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Personalized Itinerary Recommendation via Expectation-Maximization



The personalized itinerary recommendation problem in selecting a subset of locations to visit from among a larger set while maximizing the benefit for the tourist. In this work, we propose an efficient deterministic method for the recommendation of personalized itineraries consisting of a sequence of Points of Interest (POIs) that maximizes the expected user satisfaction and adheres to user time constraints. Experimental results on a large number of synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the high performance of our framework.
Personalized Itinerary Recommendation via
Costas Panagiotakis
Department of Management Science and Technology
Hellenic Mediterranean University
72100 Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece
Evangelia Daskalaki
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hellenic Mediterranean University
71004 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Harris Papadakis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Heraklion 71004, Crete, Greece
Paraskevi Fragopoulou
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hellenic Mediterranean University
71004 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Abstract—The personalized itinerary recommendation prob-
lem in selecting a subset of locations to visit from among a larger
set while maximizing the benefit for the tourist. In this work, we
propose an efficient deterministic method for the recommenda-
tion of personalized itineraries consisting of a sequence of Points
of Interest (POIs) that maximizes the expected user satisfaction
and adheres to user time constraints. Experimental results on a
large number of synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate
the high performance of our framework.
Index Terms—Recommender Systems, Orienteering Problem
Recommender Systems predict the preferences of users
for specific items, based on collective analysis of prior user
preferences [1]. They have become increasingly popular in
assisting users in the decision making process. Recommender
systems have been applied successfully to the important and
complex task of planning and scheduling tour itineraries which
comprise sequences of Points-of-Interests (POIs) based on the
unique preferences of individual tourists [2]. The selection of
the most valuable POIs is not trivial due to the aforementioned
constrains and parameters as well as the limitations of each
individual tourist. In this work our main goal is to provide a
sequence of POIs that maximize user satisfaction under several
given constraints such as user time budget, POIs opening hours
as well as spatial constraints (e.g. start and end user points,
POIs locations, etc).
Figure 1 depicts an instance of a personalized tour itinerary,
where the user starts at point 6 and ends at point 4. In this
example, a solution provided by the proposed framework is
plotted with red color, and consists of the three POIs (10, 16,
11) with the highest user satisfaction score. The size and the
color of a POI correspond to the duration of the visit and the
gained user satisfaction, respectively. Additionally, all graph
edges are assigned a travelling time. According to the proposed
timetable (see Fig. 1(b)), the tour start at 10:00 and ends at
12:53 respecting the user’s time budget (10:00 to 13:00).
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) (b)
POIs Sa sfac on
I nerary
POIs Opening
User Time
POIs Travel
User Start and
End points
Fig. 1. (a),(b) An example of a personalized itinerary on a 2D map with 16
POIs. The proposed itinerary consists of three POIs (10, 16, 11). The tour
should start at point 6 at 10:00 and end at point 4 before 13:00 (user time
budget: 10:00-13:00). (a) A map of 16 POIs, where each POI is drawn by a
circle. The proposed itinerary is indicated by the red line. (b) The timetable
of the personalized itinerary. (c) A schema of the proposed framework.
The main contribution of this work concerns the formulation
of the Personalized Itinerary Recommendation (PIR) prob-
lem based on the maximization of an appropriate objective
function, leading to a high performance and computation-
ally efficient deterministic method. For each visited POI,
the proposed objective function takes into account user’s
satisfaction, the POI’s visit duration as well as the number
of already selected POIs in order to achieve higher values as
the number of POIs in the itinerary increases. In addition, the
gained user satisfaction is related to the POI’s visit duration
constituting the proposed objective function more realistic.
Another significant contribution concerns the applicability of
the proposed method, as it can be easily combined with any
recommender system (see Figure 1(c)). Finally, the creation
of a large synthetic dataset, used to test the Personalized
Itinerary Recommendation under various parameters, consti-
tutes another important contribution of this work.
