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The CIMS (Cyanobacterial ITS motif slicer) for molecular systematics

The CIMS (Cyanobacterial ITS motif slicer) for molecular systematics
Nicolas A. 
Callahan A. 
, Aimee L. 
, Anne C.
1, Marie R. 1 & Dale A. 1
Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Florida, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville,
FL–32224, USA; *Corresponding author e–mail:
Abstract: The 16S–23S rRNA Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) is a commonly employed taxonomic marker
in cyanobacterial systematics. Due to numerous challenges in articulating phylogenetic relationships within this
ubiquitous, ancient lineage, a polyphasic approach including 16S rRNA sequence data, ecology, morphology,
and ITS secondary structure analysis has become the standard. In particular, the ITS motifs are being utilized
in the erection of novel and cryptic taxa. However, this is challenging as researchers must manually mine and
from using ITS motifs, may lead to inconsistencies, and is a rather dry, tedious enterprise. Thus, we present a
motifs (e.g., the Box–B, D1–D1´, tRNAs, etc.). After extensive testing, we note that the most common motifs
are recovered at ca. 97%. These motifs can then be easily exported into Mfold or other similar folding pack-
ages. We hope that this will both provide a valuable tool for researchers but will also facilitate new discoveries
and allow for greater consistency in publishing ITS comparisons. The tool can be accessed at
Key words: Folding motifs, rRNA, secondary structures, taxonomy, 16S
Cyanobacteria are an ancient lineage and describing their
evolutionary relationships have always been a challenge
( et al. in press). In order to avoid ambigu-
ous classifications/phylogenies that arise primarily from
phenotypic plasticity, cryptic diversity, and paucity of
informative morphological traits common in cyanobac-
teria, researchers employ a multi–faceted approach to
classification (e.g.,  et al. 2005; 
 2005;  et al. 2018). This so–called
polyphasic approach includes molecular, ecological,
and morphological data, and has become crucial to the
accurate identification and description of cyanobacterial
In addition to 16S rRNA sequence data, the RNA
secondary structures of conserved regions within the 16S
rRNA–23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region
have also been found to be phylogenetically informative
molecular characters (et al. 2000;  &
2005) (Fig. 1). The cyanobacterial 16S–23S
ITS region contains up to two tRNA genes, as well as
several conserved sequence motifs and regions of RNA
secondary structure (et al. 2000). Among these
conserved domains are the transcriptional anti–termina-
tor sites Box–A, which is a short conserved sequence
domain, and Box–B, which is a stem–loop structure of
variable sequence (et al. 1995). Other secondary
structure motifs analyzed in the context of cyanobacte-
rial systematics include the D1–D1’, V2, and V3 helices
( et al. 2011; et al. 2007). Among
different taxa, these regions may differ in their nucleotide
sequence lengths, and their corresponding secondary
structures (Fig. 1) may vary in the length of the basal
stem, the relative size and position of unilateral and/or
bilateral bulges in the helix, and the relative size of the
terminal loop (et al. 2022).
While 16S rRNA sequence data is valuable for
resolving higher–level taxonomic relationships among
cyanobacteria (i.e., in determining orders and families),
high values of 16S rRNA sequence similarity among
closely related cyanobacterial strains has limited its
usefulness as a molecular character for distinguishing
species (et al. 2007). Compared to the 16S
rRNA gene, the 16S–23S ITS region exhibits a higher
degree of variation among species, and is thus useful
for determining relationships among closely related
strains characterized by highly similar 16S rRNA gene
sequences ( et al. 2011). ITS sequence and
secondary structure data have also been utilized in
phylogenetics research concerning other organisms,
including fungi ( et al. 2014) and green
Fottea, Olomouc, 24(1): 23–26, 2024 23
DOI: 10.5507/fot.2023.008
algae (et al. 2011; &  1997).
