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Open-label phase I/II clinical trial of SARS-CoV-2 RBD-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (FINLAY-FR-2) in combination with RBD-protein vaccine (FINLAY-FR-1A) in children


Abstract and Figures

Objectives To evaluate a heterologous vaccination scheme in children 3-18 y/o combining two SARS-CoV-2 r-RBD protein vaccines. Methods A phase I/II open-label, adaptive and multicenter trial evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 (subsequently called SOBERANA 02) and the third heterologous dose of FINLAY-FR-1A (subsequently called SOBERANA Plus) in 350 children 3-18y/o in Havana Cuba. Primary outcomes were safety (phase I) and safety/immunogenicity (phase II) measured by anti-RBD IgG ELISA, molecular and live-virus neutralization titers and specific T-cells response. A comparison with adult´s immunogenicity and predictions of efficacy were made based on immunological results Results Local pain was the unique adverse event with frequency >10%, and none was serious or severe. Two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 elicited a humoral immune response similar to natural infection; the third dose with FINLAY-FR-1A increased the response in all children, similar to that achieved in vaccinated young adults. The GMT neutralizing titer was 173.8 (CI 95% 131.7; 229.5) vs. alpha, 142 (CI 95% 101.3; 198.9) vs. delta, 24.8 (CI 95% 16.8; 36.6) vs. beta and 99.2 (CI 95% 67.8; 145.4) vs. omicron. Conclusion The heterologous scheme was safe and immunogenic in children 3-18 y/o. Trial registry
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International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 164–173
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Open-label phase I/II clinical trial of SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding
domain-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (FINLAY-FR-2) in
combination with receptor binding domain-protein vaccine
(FINLAY-FR-1A) in children
Rinaldo Puga-Gómez
1 , 2 , #
, Yariset Ricardo-Delgado
1 , #
, Chaumey Rojas-Iriarte
Leyanis Céspedes-Henriquez
, Misleidys Piedra-Bello
, Dania Vega-Mendoza
Noelvia Pestana Pérez
, Beatriz Paredes-Moreno
, Meiby Rodríguez-González
Carmen Valenzuela-Silva
, Belinda Sánchez-Ramírez
, Laura Rodríguez-Noda
Rocmira Pérez-Nicado
, Raul González-Mugica
, Tays Hernández-García
Talía Fundora-Barrios
, Martha Dubet Echevarría
, Juliet María Enriquez-Puertas
Yenicet Infante-Hernández
, Ariel Palenzuela-Díaz
, Evelyn Gato-Orozco
Yanet Chappi-Estévez
, Julio Cesar Francisco-Pérez
, Miladi Suarez-Martinez
Ismavy C. Castillo-Quintana
, Sonsire Fernandez-Castillo
, Yanet Climent-Ruiz
Darielys Santana-Mederos
, Yanelda García-Vega
, María Eugenia Toledo-Romani
Delaram Doroud
, Alireza Biglari
, Yury Valdés-Balbín
, Dagmar García-Rivera
5 , # , ,
Vicente Vérez-Bencomo
, SOBERANA Research Group
Pediatric Hospital “Juan Manuel Marquez,” Havana, Cuba
Central Clinic “Cira García”, La Habana, Cuba
Policlinic “5 de Septiembre”, La Habana, Cuba
Policlinic “Carlos J. Finlay”, La Habana, Cuba
Finlay Vaccine Institute, Havana, Cuba
Cybernetics, Mathematics, and Physics Institute, La Habana, Cuba
Centre of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba
National Civil Defense Research Laboratory, Mayabeque, Cuba
Centre for Immunoassays, La Habana, Cuba
National Clinical Trials Coordinating Center, Havana, Cuba
Pediatric Hospital “Borrás-Marfán”, La Habana, Cuba
“Pedro Kourí” Tropical Medicine Institute, Habana, Cuba
Pasteur Institute of Iran, Te hra n, Islamic Repub lic of Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 17 March 2022
Revised 16 October 2022
Accepted 12 November 2022
a b s t r a c t
Objectives: To evaluate a heterologous vaccination scheme in children 3-18 years old (y/o) combining two
SARS-CoV-2r- receptor binding domain (RBD)protein vaccines.
Methods: A phase I/II open-label, adaptive, and multicenter trial evaluated the safety and immunogenic-
ity of two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 (subsequently called SOBERANA 02) and the third heterologous dose
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. García-Rivera) .
# These authors contributed equally.
1 SOBERANA Research Group: María Elena Mesa-Herrera
, Yarmi la García-Cristiá1
, Leonor Verdecia-Sánchez
, Rafael del Valle Rodríguez
, Yudalvies Oquendo-de la
, Daysi Álvarez-Montalvo
, Randy Grillo-Fortún
, Liset López-González
, Omaida Fonte Galindo
, Yes en i Reyes-González
, Ana Beatriz González-Álvarez
, Linet Gorrita-
, Rodrigo Valera-Fernández
, Ivis Ontivero-Pino
, Marisel Martínez-Pérez
, Esperanza Caballero-Gonzalez
, Aniurka Garcés-Hechavarría
, Dayle Martínez-Bedoya
, Maite
, Yeney Regla Domínguez-Pentón
, Yadira Cazañas-Quintana
, Thais Fundora Barrios
, Diana R. Hernández Fernández
, Gretchen Bergado-Báez
, Ivette Orosa-
, Franciscary Pi-Estopiñan
, Marianniz Díaz-Hernández
, Otto Cruz-Sui
, Enrique Noa-Romero
, Arilia García-López
, Sandra Rivadereira Muro
10 Gerardo Baro-
1201-9712/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license ( )
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 16 4– 173
Keywo rds:
Conjugate vaccine
Pediatric vaccine
Heterologous scheme
Subunit vaccine
RBD vaccine
of FINLAY-FR-1A (subsequently called SOBERANA Plus) in 350 children 3-18 y/o in Havana Cuba. Pri-
mary outcomes were safety (phase I) and safety/immunogenicity (phase II) measured by anti-RBD im-
munoglobulin (Ig)G enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), molecular and live-virus neutralization titers,
and specific T-cells response. A comparison with adult immunogenicity and predictions of efficacy were
made based on immunological results.
Results: Local pain was the unique adverse event with frequency > 10%, and none was serious neither
severe. Two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 elicited a humoral immune response similar to natural infection; the
third dose with FINLAY-FR-1A increased the response in all children, similar to that achieved in vacci-
nated young adults. The geometric mean (GMT) neutralizing titer was 173. 8 (95% confidence interval [CI]
131.7; 229.5) vs Alpha, 142 (95% CI 101.3; 198.9) vs Delta, 24.8 (95% CI 16.8; 36.6) vs Beta and 99.2 (95%
CI 67.8; 145.4) vs Omicron.
Conclusion: The heterologous scheme was safe and immunogenic in children 3-18 y/o.
Trial registry: 0 0 0 0374
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
( )
Protecting children against COVID-19 is pivotal for control-
ling virus dissemination and reducing disease incidence. COVID-19
cases and hospitalizations among children and adolescents, firstly
driven by the Delta variant and recently by Omicron, have risen
sharply, even in countries with high adult vaccination coverage
( Delahoy et al., 2021 ; Elliott et al., 2022 ). This context has accel-
erated the clinical trials of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines for children
( Ali et al., 2021 ; Frenck et al., 2021 ; Han et al., 2021 ; Wallace et
al., 2021 ; Walter et al., 2021; Xia et al., 2022 ).
For more than 30 years, the Finlay Vaccine Institute has
produced tetanus toxoid-conjugated vaccines applied to children
worldwide; their safety has been extensively proven through hun-
dreds of millions of doses ( Huang and Wu, 2010 ; Verez-Bencomo
et al., 2004 ). FINLAY-FR-2 (also called SOBERANA 02) immunogen
is an anti-SARS-CoV-2 recombinant receptor binding domain (RBD)
conjugated to tetanus toxoid ( Valdes-Balbin et al., 2021a , 2021b ).
It is the unique conjugate vaccine in World Health Organization’s
vaccines pipeline ( World Health Organization, 2021 ). T-cell epi-
topes present in tetanus toxoid were expected to promote RBD-
specific B- and T-cell memory, high affinity and longstanding RBD
IgG antibodies.
SOBERANA 02 has proved its safety and immunogenicity in
adults 19-80 years old (y/o); after two doses, its efficacy was
69.7%. Combined with the third dose of FINLAY-FR-1A (also called
SOBERANA Plus) (recombinant RBD dimer vaccine) in a three-dose
heterologous scheme, efficacy increased to 92.0% (Eugenia-Toledo-
Romaní et al., 2021, 2022a, 2022b ). In August 2021, the Cuban
Regulatory Authority granted their emergency use authorization
in adults, being since then extensively applied nationally for pre-
venting COVID-19 in Cuba ( Cuban and National Regulatory Agency,
2021 ).
Here, we report the results of an open-label phase I/II clinical
trial in children 3-18 y/o to evaluate the safety and immunogenic-
ity of two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 and the third dose of FINLAY-FR-
1A. We avoided a placebo-controlled trial in this age group due to
ethical concerns ( Dal-Ré and Caplan, 2021 ); alternatively, a recom-
mended comparison (or immunobridging) with an adult
s immuno-
genicity was established ( US Food and Drug Administration [FDA],
2021 ) and the clinical efficacy was estimated based on immuno-
logical results.
Study design
We designed a phase I/II study, open-label, adaptive and mul-
ticenter to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenic-
ity of two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 and a third heterologous dose
of FINLAY-FR-1A in children (3-11 y/o) and teenagers (12-18 y/o).
