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Time‐series remote sensing of rice paddy expansion in the Yellow River Delta: Towards sustainable ecological conservation in the context of water scarcity

Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation

Abstract and Figures

Large river deltas are usually ecologically important wetland habitats, but also fertile agricultural exploitation areas, creating a conflict of long‐running substantial interest between agricultural expansion and wetland conservation. Over the past several years, large‐scale cultivation of water‐consuming rice has been growing rapidly in the semi‐arid climate of the Yellow River Delta (YRD). Timely monitoring of rice cultivation dynamics is of great significance for sustainable ecological conservation of the delta, which has insufficient freshwater resources. This study proposed a stratified metrics‐based method that integrates statistical spectral indices and phenological metrics at different growing stages to improve the accuracy of rice paddy classification in areas where rice and wetlands coexist. We applied the method to time‐series Sentinel‐1/2 images to produce annual rice paddy maps of the YRD from 2016 to 2021. Together with rice paddy data from 2011 to 2015 from Statistical Yearbooks of Dongying Bureau of Statistics, we investigated the expansion dynamics over the past decade and in this paper discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rice cultivation expansion over wetland ecosystem conservation. Rapid expansion of rice cultivation intensifies water conflicts, and adversely affects wetland restoration in the YRD. Considering the important ecological services of rice paddies as alternative habitats, we argue for maintaining a reasonable scale of rice paddies and optimizing their distribution as a potential solution to achieving the overall sustainable conservation of the YRD in the context of water scarcity.
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Time-series remote sensing of rice paddy expansion in the
Yellow River Delta: Towards sustainable ecological
conservation in the context of water scarcity
Chong Huang
& Chenchen Zhang
State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
CAS Engineering Laboratory for Yellow River Delta Modern Agriculture, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049, Beijing, China
Conservation, phenological metrics, rice
paddy, rice-wetland coexistent area, Sentinel-
2, time series, Yellow River Delta
Chong Huang, State Key Lab of Resources
and Environmental Information System,
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.
Funding Information
CAS Earth Big Data Science Project
Editor: Nathalie Pettorelli
Associate Editor: Henrike Schulte to Buhne
Received: 14 August 2022; Revised: 2
November 2022; Accepted: 8 November
Chong Huang and Chenchen Zhang
contributed equally to this work.
doi: 10.1002/rse2.320
Large river deltas are usually ecologically important wetland habitats, but also
fertile agricultural exploitation areas, creating a conflict of long-running sub-
stantial interest between agricultural expansion and wetland conservation. Over
the past several years, large-scale cultivation of water-consuming rice has been
growing rapidly in the semi-arid climate of the Yellow River Delta (YRD).
Timely monitoring of rice cultivation dynamics is of great significance for sus-
tainable ecological conservation of the delta, which has insufficient freshwater
resources. This study proposed a stratified metrics-based method that integrates
statistical spectral indices and phenological metrics at different growing stages
to improve the accuracy of rice paddy classification in areas where rice and
wetlands coexist. We applied the method to time-series Sentinel-1/2 images to
produce annual rice paddy maps of the YRD from 2016 to 2021. Together with
rice paddy data from 2011 to 2015 from Statistical Yearbooks of Dongying
Bureau of Statistics, we investigated the expansion dynamics over the past dec-
ade and in this paper discuss the advantages and disadvantages of rice cultiva-
tion expansion over wetland ecosystem conservation. Rapid expansion of rice
cultivation intensifies water conflicts, and adversely affects wetland restoration
in the YRD. Considering the important ecological services of rice paddies as
alternative habitats, we argue for maintaining a reasonable scale of rice paddies
and optimizing their distribution as a potential solution to achieving the overall
sustainable conservation of the YRD in the context of water scarcity.
A river delta is the final portion of the fluvial system, par-
ticularly rich in wetlands, such as lagoons, marshes, and
tidal flats, which are incredibly diverse and ecologically
important habitats for wintering and migratory birds and
other animals (Aiello-Lammens et al., 2011; Murray
et al., 2019). In addition, river deltas often have a rich
accumulation of silt, so they are usually fertile agricultural
areas (Clauss et al., 2018). Many large river deltas in trop-
ical and subtropical areas (e.g., Mekong Delta, Yangtze
River Delta, and Nile Delta) are important rice-producing
areas due to being situated in areas with low terrain,
plentiful precipitation, and fertile soil (Clauss et al., 2018;
Farig et al., 2022; Shi & Huang, 2015). However, many
studies have shown that intensive irrigation agriculture
has a significant impact on wetland conservation within
river deltas. Agricultural exploitation directly encroaches
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
on original natural wetlands and probably influences the
estuary wetlands through increased demands on freshwa-
ter (Xie et al., 2011). Thus, water conflicts between agri-
cultural expansion and wetland conservation have
received substantial interest, especially for river deltas in
arid and semi-arid regions with insufficient freshwater
resources (Brisco et al., 2013; Elliott et al., 2014; Mao
et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2019).
The Yellow River Delta (YRD) is very deficient in water
resources. In recent years, the quantity of water has sharply
decreased in the lower Yellow River due to climate change
and human activity (Wang et al., 2017). This has led to a
deficiency in suitable water needed by the ecological system
of the estuarine delta (Cui et al., 2009). As a result, fresh-
water wetlands in the delta are facing a high risk of decline
and degradation. In order to protect the rare estuarine wet-
land ecosystem, diverting water from the Yellow River to
recharge the degraded wetlands has been an efficient mea-
sure to restore and maintain the wetland ecosystem health
(Wang, Qi, et al., 2012). At the same time, local govern-
ments in the YRD are facing urgent demands for economic
development, among which agriculture plays an important
role as high-intensity agricultural development has been
seen across the delta. Over the past several years, large-scale
cultivation of water-consuming rice has been growing
rapidly. Timely monitoring of rice cultivation dynamics
and analyzing the impact on ecological conservation are of
great significance for sustainable development of the YRD
in the context of a water shortage.
Numerous studies have proven the potential of satellite-
based remote sensing for rice paddy monitoring (Boschetti
et al., 2017; Guan et al., 2016; Li, Fu, et al., 2020; Singha
et al., 2019). Supervised or unsupervised algorithms are
traditionally employed to map rice paddies based on the
spectral discrimination of different bands from a single-
date image (Li et al., 2014; Roberts et al., 2002). However,
single-date images only represent instantaneous spectral
characteristics of the land surface at a single point in time.
