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Does the Gamma-Ray Binary LS I + 61°303 Harbor a Magnetar?


Abstract and Figures

The high-mass X-ray binary LS I + 61°303 is also cataloged as a gamma-ray binary as a result of frequent outbursts at TeV photon energies. The system has released two soft-gamma flares in the past, suggesting a magnetar interpretation for the compact primary. This inference has recently gained significant traction following the discovery of transient radio pulses, detected in some orbital phases from the system, as the measured rotation and tentative spin-down rates imply a polar magnetic field strength of B p ≳ 10 ¹⁴ G if the star is decelerating via magnetic dipole braking. In this paper, we scrutinize magnetic field estimates for the primary in LS I + 61°303 by analyzing the compatibility of available data with the system’s accretion dynamics, spin evolution, age limits, gamma-ray emissions, and radio pulsar activation. We find that the neutron star’s age and spin evolution are theoretically difficult to reconcile unless a strong propeller torque is in operation. This torque could be responsible for the bulk of even the maximum allowed spin-down, potentially weakening the inferred magnetic field by more than an order of magnitude.
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Does the Gamma-Ray Binary LS I +61°303 Harbor a Magnetar?
Arthur G. Suvorov
and Kostas Glampedakis
Theoretical Astrophysics, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Tübingen, D-72076, Germany
Manly Astrophysics, 15/41-42 East Esplanade, Manly, NSW 2095, Australia;
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, E-30100, Spain;
Received 2022 August 17; revised 2022 September 28; accepted 2022 October 17; published 2022 November 29
The high-mass X-ray binary LS I +61°303 is also cataloged as a gamma-ray binary as a result of frequent
outbursts at TeV photon energies. The system has released two soft-gamma ares in the past, suggesting a
magnetar interpretation for the compact primary. This inference has recently gained signicant traction following
the discovery of transient radio pulses, detected in some orbital phases from the system, as the measured rotation
and tentative spin-down rates imply a polar magnetic eld strength of B
G if the star is decelerating via
magnetic dipole braking. In this paper, we scrutinize magnetic eld estimates for the primary in LS I +61°303 by
analyzing the compatibility of available data with the systems accretion dynamics, spin evolution, age limits,
gamma-ray emissions, and radio pulsar activation. We nd that the neutron stars age and spin evolution are
theoretically difcult to reconcile unless a strong propeller torque is in operation. This torque could be responsible
for the bulk of even the maximum allowed spin-down, potentially weakening the inferred magnetic eld by more
than an order of magnitude.
Unied Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Magnetars (992);Magnetic elds (994);Accretion (14);Pulsars (1306)
1. Introduction
Weng et al. (2022)recently detected radio pulsations from the
gamma-ray binary LS I +61°303 (hereafter LSI)using the Five-
hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST).
Barycentric correction and pulse alignment established a milli-
second rotation period for the primary, P=269.15508(16)ms,
together with a spin-down rate of
P4.2 1.2 10 ss
10 1
(though this measurement should be viewed as tentative; see
Section 2). The unambiguous detection of radio pulsations from
LSI settles the long-held debate about the nature of the primary
object as a neutron star, which was inconclusive from other,
multiwavelength data (Torres et al. 2010 and references therein).
As a couple of soft-gamma ares have been detected in the
direction of LSI (Dubus & Giebels 2008; Burrows et al. 2012),it
is tempting to theorize that the primary is a magnetar (Papitto
et al. 2012;Torresetal.2012). This proposition is now supported
by magnetic dipole braking theory, which predicts a polar
eldstrengthof »´ ~´
PP6.410 G710
p19 14
G, which
ranks quite highly among the Galactic magnetar population
(Olausen & Kaspi 2014).
In this work, it is our goal to collect the various pieces of
evidence from observations of LSI to reexamine the magnetar
hypothesis. In this context, we dene magnetarspecically
through an ultrastrong magnetic eld, rather than using an
empirical denition involving outburst activity. One piece
of information concerns viable scenarios for explaining the
values obtained from radio timing. Although subject
to (super)orbital variability likely owing to the high eccentricity
of the binary (e=0.63 ±0.11, Casares et al. 2005; though
see Kravtsov et al. 2020, who argued e<0.2), the X-ray
luminosity in the 310 keV band is relatively modest,
/erg s
, as the system cycles between
apastron (low)and periastron (high; Esposito et al. 2007;
Romero et al. 2007; Hadasch et al. 2012). This suggests a sub-
Eddington accretion rate even at periastron and therefore that a
propeller torque may have a hard time contributing to the bulk
of the spin-down (Ghosh & Lamb 1979; Wang 1995; Frank
et al. 2002). However, as recently shown by us in Glampedakis
& Suvorov (2021), large torques can be achieved when
relaxing various assumptions about the magnetospheric
geometry and the strength of induction-generated toroidal
elds (see also Das et al. 2022). Using the models developed
therein, we show that the spin-down data do not necessarily
point toward a magnetar in LSI, even if we accept such a
Another consideration concerns the switch-on of the object
as a radio pulsar. Conventional wisdom suggests that electron
positron pair production occurring in unscreened magneto-
spheric gapsis a necessary ingredient to excite radio
pulsations in a neutron star magnetosphere (Goldreich & Julian
1969; Ruderman & Sutherland 1975; though see Melrose et al.
2021 for a critique). Depending on the multipolarity of the
neutron stars magnetic eld and the structure of these gaps, a
broadly dened death valleyseparates inactive pulsars
from those able to pair produce (see Section 5; Chen &
Ruderman 1993; Hibschman & Arons 2001). As LSI is rotating
quite rapidly, the magnetic eld required to avoid the death
valley is moderate (at most 10
G with an outer gap), and the
radio activity of the source is unsurprising. An obvious
question then is why have radio pulsations only been observed
now? This is discussed in Section 2.2.
Bednarek (2009a,2009b; see also Khangulyan et al. 2007;
Papitto et al. 2014)argued that the gamma-ray shining of the
binary mandates a minimum surface B-eld strength of order
G; the acceleration of charges near the magnetospheric
boundary via Fermi processes at the rate necessary to produce
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1
© 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
Original content from this work may be used under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)and the title
of the work, journal citation and DOI.
A list of known magnetars, together with their observed properties, is
maintained at
the TeV radiation frequently observed from the source (Albert
et al. 2006; Acciari et al. 2009)requires strong Poynting uxes.
This estimate, however, depends on the location of the Alfvén
surface, among other things, which is sensitive to the accretion
geometry. Another possibility involves colliding winds; see
Section 2.6.
The above considerations are discussed in this work, which
is organized as follows. Section 2provides a detailed overview
of the observed properties of LSI, preparing the ground for the
theoretical analysis of the subsequent sections. Section 3forms
the main part of the paper and is devoted to the spin evolution
and accretion dynamics of LSI. The physics related to gamma-
band emissions from LSI are discussed in Section 4. The
specics of radio pulsar activation for LSI are the subject of
Section 5. Section 6is a digression to the papers main topic,
discussing the gravitational-wave (GW)observability of LSI by
present and near-future detectors. Concluding remarks can be
found in Section 7.
Throughout, we use an asterisk to denote stellar parameters
like mass, radius, and moment of inertia. We also adopt the
following normalizations: M
/1.4 M
MM M10 yr
 ,L
erg s
and P
=P/0.1 s.
2. An Overview of the Observed Properties of LSI
Weng et al. (2022)detected 42 single pulses from LSI using
FAST data from 2020 January that, after alignment and
barycentric correction, revealed a source pulsating with period
P=0.269 s. The best-t value for the period derivative was
found to be
P4.2 1.2 10 ss
10 1
() . This value, quoted
from Supplementary Figure 1 in Weng et al. (2022), was
obtained by folding data to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio
using the prepfold pipeline within the PulsaR Exploration and
Search TOolkit (PRESTO)package (Ransom et al. 2002). The
cited period derivative and its uncertainties are therefore not
obtained from direct timing. As noted by Weng et al. (2022),
there are only 3 hr worth of observations spanning a tight orbital
phase (0.58); thus, the authors were unable to recover the
Doppler-shifted signals necessary to determine the intrinsic
period derivatives. We can estimate the extent to which (orbitally
averaged)Doppler modulation imprints on the period derivative
through pwD+PPPaie2sin1cos
Dop orb 2
() ( ) ( )
(see, e.g.,
Israel et al. 2017).Here
isin and ωare the projected semimajor
axis in units of light-seconds and longitude of periastron,
respectively. Under the most favorable orbital solution of Casares
et al. (2005; see Table 3 therein),wend D-
Dop 10
() ;
can be trusted to within a factor of 2. At worst, though,
the maximum error could exceed the reported
Throughout this work, we operate under the assumption of
an upper limit ´--
P5.6 10 ss
10 1
and intend to show that,
even if the extreme value is used, much of it could be attributed
to accretion torques. In the remainder of this section, we recap
which observational arguments support either a magnetar or
nonmagnetar interpretation.