With increased employment of ITS motifs, a panoply of
these secondary folding structures has emerged for use
in species descriptions and identifications (
et al. 2020;  et al. 2021;  in press).
While phylogenetically informative, ITS folding pat-
terns are not without some challenges. First, there is the
issue of homology: bacteria are renown for potentially
possessing multiple operons ( et al. 2000; 
 2018), and reconstructing relationships relies
on comparing homologous, not analogous, regions.
Some cyanobacterial lineages possess multiple operons
( 2011). Second, not all of the mo-
tifs are necessarily present in all operons. For example,
some transcripts contain two tRNA genes (tRNAIle and
tRNAAla), while others may contain only one or neither.
Third, accurate annotation of a given ITS motif may be
impeded by the presence of multiple sequence regions
which resemble or are identical to the expected sequence
of the motif’s conserved flanking regions. For example,
it is possible to obtain very similar Box–B motifs even
though the leading sequences are very different from each
other ( et al. 2022). Fourth, when assembling
large ITS plates, it can be both tedious and error–prone to
use Microsoft Word (commonly employed to manually
highlight/annotate regions) in these endeavors.
To address these issues, we present CIMS (the
Cyanobacterial ITS Motif Slicer). This web–based ap-
plication has been created to find the most commonly
used ITS folding motifs (e.g., D1–D1´, V2, etc.), both
tRNAs, and other pertinent nucleotide regions (e.g., the
leader, D2–D3, etc.) (Fig. 1). The CIMS script is also
available for users to download and run on MacOS/
Linux and Windows systems. To help researchers ensure
they are using homologous operons (e.g., containing the
same number of tRNAs) when comparing ITS second-
ary structures between taxa, the script can be executed
with a flag (–t) that counts tRNAs in each ITS region
and returns taxa and their corresponding tRNA count.
Researchers may also choose to output only certain mo-
tifs (e.g., D1–D1´, Box–B, etc.) by using the flag (–s).
Both the web–based CIMS application and the script
as input. CIMS then returns the sequences and lengths
of all identified ITS motifs.
The program leverages the Biopython library
(et al. 2009) both to query the Entrez database and
to parse the FASTA file. CIMS searches for the nucleotide
sequence which marks the end of the 16S rRNA gene
(CCTCCTT or CCTCCTA) in order to identify where
the ITS region begins; the ITS region is then sliced off
from the full sequence and the program begins looking
for the conserved flanking regions of each element in
consecutive order (Fig. 1).
CIMS will return the following features (if
present in the transcript) in order: ITS leader, D1–D1´,
spacer D2–D3 spacer, tRNA
, V2, tRNA
, Box–B,
Box–A, D4, and V3. With every successful find it slices
off the substring of the motif and stores it in a dictionary
where the key is the motif name, and the value is an ar-
ray of all the possible sequences for that motif. Once the
program is finished, it either downloads the output in the
form of a text file to the user’s computer (web–based)
or prints the output to the terminal and saves the output
as a JSON file in the working directory (if running the
script directly). The program follows Entrez guidelines
query, but the script does not store or transmit email
addresses in any other way.
Results and Discussion
we performed ex-
tensive testing from all cyanobacterial orders except the
data available) employing ca. 300 taxa (Table 1). For full
(or identifying that no tRNAs were present). Both D1–D1´
and Box–B motifs (the most commonly folded motifs in
manuscripts) were recovered at >95%, but with some het-
between the orders are likely less a result of the software
more sequence data available) (Table S1). A preliminary
review of publications containing predicted V3 secondary
structures for cyanobacterial taxa revealed that, in contrast
to the D1–D1´ and Box–B regions, the V3 region had highly
secondary structure (e.g., Box–B and D1–D1´) by searching
rate in accurately identifying the V3 region has not yet been
24  et al.: The CIMS (Cyanobacterial ITS motif slicer) for molecular systematics
ployed motifs by cyanobacterial order based on ca. 300 test cases of
transcripts that represent full ITS regions. tRNAs were always reco-
vered from ITS regions that contained them. Actual strains employed
are in Suppl. Table 1.
