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Wachs permutations, Bruhat order and weak order

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We study the partial orders induced on Wachs and signed Wachs permutations by the Bruhat and weak orders of the symmetric and hyperoctahedral groups. We show that these orders are graded, determine their rank function, characterize their ordering and covering relations, and compute their characteristic polynomials, when partially ordered by Bruhat order, and determine their structure explicitly when partially ordered by right weak order.
arXiv:2212.04932v1 [math.CO] 9 Dec 2022
Wachs permutations, Bruhat order and weak order
Francesco Brenti and Paolo Sentinelli
We study the partial orders induced on Wachs and signed Wachs permutations
by the Bruhat and weak orders of the symmetric and hyperoctahedral groups. We
show that these orders are graded, determine their rank function, characterize their
ordering and covering relations, and compute their characteristic polynomials, when
partially ordered by Bruhat order, and determine their structure explicitly when par-
tially ordered by right weak order.
1 Introduction
Wachs permutations are a class of permutations first introduced (in the even case)
in [22] to study the signed Eulerian numbers and the signed major index enumerator
of the symmetric groups. This class was extended in [4] to the odd case and to signed
permutations in order to study the enumerators of the odd and even major indices of
classical Weyl groups twisted by their one-dimensional characters. In this work we study
Wachs (and signed Wachs) permutations in their own right. More precisely, we study
the partial orders induced on them by the Bruhat and weak orders of the symmetric
and hyperoctahedral groups. These orders are fundamental objects in algebraic combi-
natorics and have important connections to algebra and geometry (see, e.g., [2, Chaps.2
and 3], [1, Chap.2], [16, Chap.1], [11, Chap.5], [7, Chap.10], [17, Chap.2], and the refer-
ences cited there). Many subsets of the symmetric and hyperoctahedral groups have been
studied as posets under the Bruhat order such as, for example, quotients, descent classes,
and generalized quotients [3], complements of quotients [19], involutions [9, 12, 13, 15, 18],
conjugation-invariant sets of involutions [5, 8], and twisted identities [10]. In this paper
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1, 00133
Roma, Italy.
Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
we show that Wachs permutations possess many nice properties when partially ordered by
Bruhat and weak orders. More precisely, we show that they form a graded poset, deter-
mine their rank function, characterize the ordering and covering relations, and compute
the characteristic polynomial, when partially ordered by Bruhat order, and determine their
structure explicitly when partially ordered by right weak order.
The organization of the paper is as follows. In the next section we collect some notation
and results that are used in the sequel. In §3 we study the poset obtained by partially
ordering Wachs permutations with respect to Bruhat order. We show that these posets
are always graded (Theorem 3.9), characterize their order and covering relations (Theorem
3.13 and Proposition 3.12), and compute their characteristic polynomials (Corollary 3.16).
In §4, using some of the results in §3, we obtain analogous results for the poset induced on
signed Wachs permutations by Bruhat order. More precisely, we show that these posets
are graded (Theorem 4.10), characterize their order and covering relations (Theorem 4.13,
Proposition 4.2, Corollary 4.12, and Corollary 4.6), and compute the characteristic poly-
nomials (Corollary 4.16). In §5 we study the posets obtained by partially ordering Wachs
and signed Wachs permutations under right weak order. We show that they are always
isomorphic to the direct product of a Boolean algebra with the weak order on the whole
group in rank n
2(Theorems 5.1 and 5.3). Finally, in §6, we discuss some conjectures and
open problems arising from the present work and the evidence that we have about them.
2 Preliminaries
In this section we recall some notation, definitions, and results that are used in the
sequel. As Nwe denote the set of non-negative integers and as Pthe set of positive integers.
If nN,[n] := {1,2, ..., n}; in particular [0] = . For nP, in the polynomial ring Z[q]
the q-analogue of nis defined by [n]q:=
qiand the q-factorial by [n]q! :=
[i]q. For
a set Aand f:ANwe define
A(x, f ) := X
and f(u, v) := f(v)f(u), for all u, v A. The cardinality of a set Xwill be denoted by
|X|and the power set of Xby P(X). Given a cartesian product X×Yof two sets Xand
Y, we indicate with π1and π2the projections on Xand Yrespectively.
Let nN,iZ,qQand J[n]; then we define Je:= {jJ:j0 mod 2},
Jo:= {jJ:j1 mod 2},J+i:= {i+j:jJ} [n], and qJ := S
{qj} Q.
We follow Chapter 3 of [20] for notation and terminology concerning posets. We just
recall some definitions. Given two posets Pand Q, their ordinal product PQis defined
by ordering the set P×Qin the following manner: (x, y)6(x, y)if and only if x=x
and y6yor x < x, for all (x, y),(x, y)P×Q. If µis the Möbius function of a
graded poset Pwith minimum ˆ
0, maximum ˆ
1and rank function ρ, then the characteristic
polynomial of Pin the indeterminate xis defined by
CP(x) := X
0, z)xρ(z,ˆ
Next recall some basic results in the theory of Coxeter groups which will be useful in
the sequel. The reader can consult [2] or [11] for further details. Let (W, S)be a Coxeter
system. The length of an element zWwith respect of the given presentation is denoted
as (z). If JS, we let
WJ:= {wW:(ws)> (w)sJ},
JW:= {wW:(sw)> (w)sJ},
D(w) := {sS:(ws)< (w)},
and, more generally, for any AWwe let AJ:= AWJ. The subgroup WJWis the
group generated by J. In particular WS=Wand W={e}, being ethe identity of W.
We consider on Wthe Bruhat order 6(see, e.g., [2, Chapter 2] or [11, Chapter 5]) and
on any subset we consider the induced order. When the group Wis finite, there exists a
unique maximal element w0of maximal length. We recall this characterizing property of
the Bruhat order, known as the lifting property (see [2, Proposition 2.2.7]):
Proposition 2.1. Let v, w Wbe such that v < w and sD(w)\D(v). Then v6ws
and vs 6w.
For JS, each element wWhas a unique expression w=wJwJ, where wJWJ
and wJWJ(see [2, Proposition 2.4.4]). Often we consider the projection PJ:WWJ
defined by PJ(w) = wJ. This map is order preserving ( [2, Proposition 2.5.1]). We let
T:= {wsw1:wW, s S}. The following lemma will be useful in the next section; for
a proof see [2, Lemma 2.2.10].
Lemma 2.2. Suppose that x < xt and y < ty, for x, y W,tT. Then, xy < xty.
For wWwe set TL(w) := {tT:(tw)< (w)}; the right weak order 6Ron
Wis the partial order whose cover relations are defined by letting uRvif and only if
v1uSand (v) = (u) + 1, for all u, v W(see [2, Chapter 3]). Then the following
characterization holds (see [2, Proposition 3.1.3]):
Proposition 2.3. Let (W, S)be a Coxeter system. Then u6Rvif and only if TL(u)
TL(v), for all u, v W.
Now, for any nP, let Snbe the group of all bijections of the set [n]. It is well
known that it is a Coxeter group with set of generators {s1, s2, ..., sn1}, being sithe
simple inversion given, in one line notation, by 12...(i+ 1)i...n. Given a permutation
σ=σ(1)σ(2)...σ(n)Sn, the action of sion the right is given by σsi=σ(1)σ(2)...σ(i+
1)σ(i)...σ(n), for all i[n1]. For i, j [n], the action on the right of a transposition
(i, j),i6=j, then is given by σ(i, j) = σ(1)σ(2)...σ(i1)σ(j)...σ(j1)σ(i)...σ(n), for
all σSn. As a Coxeter group, identifying {s1, s2, ..., sn1}with [n1], we have that
(see e.g. [2, Propositions 1.5.3 and 1.5.2]) D(σ) = {i[n1] : σ(i)> σ(i+ 1)}and
(σ) = A(σ), where A(σ) := inv(σ) = |{(i, j)[n]2:i < j, σ(i)> σ(j)}|, for all σSn.
Then, given J[n1],SJ
n={σSn:σ(i)< σ(i+ 1) iJ}.
For i[n]and ASndefine A(i) := {σA: pos(σ) = i}, being pos : Sn[n]the
function defined by pos(σ) := σ1(n), for all σSn. We find it convenient to define the
following involution on [n]:
i1,if i0 mod 2;
i+ 1,if i1 mod 2 and i+ 1 [n];
n, otherwise,
and the simple inversion s
i:= (i, i), for all i[n]. Given a permutation σSn,
k[n]and i[k], define σi,k as the i-th element in the increasing rearrangement of
{σ(1), σ(2), ..., σ(k)}<and σ1
i,k as the position of σ(i)in {σ(1), σ(2), ..., σ(k)}<. So σj,k =
σ(i)if j=σ1
i,k . The following theorem, known as the “tableau criterion”, characterizes the
Bruhat order on Sn(see [2, Theorem 2.6.3]).
Theorem 2.4. Let nPand σ, τ Sn. The following are equivalent:
1. σ6τ;
2. σi,k 6τi,k for all kD(σ)and i[k];
3. σi,k 6τi,k for all k[n1] \D(τ)and i[k].
We indicate by wnthe maximum of the poset (Sn,6), i.e., in one line notation, wn=
The descent number and the major index are the functions des : SnNand maj :
SnNdefined respectively by des(σ) := |D(σ)|and maj(σ) := PiD(σ)i. A famous result
of McMahon asserts that Aand maj are equidistribuited over Sn(see, e.g. [20, Proposition
1.4.6]), i.e. Sn(x, A) = Sn(x, maj), and this rank-generating function is known to be (see,
e.g [20, Corollary 1.3.10])
Sn(x, A) = [n]x!.(1)
Following [4] we define functions from Snto Nby letting
odes(σ) := |D(σ)o|,emaj(σ) := X
for all σSn, and call these functions odd descent number and even major index respec-
Following [4], for nP, we let
W(Sn) := {σSn:|σ1(i)σ1(i)|61if i[n1]}
and call the elements of W(Sn)Wachs permutations. It is not hard to see that, if nis even,
W(Sn) = {σSn:|σ(i)σ(i)|61if i[n1]}.
Let [±n] := {−n, . . . , 1,1,...,n}. We denote by Bnthe group of bijective functions
σ: [±n][±n]satisfying σ(i) = σ(i), for all i[n]. We use the window notation.
