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Detecting Network Security Vulnerabilities and Proactive Strategies to Mitigate Potential Threats

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Abstract and Figures

In multi-tier network systems, custom applications, Web services and platform environments, storing data and information assets becomes a challenge for any organisation. Although there are different methods to secure network systems, the best way to test the level of security is to conduct penetration testing. In this paper, we describe how we performed live penetration testing for a particular network, namely, (Case Study) by identifying the system vulnerabilities to enable its penetration. After compromising the system, critical data (Flags) must be found, indicating our successful penetration. As professional penetration testers, we used an arsenal of penetration testing tools utilised by malicious actors on the internet, such as Nmap, Nessus, Sparta and Metasploit, etc. Typically, much effort was employed on reconnaissance & scanning phases, rather than system exploration, due to their importance in identifying security vulnerabilities in the system environment. The vulnerability analysis highlighted the most critical threats, which token is an advantage to gain access, namely, FTP services, HTTP, and human errors. However, comprising the system is not sufficient because the critical data (Flag) generally requires the administrators rights. Consequently, teams often examine the system to find a way to escalate privilege to the root level. Furthermore, some critical data (Flags) require decryption algorithms or the analysis of captured packets to make them readable. We found eight Flags and identified a system security breach. Mitigation strategies addressing the identified vulnerabilities are recommended to ensure the given networks are secured against future attacks.
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Detecting Network Security Vulnerabilities and Proactive
Strategies to Mitigate Potential Threats
Aiman Al-Sabaawi*1, Thamer A. Alrowidhan2
1School of Computer Science, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
2Information and Communications Technology, National Unified Procurement Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
In multi-tier network systems, custom applications, Web services and platform environments, storing data and
information assets becomes a challenge for any organisation. Although there are different methods to secure
network systems, the best way to test the level of security is to conduct penetration testing. In this paper, we
describe how we performed live penetration testing for a particular network, namely, (Case Study)
by identifying the system vulnerabilities to enable its penetration. After compromising the system, critical data
(Flags) must be found, indicating our successful penetration. As professional penetration testers, we used an
arsenal of penetration testing tools utilised by malicious actors on the internet, such as Nmap, Nessus, Sparta and
Metasploit, etc. Typically, much effort was employed on reconnaissance & scanning phases, rather than system
exploration, due to their importance in identifying security vulnerabilities in the system environment. The
vulnerability analysis highlighted the most critical threats, which token is an advantage to gain access, namely,
FTP services, HTTP, and human errors. However, comprising the system is not sufficient because the critical data
“Flag” generally requires the administrator’s rights. Consequently, teams often examine the system to find a way
to escalate privilege to the root level. Furthermore, some critical data (Flags) require decryption algorithms or the
analysis of captured packets to make them readable. We found eight Flags and identified a system security breach.
Mitigation strategies addressing the identified vulnerabilities are recommended to ensure the given networks are
secured against future attacks.
Keywords: vulnerabilities, breaches, Nmap, Nessus, Sparta Metasploit. Flag, SSH, FTP, HTTP
The team followed the most professional methods in conducting Penetration Testing. Five phases should be
considered, beginning with a reconnaissance phase, to collect passive information about the targeted system. Next,
scanning phases were used to collect active information such as open services and open sources. This involved
the employment of recognition and scanning tools such as Nmap, Nessus, etc. These are the main phases in
conducting successful Penetration Testing. After completing those two phases, we exploited the targeted system
using different exploitation tools. Once the target has been compromised, such access must be maintained using
different techniques such as creating a back door. Although the clearing tracks phase of professional Penetration
Testing was not used in this Penetration Testing assignment, it is essential that such a phase be conducted by white
hackers to evaluate the customer logging systems [1][2]. Figure 1 shows the five phases of Penetration Testing.
Figure 1. Phases of penetration testing.
Reconnaissance is the act of collecting primary data or intelligence of targeted victims. The gathered data can
guide us through the overview of the network and exploration variabilities on targeted clients. In this regard, the
penetration testing team used the most potent scanning tools to detect significant information for reconnaissance
of the network, following the steps below [2].
Firstly, Nmap was used for port scanning. Powerful tools such as Nessus and Sparta then performed deeper
scanning, including port scanning and OS detections. They also provided a summary of the running services,
service vulnerabilities and valuable information to attack the targeted host. As a result, three hosts were found to
be live, 192.168.3.(222/111/77). With further deep scanning, another host was found ( by scanning
the network without pinging. This can bypass the host firewall if it exists. The result of target system scanning is
shown in Figure 2. Group11 represented our team in these challenges in this paper.
Figure 2. The network topology.
After those processes, the vulnerability analysis tools were used to collect more information regarding live hosts.
