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Potential drug-drug interactions and associated factors among admitted patients with psychiatric disorders at selected hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia


Abstract and Figures

Background: Prescribing medications without potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) is one of the components of the rational use of medications. However, taking combined medications has resulted in life-threatening pDDIs, which are causing severe clinical outcomes for patients. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of pDDIs and associated factors in admitted patients with psychiatric disorders. Methods: An institution-based multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted among patients with psychiatric disorders admitted to a selected hospital in Northwest Ethiopia. Samples were approached through a systematic sampling method. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 was used to analyze the data. Logistic regression was applied to determine the association of variables with pDDIs. A p-value of < 0.05 was statistically significant. Results: Out of 325 study participants, more than half (52.9%) were females, with a median age of 61 years. Overall, more than two-thirds (68.9%) were exposed to at least one clinically significant, either significant or serious level of pDDIs. Nearly one-fourth (23.2%) of participants had at least one serious level of pDDIs. Older patients were found more likely to have pDDIs compared to younger patients (p = 0.043). Similarly, patients with a higher number of prescribed medications (p = 0.035) and patients with longer hospital admissions (p = 0.004) were found more likely to be exposed to pDDIs than their counterparts. Conclusion: In this study, a significant number of admitted patients with psychiatric problems encountered clinically significant pDDIs. As a result, healthcare providers could assess and follow patients with a combination of medications that potentially have a drug-drug interaction outcome.
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BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
Potential drug-drug interactions
andassociated factors amongadmitted patients
withpsychiatric disorders atselected hospitals
inNorthwest Ethiopia
Ephrem Mebratu Dagnew1, Asrat Elias Ergena2, Samuel Agegnew Wondm1 and Ashenafi Kibret Sendekie3*
Background: Prescribing medications without potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) is one of the components of
the rational use of medications. However, taking combined medications has resulted in life-threatening pDDIs, which
are causing severe clinical outcomes for patients. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of pDDIs and
associated factors in admitted patients with psychiatric disorders.
Methods: An institution-based multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted among patients with psychiatric
disorders admitted to a selected hospital in Northwest Ethiopia. Samples were approached through a systematic
sampling method. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 was used to analyze the data.
Logistic regression was applied to determine the association of variables with pDDIs. A p-value of < 0.05 was statisti-
cally significant.
Results: Out of 325 study participants, more than half (52.9%) were females, with a median age of 61 years. Overall,
more than two-thirds (68.9%) were exposed to at least one clinically significant, either significant or serious level of
pDDIs. Nearly one-fourth (23.2%) of participants had at least one serious level of pDDIs. Older patients were found
more likely to have pDDIs compared to younger patients (p = 0.043). Similarly, patients with a higher number of pre-
scribed medications (p = 0.035) and patients with longer hospital admissions (p = 0.004) were found more likely to be
exposed to pDDIs than their counterparts.
Conclusion: In this study, a significant number of admitted patients with psychiatric problems encountered clinically
significant pDDIs. As a result, healthcare providers could assess and follow patients with a combination of medications
that potentially have a drug-drug interaction outcome.
Keywords: Drug-drug interactions, Psychiatric disorders, Severity, Northwest Ethiopia
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Medications have a potential contribution to negative
treatment outcomes unless appropriately used. us,
the morbidity and mortality of patients with a series of
medical illnesses has been significantly affected by inap-
propriate medication use [1]. Drug-drug interaction,
among different medication-related problems, can occur
when the effect of one drug is altered by another drug,
Open Access
3 Depatment of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine
and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
including a concomitant treatment, over-the-counter
medication, food, or substance, like alcohol or tobacco
[2]. As a result, a drug-drug interaction can be defined
as the pharmacological response to the administra-
tion or co-exposure of one drug with another drug that
modifies the response of patients to the drug effect [3].
e consequences of clinically significant pDDIs have a
negative impact on the morbidity, mortality, duration of
hospitalization, quality of life, and healthcare costs of the
patients [4].
A clinically relevant drug-drug interaction occurs when
the effectiveness or toxicity of one medication is altered
by the administration of another medication or a sub-
stance that is administered for medical purposes (to be
distinguished from drug-food interactions). Adverse
consequences of drug-drug interactions may result
from either diminished therapeutic effect or toxicity [5].
Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are becoming an increas-
ingly important cause of adverse drug reactions. It has
been reported that 20 30% of all adverse reactions to
drugs are caused by drug-drug interactions, which can be
prevented through appropriate monitoring and follow-
up. But this incidence increases among the elderly and
patients who take two or more medications [2].
Drugs for psychiatric disorders that result in serum
concentration changes are generally most relevant for
drugs with a narrow therapeutic index. ese drugs
include lithium and clozapine, where increases or
decreases play a role in worsening clinical conditions or
increasing the risk of serious adverse effects [6].
e most serious interactions with psychotropics result
in profound sedation, central nervous system toxicity,
large changes in blood pressure, ventricular arrhyth-
mias, and an increased risk of dangerous side-effects or
a decreased therapeutic effect of one of the interacting
drugs [7, 8]. It is difficult to completely prevent drug-drug
interactions, especially in patients with psychiatric prob-
lems, due to the lifelong treatment use of multidrug reg-
imens and the fact that most patients are elderly. Close
monitoring of highly at-risk patients may prevent life-
threatening outcomes. Nowadays, drug-drug interactions
are among the major challenges in patients with psychi-
atric disorders. Monitoring and reporting of these DDIs
in medications used for psychiatric problems is neces-
sary due to the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
nature of the drugs. However, in Ethiopia, the investiga-
tions regarding the prevalence and nature of pDDIs in
admitted patients with psychiatric disorders are limited.
