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Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a severe pathology with important social and economic concerns, decompressive craniectomy (DC) represents a life-saving surgical option to treat elevated intracranial hypertension (ICP). The rationale underlying DC is to remove part of the cranial bones and open the dura mater to create space, avoiding secondary parenchymal damage and brain herniations. The scope of this narrative review is to summarize the most relevant literature and to discuss main issues about indication, timing, surgical procedure, outcome, and complications in adult patients involved in severe traumatic brain injury, underwent to the DC. The literature research is made with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms on PubMed/MEDLINE from 2003 to 2022 and we reviewed the most recent and relevant articles using the following keywords alone or matched with each other: decompressive craniectomy; traumatic brain injury; intracranial hypertension; acute subdural hematoma; cranioplasty; cerebral herniation, neuro-critical care, neuro-anesthesiology. The pathogenesis of TBI involves both primary injuries that correlate directly to the external impact of the brain and skull, and secondary injuries due to molecular, chemical, and inflammatory cascade inducing further cerebral damage. The DC can be classified into primary, defined as bone flap removing without its replacement for the treatment of intracerebral mass, and secondary, which indicates for the treatment of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), refractory to intensive medical management. Briefly, the increased brain compliance following bone removal reflects on CBF and autoregulation inducing an alteration in CSF dynamics and so, eventual complications. The risk of complications is estimated around 40%. The main cause of mortality in DC patients is due to brain swelling. In traumatic brain injury, primary or secondary decompressive craniectomy is a life-saving surgery, and the right indication should be mandatory in multidisciplinary medical–surgical consultation.
Citation: Vitali, M.; Marasco, S.;
Romenskaya, T.; Elia, A.; Longhitano,
Y.; Zanza, C.; Abenavoli, L.;
Scarpellini, E.; Bertuccio, A.;
Barbanera, A. Decompressive
Craniectomy in Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury: The Intensivist’s Point
of View. Diseases 2023,11, 22.
Academic Editor: Maurizio Battino
Received: 27 September 2022
Revised: 3 January 2023
Accepted: 5 January 2023
Published: 30 January 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
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Decompressive Craniectomy in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury:
The Intensivist’s Point of View
Matteo Vitali 1, Stefano Marasco 1,2 , Tatsiana Romenskaya 3, Angela Elia 1,2, Yaroslava Longhitano 3,
Christian Zanza 3, *, Ludovico Abenavoli 4, Emidio Scarpellini 5,6 , Alessandro Bertuccio 1
and Andrea Barbanera 1
1Department of Neurosurgery, AON SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo H, 15121 Alessandria, Italy
2Department of Neurosurgery, IRCCS S. Matteo, Pavia University, 27100 Pavia, Italy
3Department of Integrated Research and Innovation Activities, Service of Translational Medicine,
AON SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo H, 15121 Alessandria, Italy
4Department of Health Sciences, University “Magna Græcia”, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
5Hepatology Outpatient Clinic and Internal Medicine Unit, “Madonna del Soccorso” General Hospital,
63074 San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy
6T.A.R.G.I.D., Gasthuisberg University Hospital, KU Leuven, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-3343261277
Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a severe pathology with important so-
cial and economic concerns, decompressive craniectomy (DC) represents a life-saving surgical option
to treat elevated intracranial hypertension (ICP). The rationale underlying DC is to remove part of the
cranial bones and open the dura mater to create space, avoiding secondary parenchymal damage and
brain herniations. The scope of this narrative review is to summarize the most relevant literature and
to discuss main issues about indication, timing, surgical procedure, outcome, and complications in
adult patients involved in severe traumatic brain injury, underwent to the DC. The literature research
is made with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms on PubMed/MEDLINE from 2003 to 2022 and
we reviewed the most recent and relevant articles using the following keywords alone or matched
with each other: decompressive craniectomy; traumatic brain injury; intracranial hypertension; acute
subdural hematoma; cranioplasty; cerebral herniation, neuro-critical care, neuro-anesthesiology. The
pathogenesis of TBI involves both primary injuries that correlate directly to the external impact of the
brain and skull, and secondary injuries due to molecular, chemical, and inflammatory cascade induc-
ing further cerebral damage. The DC can be classified into primary, defined as bone flap removing
without its replacement for the treatment of intracerebral mass, and secondary, which indicates for
the treatment of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), refractory to intensive medical management.
Briefly, the increased brain compliance following bone removal reflects on CBF and autoregulation
inducing an alteration in CSF dynamics and so, eventual complications. The risk of complications
is estimated around 40%. The main cause of mortality in DC patients is due to brain swelling. In
traumatic brain injury, primary or secondary decompressive craniectomy is a life-saving surgery, and
the right indication should be mandatory in multidisciplinary medical–surgical consultation.
decompressive craniectomy; traumatic brain injury; intracranial hypertension; acute
subdural hematoma; cranioplasty; cerebral herniation; neuro-critical care; neuro-anesthesiology
1. Introduction
Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a surgical technique developed over the centuries,
and Kocher described it in detail more than a century ago. The DC has still today an
essential role in the neurosurgical practice and represents a life-saving surgical option to
treat elevated intracranial hypertension (ICP) [
]. The underlying rationale is to remove
part of the cranial bones (“bone flap”), opening the dura mater to create space to avoid
Diseases 2023,11, 22.
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secondary parenchymal damage and brain herniations, reducing ischemic complications
and improving cerebral blood flow, perfusion, and compliance.
The main indications for DC are Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Middle Cerebral Artery
(MCA) infarction, and Acute Subdural Hematoma (ASDH); additionally, other common
several pathologies (such as acute encephalitis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, subdural empyema)
causing intractable elevated ICP are suitable for DC [16].
Primary DC is defined as bone flap removing without its replacement for the treat-
ment of intracerebral mass, while secondary DC is indicated for the treatment of elevated
intracranial pressure (ICP), refractory to intensive medical management.
The aim of this narrative review is to summarize the most relevant literature and to
discuss the main issues about indication, timing, surgical procedure, outcome, and compli-
cations in adult patients involved in severe traumatic brain injury who underwent DC.
2. Methods
The literature search was performed on the PubMed/MEDLINE following a timeline
from 2003 to 2022 with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms alone or combined with
each other: decompressive craniectomy; traumatic brain injury; intracranial hypertension;
acute subdural hematoma; cranioplasty; cerebral herniation; neuro-critical care; and neuro-
anesthesiology were the MeSH terms researched, alone or.
Our research focused on the most recent and relevant articles, and reviewed overall
data about indications, timing, surgical technique, outcomes, and complications of DC and
cranioplasty, excluding pediatric cases. No restrictions have been placed on the language
and country of origin of the articles.
