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The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province



In the current dynamic business environment, the competition is getting stiffer and performance organizational becomes an issue, the characteristics that occurred in the industrial revolution 4.0. This condition requires organizations to increase their performance to be sustained. Competence and knowledge management as internal resources that refer to RBV are strengths that are very important as predictors in improving performance. For this reason, the study has explored the indicators of each of the predictors and also test the relationships between a latent variables that have been hypothesized. This research focuses on the industrial chemical manufactur in Banten Province Indonesia which is become the province with the third-largest number of chemical firms in Indonesia. Regarding the central bureau statistics of Indonesia, the values of productivity, and human resources capability from the downstream chemical manufacturing sector below the target. This research using the SEM-PLS method to measure 97 respondents from the level supervisor and managerial. The final results provide a positive and significant relationship between competence and knowledge management through competitive advantage and organizational performance. Competitive advantage also increases the relationship between competence and knowledge management through organizational performance. This result has implications for managerial levels to increase human resources performance so it can improve the firm competitive advantage.
Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting
P-ISSN: 2714-9838; E-ISSN: 2714-9846
Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020 pp.225-242
225 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the
Financial Sector of Chemical Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Uli Wildan Nuryanto1, Masyhudzulhak Djamil MZ2, Achmad Hidayat Sutawidjaya3, Ahmad Badawi Saluy4
1234Mercu Buana University
: September 20, 2020
October 10, 2020
In current dynamic business environment, the competition is getting stiffer and performance
organizational becomes issue, the caracteristics that occurred in the industrial revolution 4.0. This
condition requires organizations to increase the performance to be sustain. Competence and
knowledge management as internal resources that reffer to RBV are strengths hat are very
important as predictors in improving performance. For this reason, the study has explored the
indicators of each of the predictors and also test the relationships between latent variable that
have been hypothesized. This research focus to the industrial chemical manufactur at Banten
Province Indonesia which is become the province with the third largest number of chemical
firms in Indonesia. Regarding to the central bureau statistics of Indonesia, the values of
productivity and human resources capability from downstream chemical manufactur sector
below the target. This research using SEM-PLS method to measure 97 respondents from the
level supervisor and manajerial. The final results provide a positive and significant relationship
between competence and knowledge management through competitive advantage and
organizatioan performance. Competitive advantage also increasse the relationship between
competence and knowledge management through the organizational performance. This result
has implication for managerial levels to increase human resources performance so it can improve
the firm competitive advantage.
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage, Financial Sector
Manufacturing Industry
An increasingly competitive market and consumer awareness of the quality of products
purchased at competitive costs, as well as product trends that change according to customer
demands have changed the industrial business to be more dynamic (Ko, 2015). This competition
started in 1990 when the market was intensified to get the right products and services to their
place in a fast and low cost manner (Li et al., 2006). This raises impacts and problems, especially
for companies that are accustomed to formulating their business strategies by relying on the
ability to predict trends in the next five to ten years to change their habits by making changes and
rapid innovation (Munir, 2011). To be able to maintain their existence, many companies have
made various ways to make changes according to the demands of customers, such as expanding
market share (Hertati., 2015), making innovations related to products and services provided to
customers (Hertati, 2015), improving production system, make improvements to organizational
systems and make cost savings (Hertati, 2016).
Organizations that are not able to keep up with environmental changes will find it very
difficult to be able to compete in this competition so that inevitably the organization must be
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Nuryanto, Djamil MZ, Sutawidjaya, & Saluy
226 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
able to create a competitive advantage so that its business can survive (Kusuma and Devie,
2013). Hertati research results, (2016) state that competitive advantage is an advantage over
competitors that can be obtained by offering greater consumer value, at lower prices or
providing greater benefits to customers and providing services that are able to provide more
value to customers. customers (Porter, 1985). Competitive advantage is also defined as the ability
of an organization to maintain a defensive position against its competitors (Li et al, 2006) with
indicators of each being price, quality, delivery, dependability, product innovation, and time to
market. This is in line with the formulation of competitive advantage proposed by Porter (1985)
for companies, namely low cost or product differentiation. In the last 4 years, there has been a
very significant decline in growth in the chemical manufacturing sector in Indonesia where the
economic growth value of this sector is still below the national economic growth.
This decline occurred in the chemical industry and chemical goods sub-sector, which is the
downstream chemical manufacturing industry. The value of productivity and human resource
capability in the downstream sector is still below the average value of the non-oil and gas sector
where the average value of the productivity and capability of the human resources in the non-oil
and gas sector in the last 5 years has been at 398.5 million / person, while the average value of
productivity and human resource capabilities The downstream chemical manufacturing industry
sector amounted to 336.8 million / person in 2017. This is different from the Upstream chemical
manufacturing industry sub-sector which has a productivity value and human resource capacity
of 1,211.9 million / person in 2017.
Hertati research (2019) reveals that an increase in existing competitive advantage will be
obtained if it is supported by the potential for superior and high-quality human resources to
support companies in achieving predetermined quality goals. But unfortunately in fulfilling the
needs of human resources itself, there are quite a number of obstacles for the industry today.
Based on the results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) between key persons of
manufacturing industry entrepreneurs, there were problems related to skill gaps, especially in
middle-level human resources as well as shortages of supply and skill mismatch at the level of
skilled human resources. Hertati, et, all (2020) stated that this is what makes the position of the
domestic industry difficult to innovate and develop so that based on the results of the 2017
Global Innovation Index report, the domestic position ranks 87 out of 137 countries in terms of
innovation. This illustrates the vulnerability of the industry's ability to be able to develop
technology in order to produce high competitiveness. For this reason, a competency-based HR
improvement is needed to be able to increase competitive advantage so that it can support an
increase in company performance.