Moreover, land cover categories may show a similar spec-
tral reflectance due to the limitations imposed by broad
spectral bands, which can produce inadequate classifica-
tion results (G´omez et al., 2016). Recent studies have
emphasized the capability of time-series remote sensing
images to identify rice paddies according to their distinct
phenological features, compared to other crops (Dong
et al., 2015; Jeong et al., 2012; Sakamoto et al., 2009; Son
et al., 2013; Xiao, Boles, et al., 2005). The time-series
approaches can be grouped into three categories according
to the way temporal information is used. The first
approach employs stacking time-series images for rice
paddy classification (Singha et al., 2019). This approach
assumes that the spectral values of the pixels in the time-
series images are temporally independent of each other
and the time sequence of image presentation has no effect
on the results, ignoring any temporal dependencies that
may be found in the data (Belgiu & Csillik, 2018). The
second approach is based on a time-series similarity mea-
surement using Euclidean distance or dynamic time warp-
ing (Petitjean et al., 2012). This approach measures the
degree of (dis)similarity between the target pixels and the
reference categories by profile matching, thus identifying
rice paddies from other land cover types (Guan
et al., 2016; Gumma et al., 2014). The main difficulty in
this method is in reconstructing time-series profiles when
large time-series gaps exist due to missed or contaminated
images. The third approach is metrics-based, using statisti-
cal spectral indices to describe the key characteristics,
especially in the flooding and transplanting phases. Since
rice, unlike most dry land crops, is first seeded and trans-
planted in flooded fields, statistical analysis on different
spectral indices [e.g., Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land
Surface Water Index (LSWI)] during this phase can effec-
tively detect the unique features of rice paddy cultivation
(Dong & Xiao, 2016; Xiao, Boles, et al., 2005; Zhang
et al., 2020). However, a metrics-based approach remains
challenging when applied to rice monitoring in rice-
wetland coexistent areas like the YRD, as both rice paddies
and vegetated wetlands have a flooding stage, then similar
statistical spectral indices in this phase often lead to large
amounts of misclassification (Huang et al., 2020;Ni
et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2016). Considering their obvious
difference in life spans, phenological metrics in the grow-
ing season (Walker et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2020) might
have the potential to improve rice paddy mapping in rice-
wetland coexistent areas.
In this study, we used all the available time-series
Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 images of the YRD from 2016
to 2021 to: (1) develop a robust method combining sta-
tistical spectral indices and phenological metrics at differ-
ent phases for stratified rice paddy mapping in rice-
wetland coexistent areas; (2) monitor the rice cultivation
changes in the delta over the past decade; and (3) analyze
the impact of rice cultivation expansion on ecological
conservation in the YRD in the context of water scarcity.
Materials and Methods
Study area
The Yellow River Delta (YRD) is located at the estuary of
the Yellow River in Dongying City, Shandong Province,
China (see Fig. 1). The region belongs to the warm tem-
perate zone and has a semi-humid and semi-arid conti-
nental monsoon climate. The average annual temperature
is 12.3°C. The mean annual evaporation is greater than
2ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation C. Huang & C. Zhang
the mean annual precipitation, which are approximately
1885.0 and 537.4 mm, respectively.
The YRD is an aggradational delta with a weak tide,
much sediment transport, and frequent displacements.
Having a history of only 150 years, the delta forms the
most complete and extensive young wetland ecological
system in China. Pioneer wetlands and habitats of rare
birds in the delta have an important status in biodiversity
conservation in China and the world (Zhang et al., 2016).
It is a wintering, stop-over, and breeding site for migra-
tory birds of inland Northeast Asia and around the Paci-
fic Ocean. There are 283 species of important, protected
Chinese birds, among of them 9 species birds are nation
grade I protection birds (Wang, Lian, et al., 2012). There-
fore, the Chinese government defined a national wetland
nature protection area of 1530 km
in the YRD in 1992.
At the same time, the delta has a large area of saline
land resources, which provide preferable conditions for
saline agricultural development. In order to meet increas-
ing food requirements, agriculture has been intensively
developed in the delta. According to the Statistical Year-
book of Dongying Bureau of Statistics (http://dystjj., typical agricul-
tural cultivations include double cropping rotation of
winter wheat and summer corn/soybean as well as single-
season dryland crops such as spring maize and cotton.
Rice paddies can also be cultivated over the delta if the
irrigation water can be guaranteed. Considering the
scarcity of freshwater resources, coordinating the conflict
between agricultural development and ecological conser-
vation has long been difficult in the YRD.
Sentinel-1 remote sensing data
The Sentinel-1A/B Level 1 Ground Range Detected
(GRD) product in the Interferometric Wide swath mode
from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2021, was col-
lected via the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform.
Sentinel-1A/B together have a 6-day repeat cycle at the
equator. The satellites provide dual-polarized VV (Vertical
transmit Vertical receive) and VH (Vertical transmit Hor-
izontal receive) data (Torres et al., 2012). Sentinel-1 data
in GEE were pre-processed with the Sentinel-1 Toolbox
using the orbit metadata update, GRD border noise
removal, thermal noise removal, radiometric calibration,
and terrain correction. The final terrain-corrected values
were converted to decibels (dB) in each pixel via log scal-
ing 10log (DN).
Sentinel-2 remote sensing data
Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B Multi Spectral Instrument
images from 2016 to 2021 were used in this study.
Sentinel-2A/B images together have a 5-day temporal res-
olution at the equator. Clouds and cloud shadows were
removed using the QA60 bitmask band with cloud mask
information. Snow and ice were identified and removed
using Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI), which
can be described as near-infrared (NIR) >0.11 and
NDSI >0.4 (Hall & Riggs, 2011).
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (Tucker, 1979)
and LSWI (Xiao et al., 2004; Xiao, Zhang, et al., 2005)
were calculated for each image using Equations (1) and
(2). NDVI is the most common index used to detect veg-
etation vigor and track its changes (Huete et al., 1997,
2002; Tucker, 1979). LSWI is a good indicator that can
capture the signal of moisture in vegetation and soil
(Xiao et al., 2004; Xiao, Zhang, et al., 2005).
