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Mental Health Recovery Using the Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) in a Community Rehabilitation Team: A Service Evaluation



There are many definitions of recovery in mental health. Community Rehabilitation Teams (CRTs) aim to support the mental health recovery of people. The Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) is a way to measure recovery. To determine if being supported by a CRT helps mental health recovery for people transitioning from an inpatient service to the community. Individual reliable and clinically meaningful change indices were calculated for a total of 31 people. Two I.ROC questionnaires were completed by 31 people. Of these 31 people, 14 people had three completed I.ROC questionnaires. Of the 31 people, 17 showed a positive reliable change and three people made a clinically meaningful change. Of the 14 people, one had a positive reliable change, two had a negative reliable change, and no-one had a clinically meaningful change. The I.ROC shows the CRT to successfully support recovery in people with mental health difficulties.
Mental Health Recovery Using the Individual Recovery
Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) in a Community Rehabilitation
Team: A Service Evaluation
Angela L. Baufeldt .David L. Dawson
Received: 26 August 2022 / Accepted: 20 October 2022 / Published online: 16 November 2022
ÓThe Author(s) 2022
Abstract There are many definitions of recovery in
mental health. Community Rehabilitation Teams
(CRTs) aim to support the mental health recovery of
people. The Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter
(I.ROC) is a way to measure recovery. To determine if
being supported by a CRT helps mental health
recovery for people transitioning from an inpatient
service to the community. Individual reliable and
clinically meaningful change indices were calculated
for a total of 31 people. Two I.ROC questionnaires
were completed by 31 people. Of these 31 people, 14
people had three completed I.ROC questionnaires. Of
the 31 people, 17 showed a positive reliable change
and three people made a clinically meaningful change.
Of the 14 people, one had a positive reliable change,
two had a negative reliable change, and no-one had a
clinically meaningful change. The I.ROC shows the
CRT to successfully support recovery in people with
mental health difficulties.
Keywords Community rehabilitation team Adult
Mental health Recovery Service evaluation
Recovery in Mental Health
Mental health recovery can be considered from an
individual level, i.e., personal recovery, but it can also
be considered at a service level, for example a service
employing a ‘recovery-oriented’ approach (Shields-
Zeeman et al. 2020). This recovery-oriented approach
at a service level tends to focus on clinical recovery
i.e., symptom reduction, contrary to the principles of
person-centred care (McKenna et al. 2016). This
approach of focusing on symptom reduction is
changing to more effective outcome measures of
recovery in mental health services although, the lack
of an agreed upon definition of mental health recovery
hampers the adoption of more appropriate measures
(Perkins and Slade 2012). The recovery concept in
mental health, at an individual level, has largely been
led by Anthony’s (1993) influential paper. In it,
Anthony (1993) offered the following definition of
recovery in mental health: ‘a deeply personal, unique
process of changing one’s attitudes, values, feelings,
goals, skills, and/or roles. It is a way of living a
satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life even with
limitations caused by illness’ (p. 15). Despite the
significant contribution of Anthony’s (1993) paper to
the research generated in the field of mental health
recovery, it largely neglects the social and environ-
mental contributions to mental health difficulties.
A. L. Baufeldt (&)D. L. Dawson
College of Social Sciences, University of Lincoln,
Lincoln, UK
J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Karadzhov (2021) argues that mental health recovery
is not entirely dependent on the individual changing
their outlook, as Anthony’s definition of recovery
would suggest, but that contextual factors such as
homelessness, poverty, and other indicators of social
exclusion are barriers to an individual’s recovery
journey. NICE guidelines, in lieu of an agreed upon
definition of mental health recovery, offer a recovery
principle such that recovery is ‘‘the belief that it is
possible for someone to regain a meaningful life,
despite serious mental illness’ (National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence 2020 p. 44).
Since Anthony’s (1993) definition of recovery there
have been many studies published exploring the
concept of recovery in mental health (for a review
see Llewellyn-Beardsley et al. 2019): in particular for
adults with mental health difficulties (Dell et al. 2021).
In this systematic review of 25 studies by Dell and
colleagues (2021), they developed a model of recovery
using reflexive thematic analysis. Recovery was
defined as a process of transformation from a negative
state of despair and powerlessness, to a positive state
of psychological wellbeing. Although this definition
suggests a close affiliation with Anthony’s (1993)
definition, the authors go further and highlight the
importance of socio-environmental factors, belonging,
acceptance and insight, and autonomy and control
(Dell et al. 2021). This study highlights the necessity
of a holistic, person-centred, and individualised
approach to mental health recovery. Recovery is
therefore not only an intra-psychic process but
requires social determinants of health, for example
adequate housing, safety, food, income, and material
resources incorporated into any recovery plan.
Similarly, rehabilitation is another concept that
requires clarification. This service evaluation describes
recovery as the way an individual learns to live with
their mental health difficulties, while the support
around the person is described as rehabilitation to
facilitate recovery (Anthony 1993; Lloyd et al. 2008).
Rehabilitation is a holistic and individually tailored
approach that can take into account a person’s specific
needs in order to facilitate the best possible conditions
for a person to work towards their recovery goals.
Recovery in Mental Health Services
Integrating a recovery approach into mental health
services has been a goal of mental health policy in
England since 2001 (Department of Health 2001;
Perkins & Slade 2012). The absence of an agreed upon
definition for recovery has consequently led to a lack
of guidelines to direct this particular service provision.