Many prior studies formulated the Itinerary Recommenda-
tion as a variant of the Orienteering Problem (OP) [3] or the
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) [4]. These methods, how-
ever, did not succeed in general to incorporate personalization
for individual users. In personalization-based approaches, the
main challenge remains to implicitly infer the preferences of
tourists and incorporate these as part of the recommended tour
itinerary [2].
The PersTour algorithm [5] considers both POI popularity
and user preferences to recommend suitable POIs for the user
to visit and the amount of time to spend at each one. Authors
in [6] adopt a two-phase heuristic approach combining an
Artificial bee colony algorithm and a differential evolution
algorithm taking into consideration the spatial heterogeneity
of POIs. The method proposed in [7] recommends emotionally
pleasing tours in a city. To quantify the extent to which
various urban locations are pleasant, data from a crowd-
sourcing platform was utilized. The selection of the best
itinerary is performed by first identifying Mshortest paths
using Eppstein’s algorithm [8], and subsequently computing
the average rank for all locations in each of the first m
(m<M) paths. At each exploration, the path with the
lowest (best) average rank is maintained. In [9], a Genetic
Algorithm (GA) is proposed to provide a travel plan consisting
of a set of highly-ranked tourist attractions and restaurants
with respect to several constraints. GA uses natural selection
and genetics principles to solve the optimization problem of
itinerary recommendation. It is based on multistage processing
that includes initialization, selection, crossover, and mutation
to generate and refine the candidate solution. AGAM [10] is
another genetic algorithm with crossover and mutation for
solving the same problem. Recently, extra practical tourism
constraints have been included in the tourist trip design prob-
lem such as mandatory visits, limits on the number of locations
of each type, and the order at which selected locations are
visited [11]. In [11], four methods are proposed based on the
branch-and-check approach to solve the classical problem with
extra practical tourism constraints. The master problem selects
a subset of locations verifying all constraints except time-
related, and all these locations constitute candidate solutions.
First, we define preliminaries concerning the input of our
approach. We assume a graph (e.g. city map) with nPOIs
P={p1, ...., pn}. Let Tbe the traveling time matrix (n×n)
of the pair-wise distances for all POI. Tcan be computed
by applying Johnson’s algorithm [12] on the graph of POIs
in O(n2), under the assumption that the number of graph
edges is O(n)which is usually true for city maps. pairs.
Additionally, for each POI pithe visit duration diand the
opening time window oiis known. Without loss of generality,
we can assume that p1and pnare the given starting and
ending locations (POIs) of the tour. According to the problem
definition, the user provides the starting time st and the time
budget Bof the tour. This means that the tour itinerary
should end at st +Bor earlier. sidefines the gained user
satisfaction per hour by visiting POI pi. In our framework, siis
computed offline e.g. by a recommender system based on user
preferences or other features (travel history, etc.) as depicted in
Figure 1(c). The output of our approach is an itinerary c, which
defines the visited POIs as well as the corresponding temporal
information. Therefore, an itinerary cis defined by a sequence
of triples, where each triple (pi, ati, dti)is comprised by the
visited POI piwith the corresponding arrival atiand departure
dtitimes. Thus, we denote by v(c), the sequence of triples
(pi, ati, dti)of itinerary c, for which it holds that dti> ati.
Therefore, it holds that pi:piv(c), c 2it holds that
the arrival time atiis given by ati=dti1+Tpi1,pi. The
itinerary should end at POI pn, meaning that the last triplet of c
should be the following: c(|c|) = (pn, atn, dtn).dtnst+B,
meaning that the tour itinerary ends at time st +Bor earlier.