Sparta and Nessus tools are valuable tools for collecting information and analysing system vulnerabilities. The
essential findings obtained from the vulnerability scanner phase are shown in Table 1:
IP/Host Name
Service Version
Deep Scan Info.
ProFTPD 1.3.3c
-login: guest password:
OpenSSH 5.9p1
Microsoft EPMAP (End Point Mapper)
MS Windows Server 2003
SP1 or SP2
MS Windows RPC (IIS)
Ms terminal service
IP/Host Name
Service Version
Deep Scan Info.
Webcalendar 1.2.4
openSSH 5.8p1Debain7ubantu1
FTP serive konica Minolta FTP utility
1.0 download
-login: anonymous
password: anonymous
Table 1. Vulnerabilities and Hosts
A. Host
1) Attack attempts FTP service:
Many attacking attempts were conducted to compromise such hosts using the open services found in the
reconnaissance phase. The FTP service is opened using proFTPD (version 1.3.3C) and the operating system was
found to be Linux Debian, as shown in Figure 2.
2) FTP (proFTPD 1.3.3C) vulnerabilities:
This version is prone to be abused by hackers due to a backdoor in some of these versions, allowing the attacker
to remotely access the system with root privileges. Therefore, we started with this version to exploit such a
vulnerability, hoping to compromise the system.
3) Exploit process FTP service:
The team began by compromising the host using the Armitage exploit tool. This tool has some exploits which
take advantage of such vulnerable services. Nevertheless, mostly it uses a back door in the running service. Thus,
proftpd_133c_backdoor was used to launch the attack [3]. Access to the host was successful and the interact shell
session was created, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Backdoor exploit on host
Once the shell had been created, the (id) command was issued to identify the privilege that allowed access. A
remote root privilege was found. A root privilege permits a user to be added to maintain access to SSH and reset
the root password. After that, the standard SSH was opened and the root privilege was shifted. The locate
command was then issued to identify the flag files.
4) FLAGs Findings:
Two flags were found; one was a hidden file. The first flag was easy to discover by issuing a Cat command to
read the file, as shown in Figure 4. The second flag was a hidden file located in the path directory
/home/hagrid/flag.txt. A Cat command was issued to read the file and the second FLAG was found, as shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 4. Flag 01.
Figure 5. Flag 02.
Another two files were found; the first was named “decrypt me”, which has a cipher message. However, another
file was a hint file containing a hint text message “the good guys always play fair”, as shown in Figure 6. Such a
hint was helpful to decrypt the previous cipher message. After searching in google, we found an old cipher named
“PlayFair”, used in World War Two (WWII). A “Playfair” cipher used a shared key to decrypt this file, translating
the letter ‘J’ Into ‘I’. The shared website was used for online decryption. As a result, the third flag was found, as
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 6. Hint file and decrypt the message.
Figure 7. Flag 03.
B. Host
1) Attack Attempts Windows server MS08-067 exploit:
From scanning, the host was found to be running on Windows server 2003 SP1 OS, and its remote desktop was
opened. This service can exploit vulnerabilities in Windows samba service (remote desktop service), using the
Armitage and Metasploit tool [4].
2) Exploit Process:
To gain access to this host, Carlos Perez’s ‘getgui’ script was utilised in the Meterpreter shell, which provides
access to the remote desktop. The user account and password were then created to gain login access. Thus, after
creating a login using the following command, “run getgui u group11 –p group11”, the system using
ms08_067_netapi was illustrated, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Attack attempts to host
Next, the rdesktop command was run with a created password to gain access to the host and fully compromise it,
as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Accessing the host by using the rdscktop command.
3) FLAGs finding:
The fourth flag was a text file in the administrator’s desktop folder, found by searching Windows files, as shown
in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Flag 04.
The fifth flag in the Windows machine is an executable file located in c:\Documents and setting\black\My
Documents file. The file needs an administrator’s privilege to execute it, so the admin password was reset.
Running the “flag.exe” file revealed a small puzzle, so OllyDbg software was used to decode it as assembly
language. As a result, the flag file was decoded and the flag was found as static message in code at the end of the
puzzle, as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Flag 05.
C. Host
1) Attack Attempts (Remote Desktop):
In host, there was a hint file with the username “black” and password “regulus” for the clone
machine Such findings allowed us to access the clone, as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12. The message is found in the document user black folder.
2) FLAGs findings:
Unfortunately, no Flags were found because the machine was the clone for host However, this
host has a variety of programs that are used on host
D. Host
1) Attack attempts (FTP service):
Many attacking attempts were conducted to compromise such hosts using the open services found in the
reconnaissance phase. For example, when the FTP service was opened, the Konica Minolta FTP Utility was found
and the operating system was found to be Windows 2008 server, as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13. The decoded message for Flag 06.
