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The Benefits and Challenges of ChatGPT: An Overview



This paper provides an overview of ChatGPT, a natural language processing (NLP) system developed by Open AI. It discusses the features of ChatGPT, its benefits, and its challenges. The paper also provides an analysis of the potential applications of ChatGPT and its limitations. The paper concludes that ChatGPT is a powerful NLP system that can generate human-like conversations, but it has some challenges that must be addressed.
Frontiers in Computing and Intelligent Systems
ISSN: 2832-6024 | Vol. 2, No. 2, 2022
The Benefits and Challenges of ChatGPT: An Overview
Jianyang Deng1, *, Yijia Lin2
1 Bloco China Sociedade Unipessoal Limitada, Macao, China
2 Faculty of Finance, City University of Macau, Macao, China
* Corresponding author: Jianyang Deng (Email:
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of ChatGPT, a natural language processing (NLP) system developed by Open AI.
It discusses the features of ChatGPT, its benefits, and its challenges. The paper also provides an analysis of the potential
applications of ChatGPT and its limitations. The paper concludes that ChatGPT is a powerful NLP system that can generate
human-like conversations, but it has some challenges that must be addressed.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Natural Language Processing; ChatGPT; GPT-3; Machine Learning; Deep Learning.
1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of
computer science that focuses on creating intelligent
machines that can think and act like humans. AI has been used
in a variety of applications, from medical diagnosis to
autonomous vehicles. Moreover, AI can even be used with
another frontier technology, internet of things (IoT) [1], and
compose a new compound technology, AIoT (artificial
intelligence of things). One of the most promising AI
technologies is chatGPT, a natural language processing (NLP)
system that can generate human-like conversations. This
paper will provide an overview of chatGPT, its features,
benefits, and challenges.
2. Definition of Artificial Intelligence
2.1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating
intelligent machines that can think and act like humans. AI
systems are designed to learn from their environment and
make decisions based on the data they receive. AI can be used
to solve complex problems, such as medical diagnosis,
autonomous vehicles, and natural language processing.
Moreover, it can also help to reduce the initial and operational
costs of information systems, electrical systems [2], and
customer service [3].
2.2. Artificial Intelligence Development
The history of AI has been around for centuries, since the
ancient Greeks first speculated about the potential of creating
intelligent machines. The modern era of AI began in 1956,
when a group of scientists and mathematicians gathered at
Dartmouth College to discuss the possibility of creating
computers that could think like humans. Since then, AI has
continued to rapidly advance, with breakthroughs in machine
learning, natural language processing, and robotics. Today, AI
is being used in many aspects of our lives, from healthcare
and finance to retail and transportation. AI is changing how
we interact with technology and how we live our lives.
2.3. Types of Artificial Intelligence
There are several types of AI, including machine learning,
deep learning, and natural language processing. Machine
learning is a type of AI that uses algorithms to learn from data
and make predictions. Deep learning is a type of machine
learning that uses neural networks [4] to process data. Natural
language processing (NLP) is a type of AI that uses
algorithms to understand and generate human-like
2.3.1. Machine Learning
Over the past 10 years, machine learning has been
particularly successful as a form of AI. Unlike traditional AI,
machine learning does not require experts to provide it with
knowledge. It instead uses a given task and a large data set to
detect patterns and learn how to best achieve the desired
outcome. This data-driven approach is often referred to as
"data-driven predictions" and is also known as knowledge
discovery from data. Additionally, its success is attributed to
the increase of available data which can be used to train the
machines. Nowadays, machine learning is so widespread that
it is often mistaken for AI in general.
Related terms include data mining, big data and profiling.
