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A trend of Medical Negligence in Laser Therapy in the Capital City: A Nine-Year Survey

  • Laser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Abstract and Figures

Background: the purpose of the present study is to investigate the common causes of injuries, claims, and decisions related to laser therapy medical malpractice during a nine-year survey. Study design: This study is a retrospective descriptive study. Methods: The legal documents in the coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine were investigated in a national database from 2012 to 2020 in Tehran, Iran. The frequency and nature of the cases, including the year of litigation, the location and certificate of the provider, the injury sustained, the cause of legal action and judgment were collected. Results: Three hundred and eighty-three cases related to injury from laser therapy were registered in the coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine during the study period. The incidence of litigation related to laser surgery showed an increasing trend, with a peak occurrence in 2020. Laser hair removal was the most common (51.2%) litigated procedure. General practice operators (48%) recorded the highest rate of laser-related medical complaints. lack of skill was the most common reason for failure. Among 383 cases with public decisions, 62.4% of them were fault liability in paid judgment. Conclusions: Medical claims related to laser application are increasing. However, as it is clear, the growth of laser technology and the increasing demand for lasers in medical science require more surveillance to avoid probable injuries and improve patient safety, especially surveillance of the physicians who work outside the scope of their specialty.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Please cite this article as follows: Jahani- Sherafat S, Razzaghi Z, Mahdavi SA, Forouzesh M, Emam Hadi MA, Rostami-Nejad M, et al. A
trend of medical negligence in laser therapy in the capital city: a nine-year survey. J Lasers Med Sci. 2022;13:e29. doi:10.34172/jlms.2022.29.
Original Article
doi 10.34172/jlms.2022.29
A trend of Medical Negligence in Laser Therapy in
the Capital City: A Nine-Year Survey
Somayeh Jahani- Sherafat1, Zahra Razzaghi1, Seyed Amirhossein Mahdavi2, Mehdi Forouzesh2, Mohammad
Ali Emam Hadi3, Mohammad Rostami-Nejad4, Mostafa Rezaei Tavirani5, Mohammadreza Razzaghi1*
1Laser Application in Medical Sciences Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Legal Medicine Research Center, Iranian Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran
Department of Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Center, Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5Proteomics Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the common causes of injuries,
claims, and decisions related to laser therapy medical malpractice during a nine-year survey.
Methods: The legal documents in the Coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine were investigated in
a national database from 2012 to 2020 in Tehran, Iran. The frequency and nature of the cases,
including the year of litigation, the location and certificate of the provider, the injury sustained, and
the cause of legal action and judgment were collected.
Results: Three hundred and eighty-three cases related to injury from laser therapy were registered in
the coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine during the study period. The incidence of litigation related
to laser surgery showed an increasing trend, with a peak occurrence in 2020. Laser hair removal
was the most common (51.2%) litigated procedure. General practice operators (48%) recorded
the highest rate of laser-related medical complaints. Lack of skill was the most common reason for
failure. Among 383 cases with public decisions, 62.4% of them were fault liability in paid judgment.
Conclusion: Medical claims related to laser application are increasing. However, as it is clear, the
growth of laser technology and the increasing demand for lasers in medical science require more
surveillance to avoid probable injuries and improve patient safety, especially surveillance of the
physicians who work outside the scope of their specialty.
Keywords: Malpractice; Laser therapy; Forensic medicine.