2.1. Radio Pulsations: Spin-down
A naive application of standard magnetic braking in vacuum
implies a polar eld strength of B
G, which is
clearly of magnetar level. The nonvacuum Spitkovsky (2006)
expression reduces this by only a factor of 2. A similar
estimate for B
is obtained if we use the particle-wind modied
formula of Harding et al. (1999)and Thompson et al. (2000),
even if we assume a wind luminosity as high as the maximum
spin-down energy rate. As we show in detail in Section 3,
however, a strong propeller torque may be able to relieve the
magnetic eld from the spin-down demands to some degree.
For reasonable values of the torque particulars, we nd that
values of B
G could be a viable alternative, even
assuming such a large
2.2. Radio Pulsations: Death Valley
The existence of LSI as a radio pulsar implies that the object
should reside outside of the graveyard(Ruderman &
Sutherland 1975), which implies a minimum B-eld strength.
As we show in Section 5, however, for polar-gap congura-
tions, this minimum is only of order 10
G, though it could
reach 10
G for an outer gap (Chen & Ruderman 1993;
Hibschman & Arons 2001).
Given that pulsations were only observed recently, however
(2020 January 7; Weng et al. 2022), one may argue that
magnetic substructures atop the crust (starspots; Zhang et al.
2007)or in the magnetosphere (twists; Beloborodov 2009)
may have only just developed or (Hall)drifted into regions that
are conducive to radio activity. Magnetospheric twists, injected
following quake activity (that may have sparked the soft-
gamma ares in 2008 and 2012), can survive on long diffusion
timescales (years; Parfrey et al. 2013)and temporarily
recongure the geometry of the emission zone. Furthermore,
many of the known radio magnetarsexperience accelerated
spin-down following are activity. Archibald et al. (2015)
reported that the spin derivative of 1E 1048.15937 varied by a
factor of 5 starting 100 days after each of its outbursts,
oscillating for years before stabilizing. A magnetar inter-
pretation may therefore simultaneously explain a large
at the
time radio pulsations were observed and why the source
switched on at all.
Alternative explanations involve the mode of accretion or
dynamics related to the companion. The ram pressure of infalling
material may have temporarily subsided, allowing for the source to
activate as a radio pulsar, similar to what is thought to happen for
the swingingpulsars PSR J1023+0038 and IGR J182452452
(Tam et al. 2010; Papitto et al. 2013). The absence of X-ray
pulsations casts doubt on this interpretation, however. Another
possibility is that the pulsar beam is most often directed through
the wind from the companion and regularly quenched because the
region is optically thick to freefree absorption (Chernyakova &
Malyshev 2020). Zdziarski et al. (2010)estimated the optical
depth as t»´ ´ -
a510 310cm
ff 3123
apastron if e0.6.
Regardless, the role of the vast aperture available to FAST is
unquestionable, as the mean pulsed signal was at the μJy
level (Weng et al. 2022). This means we cannot conclude that
the source is only now radio-loud. Future observations will
help to determine whether the source is always onbut only
visible at certain orbital cycles, which would favor the latter
explanations above, or has since shut off, which would point
toward dynamical phenomena in the magnetosphere.
2.3. X-Ray/Soft-gamma Emissions: Bursts
Bursts with luminosities exceeding 10
erg s
, likely
though not denitely associated with LSI (see Muñoz-Arjonilla
et al. 2009), were detected by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
in 2008 (Dubus & Giebels 2008)and again in 2012 (Burrows
et al. 2012). These short (0.3 s)bursts are characteristic of
those observed in magnetars (e.g., 1E 2259+586, with polar
eld strength 10
G; Gavriil et al. 2004). Torres et al. (2012)
suggested that the low intensity of the bursts favors an
interpretation of a modest Bmagnetar with B5×10
G, and
that they are at variance with known type I X-ray bursts and
unlikely to be accretion-driven. Numerical simulations of
magnetically induced stresses in neutron stars suggest that local
eld strengths of order 2×10
G are necessary to fracture
the crust (Lander et al. 2015), which is a popular model for
driving ares in soft-gamma repeaters (e.g., Pons & Perna
If the neutron star occasionally accretes, a stipulation that is
defensible because kilosecond-long X-ray bursts have been
observed (Li et al. 2011), its magnetic eld may be buried.
Burial reduces the global dipole moment while tangling the
eld near the surface. Simulations suggest that strong (10
G)patches within accreted mountains are consistently
generated even if the global eld, controlling magnetospheric
radii and spin-down, is 10
G(Suvorov & Melatos 2020;
Fujisawa et al. 2022). Buried elds may persist on ohmic
yr)timescales (Vigelius & Melatos 2009).
2.4. X-Ray Emissions: Persistent, Hard
Hadasch et al. (2012)found that the 310 keV ux for LSI is
of order 4×10
erg cm
at apastron and 2×
erg cm
at periastron. The recent Gaia survey
indicates a distance of d
=2.65(9)kpc (Lindegren et al.
2021), implying that the overall X-ray luminosity is of order
/erg s
. Esposito et al. (2007)cited a
column density of N
, while Frail &
Hjellming (1991)gave N
, implying a factor of
2 uncertainty in the unabsorbed luminosity. These persistent,
nonthermal X-ray emissions could be accretion-powered, implying
that L
can be converted into an estimate for the mass accretion
rate M
(see Section 3.2). An alternative reservoir for L
could be
the colliding wind (see Section 2.6), in which case, any inversions
for the accretion rate from L
will be overestimates. It is important
to note, however, that the relevant L
at the time the source was
radio visible is unknown. Weng et al. (2022)detected pulses when
the system had an orbital phase of 0.58 (see their Table 1), but
given the uncertainties in the orbital modeling itself (see Kravtsov
et al. 2020 for a detailed discussion), it is nontrivial to deduce the
orbital separation at the observation time.
2.5. X-Ray (Non)Emissions: Persistent, Soft
Despite long-term monitoring campaigns (e.g., Esposito
et al. 2007; Paredes et al. 2007), there is little evidence for a
thermal component to LSIs persistent emissions. Isolated
magnetars display relatively high surface luminosities (Olausen
& Kaspi 2014), thought to be provided by the secular decay of
their internal magnetic elds (Thompson & Duncan 1993,
1996). A conservative upper limit is set by L
erg s
; unfortunately, this is of little use to the present
analysis, as it is comparable to the typical magnetar quiescent
luminosity (Olausen & Kaspi 2014). Magnetothermal simula-
tions carried out by Anzuini et al. (2022a)show that the surface
luminosity of a heavy (M1.8 M
)but highly magnetized
G)neutron star can drop below 10
erg s
after centuries if the nucleon and hyperon direct Urca
processes are active (see their Figures 5 and B1 and also
Anzuini et al. 2022b). As such, in order for thermal emission
limits to have a true impact as concerns the nature of LSI,
would need to be pushed downward by (at least)an
order of magnitude. Although a more precise statement can
be made using spectral ts, it is likely that even elds of
strength 10
G cannot be denitively ruled out if fast Urca
mechanisms operate (Lattimer et al. 1991).
2.6. Gamma-Ray Emissions
As argued by Bednarek (2009a,2009b; see also Khangulyan
et al. 2007), surrounding the line where magnetic pressure
balances the gravitational pressure of infalling matter (i.e., the
Alfvén surface), there exists a turbulent region where electrons are
accelerated via Fermi processes, especially if the neutron star
velocity exceeds the local speed of sound at the inner boundary of
the corona (supersonic propeller state; Papitto et al. 2012).
Synchrotron processes and inverse-Compton scattering of radia-
tion from the Be star companion result in the electrons achieving
a Lorentz factor of order
»´ -
BM1.8 10
max 614
514 10
Equation (14)in Bednarek 2009b). Requiring that
therefore demands a minimum Beld.
An alternative location for the production of high-energy
emissions is in a colliding wind (e.g., Maraschi & Treves 1981).
The continuous outow of relativistic particles from the pulsar
encounters the stellar wind from the Be companion, resulting in
a termination shock at the point where the pressures balance
(Dubus 2006). Particles are scattered at the shock front and
accelerated. Given the high maximum spin-down luminosity of
the primary, the pulsar wind is easily energetic enough to
accommodate TeV emissions (Dubus 2013). Using smoothed
particle hydrodynamic (SPH)simulations in 3D, Romero et al.
(2007)found that the geometry of the termination front does not
match the morphology of the radio observations in LSI, though
their simulations adopt wind luminosities of 10
erg s
lower than the maximum spin-down luminosity. Torres et al.
