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How good are AlphaFold models for docking-based virtual screening?

  • Translational Medicine Research Institute (IIMT) CONICET-Universidad Austral

Abstract and Figures

A crucial component in structure-based drug discovery is the availability of high-quality three-dimensional structures of the protein target. Whenever experimental structures were not available, homology modeling has been, so far, the method of choice. Recently, AlphaFold (AF), an artificial intelligence-based protein structure prediction method, has shown impressive results in terms of model accuracy. This outstanding success prompted us to evaluate how accurate AF models are from the perspective of docking-based drug discovery. We compared the high-throughput docking (HTD) performance of AF models to their corresponding experimental PDB structures using a benchmark set of 22 targets. The AF models showed consistently worse performance using four docking programs and two consensus techniques. While AlphaFold shows a remarkable ability to predict protein architecture, this might not be enough to guarantee that AF models can be reliably used for HTD, and post-modeling refinement strategies might be key to increase the chances of success.
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How good are AlphaFold models for docking-
based virtual screening?
Valeria Scardino,
Juan I. Di Filippo,
Claudio N.
Well-known AF models
are evaluated for their
HTD capability using 4
docking programs
The performance of as-is
AF models is significantly
lower compared with PDB
Even on very accurate
models, small side-chain
variations impact the
A refinement of AF
models might be crucial to
maximize the chances of
success in HTD
Scardino et al., iScience 26,
January 20, 2023 ª2022 The
How good are AlphaFold models
for docking-based virtual screening?
Valeria Scardino,
Juan I. Di Filippo,
and Claudio N. Cavasotto
A crucial component in structure-based drug discovery is the availability of high-
quality three-dimensional structures of the protein target. Whenever experi-
mental structures were not available, homology modeling has been, so far, the
method of choice. Recently, AlphaFold (AF), an artificial-intelligence-based pro-
tein structure prediction method, has shown impressive results in terms of model
accuracy. This outstanding success prompted us to evaluate how accurate AF
models are from the perspective of docking-based drug discovery. We compared
the high-throughput docking (HTD) performance of AF models with their corre-
sponding experimental PDB structures using a benchmark set of 22 targets.
The AF models showed consistently worse performance using four docking pro-
grams and two consensus techniques. Although AlphaFold shows a remarkable
ability to predict protein architecture, this might not be enough to guarantee
that AF models can be reliably used for HTD, and post-modeling refinement stra-
tegies might be key to increase the chances of success.
A crucial component in molecular docking is the availability of three-dimensional (3D) structures of the pro-
tein target. Although the number of deposited structures in the PDB
is continuously increasing (199,000
in November 2022), the gap between non-redundant protein sequences and experimental structures is
steadily widening. For the last 20 years, the structural genomics consortia initiatives
have been acceler-
ating the characterization of representative protein structures, mainly from families poorly represented in
the PDB.
Whenever experimental structures were not available, or easily obtainable, in silico homology modeling
has been widely used to obtain a reliable 3D representation of the target (or at least, of the binding site)
for docking-based drug discovery endeavors.
Homology modeling is a computational methodology to
characterize an unknown protein structure (the target) using a related homologous protein whose exper-
imental structure (the template) is known.
This methodology is based on the underlying assumption
that proteins with similar sequences should display similar structures.
The use of homology models in
docking projects is already consolidated with a performance comparable to experimental structures.
Although the quality of homology models depends on several aspects, such as target-template sequence
similarity, accuracy of the alignment, and the choice and resolution of the template, it is acknowledged that
the post-modeling refining process is critical to obtain a reliable 3D representation of the binding site
ligand, what highlights the importance of accounting for protein flexibility, at least at a binding site level,
in the homology modeling process.
Thus, it is natural to incorporate information about existing ligands
in co-modeling the binding site, such as in the ligand-steered homology method,
in which the six rigid
coordinates of the ligand, the conformational space of the ligand torsional angles, and the binding site
sidechains are optimized through flexible-ligand—flexible-receptor Monte-Carlo-based docking.
approaches have been published, showing that refined models display an enhanced performance in high-
throughput docking (HTD).
Recently, the implementation of DeepMin d’s artificial intelligence model, AlphaFold (AF),
set a milest one
within the field of protein structure prediction. The astonishing and outperforming results within the 14th
Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP14)
set AlphaFold as the breakthrough of the
Meton AI, Inc, Wilmington,
DE 19801, USA
Austral Institute for Applied
Artificial Intelligence,
Universidad Austral, Pilar,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Computational Drug Design
and Biomedical Informatics
Laboratory, Instituto de
Investigaciones en Medicina
Traslacional (IIMT),
Universidad Austral-
CONICET, Pilar, Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias
´dicas, and Facultad de
´a, Universidad
Austral, Pilar, Buenos Aires,
These authors contributed
Lead contact
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 ª2022 The Authors.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( 1
year by Science ( and method of the year by Nature.
AlphaFold predic-
tions have gained a notorious importance; not only the structure prediction of the entire human proteome
has been already carried out
but a collaboration between DeepMind and the European Molecular
Biology Laboratory’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) led to the creation of the AlphaFold
Protein Structure Database,
which, at the time of writing (November 2022), contains over 200 million
predicted structures. Evidently, the great excitement driven by AF is leading to a paradigm shift in the field
of structural biology.
Even the PDB, which contains experimentally determined structures, has incorpo-
rated AF predictions.
Furthermore, not only different implementations of AF with specific refinements
are being actively developed
but also developments implementing AF model predictions are
emerging at a fast pace,
including coupling AlphaFold with cryogenic electron microscopy maps for
structure determination,
molecular replacement,
NMR structural refinements,
prediction of pro-
tein-DNA binding sites,
protein design,
and the prediction of protein-protein interactions,
Remarkably, ‘‘AlphaFold is trained to predict the structure of proteins as they might appear in the PDB’’
(; moreover, ‘backbone and side chain coordinates are frequently consistent
with the expected structure in the presence of ions (e.g., for zinc-binding sites) or co-factors (e.g., side chain
geometry consistent with heme binding)’’ ( These facts, and the public and
impressive success of AF in terms of overall model accuracy, prompted us to evaluate how accurate and useful
as-is AF models are in the context of docking-based drug discovery,as an alternative to using PDB structures.
On 22 diverse proteins we compared the performance of AF models (extracted from the AlphaFold Protein
Structure Database) versus PDB structures in HTD. We conclude that despite an overall very good accuracy
in reproducing protein topology and the binding site, HTD on AF models exhibits a consistent worse perfor-
mance compared with experimental structures, with zero enrichment factors in several proteins.
We selected a benchmark set of 22 targets from diverse protein families used in an earlier work
(Table 1).
Considering what has been said earlier of AF models in terms of their representativity of ligand-bound
complexes, to evaluate the performance of as-is AF models in HTD we chose to compare with holo PDB
structures. Because AlphaFold does not predict the positions of co-factors, metals, ligands, ions, or water
molecules, to compare structures on an equal standing, we stripped PDB structures from water molecules,
ions, co-factors, etc.; we also avoided any co-refinement of the PDB structure with the native or other li-
gands, what would also have enhanced the outcome. AF-modeled structures were obtained from the
AlphaFold Protein Structure Database.