Order D1-D1´BoxB tRNAs
Synechococcales 96.49% 92.98% 100%
Chroococcales 100% 97.87% 100%
Nostocales 93.90% 92.68% 100%
 100% 100% 100%
Chroococcidiopsidales 93.75% 87.50% 100%
Spirulinales 94.44% 94.44% 100%
Oscillatoriales 100% 98.39% 100%
Cyanobacteria (all orders) 96.94% 94.84% 100%
Potential limitations/confounding factors
logenetic assessments, we realize that there exist some
limitations with any script.
1. 
before and after the Box–B or D1–D1´, etc.); it is
deterministic for any given sequence.
the search parameters, e.g., if you want to modify
particular strain has a single nucleotide polymor-
phism), you have to go to the code itself to initiate
concerning sequence quality, and CIMS cannot
evaluate the quality of the sequence (e.g., is the
sequence data accurate).
The CIMS script has been optimized for cyanobacteria;
5. There is no way of verifying if the motif or folded
secondary structure is “correct” (no quality score).
We suggest that users compare their structures with
those from the literature.
CIMS may output several motif sequences when
We suggest comparing the lengths and predicted
secondary structures of these sequences to those of
other cyanobacterial ITS regions presented in the
literature; if one is similar in length and structure
to others in the literature while another is radically
our explorations.
may present some operons more com-
monly than others (e.g.,  et al. 2022).
This issue is broader than merely being a feature of
CIMS but included here for completeness.
With those caveats, the useful aspects of
this package are that it: 1) makes it easier to potentially
variants (i.e., how many tRNA’s are present to look
at homologous regions), 3) allows researchers easy
access to potentially phylogenetically informative
data (e.g., leader length, total bp, etc., all of which
are being increasingly employed in manuscripts),
and 4) enables consistent and automated annotation.
Future directions
This project is open source so that the cyanobacterial
contribute to the future growth of this application. As
more researchers employ it, we will continue to modify
the code for improved functionality.
As a tool for scientists, we always welcome
feedback on positive and negative aspects of the script.
vide feedback. We are also planning on several possible
future features. First, HTML output of the ITS region
color coded by motif (which is how most researchers
visualize the sequence). Second, u
regions for motifs may be useful for lineages whose
evolutionary trajectories have created novel or unique
sequence variants. Third, we hope to be able to connect
Fig. 1. ITS region of Anagnostidinema visii LHM–M between the 16S gene and the 23S gene and its motifs labeled in order. Secondary struc-
tures of motifs D1–D1`, Box–B, and V3 shown.
Fottea, Olomouc, 24(1): 23–26, 2024 25
DOI: 10.5507/fot.2023.008
their 16S rRNA. – Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 1232.
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versity through adoption of a new species paradigm. –
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and secondary structure for recognition of intrageneric
and intergeneric limits within cyanobacterial taxa:
Leptolyngbya corticola
Cyanobacteria). – Nova Hedwigia, 92: 283–302.
Description of novel species of Aliinostoc, Desikacharya
and Desmonostoc using a polyphasic approach. –
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spacer 2 exhibits a common secondary structure in
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. (2007): Morphological and molecular
characterization of selected desert soil cyanobacteria:
three species new to science including Mojavia pulchra
and fold motifs in a more streamlined fashion.
Future work on the CIMS tool will also include
improving its capability to identify the V3 region. The
the basal portion of the V3 stem–loop structure, were
found to be more variable than those of the D1–D1´ and
Box–B regions. Due to this variability, the CIMS script is
not currently optimized to identify the V3 region across
a wide range of taxa. In contrast, regions D1–D1´ and
Box–B are characterized by more conserved 5´ and 3´
ITS sequences tested. While further work is required in
order for CIMS to successfully identify V3 across a wide
range of cyanobacterial taxa, the current CIMS script
in several ITS sequences of interest, and expects that
remaining ITS sequences of interest (for instance, when
the user is annotating ITS sequences obtained from a
group of very closely related strains or from multiple
clones derived from a single strain).