(2012)separately argued that it is difcult to explain the
anticorrelation between GeV and TeV emissions from LSI with a
colliding wind. The external torques associated with this model
may be minimal due to a high degree of spherical symmetry, thus
making magnetic spin-down the bulk contributor to
magnetar conclusion for a large
would therefore be hard to
2.7. Age Limits
The lack of an associated supernova remnant for LSI (Frail
et al. 1987)implies a likely age of at least a few kiloyears
(Papitto et al. 2012). By contrast, if magnetic braking
dominates over any accretion-related torques, and the braking
index of the source is held constant at n=3 over the lifetime of
LSI, one predicts an age of 10 yr. This is obviously excluded
by observations dating back to the late 1950s (Hardorp et al.
1959). It should be noted, however, that magnetars, and pulsars
more generally (Shaw et al. 2022), exhibit noisy spin-down.
For example, the magnetar Swift J1834.90846 resides at the
center of supernova remnant W41 (Tian et al. 2007), strongly
suggesting their association (Granot et al. 2017).Ann=3
history for the former implies a star of age τ
4.9 kyr
(Olausen & Kaspi 2014), though the true age of W41 was
estimated by Tian et al. (2007)to be between 60 and 200 kyr,
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
depending on expansion assumptions (e.g., the extent of
radiative cooling).
In any case, it is difcult to imagine a scenario where the
magnetic eld gets signicantly stronger over time; therefore,
magnetic braking today should occur at a similar or weaker rate
than has occurred historically. An alternative explanation to
avoid this age-related problem is that the object possesses a
weaker eld, though is presently spinning down at a high rate
due to a large propeller torque.
Based on its kinematic velocity relative to the Heart Nebula
cluster IC 1805, Mirabel et al. (2004)argued that LSI may have
been ejected from the young complex of massive stars from
whence it came 1.7 ±0.7 Myr ago. Such an age is not
unusual for binaries involving neutron stars, though is virtually
impossible to accommodate with a (present-day)subsecond
magnetar scenario, as spin-down and eld decay prevent old
objects from being both fast and strongly magnetized
2.8. Magnetars in Binaries?
King & Lasota (2019)suggested that magnetars in binaries
should be rare. They argued that previous suggestions that
some high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), and ultraluminous
sources in particular, contain magnetars are problematic (see
Israel et al. 2017; Igoshev & Popov 2018). The most natural
evolutionary scenario involves one member from a binary star
(e.g., of class OB)undergoing core collapse and eventually
leaving behind an X-ray binary with a magnetar primary. Large
angular momentum reserves may be necessary, however, to
entice dynamo activity in the protostar to generate elds
exceeding 10
G(Thompson & Duncan 1993). King &
Lasota (2019)argued in this case that the supernova will be
superluminous (though see Vink & Kuiper 2006), likely
destroying the companion and leaving only an isolated
magnetar; see Popov (2016)and White et al. (2022).
If instead, a magnetar captures a companion, such a process
must occur within a megayear after birth, or else the eld is
likely to have decayed sufciently to depose the star of its
magnetar status. Though the probability of a capture happening
within this time is low, the issue of magnetars in binaries
becomes one of semantics to some degree, as there are some
low-eldmagnetars (most notably SGR 0418+5729, which
houses a surface eld of only 6×10
G; Rea et al. 2013).
Fields of this order could persist over megayear timescales
without signicant decay, depending on the electrical con-
ductivity of the crust, which could be hampered by impurities
(Igoshev & Popov 2018). Field decay can also be stalled by
plastic ows in a highly magnetized crust, as such ows tend to
oppose the existing electron uid motions (Gourgouliatos &
Lander 2021), thus preventing the formation of small-scale,
tangled elds that are most at risk of ohmic decay.
The following sections offer a more detailed discussion of
the above topics. Each one concludes with a nal verdictas
to the magnetar versus no-magnetar nature of LSI.
3. Spin History
In this section, we show how combinations of electro-
magnetic braking with various eld geometries, together with
accretion-induced braking torques, can be applied to investigate
the spin history of the primary in LSI.
3.1. Electromagnetic Spin-down
Neutron stars intrinsically decelerate through electro-
magnetic and gravitational torques, the relative impacts of
which can be quantied in terms of a braking index, n. For a
simple, centered dipole, one has n=3, while for a general -
polar eld, one has n=2+1. Braking indices n<3 are also
theoretically possible in cases where particle winds make up
the bulk of the spin-down torque (Maraschi & Treves 1981;
Thompson et al. 2000)or if the star is precessing and/or
oblique (Melatos 1997; Pétri 2019).
Including corrections induced by a force-free magnetosphere
according to the Spitkovsky (2006)formulae, the spin
evolution of an inclined rotator may be approximately
described by (see also, e.g., Mastrano et al. 2011)
Ic k261sin, 1
() ( ) ()
for inclination angle α, magnetospheric factor k1, and
moment of inertia I
. Throughout this work, we adopt
MR0.38 2
as pertains to a Tolman-VII equation of state
(Lattimer & Prakash 2001)for stellar mass M
. Equation (1)
can be used to infer B
as a function of nand α, given values of
. More generally, however, Equation (1)can be solved
for some (time-dependent)choices of nand B
, and one can
infer the stars age. Late-time solutions to Equation (1)are
relatively insensitive to the exact value of the initial birth period,
. In particular, the spin-down age of the object is
approximated by t»-Pn P1
[( )
. Demanding τ
>60 yr
at minimum (owing to the objects discovery by Hardorp et al.
1959), one then obtains n1.4, which in turn implies, in fact,
that B
G for an orthogonal rotatornonmagnetar. The
absence of a detectable supernova remnant, however, suggests
that τ
yr, and, unless the braking index
is very close to
unity, additional physics is needed to explain the objects
3.2. Accretion Torques
Although accretion disks are rare in HMXB systems,
Hayasaki & Okazaki (2004)found with SPH simulations that
a persistent disk comes to surround the neutron star in Be/X-
ray binaries with periods P
24 days, independent of the
model specics. We are therefore justied in describing LSI as
an accreting system with a thin disk threaded by the neutron
stars magnetic eld (see Ghosh & Lamb 1979; Frank et al.
2002). This working hypothesis comes with a certain degree of
approximation; the geometry of the actual accretion ow could
depart from the well-ordered axisymmetric structure of a thin
equatorial disk, especially if there is a strong quasi-spherical
wind component. To some extent, some of the key parameters
discussed below, like the magnetospheric radius and
relation, are robust enough to remain accurate even if the
accretion ow would not take the form of a thin disk. On the
other hand, if we were to consider the opposite limit of
spherical Bondi accretion, say, then the resulting torque would
In what follows, the braking index here applies only to intrinsic torques in
the sense of Equation (1). Even if external torques modify the overall spin
evolution so that the true observational braking index is different from what we
call nin Equation (1), the same symbol is adopted for ease of presentation.
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
be negligible, and, as we discuss below, it is difcult to explain
the P
,data of LSI. The thin disk model includes two basic
length scales; the rst one is the corotation radius
GM 4
co 2213
, which marks the radial distance where
the local Keplerian angular frequency of the orbiting gas
matches the stellar angular frequency. The magnetospheric
GM M 2
47 127
17 27
is dened by the energy balance between the gas and the stellar
poloidal magnetic eld. Note that while Equation (2)implicitly
assumes the eld is a dipole, multipolar corrections are small,
as an -pole decays as -+
and is therefore weak at radii
(see Section 4.1 of Glampedakis & Suvorov 2021).At
this radius, the accretion ow becomes dominated by the
magnetic eld, and the disk is effectively truncated. The
parameter ξ, typically taking values in the range 0.11, is a
useful phenomenological device for describing the complex
(and highly uncertain)physics taking place at the boundary
layer around R
(see Glampedakis & Suvorov 2021 for details).
The recent general-relativistic simulations conducted by Das
et al. (2022)show that Equation (2)adequately describes the
magnetospheric radius in most cases, though with the general
trend that the effective ξdecreases as the dipole eld strength
increases (see Table 1 therein).
In addition to the above two length scales, the light cylinder
radius, R
=c/2πν for speed of light c, is a key quantity for the
pulsar mechanism. One nds that
289 , 3
12 7
10 21
22 . 4
12 7
The R
regime, likely the relevant one for LSI, is the so-
called propeller regime; the disk is truncated so far away from
the star that the inward motion of the gas is centrifugally
inhibited by the much faster rotating magnetic lines. This
arrangement results in a net spin-down for the neutron star.
An R
arrangement means that the magnetic eld is
strong enough (and the accretion rate is weak enough)to
provide the neutron star with a clean, gas-free magnetosphere,
thereby allowing for radio emission as in ordinary pulsars.