Four docking programs were used, AutoDock 4, ICM, rDock,
and PLANTS, which have different search algorithms and scoring functions. We evaluated the HTD perfor-
mance of AF models using two proven effective consensus te chniques, ECR
and PRC.
Although the ECR
is a ranking-based consensus method, PRC is a combination of both ranking- and docking-based
consensus, which has shown a remarkable performance improvement over previous consensus methods
and individual docking programs. In addition, we docked native ligands present in crystal structures to
The topology of AF models is analyzed to assess whether they are suitable for HTD
ThecomparisonofAFmodelstoPDBstructuresisshowninTable 2.ThepLDDTmetric,aswellastheRMSD
values between backbones of the entire structure and within the binding site residues are displayed. Most
AF models show very good overlap to their corresponding PDB structures measured using backbone
RMSD for the complete protein and also for binding site residues (cf. columns 3–5 from Table 2). Some tar-
gets show subtle differences in certain secondary structure elements that interfere with the binding site,
and a few of them show structural differences that directly impede carrying out docking within the binding
site; for example, in RENI, where the pocket in the AF structure is blocked by the N-terminal loop, which
adopts a completely disordered conformation compared with their corresponding residues in the crystal
structure (see Figure 1).
Nuclear receptors ESR1, ANDR, and PRGR could be found in two structurally different biological conforma-
tions (agonist and antagonist-bound) in the PDB. In the case of ESR1, from visual inspection of the AF
model, we found that helix 12 (H12) was pulled toward binding site, with a topology that corresponds
best to an agonist-bound conformation. Thus, the agonist-bound PDB structure 3ERD had a more
adequate backbone superposition than the corresponding antagonist-bound PDB (3ERT), as shown in
2iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
Figure 2, and therefore it was chosen for comparison. AF models of ANDR and PRGR were also in the
agonist-bound conformation.
C-terminal section, we generated the modeled structure with the available AF Colab Notebook (https:// using the PDB 2I0E sequence as input. However, almost no differences
were observed between our generated model and the AF Protein Structure Database model. In both AF
structures the C-terminal loop (C622:H636) is pulled toward the inside of protein, making near contact
to the binding site and modifying its topology. In this case, however, because the binding pocket is not
blocked, we still used the modeled AF structure for HTD to evaluate its performance.
Protein kinases CDK2, IGFR1 and ABL1 show, on average, very good RMSD compared with their PDB struc-
tures. The AF model of CDK2 has large differences within the activation loop (containing the DFG motif)
and the C-helix (compared with PDB 1FVV). In the case of ABL1, the Gly-rich loop is modeled toward bind-
ing site (compared with PDB 2HZI). In KITH, two possible conformations of the flexible loop formed by
K49:S68 can be found depending on the ligand bound, as stated by Kosinska and co-workers.
We found
that although PDB 2B8T has a high backbone superposition to AF model of 4.11 A
˚in the binding site, PDB
2UZ3 has a better overlap showing an RMSD of 0.69 A
˚(cf. Table 2). Therefore, the latter PDB structure was
used to compare AF model performance.
For the rest of the targets, very subtle differences were observed from the backbone superposition that are
detailed in Table 2.
Small variations in the AF-modeled side chains could have a very large impact on the results
obtained in molecular docking
Table 3 shows the results of HTD using AF structures. The EF at 1% (EF1) is displayed for ICM, which on
average was the best performing program. Column 2 shows the results obtained with the ECR consensus
Table 1. Target proteins used for HTD
Receptor Receptor code PDB Resolution (A
adrenergic receptor ADRB2 4LDO 3.2
Androgen Receptor ANDR 2AM9 1.6
Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 CDK2 1FVV 2.8
Cyclooxygenase-1 COX1 2OYU 2.7
Estrogen receptor aESR1 3ERD 2.0
Fatty-acid-binding protein 4 FABP4 2NNQ 1.8
Heat shock protein 90 aHSP90a 1UYG 2.0
Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor IGF1R 2OJ9 2.0
Leukocyte-function associated antigen 1 LFA1 2ICA 1.6
Progesterone receptor PRGR 3KBA 2.0
Protein kinase C bKPCB 2I0E 2.6
Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B PTN1 2AZR 2.0
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase PNPH 3BGS 2.1
Renin RENI 3G6Z 2.0
Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL ABL1 2HZI 1.7
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator UROK 1SQT 1.9
Dopamine D
receptor DRD3 3PBL 2.8
Thymidine kinase KITH 2UZ3 2.5
Phosphodiesterase 5A PDE5A 1UDT 2.3
Coagulation factor VII FA7 1W7X 1.8
Hexokinase type IV HXK4 3F9M 1.5
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase PYRD 1D3G 1.6
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 3
Table 2. Analysis of AF structural models and comparison to their corresponding experimental structures
Receptor pLDDT
Binding site
˚) General comments
ABL1 92 G5 1.43 0.47 0.79 The Gly-rich loop is pulled
toward the binding pocket.
PNPH 95 G3 1.69 0.50 0.85 The N55:G66 loop is modeled
toward the interior of the protein,
near but not in contact
with the ligands.
ADRB2 97 G2 2.53 2.06 0.81 PDB has missing residues K1232:S1262,
which are included in the AF model.
IGF1R 82 G16 1.84 1.29 1.64 The Gly-rich loop is in a conserved
position, whereas the DFG loop
(D1123:E1132) is pulled toward
the outside of the protein.
CDK2 92 G4 3.73 2.04 0.71 Large backbone differences in
the activation loop and C-helix.
COX1 96 G1 0.59 0.49 0.61 PDB has D164G and S193G
mutations, which have no effect
on the binding site; the AF model
and the PDB structure lack the heme
group near the pocket, which does
not affect docking.
PRGR 95 G1 0.61 0.52 0.47
ANDR 95 G1 0.61 0.44 0.16
LFA1 85 G12 0.73 0.68 1.52 Helix a7 (D297:I306) is pulled toward
the inside of the protein, narrowing
the binding cavity space.
PTN1 96 G6 0.34 0.27 0.22
UROK 72 G17 1.32 0.46 0.95 PDB has M36I mutation (far from pocket).
PDB has crystal waters important for
ligand binding.
FABP4 96 G3 0.46 0.39 0.47 PDB has crystal waters important for
ligand binding.
KPCB 92 G5 2.71 2.50 1.4 Residues T500 and S660 are
phosphorylated in the PDB but
are far from binding site. There is a
sequence difference within the
C-terminal region (C622:H636),
and the backbone is pulled toward
the inside of the binding site.
HSP90 94 G5 9.23 4.91 4.56 High backbone RMSD of the whole
protein. There is a large difference
in the position of residues N106:G137,
near binding site. PDB has crystal
waters important for ligand binding.
ESR1 96 G2 1.36 0.38 0.29 The AF model is in the agonist-bound
(Continued on next page)
4iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
method. Moreover, the EF and HR results of PRC consensus method as well as the RMSD values of native
ligand docking are also displayed. It can be readily seen that the AF models had a very low performance.
