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Projecting the chronic disease burden among the adult population in the United States using a multi-state population model

Frontiers in Public Health

Abstract and Figures

Introduction As the United States population ages, the adult population with chronic diseases is expected to increase. Exploring credible, evidence-based projections of the future burden of chronic diseases is fundamental to understanding the likely impact of established and emerging interventions on the incidence and prevalence of chronic disease. Projections of chronic disease often involve cross-sectional data that fails to account for the transition of individuals across different health states. Thus, this research aims to address this gap by projecting the number of adult Americans with chronic disease based on empirically estimated age, gender, and race-specific transition rates across predetermined health states. Methods We developed a multi-state population model that disaggregates the adult population in the United States into three health states, i.e., (a) healthy, (b) one chronic condition, and (c) multimorbidity. Data from the 1998 to 2018 Health and Retirement Study was used to estimate age, gender, and race-specific transition rates across the three health states, as input to the multi-state population model to project future chronic disease burden. Results The number of people in the United States aged 50 years and older will increase by 61.11% from 137.25 million in 2020 to 221.13 million in 2050. Of the population 50 years and older, the number with at least one chronic disease is estimated to increase by 99.5% from 71.522 million in 2020 to 142.66 million by 2050. At the same time, those with multimorbidity are projected to increase 91.16% from 7.8304 million in 2020 to 14.968 million in 2050. By race by 2050, 64.6% of non-Hispanic whites will likely have one or more chronic conditions, while for non-Hispanic black, 61.47%, and Hispanic and other races 64.5%. Conclusion The evidence-based projections provide the foundation for policymakers to explore the impact of interventions on targeted population groups and plan for the health workforce required to provide adequate care for current and future individuals with chronic diseases.
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TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 13 January 2023
DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1082183
Jiayuan Wu,
Aliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical
University, China
Suresh Munuswamy,
Public Health Foundation of India, India
Juan Su,
Xiangya Hospital, Central South
University, China
John P. Ansah
Chi-Tsun Chiu
This article was submitted to
Aging and Public Health,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Public Health
RECEIVED 27 October 2022
ACCEPTED 28 December 2022
PUBLISHED 13 January 2023
Ansah JP and Chiu C-T (2023) Projecting the
chronic disease burden among the adult
population in the United States using a
multi-state population model.
Front. Public Health 10:1082183.
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1082183
©2023 Ansah and Chiu. This is an open-access
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Projecting the chronic disease
burden among the adult population
in the United States using a
multi-state population model
John P. Ansah1*and Chi-Tsun Chiu2*
1Center for Community Health Integration, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States,
2Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, New Taipei, Taiwan
Introduction: As the United States population ages, the adult population with chronic
diseases is expected to increase. Exploring credible, evidence-based projections of
the future burden of chronic diseases is fundamental to understanding the likely
impact of established and emerging interventions on the incidence and prevalence
of chronic disease. Projections of chronic disease often involve cross-sectional data
that fails to account for the transition of individuals across dierent health states. Thus,
this research aims to address this gap by projecting the number of adult Americans
with chronic disease based on empirically estimated age, gender, and race-specific
transition rates across predetermined health states.
Methods: We developed a multi-state population model that disaggregates the adult
population in the United States into three health states, i.e., (a) healthy, (b) one chronic
condition, and (c) multimorbidity. Data from the 1998 to 2018 Health and Retirement
Study was used to estimate age, gender, and race-specific transition rates across the
three health states, as input to the multi-state population model to project future
chronic disease burden.
Results: The number of people in the United States aged 50 years and older will
increase by 61.11% from 137.25 million in 2020 to 221.13 million in 2050. Of the
population 50 years and older, the number with at least one chronic disease is
estimated to increase by 99.5% from 71.522 million in 2020 to 142.66 million by
2050. At the same time, those with multimorbidity are projected to increase 91.16%
from 7.8304 million in 2020 to 14.968 million in 2050. By race by 2050, 64.6%
of non-Hispanic whites will likely have one or more chronic conditions, while for
non-Hispanic black, 61.47%, and Hispanic and other races 64.5%.
Conclusion: The evidence-based projections provide the foundation for
policymakers to explore the impact of interventions on targeted population
groups and plan for the health workforce required to provide adequate care for
current and future individuals with chronic diseases.
chronic disease, adult population, multi-state population projection, United States of
America, projections
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What is already known about this topic?
- Adults population in the United States with chronic diseases is
expected to increase.
What is added by this research?
- An evidence-based age, gender, and race-specific projections of
the burden of chronic diseases show that the majority of the
adult population 50 years and older, across all races, will have
at least one chronic disease by 2050, with the majority between
the ages of 60 to 79 years.
What are the implications for public
- The importance of prioritizing the promotion of access to
high-quality primary care to provide whole-person care that
ensures prevention and management of chronic disease care
and addresses evidence-based social determinants of health that
increase the risk of developing chronic diseases.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
in 2019, 54.1 million US adults were 65 years or older, representing
16% of the population. By 2040, it is estimated that the number of
older adults 65 years and older is expected to reach 80.8 million
and 94.7 million by 2060, representing 25% of the US population.
An aging population is characterized by the co-occurrence of
more than one chronic condition, which is referred to as
multimorbidity (14).
A meta-analysis of the prevalence of multimorbidity in high, low,
and middle-income countries found an overall pooled prevalence
of 33.1% (30.0–36.3). There was a considerable difference in
the pooled estimates between high-income countries and low
and middle-income countries, with prevalence ranging between
37.9 (32.5–43.5) and 29.7% (26.4–33.0), respectively (5). In the
United States, data from the 2018 National Health Interview
Survey (NHIS) indicates that 27.2% of US adults had multiple
chronic conditions. While multimorbidity is not new, there is
greater recognition of its impact and the importance of improving
outcomes for individuals affected. Multimorbidity is associated with
increased mortality (6), reduced quality of life, and functional status
(2,7,8), increased health services use (3,9), and higher cost
of care.