After careful selection, we considered about 43 articles, including two meta-analytic
studies and two systematic reviews, and an International Consensus Statement
(see Figure 1).
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Figure 1. Flowchart used for the searching literature.
3. Discussion
3.1. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a severe pathology due to a violent blow or
jolt to the head with altered state of consciousness associated with temporary or perma-
nent neurological deficits representing social and economic concerns. TBI is one of the first
causes of death and long-term disability and in Europe, the reported incidence of TBI
ranges between 83.3 and 849 per 100,000 population per year [7]. The mortality rate has a
wide range, accounting for from 9 to 28.10 per 100,000 population per year [7]. The highest
incidence of TBI is reported in the male population aged < 44 years old, and it is related
mainly to car crashes, falls, violence, sports-related, and home or work accidents [7].
3.2. Classification
On the basis of Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and the injury mechanism, TBI is classi-
fied as mild, moderate, and severe. Mild occurs in cases of alteration of alertness without
neurological deficit (GCS 1315); Moderate, usually involving patients with alteration of
the consciousness with or without neurological deficits (GCS 9–12); Severe is defined in
cases of a comatose or unresponsive status (GCS 3–8).
3.3. Pathophysiology
The pathogenesis can be primary when it correlated directly to the external impact
of the brain and skull; secondary is when molecular, chemical, and inflammatory cascade
inducing further cerebral damage. The primary injuries include Epidural Hematoma,
Acute Subdural Hemorrhage, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Diffuse Axonal Injury, and
Skull Fractures, with possible involvement of cranial nerves [8].
Figure 1. Flowchart used for the searching literature.
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3. Discussion
3.1. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a severe pathology due to a violent blow or
jolt to the head with altered state of consciousness associated with temporary or permanent
neurological deficits representing social and economic concerns. TBI is one of the first
causes of death and long-term disability and in Europe, the reported incidence of TBI
ranges between 83.3 and 849 per 100,000 population per year [
]. The mortality rate has a
wide range, accounting for from 9 to 28.10 per 100,000 population per year [
]. The highest
incidence of TBI is reported in the male population aged < 44 years old, and it is related
mainly to car crashes, falls, violence, sports-related, and home or work accidents [7].
3.2. Classification
On the basis of Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and the injury mechanism, TBI is classified
as mild, moderate, and severe. Mild occurs in cases of alteration of alertness without
neurological deficit (GCS 13–15); Moderate, usually involving patients with alteration of
the consciousness with or without neurological deficits (GCS 9–12); Severe is defined in
cases of a comatose or unresponsive status (GCS 3–8).
3.3. Pathophysiology
The pathogenesis can be primary when it correlated directly to the external impact
of the brain and skull; secondary is when molecular, chemical, and inflammatory cascade
inducing further cerebral damage. The primary injuries include Epidural Hematoma,
Acute Subdural Hemorrhage, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Diffuse Axonal Injury, and Skull
Fractures, with possible involvement of cranial nerves [8].
The secondary injuries are of greatest interest, because the metabolic cascade that
begins after the head trauma leads to many biochemical cerebral changes, and it is very
important to know to choose an appropriate therapy.
In the absence of primary lesions and/or obstructive hydrocephalus, the main cause
of brain swelling, and intracranial hypertension is the cerebral edema, which is divided
into two types: vasogenic and cytotoxic: although both are associated with increased ICP,
the latter is more associated with severe TBI.
According to the Monro–Kellie role, the ICP is determined by the sum of blood
volume, cerebral parenchymal, and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). In cases of increased ICP,
the self-regulation system and brain compliance maintain intracranial pressure level within
physiological limit allowing an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure. In severe TBI, the
loss of the cerebral compliance causes intracranial hypertension syndrome and brain
herniations [9].
Vasogenic edema consists in the accumulation of water within the interstitial space,
due to an alteration of the blood–brain barrier. On the other hand, cytotoxic edema
involves the accumulation of water in intracellular space. The “primum movens” of this
phenomenon is the alteration of the transport of ions through the cell membrane. Other
contributing factors are mitochondrial dysfunction, with production of reactive nitrogen
(RNS) and oxygen (ROS) species, and exotoxicity due to hyperproduction of excitatory
amino acids such as glutamate [8,10].
Considering its pathogenesis and evolution, treatment of TBI can be equally complex
and expensive. Mild and moderate TBI usually required clinical/radiological monitoring
and medical treatment. Conversely, severe TBI is a main indication for an aggressive and
fast surgical treatment as DC [6,7].
3.4. Decompressive Craniectomy (DC)
A meticulous historical reconstruction, based on archaeological finds, theses, and
treatises, was reported by Rossini and colleagues in 2019 [
]. The first historical evidence
of skull trepanation dates to about 10,000 BC, at the beginning of the Neolithic but officially
the first DC FOR severe traumatic brain injury was proposed by Kocher in 1901 [11].
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Because of the extreme pathological variability in the severe TBI, DC plays differ-
ent roles in its management, and several Italian and international consensus conferences
have been organized aiming to define the proper indications for DC [
]. Ultimately,
the definition of primary and secondary DC has been suggested to discriminate be-
tween an emergency (primary DC) or an ultimate (secondary DC) surgical treatment line
(see Table 1).
Table 1. Classification and indications of Decompressive Craniectomy.
Decompressive Craniectomy (DC) Indications Pathophysiology
Primary DC
Acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) in TBI
and seldom lesions at low–medium risk
(such as isolated epidural hematoma
(EDH) and intraparenchymal contusion
or hematoma)
Intracranial lesions causing a mass effect
with altered ICP and brain herniation
Secondary DC
Treatment of brain edema and the
resultant elevated intracranial pressure
(ICP) refractory to first-tier interventions.
The secondary injuries consist in
metabolic cascade that begins after the
head trauma leading to many
biochemical cerebral changes
(vasogenetic edema, loss of cellular
homeostasis with cellular swelling
mitochondrial dysfunction, RNS, ROS)
DC—Decompressive Craniectomy, ASDH—Acute subdural hematoma, EDH—epidural hematoma,
ICP—intracranial pressure, RNS—reactive nitrogen, ROS—reactive oxygen.
3.5. Primary DC
Indications for primary DC include all cases of intracranial lesions causing a mass
effect with an eventual evolution through altered ICP and brain herniation postoperatively.
While isolated epidural hematoma (EDH) and intraparenchymal contusion or hematoma
represent lesions at low–medium risk, acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) is a pathological
condition with high risk for developing intracranial hypertension [
]. Therefore, the main
indication for a primary DC is ASDH in severe TBI.