Based on the above estimate, LSI could sit on either side of the
fence, especially if ξ=1. Given its high orbital eccentricity,
the transition from radio emission to (pulsational)radio silence
could even take place during an orbital period provided M
sufciently variable from apastron to periastron, as in the ip-
opmodel of Torres et al. (2012).
The standard formula =
for estimating M
not applicable to a propellering system, where instead
A simple inversion then leads to
M LBRM0.71 . 6
10 79 33
This expression, when combined with our estimate for the
nonthermal luminosity L
, leads to an accretion rate range,
10 10 , 7
for ξ0.1 (see below)and 1 B
100, where »MEdd
M1.5 10 yr
is the Eddington accretion rate.
The most basic torque associated with the thin disk model
comes from infalling matter at the lever-arm distance R
˙() ()
This is easily modied to account for the relative rotation
between the disk and the magnetic lines, viz.
w=-NN1, 9
mA A
() ()
where the so-called fastness parameter is dened as
. This torque allows for spin equilibrium,
=0, as well as a propeller regime, N
A more rigorous modeling of the diskmagnetic eld
coupling should account for the induced azimuthal magnetic
eld component; the outcome is an accretion torque that
comprises N
and a radially integrated contribution from the
entire disk (Wang 1995). This torque has been revised by us in
Glampedakis & Suvorov (2021)to include the boundary layer
parameter ξ, with the result being
313 2, 10
disk 72A72 A
which combines with the torque(s)implied by Equation (1).
Once the torque is obtained, the spin-up/-down rate of the
neutron star is easily found with the help of
The spin-down rate associated with Equation (10)is shown
in Figure 1. Each band is delimited by a mass accretion rate
specied by the range of Equation (7), where the lower limit
(depicted with solid curves in Figure 1)roughly corresponds to
LSIs revised persistent X-ray luminosity at apastron; see
Equation (5). The dashed curves in Figure 1correspond to
periastron-like M
values, more typical for low-mass X-ray
binaries. The ξ=1 spin-down band is compatible with the
upper limits on
provided B
G. The ξ=0.1 band
Figure 1. Propeller spin-down rate for LSI, n
, calculated with the torque
(Equation (10)), as a function of the polar eld, B
G. Each of the two
shaded bands corresponds to an
range varying from =-
10 2
dashed curves)to -M
(rightmost solid curves). The former (latter)value
corresponds to the estimated quiescent L
luminosity of LSI at periastron
(apastron). The left (right)band corresponds to ξ=0.1 (ξ=1). The horizontal
band marks the maximum spin-down rate of LSI, viz. n-< <
6.04 10 s
-4.39 (Weng et al. 2022).
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
does the same job using a somewhat moderate eld,
G. A value ξ=1 is perhaps the most
physically motivated; ξ0.1 is required in order to theoreti-
cally explain the observed spin-up rates of several accretion-
powered X-ray pulsars (Glampedakis & Suvorov 2021), most
notably SAX J1808.43658. Becker et al. (2012)also argued
for ξ0.1 in a number of systems from cyclotron line
The above analysis suggests that LSIs tentative
, or some
other value within an order of magnitude, could be entirely
or partially the result of propeller action, especially if the
instantaneous M
during the spin-down measurement is a factor
of 10100 higher than the estimated persistent accretion rate. In
that case, the magnetic eld inferred from the P
,data may be
an overestimation of the neutron stars true magnetic eld,
making LSI either a low-Bmagnetar or a high-Bpulsar.
3.3. Spin Evolutions: Weaker Field
As demonstrated in Section 3.2, propeller torques alone with
G can theoretically explain the maximum
value of the
neutron star in LSI, provided that one uses the strong torque
prole (Equation (10)) together with ξ0.1 and »-
MM10 2Edd
However, the propeller torque will be aided by intrinsic braking
torques, as described in Section 3.1.
In general, if we wish to explain the present-day
with a
large Beld, the historical
is also likely to be large, implying
a very young object. This can be avoided if the surface eld is
highly multipolar (see Section 3.4)or propeller torques activate
sporadically, including just prior to when the radio pulses were
observed (i.e., at a recent switching timedened below).
Figure 2shows a variety of possible evolutionary tracks, with
the left (right)panel showing =--
MM10 10
() with two
different values of ξ(blue and red curves), where propeller
torques are considered small (i.e., MM
)at times t
5 kyr, though they become large at this ducial transition point
t=5 kyr. At this switching time, the star enters a phase of rapid
spin-down to allow for an enormous
. This is illustrated
within the gure inset, which shows a smooth though rapid
increase in
at the switching time. In this simple picture, the
stellar magnetic eld is of order B
G, as is typical for
HMXBs (Papitto et al. 2012). The switching time sets a oor to
the age of the system (kiloyears)but also cannot be too large
(10 kyr)for a given B
or the system will exceed the
measured spin period without matching the
value. As can be
seen in the x==
MM10 , 0.09
 case (right panel, blue
curve), pure n=3 braking already has the star approach the
present-day period value at t5 kyr. The key points described
above persist when involving multiple switching times; if the
system dances between propeller and accreting states, the
number switching times could be large, and the system could
be old. Furthermore, the evolution should be bumpierthan
shown in reality, with periodic variations in M
due to the
orbital eccentricity.
3.4. Spin Evolutions: Stronger Field
One way that a magnetar-like eld can be accommodated
while also permitting a relatively old system is if the historical
braking index n5. Such a value is appropriate for a
quadrupolar eld. Similar to Figure 2, we suppose that the
propeller mechanism activates at some ducial time t=5 kyr
with =-
(red curve)or -M10 6Edd
(blue curve), as shown
in the left panel of Figure 3. Here we take n=5, which
prevents magnetar-level polar eld strengths, B
from slowing down the star too much at early times.
Alternatively, the magnetic geometry may have recongured
near this switching time (see Section 2.2), such that the
multipolarity of the eld decreased. The right panel shows an
idealized situation, where a pure quadrupole (n=5)recon-
gures to a dipole-like (n3)eld near the switching time
instead, thus increasing the instantaneous spin-down rate (see
Equation (1)). Ignoring the Hall effect, a reduction in the eld
multipolarity as time progresses may be expected from ohmic
decay, as more tangled patches of eld tend to dissipate quicker
(e.g., Aguilera et al. 2008).
The conclusion of this section is that because it is unclear
which (instantaneous)value of M
applies for the period when
Weng et al. (2022)timed the radio pulses (see Section 2),
several scenarios are theoretically possible. If the system is a
magnetar (i.e., B
G), lower values of M
(i.e., at
apastron)in conjunction with a quadrupole-like braking index
Figure 2. Weak-eldP(t)tracks for LSI, with assumed accretion rates of =-
10 2
and -M
for t5 kyr in the left and right panels, respectively, though with
negligible propeller torques at earlier times. The blue (red)curve, whose width accounts for a ducial uncertainty in the maximum period derivative, viz.
.2 10 4.
, has ξ=0.09(0.04).Wex the (intrinsic)braking index at n=3 and inclination angle at α=0. The polar eld strength, as shown in the panel
legends, is chosen such that the torques produce the requisite
when P=0.269 s. The gure insets display the period derivative; the rapid rise occurs because strong
propeller torques are turned on.
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
n5 can explain ages t5 kyr and the maximum
(see Figure 3). For a nonmagnetar, a larger M
(i.e., at
periastron)combined with elds more typical of HMXBs could
easily explain the observations with B
and 0.05 ξ0.1 (see Figures 1and 2).
4. TeV Gamma Rays
As conrmed by measurements taken with the MAGIC and
VERITAS gamma-ray telescopes (Albert et al. 2006; Acciari
et al. 2009), LSI is one of the few known gamma-ray binaries
emitting TeV radiation. In this section, we consider a model
of particle acceleration near the magnetospheric boundary to
estimate the minimum polar eld strength of LSI required to
produce ultrahigh-energy radiation.
4.1. Particle Acceleration
As put forth by Bednarek (2009a,2009b)and others,
electrons can be accelerated in the turbulent transition region
near the boundary of the Alfvén surface through Fermi
processes. The associated power for an electron of energy E
can be parameterized as
zz==W cE R ceB,11
acc Lar ()
where R
is the Larmor radius, eis the elementary charge, and
is the dimensionless acceleration parameter,
which effectively sets a cutoff energy for the emitted spectrum;
in the case of relativistic shocks, Khangulyan et al. (2007)
suggested that 10
, though this parameter is
theoretically uncertain. We proceed by matching Equation (11)
with the energy losses from synchrotron processes, which apply
to the highest-energy particles, viz.
srg»Wc43, 12
syn T 2()
where σ
is the Thomson cross section, and
2is the
Alfvén energy density in the transition region. From the
denition of the magnetospheric radius (Equation (2)),wend
BR .13
37 67
() ()
Maintaining all of the various scalings, we therefore obtain
gzx»´ -
BMM R3.9 10 . 14
max 6
12 32 14
15 14
In general, the relativistic electron energy, E=γm
mass m
, acquires an TeV value for γ
Demanding that
max TEV, we obtain the inequality
0.15 210 .15
14 1.4
15 14
12 32
14 5
14 5
Using the propeller inversion (Equation (6)), the above
expression becomes
zx g
BLMR1.4 210,16
14 33
which scales strongly with ξ. The details of the requisite B
value depend on when the gamma rays are observed relative to
the orbital cycle.
