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Parents’ Education, Occupation and Real Mother’s Age as Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Some Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria.

  • Prince Abubakar Audu University Anyigba


Educational leaders are responsible for the academic success of all students. As greater numbers ofstudents exhibit disruptive behaviors, educational leaders are challenged with the task of maintaininghigh academic standards while simultaneously managing problem behaviors that interrupt the learningenvironment. Many schools have implemented character development programs aimed to decreasestudent disruptive behavior by increasing student prosocial skills. Character can be defined as "theemotional, intellectual and moral qualities of a person or group as well as the demonstration of thesequalities in prosocial behavior" (United States Department of Education, 2008, p.1). Charactereducation is "an inclusive term encompassing all aspects of how schools, related social institutions andparents can support the positive character development of children and adults" (United StatesDepartment of Education, 2008, p.1). The central goal of character education is to promote thedevelopment of prosocial behaviors among students and effective character education has beendemonstrated to reduce student as absenteeism, disciplinary referrals, suspensions, and substanceuse (Berkowitz & Bier, 2004).
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal Academic Leadership: The Online Journal
Volume 9
Issue 1
Winter 2011
Article 38
Parents’ Education, Occupation and Real Mother’s Age as Parents’ Education, Occupation and Real Mother’s Age as
Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Some Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Some
Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria. Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria.
K.O. Muraina
Kassim Ajayi
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Muraina, K.O. and Ajayi, Kassim (2011) "Parents’ Education, Occupation and Real Mother’s Age as
Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Some Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State,
Academic Leadership: The Online Journal
: Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 38.
DOI: 10.58809/ZTIC6332
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Academic Leadership Journal
Parents’ Education, Occupation and Real Mother’s Age as
Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Some
Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Issues: Winter 2011 - Volume 9 Issue 1
Posted On 2011-03-24 06:59:00
Author(s): K.O. Muraina and Kassim Ajayi
Background to the study
The importance of Mathematics transcends all definitions and the prosperity of any country depends on
the volume and quality of Mathematics offered in its school system. Obe (1996) conceptualises
Mathematics as the master and servant of most disciplines and thus, a source of enlightenment and
understanding of the universe. He further opines that without it, the understanding of national problems
would be superficial. Graeber and Weisman (1995) agree that Mathematics helps the individual to
understand his/her environment and to give accurate account of the physical phenomena around
him/her. To this end, Setidisho (2001) submits that no other subject forms a strong binding force
among various branches of science as Mathematics, and without it, knowledge of the sciences often
remains superficial.
Emphasising the importance of the subject to the society, Robert (1987) stated that in the United
States, Mathematics has come to play important roles: in the engineering of highways, the search for
energy, the designing of television sets, the profitable operation of most businesses, astronauts flying
space-craft, the study of epidemics, the navigation of ships at sea, etc., all depend on the study of
Mathematics. Ogunbanjo (1998) opines that all over the world, science has been accepted as a vehicle
of technology, social and economic development. Mathematics is not only basic to these but is the
language of science. In another related study, Igbokwe (2003) highlights the intricate link of
Mathematics to science and technology, and contends that without Mathematics there will be no
science and without science there will be no technology, and without technology there will be no modern
society. These and many more reasons are why the Nigerian government believed that the subject
should be taken seriously in our school system; and Nigeria, in her march towards technological
development, has not only made Mathematics a compulsory subject in the curriculum of the primary and
secondary school levels of her educational system (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004) but also as a
prerequisite to the study of science courses in her colleges, polytechnics and universities (JAMB
Brochure 1992-2007).
However, many academically capable students prematurely restrict their educational and career
options by discontinuing their mathematical learning early in the high school. The poor results in this
subject have continued to be stumbling-blocks in the realisation of the educational and employment
desire of many candidates because it is a gatekeeper for many careers. What then could be
responsible for this poor performance despite its recognition in the society and various efforts made by
the Federal Government of Nigeria since the inception of the new policy on education? This is one of
the questions to be answered in this study.
Over the years, the investigations of the factors that affected academic achievement of students in
Mathematics have attracted the interest and concern of teachers, psychologists, researchers, parents
and school administrators in Nigeria (Sogbetan, 1981). This is because of the public outcries
concerning the poor performance of students in Mathematics in the country (Igbokwe, 2003). Some of
the factors identified are low socio-economic status of the family, students’ attitude, poor family
structure, poor study habit, intellectual ability, parents’ education, income and occupation as well as the
age of the mother at the birth of the child (Sogbetan, 1981; Hassan, 1983; Maple and Stage, 1991;
Steinberg, 1993; Brooks-Gunn and Chase-Lansdale, 2001). Emeke (1984) has attributed the cause of
poor academic performance to a combination of personal and institutional factors. Personal factors
relate to the individual’s intelligence, knowledge and ability while the institutional factors are family or
parental influences, societal influences and school related factors among others. Ajila and Olutola
(2000) categorise problems responsible for students’ poor performance as their environment, which
include availability of suitable learning environment, adequacy of educational infrastructure like
textbooks and society at large among others.
This study would only be restricted to variables like parents’ education, occupation and real mother’s
age as the factors affecting the academic achievement of students in Mathematics while other
variables will not be considered in this study because of the limited time the study have. Socio-
economic status like parents’ education, occupation, income and standard of living have shown to be
related to students’ outcomes, such that students from middle to upper class families tend to
outperform those from less advantaged background (Jaffe, 1985; Rani, 1998; Simon, 2004).
