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Maize leaf disease identification using deep transfer convolutional neural networks

September, 2022 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 15 No. 5 187
Maize leaf disease identification using deep transfer convolutional neural
Zheng Ma1, Yue Wang1, Tengsheng Zhang1, Hongguang Wang2, Yingjiang Jia1, Rui Gao3*,
Zhongbin Su1*
(1. Institute of Electrical and Information, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China;
2. Agricultural Products and Veterinary Drug Feed Technical Identification Station, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of
Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150090, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Northeast Smart Agricultural Technology, Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Affairs, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150030, China)
Abstract: Gray leaf spot, common rust, and northern leaf blight are three common maize leaf diseases that cause great
economic losses to the worldwide maize industry. Timely and accurate disease identification can reduce economic losses,
pesticide usage, and ensure maize yield and food security. Deep learning methods, represented by convolutional neural
networks (CNNs), provide accurate, effective, and automatic diagnosis on server platforms when enormous training data is
available. Restricted by dataset scale and application scenarios, CNNs are difficult to identify small-scale data sets on mobile
terminals, while the lightweight networks, designed for the mobile terminal, achieve a better balance between efficiency and
accuracy. This paper proposes a two-staged deep-transfer learning method to identify maize leaf diseases in the field.
During the deep learning period, 8 deep and 4 lightweight CNN models were trained and compared on the Plant Village dataset,
and ResNet and MobileNet achieved test accuracy of 99.48% and 98.69% respectively, which were then migrated onto the field
maize leave disease dataset collected on mobile phones. By using layer-freezing and fine-tuning strategies on ResNet and
MobileNet, fine-tuned MobileNet achieved the best accuracy of 99.11%. Results confirmed that disease identification
performance from lightweight CNNs was not inferior to that of deep CNNs and transfer learning training efficiency was higher
when lacking training samples. Besides, the smaller gaps between source and target domains, the better the identification
performance for transfer learning. This study provides an application example for maize disease identification in the field
using deep-transfer learning and provides a theoretical basis for intelligent maize leaf disease identification from images
captured with mobile devices.
Keywords: maize leaf disease, deep learning, transfer learning, convolutional neural networks
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221505.6658
Citation: Ma Z, Wang Y, Zhang T S, Wang H G, Jia Y J, Gao R, et al. Maize leaf disease identification using deep transfer
convolutional neural networks. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2022; 15(5): 187195.
1 Introduction
Maize is an important food crop and industrial raw material
globally, and ensuring maize yield stability is of great importance
to food security, agricultural development, and the national
economy. Over ten kinds of common maize diseases directly
affect maize yield and quality, including in the leaves, ears, and
roots. Although gray leaf spots, common rust, and northern leaf
blight in the leaves can severely reduce maize yield, timely
identification and disposal lead to minimum harm caused by the
Received date: 2021-04-06 Accepted date: 2022-05-13
Biographies: Zheng Ma, PhD candidate, research interest: deep learning for
agricultural applications, agricultural remote sensing data processing, Email:; Yue Wang, Under Postgraduate, research interest:
machine vision for agricultural applications and agricultural intelligent
equipment,; Tengsheng Zhang, Master, research
interest: hyperspectral data processing and deep learning, Email:; Hongguang Wang, Bachelor, Researcher, research
interest: maize and rice phenotypes, Email:; Yinjiang Jia,
PhD, Associate Professor, research interest: hyperspectral data processing in
agriculture, Email:
*Corresponding author: Rui Gao, PhD, Lecturer, research interest:
hyperspectral data processing and crop phenotype inversion, Email:; Zhongbin Su, PhD, Professor, research interest: smart
agriculture and big data in agriculture. Institute of Electrical and Information,
Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China. Tel:
+86-13303609163, Email:
disease. Traditional identification requires agricultural or forestry
experts to diagnose in the field or from a distance, which is quite
subjective, time-consuming, laborious, and inefficient. Therefore,
realizing an intelligent, rapid, and accurate automatic identification
method is of great significance.
Deep learning methods can be applied in hyperspectral
images[1] and RGB images. Identifying crop phenotypic diseases
with deep learning methods has become a strong research focus in
precision agriculture[2], especially by using Convolution Neural
Networks (CNN). CNN has diverse structures and offers
outstanding capabilities as a consequence of gradual optimization,
contributing to being the prevailing disease identification classifier
for large- or small-scale tasks. Inchoate researchers considered
CNNs as feature extractors, followed by machine learning
classifiers (mostly SVM)[3,4]. After CNNs were gradually used for
classification directly, small dataset size problem came into view.
In practice, low disease incidence and high cost of acquisition
result in only a few training data collected, which limits the
application of deep learning methods in identification[5].
Therefore, most studies in plant disease identification and detection
are based on the prevailing public dataset Plant Village[6], which
contains 38 categories by species and disease, adding up to 54 303
images. Jaiswal et al.[7] sampled 5 diseases of every species in
Plant Village to carry out their research, which focused on the
hyperparameters’ effect on GoogLeNet model performance.