Hertati research (2019) states that in addition to free competition, a potential threat but can also be
an opportunity in the chemical manufacturing sector is the development of science and technology that
has shifted the third industrial revolution into an industrial revolution 4.0 which has a very fast disruptive
technology pattern. and threatens incumbent companies. On the other hand, technological developments
can actually be used as an opportunity for the industrial manufacturing sector by using automation
technology to replace manual systems. Research by Hertati (2016) states that the faster flow of
information due to technological advances will help companies to get the flow of information quickly and
at low cost. But back to the extent to which the level of human resources in mastering existing
competencies and knowledge management to adapt so that they can master renewable technology and
even be able to innovate for the company. For this reason, this study seeks to explore existing
information related to the influence of competence and how knowledge management plays a role in
increasing the competitive advantage of companies in order to improve organizational performance.
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Nuryanto, Djamil MZ, Sutawidjaya, & Saluy
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The manufacturing sector is still the largest contributor to the national Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) with an achievement of 20.16% in 2017. While the next largest contributor to GDP is the
agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector at 13.14%, the trade sector at 13.01%, the construction sector was
10.38% and the mining sector 7.57%. The industrial classification used in the processing industry survey
is a classification based on the 4th revision of the Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic
Activities (ISIC) which has been adapted to conditions in Indonesia under the name Indonesian Standard
Industrial Classification (KBLI) in 2009. Furthermore, the main groups KBLI is divided into 24 industrial
subsectors where the chemical industry is included in the 11th classification called the chemical industry
and goods made of chemicals. In the last 5 years, the chemical manufacturing industry sector has been
able to generate an average export per year of US $ 10.83 billion and has been able to absorb 284,887
productive workforce with 1,376 companies spread across 22 provinces in Indonesia. Of the 22
provinces, there are 3 provinces that have the highest number of chemical companies, including West
Java with 388 companies, East Java with 333 companies and Banten province with 292 companies.
Emillia (2015) and Hertati, et, all (2020) state that the manufacturing sector, including the chemical
industry, is the foundation for the development of the national economy and is an important sector for
sustainable and productive economic growth. The development of the chemical industry in Indonesia is
also inseparable from the competitiveness of the industry itself, based on data from The International
Institute for Management Development (IMD), the competitiveness of the Indonesian manufacturing
industry in the last 11 years is not very good, namely in the 40th rank out of 193 countries registered with
the UN. This is an attraction for researchers to conduct more in-depth research related to competitive
advantage and organizational performance in the chemical manufacturing industry sector.
The definition of performance is used in various disciplines and depends on the field of the
organization itself (Jenatabadi, 2015: Hertati, et, all, 2019). Performance can be defined as an achievement
of results that can be seen from the extent to which the organization can achieve goals based on
predetermined goals. Performance is the result of collaborative activities among members or
organizational components in order to achieve organizational goals. Within the organizational framework,
there is a relationship between individual performance and organizational performance. Organizations in
achieving predetermined goals must go through activities driven by a person or group of people who
actively play a role as actors, in other words the achievement of organizational goals is only possible
because of the efforts made by people in the organization. Friedlander and Pickle (1968) and Safkaur,
(2020) consider performance as a variable that can measure the success of the company and also measure
the extent to which the company's ability to achieve its targets measured through efficiency, effectiveness
and others depending on the organizational context. Hertati, et, all (2020) stated that effectiveness refers
to the extent to which the production function can meet the demands and requirements of stakeholders
such as customers, top management and shareholders. While efficiency is how the organization's
resources are economically utilized through the achievement of functions.
This study uses the dimensions of competitive advantage from the perspective of RBV
into four dimensions, namely valuable resources, scarce resources, unmatched resources and
irreplaceable resources. With the number of indicators as many as seven indicators that refer to
the conditions of the research place and also the results of research such as Li and Liu (2018),
Ding et al (2018), Gautam and Ghimiee (2016), Stefanikova and Masarova (2014) and Awaad
(2014). The indicators are commitment and ability to provide satisfaction to customers (CA1),
ability to innovate (CA2), ability to withstand risks (CA3), use of technology (CA4), commitment
to achieving goals at any cost (CA5).
Related to RBV, competence is a capital that comes from internal organizations and has
value for the organization to be able to produce competitive advantage. In a company, core
competence is an absolute force that underlies the company in operating, while in relation to
competitive advantage, researchers also use differentiating competencies as a dimension of
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
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228 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
competence. As for professional competence, researchers also use it as a dimension and
predictor of competitive advantage and organizational performance, so that it is expected to
represent the diversity of meanings related to competence. Otoo and Mishra (2018) and Hertati
& Syafarudin (2018) define competence as a group of knowledge, skills, personal qualities and
experiences, while Hellrigel and Slocum (2011) define competence into the dimensions of
employee ethical competence, self-competence, diversity competence, cross-cultural competence,
communication competence, team competence and changing competencies as the seven main
competencies that affect individual competence, team and organizational effectiveness (Hertati,
et, all, 2020). Companies make various kinds of efforts to have a competitive advantage as a
powerful weapon in improving organizational performance, one of which is by calculating and
using core competencies as an internal strength that can produce added value, strong
differentiation (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994). There have been many studies from academics
which have concluded that core competencies are a very vital force for organizations as a means
of gaining competitive advantage (Hafeez and Abdelmeguid, 2003).
Srivastava (2005) states that core competencies are the basis of all internal resources which
can be used as competitive advantages. Banerjee (2003), core competence as anything that is
information and knowledge about the success or failure of using knowledge sources. Chen and
Wu (2007), core competence as the ability to operate efficiently in a business environment in
order to respond to existing challenges. Leonard and Barton (2000), core competencies as
competencies that differentiate a company from its environment. Meanwhile, according to
Sanchez and Heene (1997) what is meant by core competence is the result of a collective learning
process which is manifested in business activities and processes. Professional competence
according to McCelland (1973) is defined as the ability needed in the workplace which is related
to a person's personal capacity related to one's performance in doing their job. Professional
competence refers to the accuracy, skills and exemplary behavior, so that employees must
strengthen the professional aspects of competence in order to be competent in carrying out their
duties (Mansfield, 1978).