So, for example, the element [2,1] B2represents the function σ: [±2] [±2] such
that σ(1) = 2 = σ(1) and σ(2) = 1 = σ(2). We let Neg(σ) := {i[n] :
σ(i)<0},neg(σ) = |Neg(σ)|,nsp(σ) := |{(i, j)[n]2:i < j, σ(i) + σ(j)<0}|,
j:= (j, j + 1)(j, j1) for j= 1, ..., n 1,s0:= (1,1), and SB:= {s0, sB
1, ..., sB
It is well known that (Bn, SB)is a Coxeter system and that, identifying SBwith [0, n 1],
the following holds (see, e.g., [2, §8.1]).
Proposition 2.5. Let σBn. Then B(σ) = A(σ) + neg(σ) + nsp(σ), and D(σ) = {i
[0, n 1] : σ(i)> σ(i+ 1)}, where σ(0) := 0.
We denote by 6the Bruhat order of Bnand by σ7→ ˜σthe embedding Bn֒S±n
(where S±nis the set of all bijections of [±n]) . The following result is [2, Corollary 8.1.9].
Proposition 2.6. We have that σ6τin Bnif and only if ˜σ6˜τin S±n.
The next result, which appears in [14, Theorem 5.5], characterizes the cover relations
in the Bruhat order of Bn. For σBnand i, j [±n],i < j, we say that (i, j)is a rise for
σif σ(i)< σ(j)(i.e., if (i, j)is not an inversion of σ). Given a rise (i, j)for σwe then say,
following [14], that (i, j)is central if (0,0) [i, j]×[σ(i), σ(j)], that (i, j)is free if there is
no i < k < j such that σ(i)< σ(k)< σ(j), and that it is symmetric if i=j.
Theorem 2.7. Let nPand σ, τ Bn. Then στin Bruhat order if and only if either
1. τ=σ(i, j)(i, j)where (i, j)is a non-central free rise of σor
2. τ=σ(i, j)where (i, j)is a central symmetric free rise of σ.
Following [4], for nP, we let
W(Bn) := {σBn:|σ1(i)σ1(i)|61if i[n1]}
and call the elements of W(Bn)signed Wachs permutations.
Our aim in this work is to study the sets of Wachs and signed Wachs permutations
under the Bruhat order and the weak order.
3 Wachs permutations and Bruhat order
Let (W, S)be a Coxeter system. For any independent set IS(i.e. st =ts for all
s, t I) we define a subgroup of Wby
GI:= {wW:Iw=I},
where Iw:= {wsw1:sI}. Note that GIis a subgroup of W, and that, since Iis
independent, WIGI. Furthermore, WIis normal in GI.
Proposition 3.1. PI(GI)is a subgroup of GI, isomorphic to the quotient GI/WI. In
particular we have the group isomorphisms
Proof. Let wGIand write w=wIwIwhere wIWIand wIWI. Let sI. Then, by
our hypothesis, wsw1=wIwIs(wI)1(wI)1=wIs(wI)1so wIGI. So PI(GI)GI.
Let u, v GIand write u=uIuIand v=vIvIwhere uI, vIWIand uI, vIWI,
so uI, vIPI(GI). Let sI. Then there is tIsuch that vIs=tvI. Furthermore,
since uI, vIWI,(tvI)> (vI), and (uIt)> (uI). Therefore, by Lemma 2.2 we
obtain that uIvIs=uItvI> uIvI. Hence uIvIWI. But, since vIGI, there exists
˜uIWIsuch that uv =uIvI˜uIvIso (uv)I=uIvI. Hence uIvIPI(GI). In particular,
(uI)1= (u1)I, so PI(GI)is a subgroup of GI, and PI:GIPI(GI)is a surjective
homomorphism whose kernel is WI. The last statements follow by the definitions.
Let mP,W:= S2m. For any set X, we consider P(X)as an abelian group, the
operation being the symmetric difference +, i.e. A+B:= (A\B)(B\A), for all
A, B X. Then it is straightforward to see that if we take I={si:i1 mod 2} S
then W(S2m) = GI. The group isomorphisms PI(W(S2m)) Smand WI P([m]) then
W(S2m)SmP([m]) = S2Sm.
Therefore W(S2m)is isomorphic to the hyperoctahedral group.
We consider Snwith the Bruhat order and the subset W(Sn)Snwith the induced
order. It is not difficult to see, using Theorem 2.4 that PI(W(S2m)) Smas posets for
all m > 0, where the set Smis ordered by the Bruhat order. Let m > 0. For uSmand
T[m]let φ1
2m(u, T ) := v, where v W(S2m)is defined by
v(2i1) = (2u(i)1,if i6∈ T,
2u(i),if iT,
v(2i) = (2u(i),if i6∈ T,
2u(i)1,if iT,
for all i[m]. The following result follows easily from our definitions and Theorem 2.4,
and its proof is omitted.
Proposition 3.2. Let mP. Then
1. φ2mis a bijection;
2. φ2m:W(S2m)Sm P([m]) is order preserving;
3. φ1
2m:Sm× P([m]) W(S2m)is order preserving.
Moreover (v) = 4(τ) + |T|if φ(v) = (τ , T ).
Figure 3 shows the Hasse diagram of (W(S5),6). By the following example we see that
φ2mand φ1
2mare not poset isomorphisms in general.
Example 3.3.Let m= 3. Then (123,{1,2,3})6(132,)in Sm⊗P([m]) but φ1
2m(123,{1,2,3}) =
214365 125634 = φ1
2m(132,)in W(S2m).
Let m= 2,u= 2143 and v= 3412. Then u, v W(S4),u < v and φ2m(u) =
(12,{1,2})(21,) = φ2m(v)in Sm× P([m]).
We consider now W(S2m+1). For any m > 0it is not difficult to see that the set
W(S2m+1)is not a group. The previous general construction in Coxeter systems gives, for
W=S2m+1, the group GI W (S2m)which, as a set, can be included in W(S2m+1). For
n > 1, define a function χn:W(Sn) W(Sn1)by
3421 4312
1243 2134
Figure 1: Hasse diagram of (W(S4),6).
χn(v)(i) = (v(i),if i < pos(v);
v(i+ 1),if i>pos(v),
for all i[n1],v W(Sn). Note that the function χnis not necessarily order preserving.
For example, if m= 2 and u= 21345,v= 51234 then u6vbut χn(u) = 2134 1234 =
Let φ2m+1 :W(S2m+1)[m+ 1] ×Sm× P([m]) be the function defined by
φ2m+1(v) := ((pos(v) + 1)/2, τ, T ),
if χ2m+1(v) = (τ , T ), for all v W(S2m+1). For example, φ2m+1(4312756) = (3,213,{1}).
As in the even case, noting that u6vimplies pos(v)6pos(u), we have the following
result whose proof follows easily from our definitions and Proposition 3.2.
Proposition 3.4. Let m > 0. Then
1. φ2m+1 is a bijection;
2. φ2m+1 :W(S2m+1)[m+ 1]Sm P([m]) is order preserving;
3. φ1
2m+1 : [m+ 1]×Sm× P([m]) W (S2m+1)is order preserving,
where i6jin [m+ 1]if and only if j6i, for all i, j [m+ 1]. Moreover (v) =
4(τ) + |T|+ 2(mi+ 1) if φ2m+1 (v) = (i, τ, T ).
Let n > 0and fn:W(Sn)Sn
2be the function defined by the assignment (i, τ , T )7→
τif nis odd, and (τ , T )7→ τif nis even. By Proposition 3.2, if nis even then fnis order
53421 54312
43521 53412
52143 34521 43512
51243 52134 34512 43215
21543 51234 34215 43125
12543 21534 34125
12534 21435
12435 21345
Figure 2: Hasse diagram of (W(S5),6).
preserving. Corollary 3.8 states that the function fnis order preserving also in the odd
case. We also define a function W:W(Sn)Nby
W(v) := (v)(fn(v)),
for all v W(Sn). For example, W(342156) = 5 1 = 4 and W(3472156) = 9 1 = 8.
The minimum and the maximum of the poset (W(Sn),6)are respectively the identity of
Sn, which corresponds to (e, )in the even case and to (m+ 1, e, )in the odd one, and
the element of maximal length wnof Sn, which corresponds to (wm,[m]) in the even case
and to (1, wm,[m]) in the odd one, where m:= n
2. Moreover W(e) = 0 and
W(wn) = n
Note that if nis even then W(wn) = (3n2)n
2. So {W(w2m)}mPis
the sequence of pentagonal numbers (see A000326 in OEIS). If nis odd then W(wn) =
2; so {W(w2m+1)}mPis the sequence of triangular matchstick numbers
(see A045943 in OEIS).
Let n > 0and m:= n
2; for any i, j [m],i < j, we define an involution wA
i,j :
W(Sn) W(Sn)by
i,j (v) = ((τ(i, j), T +{i, j}),if nis even and v= (τ, T );
(k, τ (i, j), T +{i, j}),if nis odd and v= (k, τ , T ),
for all v W(Sn). For example, if v= 4312765 W(S7), then wA
2,3(v) = 4356721.
Lemma 3.5. Let m > 0,v= (τ, T ) W(S2m),i, j 6∈ Tand τ(i, j)τ. Then wA
i,j(v)< v
and W(v)W(wA
i,j (v)) = 1. If u= (σ, S) W (S2m),u < v and σ6τ(i, j)then
Proof. We have that ˆv:= wA
i,j(v) = (τ(i, j), T {i, j}). By the tableau criterion it is easy
to deduce that ˆv < v and the equality Wv, v) = 1 follows easily from Proposition 3.2
and the definition of W. We now show that u6ˆv. We use Theorem 2.4. Note first that,
since uand ˆvare Wachs permutations and σ6τ(i, j),ul,h 6ˆvl,h for all 16l6hif his
even. Furthermore, since u < v,ul,h 6ˆvl,h for all l[h]if h62i2or h>2j. So let
k[m]be such that k6∈ Tand i < k < j. We wish to show that ul,2k16ˆvl,2k1,for all
Let a:= v(2i1) and b:= v(2j1). So a+ 1 = v(2i)and a > b + 1 = v(2j)as well
as ˆv(2i1) = b+ 1,ˆv(2i) = b,ˆv(2j1) = a+ 1 and ˆv(2j) = a. Let c:= v(2k1) and
d:= u(2k1). Note that, since τ(i, j )τ,c6∈ [b, a + 1] and that c1 (mod 2) since
k6∈ T. Let r, s [k]be such that v2r1,2k1=cand u2s1,2k1=d. We have two cases to
consider according as to whether c < b or c > a + 1.
