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The political ideology of conversational AI: Converging evidence on ChatGPT's pro-environmental, left-libertarian orientation

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Abstract and Figures

Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) disrupts how humans interact with technology. Recently, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art dialogue model that can converse with its human counterparts with unprecedented capabilities. ChatGPT has witnessed tremendous attention from the media, academia, industry, and the general public, attracting more than a million users within days of its release. However, its explosive adoption for information search and as an automated decision aid underscores the importance to understand its limitations and biases. This paper focuses on one of democratic society’s most important decision-making processes: political elections. Prompting ChatGPT with 630 political statements from two leading voting advice applications and the nation-agnostic political compass test in three pre-registered experiments, we uncover ChatGPT’s pro-environmental, left-libertarian ideology. For example, ChatGPT would impose taxes on flights, restrict rent increases, and legalize abortion. In the 2021 elections, it would have voted most likely for the Greens both in Germany (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) and in the Netherlands (GroenLinks). Our findings are robust when negating the prompts, reversing the order of the statements, varying prompt formality, and across languages (English, German, Dutch, and Spanish). We conclude by discussing the implications of politically biased conversational AI on society.
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The political ideology of conversational AI:
Converging evidence on ChatGPT’s
pro-environmental, left-libertarian orientation
Jochen Hartmanna,1,
, Jasper Schwenzowb,1, and Maximilian Witteb,1
aTechnical University of Munich, TUM School of Management, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany
bUniversity of Hamburg, Hamburg Business School, Moorweidenstrasse 18, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
1All authors contributed equally to this work.
Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) disrupts how hu-
mans interact with technology. Recently, OpenAI introduced
ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art dialogue model that can converse
with its human counterparts with unprecedented capabilities.
ChatGPT has witnessed tremendous attention from the media,
academia, industry, and the general public, attracting more
than a million users within days of its release. However, its ex-
plosive adoption for information search and as an automated
decision aid underscores the importance to understand its limi-
tations and biases. This paper focuses on one of democratic soci-
ety’s most important decision-making processes: political elec-
tions. Prompting ChatGPT with 630 political statements from
two leading voting advice applications and the nation-agnostic
political compass test in three pre-registered experiments, we
uncover ChatGPT’s pro-environmental, left-libertarian ideol-
ogy. For example, ChatGPT would impose taxes on flights, re-
strict rent increases, and legalize abortion. In the 2021 elec-
tions, it would have voted most likely for the Greens both in Ger-
many (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) and in the Netherlands (Groen-
Links). Our findings are robust when negating the prompts, re-
versing the order of the statements, varying prompt formality,
and across languages (English, German, Dutch, and Spanish).
We conclude by discussing the implications of politically biased
conversational AI on society.
conversational artificial intelligence |algorithmic bias |voting advice applica-
tions |natural language processing |ChatGPT
The rapid progress and proliferation of conversational AI dis-
rupt the way humans interact with technology and obtain in-
formation (1). AI-enabled systems can have a consequential
impact on human lives, especially when used as decision aids
in high-stakes contexts, e.g., medicine (2,3), jurisdiction (4),
immigration (5), or hiring (6). Consequently, a considerable
number of studies is devoted to understanding the limitations
and algorithmic biases inherent in deep learning systems and
generative AI models (717).
On November 30,2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT, a
state-of-the-art conversational deep learning system, which
has attracted millions of users at an unprecedented pace (18).
Since its release, users have used ChatGPT for a wide range
of applications, including writing academic essays (19), gen-
erating fake news (20), composing poetry (21), and getting
answers to coding questions (22). The explosive adoption of
ChatGPT underscores the importance to study its limitations
and biases. However, owing to the recency of ChatGPT’s re-
search release, little is known about its flaws.
Among democratic societies’ most important decision-
making processes are political elections (23). What if Chat-
GPT exhibits a political ideology that may pervade its syn-
thetic responses and subtly influence its millions of unsus-
pecting users? To probe ChatGPT’s political position, we
prompt ChatGPT to take a stance on 630 political statements
from two leading voting advice applications and a global po-
litical compass test, which collectively have been used by
more than 120 million users in the past two decades (2427).
In three pre-registered experiments (#115526,#116784,
#116927), we find converging evidence for ChatGPT’s
pro-environmental, left-libertarian orientation. Specifically,
its position aligns most closely with the German pro-
environmental, left-leaning Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grü-
nen) and their Dutch equivalent (GroenLinks), which secured
only 14.8% and 5.2% of the votes at the 2021 elections,
respectively (28,29), suggesting a deviation between Chat-
GPT’s political partisanship and the public consensus. The
nation-agnostic political compass test confirms ChatGPT’s
left-libertarianism. Our findings are robust when negating
the prompts, reversing the order of the statements, varying
prompt formality, and across languages (English, Spanish,
Dutch, and German).
ChatGPT’s Political Ideology. Fig. 1summarizes the main
results of our first pre-registered study (#116784). To probe
ChatGPT’s political position, we used one of the world’s
most frequently used voting advice applications, the Wahl-
O-Mat. During Germany’s federal election 2021 alone, it has
been used more than 21 million times (27). We prompt Chat-
GPT with each of the 38 political statements from the voting
advice application, coercing it to respond with three choice
options: agree, disagree, and neutral (see Web Appendix, Fig.