NIR þRed (1)
where Red, NIR, and SWIR are the surface reflectance
values of red, near-infrared (NIR), and shortwave-
infrared (SWIR) bands for Sentinel-2.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index time-series
data were further aggregated into 10-day composite data
Figure 1. Location of the study area.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 3
C. Huang & C. Zhang Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation
by calculating mean values of the valid Sentinel-2 obser-
vations (Wang et al., 2020). Data gaps were filled by lin-
ear interpolation to achieve full coverage throughout the
temporal domain (Griffiths et al., 2019). 10-Day NDVI
time-series data were smoothed using the SavitzkyGolay
filter with a moving window size of 7 and the second-
order polynomial (Liu et al., 2020). The 10-day NDVI
time-series data were used to extract phenological indica-
tors reflecting the characteristics of the rice growth cycle,
which is described in detail in Section Rice paddy dis-
crimination based on phenological metrics in the growing
Ground reference data
Field surveys were conducted from 2016 to 2021 to col-
lect geo-referenced field sample points for the major land
cover types in Dongying. After the field survey, all the
ground samples were visually checked using very high
spatial resolution images in Google Earth and three
Sentinel-2 false-color composites (R: NIR, G: Red, B:
Green), including false-color composites from early Jan-
uary to late March, late May to early June, and early
September to late October. The integration of field
points, very high spatial resolution satellite images in
Google Earth, and Sentinel-2 false-color composites
served as the background reference to create regions of
interest (ROI). Finally, ROIs were collected for each year
from 2016 to 2021 for each land cover type: 70 ROIs for
rice paddy samples, 48 ROIs for reed wetland, 120 ROIs
for cotton, 72 ROIs for spring maize, 44 ROIs for dou-
ble season crops, and 42 ROIs for forest. Half of the
samples were randomly selected for training and classifi-
cation, and the remaining half was used to validate the
resultant annual rice paddy map for the corresponding
Figure 2shows the stratified workflow for producing
annual rice paddy maps from 2016 to 2021 using time-
series Sentinel-1/2 images. First, we used annual statistical
indices (annual NDVImax) to identify vegetated areas
and non-vegetated areas, and seasonal statistical indices
(NDVImax between Jan. and Apr.) to eliminate double-
season vegetation and obtain the single-season vegetation
layer. Then, statistical indices of the rice transplanting
period were applied to identify potential rice paddies (rice
paddies and some vegetated wetlands) within the single-
season vegetation layer. At the last step, rice paddies were
further delineated within the potential rice layer using
phenological metrics of the growing season derived from
time-series Sentinel-2 NDVI data.
Annual maps of single-season vegetation
Figure 3shows the time-series of NDVI, LSWI, and VH
for typical land cover types in the study area. Effective
discrimination of rice paddies starts with the accurate
single-season vegetation map, as the paddies are cultivated
in a single cropping system in the YRD (Wei et al., 2022)
(see Fig. 3A). First, vegetation pixels were identified using
the annual NDVI statistical feature. Compared to non-
vegetation areas (water, built-up, and tidal) which have
very low greenness values throughout the year (see
Fig. 3hj), vegetated areas have obvious annual greenness
dynamics (see Fig. 3AG). We extracted vegetated areas
by identifying pixels with annual NDVI
>0.5 (Qin
et al., 2015). Second, single-season vegetation (rice paddy,
reed wetland, cotton, spring maize, and forest) were
extracted from the vegetation layer using the seasonal
NDVI statistical feature. In the YRD, the winter wheat is
the first crop of the double cropping system, which is
Figure 2. Flowchart for stratified rice paddy mapping using time-series Sentinel-2 images.
4ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation C. Huang & C. Zhang
planted in October and harvested in MayJune of the
next year. So, compared to single-season vegetation (see
Fig. 3AD and G), pixels of double-season vegetation
have high NDVI values in winter and early spring as the
wheat seedlings turn green (see Fig. 3E and F). Therefore,
the maximum values of NDVI between January and April
Figure 3. Time-series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Land Surface Water Index, and VH for (A) rice paddy, (B) wetland, (C) cotton,
(D) spring maize, (E) winter wheatmaize, (F) winter wheatsoybean, (G) forest, (H) water, (I) built-up, and (J) tidal.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 5
C. Huang & C. Zhang Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation
] (see Fig. 4A) were calculated for map-
ping single and double-season vegetation. The lowest
value of NDVI
for double-season vegetation is
0.6, and the highest value of NDVI
for single-
season vegetation is 0.4. We set the mean value of the
two values as the threshold [NDVI
0.5] to gen-
erated a single-season vegetation map, which was used as
a baseline map for the phenology-based mapping of rice
paddies in the next step.
Potential rice paddy identification using statistical
indices in transplanting phase
According to prior knowledge of rice phenology (Le Toan
et al., 1997) and time-series analysis (see Fig. 3A), the
temporal dynamics of rice paddy fields can be character-
ized by three phases: (1) transplanting period, (2) grow-
ing and maturity period, and (3) fallow period after
harvest. Both rice paddies and parts of natural wetlands
have a mixture of water and green plants during the
transplanting phase, which leads to a higher water content
than other single-season vegetation. LSWI was selected to
distinguish rice paddies due to its excellent performance
in identifying the flood signals in the transplanting period
(Xiao et al., 2006; Xiao, Boles, et al., 2005). We distin-
guished potential rice paddies from single-season vegeta-
tion using the maximum values of LSWI (LSWI_TP) in
the transplanting period (TP, DOY 140 to 170) since rice
paddies feature higher LSWI_TP values than other crops.
Considering that forests also have relative high LSWI_TP
values (see Fig. 3G), we first identified forest category
using information from the VH signal (Borlaf-Mena
et al., 2021). A map of the annual frequencies of VH val-
ues >20 (see Fig. 3G) in a year was generated and pix-
els with values greater than 0.6 were identified as forest
(see Fig. 4B). In this study, the 2.5% percentile at the
95% confidence level (Qin et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2021)
was selected as the threshold (i.e., LSWI_TP >0.26) to
create a potential rice paddy map (see Fig. 5A), which still
contained a certain percentage of reed wetlands.
Rice paddy discrimination based on phenological
metrics in the growing season
In the early growing season, wild wetland plants are more
tolerant of low temperatures than rice, so the start of the
growing season is a little earlier than that of rice. Simi-
larly, the end of the growing season of wetland plants is a
little later than rice (da Cruz et al., 2013; Zhou
et al., 2016). As a result, the growing season of wetland
plants is longer than that of rice paddies. Another obvi-
ous growing feature difference is that rice after trans-
planted from seedlings will begin greening up faster than
wetlands at the beginning of the growing season due to
the effect of fertilization on the growth of juvenile planta-
tion (Zhou et al., 2016). Based on the phenology differ-
ence in the growing season between rice paddies and
vegetated wetlands, we employed five phenological met-
rics as the main variables to discriminate the rice paddies
from vegetated wetlands in rice-wetland coexistent areas,
including start of the season (SOS), end of the season
(EOS), growing season length (GSL), start date of peak
season (SDPS), and green-up speed (GUS). SOS and
SDPS are respectively defined as the times of NDVI
reaching 30% and 90% of the NDVI amplitude from the
left minimum. EOS is the time of NDVI having 30%
amplitude higher than the right minimum. The GSL rep-
resents the days between SOS and EOS. The GUS is
defined as the ratio of the NDVI change over the number
of days between SOS and SDPS (Wang et al., 2020). Indi-
cators reflecting the characteristics of the rice growth
cycle (SOS, SDPS, EOS, GSL, and GUS) were extracted
Figure 4. Distribution of (A) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index during January to April for single-season and double-season vegetation and
(B) the frequency of VH >20 in a year.
6ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation C. Huang & C. Zhang
using a 10-day NDVI composite time series. We used the
training data and the box line plots to explore and visual-
ize the separability between rice paddies and vegetated
wetlands (see Fig. 5BF). As the five phenological metrics
derived from the NDVI time series were good indicators
to separate rice paddies from wetlands, all of them were
selected as classification features to achieve complemen-
tary strengths and obtain the maximum separability.