Lysaght and Altschuld (2001) stated that the core of professional competence is
knowledge, skills, standards, competences and identification. Distinguishing competencies are
abilities, activities and capacities that are unique compared to competitors (Stoner, 1987).
Producing higher quality products, innovating, having knowledge and skills in the workplace, or
the ability to respond quickly to customer requests compared to customers. Tsou et al (2014);
Garcia and Velasco (2008), competencies that differentiate the ability to be able to innovate that
produce new methods or materials using technology and leave previous methods. This study
uses core competencies as a dimension with three main indicators that refer to the results of
research from Hertati, Lestari (2020), Otoo & Mishra (2018) and Agha et al (2012), the three
indicators are competence in communication (COM1), competence in ethics (COM2) and
competence to work together (COM3).
Meanwhile, professional competence uses two indicators, namely cognition or
understanding of materials (COM4), and the ability to operate existing facilities (COM5) which
refers to Ko's research (2015). Whereas for differentiating competence, researchers use one
indicator, namely competence to innovate (COM6) which refers to the research of Tsou et al
(2014). Knowledge management is the formalization of and access to experience, knowledge,
and expertise that creates new capabilities that enable superior performance, drive innovation
and increase customer value (Khan, 2012). Knowledge management is a process that helps
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Nuryanto, Djamil MZ, Sutawidjaya, & Saluy
229 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
organizations to find, select, organize, disseminate and transfer important information and
expertise needed for organizational activities (Zaied et al, 2012). Companies that are efficient in
acquiring knowledge will be able to create and maintain a competitive advantage in a knowledge-
based economy. Meanwhile, other companies that are unable to acquire and create knowledge
will have difficulty in maintaining their competitive position (Deed and Hill, 1996 in Khan 2012).
Knowledge is an important source of competitive advantage available to an organization in the
twenty-first century (McFadyen and Canella, 2004).
The twenty-first century is an era of knowledge economy, where most organizations have
knowledge that enables them to improve their organizational performance (Zaied et al, 2012). In
today's world of aggressive competition, knowledge management is the main vehicle for
organizations to achieve their goals and to compete well. Knowledge management is recognized
as an important weapon to maintain competitive advantage and improve performance (Zaied et
al, 2012). Through knowledge management, organizations identify their knowledge and use it to
improve performance and produce various innovations (Munir, 2011). Organizations must
recognize the importance of effective knowledge management, because the costs of ignoring it
are enormous (Ling et al, 2008). So that the evaluation of knowledge management becomes
important because it provides a reference to direct the organization in increasing competitive
advantage so that it can create good organizational performance.
The dimensions of knowledge management in this study are identified into five stages of
knowledge selection that have been adjusted to the place of research and refer to the research of
Mahdi et al (2018), Turulja and Bajgoric (2018), Cahyaningsih et al (2017), Mahdavi and Pirzad
(2017). Al-Refaie and Al-Tahar (2016), Hazen (2015) into the process of knowledge
identification, knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge use.
With the number of research indicators as many as six indicators, namely data collection on
potential knowledge (KM1), converting and formalizing knowledge into reference standards
(KM2), protection of knowledge (KM3), transfer of knowledge (KM4), sharing of knowledge
(KM5) and use of knowledge into activities operational routine (KM6). This study integrates the
resources based view (RBV) theory and knowledge based theory (KBV), so that the researcher
calls the concept of renewal in this study as the Gain Competitive Advantage for a reliable
industry, this study also develops several hypotheses to extend the existing model into a new
model. From the description above it can be formulated a research hypothesis that competitive
advantage, organizational performance affects the manufacturing industry sector
This research is designed to answer problems that have been formulated through
hypotheses. Kerlinger's (2000) design is an investigation structure structured in such a way as to
help researchers get definite answers. using a deductive approach consisting of exploratory
research to find some relatively new relationships and detailed explanations. By applying a
deductive approach, the researcher tries to see the data empirically and systematically which is
then compared with existing theories. Causal studies attempt to explain the relationship between
the influence of competence, knowledge management, and competitive advantage on
organizational performance in the chemical manufacturing sector. The conceptual framework
proposed by the researcher is as follows:
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
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230 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
Figure 1. Research Framework, 2020
This research was conducted on chemical companies in the province of Banten which are
scattered in Serang Regency, Cilegon City and Tangerang Regency involving 97 respondents. The
sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique and the unit of analysis measures the
managerial level employees as policy makers in their respective companies with a minimum
working period of one year. The variables in this study are grouped into three groups, the first
exogenous variables are competence and knowledge management. , the second is the intervening
variable, namely competitive advantage and the last is the endogenous variable, namely
organizational performance. This study uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale with a value of 1-
5 where scale 1 states strongly disagree, scale 2 disagrees, scale 3 is neutral, scale 4 agrees and
scale 5 strongly agrees.
This study aims to obtain the best model in explaining the influence of competence,
knowledge management and competitive advantage on organizational performance in the
chemical manufacturing sector. While the indicators used are those that refer to previous
research and are related to the place of this research. The data analysis technique uses SEM PLS,
according to Ferdinand (2002) SEM is very suitable for confirming various kinds of constructs
that exist for latent variables. Test model compatibility or accuracy based on observed empirical
data. Test the causal relationship between the factors observed in the model. Based on the results
of an in-depth literature review of each relationship between variables, the following
relationships and influences were obtained.