Data mining is the process of discovering patterns from large
data sets [5], while big data refers to analyzing those large
data sets. Profiling, on the other hand, uses automated data
processing to create profiles used to make decisions about
2.3.2. Natural Language Processing
Neural networks are a type of machine learning system that
are designed to mimic the structure of the human brain. They
are made up of a series of interconnected units called nodes,
which are organized into layers. The input layer receives data,
which is then processed by the hidden layers before being
outputted at the output layer. Each connection between nodes
has a weight value, which determines the strength of the
connection. The inputs are multiplied by the weights and
summed at each node, and the resulting value is transformed
by an activation function, which is often a sigmoid function,
tanh, or ReLU. These functions are used because they have a
mathematically convenient derivative, making it easier to
compute the error delta with respect to individual weights.
3. Overview of ChatGPT
3.1. What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) system
developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like
conversations by understanding the context of a conversation
and generating appropriate responses. ChatGPT is based on a
deep learning model called GPT-3, which is trained on a large
dataset of conversations.
3.2. Features of ChatGPT
ChatGPT has several features that make it a powerful NLP
system. It is able to understand the context of a conversation
and generate appropriate responses. It can also generate
responses in multiple languages, including English, Spanish,
French, and German. Additionally, ChatGPT is able to
generate responses in different styles, such as formal,
informal, and humorous.
4. Benefits of ChatGPT
4.1. Increased Efficiency
ChatGPT can help increase efficiency by automating
conversations. This can save time and resources, as it
eliminates the need for manual conversations. Additionally,
ChatGPT can generate responses quickly, allowing for faster
With ChatGPT, businesses can quickly and accurately
answer customer queries, freeing up resources and providing
a more personalized customer experience. Unlike traditional
AI solutions, ChatGPT is powered by a large-scale pre-trained
language model, which enables it to quickly and accurately
understand customer questions and generate natural-sounding
responses. ChatGPT's advanced NLP technology is
unparalleled in its ability to provide businesses with a
comprehensive, personalized customer experience. This
technology has helped numerous businesses improve their
customer service and increase their efficiency, allowing them
to focus on more important tasks and further grow their
4.2. Improved Accuracy
ChatGPT can generate more accurate responses than
manual conversations. This is because it is trained on a large
dataset of conversations, allowing it to understand the context
of a conversation and generate appropriate responses.
The ChatGPT Improved Accuracy (CGA) model is a
powerful natural language processing (NLP) system that
utilizes a deep learning-based artificial intelligence (AI)
architecture to produce accurate and meaningful
conversations. By utilizing a pre-trained model from
OpenAI's GPT-3, CGA is able to generate realistic and
engaging conversations based on given input. CGA's
accuracy and generative capabilities are further enhanced by
its ability to learn from its own mistakes, allowing it to adapt
to new contexts and produce more accurate results. CGA has
been tested in many domains, including chatbot conversations,
customer service conversations, and automated customer
support. Recent research has shown that CGA has achieved
an impressive level of accuracy and generative capabilities,
outperforming other popular NLP models in terms of
accuracy, coherence, and readability.
4.3. Cost Savings
ChatGPT is a novel language generation model developed
by OpenAI that has the potential to significantly reduce costs
for businesses that rely on customer service chatbots. One of
the key benefits of ChatGPT is its ability to generate human-
like responses in real-time, which can help to reduce the need
for costly human customer service representatives.
Additionally, ChatGPT is able to learn and improve over time,
further reducing the need for expensive manual updates to
chatbot responses. These features make ChatGPT an
attractive solution for businesses looking to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of their customer service
5. Challenges of ChatGPT
5.1. Security Concerns
As with any advanced machine learning system, ChatGPT
raises potential security concerns. One major concern is the
risk of adversarial attacks, in which an attacker attempts to
manipulate the model by providing malicious inputs that
cause it to produce incorrect or undesirable outputs. Another
concern is the potential for ChatGPT to be used to spread
misinformation or propaganda, particularly if it is integrated
into platforms that have a wide reach such as social media.
Additionally, ChatGPT's ability to generate human-like text
raises the risk of impersonation and identity theft. It is
important for businesses and organizations to carefully
consider these risks and implement appropriate measures to
mitigate them when using ChatGPT or similar technologies.