Even though there is a single study that demonstrated
drug-drug interactions in patients with psychiatric dis-
orders, it was a single-center study with a retrospective
cross-sectional design [8]. e current multicenter study
was part of a project initially published regarding the
prevalence of drug-related problems (DRPs) [9]. e ini-
tial study couldn’t address a detailed investigation of the
extent of drug-drug interactions and its determinants.
erefore, this study assessed the prevalence of poten-
tial drug-drug interactions and associated factors among
admitted patients with psychiatric disorders in selected
hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia. e study also analyzed
the severity of existing drug-drug interactions.
Study design andsetting
An institutional-based multicenter cross-sectional study
was conducted from April to July 2021 at five compre-
hensive and specialized hospitals in Northwest Ethio-
pia. ese hospitals include the University of Gondar
Comprehensive and Specialized Hospital (UoGCSH),
Felege-Hiwot Comprehensive and Specialized Hospital
(FHCSH), Tibebe-Ghion Comprehensive and Specialized
Hospital (TGCSH), Debre-Markos Comprehensive and
Specialized Hospital (DMCSH), and Debre-Tabor Com-
prehensive and Specialized Hospital (DTCSH). ese
hospitals have provided healthcare services for over
26.5million people in their total catchment areas.
Study participants andinclusion criteria
All adult patients with a psychiatric problem who were
admitted to the psychiatric wards of selected hospitals in
Northwest Ethiopia were included in the study popula-
tion. Patients aged 18 years or older, diagnosed with any
psychiatric disorder and received a combination of medi-
cations were included in the study. Pregnant and lactat-
ing mothers, critically ill patients who couldn’t respond
to self-response interview questions, and patients with
incomplete medical records during the study period did
not participate in this study.
Sample size determination andsampling techniques
e single population proportion formula was used to
calculate the required sample size by considering the
following assumptions: the proportion of drug–drug
interactions to be 81.8% (P = 0.82) [8], the reliability coef-
ficient for 95% confidence level (Z = 1.96) and 5% margin
of error (d = 0.05); n = z2pq/d2.
After adding a 10% contingency of non-response, the
total sample size of participants to be selected was 325.
Participants from the selected hospitals were included
based on a proportional allocation formula: ni = n*Ni/N,
where, ni = sample size from each hospital, n = total sam-
ple size to be selected, N = total population, Ni = total
population from each selected hospital. Consequently,
the total population from all selected study areas was
984 per year (264 from UoGCSH, 192 from FHCSH, 180
from TGCSH, 192 from DMCSH, and 156 from DTCSH)
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
based on the previous admission. Considering this, 87,
63, 60, 63, and 52 study participants were included from
the respective hospitals in the final study.
e participants were included in the final study using
a consecutive sampling technique, and all eligible partici-
pants from respective sites were enrolled consecutively
until the required sample size was obtained.
Denition ofterms
Psychiatric disorders:according to the DSM-5 definition,
“a syndrome characterized by clinically significant distur-
bance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation,
or behavior reflecting a dysfunction in the psychological,
biological, or developmental processes underlying mental
Drug-drug interactions:defined as the pharmacological
or clinical response to the administration or co-exposure
of a drug with another drug that modifies the patient’s
response to the drug index [3].
Potential drug-drug interactions: According to Con-
sensus recommendations for systematic evaluation of
drug-drug interaction evidence for clinical decision sup-
port “a potential DDI is defined as the co-prescription of
two drugs known to interact, and therefore a DDI could
occur in the exposed patient” [11].
e severity of drug-drug interactions:it is the level of
evidence of the severity of the outcome from interactive
medications. It can either be contraindicated, the drug-
pair is contraindicated in the patient for current use, seri-
ous; such an interaction may have a risk of death and/or
may result in some serious negative outcome, and recom-
mended to use an alternative, significant; it may have a
harmful effect on the patient’s condition and can require
close monitoring, or minor (no change required); it may
have an increase in frequency or severity of side effects,
but would not require therapeutic change and, they are
self-limited effects on patients [12].
Comorbidity: is the presence of one or more addi-
tional conditions, often co-occurring with the primary
Duration of treatment:refers to how long (in years) a
patient was treated with a manual method for any given
Data collection instruments, procedures andquality
e data was collected using a structured English
questionnaire developed after reviewing various lit-
erature [1321]. It was collected by both patient inter-
views and retrospective medical recording methods
for primary and secondary data, respectively. Patient
socio-demographic characteristics include: age, gen-
der, monthly income, alcohol drinking habit, sub-
stance use (Khat and cigarettes), educational level,
occupations, residency, etc. Whereas medications and
clinical characteristics like history of allergy, type of
medication, number of medications, the duration of
treatment, presence of comorbidities, type of psychiat-
ric disorders, and number of hospitalizations were also
extracted from the medical records of the participants.
Data were collected by five trained clinical pharmacists
and five trained psychiatric nurses, who were overseen
by two clinical pharmacy lecturers. e chart num-
bers were entered into Microsoft Office Excel 2016 and
checked for duplication.
To ensure the quality of the data, data collectors were
trained for two days, and orientation was also provided
by the principal investigator. e principal investiga-
tor (PI) closely supervised the data collection process,
and the collected data was checked daily for complete-
ness during the data collection period. e data collec-
tion tool was pretested on 5% of the calculated sample
size of patients admitted to the psychiatric ward of
Dessie comprehensive specialized hospital to check
the acceptability and consistency of the data collec-
tion tool two weeks before the actual data collection.
e data from the pretest was excluded in the analysis.
e questionnaire was sent to senior clinical pharma-
cists and senior physicians, who were academicians and
researchers, for face validity and approval.
Data entry andstatistical analysis
The data was coded, cleared, and checked for com-
pleteness before being entered into EPI-data version
4.6 and exported to the statistical software package for
social sciences (SPSS) version 26 for analysis. Then, it
was reviewed and cleaned manually for its complete-
ness and consistency. The results were summarized
using descriptive statistics including frequency and
percentage for categorical and mean and standard
division for continuous variables. The Medscape drug-
interaction checker was used to check for pDDIs. To
make the assessment of the existing pDDIs consist-
ent, the severity of identified drug-drug interactions
was also characterized using evidence from Medscape.