A Random Forest (RF) classifier embedded in the
Google Earth Engine (Gorelick et al., 2017) was used to
identify rice paddies from potential rice paddy pixels for
each year from 2016 to 2021 using the phenological
metrics derived from growing season. RF classifiers have
high efficiency and high accuracy in processing high-
dimensional, massive data compared with other machine
learning algorithms (Belgiu & Dr˘agut
ß,2016). The
number of decision trees was set to 50. The other
parameters were set by default in order to avoid overfit-
ting, as recommended by Liaw and Wiener (Liaw &
Wiener, 2002).
Validation and comparison with other available
rice paddy datasets
The validation ROIs described in Section Ground refer-
ence data was used to quantitatively assess the accuracies
of the resultant rice paddy maps from 2016 through
2021. We grouped the validation ROIs into rice paddy
and non-rice paddy, and calculated assessment indicators
using confusion matrices (Foody, 2002), including overall
accuracy (OA), kappa coefficient, producer’s accuracy
(PA), and user’s accuracy (UA).
Dongying Bureau of Statistics publishes annual reports
on the planting areas of the main crops in each county
( The rice planting areas in
20162020 from the Statistical Yearbook were used for
inter-comparison with our results at the county level. In
addition, we also compared our results with China’s third
national land survey report which represented the rice
paddy planting area in 2019.
Accuracy assessment of the rice paddy maps
from 2016 to 2021
Accuracy assessments for annual maps of rice paddies
from 2016 through 2021 were carried out based on the
validation polygons (Table 1). The OAs and the Kappa
coefficients were greater than 96% and 0.9 from 2016 to
2021, respectively. Rice paddy had PAs and UAs greater
than 90% in each year. High values of assessment metrics
indicated that the resultant rice paddy maps from 2016 to
2021 had high accuracies.
Figure 5. Signature analysis of (A) maximum values of Land Surface Water Index for rice paddies and other single-season vegetation and (BF)
temporal statistical indicators for rice paddies and wetlands.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 7
C. Huang & C. Zhang Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation
Annual dynamics of rice paddies at the
municipal and county scales
Figure 6shows the spatial distribution of rice paddies in
Dongying City from 2016 to 2021. A total of
26 253.64 ha of rice paddies was found in Dongying City
in 2021. Kenli County had the largest rice paddy area of
17 431.98 ha, accounting for 66% of the total rice paddies
in Dongying City. The rice paddy area in Lijin County
and Hekou County was relatively large, covering about
5234.36 ha and 2681.13 ha, respectively, accounting for
about 20% and 10% of the total area, respectively. About
860.11 ha of rice paddies were found in Dongying
County, accounting for about 3% of the total area. Guan-
grao County had the least rice paddy area at 46.05 ha,
accounting for less than 1% of the total area.
TABLE 1. Summary of the accuracy assessment for annual maps of
rice paddies from 2016 to 2021.
Year Class PA (%) UA OA Kappa
2016 Rice paddy 92.31 92.44 96.93% 0.90
Non-rice paddy 98.09 98.06
2017 Rice paddy 94.22 94.83 97.23 0.93
Non-rice paddy 98.25 98.03
2018 Rice paddy 92.29 92.09 96.67 0.90
Non-rice paddy 97.86 97.91
2019 Rice paddy 93.14 94.37 97.32 0.92
Non-rice paddy 98.47 98.12
2020 Rice paddy 94.81 95.12 97.28 0.93
Non-rice paddy 98.20 98.08
2021 Rice paddy 95.32 95.14 97.20 0.93
Non-rice paddy 97.98 98.05
OA, overall accuracy; PA, producer’s accuracy; UA, user’s accuracy.
Figure 6. Spatial distribution of rice paddies in Dongying City from (AF) 2016 to 2021.
8ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation C. Huang & C. Zhang
Rice paddies in Dongying City are mainly distributed
along both sides of the Yellow River and near reservoirs
with good irrigation conditions. Before 2018, rice paddies
are mainly distributed near the estuary of the Yellow River.
Then, rice paddies were gradually expanded to the upper
sections of the Yellow River (see Fig. 6). Between 2016 and
2021, rice paddies expanded across the delta; additionally,
in areas where they occurred, rice paddies became more
concentrated and tended to cover a larger area. There was
also an obvious increase in rice paddy area in the southern
part of the Yellow River compared to the northern part.
Figure 7shows the rice paddy area variation during the
period 20112021. As Sentinel-2 data were available in
the study area from 2016, rice paddy area before 2015
was obtained from the Dongying Statistical Yearbook to
analyze the rice paddy area changes in the past decade.
The rice paddy cultivation dynamics in Dongying City
can be divided into three stages in the last 10 years: (1)
slight increase from 2011 to 2015, (2) rapid increase from
2015 to 2018, and (3) slight decrease but maintaining a
high level from 2018 to 2021 (see Fig. 7). Before 2015,
the rice cultivation area in the YRD was seen a slight
increasing trend. The rice areas in 2011 and 2015 were
3.86 ×10
ha and 6.78 ×10
ha, respectively, with an
average rate of increase of 0.73 ×10
ha/a. In 2016, rapid
expansion can be found, as rice cultivation increased by
5.40 ×10
ha, compared with the previous year. The peak
was reached in 2018, with a rice paddy area of
28.18 ×10
ha, which is nearly eight times as much as
2011. In the following 3 years, the rice planting still main-
tained a high level, with an area of no less than
26 ×10
ha each year.
At the county level, different counties showed different
trends over the period 20162021. Kenli County showed
a similar trend with that of Dongying City, since Kenli
County contributed the most to the overall expansion.
During 20162021, rice cultivation in Kenli County
accounted for more than 65% of the total rice area of
Dongying City. After 2018, the rice cultivation decreased
to some extent. Hekou County showed a similar rice cul-
tivation expansion trend to Kenli County, but with less
variation in magnitude. For Lijin County, however, rice
cultivation has continued to increase since 2011, and
reached the peak area of 5.23 ×10
ha in 2021.
Inter-comparison between rice paddies in
this study and official datasets
We summed the rice paddy areas by county from the rice
paddy maps from 2016 to 2020 and compared them with
the rice paddy planting area from the Statistical Year-
books at the county level (see Fig. 8A). We also compared
the rice paddy area for 2019 between our study and the
third national land survey of China (see Fig. 8B). The
areas of rice paddies were highly correlated with those
from the Statistical Yearbooks and the third national land
survey of China, with correlation coefficients over 0.95.
The high relationship indicated our mapping results were
close to the Statistical Yearbooks of Dongying Bureau of
Statistics and the third national land survey of China.