Say c > a + 1.
Let p, q [k]be such that v2q1,2k1=aand ˆv2p1,2k1=b, so p6q,v2q,2k1=a+ 1
and ˆv2p,2k1=b+ 1. Then 2r1>2qsince c > a + 1. Note that
vl,2k1= ˆvl,2k1(3)
if 16l62p2or 2q+ 1 6l62k1and that
vl,2k1= ˆvl+2,2k1(4)
if 2p16l62q2. Moreover, since u6vby our hypothesis,
for all 16l62k1.
Note that, by (3) and (5), we have
ul,2k16vl,2k1= ˆvl,2k1
if 16l62p2or 2q+ 1 6l62k1. So assume 2p16l62q.
If x, y P,x, y 1 (mod 2), then we find it convenient to write {x, x + 1}6{y, y + 1}
if x6yand similarly for <.
We have two cases to consider.
Let s > q. Then, since σ6τ(i, j), we have that
{u2h1,2k1, u2h,2k1}6{ˆv2h1,2k1,ˆv2h,2k1}
for all p6h6q, so ul,2k16ˆvl,2k1for all 2p16l62q.
Let s6q. If p6h6s1then, since σ6τ(i, j ), we have that
{u2h1,2k1, u2h,2k1}6{ˆv2h1,2k1,ˆv2h,2k1}
so ul,2k16ˆvl,2k1for all 2p16l62s2.
We may therefore assume that max{2p1,2s1}6l62q. Since σ6τ(i, j), we
have that
for 16l62k2. But
if 2s6l62k1since {u(1), ..., u(2k2)}={u(1), ..., u(2k1)} \ {d}, and similarly
ˆvl,2k1= ˆvl,2k2
if 16l62r2. Therefore
ul,2k1< ul+1,2k1=ul,2k26ˆvl,2k2= ˆvl,2k1,
if 2s16l62r2, so ul,2k16ˆvl,2k1if 2s16l62q, because 2q62r2.
The case c < b is similar (and slightly simpler) except that one uses 2krather than
2k2and obtains that
ul,2k1=ul,2k6ˆvl,2k= ˆvl1,2k1<ˆvl,2k1
if 2p6l62s1. We leave the details to the interested reader.
The following lemma can be proved using Lemma 3.5 and the definitions.
Lemma 3.6. Let m > 0,v= (k, σ, S) W(S2m+1 ),i, j, k 6∈ Sand σ(i, j)σ. Then
i,j(v)< v,v(k, k + 2) < v and W(wA
i,j(v)) = W(v(k, k + 2)) = W(v)1.
The next result is the crucial technical tool for the proof of our main theorem, and
states that elements of W(S2m+1)are “join-irreducible” in a certain sense.
Proposition 3.7. Let m > 0,u, v W (S2m+1 ),u < v and i:= pos(v). If u < v and
pos(u, v)>0then u6zwhere z W(S2m+1 )is defined by
z=(v(i, i + 2),if v < v(i+ 1, i + 2);
v(i+ 1, i + 2),otherwise.
Proof. Let h:= (i+ 1)/2and consider first the case i+ 1 6∈ D(v). Let a:= v(i+ 1); then
a+ 1 = v(i+ 2) = z(i),a=z(i+ 1) and z(i+ 2) = 2m+ 1. Define c:= u(i),r[m+ 1]
be such that u(2r1) = 2m+ 1,p[h]be such that z2p1,i =a+ 1 and q[h]be such
that u2q1,i =c. Notice that u(i+ 1) {u(i) + 1, u(i)1}since pos(u, v)>0. Assume
that q6p. Note that
ul,i 6vl,i =zl,i
if 16l62p2, while
ul,i =ul1,i16vl1,i1=zl1,i1=zl,i
if 2p6l, and
u2p1,i =
u2p2,i16v2p2,i1=z2p2,i1=z2p2,i < z2p1,i,if q < p,
u2p1,i+1 6v2p1,i+1 =a < a + 1 = z2p1,i ,if q=pand u(i)< u(i+ 1),
u2p1,i+1 + 1 6v2p1,i+1 + 1 = a+ 1 = z2p1,i,if q=pand u(i)> u(i+ 1),
since u6v. Moreover ul,i+1 =ul1,i 6zl1,i =zl,i+1 if l>2p+ 1 while ul,i+1 6vl,i+1 =
zl,i+1, if l62p2. Let l {2p1,2p}. There are some cases to be considered.
1. q < p and u(i)> u(i+ 1): in this case we have that u2p,i+1 =u2p1,i 6z2p1,i =
z2p,i+1 and so u2p1,i+1 6u2p,i+1 16z2p,i+1 1 = z2p1,i+1.
2. q < p and u(i)< u(i+ 1): in this case we have that u2p1,i+1 =u2p1,i 16
z2p1,i 1 = z2p1,i+1 and so u2p,i+1 =u2p1,i+1 + 1 6z2p1,i+1 + 1 = z2p,i+1.
3. q=pand u(i)> u(i+ 1): in this case u2p,i+1 =u2p1,i 6z2p1,i =z2p,i+1 and
u2p1,i+1 =u2p1,i 16z2p1,i 1 = z2p1,i+1.
4. q=pand u(i)< u(i+ 1): in this case u2p1,i+1 6v2p1,i+1 =a=z2p1,i+1 and
u2p,i+1 =u2p1,i+1 + 1 6z2p1,i+1 + 1 = z2p,i+1.
So we have proved that u6zwhenever q6p. Consider the case q > p. If l62p2
or l>2qthe result follows as above. Let 2p6l62q2. Then ul,i =ul,i+1 6vl,i+1 =zl,i.
u2p1,i =u2p1,i+1 6v2p1,i+1 =a < a + 1 = z2p1,i.
Let u(i)< u(i+ 1). Then
u2q1,i =u2q1,i+1 6v2q1,i+1 =z2q1,i.
If u(i)> u(i+ 1) we have that u2q1,i =u2q1,i+1 + 1 6v2q1,i+1 + 1 = z2q1,i and then
we have proved that u6zalso in case q > p.
Let’s consider the case si+1 D(v). Define a:= v(i+ 2) and v2p1,i+1 := a+ 1. If
l6= 2p1we have that ul,i+1 6vl,i+1 =zl,i+1. Let l= 2p1. Since u2p1,i+1 1 (mod 2),
a1 (mod 2) and u2p1,i+1 6a+ 1, we conclude that u2p1,i+1 6a=z2p1,i+1.
Corollary 3.8. Let nP. Then fn:W(Sn)Sn
2is order preserving.
Proof. If nis even the result was already observed. If nis odd let u, v W(Sn)and
u6v. We prove the result by induction on pos(u, v). If pos(u, v) = 0 by the tableau
criterion we conclude that χn(u)6χn(v)and then the result follows by the even case.
Let pos(u, v)>0and i:= pos(v). In this case, by Proposition 3.7, u6v(i, i + 2) < v
or u6v(i+ 1, i + 2)(i, i + 2) < v(i+ 1, i + 2) < v. Hence, by the inductive hypothesis,
fn(u)6fn(v(i, i + 2)) = fn(v)or fn(u)6fn(v(i+ 1, i + 2)(i, i + 2)) = fn(v(i+ 1, i + 2)) =
We can now prove the main result of this section.
Theorem 3.9. Let n > 0. Then (W(Sn),6)is graded, of rank n
2, and its rank
function is W.
Proof. Assume first n= 2m,m > 1. Let u, v W(S2m)with u < v,φ(u) = (σ, S)and
φ(v) = (τ, T ). We prove that, if W(u, v)6= 1, then there exists z W(S2m)such that
u < z < v and W(z, v) = 1. Note that, by Proposition 3.2, σ6τ. We have two cases to
1. (σ, τ) = 0: then σ=τso, by Proposition 3.2, ST. Therefore there exists
iT\S. So s2i1D(v)\D(u)hence, by the Lifting Property, u < vs2i1< v,
vs2i1 W(S2m)and W(vsi, v) = 1.
2. (σ, τ)>0: in this case, since σ < τ , there exist 16x < y 6msuch that
σ6τ(x, y)τ. Let i:= 2x1and j:= 2y1. There are three cases to consider.
(a) siD(v): let z:= vsiand w:= (τ(x, y), T ). We want to prove that u < z. Let
a+ 1 := v(i) = v2p1,i,b:= w(i) = v(j) = w2q1,i and c:= u(i) = u2s1,i. In
particular q6p. We only have to prove that ul,i 6(vsi)l,i for all l6i. Since
(vsi)l,i =vl,i if l6= 2p1, it is enough to prove that u2p1,i 6(vsi)2p1,i. Note
that ul,i+1 6vl,i+1 = (vsi)l,i+1 for all 16l6i+ 1.
If s6pthen
(vsi)2p1,i >(vsi)2p2,i =w2p1,i =w2p,i+1 >u2p,i+1 >u2p1,i
because b < a, and σ6τ(x, y).
If s > p then u2p1,i =u2p1,i+1 6(vsi)2p1,i+1 = (vsi)2p1,i. Since W(vsi, v ) =
1the result follows.
(b) si6∈ D(v)and sjD(v): we then claim that u < vsj. Let b+1 = v(j) = v2p1,j ;
then b= (vsj)(j) = (vsj)2p1,j . As in the case above it is sufficient to prove
that u2p1,j 6(vsj)2p1,j . If u(j)> u2p1,j then u2p1,j =u2p1,j+1 =
u2p,j+1 16v2p,j +1 1 = b. Let u(j)6u2p1,j; since σ6τ(x, y)we
have {u2p1,j 1, u2p,j 1}6{w2p1,j1, w2p,j1}. Then, u2p1,j < u2p,j =
u2p1,j16w2p1,j 1=b, since a > b + 1.