Two interim analyses would decide interruption/continuation of
the study, depending on serious adverse events (AEs) during phase
Phase I was conceived in a two-step, incorporating firstly 25
children 12-18 y/o (sequence 1). The first interim report (no se-
rious AE detected) 7 days after their vaccination allowed incorpo-
rating 25 children 3-11 y/o (phase I, sequence 2 and starting phase
II in 12-18 y/o [n = 150]) . A second interim report 7 days after se-
quence 2 (no serious AE detected) allowed starting phase II in chil-
dren 3-11 y/o (n = 150). ( Figure 1 ). Detailed information on trial
sites is presented in Supplementary Material I.
Children were recruited at the community level across the pri-
mary health system by medical doctors. They were included fol-
lowing a physical examination, parent interview, and phase I clin-
ical laboratory assays. Key inclusion criteria were weight-height
nutritional assessment, physical examination without alterations,
clinical laboratory results within the range of reference values
(only phase I), and microbiology laboratory tests. Key exclusion cri-
teria were any acute infection, previous or current history of SARS-
CoV-2 infection, and being a contact of a positive COVID-19 case. A
detailed description of selection criteria appears in Supplementary
Material II.
Ethical issues
The trial was approved by the Ethical Committee at the “Juan
Manuel Marquez” Pediatric Hospital and endorsed by the Cuban
National Pediatric Group. The Cuban National Regulatory Agency
(Centre for State Control of Medicines and Medical Devices, Cuban
and National Regulatory Agency) approved the trial (June 10, 2021,
Authorization Reference: 05.010.21BA).
Independent Data Monitoring Committees formed by five exter-
nal members specialized in pediatric clinical practice, immunology,
and statistics were in charge of two interim analyses during phase
The trial was conducted according to the Declaration of
Helsinki, Good Clinical Practice, and the Cuban National Immuniza-
tion Program. During recruitment, the medical investigators pro-
vided to the parents, both orally and written, all information about
the vaccine and its potential risks and benefits. Written informed
consent was obtained from both parents; children over 12 y/o
should assent. The decision to participate was not remunerated.
The National Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre (CENCEC) was
responsible for monitoring the trial in terms of adherence to the
protocol, Good Clinical Practice, and data accuracy.
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 164– 173
Figure 1. Flow chart: recruitment, inclusion, vaccination and follow-up of 3-18 years old children in phase I/II trial.
AE, adverse event; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
Trial registry: RPCEC0 0 0 0 0374 (Cuban Public Registry of Clinical
Trials and World Health Organization International Clinical Registry
Trials Platform) ( International register clinical trials, 2021 ).
Products under evaluation
FINLAY-FR-2 (RBD chemically conjugated to the carrier protein
tetanus toxoid) and FINLAY-FR-1A (RBD dimer), adjuvanted in alu-
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 16 4– 173
mina hydroxide, were produced at the Finlay Vaccine Institute
and the Centre for Molecular Immunology, in Havana, Cuba, under
Good Medical Practice conditions. Both are subunit vaccines-based
SARS-CoV-2 RBD, sequence Arg319-Phe541, produced in genetically
modified Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Formulations are de-
tailed in Supplementary Material III-Table S1.
Product batches used: FINLAY-FR-2 (E1002S02X, E1002S02);
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) SARS-
CoV-2 was performed in all participants at least 72 hours before
each dose. Participants with negative PCR results received the vac-
cine by intramuscular injections in the deltoid region. Immuniza-
tion schedule : two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 and a heterologous third
dose of FINLAY-FR-1A 28 days apart (immunization on days 0, 28,
56). After each immunization, participants were on-site evaluated
for 1 hour. Medical control visits were planned at 24, 48, and 72
hours and on days 7, 14, and 28 after each dose. AEs were reg-
istered by parents daily. Serum samples were collected on day 0
(before vaccination) and 14 days after the second and third doses
(days 42 and 70). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were ob-
tained before vaccination and after the third dose (day 70) in a
participant subset of 45 children randomly selected in each age
Primary outcomes. Phase I: occurrence of serious AEs, measured
daily for days after each dose. Phase II: Percentage of subjects with
seroconversion 4-fold increase of immunoglobulin (Ig)G anti-RBD
over pre-immunization, on days 42 and 70.
Secondary outcomes. Phase I and phase II: Solicited local and
systemic AEs, measured during 7 days after each dose; unsolicited
AEs, measured 28 days after each dose; neutralizing antibody titers
(on days 42 and 70, on a sample subset), inhibition of RBD-human
angiotensin I-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2) interaction (on days 42
and 70). Phase II: Occurrence of serious AEs, measured 28 days af-
ter each dose. Outcomes are detailed in Supplementary Material
Outcomes and safety assessments are detailed in Supplemen-
tary Materials IV and V.
Immunogenicity assessment
Immunogenicity was evaluated by: (i) quantitative ultramicro
enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) (UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 anti-
RBD; (ii) competitive ELISA determined the inhibitory capacity
of antibodies for blocking the RBD-hACE2 interaction, expressed
as percentage inhibition and molecular virus neutralization titer
); (iii) conventional virus neutralization titer (cVNT
) vs
D614G, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron variants; (iv) RBD-specific
T-cells response producing interferon (IFN)- γand interleukin (IL)-
4. Immunogenicity assessment and techniques are described in
Supplementary Material VI. All immunological evaluations were
performed by external laboratories from the Centre for Immunoas-
says, the Centre of Molecular Immunology, and the National Civil
Defense Research Laboratory. The T-cells response was evaluated at
Finlay Vaccine Institute. A detailed description of immunogenicity
assessments and techniques is described in Supplementary Mate-
rial VI.
Children’s convalescent serum panel
A Cuban children’s convalescent serum panel was made with
sera from 82 patients (3-18 y/owho) who recovered from COVID-
Tabl e 1
Demographic characteristics of subjects included in the clinical trial.
Age groups
3-11 years 12-18 years Tot al 3-18 years
N 175 175 350
Female 80 (45.7%) 83 (47.4%) 163 (46.6%)
Male 95 (54.3%) 92 (52.6%) 187 (53.4%)
Skin color
White 122 (69.7%) 116 (66.3%) 238 (68.0%)
Black 9 (5.1%) 11 (6.3%) 20 (5.7%)
Multiracial 44 (25.1%) 48 (27.4%) 92 (26.3%)
Age (years)
Mean (SD) 7.4 (2.5) 15.1 (2.1) 11.3 ±4.5
Median (IQR) 8.0 (5.0) 15.0 (4.0) 11.5 ±7.0
Range 3; 11 12;18 3-18
Weight (kg)
Mean (SD) 29.4 (10.1) 54.7 (9.0) 42.0 ±15.9
Median (IQR) 27.5 (14.0) 55.0 (13.0) 43.0 ±27.7
Range 13.0; 58.0 32.0; 80.0 13.0; 80.0
Height (cm)
Mean (SD) 129.1 (17.2) 164.3 (9.6) 146.7 ±22.5
Median (IQR) 131.0 (26.0) 164.0 (13.0) 151.0 ±34.0
Range 92; 172 142; 190 92-190
Body mass index (kg/m
Mean (SD) 17.0 (2.0) 20.2 (2.3) 18.6 ±2.7
Median (IQR) 16.7 (2.7) 19.9 (3.8) 18.3 ±4.1
Range 13.2; 22.8 14.6; 25.5 13.2-25.5
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.
Range presented as minimum; maximum.
Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation
19. Detailed information about panel composition and immune
characterization is presented in Supplementary Material VII.
Statistical analysis
For phase I, the calculation of sample size was done consider-
ing a 2-sided 95% confidence interval (CI) for one proportion with
a width equal to 0.09 to estimate a serious AE rate of < 1%. For
phase II, a similar method was used to estimate a seroconversion
of around 50%, with a lower bound of the CI > 30% (trial hypoth-
esis) and a dropout of 20%. This resulted in a sample size of 350
subjects (including subjects from phase I). Detailed statistical tools,
procedures, and definitions are presented in Supplementary Mate-
rial VIII.
Figure 1 and Table 1 describe the study design and demo-
graphic characteristics of the participants. From June 11 to July
14, 2021, 426 children (3-18 y/o) were recruited, 350 that accom-
plished the selection criteria were included, and 306 completed
the study. There was a balanced ratio of sex and ethnicity; the
mean age was 11.3 years (SD 4.5).
Phase I started by vaccinating 25 children 12-18 y/o with
FINLAY-FR-2; the first interim analysis was done 7 days after vacci-
nation, indicating the absence of serious AEs. In consequence, the
trial proceeded to phase I sequence 2, incorporating 25 children
aged 3-11 and 150 children aged 12-18 of phase II. The second in-
terim analysis showed no serious AE in children 3-11 y/o (sequence
2); the trial completed phase II, vaccinating 150 children 3-11 y/o
with FINLAY-FR-2 first dose.
During the vaccination scheme, 86 children (53.1%) suffered at
least one AE; the frequency was higher (60%) in teenagers than in
young children (46.3%). Severe and serious vaccine-associated AEs
did not occur ( Table 2 ). Local AE predominated; the most com-
mon was local pain (47.7%), and all others had frequencies < 5%;
only 1.1% reported fever ( Table 3 ). More than 90% of AEs were
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 16 4– 173
Tabl e 2
General characteristics of AEs.
Age groups
3-11 years 12-18 years Total
N 175 175 350
Subjects with some AE 81 (46.3%) 105 (60.0%) 186 (53.10%)
Subjects with some VAAE 76 (43.4%) 101 (57.7%) 177 (50.6%)
Subjects with some serious AE 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.6%)
a 1 (0.3%)
Subjects with some serious VAAE 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Subjects with some severe AE 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Subjects with some severe VAAE 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Tota l of Adverse Events 141 182 323
VAAE 126 (89.4%) 160 (87.9) 286 (88.5%)
Serious VAAE 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Severe VAAE 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Data are n (%).
Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; VAAE, vaccine-associated AE.
a Serious AE: Dengue required hospitalization.
Tabl e 3
Frequency of solicited AEs.
Age groups
3-11 years 12-18 years Total
N 175 175 350
Subjects with some AE 81 (46.3%) 105 (60.0%) 186 (53.10%)
Subjects with solicited local AE
Any 74 (42.3%) 98 (56.0%) 172 (49.1%)
Local pain 69 (39.4%) 98 (56.0%) 167 (47.7%)
Swelling 9 (5.1%) 2 (1.1%) 11 (3.1%)
Local warm 4 (2.3%) 0 (0.0%) 4 (1.1%)
Erythema 5 (2.9%) 1 (0.6%) 6 (1.7%)
Induration 5 (2.9%) 1 (0.6%) 6 (1.7%)
Subjects with solicited systemic AE
Any 5 (2.9) 4 (2.3) 9 (2.6)
General discomfort 1 (0.6%) 3 (1.7%) 4 (1.1%)
Fever ( 38
C) 2 (1.1) 1 (0.6) 3 (0.9)
Low-grade fever ( < 38
C) 4 (2.3) 1 (0.6) 5 (1.4)
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified.
AE, adverse event.
classified as mild and lasted 72 hours, and 88.5% were associ-
ated with vaccination ( Table 3 , Supplementary Material IX-Table
S2). AEs were more frequent after the first dose than after the sec-
ond and third doses (Supplementary Material IX-Table S3). Few un-
solicited AEs were recorded (Supplementary Material IX-Table S4).
Hematology and blood chemistry were studied on days 0 (before
the first dose), 7, and 70 (14 days after the third dose). Data were
separately evaluated in two age groups (3-11 y/o, N = 25, and 12-
18 y/o, N = 24, from phase I). No clinically relevant changes were
observed in hematology and blood chemistry analyses.
Before vaccination, 97.1 % of children were negative for anti-
RBD antibodies; median anti-RBD IgG was 1.95 UA/ml (25
percentile 1.95; 1.95). Two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 induced serocon-
version in 96.2% of participants (95% CI 93.5; 98.0) and satisfied
the trial hypothesis ( > 50% of seroconversion with a lower bound-
ary of the 2-sided 95% CI > 0.3) ( Table 4 ). The global seroconversion
index was 27.8; the median anti-RBD IgG was 57.0 UA/ml (25
percentile 29.8; 153.4 (Table S5). By age subgroup, seroconver-
sion was 99.4% (95% CI 96.5; 99.9) in children 3-11 y/o and 93.1%
(95% CI 88.0; 96.5) in 12-18 y/o (Supplementary Material IX-Table
S5). The heterologous third dose with FINLAY-FR-1A increased se-
roconversion to 100% and seroconversion index to 154.5; anti-RBD
IgG titers also increased significantly ( P < 0.005) to 325.7 UA/ml
th percentile 141.5; 613.8) ( Table 4 ). Specific antibody re-
sponse was higher than the elicited by natural infection, evaluated
in Cuban children’s convalescent panel (anti-RBD IgG median 11.5;
th percentile 5.3; 24.2).
The capacity of anti-RBD IgG for blocking RBD-hACE2 interac-
tion after two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 was 67.4 % (25
th per-
centile 42.1; 86.9), and the mVNT
was 198. 5 (95% CI 168.4;
233.9); both increased significantly ( P < 0.005) after the third dose
to 92.4 % (25
percentile 88.3; 93.5) and 1261 (95% CI 1105,5;
1438.8) respectively ( Table 4 ). These values were higher among the
younger children (3-11 y/o) after the second dose but were similar
in both age subgroups after the third dose (Supplementary Mate-
rial IX-Table S5). After two and three doses, mVNT50 was higher
than after natural infection.
After two doses of FINLAY-FR-2, the neutralizing titer vs D614G
variant was higher (geometric mean titer [GMT] 26.4; 95% CI 20.2;
34.5) than the children convalescent panel value (GMT 9.2; 95% CI
6.8; 12.5); and the third dose significantly ( P < 0.005) boosted the
response to GMT 158.4 (95% CI 123.0; 204.0) ( Table 4 ). The neutral-
izing titer vs the variants Alpha, Beta, and Delta was evaluated in
48 children; 100% had neutralizing antibodies vs Alpha and Delta,
and 97.9% vs Beta. cVNT
GMT was 173 .8 (95% CI 131.7; 229.5) vs
Alpha, 142 (95% CI 101.3; 198.9) vs Delta, and 24.8 (95% CI 16.8;
36.6) vs Beta; (a 2.2-fold decrease for Delta and 7.0-fold decrease
for Beta, compared with D614G). Additionally, a subset of 33 paired
samples was also evaluated vs Omicron variant, showing a neutral-
ization titer of 99.2 (95% CI 67.8; 145.4) ( Table 5 ).
There was a good correlation among all humoral immunological
variables. Predictive cut-off for attaining cVNT
over 50 was esti-
mated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve as: 192.2
AU/ml for IgG concentration, 87.1% for the inhibition of RBD:hACE2
and 427 for mVNT
(Supplementary Material X-Table S6, Figure
RBD-specific T-cell response in a subset of 45 participants fully
vaccinated was determined by measuring IFN- γand IL-4 expres-
sion in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The number of IFN-
γand IL-4 secreting cells was statistically higher ( P < 0.001) than
their baseline levels ( Figure 2 ).
The safety and immune response in children were compared
with young adults (aged 19-39 y/o) vaccinated in phase I and
phase II studies with the same vaccine regimen, as recommended
by the FDA (2021). Safety profile was similar in both (Supplemen-
tary Material X-Tables S7, S8, Figure S2). An immunobridging analy-
sis was performed for anti-RBD IgG, mVNT
, and cVNT
children and young adults. IgG elicited after two doses of FINLAY-
FR-2 was 57.0 UA/ml (25
th percentile 29.8; 153.4), while for
young adults, it was 46.4 (25
th percentile 17.4 ; 108.8); af-
ter the heterologous third dose of FINLAY-FR-1A these values in-
creased to 325.7 (25
th percentile 141.5; 613.8) in children and
228.0 (25
th percentile 95.8; 394.3) in young adults. mVNT
was 198. 5 (95% CI 168.4; 233.9) in children after the second dose
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 16 4– 173
Tabl e 4
Humoral immune response induced after two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 and the third heterologous dose with FINLAY-FR-1A.
Age group 3-18 y/o Cuban children’s convalescent serum panel
dose Post-3
N 318 306 82
Anti-RBD IgG
seroconversion rate
N (%) 305/317 (96.2) 305/305 (100.0)
a ND
95% CI 93.5; 98.0 99.8; 100.0
Anti-RBD IgG AU/ml Median 57.0 325.7
a 11.5
th 29.8; 153.4 141.5; 613.8 5.3; 24.2
Seroconversion index Median 27.8 154.5
a ND
th 14.3; 69.0 67.2; 260.9
RBD:hACE2 Inh% Median 67.4 92.4
a 20.8
th 42.1; 86.9 88.3; 93.5 10.9; 40.8
50 GMT 198.5 1261.2
a 35.2
95% CI 168.4; 233.9 1105.5; 1438.8 25.3; 48.9
vs D614G N 123 131 70
GMT 26.4 158.4
a 9.2
95% CI 20.2; 34.5 123.0; 204.0 6.8; 12.5
Abbreviations: Anti-RBD IgG seroconversion rate, % of subjects with seroconversion (95% CI); AU/ml, anti-RBD IgG concentration ex-
pressed in arbitrary units/ml; CI, confidence interval; cVNT
: conventional live-virus neutralization titer; GMT, geometric mean titer;
Ig, immunoglobulin; mVNT
: molecular virus neutralization titer; ND, not determined; RBD, receptor binding domain; RBD:hACE2
Inh%: RBD:hACE2 inhibition % at a serum dilution 1/100; Seroconversion index: fold increase of IgG concentration respect to baseline
(median; 25
Footnote: t
or baseline anti-RBD IgG was 1. 95 (25
percentile: 1.95; 1.95).
a P < 0.005 vs post-2
nd dose McNemar test (anti-RBD IgG seroconversion %), Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test (anti-RBD IgG AU/ml,
RBD:hACE2 Inh%) or paired Student’s t -test (mVNT
, cVNT
, log-transformed).
Tabl e 5
Conventional live-virus neutralization titers against SARS-CoV-2 variants Alpha, Delta, Beta and Omicron.
D614G Alpha Delta Beta Omicron BA.1
50 N 48 48 48 48
GMT 173.8 142.0 76.8
a 24.8
95% CI 131.7; 229.5 101.3; 198.9 54.8; 107.7 16.8; 36.6
50 N 33 33 33 33 33
GMT 169.8 126.6
a 72.4
a 19.4
a 99.2
95% CI 120.2; 239.7 86.7; 184.8 47.4; 110.6 12.7; 29.7 67.8; 145.4
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; cVNT
: conventional live-virus neutralization titer; GMT, geometric
mean titer.