Improvements in the rice paddy mapping
In this study, we proposed an enhanced metrics-based
method which combines statistical and phenological
Figure 7. Variations in rice paddy area in counties of Dongying City from 2011 to 2021. The rice paddy area from 2016 to 2021 was estimated
from this study combining Sentinel-1/2 data. The rice paddy area from 2011 to 2015 was from the Dongying Statistical Yearbook due to unavail-
ability of Sentinel-2 data.
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 9
C. Huang & C. Zhang Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation
metrics to improve the accuracy of rice paddy mapping
in rice-wetland coexistent areas. Compared with the pre-
vious studies, we improved the phenology-based algo-
rithm in two aspects: (1) extending the time-series
analysis from the transplanting phase to the entire grow-
ing season, and (2) employing five specific phenological
metrics to provide a more comprehensive insight into the
differences in growth characteristics of rice paddies and
wetlands. The previous studies have typically used statisti-
cal relationships among different VIs (e.g., NDVI, LSWI,
and EVI) of the transplanting phase to identify rice pad-
dies (Dong et al., 2016; Xiao et al., 2006; Xiao, Boles,
et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2015). However, such relation-
ships only represent the flooding characteristics in the
transplanting period. Although they are useful to discrim-
inate rice paddies from most land covers, it is difficult to
apply them to the rice-wetland coexistent area since both
the rice paddies and wetlands have similar flood signals
in the same phase due to water supplement (Zhou
et al., 2016). Therefore, when statistical metrics of the
transplanting phase were used for rice mapping, some
studies have required an additional thematic wetland map
to mask the wetland area (Jin et al., 2016). In this study,
phenology-based analysis was extended from the trans-
planting phase to the full growing season, thus, more
phenological features can be extracted to further discrimi-
nate between the rice paddies and the wetlands. Pheno-
logical features of the growing season have been
recognized and extensively applied to crop classification
such as sugarcane, cotton, soybean, and corn (Al-
Shammari et al., 2020; Lhermitte et al., 2011; Sakamoto
et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2020; Zhong et al., 2016). In this
study, we demonstrated that the phenological metrics in
the growing season, together with statistical indices in the
transplanting phase are capable of enhancing the
separability between rice paddies and wetlands in the
rice-wetland coexistent area. The resultant high-accuracy
(PA/UA/OA >90%) rice paddy maps demonstrate that
the temporal behaviors in different growing phases can be
well utilized for time-varying category discrimination,
thus facilitating the improvement of rice paddy mapping
in rice-wetland coexistent areas.
The reasonably high accuracy of the classification result
showed the effectiveness of our method to map paddy
rice in the YRD, however, it may be easily applied to
other temperate regions where the paddies are cultivated
as single cropping system such as Northeastern China,
Japan, and the Korea Peninsula (Carrasco et al., 2022;Jo
et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2015). Moreover, since we used
a set of robust strategies in the stratified metrics-based
algorithms, it may have the potential to be applied to
some subtropical areas with winter wheat (rapeseed)
summer rice double cropping system (Wang et al., 2015).
In the case, we used the algorithms to generate a double-
season vegetation map as the baseline map for the
phenology-based mapping of rice paddies. It should be
noted that although our method is simple and robust for
rice paddy mapping in temperate or subtropical regions
where the crop phenology, planting, and management
activities for rice cultivation are relatively consistent per
calendar year, this method may not be directly transfer-
able to the tropical regions like South and Southeast Asia
where the cropping systems are complex (Jain
et al., 2013; Minasny et al., 2019) and rice can be culti-
vated at any time in the wet season, or even in the dry
season with the support of irrigation systems (Huang
et al., 2020). For these regions where paddy rice can be
cultivated more than once (double- or triple cropping),
the shape-based similarity measures are more encouraging
(Guan et al., 2016; Minasny et al., 2019).
Figure 8. A comparison of the estimated areas of rice paddy at the county level from this study with Statistical Yearbook of Dongying Bureau of
Statistics (A, Left) and with the third national land survey of China (B, Right).
10 ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London.
Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation C. Huang & C. Zhang
Intensified water conflicts caused by rice
paddy expansion in the YRD
This study showed that rice cultivation has increased
sharply in recent years in the YRD, although it is not a
traditional rice paddy planting region. The expansion of
rice cultivation can reduce food security pressure, but the
resulting water conflicts cannot be ignored (Zou
et al., 2018). Local surface freshwater resources are scarce
in the delta due to low precipitation and high vaporiza-
tion. At the same time, the high mineralization of shallow
groundwater hampers its utilization. As a result, Dongy-
ing City is heavily dependent on the Yellow River water
diversion. According to the Yellow River water resources
allocation scheme approved by the State Council in 1987,
the quota of water diverted from the Yellow River main
channel for Dongying City is 780 million m
/a, while in
2020, the total water consumption in Dongying City was
990 million m
, of which agriculture accounted for
60.5%. Due to the shortage of total water resources, there
is a serious conflict of water consumption among differ-
ent sectors.
Compared to dryland crops, rice is a high-water con-
sumption crop due to its special biophysical characteris-
tics and the very high water demand during the
transplanting and growing season (Dong & Xiao, 2016).
Moreover, most rice cultivation in the YRD utilizes land
with high salinity. As a medium salt-sensitive crop, rice
cultivation on saline land requires large amounts of fresh-
water to drench the soil salt (Bian et al., 2021). Referring
to the local standard in Dongying City, the irrigation
water amount for paddy fields is 330 m
(~0.0667 ha), which is much higher than that for irrigated
dryland (145 m
/mu). The rapid expansion of rice culti-
vation means more water resource consumption is needed
than before. For example, as the area of rice cultivation
increased from 4353 ha in 2001 to 24 367 ha in 2020, the
agricultural water consumption increased by approxi-
mately 0.56 billion m
The excessive water consumption in agriculture will
undoubtedly compete with other sectors, among which the
ecological water use is most likely to be misappropriated.
Studies have shown that in many developing countries,
despite increasing awareness of ecological conservation
among governments and residents, ecological water use
often gives way to industrial, agricultural, or domestic
water use when insufficient water resources create conflicts
between economic development and ecological conserva-
tion (Nikouei et al., 2012; Ouyang et al., 2020). In the
YRD, water for both agricultural irrigation and wetland
restoration comes from the Yellow River diversion. In gen-
eral, the highest volume occurs during the rainy season
from July to October, when 60% of the annual volume of
the river flows. Conversely, huge irrigation demand for
wetland vegetation growth and rice seeding occurs in
AprilJune when the Yellow River has a low volume (Li,
Huang, et al., 2020). With the expansion of rice paddy cul-
tivation, the agricultural irrigation water quota is far from
meeting the demand. As a result, ecological water has a
large chance to be inappropriately taken up, which
adversely affects the ecological restoration of the delta wet-
lands. How to balance the intensified conflict between rice
paddy water consumption and ecological requirements in
the YRD is worthy of further study.