Service managers therefore, develop their service with
consideration of the needs of their local population
(Killaspy et al. 2005; National Institute for Health and
Care Excellence 2016). The heterogeneity of rehabil-
itation service provision in England has been
described in a national survey that found, of the 73
mental health trusts covering 93 boroughs who have
mental health rehabilitation provision, 30% defined
rehabilitation in terms of quality of life, 26% as
maximising skills, and 25% in terms of a recovery
model (Killaspy et al. 2005). This suggests that not all
rehabilitation services are being defined in the same
way. Furthermore, these rehabilitation services dif-
fered in their setting (residential, inpatient, respite, and
community), and length of stay (long term, short term,
or a mix of both). This heterogeneity in service
provision for recovery in mental health is unsurprising
as each service adopts different definitions of rehabil-
itation, and adapts to the resources they have in order
to meet the demands of their local population.
Community Rehabilitation Team
The NHS Long Term Plan (2019) outlines the goals of
the NHS in England for the next 10 years and
describes how funding will be used to achieve these
goals. One of the goals is to improve community-
based care for people who experience severe mental
health difficulties (NHS 2019). This includes the
development of integrated place-based community
mental health teams that have improved co-ordination
between primary care and health and social care.
Recovery in mental health is an integral part of this
plan and includes supporting people with employ-
ment, housing, and overcoming stigma (Mental Health
Taskforce 2016). From this framework came the
starting point of community rehabilitation teams
(CRTs) in the local area and across the country
(Killaspy et al. 2005). The purpose of CRTs is to
provide intensive and individualised support for
people transitioning from inpatient services to the
community who may need additional support over and
above community mental health teams (CMHTs); low
volume, high needs (‘‘Guidance for Commissioners of
Rehabilitation Services for People with Complex
356 J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366
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Mental Health Needs: Volume Two: Practical Mental
Health Commissioning’ 2012).
CRTs need to adapt and be responsive to the needs
of those they support. For example, within the local
area, 48% of the population live in rural areas, with
rural areas comprising 95% of the land (Rhodes 2018).
Age-standardised suicide rates per 100,000 people
between 2018 and 2020 were higher in the local area,
than for England and Wales, 12.6 compared to 10.4,
respectively (Nasir et al. 2021). This is consistent with
the results of a systematic review which showed
evidence of higher suicide rates in rural areas
compared to urban areas (Casant and Helbich 2022).
The review highlighted factors such as social isolation,
access to lethal means, and reduced mental health
services as being particular to a rural context. This
CRT therefore, has an important role to play in
supporting people to re-integrate into their communi-
ties especially given the unique challenges of a rural
Measuring Recovery
Many measures of recovery have been developed over
the years. A recent systematic review of mental health
recovery measures by Penas and colleagues (2019)
found 53 different measures available. Despite the
large number of measures, only eight were deemed
adequate for assessing mental health recovery in
individuals (Penas et al. 2019). The eight identified
measures by Penas and colleagues (2019) included
published psychometric properties, quantitative data,
included service users’ perspectives, limited to 50
items or less, and explicitly measured areas related to
mental health recovery. Within this list, the Individual
Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC; Monger et al.
2013) was included alongside other measures widely
used in the UK such as The Recovery Assessment
Scale (RAS; Corrigan et al. 1999) and The Stages of
Recovery Instrument (Shanks et al. 2013). A key
highlight of this paper was the lack of consensus for
what constitutes recovery in mental health and there-
fore the large number of measures (Penas et al. 2019).
The I.ROC was developed in Scotland in a sample
of adults supported by community mental health teams
(Monger et al. 2013). The impetus for the development
of the I.ROC was the lack of available measures with
evidence of measuring personal recovery that was
suitable for routine use and validated in a UK
population (Monger et al. 2013). During the develop-
ment of the I.ROC, participants chose one of three
measures; I.ROC, RAS, and the Behaviour and
Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32; Eisen
et al. 2007) they most preferred. Significantly more
people chose the I.ROC as their preferred measure
when compared to the RAS or the BASIS-32 and
overall, 52% of participants chose the I.ROC as their
favourite measure of recovery. Reasons for the
preference included, the I.ROC being straightforward
to complete and assisting participants to think about
their recovery (Monger et al. 2013). The I.ROC has
since undergone further psychometric testing (Dick-
ens et al. 2017), including validation in different
clinical populations such as those who experienced
psychological trauma (Rudd et al. 2020), people with
hearing difficulties (Roze et al. 2020), and has been
translated into Dutch for adults with severe mental
health illness (Beckers et al. 2022). The I.ROC
therefore, has been shown to be a process measure of
mental health recovery, which is suitable for regular
use, preferred by individuals supported by mental
health services, and developed in a UK population.
When analysing group data, significance testing is
helpful to determine whether a change has occurred
that is assumed to be the result of the manipulation of
variables under investigation (Field 2016). This is a
common method of analysing data and has been used
in the investigation of recovery in mental health (van
Aken et al. 2021). However, the use of significance
testing in the field of psychology and, specifically the
emphasis on the pvalue, has increasingly come under
criticism (Hubbard et al. 2000; Hubbard & Lindsay
2008). Given the focus on assessing personal mental
health recovery, individual reliable and clinically
meaningful change indices have a much greater utility
than group significance testing (Evans et al. 1998;
Jacobson and Truax 1991). This type of analysis has
the benefit of demonstrating whether observed
changes are reliable, i.e., an individual has improved,
and if so, whether they are clinically meaningful, i.e.,
an individual has recovered (Newnham et al. 2007).
Where clinical and non-clinical distributions overlap,
an individual’s change in a score may indicate
improvement but not a sustained change. Therefore,
the reliable change index (RCI) is calculated to assess
whether or not a change is sustained and not due to
random fluctuation. Clinically significant change
(CSC) indicates when an individual’s score on a
J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366 357
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measure moves closer to the mean of a non-clinical
population and away from the mean of the clinical
population; in effect they have recovered. For an
individual’s change to be clinically meaningful it must
first be shown to be reliable.