2) FTP (Konica Minolta FTP service) vulnerabilities:
A Konica Minolta FTP vulnerability allows remote attackers to run arbitrary commands, so such vulnerabilities
were utilised in an attempt to gain access. The file named (39719.ps1) was uploaded, as shown in Figure 14. The
purpose of the code is to allow Privilege Escalation and this code can also gain administrator privilege in Microsoft
Windows 7, 10 & Server 2008, 2012 (x86/x64). Nevertheless, the exploit which was used did not work, so we
moved to the next host.
Figure 14. Upload file 39719.ps1.
3) Exploit Process Konica Minolta FTP service:
Because the host was compromised using regular FTP access, access was gained to the host using the default FTP
password “anonymous” as a guest user. Access to the system was successful, with the FTP’s home folder having
full privileges. Such privileges allow any user to execute any uploaded file. The file “” was found with
a ciphertext message that may contain the flag. The findings are illustrated in Figure 15.
Figure 15. The decoded message for Flag 06
4) FLAG Findings:
The sixth flag’s message was found after decoding the “” text message using base 64 decoders, as
shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16. Flag 06 after decoding.
E. Host
1) Attack attempt HTTP service:
From the scanning phase, such a host has HTTP services found to be running Webcalendar 1.2.4 web applications
which are vulnerable to some exploits. Thus, this vulnerability was taken advantage of to gain access to the host.
2) FTP (Webcalendar 1.2.4) vulnerabilities:
Webcalendar 1.2.4 is a vulnerable version regarding an input validation error in sending the “reminder.php” script,
which hackers have exploited.
3) Exploit process HTTP service:
A Webcalendar exploit was used against host victim to land a Linux shell written in Perl. Therefore,
the first step was finding the Webcalendar exploit, as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17. Flag 07 search Webcalendar.
The following procedure ran the selected exploit after setting the suitable option, as shown in Figure 18. The
attack was then launched by entering the exploit -J command. After running the attack successfully, the session
state was seen by using the show sessions command, as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18. Run the exploit and get the session.
To upgrade a Normal Command Shell to a Metasploit Meterpreter, the upgrade module was identified by
searching for shell_to_Meterpreter which was set in session one, as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. Search shell_to_meterpreter
After the module was executed, the session was changed to a new Meterpreter session, in which control was given
to the team, as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20. Run expolit shell_to_merepreter.
The meterpreter session was session 2. Therefore, to start interacting with it, the session’s -i command was entered,
followed by session number (2) to start the interaction, as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Starting with session two and using a command to list files.
To escalate to root privilege needs a code to run on the server-side. The code name “meodipper.c” was found. The
next step was to update the file to the victim’s server, as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22. Upload The File Memodipper.c to server.
Since the code was written in the C language, the GCC Compiler was used. It is a very powerful and popular C
compiler for various Linux [2]; commands and is helpful for the compiler of the code, as shown in Figure 23. In
addition, it shows the following procedure was running a file to gain root privilege. That step reset the root
password, as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 23. Escalate to root privilege.
Figure 24. Reset the root password.
4) Flag Findings:
Once the system was successfully compromised, sophisticated Flags were searched for. Fortunately, two flags
were found, the first being a flag.text under /home/snape/Document, as seen in Figure 25.
Figure 25. Flag 08.
The second Flag file was a Wireshark file named “flag.pcap” under /home/snape/Download. At many networks,
packets were searched. For example, at HTTP packets were found with an interesting request from
host for Harry Potter. Thus, the Flags at frame sequence 4000 were detected, from source to
destination host, as shown in Figure 26. Fortunately, the second interesting flag was captured when
the bytes of the packets were exported, as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 26. Wireshark harry potter reply image “Flag”.
Figure 27. Flag text message.
IV. Mitigation and Recommendations
In this paper, we described how different systems were compromised regarding different service vulnerabilities.
To mitigate such risks, the defences against cyber-attack must be highly prioritised for any network systems. This
paper highlights various mitigation strategies to reduce system vulnerability risks found in this network.
1) FTP the Achilles Heel:
As a company uses FTP to transfer information over the network from one machine to another, there is always a
risk of data breach, causing millions of customers’ data to be exposed to hackers. The worst part is that the data
breach cannot be easily traced as the logs files can be manipulated by unauthorised use.
There are some questions that every administrator should ask:
How many machines are using FTP services?
Which FTP machine is utilised most?
Which is the most used FTP user account?
Which files are most utilised?
Are the FTP services up to date?