To better understand the future chronic disease burden, as
well as explore the effectiveness of various interventions on the
incidence and prevalence of chronic disease, including quality of
life outcomes for people with chronic disease, requires an evidence-
based and credible forecast of the current and a future number
of American adults with chronic disease. Projections of chronic
disease often involve cross-sectional data that fails to account for
the transition of individuals across different health states. Thus,
this research aims to address this gap by projecting the number of
adult Americans with chronic disease based on empirically estimated
age, gender, and race-specific transition rates across predetermined
health states. The evidence-based projections from this research
could help healthcare providers to implement interventions for
targeted population groups to prevent and or manage their chronic
disease and plan for the health workforce required to provide
adequate care for current and future individuals with chronic
diseases to achieve the quadruple aim of healthcare, i.e., improve
population health, reduce cost, and increase patients’ and providers
satisfaction (10,11).
Model design
To project the number of Americans 50 years and older with one
or more chronic conditions, we developed and validated a dynamic
multi-state population model (1215) to simulate the population
of the United States and track their transition to and from three
health states. The health states are (a) healthy (adults with no chronic
condition), (b) one chronic condition (adult with any one of the nine
chronic conditions indicated in the Health and Retirement Survey),
and (c) multimorbidity (adults with at least two chronic conditions
indicated in the Health and Retirement Survey). For each health
state, adult individuals were further divided into a three-dimensional
vector: age (from age 50–100 and older), gender (male and female),
and race (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, and
other races). To ensure consistency and validation of the model
output, an additional state that accounts for the population below
50 years was included to ensure that individuals aged 50 transitions
to the adult population’s health states. To ensure a consistent aging
process, the population aged 50 years and younger was subdivided by
age (age 0–age 49). The number of people below age 50 increases by
births and net migration (estimated by calibration) and decreases by
deaths and becoming age 50. Births were estimated using race-specific
fertility rates from the National Vital Statistics report and the fecund
female population age 15–49, while life tables informed deaths (16).
At the end of each year, the surviving population in each age cohort
flows to the subsequent cohort, except the final age cohort, age 100
and older. Transition across health states was determined by 1-year
age-gender-race specific transition rates.
Health states
The chronic conditions in the Health and Retirement Survey
record self-reported lifetime histories of a modest number of illnesses
and conditions that are very important to older persons and account
for much of the morbidity and mortality among older persons in
western societies. The conditions consist of: (a) hypertension, (b)
diabetes mellitus, (c) cancer (various types at all bodily sites, except
minor skin cancers), (d) chronic lung diseases (often including
emphysema, but not asthma), (e) coronary health disease, (f)
congestive health failure, (g) stroke (cerebrovascular disease), (h)
arthritis (a collection of heterogeneous diseases and Musculoskeletal
pain syndromes), and (i) psychiatric problem (in general, not
further defined or categorized, except major depressive, depressive
symptoms, and dementia). Adult individuals who reported no
presence of any chronic conditions were classified as healthy; those
who reported only one of the chronic conditions were classified
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as adults with a single chronic condition, whereas those with at
least two or more chronic conditions were classified as adults
with multimorbidity.
Model assumption
Constant age-gender-race-specific mortality rates were used for
the population 50 years and younger. For the adult population, the
1000 bootstrap estimates for all the transitions across the health states
accounted for future improvement or deterioration. A race-specific
fertility rate was used, while we assumed a constant fertility rate
from 2018 over the simulation time. This assumption was deemed
appropriate because a fertility rate change will not impact the adult
population by 2060. The net migration rate, estimated via calibration,
was assumed to be constant over the simulation time.
Estimation of transition rates
The 1998 to 2018 Health and Retirement Study data (17)
was used to estimate the transition rates across health states. The
Health and Retirement Study is a longitudinal panel study that
surveys a representative sample of more than 26,000 Americans
over the age of 50 every two years. The study explores changes in
labor force participation and the health transitions that individuals
undergo toward the end of their work lives. Since its inception, the
study has collected information about income, work, assets, pension
plans, health insurance, disability, physical health and functioning,
cognitive impairment, and healthcare expenditure.
The input data to the transition rate estimate is in an extended
format, and each observation occupies one line of data. Each line
of observation includes the individual’s age and values of covariates
in the model. Everyone has multiple lines of observation. Since
the Health and Retirement Study is not an annual survey, we fill
in gaps with pseudo-data representing successive years to obtain
annual transition probabilities (18). If starting and ending states of
an interval are the same, the filled-in data assume that states. If an
interval’s starting and ending states differ, the filled-in data assume
one transition at a random time. Multinomial logistic regressions
are then fitted to estimate the probability of transitioning from a
starting health state to one of ending health states (including death).
Multinomial logistic regression models estimate age, gender, and
race-specific transition rates.
Model validation
The model structure has been validated and used for several
publications on similar chronic conditions in other countries (13
15). Thus, the structure of the model has been presented to
researchers familiar with chronic disease care in several countries to
verify the conceptual framework of the model and its assumptions
regarding causal relationships as indicated in the literature cited
(1921). The model structure is grounded in evidence of how
individuals transition from a healthy state to a single and multiple
chronic conditions over their lifetime. To ensure that the model
output is consistent with available data, selected simulated outcomes
were compared with available data. The results suggest that the
simulated model outputs compare favorably with the available data,
demonstrating that the model performs credibly.
Transition rates by age, gender, and race
Figure 1 shows the age, gender, and race-specific transition
rates across the three health states and death. For both gender
and race, the progression to worse health status (healthy to one
chronic condition, healthy to multimorbidity, and from one chronic
condition to multimorbidity) increases with age, except for the
progression from healthy to one chronic condition where the
transition rates begin to decrease significantly from age 90. Also,
mortality across all the health states increases with age. On the
contrary, for both gender and race, the regression to a better health
status from multimorbidity to one chronic condition decreases
with age.
For gender differences, males have a higher rate of progression
to a worse health state compared to females, while regression to a
better health state was better for females than males. Also, females
are more likely to maintain their health status than males. In the
case of mortality, males have higher death rates than females. For
race differences, non-Hispanic White had a higher transition rate
while non-Hispanic Black had the lowest transition rate from a
healthy to one chronic condition. For individuals transitioning from
healthy to multimorbidity, Hispanics had a higher transition rate for
all races, while non-Hispanic Whites had the lowest transition rate.