Finally, we analyzed only clinically significant drug-
drug interactions with most of the pDDIs resulting
in significant and serious levels of drug-drug interac-
tions. Independent variables having a p-value < 0.25 in
the univariate logistic regression analysis entered into
the multivariable logistic regression analysis to control
the confounding effect. The odds ratio (OR) with a 95%
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
confidence interval was also computed. In the final
model, a p-value < 0.05 was statistically significant.
Socio‑demographic characteristics ofthestudy
More than half (172, or 52.9%) of the study partici-
pants were females, with a median age of 61 (24–85)
years. The majority of the participants were rural resi-
dents; 215(66.2%). More than half, 173 (53.2%), of the
participants had no regular monthly income and the
majority of the respondents were substance non-users,
319 (98.2%) (Table1).
Clinical characteristics ofthestudy participants
Regarding the types of psychiatric disorders, schizo-
phrenia 140 (30.8%) was responsible for the admission
of a greater proportion of patients. More than half of
the participants, 182 (56%), had comorbid conditions
in addition to psychiatric disorders. The majority of
the study participants, 290 (89.2%), were admitted for
more than a week. The study participants received
an average of 3 (ranges 1–8) medications per patient
Prevalence ofpotential drug‑drug interaction
anddistribution based onseverity
A higher proportion of study participants (107, 33%) had
1 to 3 pDDIs. is study showed that the overall preva-
lence of the pDDIs was found to be 68.9%, which revealed
that a total of 224 participants were encountered with
at least one serious or significant pDDIs, with a median
(range) of 3 (1–7) pDDIs per patient. Regarding the
severity of pDDIs near one-fourth, 52 (23.2%) of the par-
ticipants had serious drug-drug interactions (Table3).
Common interacting medications, their level ofinteraction
andadverse outcomes
Patients on a combination of fluoxetine and amitripty-
line accounted for a higher proportion of serious pDDIs,
10(4.5%), while a combination of chlorpromazine and
trihexyphenidyl was responsible for a higher propor-
tion of patients, 45(20.1%) exposed to significant pDDIs
Factors associated withtheoccurrence ofpotential
drug‑drug interactions
Logistic regression analysis was performed to examine
the relationship between existing pDDIs and the num-
ber of predictor variables. Multivariable logistic regres-
sion revealed that age, number of drugs, and hospital
Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics among patients with psychiatric disorders admitted in selected hospitals of Northwest
Ethiopia from April –July, 2021 (N = 325)
Variables Category Frequency (%) Median (range)
Sex Male 153(47.1)
Female 172(52.9)
Age in years 18–30 89(27.4) 61(24–85)
31–45 115(35.4)
46–60 71(21.8)
61 50(15.4)
Residency Rural 215(66.2)
Urban 110(33.8)
Educational status Non-formal education 108(33.2)
Primary education 106(32.6)
Secondary 61(18.8)
College and university 50(15.4)
Monthly income (Eth birr) < 1500 27(8.3)
1500–2499 38(11.7)
2500–3499 35(10.8)
3500 52(16)
No regular income 173(53.2)
Substance use (Khat, cigarette) Yes 6(1.8)
No 319(98.2)
Alcohol drinking habit Yes 33(10.2)
No 292(89.8)
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
stay were independently associated with the occurrence
of pDDIs in admitted patients with psychiatric disor-
ders. Consequently, it has been found that, holding all
other predictor variables constant, the odds of pDDIs
in elderly patients with an age greater than or equal to
61 is about 1.5 times [AOR = 1.47, 95% CI (1.13–2.56);
p = 0.043] compared with patients aged 18–30 years
old. Similarly, patients with a higher number of pre-
scribed medications and those who stayed longer at the
hospital were found more likely to be exposed to pDDIs
than their counterparts, [AOR = 2.75, 95% CI (1.56–
7.31); p = 0.035] and [AOR = 2.13, 95% CI (1.34–3.64);
p = 0.004], respectively (Table5).
Prescribing medications without potential drug-drug
interactions is a component of the rational use of medi-
cations. Drug-drug interactions continue to be a major
cause of morbidity and mortality of admitted patients
[22]. Administration of more than or equal to two drugs
for an admitted patient repeatedly leads to pDDIs, which
may further compromise the patient’s health-related out-
come. To the best of the authors’ literature search, the
prevalence and extent of potential drug-drug interactions
in admitted patients with psychiatric disorders have not
been investigated in the study areas. erefore, this facil-
ity-based multicenter study was conducted to determine
the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions and
the severity of the existing drug-drug interactions using
the Medscape drug-drug interaction checker in admitted
patients with psychiatric disorders.
Overall, nearly two-thirds (68.9%) of the study partici-
pants had clinically significant pDDIs, which is consist-
ent with the previous studies [21, 23, 24]. e finding
suggests that a higher proportion of patients have at least
one significant potential drug-drug interaction. ere-
fore, patients taking a combination of potentially inter-
active medications need close follow-up. In contrast,
the current finding is lower than studies demonstrated
in Mekelle, Ethiopia [8]. e discrepancy in the preva-
lence of pDDIs among different studies might be related
to differences in healthcare approach with pharmacist
Table 2 Clinical characteristics of the study participants
Othersa, substance-related disorders, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic disorders
Variables Category Frequency, n (%) Median (range)
Types of psychiatric disorders at admission Schizophrenia 140(30.8)
Brief-psychotic feature 117(25.7)
Bipolar disorder 67(14.7)
Major mood disorder 55(12.1)
Presence of comorbidities No 143(44)
Yes 182(56)
Types of comorbidities Heart failure 6(1.8)
Substance use 6(1.6)
Peptic ulcer disease 5(1.5)
Retroviral infection (HIV) 3(0.9)
Tuberculosis (TB) 2(0.6)
Hospital stays (days) < 7 35(10.8) 14(3–35)
7 290(89.2)
Number of prescribed medications < 5 184(56.6) 3 (1–8)
5 141(43.4)
Duration of treatment 1 year 176 (54.1)
2–3 years 86 (26.5)
4 years 63 (19.4)
Table 3 Prevalence and severity of potential drug-drug
interactions among the study participants
Variables Category Frequency, n (%) Median (range)
Prevalence of pDDIs 1–3 107(33%) 3 (1–7)
4–5 84(25.8%)
6 33(10.2%)
Total 224 (68.9%)
Level (severity) of
pDDIs Serious 52(23.2%)
Significant 172(76.8%)
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
Table 4 Level of pDDIs and potential adverse outcome with respective combined prescribed medications (N = 224)
Paired medications Frequency (%) Leve of interaction Adverse outcome
Fluoxetine -Amitriptyline 10(4.5) Serious Fluoxetine increases the effect of amitriptyline by affecting CYP2C19.