ASDH is a relatively common finding in patients with severe TBI (about one third
of cases) and in most of cases, an emergency evacuation is required. The outcome in
these patients is very poor with a mortality rate ranging between 40 and 60% and a good
functional recovery rate ranging between 19 and 45% [
]. In 2012, Li et al. retrospectively
evaluated the outcome in 91 patients with ASDH and randomized in craniotomy versus
primary DC group [
]. Results showed not significant differences between CR and DC in
terms of mortality (32% vs. 38%, respectively) (p= 0.65). The unfavorable outcome, defined
as a dead, vegetative status or severe disability, resulted less in the CR group (55%) than the
DC group (58%), despite a statistically significant difference being recorded (p= 0.83) [
Similarly, Shibahashi et al. studied the in-hospital mortality and length of hospital
stay in 1788 patients with ASDH who underwent CR versus primary DC. The analysis
showed not a significant difference in mortality rate between the 2 groups (41.6% for the CR
group vs. 39.1% for DC). Conversely, the hospital stay was significantly longer in the DC
group (p= 0.005). Interestingly, the subgroup analyses founded a strong relation between
the outcome and DC. In detail, patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score < 9, involved
in high-energy traumatic events and with a survival probability < 64%, were candidates
suitable for DC [
]. In 2019, a consensus statement about the role of primary DC in severe
TBI was published aiming to define the most appropriate selection criteria [
]. Results
suggested considering primary DC, after the evacuation of ASDH, when intraoperatively,
the brain results in bulging beyond the inner table of the skull. Conversely, the bone flap
should be replaced when the brain is relaxed, and the pre-operative evaluation is not
suspected of a condition with high risk of progressive brain swelling. In detail, predictive
factors in favor of craniotomy are the absence of severe mass lesion, low-energy trauma,
Diseases 2023,11, 22 5 of 10
and elderly patients. Interestingly, a multicenter randomized trial aiming to evaluate the
role of primary DC in patient with ASDH is currently ongoing (RESCUE-ASDH trial) [
3.6. Secondary DC
In TBI, secondary DC plays a role in the treatment of brain edema and the resultant ele-
vated intracranial pressure (ICP) not responding to first-tier interventions. Two main multi-
centric randomized trials studied the role of DC in TBI: DECRA (ISRCTN61037228) [
] and
RESCUEicp (ISRCTN66202560) [
]. Both studies investigated the relation between timing
and outcomes in patients that underwent a secondary DC for the treatment of refractory
ICP. However, the RESCUEicp trial enlarged the indication for DC to older patients and
with a higher ICP threshold and a longer clinical onset. In detail, DECRA focused on an
early bifronto-temporal DC for refractory ICP in 155 TBI patients [
]. Indication for an
early treatment was a recording ICP above 20 mmHg for more than 15 min in a 1 h-period
within the first 72 h despite the optimization of medical treatment. The short-term outcome
resulted in favor of a DC group, with a better ICP control and a shorter Intensive Care Unit
stay recorded (p< 0.001) [
]. However, these data were not confirmed at the 12-months
outcome [
]. Mortality rate results were similar between the two groups. Conversely,
vegetative status or a severe disability occurred more frequently in the surgery group than
in the conservative group (70% vs. 51%; p= 0.02). At 12 months, 26% of patients in the
standard care group experienced a better neurological outcome than the DC group (14%)
(OR 0.33; 95% CI: 0.12–0.91; p= 0.03). However, it is important to point out that although
the two groups were well matched for most variants, in the DC group, there was a high
proportion of patients with bilateral unreactive pupils compared to the conservative group
(27% vs. 12%; p= 0.04) [20].
Similarly, RESCUE icp focused on late DC for refractory ICP in patients [
]. In
this study, indication for a late DC was a recorded ICP above 25 mmHg in a 1-h to 12-h
period within the first 10 days, despite the optimization of medical treatment. In this study,
surgical treatment consisted of the fronto-temporo-parietal DC (or hemicraniectomy) or the
bifrontal DC. The trial evaluated the mortality rate and the functional outcome, using the
GOS-E score, at 6 (primary outcome), 12, and 24 months (secondary outcome). At primary
outcome, results proved that DC guarantees a lower mortality rate (26.9% vs. 48.9% in
the medical group) despite a higher rate of vegetative state and severe disability than
medical management. Conversely a good functional outcome was similar in both groups
(42.8% vs. 34.6%, p= 0.12). At 12 months follow-up, a favorable outcome occurred in
45.4% of the DC group compared with 32.4% of the conservative group (p= 0.12) [
]. The
knowledge of probabilistic mortality and morbidity for each case and the awareness of a
high rate of severe disability or vegetative state is essential in the management of severe
TBI. Indeed, before surgery, the discussion with the patient’s family is crucial. The surgeon
must widely explain and be sure that the patient’s family understand the long-term post-
operative recovery and follow-up, and the probable persistent severe disability despite so
aggressive a surgery. The aim of the discussion is to define if a DC to preserve the patient’s
life is preferred despite a low quality of life.
3.6.1. Surgical Techniques
DC is an urgent surgical procedure that requires both a quick operation time and
adequate decompression to guarantee a reduced mortality and morbidity. Different surgical
procedures have been described and classified as infratentorial or supratentorial DC.
Infratentorial or suboccipital DC is unusually employed in the treatment of severe
TBI due to the rare involvement of posterior fossa in severe TBI. Conversely, it is largely
indicated in cases of ischemic or hemorrhagic posterior fossa stroke [11].
Supratentorial DC is further divided into unilateral or bilateral approaches. Each tech-
nique has its own indications. In all cases, the main issue remains the extent of decompres-
sion to avoid additional brain herniation or venous infarction along the craniectomy borders
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and so, additional brain swelling; below is a short overview of the
two most
common tech-
nique (bifrontal DC and fronto-parieto-temporal DC) and the latest technique proposed.
3.6.2. Bifrontal DC
Bilateral DC includes bifrontal craniectomy and bilateral frontotemporal craniec-
tomy, aiming to decompress both hemispheres in cases of diffuse brain edema without
localized lesions.
The primary indication for bifrontal DC is severe TBI with frontal contusions and
diffuse brain edema. In this surgical approach, the patient is in a supine position, without
head rotation. A frontal curve incision is performed anterior to the tragus on each side
and extended 2 to 3 cm posterior to the coronal suture. Great care should be taken to
preserve bilaterally the superficial temporal arteries (STA), being the main vascularization
feeders. A musculocutaneous flap is performed and reflected forward over the orbital
rim. Several burr-holes are bilaterally performed in keyhole areas, squamous parts of the
temporal bones and 1 cm apart from the midline on each side, aiming to facilitate the
dissection of the superior sagittal sinus (SSS). Therefore, a wide bifrontal craniectomy is
completed. Durotomy is so performed, and the goal is to divide the anterior portion of SSS
and underlying falx to guarantee brain expansion and to avoid herniation against a tight
dural edge.