A. Evaluating an itinerary
Solving the itinerary recommendation problem amounts to
finding a legal (i.e. satisfying the pre-mentioned problem con-
strains) itinerary cthat maximizes an appropriately defined
objective function Fso that c=argmaxcLS F(c), where
LS is the set of legal itineraries according to the problem
constrains. In order to assess this itinerary, we propose an
objective function Fthat has the following properties in order
to to achieve the highest user satisfaction, while respecting the
given problem constraints:
For each POI (pi) of c,Flinearly increases with the
corresponding gained user satisfaction per hour sithat
is multiplied by the visit duration dtiati. Intuitively,
the larger gained satisfaction, the more preferable the
itinerary c.
The number of visited points |v(c)|slightly increases the
value of the objective function, so that when two legal
itineraries yield almost the same user satisfaction, the
larger itinerary will be more preferable.
The value of the objective function for legal and non legal
itineraries is non-negative and −∞, respectively.
The aforementioned properties are well captured by defining
the objective function F(c)as following:
F(c) = (1 + log(|v(c)|)) ·P(pi,ati,dti)csi·(dtiati)if cLS
−∞ if c∈ LS
According to Eq. 1, it holds that if cc, c, cLS
then F(c)> F (c). Therefore, as cgrows e.g. by applying
an iterative algorithm, it holds that the F(c)increases. The
expected value of the objective function of the itinerary c
shows the upper limit of its current value F(c)taking into
account that the maximum time duration of an itinerary is at
most B. Let F(c)F(c)be the following simplified version
of the expected value of the objective function (see Eq. 2)
under the assumption that the value of F(c)linearly increases
with the duration of itinerary c, that is true according to Eq.
1, if we ignore the term (1 + log(|v(c)|)).
F(c) = B
In this formulation, the total duration of itinerary cis given
by the difference dtnat1. According to the proposed
methodology, the F(c)is maximized.
According to the proposed method, the itinerary recom-
mendation problem is solved by sequentially adding the most
suitable unvisited POI in the current itinerary, the one that
maximizes the expected value of the objective function, as this
is defined in Eq. (2). The input of the proposed method are
the variables P, st, B, T ,di, oi, si, i {1, ..., n}as described
in Section III. The goal of the proposed method is to compute
a solution for the PIR problem. The set Sof the indexes of
visited POI is initialized to the empty set, while the first triplet
of cis set equal to {(p1, st, st)}, according to the problem
definition. In the main loop of the proposed PIREM algorithm,
we get the set of the unvisited POIs indexes Uthat will be
used to find the next visited POI. In the computation of U,
we ignore POI pn(U={1, ..., n 1} S), since this is
definitely inserted after the last POI of c(c(|c|)) at the end
of the method. This loop terminates when no changes take
place in the main loop or the set Uis empty.
Subsequently, we evaluate whether the insertion of each
unvisited POI pk,kUat the position mof the current
optimal itinerary cis legal according to the problem con-
straints and whether it improves the current optimal value of
F B (expected value of the objective function). If both of the
following statements are true, it means that the insertion of pk
at position mof cis valid:
1) All the visited POIs of care opened.
2) The tour cends at time st +Bor earlier.
Finally, we check if the insertion of pkimproves the current
optimal value F B and we update F B . The current optimal
itinerary cand set Sare updated in this loop, so that the most
suitable POI will be inserted at the most suitable position of c.
Therefore due to the proposed expectation maximization based
method, a short in time duration itinerary is more promising
and it is preferred to be selected as optimal itinerary cto be
extended, than a long in time duration one with similar values
on the objective function.
The PIREM-SR algorithm: The resulting solution of PIREM
may land on a local minima of the objective function due to the
sequential optimization. Thus, we propose an extra optional
step to improve the PIREM solution via a better exploration
of the search space as follows:
1) In this step, successive replacements of the visited POIs
with unvisited ones are performed. In each iteration of
the main loop of this step, we select the replacement that
improves the most the value of the objective function.
2) Otherwise, if the value of the objective function cannot
be improved further, the method terminates.