1 for the user interface of ChatGPT. See Web Appendix, Figs.
2 and 3 for the interface and output of the Wahl-O-Mat, re-
spectively). Panel A in Fig. 1presents ChatGPT’s response
A comparison of ChatGPT’s responses to the political
parties’ positions results in the highest alignment with the
Fig. 1. Panel A presents ChatGPT’s response distribution, counting the number of agree, disagree, and neutral statements. ChatGPT
agrees with the majority of the statements. Panel B shows ChatGPT’s party alignment scores, which the voting advice application
returns in response to ChatGPT’s answers to the political statements. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean based on
the party alignment scores from the main analysis and five robustness checks. ChatGPT’s political ideology aligns most closely with
the three left-leaning parties (i.e., the Socialists, Social democrats, and Greens). All political parties are sorted from left- to right-wing
orientation on the x-axis. The agreement counts to the political statements are significantly different across the political parties (χ2(5,
N= 228)= 14.91,p=.011). Panel C compares ChatGPT’s voting behavior to the actual results of the German federal election 2021.
Compared to public consensus as indicated by the federal elections, ChatGPT is 13.7percentage points more in favor of the Socialists
and 4.3and 3.1more in favor of the Greens and the Liberals, respectively. Note that we scaled the sum of the party election results
to 100% as we included only the six major parties. See Web Appendix, Fig. 4 for the distribution of the first and second votes of the
Greens (72.4%) followed by the Socialists (67.1%, see panel
B). For example, like the Greens, ChatGPT agrees with the
statement Air traffic should be taxed higher.”, whereas, un-
like the Nationalists, it disagrees with the statement “The
right of recognized refugees on family reunification should
be abolished.”. Web Appendix, Table 1 lists all 38 statements
from the Wahl-O-Mat, contrasting ChatGPT’s to the political
parties’ responses.
Panel C compares ChatGPT’s political preferences to
Germany’s voting population. To make the party alignment
scores Aifrom panel B comparable to the election results
of the 2021 federal election in Germany, we transform them
to choice probabilities, where Srepresents the set of all six
political parties which were represented in the German par-
liament in 2021 either before or after the federal election:
p(i|S) = Ai
Next, we compute the difference between the election re-
sults of Germany’s voting population (See Web Appendix,
Fig. 4) with ChatGPT’s choice probabilities, highlighting the
strongest deviation towards the Socialists (+13.7percentage
points), followed by the Greens, and the Liberals (+4.3and
+3.1percentage points, respectively), substantiating Chat-
GPT’s pro-environmental, left-libertarianism.
Robustness to Prompt Manipulations. Despite its re-
markable capabilities, ChatGPT’s output may be suscepti-
ble to subtle prompt manipulations. Following our pre-
registration protocol, we explore our effects’ robustness
based on 190 political statements across five different prompt
scenarios (i.e., consistency, reverse order, formality, nega-
tion, and translation; see Web Appendix, Table 2 for details
on our robustness checks).
Table 1consolidates the results of all our robustness
checks, indicating that our main findings relating to Chat-
GPT’s left-leaning and pro-environmental positions are not
contingent on the linguistic particularities of the prompts
used in our main analysis. Across all five prompt variations,
the Greens consistently emerge as the political party with the
highest alignment scores. The Socialists score a tied first rank
with the Greens twice and rank second in the remaining three
robustness checks.
Replication for Dutch General Election 2021. We repli-
cate our findings for the Dutch general elections 2021 in a
second pre-registered study (#116784). For this purpose, we
prompt ChatGPT with the 30 political statements from the
StemWijzer, one of the world’s pioneering voting advice ap-
plications, widely “considered the ancestor to all voting ad-
vice applications” (30).
Consistent with our first study, ChatGPT’s political ide-
2 Hartmann et al. | ChatGPT’s Political Ideology
Table 1. ChatGPT’s Political Party Alignment Across Prompt Manipulations.
Condition Socialists Social democrats Greens Liberals Conservatives Nationalists
Main 67.1% 64.5% 72.4% 55.3% 55.3% 38.2%
Consistency 63.2% 57.9% 65.8% 51.3% 56.6% 44.7%
Reverse order 71.1% 60.5% 71.1% 51.3% 51.3% 36.8%
Formality 73.7% 65.8% 78.9% 51.3% 48.7% 31.6%
Negation 75.0% 64.5% 75.0% 47.4% 47.4% 38.2%
Translation 71.1% 65.8% 71.1% 51.3% 56.6% 39.5%
Consistent with panel B in Figure 1, the parties are sorted from left- to right-wing orientation. Bold font
indicates the highest two alignment scores per row. Across all six protocols, ChatGPT’s answers most closely
align with the Greens. In two protocols (Reverse order and Negation) the Socialists achieve an identical result,
in all other protocols they come in second, indicating a strong consistency of ChatGPT’s pro-environmental,
left-libertarian bias.
ology is most aligned with the Greens (47%, GroenLinks),
followed by the Socialists (40%, Socialistische Partij), and
the Social democrats (40%, Partij van de Arbeid). For ex-
ample, ChatGPT would agree to the statement “New housing
developments must consist of at least 40 percent social hous-
ing.”, but disagrees that “The Netherlands needs to build a
new nuclear power plant.”. See Web Appendix, Fig. 5 for
a summary of our results and Web Appendix, Fig. 6 for the
distribution of first votes of the 2021 election.