(c) si, sj6∈ D(v): in this case, by Lemma 3.5, u < wA
x,y(v)< v and wA
x,y(v), v) = 1.
Now assume n= 2m+ 1,m > 0. Let u6v,i:= pos(v), and W(u, v)>1. We prove
that there exists z W(S2m+1)such that u < z < v and W(z, v) = 1. If pos(u, v) = 0
then the result follows by the previous point. If pos(u, v)>0we have, by Proposition 3.7,
u < v(i, i + 2) < v if si+1 6∈ D(v)and u < vsi+1 < v otherwise.
Remark 3.10.In general W(Sn)SJ
nis not graded; one can see this by considering J={s1}
and the interval [124365,561234] in W(S6)SJ
We can now compute the rank-generating function of (W(Sn),6).
Corollary 3.11. Let m > 0. Then
W(S2m)(x, W) = (1 + x)m[m]x3!,
W(S2m+1)(x, W) = (1 + x)m[m+ 1]x2[m]x3!.
W(S2m)(x, W) = W(S2m)(x, 3 emaj + odes)
W(S2m+1)(x, W) = W(S2m+1)(x, (3 emaj + o des) χ2m+1 + pos).
Proof. The result follows by (1), Theorem 3.2 and the definition of W. In fact, W(S2m+1)(x, W) =
[m+ 1]x2W(S2m)(x, W)and (v) = odes(v) + 4(f2m(v)), for all v W(S2m).
From Proposition 3.11 we find that the polynomials W(Sn)(x, W)are reciprocal, i.e.
xW(wn)W(Sn)(x1, W) = W(Sn)(x, W). In fact the poset (W(Sn),6)is self-dual, for
all nP, since the map v7→ vwnis an antiautomorphism of (W(Sn),6)such that
W(vwn) = W(wn)W(v)(see [2, Propositions 2.3.2 and 2.3.4]).
From the combinatorial description of the rank function of W(S2m+1)we can deduce
a description of its cover relations.
Proposition 3.12. Let mP,u, v W(S2m+1),u= (i, σ, S)and v= (j, τ , T ). Then
uvif and only if either
1. i=j,σ=τand ST, or
2. j=i1,σ=τ,i1Sand T=S\ {i1}, or
3. i=j,στ,T {a, b}=and S=T {a, b},
where (a, b) := τ1σ. In particular, if u, v W (S2m),u= (σ, S)and v= (τ , T ), then
uvif and only if either σ=τand ST, or στ,T {a, b}=and S=T {a, b}.
Proof. If point 1or 2hold then W(v)W(u) = 1 and by Theorem 3.4 there follows that
u6v. If point 3holds then the result follows by Lemma 3.6.
Conversely let uv. Then σ6τby Corollary 3.8 and W(u, v) = 1. If ij>2then,
by Proposition 3.7 there is z W(S2m+1)such that u6z < v and W(z, v ) = 1; so z=u,
which is a contradiction since kj61, being z= (k, ρ, R). Hence assume ij61.
If σ < τ then there exists a reflection (r, s)such that σ6τ(r, s)τ. If ij= 1 then
by Proposition 3.7 u=v(2j1,2j+1) and σ=τ, which is a contradiction. Therefore i=j.
As in the proof of Theorem 3.9, if rTthen (σ, S)6(τ , T \ {r}); if r6∈ Tand sTthen
(σ, S)6(τ, T \ {s}). Moreover W((τ, T \ {r}),(τ, T )) = 1 and W((τ, T \ {s}),(τ , T )) = 1
in these cases. Then (σ, S) = (τ, T \{r})or (σ, S) = (τ, T \{s}), a contradiction. Therefore
r, s 6∈ Tand, as in the proof of Theorem 3.9, (σ, S)6(τ(r, s), T {r, s})(τ, T ), and
W((τ(r, s), T {r, s}),(τ, T )) = 1. So we conclude that S=T∪{r, s}and σ=τ(r, s)τ.
Assume now σ=τ. If i=jthen ST(else W(u, v) = (u, v)>2). If ij= 1 then
by Proposition 3.7 we have that u=v(2j1,2j+ 1) and v < vs2jand the result follows.
The second statement follows from the first one by observing that W(S2m)is isomorphic
to the interval [e, 2m...321(2m+ 1)] in W(S2m+1).
For example the permutation 782156934 W(S9)covers the Wachs permutations
781256934,782156439 and 652187934, which correspond respectively to cases 1, 2 and 3
in Proposition 3.12.
From Proposition 3.12 we can now prove the second main result of this section, namely
a characterization of the Bruhat order relation on Wachs permutations.
Theorem 3.13. Let m > 0and u, v W (S2m+1),u= (i, σ, S),v= (j, τ , T ). Then u6v
if and only if
σ6τ,S(u, v)T(u, v), and j6i,
where, for X[m+ 1],X(u, v) := X([j1] [i, m]) F(σ, τ), being F(σ, τ) :=
{k[m] : σ(k) = τ(k)}. Moreover W(u) = 3(σ) + |S|+ 2(mi+ 1). In particular, if
u, v W(S2m),u= (σ, S),v= (τ, T ), then u6vif and only if σ6τand SF(σ, τ )T,
and W(u) = 3(σ) + |S|.
Proof. Let u6v. We may assume uv. There are three cases to consider.
1. i=j,σ=τand ST: in this case F(σ, τ ) = [m]so the result follows.
2. j=i1,σ=τand S=T {i1}, with i16∈ T: in this case F(σ, τ ) = [m]and
S([i2] [i, m]) T.
3. i=j,στ,T {a, b}=and S=T {a, b}, where (a, b) = τ σ1: we have
F(σ, τ) = [m]\ {a, b}and then SF(σ, τ )T.
Now let σ6τ,j < i and S([j1] [i, m]) F(σ, τ )T. In Smthere exists a saturated
chain σ=σ0σ1... σn=τwith n=(σ, τ ). Define (ai, bi) := σ1
iσi1for all
i[n]. We have the following chain in (W(S2m+1),6):
(i, σ, S)6(i, σ, S [j, i 1])
(i1, σ, (S[j, i 2]) \ {i1})
(i2, σ, (S[j, i 3]) \ {i2, i 1})
... (j+ 1, σ, (S {j})\[j+ 1, i 1])
(j, σ, S \[j, i 1])
6(j, σ, (S\[j, i 1]) {a1, b1})
(j, σ1,(S\[j, i 1]) \ {a1, b1})
6(j, σ1,(S\([j, i 1] {a1, b1})) {a2, b2})
(j, σ2,(S\[j, i 1]) \ {a1, b1, a2, b2})
6... 6(j, τ, (S\[j, i 1]) \ {a1, b1, ..., an, bn})6(j, τ , T ),
since {a1, b1, ..., an, bn}= [m]\F(σ, τ). The length formula follows by Proposition 3.4.
The last statement follows immediately noting that the map (σ, S)7→ (m+ 1, σ, S)is
a poset isomorphism between W(S2m)and {(i, σ, S) W(S2m+1) : i=m+ 1}.
We illustrate the preceding theorem with an example. Let u= (4,2431,{1,2,3})
W(S9)and v= (3,3421,{2}) W(S9). Then we have that 2431 <3421 and S([j1]
[i, m]) F(σ, τ) = {1,2,3} ({1,2} {4}) {2,4}={2}; hence, by Theorem 3.13, u < v.
The following lemma can be easily deduced by Theorem 3.13 so we omit its verification.
Lemma 3.14. Let m > 0and u, v W(S2m+1). If u6(i, σ, S1)6vand u6(i, σ, S2)6v
in (W(S2m+1),6)then u6(i, σ, S1S2)6v.
The characterization obtained in Theorem 3.13 enables us to give an explicit expression
for the Möbius function of lower intervals in the poset of Wachs permutations partially
ordered by Bruhat order, and shows, in particular, that it has values in {0,1,1}.
Proposition 3.15. Let m > 0, and v= (j, τ, T ) W(S2m+1). Then
µ(e, v) = ((1)|T|,if τ=eand j=m+ 1;
In particular, if v= (τ, T ) W(S2m)then
µ(e, v) = ((1)|T|,if τ=e;
Proof. We proceed by induction on W(v). If τ=eand j=m+ 1 then, by Theorem 3.13,
the interval [e, v]is isomorphic to a Boolean algebra, so we conclude that µ(e, v) = (1)|T|,
as desired. So assume that either τ6=eor j < m+1. Then, by Proposition 3.12, W(v)>2,
so, by Lemma 3.14 there exists R[m],R6=, such that [e, v] {(k, ρ, U ) W(S2m+1 ) :
ρ=e, k =m+ 1}= [e, (m+ 1, e, R)]. Hence
µ(u, v) = X
µ(e, x)
µ(e, x)X
µ(e, x)
µ(e, x) = 0
by our induction hypothesis, and the fact that |[e, (i, σ, R)]| 6= 1, where [u, v) := {z
W(S2m+1) : u6z < v}.
The statement about Wachs permutations in the even case follows from the odd one
as in the proof of Theorem 3.13.
We conclude by computing, using Proposition 3.15, the characteristic polynomial of
the poset of Wachs permutations.
Corollary 3.16. The characteristic polynomial of (W(Sn),6)is
for all nP.
Proof. The result follows from Poposition 3.15 and Theorem 3.9.
The following is a commutative diagram that summarizes the poset morphisms consid-
ered in this section. The function πistands for the canonical projection on the i-th factor
of a Cartesian product. Notice that, if Aand Bare posets, the projection π1:ABA
is order preserving, whereas π2:ABBis not order preserving.
[m+ 1]×Sm× P([m]) W(S2m+1) ([m+ 1]×Sm) P([m])
Sm× P([m]) W(S2m)Sm P([m])
4 Signed Wachs permutations and Bruhat order
For n > 0recall (see [4]) that the set of signed Wachs permutation is
W(Bn) := {σBn:|σ1(i)σ1(i)|61i[n1]}.
So, for example, [2,1,4,3] W(B4)while [3,4,2,1] / W(B4). In the even case, as in
type A, we have the following group isomorphism (see Proposition 3.1)
W(B2m)BmP([m]) = S2Bm.
