
also no complications of misoprostol, as headache, nausea,
uterine cramps, stomach ache, diarrhoea, flatulence, and
fever, or serious complications, such as uterine rupture,
coagulation disorders, as well as severe and abnormal
vaginal bleeding.16 Okonofua et al reported to include
additional uterotonics and other ancillary treatments for
ineffective reduction of blood loss due to PPH.17
Most reported studies used sublingual misoprostol to
manage post-operative blood loss; nevertheless, a few
studies used it as a preventive measure, as the current
study. Our study supports the fact that sublingual
misoprostol is effective in reducing postpartum blood loss
and required less additional oxytocic drugs but without
statistical significance. In comparison to the oral and rectal
route, sublingual administration is more convenient, leads
to rapid absorption, and effects are comparable.15
A CS is the most common major operation performed on
women worldwide. Despite routine use of oxytocin during
caesarean delivery, a number of women, especially those
at high risk, may develop uterine atony and haemorrhage
either during surgery or in the immediate postoperative
period, with serious consequences. Any modality of
treatment, which helps in its prevention, will be useful in
reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. Misoprostol is
an evidence-based alternative to other uterotonic agents
due to its wide availability, low cost, stability at room
temperature, and ease of use. Intra-venous administration
of TXA has been routinely used for many years to reduce
haemorrhage during and after many surgical procedures.
And it’s use has been increasing in recent years as it has
shown to be effective and safe in women undergoing CS.18
The council on patient safety in women's health care out-
lined essential steps that delivery units should take to
decrease the incidence and severity of postpartum
hemorrhage.19 The creation of a haemorrhage cart with
supplies and the use of huddles, rapid response teams, and
massive transfusion protocols are among the
recommendations. Advanced life support in obstetrics
(ALSO) training can be part of a systems approach to
improving patient care. The use of interdisciplinary team
training with, in situ simulations, available through the
ALSO program and from team STEPPS (Team strategies
and tools to enhance performance and patient safety), has
been shown to improve perinatal safety.20
The study was conducted in a single center, and findings
cannot be applied to general community. The dose
response or the effects of multiple dose therapy were not
evaluated in present study. Accuracy in estimating blood
loss cannot be ensured. the relationship between the causes
of CS and the level of bleeding was not assessed in the
current study. Further multicentric studies with large
sample are recommended to support the findings of present
Both intravenous tranexamic acid and sublingual
misoprostol could be prescribed as standard therapy to
significantly control blood loss and increase the quality of
surgery with better outcomes. But the use of TXA proved
slightly better as there were lesser side effects and
significantly lesser blood loss in uncomplicated cases.
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
Institutional Ethics Committee
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Cite this article as: Rao DM, Munikrishna M.
Comparison of intravenous tranexamic acid versus
sublingual misoprostol in reducing blood loss in
patients undergoing caesarean section-an analytical
observational study. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet
Gynecol 2023;12:xxx-xx.
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Full-text available
Purpose To evaluate the effects of intravenous tranexamic acid (TA) and sublingual misoprostol on reducing bleeding after cesarean section. Materials One hundred and fifty-eight participants with term pregnancies scheduled for cesarean section were randomly divided into two groups. In M group, two sublingual misoprostol pills (400 mg) were administrated, immediately after the delivery. In TA group, ten minutes before skin incision, TA ampoule (1 g) was injected. In both groups, immediately after the delivery, 20 units of oxytocin in 1 L ringer lactate with speed of 1000 CC/h was injected. At the end of the operation, the amount of bleeding was measured based on the number of small and large gauzes, the blood in the suction container and the difference of patient’s hemoglobin before and 24 h after surgery. Results Hemoglobin level reduction in the TA group was higher than the M group (− 2.45 ± 0.84 vs − 2.14 ± 1.38 g/dL) (P < 0.001). Furthermore, number of used gauze and blood suction in the TA group was significantly higher compared to sublingual misoprostol (4.67 ± 1.34 vs 3.25 ± 1.31 and 260.25 ± 79.06 vs 193.94 ± 104.79 cc, respectively) (P < 0.001). Mean blood pressure during the entire duration of surgery in the TA group decreased significantly as compared to the M group (P < 0.001). Conclusion Total bleeding was significantly lower in sublingual misoprostol as compared to the tranexamic acid group. Furthermore, in misoprostol group hemodynamic variables were stabilized greater than tranexamic acid group. Registration Number IRCT201708308611N6
Full-text available
Background To assess the efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid (TA) in reducing blood loss and lowering transfusion needs for patients undergoing caesarean section (CS) or vaginal delivery (VD). Methods An electronic literature search of PubMed, EMBASE, OVID, Cochrane library, Scopus, Central, and Clinical was performed to identify studies that evaluating the usage of TA in CS or VD. The methodological quality of included trials was assessed and data extraction was performed. Results Finally, 25 articles with 4747 participants were included. Our findings indicated TA resulted in a reduced intra-, postoperative, and total blood loss by a mean volume of 141.25 mL (95% confidence interval [CI] −186.72 to −95.79, P < 0.00001), 36.42 mL (95% CI −46.50 to −26.34, P < 0.00001), and 154.25 mL (95% CI −182.04 to −126.47, P < 0.00001) in CS. TA administration in VD was associated with a reduced intra-, postoperative, and total blood loss by a mean volume of 22.88 mL (95% CI −50.54 to 4.77, P = 0.10), 41.24 mL (95% CI −55.50 to −26.98, P < 0.00001), and 84.79 mL (95% CI −109.93 to −59.65, P < 0.00001). In addition, TA could lower the occurrence rate of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and severe PPH, and reduce the risk of blood transfusions. No increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) after CS or VD was associated with TA usage, while the minor side effects were more common. Conclusions Our findings indicated that intravenous TA for patients undergoing CS was effective and safe. Although prophylactic TA administration is associated with reduced PPH, current existing data are insufficient to draw definitive recommendations about its clinical significance due to the poor to moderate quality of the included literatures. Thus, high-quality randomized controlled trials with larger samples are needed to validate our findings.