The web–based tool can be accessed at The CIMS script and documenta-
tion are available at:
. (2022): Mojavia aguilerae and M.
dolomitestris – two new Nostocaceae (Cyanobacteria)
58: 502–516.
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lecular biology and bioinformatics. – Bioinformatics
25: 1422–1423.
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reviews 59: 623–645.
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operons in Bacteria: their concerted evolution and
potential consequences on the rate of evolution of
© Czech Phycological Society (2024)
Received October 27, 2022
Accepted February 2, 2023
Supplementary material
The following supplementary material is available for this article:
Table S1. All taxa used as test cases for CIMS (Box-B and D1-
Table S2. 
This material is available as part of the online article (http://
26  et al.: The CIMS (Cyanobacterial ITS motif slicer) for molecular systematics
... phylo. dev/ (Labrada et al., 2023). ...
Full-text available
Cyanobacterial taxonomy is entering the genomic era, but only a few taxo- nomic studies have employed population genomics, which provides a frame- work and a multitude of tools to understand species boundaries. Phylogenomic and population genomic analyses previously suggested that several cryptic lineages emerged within the genus Laspinema. Here, we apply population genomics to define boundaries between these lineages and propose two new cryptic species, Laspinema olomoucense and L. palackyanum. Moreover, we sampled soil and puddles across Central Europe and sequenced the 16S rRNA gene and 16S-­23S ITS region of the isolated Laspinema strains. Together with database mining of 16S rRNA gene sequences, we determined that the genus Laspinema has a cosmopolitan distribution and inhabits a wide variety of habitats, including freshwater,
... The regions of ITS of D1-D1' and Box B helices were identified using CIMS at (Labrada et al. 2023). ...
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Cyanobacterial taxonomy is entering the genomic era, but only a few taxonomic studies have employed population genomics, which provides a framework and a multitude of tools to understand species boundaries. Phylogenomic and population genomic analyses previously suggested that several cryptic lineages emerged within the genus Laspinema. Here, we apply population genomics to define boundaries between these lineages and propose new cryptic species, Laspinema olomoucense and Laspinema palackyanum. Moreover, we sampled soil and puddles across Central Europe and sequenced the 16S rRNA and 16S-23S ITS of the isolated Laspinema strains. Together with database mining of 16S rRNA sequences, we found that the genus Laspinema has a cosmopolitan distribution and inhabits a wide variety of habitats, including freshwater, saline water, mangroves, soil crusts, soils, puddles, and the human body.
... One notable addition to the phylogenetic potential is the 16S-23S ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequence. This sequence, ubiquitous in cyanobacteria, is highly variable (useful for species-level phylogenetics), and may contain several semi-conservative domains and motifs (e.g., the Box B, D1-D1′, the presence of tRNAs, etc.; reviewed in [97]). This region, and the accompanying secondary structures, are often applied as a criterion for species delimitation, usually as a support of 16S rRNA phylogeny and/ or similarity. ...
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The emergence of cyanobacterial species (speciation) is driven by mutation, selection, gene flow, and geographical and ecological isolation. Population genomics explores the process of speciation and in turn provides information for our understanding of evolution, diversity, and systematics. However, very little is known about speciation in cyanobacteria, and no framework exists to apply population genomics to taxonomy. Here we review the forces driving the speciation of cyanobacteria and the application of population genomics to taxonomy. We start by discussing species divergence, selection, gene flow, and the phases of speciation. Then we focus on the most frequently used species concepts and their application using population genomics and methods of species delimitation using examples of Prochlorococcus, Microcystis, and Laspinema. Finally, we present guidelines for the methods and techniques of population genomics and their application in the taxonomy of cyanobacteria. Population genomics provides the tools and approaches to bridge species' biology, evolution, and delimitation. Ultimately, this brings taxonomic decisions as close as possible to natural processes.