4.2. Orbital Scenarios
It has been argued by Torres et al. (2012)that the
(nonpulsational)radio emissions indicate that the highest-
energy emission occurs only at apastron, with lower, GeV-
band emissions at periastron. If one assumes, therefore, that
high-energy particles are only emitted at apastron, where M
expected to achieve its local minimum, relatively weak elds
could permit TeV emission for large enough ξ. If we take
ξ0.3 and x the stellar parameters to their canonical values,
Equation (16)becomes
zx --
BL610 0.3 G. 17
p,min 13 3 7 33
() ()
The above assumes an X-ray luminosity rate that is on the
low end, as relevant for the source being at apastron, together
with an extreme accelerator, ζ1. Signicantly larger values
of ~-
MM10 2Edd
, as considered in Section 3, require polar
eld strengths that approach the virial limit unless ξ?0.3.
Figure 3. Strong-eldspin period evolutions: P(t)tracks for LSI permitting large polar eld strengths, B
G, as shown in the panel legends. Larger braking
indices allow for
to be relatively small at early times t5 kyr (see insets, which display
as in Figure 2). Propeller torques may activate at this ducial switching
time for an accretion rate 
6Edd 5
 (left panel)or the surface eld may decay to a dipole-like conguration with 2.5 n3(right panel)to account
for a large
shortly after t=5 kyr. We xα=0.
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
Note that such values of ξare larger than those considered in
Section 3by a factor of 2, hinting again that the maximum
is overinated unless the instantaneous L
was much lower
when the source pulsed in the radio.
For context, we consider how this analysis matches up with
other high-energy systems. Radio timing of the TeV binaries
hosting the millisecond pulsars PSR J2032+4127 and PSR
B125963, assuming standard dipole braking, gives B
3.4 ×10
and 6.6 ×10
G, respectively (Johnston et al.
1994; Camilo et al. 2009). For the former source, however,
X-ray emissions are relatively weak, L
1.1 ×10
erg s
(Camilo et al. 2009), so that even the propeller-minimum
Equation (17)imposes the modest constraint ´
10 0.3 G
10 7 5 7
()to explain TeV outbursts. The X-ray
luminosity of the latter is more like that of LSI, with L
erg s
at apastron (Kawachi et al. 2004), though if ξ1,
the required minimum is z -
1.4 10
p,min 11 3 G. The key
difference for LSI is that we anticipate small values of ξ,if
indeed --
P10 ss
11 1
A key conclusion is that there is an inverse relationship
between ξ, controlling the magnetospheric radius, and the polar
eld strength required to explain TeV emissions, at least
within the context of the Bednarek (2009a,2009b)model. This
is the reverse of that imposed by the radio
considered in Section 3;ifξis too small, synchrotron losses
prevent the system from emitting high-energy particles, while if
it is too large, the system cannot spin-down fast enough.
Overall, therefore, the analysis of this section suggests that
polar eld strengths of order 10
G, at minimum, are required
for LSI. If relativistic shocks dominate the acceleration process
at the magnetospheric radius, however (i.e., if ζ=1;
Khangulyan et al. 2007), then magnetar-level elds appear to
be necessary.
5. Radio Pulsar Activation
It is generally put forth that pair production in charge-starved
magnetospheric gapsis a necessary action in the powering of
radio pulsations from neutron stars, magnetar or otherwise
(Ruderman & Sutherland 1975; though see Melrose et al.
2021). Depending on the rotation rate, the magnetic eld, and
the structure and location of these gaps, a variety of possible
death linesarise, dening an overall death valley(Chen &
Ruderman 1993; Hibschman & Arons 2001; Szary et al. 2015).
This provides a basis for investigating the radio switch-on
of LSI.
5.1. Death Valley
Although many models exist, a promising location for these
gaps is above the polar cap(s), as the open eld line bundle
ensures that material is continually expelled from there. The
maximum potential drop,
dmax 22 32
for dipole component B
. This must exceed the voltage drop
required for pair production; in a curvature-radiation
scenario, we have (Ruderman & Sutherland 1975)
mc mcR
15 ,19
where R
is the curvature radius, ´
mc e 4.4
QED 23
1013 G denotes the Schwinger eld, ÿis the reduced Planck
constant, and Hdenotes a characteristic gap width.
Following Chen & Ruderman (1993), we consider three
models. (I)Pure dipole. Here one simply takes =
clc 12
lc 12
. The death line,
Vpair,reads -=BP
log 7.5 log 49.
d.(II)Twisted dipole.
This case is similar to (I), though instead we assume that the
magnetospheric eld lines are curved such that R
. The line
is given by -=BP
log 6.5 log 45.7
d.(III)Twisted multi-
poles. In this case, B
and HR
.Theeld lines are so
curved that radiated photons cross other parts of the capsopen
eld lines (see Figure 3 in Chen & Ruderman 1993). The line is
given by BP
log 6 log 43.8
d. It may be the case, though,
that the cap is polluted by various materials, either from
thermionic crustal emissions (Szary et al. 2015)or the accretion
ow, in which case local electric elds may always be screened.
So we also consider an outer-gap model, for which the death line
(IV)reads -=BP
log 12 log 7
d(see Equation (24)of Chen
& Ruderman 1993).
Figure 4shows death lines IIV on a BPdiagram. The
dashed line with black stars illustrates the possible range of
eld strengths for LSI. We also show for completeness the
(characteristic)location of known radio-loud magnetars (red
stars)and high-Bpulsars (black diamonds). It is clear that these
latter sources can easily accommodate the death valley
constraints, with the possible exception of the outer magneto-
sphere model (IV). Similarly, unless B
G for LSI, it,
too, easily survives the valley.
In a magnetar (i.e., strongly quantum electrodynamic)
environment, photons may split with nonnegligible probability,
quenching pair production (Baring & Harding 1998). Medin &
Lai (2010)numerically traced the development of pair cascades
in the magnetospheres of stars with B10
G, including
effects from photon splitting with realistic selection rules for
the polarization modes, one-photon pair production into low
Landau levels, and resonant inverse-Compton scattering from
geometrically diverse hot spots. Remarkably, they found that
untwisted dipole elds observe death lines similar to category
Figure 4. Death lines (IIV), detailed in the main text, in BPspace. When a
source lies vertically above a given line, the model says that the star can
switch onas a radio pulsar. Known radio-loud magnetars (namely, SGR
J17452900, PSR J16224950, XTE J1810197, 1E 1547.05408, SGR 1935
+2154, and Swift J1818.01607)are shown by red stars, and a few high-B
pulsars (PSR J11196127, PSR J17343333, and PSR J17183718)are shown
with black diamonds. The primary in LSI is shown as a black star, with the
dashed line delineating the possible B-eld range.
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
(I)with »´
P10 s G
d,min 12 2
()(see their Equation (60)),
which is 10
G for LSI.
As such, conventional theory and numerical simulations
suggest that it is easy for LSI to switch on as a radio pulsar. So
why are pulsations only now observed? Aside from their
microjansky brightnessinvisible prior to FASTdynami-
cal phenomena related to the soft-gamma ares may be
responsible. Patches of crust with intense magnetic spots can
drift through a combination of plastic ow and the Hall effect,
suggesting that the emitting region may itself drift postquake
(Gourgouliatos 2022). Magnetospheric twist injections and
diffusive settling could also recongure the polar cap geometry
(Beloborodov 2009). Pollution of the gap region is also likely
to play a role in the nulling fraction (Torres et al. 2012).
Alternatively, the pulsar may be permanently onbut have its
radio emissions absorbed by the thick wind of the companion.
Future observations will help to settle the issue. If the pulsar is
henceforth off,at least prior to the release of another soft-
gamma are, this would point toward magnetospheric twist
injections and diffusive reconguration. If pulses are consis-
tently seen with orbitally modulated brightnesses, a nonmag-
netar wind scenario, like that favored for PSR B125963
(Johnston et al. 1994), may apply.
6. GW Observability
As explored in the previous sections, there are a number of
inferences that can be made about the nature of LSI from the
electromagnetic observations. Future pulse recordings from the
source will be useful in narrowing down the intrinsic
relative to L
, which seem to be the most important quantities
as concerns the magnetar interpretation. If it turns out that LSI
houses a subsecond magnetar, the system could be visible in
GWs. Having a precise spin period for the object now allows
for targeted, narrowband GW searches to be carried out, which
can enhance the signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of T
obs for
observing time T
(e.g., Watts et al. 2008).