The role of rice paddies for sustainable
conservation in the YRD
The study showed that rice cultivation in the YRD has
spread from both sides of the Yellow River Channel to the
surrounding areas (see Fig. 6). Although the rapid expan-
sion of rice paddy cultivation has caused increasing water
conflicts, the extensively distributed rice paddies over the
delta can be a critical complement to the degraded natural
wetlands, both in area and in ecological function.
The young wetland ecosystems in the delta have an
important status for biodiversity conservation in China
and the world. Since the late 1990 s, decreased sediment
loads to the delta, regulation of the river course to the
delta, and influences of agricultural development, have
led to a trend of rapidly decreasing natural wetlands and
significant shrinkage of habitats in the delta. Today, the
ecologically important habitats are mainly limited to pro-
tected areas, and most small wetland patches outside the
protected area have almost lost their ecological function
for biodiversity conservation. However, the large-scale
expansion of rice cultivation in the delta in recent years
has provided more habitat options for birds. Many stud-
ies have shown that, working as alternative wetlands, rice
fields are productive feeding grounds for many birds
(Fujioka et al., 2001,2010) and a nesting and resting
habitat for many migrating and wintering waterfowls
nez et al., 2010; Tourenq et al., 2001), as well as pro-
viding suitable breeding conditions (Lane &
Fujioka, 1998). Especially after the decline in the quantity
and quality of natural wetlands, rice fields have become
more important as alternative habitats for many water-
birds (Ib´a˜
nez et al., 2010; Tourenq et al., 2001). During
our field surveys, many waterfowl were frequently found
resting or foraging in the rice fields under cultivation.
Although rice fields can provide ecological services sim-
ilar to those of natural wetlands (Natuhara, 2013), con-
sidering that the limited water resources in the YRD
region can hardly supply the water demand of large rice
fields, maintaining a certain scale of paddy fields and
optimizing their ecological value through proper
ª2022 The Authors. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. 11
C. Huang & C. Zhang Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation
management is critical to sustainable conservation in the
context of water shortage in the YRD. Several studies
(Elphick, Baicich, et al., 2010; Elphick & Oring, 1998;
Elphick, Taft, & Lourenc
ßo, 2010) emphasized the impor-
tance of proper management for rice paddies as artificial
wetlands. Properly managed rice paddies can increase
landscape structure and improve landscape diversity in
rice-wetland coexistence areas (Maltchik et al., 2017). In
this study, we found the recent expansion of rice cultiva-
tion mainly resulted from industrial agriculture modes
characterized by large-scale, intensive production of rice
crops. The homogeneous pattern of rice paddies greatly
reduced the landscape diversity. Several studies have
demonstrated that constructing habitats with diverse
patches can greatly improve the ecological services pro-
vided by artificial rice paddies, especially in the absence
of natural wetlands (Pernollet et al., 2017; Ramachandran
et al., 2017; Strum et al., 2013). Taking the protected nat-
ure reserves as the core, and the paddy fields and other
small wetland patches outside the nature reserve as
important nodes, a composite agriculture-wetland net-
work can be constructed to improve the overall habitat
suitability and carrying capacity of the YRD. The close
proximity of nature reserves and the rice paddies favors
the constant movement of waterbirds between them and
the consequent interchange of material and energy in
both areas. Thus, maintaining a reasonable scale of rice
paddies can compensate for the impact of the loss of nat-
ural wetlands on ecological services and then fulfill the
overall sustainable conservation of the YRD.
Recent rapid expansion of rice paddies in the YRD has had
a significant impact in areas where rice paddies and wet-
lands coexist. This study proposed a stratified metrics-
based method which integrates statistical spectral indices
and phenological metrics to investigate rice cultivation
dynamics and then analyzed the impact of rice cultivation
expansion on ecological conservation in the YRD. We
found the rice paddy cultivation dynamics in the YRD can
be divided into three stages in the last 10 years: slight
increase from 2011 to 2015, rapid expansion from 2015 to
2018, and slight decrease but maintaining a high level from
2018 to 2021. The peak was reached in 2018, with the rice
paddy area of 28.18 ×10
ha, nearly eight times as much
as that in 2011. The rapid expansion of rice cultivation and
its high water consumption mean more freshwater resource
consumption, and the resulting intensified water conflict
will adversely affect wetland restoration and ecological con-
servation in the YRD. However, the large-scale expansion
of rice cultivation has also provided more alternative habi-
tats for many rare water birds, especially after the decline
in the quantity and quality of natural wetlands in the YRD.
Considering the limited water resources in the YRD region,
we suggest that maintaining a reasonable scale of rice pad-
dies and optimizing their distribution is a potential solu-
tion to fulfilling the overall achieving sustainable
conservation of the YRD in the context of water scarcity.
This work was supported by the Strategic Priority
Research Program of the CAS Earth Big Data Science
Project (XDA19060302). We are grateful to the anon-
ymous reviewers and the associate editor for providing
valuable comments and suggestions, which have greatly
improved this manuscript.
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C. Huang & C. Zhang Rice Paddy Expansion Impact on YRD Conservation
... With the launch of Sentinel-1, time series of high spatial resolution SAR data become available globally (Torres et al., 2012). The combination of SAR and optical data is expected to provide advantages of land surface reflectance and surface structure features, which has been demonstrated to improve classification accuracy of built-up area (Huang and Zhang, 2022;Qin et al., 2017), sugarcane (Wang et al., 2020a), mangrove , and paddy rice (Huang and Zhang, 2023). However, the potential of combining SAR and optical images for wetland mapping at large scales remains unexplored fully. ...
Wetlands are rich in biodiversity, provide habitats for many wildlife species, and play a vital role in the transmission of bird-borne infectious diseases (e.g., highly pathogenic avian influenza). However, wetlands worldwide have been degraded or even disappeared due to natural and anthropogenic activities over the past two centuries. At present, major data products of wetlands have large uncertainties, low to moderate accuracies, and lack regular updates. Therefore, accurate and updated wetlands maps are needed for the sustainable management and conservation of wetlands. Here, we consider the remote sensing capability and define wetland types in terms of plant growth form (tree, shrub, grass), life cycle (perennial, annual), leaf seasonality (evergreen, deciduous), and canopy type (open, closed). We identify unique and stable features of individual wetland types and develop knowledge-based algorithms to map them in Northeast China at 10 m spatial resolution by using microwave (PALSAR-2, Sentinel-1), optical (Landsat (ETM+/OLI), Sentinel-2), and thermal (MODIS land surface temperature, LST) imagery in 2020. The resultant wetland map has a high overall accuracy of >95%. There were a total 154,254 km 2 of wetlands in Northeast China in 2020, which included 27,219 km 2 of seasonal open-canopy marsh, 69,158 km 2 of yearlong closed-canopy marsh, and 57,878 km 2 of deciduous forest swamp. Our results demonstrate the potential of knowledge-based algorithms and integrated multi-source image data for wetlands mapping and monitoring, which could provide improved data for the planning of wetland conservation and restoration.