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Five cyanobacterial strains with Nostoc-like morphology from different localities of the Mazandaran province of Iran were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Three strains clustered within the Aliinostoc clade whereas one each of the remaining two strains clustered within the genera Desmonostoc and Desikacharya. The phylogenetic positioning of all the strains by the bayesian inference, neighbour joining and maximum parsimony methods inferred using 16S rRNA gene indicated them to represent novel species of the genera Aliinostoc, Desmonostoc and Desikacharya. The 16S-23S ITS secondary structure analysis revealed that all five strains under study represented novel species unknown to science. In accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants we describe three novel species of the genus Aliinostoc and one species each of the genera Desmonostoc and Desikacharya.
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A total of 48 strains of thin, filamentous cyanobacteria in Synechococcales were studied by sequencing 16S rrNa and rpoC1 sequence fragments. We also carefully characterized a subset of these by morphology. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rrNa gene data using Bayesian inference of a large Synechococcales alignment (345 oTu’s) was in agreement with the phylogeny based on the rpoC1 gene for 59 oTu’s. Both indicated that the large family-level grouping formerly classified as the leptolyngbyaceae could be further divided into four family-level clades. Two of these family-level clades have been recognized previously as leptolyngbyaceae and Prochlorotrichaceae. oculatellaceae fam. nov. and Trichocoleaceae fam. nov. are proposed for the other two families. The oculatellaceae was studied in greater detail, and six new genera containing 14 species were characterized and named. These new taxa are: Pegethrix botrychoides, P. olivacea, P. convoluta, P. indistincta, Drouetiella lurida, D. hepatica, D. fasciculata, Cartusia fontana, Tildeniella torsiva, T. nuda, Komarkovaea angustata, Kaiparowitsia implicata, Timaviella obliquedivisa, and T. radians.
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Bacterial species differ greatly in the number and location of the rRNA operons which may be present in the bacterial chromosomes and plasmids. Most bacterial species contain more than one ribosomal RNA operon copy in their genomes, with some species containing up to 15 such copies. We review the number and location of the rRNA operons and discuss evolution of 16S rRNA (rrs) genes -which are considered as ultimate chronometers for phylogenetic classification- in bacteria with multiple copies of these genes. In these bacterial species, the rrs genes must evolve in concert and sequence changes generated by mutation or horizontal gene transfer must be either erased or spread to every gene copy to avoid divergence, as it occurs when they are present in different species. Analysis of polymorphic sites in intra-genomic rrs copies identifies putative conversion events and demonstrates that sequence conversion is patchy and occurs in small conversion tracts. Sequence conversion probably arises by a non-reciprocal transfer between two or more copies where one copy contributes only a small contiguous segment of DNA, whereas the other copy contributes the rest of the genome in a fairly well understood molecular process. Because concerted evolution implies that a mutation in any of the rrs copies is either eliminated or transferred to every rrs gene in the genome, this process should slow their evolution rate relative to that of single copy genes. However, available data on the rrs genes in bacterial genomes do not show a clear relationship between their evolution rates and the number of their copies in the genome.
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The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) is a popular barcode marker for fungi and in particular the ITS1 has been widely used for the anaerobic fungi (phylum Neocallimastigomycota). A good number of validated reference sequences of isolates as well as a large number of environmental sequences are available in public databases. Its highly variable nature predisposes the ITS1 for low level phylogenetics; however, it complicates the establishment of reproducible alignments and the reconstruction of stable phylogenetic trees at higher taxonomic levels (genus and above). Here, we overcame these problems by proposing a common core secondary structure of the ITS1 of the anaerobic fungi employing a Hidden Markov Model-based ITS1 sequence annotation and a helix-wise folding approach. We integrated the additional structural information into phylogenetic analyses and present for the first time an automated sequence-structure-based taxonomy of the ITS1 of the anaerobic fungi. The methodology developed is transferable to the ITS1 of other fungal groups, and the robust taxonomy will facilitate and improve high-throughput anaerobic fungal community structure analysis of samples from various environments.