We denote this variant of the algorithm with the extra step
of successive replacements as PIREM-SR. It holds that the
solutions proposed by PIREM-SR are better or equivalent to
the corresponding solutions of PIREM, since the extra step
can only result to improvement.
In our experimental results, we have created 2048 different
experimental setups on 64 synthetic datasets using several
problem parameters. Our intention is to provide a high number
of random experimental setups that are realistic concerning
the default parameters’ values in order to be able to fairly
compare all the method under almost real conditions. Each
of the 64 synthetic datasets is generated by adding nPOIs at
random positions on a 2D-map, where n {8,16,24,32,40}.
The roads (edges) of each map are generated as follows,
we sequentially connect the closest POIs according to the
following rule: An edge is created if the distance between its
middle point and the rest of the edges exceeds a predefined
threshold in order not to create edges that are very close to
each other. In order to create 64 synthetic datasets, we have
created 16 maps for every value of nfollowing the aforemen-
tioned procedure. Subsequently, we set the parameters for each
POI piof a synthetic dataset. Parameters diand oiare selected
randomly from {0.25,0.5,0.75,1}and {[9:00, 24:00], [12:00,
21:00] , [9:00, 14:00], [14:00, 24:00], [9:00, 14:00] [17:00,
21:00]}, respectively. Finally, for each synthetic dataset, we
create 32 different experimental setups by randomly selecting
the starting and ending locations of the tour from the available
POIs. For each setup, we set the starting time of tour at 9:00
(st =9:00), while the time budget Bis randomly selected from
{5,6,7,8}. The value of parameter siis randomly selected in
[0,1]. One example of the synthetic datasets with n= 16 is
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Additionally, in order to test our method with real data,
we used two real datasets from Vienna and Budapest cities
presented in [5]. Vienna and Budapest datasets comprise a
set of users and their visits to n= 28 and n= 38 POIs,
respectively. For the real dataset, we create 256 different
experimental setups following the same procedure applied on
the synthetic datasets (see previous paragraph). The value of
parameter siof a POI is given by the ratio of the POI visits
according to the data provided by [5].
In our experiments, we have included the proposed methods
PIREM,PIREM-SR. In order to show the importance of the
EM criterion, we have implemented two variants of the pro-
posed methods that maximizes the value of objective function
F(c)instead of F(c), called PIRM and PIRM-SR. Moreover,
to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we com-
pared it against the following PIR methods [7], [9], described
in Section II. Hereafter, the method proposed in [7] that is
based on shortest paths is called SPM and the genetic based
algorithm proposed in [9] is called GA. Both methods have
been modified to maximize the proposed objective function
F(c). The itineraries provided by the aforementioned methods
are evaluated according to the objective function F(c)that
measures the quality (user satisfaction). Moreover, we have
evaluated the methods’ computational efficiency by measuring
their execution times. All the analysis has been done using
MATLAB 2020a on an Intel i7 core 3.20GHz with 32 GB
Table I presents the average values of objective function F
for the six methods on the synthetic (for various values of
n) and real datasets. It holds that the proposed PIREM-SR
method clearly outperforms all methods under any map size
Syntetic Datasets Real Datasets
Method n = 16 n = 24 n = 32 n = 40 Average Vienna Budapest Average
PIREM 7.37 8.33 8.58 8.58 8.22 5.77 6.12 5.94
PIREM-SR 7.47 8.43 8.67 8.69 8.32 5.86 6.16 6.01
PIRM 6.26 6.62 6.28 6.56 6.43 4.97 4.59 4.78
PIRM-SR 6.27 6.64 6.31 6.58 6.45 5.05 4.60 4.82
SPM 5.53 6.26 6.39 6.9 6.27 4.00 4.68 4.34
GA 7.51 8.08 8.1 8.19 7.97 5.26 5.53 5.39
16 24 32 40 n
Fig. 2. The average Precision of each method for different values of n.