Likewise, Hispanics had the highest transition rates for individuals
transitioning from one chronic condition to multimorbidity, while
other races had the lowest transition rates. Hispanics had the highest
transition rates for regression from multimorbidity to one chronic
condition, whereas non-Hispanic Blacks had the lowest transition
rates. The transition rates from healthy to death and one chronic
condition to death show that non-Hispanic Blacks have the highest
transition rates among all the races, whereas Hispanics have the
lowest transition rates. For the transition from multimorbidity to
death, non-Hispanic Blacks have the highest transition rates, while
non-Hispanic Whites have the lowest transition rates.
The results in Table 1 suggest that the number of people in
the United States aged 50 years and older will increase by 61.11%
(100% confidence interval 57.2%66.2%) from 137.25 million
(135.64–139.18) in 2020 to 221.13 million (213.24–231.34) in 2050.
Remarkably, the number of people aged 80 years and older will
increase by 137.26% (116.0%164.6%), from 16.935 million (16.148–
17.863) in 2020 to 40.181 million (34.881–47.272) in 2050. Of the
population 50 years and older, the number with at least one chronic
disease is estimated to increase by 99.5% (95.1%107.9%) from
71.522 million (69.065–73.781) in 2020 to 142.66 million (134.74–
153.39) by 2050. At the same time, those with multimorbidity are
projected to increase 91.16% (79.09%103.24%) from 7.8304 million
(6.5965–9.4853) in 2020 to 14.968 million (11.813–19.277) in 2050.
The analysis suggests that by 2035, 35.66% (33.36–36.04) of the adult
population 50 years and older will have at least one chronic condition,
which is expected to increase to 47.81% (46.09–49.71) by 2050. At the
same time, 3.659% (2.905–4.696) of the adult population is expected
to have multimorbidity, increasing to 5.017% (3.948–6.481) by 2050.
Most individuals with at least one chronic condition (62.75% in
2020 and 58.54% in 2050) or multimorbidity (62.9% in 2020 and
58.9% in 2050) are between the ages of 60 to 79 years. However,
individuals aged 80 years and older with one chronic condition and
multimorbidity are projected to have the highest increase (244.3%
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Transition rates across health states. Mwhite: is male non-Hispanic white; Mblack: is male non-Hispanic black; Mhispanic: is male Hispanic; and Mother: is
male other races; while Fwhite: is female non-Hispanic white; Fblack: is female non-Hispanic black; Fhispanic: is female Hispanic; and Fothers: is female
other races.
for one chronic condition and 202.7% for multimorbidity) from 2020
to 2050.
For gender differences, by 2050, 53.33% (52.07–54.88) of the
individuals with one chronic condition are projected to be females,
while males form the majority of those with multimorbidity with an
estimated 50.71% (44.43–55.79) by 2050.
Tables 25show the race-specific projections. The number of
non-Hispanic Whites adults 50 years and older with at least one
chronic condition is projected to increase from 46.6159 million
(44.786–48.339) in 2020 to 93.026 million (86.516–99.839) by
2050, representing an increase of 99.55% (93.2%106.5%). Most
non-Hispanic Whites with one chronic condition are females
between the ages of 60 to 79 years. In addition, the age
group with the highest increase in one chronic condition is
individuals 80 years and older. Similarly, the number of non-
Hispanic Whites with multimorbidity is estimated to increase
from 4.8927 million (4.0826–5.9523) in 2020 to 9.12 million
(6.9983–12.6401) by 2050. For multimorbidity among the non-
Hispanic Whites, the majority are males between the ages of 60 to
79 years.
The projected number of non-Hispanic Blacks with at least one
chronic condition is 8.1994 million (7.6355–8.6193) in 2020 and
is expected to increase to 15.2213 million (13.33–16.98) by 2050
[that is a relative change between 2020 and 2050 of 85.64% (74.64–
97.01)]. Most non-Hispanic Blacks with one chronic condition and
multimorbidity are females between 60 to 79 years old. Similarly, to
all the races, the age group with the highest increase is individuals 80
years and older for both one chronic condition and multimorbidity.
The number of non-Hispanic Blacks with multimorbidity is projected
to increase from 0.9625 million (0.7294–1.2165) in 2020 to 1.7505
million (1.1798–2.489) by 2050, representing a relative increase of
82.87% (61.75%104.6%).
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TABLE 1 Projected number of adults 50 years and older with chronic disease in the United States.
Age cohort 2020 2035 2050 Relative change
between 2020 and
2050 (%)
Population (million)
Total adult population 137.25
[57.21% to 66.22%]
50–59 years 48.318
[41.88% to 41.89%]
60–79 years 72.001
[54.04% to 58.27%]
80 and older 16.935
[116.0% to 164.6%]
1 chronic condition (million)
Adult population 71.522
[95.1% to 107.9%]
50–59 years 15.929
[39.59% to 40.01%]
60–79 years 44.881
[83.31% to 88.40%]
80 and older 10.711
[217.2% to 277.6%]
Multimorbidity (million)
Adult population 7.8304
[79.09% to 103.24%]
50–59 years 1.6234
[39.26% to 39.66%]
60–79 years 4.9258
[67.30% to 90.39%]
80 and older 1.2812
[169.5% to 251.2%]
Prevalence of 1 chronic condition (%) 21.77
[118.9% to 122.2%]
Fraction female 52.57
[0.57% to 3.16%]
Fraction male 47.43
[3.59 to 0.61%]
Prevalence of multimorbidity (%) 2.383
[96.7% to 124.5%]
Fraction female 48.33
[1.10% to 6.59%]
Fraction male 51.67
[7.18% to 0.89%]
Hispanic adults 50 years and older with at least one chronic
condition are estimated to increase from 11.7996 million (11.125–
12.546) in 2020 to 24.732 million (22.214–28.613) by 2050. This
change represents an increase of 109.61% (99.67–128.1). Like all
races, most Hispanics with one chronic condition are females within
the age group of 60 to 79 years, and the age group with the
highest increase in the number of people with at least one chronic
condition and multimorbidity is individuals aged 80 years and older.
Also, the number of Hispanics with multimorbidity is projected to
increase from 1.4632 million (1.0713–1.902) in 2020 to 2.9136 million
(1.8776–4.2586) by 2050. Most Hispanics with multimorbidity are
males between 60 to 79 years old.