Fluoxetine and amitriptyline both increase serotonin levels. Avoid
use in combination.
Carbamazepine-diazepam 8(3.6) Serious Carbamazepine will decrease the level or effect of diazepam by
affecting hepatic/intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism. Avoid or
Use Alternate Drug.
Carbamazepine-haloperidol 7(3.1) Serious Carbamazepine will decrease the level or effect of haloperidol by
affecting hepatic/intestinal enzyme CYP3A4 metabolism. Avoid or
Use Alternate Drug.
Fluoxetine-Risperidone 6(2.7) Serious Fluoxetine will increase the level or effect of risperidone by affecting
hepatic enzyme CYP2D6 metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.
Fluoxetine-Haloperidol 5(2.2) Serious Fluoxetine will increase the level or effect of haloperidol by affecting
hepatic enzyme CYP2D6 metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.
Chlorpromazine-Amitriptyline 5(2.2) Serious Chlorpromazine and amitriptyline both increase QTc interval. Avoid
or Use Alternate Drug.
Chlorpromazine-Haloperidol 4(1.8) Serious chlorpromazine and haloperidol both increase QTc interval. Avoid or
Use Alternate Drug.
Fluoxetine-cimetidine 4(1.8) Serious Fluoxetine will increase the level or effect of cimetidine by affecting
hepatic enzyme CYP2C19 metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.
Fluphenazine deaconate-haloperidol 3(1.3) Serious fluphenazine and haloperidol both increase QTc interval. Avoid or
Use Alternate Drug.
Chlorpromazine-Trihexyphenidyl 45(20.1) Significant Chlorpromazine increases effects of trihexyphenidyl by pharma-
codynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Potential for additive
anticholinergic effects.
Haloperidol-Trihexyphenidyl 32(14.3) Significant haloperidol increases effects of trihexyphenidyl by pharmaco-
dynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Potential for additive
anticholinergic effects.
Trifluoperazine-trihexyphenidyl 25(11.2) Significant trifluoperazine increases effects of trihexyphenidyl by pharmaco-
dynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Potential for additive
anticholinergic effects.
Fluphenazine decanoate-trihexyphenidyl 22(9.8) Significant Fluphenazine increases effects of trihexyphenidyl by pharmaco-
dynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Potential for additive
anticholinergic effects.
Fluoxetine- Amitriptyline 10(4.5) Amitriptyline and fluoxetine both increase QTc interval. Modify
Therapy/Monitor Closely.
Carbamazepine-diazepam 8(3.6) Significant Carbamazepine decreases levels of diazepam by increasing metabo-
lism. Use Caution/Monitor.
Carbamazepine-haloperidol 7 (3.6) Significant Carbamazepine decreases levels of haloperidol by increasing
metabolism. Use Caution/Monitor.
Fluoxetine-Risperidone 6(2.7) Significant Fluoxetine and risperidone both increase QTc interval. Use Caution/
Fluoxetine-Haloperidol 5(2.2) Significant Fluoxetine and haloperidol both increase QTc interval. Modify
Therapy/Monitor Closely.
Chlorpromazine-Amitriptyline 5(2.2) Significant Chlorpromazine and amitriptyline both increase sedation. Use Cau-
Chlorpromazine-Haloperidol 4(1.8) Significant -Chlorpromazine and haloperidol both increase sedation. Use Cau-
-chlorpromazine and haloperidol both increase antidopaminergic
effects, including extrapyramidal symptoms and neuroleptic malig-
nant syndrome. Use Caution/Monitor.
Fluphenazine-haloperidol 3(1.3)) Significant Fluphenazine and haloperidol both increase sedation. Use Caution/
-Fluphenazine and haloperidol both increase antidopaminergic
effects, including extrapyramidal symptoms and neuroleptic malig-
nant syndrome. Use Caution/Monitor.
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
involvement, differences in alternative medication avail-
ability, and differences in the use of software or tools to
identify pDDIs in these patients taking interactive medi-
cations. Additionally, the current study is a multicenter
study that may differ from a single study due to differ-
ences in pharmaceutical care across the settings.
Based on the severity of consequence outcomes result-
ing from interactive medications, the level of pDDIs
is commonly classified as contraindicated, major, sig-
nificant, and minor. In this study, we analyzed potential
drug-drug interactions, which were relevant in terms of
clinical outcome and quality of life of the patients. Con-
sistent with the previous studies [8, 21, 23, 24], most
study participants were exposed to clinically significant
pDDIs, either with serious or significant drug-drug inter-
actions, which needed interventions. Interactive medica-
tions may be prescribed because of the non-availability
of alternative medications with less interaction poten-
tial or due to the knowledge and skill gap of healthcare
practitioners about the pharmacokinetics and dynamics
properties of the medications. erefore, healthcare pro-
viders, particularly prescribers, could be vigilant about
the combination of medications, which can lead to life-
threatening treatment and clinically significant inter-
actions. e use of alternative medications with a low
potential for interaction could be recommended. Close
monitoring and follow-up of patients who received inter-
active medication is also strongly advised.