Despite this technique having been largely used in the past, the most recent guidelines
do not recommend its employment [
]. Indeed, DECRA confirmed that, although effective
in controlling ICP, bilateral DC does not improve long-term outcomes [18].
3.6.3. Fronto-Parieto-Temporal DC or Hemicraniectomy
Unilateral DC is the most common technique and consists in a fronto-temporo-parietal
The patient is supine with the head turned to the contralateral side. A large cutaneous
question mark-shaped incision is made. Again, great caref to preserve STA is essential
to avoid ischemic complication of the flap. After dissection and reflection of the muscu-
locutaneous flap, a fronto-parieto-temporal craniectomy is performed. As a general rule,
unilateral DC should not be smaller than 12
15 or 15 cm in diameter and extended toward
the floor of the temporal fossa to provide adequate decompression [
]. Indeed, small
decompression could be inadequate and may cause further brain damage by compression
of the brain cortex and cortical veins that so enhance brain herniation.
Additionally, dura opening with dural expansion is recommended to guarantee a
more effective decompression in terms of reduced ICP and increased cerebral tissue oxy-
genation [23,24].
After decompression, the removed bone flap must be appropriately preserved until
the subsequent cranioplasty that should require several months. Mainly, two different
methods have been proposed. The first consists in the position of the bone flap in the
patient’s abdominal wall in a subcutaneous fashion. Considering the added risk of this
procedure, surgeons usually prefer the second method. It consists in storage in a sub-zero
degrees (20 C)-temperature freezer by authorities named Bone Banks.
3.6.4. Novel Surgical Techniques
A novel DC technique was proposed by Feng and colleagues [
]. The main difference
from traditional hemicraniectomy concerns the skin incision, which is performed starting
about 1 cm above the ipsilateral mastoid process and 3–4 cm posterior to the pinna. The
skin incision continues anteriorly, approaching about 1–2 cm away from the midline to the
hairline anteriorly. This technique allows one to perform a sufficiently large hemicraniec-
tomy while being careful during the craniotomy in the lower and rear for the presence
of mastoid air cells and venous sinuses. Additionally, with the retraction of the skin flap,
the external auditory canal could be breached if care is not taken. The main advantages
over the traditional technique are the easier preservation of the vascular territories of the
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superficial temporal artery (STA), ideal for patients suffering from large skin contusions,
diabetes mellitus, or immunosuppression [
]. In addition, Veldelman et al. report a lower
risk of infection performing the skin incision posteriorly to the external acoustic meatus
compared to anteriorly [26].
3.7. Complications
After DC, pathophysiological alterations in ICP, CSF circulation, and CBF could induce
complications. Briefly, the increased brain compliance following bone removal reflects
on CBF and autoregulation inducing and alteration in CSF dynamics and so, eventual
complications. The risk of complications is estimated at about 40%. The main cause of
mortality in DC patients is due to brain swelling. Complications can be divided into two
main subgroups, those directly related to DC (acute) and those related to cranioplasty (late)
(see Table 2).
Table 2. Classification of Complications after DC.
Complications Type of Complications
(Directly related to DC)
Peri-operative events, such as blossoming of
contusion, epidural hematoma, external cerebral
herniation, intracranial infection, epilepsy, CSF
leakage, and wound problems
Early (in the first months)
Subdural effusions or hygromas, evolution of
contralateral mass lesions, paradoxal herniation,
and infection
Delayed events (after 30 days from DC) Syndrome of the sinking skin flap (SSFS) or
Trephined syndrome and hydrocephalus.
(Related to cranioplasty) Bone resorption, osteomyelitis, and hypo-vascular bone necrosis
DC—Decompressive Craniectomy, CSF—cerebral spinal fluid, SSFS—Syndrome of the sinking skin flap.
3.8. Acute Complications
Acute complications can be further divided into ultra-early, early, and delayed events.
Ultra-early complications include peri-operative events such as blossoming of con-
tusion, epidural hematoma, external cerebral herniation, intracranial infection, epilepsy,
CSF leakage, and wound problems. Blossoming of contusion is due to the development
of a new expanded contusion during bone decompression causing malignant swelling
or elevation of ICP [
]. During DC, the bone removal causes alteration on intracranial
pressures and an increase in the hydrostatic pressure gradient, resulting in transcapillary
leakage and brain edema. These alterations can cause external cerebral herniation [27].
Subdural effusions or hygromas, evolution of contralateral mass lesions, paradoxal
herniation, and infection are early complications that can be observed in the first months.
Conversely, delayed complications arise after 30 days from surgery and include syndrome
of the sinking skin flap (SSFS) or trephined syndrome and hydrocephalus. Pathophysiology
of delayed complications is mainly related to CSF dynamics derangements and venous
flow impairments caused by the atmospheric pressure on intracranial cavity resulting in
compliance alterations. Trephined syndrome was first described by Grant and Norcross
in 1939 [
]. This syndrome included non-specific cognitive and emotional symptoms
such as dizziness, fatigue, discomfort in the site of the defect, apprehension and insecurity,
depression, and intolerance to vibration. In the 1970s, Yamaura and Makino used the term
“syndrome of the sinking skin flap” (SSSF) to describe the development of focal neurological
deficits in patients who underwent DC. The pathogenesis of the SSFS was linked to the role
of atmospheric pressure on the brain inducing pathological alterations and deformations
resulting in the sinking skin in the cranial defect [
]. Similarly, the term “motor trephine
syndrome” was used to define the delayed development of a contralateral monoparesis in
the same population [
]. Nowadays, the terms “ST”, “SSSF”, and the “motor trephined
Diseases 2023,11, 22 8 of 10
syndrome” have been replaced by the more generic term “neurological susceptibility to a
skull defect” [31].
Indeed, all these syndromes found a similar pathogenesis due to alteration in CSF
flow and CBF after DC and in a delayed timing before cranioplasty. Therefore, all these
syndromes usually improve after cranioplasty.
3.9. Late Complication
Late complications are mainly related to the cranioplasty surgery [
]. They include
bone resorption, osteomyelitis, and hypo-vascular bone necrosis.