6.1. Magnetic Deformations
Magnetic elds introduce massdensity asymmetries in a
neutron star because the Lorentz force is not spherically
symmetric (Chandrasekhar & Fermi 1953). The inclusion of a
toroidal eld, which is necessary for the hydromagnetic
stability of the system and possibly for powering the
magnetar-like ares from the source, can also boost the
effective deformation (Cutler 2002; Mastrano et al. 2011;
Glampedakis & Gualtieri 2018). The resulting mass quadrupole
moment varies in time as the star spins, resulting in the
emission of GWs at a frequency of f
=2ν. For LSI, this
implies that f
=7.43 Hz, which, unfortunately, is difcult to
observe with second-generation interferometers because the
combination of seismic, gravitational gradient (sometimes
called Newtonian), and thermal noises severely limits
detector sensitivity at 10 Hz (Martynov et al. 2016). This
may not be a problem, however, for the future third-generation
Einstein Telescope (ET), which is designed to avoid these
issues by being underground and including cryogenic suspen-
sion technologies to reduce thermal vibrations (Punturo et al.
Introducing the ellipticity ò=(I
, for the moment
of inertia tensor I
, the characteristic GW amplitude reads (e.g.,
Glampedakis & Gualtieri 2018)
2.2 10 10 3.7 Hz
2.65 kpc .20
The ellipticity depends critically on the relative contributions
of the toroidal and poloidal eld bulks. To quantify its
magnitude, we follow Mastrano et al. (2011)and introduce the
quantity 0 <Λ1, which denotes the ratio between the
poloidal and total energy; Λ=0.5, for example, indicates
equipartition between the internal toroidal and poloidal sectors.
Mastrano et al. (2011)estimated the ellipticity as
»´ - L
BRM6 10 1 0.389 . 21
Multipoles, proton superconductivity in the core, or accreted
mountains can lead to increases in ò. Note the local minimum
in òat Λ=0.389, which occurs because the prolate distortion
induced by the toroidal eld balances the poloidal, oblate
distortion, leading to a force-free conguration.
Figure 5shows the characteristic strain (Equation (20)) as a
function of the poloidal-to-total energy ratio Λthrough
Equation (21)for various eld strengths B
(e.g., the orange
bands correspond to B
=7.2 ×10
G). In plotting
Equation (20)for a given B
, we consider both a canonical
star with M
=1.4 M
and R
=10 km (lower curves)and an
extreme one with M
and R
=14 km (upper curves).
Overlaid are relevant detection thresholds for aLIGO
and ET
for a few different observational times T
. The gure
demonstrates that the source is relatively dim in GWs, even
for the extreme case B
=7.2 ×10
G, as predicted if
propeller torques are totally absent and the star spins down
due to pure dipole braking (see Section 3). If, however, the star
is relatively compact and contains a toroidal eld that houses
95% of the total magnetic energy (i.e., Λ0.05), the system
should be visible to ET given an observation time of T
months. A superconducting core could allow for GWs to be
Figure 5. Characteristic strains h
from Equation (20)as a function of the
poloidal-to-total magnetic energy ratio, Λ, using the dipolar Tolman-VII model
(Equation (21)) of Mastrano et al. (2011)for LSI. The colored bands represent
the prediction for different B
, with the lower curves having M
=1.4 M
=10 km and the upper curves having M
and R
=14 km.
Overlaid are the detection thresholds for aLIGO and ET for a variety of
different observation times T
, as indicated by the labeled dashed lines.
Data from
Data from
The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
detected by the star given a weaker toroidal eld strength and
xed observation window (Cutler 2002; Lander 2013). These
considerations strengthen the case for the construction of ET,
as a detection of GWs from LSI would be able to signicantly
constrain its compactness and magnetic eld strength.
7. Discussion
We have provided a multifaceted analysis of LSI, with the
primary aim of deciphering the observational clues concerning
its polar magnetic eld strength. Although the P
,timing data
(modulo the caveats noted in Section 2)point to LSI being a
typicalmagnetar with B
G, other aspects of the
system suggest otherwise. The size of its magnetospheric radius
and mass accretion rate (as estimated by the persistent X-ray
luminosity)imply that LSI probably experiences a strong
propeller torque, leading to spin-down. Attributing the bulk of
a given
to a propeller torque implies that the systems true
polar eld instead lies in the ballpark of 10
Figure 1), as is more typical for HMXBs. Other physical
aspects of LSI lead to weaker constraints; a eld of B
places LSI well inside the radio-loud portion of the magnetar
fundamental planeof Rea et al. (2012)and allows for the
emission of TeV radiation from ultrarelativistic particles in
relevant boundary layers (Bednarek 2009b). All together, our
results suggest that LSI could be identied as a low-B
magnetar or a high-Bradio pulsar, the distinction between
the two categories being, to some extent, a matter of semantics
(Pons & Perna 2011).
Future observations will shed more light on the true nature of
LSI. On the electromagnetic side, one of the most critical
parameters is
, for which a long-term, timing-based solution is
unavailable. Even if a lower
is recorded in future, which
would imply a weaker polar eld, this does not necessarily
exclude the magnetar hypothesis. The presence of multiple
short (0.3 s)ares from LSI points toward the existence of an
internal toroidal or buried multipolar poloidal eld. Indeed,
simulations of magnetically induced crust breaking in neutron
stars, which are popular models for the progenitors of
magnetar-like bursts (e.g., Pons & Perna 2011), suggest that
local elds of order 10
G are necessary to induce a fracture
(Lander et al. 2015). Tighter constraints on a possible thermal
component to the X-ray luminosity would be useful in this
direction, as toroidal eld decay is likely to provide a strong
heat reservoir (see Section 2.5). A strong toroidal eld also
boosts the predicted ellipticity of the star, which provides a
more optimistic outlook for GW detection (see Figure 5).A
conrmed detection of a continuous GW signal from LSI
should be taken as strong evidence for the presence of an
intense, B>10
G, magnetic eld independent of the
To date, there have been no conrmed detections of
magnetars in binaries (though see Israel et al. 2017 and
Igoshev & Popov 2018 for some candidates). It was argued by
King & Lasota (2019)that such systems must be rare. Notably,
aside from the observations discussed in this paper, there are
formation considerations that we have not explored. For
example, it may be the case that a large stockpile of angular
momentum is required at birth to instigate substantial dynamo
or magnetorotational activity, which suggests that (aside from
merger possibilities)only rapidly rotating stars undergoing core
collapse could produce magnetars. Whether any would-be
companions can survive the supernova explosion in this case is
unclear. The magnetic eld may have decayed signicantly by
the time the magnetar can nd a companion, unless the decay
process is stalled by plastic ows or strong crustal impurities,
which extend the ohmic timescale (Igoshev & Popov 2018).
Even so, further investigation into the theoretical and
observational existence of magnetars in binaries is needed.
A.G.S. thanks Stefan Osłowski for helpful discussions on
pulse folding and general timing considerations. K.G. acknowl-
edges support from research grant PID2020-1149GB-I00 of the
Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. The research
leading to these results has received funding from the European
Unions Horizon 2020 Programme under the AHEAD2020
project (grant No. 871158). We are grateful to the anonymous
referee for providing helpful and specic feedback that
improved the quality of the manuscript.
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The Astrophysical Journal, 940:128 (11pp), 2022 December 1 Suvorov & Glampedakis
... The predictions of the magnetic-dipole braking theory suggest a polar magnetic field strength of B p ≈ 6 . 4 × 10 19 P Ṗ 1 / 2 G ∼ 7 × 10 14 G , a value that is among the highest in the Galactic magnetar population (Suvorov & Glampedakis 2022 ). ...
... Mestre et al. ( 2022 ) found that LS I + 61 303 exhibits optical micro-flares with time-scales of one day and that these micro-flares are correlated with gamma-ray emission. Rapid fluctuations in the emission have been frequently associated with the possible presence of a magnetar Zamanov et al. 2014 ;Suvorov & Glampedakis 2022 ). ...
We report on the presence of very rapid hard X-ray variability in the γ-ray binary LS I +61 303. The results were obtained by analysing NuSTAR data, which show two achromatic strong flares on ks time-scales before apastron. The Swift/BAT orbital X-ray light curve is also presented, and the NuSTAR data are put in the context of the system orbit. The spectrum and estimated physical conditions of the emitting region indicate that the radiation is synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons, likely produced in a shocked pulsar wind. The achromaticity suggests that losses are dominated by escape or adiabatic cooling in a relativistic flow, and the overall behaviour in hard X-rays can be explained by abrupt changes in the size of the emitting region and/or its motion relative to the line of sight, with Doppler boosting potentially being a prominent effect. The rapid changes of the emitter could be the result of different situations such as quick changes in the intra-binary shock, variations in the re-accelerated shocked pulsar wind outside the binary, or strong fluctuations in the location and size of the Coriolis shock region. Although future multi-wavelength observations are needed to further constrain the physical properties of the high-energy emitter, this work already provides important insight into the complex dynamics and radiation processes in LS I +61 303.