Mapping ChatGPT on the Political Landscape. Next, we
map ChatGPT and the political parties from our first two
studies on two-dimensional political plots (see Fig. 2). Panel
A presents the results for Germany. Panel B for the Nether-
lands. The dimensions are derived from a principal compo-
nent analysis based on the original 38 and 30 political state-
ments from the German and the Dutch voting advice applica-
tions, respectively.
In Germany, ChatGPT is positioned in the vicinity of pro-
environmental and left-libertarian parties, i.e., between the
Greens, the Socialists, and the Liberals. Statements that con-
tribute to this positioning are about a stronger increase of the
CO2 price (statement 33,Web Appendix, Table 1), financial
support for students (statement 13,Web Appendix, Table 1),
and the legal option to wear a (religious) headscarf in public
service (statement 18,Web Appendix, Table 1).
In the Netherlands, ChatGPT’s closest political neighbors
are the Greens, the Social democrats, and the Socialists, fur-
ther substantiating its pro-environmental and left-leaning ori-
entation. Interestingly, compared to Germany, ChatGPT is
less aligned with liberal parties. This corresponds to an over-
all stronger influence of liberalism in Dutch politics (31),
which in turn, makes ChatGPT look comparatively less lib-
Argumentation Analysis. ChatGPT tends to justify its
political positions in elaborate responses despite being
prompted to respond only with the three choice options, i.e.,
agree, disagree, and neutral (see Fig. 3). ChatGPT’s re-
sponses provide further insights into its political ideology as
well as its argumentation patterns. Hence, we extend our
pre-registered study by systematically analyzing ChatGPT’s
replies using two popular natural language processing soft-
ware packages, TextAnalyzer (32) and LIWC22 (33).
ChatGPT’s responses are highly analytical (mean = 74.9,
SD = 21.4, on a scale from 0to 100; (34)), but unlike typ-
ical political rhetoric, exhibit a low level of emotionality of
2.6(SD = 2.2, scaled from 1to 7; (35)). On average, its
answers are 81.3words long (SD = 27.2), and consist of
18.5words per sentence (SD = 3.2) with an above-average
complexity (nearly one-third of the words are seven letters
or longer; SD = 6.5%). Consistently, its answers are highly
elaborate, achieving an average Flesch-Kincaid readability
score of 35.4(SD = 11.0). Human judges from MTurk rate
the responses generated by ChatGPT more likely to be from
a human than from a computer (68.5% human vs. 31.5%
computer; 30 ratings per statement, N = 2,040).
Interestingly, despite its human-level argumentation
style, ChatGPT seldom speaks in the first person about itself
(on average, only 1% of the words are first-person pronouns,
SD = 2%), which is significantly lower than the share hu-
mans commonly use in everyday language (36) and empha-
sizes ChatGPT’s seemingly objective reasoning. If ChatGPT
(dis)agrees with a political statement (vs. taking a neutral
stance) it does so with confidence as reflected in the clout
scores (mean = 43.3, SD = 23.5vs. mean = 20.2, SD = 15.8;
t(66) = 3.9,p<.001). The high share of words captured by
the LIWC dictionary (88.4%) underscores the validity of our
textual analysis (37). For details of all quantitative text anal-
ysis results, see Web Appendix, Table 4.
The Political Compass. To test whether the converging evi-
dence on ChatGPT’s political ideology from our previous two
studies generalizes beyond certain political parties from cer-
tain nations, we let ChatGPT conduct the nation-agnostic po-
litical compass test (see #116927 for our pre-registration pro-
tocol). The political compass test consists of 62 propositions
with four choice options: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or
strongly disagree. The political compass test presents its re-
sults along two independent axes: economic (left vs. right)
and social (libertarian vs. authoritarian) (25). Since its in-
troduction in 2001, the test has received worldwide attention
from users, media, and academics (3841).
As pre-registered, we find that ChatGPT exhibits a left-
libertarian ideology. Its political position is highly consistent
with our party-specific results from the voting advice appli-
Hartmann et al. | ChatGPT’s Political Ideology 3
Fig. 2. Panel A (B) compares ChatGPT’s political position to the German (Dutch)
parties. Through principal component analysis, we transformed all parties’ and
ChatGPT’s responses to the political statements into two dimensions. The blue
arrows represent the initial statements from the corresponding voting advice appli-
cation, the numbers refer to the ID of the corresponding statements in Web Ap-
pendix, Tables 1 and 3, respectively. The arrows indicate how a party’s position
on a statement contributes to the positioning of the respective party along the two
dimensions, e.g., in panel A, an agreement with the statements 7and 14 will move
a party or ChatGPT to the right. The length of the arrows is proportional to the mag-
nitude of this effect. As expected, ChatGPT’s position is close to the German and
Dutch Greens, respectively. In Germany (panel A), ChatGPT also aligns with the
Socialists and the Liberals, indicative of its left-libertarian position, and is in oppo-
site position of the Nationalists. In the Netherlands, compared to the party positions
in Germany, ChatGPT is further away from Dutch liberal parties, which is consistent
with the high dominance of liberalism in Dutch political landscape (31).
cations. For example, ChatGPT agrees with the statement
“Possessing marijuana for personal use should not be a crim-
inal offence”, but disagrees with the statement “The rich are
too highly taxed”. ChatGPT’s left-libertarian orientation is
robust across five robustness checks (Web Appendix, Fig. 7)
following the same logic as in the first pre-registered experi-
ment (#115526), presented in Table 1.