e occurrence of drug-drug interactions may have
many contributing factors. e current findings from
multivariate logistic regression revealed that being
elderly, being treated with a higher number of drugs, and
longer hospital stays were significantly associated with
the presence of pDDIs. In line with the previous studies
[24, 25], compared with younger patients (18–30 years),
older patients with an age greater than or equal to 61
years were found more likely to be exposed to pDDIs.
is finding might be justified by the fact that patients
of advanced age may have multimorbidity and comor-
bidities with polypharmacy, which can be responsible for
potential drug-drug interactions. Age-related changes
in pharmacokinetic properties of the drug may also be
responsible for pDDIs. e elderly psychiatric population
is particularly prone to being on many drugs, including
psychotropic, which increases the potential for a harmful
drug-drug interaction [25]. ese findings suggest that
elderly patients need to be under close monitoring and
follow-up with healthcare providers.
In line with the previous studies [2, 21, 24], the current
finding also revealed that patients treated with a higher
number of medications were more likely to be exposed
to pDDIs. As a result, patients with a higher number of
Table 5 Univariable and multivariable analyzes of factors associated with pDDIs
CORCrude odds ratio, AORAdjusted odds ratio
*denotes statistically signicant at p < 0.05
Variables Category Potential Drug‑drug
interaction COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI) P‑value
No Yes
Age (Years) 18–30 22 67 1 1
31–45 43 72 0.55(0.13–1.89) 0.39(0.17–2.65)
46–60 27 44 0.54(0.09–1.02) 0.36(0.12–1.86)
61 9 41 1.5(1.01–2.65) 1.47(1.13–2.56) 0.043*
Sex Male 49 104 1 1
Female 52 120 0.92(0.24–2.16) 1.48(0.96–2.28) 0.62
Source of medication Free
Payment 61
40 134
90 1
0.98(0.17–2.04) 1
1.24(0.72–2.11) 0.429
Presence of Comorbidities No 36 107 1 1
1–2 21 47 1.33(0.76–2.25) 1.74(0.90–3.36) 0.098
3–4 32 61 1.56(0.28–4.74) 1.12(0.74–2.47) 0.076
5 12 9 3.96(0.32–18.45) 1.16(0.98–2.13) 0.087
Number of prescribed medications < 5
5 56
45 128
96 1
1.07(1.002–1.761) 1
2.75(1.56–7.31) 0.035*
Duration of treatment 1 year
2–3 years
4 years
Length of hospital stay < 7days
7 days 85
16 205
19 1
2.03(0.56–3.12) 1
2.13(1.34–3.64) 0.004*
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Dagnewetal. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (2022) 23:88
medications could be assessed accordingly, and health-
care providers could be highly vigilant in the prevention
of harmful drug-drug interactions with patients taking a
higher number of medications with potentially interac-
tive combinations. Patients with longer hospital stays
were also found more likely to have a higher incidence
of pDDIs compared with patients with shorter hospital
stays. is is consistent with the previous studies [21].
Patients admitted to different levels of hospitals may be
exposed to different medications, and patients with a
longer hospital stay may be repeatedly exposed to dif-
ferent medications, which may result in a drug-drug
interaction. is finding suggests that patients with a
longer hospital stay could be assessed for the potential
medication interactions and pharmacists would be bet-
ter involved to intervene and tailor recommendations
based on the available medications with a low potential
Generally, the current study has highlighted the level
of pDDIs and potential associated factors among patients
with psychiatric disorders, which can be a benchmark
for future investigators with prospective studies in larger
populations. Drug-drug interactions may not be avoid-
able, but the existing life-threatening pDDIs may be min-
imized through close monitoring and follow-up of risky
patients. e prevention of pDDIs and achieving good
treatment outcomes for non-significant and preventable
DDIs needs multifactorial involvement, including health-
care providers and patients, starting with the prescribing
and use of prescribed medications, availing of alternative
medications with less interaction potential, and assessing
the significance of interactive medications using interac-
tion checker software and tools. Documentation of the
existing pDDIs could also be improved. erefore, assess-
ing and following patients with a combination of medi-
cations which potentially have a drug-drug interaction
could be a must to achieve a better treatment outcome.
e current study has some limitations. e first thing
is that since the study is cross-sectional, it couldn’t show a
real cause-outcome association and it did not analyze the
consequences of the pDDIs. e second thing is that the
results may not be used to generalize for the entire coun-
try. However, it may be used as a benchmark for future
studies in the country. erefore, prospective studies in a
larger sample population could be recommended.
e current study highlighted that a significant number of
admitted patients with psychiatric disorders were exposed
to clinically significant pDDIs. Older patients, patients with
a higher number of medications, and patients with a longer
hospital stay were more likely to have pDDIs compared
with their counterparts. erefore, healthcare providers
could assess and follow patients with such risk factors
with a combination of medications that potentially have a
drug-drug interaction outcome. Minimize the occurrence
of life-threatening and clinically significant pDDIs by using
rational medication prescription and patient monitoring
could be a role for healthcare providers.
DDI: Drug-drug interactions; pDDIs: potential drug-druginteractions.
The authors want to thank the selected hospital administration for their posi-
tive cooperation during the study. We would also like to forward our gratitude
to the data collectors and study participants.
Authors’ contributions
EMD and AKS contributed to the conception, data curation, formal analysis,
investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, supervision and
writing of the original draft and reviewed the final manuscript. AEE and SAW
contributed to the data curation, formal analysis, methodology, and validation
and reviewed the final manuscript. All authors gave final approval of the
version to be published; agreed on the journal to which the article has been
submitted; and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
We did not receive funding for this study.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are not
publicly available to protect from unnecessary abuse of full data of the partici-
pants but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study was ethically approved by the ethical review committee of the
University of Gondar with a reference number of Sop/123/2021. Participants
were informed with both written and verbal consent forms after the objec-
tives of the study were briefed. Participants involved in the study were in a
condition to give informed consent willingly with all proper understanding of
the study purposes. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant
guidelines and regulations.