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Four Nostocacean species from desert soils of the western United States, including the phycobiont of the lichen Collema tenax, were studied. Our strains could be forced into morphospecies previously described from Europe, but phylogenetic analysis indicated that they belonged in separate, distinct, and previously undescribed taxa. Partial 16S rRNA sequences of the strains CM1-VF10, CM1-VF14, CNP-AK1 and JT2-VF2 were determined and aligned with published Nostoc sequences from GenBank and our lab, as well as other Nostocales. All aligned sequences were analysed using parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood methods, and trees based on three separate data sets were generated. Full 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were also characterized for our strains, and secondary structures of the ITS region were compared among these and N. commune and N. punctiforme. Intragenomic variability was documented among ITS regions in different operons for these taxa. One of the four strains (JT2-VF2) is distinct from Nostoc by both morphological and molecular criteria and is described as Mojavia pulchra gen. et sp. nov. Two other strains (CM1-VF10 and CM1-VF14) are described as Nostoc indistinguendum sp. nov. and Nostoc desertorum sp. nov., respectively. According to both morphological and molecular characteristics, the phycobiont of C. tenax is not N. commune, N. sphaericum or N. punctiforme as variously suggested in the lichenological literature, and the older name for this taxon, Nostoc lichenoides, is consequently validated in this paper.
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In order to recognize the extent of biodiversity in the cyanobacteria, we need to adopt species concepts that will provide theoretical rigor and pragmatic criteria for describing increased numbers of taxa as polyphasic data on cyanobacteria become available. We reject phenetic (similarity) based species concepts, as these are incorrect by modern systematic standards. The Biological Species Concept is also rejected as it does not apply to asexual organisms. Four phylogenetic species concepts seem to be good candidate constructs for the cyanobacteria: 1) the Evolutionary Species Concept, 2) the Ecotypic Species Concept, 3) the Phylogenetic Species Concept, and 4) the Monophyletic Species Concept. Of these, we consider the Monophyletic Species Concept to be the most theoretically sound and pragmatic when molecular sequence data for phylogenetic analysis are available. The Ecotypic Species Concept is appropriate when molecular data are not available, and only morphology and ecology are known.
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An unusual species of Leptolyngbya was isolated from tree bark by Marie Takačová in 1983. Originally it was considered to be a Lyngbya species, but since revision of the Oscillatoriales (Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988), it has resided in the Culture Collection of the Czech Academy of Sciences under the tentative designation Leptolyngbya foveolarum TAKACOVA 1983/4. We have studied the morphology, ultrastructure and 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence data for this strain and have found it to be unique among all previously described species. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence data for many Leptolyngbya taxa indicates close affinity with L. boryana, L. tenerrima and L. angustata, which is consistent with the morphological similarity we have seen among the three taxa. The 16S-23S ITS regions of 19 strains in the polyphyletic taxon Leptolyngbya were sequenced and folded, and the structure and sequence of these ITS regions were highly congruent with phylogeny determined from 16S rRNA gene sequence data. This agreement provides a straightforward way of recognizing intrageneric and possibly intergeneric taxonomic diversity. This taxon has distinct 16S-23S ITS sequences which, together with the morphological autapomorphies it possesses, are sufficient to clearly differentiate it from the three sister taxa sequenced thus far. For this strain, we propose the name L. corticola.