Lastly, the number of other races who are not non-Hispanic
Whites, Blacks, or Hispanics in the United States with at least
one chronic condition is projected to increase from 4.9072 million
(4.3938–5.3519) in 2020 to 9.684 million (7.8591–11.6347) by 2050,
representing a relative increase of 97.34% (78.87–117.4) from 2020
to 2050. Most of the other races with one chronic condition are
females between the ages of 60–79 years. Among the other race, the
age group with the highest increase in the number of people with at
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TABLE 2 Projected number of non-Hispanic White adults 50 years and older with chronic disease (in millions by sex and age) in the United States.
Age cohort 2020 2035 2050 Relative change
between 2020 and
2050 (%)
1 chronic condition (million)
50–59 years 10.347
60–79 years 29.260
80 and older 7.0089
Total 46.6159
50–59 years 5.1688
60–79 years 15.1119
80 and older 4.2173
50–59 years 5.1783
60–79 years 14.148
80 and older 2.7916
Multimorbidity (million)
50–59 years 0.9972
60–79 years 3.0740
80 and older 0.8215
Total 4.8927
50–59 years 0.4511
60–79 years 1.4434
80 and older 0.4669
50–59 years 0.5461
60–79 years 1.6306
80 and older 0.3546
least one chronic condition and multimorbidity is individuals aged
80 years and older. The projected number of adults 50 years and
older categorized as other races with multimorbidity is estimated
to increase from 0.5119 million (0.2233–0.8173) in 2020 to 0.8927
million (0.2893–1.9205) by 2050. Most of the other races with
multimorbidity are females.
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TABLE 3 Projected number of non-Hispanic Black adults 50 years and older with chronic disease (in millions by sex and age) in the United States.
Age cohort 2020 2035 2050 Relative change
between 2020 and
2050 (%)
1 chronic disease (million)
50–59 years 1.8920
60–79 years 5.1999
80 and older 1.1075
Total 8.1994
50–59 years 0.9467
60–79 years 2.7028
80 and older 0.6737
50–59 years 0.9453
60–79 years 2.4972
80 and older 0.4337
Multimorbidity (million)
50–59 years 0.2130
60–79 years 0.6167
80 and older 0.1328
Total 0.9625
50–59 years 0.0972
60–79 years 0.2963
80 and older 0.0778
50–59 years 0.1158
60–79 years 0.3204
80 and older 0.0550
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TABLE 4 Projected number of Hispanic adults 50 years and older with chronic disease (in millions by sex and age) in the United States.
Age cohort 2020 2035 2050 Relative change
between 2020 and
2050 (%)
1 chronic disease (million)
50–59 years 2.5907
60–79 years 7.3341
80 and older 1.8748
Total 11.7996
50–59 years 1.2915
60–79 years 3.7812
80 and older 1.1254
50–59 years 1.2992
60–79 years 3.5529
80 and older 0.7494
Multimorbidity (million)
50–59 years 0.3028
60–79 years 0.9176
80 and older 0.2428
Total 1.4632
50–59 years 0.1371
60–79 years 0.4331
80 and older 0.1389
50–59 years 0.1657
60–79 years 0.4844
80 and older 0.1040
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TABLE 5 Projected number of other adults 50 years and older with chronic disease (in millions by sex and age) in the United States.
Age cohort 2020 2035 2050 Relative change
between 2020 and
2050 (%)
1 chronic disease (million)
50–59 years 1.0999
60–79 years 3.0872
80 and older 0.7201
Total 4.9072
50–59 years 0.5487
60–79 years 1.5952
80 and older 0.4340
50–59 years 0.5511
60–79 years 1.4920
80 and older 0.2861
Multimorbidity (million)
50–59 years 0.1103
60–79 years 0.3176
80 and older 0.0840
Total 0.5119
50–59 years 0.0498
60–79 years 0.1493
80 and older 0.0478
50–59 years 0.0605
60–79 years 0.1683
80 and older 0.0362
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The results show that the number of people in the United States
aged 50 years and older is projected to increase significantly.
Consequently, by 2050, most individuals 50 years and older will have
one or more chronic conditions. Most of the population 50 years
and older with one or more chronic conditions are projected to be
between the ages of 60 to 79 years, and the number of individuals
80 years and older with one or more chronic conditions is expected
to more than double from 2020 to 2050. Most individuals 50 years
and older with one chronic condition are females, while that with
multimorbidity are males.
The insight that the majority of the adult population 50 years and
older, across all races, will have at least one chronic condition has
health and economic implications. Within the health domain, these
insights emphasize the importance of prioritizing the promotion of
access to high-quality primary care services that can provide whole-
person care that ensures prevention and management of chronic
disease care and address evidence-based social determinants of health
that increase the risk of developing chronic diseases. Moreover,
individual, family and community-oriented health education that
highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle and addresses
structural issues that perpetuate health disparities should be a
vital part of the health system to change the trajectory of chronic
disease. The health education provided to individuals, families
and the community and care models offered to the population
should emphasize the continuous care models for addressing chronic
conditions that help individuals to lead better lives. This health
education and care models should focus on self-care (i.e., tasks
performed by healthy people to stay healthy) and self-management
(i.e., day-to-day tasks undertaken to reduce the impact of chronic
disease on physical health status) approaches. These approaches
should focus on encouraging the individual to stay healthy and for
those with chronic conditions, the ability to manage the symptoms,
treatment, physical and psychosocial consequences, and lifestyle
changes inherent in living with a chronic condition.
Chronic disease and especially multimorbidity, is associated with
increased mortality (6), reduced quality of life, and functional status
(2,7,8), increased health services use (3,9), and higher cost of care.
As a result, health care systems and policymakers should prioritize
cost-effective interventions that have the potential to reduce the cost
of chronic disease management to the health care system. Chronic
disease is associated with substantial work productivity losses. Thus,
policymakers and employers should focus on programs and resource
allocation to reduce the incidence and prevalence of chronic disease
and absenteeism resulting from chronic diseases to maintain and
increase productivity.
The main strength of this paper is the use of 20 years’
worth of data to estimate the incidence and prevalence of chronic
diseases among the adult population in the United States. The
main limitation of this research is, first, the list of chronic
diseases included in the Health and Retirement Study is not a
comprehensive list of chronic diseases, and the chronic diseases
reported in the survey are self-reported. A broader definition
of chronic diseases would include more conditions that are not
captured in this study. These can potentially underestimate the
incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases projected in this
study. Hence, the numbers provided in the research should be
interpreted within the context of the chronic diseases captured
in the survey used herein. Another important limitation is that
individuals transitioning to the adult population are assumed
to have similar chronic disease transition patterns observed in
the Health and Retirement Survey. Lastly, a limitation of the
statistic model is that since the data used for this study (Health
and Retirement Study) is not an annual survey, we fill in gaps
with pseudo-data representing successive years to obtain annual
transition probabilities.