Consent for publication
Not applicable because confidentiality was kept and participants were suf-
ficiently anonymized.
Competing interests
The authors stated that there is no competing interest.
Author details
1 Depatment of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Debre Markos Uni-
versity, Debre Markos, Ethiopia. 2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University
of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia. 3 Depatment of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Phar-
macy, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Gondar,
Received: 27 July 2022 Accepted: 21 November 2022
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... Polypharmacy requires attention to drug-drug interactions, which may lead to increased toxicity of a drug or a reduction in its effectiveness (Błeszyńska et al., 2020). Therefore, pharmacist intervention for patients with impaired kidney function is necessary to avoid overdosing or underdosing of drugs arising from drugdrug interactions (Dagnew et al., 2022). ...
Japan has the largest aging population in the world, and kidney function declines with age. Therefore, when administering renally excreted drugs to older patients, the dosage should be adjusted according to the kidney function. This study addresses the appropriate use of renally excreted drugs in older patients in two topics. The first topic is concerned with the author’s experience with cibenzoline overdose, which led the author to conduct a survey of renally excreted drugs and establish an in-hospital prescription checking system for these drugs. The second topic clarifies the usefulness of serum creatinine-based kidney function estimation equations for predicting the area under the concentration-time curve of vancomycin in bedridden older patients. Based on these findings, the importance of pharmaceutical interventions by pharmacists in the pharmacotherapy of older patients with reduced kidney function is discussed.
... The prevalence of PDDIs identified by three databases was 72.1%, which was in line with the studies conducted in Spain (71.8%) 20 and China (72.9%), 27 but higher than other studies conducted in the oncology setting in Iran at 62.88%, 39 the Netherlands at 46% 2 and the USA. 40 Similarly, the prevalence rate of the present study is higher in comparison with studies from other specialties such as psychiatry (68.9%), 41 internal medicine (43.7%) 42 and paediatrics (45.8%). 43 Such widespread variability in prevalence may be attributed to differences in study design, inclusion and exclusion criteria, study population and their characteristics, study setting, presence or absence of clinical pharmacy services, prescribing pattern and drugs involved. ...
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Objective The study was conducted to assess potential drug–drug interactions (PDDIs) and its determinants among patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy. Design and setting An institutional-based cross-sectional study was used. This study was conducted from 1 June 2021 to 15 December 2021, in Northwest Ethiopia oncology centres. Participants All eligible patients with cancer received a combination of chemotherapy. Outcomes The prevalence and severity of PDDIs were evaluated using three drug interaction databases. Characteristics of participants were presented, arranged and summarised using descriptive statistics. The predictors and outcome variables were examined using logistic regression. The cut-off point was a p value of 0.05. Results Of 422 patients included in the study, 304 patients were exposed to at least one PDDI with a prevalence of 72.1% (95 % CI: 68% to 76%) using three drug interaction databases. There were varied reports of the severity of PDDI among databases, but the test agreement using the kappa index was 0.57 (95% CI: 0.52 to 0.62, p=0.0001) which is interpreted as a moderate agreement among three databases. Patients aged ≥50 years old had the risk to be exposed to PDDI by odds of 3.1 times (adjusted OR (AOR)=3.1, 95% CI (1.8 to 5.3); p=0.001) as compared with patients <50 years old. Similarly, patients with polypharmacy and comorbidity were more likely to be exposed to PDDI than their counterparts (AOR=2.4, 95% CI (1.4 to 4.1); p=0.002 and AOR=1.9, 95% CI (1.1 to 3.4); p=0.02, respectively). Conclusion The main finding of this study is the high prevalence of PDDI, signifying the need for strict patient monitoring for PDDIs among patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy. We suggest the use of at least three drug databases for quality screening. Patients with an age ≥50 years old, polypharmacy and comorbidity were significantly associated with PDDIs. The establishment of oncology clinical pharmacists and computerised reminder mechanisms for PDDIs through drug utilisation review is suggested.
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Objective To determine the prevalence of drug-related problems and the factors influencing them among adult psychiatric inpatients. Methods A multi-centre cross-sectional observational study was conducted from April to July 2021 at five randomly selected hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia. A total of 325 consecutively sampled patients participated in the study. Clinical pharmacists assessed the drug-related problems based on clinical judgement supported by updated evidence-based disease guidelines. We used the Medscape drug-interactions checker to check drug-to-drug interactions. The results were summarised using descriptive statistics, including frequency, mean, and standard deviation. For each variable, an odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval was calculated, as well as the related p-value. The value of p ⩽ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results From the total number of 325 study participants, more than half of them (52.9%) were females, and the mean age ± (standard deviation) was 30.8 ± 11.3 years. At least one drug-related problem was recorded by 60.9% to 95% confidence interval (55.7–65.8) of study participants, with a mean of 0.6 ± 0.49 per patient. Additional drug therapy was the most common drug-related problem (22.8%) followed by non-adherence to medicine (20.6%) and adverse drug reactions (11%), respectively. Factors independent associated with drug-related problems were rural residence (adjusted odds ratio = 1.96, 95% confidence interval: 1.01–2.84, p-value = 0.046), self-employed (adjusted odds ratio = 6.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.0–36.9, p-value = 0.035) and alcohol drinkers (adjusted odds ratio = 6.40, 95% confidence interval: 1.12–37.5, p-value = 0.034). Conclusion The prevalence of drug-related problems among adult psychiatric patients admitted to psychiatric wards was high. Healthcare providers give more attention to tackling these problems. Being a rural resident, self-employed, and alcohol drinkers were associated with drug-related problems.