The aim of this service evaluation is to determine if
being supported by a CRT helps mental health
recovery for people transitioning from an inpatient
service to living in the community, as evidenced by
improvements on the I.ROC measure. To reflect the
different perspectives in the literature of individual
versus service level perspective of recovery, the
following objectives were developed to meet this aim.
1. To use individual reliable and clinically mean-
ingful change indices from I.ROC data to deter-
mine mental health recovery in individuals
supported by the CRT.
2. To evaluate whether differences exist in the
subscales of the I.ROC for the CRT sample that
suggest relative strengths of the service and areas
for improvement.
This evaluation used a retrospective cohort design
using quantitative data from a CRT’s electronic
records of I.ROC scores. Consistent with HRA
guidance (The Health Research Authority 2017),
ethical approval for this evaluation was not required;
however, the evaluation was registered with the local
NHS trust on their Quality Management System after
being reviewed and approved by the Clinical Research
Adults, aged 18 years and older, supported by the CRT
from its inception in April 2020 until the discharge of
the first referral in November 2021 were included in
the analyses. Initial I.ROC questionnaires were com-
pleted once the referral was accepted and the clinician
had developed rapport with the person. Thereafter,
I.ROC questionnaires were completed quarterly.
Referrals to the CRT are individually reviewed in
Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) clinical review
meetings held weekly. CRT differs from Community
Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) in that CRT reviews
referrals from people currently being supported in
inpatient services who are due to transition into the
community and who have been identified as needing
support over and above what is expected from
CMHTs. Referrals that exceed the severity threshold
for Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
(IAPT) but do not meet the threshold for other
secondary care services such as eating disorders or
personality and complex trauma are eligible for
support from CRT.
The I.ROC questionnaire is a process measure of
mental health recovery that has excellent reliability as
measured by the Interclass Correlation Coefficient,
ICC = 0.909, and good concurrent validity; signifi-
cantly correlated with known measures of recovery
such as the Recovery Scale and the Behaviour and
Symptom Identification Scale (Dickens et al. 2019;
Monger et al. 2013). The I.ROC consists of four
subscales creating the HOPE acronym: Home, Oppor-
tunity, People, and Empowerment. Each subscale has
three questions scored on a six-point Likert scale from
one (never) to six (all the time), resulting in a
minimum score of 12 and maximum of 72. Higher
scores on the I.ROC indicate better wellbeing, and
improvements across subsequent I.ROC question-
naires suggest recovery. In the Home subscale, for
example, one of the items, life skills, asks the person
how often, in the last three months, they have felt they
have the skills they need to look after themselves.
Within this item, the staff member will reflect with the
person how they manage cooking, cleaning, money
skills, bills, shopping, personal care, and being a good
neighbour. The I.ROC provides opportunity for the
inclusion of qualitative information to support the
Likert rating. Such that barriers or issues that arise that
impact on the score can be resolved and subsequent
I.ROC reviews can reflect the progress made. For
example, if a person requests support in managing
their finances, a staff member can work with them to
improve their budgeting skills. The subsequent I.ROC,
three months later, should then reflect the increase in
life skills given the support provided in helping the
person manage their finances through budgeting skills.
The person therefore, learns skills that enable them to
become more confident and live successfully in the
community. The other two items in the Home subscale
358 J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366
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ask about mental health and safety and comfort. In the
Opportunities subscale the three items ask how the
person feels about their physical health, exercise and
activity, and purpose and direction. In the People
subscale the three items ask about the person’s
personal network, social network, and how they value
themselves. Finally, in the Empowerment subscale,
this asks the person how they have felt about their
participation and control, self-management, and their
hope for the future.
To fulfil objective one, I.ROC data available in the
literature for clinical and non-clinical populations was
necessary in order to calculate the RCI and CSC for
individuals in the CRT sample. I.ROC data reporting
on a clinical population comprised of 171 community-
dwelling adults in Scotland accessing support from
mental health teams provided suitable data (Rudd
2018). Of the 171 people, 92 (54%) were men, the age
range was from 15 to 79 years with a mean age of
46 years. No data on ethnicity was reported. Rudd
(2018)’s non-clinical population comprised of 70
students and staff at a Scottish University, as well as
104 staff working in a mental health service, resulting
in a total sample of 174 non-clinical participants. Of
the 174 people, 135 (78%) were women, the sample
age range was from 18 to 80 years with a mean age of
35 years. No data on ethnicity was reported. The
psychometric data available from Rudd (2018) was
inputted into an excel spreadsheet designed to calcu-
late the RCI and CSC (Morley and Dowzer 2014)
alongside the individual I.ROC data available from the
CRT. Table 1presents the psychometric properties of
I.ROC data in clinical and non-clinical samples (Rudd
Prior to calculating the RCI and CSC for individ-
uals in the CRT sample, it was necessary to ensure the
sample drawn from the literature and the CRT sample
were comparable and did not significantly differ.
Individual I.ROC total scores for the CRT sample
were exported into IBM Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS; IBM 2020) and checked for
any missing data. Following this a one sample t-test
was conducted to determine if any significant differ-
ences existed between the CRT sample and the
published clinical sample. If no significant difference
was found between the two samples, then RCI and
CSC analyses could be completed and any subsequent
changes could not be attributed to pre-existing
To fulfil objective two, individual I.ROC subscale
scores for the CRT sample were exported into SPSS. A
paired samples t-test was conducted to determine if
any differences were evident between I.ROC sub-
scales between review periods. Differences observed
here would suggest the CRT were performing better in
some subscales compared to others, and lead to
recommendations of where improvements could be
made for the service.
The authors declare no known conflicts of interest
and certify responsibility for this evaluation.