*Correspondence to
Mohammadreza Razzaghi, Laser
Application in Medical Sciences
Research Center, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Received: March 16, 2022
Accepted: June 11, 2022
Published online July 2, 2022
Journal of
in Medical Sciences
J Lasers Med Sci 2022;13:e29
Medical malpractice is a serious problem in any
healthcare system and causes physical and mental
harm and a financial burden on patients.1 Despite the
variation of medical litigation systems in different
countries, there are the same standards for the health
care providers.2 Four elements, including responsibility,
Violation of responsibility, causation, and harm, have
been considered for the description and survey of medical
negligence.3 According to these four elements, medical
malpractice occurs when the physician or a member of
the healthcare system takes responsibility for treating
the patient, but the function does not accord with the
standard methods.4 Studies have shown that the rate of
patients’ legal complaints in the world has been rising
recently.5 This steady rise has several reasons, including
population increase, people’s awareness of their rights,
complex technologies used in medicine, lack of proper
justification for possible side effects of remedies, patients’
increased expectations of treatment outcomes, lack of
disciplinary actions, and so on.4,6,7
Today, laser devices (‘Laser’ is the abbreviation of
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation)
have brought about a revolution in health care systems
and are an integral part of medicine.8 Laser surgery has
increased enormously with regard to various applications
in medical or paramedical procedures in the past 2
decades, including general surgeries (e.g. gynecology,
urology, and neurosurgery), dentistry, orthopedics, and
dermatology in particular.9 Because of more attention to
beauty and aesthetics in the world, the use of lasers has
increased rapidly in the cosmetic industry.10 Furthermore,
depilation by lasers is the most popular method in
dermatology and aesthetics; removal of pigmented
lesions, tattoo removal, treatment of vascular lesions, and
facial rejuvenation are also common among several other
programs in dermatology.11
One of the advantages of laser application in surgeries
is minimal damage to tissues, resulting in diminishing
blood loss, pain, and wound infection and achieving
Jahani- Sherafat et al
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 13, 20222
better ulcer healing.12 However, laser surgeries are not
risk-free for human health.
Although there are strict controls on the manufacturing
and licensing of laser devices, there is a lack of
comprehensive surveillance of laser operators’ training,
physicians’ supervision, and the place where laser services
are provided, to improve patient safety.13
Therefore, given the increasing use of laser technology
in medicine, a lack of surveillance, and a rising incidence
of medical errors, related complaints in laser surgeries
are expected. In addition, medical malpractice in laser
service recipients and consequently indemnity payments
will increase. Identification and analysis of common risk
factors and errors could aid to prevent an increase in
laser-related malpractice injuries.
In Iran, medical malpractice complaints are referred to
the coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine, in which the
patients’ complaints are checked and a decision about
negligence or innocence and financial penalties are made.
Given this, the aim of this study was to investigate the
laser-related medical malpractice data referred to the
coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine in Tehran between
2012 and 2020 in Tehran, Iran.
Materials and Methods
Data Extraction
In this retrospective descriptive study, we readopted
the legal documents in the coroner’s Office of Forensic
Medicine in Tehran by using the keyword ‘laser’ from
2012 to 2020. Documents within this office are registered
and include legal cases, jury judgeship and summaries,
and court documents. Concerning ethical criteria, no
names including the name of the plaintiff, doctor or
medical center were included in the questionnaire survey.
Data Synthesis
This search identified 383 cases concerning injuries
resulting from laser surgery. All forensic complaint cases
that had used laser technology in the treatment process
from 2012 to 2020 were included in this study. Duplicate
files and files registered before 2012 were excluded from
the study.
Laser-medical litigation files were surveyed and
analyzed in terms of the year of action, the location,
provider’s demographic data including degrees or
certificates, as well as subspecialty practice, the nature of
the procedure including alleged injuries sustained, the
cause of action, the verdict, and indemnity payments.
The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, using
IBM SPSS Statistics software version 24.
The mean age of the plaintiffs was 37.3 ± 13.07 years and
70% of them were female. Out of 383 investigated cases,
204 (53.3 %) underwent laser therapy in private clinics,
32 (8.4%) in public hospitals, 110 (28.7%) in offices, 34
(8.9%) in private hospitals, and 3 (0.8%) in beauty salons.
228 laser treatment procedures that led to complaints
were performed by male operators (59.5%) (physician
and non-physician operators).
Figure 1 shows the increasing trend of complaints over
the given period. The highest complaints occurred in
2020 (22.19%). The dermatologic complaints were the
first reason for legal malpractice complaints each year.
Subsequently, ophthalmologic complaints were more
prevalent each year. Although there are strict controls on
the manufacturing and licensing of laser devices, there is
a lack of comprehensive surveillance of laser operators’
training, physicians’ supervision, and the place where
laser services are provided, to improve patient safety.
Table 1 shows the specialties of the operators or
supervisors of laser treatment separately for skin
treatment. The most common complaint of laser surgery
was related to 274 cases (71.5%) in dermatology, which
are listed separately from other treatments in Table 2.
The injuries and the reason for complaining about the
laser treatment procedure in these people are shown in
Table 3.