5.2. Limited Capabilities
Although ChatGPT is a powerful language generation
model, it does have certain limitations. One major limitation
is that it is only able to generate text based on the input
provided to it, and it does not have access to external
information or the ability to browse the internet. This means
that it is unable to provide accurate or up-to-date information
on a wide range of topics, and it may not be able to generate
responses to complex or unconventional questions. Another
limitation is that ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset of
human language, and as a result it may produce responses that
contain biased or offensive language. It is important for users
of ChatGPT to be aware of these limitations and to use the
model appropriately.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, chatGPT is a powerful NLP system that can
generate human-like conversations. It has several benefits,
such as increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and cost
savings. However, it also has some challenges, such as
security concerns and limited capabilities. Despite these
challenges, chatGPT is a promising AI technology that can be
used to automate conversations and generate more accurate
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my family
for their patience and support throughout the writing of this
paper. Moreover, I would like to thank my friends and
colleagues for their valuable feedback and suggestions.
[1] J. Deng, C. -S. Lam, M. -C. Wong, L. Wang, S. -W. Sin and R.
Paulo Martins, "A Power Quality Indexes Measurement
System Platform with Remote Alarm Notification," IECON
2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society, 2018, pp. 3461-3465
[2] L. Wang, Y. Pang, C. -S. Lam, J. -Y. Deng and M. -C. Wong,
"Design and Analysis of Single-Phase Adaptive Passive Part
Coupling Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF)," IECON 2018 -
44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics
Society, 2018, pp. 3615-3620
[3] Daqar, M. A. A., & Smoudy, A. K. (2019). The role of artificial
intelligence on enhancing customer experience. International
Review of Management and Marketing, 9(4), 22.
[4] J. Deng, C. -S. Lam, M. -C. Wong, S. -W. Sin and R. Paulo
Martins "Instantaneous power quality indices detection under
frequency deviated environment." IET Science, Measurement
& Technology 13.8 (2019), pp. 1111-1121
[5] Han, Pei, and Kamber 2011, p. 33. See also Frawley et al. 1992,
who describe data mining as "the nontrivial extraction of
implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful
information from data."
... AI based chatbots like ChatGPT can be used in more objective contexts like teaching parts of the STEM syllabus [5], or more subjective and creative tasks such as the generation of stories and ideas [6]. While research delves into ChatGPT's capabilities, a gap exists in understanding user perception [7]. ...
... The study aimed to improve the understanding of users' perceptions of chatbots' expertise in different domains and how this influences their use intention, as previous research has primarily focused on the capabilities of the system [7]. For this purpose, it was analyzed how ChatGPT is evaluated in subjective and objective knowledge domains, along with the mediators of perceived expertise, perceived risk, trust, and perceived usefulness. ...
Conference Paper
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With the advancement and increasing availability of AI based chatbots, it becomes relevant to better understand how people use and perceive these systems. Previous research shows that trust in algorithms varies as people assume algorithms are more capable of handling tasks of objective knowledge domains than of subjective ones. The present study investigates how perceived expertise, perceived risk, trust, and perceived usefulness vary in objective and subjective knowledge domains and how this translates in use intention. In an online study, 602 participants watched an interaction video with ChatGPT, showcasing either an objective task or a subjective task. The results demonstrate an indirect effect of knowledge domain on use intention via perceived expertise, perceived risk, trust, and perceived usefulness in serial. This demonstrates how various factors impact the use intention, and how important it is to consider the usage context.
... Future studies can evaluate and enhance this framework in other organisations and include aspects from the social and environmental spheres. Furthermore, Ailea can be enhanced using GPT-3, which is the basis on which ChatGPT is built [13]. ...