We define a bijection φ:W(B2m)Bm× P ([m]) as follows. For σBmand T[m]
let φ1(σ, T ) := v, where v W(B2m)is defined by
v(2i1) = (2σ(i)χ(σ(i)>0),if i6∈ T,
2σ(i) + χ(σ(i)<0),if iT,
v(2i) = (2σ(i) + χ(σ(i)<0),if i6∈ T,
2σ(i)χ(σ(i)>0),if iT,
for all i[m]. For example, let v:= [3,4,1,2,6,5] W(B6); then φ(v) = ([2,1,3],{1,3}).
Because of this bijection from now on we freely identify the sets W(B2m)and Bm×P([m]),
so if v W(B2m)and φ(v) = (σ, T ), then we simply write v= (σ, T )and we define
W(v) := B(v)B(σ).
Recall that we denote by v7→ ˜vthe natural embedding Bn֒S±n. Note that if
v W(B2m)then ˜v W(S±2m). Indeed, if v= (σ, T )then ˜v= (˜σ, TT). In fact, by
Proposition 2.6, this is an injective group and poset morphism W(B2m)֒ W(S±2m). For
example, for u= [2,1,6,5,3,4] = ([1,3,2],{2,3}) W(B6)we have
˜u= (4,3,5,6,1,2,2,1,6,5,3,4) = ((2,3,1,1,3,2),{−3,2,2,3}) W(S±6).
Notice that if nis odd then the image of a signed Wachs permutation is not a Wachs
permutation. For example, if u= [2,1,6,5,3,4,7] W(B7)we have
˜u= (7,4,3,5,6,1,2,2,1,6,5,3,4,7) 6∈ W(S±7).
It is known that 2B(v) = Av) + neg(v)(see e.g. [2, Exercise 8.2]) so we have that
W(v) = Wv) + neg(σ)
for all v= (σ, T ) W(B2m), because 2 neg(σ) = neg(v).
Proposition 4.1. The function W(B2m)Bmdefined by the assignment (τ, T )7→ τis
order preserving.
Proof. Let u= (σ, S) W (B2m)and v= (τ , T ) W(B2m). We have that u6vimplies
˜u6˜vand then, by Corollary 3.8, ˜σ6˜τ. By Proposition 2.6, this implies σ6τ.
It is easy to characterize, using Theorem 3.13, the Bruhat order relation between signed
Wachs permutations in the even case.
Proposition 4.2. Let u, v W(B2m),u= (σ, S),v= (τ, T ). Then u6vif and only if
σ6τin Bmand SF(σ, τ )T, where F(σ, τ ) := {i[m] : σ(i) = τ(i)}.
Proof. We have that ˜u= σ, SS)and similarly ˜v= (˜τ , TT). But, by Theorem
3.13, ˜u6˜vif and only if ˜σ6˜τand (SS)F(˜σ, ˜τ) TT, which in turn happens
if and only if σ6τand SF(σ, τ)T.
The next result is the analogue of Proposition 3.2.
Proposition 4.3. Let m > 0. Then
1. φ:W(B2m)Bm P([m]) is order preserving;
2. φ1:Bm× P([m]) W(B2m)is order preserving.
Moreover B(τ, T ) = 4B(τ) + |T| neg(τ), for all (τ , T ) W(B2m).
Proof. Points 1. and 2. are direct consequences of Propositions 2.6 and 3.2. The last
equality follows by the formula of Proposition 3.2; in fact
B(τ, T ) = A(˜τ , TT) + neg(τ, T )
2= 2Aτ) + |T|+ neg(τ)
= 4B(τ)2 neg(τ) + |T|+ neg(τ).
For any (i, j)[n]×[±n],i6=j, we find it convenient to define
(i, j)B:= ((i, j)(i, j),if i6=|j|;
(i, i),otherwise.
So the set of reflections of Bnis (see [2, Proposition 8.1.5])
TBn={(i, j)B: 1 6i < |j|6n} {(i, i)B:i[n]}.
Let m > 0. For any reflection (i, j)BTBmwe define an involution wB
i,j :W(B2m)
W(B2m)by letting
i,j(τ, T ) := (τ(i, j)B, T +{i, |j|}),
for all (τ, T ) W(B2m), where X+Ystands for the symmetric difference between two sets
Xand Y. For example, if v= ([2,1,4,3],{1,4})then wB
3,3(v) = ([2,1,4,3],{1,3,4})
and wB
1,3(v) = ([4,1,2,3],{3,4}).
Remark 4.4.We observe that, under the embedding W(B2m)֒ W(S±2m), we have that
i,j(v)7→ wA
i,jv)), if i6=j, and wB
i,i(v)7→ wA
The next technical result enables us to “lift” some order theoretic properties from B2m
to W(B2m). Its proof relies on the corresponding result in type A, namely Lemma 3.5.
Lemma 4.5. Let m > 0,i[m]and j[±m]. Assume v= (τ , T ) W(B2m),i, |j| 6∈ T
and τ(i, j)Bτ. Then wB
i,j(v)< v and W(wB
i,j (v), v) = 1. Moreover if u= (σ, S)
W(B2m)and σ6τ(i, j)Bthen u6wB
i,j (v)< v.
Proof. Consider the element ˜v= (˜τ , TT) W(S±2m). Then by our hypothesis and
Theorem 2.7 we have that ˜τ(i, j)(i, j)˜τ(i, j)˜τif i6=|j|, and ˜τ(i, i)˜τif
i=|j|. So, by Lemma 3.5, ˜u6wA
i,jv)) < wA
i,jv)<˜v(since i, j 6∈ Timplies
i, j6∈ T) if i6=|j|, and ˜u6wA
i,iv)<˜vif i=|j|. By Proposition 2.6 and Remark
4.4 we conclude that u6wB
i,j(v)< v. Note also that, by Theorem 2.7, i6=|j|and
v(i, j)Bvin Bnimply neg(v(i, j)B) = neg(v), and that v(i, i)Bvin Bnimplies
neg(v(i, i)B) = neg(v)1. Therefore, if i, |j| 6∈ Tand τ(i, j)Bτ, then by Lemma 3.5
and (6) we have that W(wB
i,j (v), v) = 1.
The following result characterizes the cover relations of the ordering induced by Bruhat
order on the signed Wachs permutations in the even case.
Corollary 4.6. Let m > 0,u, v W (B2m),u= (σ, S)and v= (τ , T ). Then uvif and
only if either one of the following conditions is satisfied:
1. σ=τand ST;
2. στ,T {a, |b|} =and S=T {a, |b|}, where (a, b)B:= τ1σ.
Proof. Let uvin W(B2m). Then σ6τby Corollary 4.1. Moreover, if σ < ω < τ for
some ωBmthen, by Proposition 4.3, u6(ω, S)6v. So uvimplies σ=τor στ.
If σ=τthen, by Corollary 4.2, ST; since uv, we have that ST. Assume
now στand let (a, b)B:= τ1σ. If aTor |b| Tthen, by point 2 of the proof of
Theorem 3.9, ˜u6˜v(a, a + 1)(a1,a)<˜vand ˜u6˜v(|b|,|b|+ 1)(−|b| 1,−|b|)<˜v,
respectively. Hence uvand στimply T {a, |b|} =and u=wB
a,b(v), by Lemma
4.5. This implies S=T {a, |b|}.
The converse can be proved by noting that if condition 1 or 2 are satisfied then, by
Proposition 3.12, [˜u, ˜v] = {˜u, w1, w2,˜v}, with w1, w2 W(S±2m)\ W(B2m), or [˜u, ˜v] =
{˜u, ˜v}, where the intervals are taken in W(S±2m).
For example [2,1,3,4,6,5,7,8] [2,1,4,3,6,5,7,8] [2,1,5,6,3,4,7,8].
By Corollary 4.6 we have that if uvholds in W(B2m)then either u=v(2i1,2i)Bfor
some i[m], or u=wB
i,j(v)for some (i, j)BTBm.
We can now prove the even part of the main result of this section.
Theorem 4.7. The poset W(B2m)is graded, with rank function W, and its rank is 3m2.
Proof. Since e, wB2m
0 W(B2m), these are the minimum and maximum of the poset
W(B2m), respectively. Let u= (σ, S) W (B2m)and v= (τ , T ) W(B2m)be such
that uv. Therefore, by Corollary 4.6, either u=v(2i1,2i)Bfor some i[m]or
i,j(v), where σ=τ(i, j)Bτ. In both cases W(u, v) = 1, and this proves the
first statement. The rank of the poset W(B2m)is, by (6), W(w0(B2m)) = 3m2, being
We now investigate the Bruhat order on W(Bn)for nodd. Let v W(B2m+1). Note
that there is a bijection between W(B2m+1)and W(B2m)×[±(m+ 1)] given by v7→
(v, (pos(v) + sgn(pos(v)))/2) where
v(i) = (v(i),if i < v1(2m+ 1),
v(i+ 1),if i>v1(2m+ 1),
for i[2m]. Combining this with the bijection between W(B2m)and Bm× P([m]) ex-
plained at the beginning of this section we obtain a bijection φbetween W(B2m+1)and
[±(m+ 1)] ×Bm× P([m]). If v W(B2m+1)and (i, σ, S)[±(m+ 1)] ×Bm× P([m])
correspond under this bijection then we write v= (i, σ, S), and we define
W(v) := B(v)B(σ),(7)
and ˇv:= (σ, S)(so ˇv W (B2m)). So, for example, if v= [1,2,5,6,7,3,4,]then
v= (5,[1,3,2],{−1})so W(v) = (9 + 3 + 7) 2 = 17, and ˇv= [1,2,5,6,3,4]. Note
that, if u, v W(B2m+1)are such that u1(2m+ 1) = v1(2m+ 1) then
W(u, v) = W(˘u, ˘v).(8)
The next result is the analogue of Proposition 3.4.
Proposition 4.8. Let m > 0. Then
1. φ:W(B2m+1)[±(m+ 1)]Bm P([m]) is order preserving;
2. φ1: [±(m+ 1)]×Bm× P([m]) W (B2m+1 )is order preserving.
Moreover B(v) = 4B(τ) + |T| neg(τ) + 2(mi+ 1) 3χ(i < 0) = Bv) + 2(mi+
1) 3χ(i < 0), for all v= (i, τ , T ) W(B2m+1).