However, the most important effect of socio-economic pressure is that it generally makes parents less
available to support and encourage their children in their schooling (Baker and Sodem, 1997). Also,
literatures reveal that the home background variables have a great influence on the students’
psychological, emotional, social and economic state (Onocha, 1985; Crane, 1993; Rani, 1998; Dubey,
1999; Mitchell, 1999; Musgrave, 2000; Neil and Keddie 2001; Grissmer, 2003; Teese, 2004; Sharma,
2004). This means the family background and context of a child affect his/her reaction to life situations
and level of performance. Thus, Ichado (1998) concludes that the environment from which a student
comes can greatly influence his/her performance in school. The family lays the psychological and moral
foundations in the overall development of the child while the mother’s significant role in this cannot be
overemphasised (Agulanna, 1999).
There is evidence that parents’ education will affect students’ academic achievement in Mathematics.
According to Grissmer (2003), parents’ level of education is the most important factor affecting
students’ academic achievement. Taiwo (1993) submits that parents’ educational background
influence the academic achievement of students. Musgrave (2000) states that a child that comes from
an educated home would like to follow the steps of his/her family and by this, work actively in his/her
studies. Onocha (1985) concludes that a child from a well educated family with high socio-economic
status is more likely to perform better than a child from an illiterate family. Similar results were found by
Teese (2004), in his analysis of the students’ performance where he found clear and consistent trends
for children from lower socio-economic background. Coleman (1998) state that the relationship
between socio-economic disadvantage and learning outcomes has been accepted almost as an
article of faith by educators. This was supported by the Children’s Defence Fund (1995) “Year Book” on
the State of America’s children which made the following observations:
In 1993, there were 15.7 million poor children in the United States. This was the highest number
in 30 years;
The inflation-adjusted median income of young families with children declined to 34% between
1973 and 1992;
In 1992, 66.2% of the children who lived in a family headed by a person who dropped out of
school were in poverty. Poverty rates for other levels of education were as follows: high school
graduates, 40.2%; some college graduates, 22.4%; and university graduates, 7.5%.
In 1993, almost one in every seven children, 9.4 million, had no health insurance. This
represented an increase of 800,000 from 1992; and
The birth rate among unmarried teens was 15.5 births per 1,000 in 1959. The figure in 1992
was 44.6.
From the above “Year Book”, the economic factor which refers to family characteristic is the most
powerful predictor of school performance. Careful consideration of the socio-economic status of
parents reveals that the higher the standard of living of the parents, the higher the academic
performance of the child. These relationships have been documented in countless studies and seem to
hold, no matter what measure of status is used (occupation of principal bread winner, family income,
parents’ education or a combination of these).
Researchers have shown that family’s socio-economic status is based on parents’ income, education
and occupation. Thus, a family with high socio-economic status is often more successful in preparing
its young children for school because they typically have access to a wide range of resources to
promote and support their development. They are able to provide their young children with high quality
child care, books and toys to encourage them in various learning activities at home. This in turn, will
affect the students’ academic achievement in Mathematics. According to Marjoribanks (2003), the high
achievers had a high socio-economic status and they hailed from highly educated families. Lockheed,
Fuller and Nyirongo (1989) show that students belonging to upper socio-economic status groups
showed better academic achievement than students belonging to lower socio-economic status groups.
With reference to achievement in Mathematics, Howley (1989) and House (2002) contend that students
learn better if they are from above average or average income family, with well-educated parents who
participate in the school’s education process and encourage their children to learn. They established
that the socio-economic status of students affected their achievement.
For families in poverty, basic necessities are lacking, parents may place top priority on housing,
clothing and health care. Educational toys, games and books may appear to be luxuries. This point was
supported by Bookcock (2000) and Lloyd (2002) on the relationship between school performance and
parental socio-economic condition where they conclude that students with high achievement values
tend to come from families that are more educated and with higher status of occupation.
Again, literature revealed that the age at which a mother gives birth to their young ones affect their
academic performance either positively or negatively. According to Moore (1993), income, family size
and the mother’s age at child birth were modestly related to students’ academic achievement. This
implies that early age or old age has its significance in students’ academic achievement. Hayes and
Bronzaft (2006) contend that factors such as the mother’s age at birth of the child, number of siblings,
genetics and environment have more to do with academic achievement. Moore (1993) opines that
early birth has been disadvantageous to a young mother’s children as well as the woman herself. One
key reason is that early childbearing interferes with the process of schooling and human capital
development which means that the mother’s ability to gather resources will be reduced. She is
therefore likely to be poorer than a woman who delays childbearing. For this reason, he concludes that
the age at first childbirth may prevent a teenage mother from providing resources that promote
cognitive development, such as a high-quality child-care arrangement and a stimulating home
environment that can improve a child’s academic performance especially in Mathematics.
William and Chelser (2005) view the mother as the first child educator and the age at which she gives
birth to the child matters in her life. This allows her to have a stable or unstable mind which affects the
mother’s instinct and love towards the child. Ninio (1979) and Benjamin (1993) observe that mother’s
age enhances the cognitive development of her child. According to Brooks-Gunn and Chase- Lansdale
(2001), young mothers are socially and emotionally immature; we would expect them to have limited
parenting ability. They said further that coping with the demands of an infant is likely to be far more
challenging for a teenager than for an older woman. Inconsistent and arbitrary discipline which is more
common among young mothers, has a negative impact on children’s behaviour and on their social and
emotional development. As a result, Brooks-Gunn and Chase-Lansdale (2001), expect a young age at
first birth to adversely affect children’s social and emotional adjustment. Even if a teenage mother has
additional children when she is older, she may continue the patterns of parenting she established with
her first child. Teenage mothers also tend to provide their children with less cognitive stimulation and
less emotional support than do older mothers.
Psychological factors may also be involved since many teenage pregnancies are unplanned, unwanted
or discovered late. A pregnant teenager may lack the emotional maturity to take responsibility for a
pregnancy even after she has decided to carry it to term. All these affect the composition of the child’s
brain which eventually affects the academic performance of the child. William and Decoufle (1999)
asserted that teenage pregnancy is a multifaceted problem with no single cause or cure. According to
them, for a teenager, pregnancy comes at a time when her physical development is incomplete and
available support systems may be limited. Again, pregnancy interrupts her education and makes it
tremendously difficult for her to complete the developmental tasks of adolescence as well as those
related to pregnancy and parenthood; all these affect the academic achievement of the child.