Data availability statement
Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data
can be found at: The Health and Retirement Study.
Author contributions
JA conceived and designed the study, developed the multi-state
population model to simulate the chronic disease burden among
the adult population in the USA, and conducted the analysis and
manuscript writing. C-TC conducted the statistical analysis for the
transition probabilities using the Health and Retirement Study and
developed the R algorithm used for data analytics. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
This research was supported by the Center for Community
Health Integration at Case Western Reserve University.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.
Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may
be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the
Frontiers in Public Health 10
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Frontiers in Public Health 11
... Smart healthcare integrates platforms that link individuals, resources, and institutions via wearable technology, IoT, and mobile connectivity [3], [4]. The central goal of smart healthcare is to provide prompt medical services [5] as the incidence of chronic illnesses rises [6] and the demographic shifts towards an older population, presenting substantial obstacles for conventional medical systems. Consequently, to avoid overburdening healthcare infrastructures, in-home telehealth systems are crucial for the future of medical care [7]. ...
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The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by reducing human error and improving patient health. For instance, wearable smart infusion pumps can accurately administer medication and integrate with electronic health records. These pumps can alert healthcare professionals or remote servers when an operation fails, preventing distressing incidents. However, as the number of connected medical devices increases, so does the risk of cyber threats. Wearable medication devices based on IoT attached to patients' bodies are particularly vulnerable to significant cyber threats. Since they are connected to the internet, these devices can be exposed to potential harm, which can disrupt or degrade device performance and harm patients. Therefore, it is crucial to establish secure data authentication for internet-connected medical devices to ensure patient safety and well-being. It is also important to note that the wearability option of such devices might downgrade the computational resources, making them more susceptible to security risks. We propose implementing a security approach for a wearable infusion pump to mitigate cyber threats. We evaluated the proposed architecture with 20, 50, and 100 users for 10 minutes and repeated the evaluation 10 times with two infusion settings, each repeated five times. The desired volumes and rates for the two settings were 2 ml and 4 ml/hr and 5 ml and 5 ml/hr, respectively. The maximum error in infusion rate was measured to be 2.5%. We discuss the practical challenges of implementing such a security-enabled device and suggest initial solutions.
... Trends like the growing geriatric population (projected to increase by 50% by 2050) [1], the escalating prevalence of chronic diseases [2] and the surge in patient-centric approaches [3] are putting pressure on hospital capacities and healthcare systems around the world [4]. Wearables and innovative technology are a rising field of interest in monitoring health and well-being [5][6][7]. ...
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The remote monitoring of vital signs via wearable devices holds significant potential for alleviating the strain on hospital resources and elder-care facilities. Among the various techniques available, photoplethysmography stands out as particularly promising for assessing vital signs such as heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure. Despite the efficacy of this method, many commercially available wearables, bearing Conformité Européenne marks and the approval of the Food and Drug Administration, are often integrated within proprietary, closed data ecosystems and are very expensive. In an effort to democratize access to affordable wearable devices, our research endeavored to develop an open-source photoplethysmographic sensor utilizing off-the-shelf hardware and open-source software components. The primary aim of this investigation was to ascertain whether the combination of off-the-shelf hardware components and open-source software yielded vital-sign measurements (specifically heart rate and respiratory rate) comparable to those obtained from more expensive, commercially endorsed medical devices. Conducted as a prospective, single-center study, the research involved the assessment of fifteen participants for three minutes in four distinct positions, supine, seated, standing, and walking in place. The sensor consisted of four PulseSensors measuring photoplethysmographic signals with green light in reflection mode. Subsequent signal processing utilized various open-source Python packages. The heart rate assessment involved the comparison of three distinct methodologies, while the respiratory rate analysis entailed the evaluation of fifteen different algorithmic combinations. For one-minute average heart rates’ determination, the Neurokit process pipeline achieved the best results in a seated position with a Spearman’s coefficient of 0.9 and a mean difference of 0.59 BPM. For the respiratory rate, the combined utilization of Neurokit and Charlton algorithms yielded the most favorable outcomes with a Spearman’s coefficient of 0.82 and a mean difference of 1.90 BrPM. This research found that off-the-shelf components are able to produce comparable results for heart and respiratory rates to those of commercial and approved medical wearables.
... The escalating prevalence of chronic diseases, marked by poor health status, symptom burden, functional disability, and cognitive impairments, necessitates a shift toward dignity-centered care [150]. The feasibility and necessity of such an approach in chronic disorders are underscored, focusing on enhancing self-esteem, alleviating multidimensional distress, and aiding individuals in finding meaning and purpose while maintaining or improving their quality of life [151]. ...
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Purpose of Review Over the last 20 years, dignity and dignity-conserving care have become the center of investigation, in many areas of medicine, including palliative care, oncology, neurology, geriatrics, and psychiatry. We summarized peer-reviewed literature and examined the definition, conceptualization of dignity, potential problems, and suggested interventions. Recent Findings We performed a review utilizing several databases, including the most relevant studies in full journal articles, investigating the problems of dignity in medicine. It emerged that dignity is a multifactorial construct and that dignity-preserving care should be at the center of the health organization. Dignity should be also regularly assessed through the tools currently available in clinical practice. Among dignity intervention, besides dignity models of care, dignity intervention, such as dignity therapy (DT), life review and reminiscence therapy, have a role in maintaining both the extrinsic (preserved when health care professionals treat the patient with respect, meeting physical and emotional needs, honors the patient’s wishes, and makes attempts to maintain privacy and confidentiality) and intrinsic dignity (preserved when the patient has appropriate self-esteem, is able to exercise autonomy and has a sense of hope and meaning). Summary Unified trends across diverse medical contexts highlight the need for a holistic, patient-centered approach in healthcare settings. Challenges compromising dignity are pervasive, underscoring the importance of interventions and systematic efforts to address these issues. Future research and interventions should prioritize the multifaceted nature of dignity, striving to create healthcare environments that foster compassion, respect, and dignity across all medical settings.