... In their supplementary Fig. 1, Weng et al. (2022) reported a spin-down ofṖ = (4.2 ± 1.2) × 10 −10 that should be regarded as tentative because it does not result from direct timing, as also pointed out by Suvorov & Glampedakis (2022). Assuming this value would imply a spin-down power oḟ E = (8.5 ± 2.4) × 10 38 erg s −1 , which is indeed a relatively large value, but it is not reliable because of the questionable measurement ofṖ itself. ...
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Context. The high-mass X-ray binary LS I +61°303 is composed of a Be-type star and a compact object in an eccentric orbit. The emission from this source is variable and periodic across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to very high-energy γ rays. The orbital period has been determined as P 1 ≈ 26.5 d, and the source also features a super-orbital period with a value of P long ≈ 4.6 years. Long-term monitoring of the binary by the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) at 15 GHz has now completed 13.8 years, which corresponds to three full cycles of the super-orbital period. This is exactly one long-term cycle more than in the previous publication about OVRO observations of this source. Aims. Our aim is to investigate the presence and the stability of periodic signals in the radio data and to test if they are in agreement with previous results. This will contribute to the understanding of the physical processes behind the non-thermal emission from this source. Methods. We performed a timing analysis of the OVRO radio light curve and made use of the generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram. We also combined the OVRO data with the full archive of previous radio observations and computed the discrete autocorrelation function. Results. The most powerful features in the periodogram of the OVRO data are two peaks at P 1 = 26.49 ± 0.05 d and P 2 = 26.93 ± 0.05 d, which are well separated from each other and clearly stand out above the very low noise level. The previously detected long-term period is still present in these new radio data, and our measurement is P long = 1698 ± 196 d. Dividing the OVRO data into three segments of equal length showed that the two periods, P 1 and P 2 , are present in the periodogram of each of the consecutive long-term cycles. Our analysis of the full radio archive resulted in the detection of the same three periods, and the autocorrelation function showed a regular pattern, proving the continuity of the decades-spanning stability of the super-orbital modulation. In addition, we report a possible systematic modulation of the radio flux density with a timescale of approximately 40 years that has so far remained unnoticed. Conclusions. The physical model of a relativistic jet whose mass loading is modulated with the orbital period P 1 and is precessing with the slightly larger period P 2 , giving rise to a beating with period P long , had previously been able to reproduce the radio and gigaelectron volt emission from this source. The ongoing presence and the stability of the periodic signals imply that this model is still the most plausible explanation for the physical processes at work in this source.
... This hypothesis is further supported by the measurements of the period obtained with the FAST radio telescope (Weng et al. 2022). The predictions of the magnetic-dipole braking theory suggest a polar magnetic field strength of ≈ 6.4 × 10 19 1/2 ∼ 7 × 10 14 , a value that is among the highest in the Galactic magnetar population (Suvorov & Glampedakis 2022a). ...
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We report on the presence of very rapid hard X-ray variability in the $\gamma$-ray binary LS I +61 303. The results were obtained by analysing NuSTAR data, which show two achromatic strong flares on ks time-scales before apastron. The Swift-BAT orbital X-ray light curve is also presented, and the NuSTAR data are put in the context of the system orbit. The spectrum and estimated physical conditions of the emitting region indicate that the radiation is synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons, likely produced in a shocked pulsar wind. The achromaticity suggests that losses are dominated by escape or adiabatic cooling in a relativistic flow, and the overall behaviour in hard X-rays can be explained by abrupt changes in the size of the emitting region and/or its motion relative to the line of sight, with Doppler boosting potentially being a prominent effect. The rapid changes of the emitter could be the result of different situations such as quick changes in the intra-binary shock, variations in the re-accelerated shocked pulsar wind outside the binary, or strong fluctuations in the location and size of the Coriolis shock region. Although future multi-wavelength observations are needed to further constrain the physical properties of the high-energy emitter, this work already provides important insight into the complex dynamics and radiation processes in LS I +61-303.
The Fermi All-sky Variability Analysis (FAVA) provides a photometric alternative for identifying week-long gamma-ray flares across the entire sky while being independent of any diffuse Galactic or isotropic emission model. We reviewed 779 weeks of Fermi Large Area Telescope data analyzed by FAVA to estimate the rate and origin of Galactic gamma-ray flares, and to search for new variable Galactic gamma-ray transients. We report an estimated yearly rate of ∼8.5 Galactic gamma-ray flares yr –1 , with ∼1 flare yr –1 coming from unknown sources. Out of the known gamma-ray sources that are spatially coincident with these detected flares, we report gamma-ray flares for six of them for the first time. All six are classified as pulsars, or a source of unknown nature but which positionally overlaps with known supernova remnants or pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe). This potentially means these sites are tentative candidates to be the second known site of a variable gamma-ray PWN, after the famous Crab Nebula’s PWN. Additionally, we identify nine unassociated flares that are unlikely to have originated from known gamma-ray sources.
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We reanalyzed the X-ray observations of the γ -ray binary candidate 4FGL J1405.1−6119 using the XMM-Newton observations. In the X-ray spectra, we find a weak absorption feature around 2 keV in the XMM-Newton observations, which could be the cyclotron resonant scattering feature (CRSF) or so called cyclotron line of the possible neutron star (NS) in the binary. The line energy of the CRSF is ∼2 keV, implying that the magnetic field on the surface of the NS is about B ≈ 10 ¹¹ G or B ≈ 10 ¹⁴ G depending on the cyclotron line being generated by electron or proton, respectively. This suggest that 4FGL J1405.1−6119 hosts a weakly magnetized NS or a magnetar.
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NASA’s NICER telescope has recently provided evidence for non-dipolar magnetic field structures in rotation-powered millisecond pulsars. These stars are assumed to have gone through a prolonged accretion spin-up phase, begging the question of what accretion flows on to stars with complex magnetic fields would look like. We present results from a suite of GRMHD simulations of accreting neutron stars for dipole, quadrupole, and quadrudipolar stellar field geometries. This is a first step towards simulating realistic hotspot shapes in a general relativistic framework to understand hotspot variability in accreting millisecond pulsars. We find that the location and size of the accretion columns resulting in hotspots changes significantly depending on initial stellar field strength and geometry. We also find that the strongest contributions to the stellar torque are from disk-connected fieldlines and the pulsar wind, leading to spin-down in almost all of the parameter regime explored here. We further analyse angular momentum transport in the accretion disk due to large scale magnetic stresses, turbulent stresses, wind- and compressible effects which we identify with convective motions. The disk collimates the initial open stellar flux forming jets. For dipoles, the disk-magnetosphere interaction can either enhance or reduce jet power compared to the isolated case. However for quadrupoles, the disk always leads to an enhanced net open flux making the jet power comparable to the dipolar case. We discuss our results in the context of observed neutron star jets and provide a viable mechanism to explain radio power both in the low- and high-magnetic field case.
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The dissipation of intense crustal electric currents produces high Joule heating rates in cooling neutron stars. Here it is shown that Joule heating can counterbalance fast cooling, making it difficult to infer the presence of hyperons (which accelerate cooling) from measurements of the observed thermal luminosity Lγ. Models with and without hyperon cores match Lγ of young magnetars (with poloidal-dipolar field Bdip ≳ 1014 G at the polar surface and Lγ ≳ 1034 erg s−1 at t ≲ 105 yr) as well as mature, moderately magnetized stars (with Bdip ≲ 1014 G and 1031 erg s−1 ≲ Lγ ≲ 1032 erg s−1 at t ≳ 105 yr). In magnetars, the crustal temperature is almost independent of hyperon direct Urca cooling in the core, regardless of whether the latter is suppressed or not by hyperon superfluidity. The thermal luminosities of light magnetars without hyperons and heavy magnetars with hyperons have Lγ in the same range and are almost indistinguishable. Likewise, Lγ data of neutron stars with Bdip ≲ 1014 G but with strong internal fields are not suitable to extract information about the equation of state as long as hyperons are superfluid, with maximum amplitude of the energy gaps of the order ≈1 MeV.