Summary and Contribution. Powerful conversational AI
systems such as ChatGPT have the potential to revolution-
ize how humans access information. However, the adoption
of technological innovation critically hinges on users’ trust
in the technology’s accuracy and truthfulness (42,43). Po-
litical voting is one of the fundamental and most consequen-
tial decision-making processes of democracies (23). What if
these novel AI-enabled dialogue systems spread a political
ideology in their natural interactions with their millions of
unsuspecting users?
To address this question, we probed the political position
of ChatGPT in three pre-registered experiments using 630
political statements from two leading voting advice applica-
tions and the nation-agnostic political compass test. Over-
all, we find converging evidence that ChatGPT exhibits a
pro-environmental, left-libertarian political orientation. Our
findings are robust across diverse prompt manipulations, i.e.,
negations, prompt order, degree of formality, and languages
(English, Spanish, Dutch, and German).
This research bridges and contributes to several streams
of literature with time-sensitive, interdisciplinary implica-
tions relevant to academic scholars, policymakers, managers,
and the public. Pursuing a multi-method, multi-study ap-
proach, we contribute to the nascent literature on the possibil-
ities and limitations of state-of-the-art AI-enabled dialogue
systems like ChatGPT. Specifically, we discovered that Chat-
GPT’s output reflects a political ideology, which can extend
beyond the boundaries of the 630 political statements that we
prompted ChatGPT within our three controlled studies. The
anecdotal example in Web Appendix, Fig. 8 demonstrates the
pervasiveness of ChatGPT’s ideological bias.
As political elections are one of the most consequential
decision-making processes of democratic societies, our find-
ings have important ramifications. Moreover, the “partisan
content” that ChatGPT automatically generates at unprece-
dented scales may attract users who share similar beliefs (44).
In turn, the feedback that OpenAI actively solicits from its
user base to improve its model outputs may amplify and per-
petuate this ideological bias in a vicious circle. As automated
chatbots have the potential to influence user behavior (45), it
is crucial to raise awareness about these breakthrough sys-
tems’ flaws and biases.
Limitations and Future Research Directions. There are
limitations to our study. First, to probe the political orienta-
tion, we focused on two leading voting advice applications,
i.e., Germany’s Wahl-O-Mat and the Netherlands’ StemWi-
jzer that have collectively attracted more than 120 million
4 Hartmann et al. | ChatGPT’s Political Ideology
users since their releases more than two decades ago. Despite
their high reliability (46), future research can explore the gen-
eralizability of our findings across further nations, languages,
and voting advice applications.
Next, future research could explore the origins of Chat-
GPT’s political ideology. Different sources of its ideologi-
cal bias are plausible. First, it could originate from the mas-
sive web-scraped data that ChatGPT was trained on, which
is contaminated with human biases (9,47). Second, it could
stem from ChatGPT’s human-in-the-loop training procedure,
a two-step process in which human AI trainers manually gen-
erate prompt solutions and afterwards ranked them by quality
(48). Third, it could result from OpenAI’s content modera-
tion filters, which are intended to prevent ChatGPT from cre-
ating and disseminating harmful content as it occurred with
Microsoft’s chatbot Tay in 2016 (49). Understanding the con-
tribution of these different sources of bias will increase the
possibility to tackle them appropriately (e.g., (50)). At the
same time, it is important to note that debiasing attempts can
also backfire (51), which highlights the great care that needs
to be taken in designing effective debiasing mechanisms.
Lastly, more studies are needed that analyze real-world
user interactions with ChatGPT, e.g., using it to obtain ad-
vice on political decision-making (52). Access restrictions
to the data that is collected by OpenAI limit the possibilities
to conduct such studies. Alternative open-source models and
public datasets containing chat protocols of human-machine
conversations are urgently needed to address this limitation.
Conclusions. Conversational AI has the potential to revolu-
tionize how humans interact with technology. The unprece-
dented speed of adoption of ChatGPT evidences its appeal
and accessibility to large parts of society. The explosive pro-
liferation is a harbinger of the future possibilities of this dis-
ruptive technology, both as decision-making aids and as a
novel and natural channel for information collection.
However, the character and magnitude of the societal im-
pact of conversational AI is yet to be fully understood, and
user trust and adoption critically hinge on the quality of the
models’ outputs, including unbiased, truthful results.
Across three pre-registered studies, we revealed that
in contrast to traditional voting advice application which
present factual data (e.g., the Greens support the taxation of
flights), conversational AI systems add their own “opinion”.
Overall, we find converging evidence for ChatGPT’s consis-
tent pro-environmental, left-leaning position. As the impor-
tance of intelligent tools such as ChatGPT in humans’ every-
day lives continues to rapidly increase, we hope our study in-
spires future studies on the possibilities and limitations of AI-
enabled dialogue systems that become increasingly human-
like, powerful, and persuasive.
ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) opti-
mized for dialogue, allowing users to interact with it in a con-
versational way. The model is “a sibling” of the InstructGPT
model (48). ChatGPT’s training procedure comprises three
steps. First, OpenAI fine-tuned GPT-3.5 using a supervised
policy. For this purpose, human AI trainers generated desired
outputs, conditioned on text prompts. Next, OpenAI trained a
reward model using reinforcement learning, instructing Chat-
GPT to rank multiple response candidates by quality. Third,
using the reinforcement learning-based reward model, Ope-
nAI employed Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to fine-
tune the final model. For details on the training procedure,
see (48) and (53).
Robustness checks. In our main analysis, we presented the
statements in the same order as a human user would see the
statements. We perform ve robustness checks to validate
ChatGPT’s political bias. First, we evaluate the consistency
of ChatGPT’s expressed opinions by replicating the exact
prompt inputs of the main model, i.e., presenting the same
set of statements in the same sequence as our main analysis
(see condition Consistency in Table 1). Second, we reverse
the sequence of the political statements, starting with the last
statement from our main analysis and ending with the first
statement (see condition Reverse order). Third, we manip-
ulate the level of formality of the prompts, altering the con-
versational distance between ChatGPT and the human user,
by adding “please respond” and “thank you” to the original
prompt; see Formality). Fourth, to evaluate ChatGPT’s ro-
bustness to negations, we manually add the grammatically
correct negation word to each text prompts, e.g., changing
the sentence from “Governments should penalise businesses
that mislead the public” to “Governments should not penalise
businesses that mislead the public” (see Negation). Fifth,
we translate all prompts into Spanish, using state-of-the-art
translation software (see Translation). Web Appendix, Table
2 describes the robustness checks and prompt manipulations
in detail.
PCA. We employ principal component analysis (PCA) to re-
duce the dimensionality of our data. PCA is a common tech-
nique for reducing the number of dimensions in a dataset
while preserving as much of the original variation as pos-
sible (54,55). We implement PCA in R with the prcomp()
function, which uses singular value decomposition (SVD) to
perform the dimensionality reduction. Our dataset consists
of a n×kmatrix M, where the rows nrepresent the differ-
ent political parties, and ChatGPT and columns krepresent
political statements. The values in the matrix represent the
parties’ (ChatGPT’s) alignment with each statement. We use
PCA to reduce the number of columns (dimensions) from the
original set to two, allowing for analysis and visualization
of the relationships between political parties and ChatGPT’s
ideology. Fig. 2displays the results.
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Hartmann et al. | ChatGPT’s Political Ideology 7
... Similarly, in a question repeated 100 times, ChatGPT displayed a preference for left-leaning political stances in Brazil, the United States, and the United Kingdom [17]. Additionally, based on an analysis of 630 political questions, ChatGPT exhibited a bias towards left-wing and pro-environmental politics in Germany and the Netherlands [24]. These initial findings suggest that ChatGPT may also show similar biases in its responses related to financial organizations aligning with specific political spectrums or engaged in particular businesses that are environment friendly. ...
... This misinformation can heighten financial risks for both consumers and investors, potentially eroding trust in the tool's application in the realm of finance. Moreover, ChatGPT's recommendations may inadvertently exhibit a bias towards pro-environment products and organizations, mirroring its inclination towards pro-environmental groups [24], which could further result in a loss of trust from other interest groups. ...
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The emergence of ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence tool, has sparked a revolution in the finance industry, enabling individuals to interact with technology in natural language. However, the use of ChatGPT in finance presents a profound array of ethical considerations that demand careful scrutiny to ensure its responsible and ethical use. After a concise exploration of ChatGPT's applications in finance, this policy article delves into the ethical challenges arising from the use of ChatGPT in finance, including outcomes contaminated with biases, incorporation of fake information in the financial decisions, concerns surrounding privacy and security, lack of transparency and accountability in the decision-making processes and financial services, human job displacement, and the intricate web of legal complexities. Our article asserts that financial institutions employing ChatGPT must proactively devise strategies to confront these burgeoning challenges, mitigating their adverse effects on both individuals and society as a whole. Additionally , we propose relevant policies to tackle these ethical quandaries head-on. In essence, this article illuminates the imperative need for a meticulous ethical framework, facilitating an informed and responsible use of ChatGPT in the realm of finance, safeguarding the welfare of individuals and society. While our work significantly contributes to the research and practice of finance, we also identify future research avenues.
... Hartmann et al. (2023) highlight ChatGPT's pro-environmental, left-libertarian bias. ...
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This paper explores recent advancements and implications of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, with a specific focus on Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT 3.5, within the realm of higher education. Through a review of the academic literature, this paper highlights the unprecedented growth of these models and their wide-reaching impact across various sectors. The discussion sheds light on the complex issues and potential benefits presented by LLMs, providing a overview of the field's current state. In the context of higher education, the paper explores the challenges and opportunities posed by LLMs. These include issues related to educational assessment, potential threats to academic integrity, privacy concerns, the propagation of misinformation, EDI aspects, copyright concerns and inherent biases within the models. While these challenges are multifaceted and significant, the paper emphasizes the availability of strategies to address them effectively and facilitate the successful adoption of LLMs in educational settings. Furthermore, the paper recognises the potential opportunities to transform higher education. It emphasises the need to update assessment policies, develop guidelines for staff and students, scaffold AI skills development, and find ways to leverage technology in the classroom. By proactively pursuing these steps, higher education institutions (HEIs) can harness the full potential of LLMs while managing their adoption responsibly. In conclusion, the paper urges HEIs to allocate resources to handle the adoption of LLMs effectively. This includes ensuring staff AI readiness and taking steps to modify their study programmes to align with the evolving educational landscape influenced by emerging technologies.