with n24.PIREM also shows high performance results
since it outperforms all other methods under any map size
with n24. Next, it appears that good performance results
are obtained by GA.GA outperforms all the methods for
small maps (n= 16). This can be explained by the fact that
according to the parameters of GA when n= 16 it appears that
GA exhaustively searches the solution space, yielding high per-
formance results. This also becomes clear when comparing the
execution times of GA and PIREM. Low performance results
are obtained by SPM and PIRM.PIREM clearly outperforms
PIRM due to the proposed expectation maximization criterion,
that extends the more promising itineraries taking into account
their duration as well as the current value of the objective
The results on real datasets almost agree with the cor-
responding results on the synthetic datasets. The methods’
ranking obtained for each value of nand real datasets almost
agree with the average results (see columns Average of Table I)
for synthetic and real datasets, respectively. Figure 2 shows the
average precision of each method for different values of non
synthetic datasets. For each method the precision is computed
by the percentage of datasets, where the method yields the
best itinerary according to the objective function F(c)criterion
over all methods. The results of Fig. 2 agree with the results
of Table I concerning the ranking of the methods.
Concerning the extra step of successive replacements
(method PIREM-SR), it seems that it slightly improves the
results of PIREM on about 50% of the 2048 experiments
performed. According to the results of Table I, for the cases
PIREM-SR provides improvement, it holds that on average, the
user satisfaction obtained by PIREM-SR is about 2.5% higher
than the user satisfaction obtained by PIREM.
The proposed method shows higher computational effi-
ciency compared to SPM and GA. It holds that on average
PIREM-SR is about 110 and 180 times faster than SPM and
GA, respectively. The average execution time in seconds for
the PIREM-SR method on the synthetic datasets is 0.015 sec.
Concerning PIREM, it appears to be about 270 and 450 times
faster than SPM and GA, respectively.
In this work, we proposed a new efficient deterministic
method that recommends personalized tours that consists of
a sequence of Points of Interest (POIs) and is based on EM.
More specifically, we propose the PIREM and PIREM-SR
methods that sequentially select unvisited POIs taking into ac-
count user interests, user time budget, POI opening hours and
spatial constraints. We showed in our experimental evaluation
that the proposed method has been successfully applied on real
and synthetic datasets, providing high performance results by
maximizing user satisfaction and adhering to user time budget.
This research has been co-financed by the European Union
and Greek national funds through the Operational Program
Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the
call RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE B cycle (project
code: T2EDK-03135).
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... In each step of the method, the selected POI by the user is included to current itinerary in the position that maximizes a suitable objective function (see Eq. 5), reducing the system computational complexity. This objective function and the same methodology has been also successfully used in our recent work Panagiotakis et al (2022), where the itinerary was automatically created via a iterative generation process. The method terminates when the user time budget is exhausted, resulting the proposed itinerary as a timetable (Fig. 9). ...
... According to the proposed methodology, the expected value of the objective function F (c) is selected to be maximized as was done in Panagiotakis et al (2022) yielding more robust results. ...
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The paper presents Visit Planner (ViP), a mobile application prototype that provides a solution to the challenging tourist trip design problem. ViP follows a holistic approach offering personalized recommendations for Points of Interest (POIs) based on preferences either explicitly collected by the application, or inferred by the users’ ongoing interaction with the system. ViP proposes to the final user, a trajectory of POIs calculated using an Expectation Maximization method that maximizes user satisfaction taking into consideration a variety of time and spatial constraints for both users and POIs. Additionally, POIs are divided into categories, so that a certain number of POIs from each category to be included in the final itinerary. The application is implemented as a user-interactive system that allows the flexibility for easy content adaptation and facilitates management of content and services by the user.The prototype has been implemented for Android-based smartphones, on an open application environment, using standard communication protocols and open database technology. Currently, it is applied to the city of Agios Nikolaos in Crete, and is available for download from Google play. MSC Classification: 68T20 , 68N99
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We propose a method to improve the prediction performance of recommender systems via a Dual (user and item) Training Error based Correction approach (DTEC). The proposed method is applied to the Synthetic Coordinate Recommendation system (SCoR) (Papadakis et al., 2017) and to other Ithree state-of-the-art systems. Initially, a recommender system is used Ito provide recommendations for users and items. Subsequently, we introduce a second stage, after initial execution of the recommender system, that improves its predictions taking into account the error in the training set between users and items and their similarity. These corrections can be performed from both user and item viewpoints, and finally a dual system is proposed that efficiently combines both corrections. DTEC computes a model that makes zero the recommendation error in the training set, and then applies it on the test set to improve the rating predictions. The proposed DTEC approach is applicable Ito any model-based recommender system with positive training error, potentially increasing the accuracy of the recommendations. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and high performance of DTEC on four well-known, real-world datasets.
