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Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed

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Abstract and Figures

The performance of approaches to Music Instrument Classification, a popular task in Music Information Retrieval, is often impacted and limited by the lack of availability of annotated data for training. We propose to address this issue with "reprogramming," a technique that utilizes pre-trained deep and complex neural networks originally targeting a different task by modifying and mapping both the input and output of the pre-trained model. We demonstrate that reprogramming can effectively leverage the power of the representation learned for a different task and that the resulting reprogrammed system can perform on par or even outperform state-of-the-art systems at a fraction of training parameters. Our results, therefore, indicate that reprogramming is a promising technique potentially applicable to other tasks impeded by data scarcity.
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Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed
Hsin-Hung Chen
and Alexander Lerch
Music Informatics Group, Georgia Institute of Technology
The performance of approaches to Music Instrument Classifi-
cation, a popular task in Music Information Retrieval, is often impacted
and limited by the lack of availability of annotated data for training.
We propose to address this issue with “reprogramming,” a technique
that utilizes pre-trained deep and complex neural networks originally
targeting a different task by modifying and mapping both the input and
output of the pre-trained model. We demonstrate that reprogramming
can effectively leverage the power of the representation learned for a
different task and that the resulting reprogrammed system can perform
on par or even outperform state-of-the-art systems at a fraction of train-
ing parameters. Our results, therefore, indicate that reprogramming is
a promising technique potentially applicable to other tasks impeded by
data scarcity.
Keywords: Reprogramming ·Instrument Classification
1 Introduction
The task of Music Instrument Classification (MIC) aims at automatically recog-
nizing the musical instruments playing in a music recording. MIC can provide
important information for a variety of applications such as music recommendation,
music discovery, and automatic mixing. In recent years, Deep Learning (DL)
models have shown superior performance in practically all Music Information
Retrieval (MIR) tasks including MIC. However, the lack of large-scale annotated
data remains a major problem for data-hungry supervised machine learning
algorithms in this field [
]. Beyond small-scale expert-annotated datasets,
larger datasets are often collected by crowd-sourcing annotations, which leads to
noisy and sometimes incomplete labels. For example, the majority of labels in the
OpenMIC dataset [
] —a popular dataset for polyphonic MIC— are missing;
this data scarcity can negatively impact the training of complex classifiers for
this multi-label task.
One established approach to address this data challenge is transfer learning.
In this approach, the knowledge of a source domain with sufficient training
data is transferred to a related but different target domain with insufficient
training data. This knowledge transfer is often achieved by either directly using
a pre-learned representation as classifier input or by fine-tuning a pre-trained
source-domain model with the target-domain data. For instance, the VGGish
representation [
], trained on a wide variety of audio data, has been successfully
arXiv:2211.08379v1 [cs.SD] 15 Nov 2022
2 H. Chen, A. Lerch
Repr ogramming
(trainable) Pre-trained Model
(frozen) Output Mapping
Target input Reprogrammed input Source output Target output
Fig. 1. The concept of model reprogramming.
utilized for MIC [
]. Model reprogramming aims at expanding the transfer
learning paradigm by treating the source-domain models as unmodified black-box
machine learning models extended only by input pre-processing and output
post-processing. Model reprogramming was first introduced in 2018 by Elsayed
et al. [
], who showed that a trainable universal input transformation function
can reprogram a pre-trained ImageNet model (without changing the model
weights) to solve the MNIST/CIFAR-10 image classification task with high
accuracy. Figure 1 illustrates the basic concept of model reprogramming: a
trainable model for input reprogramming modifies the input data to be fed into
the frozen black-box model pre-trained on the source task, followed by an output
transformation that maps the outputs of the pre-trained model to the target
categories. Thus, the reprogramming layer serves to “reprogram” the pre-trained
model to work with a new target task with different input data and different
target classes. Since the complexity of the input and output transformation
can be low, model reprogramming can combine the advantage of leveraging a
powerful deep pre-trained representation with the advantages of (i) reduced
training complexity and (ii) reduced data requirements. Reprogramming methods
have been successfully applied to various tasks such as medical image classification
], time-series classification [
], and language processing [
]. Results show
that reprogramming methods can perform on par or better than state of the
art methods, thus demonstrating the feasibility of reprogramming pre-trained
models and showing the potential of this method for improving the performance
on other tasks with low amounts of data.
