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SHORT COMMUNICATION Anti Lithiasis Activity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Leaves Extract in White Male Rats

HAYATI Journal of Biosciences March 2012
Vol. 19 No. 1, p 49-52
EISSN: 2086-4094
Available online at:
DOI: 10.4308/hjb.19.1.49
Anti Lithiasis Activity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill)
Leaves Extract in White Male Rats
Department of Clinic, Reproduction, and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Received February 17, 2011/Accepted February 24, 2012
In Indonesia, avocado leaves have been used as traditional medicines for diureticum to cure urolithiasis. This
research was to determine anti lithiasis activity of avocado leaves (Persea americana Mill) extract on white male
rats nefrolithiasis model induced by ethylene glycol. Ethanol extraction method was used to get extract of
avogadro leaves. Twenty adult male white rats were divided into 4 different induction treatments i.e. aquadest,
ethylene glycol 0.75% and ammonium chloride 2%, and extract of avocado leaves with different levels of 100 and
300 mg/kg bw respectively. Their body weight was measured daily to determine their growth ratio. And at the end
of the trial, the kidney was analyzed its calcium level and inhibitory activity to formation of calcium oxalate
crystals. The results showed that the amount of calcium level in the kidney of rats treated with extract of
avogadro leaves was significantly decreased than that of rats treated with ethylene glycol 0.75% and ammonium
chloride 2% (P < 0.05). The extract avocado leaves as a herbal remedy can be recommended as a phytotherapeutic
agent especially for preventive action for urolithiasis diseases.
Key words: Persea americana Mill, anti lithiasis, kidney stone, ethylene glycol
Corresponding author. Phone/Fax: +62-251-8623940,
Nephrolithiasis is the third prevalent disorder in the
urinary system. Approximately, 80% of these nefrolith are
composed of calcium oxalate (CaOx). Nephrolith is a solid
particle like gravels that exists in every part of urinary
system. It is formed by excessive salt in the blood-stream
and then it crystallizes in the kidney. The size and shape
of the gravel is vary, from the very tiny particle that flowing
undetectably through the blood stream till the gravel’s
size. However, even the tiniest gravel or stone is able to
cause the great pain when it moves out of the kidney.
Minor bleeding can be seen when the gravel causes the
wound inside urinary system. In most cases kidney stone
are source of discomfort and inconvenience, progressive
lost of renal function can occur after repeated episodes of
stone disease (Park & Pearle 2007).
Chemical medicines are used only to prevent growing
stones to be bigger and helping excretion of kidney stones
(nephrolith) spontaneously. Diuretics are commonly used
in the treatment of hypertension and other disorders
associated with edema and heart disease.
Apparently avocado leaves are one natural ingredient
that can be used as a traditional medicine. The leaves
have been used as a diuretic, anti-inflammation, anti-
hypertension, hypoglycaemia, diarrhea, sore throat, and
bleeding (Brai et al. 2007). However, people only notice
the good effect of avocado leaves is based on empirical
evidence. Therefore, this study determined the effect of
avocado leaves extract on lithiasis.
Persea americana Mill. leaves were collected from
Research Institute for Herbs and Spicy Bogor Indonesia.
Persea americana powder was macerated with ethanol
70% for 48 h and the extract was concentrated to get a
semisolid extract using a rotary evaporator. Temperature
of the evaporator was maintained below 60 oC. The P.
americana (avocado) leave extract was evaluated for
presence of various phytoconstituents by performing
different qualitative chemical tests.
Twenty male Sprague Dawley (200-250 g) were used
in this study. Experimental Animals were acclimated for
seven days for adaptation. Animals were fed ad libitum.
Animals were divided randomly into 4 groups (n = 5) and
were treated as follow: group A were untreated and served
as normal control, group B, C, and D were induced with
0.75% ethylene glycol and 2% ammonium chloride in
drinking water ad libitum for ten days. Group C and D
were fed orally with ethanol extract P. americana solution
with different levels (100 and 300 mg/kg bw).
After ten days experiment period, the animals were
anesthetized by ether and the kidney samples were taken
for analysis. The left kidney was dried in oven at 100 oC
for 24 h, then weighed and minced in a beaker glass
containing 7 ml of 0.5 N nitric acid. The mixture was heated
until the liquid became transparant. Calsium concentration
was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy
Phytochemical Assay. Persea Americana (Avocado)
leaves powder which was macerated with ethanol and then
evaporated produced 34% yield extract. The result of
phytochemical assay showed that extract of avocado
leaves contains alkaloid, tannin, saponin, tritherphenoid,
and flavonoid (Table 1).
Body and Kidney Weight, and Their Ratio. There was
body weight increasing until eighth day of experiment in
the control. On the other hand there was significant body
weight decreasing (P < 0.05) on the rats treated with extract
Avogadro leaves 100 and 300 mg/kg bw compared to that
of treated with 0.75% ethylene glycol and 2% ammonium
chloride (Figure 1 and Table 2).
Average body and kidney weight and its ratio of
control was 314.98, 1.12, and 0.71 g, respectively.
Meanwhile on the rats treated with 0.75% ethylene glycol
and 2% ammonium chloride, the body weight, kidney
weight and ratio was 278.8, 1.12, and 0.77 g, respectively.
Average of body weight of the rats treated with extract of
Avogadro leaves 100 and 300 mg/kg bw was 238.45 and
253.73 g, respectively. And the kidney weight was 0.86
and 0.97 g respectivey, and the ratio was 0.72 and 0.76
There was a decreasing in ratio of body and kidney.
However, statistical analysis showed that there was no
significant effect (P > 0.05) on the creasing of body and
kidney weight ratio. Compared to that of treated with 0.75%
ethylene glycol and 2% ammonium chloride, the
differences of decreasing of body weight on rats treated
with extract of Avogadro leaves 100 mg/kg bw was up to
7 %, while on rats treated with extract of Avogadro leaves
300 mg/kg bw was 1%.
Calcium Concentration in the Rat Kidney. Statistical
analysis of calcium concentration in kidney renal showed
that there was significant different (P < 0.05) on treatments
extract of Avogadro leaves 100 and 300 mg/kg bw, compared
to positive control of 0.75% ethylene glycol and 2%
ammonium chloride (Table 3). The data showed that extract
of avocado leaves could decrease concentration of calcium
in the kidney.
Extraction process in general used 70% ethanol to
extract active compounds such as polyphenols,
flavonoids, tannin, and alkaloids. Ethanol’s polarity is less
than water’s polarity, therefore degrading cell walls and
seeds that have unpolar character will be efficient (Lapomik
et al. 2005).
Phytochemical assay of extract of avocado leaves was
conducted to observe the type of secondary metabolite
compounds of extract contents. The result showed that
the presence of flavonoid is much higher than other
Table 1. Phytochemical assay of Persea americana (avogadro)
leaf extract of ethanol extraction
Compound Result
+ = detected.
Body weight (g)
Time (day)
Figure 1. Body weight of adult male white rats induced with four
different treatments in 10 days of experimental period.
= normal control, = positive control, =
treated dose 100 mg/kg bw, = treated dose 300 mg/
kg bw.
Table 2. Average of body and kidney weight and their ratio of adult male white rats induced with four different treatments
Weight A B C D
Body (g)
Kidney (g)
314.98 + 7.97c
1.12 + 0.08
278.80 + 23.63b
1.07 + 0.24
238.45 + 18.47a
0.86 + 0.26
253.72 + 17.64a
0.97 + 0.26
Different superscript indicates that is significantly different (P < 0.05, n = 5). A = normal control, B = positive control, C = treated dose
100 mg/kg bw, D = treated dose 300 mg/kg bw.
Tabel 3. Renal calcium concentration
Ca concentration (mg) 0.075 + 0.013b0.139 + 0.079a0.060 + 0.012b0.067 + 0.009b
Different superscript indicates that is significantly different (P < 0.05, n = 5). A = normal control, B = positive control, C = treated dose
100 mg/kg bw, D = treated dose 300 mg/kg bw.
compounds such as alkaloid, tannin, saponin, and
tritherpenoid (Table 1). According to Wientarsih et al.
(2000), avocado’s leaves contain saponin, alkaloida,
flavonoids, polyphenols, and quersetin. According to
Spigno and Faveri (2007), antioxidant activity was higher
when the extract contains more flavonoids. Flavonoids
are polyphenolic compounds which widespread in the
plant and have diverse pharmacological effects such as
anticancer, antioxidant, antiaging and antibacteria (Xu et
al. 2007). According to Singh (2005), derivate of flavonoid
can repair the damage of the kidney by capacity of
antioxidant activity and as radical scavenger. The effect
of avocado’s leaf extract in the both treatment significantly
decreased calcium level in the kidney compared to the
positive control (0.75% ethylene glycol and 2%
ammonium chloride treatment) because of much higher
flavonoid content in the extract. According to Fouada et
al. (2006), flavonoid property of extract of avocado’s leaves
(with ethanol extraction) can prevent attachment of CaOx
crystals and stop the further process in the formation of
kidney stones. Flavonoid can prevent adhesion of crystal
calcium oxalate by scavenging effects in prevent injury
by free radical and resulting more stable radical. In other
words, flavonoids stabilize the reactive oxygen species
by hydroxyl group which has high reactivity according to
the following equation : Flavonoid (OH) + R· Flavonoid
(O·) + RH (Nijveldt et al. 2001).
Ethylen glycol (EG), as a nephrotoxic agent, is
commonly used as an experimental regiment to induce
animal models of calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis.
Therefore, EG was used in this experiment to make
hiperoxaluria condition.
Hyperoxaluria is a major risk factor of calcium oxalate
disease and leads to increasing of calcium oxalate
supersaturation and calcium oxalate stone formation.
Exposure to oxalate has been shown to be toxic to renal
epithelial cells, which results in lipid peroxidation mediated
by free radicals. Oxalate toxicity is mediated, in part, by
activation of lipid signaling pathways that produce
arachidonic acid, lysophospholipids, and ceramide. These
lipids, in turn, are able to disrupt mitochondrial function
by increasing production of reactive oxygen intermediates
(ROI), decreasing mitochondrial membrane potential, and
increasing mitochondrial permeability (Meimaridou et al.
Effect of the avocado’s leaf extract in different levels
in animals could decrease ratio of body and kidney weight.
Nephrolithiasis increase kidney weight due to
inflammatory reactions which has high mineral content in
the kidney. Cruzan et al. (2004) stated that white rats body
weight were decreased due to the high doses of ethylene
glycol poisoning as well as the increasing of kidney weight
and kidney weight ratio relative to body weight. Increasing
of kidney’s weight was due to inflammation process and
mineral content. In this research, the activity of flavonoid
as anti-inflammation made the ratio of kidney’s weight
decreased. The role of flavonoid in preventing formation
of crystal calcium oxalate due to the anti-inflammatory
action through inhibition of leukotriene synthesis,
prevention of histamine release (Kheir eldin et al. 2008)
and inhibition of neutrofil degranulation.
On the measurement of calcium level in the kidney
(Table 3), The calcium level of rat kidney in Avogadro leaf
extract treatment was lower than that of the positive control.
The extract of avocado’s leaves could decrease calcium
level in the kidney and therefore showed inhibition of
calcium oxalate nephrolith. According to Khan et al. (2000)
calcium oxalate crystal and high oxalate levels in the
nephrons can damage the epithelial cells and
consequently, the cell may produce some products as well
as free radical inducing heterogenous crystal nucleation
and cause aggregation of crystals.
Crystal formation and retention are critical events for
the formation of kidney stones. Oxalate and calcium
oxalate (CaOx) crystals are injurious to renal epithelium.
Membranes of injured cells promote crystal adherence
and retention.
Ratio of kidney and body weight depends on the size
and thickness of the kidney itself (Baker et al. 1979).
Kidney’s abnormality in the positive control treatment is
caused by inflammation and mineral deposit condition.
The ratio of positive control was 0.77 and the ratio of the
Avogadro leaf extract 100 mg/kg bw was 0.72, anti-
inflammatory and anti oxidant activity of avocado’s leaf
extract could decrease ratio of kidney and body weight
(Table 2).
In conclusion, extract of avocado’s leaves with ethanol
extraction is an efficient agent to inhibit formation of
calcium oxalate crystal in the rats’ kidney. The extract of
avocado’s leaves is potential natural antioxidant and anti
inflammation compounds that able to prevent formation
of calcium oxalate crystal by interfering process of
epithelial cell damage.
This study was supported by Directorate of Higher
Education Competency Grant number 0154/023-04.2/XII/
2009 to Ietje Wientarsih.
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The effects of aqueous and methanolic leaf extracts of Persea americanaon body weight and liver lipids in rats were studied. Male albino rats were fed a modified diet containing 0.5% cholesterol and 0.25% cholic acid to provoke hyperlipidaemia. The hyperlipidaemic rats were given 10 mg/kg body weight of either aqueous or methanolic extract of P. americana leaf daily for 8 weeks. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the overall body weight gain of the hyperlipidaemic rats compared to normal control. However, the administration of the aqueous and methanolic extracts provoked 14 and 25% reduction, respectively, in the body weight gain of the treated rats compared to the hyperlipidaemic control. Mean liver weights were markedly increased (p<0.05) in rats fed hyperlipidaemic diet (groups B, C and D: 70, 69 and 57%, respectively) compared to normal control rats. The methanolic extract provoked a minimal (8%) decrease in mean liver weight compared to the hyperlipidaemic control rats. It can be hypothesized that P. americana leaf extracts increase catabolism of lipids accumulated in adipose tissue causing a decrease in body weight but does not influence liver lipid levels in rats.
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Ethylene glycol (CAS RN 107-21-1) can cause kidney toxicity via the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in a variety of species, including humans. Numerous repeated dose studies conducted in rats have indicated that male rats are more susceptible than female rats. Furthermore, subchronic and chronic studies using different dietary exposure regimens have indicated that male Wistar rats may be more sensitive to renal toxicity than male Fischer-344 (F-344) rats. This study was conducted to compare the toxicity of ethylene glycol in the two strains of rats under identical exposure conditions and to evaluate the potential contribution of toxicokinetic differences to strain sensitivity. Ethylene glycol was mixed in the diet at concentrations to deliver constant target dosage levels of 0, 50, 150, 500, or 1000 mg/kg/day for 16 weeks to groups of 10 male Wistar and 10 male F-344 rats based on weekly group mean body weights and feed consumption. Kidneys were examined histologically for calcium oxalate crystals and pathology. Samples of blood, urine, and kidneys from satellite animals exposed to 0, 150, 500, or 1000 mg/kg/day for 1 or 16 weeks were analyzed for ethylene glycol, glycolic acid, and oxalic acid. Treatment of Wistar rats at 1000 mg/kg/day resulted in the death of two rats; in addition, at 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day, group mean body weights were decreased compared to control throughout the 16 weeks. In F-344 rats exposed at 1000 mg/kg/day and in Wistar rats receiving 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day, there were lower urine specific gravities, higher urine volumes, and increased absolute and relative kidney weights. In both strains of rats treated at 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day, some or all treated animals had increased calcium oxalate crystals in the kidney tubules and crystal nephropathy. The effect was more severe in Wistar rats than in F-344 rats. Accumulation of oxalic acid in the kidneys of both strains of rats was consistent with the dose-dependent and strain-dependent toxicity. As the nephrotoxicity progressed over the 16 weeks, the clearance of ethylene glycol and its metabolites decreased, exacerbating the toxicity. Benchmark dose analysis indicated a BMDL05 for kidney toxicity in Wistar rats of 71.5 mg/kg/day; nearly fourfold lower than in F-344 rats (285 mg/kg/day). This study confirms that the Wistar rat is more sensitive to ethylene glycol-induced renal toxicity than the F-344 rat and indicates that metabolism or clearance plays a role in the strain differences.
The aim of this review, a summary of the putative biological actions of flavonoids, was to obtain a further understanding of the reported beneficial health effects of these substances. Flavonoids occur naturally in fruit, vegetables, and beverages such as tea and wine. Research in the field of flavonoids has increased since the discovery of the French paradox,ie, the low cardiovascular mortality rate observed in Mediterranean populations in association with red wine consumption and a high saturated fat intake. Several other potential beneficial properties of flavonoids have since been ascertained. We review the different groups of known flavonoids, the probable mechanisms by which they act, and the potential clinical applications of these fascinating natural substances.
This study was aimed to assess the feasibility of extracting antioxidant compounds from wine-making wastes (grape stalks and marc) by solvent extraction. Together with the type of raw material it was also investigated the influence of some process parameters on final antioxidants yields and extract purity: a degreasing pre-treatment, type of solvent (ethanol or a mixture ethylacetate:water/9:1), temperature (28 or 60 °C) and length of maceration (5 or 24 h). Solvent and temperature were statistically influent (p < 0.05), and the yields were higher with ethanol (but with lower purities) and at 60 °C. Antioxidant power of the extracts was evaluated by different analytical methods. An accurate comparison of our data with many literature works about antioxidants recovery from different natural sources showed similar results and highlighted a general great variability in the extraction procedures.
By-products obtained after red fruit processing still contain large amounts of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins which act as antioxidants. The effect of solvent and extraction time on the yield of extracted antioxidants from grape, black and red currant by-products (marc) was investigated. Ethanol and methanol extracts of red and black currant contain twice more anthocyanins and polyphenols than water extracts, extracts made from grape marc had seven times higher values than water extracts. In water extracts the yields of polyphenols decreased, while in methanol and ethanol extracts their content increased with the time of extraction. The highest antioxidant activity was in extracts made from black currant marc, the lowest was in extracts made from red currant marc. Grape extracts had high antioxidant activity due to its high content of polyphenols.
Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that are widespread in the plant kingdom, and structure-activity relationships (SAR) for vascular relaxation effects were examined for 17 of them using porcine coronary arteries. Density functional theory was employed to calculate the chemical parameters of these compounds. The order of potency for vascular relaxation was as follows: flavones (apigenin and luteolin) >or= flavonols (kaempferol and quercetin)>isoflavones (genistein and daidzein)>flavanon(ol)es (naringenin)>chalcones (phloretin)>anthocyanidins (pelargonidin)>flavan(ol)es ((+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin). SAR analysis revealed that for good relaxation activity, the 5-OH, 7-OH, 4'-OH, C2=C3 and C4=O functionalities were essential. Comparison of rutin with quercetin, genistin with genistein, and puerarin with daidzein demonstrated that the presence of a glycosylation group greatly reduced relaxation effect. Total energy and molecular volume were also predictive of their relaxation activities. Our findings indicated that the most effective relaxing agents are apigenin, luteolin, kaempferol and genistein. These flavonoids possess the key chemical structures demonstrated in our SAR analysis.
Formation of calcium oxalate (CaOx) kidney stones was investigated using three approaches. Pathogenesis of crystalluria and crystal deposition in the kidneys was examined in vivo by inducing hyperoxaluria in rats. Cultures of LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells were exposed to oxalate (Ox) and CaOx crystals to examine the effect on cells in various sections of the renal tubules. The nucleation potential of various substrates was examined by incubating them in metastable solutions of CaOx. Calcium oxalate crystals and nonphysiologic levels of Ox were injurious to renal epithelial cells. To combat these nephrotoxins, renal epithelial cells produce a variety of macromolecules such as bikunin and osteopontin, which are modulators of crystallization and may also be involved in crystal attachment to the cells. Sustained hyperoxaluria in association with CaOx crystals induced apoptosis as well as necrosis. Cellular degradation products induced heterogeneous nucleation of crystals at lower and physiologic levels of oxalate. They also promoted aggregation. Crystals begin to form in earlier segments of the nephron with a chance to grow and be retained in the collecting ducts after aggregation with other large crystals. Crystal deposits in the collecting ducts near the papillary surface, when exposed to the renal pelvic urine, become nidi for the development of kidney stones.
There is increasing evidence to suggest that toxic oxygen radicals play a role in the pathogenesis of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in the kidney. This study was designed to investigate the effects of catechin, a bioflavonoid, in I/R-induced renal failure in rats. The protective effect of catechin against the damage inflicted by reactive oxygen species (ROS) during renal I/R was investigated in Sprague Dawley rats using histopathological and biochemical parameters. In one set of experiments, animals were unilaterally nephrectomized, and subjected to 45 min of left renal pedicle occlusion, and in another set both the renal pedicles were occluded for 45 min followed by 24 h of reperfusion. Catechin (40 mg/kg, po) was administered twice daily for 4 days and 2 h prior to ischemia. At the end of the reperfusion period, rats were sacrificed. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced glutathione levels, glutathione reductase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase activities were determined in renal tissue. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen concentrations were measured for the evaluation of renal function. Ischemic control animals demonstrated severe deterioration of renal function, renal morphology and a significant renal oxidative stress. Pretreatment of animals with catechin markedly attenuated renal dysfunction, morphological alterations, reduced elevated TBARS levels and restored the depleted renal antioxidant enzymes. The findings imply that ROS play a causal role in I/R-induced renal injury, and catechin exerts renoprotective effects probably by the radical scavenging and antioxidant activities.