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Traveling as a very popular leisure activity enjoyed by many people all over the world. Typically, tourists have different kinds of preferences about their itineraries, limited time budgets, unfamiliar with the wide range of Points-of-Interest (POIs) in a city, so that planning an itinerary is quite tedious, time-consuming, and challenging for them. In this paper, we propose an adaptive genetic algorithm for personalized itinerary planning for travelers to plan their itineraries better. Firstly, desired starting POIs (e.g., POIs that are close to their hotels) and destination POIs (e.g., POIs that are near train stations or airports) are considered in our approach. Secondly, we also take some general factors into account that travelers would consider in their preferences of an itinerary, which are mandatory POIs, the total number of POIs, the overall POI popularity, the overall cost, and the overall rating. Thirdly, we view this kind of recommendation task as a Multi-Objective Optimization problem, and we propose an adaptive genetic algorithm with the crossover and mutation probabilities (AGAM) for solving this problem to better find the best global solution. Fourthly, we allocate different weights to every factor which considered in our paper to generate a personalized itinerary recommendation for better meet many kinds of preferences of tourists. Finally, we compare our approach against baselines on real-world datasets which include six touristic cities, and the experimental results show that the AGAM achieves better recommendation performance in terms of the mandatory POIs, total POI visits, overall POI popularity, total travel time (including travel time and visit duration), overall cost, and overall rating.
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Tourism is both an important industry and popular leisure activity undertaken by millions around the world. One important task for tourists is to plan and schedule tour itineraries that comprise multiple captivating Points-of-Interests based on the unique interest preferences of the tourist. The complex task of tour itinerary recommendation is further complicated by the need to incorporate various real-life constraints such as limited time for touring, uncertain traffic conditions, inclement weather, group travel, queuing times and crowdedness. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive literature review of studies on tour itinerary recommendation and present a general taxonomy for touring-related research. We discuss the entire process of tour itinerary recommendation research including: (i) data collection and types of datasets; (ii) problem formulations and proposed algorithms/systems for individual travellers, groups of tourists and various real-life considerations; (iii) evaluation methodologies for comparing tour itinerary recommendation algorithms; and (iv) future directions and open problems in tour itinerary recommendation research.
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Tour recommendation and itinerary planning are challenging tasks for tourists, due to their need to select points of interest (POI) to visit in unfamiliar cities and to select POIs that align with their interest preferences and trip constraints. We propose an algorithm called PersTour for recommending personalized tours using POI popularity and user interest preferences, which are automatically derived from real-life travel sequences based on geo-tagged photographs. Our tour recommendation problem is modeled using a formulation of the Orienteering problem and considers user trip constraints such as time limits and the need to start and end at specific POIs. In our work, we also reflect levels of user interest based on visit durations and demonstrate how POI visit duration can be personalized using this time-based user interest. Furthermore, we demonstrate how PersTour can be further enhanced by: (i) a weighted updating of user interests based on the recency of their POI visits and (ii) an automatic weighting between POI popularity and user interests based on the tourist’s activity level. Using a Flickr dataset of ten cities, our experiments show the effectiveness of PersTour against various collaborative filtering and greedy-based baselines, in terms of tour popularity, interest, recall, precision and F(Formula presented.)-score. In particular, our results show the merits of using time-based user interest and personalized POI visit durations, compared to the current practice of using frequency-based user interest and average visit durations.