The results of previous research show that competence and quality have a significant effect
on competitive advantage in small and medium companies (Ismail et al, 2014). Meanwhile, the
research results of Adiputra and Mandala (2017) show that competence and capability have a
positive effect on company performance, but competence does not have a significant effect,
while capability has a significant effect. Agha et al (2012), Jamhour and Agha (2010) and
Hastjarjo, et al (2016) show that competence has a significant effect on competitive ability and
competitive advantage and can improve organizational performance. Based on the research that
has been done above in relation to the relationship between competence and competitive
advantage, the researchers took the following provisional conclusions:
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Nuryanto, Djamil MZ, Sutawidjaya, & Saluy
231 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
HI: Competence has a significant effect on competitive advantage in the industrial sector
chemical manufacturing
The results of research related to the relationship between knowledge management and
competitive advantage found that there is a significant relationship between knowledge
management and competitive advantage (Mahdi et al, 2018). Meanwhile, Kusuma and Devie's
(2013) research results show that knowledge management has a positive and significant impact
on competitive advantage and organizational performance. Nazarpour and Shirin (2017) The
human resource process has a positive and significant influence on knowledge management and
competitive advantage, as well as knowledge management which has a significant effect on
competitive advantage where the measurement of competitive advantage is through the VRIO
approach. Almasi and Pirzad (2017) conclude that intellectual capital has a significant effect on
knowledge management and competitive advantage, but knowledge management has no
significant effect on competitive advantage, while Lee et al (2016) conclude that knowledge
management has a significant effect on technological innovation and competitive advantage. and
technological innovation has a significant effect on competitive advantage. Based on the research
that has been done above in relation to the relationship between knowledge management and
competitive advantage, the researchers took the following provisional conclusions:
H2: Knowledge Management has a significant effect on competitive advantage in
chemical manufacturing industry sector.
Previous research that discussed the relationship between competitive advantage and
organizational performance such as Cantele and Zardini (2018) concluded that there was a
significant influence on the sustainability dimension of the long-term company on competitive
advantage and a significant effect on competitive advantage and company performance. Lorenzo
et al (2017) concluded that competitive advantage has a significant effect on the performance of
beverage companies in Spain, this is in line with the research of Othman et al (2015), Kusuman
and Devie (2013) and Gyampah and Acquaah (2008) where their research also emphasizes that
the source the company's existing power originating from the internal company will determine
the company's competitive advantage. Based on the research that has been done above in
relation to the relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage, the
researchers took the following provisional conclusions:
H3: Competitive advantage has a significant effect on organizational performance in the sector
chemical manufacturing industry
Previous studies that examined the relationship between competence and organizational
performance include Otoo and Mishra (2018) which concluded that good human resources will
increase employee competence and the impact will have a significant effect on organizational
performance, while Nimsith et al (2016), Agha et al. (2012), Jamhour and Agha (2010) and
Hastjarjo et al (2016) concluded that the dynamic ability of organizations to existing
environmental risks and competence has a significant effect on organizational performance. So
that it can be concluded that competence is a very valuable internal resource for the company to
be able to improve its organizational performance. Based on the research that has been done
above in relation to the relationship between competence and organizational performance, the
researchers took the following temporary conclusions:
H4: Competence has a significant effect on organizational performance in the sector
chemical manufacturing industry
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Nuryanto, Djamil MZ, Sutawidjaya, & Saluy
232 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
The influence between knowledge management on organizational performance, it is
concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship, this is in line with the results of
Almudallal's research (2015), but in his research he has a very high amount of influence, which is
70%. Knowledge management supported by information technology applications will also have a
significant effect on company performance (Lopez and Alegree, 2011). Meanwhile, Nowacki and
Bachnick (2015) concluded that there is a significant influence between knowledge management
on company effectiveness in terms of innovation ability, company revenue, competitiveness.
Meanwhile, Muthuveloo et al (2017) stated that there was a significant influence on the
dimensions of knowledge management, namely socialization and internalization on company
performance. Based on the research that has been done above in relation to the relationship
between knowledge management and organizational performance, the researchers draw the
following temporary conclusions:
H5: Knowledge management has a significant effect on organizational performance on chemical
manufacturing industry sector.
Based on the results of the descriptive test of respondents, the majority of the results were
as follows: The majority of respondents were male (69.1%), the majority of respondents were 30-
40 years old (46.4%), the majority of the working years were 11-15 years (36.1%). The majority
of education is undergraduate (76.3%), the majority position is Supervisor (29.9%).
Tabel 1.
Demographic Respondents
1. Gender
2. Age
< 30 Years
30-40 years
41-50 Years
>50 Years
3. Service Years
0-5 Years
6-10 Years
11-15 Years
16-20 Years
21-25 Years
>25 Years
4. Education
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
5. Position
Sect. Head
Ass. Manager
Source: Data Processing Results, 2020
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
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Outer Model Analysis Result. The results of the convergent validity indicators of each
variable are as follows; competency variables with indicators COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4,
COM5 and COM 6 respectively 0.734, 0.823, 0.657, 0.717, 0.688 and 0.793. Knowledge
management variable with indicators KM1, KM2, KM3, KM4, KM5 and KM6 respectively
0.777, 0.795, 0.799, 0.820, 0.817 and 0.801. The variable of competitive advantage with indicators
CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4 and CA5 respectively 0.809, 0.697, 0.911, 0.774 and 0.842. Organizational
performance variables with indicators OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 and OP5 respectively 0.745, 0.822,
0.756, 0.812, and 0.869. The result of the loading indicator test is recommended to be above
0.70, but as long as the model is still in the development stage, the loading indicator value of 0.60
is still tolerable. From the test results above, it shows that each indicator of each competency
variable, knowledge management, competitive advantage and organizational performance shows
a result above 0.60. Composite Reliability
Table 2.
Value of Composite Reliability
Composite Reliability
Competitive Advantage
Knowledge Management
Organizational Performance
Source: Data Processing Results, 2020
The expected composite reliability value from the test results is ditas 0.70 which illustrates
that each indicator has high consistency for measuring latent variables. The results showed that
each construct had a composite reliability value above 0.70, which indicates the consistency of
the construct to measure high latent variables. Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Table 3.