... LLMs thus need to be equipped with a normative setup that goes beyond fulfilling a specific user's wishes. Therefore, they end up being more aligned with some worldviews than others and closer to some political outlook than another (Hartmann, Schwenzow, and Witte 2023;Atari et al. 2023). In other words, LLMs inevitably take a political stance. ...
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Large language models (LLMs) represent the currently most relevant incarnation of artificial intelligence with respect to the future fate of democratic governance. Considering their potential, this paper seeks to answer a pressing question: Could LLMs outperform humans as expert advisors to democratic assemblies? While bearing the promise of enhanced expertise availability and accessibility, they also present challenges of hallucinations, misalignment, or value imposition. Weighing LLMs’ benefits and drawbacks compared to their human counterparts, I argue for their careful integration to augment democracy’s ability to address complex policy issues. The paper posits that time-tested democratic procedures like deliberation and aggregation by voting provide safeguards effective against both human and machine advisor imperfections. Additional protective measures include custom LLM training for the advisory role, boosting representatives’ competencies in query formulation, or implementation of adversarial proceedings in which LLM advisors could debate each other and provide dissenting opinions. These could further mitigate the risks that LLMs present in advisory roles and empower human decision-makers toward increased autonomy and quality of their collective choices. My conceptual exploration offers a roadmap for the co-evolution of AI and democratic institutions, setting the stage for an empirical research agenda to finetune the implementation specifics.
... However, ChatGPT is politically biased (Ferrara, 2023). Several studies (Hartmann et al., 2023;Rozado, 2023a;Rutinowski et al., 2023) found that it has a left-libertarian orientation. Political biases have attracted attention from society. ...
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Although ChatGPT promises wide-ranging applications, there is a concern that it is politically biased; in particular, that it has a left-libertarian orientation. Nevertheless, following recent trends in attempts to reduce such biases, this study re-evaluated the political biases of ChatGPT using political orientation tests and the application programming interface. The effects of the languages used in the system as well as gender and race settings were evaluated. The results indicate that ChatGPT manifests less political bias than previously assumed; however, they did not entirely dismiss the political bias. The languages used in the system, and the gender and race settings may induce political biases. These findings enhance our understanding of the political biases of ChatGPT and may be useful for bias evaluation and designing the operational strategy of ChatGPT.
... Although it can demonstrate limited knowledge, a lack of self-awareness, and a confidence in occasional hallucinations-all these much like humans-ChatGPT has demonstrated a distinctive persona (Kocoń et al., 2023;Li et al., 2022). Across a dozen surveys for political opinions, it consistently favors liberal-libertarian positions over conservative-authoritarian ones (Hartmann et al., 2023). It exhibits a passing understanding of material on professional exams in medicine (Kung et al., 2022), law (Choi et al., 2023) and business school exams (Terwiesch, 2023). ...
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The recent development of Transformers and large language models (LLMs) offer unique opportunities to work with natural language. They bring a degree of understanding and fluidity far surpassing previous language models, and they are rapidly progressing. They excel at representing and interpreting ideas and experiences that involve complex and subtle language and are therefore ideal for Computational Digital Humanities research. This paper briefly surveys how XAI can be used to augment two Computational Digital Humanities research areas relying on LLMs: (a) diachronic text sentiment analysis and (b) narrative generation. We also introduce a novel XAI greybox ensemble for diachronic sentiment analysis generalizable to any AI classification data points within a structured time series. Under human-in-the-loop supervision (HITL), this greybox ensemble combines the high performance of SOTA blackbox models like gpt-4–0613 with the interpretability, efficiency, and privacy-preserving nature of whitebox models. Two new local (EPC) and global (ECC) metrics enable multi-scale XAI at both the local and global levels. This greybox ensemble framework extends the SentimentArcs framework with OpenAI’s latest GPT models, new metrics and a modified supervisory HITL workflow released as open source software at
... physiology, eye-gaze, gesture) into discourse analysis could further improve the accuracy of performance predictions and deepen our understanding of team collaboration dynamics. With recent advances in natural language processing such as the development of conversational agents and proliferation of chatGPT [15,37], the information we can glean from human speech and the ability to use an agent's speech for more teamwork related functions will continue to grow. The findings suggest that incorporating multimodal data (e.g. ...
... This chatbot, which finds sources on its own, does not allow the user to select the information source. The wrong information provided by ChatGPT can cause major issues, especially in the legal and medical fields [19][20][21]. ChatGPT provides information on data up to September 2021. Currently, it is not possible to obtain up-to-date and real-time data [18,19]. ...