... Authors of a study where trends from the last 20 years were used to estimate future health outcomes projected a 99.5% increase in the number of individuals aged 50 and older with one chronic condition in the United States between 2020 and 2050, and an increase of 91% of individuals with more than one chronic condition during the same period. 2 Myriad concerns and costs arise from age-associated declines that impact physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of health. Regardless of your own age or health status, where you may find yourself caught up in these issues is in caring for aging family members including parents, grandparents, siblings, partners, or others. ...
... The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is responsible for funding the medical care of the Medicare population, which has grown 60% from 2001 to 2021 1,2 and is, on average, living longer 3 and is increasingly burdened with chronic conditions that require more care. 4 To control aggregate Medicare spending, congress has instituted a series of reforms including the Medicare Economic Index (1972), Medicare Volume Performance Standards (1989), the Sustainable Growth Rate (1997), and the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act or MACRA (2015). These reforms altered, made ineffectual, or replaced prior reforms. ...
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Volume increases, inflation, statutory freezes in physician payments, and the budget neutrality requirement for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule have resulted in persistent inflation-adjusted conversion factor decreases. This study aimed to determine if relative value unit (RVU) volume increases on a per beneficiary basis has counteracted conversion factor decreases and inflation to maintain Medicare reimbursement per beneficiary, overall and across specialties. Using aggregated data for 100% of Medicare part B claims (2005-2021), we computed the percentage change in reimbursement per beneficiary, nominal and inflation-adjusted, by specialty. These trends were then adjusted by separately holding constant RVUs per beneficiary and the conversion factor to demonstrate the impact of budget neutrality. Inflation-adjusted reimbursement per beneficiary increased 9.9% over the 2005 to 2021 period; this trend encapsulated a 64.8% increase in RVUs per beneficiary, offsetting a 33.6% inflation-adjusted conversion factor decline. RVU changes per beneficiary varied widely across clinicians (+45.5% for physicians to +328.2% for non-physician practitioners) and by specialty (−36.1% for cardiac surgery to +1106% for nurse practitioners). Given RVU increases, conversion factor decreases, and inflation combined, reimbursement per beneficiary decreased 2.3% for physicians and increased 16.3% for limited-license physicians and 206.5% for non-physician practitioners. Overall, increased RVU volume per beneficiary has offset conversion factor declines within the budget neutral system. However, substantial redistribution has occurred across provider types, with reimbursement declining slightly for physicians while tripling for non-physician practitioners. Certain physician specialties, particularly procedural specialties, have declined most. Future research should assess the impact of specialty-specific reimbursement changes on patients’ access to care.
... Multimorbidity is also a problem for middle-aged adults, as multimorbidity stiffly increases after age 50 [4], and 47% of adults 50 years and older have multimorbidity [3]. In support of this, recent studies have extended their focus to individuals aged 50 years and older to investigate multimorbidity and chronic disease burden [5,6]. Multimorbidity has become a significant health issue because of the increasing complexity of healthcare needs [7]. ...
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Background Multimorbidity is prevalent among older adults and is associated with adverse health outcomes, including high emergency department (ED) utilization. Social determinants of health (SDoH) are associated with many health outcomes, but the association between SDoH and ED visits among older adults with multimorbidity has received limited attention. This study aimed to examine the association between SDoH and ED visits among older adults with multimorbidity. Methods A cross-sectional analysis was conducted among 28,917 adults aged 50 years and older from the 2010 to 2018 National Health Interview Survey. Multimorbidity was defined as the presence of two or more self-reported diseases among 10 common chronic conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, asthma, stroke, cancer, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart, kidney, and liver diseases. The SDoH assessed included race/ethnicity, education level, poverty income ratio, marital status, employment status, insurance status, region of residence, and having a usual place for medical care. Logistic regression models were used to examine the association between SDoH and one or more ED visits. Results Participants’ mean (± SD) age was 68.04 (± 10.66) years, and 56.82% were female. After adjusting for age, sex, and the number of chronic conditions in the logistic regression model, high school or less education (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02–1.19), poverty income ratio below the federal poverty level (AOR: 1.44, 95% CI: 1.31–1.59), unmarried (AOR: 1.19, 95% CI: 1.11–1.28), unemployed status (AOR: 1.33, 95% CI: 1.23–1.44), and having a usual place for medical care (AOR: 1.46, 95% CI 1.18–1.80) was significantly associated with having one or more ED visits. Non-Hispanic Black individuals had higher odds (AOR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.19–1.38), while non-Hispanic Asian individuals had lower odds (AOR: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.59–0.86) of one or more ED visits than non-Hispanic White individuals. Conclusion SDoH factors are associated with ED visits among older adults with multimorbidity. Systematic multidisciplinary team approaches are needed to address social disparities affecting not only multimorbidity prevalence but also health-seeking behaviors and emergent healthcare access.
... Health freedom advocates cite increases in the incidences of many chronic illnesses including autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety disorders, neurodegeneration, autism, learning and behavioral problems, as well as gender identification problems in children, obesity, allergies, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). [1][2][3][4] Certain cancers are viewed as not only being more common but growing faster than normal, 5 such that they are sometimes referred to as turbo cancers. Incomplete recovery is occurring in approximately a quarter of those clinically infected with the COVID-19 virus. ...
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Stealth adapted viruses elude recognition by the cellular immune system due to the loss or mutation of genes coding the relatively few components typically targeted by the cellular immune system. Political barriers to accepting the existence of these viruses arose when it became apparent that some of the viruses had originated from the cytomegaloviruses that commonly infected monkeys used to produce poliovirus vaccines. Many virologists are seemingly unaware of the restricted targeting of viral components by the cellular immune system or that genetically defective viruses can continue to replicate and cause cellular damage. Immunologists may also be somewhat reluctant to acknowledge possible non-immunological virus defense mechanisms. There are growing concerns regarding the increasing incidence of major chronic illnesses. Patient support groups are continually advocating for more research on the cause of specific disease entities. There is also a growing sense that special interests may have unintentionally imposed toxic exposures on the public leading to chronic illnesses. Relief from such exposures is being demanded by various Health Freedom movements. This article is intended to better inform the Health Freedom movements and various chronic illness support groups about the existence of stealth adapted viruses. A broader understanding of these viruses and their incorporated renegade cellular and microbial sequences will facilitate therapeutic endeavors, especially those based on the Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) pathway.