Average Variance Extract
Competitive Advantage
Knowledge Management
Organizational Performance
Source: Data Processing Results, 2020
The AVE value shows the variance value for each indicator in the construct that is
captured by these variables more than the variance caused by measurement errors. The
recommended AVE value is> 0.5. From the analysis, it was found that the AVE value for each
construct was greater than 0.50.Cronbach's Alpha.
Table 4.
Cronbach’s Alpha
Cronbach’s Alpha
Competitive Advantage
Knowledge Management
Organizational Performance
Source: Data Processing Results, 2020.
Goodness of fit test. The goodness of fit test results obtained R2 value for the construct of
competitive advantage of 0.651 which can be interpreted that competence and knowledge
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Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
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management have an impact on competitive advantage by 65.1% while the remaining 34.9% is
influenced by other variables. Whereas for the value of R2 construct organizational performance
has R2 of 0.678 which means, organizational performance is influenced by latent variables of
competitive advantage, competence and knowledge management by 67.8%, while the remaining
32.2% is influenced by other variables.
Table 5.
Value of R-Square
Organizational Performance
Competitive Advantage
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
Hypothesis Test. To answer the hypothesis that has been, it is seen the significance of
the influence between independent constructs on the dependent at the 5% significance level. The
results of the T-Statistics value are as follows:
Tabel 6.
Coefficients value (Original Sample), Standard Error and T-Statistics
Significance Test
T Statistics
P Values
Competence -- > Competitive
Competence -- > Organizational
Competitive Advantage -- >
Organizational Performance
Knowledge Management -- >
Competitive Advantage
Knowledge Management -- >
Organizational Performance
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
Hypothesis 1. Bootstrapping test results obtained the coefficient value of the latent
variable competence on competitive advantage of 0.206 indicating that competence has a
positive influence on competitive advantage. As for the T-Statistic value, the value is 2.196 where
this value is greater than 1.96 and the P value of 0.0296 is smaller than 0.05, which indicates that
competence has a significant effect on competitive advantage, so that H1 in this study can be
accepted. This significance is in line with the results of research by Ismail et al. (2014) which
showed a significant relationship between competence and competitive advantage in small and
medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as the results of research by Hastjarjo et al (2016) which
showed the same results in the real industry. estate. Meanwhile, Agha et al (2012) and Jamhour
and Agha (2010) show the same results in the painting industry.
Hypothesis 2.The Bootstrapping test results show that the coefficient of knowledge
management latent variable on competitive advantage is 0.653 indicating that competence has a
positive influence on competitive advantage. As for the T-statistic value, the value of 8.173 is
obtained where this value is greater than 1.96 and the P value of 0.000 is less than 0.05, which
indicates that knowledge management has a significant effect on competitive advantage, so that
H2 in this study can be accepted. This significance is in line with the results of research
conducted by Mahdi et al (2018) whose research was conducted at universities in relation to
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
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235 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
industry as users. Meanwhile, Kusuma and Devie (2013) show the same relationship results
where their research was conducted on 100 managerial private companies in Surabaya.
Meanwhile, the research results of Nazarpour and Shirin (2017) show the same results, but in the
port industry in Iran. Almasi and Pirzad (2017), show the results of the same relationship
between knowledge management and competitive advantage in the banking industry and Lee et
al (2016) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia.
Hypothesis 3. Bootstrapping test results show that the coefficient of the latent variable of
competitive advantage on organizational performance is 0.532, indicating that competitive
advantage has a positive influence on organizational performance. Whereas for the T-statistic
value, the value is 4.494 where this value is greater than 1.96 and the P value is 0.000 less than
0.05, which indicates that competitive advantage has a significant effect on organizational
performance, so that H3 in this study can be accepted. This significance is in line with the results
of research conducted by Cantele and Zardini (2018) which show significant results for small and
medium industries in Italy, while Lorenzo et al (2017) in the Spanish wine industry, Othman et al
(2015) on cooperatives registered in Malaysia, Kusuma and Devie (2013) for private companies
in Surabaya, and Gyampah and Acquaah (2008) for companies in Ghana.
Hypothesis 4. Bootstrapping test results obtained the coefficient value of the latent
variable competence on organizational performance of 0.212, indicating that competence has a
positive influence on organizational performance. As for the T-statistic value, the value is 1.979
where this value is greater than 1.96 and the P value of 0.046 is smaller than 0.05, which indicates
that competence has a significant effect on organizational performance, so that H4 in this study
can be accepted. This significance is in line with the results of research conducted by Otoo and
Mishra (2018) which show significant results for the hotel industry in India, while Hastjarjo et al
(2016) on the real estate industry in Indonesia, Nimsith et al (2016) on the banking industry in
Sri Lanka. , Agha et al (2012) and Jamhour and Agha (2010) on the painting industry in the UAE.
These results indicate that competence is a predictor of organizational performance that can
increase employee commitment to the company, economic performance, social performance and
environmental performance.