The vote of two hundred and 46 (64.2%) cases of 383
medical malpractice files was a failure and led to paid
Figure 1. Distribution of Cases by Frequency in Each Year and Medical Field.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Sum of Other
Sum of Dentistry
Sum of Ophtalmology
Sum of Anesthesiology
Sum of Neurology
Sum of Surgery
Sum of Gynaecology
Sum of Dermatology
Sum of General practitioner
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 13, 2022 3
Medical Negligence in Laser Therapy in Tehran
indemnity, and 128 (33.4%) cases were innocence. Nine
(2.3%) forensic cases had been closed without any vote
during the present investigation.
The mean of failure in dermatological treatment
showed a high rate with 74.45% (204/274 dermatology
files), but in other fields, it showed a lower percentage;
for example, ophthalmologic legal failure included just
22.6 % (14/62 ophthalmology files) of the legal failure of
the files.
In dermatology scope, 67.15% of the failure votes were
done by general practitioners, 19.3% by dermatologists,
and 13.55% by other physicians with unrelated disciplines
(Table 1).
In the failure vote, lack of skill 153(62.2%) was the
highest reason of legal causes of action proven to be
medical malpractice, and after that, negligence 29(11.8%)
and improper treatment 64 (26%), respectively.
In this study, we investigated the distribution and
frequency of medical malpractice related to laser
application in Tehran, Iran, between 2012 and 2020.
During this period, the Legal Medicine Organization
and Medical Council in Tehran received 383 laser-
related litigations. The distribution of cases by frequency
showed growing annual increases. Other studies showed
a growing trend of complaints about laser-related
litigation, especially in the field of dermatology and the
cosmetic industry.13 Although laser technology and laser
applications have made significant progress in medical
sciences during the last decade, it can be considered that
laser complaints have increased in accordance with total
forensic complaints in the world.10,14 Growth of patients’
awareness of their legal rights, no necessity for licenses, no
actual supervision of laser service centers, and untrained
operators could be the additional motives for increasing
Consistent with previous studies, more than 90% of
legal claims were made in private centers (including
offices, clinics, and hospitals). Several studies showed that
private medical centers have higher medical malpractice
in comparison with the public health system.2,15 Ong et
al compared legal claims in dermatological practice in
the National Health Service (NHS) and private centers
in England and reported that the highest percentage of
legal claims (34%) in private centers belonged to laser
treatment, whereas just 7% of legal claims in the NHS were
related to laser therapy. This result could be explained
by several considerations such as accurate supervisory
coordination in the national health system, the higher
rate of laser application in private clinics, especially in
aesthetic dermatology procedures, and lack of accurate
monitoring of operators and laser devices by specialist
supervisors.2,15 Although this must be considered,
therapeutic process charges in private centers are higher
Table 1. Subspecialty Certificates of Laser Operators and Supervisors by Skin
Treatment Scope
Physician Subspecialty Total Complaints
No. (%)
Complaints in Laser
Skin Treatment
Scope No. (% in
Each Scope)
General practitioners 183 (47.8) 184 (67.15)
Ophthalmologists 62 (16.2) 0 (0)
Dermatologists 53 (13.8) 53 (19.3)
General surgeons 25 (6.5) 2 (0.72)
Obstetrics and gynecologists 9 (2.3) 4 (1.45)
Anesthetists 9 (2.3) -
Dentists 3 (1.05) 2 (0.72)
Urologists 1 (0.3) -
Neurologists 1 (0.3) -
other 11 (2.8) 3 (1.1)
Non-physicians 26 (6.7) 26 (9.5)
Total 383 (100) 274 (100)
Table 2. Laser Procedures Performed in Forensic lawsuits
Procedures No. (%)
Hair removal 196 (51.2)
Pigment disorder 24 (6.3)
Scar 15 (3.9)
Lipolysis 15 (3.9)
Rejuvenation 13 (3.4)
Tattoo removal 12 (3.1)
Vascular 4 (1.1)
Eye disorder* 63 (16.4)
Related to pain** 18 (4.7)
Hemorrhoid 8 (2.1)
Other 15 (3.9)
Total 383 (100)
*The legal complaints related to the application of lasers in eye surgery
include cataracts, laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), intraocular lens
implants, etc.
**The legal complaints related to the application of lasers in pain were in
discopathy, cord spinal pain, etc.