Brooks-Gunn and Chase-Lansdale (2001) compared the birth outcomes of teenage mothers and older
mothers and concludes that the teenage mothers are most likely to be at risk both biologically and
socially for poor birth outcomes. This is because the older mothers are more likely to be married and to
have a wanted pregnancy which makes them psychologically balance than the teenage mothers who
have unplanned pregnancy and who are likely to be undereducated or live in areas with limited access
to resources and services. In another related study, Rothenberg and Varga (1981) found that scores on
a global measure of parenting were lower for the homes of children of teenage parents than for the
homes of other children.
Delayed childbearing poses its own biological risks, such as an increased likelihood of medical
conditions like hypertension and diabetes which in turn may affect the brain composition of the child
leading to congenital aberrations like hydrocephaly (mental retardation resulting from accumulation of
fluid in the brain); microcephaly (mental retardation associated with a small skull and brain) and down’s
syndrome which are common with mothers over 35years especially when the mother has not borne her
first child at that age and these may eventually affect the child’s academic achievement. They therefore
concluded that psychologically, the best time to have a child is probably between the ages 22 and 29.
Several studies (Frazer, Brockert and Ward, 2004; Lee, Ferguson and Corpuz, 1988; Wadsworth,
Osborn and Taylor, 1984) indicate that young age by itself is not a risk factor for poor outcome of
children from young mothers, but those young mothers who are from lower socioeconomic
backgrounds may eventually leave their children in the hands of grand mothers who do not understand
much about education. Thus, Brooks-Gunn and Fursternberg (1986) concurred that young mother is at
higher risk for social and economic disadvantages than her teenage counterpart who is not pregnant
and lives in the same social environment. According to them, being forced into adult roles before
completing adolescent developmental tasks cause a series of events that affects the teenage mother’s
entire life. These events may result in a prolonged dependence on parents, lack of stable relationships,
and lack of economic and social stability. In addition, many teenage mothers drop out of school during
their pregnancy. This tendency may have as much to do with low academic achievement and low
academic commitment as it does with the pregnancy. This is because many teenage mothers never
completed their education and lack of education reduces the quality of jobs available to these
individuals which in turn affects the academic achievement of their child.
Frazer, Brockert and Ward, (2004) asserted that childbearing at an early age is a strong predictor for
need for assistance, especially in lower socioeconomic groups and when the pregnant teenage family
will not support her. Schooling is critical to a young womans prospects throughout her life and the
amount of schooling a woman obtains affects her occupation, her income, her chances of marriage, her
risk of poverty and welfare dependence, and more generally, the quality of her own life and that of her
children. Failure to be self-supporting logically follows lack of education and lost of career goals. In
general, children of teenage mothers are found to be at a developmental disadvantage compared to
children whose mothers were older at the time of their birth.
Statement of the Problem
Observations and reports from examining bodies like WAEC, NECO and JAMB revealed that a high
percentage of secondary school students continue to perform poorly in Mathematics examinations.
This poor performance is likely to be caused by some factors such as age of the mother at birth of the
child, parents’ education or parents’ occupation. As a result of these factors, this study sought to
investigate the extent to which these variables determine the Mathematics achievement of secondary
school students in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Research Hypothesis
There is no joint and relative effect of parents’ education, occupation and real mother’s age on
students’ academic achievement in Mathematics in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Significance of the Study
The outcome of this study is significant to researchers in that it provides additional empirical data for a
better understanding of some of the factors that account for different levels of students’ performance in
Mathematics. More importantly, this study differs from related studies in that it adds real mother’s age
to the study of Mathematics.
Research Design
The study is a non-experimental type and an ex-post facto research design was adopted.
The target population for this study comprised all the senior secondary school one students (SSS 1) in
Ogun State. The choice of this group of students was based on the assumption that majority of the
students would be able to read printed materials with little assistance from the researchers and that the
students would have completed their course contents in Junior Secondary School three (JSS 3)
Mathematics curriculum. This was considered important because the achievement test will reflect the
JSS 3 Mathematics curriculum as a unit.
Population Sample
The sample of the study was selected using the multi-stage sampling procedure. At the first stage, nine
local government areas were purposively selected from twenty local government areas in Ogun State.
At the second stage, the stratified random sampling technique was used to select a total of 60 senior
secondary schools from 147 senior secondary schools in the 9 LGAs selected in Ogun State, Nigeria
and this represented a total of 40 per cent of the entire schools in the nine local government areas
selected. At the third stage, simple random sampling technique was employed to select a total of 40
SS1 comprising male and female students from each of the participating schools. Altogether, a total of
nine local government areas, 60 schools and 2,400 students were involved in the study.
In order to collect data and provide answers to the research hypothesis, Students’ Questionnaire (SQ)
and Students’ Mathematics Achievement Test (SMAT) research instruments were developed and
employed by the researchers in gathering data. Under the students’ questionnaire (SQ) instrument, the
researchers created three sections for measuring variables that related to the students. These are: (a)
Demographic Data; (b) Parents’ Qualification and (c) Parents’ Occupation.
Demographic Data: The demographic data questionnaire was designed to collect information from
the students on the following items: (i) School name; (ii) Type of school;
(iii) School location; (iv) Gender; (v) Age; (vi) Class; and
(vii) Mother’s age at the birth of the child.
The item which addressed the issue of mother’s age at birth of the child was calculated by subtracting
the age of the child from the age of the mother to get the real age of the mother at the birth of the child.
The mother’s age was grouped into three categories-young teenage mother (age 11-19 years), mid-
age group (ages 20-35) and older mothers (ages above 35 years).