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Background Drug-drug interaction alters the efficacy of the drugs. Early identification can reduce unintended therapeutic outcomes. Objective The main objective of the present study was to assess the drug-drug interactions among patients with psychiatric disorders. Methodology A prospective observational study was conducted for a period of eight months. A total of 112 psychiatric inpatients were enrolled in the study. The patients were monitored regularly to identify the incidence of potential and actual drug-drug interactions. The identified interactions were analyzed for their severity by using various standard references which included published scientific articles, online databases (e.g., UpToDate) and standard textbooks. Results and Discussion The mean age of the study population in years was found to be 37.93 ± 12.21 standard deviation. It was observed that the incidence of potential drug-drug interactions was 66.96%. A total of 201 potential drug-drug interactions were identified from 75 patients. Based on the severity assessment of the identified interactions, 52.73% were major, 37.31% were moderate, and 19.82% were minor. About 7.46% were contraindicated drug combinations. The data on the onset of interaction revealed that 34.82% were of delayed onset and 14.92% with rapid onset and 50.24% were not specified. The drug that was responsible for the majority of the interactions in the study was found to be olanzapine. Conclusion The study revealed a high incidence of drug-drug interaction. Drug-drug interactions most frequently encountered among psychiatric patients were found to be major in terms of severity. The study concluded on the higher event of drug-drug interactions among the patients prescribed with olanzapine.
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Objective: This study was conducted to identify and characterize drug-related problems among chronic kidney disease patients. Methodology: A six months prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care teaching hospital to categorize drug-related problems based on Pharmaceutical Care Network Classification V8.02. Results: During the study, 2239 medication orders were reviewed and the most common drug-related problem was found belonging to the category of P2.1, namely adverse event (possibly) occurring and the most frequent cause contributing to drug-related problems was inappropriate combination of drugs, category C 1.4. Conclusion: This study uncovered a high rate of drug-related problems faced by chronic kidney disease patients and it's understood that pharmacists can contribute in providing better clinical outcomes by implementing optimal pharmaceutical care.
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Aims This review aims to determine the prevalence of clinically manifested drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in hospitalized patients. Methods PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Lilacs databases were used to identify articles published before June 2019 that met specific inclusion criteria. The search strategy was developed using both controlled and uncontrolled vocabulary related to the following domains: “drug interactions,” “clinically relevant,” and “hospital.” In this review, we discuss original observational studies that detected DDIs in the hospital setting, studies that provided enough data to allow us to calculate the prevalence of clinically manifested DDIs, and studies that described the drugs prescribed or provided DDI adverse reaction reports, published in either English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Results From the initial 5,999 articles identified, 10 met the inclusion criteria. The pooled prevalence of clinically manifested DDIs was 9.2% (CI 95% 4.0–19.7). The mean number of medications per patient reported in six studies ranged from 4.0 to 9.0, with an overall average of 5.47 ± 1.77 drugs per patient. The quality of the included studies was moderate. The main methods used to identify clinically manifested DDIs were evaluating medical records and ward visits (n = 7). Micromedex® (27.7%) and Lexi-Comp® (27.7%) online reference databases were commonly used to detect DDIs and none of the studies evaluated used more than one database for this purpose. Conclusions This systematic review showed that, despite the significant prevalence of potential DDIs reported in the literature, less than one in ten patients were exposed to a clinically manifested drug interaction. The use of causality tools to identify clinically manifested DDIs as well as clinical adoption of DDI lists based on actual adverse outcomes that can be identified through the implementation of real DDI notification systems is recommended to reduce the incidence of alert fatigue, enhance decision-making for DDI prevention or resolution, and, consequently, contribute to patient safety.
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Objectives: Drug Related Problems (DRPs) and prescriptions with polypharmacy may lead to increased health care cost, morbidity, mortality and decreased quality of life. The objective of the study was to assess the pattern of DRPs associated with polypharmacy. Methods: It is a hospital based prospective interventional study carried out for 6 months in the Department of General Medicine. The DRPs were identified by researchers during ward rounds by reviewing the patient case reports. Problems identified and recognized was documented and discussed with the concerned health care team. Results: During the study period, 150 patient case sheets were reviewed to identify 213 DRPs. The most common DRP was found to be Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) (45%) followed by needs additional drug therapy (26.8%), untreated indication (13.6%) and Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) (11.7%). Binary logistic regression was performed to identify the predictors of DRPs. It was observed that number of comorbidities (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 3.68 (p < 0.001)), geriatric population and polypharmacy were the major predictor. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of drug therapy review to minimize DRPs, ADRs, polypharmacy, framing of new deprescribing guidelines and algorithms for drugs which are utilized inappropriately, deprescribing of redundant drugs during routine clinical practice and appointment of clinical pharmacist in hospitals to achieve better therapeutic outcomes and improved patient care.
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Objective To identify and evaluate the frequency, severity, mechanism and common pairs of drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in prescriptions by consultants in medicine outpatient department. Methods This cross sectional descriptive study was done by Pharmacology department of Bahria University Medical & Dental College (BUMDC) in medicine outpatient department (OPD) of a private hospital in Karachi from December 2015 to January 2016. A total of 220 prescriptions written by consultants were collected. Medications given with patient's diagnosis were recorded. Drugs were analyzed for interactions by utilizing Medscape drug interaction checker, checker and stockley`s drug interactions index. Two hundred eleven prescriptions were selected while remaining were excluded from the study because of unavailability of the prescribed drugs in the drug interaction checkers. Results In 211 prescriptions, two common diagnoses were diabetes mellitus (28.43%) and hypertension (27.96%). A total of 978 medications were given. Mean number of medications per prescription was 4.6. A total of 369 drug-drug interactions were identified in 211 prescriptions (175%). They were serious 4.33%, significant 66.12% and minor 29.53%. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions were 37.94% and 51.21% respectively while 10.84% had unknown mechanism. Number wise common pairs of DDIs were Omeprazole-Losartan (S), Gabapentine- Acetaminophen (M), Losartan-Diclofenac (S). Conclusion The frequency of DDIs is found to be too high in prescriptions of consultants from medicine OPD of a private hospital in Karachi. Significant drug-drug interactions were more and mostly caused by Pharmacodynamic mechanism. Number wise evaluation showed three common pairs of drugs involved in interactions.