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With the ever-increasing sensitivity and timing baselines of modern radio telescopes, a growing number of pulsars are being shown to exhibit transitions in their rotational and radio emission properties. In many of these cases, the two are correlated with pulsars assuming a unique spin-down rate ($\dot{\nu }$) for each of their specific emission states. In this work we revisit 17 radio pulsars previously shown to exhibit spin-down rate variations. Using a Gaussian process regression (GPR) method to model the timing residuals and the evolution of the profile shape, we confirm the transitions already observed and reveal new transitions in 8 years of extended monitoring with greater time resolution and enhanced observing bandwidth. We confirm that 7 of these sources show emission-correlated $\dot{\nu }$ transitions ($\Delta \dot{\nu }$) and we characterise this correlation for one additional pulsar, PSR B1642−03. We demonstrate that GPR is able to reveal extremely subtle profile variations given sufficient data quality. We also corroborate the dependence of $\Delta \dot{\nu }$ amplitude on $\dot{\nu }$ and pulsar characteristic age. Linking $\Delta \dot{\nu }$ to changes in the global magnetospheric charge density Δρ, we speculate that $\dot{\nu }$ transitions associated with large Δρ values may be exhibiting detectable profile changes with improved data quality, in cases where they have not previously been observed.
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LS I +61° 303 is one of the rare gamma-ray binaries1 that emit most of their luminosity in photons with energies beyond 100 MeV (ref. 2). It is well characterized—the ~26.5 day orbital period is clearly detected at many wavelengths2–4—and other aspects of its multifrequency behaviour make it the most interesting example of its class. The morphology of high-resolution radio images changes with orbital phase, displaying a cometary tail pointing away from the high-mass star component5 and LS I +61° 303 also shows superorbital variability3,6–9. A couple of energetic (~1037 erg s−1), short, magnetar-like bursts have been plausibly ascribed to it10–13. Although the phenomenology of LS I +61° 303 has been the subject of theoretical scrutiny for decades, there has been a lack of certainty regarding the nature of the compact object in the binary that has hampered our understanding of the source. Here, using observations with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, we report the existence of transient radio pulsations from the direction of LS I +61° 303 with a period P = 269.15508 ± 0.00016 ms at a significance of >20σ. These pulsations strongly argue for the existence of a rotating neutron star within LS I +61° 303. Well-observed gamma-ray binary system LS I +61° 303 consists of a high-mass star and a compact object whose nature is unknown. Here, transient radio pulsations detected with the sensitive FAST telescope suggest that the compact object is a rotating neutron star.
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In order to address the generation of neutron star magnetic fields, with particular focus on the dichotomy between magnetars and radio pulsars, we consider the properties of dynamos as inferred from other astrophysical systems. With sufficiently low (modified) Rossby number, convective dynamos are known to produce dipole-dominated fields whose strength scales with convective flux, and we argue that these expectations should apply to the convective protoneutron stars (PNSs) at the centers of core-collapse supernovae. We analyze a suite of three-dimensional simulations of core collapse, featuring a realistic equation of state and full neutrino transport, in this context. All our progenitor models, ranging from 9 M ⊙ to 25 M ⊙ , including one with initial rotation, have sufficiently vigorous PNS convection to generate dipole fields of order ∼10 ¹⁵ Gauss, if the modified Rossby number resides in the critical range. Thus, the magnetar/radio pulsar dichotomy may arise naturally in part from the distribution of core rotation rates in massive stars.
Magnetically confined mountains on accreting neutron stars are candidates for producing continuous gravitational waves. We formulate a magnetically confined mountain on a neutron star with strong multipole magnetic fields and obtain some sequences of numerical solutions. We find that the mass ellipticity of the mountain increases by one order of magnitude if the neutron star has strong multipole magnetic fields. As matter accretes on to the magnetic pole, the size of the mountain increases and the magnetic fields are buried. If the neutron star has a dipole magnetic field, the dipole magnetic field is buried and transformed into multipole components. By contrast, if the neutron star has both dipole and strong multipole magnetic fields, the multipole magnetic fields are buried and transformed into a negative dipole component. We also calculate magnetically confined mountains with toroidal magnetic fields and find that the ellipticity becomes slightly smaller when the mountain has toroidal magnetic fields. If the multipole magnetic fields are buried, they sustain the intense toroidal magnetic field near the stellar surface, and the ratio of the toroidal magnetic field to the poloidal magnetic field is close to 100. The hidden strong toroidal magnetic fields are sustained by the buried multipole magnetic fields.
Neutron star models with maximum mass close to 2 M⊙ reach high central densities, which may activate nucleonic and hyperon direct Urca neutrino emission. To alleviate the tension between fast theoretical cooling rates and thermal luminosity observations of moderately magnetized, isolated thermally-emitting stars (with Lγ ≳ 1031 erg s−1 at t ≳ 105.3 yr), some internal heating source is required. The power supplied by the internal heater is estimated for both a phenomenological source in the inner crust and Joule heating due to magnetic field decay, assuming different superfluidity models and compositions of the outer stellar envelope. It is found that a thermal power of W(t) ≈ 1034 erg s−1 allows neutron star models to match observations of moderately magnetized, isolated stars with ages t ≳ 105.3 yr. The requisite W(t) can be supplied by Joule heating due to crust-confined initial magnetic configurations with (i) mixed poloidal-toroidal fields, with surface strength Bdip = 1013 G at the pole of the dipolar poloidal component and ∼90 per cent of the magnetic energy stored in the toroidal component; and (ii) poloidal-only configurations with Bdip = 1014 G.
Accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars are known to provide a wealth of physical information during their successive states of outburst and quiescence. Based on the observed spin-up and spin-down rates of these objects it is possible, among other things, to infer the stellar magnetic field strength and test models of accretion disc flow. In this paper we consider the three accreting X-ray pulsars (XTE J1751–305, IGR J00291+5934 & SAX J1808.4–3658) with the best available timing data, and model their observed spin-up rates with the help of a collection of standard torque models that describe a magnetically-threaded accretion disc truncated at the magnetospheric radius. Whilst none of these models are able to explain the observational data, we find that the inclusion of the physically motivated phenomenological parameter ξ, which controls the uncertainty in the location of the magnetospheric radius, leads to an enhanced disc-integrated accretion torque. These ‘new’ torque models are compatible with the observed spin-up rates as well as the inferred magnetic fields of these objects provided that ξ ≈ 0.1 − 0.5. Our results are supplemented with a discussion of the relevance of additional physics effects that include the presence of a multipolar magnetic field and general-relativistic gravity.
Magnetic field evolution in neutron-star crusts is driven by the Hall effect and Ohmic dissipation, for as long as the crust is sufficiently strong to absorb Maxwell stresses exerted by the field and thus make the momentum equation redundant. For the strongest neutron-star fields, however, stresses build to the point of crustal failure, at which point the standard evolution equations are no longer valid. Here, we study the evolution of the magnetic field of the crust up to and beyond crustal failure, whence the crust begins to flow plastically. We perform global axisymmetric evolutions, exploring different types of failure affecting a limited region of the crust. We find that a plastic flow does not simply suppress the Hall effect even in the regime of a low plastic viscosity, but it rather leads to non-trivial evolution – in some cases even overreacting and enhancing the impact of the Hall effect. Its impact is more pronouced in the toroidal field, with the differences on the poloidal field being less substantial. We argue that both the nature of magnetar bursts and their spindown evolution will be affected by plastic flow, so that observations of these phenomena may help to constrain the way the crust fails.
Context. Gaia Early Data Release 3 ( Gaia EDR3) contains results for 1.812 billion sources in the magnitude range G = 3–21 based on observations collected by the European Space Agency Gaia satellite during the first 34 months of its operational phase. Aims. We describe the input data, the models, and the processing used for the astrometric content of Gaia EDR3, as well as the validation of these results performed within the astrometry task. Methods. The processing broadly followed the same procedures as for Gaia DR2, but with significant improvements to the modelling of observations. For the first time in the Gaia data processing, colour-dependent calibrations of the line- and point-spread functions have been used for sources with well-determined colours from DR2. In the astrometric processing these sources obtained five-parameter solutions, whereas other sources were processed using a special calibration that allowed a pseudocolour to be estimated as the sixth astrometric parameter. Compared with DR2, the astrometric calibration models have been extended, and the spin-related distortion model includes a self-consistent determination of basic-angle variations, improving the global parallax zero point. Results. Gaia EDR3 gives full astrometric data (positions at epoch J2016.0, parallaxes, and proper motions) for 1.468 billion sources (585 millionwith five-parameter solutions, 882 million with six parameters), and mean positions at J2016.0 for an additional 344 million.Solutions with five parameters are generally more accurate than six-parameter solutions, and are available for 93% of the sources brighter than the 17th magnitude. The median uncertainty in parallax and annual proper motion is 0.02–0.03 mas at magnitude G = 9–14, and around 0.5 mas at G = 20. Extensive characterisation of the statistical properties of the solutions is provided, including the estimated angular power spectrum of parallax bias from the quasars.