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Objective: This study compares the efficacy of sublingual misoprostol versus intravenous oxytocin in reducing bleeding during and after cesarean delivery. Materials and methods: A randomized clinical trial conducted on 120 pregnant women at term (37 -40 weeks) gestation scheduled for elective cesarean delivery, who were assigned to either sublingual misoprostol 400 mcg or intravenous infusion of 20 units of oxytocin after delivery of the neonate. The main outcome measures were blood loss at and 2 hours after cesarean delivery, change in hematocrit value, need for any additional oxytocic drugs, and drug-related side effects. Results: The overall mean blood loss was significantly lower in the misoprostol group compared to the oxytocin group (490.75 ± 159.90 mL vs. 601.08 ± 299.49 mL; p ¼ 0.025). However, changes in hematocrit level (pre- and postpartum) was comparable between both groups. There was a need for additional oxytocic therapy in 16.7% and 23.3% after use of misoprostol and oxytocin, respectively (p ¼ 0.361). Incidence of side effects such as shivering and metallic taste were significantly higher in the misoprostol group compared to the oxytocin group (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Sublingual misoprostol is more effective than intravenous infusion of oxytocin in reducing blood loss during and after cesarean delivery. However, occurrence of temporary side effects such as shivering and metallic taste was more frequent with the use of misoprostol.
Excessive bleeding during and after caesarean section is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, especially in low resource countries. This study evaluates the effect of intrauterine misoprostol with oxytocin in comparison with oxytocin alone on blood loss during caesarean section. A retrospective data analysis of 160 women who underwent lower segment caesarean section was conducted. Eighty-five out of 160 (53%) women received tablet misoprostol 800 µg by intrauterine route after delivery of a baby in addition to routine oxytocin infusion (group A), while 75 women (47%) received only oxytocin (group B). Blood loss, Haemoglobin (Hb) difference (pre-operative Hb – post-operative Hb) and need of any other oxytocic were compared in both the groups. Demographic variables such as mean age, parity, and an indication of caesarean section were comparable in both the groups. Mean blood loss during caesarean section was lower in group A (680 ± 202 mL) than group B (740 ± 228 mL) (p = .08). Higher Hb difference was noted in group B (1.03 ± 0.83 gm%) than group A (0.93 ± 0.68 gm%) (p = .41). No patient required additional oxytocic and no patient had postpartum haemorrhage in both the groups. The use of misoprostol by the intrauterine route in addition to routine oxytocin infusion during caesarean section is associated with a clinically significant reduction in intra-operative and post-operative blood loss. • IMPACT STATEMENT • What is already known on this subject? The role of misoprostol in the prevention and treatment of haemorrhage during and after caesarean section is well known and well studied. It is a better alternative to oxytocin in low resource settings. Various routes of misoprostol, with or without oxytocin, and its effect on intrapartum and postpartum haemorrhage are described in the literature. Misoprostol is an autocoid substance and acts better if it is close to the target organ (uterus). The use of misoprostol by the intrauterine route during caesarean section has not been well explored. • What do the results of this study add? The use of misoprostol by intrauterine route in addition to routine oxytocin infusion during caesarean section is associated with decreased intra-operative and post-operative -blood loss. • What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? The findings of this study reveal that misoprostol is also effective by the intrauterine route. It is a convenient way to insert misoprostol during caesarean section and it can be considered to prevent intrapartum and postpartum haemorrhage. More studies including randomised controlled trials with bigger sample size are needed to reach to any firm conclusion.
Postpartum hemorrhage is common and can occur in patients without risk factors for hemorrhage. Active management of the third stage of labor should be used routinely to reduce its incidence. Use of oxytocin after delivery of the anterior shoulder is the most important and effective component of this practice. Oxytocin is more effective than misoprostol for prevention and treatment of uterine atony and has fewer adverse effects. Routine episiotomy should be avoided to decrease blood loss and the risk of anal laceration. Appropriate management of postpartum hemorrhage requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. The Four T’s mnemonic can be used to identify and address the four most common causes of postpartum hemorrhage (uterine atony [Tone]; laceration, hematoma, inversion, rupture [Trauma]; retained tissue or invasive placenta [Tissue]; and coagulopathy [Thrombin]). Rapid team-based care minimizes morbidity and mortality associated with postpartum hemorrhage, regardless of cause. Massive transfusion protocols allow for rapid and appropriate response to hemorrhages exceeding 1,500 mL of blood loss. The National Partnership for Maternal Safety has developed an obstetric hemorrhage consensus bundle of 13 patient- and systems-level recommendations to reduce morbidity and mortality from postpartum hemorrhage.