Parents’ Qualification: The students were asked to provide only the highest qualification of their
parents. The issue of parents’ qualification was given a score ranging from zero (0) to 11, where 0 was
awarded to no schooling and 11 to Ph.D. parent. Thus, a minimum score of zero and a maximum score
of 22 was given to the parents.
Parents’ Occupation: This section obtained information about the occupational levels of the parents
of each student. The parents’ occupations were given scores from one to seven, where one was
awarded to parents that were farmers and seven was awarded to parents that were in professional and
managerial occupations, thus giving a minimum score of two and a maximum score of fourteen.
Students’ Mathematics Achievement Test (SMAT): To measure the achievement of students in the
subject, a Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) was developed by the researchers using a table of
specifications to generate 20 items out of the 50 items formerly prepared for students’ Mathematics
tasks. This is a multiple-choice objective test, made up of 40 items with four options A, B, C and D.
Each item has one correct option (the key) and three distracters. The correct option attracts 1 mark and
the total mark obtainable is 20. Kuder Richardson formula 20 was used to establish the internal
consistency of the instrument.
Validity of the Instruments: For the purpose of this study, both the face and content validity of the
instruments were ensured. To ensure validity of the instruments, the initial drafts of the instruments were
scrutinised by four experts in questionnaire and content construction who were required to check for all
non-technical flaws in the instruments. Such inputs enhanced a thorough validation in order to ensure
that the instruments actually measured what they were intended to measure in relation to the research
hypothesis. Based on the suggestions and comments of these experts, the necessary corrections were
made and the final version of the instruments was trial tested on a sample of 50 students who were not
part of the real study sample, in Ijebu-Ode LGA of Ogun State, Nigeria. The data collected showed that
the students did not have problems responding to the items in the questionnaire.
Reliability of the Instruments: In computing the reliability of this research instruments, Cronbach’s
alpha (a) was utilised in estimating the reliability coefficient. The scores for each item were encoded in
SPSS software. The Cronbach alpha reliability of the instruments was established as SQ = 0.87 while
the reliability of the test was estimated as 0.84. The construct, content and criterion related validities
were found to be adequate.
Data Collection Procedure
The necessary data for this study were obtained from students of the selected schools in the selected
local government areas. After collection of data, questionnaire responses without corresponding
responses to achievement tests were discarded. The idea was to have complete sets of the students’
related instruments. 2,400 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the selected students in the
60 schools in the 9 local government areas and a total of 2,317 (96.5%) questionnaire were returned,
among which 366 (15.3%) badly filled ones were discarded. A total of 1951 (81.2%) questionnaire, fully
responded to, were utilized and data collection lasted for 28 working days.
Ho1:There is no joint and relative effect of parents’ education, occupation and real mother’s age on
students’ academic achievement in Mathematics in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Table 1 shows R (0.066) with adjusted R2 (0.003) which shows that only 0.3% not up to 1.0% of the
variance in academic achievement is jointly accounted for by the three independent variables. The f-
value (2.875) which is significant at 0.05, (p<0.05) indicates that though the percentage joint effect is
small, the effect is still significant on academic achievement.
The beta values – 0.046, 0.030 and -0.008 for parents’ education, parents occupation and real
mother’s age respectively shows that parents’ education has the highest effect or predicts students’
academic achievement most, followed by parents’ occupation and real mother’s age the least. But
while parents’ occupation has positive effect on students’ academic achievement, both parents’
education and real mother’s age have negative effect on it. None of the variables has significant
relative effect on achievement.
The result in Table 1 reveals that parents’ education has significant influence on the academic
achievement of students in Mathematics. This is because parents’ education has highest effect or
predicts students’ academic achievement in Mathematics most. This observation provides the
evidence that students of educated parents might performed better than students of uneducated
parents in Mathematics achievement. The findings lend support to the results of Onocha (1985),
Carlson (1997), Musgrave (2000) and Grissmer (2003) which reported that parents’ level of education
was the most important factor affecting students’ academic achievement.
The results in Table 1 also reveal that parents’ occupation is next to parents’ education that predicts
academic achievement in Mathematics. The result provide evidence that students whose parents
belong to the high ranking occupational status might a better grade in Mathematics than their
counterparts whose parents belong to the low ranking occupational status. This is because parents with
high ranking occupational status might have enough income which can be used to provide the needed
materials and support for their children in order to arouse their interest in Mathematics than their
counterparts in low ranking occupation whose major obligation is to provide shelter and food for the
family. The findings was supported by that of Jaffe (1985), Rain (1998), Simon (2004), Teese (2004),
Sharma (2004), Dubey (1999) and Crane (1993).
With respect to the effect of age of mother at birth of the child and the child’s academic achievement in
Mathematics; Table 1 shows that the effect of mother’s age on students’ academic achievement in
Mathematics had the least effect among the home background variables which exerted significant
effects on students’ academic achievement in Mathematics. Additionally, the result shows that the
effect of mother’s age at birth of the child and the child’s academic achievement in Mathematics is very
low and this indicates that in the face of other home background variables, its effects are very minimal.
The implication of this however is that the age at which a mother gives birth to her child may contribute
to low maternal education, unmarried status and/or poverty factor with known, large, negative effects on
educational disabilities. This finding was supported by that of Moore (1993), Brook-Gun and Chase-
Lansdale (2001), Hayes and Bronzaft (2006), William and Decoufle (1999), Frazer, Brockert and Ward
(2004) all agreed that maternal age does not directly influence the achievement of students in
Mathematics, it may have an indirect effect through the intermediate socio-demographic factors such
as maternal education.