Table 3. Injuries Sustained by the Laser Therapy Procedure
Injury No. (%)
Burns 112 (29.2)
Burns and pigmentation 57 (14.9)
Burns and scars 38 (9.9)
Pigmentation 40 (10.4)
Ulcerations 2 (0.5)
Erythema 1 (0.3)
Diminished quality of life 4 (1)
Eye and vision problems 60 (15.7)
Physical suffering 16 (4.2)
Emotional distress 11 (2.9)
Infection 8 (2.1)
Death 4 (1)
other 30 (7.8)
Jahani- Sherafat et al
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 13, 20224
than those in national health systems; therefore, the level
of expectations and demands in patients is higher than
that in the NHS.
One of the considerable findings in the present
study is about service providers. In this regard, general
practitioners received the highest percentage of
medical malpractice claims, and dermatologists, non-
physicians, and general surgeons are in the next ranks
(Table 1). During the last decade, litigation against practice
physicians performing cutaneous laser procedures
has shown intense growth, especially in private health
centers.17 It seems this negligence is due to financial gain
and has significant implications for the safety of patients
undergoing laser therapy. Therefore, more disciplinary
actions and supervision are essential for private clinics in
the cosmetic and skin care scope of laser therapy.
The mean age of legal claimants in the present study
was 37.3 years, but studies have shown elderly patients
have higher legal claims in comparison with young
people.18-20 This difference could be because of applicants
for laser therapy. The highest medical malpractice
claims in this investigation belonged to dermatology and
cosmetic services, and the young and middle-aged women
demanded dermatological laser therapy; therefore,
the mean age was less than total claims in medical
malpractice, although the mean age in ophthalmology
was higher than that in other fields, and these differences
refer to the target group in any medical specialty.
This study is compatible with previous studies, and it
demonstrated that the hair removal laser was the major
reason for laser-related legal claims.13,15 There has been
explosive growth in the application of hair removal
lasers since Theodore Maiman developed lasers for
destroying hair follicles in 1960.21 Now laser hair removal
is the most commonly performed laser technique in the
world.22 The highest demand for laser hair removal has
been from young females, and consequently, the highest
complications in the laser technique have been shown
in this group.23 The common side effects after laser hair
removal are superficial burns, pigmentary changes,
and scars.24,25 These complications have usually been
caused by untrained operators.23 Most laser hair removal
complications are preventable if physicians know the
skin-related side effects of procedures to correctly treat
patients and justify them for necessary care after laser
therapy. This point should be considered that laser
application to hair removal is a fast, safe, and effective
treatment if it is carried out by a physician who knows the
type of skin, probable skin-related side effects, and laser
The death case is another noticeable point in the
current study. The causes of death for three cases who
died in this investigation have been associated with
negligence in mole removal by a laser. Mole removal
without attention to features and appearance of moles
and possibly additional tests and pathologic examination
(malignance/benign) may cause a delay in malignancy
diagnosis and treatment, leading to patients’ death.
Malignant moles are serious diseases, and the delay
in diagnosis makes a bad prognosis. Early detection
and treatment are vital for patients’ survival.27 The
ophthalmology legal claim has the second rate (16.2%) of
legal malpractice claims after the dermatology legal claim
in the current study. Laser advances in ophthalmology
are one of the most important medical applications of
lasers in medical science.28 Ophthalmology legal claims
are common cases of medico-legal complaints because
of their straight effects on a patient’s lifestyle.29 Lasers
in ophthalmology have several applications such as
laser vision surgery or LASIK [for the correction of
nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism], cataract
surgery, intraocular lens exchange, trabeculoplasty, and
so on.30-32 LASIK and cataract surgery are the first causes
of ophthalmology legal claims in the present study. As
the results showed, only 22.6% of the legal claims in the
ophthalmology section were in favor of the plaintiffs and
the acquitted.
In this survey, 9 (2.3%) of the laser-related medical
claims are about anesthesiology. Anesthesiologists in
this study used laser devices to reduce pain in the spinal
cord. Nevertheless, their activities caused a delay in
necessary surgery, leading to consequent injuries because
of a delay in treatment. Accordingly, a large number of
complaints are avoidable with correct examination and
sufficient explanation about side effects, real results, and
complications after surgery.33
Lack of skill and improper treatment are the two important
reasons for laser-related legal claims. Experience and
knowledge of the technical aspects of laser devices are
essential factors in the application of lasers in medical
science, so training fluent operators and monitoring their
performance are vital for utilizing lasers in medicine.