Sera from 48 children vaccinated with complete schedule (two doses FINLAY-FR-2 + one dose FINLAY-FR-1A,
28 days apart) were evaluated against D614G, Alpha, Delta and Beta variants. Of them, 33 paired samples
were evaluated also vs Omicron.
a P < 0.005 paired Student’s t -test (cVNT
, log-transformed) respect to D614G variant.
and 1261.2 (95% CI 1105.5; 1438.8) after the third; in young adults
were 94.9 (95% CI 75.0; 120.2) and 503.7 (95% CI 432.6; 586.6) af-
ter two and three doses ( Figure 3 ). We found significant differences
( P < 0.05) for IgG and mVNT
between 3-18 y/o children and 19-
39 y/o young adults; higher values were obtained in children after
both the second and the third dose. Viral neutralization titers after
the second dose were measured at different time points in chil-
dren and young adults (on day 42 in children and day 56 in young
adults), making their comparison only approximate.
The non-inferiority analysis was performed with cVNT
following the FDA’s (2021) recommendation. After three doses (on
day 70), cVNT
in children was 158.4 (95% CI 123.0; 204.0) and
122.8 (80.2; 188.0) for young adults (n = 43, data available) ( Figure
3 ). The immune response in 3-18 y/o, as well as in age subgroups
3-11 y/o and 12-18 y/o, was non-inferior to that observed in 19-
39 y/o young adults. The cVNT
GMT ratio 14 days after the third
dose was 1.25 (95% CI 0.77; 2.02) ( Table 6 ) for children 3-18 y/o,
respectively, to adults, which met the non-inferiority criterion (i.e.,
a lower boundary of the two-sided 95% CI of > 0.67). In addi-
tion, both age subgroups (3-11 y/o and 12-18 y/o) met the non-
inferiority criterion.
Based on immunogenicity data of vaccinated children and
the immune response to natural infection (children convalescent
panel), a prediction of clinical efficacy was estimated through a
linear regression model. By using cVNT
as the predictive vari-
able, the estimated efficacy vs D614G is 91.3% (95% CI 84.6; 95.1)
after two doses and 97.4 % (95% CI 91.5; 99.2) after three doses
( Figure 4 ).
This study describes, for the first time, the safety and immuno-
genicity in children 3-18 y/o of two doses of FINLAY-FR-2, fol-
lowed by a third heterologous dose of FINLAY-FR-1A. The frequency
of local and systemic AE was 49.0% and 2.6%, respectively, lower
than after messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccination. After two
doses, BNT162b2 reported 86.0% and 66.0 of children 12-15 y/o
with local and systemic AEs, while mRNA-1273 reported 94.2% and
68.3% (aged 12-17 y/o), respectively. In our study, local pain was
reported by 51.4% of children aged 12-18 y/o after the first dose,
17% after the second, and 17. 3% after the third dose. BNT162b2
and mRNA-1273 vaccines in adolescents reported 86.0% and 94.2%
with local pain after the first dose; and 79.0% and 92.4% after the
second, respectively. FINLAY-FR-2 and FINLAY-FR-1A caused general
discomfort (the most frequent systemic AE) only in 1.7 % of children
12-18 y/o, while mRNA vaccines provoked fatigue, headache, chills,
muscle pain, or fever in 10-68.5% of adolescents ( Ali et al., 2021 ;
Frenck et al., 2021 ). In children 3-11 y/o, local pain was the unique
AE with frequency > 10% during this study; children 5-11y/o vacci-
nated with BNT162b2 reported local pain (74.0%), redness (19.0%),
swelling (15.0%), fatigue (39.0%), and headache (28.0%) (Walter et
al., 2021). Myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in ado-
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 164– 173
Figure 2. IFN- γ- and interleukin-4-secreting cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with receptor binding domain. Children 3-11 (N = 24) and 12-18 years
old (N = 21) received two doses (on days 0, 28) of FINLAY-FR-2 and a heterologous third dose (on day 56) of FINLAY-FR-1A. P -value represents the statistic differences as
IFN, interferon; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Figure 3. Immunobridging comparison of humoral immune response elicited in children (3-18 y/o) respect to young adults (19-39 y/o from phase I and II clinical trials)
after two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 (day 42) and the third dose of FINLAY-FR-1A (day 70). (a) anti-RBD IgG median (25
percentile); (b) mVNT
GMT (95% CI); (c) cVNT
GMT (95% CI). Bleeding was on day 42 and 70 (14 days after the second and third dose), except for cVNT50 adults after the second dose was on day 56. Mann-Whitney U
test (anti-RBD IgG AU/ml) or Student’s t -test (mVNT
, cVNT
, log-transformed). P -value represents the statistic differences as indicated.
, conventional live-virus neutralization titer; GMT, geometric mean titer; Ig, immunoglobulin; mVNT
, molecular virus neutralization titer; RBD, receptor binding
domain; y/o, years old.
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 16 4– 173
Tabl e 6
Immunobridging of cVNT
in children and young adults after heterologous scheme (two doses of FINLAY-FR-2
and the third heterologous dose of FINLAY-FR-1A)
Age group No. of participants
GMT (95% CI)
Geometric mean ratio
(95% CI) vs 19 to 39 y/o
19-39 y/o 43 127.0 (89.6; 179.80)
3-18 y/o 131 158.4 (123.0; 204.0) 1.25 (0.77; 2.02)
3-11 y/o 66 181.6 (120.6; 273.3) 1.43 (0.80; 2.54)
12-18 y/o 65 137.9 (101.8; 186.9) 1.08 (0.68; 1.73)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; cVNT
: conventional live-virus neutralization titer; GMT, geometric
mean titer; y/o, years old.
GMT and two-sided 95% CIs were calculated by exponentiating the mean logarithm of the titers and the cor-
responding CIs (based on the Student’s t -distribution). The geometric mean ratio and two-sided 95% CIs were
calculated by exponentiating
the mean difference of the logarithms of the titers (in children/adolescents co-
horts minus the 19-39-y/o cohort) and the corresponding CIs (based on the Student’s t -distribution). The non-
inferiority criterion was met, since the lower boundary of the two-sided CI for the geometric mean ratio was
greater than 0.67.
Figure 4. Prediction of clinical efficacy in children from the correlation between antibody responses and efficacy rate. Panels display correlation of cVNT
neutralization and
ratios, respectively for seven vaccines in adults; two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 (represented as SOBERANA 02) and the heterologous three doses adding FINLAY-FR-1A (represented
as SOBERANA Plus) in children. The y-axis is estimated log risk ratio reported on the vaccine efficacy scale. The x-axis is log ratio of the
peak geometric mean neutralization
at 7-28 days post-vaccination, relative to human or children convalescent sera.
CI, confidence interval; cVNT
: conventional live-virus neutralization titer; GMT, geometric mean titer.
lescents after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination ( Marshall et al., 2021 ;
Oster et al., 2022 ); these AEs were not observed here.
The comparison of the humoral immune response elicited by
vaccination to the response elicited by natural infection has been
a useful tool for the development of several anti-SARS-CoV-2 vac-
cines ( Keech et al., 2020 ; Yang et al., 2021 ). Two shots of FINLAY-
FR-2 every 28 days in children induced a robust humoral response,
with higher levels of antibodies and a similar neutralizing capac-
ity of the response elicited by natural infection. The third dose of
FINLAY-FR-1A boosted both the production of antibodies and their
neutralizing capacity, surpassing the immune response in convales-
cent children, as had been previously observed in clinical trials in
adults ( Eugenia-Toledo-Romaní et al., 2022a , 2022b ).
The induction of specific T-cell response is critical for the pro-
tection of viral infections. The heterologous three-dose schedule
in children developed a balanced activation of IFN- γand IL-4-
secreting cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC),
indicating a mixed Th1/Th2 response, as reported in adults af-
ter the same vaccination scheme ( Eugenia-Toledo-Romaní et al.,
2022a ).
The SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern Alpha, Beta, Delta, and re-
cently Omicron, have modified the pandemic landscape worldwide
( Fontanet et al., 2021 ). Here, we report the capacity of anti-RBD
antibodies for neutralizing Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron vari-
ants, with a fold-reduction of 2.2 for Delta and 7.0 for Beta com-
pared with D614G, as we found in adults ( Eugenia-Toledo-Romani
et al., 2022b ). In an independent study from the “Pedro Kourí”
Tropical Medicine Institute in Havana, sera from 20 adults (vac-
cinated with the same vaccine regimen) neutralized the Omicron
variant ( Carles, 2022 ; Portal-Miranda, 2022 ).
We conducted this clinical trial during the Delta wave, the
worst period of the Cuban epidemic ( Rodriguez, 2021 ); in such
a context and due to ethical reasons, a placebo-controlled clini-
cal trial was not ethical, and this is the main limitation of the
R. Puga-Gómez, Y. Ricardo-Delgado, C. Rojas-Iriarte et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 126 (2023) 164– 173
study. Lacking a control group, two analytical tools complemented
the study: immunobridging with the immune response in young
adults previously vaccinated during clinical trials with the same
vaccination schedule (no concurrent reference population) as rec-
ommended by the FDA (2021); and prediction of clinical efficacy
based on immunological response ( Khoury et al., 2021 ; Kristen et
al., 2021). First, we found a non-inferior response for the GMT ratio
of SARS-CoV-2 cVNT
after the three-dose scheme in participants
3-11 and 12-18 y/o relative to a 19-39 y/o reference population
(no concurrent). The comparison met the non-inferiority criterion
with a ratio of 1. 43 (95% CI 0.8-2.54) for 3-11 y/o and 1. 08 (95%
CI 0.68-1.73) for 12-18 y/o, satisfying the FDA (2021) recommenda-
tions (a lower boundary of the 2-sided 95% CI of > 0.67). Similar
analyses have been reported by BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vac-
cines using 19-25 y/o as reference population ( Walter et al., 2022 ;
Ali et al., 2021 ). Based on published results, we considered young
adults as immunocompetent for up to 39 years ( Lopez-Sejas et al.,
2016 ; Thapa and Farber, 2019 ; Ventura et al., 2017 ); this increased
the number of cVNT
data for comparison in the reference popu-
Second, a prediction of clinical efficacy based on immunologi-
cal response has been advanced for other vaccines ( Khoury et al.,
2021 ; Kristen et al., 2021). Using this model, for adults aged 19-
80 y/o, we anticipated a clinical efficacy between 58% and 87% af-
ter the first two doses and between 81% and 93% after the three-
dose scheme vs the D614G variant ( Eugenia-Toledo-Romani et al.,
2022b ). These results were confirmed during a phase III clini-
cal trial reporting a 69.7% efficacy for the two-dose schedule of
FINLAY-FR-2 and 92.0 % for the heterologous three-dose sched-
ule during the Beta period (Eugenia-Toledo-Romani et al., 2021).