Aim The systematic review aims to synthesize the literature examining the effectiveness of nurse‐led remote digital support on health outcomes in adults with chronic conditions. Background Adults with chronic diseases have increased rates of mortality and morbidity and use health care resources at a higher intensity than those without chronic conditions—placing strain on the patient, their caregivers and health systems. Nurse‐led digital health disease self‐management interventions have potential to improve outcomes for patients with chronic conditions by facilitating care in environments other that the hospital setting. Design and Methods We searched PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO and Cochrane Central databases from inception to 7 December 2022. We included randomized controlled trials assessing the impact of nurse‐led remote digital support interventions compared to usual care on health‐related outcomes in adults with chronic illness. The Cochrane risk‐of‐bias tool was used to assess bias in studies. Outcomes were organized into four categories: self‐management, clinical outcomes, health care resource use and satisfaction with care. Results are presented narratively based on statistical significance. Results Forty‐four papers pertaining to 40 unique studies were included. Interventions most targeted diabetes ( n = 11) and cardiovascular disease ( n = 8). Websites ( n = 10) and mobile applications ( n = 10) were the most used digital modalities. Nurses supported patients either in response to incoming patient health data ( n = 14), virtual appointment ( n = 8), virtual health education ( n = 5) or through a combination of these approaches ( n = 13). Positive impacts of nurse‐led digital chronic disease support were identified in each outcome category. Mobile applications were the most effective digital modality. Conclusion and Relevance to Clinical Practice Results show that nurse‐led remote digital support interventions significantly improve self‐management capacity, clinical health outcomes, health care resource use and satisfaction with care. Such interventions have potential to support overall health for adults with chronic conditions in their home environments.
Ninety-one percent of surviving spouses in the U.S. cared for their spouses before they died. This review explores the challenges of the transition from caregiving to widowhood and different coping strategies used by widowed spousal caregivers. A systematic review of literature on the transition from caregiving to widowhood was conducted using four major academic search engines. Overall, 280 articles were identified, with 22 meeting the inclusion criteria. Challenges for widowed caregivers included experiencing care burden, letting go of the caregiver role, grief, and triggers. Widowed caregivers’ coping strategies included social support and services use, filling the time gap, finding spirituality, and engaging in unhealthy behaviors. Future research is needed to determine the efficacy of widowed caregivers’ coping strategies. Concerted and collaborative action by health professionals, community organizations, and policymakers is needed to develop programs and other approaches to support widowed caregivers.
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An ageing population, with increasing prevalence of diabetes and hypertension, is expected to increase the number of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) needing dialysis. This paper explores the impact of upstream and downstream interventions on the future number of CKD, ESRD patients needing dialysis, and the cost of dialysis. A system dynamics model was developed based on Singapore national data. Results indicate that under the base case scenario the number of people with CKD is projected to increase from 437,338 in 2020 to 489,049 by 2040. As a result, the number of patients requiring dialysis is projected to increase from 7669 in 2020 to 10,516 by 2040. The cost of dialysis care, under the base case, is projected to increase from S$417.08 million in 2020 to S$907.01 million by 2040. The policy experiments show that a combined policy will cumulatively save S$1.042 billion from 2020 to 2040.
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Objective: Healthcare is battling a conflict between the Quadruple Aims-reducing costs; improving population health, patient experience, and team well-being-and productivity. This quasi-experimental pilot study tested a 2 week intervention aimed to address the Quadruple Aims while improving productivity. Participants were 25 employees and their patients in a primary care clinic. One provider and their team implemented an efficiency-focused intervention that modified work roles and processes focused on utilizing all team members' skills as allowable by applicable licensure restrictions. The five remaining providers and their teams comprised the reference group, who continued patient care as usual. Study outcomes were measured via provider/staff and patient surveys and administrative data. Results: In total, 46 team surveys and 156 patient surveys were collected. Clinic output data were retrieved for 467 visits. Compared to the reference team, the intervention team performed better in all Quadruple Aims and productivity measures. The intervention group offered 48% more patient slots than the average reference team. These preliminary results support the feasibility of introducing substantial process changes that show promising improvement in both the Quadruple Aims and productivity. A larger-scale study over a longer time period is needed to confirm findings and examine feasibility and cost-effectiveness.
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Background: The tiered sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax was implemented in Thailand to encourage industries to reduce sugar content in beverages, and consequently reduce sugar consumption in the population. The aim of the study is to explore the expected impact of the new SSB tax policy in Thailand, a middle-income country in Asia, and other alternative policies on oral health outcomes as measured by the prevalence and severity of dental caries among the Thai population. Methods: A qualitative system dynamics model that captures the complex interrelationships among SSB tax, sugar consumption and dental caries, was elicited through participatory stakeholder engagement. Based on the qualitative model, a quantitative system dynamics model was developed to simulate the SSB tax policy and other alternative scenarios in order to evaluate their impact on dental caries among Thai adults from 2010 to 2040. Results: Under the base-case scenario, the dental caries prevalence among the Thai population 15 years and older, is projected to increase from 61.3% in 2010 to 74.9% by 2040. Implementation of SSB tax policy is expected to decrease the prevalence of dental caries by only 1% by 2040, whereas the aggressive policy is projected to decrease prevalence of dental caries by 21% by 2040. Conclusions: In countries where a majority of the sugar consumed is from non-tax sugary food and beverages, especially Asian countries where street food culture is ubiquitous and contributes disproportionately to sugar intake, SSB tax alone is unlikely to have meaningful impact on oral health unless it is accompanied with a comprehensive public health policy that aims to reduce total sugar intake from non-SSB sources.