Hypothesis 5. The results of Bootstrapping test showed that the coefficient value of the
latent variable competence on organizational performance was 0.571 which shows that
competence has a positive influence on organizational performance. Whereas for the T-statistic
value, the value of 5.103 is obtained where this value is greater than 1.96 and the P value of 0.000
is less than 0.05, which indicates that knowledge management has a significant influence on
organizational performance, so that H5 in this study can be accepted. This significance is in line
with the results of research conducted by Meiranto et al (2012) showing significant results for the
banking industry in Indonesia, while Almudallal et al (2015) in the public sector in Palestine,
Nowacki and Bachnik (2015) on private companies in Poland and Muthuveloo et al (2017) in
local and foreign manufacturing industries registered with the Federation of Malaysian
Manufacturers. These results indicate that knowledge management is a predictor of
organizational performance. Competitive advantage as a mediator variable
a. The indirect coefficient of competence on organizational performance through competitive
advantage is 0.206 x 0.532 = 0.1096. Calculation of the Z value using the Sobel test is
obtained as follows:
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
Nuryanto, Djamil MZ, Sutawidjaya, & Saluy
236 | Ilomata International Journal of Tax & Accounting Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2020
Where :
a = Coefficient of influence of competence on competitive advantage
b = coefficient of influence of competitive advantage on organizational performance
SEa = standard error of competence on competitive advantage
SEb = standard error of competitive advantage on organizational performance
With a Z score of 5.48 greater than Z 1.98, it can be concluded that competitive
advantage is able to mediate the relationship between competence and organizational
a. The indirect coefficient of knowledge management on organizational performance through
competitive advantage is 0.206 x 0.532 = 0.1096. Calculation of the Z value using the Sobel
test is obtained as follows:
Where :
a = Coefficient of influence of competence on competitive advantage
b = coefficient of influence of competitive advantage on organizational performance
SEa = standard error of competence on competitive advantage
SEb = standard error of competitive advantage on organizational performance
With a Z score of 7.89 greater than Z 1.98, it can be concluded that competitive advantage is
able to mediate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational
The role of competitive advantage on organizational performance is very important, this
can be proven where competitive advantage is able to increase the influence of competence and
knowledge management on organizational performance. Competence has a positive and
significant effect both on competitive advantage and on organizational performance, as well as
knowledge management which has a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage and
organizational performance. This study has implications for managers and control holders in the
company to be able to improve the competence of existing human resources by using the
existing dimensions of professional competence, core competence and unique differentiating
competences. By improving these three competencies, it will be able to improve company
performance in terms of commitment, economic performance, social performance and
environmental performance. Another implication is related to knowledge management which
can be used as a predictor for company managers which in this study is described into the
dimensions of knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge
sharing and knowledge use. The existence of good management of knowledge is an important
asset for companies in facing the industrial revolution 4.0 which leads to a knowledge-based
The Effect of Organizational Performance, Competitive Advantage on the Financial Sector of Chemical
Manufacturing Industry in Banten Province
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economy. This research is not without drawbacks, given the limited number of respondents and
the variables used. It is hoped that further research can be continued by using more
comprehensive variables based on the RBV theory and also with a larger number of samples
from this study.
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... The competition is getting more challenging, and organizational performance is becoming problematic in the current dynamic corporate climate. Organizations must improve their performance to maintain this status (Nuryanto, Djamil, Sutawidjaya, and Saluy, 2020). According to Ko (2015), the industrial company has implemented changes to improve its agility in light of a progressively competitive market, heightened consumer awareness regarding the quality of products available at competitive prices, and evolving product preferences driven by customer demands. ...
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This study aims to investigate the impact of competitive advantage as a mediator between organizational performance and strategy management in enterprises located in Faridabad. Using a well-designed questionnaire and convenient sampling, data is gathered from 200 Faridabad-based businesses. Amos 21 and SPSS 21 are used for data analysis. Strategy management practices significantly impact organizational performance in direct analysis. Competitive advantages have a significant impact on organizational performance, and strategy management practices have a significant impact on competitive advantages in the indirect effect. However, there is no significant relationship between strategy management practices and organizational performance. It is revealed that completive advantages fully mediate between strategy management practices and organizational performance. Subsequent studies may employ qualitative research methods to investigate additional pertinent variables. It is implied that strategy implementation and assessment are critical to improving performance and giving Faridabad-based businesses a competitive edge.
... The logical foundation of this study is built upon the hypothesis that organizational performance mediates the relationship between reverse logistics and competitive advantage. This approach extends the conversation beyond the commonly analyzed operational and financial performance metrics [21], offering a holistic view of how reverse logistics practices can drive competitive advantage in manufacturing industries [22,23]. ...
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Reverse logistics is a known supply chain practice and has been proven effective in recent decades. In developing countries, these practices are already employed and considered beneficial for the business or firms. The reverse logistics concept creates value for customers and firms. Considering this, this study intends to highlight reverse logistics practices in Pakistan and examine the reverse logistics impacts on competitive advantage with the mediating role of the firm’s organizational performance in Pakistan’s manufacturing industries. In this study, plastic bottle manufacturing firms working in Pakistan were selected to collect the data. Hence, to collect the data from these firms, a survey technique was sought to determine the impact of reverse logistic practices on competitive advantage with the mediating role of organizational performance. A structured and adapted questionnaire was used in this regard. Organizational performance was assumed as the operational and financial performance of these firms. Data were collected using a convenience sampling technique, and the targeted population was the middle-level employees of bottle manufacturing firms. The statistical tool was adopted as the study was quantitative, and results were extracted numerically. IBM SPSS and AMOS version 24 were used as supporting statistical analysis and interpretation tools. Data analysis demonstrated that out of 219 respondents, 68 were supervisors, and others were middle managers. Statistics show that most females were supervisors, and most males were middle managers. “Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)” was performed to examine the fit of the three-factor model, showing good fit indices (Chi-square/df = 2.71, CFI = 0.902, TLI = 0.896, RMSEA = 0.081), which indicates that the model fits the data well. According to the study’s findings, a significant impact was examined between reverse logistics and competitive advantage, and a mediating role was confirmed between those variables. This study poses unique strengths in theoretical and practical ways and helped enrich the available literature and findings.
... As a result, the overall economy may suffer from decreased innovation and competitiveness on a global scale. Skill mismatch is another significant challenge faced by individuals with low education attainment (Dadzie et al., 2020;Nuryanto et al., 2020). In a rapidly changing job market driven by technological advancements and shifting industry needs, individuals who receive an education that does not align with current job requirements may struggle to find suitable employment. ...
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The study examines the relationship between education, employment, and income and adopts a quantitative approach to comprehensively explore the impact of educational attainment on the U.S. labor market. A cross-sectional design is employed, collecting data at a single point in time from various reputable sources, comprising the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau. The study focuses on analyzing longitudinal data related to employment rates and income levels in relation to different levels of education. The findings indicate a clear relationship between educational attainment and employment rates. Individuals with an "Advanced degree" consistently exhibit the highest employment rate. Policymakers should prioritize making education more accessible and affordable to address the disparities in employment rates and earnings based on educational attainment.