On average, EF1 values of 8.4 and 8.8 were obtained with ICM and ECR, respectively. The same trend is
observed with the PRC, where an average EF of 8.9 was obtained, with a low average HR of 0.16. Many tar-
gets had EF results less than 3.0 and even 0.0 in some cases. It should be noted that the PRC method pro-
vided, on average, better EFs on AF models than single docking programs, and the consensus ECR, what
constitutes a small-scale validation of the PRC on protein models.
Table 4 shows a comparison of the results obtained in AF models versus PDB structures using the two
consensus methods. It can be seen that, in general, AF models greatly worsen the HTD performance
compared with their corresponding crystal structures. The same is also true for the four docking programs
individually as seen in Table S1. PRGR, PTN1, DRD3, and KITH were the cases that obtained similar results
to the PDB structures. UROK, KPCB, ANDR, FABP4, ADRB2, and PYRD show the largest ECR EF1 decrease
compared with docking on PDB structures, followed by PNPH and LFA1. Consistent with thi s, Table 5 shows
that although most PDB structures achieved very low native ligand docking RMSD values, the opposite
trend was found for AF models.
the binding site to their corresponding PDB structures (cf. RMSD values in Table 2), some striking variations
at the side-chain level within the binding site can be observed (cf. Column 6 in Table 4).
In UROK, differences can be observed at the backbone level for ligand binding residues N143, S144, and
T145, which are pulled further into the pocket in the AF model with a backbone RMSD value of 2.3 A
˚, thus
shrinking the available space for ligand binding. Moreover, deviations are also observed in side chains of
Q194 and S192, as shown in Figure 3A. Regarding KPCB, the binding site of the AF model is also modified
Table 2. Continued
Receptor pLDDT
Binding site
˚) General comments
RENI 84 G13 7.76 0.59 10.24 AF model shows a disordered N-terminal
loop, which blocks the binding cavity
and prevents using the AF structure
for docking.
DRD3 93 G3 1.09 0.51 0.35 Big difference in the modeled structure
between residues R219:G320, far from the
binding site.
KITH 94 G6 0.75 0.63 0.69
PDE5A 95 G3 1.45 1.02 0.43 PDB has a gap between residues
Y664:Y676. AF model shows a difference
in the position of those two residues,
which are pulled toward the outside
of the protein expanding the binding
site. PDB has crystal waters important for
ligand binding.
FA7 73 G16 1.53 0.71 1.02
HXK4 90 G6 1.38 0.95 1.70 V62:G71 loop is pulled toward the inside
of the binding site, narrowing the space
available for ligand binding.
PYRD 98 G1 0.55 0.37 0.40
The pLDDT metric is reported for residues within the binding site as a measure of model confidence: pLDDT >90: highly confident prediction; 70 < pLDDT<90:
confident prediction; 50 < pLDDT<70: low confident prediction; pLDDT<50: should not be interpreted. Reported values correspond to mean and SD. The RMSD
values calculated at the backbone level are also displayed.
Per residue Local Distance Difference Test (pLDDT) for residues in the BS (see STAR Methods).
Considering all protein amino acids.
Considering only amino acids involved in secondary structure motifs.
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 5
at the backbone level, with residues from C-terminal region C622:H636 pulled inside the protein, inter-
fering with the BS. As expected, this had a huge impact on HTD results. For ANDR, variations can be
noticed in Q711 and T877 side chains, shown in Figure 3B. Although for Q711 it was shown by Pereira
de Jesu
that it can appear in both conformations, T877 is essential for ligand binding, making
important interactions with the native ligand in the crystallized PDB structure. In HSP90, a very poor perfor-
mance was obtained, using both the AF model and the PDB structure without crystallized waters. It should
be noted that the PDB structure with waters had a PRC EF of 15.4 in a previous study,
which shows how
critical it is to include them for HTD. In PYRD, L68 side chain points into the binding pocket, interfering in
ligand binding, whereas it points away in the PDB structure. Small variations are also observed in the side
chains of residues R136, Y147, H56, and T360.
In the case of FABP4, although most of the side chains are correctly modeled, F57 is pulled further back,
thus opening more space within the BS. This residue participates in important hydrophobic interactions
with the native ligand in the PDB. For PNPH, almost only one significant difference is found in the OH group
from S33, which is pulled 2.7 A
˚further into the pocket in the AF model, as shown in Figure 3C. This might be
critical, as serine residues are often involved in important interactions for ligand binding. Figure 3Dshows
Figure 1. AF model of RENI receptor (cyan) showing an obstructed binding site
The N-terminal loop containing residue N80 is blocking the ligand-binding space (displayed in orange). The
corresponding PDB structure 3G6Z is displayed in yellow for comparison.
Figure 2. AF modeling of the estrogen receptor
ESR1 AF model (cyan) superimposed to the (A) antagonist-bound conformation (PDB 3ERT) and (B) agonist-bound
conformation (PDB 3ERD). The ligand binding space is displayed with orange surfaces.
6iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
LFA1 binding site where a notable difference can be observed at the backbone level in helix a7 containing
residues L302:I306. This helix is pulled inside the pocket in the AF model, thus modifying the space avail-
able for ligand binding. Small variations in the side chains of residues E284 and K287 are also observed.
It can be seen from this analysis that small changes at the side-chain level of essential ligand-binding res-
idues could have a very large impact on the EFs obtained from HTD campaigns and on the docking of
native ligand structures. However, this impact could not have been expected in advance by looking at
the backbone RMSD nor at the pLDDT metric, because overall, those were acceptable. In four out of the
five AF models that worsened the HTD performance the most, the pLDDT metric is equal to or greater
than70foreveryresidueinthebindingsite(cf.Column1inTable 2), indicating high confidence in these
modeled structures.
In a real-world structure-based drug discovery scenario, most of the researchers would directly use a struc-
ture from the PDB, and if not available, it is now possible to select an AlphaFold structure from the
AlphaFold Protein Structure Database. The objective of this study is to judge how good are these as-is
AlphaFold structures for docking-based virtual screening.
To assess the docking performance of these AlphaFold models, we chose to compare with the perfor-
mance of HTD in holo PDB structures. As AlphaFold structures present no bound ligand, it could be
tempting to judge this holo-PDB versus "apo-like" AF comparison as unfair, as it has been shown that
holo structures are more suitable for HTD.