Introduction The increasing incidence of cesarean sections in India has caused a rise in the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). There has been expanding interest in the role of misoprostol and tranexamic acid (TXA) in preventing and managing PPH during lower (uterine) segment cesarean section (LSCS). However, the lack of a published study comparing the efficacies of these drugs prompted us to conduct this study. Aims and objectives To compare the efficacies of sublingual misoprostol (600 μg) and intravenous TXA injection (500 mg) in reducing blood loss during LSCS by assessing intraoperative blood loss, perioperative hemoglobin (Hb) fall, and need for additional uterotonic agents. Materials and methods A total of 163 pregnant patients undergoing emergency/elective LSCS during the study period from 2013 to 2014 were randomly assigned to two groups — group I (82) received sublingual misoprostol 600 μg and group II (81) intravenous TXA 500 mg at cord clamping. Visual estimation of blood loss was done and 48 hours postoperative Hb and packed cell volume were measured to compare with preoperative values. Need for added uterotonics, blood transfusion, and adverse effects of drugs was assessed. The two groups were again subgrouped based on presence or absence of risk factors for PPH. Results The TXA significantly reduced blood loss compared with misoprostol (416 vs 505 mL) in patients without high-risk factors for PPH. Misoprostol caused significantly higher minor side effects while TXA reduced operation time. Conclusion The TXA can be routinely used after cord clamping along with oxytocin in patients undergoing elective/emergency LSCS to reduce perioperative blood loss, especially in those without risk factors for PPH. How to cite this article Bose D, Beegum R. Sublingual Misoprostol vs Intravenous Tranexamic Acid in reducing Blood Loss during Cesarean Section: A Prospective Randomized Study. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2017;9(1):9-13.
Despite multimodal approaches to treatment, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a life-threatening condition whose incidence continues to rise. In developing areas, such as sub-Saharan Africa, PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality. Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a possible prophylactic treatment for the prevention of PPH. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials comparing prophylactic TXA vs placebo or no treatment in term parturients to quantify the effects of prophylactic TXA administration on peripartum bleeding outcomes. The meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model. The outcomes assessed were (i) incidence of PPH, (ii) mean blood loss (in milliliters) within 24hours, (iii) incidence of red blood cell transfusion within 24hours, (iv) use of additional uterotonics, (v) minor side effects (ie, nausea, vomiting, headache, etc), (vi) major venous thromboembolism, (vii) length of hospital stay, and (viii) mortality. Eighteen trials (3846 subjects) were included in the quantitative analysis, with 1935 patients receiving TXA. The studies were of poor to moderate quality. Prophylactic TXA administration was associated with a decreased incidence of PPH after delivery (odds ratio [OR], 0.32; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.17-0.59; P = .0006), a reduction in mean blood loss by 149.1mL (95% CI, 112.9-185.2; P < .00001), and a reduction in red blood cell transfusions (OR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.15-0.49; P < .00001) while also being associated with a reduction in the use of additional uterotonics (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.30-0.66; P < .00001). Minor side effects were more common in those who received TXA (OR, 2.51; 95% CI, 1.69-3.74; P < .00001). There appeared to be no increased risk of venous thromboembolism and no difference in length of hospital stay associated with TXA use. Although prophylactic TXA administration may be associated with improved peripartum bleeding, existing evidence is insufficient for any definitive recommendations secondary to the poor to moderate quality of the literature. A large well-designed, methodologically sound, randomized controlled trial is needed to better delineate the true effect size and address potential safety concerns. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.
To determine the effect of prophylactic tranexamic acid (TA) on calculated and measured blood loss after vaginal delivery in women at low risk of postpartum haemorrhage. In this double-blind randomised controlled trial, 120 women with a singleton pregnancy were randomly allocated to receive either one gram intravenous TA or placebo in addition to 10 IU oxytocin after delivery of the fetus. Calculated blood loss was determined based on haematocrit before delivery and 12-24 h postdelivery. The quantity of blood loss was measured during two time periods: from delivery of the fetus to placental expulsion and from placental expulsion to the end of the second hour after childbirth. The mean (SD) calculated total blood loss (519 (320) vs 659 (402) mL, P = 0.036) and measured blood loss from placental delivery to 2 h postpartum (69 (39) vs 108 (53) mL, P < 0.001) was significantly lower in the intervention group compared with the control group. There was no significant difference between groups in terms of blood loss from delivery of the fetus until placental expulsion. The frequency of calculated blood loss > 1000 mL was lower in the TA group (7% vs 18%, P = 0.048). Prophylactic TA reduces blood loss after vaginal delivery in women with a low risk of postpartum haemorrhage. The prophylactic use of TA may reduce blood loss complications and enhance maternal health. © 2015 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.