Proof. The first two points follow easily from Proposition 4.3 and the fact that if u6v
then pos(u)>pos(v). The length equality is easy to check using our definitions and the
well known fact (see, e.g., [2, Prop. 8.1.1]) that B(v) = inv(v) + neg(v) + nsp(v)for all v
in the hyperoctahedral group.
For v W (B2m+1 )we define an element c(v) W(B2m+1)by
c(v) :=
v(1,1)B,if j=1;
v(j+ 1, j + 2)B,if j6=1and v(j+ 1) > v(j+ 2);
v(j, j + 2)B,if j6=1and v(j+ 1) < v(j+ 2);
where j:= v1(2m+1). For example, c([9,4,3,6,5,2,1,8,7]) = [9,4,3,6,5,2,1,8,7],
c([4,3,6,5,9,2,1,8,7]) = [4,3,6,5,9,1,2,8,7] and c([3,4,9,1,2,6,5,7,8]) =
[9,4,3,1,2,6,5,7,8]. Note that W(c(v), v) = 1. The next result implies that c(v)is
the only coatom uof vsuch that v1(2m+ 1) 6=u1(2m+ 1), and is the main technical
tool in our proof of the fact that W(Bn), under Bruhat order, is graded.
Theorem 4.9. Let mP, and u, v D(B2m+1 ),u < v, be such that v1(2m+ 1) <
u1(2m+ 1). Then u6c(v).
Proof. Let j:= v1(2m+ 1). We distinguish various cases according as to whether j < 1,
j=1, or j > 0. Let, for brevity, z:= c(v). Given a signed permutation wBn
and j[±n]we find it convenient to denote by wjthe increasing rearrangement of
{w(n), w(n+ 1),...,w(j)}.
Assume first that j > 0and j+ 1 DR(v). Let a:= v(j+ 2) so v(j+ 1) = a+ 1. Then
vk=zkfor all k[±(2m+ 1)] \ {j+ 1,j2}. Since u, v, z are all Wachs permutations
there are x1,...,x˜m, y1,...,y˜m+1 [±(2m)], where ˜m:= 2m1+j
2, such that
vj+1 = (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a + 1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
zj+1 = (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
uj+1 = (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m+1, y ˜m+1 + 1),
for some 06p6˜m. Since uj+1 6vj+1 we have that yp+1 6a+ 1. But yp+1 and aare of
the same parity if they have the same sign so yp+1 6aand hence uj+1 6zj+1.
Similarly, there are x1,...,x˜m, y1,...,y˜m[±(2m)], where ˜m:= 2mj1
2such that
vj2= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
zj2= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj2= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1),
for some 06p6˜m. Since uj26vj2we have that yp6xp+ 1. But xp+ 1 <a1
so yp+ 1 6a1and hence uj26zj2.
Suppose now that (j > 0and) j+ 1 /DR(v). Consider first vj, zj, uj, vj+1, zj+1 , uj+1.
Since v, u, and zare all Wachs permutations, and by our definition of z, there are {x1,...,x˜m}<,
{y1,...,y˜m}<[±(2m)], where ˜m:= 2m1+j
2such that
vj= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
zj= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a + 1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, b, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
vj+1 = (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+1,2m+ 1)
zj+1 = (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, a + 1, xp+1 , xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj+1 = (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, b, b + 1, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
where a:= v(j+ 1) (=z(j+ 1)), b:= u(j), and p, q [ ˜m]. By our hypothesis u6v
so uj6vjand uj+1 6vj+1 (componentwise). This easily implies that uj6zjand
uj+1 6zj+1 (componentwise) keeping in mind the fact that xrand yshave the same
parity if they have the same sign for all r, s [ ˜m](so ys6xr+ 1 implies ys6xrfor all
r, s [ ˜m]). For example, if q < p, then yp6a(since uj+1 6vj+1), while yk6xk+ 1
(since uj6vj) so yk6xkif p+ 1 6k6˜m. Similarly, if q > p, then yp+1 6a(since
uj+1 6vj+1) while b6xq+1 so b6xq, while yk6xk+ 1 (since uj6vj) so yk6xkif
q+ 1 6k6˜m, and yk6xk1+ 1 (since uj+1 6vj+1) so yk6xk1if p+ 2 6k6q. The
case p=qis even simpler, and is therefore omitted.
Consider now uj2, zj2, vj2and uj1, zj1, vj1.Then reasoning as above we
have that there are {x1,...,x˜m}<,{y1,...,y˜m}<[±(2m)] , where ˜m:= mj+1
2, such
vj2= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
zj2= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj2= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
vj1= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a1,a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
zj1= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj1= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1,b, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
where p, q [ ˜m]. As above, the fact that uj26vj2and uj16vj1easily implies
that uj26zj2and uj16zj1. For example, if q < p, then yk6xk+ 1 (since
uj26vj2) so yk6xkfor 16k6pand hence b < yq+1 6xq+1. Similarly, if q>p.
Consider now the case j < 1(so j63). Assume first that j+ 1 /DR(v). Consider
uj, zj, vj, uj+1, zj+1, vj+1. If u1(2m1) > j then we conclude exactly as in the case
j > 0. So assume that u1(2m1) < j. Then reasoning as above we conclude that
there are {x1,...,x˜m}<,{y1,...,y˜m}<[±(2m)], where ˜m:= m+j+1
2, such that
vj= (x1, x1+ 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
zj= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a + 1, xp+1 , xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
vj+1 = (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
zj+1 = (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, a + 1, xp+1 , xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1)
uj+1 = (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, c, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
vj+2 = (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, a + 1, xp+1 , xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
uj+2 = (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, c, c + 1, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
where a:= v(j+ 1) (=z(j+ 1)), c:= u(j+ 1), and p, q [ ˜m]. By our hypothesis u6v
so uj6vj,uj+1 6vj+1, and uj+2 6vj+2 (componentwise). As above, this implies that
uj6zjand uj+1 6zj+1. For example, if p < q, then yp+1 6a+ 1 (so yp+1 + 1 6xp+1),
yp+1 6a,c6xq+1, and yi6xi1+ 1 (so yi6xi1) for p+ 2 6i6q(since uj+2 6vj+2),
while yi6xi+ 1 (so yi6xi) for p+ 1 6i6˜m( since uj6vj). Similarly, if q < p, then
yp6aand yi6xi+ 1 (so yi6xi) for p+ 1 6i6˜m(since uj+1 6vj+1). Finally, if q=p,
then c6a+ 1,yp+1 6aand yi6xi+ 1 (so yi6xi) for p+ 1 6i6˜m(since uj+2 6vj+2 ).
Consider now uj1, vj1, zj1, uj2, vj2, zj2. If u1(2m1) > j then we
conclude exactly as in the case j > 0. So assume that u1(2m1) < j. Then as above,
since u, v, and zare all Wachs permutations we conclude that there are {x1,...,x˜m}<
[±(2m)] and {y1,...,y˜m}<[±(2m)] such that
vj2= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
zj2= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
uj2= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, c, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
vj1= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a1,a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
zj1= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
uj1= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, c, c + 1, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
vj3= (x1, x1+ 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
uj3= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1)
where ˜m:= mj+3
2,a:= v(j1) (=z(j1)), and c:= u(j2), for some
p, q [ ˜m]. It is then not hard to conclude that uj26zj2and uj16zj1. For
example, if p6q, then yi6xi+ 1 (since uj26vj2) so yi6xifor 16i6p. If
p > q then yi6xi+ 1 ( since uj36vj3) so yi6xifor 16i6˜mand hence
c+ 1 < yq+1 6xq+1.
Assume now that (j < 1and) j+ 1 DR(v). Then vk=zkif k[±(2m+ 1)] \
{−j2, j + 1}. Assume first that u1(2m+ 1) >j. Let a:= v(j+ 2) so v(j+ 1) = a+ 1.
Then there are x1,...,x˜m, y1,...,y˜m[±(2m)], where ˜m:= 2m3j
2such that
vj2= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1) (10)
zj2= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1,a1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1) (11)
uj2= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, c, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1),
for some 06p, q 6˜mwhere c:= u(j2). It is then easy to see that uj26zj2.
Indeed, if q < p then, since uj26vj2,yp6aso, as above, yp6a1and
hence uj26zj2. If q>pthen yp6xp+ 1 (since uj26vj2) so yp6xp. But
xp+ 1 <ahence yp+ 1 6a1so uj26zj2.
Similarly, there are {x1,...,x˜m}<,{y1,...,y˜m}<[±(2m)], where ˜m:= 2m+j+1
2, such
vj+1 = (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a + 1, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1) (12)
zj+1 = (x1, x1+ 1,...,xp, xp+ 1, a, xp+1, xp+1 + 1,...,x˜m, x ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1) (13)
uj+1 = (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,yq, yq+ 1, c, yq+1, yq+1 + 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1),
for some 06p,q6˜m, where c:= u(j+ 1), and we conclude exactly as in the last case.
Assume now that u1(2m+ 1) <j. Then there are x1,...,x˜m, y1,...,y˜m+1 [±2m],
where ˜m:= 2m+1+j
2such that (12) and (13) hold and
uj+1 = (y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m+1, y ˜m+1 + 1)
and the result follows easily. Similarly, there are x1,...,x˜m, y1,...,y˜m[±2m], where
˜m:= 2m3j
2, such that (10) and (11) hold and
uj2= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,y˜m, y ˜m+ 1,2m+ 1)
for some 06p6˜m. Hence, since uj26vj2,yp6xp+ 1 <a1so yp+ 1 6a1.
Finally, if j=1then z=v(1,1) so there are x1,...,xm,y1,...,ym[±2m]such
that v1= (x1, x1+ 1,...,xm, xm+ 1,2m+ 1),z1= (2m1, x1, x1+ 1,...,xm, xm+ 1)
and u1= (2m1, y1, y1+ 1,...,ym, ym+ 1), so the conclusion follows easily. This
concludes the proof.
Recall that if v= (σ, S, i) W(B2m+1 )then we let ˘v= (σ, S) W(B2m). We can now
prove the main result of this section.