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Paddy rice cropping systems play a vital role in food security, water use, gas emission estimates, and grain yield prediction. Due to alterations in the labor structure and the high cost of paddy rice planting, the paddy rice cropping systems (single or double paddy rice) have drastically changed in China in recent years; many double-cropping paddy rice fields have been converted to single-cropping paddy rice or other crops, especially in southern China. Few maps detect single and double paddy rice and cropping intensity for paddy rice (CIPR) in China with a 30 m resolution. The Landsat-based and effective flooding signal-based phenology (EFSP) method, which distinguishes CIPR with the frequency of the effective flooding signal (EFe), was proposed and tested in China. The cloud/ice/shadow was excluded by bit arithmetic, generating a good observation map, and several non-paddy rice masks were established to improve the classification accuracy. Threshold values for single and double paddy rice were calculated through the mapped data and agricultural census data. Image processing (more than 684,000 scenes) and algorithm implementation were accomplished by a cloud computing approach with the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The resultant maps of paddy rice from 2014 to 2019 were evaluated with data from statistical yearbooks and high-resolution images, with producer (user) accuracy and kappa coefficients ranging from 0.92 to 0.96 (0.76–0.87) and 0.67–0.80, respectively. Additionally, the determination coefficients for mapped and statistical data were higher than 0.88 from 2014 to 2019. Maps derived from EFSP illustrate that the single and double paddy rice systems are mainly concentrated in the Cfa (warm, fully humid, and hot summer, 49% vs. 56%) climate zone in China and show a slightly decreasing trend. The trend of double paddy rice is more pronounced than that of single paddy rice due to the high cost and shortages of rural household labor. However, single paddy rice fields expanded in Dwa (cold, dry winter, and hot summer, 11%) and Dwb (cold, dry winter, and warm summer, 9%) climate zones. The regional cropping intensity for paddy rice coincides with the paddy rice planting area but shows a significant decrease in south China, especially in Hunan Province, from 2014 to 2019. The results demonstrate that EFSP can effectively support the mapping of single and double paddy rice fields and CIPR in China, and the combinations of Landsat 7 and 8 provide enough good observations for EFSP to monitor paddy rice agriculture.
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This study tested the ability of Sentinel-1 C-band to separate forest from other common land use classes (i.e., urban, low vegetation and water) at two different sites. The first site is characterized by temperate forests and rough terrain while the second by tropical forest and near-flat terrain. We trained a support vector machine classifier using increasing feature sets starting from annual backscatter statistics (average, standard deviation) and adding long-term coherence (i.e., coherence estimate for two acquisitions with a large time difference), as well as short-term (six to twelve days) coherence statistics from annual time series. Classification accuracies using all feature sets was high (>92% overall accuracy). For temperate forests the overall accuracy improved by up to 5% when coherence features were added: long-term coherence reduced misclassification of forest as urban, whereas short-term coherence statistics reduced the misclassification of low vegetation as forest. Classification accuracy for tropical forests showed little differences across feature sets, as the annual backscatter statistics sufficed to separate forest from low vegetation, the other dominant land cover. Our results show the importance of coherence for forest classification over rough terrain, where forest omission error was reduced up to 11%.
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In the North Nile Delta of Egypt, the impacts of overplanting paddy rice on water delivery performance have not been discussed quantitatively. Further, the amount of water that could have been saved if farmers would follow the planned area is unknown. In this study, water delivery performance was assessed by comparison of actual paddy rice planting and the government's planned conditions. For both conditions, performance indicators relating to adequacy, equity, and dependability were analyzed across six locations in conjunction with the branch canal water level in 2013 and 2014. Based on the difference between the actual water supply and planned water demand, the amount of water that could have been saved for downstream uses was calculated. The average adequacy for the investigation period was good at one location, fair at 2 locations, and poor at 3 locations in both years. Further, adequacy under both actual and planned conditions was poor in late July at all locations. The planned adequacy and dependability downstream and equity among locations improved compared to the actual condition in both years. Under the condition that paddy rice area is the upper limit planned by the government, about 12.3% and 9.6% of water could be potentially saved in each year. The difference between actual and planned water delivery performance is caused by the branch canal's low water level. Control of overplanting paddy rice and coordination of water distribution among water user associations would improve stable water level in the canal and, eventually, water delivery performance.
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Southern Great Plains (SGP) of the United States, comprising the states Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, spans diverse climatic regions. In recent decades, woody plant continues to expand and form forest (above 2 m in height) across the SGP. However, our knowledge of the forest amount and distribution in this region is very limited. This study aims to map forest, especially evergreen forest (above 2 m in height) in the SGP for the time period of 2015-2017. Annual mosaic data of HH and HV polarization backscattering (25 m) from Phased Arrayed L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 (PALSAR-2) aboard Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2), along with their difference (HH-HV) and ratio (HH/HV) were utilized. With the four bands (HH, HV, difference, ratio) of 2017, decision rules of forest were developed based on 30 randomly selected forest plots (as of 2017) across the study area. With the decision rules, a PALSAR-2 based forest map was created for each year from 2015 to 2017. Then an annual maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) threshold of 0.5, derived from Landsat 8 data of 2017 and the 30 forest plots, was used to filter potential commission error of rough surface and building in each PALSAR-2 based forest map. After that, a forest map circa 2016 was generated, in which each forest pixel was identified as such at least twice during 2015 and 2017. Lastly, a threshold of seasonal NDVI change (0.3) was derived to extract evergreen forest out of the forest map circa 2016. Accuracy assessment for the result forest map suggests a user's accuracy of 99.2% and a producer's accuracy of 88.7% for forest. Accuracy assessment for the evergreen forest map suggests a user's accuracy of 97.3% and a producer's accuracy of 90.5% for evergreen forest. The result forest map, especially the evergreen forest map, paves the way for follow-up studies on forest resource and woody plant encroachment in the SGP.
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Soil salinization poses a significant challenge for achieving sustainable utilization of land resources, especially in coastal, arid, and semi-arid areas. Timely monitoring of soil salt content and its spatial distribution is conducive to secure efficient agricultural development in these regions. In this study, to address the persistent problem of soil salinization in the Yellow River Delta in China, the feature space method was used to construct multiple feature spaces of surface albedo (Albedo)–modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), salinity index (SI)–Albedo, and SI–normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and an optimal inversion model of soil salinity was developed. Based on Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) image data and simultaneous field-measured sampling data, an optimal model from 2015 to 2019 was used to obtain the soil salt content in the region at a 30 m resolution. The results show that the proportion of soil salinization in 2015 and 2019 was approximately 76% and 70%, respectively, and overall soil salinization showed a downward trend. The salinization-mitigated areas are primarily distributed in the southwest of the Yellow River Delta, and the aggravated areas are distributed in the northeast and southeast. In general, the spatial variation characteristics show an increasing trend from the southwest to the eastern coastal areas, corresponding to the formation mechanism of salt accumulation in the region. Further, corresponding sustainable development countermeasures and suggestions were proposed for different salinity levels. Meanwhile, this study revealed that the SI–Albedo feature space model is the most suitable for inversion of salinization in coastal areas.