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Introduction: Despite the impact on patient safety and the fact that prevalence is higher in older patients, previous research did not analyse drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in view of nursing care of elderly psychiatric patients. Aim: To identify potential drug-drug interactions and polypharmacy in prescriptions of aged inpatients with psychiatric disorders and analyse associated factors. Methods: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, we analysed the medical records of institutionalized patients diagnosed with psychiatric disorders (n = 94), aged >60 years, and prescribed multiple medications. Drug prescriptions were checked at admission, midway through, and the last prescription. Factors associated with DDI occurrence were assessed using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results: A DDI prevalence potential of 67.0%, 74.5%, and 80.8% occurred in patients at admission, midway through hospitalization, and the last prescription, respectively. Most of the prescribed drugs were nervous system agents. A high percentage of serious and contraindicated potential DDIs occurred. Age between 60 and 69 years, use of cardiovascular and respiratory system drugs, and the number of medications contributed significantly to DDI. Implications for mental health nursing: Knowledge on the factors associated with DDIs in patients with mental disorders can contribute to the improvement of effectiveness and safety of nursing care. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Objectives To determine the incidence of adverse drug events (ADEs) and assess their severity and preventability in four Saudi hospitals. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting The study included patients admitted to medical, surgical and intensive care units (ICUs) of four hospitals in Saudi Arabia. These hospitals include a 900-bed tertiary teaching hospital, a 400-bed private hospital, a 1400-bed large government hospital and a 350-bed small government hospital. Participants All patients (≥12 years) admitted to the study units over 4 months. Primary and secondary outcome measures Incidents were collected by pharmacists and reviewed by independent clinicians. Reviewers classified the identified incidents as ADEs, potential ADEs (PADEs) or medication errors and then determined their severity and preventability. Results We followed 4041 patients from admission to discharge. Of these, 3985 patients had complete data for analysis. The mean±SD age of patients in the analysed cohort was 43.4±19.0 years. A total of 1676 ADEs were identified by pharmacists during the medical chart review. Clinician reviewers accepted 1531 (91.4%) of the incidents identified by the pharmacists (245 ADEs, 677 PADEs and 609 medication errors with low risk of causing harm). The incidence of ADEs was 6.1 (95% CI 5.4 to 6.9) per 100 admissions and 7.9 (95% CI 6.9 to 8.9) per 1000 patient-days. The occurrence of ADEs was most common in ICUs (149 (60.8%)) followed by medical (67 (27.3%)) and surgical (29 (11.8%)) units. In terms of severity, 129 (52.7%) of the ADEs were significant, 91 (37.1%) were serious, 22 (9%) were life-threatening and three (1.2%) were fatal. Conclusions We found that ADEs were common in Saudi hospitals, especially in ICUs, causing significant morbidity and mortality. Future studies should focus on investigating the root causes of ADEs at the prescribing stage, and development and testing of interventions to minimise harm from medications.
Introduction: A clinically relevant drug-drug occurs when the effectiveness or toxicity of one medication is altered by the administration of another medicine. Potential Drug-drug interactions are an important cause of adverse drug reactions. Psychiatric patients are increasingly susceptible to drug interactions due to the polypharmacy, nature of the prescribed drugs and most of the drugs prescribed are either enzyme inhibitor or inducers. Objective: To determine the prevalence of the potential drug-drug interactions. Methodology: A retrospective cross sectional study was performed from to March to June, 2013. Medications on patients’ medical charts were reviewed and analyzed for potential drug-drug interactions based on Micromedex Online Drug Reference. Results: In our study, total of 463 potential drug-drug interactions were identified, with median number of one potential drug-drug interaction per patient. Overall 81.65 % of the patients had at least one potential drug-drug interaction; 49.5 % patients had at least one major; and 52.3 % had at least one moderate potential drug-drug interactions. The most frequent potential drug-drug interactions identified were Haloperidol-Trihexphenidyl 74 times and Chlorpromazine–Haloperidol 36 times. Conclusion: A high prevalence of potential drug-drug interaction is recorded in our study area. Most potential drug-drug interactions recorded in this stud may cause cardio toxicity and QT prolongation. Patients with the risk of cardiovascular comorbidities and those who are prescribed multiple medications need to be monitored more closely.
Introduction: Little is known about the frequency and nature of medication errors (MEs) and adverse drug events (ADEs) that occur in mental health hospitals. Objectives: This systematic review aims to provide an up-to-date and critical appraisal of the epidemiology and nature of MEs and ADEs in this setting. Method: Ten electronic databases were searched, including MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, PsycINFO, Scopus, British Nursing Index, ASSIA, Web of Science, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1999 to October 2016). Studies that examined the rate of MEs or ADEs in mental health hospitals were included, and quality appraisal of the included studies was conducted. Result: In total, 20 studies were identified. The rate of MEs ranged from 10.6 to 17.5 per 1000 patient-days (n = 2) and of ADEs from 10.0 to 42.0 per 1000 patient-days (n = 2) with 13.0-17.3% of ADEs found to be preventable. ADEs were rated as clinically significant (66.0-71.0%), serious (28.0-31.0%), or life threatening (1.4-2.0%). Prescribing errors occurred in 4.5-6.3% of newly written or omitted prescription items (n = 3); dispensing errors occurred in 4.6% of opportunities for error (n = 1) and in 8.8% of patients (n = 1); and medication administration errors occurred in 3.3-48.0% of opportunities for error (n = 5). MEs and ADEs were frequently associated with psychotropics, with atypical antipsychotic drugs commonly involved. Variability in study setting and data collection methods limited direct comparisons between studies. Conclusion: Medication errors occur frequently in mental health hospitals and are associated with risk of patient harm. Effective interventions are needed to target these events and improve patient safety.