Identifying FTP user’s recommendations:
The first step is to identify anonymous users and close those accounts. The next the step is to detect rogue traffic
coming in and out of the machines. This can be difficult if the user accounts do not have a centralised login
system. This is usually not the case because mostly FTP accounts are set up per machine basis as a temporary
solution, making it difficult for an administrator to monitor traffic coming in and out of the machines. The
administrators should use a red flag if an anonymous login to FTP services seems to result in a spike in services.
If unknown accounts surface during the monitoring phase, this should raise a high alert for administrators and
inquiries should be made.
2) SSH:
It is one of the ubiquitous methods for working with networked machines, and it is also a fact that many hackers
try to exploit this method to gain access to a machine [5]. This can be addressed as follows:
Limiting the number of attempts.
Strict rules should be implemented for access.
Keeping track of IPs that try to brute force and deny access.
Rotate the passwords of the SSH accounts to minimise unauthorised access.
Disable access with SSH keys to the machines which contain sensitive information.
In no situation should an SSH account with root access be allowed to be used with the SSH protocol.
Keeping track of when and who accesses the specific machine with SSH.
Additionally, the network administrator should be fully aware of FTP service vulnerabilities [5], and different
security policies should be considered, such as:
Restricting FTP server access based on network IP addresses.
Limiting the sending password attempts to prevent brute force passwords.
Applying password policy.
Using an authentications mechanism which is not subject to eavesdropping while sending passwords.
Applying appropriate updates.
Minimising the number of users with admin privileges.
Using a MFT (Managed Files Transferred) server for transferring data to provide secure internal and
external file transfer rather than standard FTP.
Remote privileged access must also be monitored to detect any attack attempts. In addition, security
measures such as multi-factor authentication, login location and time-of-day restrictions should be
seriously considered.
Keep updating any FTP & HTTP utilities and avoid any known vulnerable versions.
Disabling anonymous accounts for FTP default access or preventing anonymous users from uploading
files services to restrict Write Access for those users.
Use an SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) instead of standard FTP to provide secure file transfer.
Implementation of change control for all systems: misconfiguration, insecure deployment and keeping
systems outdated were explored among various systems. The vulnerabilities can be mitigated by
enforcing change control processes on all systems.
Conducting a regular vulnerability assessment as one effective company risk management strategy to
evaluate if the installed security controls are correctly installed.
Implementing system monitoring and detection systems to detect situations before they become
V. Conclusion
To conclude, in this paper penetration testing objectives have been met with various system vulnerabilities,
resulting in a complete compromise of some hosts. Consequently, eight critical data “Flags” were collected.
Furthermore, the systems had many issues, which may typically be expected minor issues. However, these resulted
in compromising the victims and gaining access to critical data. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the
suggested mitigation strategies be applied to protect against any future attacks.
VI. References
[1] M. Allman, and S. Ostermann, “FTP Security Considerations,” Network Working Group, 1999,[HL97]
[2] Imperva, “Penetration Testing”, 2021,
security/penetration-testing/ [Retrieved: May, 2021].
[3] S. Khandelwal, “Security Risks of FTP and Benefits of Managed File Transfer,” The Hacker News,
2013, [Retrieved: March,
[4] D. Stiawan, M. Y. Idris, A. H. Abdullah, M. AlQurashi, & R. Budiarto, “Penetration Testing and
Mitigation of Vulnerabilities Windows Server,” International Journal of Network Security, vol. 18, No.
3, pp. 501-513, 2016.
[5] Tetra Defense, “13 Ways to Protect Against Cyber Attack in 2021,”
attack-in-2021/ [Retrieved: September, 2021].
[6] Australian Signals Directorate, “Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents Mitigation Details,”
incidents-mitigation-details [Retrieved: May, 2021].
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The specification for the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) contains a number of mechanisms that can be used to compromise network security. The FTP specification allows a client to instruct a server to transfer files to a third machine. This third-party mechanism, known as proxy FTP, causes a well known security problem. The FTP specification also allows an unlimited number of attempts at entering a user's password. This allows brute force "password guessing" attacks. This document provides suggestions for system administrators and those implementing FTP servers that will decrease the security problems associated with FTP.
Security Risks of FTP and Benefits of Managed File Transfer
S. Khandelwal, "Security Risks of FTP and Benefits of Managed File Transfer," The Hacker News, 2013, [Retrieved: March, 2021]
13 Ways to Protect Against Cyber Attack in 2021
  • Tetra Defense
Tetra Defense, "13 Ways to Protect Against Cyber Attack in 2021," [Retrieved: September, 2021].
Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents -Mitigation Details
  • Australian Signals Directorate
Australian Signals Directorate, "Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents -Mitigation Details," 2017, [Retrieved: May, 2021].