Here, the model predicts 91.3% clinical efficacy after two doses of
FINLAY-FR-2 and 97.4% after the third dose of FINLAY-FR-1A in chil-
dren vs the D614G strain.
Starting vaccination of children at 2 y/o is key for controlling
the pandemic, reducing transmission, and reducing the emergence
of new variant of concerns ( Petersen and Buchy, 2021 ). The safety
and immunological results reported here supported the emergency
use authorization of FINLAY-FR-2 and FINLAY-FR-1A as a heterolo-
gous scheme for children 2-18 y/o. A massive immunization cam-
paign started on September 5, 2021, fully vaccinating 1.8 million
Cuban children (96% of the 2-18 y/o Cuban population [ Augustin,
2022 ; Reed, 2022 ]). These results support public health vaccina-
tion strategies, providing children as young as 2 years with a safe
and effective vaccine scheme to prevent COVID-19.
Authors contributions statment
D.G.R, Y.V.B, R.P.G, and V.V.B conceptualized the study. R.P.G,
Y.R.D, C.R.I, L.C.H. M.P.B, D.V.M, N.P.P, J.C.F.P, M.S.M, M.E.T.R were
clinical investigators. B.P.M, M.R.G, Y.C.E supervised the trial. B.S.R,
L.R.N, R.P.N, T.H.G, T.F.B, M.D.E, J.M.E.P, Y.I.H, I.C.Q, S.F.C, Y.C.R,
D.S.M, A.P.D, E.G.O were responsible of immunological evaluations.
R.G.M performe the data curation. C.V.S performed statistical anal-
ysis. D.G.R, C.V.S, Y.G.V, Y.V.B and V.V.B wrote the manuscript. The
members of SOBERANA Research Group participated in different
processes during the trial: data colection, supervision, quiality as-
surance, coordination among others.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors RPG, YRD, CRI, LCH, MPB, DVM, NPP, CVS, APD,
EGO, YCE, JCFP, MSM, MDE, JMEP, YIH, and METR declare that they
have no known competing financial interests or personal relation-
ships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in
this paper.
SFC, YCR, DSM, YGV, YVB, DGR, and VVB work at Finlay Vaccine
Institute or the Centre of Molecular Immunology, institutions that
develop and manufacture the vaccine candidates but have not re-
ceived an honorarium for this paper.
BSR, SFC, YCR, LRN, DSM, YVB, DGR, and VVB have filed patent
applications related to the vaccine FINLAY-FR-2.
DD and AB work at Pasteur Institute of Iran and are co-
developer of the vaccines.
This work was supported by the Finlay Vaccine Institute,
BioCubaFarma, and the National Funds for Sciences and Technol-
ogy from the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment
(FONCI-CITMA-Cuba, contract 2020-20).
We especially thank all the parents and children for participat-
ing in the clinical trial. We recognize the contribution of all the
medical and nurse staff at clinical sites. We thank Dr. Lila Castel-
lanos for scientific advice.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.11.016 .
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... Hence, full coverage in pediatric populations is poor globally and varies widely. 7 In September 2021, relying on safety, immunogenicity and efficacy results provided for adults [8][9][10] and for children, 11 emergency use authorization for the pediatric population from 2 to 18 years-old was granted in Cuba 12 to the recombinant SOBERANA-02 (FINLAY-FR-2) and SOBERANA-Plus (FINLAY-FR-1A) COVID-19 vaccines developed by the Finlay Vaccine Institute, Havana, hereafter the SOBERANA-02-Plus scheme. The Cuban Ministry of Public Health subsequently launched a nationwide mass vaccination campaign with that scheme in the corresponding age group that, serendipitously, was completed before the start of Omicron wave. ...
... The frequency of occurrence of adverse events during the pediatric mass vaccination campaign reflects the results of the safety evaluation in previous phase I/II clinical trials, where the SOBERANA-02-Plus scheme showed lower rates of adverse events in children than mRNA vaccines, particularly for systemic adverse events. 11 This is also in line with a recent systematic review confirming that subunit vaccines are safer than mRNA, viral vector and inactivated vaccines. 33 Our estimates of the effectiveness of the SOBER-ANA-02-Plus scheme against confirmed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections and severe disease during the Omicron variant wave are high and they do not reveal rapidly waning protection, contrary to what was observed in previous studies on other vaccine platforms. ...
... It evidenced strong neutralization of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant, robust specific T-cell immunity, and B and T (CD4+ and CD8+) memory cells response. 11,44 The induction of effector and memory T cells is particularly relevant in a context of Omicron circulation because this variant conserves most of the T cell epitopes of the ancestral strain and cannot escape the patrol role of specific T cells, even when neutralizing antibodies fail. 45,46 Together with the slow waning of the humoral immunity after the last dose of the scheme previously evidenced in adults, 9 the above findings may explain the lasting immune protection elicited by the SOBERANA-02-Plus scheme in children and the high effectiveness against Omicron, and perhaps also against other new SARS-CoV-2 variants. ...
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Background Increased pediatric COVID-19 occurrence due to the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant has raised concerns about the effectiveness of existing vaccines. The protection provided by the SOBERANA-02-Plus vaccination scheme against this variant has not yet been studied. We aimed to evaluate the scheme's effectiveness against symptomatic Omicron infection and severe disease in children. Methods In September 2021, Cuba implemented a mass pediatric immunization with the heterologous SOBERANA-02-Plus scheme: 2 doses of conjugated SOBERANA-02 followed by a heterologous SOBERANA-Plus dose. By December, before the Omicron outbreak, 95.4% of 2–18 years-old had been fully immunized. During the entire Omicron wave, we conducted a nationwide longitudinal post-vaccination case-population study to evaluate the real-world effectiveness of the SOBERANA-02-Plus scheme against symptomatic infection and severe disease in children without previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. The identification of COVID-19 cases relied on surveillance through first line services, which refer clinical suspects to pediatric hospitals where they are diagnosed based on a positive RT-PCR test. We defined the Incidence Rate ratio (IRR) as IRvaccinated age group/IRunvaccinated 1-year-old and calculated vaccine effectiveness as VE = (1—IRR)∗100%. 24 months of age being the ‘eligible for vaccination’ cut-off, we used a regression discontinuity approach to estimate effectiveness by contrasting incidence in all unvaccinated 1-year-old versus vaccinated 2-years-old. Estimates in the vaccinated 3–11 years-old are reported from a descriptive perspective. Findings We included 1,098,817 fully vaccinated 2–11 years-old and 98,342 not vaccinated 1-year-old children. During the 24-week Omicron wave, there were 7003/26,241,176 person-weeks symptomatic COVID-19 infections in the vaccinated group (38.2 per 10⁵ person-weeks in 2-years-old and 25.5 per 10⁵ person-weeks in 3–11 years-old) against 3577/2,312,273 (154.7 per 10⁵ person-weeks) in the unvaccinated group. The observed overall vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection was 75.3% (95% CI, 73.5–77.0%) in 2-years-old children, and 83.5% (95% CI, 82.8–84.2%) in 3–11 years-old. It was somewhat lower during Omicron BA.1 then during Omicron BA.2 variant circulation, which took place 1–3 and 4–6 months after the end of the vaccination campaign. The effectiveness against severe symptomatic disease was 100.0% (95% CI not estimated) and 94.6% (95% CI, 82.0–98.6%) in the respective age groups. No child death from COVID-19 was observed. Interpretation Immunization of 2–11 years-old with the SOBERANA-02-Plus scheme provided strong protection against symptomatic and severe disease caused by the Omicron variant, which was sustained during the six months post-vaccination follow-up. Our results contrast with the observations in previous real-world vaccine effectiveness studies in children, which might be explained by the type of immunity a conjugated protein-based vaccine induces and the vaccination strategy used. Funding National Fund for Science and Technology (FONCI-CITMA-Cuba).
... (4) Para evaluar la seguridad y eficacia de la vacunación anti SARS-CoV-2, se realizaron ensayos clínicos con el esquema heterólogo: dos dosis de SOBERANA ® 02 más una dosis de SOBERANA ® PLUS, primero en adultos (5,6) y luego en niños. (7) A partir de los datos obtenidos en esas investigaciones, se solicitó a la agencia reguladora cubana Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos, Equipos y Dispositivos Médicos (CECMED), la autorización de uso en emergencia en edades pediátricas, en niños de 2 a 18 años de edad. (8,9) De esta manera, Cuba se convirtió en el primer país en realizar una campaña nacional masiva de vacunación anti SARS-CoV-2 en población infantil, lo que ha marcado un hito no solo para la nación del Caribe, sino para el mundo. ...