However, this is not the case, because AF was not designed
Table 3. Docking results using AF structural models
Receptor ICM EF1 ECR EF1
PRC Native ligand
ABL1 24.8 16.0 21/65 19.5 0.32 0.66
PNPH 13.6 18.6 18/69 17.9 0.26 1.2
ADRB2 6.3 3.4 1/16 2.5 0.06 2.03
IGF1R 9.5 7.5 3/19 10.1 0.16 5.01
CDK2 8.1 10.2 3/10 10.9 0.30 8.3
COX1 1.9 1.3 4/74 2.5 0.05 >10
PRGR 15.7 12.6 36/107 18.3 0.34 0.93
ANDR 0.8 0.0 0/169 0.0 0.00 6.5
LFA1 1.5 2.9 0/14 0.0 0.00 7.7
PTN1 24.1 29.5 15/40 21.3 0.38 1.6
UROK 17.3 2.5 1/25 2.5 0.04 2.01
FABP4 0.0 0.0 0/11 0.0 0.00 5.2
KPCB 3.7 11.8 1/35 1.9 0.03 6.3
HSP90 4.6 0.0 0/32 0.0 0.00 4.5
ESR1 1.1 8.3 36/206 10.2 0.17 2.5
DRD3 0.6 10.4 7/33 8.5 0.21 7.2
KITH 18.7 22.1 13/32 20.7 0.41 1.0
PDE5A 3.5 10.3 29/141 14.4 0.21 9.32
FA7 9.6 13.1 5/12 23.2 0.42 2.33
HXK4 4.3 1.1 0/5 0 0 9.64
PYRD 7.2 3.6 3/53 3.3 0.06 8.8
Average 8.4 8.8 8.9 0.16
EF1 is shown for ICM and ECR. The PRC consensus method is evaluated by EF and HR. The correspon ding equations can be
found in STAR Methods. All these metrics are dimensionless.
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 7
Table 4. Comparison of VS results between AF models and PDB structures
ECR EF1 PRC EF Visual inspection comments on binding
sites comparison to PDB structures.PDB AF PDB AF
ABL1 25.3 16.0 26.4 19.5 D381 is pulled toward the inside of the binding
site. Small difference in the position of the
Gly-rich loop.
PNPH 37.1 18.6 34.9 17.9 S33 has a difference in the OH group, which
is 2.66 A
˚pulled to the inside of the pocket.
ADRB2 24.5 3.4 23.4 2.5 Small variation in N1293 and S1203 side
IGF1R 18.3 7.5 38.6 10.1 DFG loop is located toward the outside of the
protein. G1125 is 4 A
˚away in the AF model.
CDK2 12.8 10.2 16.3 10.9 K89 and F80 side chains are slightly pulled
inside the pocket, narrowing the binding site.
COX1 3.4 1.3 5.8 2.5 F518 side chain slightly pulled inside the
binding site.
PRGR 9.2 12.6 17.3 18.3 W755 is inverted. Difference in Q725 side
chain: OH is at a 2.45 A
ANDR 9.0 0.0 13.5 0.0 Differences in Q711 and T877 side chains
(see Figure 3C).
LFA1 10.9 2.9 11.6 0.0 Helix a7 (D297:I306) is pulled inside protein,
shrinking the binding site.
PTN1 29.5 29.5 23.9 21.3 D48 and D181 side chains are rotated toward
the binding site.
UROK 25.9 2.5 47.0 2.5 N322, S323, and T324 are pulled toward
binding site with an average backbone
RMSD of 2.28 A
FABP4 22.1 0.0 26.4 0.0 F57 is pulled outward of the pocket with an
RMSD of 1.6 A
KPCB 45.3 11.8 53.8 1.9 C-terminal residues C622:H636 are greatly
pulled toward the binding site, modifying
its topology. F353 is pulled to the out.
HSP90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Big difference in structure in N106:G137,
near binding site. Important crystal waters
missing, which might be critical for ligand
ESR1 34.3 8.3 29.7 10.2 Small difference in M421 and H524 side
chains, slightly pulled toward the binding
DRD3 3.2 10.4 5.0 8.5 S192 is slightly pulled out of the pocket. T369
is inverted.
KITH 22.1 22.1 20.0 20.7 Small differences in the side chains of residues
R53 and R61.
PDE5A 17.0 10.3 23.2 14.4 Y664 is noticeably pulled to the outside of
the protein, whereas in the PDB it interferes
with the binding site. Q817 and M816 side
chains are inverted.
FA7 47.1 13.1 48.0 23.2 Differences in the position of residue K189,
slightly pulled out of the pocket.
(Continued on next page)
8iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
to predict structures in the apo conformation: AF was trained both with apo and holo structures, and as
stated in the Introduction, backbone and side chain coordinates are frequently consistent with the ex-
pected structure in the presence of non-protein components (
Moreover, given that the goal of this study is to assess how fit AF models are for HTD, it is evident that the
PDB database. Given a protein target, the AF database offers a single structure; in the case of the PDB,
the reasonable option would be to select a holo structure. Then, the comparison made herein is the one
that best serves the main goal of the study.
AsitcanbeseeninTable 4, HTD on AF models shows consistently lower EF values assessed with two
consensus methods (ECR and PRC) when compared with the HTD on the corresponding PDB structures,
also complemented with poor native ligand RMSD values (cf. Table 5); in several cases, the EF on AF mode ls
is even zero. Results also deteriorated for each individual docking program. From Tables 2 and 4,itcanbe
inferred that these poor EF values could be due to (i) large differences at the backbone level within the
binding site (as in RENI, where no docking could be performed due to the distortion of the binding site)
and (ii) small variations either at the backbone level(UROK,forexample)orattheside-chainlevel
(ANDR and PYRD, for example). In several cases, even very subtle differences within the binding site could
have a huge impact on the EF, such as in ANDR and FABP4. In agreement with what has been shown by
demonstrating the remarkable ability of AlphaFold to predict protein architecture; moreover, from Table 2,
it can be readily seen that our models also show low backbone RMSD and good pLDDT values within the
binding site. Therefore, we must conclude that the accuracy of AlphaFold in reproducing protein topology
and binding site anatomy with very good values of the pLDDT metric is not enough to guarantee that AF
models can be reliably used for molecular docking purposes. Thus, crude AF models do not seem to be
suitable for HTD without performing post-modeling refinement techniques.
On the one hand, these re-
sults are in agreement with two contemporary studies, namely, Zhang et al.,
who evaluated AF models for
28 targets extracted from DUD-E with the Glide docking software,
´az-Rovira et al.,
who evaluated
AF models for 10 targets of the DUD-E. Although in the latter study the utilized docking software was also
Glide, the assessment was carried out in a "real-world scenario" by developing a customized AF version
that excludes all high-sequence identity templates from the training set.
In addition to assessing out-
of-the-box AF structures, Zhang et al. have shown that refining AF structures using the IFD-MD induced-
fit docking method
significantly improves enrichment factors. On the other hand, Wong et al.
oped a model to predict protein-ligand interactions based on AF structures and molecular docking and
indicated, contrary to our results, that "molecular docking using AlphaFold2-predicted structures is similar
to using experimentally determined ones." On top of mentioning that the comparison that yields this
conclusion was only made with eight experimental structures, it is also worth considering that model per-
formance was weak by using either experimental structures or AlphaFold structures: the mean area under
the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) was, approximately, 0.48, which is worse than random.
A slight improvement was obtained when using machine learning scoring functions (mean AUROC of 0.63).
Table 4. Continued
ECR EF1 PRC EF Visual inspection comments on binding
sites comparison to PDB structures.PDB AF PDB AF
HXK4 5.5 1.1 15.2 0 Residues S64:P66 are notably pulled into the
binding cavity, narrowing the space available
for ligand binding. Y214 side chain is also
pulled slightly toward the cavity.