One of the important causes of medical claims refers
to no justification and perfect interaction between
physicians and patients. Raising expectations in the use
of laser devices can be one of the reasons for patients’
dissatisfaction and complaints. Physicians should explain
the risk of probabilistic subsequent complications and
possible benefits, understand patients’ concerns about
the application of lasers, and manage patient expectations
about the treatment before each decision.
Limitations of the Study
Our study has several limitations. The investigation
into patient claims was conducted within a single city.
However, we consider that laser therapy complications
are comparable in other cities in Iran. Some of the claims
were missing in the present investigation, and the non-
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences Volume 13, 2022 5
Medical Negligence in Laser Therapy in Tehran
medical centers like beauty salons and gyms did not
have any licenses for laser surgery and salons. Therefore,
cosmetology operators are not available and responsible,
and their legal claims were not registered in the coroner’s
Office of Forensic Medicine completely.
The authors wish to thank Dr. Ladan Jafarnejad, the Head of
the coroner’s Office of Forensic Medicine in Tehran, for her
Conflict of Interests
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Ethical Considerations
The current study was approved by the local Ethics Committee of
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (IR.SBMU.RETECH.
REC.1399.1377). To consider the ethical issue, the collected data
were not revealed to anyone except for the researchers; hence,
patients’ names were kept confidential.
The current study was financially supported by the Laser
Application in Medical Sciences Research Center, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
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Purpose Patient autonomy and participation have a significant impact on patient satisfaction and compliance with treatment. We aimed to establish and describe the level of shared decision-making (SDM) among the patients in a developing country. Uganda is a low resource country with a 2019 GDP of 35.17 billion US dollars. In some regions, over 60% of Ugandans live below the national poverty line and most of them depend on the underfunded health care system. Methods A cross-sectional, quantitative study was carried out among the outpatients attending Kisenyi Health center IV, Kampala, Uganda. An interviewer-administered questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was used to assess patients’ SDM. All statistical analysis was performed using STATA 15 software. Results A total of 326 patients participated in this study. Majority of the participants were females (n=241, 73.9%) and aged 18–35 years (n=218, 66.9%). Only 22 (7%) of the participants knew the name of their consulting doctor. Most of the participants, 84% were given enough time to narrate their symptoms. Overall, only 11.3% (n=37) of the participants had adequately participated in SDM. The overall mean score of participation in SDM was 2.7 (SD:0.8). Participants who knew the name of their consulting doctor were approximately 11 times more likely to participate in SDM (OR: 10.7, 95% CI: 4.2–27.0, P<0.0001). Conclusion The majority of patients attending Kisenyi Health Center IV did not adequately participate in SDM. Continued medical education should be organized for healthcare professionals to promote SDM.
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Background Physicians who perform unsafe practices and harm patients may be disciplined. In Norway, there are five types of disciplinary action, ranging from a warning for the least serious examples of malpractice to loss of licence for the most serious ones. Disciplinary actions always involve medical malpractice. The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency and distribution of disciplinary actions by the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision for doctors in Norway and to uncover nation-wide patient safety issues. Methods We retrospectively investigated all 953 disciplinary actions for doctors given by the Board between 2011 and 2018. We categorized these according to type of action, recipient’s profession, organizational factors and geographical location of the recipient. Frequencies, cross tables, rates and linear regression were used for statistical analysis. Results Rural general practitioners received the most disciplinary actions of all doctors and had their licence revoked or restricted 2.1 times more frequently than urban general practitioners. General practitioners and private specialists received respectively 98.7 and 91.0 disciplinary actions per 1000 doctors. Senior consultants and junior doctors working in hospitals received respectively 17.0 and 6.4 disciplinary actions per 1000 doctors. Eight times more actions were received by primary care doctors than secondary care doctors. Doctors working in primary care were given a warning 10.6 times more often and had their licence revoked or restricted 4.6 times more often than those in secondary care. Conclusion The distribution and frequency of disciplinary actions by the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision clearly varied according to type of health care facility. Private specialists and general practitioners, especially those working in rural clinics, received the most disciplinary actions. These results deserve attention from health policy-makers and warrant further studies to determine the factors that influence medical malpractice. Moreover, the supervisory authorities should assess whether their procedures for reacting to malpractice are efficient and adequate for all types of physicians working in Norway.