... La clasificación según la asociación de causalidad se establece a partir de varios elementos, entre los que se incluyen la relación de temporalidad y la información previa disponible sobre el producto. (13) En esta investigación se obtuvo un porcentaje de EA relacionados (90,9%), semejante al reportado (88,5%) en el ensayo clínico SOBERANA-PEDIATRÍA (7) (estudio fase I-II, secuencial durante la fase I, abierto, adaptativo, y multicéntrico para evaluar la seguridad, la reactogenicidad y la inmunogenicidad, de un esquema heterólogo de dos dosis del candidato vacunal profiláctico anti SARS-CoV-2, FINLAY-FR-2 y una dosis de FINLAY-FR-1A en niños adolescentes cubanos RPCEC 00000374). ...
... De manera semejante a lo reportado en otras investigaciones, los resultados del presente estudio evidencian que a medida que se progresó en el esquema de vacunación, disminuyó el número de sujetos con EA y el número total de EA, sin cambios en su intensidad o gravedad. (5,6,7,11) Sin embargo, en estudios con otras vacunas anti COVID-19, la segunda dosis se asocia con mayor incidencia de EA y mayor gravedad de los mismos. (18) En el caso de la tercera dosis con SOBERANA ® PLUS, no existió entrevista directa con los padres/hijos como sucedió con las administraciones anteriores de SOBERANA ® 02. ...
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In a complex national and international epidemiological context of transmission and hospitalization by COVID-19 in the pediatric population, Cuba decided to carry out a massive vaccination campaign against this disease in children and adolescents. The aim of this work was to evaluate the safety of the heterologous scheme of two doses of SOBERANA®02 and one dose of SOBERANA®PLUS with 28 days between them, in children and adolescents who are sons of workers of the Centro Nacional de Biopreparados which belongs to BioCubaFarma, the Business Group of the Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industries of Cuba. The safety of the vaccines was evaluated through the identification and classification of adverse events by active and passive pharmacovigilance. A quantity of 237 children of both sexes was evaluated, and 200 were included (130 from 2 to 10 years, and 70 from 11 to 18 years). Of those included, 190 children (95%) received the complete vaccination schedule. A total of 121 adverse events were recorded, mostly due to passive pharmacovigilance, of mild intensity and A1 (related) causality. No related serious adverse events occurred. The SOBERANA®02 and SOBERANA®PLUS vaccines showed a very favorable safety profile during their administration to children and adolescents who are sons of workers at the Centro Nacional de Biopreparados.
... (1,2,3) Posteriormente, se comprobó la seguridad y la inmunogenicidad de dicho esquema, en niños y adolescentes entre 3 y 18 años, con una predicción de la eficacia del 90%. (4) Los resultados de estos estudios sustentaron el autorizo de uso en emergencia (AUE) de las vacunas mencionadas, otorgado por la autoridad reguladora de Cuba, para adultos y niños entre 2 y 18 años, el 20 de agosto del 2021. (5,6) Cinco días después, se promovió una campaña masiva de vacunación pediátrica por el Ministerio de Salud Pública. ...
... (16) Otras comorbilidades referidas aquí, también se notifican en menores de 18 años en el Anuario, (16) pero este tipo de individuos con enfermedades crónicas no participó del estudio con vacunas SOBERANA ® 02 y SOBERANA ® Plus en niños y adolescentes, previo a la AUE. (4) Obtener datos de sujetos con estas enfermedades crónicas en el contexto de la vacunación masiva, permite ampliar el conocimiento sobre la seguridad y la efectividad de estas vacunas. ...
... (17) En consonancia con lo anterior, se puede deducir que el perfil de seguridad a las vacunas SOBERANA ® 02 y SOBERANA ® Plus, descrito en este estudio, favoreció el cumplimiento del esquema de vacunación. Los EA relacionados con la vacunación fueron mínimos, con predominio de reacciones locales sobre las sistémicas y de intensidad ligera o moderada, referidos en los estudios previos a la AUE, (1,2,3,4) incluso, en una población de sujetos más heterogénea, específicamente en rango de edades, comorbilidades y procedencia geográfica. ...
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The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccines, SOBERANA®02 and SOBERANA®Plus, received authorization for emergency use by the Cuban regulatory authority; a massive vaccination campaign was immediately launched in the pediatric population, which led to an imminent mobilization of vaccination centers and surveillance of adverse events. The Molecular Immunology Center conducted an intensive pharmacovigilance study to evaluate compliance of the heterologous scheme with both vaccines, their safety, and the incidence of COVID-19 positive cases in children and adolescents after completing the immunization schedule. From September 15 to December 31, 2021, a total of 529 subjects between 2 and 18 years of age, of both sexes, without a history of infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2, from 35 municipalities and 12 Cuban provinces, who received SOBERANA®02 (two doses) and SOBERANA®Plus (one dose) vaccines, were included in the study. Surveillance for adverse events was performed up to 30 days after the last dose received. The national computer platform Higia Andariego was consulted to identify positive cases for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 up to 3 months after completing vaccination. According to the report, 98.5% of the participants completed the vaccination schedule and 6.6% of them reported some adverse event consistently related to vaccination. Local reactions (pain, erythema, inflammation) prevailed over systemic reactions (fatigue and fever), of light or moderate intensity. High compliance with the immunization schedule was achieved, with a favorable safety profile; subjects with a complete immunization schedule did not become ill with COVID-19.
... Administration of FINLAY-FR-2 to BALB/c mice elicited potent immune responses. In a phase I/II study in 3-18-year-old children, two doses generated similar humoral responses to those seen after natural SARS-CoV-2 infection [99]. A booster vaccination with the dimer RBD-based FIN-LAY-FR-1 A vaccine enhanced the immune response in children to similar levels seen in vaccinated adults [99]. ...
... In a phase I/II study in 3-18-year-old children, two doses generated similar humoral responses to those seen after natural SARS-CoV-2 infection [99]. A booster vaccination with the dimer RBD-based FIN-LAY-FR-1 A vaccine enhanced the immune response in children to similar levels seen in vaccinated adults [99]. Moreover, in a phase III study, the FINLAY-FR-2 vaccine provided 76.8% protection against severe COVID-19 and 77.7% against hospitalization [99]. ...
... A booster vaccination with the dimer RBD-based FIN-LAY-FR-1 A vaccine enhanced the immune response in children to similar levels seen in vaccinated adults [99]. Moreover, in a phase III study, the FINLAY-FR-2 vaccine provided 76.8% protection against severe COVID-19 and 77.7% against hospitalization [99]. A booster vaccination with FINLAY-FR-1 A improved the percentage to 96.6% for both severe disease and hospitalization [100]. ...
... Estudios previos, en adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años, permitió que se extendiera rápidamente a niños entre 3 y 11 años. (19,20) En relación con el sexo de los sujetos incluidos, si bien se presenta un ligero predominio del sexo femenino sobre el masculino, no es de relevancia médica ni epidemiológica. Es de notar que en el Anuario Estadístico de Salud de 2021 del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba (21) se refiere un predominio de varones en las edades entre 10 y 14 años y entre 15 y 19 años. ...
Introducción: La evaluación clínica de vacunas anti-COVID-19 en edades pediátricas, es un desafío en tiempos de pandemia; responde a la urgencia de muestras representativas que contribuyan a la reproducibilidad del estudio en la población real. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los adolescentes participantes del ensayo clínico con la vacuna anti-COVID-19 Abdala, evaluar el cumplimiento del esquema de vacunación y estimar si son representativos de este grupo poblacional. Métodos: Se utilizaron los datos de un ensayo fase II, monocéntrico, no controlado con la vacuna Abdala. Se incluyeron 703 sujetos; 207 (29,4 %) fueron adolescentes de entre 12 y 18 años, aparentemente sanos o con enfermedades crónicas controladas, valoración nutricional entre 10 y 90 percentil y voluntariedad para participar. Se estudiaron datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes patológicos personales, hábitos tóxicos y cumplimiento del esquema de vacunación. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 15 años, predominó el sexo femenino (51,7 %), el color de la piel blanca (55,6 %) y la valoración nutricional por encima del 75 hasta el 90 percentil (40,6 %). El 9,6 % tuvo hábitos tóxicos como hábito de fumar e ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas. El 51,2 % presentó algún antecedente patológico personal, con mayor prevalencia para asma bronquial, rinitis y otras alergias. El 95,8 % cumplió con el esquema de vacunación. Conclusiones: Las características sociodemográficas, los antecedentes patológicos personales y hábitos tóxicos descritos en los adolescentes del estudio son representativos para este grupo poblacional de Cuba. Se alcanzó un óptimo cumplimiento del esquema de vacunación.
... against the beta variants, and 99.2 (95% CI 67.8-145.4) versus omicron (Puga-Gómez et al., 2023). Convalescent children were also studied in a phase I/II clinical trial, showing that a single dose of SO-BERANA Plus is sufficient to achieve the same immune response than was observed with 3 doses in uninfected children. ...
The convergence of life sciences with neurosciences, nanotechnology, data management, and engineering has caused a technological diversification of the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical technology industries, including the phenomenon of digital transformation, which has given rise to the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). Confronting the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the outstanding response capacity of the scientific community and the biopharmaceutical industry, based on a multidisciplinary and interinstitutional approach that has achieved an unprecedented integration in the history of biomedical science. Cuba, a small country, with scarce material resources, has had remarkable success in controlling the disease, which also highlights the impact of social factors. This report presents a summary of the most relevant presentations of selected topics during the scientific meeting, “BioHabana 2022: Cancer Immunotherapy and the COVID-19 Pandemic,” which was held in Havana Cuba in April 2022.
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Vaccine development against SARS-CoV-2 has been highly successful in slowing down the COVID-19 pandemic. A wide spectrum of approaches including vaccines based on whole viruses, protein subunits and peptides, viral vectors, and nucleic acids has been developed in parallel. For all types of COVID-19 vaccines, good safety and efficacy have been obtained in both preclinical animal studies and in clinical trials in humans. Moreover, emergency use authorization has been granted for the major types of COVID-19 vaccines. Although high safety has been demonstrated, rare cases of severe adverse events have been detected after global mass vaccinations. Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants possessing enhanced infectivity have affected vaccine protection efficacy requiring re-design and re-engineering of novel COVID-19 vaccine candidates. Furthermore, insight is given into preparedness against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.