Theorem 4.10. W(Bn)is graded, with rank function W, and its rank is n2n
Proof. If nis even then this follows from Theorem 4.7. So assume that n= 2m+ 1 for
some m > 0. Since W(B2m+1)has both a maximum and a minimum element it is enough
to show that if u, v W(B2m+1)and uvthen W(u, v) = 1. So let u, v W (B2m+1)
be such that uv. Let j:= u1(2m+ 1), and i:= v1(2m+ 1). Since u < v we have
that i6j. If i < j then by Theorem 4.9 we have that u6c(v)< v so u=c(v)and
hence W(u, v) = 1. If i=jthen ˘u˘vso, by Theorem 4.7, W(˘u, ˘v) = 1 and hence,
by (8), W(u, v) = 1. Finally, it is not difficult to see, by our definition of W, that
W(w0(B2m+1)) = 3m2+ 4m+ 1.
We remark that the sequence {W(w0(B2m))}mPgives the number of edges of the
complete tripartite graph Km,m,m (see A033428 in OEIS), and {W(w0(B2m+1))}mPis
the sequence of octagonal numbers (see A000567 in OEIS). We can now compute the
rank-generating function of (W(Bn),6).
Corollary 4.11. Let m > 0. Then
W(B2m)(x, W) = (1 + x)m[m]x3!
(1 + x3i1)
W(B2m+1)(x, W) = [m+ 1]x2(1 + x2m+1)(1 + x)m[m]x3!
(1 + x3i1).
Proof. Note first that by our definition and Proposition 4.3 if u W(B2m),u= (σ, S),
then W(u) = 3B(σ) + |S| neg(σ). Therefore
x3B(σ)+|S|−neg(σ)= (1 + x)mX
Let J:= [m]. Then by [2, Prop. 2.4.4] every element of σBmmay be expressed
in a unique way as σ=zw where w(Bm)Jand z(Bm)J. But the elements of
(Bm)Jare permutations of Smand the z(Bm)Jare characterized by the fact that
z(1) < z(2) <··· < z(m). Hence these elements zare in bijection with subsets S[m],
where the subset Sis the set of negative values taken by σ. Furthermore, we then have that
B(σ) = inv(σ)+neg(σ)+nsp(σ) = inv(w)+neg(z)+nsp(z) = inv(w)+|S|+PsS(s1) =
inv(w) + PsSs. We therefore have that
x3 inv(w)−|S|+3 PsSs=X
x3 inv(w)X
and the first equation follows. For the second formula we have, using Proposition 4.8 and
u∈W(B2m+1 )
xW(u)= 1
x2(mi+1)!W(B2m)(x, W)
= [m+ 1]x2(1 + x2m+1)W(B2m)(x, W).
Theorem 4.10 enables us to explicitly determine the cover relations in W(Bn)for n
Corollary 4.12. Let u, v W (B2m+1),u= (i, σ, S),v= (j, τ , T )(σ, τ Bm,S, T [m],
i, j [±(m+ 1)]). Then uvif and only if either one of the following conditions is
1. i=j,σ=τ, and ST;
2. j=i1,σ=τand either |j+χ(j < 0)| S,T=S\ {|j+χ(j < 0)|} if j6=1,
or S=Tif j=1;
3. i=j,στ,T {|a|,|b|} =and S=T {|a|,|b|}, where (a, b)B=τσ1.
Proof. Note that, since W(B2m+1)is graded, and its rank function is W,uvif and only
if u6vand W(u, v) = 1. If either 1. or 2. hold then it is easy to check that u6vand
W(u, v) = 1.
Assume now that 3. holds. Suppose first that τ=σ(a, b)(a, b). Since στ
we have from Theorem 2.7 that ab > 0. We may assume that 0< a < b. Again by
Theorem 2.7 we have that {k[a+ 1, b 1] : σ(a)< σ(k)< σ(b)}=. This, by
3., implies that inv(v)inv(u) = 4 2,neg(v) = neg(u), and nsp(v) = nsp(u). Hence
W(u, v) = B(u, v)B(σ, τ ) = 2 1 = 1. Suppose now that τ=σ(c, c). We may
clearly assume that c > 0. Then by Theorem 2.7 {k[c1] : σ(c)< σ(k)< σ(c)}=.
This, again by 3., implies that inv(v)inv(u) = 2(σ(c)1) 1,neg(v) = neg(u) + 2,
and nsp(v) = nsp(u) + 2(σ(c)1) + 1. Hence W(u, v) = B(u, v)B(σ, τ ) = 2 1 = 1.
Conversely, assume that uv. If j > i then by Theorem 4.9 u6c(v)< v so u=c(v).
If j=1then 2. follows easily from (9). If j6=1then v(pos(v) + 1) < v(pos(v) + 2)
(else, by (9), v1(2m+ 1) = c(v)1(2m+ 1) so i=j, a contradiction) and 2. again follows
from (9). If i=jand σ=τthen it follows easily from Proposition 2.6 and Theorem 2.4
that STand 1. follows since uv. So assume (i=jand) σ < τ . Then, since i=j,
(σ, S)(τ , T )in W(B2m)so 3. follows from Corollary 4.6.
So, for example, in W(B9)we have that [9,2,1,3,4,8,7,6,5][9,2,1,3,4,8,7,6,5]
where the first two covering relations are of type 2. (with j=1, and j=2, respectively),
the third one is of type 1., and the fourth one of type 3., with (a, b)B= (2,4)(2,4).
The next theorem characterizes the Bruhat order on signed Wachs permutations, in
the odd case. Note that it generalizes and puts in perspective the results of Proposition
Theorem 4.13. Let m > 0and u, v W(B2m+1 ),u= (i, σ, S),v= (j, τ , T ). Then u6v
if and only if
σ6τ,S(u, v)T(u, v), and j6i ,
where, for X[m],X(u, v) := X([min{|i|,|j|} 1] [max{|i|,|j|}, m]) F(σ, τ), being
F(σ, τ) := {i[m] : σ(i) = τ(i)}. Moreover W(u) = 3B(σ) + |S| neg(σ) + 2(mi+
1) 3χ(i < 0).
Proof. Let u6v. We may assume uv. It is clear from Corollary 4.12 that σ6τand j6
i. Furthermore in case 1 of Corollary 4.12 and in case 2 with j=1we have that STand
then S(u, v)T(u, v). In case 2 with j6=1we have that iand jhave the same sign and
F(σ, τ) = [m]; hence T=S\ {j}if i > 0, so T(u, v) = (S\ {j})([j1] [j+ 1, m]) =
S(u, v). If i < 0then T=S\ {|i|} and T(u, v) = (S\ {|i|})([|i| 1] [|i|+ 1, m]) =
S(u, v). Finally in case 3 we have that F(σ, τ ) = [m]\ {|a|,|b|}; since S=T {|a|,|b|} we
obtain T(u, v) = S(u, v).
Now let σ6τ,j6iand S(u, v)T(u, v). Assume j6i < 0. We then have the
following chain in (W(B2m+1),6):
(i, σ, S)6(i, σ, S [|i|,|j| 1])
(i1, σ, (S[|i|+ 1,|j| 1]) \ {|i|})
(i2, σ, (S[|i|+ 2,|j| 1]) \ {|i|,|i|+ 1})
... (j, σ, S \[|i|,|j| 1]) 6(j, τ , T ),
where the last inequality follows from Proposition 4.2 and the facts that (S\[|i|,|j| 1])
F(σ, τ) = S(u, v)T(u, v)Tand (j, σ, S \[|i|,|j| 1]) 6(j, τ , T )if and only if
(σ, S \[|i|,|j| 1]) 6(τ, T ). If j < 0< i and |j|< i we have the following chain in
(i, σ, S)6(i, σ, S [|j|, i 1])
(i1, σ, (S[|j|, i 2]) \ {i1})
(i2, σ, (S[|j|, i 3]) \ {i2, i 1})
... (j, σ, S \[|j|, i 1]) 6(j, σ, S \[|j|, i 1]) 6(j, τ , T ),
where the last inequality follows as in the previous case. If j < 0< i and |j|> i have that
(i, σ, S)6(i, σ, S)6(j, τ , T ), where the second inequality follows by the first case above.
The case i > j > 0is similar and easier, so we omit it. The length formula follows from
Proposition 4.8.
We illustrate the previous theorem with an example. Let m= 4,u= [3,4,5,6,1,2,9,7,8]
and v= [3,4,9,1,2,5,6,8,7]. Then u= (4,[2,3,1,4],{2,4}), and v=
(2,[2,1,3,4],{1,3}), so σ= [2,3,1,4] 6[2,1,3,4] = τ,F(σ, τ) = {4},
j=264 = i, and S(u, v) = {2,4}{1,4}{4}={4},T(u, v) = {1,3}{1,4}∩{4}=,
so u66vin W(B9).
The following lemma is the analogue of Lemma 3.14 and can be easily deduced from
Theorem 4.13 so we omit its verification.
Lemma 4.14. Let m > 0and u, v W (B2m+1 ). If u6(i, σ, S1)6vand u6(i, σ, S2)6
vin (W(B2m+1),6)then u6(i, σ, S1S2)6v.
The next result gives an explicit expression for the Möbius function of lower intervals
in the poset of signed Wachs permutations partially ordered by Bruhat order, and shows,
in particular, that it has values in {0,1,1}. The proof is similar to the one of Proposition
3.15 and we omit it.
Proposition 4.15. Let m > 0, and v= (j, τ, T ) W(B2m+1 ). Then
µ(e, v) = ((1)|T|,if τ=eand j=m+ 1;
In particular, if v= (τ, T ) W(B2m)then
µ(e, v) = ((1)|T|,if τ=e;
By Proposition 4.15 and Theorem 4.10 we deduce the following result.
Corollary 4.16. The characteristic polynomial of W(Bn)with the Bruhat order is
for all nP.
5 Weak orders on Wachs permutations and signed Wachs
In the previous sections we have proved several results concerning the Bruhat order
on Wachs permutations and signed Wachs permutations. The Bruhat order of a Coxeter
group is a refinement of two fundamental orders, the left weak order 6Land the right one
6R(see, e.g. [2, Chapter 3]), whose Hasse diagrams are isomorphic to the Cayley graph
of the group, relative to the considered Coxeter presentation. Then it is natural to ask
when our results hold, and in what terms, for the left and right weak orders on Wachs
permutations and signed Wachs permutations.
Differently from the Bruhat order, for the right weak order the answer is easily described
as a Cartesian product (compare with Propositions 4.3 and 4.8). For reasons that will
become clear in the next two pages we begin with signed Wachs permutations. Recall that
the set of reflections of Bnis {(a, b)(a, b) : 1 6a < |b|6n} {(a, a) : 1 6a6n}.
Therefore, if vBn,(a, b)(a, b)TL(v)if and only if b > 0and bis to the left of ain
the complete notation of v, or b < 0and bis to the right of a, while (a, a)TL(v)if and
only if ais to the left of a.
[2,1,3] [3,1,2]
[1,2,3] [3,2,1] [3,1,2]
[3,2,1] [3,2,1]
[3,1,2] [3,2,1] [1,2,3]
[3,1,2] [2,1,3]
Figure 3: Hasse diagram of (W(B3),6).
33 32 31 30
34 16 15 14 29
35 17 5 4 13 28
36 18 6 3 12 27
19 7 1 2 11 26
20 8910 25
21 22 23 24
Figure 4: Reading clockwise, the bold numbers on the diagonals of the hexagon are the
sequences {3,12,27,...}={rk(W(B2m))}m>0,{2 rk(W(S2m))}m>0,{rk(W(B2m+1))}m>0
and {2 rk(W(S2m+1))}m>0.
Theorem 5.1. Let n > 0; then (W(Bn),6R)Bn
2,6R× P n
2. In particular,
(W(Bn),6R)is a complemented lattice.
Proof. Let nbe even; for v= (τ , T ) W(Bn)we have that
TL(τ, T ) = ]
{(2a1,2a+ 1)B,(2a, 2a)B,(2a1,2a)B}
{(2a1,2b1)B,(2a1,2b)B,(2a, 2b1)B,(2a, 2b)B}
{(2a1,2b+ 1)B,(2a1,2b)B,(2a, 2b+ 1)B,(2a, 2b)B}
{(v(2a), v(2a1))B:aT, τ (a)>0}
{(v(2a1),v(2a))B:aT, τ (a)<0}.
Note that in the first group of reflections the non-symmetric ones (i.e., not of the form
(k, k)for some k[n]) are never simple and have odd first element, and even and negative
second one. The only simple reflections in the second line have even first element and odd
positive second one. The ones in the third line are never simple, have negative second
element, and if the first one is odd and the second one even then the difference between
the absolute values of the two is >3(and hence are disjoint from the non-symmetric ones
in the first line). The reflections in the last two lines are always simple, and have odd first
element and even and positive second one, since (v(2a), v(2a1))B= (2τ(a)1,2τ(a))B
if τ(a)>0while (v(2a1),v(2a))B= (2τ(a)1,2τ(a))Bif τ(a)<0.
Therefore, if u= (σ, S) W (Bn)and v= (τ , T ) W(Bn), we have that TL(u)
TL(v)if and only if TL(σ)TL(τ)and σSτT, where, for X[n/2] and wBn/2,
wX:= {w(i) : iX}. Indeed, if TL(u)TL(v)and (a, b)BTL(σ)is such that (say)
b < athen, by the equation written at the beginning of this proof, (2a, 2b)BTL(u)so
(2a, 2b)BTL(v)which implies, by the remarks above, that there is (c, d)BTL(τ)such
that c < dand (2a, 2b)B= (2c, 2d)B, so (a, b)B= (c, d)BTL(τ). Similarly all the other
cases. The converse is clear. Hence, by Proposition 2.3, the map (τ, T )7→ (τ, τT)gives the
desired poset isomorphism.
Let nbe odd and v= (j, τ, T ) W(Bn). Then similarly
TL(j, τ, T ) = ]
{(2a1,2a+ 1)B,(2a, 2a)B,(2a1,2a)B}
{(2a1,2b1)B,(2a1,2b)B,(2a, 2b1)B,(2a, 2b)B}
{(2a1,2b+ 1)B,(2a1,2b)B,(2a, 2b+ 1)B,(2a, 2b)B}
{(2a1, n)B,(2a, n)B}
{(2a1,n)B,(2a, n)B}
⊎{(n, n)B: (n/2,−⌈n/2)BTLτ)}
{(2τ(a)1,2τ(a))B:aT, τ (a)>0}
{(2τ(a)1,2τ(a))B:aT, τ (a)>0}
¯τ(k) :=
τ(k),if k < |j|;
sgn(j)·(n+ 1)/2,if k=|j|;
τ(k1),if k > |j|,
for all k n/2. The considerations made in the even case apply line by line also to
this case, with the added remark that the reflections in lines 4, 5, and 6 are the only
ones with nor nin the second position. Therefore, if u= (i, σ, S) W (Bn)and
v= (j, τ, T ) W(Bn), we have that TL(u)TL(v)if and only if TLσ)TL(¯τ)and
σSτS, and we conclude as in the previous case. The last statement follows from the fact
that (Bn
2,6R)is a complemented lattice (see, e.g., [2, Cor. 3.2.2]).
Regarding left weak order we have the following observations.
Proposition 5.2. Let m > 0. The posets (W(B2m),6R)and (W(B2m),6L)are isomor-
Proof. The assignment v7→ v1defines a bijective function W(B2m) W(B2m)and
u6Rvif and ony if u16Lv1, for all u, v B2m.
On the other hand, the poset (W(B3),6L)is not graded.
For Wachs permutations the situation is analogous but simpler so we leave to the
interested reader the proof of the following result.
Theorem 5.3. Let n > 0; then (W(Sn),6R)Sn
2,6R× P n
2. In particular,
(W(Sn),6R)is a complemented lattice.
As in the case of signed Wachs permutations, the posets (W(S2m),6R)and (W(S2m),6L
)are isomorphic, for all m > 0. On the other hand, the poset (W(S5),6L)is not graded.
6 Open problems
In this section we collect some open problems and conjectures which arise in this work,
and the evidence that we have in their favor.
We have proved in Propositions 3.15 and 4.15 that the Möbius function of lower intervals
in the posets of Wachs permutations and signed Wachs permutations partially ordered by
Bruhat order always has values in {0,1,1}. We feel that this is true in general.
Conjecture 6.1. Let nP. Then
µ(u, v) {0,1,1}
for all u, v W(Sn).
We have verified Conjecture 6.1 for n68.
Conjecture 6.2. Let nP. Then
µ(u, v) {0,1,1}
for all u, v W(Bn).
We have verified Conjecture 6.2 for n66. Note that since W(Sn)is isomorphic, as a
poset, to the interval [e, [n, . . . , 3,2,1]] in W(Bn), Conjecture 6.2 implies Conjecture 6.1.
Recently Davis and Sagan [6] studied the convex hull of various sets of pattern avoiding
permutations. Following this idea, it is natural to look at the convex hulls c(W(Sn)) and
c(W(Bn)) of Wachs and signed Wachs permutations in Rn. In this respect, we feel that
the following is true.
Conjecture 6.3. Let mP. Then c(W(S2m)) is a simple polytope.
We have verified Conjecture 6.3 for m65. According to SageMath [21] c(W(S9)) is
not simple.
Conjecture 6.4. Let mP. Then c(W(B2m)) is a simple polytope.
We have verified Conjecture 6.4 for m63. According to SageMath [21] c(W(B3)) is
not simple.
Regarding left weak order, we feel that the following might be true.
Problem 1. Is (W(S2m+1),6L)a lattice for all mP?
We have verified that the answer to Problem 1 is yes if m64.
Acknowledgments. The first named author was partially supported by the MIUR Ex-
cellence Department Project CUP E83C18000100006.
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We define and study odd and even analogues of the major index statistics for the classical Weyl groups. More precisely, we show that the generating functions of these statistics, twisted by the one-dimensional characters of the corresponding groups, always factor in an explicit way. In particular, we obtain odd and even analogues of Carlitz's identity, of the Gessel-Simion Theorem, and a parabolic extension, and refinement, of a result of Wachs. Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05A15; Secondary 05E15, 20F55.
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Let \(I_n\) be the set of involutions in the symmetric group \(S_n\), and for \(A \subseteq \{0,1,\ldots ,n\}\), let $$\begin{aligned} F_n^A=\{\sigma \in I_n\mid \sigma \text{ has } \text{ exactly } a \text{ fixed } \text{ points } \text{ for } \text{ some } a \in A\}. \end{aligned}$$We give a complete characterisation of the sets A for which \(F_n^A\), with the order induced by the Bruhat order on \(S_n\), is a graded poset. In particular, we prove that \(F_n^{\{1\}}\) (i.e. the set of involutions with exactly one fixed point) is graded, which settles a conjecture of Hultman in the affirmative. When \(F_n^A\) is graded, we give its rank function. We also give a short, new proof of the EL-shellability of \(F_n^{\{0\}}\) (i.e. the set of fixed-point-free involutions), recently proved by Can et al.
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"Singular Loci of Schubert Varieties" is a unique work at the crossroads of representation theory, algebraic geometry, and combinatorics. Over the past 20 years, many research articles have been written on the subject in notable journals. In this work, Billey and Lakshmibai have recreated and restructured the various theories and approaches of those articles and present a clearer understanding of this important subdiscipline of Schubert varieties – namely singular loci. The main focus, therefore, is on the computations for the singular loci of Schubert varieties and corresponding tangent spaces. The methods used include standard monomial theory, the nil Hecke ring, and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory. New results are presented with sufficient examples to emphasize key points. A comprehensive bibliography, index, and tables – the latter not to be found elsewhere in the mathematics literature – round out this concise work. After a good introduction giving background material, the topics are presented in a systematic fashion to engage a wide readership of researchers and graduate students.
Let G be a connected reductive linear algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic not 2. Let θ be an automorphism of order 2 of the algebraic group G. Denote by K the fixed point group of θ and by B a Borel group of G. It is known that the number of double cosets BgK is finite. This paper gives a combinatorial description of the inclusion relations between the Zariski-closures of such double cosets. The description can be viewed as a generalization of Chevalley's description of the inclusion relations between the closures of double cosets BgB, which uses the Bruhat order of the corresponding Weyl group.
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