Summary of Findings
The major findings are summarised below:
(i). When the predictor variables; age of mother at birth of the child, parents’ education and
occupation are taken together, they effectively predicted the academic achievement of students in
(ii). The variable, parents’ education was the most potent predictor of students’ achievement in
Mathematics while parents’ occupation, and age of mother at birth of the child in a decreasing order of
magnitude, made significant contributions to the prediction of students’ academic achievement in
From the findings of this study, the following recommendations were reached:
i. Given that the present study is limited to senior secondary schools in Ogun State, similar studies
could be carried out in other parts of the country to affirm or refute the conclusion reached.
ii. Since parents education influences students academic achievement in Mathematics, the
government and all stakeholders in education sector should endeavour to implement its policy on basic
education for all and thus create an enlighten society in which every parent would be educated enough
to have a positive influence on their children especially in their attitude towards Mathematics which in
turn would lead to better achievement in the subject.
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... Parents' attitudes toward education depend on their level of education and the educational experiences they have had as students. There is no doubt in the fact that the higher the educational attainment of parents, the more conscious and concerned they will be for the education of their children (Kassim, 2011) [33]. There is evidence that students from educated families do significantly better than those from uneducated families. ...
... Parents' attitudes toward education depend on their level of education and the educational experiences they have had as students. There is no doubt in the fact that the higher the educational attainment of parents, the more conscious and concerned they will be for the education of their children (Kassim, 2011) [33]. There is evidence that students from educated families do significantly better than those from uneducated families. ...
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The major aim of this study was to compare the Attitude towards education of Indian and American students. The study was conducted on a total of 200 secondary school students, out of which 100 were Indian and 100 were American. The tool used for this study was the Attitude scale towards education (ASTE) given by Dr. S.L. Chopra, which consists of 22 items. The study also checked for the association between attitude towards education and four other independent variables, that were- Gender, Academic achievement, Father’s level of Education and Mother’s level of education. The findings of the study revealed that the Indian students’ have much more positive attitude towards education as compared to American students’. Females were found to have a more positive attitude towards education as compared to male students. It was also found that high education of father positively contributed to their children's attitude towards education. Mother’s level of education and academic achievement didn’t seem to correlate with the students’ attitude towards education.
... However, several authors have worked on the causative factors associated with poor learning readiness and gains among Nigerian students which are organismic (Adeyemo, 2001(Adeyemo, , 2005Busari, 2012;Osiki & Busari, 2002). Also experts in the field of science education and psychology have shown consistently the effects of some factors affecting students learning readiness and gains among secondary school students (Ajayi & Muraina, 2011;Akinsola, 1994;Akinsola & Animasahun, 2007;Taiwo, 2014). Some of these factors examined were gender, interest in schooling, emotional intelligence, Mathematics self-concept, age, depression, selfefficacy among others. ...
... Good academic learning gains is very important not only to students and their parents, but also to institutions of learning, educationists of any progressive nation and other stakeholders. Resultantly much concern is being expressed over the continuous poor academic performance of students in Nigeria, particularly of secondary school students (Ajayi & Muraina, 2011). ...
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Mathematics is a compulsory subject in schools, however mathematics learning readiness and gains of school-going adolescents in the subject are on the decline in Oyo State, Nigeria. The inability of students to proceed to higher institutions of learning due to failure in mathematics has always resulted in frustrations. Previous studies had focused on factors influencing mathematics learning readiness and gains to the neglect of intervention strategies. This study, therefore, determined the effects of motivational enhancement therapy (MET) and self-monitoring skill training (SMT) on mathematics learning readiness and gains of school-going adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria. The moderating effect of gender and mathematics anxiety (MA) were examined. The study adopted pretest-posttest, control group, quasi-experimental design with a 3x2x2 factorial matrix. Multi-stage sampling frame was used in the study. Three local government areas (LGAs): Itesiwaju, Atisbo and Saki West in Oyo State were randomly selected. One secondary school was randomly selected from each LGA and 30 students with low Mathematics learning readiness and gains in the screening instrument were purposively selected from each school. Participants were randomly assigned to MET (30), SMT (30) and Control (30) groups; while the treatments lasted eight weeks. Learning Readiness Scale (r=.83), Mathematics Anxiety Scale (r=.88), Attitude to Mathematics Scale (r=.83) and Mathematics Learning Gains Test (r=.79) were used for data collection. Data were subjected to Analysis of Covariance and Duncan Post-hoc test at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant main effect of treatment on students’ mathematics learning readiness (F (2, 77) =64.17, =.625). Participants in MET ( =75.23) had better mathematics learning readiness than those in SMT ( =71.10) and control group ( =39.67). There was also main effect of MA on students’ mathematics learning readiness (F (1, 77) =18.87, =.197); participants with low MA ( =70.87) benefited more compared with high MA ( =55.22). Gender had no main effect on students’ mathematics learning readiness. There was a significant 2-way interaction effect of treatment and MA on students’ mathematics learning readiness (F (2, 77) =4.22, =.099). There was a significant main effect of treatment on students’ mathematics learning gains (F (2, 77) =82.22, = .681). Participants in MET ( = 66.10) had better mathematics learning gains than those in SMT ( =60.77) and control group ( =22.73). There was also main effect of MA on students’ mathematics learning gains (F (1, 77) = 31.30, =.289); participants with low MA ( =61.54) benefited more in the treatment than those with high MA ( =40.94). Gender had no main effect on students’ mathematics learning gains. There was significant 2-way interaction effect of treatment and MA on students’ mathematics learning gains (F (2, 77) =7.87, =.170). The motivational enhancement therapy and self-monitoring skill training enhanced Mathematics learning readiness and gains of students. Educational/Counselling psychologists should adopt both interventions to improve mathematics learning readiness and gains of school-going adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria.
... The development of child's literacy, which is necessary for academic success of child is highly influenced by their parents. (Harris & Goodall, 2008;Muraina & Kassim, 2011). Moreover, they mentioned in this study that parents who are educated have a greater capacity to provide solid guidance to their children because they have already been through the educational process and they aware of the highs and lows of the educational options. ...