In this work, we investigate reprogramming for the task of MIC with the
incompletely labeled OpenMIC dataset. We choose a pre-trained state-of-the-art
audio classification model and extend it by input pre-processing and label-
mapping. We provide extensive results on various input processing configurations.
The main contributions of the paper are
the presentation of a system with low complexity that is able to outperform
state-of-the-art MIC systems, and
the introduction of the reprogramming paradigm to the field of MIR with a
multitude of applications with insufficient training data.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The following Sect. 2
presents a brief overview of relevant work. The pre-trained model and the proposed
reprogramming methods are introduced in Sect. 3. The evaluation and analysis
are presented in Sect. 4. We conclude with a brief summary and directions of
future work.
Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed 3
2 Related Work
This related work is structured into three main parts, an overview of MIC, a
short survey of transfer learning, and recent work on reprogramming.
While earlier research on MIC has focused on the detection of instruments
from audio only containing one instrument [
] or on the detection of
the pre-dominant instrument in a mixture [
], current research has focused
on recognizing instruments in polyphonic and poly-timbral audio recordings
containing multiple instruments playing multiple voices simultaneously. Similar to
other audio classification tasks, earlier systems tended to use traditional machine
learning approaches with low-level audio features at the input [
] while modern
approaches are dominated by neural networks. Li et al. [
] proposed to learn
features for instrument recognition with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
using the MedleyDB dataset [
]. Hung et al. proposed to detect instrument activity
at a high time-resolution and showed the advantage of pitch-conditioning on
instrument recognition performance [
]. Gururani et al. [
] introduced training
attention-based models to the task for enhanced accuracy and implemented a
partial binary cross-entropy loss to ignore missing labels in the OpenMIC dataset
]. Gururani and Lerch showed that a semi-supervised approach based on
consistency loss to adapt and leverage the data with missing labels outperforms
other systems [
]. Despite previous efforts on data curation and annotation,
the access to fully annotated data on a large scale remains a challenge. The
IRMAS dataset [
] is a polyphonic dataset with mixed genres, however, it targets
predominant instrument recognition and is therefore not suitable for multi-
instrument classification. The MedleyDB [
] and Mixing Secrets [
] datasets
are both multi-track datasets with strong annotations of instrument activity.
However, only a few hundred of songs are available, creating potential issues not
only with respect to the dataset size itself but also regarding data distribution and
diversity. The OpenMIC dataset for polyphonic instrument recognition, published
by Humphrey et al. [
], presents a reasonably large sample size across various
genres. Unfortunately, a considerable number of labels are missing as not all clips
are labeled with all 20 instruments due to the crowd-sourced annotation process.
Slakh2100 is another large music dataset containing mixed tracks of 34 instrument
categories and with perfect annotation. However, it is synthesized and rendered
from MIDI files instead of real recordings. Transfer learning is an important tool
in machine learning when facing the fundamental problem of insufficient training
data. It aims to transfer the knowledge from a source domain to the target domain
by relaxing the assumption that the training data and the test data must be
independent and identically distributed [
]. It is based on the idea that a powerful
representation, learned for a source task with large datasets, can be adapted
to a related but not identical target task that lacks training data. For example,
Qiuqiang et al. [
] present the adaptation of pre-trained models such as ResNet
] and MobileNet [
] to audio tagging tasks, showing the generalizability of
systems pre-training on large-scale datasets to audio pattern recognition. Choi
et al. [
] show that representations pre-trained on the music tagging task can
be successfully transferred to various music classification tasks and can lead
4 H. Chen, A. Lerch
to competitive results. Jordi et al. introduced the “musicnn” representations,
featuring a set of CNNs pre-trained on the music audio tagging task [
]. In the
context of MIC, Gururani et al. [
] successfully adopt the VGGish pre-trained
representation [19] as the input features for their attention-based model.