A total of 31 people supported by the CRT had two
completed I.ROC questionnaires between April 2020
and November 2021. Of these 31 people, 14 people
had three completed I.ROC questionnaires. There was
no missing data for any of the items on completed
I.ROC questionnaires. Of the 31 people, 26 (84%)
were men, the age range was from 21 to 66 years, with
a mean age of 42 years. Most, n = 30 (97%), people
identified as White British, with one person identify-
ing as Any Other White Background.
Objective 1
A one sample t-test was conducted to determine
whether or not the CRT sample and clinical sample
Table 1 Psychometric properties of clinical and non-clinical samples from Rudd (2018) needed to calculate RCI and CSC
I.ROC n Mean SD Minimum Maximum Cronbach’s alpha
Clinical 171 44.9 10.8 18 72 0.86
Non-clinical 174 54.5 10.8 22 72 0.92
J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366 359
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from Rudd (2018) were significantly different. The
CRT sample was normally distributed as evidenced by
non-significant results from tests of normality Kol-
mogorov–Smirnov, D (31) = 0.078, p = 0.20, and
Shapiro–Wilk, W(31) = 0.969, p= 0.497.
The one-sample t-test using data from the 31
completed I.ROC questionnaires (M = 44.58 SD =
9.16) and the published mean of the sample
(M = 44.9) from Rudd (2018) showed no statistically
significant difference between the two samples
[t(30) = -0.194, p= 0.847].
First Review Period: First I.ROC to Second I.ROC
Descriptive statistics report the first I.ROC question-
naire mean was 44.58 (SD = 9.16), while the second
I.ROC questionnaire mean increased to 54.58 (SD =
7.92). The RCI and CSC were calculated and the
results are presented in Table 2. In this sample, 17
people showed a reliable positive change in their
I.ROC questionnaire scores. Three people showed
clinically meaningful improvement indicating their
scores had moved to within a non-clinical population
distribution rather than a clinical population.
Second Review Period: Second I.ROC to Third I.ROC
Descriptive statistics for the 14 people who had three
completed I.ROC questionnaires are reported. The
second I.ROC questionnaire mean was 54.07 (SD =
8.11) while the third I.ROC questionnaire mean
increased slightly to 54.43 (SD = 10.38). In this
sample, one person showed a reliable positive change
indicating their I.ROC questionnaire score improved.
Two people showed a reliable negative change
indicating their scores decreased, 11 people showed
no change, and no-one showed clinically meaningful
Objective 2
It was thought that differences between the I.ROC
subscales across the two review periods would indi-
cate relative strengths of CRT in supporting people in
some areas than others on their recovery journey. To
assess for this, a paired sample t-test was conducted for
each subscale between the first review period, i.e.,
from the first I.ROC to the second I.ROC (see Table 3).
During this first review period, all subscales indicated
a significant difference in the direction of improve-
ment i.e., all subscale scores increased. This suggests
no relative strengths or areas for improvement as the
CRT were able to achieve progress across the four
This was followed by a paired samples t-test for
each subscale between the second review period, i.e.,
from the second I.ROC and the third I.ROC (see
Table 4). During this review period, no statistically
significant differences were observed between the
subscales; the Home and People subscale scores
increased, Opportunity remained unchanged, and
Empowerment decreased. This suggests that the
CRT were able to maintain the progress made from
the previous review period.
This service evaluation aimed to assess whether a
person supported by a CRT made progress towards
mental health recovery as evidenced by improvements
in their I.ROC scores, where I.ROC is a measure of
mental health recovery. As outlined previously, there
is no unifying definition of recovery in mental health
nor is there one model of recovery service provision
(Killaspy et al. 2005). To investigate this aim we
developed two objectives. The first objective was to
calculate individual reliable and clinical change
indices to show if recovery was made as indicated
using the I.ROC. The second objective was to detect
any difference between the I.ROC subscales that
would indicate areas the CRT service does well and
areas for improvement.
Although there were some differences between the
samples from the CRT and Rudd (2018): the CRT
sample had a higher proportion of men than Rudd
(2018), 84% and 54% respectively, and the CRT
sample had a narrower age range than the sample from
Rudd (2018), 21–66 years and 15–79 years, respec-
tively. Where the older starting age range likely
reflects the fact that adult inpatient services in England
are commissioned to work with adults from 18 years
upwards (Penfold et al. 2019). These differences were
not statistically significant and therefore the samples
were appropriate to use in the analysis to calculate the
RCI and CSC indices.
Objective 1: During the first review period, 17 out
of 31 people (55%) showed a reliable improvement,
360 J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366
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and three people (9.7%) showed clinically significant
change suggestive of recovery. Comparing the CRT
results to a study looking at the clinically meaningful
change of 1,830 patients following an inpatient stay,
12.8% people showed reliable improvement (positive
RCI), 41.8% of people recovered (positive RCI and
CSC), 43.6% had no change, and 1.7% declined
(Newnham et al. 2007). Of the four outcome mea-
sures: Medical Outcomes Short Form Questionnaire
(SF-36); Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21);
Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Question-
naire (Q-LES-Q); and the Health of the Nation
Outcome Scale (HoNOS), none measure mental health
recovery and none appear on the systematic review of
recovery measures conducted by Penas and colleagues
(2019). Although the study by Newnham and col-
leagues (2007) had a higher proportion of people
showing clinically significant change than the CRT
Table 2 Reliable Change
Index and Clinically
Significant Change for each
person’s I.ROC score
indicates a significant
RCI towards improvement.