PYRD 27.7 3.6 25.5 3.34 Small differences in R136 and Y147 side-chain
positions. L68 points into the binding site,
whereas it points away in the PDB. H56 and
T360 side chains are flipped.
Average 20.5 8.8 24.1 8.9
Results of the two consensus methods ECR and PRC are displayed. Comments at the side-chain level of the binding site res-
idues are found in the last column. For single docking programs results see Table S1.
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 9
It should be also highlighted that the single structural model provided by AF from a given sequence cannot
represent (i) different biological states of the proteins (such as agonist- and antagonist-bound conforma-
tions, as in the case of GPCRs and nuclear receptors, or open versus closed, as in channels); (ii) protein dy-
namics (such as different conformations of the Gly-rich, catalytic, and activation loops in protein kinases);
(iii) structural conformational differences, especially within the binding site associated with ligand binding.
In fact, it has been highlighted that modeling a receptor not in the desired biological state is one of the
current main limitations of AF;
although it is probable that the AF model corresponds to the state that
is most represented in the training set, an intermediate state conformation could also be observed.
should be thus acknowledged that different structures of the same protein available in the PDB might
indeed represent structural diversity to a certain degree, which right now is not available for AF models.
In this contribution, we compared the AF models with their best PDB match in termsof backbone RMSD. How-
ever, in a real-world prospective case, biological and biochemical knowledge should be taken into consider-
ation at the modeling stage to ensure that the modeled structure is in the desired biological conformation.
It should be noted that this issue is manytimes avoided by using homology modeling, where the structural tem-
plate from the PDB is chosen taking into consideration the sought biological state of the target;
for example,
for modeling a given GPCR in the agonist bound conformation, the templates from the PDB are selected
among those exhibiting an agonist-bound conformation.
It should also be noted that efforts extending the
use of AlphaFold to predict both active and inactive states of a protein target have been recently reported.
Regarding AlphaFold limitations, which have been discussed elsewhere,
it is observed that, from a
structure-based drug discovery perspective, AF also provides an incomplete structural model due to the
lack of water molecules, metal ions, and co-factors. Just to further illustrate this issue, in HSP90 a very
poor performance was obtained using both the AF model and the PDB structure omitting crystallized wa-
ters (cf. Table 4), whereas by including water molecules in docking a PRC EF of 15.4 is o btained
(the ligand
RMSD values with and without water molecules (Table 5)were0.8A
˚and 6.3 A
˚, respectively), which high-
lights the importance of including water molecules for HTD in some targets. As routinely done with PDB
structures, AF models should be also carefully checked for correct histidine tautomers, asparagine and
Table5. NativeligandRMSDcomparisonwith PDB structures using ICM docking poses
Receptor PDB (A
ABL1 0.15 0.66
PNPH 0.59 1.2
ADRB2 0.35 2.0
IGF1R 1.06 5.0
CDK2 1.5 8.3
COX1 1.8 >10.0
PRGR 1.03 0.93
ANDR 0.17 6.5
LFA1 1.9 7.7
PTN1 0.53 1.6
UROK 0.24 2.0
FABP4 0.54 5.2
KPCB 1.2 6.3
HSP90 6.3 4.5
ESR1 0.2 2.5
DRD3 0.65 7.2
KITH 0.51 1.0
PDE5A 3.37 9.32
FA7 3.13 2.33
HXK4 0.92 9.64
PYRD 0.23 8.8
10 iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
glutamine flipping, protonation states (especially acidic residues, histidines, and cysteines eventually
involved in metal binding), and polar hydrogens conformation.
From a practical point of view and provided the AF model is in the desired biological state, a co-refinement
of the binding pocket together with known ligands (whenever available) in a ligand-steered fashion
be the best strategy to sample binding site conformational diversity and maximize the chances of success in
a prospective HTD endeavor.
Although the analysis of this study has been focused on the regions of AlphaFold models that superimpose
with the crystalized domains of their corresponding PDB structure, it is worth mentioning that, in some cases,
the regions that were cut out from the AF models seem to exhibit, by simple visual inspection, a high degree of
disorder. As expected, these a priori disordered regions present low values of pLDDT, but the notorious
contrast of the perceived model quality in matching and non-matching regions results is striking. Even though
low pLDDT regions (pLDDT<50) were suggested to have a high likelihood of being unstructured in isolation,
or only structured as part of a complex,
this issue clearly deserves further analysis.
Our conclusions will help to understand the current limitations of AlphaFold models in HTD and from this
knowledge to develop strategies to circumvent its drawbacks and thus enhance its further application in
drug discovery.
Limitations of the study
The conclusions drawn from this study to assess the impact of AF models on HTD enr ichments are based on
a benchmark of 22 different proteins; although this benchmark could be extended, we expect the conclu-
sions drawn in that case to be qualitative like the ones outlined earlier. This study utilizes AlphaFold
Figure 3. Comparison of binding sites for selected targets
AF models are displayed in cyan and PDB structures in yellow. Native ligands are displayed in stick representation and the
binding sites represented with orange surfaces.
(A) UROK binding site: differences in backbone can be observed for N143:T145.
(B) ANDR binding site: small variation in T877 side chain can be observed, which makes important interactions for ligand-
(C) PNPH binding site: the most notable difference can be seen in S33 side chain.
(D) LFA1 binding site: backbone differences in the helix containing K305, and small variations in the side chains of E284
and K287 are observed.
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 11
structures reported in the AlphaFold Database (accessed November 2022). Although updates in the
AlphaFold database or structures generated with the latest version of AlphaFold may lead to slightly
different results, we do not expect significant modifications of the results obtained nor the conclusions
drawn from them.
Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper and include the following:
BLead contact
BMaterials availability
BData and code availability
BTarget preparation
BProtein metrics
BDocking libraries
BDocking methods
BConsensus methods
Supplemental information can be found online at
CNC thanks Molsoft LLC (San Diego, CA) for providing an academic license for the ICM program. The au-
thors thank the Centro de Ca
´lculo de Alto Desempen
˜o (Universidad Nacional de Co
´rdoba) for granting the
use of their computational resources.
Conceptualization, C.N.C.; Methodology, V.S., J.I.DF., and C.N.C.; Software, V.S., J.I.DF., and C.N.C.; Vali-
dation, V.S. and J.I.DF.; Formal Analysis, V.S. and J.I.DF.; Investigation, V.S., J.I.DF., and C.N.C.; Resources,
V.S., J.I.DF., and C.N.C.; Writing—Original Draft, V.S., J.I.DF., and C.N.C.; Writing—Review & Editing, V.S.,
J.I.DF., and C.N.C.; Visualization, V.S.; Supervision, C.N.C.
The authors declare no competing interests.
Received: August 31, 2022
Revised: November 12, 2022
Accepted: December 28, 2022
Published: January 20, 2023
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14 iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
Lead contact
Further information and requests for resources should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead con-
tact, Claudio Cavasotto (;
Materials availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.
Data and code availability
dThis paper analyzes existing, publicly available data. Databases are listed in the key resources table.
dThis paper does not report original code.
dAny additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is available from the
lead contact upon request.