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SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) mediates viral entry into human cells through its interaction with angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Most neutralizing antibodies elicited by infection or vaccination target this domain. Such a functional relevance, together with large RBD sequence variability arising during viral spreading, point to the need of exploring the complex landscape of interactions between RBD-derived variants, ACE2 and antibodies. The current work was aimed at developing a simple platform to do so. Biologically active and antigenic Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD, as well as mutated RBD variants found in nature, were successfully displayed on filamentous phages. Mutational scanning confirmed the global plasticity of the receptor binding motif within RBD, highlighted residues playing a critical role in receptor binding, and identified mutations strengthening the interaction. The ability of vaccine-induced antibodies to inhibit ACE2 binding of many mutated RBD variants, albeit at different extents, was shown. Amino acid replacements which could compromise such inhibitory potential were underscored. The expansion of our approach could be the starting point for a large-scale phage-based exploration of diversity within RBD of SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses, useful to understand structure–function relationships, to engineer RBD proteins, and to anticipate changes to watch during viral evolution.
Ongoing mutations of SARS‐CoV‐2 present challenges for vaccine development, promising renewed global efforts to create more effective vaccines against coronavirus disease (COVID‐19). One approach is to target highly immunogenic viral proteins, such as the spike receptor binding domain (RBD), which can stimulate the production of potent neutralizing antibodies. This study aimed to design and test a subunit vaccine candidate based on the RBD. Bioinformatics analysis identified antigenic regions of the RBD for recombinant protein design. In silico analysis identified the RBD region as a feasible target for designing a recombinant vaccine. Bioinformatics tools predicted the stability and antigenicity of epitopes, and a 3D model of the RBD‐angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 complex was constructed using molecular docking and codon optimization. The resulting construct was cloned into the pET‐28a (+) vector and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli BL21DE3. As evidenced by sodium dodecyl‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting analyses, the affinity purification of RBD antigens produced high‐quality products. Mice were immunized with the RBD antigen alone or combined with aluminum hydroxide (AlOH), calcium phosphate (CaP), or zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs) as adjuvants. Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay assays were used to evaluate immune responses in mice. In‐silico analysis confirmed the stability and antigenicity of the designed protein structure. RBD with CaP NPs generated the highest immunoglobulin G titer compared to AlOH and ZnO after three doses, indicating its effectiveness as a vaccine platform. In conclusion, the recombinant RBD antigen administered with CaP adjuvant NPs induces potent humoral immunity in mice, supporting further vaccine development. These results contribute to ongoing efforts to develop more effective COVID‐19 vaccines.
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We have developed a single process for producing two key COVID-19 vaccine antigens: SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) monomer and dimer. These antigens are featured in various COVID-19 vaccine formats, including SOBERANA 01 and the licensed SOBERANA 02, and SOBERANA Plus. Our approach involves expressing RBD (319-541)-His6 in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells, generating and characterizing oligoclones, and selecting the best RBD-producing clones. Critical parameters such as copper supplementation in the culture medium and cell viability influenced the yield of RBD dimer. The purification of RBD involved standard immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC), ion exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography. Our findings suggest that copper can improve IMAC performance. Efficient RBD production was achieved using small-scale bioreactor cell culture (2 liters). The two RBD forms - monomeric and dimeric RBD - were also produced on a large scale (500 liters). This study represents the first large-scale application of perfusion culture for the production of RBD antigens. We conducted a thorough analysis of the purified RBD antigens, which encompassed primary structure, protein integrity, N-glycosylation, size, purity, secondary and tertiary structures, isoform composition, hydrophobicity, and long-term stability. Additionally, we investigated RBD-ACE2 interactions, in vitro ACE2 recognition of RBD, and the immunogenicity of RBD antigens in mice. We have determined that both the monomeric and dimeric RBD antigens possess the necessary quality attributes for vaccine production. By enabling the customizable production of both RBD forms, this unified manufacturing process provides the required flexibility to adapt rapidly to the ever-changing demands of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and different COVID-19 vaccine platforms.
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Background SOBERANA 02 is a COVID-19 vaccine based on SARS-CoV-2 recombinant RBD conjugated to tetanus toxoid. SOBERANA Plus antigen is dimeric-RBD. Here we report safety and immunogenicity from phase I and IIa clinical trials using two-doses of SOBERANA 02 and three-doses (homologous) or heterologous (with SOBERANA Plus) protocols. Method We performed an open-label, sequential and adaptive phase I to evaluate safety and explore the immunogenicity of SOBERANA 02 in two formulations (15 or 25μg RBD-conjugated to 20μg of TT) in 40 subjects, 19–59-years-old. Phase IIa was open-label including 100 volunteers 19–80-years, receiving two doses of SOBERANA 02-25 μg. In both trials, half of volunteers were selected to receive a third dose of the corresponding SOBERANA 02 and half received a heterologous dose of SOBERANA Plus. Primary outcome was safety. The secondary outcome was immunogenicity evaluated by anti-RBD IgG ELISA, molecular neutralization of RBD:hACE2 interaction, live-virus-neutralization and specific T-cells response. Results The most frequent adverse event (AE) was local pain, other AEs had frequencies ≤5%. No serious related-AEs were reported. Phase IIa confirmed the safety in 60 to 80-years-old subjects. In phase-I SOBERANA 02-25 mg elicited higher immune response than SOBERANA 02-15 mg and progressed to phase IIa. Phase IIa results confirmed the immunogenicity of SOBERANA 02-25 mg even in 60–80-years. Two doses of SOBERANA02-25 mg elicited an immune response similar to that of the Cuban Convalescent Serum Panel and it was higher after the homologous and heterologous third doses. The heterologous scheme showed a higher immunological response. Anti-RBD IgG neutralized the delta variant in molecular assay, with a 2.5-fold reduction compared to D614G neutralization. Conclusions SOBERANA 02 was safe and immunogenic in persons aged 19–80 years, eliciting neutralizing antibodies and specific T-cell response. Highest immune responses were obtained in the heterologous three doses protocol. Trial registry:,
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The unprecedented rise in SARS-CoV-2 infections during December 2021 was concurrent with rapid spread of the Omicron variant in England and globally. We analyzed prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and its dynamics in England from end November to mid-December 2021 among almost 100,000 participants from the REACT-1 study. Prevalence was high with rapid growth nationally and particularly in London during December 2021, and an increasing proportion of infections due to Omicron. We observed large falls in swab positivity among mostly vaccinated older children (12-17 years) compared with unvaccinated younger children (5-11 years), and in adults who received a third (booster) vaccine dose vs. two doses. Our results reinforce the importance of vaccination and booster campaigns, although additional measures have been needed to control the rapid growth of the Omicron variant.
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Background: Although SARS-CoV-2 infection often causes milder symptoms in children and adolescents, young people might still play a key part in SARS-CoV-2 transmission. An efficacious vaccine for children and adolescents could therefore assist pandemic control. For further evaluation of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine candidate BBIBP-CorV, we assessed the safety and immunogenicity of BBIBP-CorV in participants aged 3-17 years. Methods: A randomised, double-blind, controlled, phase 1/2 trial was done at Shangqiu City Liangyuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Henan, China. In phases 1 and 2, healthy participants were stratified according to age (3-5 years, 6-12 years, or 13-17 years) and dose group. Individuals with a history of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV infection were excluded. All participants were randomly assigned, using stratified block randomisation (block size eight), to receive three doses of 2 μg, 4 μg, or 8 μg of vaccine or control (1:1:1:1) 28 days apart. The primary outcome, safety, was analysed in the safety set, which consisted of participants who had received at least one vaccination after being randomly assigned, and had any safety evaluation information. The secondary outcomes were geometric meant titre (GMT) of the neutralising antibody against infectious SARS-CoV-2 and were analysed based on the full analysis set. This study is registered with, ChiCTR2000032459, and is ongoing. Findings: Between Aug 14, 2020, and Sept 24, 2020, 445 participants were screened, and 288 eligible participants were randomly assigned to vaccine (n=216, 24 for each dose level [2/4/8 μg] in each of three age cohorts [3-5, 6-12, and 13-17 years]) or control (n=72, 24 for each age cohort [3-5, 6-12, and 13-17 years]) in phase 1. In phase 2, 810 participants were screened and 720 eligible participants were randomly assigned and allocated to vaccine (n=540, 60 for each dose level [2/4/8 μg] in each of three age cohorts [3-5, 6-12, and 13-17 years]) or control (n=180, 60 for each age cohort [3-5, 6-12, and 13-17 years]). The most common injection site adverse reaction was pain (ten [4%] 251 participants in all vaccination groups of the 3-5 years cohort; 23 [9·1%] of 252 participants in all vaccination groups and one [1·2%] of 84 in the control group of the 6-12 years cohort; 20 [7·9%] of 252 participants in all vaccination groups of the 13-17 years cohort). The most common systematic adverse reaction was fever (32 [12·7%] of 251 participants in all vaccination groups and six [7·1%] of 84 participants in the control group of the 3-5 years cohort; 13 [5·2%] of 252 participants in the vaccination groups and one [1·2%] of 84 in the control group of the 6-12 years cohort; 26 [10·3%] of 252 participants in all vaccination groups and eight [9·5%] of 84 in the control group of the 13-17 years cohort). Adverse reactions were mostly mild to moderate in severity. The neutralising antibody GMT against the SARS-CoV-2 virus ranged from 105·3 to 180·2 in the 3-5 years cohort, 84·1 to 168·6 in the 6-12 years cohort, and 88·0 to 155·7 in the 13-17 years cohort on day 28 after the second vaccination; and ranged from 143·5 to 224·4 in the 3-5 years cohort, 127 to 184·8 in the 6-12 years cohort, and 150·7 to 199 in the 13-17 years cohort on day 28 after the third vaccination. Interpretation: The inactivated COVID-19 vaccine BBIBP-CorV is safe and well tolerated at all tested dose levels in participants aged 3-17 years. BBIBP-CorV also elicited robust humoral responses against SARS-CoV-2 infection after two doses. Our findings support the use of a 4 μg dose and two-shot regimen BBIBP-CorV in phase 3 trials in the population younger than 18 years to further ascertain its safety and protection efficacy against COVID-19. Funding: National Program on Key Research Project of China, National Mega projects of China for Major Infectious Diseases, National Mega Projects of China for New Drug Creation, and Beijing Science and Technology Plan. Translation: For the Chinese translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.