indicates a significant
CSC towards recovery. R
indicates a significant RCI
towards deterioration
Participant First I.ROC total score
(n = 31)
Second I.ROC total score
(n = 31)
Third I.ROC total score
(n = 14)
143 53
253 59 69
356 60 34
452 66
551 49 51
637 43
741 54
851 50 53
946 50
10 31 62
11 47 60
12 54 54
13 58 61
14 30 58
15 43 51
16 47 65
17 43 53
18 69 69
19 47 52
20 33 38 40
21 39 66
22 48 56
23 32 43
24 35 40
25 48 47 45
26 38 58
27 35 47
28 46 63
29 40 49
30 55 60
31 34 56
RCI ?–17 1
CSC ?–3 0
RCI -–0 2
J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366 361
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sample, the study was conducted in an inpatient
sample, therefore two considerations are worth high-
lighting. Firstly, people are usually admitted to an
inpatient unit when they are at their most distressed
and therefore there is a large scope for their mental
health to improve. Secondly, patients at the point of
discharge would be expected to have shown signs of
improvement. In another study, this time of 593
community-dwelling adults accessing outpatient sup-
port for their mental health, 23.6% showed improve-
ment (a positive RCI) and 18% showed a decline (a
negative RCI; Eisen et al. 2007). Here the authors used
the Behaviour and Symptom Identification Scale
(BASIS-24), two self-report measures of change:
mental health and retrospective transition, as well as
the Global Assessment of Function. None of these
measures were developed to measure recovery
although the authors aimed to measure change
following mental health treatment, their focus was
inexplicably on clinical symptoms, for example,
psychotic symptoms, self-harm, etc. (Eisen et al.
2007). The CRT results therefore compare favourably
to published results of both inpatient and outpatient
settings. From the second to the third I.ROC ques-
tionnaire the results were mixed. Although, there was
not a consistent increase in reliable and clinical
change, the progress achieved was maintained i.e.,
there was not a large decline in I.ROC scores (only two
people showing a reliable decline in their scores with
one person showing a reliable improvement).
Objective 1 used reliable and clinically meaningful
indices to determine if people made progress in their
recovery journey. The results suggest that the CRT
were successful in supporting people to adapt to
community living and meet their basic needs such as
housing, income, sourcing meaningful activities, and
creating social networks in the community. This
priority on basic needs is consistent with Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs concept where subsequent needs
can only be met when more basic needs are met
(Maslow 1943). For example, physiological needs
must be met before higher, such as psychological
needs like self-esteem can be prioritised. This concept
of a hierarchy of needs has been taken forward in
designing recovery-oriented services where greater
emphasis is placed on care coordinating to meet basic
needs first before supporting a person to develop
connectedness in their community, positive relation-
ships, and pursuing meaningful employment and
activities (Isaacs et al. 2019). The service implications
of this evaluation indicate a holistic and individualised
approach to recovery is necessary for progress. This is
consistent with the concept of a hierarchy of needs put
forward by Maslow (1943) as well as considering the
contributors of social exclusion that need to be
addressed for recovery to take place (Karadzhov
Table 3 Paired samples
t-test for I.ROC subscales
across the first and second
I.ROC reviews
indicates subscale data at
first I.ROC
indicates subscale data at
second I.ROC. Bold values
indicate P\.05
Mean (standard deviation) t P
11.52 (2.74)
14.26 (2.32) -5.467 P< .001
11.16 (3.11)
12.97 (2.24) -.633 P=.004
10.35 (3.18)
12.77 (2.92) -1.379 P< .001
11.55 (2.74)
14.58 (2.32) -1.930 P< .001
Table 4 Paired samples t-test for I.ROC subscales across the
second and third I.ROC reviews
Mean (SD) t P
14.50 (2.21)
14.64 (2.41) -.314 .759
12.79 (2.12)
12.79 (3.31) .000 1.000
12.57 (2.71)
12.93 (2.59) -.528 .606
14.21 (2.64)
14.07 (3.29) .193 .850
indicates subscale data at second I.ROC
indicates subscale data at third I.ROC
362 J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Objective 2: Data for the four subscales, Home,
Opportunity, People, and Empowerment in the two
review periods were analysed for any differences that
may indicate relative strengths or areas for improve-
ment for the CRT. Consistent with the results from
objective 1, all subscales showed significant improve-
ment in the first review period. Whereas, all subscales
showed no significant difference in the second review
period, largely consistent with the results of objective
1 where there was limited change in individual reliable
and clinically meaningful change indices in the second
review period.
At a service level, the results demonstrate that the
CRT maintained the progress made for the people they
support. Consideration for the wider context is neces-
sary not to lose perspective of the overall recovery
journey people experience. The people supported by
the CRT had all received treatment at an inpatient
service and were deemed well enough to be dis-
charged. They then successfully transitioned into a
community setting; a significant step in the recovery
journey, particularly given the risks associated with
increased mortality in the first three months (Mus-
grove et al. 2022). Therefore, the level of recovery that
can be expected is likely to be of a modest nature and
highly individual.
The I.ROC measure has been shown to be useful to
evidence recovery at an individual and service level,
arguably core qualities needed in a routine outcome
measure (Happell 2008). At an individual level,
people supported by CRT have a say in what matters
to them and they have the flexibility to reflect on their
recovery journey using the subscales within the
I.ROC. Although, they are supported by staff to
complete the I.ROC quarterly, they have ownership of
their I.ROC. At a service level, the I.ROC allows for a
dynamic assessment of progress. Where progress
plateaus, the subscales allow for a granulated inves-
tigation into where more resources might provide the
greatest impact. Where progress is achieved, there is
confidence to say that the CRT are providing a holistic
and person-centred approach to mental health recov-
ery. This is consistent with the findings that the use of
the I.ROC in survivors of psychological trauma was
personally meaningful as well as being useful to the
service to measure progress (Rudd et al. 2020).
This service evaluation has shown the CRT to
successfully support people in their mental health
recovery. Although, this progress was largely main-
tained at the second review period, limited subsequent
progress was evident. It is possible that people may
need more intensive support when initially moving
from the highly structured environment of a mental
health hospital to the community. However, after this
initial period of adaption, it might be that a continued
high-level involvement of the CRT may reinforce the
perception that the person is unable to function in the
community, leading to a stagnation of I.ROC scores.