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Parents' involvement plays a pivotal role in assessing students’ academic success. Education is a vital aspect of current society at present. Therefore, parents are concerned about their children's education. While the common knowledge is that parental involvement impacts undergraduates’ education, studies focusing on undergraduates are lacking, particularly, in the Sri Lankan context. Hence, to fill this empirical gap, the objective of the study is to explore the impact of parental involvement on Sri Lankan undergraduates with a specific focus on the Western province. Data was collected from undergraduates through online questionnaires on four aspects of parental involvement, educational level, economic status, and family structure. The questionnaire was developed from a thorough analysis of the ample body of literature available in this field. Sri Lankan undergraduates from state and private universities in the Western province were selected as the responders through a simple random sampling technique. The sample includes 449 undergraduate students. Partial Least Squares-structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data using Smart PLS 4.0 software. Based on the study’s outcomes parental involvement, education level, and economic status have a significant impact on the academic success of undergraduates, whereas family structure has no significant impact. Through analysis, it was found that there is less testament to demonstrate that there is a significant impact of parental involvement on undergraduates. Despite the result deviating from common expectations, distanced parent-child relationships in the modern era may have caused such behaviour. Aside from the contribution to the body of knowledge this study also assists educational institutions in proper policy implementation, parents, and teachers in better parenting and teaching, respectively. Further, this study can be enhanced with broader coverage of undergraduates and obtaining views from parents’ side as well. Moreover, it is recommended to expand the scope of this study by including a more comprehensive sample of undergraduate students. Additionally, it would be beneficial to gather insights from the perspective of parents to obtain a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
... On their part, Idris et al., (2020) indicated that under certain circumstances, high education of father and mother positively contributes to their children's academic achievement and there is no doubt that if this is properly harnessed, it can also assist interested students to succeed in any selected entrepreneurship venture. In fact, Kassim (2011) pointed out that parents who have progressed educationally are usually more careful and conscious about the choices they make about the education of their children. This implies that the impact that the attributes of parents can play on the general development of their children including the child's intention to be an entrepreneur is an issue that cannot be overemphasized. ...
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The study investigated students’ parental status and entrepreneurship intention in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Four research questions and four hypotheses were answered and tested in the study. A correlational design was adopted in the study while the population of the study was all the students in secondary schools in Rivers State out of which 300 students were sampled for the study using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used for gathering data was a 20 items questionnaire which was face and content validated by three lecturers from University of Port Harcourt with a Cronbach alpha reliability index of 0.88. Out of the 300 copies of the questionnaire administered, 294 copies which was a 98% retrieval rate. Research questions raised were answered using point biserial correlation while the hypotheses were also tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study showed that household head, parental income, parental education status and parental entrepreneurship status had a relationship of r= 0.359, r=0.787, r=-0.407 and r=0.322 with students’ entrepreneurship intention while only the relationship between parental income and students’ entrepreneurship intention of the students was significant. It was recommended that students should be given the required financial and material support to make their entrepreneurship intention a reality in these schools. Article visualizations: </p
... Wilson and Cameson (2011) found a statistically significant but relatively small achievement differences between oldest and youngest children when cognitive ability scores were controlled using three hundred and thirteen students. Ajayi and Muraina (2011) reported that social economics status predictor variable of Parents education, occupation and real mothers age jointly produced 0.3% variance but was significant on academic performance of students in Ogun state in Nigeria. Similarly, Habibollah et al(2009) discovered that creativity ,age and gender jointly accounted for 0.143 of the variance in GPA of Iranian undergraduate students in Malaysian Universities. ...
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This study examined the correlates between age and gender on academic achievement (CGPA) of Mathematics and Science students. The study used three hundred and thirty-two (332) students; two hundred and twenty-three(223) females and one hundred and nine (109) males. Scatter-plot, mean and Standard deviation were used for the descriptive statistics while univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression were used for the inferential statistics. Z-test was used to test the null hypothesis formulated (P 0.05).Result revealed a linear relationship between, age-CGPA and gender-CGPA.A low positive correlation coefficients was obtained for ages and gender (r=0.030 and 0.111) which significant. The predictor variables jointly accounted for 1.3% of the variance, gender was the better predictor. The null hypothesis tested was accepted implying no significant gender difference in academic achievement of the students. It was suggested that some more variables be included so as to determine significant contributory effect of students academic achievement of Mathematics students .
... Majority of secondary school students often dread and show negative readiness, fear, and developed anxiety towards Mathematics and subsequently influence their achievement in the examination. Therefore, poor performance of students in mathematics has been a source of worry to the stakeholders [18] [1]. Moreover, [3] also supported that poor study habit, poor vocational goals and objective, socio-economic status, anxiety, emotion and other relevant condition of learning can cause poor academic performance. ...
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Attitudes can affect the overall behavior of students in the learning process. This study aims to investigate the correlation between students’ attitudes and mathematics learning achievements among 367 senior secondary school students in Yobe state, Nigeria. A correlational design was used in the study. The research instruments used were questionnaires designed by the researchers to elicit responses from the students and end-of-term 3rd term mathematics examination scores of the students. The respondents were measured with a relevant standardized scale with Cronbach alpha reliability of 0.83. The data obtained was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and t-test for independent sample. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ attitudes and mathematics learning achievements of high school students’. In addition, there was a significant difference between male and female students’ attitudes toward mathematics learning achievements of high school students. Thus, it can be concluded that students' attitudes and learning achievement in mathematics are positively related. Female students are more prone to math phobia. In view of these findings, it is recommended that teachers should be wary of student attitudes toward learning mathematics and ensure that mathematics phobias are drastically minimized.