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What is already known about this topic? COVID-19 can cause severe illness in children and adolescents. What is added by this report? Weekly COVID-19-associated hospitalization rates among children and adolescents rose nearly five-fold during late June-mid-August 2021, coinciding with increased circulation of the highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant. The proportions of hospitalized children and adolescents with severe disease were similar before and during the period of Delta predominance. Hospitalization rates were 10 times higher among unvaccinated than among fully vaccinated adolescents. What are the implications for public health practice? Preventive measures to reduce transmission and severe outcomes in children and adolescents are critical, including vaccination, universal masking in schools, and masking by persons aged >2 years in other indoor public spaces and child care centers.
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Background The incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) among adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age was approximately 900 per 100,000 population from April 1 through June 11, 2021. The safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of the mRNA-1273 vaccine in adolescents are unknown. Methods In this ongoing phase 2–3, placebo-controlled trial, we randomly assigned healthy adolescents (12 to 17 years of age) in a 2:1 ratio to receive two injections of the mRNA-1273 vaccine (100 μg in each) or placebo, administered 28 days apart. The primary objectives were evaluation of the safety of mRNA-1273 in adolescents and the noninferiority of the immune response in adolescents as compared with that in young adults (18 to 25 years of age) in a phase 3 trial. Secondary objectives included the efficacy of mRNA-1273 in preventing Covid-19 or asymptomatic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. Results A total of 3732 participants were randomly assigned to receive mRNA-1273 (2489 participants) or placebo (1243 participants). In the mRNA-1273 group, the most common solicited adverse reactions after the first or second injections were injection-site pain (in 93.1% and 92.4%, respectively), headache (in 44.6% and 70.2%, respectively), and fatigue (in 47.9% and 67.8%, respectively); in the placebo group, the most common solicited adverse reactions after the first or second injections were injection-site pain (in 34.8% or 30.3%, respectively), headache (in 38.5% and 30.2%, respectively), and fatigue (in 36.6% and 28.9%, respectively). No serious adverse events related to mRNA-1273 or placebo were noted. The geometric mean titer ratio of pseudovirus neutralizing antibody titers in adolescents relative to young adults was 1.08 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94 to 1.24), and the absolute difference in serologic response was 0.2 percentage points (95% CI, −1.8 to 2.4), which met the noninferiority criterion. No cases of Covid-19 with an onset of 14 days after the second injection were reported in the mRNA-1273 group, and four cases occurred in the placebo group. Conclusions The mRNA-1273 vaccine had an acceptable safety profile in adolescents. The immune response was similar to that in young adults, and the vaccine was efficacious in preventing Covid-19. (Funded by Moderna and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority; Teen COVE number, NCT04649151.)
Background SOBERANA 02 have been evaluated in phase I and IIa studies comparing homologous vs. heterologous schedule (this one, including SOBERANA Plus). Here, we report results of immunogenicity, safety and reactogenicity of SOBERANA 02 in a two-dose or three-dose heterologous scheme in adults. Method Phase IIb was a parallel, multicenter, adaptive, double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Subjects (N=810) aged 19-80 years were randomized to receive two doses of SARS-CoV-2 RBD conjugated to tetanus toxoid (SOBERANA 02) and a third dose of dimeric RBD (SOBERANA Plus) 28 days apart; two production batches of active ingredient of SOBERANA 02 were evaluated. Primary outcome was the percentage of seroconverted subjects with ≥4-fold the anti-RBD IgG concentration. Secondary outcomes were safety, reactogenicity and neutralizing antibodies. Findings Seroconversion rate in vaccinees was 76.3 %after two doses, and 96.8% after the third dose of SOBERANA Plus (7.3% in the placebo group). Neutralizing IgG antibodies were detected against D614G and VOCs alpha, beta, delta and omicron. Specific, functional antibodies were detected 7-8 months after the third dose. The frequency of serious adverse events (AEs) associated with vaccination was very low (0.1%). Local pain was the most frequent AE. Conclusions Two doses of SOBERANA 02 were safe and immunogenic in adults. The heterologous combination with SOBERANA Plus increased neutralizing antibodies, detectable 7-8 months after the third dose. Trial registry Funding : Supported by Finlay Vaccine Institute, BioCubaFarma and the Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica (FONCI-CITMA-Cuba, contract 2020-20).
Importance: Vaccination against COVID-19 provides clear public health benefits, but vaccination also carries potential risks. The risks and outcomes of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are unclear. Objective: To describe reports of myocarditis and the reporting rates after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination in the US. Design, setting, and participants: Descriptive study of reports of myocarditis to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that occurred after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine administration between December 2020 and August 2021 in 192 405 448 individuals older than 12 years of age in the US; data were processed by VAERS as of September 30, 2021. Exposures: Vaccination with BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) or mRNA-1273 (Moderna). Main outcomes and measures: Reports of myocarditis to VAERS were adjudicated and summarized for all age groups. Crude reporting rates were calculated across age and sex strata. Expected rates of myocarditis by age and sex were calculated using 2017-2019 claims data. For persons younger than 30 years of age, medical record reviews and clinician interviews were conducted to describe clinical presentation, diagnostic test results, treatment, and early outcomes. Results: Among 192 405 448 persons receiving a total of 354 100 845 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines during the study period, there were 1991 reports of myocarditis to VAERS and 1626 of these reports met the case definition of myocarditis. Of those with myocarditis, the median age was 21 years (IQR, 16-31 years) and the median time to symptom onset was 2 days (IQR, 1-3 days). Males comprised 82% of the myocarditis cases for whom sex was reported. The crude reporting rates for cases of myocarditis within 7 days after COVID-19 vaccination exceeded the expected rates of myocarditis across multiple age and sex strata. The rates of myocarditis were highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males aged 12 to 15 years (70.7 per million doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine), in adolescent males aged 16 to 17 years (105.9 per million doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine), and in young men aged 18 to 24 years (52.4 and 56.3 per million doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine and the mRNA-1273 vaccine, respectively). There were 826 cases of myocarditis among those younger than 30 years of age who had detailed clinical information available; of these cases, 792 of 809 (98%) had elevated troponin levels, 569 of 794 (72%) had abnormal electrocardiogram results, and 223 of 312 (72%) had abnormal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging results. Approximately 96% of persons (784/813) were hospitalized and 87% (577/661) of these had resolution of presenting symptoms by hospital discharge. The most common treatment was nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (589/676; 87%). Conclusions and relevance: Based on passive surveillance reporting in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men. This risk should be considered in the context of the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.
Background Safe, effective vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) are urgently needed in children younger than 12 years of age. Methods A phase 1, dose-finding study and an ongoing phase 2–3 randomized trial are being conducted to investigate the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine administered 21 days apart in children 6 months to 11 years of age. We present results for 5-to-11-year-old children. In the phase 2–3 trial, participants were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive two doses of either the BNT162b2 vaccine at the dose level identified during the open-label phase 1 study or placebo. Immune responses 1 month after the second dose of BNT162b2 were immunologically bridged to those in 16-to-25-year-olds from the pivotal trial of two 30-μg doses of BNT162b2. Vaccine efficacy against Covid-19 at 7 days or more after the second dose was assessed. Results During the phase 1 study, a total of 48 children 5 to 11 years of age received 10 μg, 20 μg, or 30 μg of the BNT162b2 vaccine (16 children at each dose level). On the basis of reactogenicity and immunogenicity, a dose level of 10 μg was selected for further study. In the phase 2–3 trial, a total of 2268 children were randomly assigned to receive the BNT162b2 vaccine (1517 children) or placebo (751 children). At data cutoff, the median follow-up was 2.3 months. In the 5-to-11-year-olds, as in other age groups, the BNT162b2 vaccine had a favorable safety profile. No vaccine-related serious adverse events were noted. One month after the second dose, the geometric mean ratio of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) neutralizing titers in 5-to-11-year-olds to those in 16-to-25-year-olds was 1.04 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.93 to 1.18), a ratio meeting the prespecified immunogenicity success criterion (lower bound of two-sided 95% CI, >0.67; geometric mean ratio point estimate, ≥0.8). Covid-19 with onset 7 days or more after the second dose was reported in three recipients of the BNT162b2 vaccine and in 16 placebo recipients (vaccine efficacy, 90.7%; 95% CI, 67.7 to 98.3). Conclusions A Covid-19 vaccination regimen consisting of two 10-μg doses of BNT162b2 administered 21 days apart was found to be safe, immunogenic, and efficacious in children 5 to 11 years of age. (Funded by BioNTech and Pfizer; number, NCT04816643.)