Conversely, it might be that after the initial adaption to
community life, the person feels overwhelmed living
in the community and requires additional support from
the CRT. A recommendation here is to determine what
people need at the point of the second I.ROC review
i.e., at the six-month point that would enable them to
continue making progress in their mental health
recovery. Given that mental health recovery is deeply
personal, future research might use qualitative
methodologies as these are most likely to be the most
appropriate way to identify themes and shed light on
what it is people need most to continue to make
progress towards recovery (Peters 2010).
Due to the retrospective nature of this service
evaluation, the depth and breadth of questions we were
able to ask of the available data were limited. Moving
forward, a recommendation would be for services to
set out evaluation aims a priori, thus allowing for
theoretically driven knowledge to be generated rather
than relying on empirical observations. For example, a
future service evaluation could systematically capture
the experience of using the I.ROC from the perspec-
tive of the person, their family, and/or carers. This
would inform whether the I.ROC alone is sufficient to
measure mental health recovery or whether additional
measures are needed to fully capture the recovery
journey from the different stakeholders. Practically,
this should not be too burdensome for the person being
supported or their family or carers and can be
incorporated as a feedback survey at regular points
or at the point of discharge where the person, or those
in their system, can reflect back on the journey about
what was helpful and what would have been helpful.
J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2023) 10:355–366 363
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
A limitation of this evaluation was the use of
retrospective data which limited the questions we
could ask of the data. Fortunately, in this evaluation
there was no missing data, however collating the
necessary information in order to conduct analysis
could be prospectively initiated to facilitate timely
data analysis and remove time barriers. As this was a
service evaluation using existing data, the sample size
was limited to what was available at the time of
analysis. In future, this evaluation should be repeated
with a larger sample to assess the CRT’s progress. It
would also be useful to include analysis of subsequent
I.ROC reviews i.e., more than two I.ROC review
points, to track the CRT’s progress longitudinally.
Given this CRT is fairly new, less than five years in
operation, this service evaluation provides a baseline
from which subsequent evaluations can build on.
Although the I.ROC is recommended to be com-
pleted quarterly, this service evaluation did not
explicitly assess whether I.ROC reviews were being
conducted consistently. Given the disruption of the
COVID-19 pandemic and frequent changes in service
policy regarding infection control in response to
government lockdowns and restrictions, it would seem
likely that I.ROC reviews were completed on an ad
hoc basis. This has consequences when trying to
compare individuals’ progress where some people
may have had more time during an I.ROC review
period to make progress due to a delay in staff being
able to conduct the review.
The cohort under investigation in this service
evaluation was limited particularly in terms of ethnic,
cultural, and racial diversity. All people included in
this evaluation identified as either White British or any
other White. It is therefore not known if the recovery
journey of people from different ethnic, cultural, or
racial backgrounds is similar or different. It is of
concern that groups of people may not be accessing
mental health services which they may benefit from.
This is an ongoing issue in mental health service
provision where, despite being aware of equality
issues, commissioners do not take this into account
when commissioning services (Murray 2020).
Author Contributions All authors contributed to the study
conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and
analysis were performed by Angela L Baufeldt. The first draft of
the manuscript was written by Angela L Baufeldt and David L
Dawson and all authors commented on previous versions of the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
manuscript.Funding Angela L Baufeldt completed this
evaluation in partial fulfilment of the Doctorate in Clinical
Psychology. The Doctorate in Clinical Psychology is funded by
Health Education England. David L Dawson declares that he
has not received any funds, grants, or other support during the
preparation of this manuscript.
Competing interests The authors have no relevant financial
or non-financial interests to disclose.
Ethics Approval Consistent with HRA guidance (The Health
Research Authority 2017), ethical approval for this evaluation
was not required; however, the evaluation was registered with
the local NHS trust on their Quality Management System after
being reviewed and approved by the Clinical Research Manager.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction
in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
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Suicide mortality is a major contributor to premature death, with geographic variation in suicide rates. Why suicide rates differ across urban and rural areas has not yet been fully established. We conducted a literature review describing the urban–rural disparities in suicide mortality. Articles were searched in five databases (EMBASE, PubMed, PsychINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science) from inception till 26 May 2021. Eligible studies were narratively analyzed in terms of the urban–rural disparities in suicides, different suicide methods, and suicide trends over time. In total, 24 articles were included in our review. Most studies were ecological and cross-sectional evidence tentatively suggests higher suicide rates in rural than in urban areas. Men were more at risk by rurality than women, but suicide is in general more prevalent among men. No obvious urban–rural pattern emerged regarding suicide means or urban–rural changes over time. Potential suicidogenic explanations include social isolation, easier access to lethal means, stigmatization toward people with mental health problems, and reduced supply of mental health services. For research progress, we urge, first, individual-level cohort and case-control studies in different sociocultural settings. Second, both rurality and urbanicity are multifaceted concepts that are inadequately captured by oversimplified typologies and require detailed assessments of the sociophysical residential environment.
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Background Measuring progress in treatment is essential for systematic evaluation by service users and their care providers. In low-intensity community mental healthcare, a questionnaire to measure progress in treatment should be aimed at personal recovery and should require little effort to complete. Methods The Individual Recovery Outcome Counter (I.ROC) was translated from English into Dutch, and psychometric evaluations were performed. Data were collected on personal recovery (Recovery Assessment Scale), quality of life (Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life), and symptoms of mental illness and social functioning (Outcome Questionnaire, OQ-45) for assessing the validity of the I.ROC. Test–retest reliability was evaluated by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and internal consistency was evaluated by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to determine construct validity. To assess convergent validity, the I.ROC was compared to relevant questionnaires by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients. To evaluate discriminant validity, I.ROC scores of certain subgroups were compared using either a t-test or analysis of variance. Results There were 764 participants in this study who mostly completed more than one I.ROC (total n = 2,863). The I.ROC aimed to measure the concept of personal recovery as a whole, which was confirmed by a factor analysis. The test–retest reliability was satisfactory (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient is 0.856), as were the internal consistency (Cronbachs Alpha is 0.921) and the convergent validity. Sensitivity to change was small, but comparable to that of the OQ-45. Conclusions The Dutch version of the I.ROC appears to have satisfactory psychometric properties to warrant its use in daily practice. Discriminant validity and sensitivity to change need further research.