... Furthermore, the study revealed that parents' occupation influences the knowledge of students towards consequences of teenage pregnancy. This confirmed the submission of Muraina and Ajayi, [26] that parental employment is expected to have significant effect [27] in their studies reported that parental occupation can affect how parents bring their children into a culture of learning. ...
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The incidence of teenage pregnancy has attracted global concern due to its impact on the teen's maternal health, the overall well-being of the child and the society at large. This study examined socioeconomic variable of parents as a correlate promoting teenage pregnancy among medical students in Delta State University, Abraka Delta State. The Ex-Post Facto method was chosen as the research design for the study. 294 female medical students were selected from a total of 982 students from the medical college using simple random sampling technique. The instruments used for data collection was a self-structured and well-designed questionnaire containing 25 multiple choice items based on the research questions developed in the study. 278 questionnaires were successful retrieved from the field and was used for data analysis. Frequency count, percentages, mean score and Pearson product moment correlation were employed as the statistical technique for data analysis. SPSS version 21.0 was utilized for data analysis. Findings from this study revealed that parental income (p = 0.003) and occupation (p = 0.005) were the viable parents' socioeconomic variable promoting teenage pregnancy among medical students in Delta State University, Abraka when compared to educational background (p = 0.343), religion (p = 0.307) and marital status (p = 0.053) variables that were not significantly related. It appears that significant number of adolescent female students who become pregnant has to leave school and this have a long-term implication for them as individual , their family and their community. Therefore, effective parent-daughter relationships and school-based reproductive health education programmes are strongly recommended.
... Moreover, it is disheartening that research and data from National Examination Bodies like West African Examinations Council (WAEC) have shown a consistently poor performance in this subject. Majority of secondary school students often dread and show negative readiness towards Mathematics and the trends of their achievement in the Senior Secondary School (SSS) certificate examination is also a source of worry to the stakeholders (Ajayi & Muraina, 2011;Adejumo, Oluwole & Muraina, 2015). From available statistics, the national average hovers around 32 per cent for Mathematics. ...
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Mathematics is one of the subjects that is taken very seriously in the school system, irrespective of country or level of education. This study therefore examined the effects of collaborative learning technique and Mathematics anxiety on Mathematics learning achievement of secondary school students in Gombe State, Nigeria. Pretest-posttest, control group quasi-experimental design with a 2x2 factorial matrix was used in the study. Multi-stage sampling technique was used in sampling participants from four local government areas in the state. The respondents were measured with validated scale of 0.84 reliability coefficient research instrument and the data obtained was analyzed using independent samples t-test statistical analysis. Two (2) research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the Mathematics learning achievement of secondary school students exposed to collaborative learning technique and those in the control group (t= 58.75; p<0.05) and there was a significant difference in the Mathematics learning achievement of secondary school students with high Mathematics anxiety and those with low Mathematics anxiety (t= 38.41; p<0.05). In view of these findings, the study recommends that educational stakeholders should intensify their effort to organize conferences on the implications of collaborative learning technique for effective interventions towards enhancing Mathematics learning achievement among secondary school students.
... The authors concluded that the higher level of parental education affects efficiency scores positively. Similarly, such studies as Hanushek and Kimko [51], McEwan and Marshall [52], Kassim et al. [53], and Li and Qui [54] have reported a positive association between parental education and student achievement. ...
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In this study, we assessed the efficiency of compulsory lower secondary education. We selected three variables that may significantly affect students’ performance in a particular country. First, we assumed that student scores achieved in PISA testing determine the number of monetary funds spent on these three variables, specifically student–teacher ratio, class size, and the annual number of hours spent in school. Second, we evaluated the efficiency of education in a sample of 24 different OECD countries, comparing the students’ performance in PISA 2018. Third, we used the two-stage data envelopment analysis with a bootstrapping procedure for estimating technical efficiency scores. Finally, we applied OLS and quantile regression, where our regression estimates in both models showed a positive effect of GDP per capita on students’ achievement across countries. The positive impact of GDP per capita was significant only for the least efficient countries. Conversely, the level of impact of parental education was much stronger and more positive for the inefficient countries and proved to be negative for more efficient countries.
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Bằng cơ sở lý luận và khảo sát thực tiễn bài viết cung cấp thông tin về thực trạng và Khở giữa kết quả học tập và yếu tố xã hội của gia đình sinh viên khoa Ngoại ngữ Trường Đại học Trà Vinh. Kết quả cho thấy yếu tố xã hội của gia đình gồm: gia đình, nghề nghiệp và trình độ học vấn của cha mẹ có mối quan hệ với kết quả học tập của sinh viên.
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Academic achievement is a major concern of preclinical students. This study aimed to determine factors influencing academic achievement in preclinical years. Questionnaires were sent to all students of the 2019 class at the 1st (2019/1) and 2nd preclinical years (2019/2) and the 2018 class at the 2nd preclinical year (2018/2) without sampling, with 85.11% (280/328), 86.32% (284/328), and 83.54% (274/328) being returned, respectively. Students were divided into Q1 (lowest)-Q2-Q3-Q4 (highest) according to quartiles of their GPA. Q4 students had higher examination expectation and achievement of study targets in all classes and more time spent on non-recorded-e-lecture study in the 2018/2 and 2019/2 classes; but lower time spent on recorded-e-lecture study in the 2019/1 class and non-academic-internet use in the 2019/2 and 2018/2 classes than other groups. In contrast, Q1 students had higher instances of lateness and absence/year in the 2019/2 and 2018/2 classes but lower happiness scores in the 2018/2 class compared to other groups. Obese and overweight students had significantly lower GPA than normal weight and underweight students of the 2019/2 class (p<0.05 all). The current year GPA had significant positive correlations with the previous year GPA, examination expectation, achievement of study targets, and time spent on non-recorded-e-lecture study; but had significant negative correlations with time spent on recorded-e-lecture study and non-academic internet use, instances of lateness and absence/year, and BMI (p<0.05 all). In conclusion, students with more self-regulation strategies in many aspects of self-regulated learning, including time management, learning strategies, emotion control, motivation, and self-efficacy, had better academic outcomes.