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When providing directions to a place, web and mobile mapping services are all able to suggest the shortest route. The goal of this work is to automatically suggest routes that are not only short but also emotionally pleasant. To quantify the extent to which urban locations are pleasant, we use data from a crowd-sourcing platform that shows two street scenes in London (out of hundreds), and a user votes on which one looks more beautiful, quiet, and happy. We consider votes from more than 3.3K individuals and translate them into quantitative measures of location perceptions. We arrange those locations into a graph upon which we learn pleasant routes. Based on a quantitative validation, we find that, compared to the shortest routes, the recommended ones add just a few extra walking minutes and are indeed perceived to be more beautiful, quiet, and happy. To test the generality of our approach, we consider Flickr metadata of more than 3.7M pictures in London and 1.3M in Boston, compute proxies for the crowdsourced beauty dimension (the one for which we have collected the most votes), and evaluate those proxies with 30 participants in London and 54 in Boston. These participants have not only rated our recommendations but have also carefully motivated their choices, providing insights for future work.
Recommender systems are widely adopted by firms as an innovative personalization tool across various industries. Most of the existing tour recommender systems treat the spatial structure of tourist attractions as a single type, which neglects the spatial heterogeneity among these attractions. This study attempts to address this problem by modeling the spatial heterogeneity in the design of personalized trips. We propose a two-phase heuristic approach, which involves an improved artificial bee colony algorithm and a differential evolution algorithm. The results of a field experiment confirm that our new model outperforms the benchmark models in maximizing customer utilities.
The tourist trip design problem is an extension of the orienteering problem applied to tourism. The problem consists in selecting a subset of locations to visit from among a larger set while maximizing the benefit for the tourist. The benefit is given by the sum of the rewards collected at each location visited. We consider a variant of the problem that deals not only with “typical” constraints such as budget, opening-time hours (i.e., time windows at the locations), and maximum trip duration but also with other practical tourism constraints such as mandatory visits, limits on the number of locations of each type, and the order at which selected locations are visited. To solve this problem, we propose a branch-and-check approach in which the master problem selects a subset of locations, verifying all except time-related constraints, and these locations define candidate solutions to the master problem. For each candidate solution, the sub-problem checks whether a feasible trip can be built using the given locations. To accelerate the branch-and-check approach, we propose and test improvements, including preprocessing to tighten the master-sub problem, valid inequalities generated dynamically to strengthen the master problem, and a local branching and variable neighborhood search to find new feasible solutions. Finally, we report the experimental results and compare the performance of the proposed exact algorithm with that of a mathematical solver.
Conference Paper
When providing directions to a place, web and mobile mapping services are all able to suggest the shortest route. The goal of this work is to automatically suggest routes that are not only short but also emotionally pleasant. To quantify the extent to which urban locations are pleasant, we use data from a crowd-sourcing platform that shows two street scenes in London (out of hundreds), and a user votes on which one looks more beautiful, quiet, and happy. We consider votes from more than 3.3K individuals and translate them into quantitative measures of location perceptions. We arrange those locations into a graph upon which we learn pleasant routes. Based on a quantitative validation, we find that, compared to the shortest routes, the recommended ones add just a few extra walking minutes and are indeed perceived to be more beautiful, quiet, and happy. To test the generality of our approach, we consider Flickr metadata of more than 3.7M pictures in London and 1.3M in Boston, compute proxies for the crowdsourced beauty dimension (the one for which we have collected the most votes), and evaluate those proxies with 30 participants in London and 54 in Boston. These participants have not only rated our recommendations but have also carefully motivated their choices, providing insights for future work.