Resorption of the bone flap (aseptic osteonecrosis) is one of the most common late
complications after cranioplasty surgery, especially in children [
]. Young age and presence
of ventriculoperitoneal shunt are two risk factors that increase the odds of this severe
complication [
]. Resorption of the bone flap may also lead to brain tissue injury plus
cosmetic damage by forming scars or keloids. To prevent this complication, it is necessary
to accurately choose either the cranioplasty technique or the synthetic materials used [
The incidence of site infection subsequent to cranioplasty approximates at between
2.3% and 20% [
] and is highly variable depending on the type of material used in the
surgical procedure. The evidence from the literature suggests that autologous cranioplasty
is more at risk of developing long-term complications, such as osteomyelitis, than hydrox-
yapatite cranioplasty (6.9% vs. 3.3%, respectively) [
]. Alkhaibary et al. performed a
retrospective analysis and found that the most significant predictors of infection in patients
requiring cranioplasty were blood glucose levels and skull defect size (p= 0.03 and p= 0.02,
respectively) [40].
3.10. Outcome
In 2020, Celi and Saal-Zapata reported their case series including 33 patients who
underwent DC aiming to identify factors affecting the mortality of surgically treated TBI.
The study presented significant limitations, such as the few numbers of patients and the
inclusion of different decompressive techniques. However, the in-hospital mortality was
higher in patients with TBI and the midline shift > 5 mm (p= 0.033) or larger skull flap
(p= 0.003) [41].
4. Conclusions
Decompressive craniectomy is still today a life-saving surgery that is indicated in
different situations, especially in patients with TBI [
]. Conflicting data about acute
and late complications on the impact on quality of life demonstrate the need for further
randomized clinical trials. In the therapeutic choice, both primary and secondary DC,
and collegial consultation between anesthesiologists, intensivists, neurosurgeons, and
neuroradiologists is crucial. Last but not least, the right information for the patient’s
family about the risks and benefits of the surgical procedure is an essential moment of the
therapeutic process.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization: M.V. and S.M.; Validation, Resources, writing—original
draft preparation: C.Z. and Y.L.; software: A.E.; validation: T.R.; L.A.; data curation: E.S.; visualiza-
tion: A.B. (Andrea Barbanera); project administration: A.B. (Alessandro Bertuccio); formal analysis,
investigation: C.Z.; supervision: Y.L; validation, writing—review and editing; Y.L. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Oedema can be vasogenic or cytotoxic, the latter being more frequently associated with TBI. 13 It can lead to increased intracranial pressure and herniation. 14 Herniation is the result of mass effect of either primary lesions (eg subdural haematoma, intracerebral haemorrhage) or secondary ones (eg cerebral oedema) that force the brain to "slide" through anatomical "gateways". ...
... 28 Since the volume can increase a lot in a short period of time, SDH can have mass effect on the underlying brain parenchyma and thus entails high risk for herniation. 13,29 The only thing that differentiates the age of SDH is the density -subacute ones are isodense to the brain, and the chronic ones are hypodense. The SDH is an entity associated with a high mortality and morbidity, 29 and in children under five years is the most common sign of non-accidental trauma. ...
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Head trauma in paediatric patients is a worldwide and constant issue. It is the number one cause for childhood mortality and morbidity. Children of all ages are susceptible to sustaining head trauma and the anatomical characteristics of the region put them in a high-risk category for developing severe traumatic brain injuries. Boys are more frequently victims of accidental head traumas, and their injuries are more severe than those encountered in girls. The mechanisms of the trauma are a determining factor for the types of lesions we find. The traumatic injuries fall into two categories, primary and secondary. Primary traumatic injuries can be severe and life threatening, and their presence needs to be documented in order to set the correct therapeutic conduct. Due to their importance, this pictorial review focuses on them and the images used herein are selected from the database of our hospital. It is important to distinguish each of the different injuries that can be encountered. At the same time, radiologists are advised to remember that for children up to five years of age, some non-accidental imaging findings may appear to coincide with those found in accidental head trauma.
... The rst known written account of this decompressive surgery was provided by Annandale in 1894, but Thomas Kocher rst used it in 1901 to treat RICH. [2,14,16,47] In 1905, Harvey Cushing published a detailed report on subtemporal and suboccipital decompression to relieve RICH in patients with inoperable brain tumors. [20] DC lost popularity during the 1970s due to disappointing results. ...
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Background: Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a neurosurgical technique that is receiving renewed interest because of the resurgence of head injuries worldwide. Our aim was to analyze the quality of management and prognosis of patients who underwent this surgery in the context of limited resources. Methods: This was a prospective, longitudinal, descriptive, and analytical study following STROBE, lasting 36 months (October 2020 to October 2023) at the National Hospital of Niamey in patients who had undergone DC. A p value ≤ 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. Results: During our study, we collected 74 cases of DC. The mean age was 32.04 years (10 to 75 years), and there was a male predominance (91.89%). DC was performed mainly following head trauma (95.95%; 71/74), the main cause of which was road traffic accidents (76%; 54/71). On admission, most patients presented with altered consciousness (95.95%) and pupillary abnormalities (62.16%). The average time to complete the brain scan was 31.28 hours, with parenchymal contusion being the most common lesion (90.54%). The majority of patients (94.59%) underwent decompressive hemicraniectomy. Postoperative complications occurred in 71.62% of all patients, 33.78% (25/74) of whom died. Among survivors, 55.10% had neurological sequelae at the last consultation (27/49). The main factors associated with the risk of death and morbidity were a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ≤ 8, pupillary abnormality on admission, presence of signs of brain engagement, and a long admission delay. Conclusions: Our study showed that the impact of limited resources on our care is low. However, it is crucial to develop judgment criteria that are adaptable to our realities.
... Following the completion of the requisite brain surgical procedure, it is customary to substitute and fasten the bone flap in position using plates, sutures, wires, or plates, while the scalp is closed with sutures. 12 ...
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Craniotomy, an essential neurosurgical operation, poses distinct difficulties in the realm of post‐operative care, specifically with regard to the management of wounds. Efficient wound management is critical in order to optimize the surgical outcomes, reduce complications and facilitate a speedier recovery. The purpose of this comprehensive review was to assess contemporary wound management approaches as they pertain to improved recovery following craniotomy. This was achieved by contrasting conventional methods with more recent and innovative techniques and analysing the effects of these approaches on patient recovery and surgical results. An exhaustive literature search was undertaken, comprising narrative reviews, clinical studies, peer‐reviewed articles and expert opinions. The emphasis was on the evolution of wound management strategies and techniques utilized after cranial section, as well as their contributions to patient recovery. The analysis reveals that while conventional wound management methods, including suturing and antiseptics, continue to be essential, innovative strategies such as negative pressure wound therapy, skin adhesives and advanced pain management protocols are becoming increasingly recognized. It has been demonstrated that these novel approaches improve recovery by decreasing the incidence of infections, enhancing patient comfort and producing superior cosmetic results. Nevertheless, obstacles continue to endure, including patient‐specific variables, technological and financial considerations and the enduring consequences of recovery. Thus the treatment of wounds during craniotomy recuperation necessitates an integrated strategy that incorporates conventional techniques alongside contemporary advancements. Progress in this domain necessitates the customization of approaches to suit the unique requirements of each patient, the resolution of identified obstacles and an emphasis on ongoing investigation and interdisciplinary cooperation. The ever‐changing terrain of wound management approaches underscores the ever‐changing character of neurosurgical treatment and the continuous endeavour to enhance patient results following cranial resection.