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This article analyzes the effects of family background on students' achievement in Third World countries and uses measures of social class that are both broader than previous work and more valid for developing countries. Study I examined panel data on the backgrounds and mathematics achievement of approximately 4,000 Grade 8 students from 99 schools in Thailand. It found that family background and prior achievement affected students' educational expectations, perceptions of ability, and effort, which, in turn, influenced subsequent achievement. Study 2 examined cross-sectional data on 103 students from 21 schools in Malawi. It employed country-specific measures of family background and assessed their effects on the language and mathematics performance of fourth- and seventh-grade students. Family background accounted for achievement in both studies. The article suggests that prior work may have underestimated the influences of family background on achievement in developing countries.
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Teenage parenthood is believed to cause special problems for both the young mother and her children. In this review, individual differences in the expression of parenting by different-aged mothers are explored in light of two questions: How do parenting practices originate, and how do parental practices affect the young child's social, physical, and cognitive development? Approaches to the study of teenage pregnancy are considered. Then, the prevalence of teenage pregnancy is explored. Next, research on teenage parenting practices, on the likely antecedents of parenting practices, and on outcomes of teenage motherhood for the child is reviewed. Finally, problems in methodology and with the interpretation of findings about teenage parenting are discussed. Social and economic disadvantages and teenage parenting often cooccur; most studies have not separated out the relative effects of the two, making interpretation of the outcomes of teenage parenting difficult. In addition, most studies focus on the prototypic teenage mother (black, urban, poor, unmarried), making generalizations to other groups difficult. The major outcome findings may be summarized as follows. First, intellectual differences in children born to teenage and older childbearers become more pronounced as children develop. Small differences are seen in studies in the preschool years and larger differences are found by the elementary school years. Adolescents of early childbearers are not doing as well in school as adolescents of older childbearers. Second, behavior differences as a function of age of childbearing are more likely to be seen in the early years than intellectual differences. Problems appear in activity levels, hostility, and undercontrol of behavior. Third, boys are more affected by teenage childbearing than are girls, at least in the early years.
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104 mothers of 1- and 3-year-old children were interviewed. Half of the mothers were of high and half of low SES. Low SES mothers believed that infants acquire basic cognitive skills, such as vision, hearing, and comprehending speech, at a later age than high SES mothers. Low SES mothers also believed that the introduction of cognitively stimulating activities during the first years, such as buying the first book or starting to feed the self, should occur later than did high SES mothers. No status group differences were observed in the favored timetable of physical caregiving, such as toilet training or weaning. Nor were there status group differences on the strictness/leniency dimension or in the unwillingness to put pressure on infants for accelerated development. The naive theory of the infant as a cognitive being and the timing of cognitively enriching activities were found to belong to a common cluster, separated out from the rest of the maternal attitudes, in an analysis of the intercorrelation matrixes obtained in the two samples.
Why are the social problems of ghettos so bad? This article proposes that ghettos are communities that have experienced epidemics of social problems. One important implication of this theory is that the pattern of neighborhood effects on social problems should be nonlinear in large cities. As neighborhood quality decreases, there should be a sharp increase in the probability that an individual will develop a social problem. The jump should occur somewhere near the bottom of the distribution of neighborhood quality. This hypothesis is tested by analyzing the pattern of neighborhood effects on dropping out and teenage childbearing. The analysis strongly supports the hypothesis, with exceptions for certain subgroups. Even after controlling for individual characteristics, black and white adolescents are exposed to sharp increases in the risk of dropping out and having a child in the worst neighborhoods in large cities.
Changes in the mental development, as assessed with the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales, of 37 Down syndrome infants over a 6-month period were correlated with scores obtained on the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) Inventory. Three HOME Inventory subscales, Organization of Physical and Temporal Environment, Opportunities for Variety in Daily Stimulation, and Maternal Involvement, were significantly related to the Griffiths Personal-Social Scale. A stepwise discriminant analysis composed of three subscale scores from the HOME Inventory (Organization of Physical and Temporal Environment, Provision of Appropriate Play Materials, and Maternal Involvement) differentiated the infants into two groups according to the degree of decline in the total developmental quotient. The minimal decline group was associated with a better organization of the physical and temporal environment. Scores on the HOME Inventory obtained in infancy can be used to help predict the amount of decline in measured mental functioning in Down syndrome infants.
Developmental outcome at 5 yr was compared in 1031 singleton children of teenage mothers and 10,950 singleton children of older mothers in a national longitudinal study. Children born to teenage mothers and living with them through the first 5 yr performed less well than other children in tests of vocabulary and behaviour at 5 yr of age; they were also shorter on average and had a smaller head circumference. These differences remained significant after allowing for certain social and biological factors, whereas a difference on visuomotor coordination did not. Teenage mothering thus appears somewhat disadvantageous to children's development.
This study investigates the relationship between age of mother and children's health and development at birth and at approximately three years of age. The sample is composed of Black and Hispanic women and their firstborn children who were delivered on the wards of a large New York City hospital in 1975. There were no differences between children of teenage and older mothers in terms of prematurity or birthweight, but the children of younger mothers had higher Apgar scores than those of older mothers. Age of mother was not significantly related to hospitalizations, the need to see a physician regularly, or abnormal weight. Although the number of injurious conditions and the incidence of burns were higher among the children of adolescent mothers, the effect of age of mother was not independent of other factors. The children of teenage mothers scored better than those of older mothers on the total Denver Developmental Screening Test, as well as on the Fine Motor sector. These findings thus suggest that when relevant background characteristics are controlled, children of teenage mothers are as healthy and develop as well as children of older mothers.