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Introduction A global rise in patient complaints has been accompanied by growing research to effectively analyse complaints for safer, more patient-centric care. Most patients and families complain to improve the quality of healthcare, yet progress has been complicated by a system primarily designed for case-by-case complaint handling. Aim To understand how to effectively integrate patient-centric complaint handling with quality monitoring and improvement. Method Literature screening and patient codesign shaped the review’s aim in the first stage of this three-stage review. Ten sources were searched including academic databases and policy archives. In the second stage, 13 front-line experts were interviewed to develop initial practice-based programme theory. In the third stage, evidence identified in the first stage was appraised based on rigour and relevance, and selected to refine programme theory focusing on what works, why and under what circumstances. Results A total of 74 academic and 10 policy sources were included. The review identified 12 mechanisms to achieve: patient-centric complaint handling and system-wide quality improvement. The complaint handling pathway includes (1) access of information; (2) collaboration with support and advocacy services; (3) staff attitude and signposting; (4) bespoke responding; and (5) public accountability. The improvement pathway includes (6) a reliable coding taxonomy; (7) standardised training and guidelines; (8) a centralised informatics system; (9) appropriate data sampling; (10) mixed-methods spotlight analysis; (11) board priorities and leadership; and (12) just culture. Discussion If healthcare settings are better supported to report, analyse and use complaints data in a standardised manner, complaints could impact on care quality in important ways. This review has established a range of evidence-based, short-term recommendations to achieve this.
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Background: Medical malpractice represents a serious problem in the health system and is one of the risk factors for patient safety which damages the patient and increases costs for the patient and the health care provider. The importance of these complaints against physicians is that litigation may continue for a long time and become problematic for patients and physicians. The objective of this study was to investigate the complaints of medical malpractices which were referred to Iran Medical Council to provide solutions to reduce the complaints and improve service delivery. Methods: Embase, PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI/Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, and Iranian databases, such as MagIran, SID, and Irandoc, were searched from 01/01/1990 to 07/01/2018. Also, the grey literature (via Google Scholar) was searched. Studies written in English or in Persian were searched, and keywords used included malpractice, negligence, medical malpractice, physician impairment, Iran, and professional impairment. Results: Nearly 1455 complaints (36%) of the total number of 3977 complaints were proved to be medical malpractice, and physicians were acquitted in 2542 (64%) cases. Most complaints were from gynaecologists, accounting for 43% of all complaints, followed by orthopaedic specialists who ranked second with 21.4% of the total complaints. The most type of failure was due to lack of skill (30.4%), followed by negligence (29.2%). Imprudence or indiscretion (26.3%) and noncompliance with governmental requirements (14.1%) were also in the next ranks, respectively. Conclusion: Improving patient and physician relationships, observing medical ethics, increasing the scientific and technical skills of the medical staff, and following the guidelines and medical protocols will prevent medical malpractice. Therefore, health policymakers can reduce errors and failures by adopting continuing education on medical, ethical, and legal issues.
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Objective To systematically quantify the prevalence, severity, and nature of preventable patient harm across a range of medical settings globally. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources Medline, PubMed, PsycINFO, Cinahl and Embase, WHOLIS, Google Scholar, and SIGLE from January 2000 to January 2019. The reference lists of eligible studies and other relevant systematic reviews were also searched. Review methods Observational studies reporting preventable patient harm in medical care. The core outcomes were the prevalence, severity, and types of preventable patient harm reported as percentages and their 95% confidence intervals. Data extraction and critical appraisal were undertaken by two reviewers working independently. Random effects meta-analysis was employed followed by univariable and multivariable meta regression. Heterogeneity was quantified by using the I ² statistic, and publication bias was evaluated. Results Of the 7313 records identified, 70 studies involving 337 025 patients were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled prevalence for preventable patient harm was 6% (95% confidence interval 5% to 7%). A pooled proportion of 12% (9% to 15%) of preventable patient harm was severe or led to death. Incidents related to drugs (25%, 95% confidence interval 16% to 34%) and other treatments (24%, 21% to 30%) accounted for the largest proportion of preventable patient harm. Compared with general hospitals (where most evidence originated), preventable patient harm was more prevalent in advanced specialties (intensive care or surgery; regression coefficient b=0.07, 95% confidence interval 0.04 to 0.10). Conclusions Around one in 20 patients are exposed to preventable harm in medical care. Although a focus on preventable patient harm has been encouraged by the international patient safety policy agenda, there are limited quality improvement practices specifically targeting incidents of preventable patient harm rather than overall patient harm (preventable and non-preventable). Developing and implementing evidence-based mitigation strategies specifically targeting preventable patient harm could lead to major service quality improvements in medical care which could also be more cost effective.