Target preparation
The 22 protein targets used in this study (Table 1) were downloaded from the PDB. Water molecules and
co-factors were deleted in all of them. For each target, an AF model was retrieved from the Alpha-Fold
Protein Structure Database
using the corresponding Uniprot identification. An additional Alpha-Fold
structure was utilized for KPCB, which was generated using a slightly simplified version of AF which is
publicly available ( In every case, AF models were cut to match
their corresponding crystalized domains present in the PDB.
Both PDB structures and AF models were prepared in the same way using the ICM program
3.9-2e; MolSoft, San Diego, CA, May 2022), in a similar fashion as in earlier works.
Missing amino acids
and hydrogen atoms were added to PDB structures; local energy minimization was performed both on PDB
structures and AF models. Polar hydrogens within the binding site were optimized using a Monte Carlo
sampling in the dihedral space. Glutamate and aspartate residues were assigned a 1 charge, and lysine
and arginine were assigned a +1 charge. For PDB structures, asparagine and glutamine residues were
inspected for flipping and corrected whenever, and His tautomers were assigned according to their
hydrogen bonding network.
Software and algorithms
PDB (Berman et al.,
DUD-E (Mysinger et al.,
NRLiSt (Lagarde et al.,
GLL/GDD (Gatica and Cavasotto,
Alpha-Fold Database (Jumper et al.,
Varadi et al.,
Alpha-Fold (Colab version) (Jumper et al.,
ICM (Abagyan et al.,
Auto Dock 4 (Morris et al.,
PLANTS (Korb et al.
rDock (Ruiz-Carmona et al.,
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 15
Protein metrics
For comparison with PDB structures, AF models were superimposed to them using backbone atoms (C, C
N) considering: i) the complete protein; ii) residues which participate in defined secondary structure ele-
ments (a-, p- or 3.10 helices, or b-sheets) (cf. Table 2). RMSD values between backbones were calculated
for the whole structure and for the ligand-binding residues, which were determined according to their dis-
tance to the native ligand in the PDB structures: if a heavy atom is within 4.0 A
˚of any heavy atom in the
ligand, that residue is considered a binding site residue. The predicted Local Distance Difference Test
(pLDDT) is a per residue metric reported in the Alpha-Fold Protein Structure Database
as an estimate
of model confidence on a scale from 0 to 100; the LDDT is a superposition-free score that evaluates local
distance differences of all atoms in a model and includes validation of stereochemical plausibility.
Following this evaluation criterion, we looked at the pLDDT metric especially for binding site residues.
Docking libraries
For each target, the corresponding docking chemical libraries consist of a set of active molecules and their
corresponding matching decoys according to similar physico-chemical properties and structural dissimi-
larity, which has been shown to ensure unbiased calculations in docking simulations.
For all molecules,
chirality and protonation states were inherited from the corresponding original databases. Libraries were
obtained from the DUD-E database,
except for the ESR1 agonists library which was obtained from
database, and the ADRB2 library which was taken from GLL/GDD.
The number of molecules pre-
sent varies from 2,200 in CDK2 to 23,000 in ESR1.
Docking methods
Four docking programs were used in total: ICM,
Auto Dock 4,
These programs
have different search algorithms and scoring functions as described in previous studies.
Auto Dock
Tools utilities
were used to prepare the input files for Auto Dock 4. The Lamarckian genetic algorithm
was used for a 20-run search for each compound using 1.75 million energy evaluation. For ICM, a thorough-
ness of 2 was used for the search algorithm. The ChemPLP scoring function was used in PLANTS and speed
˚G2.0 A
˚from a reference ligand binding mode was
used to represent the cavity. For Vina, an exhaustiveness value of 8 was set. All the other parameters for
every software remained at their default values. This parameter setting is the same used in a previous
what allowed direct comparison of AF docking results with earlier calculations. Only when needed,
docking boxes on AF models were slightly modified to be accommodated due to small differences in bind-
ing sites.
Consensus methods
Two consensus methods were used to combine the results of the docking programs. The Exponential
Consensus Ranking (ECR)
combines the ranks of each molecule determined using different scoring func-
tions with an exponential distribution, calculated as
where r
(i) is the rank of molecule iidetermined using the scoring function of program j,andsis the ex-
pected value of the exponential distribution and establishes the number of molecules for each scoring
function that will be considered; the ECR was found to be quasi-independent on s, and we used s=
10% of the total number of molecules for each docking library.
The Pose/Ranking Consensus method (PRC)
consists of a hybrid consensus technique that combines
ranks and docking poses obtained with different docking programs and selects the molecules that meet
the following criteria: if a molecule has a maximum of two matching poses, the corresponding ranks should
be within the top 5% of the corresponding docking programs; with a maximum of three matching poses,
those corresponding three ranks should be within the top 10%, and with four matching poses, thefour ranks
ought to be in the top 20%. Finally, only the molecules that are also in the top 1.5% of ECR consensus
method described above are selected. It was shown that this subset of molecules increases the chance
of finding real hits, measured through the Enrichment Factor (EF) and the hit rate (HR).
The EF is defined as
16 iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023
where Hits
represents the number of actives present in a subset xof the docked library, N
the number of
molecules in subset x,Hits
is the total number of ligands within the entire chemical library, and N
total number of molecules. When subset x is a percentage of the total number of molecules, for example
the top 1%, we call it the EF at 1% (EF1).
The hit rate (HR)iscalculatedas
and is a measure between 0 and 1 which represents the probability of finding an actual ligand within the
subset x.
iScience 26, 105920, January 20, 2023 17
... Some studies indicate that docking simulations using AlphaFold predicted structures is not good enough. 105,106 However, the aim of this study is to explore the potential applications of assessing the binding affinity of each drug to all human proteins in various crucial aspects of drug discovery, such as predicting indications and side effects. While employing a homology modeling structure could sometimes yield more precise binding affinities, we opted for the AlphaFold structure in this research to prioritize the comprehensive coverage of protein structures across the genome. ...
... While [3] and [1] train models with both coarse-grained and all-atom protein representations, their results show superior performance when using all-atom representations at the cost of more expensive/time-consuming training and inference. This is likely because residue-level representations discard precise information regarding the orientation of side chains; information which is critical for modeling binding events [5][6][7]. ...
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Diffusion generative models have emerged as a powerful framework for addressing problems in structural biology and structure-based drug design. These models operate directly on 3D molecular structures. Due to the unfavorable scaling of graph neural networks (GNNs) with graph size as well as the relatively slow inference speeds inherent to diffusion models, many existing molecular diffusion models rely on coarse-grained representations of protein structure to make training and inference feasible. However, such coarse-grained representations discard essential information for modeling molecular interactions and impair the quality of generated structures. In this work, we present a novel GNN-based architecture for learning latent representations of molecular structure. When trained end-to-end with a diffusion model for de novo ligand design, our model achieves comparable performance to one with an all-atom protein representation while exhibiting a 3-fold reduction in inference time.¹
... Deep learning methods excel at predicting molecular structures with high efficiency. For example, AlphaFold predicts protein structures with atomic accuracy 1 , enabling new structural biology applications [2][3][4] ; neural network-based docking methods predict ligand binding structures 5,6 , supporting drug discovery virtual screening 7,8 ; and deep learning models predict adsorbate structures on catalyst surfaces [9][10][11][12] . These developments demonstrate the potential of deep learning in modelling molecular structures and states. ...