... The pituitary stalk is located in the chiasmatic cistern. A small distal portion of pituitary stalk adjacent to the diaphragma sellae is extra-arachnoidal [26][27][28]. The arachnoid basal membrane extends around the stalk and reflects upwards on its plane at the site of penetration on the diaphragma sellae (Figures 8-10). ...
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A systematic and narrative literature review was performed, focusing attention on the anatomy of the area located at the junction of the sphenoid and the basal portion of the temporal bone (petrous bone, petrous apex, upper petro-clival region) encircled by the free edge of the tentorium, the insertion of the tentorium itself to the petrous apex and the anterior and posterior clinoid processes that give rise to three distinct dural folds or ligaments: the anterior petroclinoid ligament, the posterior petroclinoid ligament and the interclinoid ligament. These dural folds constitute the posterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus denominated “the oculomotor triangle”. The main purpose of this review study was to describe this anatomical region, particularly in the light of the relationships between the anterior margin of the free edge of the tentorium and the above-mentioned components of the sphenoid and petrous bone.
... We observed a temporal association between cerebral autoregulation results and decompressive craniectomy/external ventricular drain placement. At our institution, decompressive craniectomy (primary or secondary) [18] is typically performed for patients with intracranial hypertension, and external ventricular drains are used for intermittent cerebrospinal fluid drainage (also known as "burping" of cerebrospinal fluid). Kolias et al. [19] demonstrated in a case series that decompressive craniectomy after TBI led to a reduction in ICP and improved CBF. ...
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Background: To describe the setting, feasibility, and safety of static cerebral autoregulation testing in critically injured adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods: We reviewed static autoregulation testing using transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound in patients > 18 years with TBI ICD codes between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2021. Adverse events during testing were defined as systemic hypertension (systolic blood pressure (SBP>180 mmHg), bradycardia (HR<40 bpm), and high ICP (>30 mmHg). Impaired and absent cerebral autoregulation was defined as an autoregulatory index (ARI) <0.4 and ARI 0, respectively. We characterized prescribed changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) targets by autoregulation testing results. Results: A total of 135 patients, median age 31 (interquartile range (IQR) 24, 43) years, 71.9% male, admission Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score 3 (IQR 3, 5.5), and 70.9% with subdural hematoma from severe (GCS 3-8; 133 (98.5%)) and moderate (GCS 9-12; 2 (1.5%)) TBI, underwent 309 attempted testing. All patients were mechanically ventilated and had ICP monitoring; 246 (80%) had brain tissue oxygen monitoring, and 68 (22%) had an external ventricular drain. The median number of autoregulation tests was two (range 1-3) tests/patient, and the median admission to the first test time was two days (IQR 1, 3). Of 55 (17.8%) tests not completed, systemic hypertension (32, 10.4%), intracranial hypertension (10, 3.2%), and bradycardia (3, 0.9%) were transient. Fifty-three (51%) of the first (n=104) autoregulation tests showed impaired/absent cerebral autoregulation. Impaired/absent autoregulation results at the first test were associated with repeat cerebral autoregulation testing (RR 2.25, 95% CI [1.40-3.60], p=0.0007) than intact cerebral autoregulation results. Pre-testing cerebral hemodynamic targets were maintained (n=131; 86.8%) when cerebral autoregulation was impaired (n=151; RR 1.49, 95% CI [1.25-1.77], p<0.0001). However, 15 (9.9%) test results led to higher ICP targets (from 20 mmHg to 25 mmHg), 5 (3.3%) results led to an increase in CPP target (from 60 mmHg to 70 mmHg), and five out of 131 (3.8%) patients underwent decompressive craniectomy and placement of an external ventricular drain. Intact cerebral autoregulation results (n=43/103, 41.7%) were associated with a change in ICP targets from 20 mmHg to 25 mmHg (RR 3.15, 95% CI [1.97-5.03], p<0.0001). Conclusions: Static cerebral autoregulation testing was feasible, safe, and useful in individualizing the care of patients with moderate-severe TBI receiving multimodal neuromonitoring. Testing results guided future testing, cerebral hemodynamic targets, and procedural decisions. Impaired cerebral autoregulation was very common.
... The burden of disease could be significantly reduced by developing clinical practice guidelines and through increased international collaboration on good practices [5]. In severe cases of brain injuries, a craniectomy may be necessary to relieve pressure on the brain and prevent further damage [6]. During the procedure, a portion of the skull is removed and stored, and the brain is allowed to expand without being compressed by the skull. ...
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Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, with nearly 90% of the deaths coming from low- and middle-income countries. Severe cases of brain injury often require a craniectomy, succeeded by cranioplasty surgery to restore the integrity of the skull for both cerebral protection and cosmetic purposes. The current paper proposes a study on developing and implementing an integrative surgery management system for cranial reconstructions using bespoke implants as an accessible and cost-effective solution. Bespoke cranial implants were designed for three patients and subsequent cranioplasties were performed. Overall dimensional accuracy was evaluated on all three axes and surface roughness was measured with a minimum value of 2.209 μm for Ra on the convex and concave surfaces of the 3D-printed prototype implants. Improvements in patient compliance and quality of life were reported in postoperative evaluations of all patients involved in the study. No complications were registered from both short-term and long-term monitoring. Material and processing costs were lower compared to a metal 3D-printed implants through the usage of readily available tools and materials, such as standardized and regulated bone cement materials, for the manufacturing of the final bespoke cranial implants. Intraoperative times were reduced through the pre-planning management stages, leading to a better implant fit and overall patient satisfaction.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Although cranioplasty (CP) is a relatively straightforward surgical procedure, it is associated with a high complication rate. The optimal timing for this surgery remains undetermined. This study aimed to identify the most suitable timing for CP to minimize postoperative complications. METHODS We conducted a retrospective analysis of all CP cases performed in our department from August 2015 to March 2022. Data were gathered through case statistics and categorized based on the occurrence of complications. The collapse ratio was determined using 3-dimensional Slicer software. RESULTS In our retrospective study of 266 patients, 51 experienced postoperative complications, including hydrocephalus, epidural effusion, subdural hematoma, epilepsy, and subcutaneous infection. Logistic regression analysis identified independent predictors of postcranioplasty complications, and a nomogram was developed. The predictive value of the logistic regression model, collapse ratio, and decompression craniotomy-CP operation interval for post–skull repair complications was assessed using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. No significant differences were observed in postoperative complications and decompression craniotomy-CP intervals between the groups ( P = .07, P > .05). However, significant differences were noted in postoperative collapse ratios and CP complications between the groups ( P = .023, P < .05). Logistic regression revealed that the collapse ratio (odds ratio = 1.486; 95% CI: 1.001-2.008; P = .01) and CP operation time (odds ratio = 1.017; 95% CI: 1.008-1.025, P < .001) were independent risk factors for postoperative complications. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis indicated that the collapse ratio could predict CP postoperative complications, with a cutoff value of 0.274, an area under the curve of 0.621, a sensitivity of 62.75%, and a specificity of 63.26%. CONCLUSION The post–skull repair collapse ratio is a significant predictor of postoperative complications. It is advisable to base the timing of surgery on the extent of brain tissue collapse, rather than solely on the duration between cranial decompression and CP.