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Background and objective The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a rapid pace, impacting all aspects of human life. Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), which represents one of AI's most recent and remarkable achievements, has garnered significant attention and popularity in the academic community. ChatGPT, a language model-based chatbot developed by OpenAI, responds quickly and provides answers to the questions put to it. This chatbot has the ability to gather content from a variety of sources on the internet. However, its success in providing correct information has not yet been comprehensively analyzed. In light of this, this study aimed to engage in a comparative content analysis of health-related information provided by ChatGPT and a few selected websites. Methods We performed a qualitative analysis of data obtained from various information sources by using the DISCERN score and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmark criteria. In addition, readability levels of the content were measured by using the Flesch-Kincaid grade level, Gunning Fog Index, and Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) index. Results Based on our findings, there was no statistically significant difference between the websites and ChatGPT in DISCERN scores. However, the JAMA score was statistically significantly higher for websites. With regard to the Flesch-Kincaid grade level, Gunning Fog Index, and SMOG index values, the data obtained from the websites had higher readability. Conclusion Although AI is starting to play a significant role in our everyday lives, it has yet to surpass traditional methods of accessing information in terms of readability and reliability.
... These biases may arise from the fact that ChatGPT models have been trained on human-generated text and reinforcement learning from human feedback to better align with human values [74,75]. In particular, ChatGPT outputs could potentially contain biases toward political leanings [76][77][78][79]. These possible biases are unlikely to have affected the results of Study 1, because ChatGPT was tasked to provide numeric scores and not to generate new ideas. ...
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ChatGPT could serve as a tool for text analysis within the field of Human–Computer Interaction, though its validity requires investigation. This study applied ChatGPT to: (1) textbox questionnaire responses on nine augmented-reality interfaces, (2) interview data from participants who experienced these interfaces in a virtual simulator, and (3) transcribed think-aloud data of participants who viewed a real painting and its replica. Using a hierarchical approach, ChatGPT produced scores or summaries of text batches, which were then aggregated. Results showed that (1) ChatGPT generated sentiment scores of the interfaces that correlated extremely strongly (r > 0.99) with human rating scale outcomes and with a rule-based sentiment analysis method (criterion validity). Additionally, (2) by inputting automatically transcribed interviews to ChatGPT, it provided meaningful meta-summaries of the qualities of the interfaces (face validity). One meta-summary analysed in depth was found to have substantial but imperfect overlap with a content analysis conducted by an independent researcher (criterion validity). Finally, (3) ChatGPT’s summary of the think-aloud data highlighted subtle differences between the real painting and the replica (face validity), a distinction corresponding with a keyword analysis (criterion validity). In conclusion, our research indicates that, with appropriate precautions, ChatGPT can be used as a valid tool for analysing text data.
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Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping various aspects of society, including the realm of education. The emergence of ChatGPT in November 2022 has ignited global discourse, prompting numerous studies to explore its potential benefits and drawbacks, particularly within higher education. ChatGPT offers numerous advantages for teaching and learning, such as promoting personalized education, assisting in research paper writing, refining grammar, and writing skills, and fostering critical thinking. However, alongside its benefits, concerns regarding ethical considerations and academic integrity have been raised. This paper delves into the role of ChatGPT as an AI tool, examining studies conducted between 2022 and 2023. It also addresses the ethical and academic dilemmas associated with its widespread use. Additionally, the paper discusses the challenges impeding the seamless integration of AI in education, particularly in developing countries like Jordan. Furthermore, it sheds light on Jordan's efforts to embrace artificial intelligence in education and underscores the necessity for an education-centric AI policy to cultivate skilled professionals capable of navigating the global AI revolution. Despite varying conclusions across studies, this review underscores the importance of prioritizing the education sector within Jordanian AI policies. Such prioritization is crucial given the sector's role in nurturing skilled individuals and implementing curricula effectively, thus facilitating national development. This paper holds significance for researchers, educational technology practitioners, and policymakers alike, offering insights into the multifaceted implications of AI integration in education and advocating for informed policy decisions to harness its potential effectively.
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Recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have enabled new paradigms of machine processing, shifting from data-driven, discriminative AI tasks toward sophisticated, creative tasks through generative AI. Leveraging deep generative models, generative AI is capable of producing novel and realistic content across a broad spectrum (e.g., texts, images, or programming code) for various domains based on basic user prompts. In this article, we offer a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of generative AI with its underpinning concepts and prospects. We provide a conceptual introduction to relevant terms and techniques, outline the inherent properties that constitute generative AI, and elaborate on the potentials and challenges. We underline the necessity for researchers and practitioners to comprehend the distinctive characteristics of generative artificial intelligence in order to harness its potential while mitigating its risks and to contribute to a principal understanding.
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Artificial writing is permeating our lives due to recent advances in large-scale, transformer-based language models (LMs) such as BERT, GPT-2 and GPT-3. Using them as pre-trained models and fine-tuning them for specific tasks, researchers have extended the state of the art for many natural language processing tasks and shown that they capture not only linguistic knowledge but also retain general knowledge implicitly present in the data. Unfortunately, LMs trained on unfiltered text corpora suffer from degenerated and biased behaviour. While this is well established, we show here that recent LMs also contain human-like biases of what is right and wrong to do, reflecting existing ethical and moral norms of society. We show that these norms can be captured geometrically by a ‘moral direction’ which can be computed, for example, by a PCA, in the embedding space. The computed ‘moral direction’ can rate the normativity (or non-normativity) of arbitrary phrases without explicitly training the LM for this task, reflecting social norms well. We demonstrate that computing the ’moral direction’ can provide a path for attenuating or even preventing toxic degeneration in LMs, showcasing this capability on the RealToxicityPrompts testbed. Large language models identify patterns in the relations between words and capture their relations in an embedding space. Schramowski and colleagues show that a direction in this space can be identified that separates ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ actions as judged by human survey participants.