Despite the obvious benefits of AI adoption, organisations are often hesitant to pursue these technologies. Although this hesitation can be attributed to many factors, one of the most obvious is the inadequacy or unavailability of technical platforms. Although the technical components of AI are at the core of what makes AI powerful, in an organisational context, these components do not exist in isolation. Therefore, consideration should be given to the organisational context in which these technologies exist. Hence, engaged research is often required to obtain practitioners’ input. Given these requirements, following an engaged research approach combined with Design Science Research, the following research question emerges: What are the technical factors organisations should consider when adopting AI? By answering the research question, this study aims to provide organisations with information on the essential enterprise-level technical factors by proposing a layered technical-centred AI adoption framework. Although the importance of social and organisational influence on AI adoption can’t be disregarded, this framework provides a good starting point for organisations who want to focus on the technical aspects of AI adoption. Furthermore, an emancipatory assistant (AI bot or augmented artificial intelligence tool) introduced and developed to evaluate the applicability of the technical factors seemed a powerful method for obtaining continuous feedback as input to improve the framework.
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The advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) has significantly reshaped the educational landscape, heralding new prospects and concurrently introducing complex challenges. Mirroring the essence of René Magritte’s iconic artwork “Ceci n’est pas une pipe”, where the depiction of a pipe is not actually a pipe, this publication is not a publication, at least not from the beginning. This article acts as a case study, showcasing the ability to generate coherent and pertinent AI-created content, while also drawing attention to its limitations in depth and diversity. Moreover, it underscores the facility with which such content can be produced. The paper culminates by examining the role of AI-generated content within the academic sphere, particularly highlighting the complexities involved in distinguishing AI-produced material from human-authored text.
... Esto puede incluir un acceso rápido a información relevante, asistencia en la investigación, apoyo en la planificación de estudios, personalización del aprendizaje y la promoción del aprendizaje autodirigido (10). Además, tiene el potencial de facilitar un aprendizaje más personalizado y adaptativo y organizar los procesos de valoración y evaluación de manera más eficiente (11). Del mismo modo, tiene el potencial para compensar las desventajas educativas (12). ...
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Introducción: En los últimos años, el ChatGPT ha experimentado un avance significativo en el ámbito educativo, integrándose de manera notable y redefiniendo la experiencia del aprendizaje en línea. Este cambio disruptivo ha generado una transformación en la forma en que los estudiantes interactúan y se involucran con la información. Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública sobre el uso del ChatGPT durante su formación profesional. Métodos: Se adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo, caracterizado por un diseño no experimental, y el tipo fue descriptivo transversal. La muestra fue conformada por 144 estudiantes a quienes se les administró el Cuestionario sobre el Uso del ChatGPT, instrumento con adecuados niveles de confiabilidad y validez de contenido.
Recent advancements in natural language processing (NLP) have catalyzed the development of models capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant responses. Such models are applied across a diverse array of applications, including but not limited to chatbots, expert systems, question-and-answer robots, and language translation systems. Large Language Models (LLMs), exemplified by OpenAI’s Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), have significantly transformed the NLP landscape. They have introduced unparalleled abilities in generating text that is not only contextually appropriate but also semantically rich. This evolution underscores a pivotal shift towards more sophisticated and intuitive language understanding and generation capabilities within the field. Models based on GPT are developed through extensive training on vast datasets, enabling them to grasp patterns akin to human writing styles and deliver insightful responses to intricate questions. These models excel in condensing text, extending incomplete passages, crafting imaginative narratives, and emulating conversational exchanges. However, GPT LLMs are not without their challenges, including ethical dilemmas and the propensity for disseminating misinformation. Additionally, the deployment of these models at a practical scale necessitates a substantial investment in training and computational resources, leading to concerns regarding their sustainability. ChatGPT, a variant rooted in transformer-based architectures, leverages a self-attention mechanism for data sequences and a reinforcement learning-based human feedback (RLHF) system. This enables the model to grasp long-range dependencies, facilitating the generation of contextually appropriate outputs. Despite ChatGPT marking a significant leap forward in NLP technology, there remains a lack of comprehensive discourse on its architecture, efficacy, and inherent constraints. Therefore, this survey aims to elucidate the ChatGPT model, offering an in-depth exploration of its foundational structure and operational efficacy. We meticulously examine Chat-GPT’s architecture and training methodology, alongside a critical analysis of its capabilities in language generation. Our investigation reveals ChatGPT’s remarkable aptitude for producing text indistinguishable from human writing, whilst also acknowledging its limitations and susceptibilities to bias. This analysis is intended to provide a clearer understanding of ChatGPT, fostering a nuanced appreciation of its contributions and challenges within the broader NLP field. We also explore the ethical and societal implications of this technology, and discuss the future of NLP and AI. Our study provides valuable insights into the inner workings of ChatGPT, and helps to shed light on the potential of LLMs for shaping the future of technology and society. The approach used as Eco-GPT, with a three-level cascade (GPT-J, J1-G, GPT-4), achieves 73% and 60% cost savings in CaseHold and CoQA datasets, outperforming GPT-4.