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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can produce temporary biochemical imbalance due to leaks through cell membranes or disruption of the axoplasmic flow due to the misalignment of intracellular neurofilaments. If untreated, TBI can lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or total disability. Mild TBI (mTBI) accounts for about about 90 percent of all TBI cases. The detection of TBI as soon as it happens is crucial for successful treatment management. Neuroimaging-based tests provide only a structural and functional mapping of the brain with poor temporal resolution. Such tests may not detect mTBI. On the other hand, the electroencephalogram (EEG) provides good spatial resolution and excellent temporal resolution of the brain activities beside its portability and low cost. The objective of this paper is to provide clinicians and scientists with a one-stop source of information to quickly learn about the different technologies used for TBI detection, their advantages and limitations. Our research led us to conclude that even though EEG-based TBI detection is potentially a powerful technology, it is currently not able to detect the presence of a mTBI with high confidence. The focus of the paper is to review existing approaches and provide the reason for the unsuccessful state of EEG-based detection of mTBI.
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Introduction Traumatic brain injury (TBI) rates in the elderly are increasing worldwide, mainly due to fall accidents. However, TBI's impact on elderly patients' lives has not been thoroughly investigated. Research question This systematic review and meta-analysis aims at describing post-TBI incidence of functional decline, dependency, nursing home admission, reduced quality of life and depression in the elderly. Materials and methods A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE, Web Of Science, BIOSIS, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, MEDLINE, SciELO, Cochrane library and CINAHL. Study selection was conducted by two independent reviewers. Meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model. Results Twenty-seven studies were included in the qualitative synthesis and twenty-five in a random-effects meta-analysis. The prevalence of unfavorable functional outcomes after TBI was 65.2% (95% CI: 51.1–78.0). Admission to a nursing home had a pooled prevalence of 28.5% (95% CI: 17.1–41.6) and dependency rates ranged between 16.9% and 74.0%. A reduced quality of life was documented throughout follow-up with SF12/36 scores between 35.3 and 52.3/100.2.6–4.8% of the patients with mild TBI reported depressive symptoms. A large heterogeneity was found among studies for functional outcomes and discharge destination. Discussion and conclusion In conclusion, elderly patients have a significant risk for functional decline, dependency, nursing home admission and low quality of life following TBI. Moreover, more severe injuries lead to worse outcomes. These findings are important to provide accurate patient and family counseling, set realistic treatment targets and aim at relevant outcome variables in prognostic models for TBI in elderly patients.
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Introduction: Cerebral autoregulation (CA) plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of adequate cerebral blood flow (CBF). CA monitoring, through direct and indirect techniques, may guide an appropriate therapeutic approach aimed at improving CBF and reducing neurological complications; so far, the role of CA has been investigated mainly in brain-injured patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of CA in non-brain injured patients. Methods: A systematic consultation of literature was carried out. Search terms included: “CA and sepsis,” “CA and surgery,” and “CA and non-brain injury.” Results: Our research individualized 294 studies and after screening, 22 studies were analyzed in this study. Studies were divided in three groups: CA in sepsis and septic shock, CA during surgery, and CA in the pediatric population. Studies in sepsis and intraoperative setting highlighted a relationship between the incidence of sepsis-associated delirium and impaired CA. The most investigated setting in the pediatric population is cardiac surgery, but the role and measurement of CA need to be further elucidated. Conclusion: In non-brain injured patients, impaired CA may result in cognitive dysfunction, neurological damage, worst outcome, and increased mortality. Monitoring CA might be a useful tool for the bedside optimization and individualization of the clinical management in this group of patients.
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Objective Determine predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) who underwent decompressive craniectomy. Materials and Methods This retrospective study reviewed consecutive patients who underwent a decompressive craniectomy between March 2017 and March 2020 at our institution, and analyzed clinical characteristics, brain tomographic images, surgical details and morbimortality associated with this procedure. Results Thirty-three (30 unilateral and 3 bifrontal) decompressive craniectomies were performed, of which 27 patients were male (81.8%). The mean age was 52.18 years, the mean Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score at admission was 9, and 24 patients had anisocoria (72.7%). Falls were the principal cause of the trauma (51.5%), the mean anterior–posterior diameter (APD) of the bone flap in unilateral cases was 106.81 mm (standard deviation [SD] 20.42) and 16 patients (53.3%) underwent a right-sided hemicraniectomy. The temporal bone enlargement was done in 20 cases (66.7%), the mean time of surgery was 2 hours and 27 minutes, the skull flap was preserved in the subcutaneous layer in 29 cases (87.8%), the mean of blood loss was 636.36 mL,and in-hospital mortality was 12%. Univariate analysis found differences between the APD diameter (120.3 mm vs. 85.3 mm; p = 0.003) and the presence of midline shift > 5 mm (p = 0.033). Conclusion The size of the skull flap and the presence of midline shift > 5 mm were predictors of mortality. In the absence of intercranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, clinical and radiological criteria are mandatory to perform a decompressive craniectomy.