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Advances in deep learning have greatly improved structure prediction of molecules. However, many macroscopic observations that are important for real-world applications are not functions of a single molecular structure but rather determined from the equilibrium distribution of structures. Conventional methods for obtaining these distributions, such as molecular dynamics simulation, are computationally expensive and often intractable. Here we introduce a deep learning framework, called Distributional Graphormer (DiG), in an attempt to predict the equilibrium distribution of molecular systems. Inspired by the annealing process in thermodynamics, DiG uses deep neural networks to transform a simple distribution towards the equilibrium distribution, conditioned on a descriptor of a molecular system such as a chemical graph or a protein sequence. This framework enables the efficient generation of diverse conformations and provides estimations of state densities, orders of magnitude faster than conventional methods. We demonstrate applications of DiG on several molecular tasks, including protein conformation sampling, ligand structure sampling, catalyst–adsorbate sampling and property-guided structure generation. DiG presents a substantial advancement in methodology for statistically understanding molecular systems, opening up new research opportunities in the molecular sciences.
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El plástico ha provocado graves problemas ambientales y de salud pública a nivel global debido a su uso extensivo. Este estudio se centra en la degradación de poliuretanos, destacando la importancia de predecir la estructura de enzimas mediante AlphaFold y el docking molecular para comprender su interacción con estos polímeros. La población deestudio incluyó todas las secuencias de proteínas en PubMed, seleccionando una muestra representativa con actividad catalítica relacionada con poliuretanos mediante búsqueda exhaustiva. Las secuencias, identificadas por códigos GenBank, fueron recopiladas de PubMed y otras fuentes. Las propiedades fisicoquímicas de las enzimas se caracterizaron con Protparam, realizando alineamientos y cladogramas con Clustal Omega, identificando motivos con MEME, modelando estructuras con ColabFold y evaluándolas con SAVES. El docking molecular se llevó a cabo utilizando CB- Dock y AutoDock Vina. Se identificaron y caracterizaron 29 secuencias enzimáticas: 7 poliuretanasas, 15 cutinasas y 7 lipasas, con agrupaciones filogenéticas distintas y motifs significativos. El modelado en AlphaFold reveló diferencias estructurales evidenciadas en modelos tridimensionales y sus puntuaciones de calidad. El docking molecular con el poliuretanoproporcionó información sobre la potencial interacción de estas enzimas con el compuesto. Este análisis meticuloso brindó un panorama detallado de propiedades, estructuras y potenciales interacciones. Basándose en estructuras tridimensionales predichas por AlphaFold, este estudio sugiereque las proteínas modeladas tienen un potencial significativo para unir y potencialmente degradar poliuretanos, representando una valiosa contribución a la bioinformática y prometiendo nuevas líneas de investigación en el estudio de proteínas y su actividad catalítica con polímeros.
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AlphaFold2 (AF2) models have had wide impact, but they have had mixed success in retrospective ligand recognition. We prospectively docked large libraries against unrefined AF2 models of the σ2 and 5-HT2A receptors, testing hundreds of new molecules and comparing results to docking against the experimental structures. Hit rates were high and similar for the experimental and the AF2 structures, as were affinities. The success of docking against the AF2 models was achieved despite differences in orthosteric residue conformations versus the experimental structures. Determination of the cryo-electron microscopy structure for one of the more potent 5HT2A ligands from the AF2 docking revealed residue accommodations that resembled the AF2 prediction. AF2 models may sample conformations that differ from experimental structures but remain low energy and relevant for ligand discovery, extending the domain of structure-based ligand discovery.
Generative AI is rapidly transforming the frontier of research in computational structural biology. Indeed, recent successes have substantially advanced protein design and drug discovery. One of the key methodologies underlying these advances is diffusion models (DM). Diffusion models originated in computer vision, rapidly taking over image generation and offering superior quality and performance. These models were subsequently extended and modified for uses in other areas including computational structural biology. DMs are well equipped to model high dimensional, geometric data while exploiting key strengths of deep learning. In structural biology, for example, they have achieved state‐of‐the‐art results on protein 3D structure generation and small molecule docking. This review covers the basics of diffusion models, associated modeling choices regarding molecular representations, generation capabilities, prevailing heuristics, as well as key limitations and forthcoming refinements. We also provide best practices around evaluation procedures to help establish rigorous benchmarking and evaluation. The review is intended to provide a fresh view into the state‐of‐the‐art as well as highlight its potentials and current challenges of recent generative techniques in computational structural biology. This article is categorized under: Data Science > Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Structure and Mechanism > Molecular Structures Software > Molecular Modeling
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Most proteins fold into 3D structures that determine how they function and orchestrate the biological processes of the cell. Recent developments in computational methods for protein structure predictions have reached the accuracy of experimentally determined models. Although this has been independently verified, the implementation of these methods across structural-biology applications remains to be tested. Here, we evaluate the use of AlphaFold2 (AF2) predictions in the study of characteristic structural elements; the impact of missense variants; function and ligand binding site predictions; modeling of interactions; and modeling of experimental structural data. For 11 proteomes, an average of 25% additional residues can be confidently modeled when compared with homology modeling, identifying structural features rarely seen in the Protein Data Bank. AF2-based predictions of protein disorder and complexes surpass dedicated tools, and AF2 models can be used across diverse applications equally well compared with experimentally determined structures, when the confidence metrics are critically considered. In summary, we find that these advances are likely to have a transformative impact in structural biology and broader life-science research.
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Efficient identification of drug mechanisms of action remains a challenge. Computational docking approaches have been widely used to predict drug binding targets; yet, such approaches depend on existing protein structures, and accurate structural predictions have only recently become available from AlphaFold2. Here, we combine AlphaFold2 with molecular docking simulations to predict protein-ligand interactions between 296 proteins spanning Escherichia coli's essential proteome, and 218 active antibacterial compounds and 100 inactive compounds, respectively, pointing to widespread compound and protein promiscuity. We benchmark model performance by measuring enzymatic activity for 12 essential proteins treated with each antibacterial compound. We confirm extensive promiscuity, but find that the average area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (auROC) is 0.48, indicating weak model performance. We demonstrate that rescoring of docking poses using machine learning-based approaches improves model performance, resulting in average auROCs as large as 0.63, and that ensembles of rescoring functions improve prediction accuracy and the ratio of true-positive rate to false-positive rate. This work indicates that advances in modeling protein-ligand interactions, particularly using machine learning-based approaches, are needed to better harness AlphaFold2 for drug discovery.
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Machine learning protein structure prediction, such as RosettaFold and AlphaFold2, have impacted the structural biology field, raising a fair amount of discussion around its potential role in drug discovery. While we find some preliminary studies addressing the usage of these models in virtual screening, none of them focus on the prospect of hit-finding in a real-world virtual screen with a target with low sequence identity. In order to address this, we have developed an AlphaFiold2 version where we exclude all structural templates with more than 30% sequence identity. In a previous study, we used those models in conjunction with state of the art free energy perturbation methods. In this work we focus on using them in rigid receptor ligand docking. Our results indicate that using out-of-the-box Alphafold2 models is not an ideal scenario; one might think in including some post processing modeling to drive the binding site into a more realistic holo target model.