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Background With ageing world populations, multimorbidity (presence of two or more chronic diseases in the same individual) becomes a major concern in public health. Although multimorbidity is associated with age, its prevalence varies. This systematic review aimed to summarise and meta-analyse the prevalence of multimorbidity in high, low- and middle-income countries (HICs and LMICs). Methods Studies were identified by searching electronic databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Global Health, Web of Science and Cochrane Library). The term ‘multimorbidity’ and its various spellings were used, alongside ‘prevalence’ or ‘epidemiology’. Quality assessment employed the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Overall and stratified analyses according to multimorbidity operational definitions, HICs/LMICs status, gender and age were performed. A random-effects model for meta-analysis was used. Results Seventy community-based studies (conducted in 18 HICs and 31 LMICs) were included in the final sample. Sample sizes ranged from 264 to 162,464. The overall pooled prevalence of multimorbidity was 33.1% (95% confidence interval (CI): 30.0–36.3%). There was a considerable difference in the pooled estimates between HICs and LMICs, with prevalence being 37.9% (95% CI: 32.5–43.4%) and 29.7% (26.4–33.0%), respectively. Heterogeneity across studies was high for both overall and stratified analyses ( I ² > 99%). A sensitivity analysis showed that none of the reviewed studies skewed the overall pooled estimates. Conclusion A large proportion of the global population, especially those aged 65+, is affected by multimorbidity. To allow accurate estimations of disease burden, and effective disease management and resources distribution, a standardised operationalisation of multimorbidity is needed.
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Background: Evidence from randomized control trials suggest that coupled with smoking cessation interventions, CVD events can be reduced significantly if hypertension and diabetes patients are properly managed, raising practical what-if questions at the population level. This research aims to develop a dynamic simulation model using the systems modelling methodology of system dynamics, to evaluate the medium to long-term impact of hypertension and diabetes management, as well as smoking cessation intervention on CVD events, CVD deaths and post-CVD population. Methods: The systems modelling methodology of system dynamics was used to develop a simulation model to evaluate the impact of aggressive hypertension, diabetes and smoking cessation management on CVD outcomes at the population level. Result: The insights from this research suggest that despite that at the individual level, hypertension management is associated with the highest risk reduction for CVD (50%) compared to diabetes and smoking (20%) and is also the most prevalent risk factor, at the population level, diabetes management interventions are projected to have higher impact on reducing CVD events compared to hypertension management or smoking cessation interventions. However, a combined intervention of diabetes and hypertension management, as well as smoking cessation has the most impact on CVD outcomes. Conclusion: Due to aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions in Singapore, the number of CVD events in Singapore is projected to rise significantly in the near future-hence the need for proactive planning to implement needed interventions. Findings from this research suggest that CVD events and its associated deaths and disabilities could be reduced significantly if diabetes and hypertension patients are aggressively managed.
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Understanding the factors that influence functional ability over the life course is integral to identifying clinical and public health policies to facilitate successful aging. The World Health Organization has advocated a conceptual framework to clarify the policy discussion. We have sought to translate this general framework into an explicit system dynamics model of the interaction of physiological loss, stressors and endogenous responses to produce a familiar variety of trajectories of functional ability over the life courses. Simulation experiments were implemented for both a 30‐month duration with only one major stressor; and for the life course with an initial major stressor and subsequent stressors determined by the level of functional ability. For both contexts, variations in the few parameters in the scenarios led to a realistic range of trajectories of function over time. © 2019 System Dynamics Society
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China is aging rapidly, and the number of Chinese elderly with dementia is expected to rise. This paper projects, up to year 2060, the number of Chinese elderly within four distinct cognitive states. A multi‐state population model was developed using system dynamics and parametrized with age–gender‐specific transition rates (between intact, mild, moderate and severe cognitive impairment and death) estimated from two waves (2012 and 2014) of a community‐based cohort of elderly in China aged ≥65 years (N = 1824). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis and the bootstrap method was used to obtain the 95% confidence interval of the transition rates. The number of elderly with any degree of cognitive impairment increases; with severe cognitive impairment increasing the most, at 698%. Among elderly with cognitive impairment, the proportion of very old elderly (age ≥ 80) is expected to rise from 53% to 78% by 2060. This will affect the demand for social and health services China. Copyright © 2017 System Dynamics Society
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Objectives—This report presents complete period life tables for the United States by race, Hispanic origin, and sex, based on age-specific death rates in 2010. Methods—Data used to prepare the 2010 life tables are 2010 final mortality statistics; April 1, 2010 population estimates based on the 2010 decennial census; and 2010 Medicare data for persons aged 66-99. The methodology used to estimate the 2010 life tables was first implemented with data year 2008. The methodology used to estimate the life tables for the Hispanic population remains unchanged from that developed for the publication of life tables by Hispanic origin for data year 2006. Results—In 2010, the overall expectation of life at birth was 78.7 years. Between 2009 and 2010, life expectancy at birth increased for all groups considered. Life expectancy increased for both males (from 76.0 to 76.2) and females (80.9 to 81.0) and for the white population (78.8 to 78.9), the black population (74.7 to 75.1), the Hispanic population (81.1 to 81.4), the non-Hispanic white population (78.7 to 78.8), and the non-Hispanic black population (74.4 to 74.7).
Twenty five years ago, the largest academic behavioral and social science project ever undertaken in the U.S. began: the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). The HRS is an invaluable publicly available dataset for investigating work, aging, and retirement and informing public policy on these issues. This biennial longitudinal study began in 1992 and has studied more than 43,000 individuals and produced almost 4000 journal articles, dissertations, books, book chapters, and reports to date. The purpose of this special issue of Work, Aging and Retirement is to describe the HRS and highlight relevant research that utilizes this rich and complex dataset. First, we briefly describe the background that led to the development of the HRS. Then we summarize key aspects of the study, including its development, sampling, and methodology. Our review of the content of the survey focuses on the aspects of the study most relevant to research on worker aging and retirement. Next, we identify key strengths and important limitations of the study and provide advice to current and future HRS data users. Finally, we summarize the articles in this Special Issue (all of which use data from the HRS) and how they advance our knowledge and understanding of worker aging and retirement.
Today's problems often arise as unintended consequences of yesterday's solutions. Business and public policy settings suffer from policy resistance, the tendency for well-intentioned interventions to be defeated by the response of the system to the intervention itself. Just as an airline uses flight simulators to help pilots learn, system dynamics enables us to create management flight simulators to avoid policy resistance and design more effective policies. System dynamics is also a process for working with high-level teams designed to improve the chances for implemented results. This article discusses how system dynamics can be used effectively to design high-leverage policies for sustainable improvement and introduces the next three articles in this issue discussing the application of system dynamics to a variety of critical issues facing business leaders today.