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An approximately 1400-bp region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced for 10 polar or near-polar strains putatively placed in the Oscillatorialean genera Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and Lyngbya obtained from the University of Toronto Culture Collection to assess phylogenetic relationships. The strains were also examined for thylakoid structure and cell division type with TEM as well as traditional morphology with LM. Phylogenetic trees constructed using parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood methods were similar in topology. If the original epithets applied to the sequenced strains (both polar and those from GenBank) were used, it was clear that taxa were not monophyletic. However, using the revised taxonomic system of Anagnostidis and Komárek, we were able to reassign these strains to their current correct taxa (species, genus, and family). When these assignments were made, it was determined that the molecular sequence data analyses were congruent with morphology and ultrastructure. Nine of the polar strains were found to be new species, and eight were described as such: Arthronema gygaxiana Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov., Pseudanabaena tremula Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Leptolyngbya angustata Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov., Phormidium lumbricale Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Microcoleus glaciei Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Microcoleus rushforthii Johansen et Casamatta sp. nov., Microcoleus antarcticus Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov., Microcoleus acremannii Casamatta et Johansen sp. nov. Some genera (Leptolyngbya and Microcoleus) were clearly not monophyletic and require future revision.
While Nostocacean cyanobacteria are ubiquitous and play critical roles in terrestrial ecosystems, their taxonomy and biogeography still entail mysteries. We isolated two Nostoc‐like cyanobacteria from biological soil crusts of the Atacama (Chile) and Mojave (USA) Deserts. Initial 16S rRNA gene phylogeny placed both in monophyly with Mojavia pulchra. Here, we describe two new species of the previously monotypic Mojavia using a polyphasic approach including morphology, 16S rRNA phylogenies, secondary structure and percent similarity of the 16S‐23S ITS region. Like M. pulchra, both new species produce compact microcolonies, arthrospore‐like akinetes, and monocytes, traits characteristic of the genus. Mojavia aguilerae sp. nov. is morphologically distinct from both other species in producing bluntly conical end cells, abundant enlarged akinetes in multiseriate filaments, and gold‐colored cells during senescence. Mojavia dolomitestris sp. nov. exhibited distinctly firm, light‐colored, compartmentalized mucilage. Mojavia dolomitestris is somewhat cryptic with M. pulchra, but has more densely packed microcolonies, rarity and later onset of brownish sheath pigmentation, and an origin from soils derived from dolomite. The two new species strengthened the position of Mojavia as a robust genus sister to Nostoc. Although 16S rRNA data could not separate the Mojavia species from each other, the three species showed distinct dissimilarities in secondary ITS structure and differed greatly from Nostoc sensu stricto. The high dissimilarities between their 16S‐23S ITS regions suggest a long evolutionary history of the three species as separate lineages. Mojavia is an evolutionary and ecologically unique nostocaceaen genus, and its rarity and restricted habitat point to an urgent need of recognition and protection.
The control of rRNA synthesis in response to both extra- and intracellular signals has been a subject of interest to microbial physiologists for nearly four decades, beginning with the observations that Salmonella typhimurium cells grown on rich medium are larger and contain more RNA than those grown on poor medium. This was followed shortly by the discovery of the stringent response in Escherichia coli, which has continued to be the organism of choice for the study of rRNA synthesis. In this review, we summarize four general areas of E. coli rRNA transcription control: stringent control, growth rate regulation, upstream activation, and anti-termination. We also cite similar mechanisms in other bacteria and eukaryotes. The separation of growth rate-dependent control of rRNA synthesis from stringent control continues to be a subject of controversy. One model holds that the nucleotide ppGpp is the key effector for both mechanisms, while another school holds that it is unlikely that ppGpp or any other single effector is solely responsible for growth rate-dependent control. Recent studies on activation of rRNA synthesis by cis-acting upstream sequences has led to the discovery of a new class of promoters that make contact with RNA polymerase at a third position, called the UP element, in addition to the well-known -10 and -35 regions. Lastly, clues as to the role of antitermination in rRNA operons have begun to appear. Transcription complexes modified at the antiterminator site appear to elongate faster and are resistant to the inhibitory effects of ppGpp during the stringent response.