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The inhibition of protein-protein interactions is a growing strategy in drug development. In addition to structured regions, many protein loop regions are involved in protein-protein interactions and thus have been identified as potential drug targets. To effectively target such regions, protein structure is critical. Loop structure prediction is a challenging subgroup in the field of protein structure prediction because of the reduced level of conservation in protein sequences compared to the secondary structure elements. AlphaFold 2 has been suggested to be one of the greatest achievements in the field of protein structure prediction. The AlphaFold 2 predicted protein structures near the X-ray resolution in the Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP 14) competition in 2020. The purpose of this work is to survey the performance of AlphaFold 2 in specifically predicting protein loop regions. We have constructed an independent dataset of 31,650 loop regions from 2613 proteins (deposited after the AlphaFold 2 was trained) with both experimentally determined structures and AlphaFold 2 predicted structures. With extensive evaluation using our dataset, the results indicate that AlphaFold 2 is a good predictor of the structure of loop regions, especially for short loop regions. Loops less than 10 residues in length have an average Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) of 0.33 Å and an average the Template Modeling score (TM-score) of 0.82. However, we see that as the number of residues in a given loop increases, the accuracy of AlphaFold 2's prediction decreases. Loops more than 20 residues in length have an average RMSD of 2.04 Å and an average TM-score of 0.55. Such a correlation between accuracy and length of the loop is directly linked to the increase in flexibility. Moreover, AlphaFold 2 does slightly over-predict α-helices and β-strands in proteins.
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The recently developed AlphaFold2 (AF2) algorithm predicts proteins’ 3D structures from amino acid sequences. The open AlphaFold Protein Structure Database covers the complete human proteome. It shows great potential to provide structural information to enable and enhance existing and new drug discovery projects. Using an industry-leading molecular docking method (Glide), we benchmarked the virtual screening performance of 28 common drug targets each with an AF2 structure and known holo and apo structures from the DUD-E dataset. The AF2 structures show comparable early enrichment of known active compounds (avg. EF 1%: 13.16) to apo structures (avg. EF 1%: 11.56), while falling behind early enrichment of the holo structures (avg. EF 1%: 24.81). We also demonstrated that with the IFD-MD induced-fit docking approach, we can refine the AF2 structures using a known binding ligand to improve the performance in structure-based virtual screening (avg. EF 1%: 19.25). Thus, with proper preparation and refinement, AF2 structures show considerable promise for in silico hit identification.
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ColabFold offers accelerated prediction of protein structures and complexes by combining the fast homology search of MMseqs2 with AlphaFold2 or RoseTTAFold. ColabFold’s 40−60-fold faster search and optimized model utilization enables prediction of close to 1,000 structures per day on a server with one graphics processing unit. Coupled with Google Colaboratory, ColabFold becomes a free and accessible platform for protein folding. ColabFold is open-source software available at and its novel environmental databases are available at
The recently developed AlphaFold2 (AF2) algorithm predicts proteins' 3D structures from amino acid sequences. The open AlphaFold protein structure database covers the complete human proteome. Using an industry-leading molecular docking method (Glide), we investigated the virtual screening performance of 37 common drug targets, each with an AF2 structure and known holo and apo structures from the DUD-E data set. In a subset of 27 targets where the AF2 structures are suitable for refinement, the AF2 structures show comparable early enrichment of known active compounds (avg. EF 1%: 13.0) to apo structures (avg. EF 1%: 11.4) while falling behind early enrichment of the holo structures (avg. EF 1%: 24.2). With an induced-fit protocol (IFD-MD), we can refine the AF2 structures using an aligned known binding ligand as the template to improve the performance in structure-based virtual screening (avg. EF 1%: 18.9). Glide-generated docking poses of known binding ligands can also be used as templates for IFD-MD, achieving similar improvements (avg. EF 1% 18.0). Thus, with proper preparation and refinement, AF2 structures show considerable promise for in silico hit identification.
Machine learning-based protein structure prediction algorithms, such as RosettaFold and AlphaFold2, have greatly impacted the structural biology field, arousing a fair amount of discussion around their potential role in drug discovery. While there are few preliminary studies addressing the usage of these models in virtual screening, none of them focus on the prospect of hit-finding in a real-world virtual screen with a model based on low prior structural information. In order to address this, we have developed an AlphaFold2 version where we exclude all structural templates with more than 30% sequence identity from the model-building process. In a previous study, we used those models in conjunction with state-of-the-art free energy perturbation methods and demonstrated that it is possible to obtain quantitatively accurate results. In this work, we focus on using these structures in rigid receptor-ligand docking studies. Our results indicate that using out-of-the-box Alphafold2 models is not an ideal scenario for virtual screening campaigns; in fact, we strongly recommend to include some post-processing modeling to drive the binding site into a more realistic holo model.
The availability of AlphaFold2 has led to great excitement in the scientific community─particularly among drug hunters─due to the ability of the algorithm to predict protein structures with high accuracy. However, beyond globally accurate protein structure prediction, it remains to be determined whether ligand binding sites are predicted with sufficient accuracy in these structures to be useful in supporting computationally driven drug discovery programs. We explored this question by performing free-energy perturbation (FEP) calculations on a set of well-studied protein-ligand complexes, where AlphaFold2 predictions were performed by removing all templates with >30% identity to the target protein from the training set. We observed that in most cases, the ΔΔG values for ligand transformations calculated with FEP, using these prospective AlphaFold2 structures, were comparable in accuracy to the corresponding calculations previously carried out using crystal structures. We conclude that under the right circumstances, AlphaFold2-modeled structures are accurate enough to be used by physics-based methods such as FEP in typical lead optimization stages of a drug discovery program.
Proteins are the molecular machinery of the human body, and their malfunctioning is often responsible for diseases, making them crucial targets for drug discovery. The three-dimensional structure of a protein determines its biological function, its conformational state determines substrates, cofactors, and protein binding. Rational drug discovery employs engineered small molecules to selectively interact with proteins to modulate their function. To selectively target a protein and to design small molecules, knowing the protein structure with all its specific conformation is critical. Unfortunately, for a large number of proteins relevant for drug discovery, the three-dimensional structure has not yet been experimentally solved. Therefore, accurately predicting their structure based on their amino acid sequence is one of the grant challenges in biology. Recently, AlphaFold2, a machine learning application based on a deep neural network, was able to predict unknown structures of proteins with an unprecedented accuracy. Despite the impressive progress made by AlphaFold2, nature still challenges the field of structure prediction. In this Perspective, we explore how AlphaFold2 and related methods help make drug design more efficient. Furthermore, we discuss the roles of predicting domain-domain orientations, all relevant conformational states, the influence of posttranslational modifications, and conformational changes due to protein binding partners. We highlight where further improvements are needed for advanced machine learning methods to be successfully and frequently used in the pharmaceutical industry.