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This research aims to determine the influence of organizational culture and change management through competitive advantage on company performance at PT. Sarana Abadi Makmur Bersama. The research was carried out using a quantitative approach. The population is 435 employees with a sample of 87 respondents. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire which will be distributed to respondents by random sampling. Data analysis techniques use descriptive analysis, path analysis, regression analysis, and the Sobel test. The conclusion of the research is that competitive advantage is able to mediate organizational culture and change management on company performance at PT. Sarana Abadi Makmur Bersama. The main findings based on statistical results show that the greatest influence is from direct influence, namely: the change management variable with a beta value of 0.395 then organizational culture with a beta value of 0.297. The suggestion for companies is to focus more on improving change management and organizational culture which will make a greater contribution to improving company performance and increasing the company's competitive advantage.
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This research was conducted to analyze more deeply the influence of customer value and brand awareness on customer retention with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. The survey data used in this research is based on the results of a questionnaire distributed online using a Google form consisting of 18 questions and filled in by 291 respondents. The data was then processed using AMOS version 23. The results of this research prove that customer value and brand awareness have a positive and significant effect on customer retention with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. It is hoped that the results of this research will bring positive benefits to various parties, namely for business owners and the world of fast commerce as well as for science in theory development. This research has sample and time limitations. So it can be a suggestion for further research to conduct research with a larger sample and at a different time. So it is recommended for future researchers to dig deeper into the scope of quick commerce, research over a wider area and use different research methods.
Globaliasasi perdagangan saat ini memberikan dampak persaingan industri sangat ketat dalam segala aspek dan menuntut perusahaan lebih mengoptimalkan seluruh sumber daya yang dimilikinya. Selain optimalisasi sumberdaya tenaga kerja, perusahaan juga perlu untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan mesin dan peralatan kerja agar dapat memberikan perlindungan atas keselamatan dan kesehatan tenaga kerja. Tujuan dari peneiltian ini adalah untuk menguji peran safety culture sebagai faktor mediasi pengaruh komitmen manajemen dan safety procedure terhadap safety behavior. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 117 orang pekerja. Alat uji hipotesis menggunakan Smart PLS (Partial Least Squares). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen manajemen terhadap safety culture memiliki pengaruh sebesar 27,84%, pengaruh safety procedure terhadap safety culture sebesar 20,59% dan pengaruh safety culture terhadap safety behavior sebesar 38,40%. Sementara itu, komitmen manajemen dan safety procedure tidak berpengaruh safety behavior. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa safety culture dapat memediasi pengaruh komitmen manajemen terhadap safety procedure dan safety behavior.
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Objective of the study: Examine which antecedent factors favored the use of social media and which, substantiated in the organizational resilience, provoked innovation in startups in times of pandemic. Methodology/approach: A survey was carried out on startups located in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, listed on the StartupBase, obtaining 119 questionnaires answered by the managers. Structural equation modeling was used for the analysis of the hypotheses. Main results: The environment, measured by external pressure, and the organizational, measured by the dimensions of internal readiness and strategic benefits, figure as antecedents of the use of social media. The use of social media has a direct and positive effect on organizational resilience and, mediated by organizational resilience, has positive effect on innovation. Theoretical/methodological contributions: The literature is expanded by analyzing antecedents and consequences of the use of social media, particularly related to the capacity for organizational resilience and the promotion of innovation. Relevance/originality: Empirical evidence indicates that social media can help develop resilience in startups and, consequently, promote innovation in times of pandemic. Social/management contributions: The focus on social media revealed that it can generate benefits in periods of restrictions, since the use of social media substantiated in organizational resilience enables interaction and value creation.
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The increasingly fierce business competition in the current era of globalization, also the high risk that can be caused by the operational activities of companies engaged in oil and gas both to internal and external parties, plus the social problems that can arise from the operational activities of oil and gas companies due to public dissatisfaction have encouraged companies to has a valuable competitive advantage and solves such complex problems, including for Sub holding of Pertamina Hulu Energy regional 1 which is located on Sumatera Island which is famous for being rich in oil and gas, but in reality the poverty rate of the population around the company's operational activities is still very high. For this reason, this research was carried out using GCG and CSR variables as predictors of competitive advantage, where researchers conducted instructions on the variables through the dimensions of each latent variable that would be tested into the research model. The research was conducted for 9 months starting from January to September 2022, using a quantitative approach, survey method and the analysis method using structural equation model (SEM) PLS. The number of indicators used in this study were 32 indicators. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling of 160 respondents to people and community around the company's operational activities. The results show that 32 indicators used in the model have good validity and reliability. The goodness of fit results from the model built have a good predictive relevance with coefficient of determination for economic dimension is 63.3%, while the environmental dimension is 72.3%, the social dimension is 62.9%, and competitive advantage is 81.7 %. The results of the Q2 and GoF index show the model has a high level of model fitness. The results of the fifteen hypotheses proposed in this study are accepted, show the importance of managing the GCG and CSR dimensions to increase competitive advantage of the company
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Core competencies are the combination of pooled knowledge and technical capacities that allow a business to be competitive in the marketplace. It should allow the company to expand into new end markets as well as provide the significant benefit to banking customers. Core competencies are functions of several forces from both the supply and demand side. This study is focusing on the strategic role of core competencies on competitive advantage,it applied by the banking firms in Sri Lanka. The main objective is to identify the impact of core competency on competitive advantage on banking firms in Sri Lanka. The secondary objective is to find out whether the identified core competencies are used by banking firms to achieve competitive advantage. The study was conducted based on qualitative survey.Primary datawere collected through structured questionnaire, which was distributed to selected banking firms in Sri Lanka. The data were analyzed using correlation, simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0, and also using descriptive statistical tools such as means, standard deviation and graphs. The findings revealed thatdifferent banking firms have different areas which they consider as their core competencies; there is significant relationship between core competencies and competitive advantage among Sri Lankan banking firms. This study also proved that, the core competencies had significant impact on competitive advantage. It concludes thatbanking firms achieve competitive advantage, which is considered significant successful, Bank sustain the success by proper use of their core competencies.