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Background Evidence for risk of dying by suicide and other causes following discharge from in-patient psychiatric care throughout adulthood is sparse. Aims To estimate risks of all-cause mortality, natural and external-cause deaths, suicide and accidental, alcohol-specific and drug-related deaths in working-age and older adults within a year post-discharge. Method Using interlinked general practice, hospital, and mortality records in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink we delineated a cohort of discharged adults in England, 2001–2018. Each patient was matched to up to 20 general population comparator patients. Cumulative incidence (absolute risks) and hazard ratios (relative risks) were estimated separately for ages 18–64 and ≥65 years with additional stratification by gender and practice-level deprivation. Results The 1-year cumulative incidence of dying post-discharge was 2.1% among working-age adults (95% CI 2.0–2.3) and 14.1% (95% CI 13.6–14.5) among older adults. Suicide risk was particularly elevated in the first 3 months, with hazard ratios of 191.1 (95% CI 125.0–292.0) among working-age adults and 125.4 (95% CI 52.6–298.9) in older adults. Older patients were vulnerable to dying by natural causes within 3 months post-discharge. Risk of dying by external causes was greater among discharged working-age adults in the least deprived areas. Relative risk of suicide in discharged working-age women relative to their general population peers was double the equivalent male risk elevation. Conclusions Recently discharged adults at any age are at increased risk of dying from external and natural causes, indicating the importance of close monitoring and provision of optimal support to all such patients, particularly during the first 3 months post-discharge.
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Objective: This study systematically reviews the systematic review (SR) evidence on mental health recovery from the perspective of adults with mental illness. Methods: Web of Science, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, CINAHL, PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus, and the libraries of the Cochrane Collaboration, Campbell Collaboration, and Joanna Briggs Institute were searched to identify eligible SRs including qualitative primary research. Two reviewers independently conducted data extraction and quality assessment. Overlap of primary studies was calculated. A framework for recovery was generated using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: An ecological model of recovery that included elements of psychological well-being was generated from 25 studies bridging personal/clinical, individual/social, and process/outcome conceptualizations of recovery. The first theme was a definition of recovery as a transformation from a negative identity state marked by despair, brokenness, and helplessness to a positive state of psychological well-being. This transformation was contingent upon four additional themes that included: (a) social and environmental conditions supporting access to basic resources and safety; (b) development of a sense of autonomy and personal responsibility; (c) roles and relationships that facilitated the personal experience of belonging and meaning; and (d) enlightenment defined as acceptance of the illness as a part of oneself and insight into how to promote well-being. Conclusions and implications for practice: Professionals working in recovery-oriented systems must consider how the subjective self-representations of persons with mental illness and objective social relationships interact to impact recovery. We close by discussing interventions that may promote the personal and social conditions of recovery. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).
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Recovery is a multidimensional concept, including symptomatic, functional, social, as well as personal recovery. The present study aims at exploring psychosocial and biological determinants of personal recovery, and disentangling time-dependent relationships between personal recovery and the other domains of recovery in a sample of people with a psychotic disorder. A cohort study is conducted with a 10-year follow-up. Personal recovery is assessed using the Recovering Quality of Life Questionnaire (ReQoL) and the Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC). Other domains of recovery are assessed by the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale Remission (PANSS-R), the BRIEF-A and the Social Role Participation Questionnaire—Short version (SRPQ) to assess symptomatic, functional and societal recovery, respectively. In addition, multiple biological, psychological, and social determinants are assessed. This study aims to assess the course of personal recovery, and to find determinants and time-dependent relationships with symptomatic, functional and societal recovery in people with a psychotic disorder. Strengths of the study are the large number of participants, long duration of follow-up, multiple assessments over time, extending beyond the treatment trajectory, and the use of a broad range of biological, psychological, and social determinants.
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Background: Substantial strides have been made around the world in reforming mental health systems by shifting away from institutional care towards community-based services. Despite an extensive evidence base on what constitutes effective care for people with severe mental ill-health, many people in Europe do not have access to optimal mental health care. In an effort to consolidate previous efforts to improve community mental health care and support the complex transition from hospital-based to community-based care delivery, the RECOVER-E (LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE) project aims to implement and evaluate multidisciplinary community mental health teams in five countries in Central and Eastern Europe. This paper provides a brief overview of the RECOVER-E project and its methods. Methods: Five implementation sites were selected (Sofia, Bulgaria; Zagreb, Croatia; Skopje, North Macedonia; Kotor, Montenegro; Siret-Suceava, Romania) where hospital-based mental health services are available (care as usual, CAU) for patients with severe mental disorders (severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia). The intervention consists of the introduction of a new service delivery model in each site, consisting of community-based recovery-oriented care delivered by trained multidisciplinary community mental health teams (including a peer worker with lived experience of a severe mental disorder). The implementation outcomes of the teams and the effect of the team's approach on patient and service utilisation outcomes will be evaluated using a mix of research methods. The study includes five planned hybrid implementation-effectiveness trials (1 per site) with patient-level randomization (n = 180, with patients randomised to either care as usual or intervention condition). Effectiveness is evaluated using a pragmatic non-blinded design with patients randomised into two parallel groups: receiving new community-based care or receiving usual care in the form of institutional, hospital-based mental health care. Trial-based health economic evaluation will be conducted; implementation outcomes will be evaluated, with data aligned with dimensions from the RE-AIM framework. Pathways to sustaining project results will be developed through policy dialogue sessions, which will be carried out in each country and through ongoing policy engagement activities at the European level. Discussion: The RECOVER-E project has been developed and conducted to demonstrate the impact of implementing an evidence-based service delivery model for people with severe mental illness in different contexts in middle-income countries in Central and Eastern Europe. It is expected that the results will contribute to the growing evidence-base on the health and economic benefits of recovery-oriented and community-based service models for health systems in transition.Trial registration Each trial was registered before participant enrolment in the database: Site-Croatia, Zagreb (Trial Reg. No. NCT03862209); Montenegro, Kotor (Trial Reg. No. NCT03837340); Romania, Suceava (Trial Reg. No. NCT03884933); Macedonia, Skopje (Trial Reg. No. NCT03892473); Bulgaria, Sofia (Trial Reg. No. NCT03922425).