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We present a new consequence of stereotypes: they affect the length of communications. People say more about events that violate common stereotypes than those that confirm them, a phenomenon we dub surprised elaboration. Across two public data sets, government officials wrote longer reports when negative events befell White people (stereotype-inconsistent) than when the same events befell Black or Hispanic people (stereotype-consistent). Officers authored longer missing child reports of White (vs. Black or Hispanic) children (Study 1a), and medical examiners wrote longer reports of unidentified White (vs. Black or Hispanic) bodies (Study 1b). In follow-up experiments, communicators found stereotype-inconsistent events more surprising and this prompted them to elaborate (Study 2). Surprised elaboration occurred for negative events (i.e., crimes, misdemeanors) and also positive ones (i.e., weddings; Study 3). We found that surprised elaboration has policy implications. Observers preferred to funnel government and media resources toward White victims, since their case reports were longer, even when longer reports were not more informative (Studies 4–6). Together, these studies introduce surprised elaboration, a new theoretical phenomenon with implications for public policy.
Technical Report
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The words that people use in everyday life tell us about their psychological states: their beliefs, emotions, thinking habits, lived experiences, social relationships, and personalities. From the time of Freud’s writings about “slips of the tongue” to the early days of computer-based text analysis, researchers across the social sciences have amassed an extensive body of evidence showing that people’s words have tremendous psychological value. To appreciate some of the truly great pioneers, check out (Allport, 1942), Gottschalk and Gleser (1969), Stone et al., (1966), and Weintraub (1989). Although promising, the early computer methods floundered because of the sheer complexity of the task. In order to provide a better method for studying verbal and written speech samples, we originally developed a text analysis application called Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, or LIWC (pronounced “Luke”). The first LIWC application was developed as part of an exploratory study of language and disclosure (Francis & Pennebaker, 1992). The second (LIWC2001), third (LIWC2007), fourth (2015), and now fifth (LIWC-22) versions updated the original application with increasingly expanded dictionaries and sophisticated software design (Pennebaker et al., 2001, 2007, 2015). The most recent evolution, LIWC-22 (Pennebaker et al., 2022), has significantly altered both the dictionary and the software options to reflect new directions in text analysis. As with previous versions, the program is designed to analyze individual or multiple language files quickly and efficiently. At the same time, the program attempts to be transparent and flexible in its operation, allowing the user to explore word use in multiple ways.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have increasingly achieved expert-level performance in medical imaging applications. However, there is growing concern that such AI systems may reflect and amplify human bias, and reduce the quality of their performance in historically under-served populations such as female patients, Black patients, or patients of low socioeconomic status. Such biases are especially troubling in the context of underdiagnosis, whereby the AI algorithm would inaccurately label an individual with a disease as healthy, potentially delaying access to care. Here, we examine algorithmic underdiagnosis in chest X-ray pathology classification across three large chest X-ray datasets, as well as one multi-source dataset. We find that classifiers produced using state-of-the-art computer vision techniques consistently and selectively underdiagnosed under-served patient populations and that the underdiagnosis rate was higher for intersectional under-served subpopulations, for example, Hispanic female patients. Deployment of AI systems using medical imaging for disease diagnosis with such biases risks exacerbation of existing care biases and can potentially lead to unequal access to medical treatment, thereby raising ethical concerns for the use of these models in the clinic.
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Smartphones have made it nearly effortless to share images of branded experiences. This research classifies social media brand imagery and studies user response. Aside from packshots (standalone product images), two types of brand-related selfie images appear online: consumer selfies (featuring brands and consumers’ faces) and an emerging phenomenon the authors term “brand selfies” (invisible consumers holding a branded product). The authors use convolutional neural networks to identify these archetypes and train language models to infer social media response to more than a quarter-million brand-image posts (185 brands on Twitter and Instagram). They find that consumer-selfie images receive more sender engagement (i.e., likes and comments), whereas brand selfies result in more brand engagement, expressed by purchase intentions. These results cast doubt on whether conventional social media metrics are appropriate indicators of brand engagement. Results for display ads are consistent with this observation, with higher click-through rates for brand selfies than for consumer selfies. A controlled lab experiment suggests that self-reference is driving the differential response to selfie images. Collectively, these results demonstrate how (interpretable) machine learning helps extract marketing-relevant information from unstructured multimedia content and that selfie images are a matter of perspective in terms of actual brand engagement.
Using word embeddings from 850 billion words in English-language Google Books, we provide an extensive analysis of historical change and stability in social group representations (stereotypes) across a long timeframe (from 1800 to 1999), for a large number of social group targets (Black, White, Asian, Irish, Hispanic, Native American, Man, Woman, Old, Young, Fat, Thin, Rich, Poor), and their emergent, bottom-up associations with 14,000 words and a subset of 600 traits. The results provide a nuanced picture of change and persistence in stereotypes across 200 y. Change was observed in the top-associated words and traits: Whether analyzing the top 10 or 50 associates, at least 50% of top associates changed across successive decades. Despite this changing content of top-associated words, the average valence (positivity/negativity) of these top stereotypes was generally persistent. Ultimately, through advances in the availability of historical word embeddings, this study offers a comprehensive characterization of both change and persistence in social group representations as revealed through books of the English-speaking world from 1800 to 1999.