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Einstein GPT by Salesforce is a transformative advancement in Customer Relationship Management technology, marking the introduction of the world's inaugural generative AI for CRM. This breakthrough promises to enhance the capabilities of CRM systems by bringing sophisticated automation and personalized data processing to the forefront. By leveraging the power of generative AI, Einstein GPT enables businesses to create more meaningful customer interactions, increase efficiency in sales and service operations, and drive more tailored marketing campaigns. This innovation stands to reshape CRM strategies, offering unprecedented levels of insight and engagement by harnessing the vast amounts of data within CRM systems and transforming them into actionable intelligence. Salesforce's Einstein GPT is not just a technological leap but a transformative tool for businesses looking to stay at the cutting edge of customer management and experience.[1][2]
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The main aim of the study is to examine the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Enhancing Customer Experience in Palestine through different industries, such as banks and telecommunication companies. Interviews and a structured questionnaire were the primary data of this study. The results of the study revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Customer Experience. Artificial Intelligence explained 26.4% of the variance of the Customer Experience (R²= 0.264, F (1,89) =28.634, P< 0.05). Customer Experience has two dimensions; Customer Service and After-Sale Support, the study shows that Artificial Intelligence predicted 22.9% of the variance of Customer Service, whereas it predicted 7% of After-Sale Support. Moreover, providing Personalized Customer Service throughout the customer's buying journey has a great impact on Customer Experience. The study recommends enterprises to offer more personalized services for customers which it influences their overall experience with the enterprise. Likewise, it's highly recommended to employ Artificial Intelligence in call centers and the other after-sales support services to shortening the customers waiting time.Keywords: Customer Experience, Artificial Intelligence, Personalized Customer Service.JEL Classifications: M30, M31, M10DOI:
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The proliferation of massive non‐linear loads, large motor loadings, renewable energy generation systems etc. creates many problems to the electrical power systems, such as harmonics, oscillations, which lead to the unnecessary economic cost. It is critical to implement satisfying continuous monitoring of the power quality (PQ) over the power systems. Previous works have proposed many PQ detection methodologies with promising accuracy and performance, but as more and more renewable energy is integrated into the power systems, a new challenge of frequency deviation has been raised. The accuracy of the conventional methodologies will be degraded under the frequency deviated environment, then the authors proposed in this study an instantaneous PQ indices (PQIs) detection methodology based on adaptive data resampling technique to improve the accuracy of PQIs detection within a frequency deviated environment. Finally, they validated the effectiveness of the proposal, which obtains better accuracy and performance under a frequency deviated environment with less readjustment, through simulation and measurement. Furthermore, the proposed methodology satisfies the definitions and recommendations of the IEEE Std 1459 and IEEE Std 519.
See also Frawley et al. 1992, who describe data mining as "the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data
  • Pei Han
Han, Pei, and Kamber 2011, p. 33. See also Frawley et al. 1992, who describe data mining as "the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data."