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This study was aimed at validating the Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and tinnitus patients in a mental health care setting. There is a need for an accessible instrument to monitor treatment effects in this population. The I.ROC measures recovery, seeing recovery as a process of experiencing a meaningful life, despite the limitations caused by illness or disability. A total of 84 adults referred to 2 specialist mental health centers for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and tinnitus adults in the Netherlands completed the Dutch version of I.ROC and 3 other instruments. A total of 25 patients refused or did not complete the instruments: 50% of patients using sign language and 18% of patients using spoken language. Participants completed the measures at intake and then every 3 months. In this sample I.ROC demonstrated good internal consistency and convergent validity. Sensitivity to change was good, especially over a period of 6 or 9 months. This study provides preliminary evidence that the I.ROC is a valid instrument measuring recovery for hard-of-hearing and tinnitus patients using spoken language. For deaf patients using sign language, specifically those with limited language skills in spoken and written Dutch, more research is needed.
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Despite the acknowledgement that mental health inequalities are shaped by the interaction of macro-level (structural) and micro-level (individual, agentic) powers, dominant paradigms in mental health research have been ill-equipped to integrate those different levels of influence theoretically and empirically. As a result, an explanatory ‘deficit’ persists as to the causal mechanisms underpinning the impact of social inequalities on mental well-being, particularly mental health recovery. To redress this gap, critical realism has been put forward as a useful metatheoretical alternative. This paper begins by offering a succinct critique of extant mental health recovery research. Mental health recovery is problematised in relation to its dynamic embeddedness in contextual, including macro-structural, conditions. The core tenets and principles of critical realism are then invoked to address the identified philosophical and theoretical inadequacies. This paper argues that critical realism offers promise for explaining how inequality-generating mechanisms, such as social exclusion, may impede recovery. The analytico-conceptual potential of critical realism has remained largely untapped by the extant mental health scholarship. Critical realism offers a holistic and inclusive set of conceptual tools to re-examine the structure–agency nexus in order to advance mental health recovery and inequalities research, and an equity-based policy agenda.
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Introduction: Persons with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) have multiple and complex needs, many of which are not health related. Mental health services are unable to address these needs without collaboration with other agencies. In the absence of this collaboration, persons with SPMI often fall through the system cracks and are unlikely to experience recovery. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that unmet accommodation needs are associated with unmet needs in other areas. This study aimed to ascertain whether a care coordination model adopted in Australia’s Partners in Recovery [PIR] initiative was able to reduce unmet needs in such persons and also if meeting accommodation needs were associated with meeting other needs. Methods: This was a longitudinal study where met and unmet needs of clients measured using the Camberwell Assessment of Needs Short Appraisal Schedule (CANSAS) were compared at enrolment and exit from the PIR initiative. Logistic regression was used to examine the association between change in accommodation needs and change in other CANSAS variables. Results: In total, 337 clients (66% of 508 clients) had both baseline and follow-up data and were seen within the time frame of 14 to 101 weeks. At baseline, the most frequently reported unmet needs were psychological distress, daytime activity, and company (89%, 72%, and 67%, respectively). At follow-up, these had decreased to 27%, 22%, and 22%, respectively. The proportions of clients with an unmet need at baseline who subsequently progressed to having that need met at follow-up ranged between 62% and over 90%. Change in accommodation needs from unmet to met was associated with changes in monetary needs and needs related to childcare, food, safety to self, education, and access to other services, with the greatest change seen for monetary needs (adjusted OR 2.87, 95% CI 1.76, 4.69). Conclusions: Reducing needs of persons with SPMI is the starting point of recovery and is a good indicator of psychiatric care. Care coordination is a useful way to address multiple and complex needs of persons with SPMI. While addressing needs, priority must be given to meeting accommodation needs.
Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) is a brief tool measuring personal recovery designed for collaborative use within support. This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of a self‐report version of the I.ROC within a trauma population. A total of 107 adults attending trauma interventions in an NHS service in Scotland completed I.ROC alongside measures of self‐esteem, mental illness symptoms, and functional impairment. Scores on each measure were compared to evaluate the convergent validity of I.ROC. Internal consistency and factor analytical techniques were also used to assess the structural validity and reliability of the measure. Results of internal consistency, convergent validity, and factor analysis provide preliminary support for I.ROC’s validity within a trauma population. Previously proposed models were a poor fit for the current sample; principal components analysis suggested a three‐factor structure with acceptable internal consistency, comprising ten of the original twelve items (I.ROC‐10). Correlations with all measures reached significance for the original and modified I.ROC and its subscales. I.ROC appears to be a valid and reliable tool for use in measuring recovery within a trauma population, but further research is needed to examine the structural validity of I.ROC.