There are several types of surgeries which use lasers in the operating room. Surgeons use lasers in general surgery or surgical specialties to cut, coagulate, and remove tissue. In modern medicine, the application of laser therapy is an attractive subject due to its minimal invasive effect. Today lasers are widely used in the treatment and diagnosis of many diseases such as various cancers, lithotripsy, ophthalmology, as well as dermatology and beauty procedures. Depending on the type of lasers, the wavelength and the delivery system, most lasers have replaced conventional surgical instruments for better wound healing results. Over time, by using many different tools and devices, new lasers have been created; as a result, they are used in a wide range of medical special cases. In this review, laser applications in surgery and its beneficial effects compared to previous surgeries with the aim of providing appropriate therapeutic and non-invasive solutions with minimal side effects after surgery are investigated.
Objective: To present an overview of complaints against ophthalmologists to the regulatory body in the province of Ontario, Canada, during a 5-year period. Design: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Methods: All completed complaints to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) involving ophthalmologists from January 2013 to May 2018 were reviewed. Data regarding the prevalence of complaints, physician characteristics, practice location, reason of complaint, and outcomes as decided by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) were collected. Identified concerns were classified across 3 domains: clinical care and treatment, professionalism and conduct, and practice management. Results: There were 372 complaints involving 211 ophthalmologists out of 448 practicing ophthalmologists in Ontario. A total of 933 issues were raised in the 372 complaints. Complaints related to clinical care and treatment were most common (76.3%), followed by professionalism and conduct (55.4%) and practice management (24.7%). Within these domains, the 5 largest subcategories in order of occurrence were communication, billing practices, consent, procedural mishap, and documentation. Of the 372 investigations, the ICRC took some form of action in 117 cases (31.4%). The most common actionable decisions issued by the ICRC were advice (19.1%), caution (6.2%), and participation in a specified continuing educational or remediation program (3.5%). Four cases (1.1%) were referred to the Discipline Committee. Conclusions: Almost half of practicing ophthalmologists in Ontario (47%) received at least one formal CPSO complaint within the 5-year study period. Communication was the most common issue raised in complaints.
Purpose: To examine the efficacy and complications of laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in subjects with primary angle closure (PAC). Methods: Literature searches in the PubMed and Cochrane databases were last conducted in August 2017 and yielded 300 unique citations. Of these, 36 met the inclusion criteria and were rated according to the strength of evidence; 6 articles were rated level I, 11 articles were rated level II, and 19 articles were rated level III. Results: Reported outcomes were change in angle width, effect on intraocular pressure (IOP) control, disease progression, and complications. Most of the studies (29/36, 81%) included only Asian subjects. Angle width (measured by gonioscopy, ultrasound biomicroscopy, and anterior segment OCT) increased after LPI in all stages of angle closure. Gonioscopically defined persistent angle closure after LPI was reported in 2% to 57% of eyes across the disease spectrum. Baseline factors associated with persistent angle closure included narrower angle and parameters representing nonpupillary block mechanisms of angle closure, such as a thick iris, an anteriorly positioned ciliary body, or a greater lens vault. After LPI, further treatment to control IOP was reported in 0%-8% of PAC suspect (PACS), 42% to 67% of PAC, 21% to 47% of acute PAC (APAC), and 83%-100% of PAC glaucoma (PACG) eyes. Progression to PACG ranged from 0% to 0.3% per year in PACS and 0% to 4% per year in PAC. Complications after LPI included IOP spike (8-17 mmHg increase from baseline in 6%-10%), dysphotopsia (2%-11%), anterior chamber bleeding (30%-41%), and cataract progression (23%-39%). Conclusions: Laser peripheral iridotomy increases angle width in all stages of primary angle closure and has a good safety profile. Most PACS eyes do not receive further intervention, whereas many PAC and APAC eyes, and most PACG eyes, receive further treatment. Progression to PACG is uncommon in PACS and PAC. There are limited data on the comparative efficacy of LPI versus other treatments for the various stages of angle closure; 1 randomized controlled trial each demonstrated superiority of cataract surgery over LPI in APAC and of clear lens extraction over LPI in PACG or PAC with IOP above 30 mmHg.