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When the fourth edition of the Brain Trauma Foundation's Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury were finalized in late 2016, it was known that the results of the RESCUEicp (Trial of Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension) randomized controlled trial of decompressive craniectomy would be public after the guidelines were released. The guideline authors decided to proceed with publication but to update the decompressive craniectomy recommendations later in the spirit of “living guidelines,” whereby topics are updated more frequently, and between new editions, when important new evidence is published. The update to the decompressive craniectomy chapter presented here integrates the findings of the RESCUEicp study as well as the recently published 12-mo outcome data from the DECRA (Decompressive Craniectomy in Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury) trial. Incorporation of these publications into the body of evidence led to the generation of 3 new level-IIA recommendations; a fourth previously presented level-IIA recommendation remains valid and has been restated. To increase the utility of the recommendations, we added a new section entitled Incorporating the Evidence into Practice. This summary of expert opinion provides important context and addresses key issues for practitioners, which are intended to help the clinician utilize the available evidence and these recommendations. The full guideline can be found at:
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Functional outcomes at 12 months were a secondary outcome of the randomized DECRA trial of early decompressive craniectomy for severe diffuse traumatic brain injury (TBI) and refractory intracranial hypertension. In the DECRA trial, patients were randomly allocated 1:1 to either early decompressive craniectomy or intensive medical therapies (standard care). We conducted planned secondary analyses of the DECRA trial outcomes at 6 and 12 months, including all 155 patients. We measured functional outcome using the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOS-E). We used ordered logistic regression, and dichotomized the GOS-E using logistic regression, to assess outcomes in patients overall and in survivors. We adjusted analyses for injury severity using the International Mission for Prognosis and Analysis of Clinical Trials in TBI (IMPACT) model. At 12 months, the odds ratio (OR) for worse functional outcomes in the craniectomy group (OR 1.68; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.96-2.93; p = 0.07) was no longer significant. Unfavorable functional outcomes after craniectomy were 11% higher (59% compared with 48%), but were not significantly different from standard care (OR 1.58; 95% CI: 0.84-2.99; p = 0.16). Among survivors after craniectomy, there were fewer good (OR 0.33; 95% CI: 0.12-0.91; p = 0.03) and more vegetative (OR 5.12; 95% CI: 1.04-25.2; p = 0.04) outcomes. Similar outcomes in survivors were found at 6 months after injury. Vegetative (OR 5.85; 95% CI: 1.21-28.30; p = 0.03) and severely disabled outcomes (OR 2.49; 95% CI: 1.21-5.11; p = 0.01) were increased. Twelve months after severe diffuse TBI and early refractory intracranial hypertension, decompressive craniectomy did not improve outcomes and increased vegetative survivors.
Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality across all age groups. Decompressive hemicraniectomy is the treatment for TBI-related refractory intracranial hypertension. The traditional technique for this procedure can result in wound complications due to injury of the scalp flap's vascular supply, namely the superficial temporal and postauricular arteries. Methods In this technical note we describe our experience using a novel technique that preserves both vascular territories by placing the inferior aspect of the incision posterior to the ear as opposed to anterior to it. This modification has the potential to reduce wound healing complications, especially in those at higher risk, while also reducing operative time by avoiding temporalis muscle incision and closure during procedure. Results After performing hospital chart review, a total of 7 patients were found who underwent this hemicraniectomy technique for severe TBI. Of these, 5 patients had this performed on the left side, and 2 patients had this performed on the right side. Six of the patients had an accompanying subdural hematoma, whereas 1 patient had no intracranial hemorrhage present. Conclusions In each case, both the superficial temporal and postauricular arteries were preserved, and rapid healing of the scalp flap occurred. In addition to providing a large bone window to allow the brain to swell, this technique has the potential to reduce complications of wound healing by preserving the vascular supply of the scalp flap and reduce operative times by minimizing temporalis muscle dissection.
Cranioplasty is a common neurosurgical procedure performed to reconstruct cranial defects. The materials used to replace bone defects have evolved throughout history. Cranioplasty materials can be broadly divided into biological and synthetic materials. Biological materials can be further subdivided into autologous grafts, allografts, and xenografts. Allografts (bony materials and cartilage from cadavers) and xenografts (bony materials from animals) are out of favor for use in cranioplasty because of their high rates of infection, resorption, and rejection. In autologous cranioplasty, either the cranial bone itself or bones from other parts of the body of the patient are used. Synthetic bone grafts have reduced the operation time and led to better cosmetic results because of the advancement of computer-based customization and three-dimensional printing. Aluminum was the first synthetic bone graft material used, but it was found to irritate neural tissue, induce seizures, and dissolve over time. Acrylic, in the form of methyl methacrylate, is the most widely used material in cranioplasty. Hydroxyapatite is a natural component of bone and is believed to enhance bone repair, resulting in decreased tissue reactions and promoting good osteointegration. Polyetheretherketones are light and nonconductive and do not interfere with imaging modalities. The complication rates of cranioplasty are high, and surgical site infection is the most common complication. The effect of cranioplasty timing on cognitive function remains debatable. However, the timing of cranioplasty is independent of neurologic outcomes. In this article, the history, materials, complications, and evolution of current practices used in cranioplasty are comprehensively reviewed.
OBJECTIVE Performing a cranioplasty (CP) after decompressive craniotomy is a straightforward neurosurgical procedure, but it remains associated with a high complication rate. Surgical site infection (SSI), aseptic bone resorption (aBR), and need for a secondary CP are the most common complications. This observational study aimed to identify modifiable risk factors to prevent CP failure. METHODS A retrospective analysis was performed of all patients who underwent CP following decompressive hemicraniectomy (DHC) between 2010 and 2018 at a single institution. Predictors of SSI, aBR, and need for allograft CP were evaluated in a univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression model. RESULTS One hundred eighty-six patients treated with CP after DHC were included. The diagnoses leading to a DHC were as follows: stroke (83 patients, 44.6%), traumatic brain injury (55 patients, 29.6%), subarachnoid hemorrhage (33 patients, 17.7%), and intracerebral hemorrhage (15 patients, 8.1%). Post-CP SSI occurred in 25 patients (13.4%), whereas aBR occurred in 32 cases (17.2%). An altered posterior question-mark incision, ending behind the ear, was associated with a significantly lower infection rate and CP failure, compared to the classic question-mark incision (6.3% vs 18.4%; p = 0.021). The only significant predictor of aBR was patient age, in which those developing resorption were on average 16 years younger than those without aBR (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The primary goal of this retrospective cohort analysis was to identify adjustable risk factors to prevent post-CP complications. In this analysis, a posterior question-mark incision proved beneficial regarding infection and CP failure. The authors believe that these findings are caused by the better vascularized skin flap due to preservation of the superficial temporal artery and partial preservation of the occipital artery. In this trial, the posterior question-mark incision was identified as an easily and costless adaptable technique to reduce CP failure rates.