The promising results of transfer learning outlined above led to Tsai et al.
framing two new research questions [
]: (i) “is finetuning a pre-trained model
necessary for learning a new task?” and (ii) “can transfer learning be expanded
where nothing but only the input-output model responses are observable?” The
attempt to answer these questions inspired by ideas of adversarial approaches
led to the idea of “reprogramming.” Adversarial machine learning aims at ma-
nipulating the prediction of a well-trained deep learning model by designing and
learning perturbations to the data inputs without changing the target model
]. The success of these approaches shows that the classifier output can be
changed just by modifying its input, and thus suggests that such methods might
be applicable in a non-adversarial context by modifying the input of a pre-trained
model to “adapt” the model to a target task. This leads to the concept of model
reprogramming, also referred to as adversarial reprogramming [
], which is a tech-
nique that aims at leveraging the knowledge of a model pre-trained for a different
task by pre-processing the input and post-processing the output. Elsayed et al.
showed that pre-trained ImageNet models can be reprogrammed to classifying
MNIST and CIFAR-10 by adding learnable parameters around the input image
]. Tsai et al. demonstrate the advantage of reprogramming on label-limited
data such as biomedical image classification [
], and combine reprogramming
with multi-label mapping. Model reprogramming has also been used in tasks
other than image classification such as natural language processing. For example,
Hambardzumyan et al. propose Word-level Adversarial ReProgramming (WARP)
for language understanding by adding learnable tokens to the input sequence [
The evaluation shows that WARP outperforms all models with less parameters.
Neekhara et al. demonstrate re-purposing character-level classification tasks to
sentiment classification tasks by implementing a trainable adversarial sequence
with surrounding input tokens [
]. Yang et al. [
] applied reprogramming to
acoustic models for time-series classification on the UCR Archive benchmark [
The input audio is treated as time-series and is padded to be reprogrammed.
The model achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on 20 out of 30 datasets with
considerably fewer trainable parameters than the pre-trained models.
The presented reprogramming methods achieve promising results with simple
learnable reprogramming operations. Therefore, we can conclude that repro-
gramming is an effective new transfer learning approach inspired by adversarial
methods that could address data insufficiency problems by requiring less training
Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed 5
3 Proposed Method
3.1 Pre-trained Model
The criteria for choosing the pre-trained model to be used as black-box model
in our reprogramming setup were that the model (i) offers state-of-the-art per-
formance in audio classification, (ii) is trained on a comparable but different
task, (iii) is preferably an attention-based model to make it better suited to work
on the weakly labeled OpenMIC dataset (see below), (iv) is of sufficiently high
complexity to learn a powerful representation, and (v) has been trained on a
large number of data points.
Given these criteria, the Audio Spectrogram Transformer (AST) [
was selected. AST is a convolution-free, purely attention-based model with an
audio spectrogram input, achieving state-of-the-art results on AudioSet [
ESC-50 [
], and Speech Commands V2 [
]. Choosing the AST model trained
on AudioSet provides us with a pre-trained model that should be suitable for
music audio. The input audio is pre-processed into 128-dimensional Log-Mel
spectrogram features computed with a 25 ms von-Hann window every 10 ms. The
spectrogram is split into a sequence of 16
16 patches with overlap, and then
linearly projected and added to a learnable positional embedding as the input of
the transformer encoder. For the AST pre-trained on AudioSet, the number of
output classes is 527.
3.2 Reprogramming
The overall structure follows the flow-chart presented in Figure 1 with the
reprogramming stage, the pre-trained model, and the output label mapping stage.
To explore the potential and performance of reprogramming, we investigate
various forms of input and output reprogramming in this work.
Input Reprogramming
The input reprogramming step aims to find a trainable
input modification that can be applied to inputs universally to transform them
into an input representation useful for the pre-trained model. Previously proposed
methods include the superposition of noise to the input also known as adversarial
reprogramming [
]. We investigate this approach, but we also propose a novel
method to extend this simple superposition by transforming the input spectrogram
by means of a neural network. In this way, a well-crafted perturbation of the
input might improve “compatibility” with the pre-trained model.
Noise Reprogramming: Previous reprogramming methods add a learnable
noise component to input to translate the target data to the source domain of
the pre-trained model. This is similar to what many approaches to adversarial
attacks do[
]. Unlike previous methods, we choose to add the noise to the
spectrogram and not the time domain signal. We hypothesize that a spectrogram
is a more fitting representation, because of the higher complexity of music audio
compared to other signals reprogramming has been applied to. The operation
can be formulated as
N. X
is the input spectrogram with size
6 H. Chen, A. Lerch
is the number of time bins, and
is the number of mel-band filters.
is the input of the pre-trained model. The learnable noise
is universal to all
target data and independent of
. The dimension of
is identical to
, the
size of the input spectrogram.
CNN Reprogramming: The application of CNN to audio spectrograms is
considered a standard baseline in many audio classification tasks. Therefore, we
propose to use trainable CNN layers as an input transformation of the input
data. These layers replace the noise superposition as input processing. The
transformation can be formally described by
in which
the CNN consisting of two 2D convolutional layers with a receptive field of 3
a stride of 1
1, and a padding size of 1
1. Note that in this special case, no
max-pooling is applied as the input dimension matches the input dimension of
the pre-trained model. The difference between Noise Reprogramming and CNN
Reprogramming is that CNN layers apply learnable transformation to the input
itself instead of simply adding learnable noise that is independent of the input.
Due to the idea of weight sharing in CNN, the training parameters needed are
the CNN kernels; hence, the amount of parameters is considerable less than Noise
U-Net Reprogramming: The idea behind using CNN Reprogramming is that
the input audio spectrogram can be transformed into a suitable and compatible
spectrogram for the pre-trained model. In order to provide more flexibility for
the reprogramming learning, it is fair to consider the features at different time
resolutions. Therefore, in addition to CNN reprogramming, we further propose
U-Net reprogramming for MIC. U-Net is a CNN structure first developed for
biomedical image segmentation [
] and has become popular in both speech and
music separation tasks. The architecture consists of a contraction path to capture
context and a symmetric expansion path to reconstruct the extracted features
back to input resolution [
]. With convolutional layers and skip connections,
U-Net is able to represent the input in both high-level features on coarser time-
frequency scales and detailed features in deep CNN layers. These features are
combined using bilinear upsampling blocks, yielding multi-scale features with
both high-level and deep representations [
]. The U-Net’s success in music
source separation tasks might also imply that U-Net processing on a spectrogram
is effective to differentiate instrument content. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first time a U-Net structure has been proposed for reprogramming.
The proposed U-Net structure for reprogramming is shown in Figure 2. The
formulation is identical to the CNN reprogramming mentioned above as the
transform function is applied to the input. It consists of three convolutional layers
in both contraction path and expansion path, and each convolutional layer is
followed by a batch normalization layer and a ReLU activation. A 2
2 max-
pooling is applied for the CNN layer in the contraction path while upsampling is
applied for that in expansion path.
Output Reprogramming
The output categories of the pre-trained system
obviously do not match the music instrument classes to be classified. Therefore,
Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed 7
Skip connection
U-Net reprogramming
Fig. 2. U-Net structure for input reprogramming.
the outputs of the pre-trained model have to be mapped to the target labels. For
example, Yang et al. propose to use a many-to-one label mapping [
]. For
each target label, its class prediction will be the averaged class predictions over
the set of source labels assigned to it. We investigate this approach, but also
propose a new output mapping utilizing fully-connected (FC) layers to fit the
targets. Here, the output probabilities are mapped to the target labels by the FC
layer (FCL) and a sigmoid activation function. The mapping can thus be learned
during the training phase. Note that the original last layer activation in AST is
removed in our model.
4 Experimental Setup
To evaluate the impact of different input and output reprogramming options, the
results for the following systems will be reported:
Noise Reprogramming (AST-NRP): pre-trained model with added noise at
the input and with output FCL label mapping,
CNN Reprogramming (AST-CNNRP): pre-trained model with CNN input
processing and with output FCL label mapping, and
U-Net Reprogramming (AST-URP): pre-trained model with U-Net input
processing and with output FCL label mapping.
In addition to the three methods introduced above (AST-NRP, AST-CNNRP,
AST-URP), we also add the following systems for comparison: (i) the pre-trained
AST (AST-BS) without input reprogramming as a baseline to evaluate the power
of the AST representation for MIC, (ii) a CNN baseline (CNN-BS) with roughly
the same number of training parameters as our proposed input transformation
methods AST-CNNRP and AST-URP, (iii) a transfer learning approach by
fine-tuning the AST system with the target data (AST-TL), (iv) the previous
state-of-the-art Mean Teacher (MT) model by Gururani and Lerch [
], and
(v) the Random Forest (RF) baseline released with the OpenMic dataset [21].
The implementation of the proposed methods is publicly available.1
4.1 Dataset
We use the OpenMIC dataset for the experiments in this paper. OpenMIC is the
first open multi-instrument music dataset with a comparably diverse set of musical
instruments and genres, addressing issues in other previously existing datasets inst cls, last accessed: Nov 9, 2022
8 H. Chen, A. Lerch
Label count
OpenMIC dataset label count over the instruments
Fig. 3. OpenMIC: positive vs. negative labels.
for MIC [
]. It consists of 20,000 audio clips, each of 10 s length. Every clip is
labeled with the presence (positive) or absence (negative) of least one of 20 musical
instruments, and each instrument class has at least 500 confirmed positives and
at least totally 1500 confirmed labels. Note that if the dataset were fully labeled,
it would come with 20000
clips ·
= 400000
, however, the
actual number of labels in the dataset is 41
268, meaning that approximately
90% of the labels are missing. Moreover, each 10s clip has instrument presence or
absence tags without specifying onset and offset times, also referred to as weak
labels. Therefore, models cannot be trained using fine-grained instrument activity
annotation. Figure 3 visualizes the overall label distribution of OpenMIC. We can
observe the unbalanced nature; commonly seen instruments, such as piano, voice,
and violin, generally have more positive labels than the others. Another possible
reason that we can see more positive labels for these common instruments might
be that crowd-sourced annotators were more familiar with these common timbres.
The models investigated in this study are trained to identify the presence or
absence of musical instruments in OpenMIC dataset. The publicly available data
splits are used for training and testing: approx. 25% of data are used for testing,
and 15% of the training data is sampled randomly to form the validation set.
4.2 Training Procedure and Evaluation Metrics
The reprogramming model is trained with a batch size of 8, and the Adam
optimizer with binary cross-entropy loss is used. We apply an initial learning
rate of 5e-5 for the first 10 epochs, and then the learning rate is cut into half
every 5 epochs until reaching 50 epochs.
We are interested in both the classification performance and the model
complexity of each investigated system. To be comparable to previously reported
results on the MIC task, the macro F1 score, calculated by purely averaging the
per-instrument F1 scores and ignoring the weight of per-class data amount, is
reported. The final results for each setup will be reported by averaging the macro
F1 score of 10 experiments. In addition to this classification metric, the number
of training parameters of each of the evaluated systems will be reported.
Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed 9
81.6 81.1 81.3
Fig. 4. Macro F1 scores of the evaluated methods.
4.3 Results and Discussion
Input Reprogramming
The overall average macro F1 scores are shown in
Figure 4. We note that the previous state-of-the-art MT [
] is reported with the
result 81.3% as shown in the paper, and the RF baseline [
] is reported with the
result 78.3% calculated from the released Python Notebook. We can make the
following observations. First, simply using the pre-trained AST without input
processing does not lead to convincing results, although at around 62% the result
is considerably higher than guessing (50%). The performance of the un-tuned
system roughly matches the performance of the simple CNN-BS trained on data
for the task, indicating that AST has learned a powerful and useful representation.
Second, a trained noise signal that is simply added to the input can improve this
baseline performance by more than 6%, but the resulting system remains far from
the performance of state-of-the-art systems. This implies that while traditional
reprogramming approaches can work to a certain degree, the complexity and
variability of music signals requires an input-adaptive transform as opposed to the
addition a constant signal. Third, the results for AST-TL show the effectiveness
of transfer learning showing performance roughly on par with the state-of-the-art.
This result emphasizes that transfer learning is a powerful tool with competitive
results for weakly-labeled data. Fourth, both the AST-CNNRP and AST-URP
pre-processing steps dramatically improve classification performance over the
AST-NRP with the U-Net-based reprogramming performing about 4% better
than the CNN. We also note that transfer learning with fine-tuning results
in only limited improvement over the reprogramming methods, implying the
AST representation without fine-tuning is suitable for this task. Fifth, AST-URP
slightly outperforms all presented system and even the state-of-the-art MT system.
Diving deeper into the detailed results, Figure 5 displays the instrument-wise
Table 1. Comparison of model training parameters.
#Param.(M) 0.017 0.017 87.873 0.148 0.017 0.018 0.111
10 H. Chen, A. Lerch
F1 score %
Instrument-wise F1 score comparison
Fig. 5. F1 score comparison between the reprogramming methods.
F1 scores. We can observe a lot of variation in classification performance over
instruments. These variations are related to the amount of positive labels as
shown in Figure 3, a clear indicator that the number of (positive) labels directly
influences the classification performance. In fact, the correlation coefficient of the
amount of instrument-wise positive labels and AST-BS F1 score is 0.75, showing
the high correlation. We can see that the U-Net reprogramming model AST-URP
outperforms all other models for all instruments, and we observe considerable
performance gains especially for the instrument classes with few positive labels.
For example, accordion has the lowest number of positive labels with around 500
and the AST-URP improvement is over 25%. This demonstrates the capability of
the proposed reprogramming method to solve the data scarcity issue by leveraging
powerful other representations.
The results support our assumption that an input transformation utilizing
both high-level and low-level features benefits reprogramming. Overall, we can
see that both AST-CNNRP and AST-URP are effective approaches to adapt a
pre-trained model to a new task. It encourages future research on reprogramming
pre-trained models with other methods of transformation.
Complexity Analysis
One of the main advantages of reprogramming is reduced
training complexity as the pre-trained model remains unchanged. As an indicator
of model complexity, Table 1 reports the number of training parameters along
with the F1 score previously visualized in Figure 4. In terms of complexity, it is
clear that the training complexity of reprogramming is very low. We can observe
that MT, the previous state of the art system using a Mean Teacher approach
with consistency loss has a higher complexity (one order of magnitude) than
either our CNN-based approach or the high-performing U-Net approach, despite
them using the VGGish representation as input to their system. Compared to
the number of AST training parameters, the proposed AST-URP model has only
a fraction of training parameters (0.02%) but is still the best-performing system.
5 Conclusion
In this work, we propose to apply model reprogramming to the task of music
instrument classification. We extend the existing reprogramming approaches
Music Instrument Classification Reprogrammed 11
by utilizing a novel U-Net-based input reprogramming method. By leveraging
the power of pre-trained audio spectrogram transformer model, we show that
our model can achieve state-of-the-art performance at a fraction of the train-
ing complexity of other models. We provide detailed results on the impact of
different input and output reprogramming approaches. Without applying data
augmentation and advanced model architectures like semi-supervised MT learning,
reprogramming a pre-trained model is a low-complexity approach to achieving
state-of-the-art performance. Although the workload during the inference stage
remains unchanged, the low training complexity of this new transfer learning
approach in combination with our promising results opens up a multitude of
possible use cases in tasks in MIR and other fields with insufficient data.
In future work, we plan to explore variations of the input reprogramming
stages beyond CNN or U-Net structures. Furthermore, we plan to test the
reprogramming algorithm with various other pre-trained models from other audio
and non-audio tasks. We believe that reprogramming is a promising approach
with the potential to be used in many other MIR tasks.
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Recently, neural networks based purely on self-attention, such as the Vision Transformer (ViT), have been shown to outperform deep learning models constructed with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on various vision tasks, thus extending the success of Transformers, which were originally developed for language processing, to the vision domain. A recent study showed that a similar methodology can also be applied to the audio domain. Specifically, the Audio Spectrogram Transformer (AST) achieves state-of-the-art results on various audio classification benchmarks. However, pure Transformer models tend to require more training data compared to CNNs, and the success of the AST relies on supervised pretraining that requires a large amount of labeled data and a complex training pipeline, thus limiting the practical usage of AST. This paper focuses on audio and speech classification, and aims to reduce the need for large amounts of labeled data for the AST by leveraging self-supervised learning using unlabeled data. Specifically, we propose to pretrain the AST model with joint discriminative and generative masked spectrogram patch modeling (MSPM) using unlabeled audio from AudioSet and Librispeech. We evaluate our pretrained models on both audio and speech classification tasks including audio event classification, keyword spotting, emotion recognition, and speaker identification. The proposed self-supervised framework significantly boosts AST performance on all tasks, with an average improvement of 60.9%, leading to similar or even better results than a supervised pretrained AST. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first patch-based self-supervised learning framework in the audio and speech domain, and also the first self-supervised learning framework for AST.
Conference Paper
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In the past decade, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely adopted as the main building block for end-to-end audio classification models, which aim to learn a direct mapping from audio spectrograms to corresponding labels. To better capture long-range global context, a recent trend is to add a self-attention mechanism on top of the CNN, forming a CNN-attention hybrid model. However, it is unclear whether the reliance on a CNN is necessary, and if neural networks purely based on attention are sufficient to obtain good performance in audio classification. In this paper, we answer the question by introducing the Audio Spectrogram Transformer (AST), the first convolution-free, purely attention-based model for audio classification. We evaluate AST on various audio classification benchmarks, where it achieves new state-of-the-art results of 0.485 mAP on AudioSet, 95.6% accuracy on ESC-50, and 98.1% accuracy on Speech Commands V2.
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The UCR time series archive - introduced in 2002, has become an important resource in the time series data mining community, with at least one thousand published papers making use of at least one data set from the archive. The original incarnation of the archive had sixteen data sets but since that time, it has gone through periodic expansions. The last expansion took place in the summer of 2015 when the archive grew from 45 to 85 data sets. This paper introduces and will focus on the new data expansion from 85 to 128 data sets. Beyond expanding this valuable resource, this paper offers pragmatic advice to anyone who may wish to evaluate a new algorithm on the archive. Finally, this paper makes a novel and yet actionable claim: of the hundreds of papers that show an improvement over the standard baseline (1nearest neighbor classification), a fraction might be mis-attributing the reasons for their improvement. Moreover, the improvements claimed by these papers might have been achievable with a much simpler modification, requiring just a few lines of code.
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Describes an audio dataset of spoken words designed to help train and evaluate keyword spotting systems. Discusses why this task is an interesting challenge, and why it requires a specialized dataset that is different from conventional datasets used for automatic speech recognition of full sentences. Suggests a methodology for reproducible and comparable accuracy metrics for this task. Describes how the data was collected and verified, what it contains, previous versions and properties. Concludes by reporting baseline results of models trained on this dataset.
Audio pattern recognition is an important research topic in the machine learning area, and includes several tasks such as audio tagging, acoustic scene classification, music classification, speech emotion classification and sound event detection. Recently, neural networks have been applied to tackle audio pattern recognition problems. However, previous systems are built on specific datasets with limited durations. Recently, in computer vision and natural language processing, systems pretrained on large-scale datasets have generalized well to several tasks. However, there is limited research on pretraining systems on large-scale datasets for audio pattern recognition. In this paper, we propose pretrained audio neural networks (PANNs) trained on the large-scale AudioSet dataset. These PANNs are transferred to other audio related tasks. We investigate the performance and computational complexity of PANNs modeled by a variety of convolutional neural networks. We propose an architecture called Wavegram-Logmel-CNN using both log-mel spectrogram and waveform as input feature. Our best PANN system achieves a state-of-the-art mean average precision (mAP) of 0.439 on AudioSet tagging, outperforming the best previous system of 0.392. We transfer PANNs to six audio pattern recognition tasks, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in several of those tasks. We have released the source code and pretrained models of PANNs: .
Learning-based pattern classifiers, including deep networks, have demonstrated impressive performance in several application domains, ranging from computer vision to computer security. However, it has also been shown that adversarial input perturbations carefully crafted either at training or at test time can easily subvert their predictions. The vulnerability of machine learning to adversarial inputs (also known as adversarial examples), along with the design of suitable countermeasures, have been investigated in the research field of adversarial machine learning. In this work, we provide a thorough overview of the evolution of this interdisciplinary research area over the last ten years, starting from pioneering, earlier work up to more recent work aimed at understanding the security properties of deep learning algorithms, in the context of different applications. We report interesting connections between these apparently-different lines of work, highlighting common misconceptions related to the evaluation of the security of machine-learning algorithms. We finally discuss the main limitations of current work, along with the corresponding future research challenges towards the design of more secure learning algorithms.