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This study investigates the effect of management commitment on the successful application of management accounting information systems and their implications for manager decision making. The unit of analysis in this study is the functional unit in Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia. This research also implies that the responsiveness of organizations to the successful implementation of management accounting information systems is very important not only for internal and external but for the organization itself in building a sustainable corporate image, and successes that enhance organizational reputation and manager's understanding of financial and non-financial information. finance is in line with the increasing commitment of the management in the company. Furthermore, this study states that management commitment influences the success of management accounting information systems and their implications for manager decision making. The Lisrel SEM modeling results confirm that management's commitment to the success of management accounting information systems and their implications for managerial decision making have a significant effect.
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Covid-19 information technology is developing so rapidly virtually, where technology allows users to interact with an environment that is simulated online, a tool that has a number of accurate information that can be accessed online to receive information. Copid_19 information technology has a bad impact on the business activities of small and medium businesses, causing inventory to become obsolete, considering that performance targets other than profit are declining for the company because it does not obtain sales transactions, ultimately the flow of funds from customers is more hampered. The covid-19 outbreak caused it to reduce company financial statements and business practices and profitability according. Covid-19 information technology outbreaks cause customers to make the decision to stay at home with no outside activities, ultimately stopping business practices and other transactions for the company. Public media such as the Web, private social networks, wikis and blogs are important tools for companies to communicate, collaborate and share information about sales through the system and even evaluate directly how sales take place. The data analysis technique used in this study is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique, in micro and small-medium enterprises in Indonesia that are related and 112 samples are collected in micro small and medium businesses spread across Indonesia. The results showed that the covid-19 outbreak information technology was quite influential in the company's financial statements and business practices. Companies must consider losses due to obsolescence of inventory and company income will decrease. This research was conducted at micro small and medium enterprises in Indonesia which were affected by Corona Pandemic.
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A crisis is a period associated with events that occur unexpectedly that have a negative impact on the organization. The economic crisis is caused by an unforeseen world situation so it must provide a fast, precise and accurate decision so as not to affect the organization’s overall operations as a bold step to minimize unintended consequences. A crisis is an event that can destroy an organization and its employees, products, services, and the financial condition of a business enterprise like a corona outbreak. An economic crisis if left unchecked can cause a financial situation that is a concern, a crisis which is an event that has a broad scope of society. The crisis has the potential to cause long-term damage to the financial image of a business company will lose public trust in consumer confidence can weaken the morale of company employees who are experiencing a crisis, can pose the risk of increasing the intensity of the problem. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine the effects of economic crisis on buriness finance. The data analysis technique uses the structural equation modeling technique, which involved 400 Indonesian small and medium entrepreneurs and 162 samples collected on employees. The results show that the effect of the economic crisis on the financial statements of Indonesian medium and small micro traders plays an important role in the economic crisis so that business finance business is very influential when there is uncertainty in the environment, the financial statements of small and micro business enterprises sweeping across the globe hit making bad changes in the financial statements of micro and small business entrepreneurs in Indonesia. This research was conducted on micro small and medium entrepreneurs in Indonesia.Keywords: Economic Crisis, Business Finance, Financial SituationJEL Classifications: F3, G01DOI:
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Human resource ethics is needed for quality decision making. Thus, the ethics of quality human resources financial reporting is produced by good human resource ethics. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Human Resource Ethics on Financial Reporting Implications on Good Government Governance. The unit of analysis in this study is the related sub-units in State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia. The population of this study is 335 related sub-units in BUMN. Using SEM-LISREL as an analytical tool. Data was collected by questionnaire as a research instrument. Results have shown that financial reporting can be reflected through: 1) responsibility, 2) accountability, 3) liability.Keywords: Human Resource Ethics, Financial Reporting, Good Government GovernanceJEL Classifications: G3, G23, O15DOI:
The complexity of the financial information system process requires obeying the Indonesian financial accounting standard regulatory procedures in carrying out financial information, as well as demanding that individuals implementing financial information systems have strong working power that is safe and sustainable in order to run a good financial information system process. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of organizational commitment to financial information systems, on state-owned enterprises in South Sumatra. This research is a quantitative method research with a total sample of 48 BUMN spread across South Sumatra. The analytical tool used is multiple regression with SPSS version 24. The results show that organizational commitment influences financial information systems.
Sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen adalah proses mengidentifikasi, mengukur, mengakumulasi, menganalisa, mempersiapkan, menginterpretasi dan mengkomunikasikan informasi keuangan yang digunakan oleh manajemen untuk merencanakan, mengevaluasi dan mengendalikan suatu organisasi sehingga kualitas informasi, kuaitas sistem, kegunaan untuk memastikan dan mempertanggung jawabkan penggunaan sumber daya. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyelidiki pengaruh kualitas sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen. Studi saat ini dilakukan pada usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia. Fungsi dan tugas manajer atau non-manajer berbeda karena level dan bagian yang berbeda menyebabkan kebutuhan informasi manajer dan non-manajer untuk mendukung fungsi dan tugas yang berbeda. Realitas menyatakan sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen pada usaha kecil dan menengah di Indonesia yang memiliki berbagai masalah termasuk masalah pengakuan, pengukuran,penyajian, pengungkapan terhadap perubahan kondisi dan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen yang sesuai kebutuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan seberapa besar pengaruh strategi bisnis, kekuatan produk terhadap kualitas sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen. Metode ini adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikasi, dan alat analisisnya adalah pemodelan SEM Lisrel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi bisnis, kekuatan produk berpengaruh terhadap kualitas sistem informasi akuntansi manajemen. Keywords: Strategi Bisnis, Kekuatan Produk, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen