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Effect of smoking and chargrilling on toxic metal(loid) levels in tilapia from the Afram Arm of the Volta Lake

  • Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development
  • Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development
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Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability
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Effect of smoking and chargrilling on toxic
metal(loid) levels in tilapia from the Afram Arm of
the Volta Lake
Nomolox Solomon Kofi Adherr, Emmanuel Dartey, Bismark Dwumfour-
Asare, Emmanuel Agyapong Asare & Kofi Sarpong
To cite this article: Nomolox Solomon Kofi Adherr, Emmanuel Dartey, Bismark Dwumfour-Asare,
Emmanuel Agyapong Asare & Kofi Sarpong (2022) Effect of smoking and chargrilling on toxic
metal(loid) levels in tilapia from the Afram Arm of the Volta Lake, Environmental Pollutants and
Bioavailability, 34:1, 136-145, DOI: 10.1080/26395940.2022.2062453
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© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa
UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis
Published online: 05 Apr 2022.
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Eect of smoking and chargrilling on toxic metal(loid) levels in tilapia from the
Afram Arm of the Volta Lake
Nomolox Solomon Ko Adherr
, Emmanuel Dartey
, Bismark Dwumfour-Asare
Emmanuel Agyapong Asare
and Ko Sarpong
Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Science Education, College of Agriculture Education, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of
Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Asante-Mampong Campus, Ghana;
Department of Environmental Health & Sanitation
Education, Faculty of Environment and Health Education, College of Agriculture Education, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills
Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Asante-Mampong Campus, Ghana
This study assessed the eect of smoking and chargrilling on arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd),
mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) levels in tilapia from cage farm and wild of the Afram Arm of Lake
Volta in Ghana. Method of assessment was an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass
Spectrometer. Culinary methods did not aect Cd levels in anyway, likewise Pb in cage sh.
Wild sh Pb levels decreased signicantly (p < 0.05) from raw (0.013 ± 0.004 mg/kg) after
smoking (0.0077 ± 0.0007 mg/kg), and chargrilling (0.006 ± 0.0004 mg/kg). Raw As levels
(wild: 0.0325 ± 0.0007 mg/kg, cage: 0.0478 ± 0.0009) increased signicantly by smoking (wild:
0.064 ± 0.002; cage: 0.0104 ± 0.006). Smoking introduced Hg (0.005mg/kg) in wild samples.
Chargrilling signicantly increased As levels in cage sh (0.072 ± 0.004). These contaminants
were always below the maximum permissible consumption levels. The CR of As was below
the threshold (10-4) likewise THQ and HI below (1), hence consuming tilapia from study site
either smoked or chargrilled is safe.
Received 1 December 2021
Accepted 31 March 2022
Afram river; chargrilling;
metal (loids); risk
assessment; smoking; tilapia;
Tilapia species holds a unique position amongst aqua-
culture shes. Tilapia is prominent in international trade
although produced in large amounts from subsistence
farmers from low-income settings [1]. Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most consumed
species [2]. Tilapia consumption has increased due to its
taste and nutritional benets [3] including high contents
of protein, lipids, minerals, and fat-soluble vitamins [1,4].
Tilapia’s contribution from the sheries sector to
food security is signicant in Ghana as it provides
about 60% of the protein requirement of the populace
[5]. While increased dietary consumption improves
population health [6], employment opportunities, and
nancial prots are created along the tilapia value
chain [7]. Tilapia occupies the upper aquatic food
chain like other shes [8] and becomes closely asso-
ciated with high risk of bioaccumulation of contami-
nants from sediments, food and water [9,10]. Concerns
with such risk are increasing for the sake of consumers’
health [11,12]. Some studies show that caged shes
[13,14] and the wild counterparts [3,9] alike bioaccu-
mulate toxic heavy metal(loid)s (HMs), which could
pose health risk to consumers. Generally, HMs in aqua-
tic environments do not only bioaccumulate at trophic
levels but they are non-biodegradable, and could
become highly toxic [12,15–17] even at low
concentrations [9,18]. HMs like As, Cd, Pb, and Hg are
found to be associated with various disorders and
diseases [19,20]. For example, Pb, As, and Cd could
interfere with the functions of the liver, kidneys, hae-
matopoietic, central nervous systems and others caus-
ing organs and systems failures [21–23].
Meanwhile, cooking methods are known to inuence
the levels of HMs in sh [24,25]. For instance, the culin-
ary methods of smoking and grilling are able to induce
contaminants, toxic compounds and environmental
hazards including HMs into sh and meat cuisines [26].
These culinary methods are among centuries-old tradi-
tional processes like drying, salting, and fermentation
used to cook and/or preserve sh in West Africa includ-
ing Ghana [27,28]. While smoking has remained
a common culinary process for centuries, emergence
of fast food in the country has boosted the popularity
of grilling cuisines especially for tilapia and chicken [29].
Although improved local ovens such as chorkor and oil
drum stoves [30,31] are used, fuel sources could gener-
ate several chemical contaminants that could be carci-
nogenic and genotoxic to harm sh consumers [27].
Ghana has seen steady increases in tilapia produc-
tion and consumption and currently the country
is second to Egypt in Africa [7]. The phenomenon is
likely supported by the strong perception among con-
sumers that local tilapia has higher quality more
nutritious, safe, and tastes better than imported ones
CONTACT Bismark Dwumfour-Asare;;
2022, VOL. 34, NO. 1, 136–145
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
[32,33]. Meanwhile, some freshwater bodies including
the Volta Lake is experiencing intensive sh aquacul-
ture due to increased demand for tilapia [7], and the
concurrent events of other polluting anthropogenic
activities raise concerns about potential contamination
of riverine shes including tilapia [34]. Considering the
limited available studies on tilapia quality especially
from the many tributaries of the Volta Lake including
its Afram Arm, and the possible health risk posed by
grilling and smoking, this case study seeks to: 1) assess
the levels of key HMs, namely, As, Cd, Hg, and Pb in
fresh raw llets (muscles) of O. niloticus from cage farm
and wild catch; 2) assess the eect of chargrilling and
smoking on the levels of the HMs in cooked tilapia
llets; and 3) estimate the potential health risks con-
sumers are exposed to. The paper ultimately contri-
butes to literature on the heavy metal levels of riverine
fresh tilapia, eect of the culinary processes of smoking
and grilling on the HMs, and nally estimate the resul-
tant health risks that contaminated tilapia pose to
Methods and materials
Study Sites
The Afram Arm is one of the rivers (tributaries) that
feed the Volta Lake that collects all the drainage of the
Kwahu Plateau [35]. The river is about 100 km and
stretches from latitude 6° 50’ 53.81” N and Longitude
0° 43’ 25.49” E. The Volta Lake is part of the Volta Basin,
covering approximately 400,000 km
area within six (6)
West African countries with 42% allocation in Ghana,
43% in Burkina Faso and 15% in Togo, Cote d’Ivoire,
Mali and Benin [36]. Locally, the lake serves the pur-
poses of inland transportation, irrigation and sh farm-
ing [37]. It contributes about 90% of Ghana’s inland
shery production, mainly in large-scale commercial
sh farms operated as cage aquaculture and also pro-
vides habitat for about 140 sh species dominated by
tilapia [5,37]. In Ghana, tilapia constitutes over 80% of
total aquaculture production by 86% of local sh farm-
ers [38]. About 98% of all tilapia catches from aqua-
culture farms in Ghana is supplied directly to local
markets [39]. Two towns, Adawso and Ekye
Amanfrom (shown in Figure 1), were selected for the
study. These towns are shing communities along the
Afram river and they are separated across opposite
sides of the river by a distance of 3 km across the
river. Transportation to and from the towns is by
a ferry operated by the Volta Lake Transport
Company and canoes [40]. The sherfolk ply their sh-
ing job across the river between the two towns. The
only cage farm available at the time of the study was at
Adawso, a town of the Afram Plain South District of the
Eastern region, which is well known for processing
smoked sh. The cage farm was similar to other
aquaculture farms usually mounted on the Volta
Lake consisting of a frame made of welded gal-
vanised pipes, oatation (plastic or metal barrels), and
netting – nylon nets of various mesh sizes [41].
Sample collection
All fresh tilapia (O. niloticus) samples were collected
from Ekye Amanfrom and Adawso. In all sixty (60)
freshly harvested shes were purchased on the
same day: thirty (30) from the only cage farm and
another separate thirty (30) from two selected local
shermen out of seven who had just returned from
shing. The tilapia samples were picked based on the
available comparably sizeable range of 20.0–26 cm
since sh sizes inuence the levels of HM contaminants
in them [25]. The separate samples (from cage farm
and wild catch) were separately rinsed with deionised
water onsite to eliminate plankton debris and other
external adherents due to harvesting, handling, and
transfer. The sample fork length (L) and weight (W)
were measured using a rule with a pair of callipers
and an electronic chemical balance, respectively. The
scales and viscera (intestines, liver and gills) of tilapia
samples were removed using clean stainless–steel scis-
sors and forceps and rinsed with deionised water
onsite. Samples of ten (10) tilapia from each environ-
ment (cage farm and wild catch) were randomly
grouped into three (3), wrapped in sterile plain zipper
bags and labelled as ‘raw’, ‘chargrilled’, and ‘smoked’
groups. The raw groups were kept in an ice chest
containing ice blocks and dispatched within 24 hr to
the Metal Contaminants Laboratory of Ghana Standard
Authority (MCL GSA) in Accra for further storage at
−20°C and analyses. The remaining groups (chargrilled
and smoked) were similarly packaged and temporary
stored and sent to local sh processors for chargrilling
and smoking.
Chargrilling procedure
A popular local griller was selected at Koforidua the
capital of the Eastern region to chargrill samples from
the cage farm and wild catch separately with no spi-
cing. Before chargrilling, the samples were briey
brined with 10% w/v NaCl solution to mimic the
usual seasoning condition for tilapia grilling. The
stove was preheated to the temperature of
120 ± 10°C after testing with infrared thermometer
before grilling started. A space of 15cm was main-
tained between the cooking grate and the heat source
(burning wood charcoal). Each chargrilling lasted
30 minutes in line with local standard practice. After
which, the samples were cooled, repackaged in plain
sterile zipper bags, stored in an ice chest containing ice
blocks, and transported within 24 h to the MCL – GSA
laboratory for analysis.
Smoking procedure
One of the popular local smoked sh processor at
Adawso was picked to smoke the tilapia samples
using a chorkor stove with neem (Azadirachta indica)
wood as fuel source. Tilapia samples were seasoned
with 10% w/v NaCl before smoking for similar reason
stated earlier. A distance of 35 cm was maintained
between the cooking grate and the heat source
which was operating at a temperature around
180 ± 20°C after testing with infrared thermometer.
The smoking was done for about four (4) hours accord-
ing to local standard practice. The samples were
cooled, packaged into plain sterile zipper bags, stored
in an ice chest containing ice blocks and transported
within 24 h to the MCL – GSA laboratory for analysis.
Digestion and analyses of samples
The stored samples were thawed at room temperature
for 1 hr. Fillets (muscles) of samples (raw, chargrilled,
smoked) were separated from the bones, head, and tail.
The llets from each group were digested using the
standard operating procedure according to the British
Standard [42]. The As, Pb, Hg and Cd levels in samples
Figure 1. Map of the Volta Lake and its Afram Arm with the two study communities Adawso and Ekye Amanfrom both marked
with a star.
138 N. S. K. ADHERR ET AL.
after a microwave pressure digestion were determined
using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometer (ICP-MS) (Agilent Technologies 7700
Series) at the GSA Laboratory. Determination of mercury
was done by employing Cold-Vapour Atomic Absorption
Spectrometry (CVAAS) after pressure digestion according
to the British Standard [43]. The test solution was trans-
ferred to the reaction analysis unit, and the Hg was
reduced with divalent tin (Tin (II) Chloride) and ushed
into the cuvette (T cell) of the AAS instrument using
a carrier gas stream (Argon gas). The absorption at
253.7 nm (mercury line) at ambient temperature was
used as a measure of the mercury concentration in the
cuvette. For all analyses, deionised water and reagents of
analytical grade were used. Additionally, a certied refer-
ence standard (DORM4) and randomly spiked samples
with an ICP-MS quality control standard and blanks were
run along with the samples. The mean for each sample
was obtained from triplicate runs. The recoveries made
on the standards are presented in Table 1.
Data presentation and statistical analysis
Levels of As, Cd, Hg and Pb in samples were descrip-
tively reported as mean with standard deviation (Mean
± SD) by wet weight. Statistical comparison of the
means of HMs in similar samples was performed by
independent samples T-test. All data were checked for
homogeneity of variances and normality with Levene
and Shapiro Wilk tests, respectively [44]. One-way
ANOVA was performed to inferentially compare the
means of HMs in the dierent samples (raw, char-
grilled, smoked). For the ANOVA, which reported
a signicant dierence, a Tukey’s HSD post hoc test
was performed to establish the existence of any pair-
wise dierence. All statistical analyses were performed
at a 5% (0.05) (two-tailed) signicance level using IBM
SPSS Statistics Version 26.
Estimation of sh health
The health status (condition factor) of sh is critical in
determining the level of bioaccumulation of HMs.
Hence, an estimate of the health of the sample was
carried out using Equation (Eqn.) 1.
Where K is the condition factor; W is the weight of
sh (g); L is the fork length of sh (cm).
Estimation of health risk
Health risk assessment is the process of quantifying and
characterising the potential adverse health eects of
human exposures to environmental hazards [46,47].
The Target Hazard Quotients (THQ), Hazard Index (HI),
and Cancer Risk (CR) for As were estimated. The THQ for
HMs consumption of sh was calculated using Eqn. 2.
Where EF
is Exposure Frequency; C is the level of
detected metal; AT
is the Averaging Time (365 days/
year × number of exposure years), ED
the total expo-
sure duration, BW
the adult Body Weight; FIR is the
Fish Ingestion Rate, R
is the Oral Reference Dose
with details and values provided in Tables 1, 2.
In interpreting the THQ, a value < 1 indicates an
exposure lower than the reference dose. A daily expo-
sure at this level is unlikely to cause any adverse eects
during a person’s lifetime, while a THQ 1 indicates
possible adverse eects [48]. Additionally, the Hazard
Index (HI) which is the additive eect of As, Cd, Pb and
Hg combined was estimated using Eqn. 3.
HI ¼THQðAsÞ þ THQðCdÞ þ THQðPbÞ þ THQðHgÞ(3)
For HI < 1, a population is less likely to experience
any health issue attributed to the HMs, while for HI ≥ 1,
the population’s health may be at risk due to the
ingested HMs [49].
According to the 50, As is a human carcinogen and
the HM has been linked to an increased incidence of
cancers among people with exposure in their environ-
ment and/or through diet. Previous studies on shes
suggest that at least 85% or more of As exists in the
organic form as arsenobetaine, arsenocholine, or
dimethylarsinic acid, and approximately 10% is avail-
able as inorganic toxicant [51,52]. Therefore, the life-
time Cancer Risk (CR) for As was determined using Eqn.
4 and based on the assumption that 10% of it is avail-
able in the inorganic toxic form [53].
Table 1. Certified reference materials used and their respective
metal(loid) Technique
Certified value
Present Work
As ICP-MS 0.25 ± 0.02 0.23 ± 0.02 96.54 ± 2.5
Cd ICP-MS 0.41 ± 0.03 0.38 ± 0.02 93.0 ± 4.2
Pb ICP-MS 0.53 ± 0.02 0.57 ± 0.01 108.4 ± 3.6
Hg CVAAS 0.37 ± 0.03 0.36 ± 0.02 91.5 ± 3.2
Table 2. Oral reference doses (mg/kg/day).
Heavy Metal(loid)s Hg Cd As Pb
Reference dose [R
) 0.00016 0.001 0.0003 0.004
Source: 54
Where EF
is Exposure Frequency; C is the level of
detected metal; AT
is the Averaging Time (365 days/
year × number of exposure years), ED
the total expo-
sure duration, BW
the adult Body Weight; FIR is the
Fish Ingestion Rate, CSF is the oral Carcinogenic Slope
Factor for inorganic As, and R
is the Oral Reference
Dose with values and details provided in Tables 2, 3.
Limitation of the study
The ndings from the study are limited to the few
samples used and the limited time period including
no consideration for dierent seasons. Muscles, viscera
(intestines, liver and gills) and bones are all edible parts
of tilapia sh which could be contaminated [60]; how-
ever, the current study considered analysis on only the
muscles of the sh which is principally consumed by
Ghanaians [3]. Also, background water and sediment
levels of contaminants were not assessed, however,
the raw fresh sh samples were used as control for
assessing the inuence of cooking methods (smoking
& grilling) on heavy metal levels in cooked tilapia.
Future studies will have to improve on the limitations
associated with the current study in terms of expand-
ing coverage of study sites beyond the tributary (Afram
river) to others as well, while increasing samples sizes
and allowing for seasonal variations (dry and wet
weather seasons).
Results and discussion
Characteristics of sampled sh
The mean condition factor (K) for raw cage (2.5 ± 1.3 g/
) and wild (2.7 ± 1.8 g/cm
) sh samples were
statistically similar (p > 0.05) as shown Table 4. Thus,
indicating a comparable health status of O. niloticus
from both cage and wild environments. Also, the mean
K for the shes from the two settings was above 1
suggesting that the harvested tilapia were healthy
and not under stressful conditions [61].
Comparatively, the K for this study was higher than
1.43–1.93 g/cm
reported in a similar study by 11. The
dierence between the current and previous studies
may be due to the variance in tilapia species
(Sarotherodon melanotheron versus Oreochromis niloti-
cus) and water bodies (river versus lagoon).
Levels of HMs in raw samples
Three HMs were detected in raw samples from the two
settings in a similar order: As (0.0325 mg/kg) > Pb
(0.013 mg/kg) > Cd (0.0006 mg/kg), and As
(0.0477 mg/kg) > Pb (0.008 mg/kg) > Cd (0.0005 mg/
kg) for wild and cage environments, respectively, as
shown in Table 5. There was no signicant dierence in
the mean levels of Cd and Pb (p 0.05) in the samples
from the two environments. However, the As levels in
cage samples were signicantly higher than in wild
samples (p < 0.05).
BDL = Below Detection Level; Level of Detection:
(As, Hg, Pb < 0.001 mg/kg & Cd < 0.0001 mg/kg)
NA = No available MPL
EC ([73]European Commission, 2011), & FSAI [74]
(Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2009)
A to D
Values in the same column with dierent
letters are signicantly dierent (p < 0.05).
The levels of As in raw samples of the current study
were comparable to 0.04 mg/kg found in O. niloticus
from the Pra and Ankobrah basins [3] but far lower
than 0.08 mg/kg detected in O. niloticus from the
Barekese reservoir all in Ghana [57]. The level of As in
the current study may be partly due to the runo and
leaching of insecticide, herbicide, and algaecide used
Table 3. Parameters for health risks assessment.
Parameters Unit Value Reference
FIR kg/capita/day 0.078 (55]
EDtot (THQ) years 64.1 [56]
EDtot (CR) years 70 [][57]
BWa kg 60 [58]
(THQ) days 23,433 [55]
(CR) days 25,550 [55]
days/year 365 [55]
D mg/kg/day Table 1 [55]
CSF mg/kg/day 1.50 [59]
Table 4. Characteristics of fish samples.
Characteristics Environments Mean ± SD
Length (cm) Cage 23.3 ± 3.2
Wild 23 ± 3.0
Weight (g) Cage 29 ± 5.6
Wild 291.2 ± 5.8
K factor (gcm
) Cage 2.5 ± 1.3
Wild 2.7 ± 1.8
Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different
(p < 0.05)
Table 5. Comparison of levels of HMs (mg/kg) detected in samples.
As Cd Hg Pb
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Raw Wild 0.0325
± 0. 0007 0.0006
A ±
0.0001 BDL 0.013
± 0.004
Chargrilled Wild 0.036
± 0.001 0.0004
± 0.0002 BDL 0.006
± 0.0004
Smoked Wild 0.064
± 0.002 0.0003
± 0.0002 0.005 ± 0.001 0.0077
± 0.0007
Raw Cage 0.0478
± 0.0009 0.0005
± 0.0001 BDL 0.008
± 0.002
Chargrilled Cage 0.072
± 0.004 0.0007
± 0.0002 BDL 0.011
± 0.001
Smoked Cage 0.104
± 0.006 0.0003
± 0.0001 BDL 0.006
± 0.0004
NA 0.05 0.50 0.30
140 N. S. K. ADHERR ET AL.
by farmers along the banks of the lake [34]. Also, the
slightly high As levels in cage samples could be partly
attributed to sh feeds supplied by the sh farmers
[62]. This is because multiple sources of pollution are
common with aquatic ecosystems [63].
The levels of Cd and Pb detected in this study were
below the levels found in similar studies from Ankobrah
and Pra basins: Cd (0–0.008 mg/kg) and Pb (0.04–
0.42 mg/kg) [3]. Even though the levels of Hg in the
current study were below detection in all raw samples
(Table 5), the levels are dependent on several factors
such as body size, trophic position, sex, migratory biol-
ogy, foraging behaviour, and environmental conditions
like temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen [64].
The low levels of HMs in raw samples in the study may
have resulted from the minimal bioaccumulation of HMs
by sh into the llets [65,66]. The detection of HMs in
sh llets signals exposure to contaminated environ-
ment with potential to bioaccumulate overtime even
above maximum permissible limits (MPL) [62].
However, HMs levels in the raw tilapia are low and far
below the MPLs suggesting that the sh environment
(cage and wild) is not loaded with the contaminants,
and probably because the Afram Arm of the Volta Lake
is not overly polluted, especially by anthropogenic activ-
ities. Results on Hg may support that assertion of less
polluted environment because literature posits that for
slightly polluted aquatic environment Hg targets sh
muscle for storage [63].
The eect of culinary methods on levels of
Wild and cage sh samples after chargrilling contained
three HMs in the order of levels: chargrilled wild sh
As (0.036 mg/kg) > Pb (0.006 mg/kg) > Cd (0.0004 mg/
kg); and chargrilled cage sh – As (0.072 mg/kg) > Pb
(0.011 mg/kg) > Cd (0.0007 mg/kg) (see Table 5).
Similarly, the three HMs were detected in cage sh
samples after smoking in the order: As (0.104 mg/kg)
> Pb (0.006 mg/kg) > Cd (0.0003 mg/kg). Smoked wild
sh, however, recorded the three HMs in addition to
Hg in the order of magnitude: As (0.064 mg/kg) > Pb
(0.0077 mg/kg) > Hg (0.005 mg/kg) > Cd (0.0003 mg/
kg). The mean levels of Cd in all samples were statisti-
cally similar (p > 0.05). Likewise, the mean levels of Pb
in all cooked (smoked and chargrilled) samples were
statistically similar (p > 0.05) (Table 4). Thus, the culin-
ary methods (smoking and chargrilling) did not aect
the levels of Cd in the sh samples, and also the levels
of Pb in cage sh. However, the levels of Pb in the raw
wild sh decreased by 40.7% and 53.8% after smoking
and chargrilling, respectively (Table 5). Nevertheless,
there was no signicant dierence in the eect of
smoking and chargrilling (p > 0.05) on the levels of
Pb in raw wild tilapia samples.
There are contradictory assertions in literature
regarding the eects of cooking methods on HMs
levels in sh. The results of this study follow suit by
corroborating and contradicting some ndings from
other studies. In a study by 24,67, and, it is reported
that chargrilling lowers the levels of HMs in sh. Also,
68,report that cooking methods (including grilling)
could signicantly increase Cd levels but decrease Pb
levels in sh. Similarly, our current study found that
chargrilling reduced Pb levels, but did not aect Cd
levels in wild tilapia. The eect of cooking may be
partly due to dierence in the sh species and culinary
procedures with the associated levels of leaching of
water and fat during cooking [25].
Some studies on Hg levels in sh present divergent
views on the eect of cooking. According to 69, grilling
did not aect Hg levels in sh sampled for their study.
However, 25,70, and,found that the Hg levels increased
in sh after cooking including frying, and grilling due
to pre-concentration, formation of complexes with Hg
species and sulfhydryl groups in the tissues and/or loss
of water and fat. Our study rather found that chargril-
ling did not aect Hg levels in the sh (either from the
wild or cage). Meanwhile, smoking contributed to the
detection of 0.005mg/kg Hg levels in wild sh samples.
Since cage and wild samples were similarly smoked
and were of similar size and weight, the source of the
Hg in smoked samples is unclear. However, the
detected Hg could be partly linked to water loss during
the cooking leading to an increased Hg to mass ratio
and also formation of complexes with Hg species and
other groups [70]. Although least expected, the
detected Hg in smoked samples could have originated
from contamination from manipulation and proces-
sing techniques employed by the local smoker and
chorkor stove used.
The level of As in sh samples was signicantly
inuenced by the two culinary methods. Smoking sig-
nicantly increased As levels in both wild and cage sh
samples by about 96% and 117% (p < 0.05), respec-
tively. Chargrilling increasing eect on As levels was
comparatively low in cage sh around (50.63%) yet
signicant (p < 0.05). However, the variations in As
level could partly be attributed to some As loss with
water and volatiles including other gross constituents
(such as lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) in the
sh [71].
Generally, the eect of smoking on the levels of
HMs was more pronounced than chargrilling. The dif-
ference in culinary eect may be due to the dierence
in distances between the sh being cooked on the
cooking grate and fuel source (15 cm vs 35 cm), tem-
peratures or heat source (120°C vs 180°C), and cooking
durations (30 minutes vs 4 hours) employed in this
study (for chargrilling vs smoking respectively). The
temperature and distance could have aected the
water loss along with other constituents including
some HMs during cooking. However, chargrilling may
have resulted in lower water loss hence its lower HMs
levels in comparison to smoking. Although HMs (Pb,
Cd, and Hg) were detected in the cooked tilapia, the
levels were far below the maximum permissible limit
(MPL) according to EC (2006) and FSAI (2009), thus
strongly suggesting that it is safe to consume smoked
and chargrilled tilapia from both the cage and wild
environment within the study sites.
Health risk estimates
The health risk estimates for the HMs are presented in
terms of target hazard quotients (THQ) (as shown in
Table 6), hazard index (HI), and cancer risk (CR) (all
shown in Table 7). The THQ for As was the highest in
all samples due to the high As levels detected in tilapia
from both cage and wild environment and both cook-
ing methods. For instance, smoked cage tilapia had the
highest THQ for As (0.45) among all cooked samples,
indicating that the smoked cage sh has more non-
cancerous eect from As. Also, the additive inuence
of health risk from all the four HMs (As, Cd, Pb and Hg)
which is measured as HI generally increased in the
order: smoked > chargrilled > raw. Although the HI is
an indicative measure, it suggests that non-cancerous
health vulnerability due to additive inuence from the
HMs is highest in eating smoked sh, followed by
chargrillled and then raw tilapia. For the culinary trea-
ted sh, the mean HI of cage samples was signicantly
higher than that of wild tilapia. For our raw O. niloticus,
the HI were far below some values (as high as 1.883)
reported by 72, in a tilapia study from Malaysia. Again,
our study shows low THQ and HI (< 1), similar to
previous studies in Ghana [9,11,57], suggesting that
eating Ghanaian tilapia is associated with compara-
tively low vulnerability to non-cancerous health eects
from the key HMs (Cd, Pb, Hg and As). This could
corroborate with the already existing general percep-
tion in Ghana that local tilapia safe [32,33].
The Cancer Risk (CR) for As in cage tilapia were also
signicantly higher than wild tilapia (Table 7) in the
order: smoked (1.86 × 10
) > chargrilled (1.28 × 10
> raw (8.55 × 10
) and smoked (1.15 × 10
) > char-
grilled (6.36 × 10
) > raw (5.82 × 10
), respectively,
for cage and wild shes. Comparatively, the mean CR
values from our study (5.82 × 10
to 1.86 × 10
) for
raw, smoked and chargrilled tilapia were lower than
reported studies from Taiwan (3.4 × 10
to 9.3 × 10
[75], and Malaysia (7.3 × 10
) [72]. Thus, our current
study implies that risk of developing cancers from
consuming tilapia (raw, smoked and grilled) from our
study site is around 600 to 2000 people in a -
hundred million (100,000,000). This is an indication of
a tolerable cancer risk level associated with eating sh
from the study site since the CR scores are far below
the threshold (10
). For health risk assessment,
a lifetime CR of 1 chance in ten thousand (10
) or
greater indicates severe risk [76] but that is far from the
case in this study.
Three key HMs are found in the raw fresh tilapia
(O. niloticus) from the Afram Arm of Volta Lake in
Ghana in the order of magnitude: As > Pb > Cd but
there was no signicant dierence in the levels of Cd
and Pb between wild and cage shes except for As.
The culinary methods smoking and chargrilling, do
not inuence the levels of Cd in all cases, as well as Pb
levels in cage sh samples. However, smoking and
chargrilling decrease Pb levels in the wild tilapia and
the cooking eect could be around 41% and 54%,
respectively. The cooking methods inuence is signi-
cant on As levels because smoking could increase the
levels in wild sh by almost 97%, and in cage counter-
parts by 118%, whiles chargrilling could increase the
levels in cage by nearly 51%. Also, smoking could
introduce some detectable levels (0.005mg/kg) of Hg
Table 6. Target Hazard Quotient of heavy metal(loid)s in
O. niloticus.
Environment Culinary Method THQs Mean ± SD
Wild Raw Cd 0.0008 ± 0.0004
Pb 0.004 ± 0.003
As 0.141 ± 0.006
Grilled Cd 0.0005 ± 0.0002
Pb 0.0018 ± 0.0001
As 0.154 ± 0.006
Smoked Cd 0.0005 ± 0.0002
Pb 0.0025 ± 0.0002
Hg 0.043 ± 0.008
As 0.279 ± 0.008
Cage Raw Cd 0.0006 ± 0.0004
Pb 0.003 ± 0.001
As 0.207 ± 0.008
Grilled Cd 0.0008 ± 0.0003
Pb 0.0036 ± 0.0004
As 0.31 ± 0.02
Smoked Cd 0.0004 ± 0.0001
Pb 0.0018 ± 0.0001
As 0.45 ± 0.03
NA = Not applicable
A to F
Values within the same column with dierent letters are sig-
nicantly dierent (p < 0.05)
Table 7. Health risk estimates of consumption of O. niloticus.
Method Environment Hazard Index Cancer Risk (As)
Raw Wild 0.146 ± 0.004
5.82 × 10
A ± 2.60 × 10
Cage 0.210 ± 0.008
8.55 × 10
B ± 3.39 × 10
Grilled Wild 0.156 ± 0.006
6.36 × 10
A ± 2.57 × 10
Cage 0.320 ± 0.020
1.28 × 10
C ± 7.92 × 10
Smoked Wild 0.320 ± 0.010
1.15 × 10
D ± 3.43 × 10
Cage 0.450 ± 0.030
1.86 × 10
E ± 1.07 × 10
A to E
Values in the same column with different letters are significantly
different (p < 0.05)
142 N. S. K. ADHERR ET AL.
especially in the wild tilapia samples. The detected
levels of HMs (Pb, Cd, and Hg) in raw and cooked tilapia
are below the maximum permissible limits, suggesting
that consuming the tilapia including raw, smoked and
chargrilled could be safe. The health risk assessments
further conrm that consuming the tilapia is safe since
the THQ and HI are below one (<1), and the CR for As is
well below the severe risk threshold (10
). Smoking
and chargrilling tilapia from the study site are safe for
consumption because of insignicant health risks;
however, further studies should extensively look at
tilapia from other sources and fresh waterbodies in
Ghana. Such health risk assessment studies should
consider the inuence of dierent types of fuel sources
and types commonly used for smoking and grilling
tilapia in Ghana. Also analyses of HMs loads in back-
ground water and sediments of the waterbodies in
addition to their levels in raw and cooked tilapia vis-
cera are warranted.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of all study
participants, laboratory experts in Ghana Standard Authority
Labs, local shermen, sh farmers, local sh processors (gril-
ling and smoking), and all other persons who contributed to
the success of this study.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Bismark Dwumfour-Asare
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Full-text available
This review aims to give an insight into the main hazards currently found in smoked meat and fish products. Literature research was carried out on international databases such as Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) database, Science direct, and Google scholar to collect and select 92 relevant publications included in this review. The smoking process was described and five hazards mostly found in smoked fish and meat were presented. The heat-induced compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, and nitrosamines were found in smoked fish and meat. Other hazards such as biogenic amines and heavy metals were also present in smoked fish and meat. The levels of these hazards reported from the literature exceeded the maximal limits of European Union. A brief description of risk assessment methodology applicable to such toxic compounds and risk assessment examples was also presented in this review. As most of the hazards reported in this review are toxic and even carcinogenic to humans, actions should be addressed to reduce their presence in food to protect consumer health and to prevent public health issue.
Full-text available
Over the past decade, the aquaculture sector in Ghana has experienced tremendous growth—driven mainly by large-scale cage aquaculture. Pond aquaculture, traditionally extensive and with limited external inputs, has been transforming over the same period. Farm profitability was wide-ranging, between −12.00 and 46.00 Ghanaian cedi (GHC) per square meter (m²), with an average of GHC 8.82/m² for farmers active in 2019. Despite wide variability in production and profits, the majority of farmers experienced positive profits—on average, GHC 3.24 per kilogram of tilapia produced, or a 27% profit margin. Farmers who adopted good aquaculture practices and intensified their production have high productivity and positive profits. Nonetheless, the cost to produce 1 kg of tilapia in Ghana (roughly US$1.51 on average) was much higher than in other major tilapia-producing countries (averaging roughly US$0.78 to 1.29). COVID crisis further affected fish farmers: 54% experienced difficulties in accessing inputs, 56% experienced difficulties selling their fish, and farmgate fish prices went down in April–August, although slowly bounced back by end of 2020. Improving the competitiveness and resilience of Ghanaian tilapia sector will require improved seed, increased adoption of good management practices, lower-cost quality feed, and enabling policies and regulations.
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This paper assesses fish consumption behaviour and perception of fish food security of low-income households using three season survey data from 839 interviews in Ghana. The study profiles the types of fish consumed and employs a modified Cobb-Douglas function to examine the determinants of household expenditure on fish consumption, whilst adopting a 1-5 Likert scale to analyze the perception of fish food security. The results confirm that poor households prefer cheaper and small pelagic fish. The mean expenditure on fish consumption per week is estimated to be GHS 31.15 (Euro 4.94 0.16). Additionally, it is demonstrated that marital status, religion, occupation, proximity to local market, and city of residence have a positive and significant influence, whilst level of income, seasonality of fish, and the interaction of religion and seasonality of fish demonstrate a negative and significant influence on fish expenditure. Finally, the paper reveals that the majority of households have the perception that fish is readily available and can be obtained throughout the year in good quality. However, households have varied opinions on accessibility of fish. The paper recommends that the government should support and enhance the value chains of small pelagic fish species since they are preferred by poor households.
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Arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are toxic heavy metals that naturally occur in the ecosystem. Their levels are on the rise due to anthropogenic activities posing threat to aquatic wildlife and humans. In Ghana, pollution of some water bodies has led to unsafe consumption of riverine fishes as well as a shortage of treated potable water principally because the cost of treating polluted water has become expensive across the country. This study aimed to assess the As, Hg, Pb and Cd concentrations in water and fishes from rivers Pra and Ankobrah where activities of artisanal gold mining were carried out resulting in gross pollution of the water bodies. An experimental study was performed to ascertain the levels of As, Hg, Pb and Cd in fish species of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis noliticus) and mudfish (Clarias anguillaris) and aquatic media (water) from the Pra and River Ankobrah basins using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) (Varian AA240FS). Both river water samples recorded ranges of 0- 0.0040, 0.0060- 0.0387, 0 - 0.0020, 0.006-0.0093 mg/L for Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic and Mercury respectively. For Cadmium and Arsenic, their levels were comparable (p>0.05). However, detected values for Lead and Mercury were no comparable (p<0.05). Toxic metals concentrations in the rivers decreased in the order of Hg> Pb> Cd> As. For the fish samples, values ranged 0-0.08, 0.04-0.42, 0-0.04, and 0.40- 0.60 mg/kg for Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic and Mercury respectively. Generally, appreciably high values were obtained for Mercury. Toxic metals concentrations in the rivers decreased in the order of Hg> Pb> Cd> As. Human health risk assessment from heavy metal exposure through fish consumption from the Rivers for both children and adults showed no significant non-carcinogenic adverse health risk to humans since all calculated values for Hazard Quotient (HQ) were <1. Nonetheless, Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) values calculated for children and adult exposure to Cadmium and Mercury were >1 which implied a likely cause of adverse effects during a person's lifetime. Keywords: Toxic metals, tilapia, mudfish, Oreochromis noliticus, Clarias anguillaris, illegal mining activity, “Galamsey”
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When an agricultural experiment is completed and the data about the response variable is available, it is necessary to perform an analysis of variance. However, the hypothesis testing of this analysis shows validity only if the assumptions of the statistical model are ensured. When such assumptions are violated, procedures must be applied to remedy the problem. The present study aimed to compare and investigate how the assumptions of the statistical model can be achieved by classical linear model and generalized linear mixed model, as well as their impact on the hypothesis test of the analysis of variance. The data used in this study was obtained from a genetic breeding program on the cooking time of segregating populations. The following solutions were proposed: i) Classical linear model with data transformation and ii) Generalized linear mixed models. The assumptions of normality and homogeneity were tested by Shapiro-Wilk and Levene, respectively. Both models were able to achieve the assumptions of the statistical model with direct impact on the hypothesis testing. The data transformations were effective in stabilizing the variance. However, several inappropriate transformations can be misapplied and meet the assumptions, which would distort the hypothesis test. The generalized linear mixed models may require more knowledge about the identification of lines of programming, compared to the classical method. However, besides the separation of fixed from random effects, they allow for the specification of the type of distribution of the response variable and the structuring of the residues.
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A heavy metal is a member of a loosely defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties. It mainly includes the transition metals, some metalloids, lanthanides, and actinides. Many different definitions have been proposed based on density, atomic number or atomic weight, and some on chemical properties. Heavy metal toxicity can result in damaged central nervous function, lower energy levels, and damage to blood composition, lungs, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs. Long-term exposure may result in slowly progressing physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative diseases. Exposure to toxic or heavy metals comes from many sources like in fish, chicken, vegetables, vaccinations, dental fillings and deodorants. Remedies to combat heavy metal toxicity can be to adopt the practice of kitchen gardening and also to ensure plethora supply of antioxidant includes fruits and vegetables in the diet Increase intake of miso soup (made from soya) and garlic and regular exercise and brisk walking. Increase intake of water to detoxify the harmful effect of heavy metals. Use of lead free paints and avoids carrying metal accessories.
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BACKGROUND Smoked fish is a major source of animal protein in developing countries. It is largely produced by hot‐smoking on traditional kilns using fuelwood. This practice is associated with high polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in products, with consequences for public health. An improved kiln, comprising the FAO‐Thiaroye Technique (FTT), has been introduced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to address such a concern. The present study investigated the efficacy of the FTT in Ghana through comparative fish smoking experiments with traditional kilns followed by determination of PAH levels [benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and PAH4] in the products by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. For each kiln, the effect of smoking fuel type on PAH contamination was determined. The impact of the design characteristics of the FTT on the levels of the compounds was also determined. RESULTS Mean BaP and PAH4 levels in the FTT products were up to 1.8 and 7.6 μg kg–1, respectively, whereas the corresponding levels in traditional kiln products were up to 70 and 395 μg kg–1. PAH levels in FTT products were below European Union regulatory limits, whereas levels in traditional kiln products exceed such limits by up to 33‐fold. Across kiln types, the use of wood fuels caused higher PAH contamination compared to the use of fully‐lit charcoal as an alternative fuel. CONCLUSION The improved kiln (FTT) is efficacious in yielding smoked fish with a PAH content lower than the levels in traditional kiln products and also below current regulatory limits. Kiln design and type of processing fuel have significant impacts on PAH contamination during fish smoking. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry
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Heavy metals are the naturally occurring elements that have high atomic weights. Most of them are toxic even at very low concentrations. This study aims to determine the most appropriate digestion method out of four different methods to analyze the heavy metal concentrations in muscle samples of Tilapia fish. Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), and Iron (Fe) contents were determined by using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The employed digestion methods were acid digestion with HNO 3 , Nitric-Perchloric digestion (HNO 3 + HClO 4), digestion by using aqua regia solution (HCl: HNO 3) and dry ashing in a muffle furnace followed by solubilization of residual ash in nitric acid. Results showed that the dry ashing method leads to the greatest recovery of Cd and Fe whereas aqua regia mixture extracts Cr in an efficient amount. All four methods were equally effective for the digestion of Cu.
The levels of Cr, Cu, Zn, Se, Ag, Cd, Hg, and Pb were determined in muscle and liver samples from 30 specimens of fish belonging to the species Labeobarbus aeneus, Labeobarbus kimberleyensis, and Labeo umbratus from the Vaal Dam. Health risks for human fish consumers were estimated using the target hazard quotient (THQ), the Se:Hg-ratio, and Se health benefit value (Se HBV). This is the first comprehensive report on Hg levels in fish from this lake. Mean concentrations ranging from 0.247–0.481 mg/kg dw in muscle and from 0.170–0.363 mg/kg dw in liver clearly show a contamination with this element. Although levels in muscle did not exceed maximum allowances for human consumption, a calculated THQ of 0.12 and 0.14 for the two Labeobarbus species, respectively, showed a potential risk due to additive effects. All Se:Hg-ratios as well as Se HBVs clearly suggested positive effects for fish consumers. Levels of Cu were remarkably high in the liver of L. umbratus, calling for further investigation on this species. Cadmium levels were above the maximum allowances for fish consumption in the liver of all three species (means between 0.190 and 0.460 mg/kg dw), but below the LOD in all muscle and intestine samples. This is also the first report of Ag in fish from South Africa. Levels were below the LOD in muscle, but well detectable in liver; they varied significantly between the two Labeobarbus species (0.054 ± 0.030 and 0.037 ± 0.016 mg/kg dw) compared to L. umbratus (1.92 ± 0.83 mg/kg dw) and showed a positive correlation with Cu levels (63.7 ± 17.0; 70.3 ± 9.0 and 1300 ± 823 mg/kg dw), possibly due to similar chemical affinities to metallothioneins. The detected Ag levels can serve as a basis to monitor the development of this new pollutant in aquatic environments in South Africa and worldwide.