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Timely and accurate regional rice paddy monitoring plays a significant role in maintaining the sustainable rice production, food security, and agricultural development. This study proposes an operational automatic approach to mapping rice paddies using time-series SAR data. The proposed method integrates time-series Sentinel-1 data, auxiliary data of global surface water, and rice phenological characteristics with Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. A total of 402 Sentinel-1 scenes from 2017 were used for mapping rice paddies extent in the Mun River basin. First, the calculated minimum and maximum values of the backscattering coefficient of permanent water (a classification type within global surface water data) in a year was used as the threshold range for extracting the potential extent. Then, three rice phenological characteristics were extracted based on the time-series curve of each pixel, namely the date of the beginning of the season (DBS), date of maximum backscatter during the peak growing season (DMP), and length of the vegetative stage (LVS). After setting a threshold for each phenological parameter, the final rice paddy extent was identified. Rice paddy map produced in this study was highly accurate and agreed well with field plot data and rice map products from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The results had a total accuracy of 89.52% and an F1 score of 0.91, showing that the spatiotemporal pattern of extracted rice cover was consistent with ground truth samples in the Mun River basin. This approach could be expanded to other rice-growing regions at the national scale, or even the entire Indochina Peninsula and Southeast Asia.
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Timely understanding of the coastal accretion–erosion dynamics of the Yellow River Delta (YRD) can not only deepen the understanding of the evolution of the delta but also provide scientific support for water-sediment regulation (WSR) in the lower reaches of Yellow River and the implementation of a protection strategy for the Yellow River Estuary. In this long-term study, Landsat images from 1976 to 2018 were acquired, and the cloud processing platform of the Google Earth Engine was used for extraction of coastlines. On the basis of these coastlines, the area and accretion–erosion dynamics were analyzed. Then, after statistical analysis of the interannual and intra-annual variations in runoff and sediment, we discuss the relationship between the accretion–erosion dynamics and the annual runoff and sediment. The results show that (1) the coastline of the YRD lengthened first and then shortened, and the average annual growth rate was 1.48 km/a. (2) The land area of the YRD showed a significant accretionary trend before 1996, with an average annual growth rate of 28.60 km2/a. Then, the area gradually decreased from 1997 to 2001. After WSR was implemented in 2002, the accretion–erosion dynamics gradually became smooth, with an annual growth rate of 0.31 km2/a. (3) After WSR, the maximum annual sedimentation decreased by 79.70%. The average annual sediment discharge accounted for only 6.69% from November to March of the following year during the non-flood season. (4) With the continuous decrease in sediment discharge, the determination coefficient (R2) between the cumulative accretion–erosion area of the estuary and the annual sedimentation decreased from 0.98 in 1976–1996 to 0.77 after 2002. Overall, although WSR has maintained a steady increase in delta land area, it cannot change the long-term decrease in the land area of the delta. The insights gained from our study can provide some references for related coastline research, and will be useful to science community and decision makers for coastal environmental monitoring, management, protection, and sustainable development of the YRD.
Mapping the expansion or reduction of rice fields is fundamental for food and water security, greenhouse gas emission accounting, and environmental management. The historical mapping of rice fields with satellite images is challenging because of the limited availability of remote sensing and training data from past decades. The use of phenology-based algorithms has been proposed for mapping rice fields because they can take advantage of rice fields’ characteristic spectral signature during the transplanting phase and do not need training data. However, in order to employ phenology-based algorithms effectively for the historical rice mapping of large areas, we need to incorporate automatized methods able to deal with non-usable data (e.g., cloud cover) and with spatial inconsistencies in the number of available images for each pixel. Here we propose the combination of a pixel-based, phenological algorithm with the temporal aggregation of all available Landsat images to produce national level historical maps of rice fields in Japan from the 1980s onwards. We used temporally aggregated metrics (median, percentiles, etc.), derived from spectral indices of a large number of images within the Google Earth Engine, to minimize the issue of inconsistent image availability and reduce the effects of outliers in phenology-based algorithms. We produced seven rice field maps, for the periods 1985–89, 1990–94, 1995–99, 2000–04, 2005–09, 2010–14, and 2015–19. The overall map accuracies ranged from 83% to 95% when validated with visually interpreted aerial photography. We detected a 23% decrease in the area of rice fields at a country level, although the changes varied greatly among prefectures. Here we present the first freely available historical rice field maps of Japan from the 1980s onwards, together with the source code, and a web application that enables the exploration of the maps and data relating to the derived rice field area changes. The application of temporal aggregation is promising for dealing with the gap-filling of large amounts of satellite data, reducing the issue of data outliers and providing an effective use of the historical Landsat archive for phenology-based crop detection algorithms. Our maps could greatly help researchers, conservationists and policymakers studying the drivers and consequences of rice field changes, and our methods could be extrapolated to map rice fields at large scales in other regions of the world.
Accurate paddy rice mapping with remote sensing at a regional scale plays critical roles in agriculture and ecology. Previous studies mainly employed a single key phenological period (i.e., transplanting) for paddy rice mapping. However, the prominent poor spectral separability between paddy rice and others (e.g., wetland vegetation) exists in this period. To this end, we developed an enhanced pixel-based phenological feature composite method (Eppf-CM). Subsequently, the feature derived from Eppf-CM was served as the input data to a one-class classifier (One-Class Support Vector Machine, OCSVM). Eppf-CM includes two steps: (1) four distinctive phenological periods, specifically designed for rice mapping, were identified by time-series analysis of Sentinel-2 imagery. (2) We strived to choose one or two vegetation indices for each phenological period, and then stacking all the indices together. The new developed paddy rice mapping method with Eppf-CM and OCSVM is low costs and high precision. To fully demonstrate the outstanding precision of Eppf-CM based paddy rice map (Eppf map) in this study, three different sources of reference data were employed for comparison purposes. Compared with the field survey data, Eppf map achieved an overall accuracy higher than 0.98. The paddy rice area in Northeast China from Eppf map is only 1.86% less than that of the National Bureau of Statistics in 2019. Compared with a latest paddy rice map at the same spatial resolution (10-m), Eppf map significantly reduced commission and omission errors. To the best of our knowledge, the Eppf-CM has obtained one of the highest accuracy rice maps in Northeast China up-to-date. As a whole, we expect that: (1) Eppf-CM will advance the phenology-based agricultural remote sensing mapping method. (2) The paddy rice map will provide a new baseline data for the study of agriculture and ecology.