188 September, 2022 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 15 No. 5
Sravan et al[8] utilized 20 639 images from Plant Village on
ResNet50 model, which achieved 99.26% classification accuracy,
and Agarwal et al[9] selected 10 kinds of tomato diseases with
image preprocessing and brightness enhancement, reaching an
accuracy of 98.7% on the proposed simplified CNN model.
Besides, it is common to reassemble dataset with Plant Village and
real field images on specific species, with data amplification,
synthesis and generation followed. Liu et al.[10] used 4023 field
images and 3646 Plant Village images to generate 107 366 grape
leaf images for training the proposed DICNN model, with an
overall accuracy of 97.22%. Furthermore, investigated
approaches like structure modification, module enhancement and
data preprocessing (augmentation, segmentation or background
removal) have been validated to enhance the performances[11-14],
which can be seen as the solution to dataset size problem.
Although deep learning method mitigates manual
misjudgments, reliance on expert experience, and reduces
workforce and material resource requirements, the performances of
CNN models are based on intensive image computing processing,
which indicates a large amount of manual labeling work. Besides,
recent researches[15-17] showed that CNN methods lack robustness
to environmental conditions. Training datasets are mostly
collected under controlled conditions like laboratory background or
public datasets, which causes problems with generalization,
adaptability, and anti-interference capability[18]. Another
application issue of CNN in disease identification is the limited
amount of existing data for specific species, bringing about
unstable training processes and overfitting models. Therefore,
transfer learning methods are introduced to solve the above
challenges. Transfer learning leverages knowledge from the
source domain to offer solutions to the target domain, and stronger
similarity between source and target domains improves accuracy,
indicating better transferability[19]. The heavy workload of
manual annotation is reduced greatly on account of source domain
training, denoting high resource utilization. And the overfitting
problem caused by limited existing data is solved simultaneously,
since a fully trained CNN model on source dataset provides good
feature extraction capacity which satisfies requirements on smaller
targeted datasets. Xu et al.[20] adopted transfer learning to solve
overfitting as well as a replacement of fully-connected layer into
global pooling layer, which achieved 93.28% accuracy on a maize
disease identification dataset, superior to four previous states of the
art models.
Pre-trained CNN models based on the ImageNet dataset are
commonly employed in transfer learning, making full use of their
feature extracting or fine-tuning in follow-up processing on another
public or local disease dataset. Chen et al.[21] selected a CNN
model pre-trained on ImageNet with initialized weights to achieve
at least 91.83% validation accuracy on a public dataset. Average
accuracy reached 92.00% on rice plant images with complex
backgrounds. Yin et al.[22] extracted deep features for pepper
disease and insect pest dataset using 8 CNN models pre-trained on
ImageNet for identification, achieving 85.6% and 93.62% accuracy
for disease and insect pest identification, respectively, using
ResNet depth features. However, still unresolved are the lacking
robustness to environmental conditions, which is more of dataset
problem, and the less similarity between domains, indicating a
more similar source dataset. Besides, high CNN model accuracy
depends on computing power supported by high-performance
hardware, whereas the general trend is toward lightweight and
mobile agricultural equipment. Several recent studies have
imported lightweight CNNs, such as MobileNet[23,24] and
EfficientNet[25], for crop disease identification. Concessions must
be made by accuracy against the network scale.
Therefore, a more feasible deep-transfer learning method is
proposed in this paper. By training and comparing deep and
lightweight CNNs on the Plant Village public dataset, optimal
pre-trained models are transferred onto a maize leaf diseases
dataset collected in a real field and optimized by fine-tuning, which
solves the challenges mentioned above: manual annotation, model
robustness, small dataset, domain similarity, and mobile simulation.
In summary, this study provides an application example for maize
disease identification under complex (field) background with deep
transfer learning, which provides a theoretical basis for intelligent
in-field identification using mobile terminal devices.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Dataset
This experiment was divided into two parts: training on the
Plant Village public dataset and transfer learning on the local maize
leaf diseases dataset using pre-trained models in part one. The
Plant Village dataset contains 39 classes which are composed of 38
kinds of diseases and 1 background. The 38 diseases may occur
in 14 different crops and all categories contain 61 486 images in
sum. Each category is stored in an independent folder,
representing the label. Images were augmented by image flipping,
gamma correction, noise injection, PCA color enhancement,
rotation, and scaling. Figure 1 shows some sample images of
Plant Village.
a. Apple leaf with cedar rust
b. Corn leaf with gray leaf spot
c. Grape leaf with black rot
d. Peach leaf with bacterial spot
e. Pepper leaf with bacterial spot
f. Potato leaf of health
g. Strawberry leaf with scorch
h. Tomato leaf with yellow leaf curl virus
Figure 1 Augmented Plant Village dataset sample images
September, 2022 Ma Z, et al. Maize leaf disease identification using deep transfer convolutional neural networks Vol. 15 No. 5 189
The local maize disease dataset was collected from a maize test
field in Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province, China. Image
capture was achieved using iPhone 7 Plus rear camera with
3024×4032 pixel resolution, and shooting times included morning,
noon, and afternoon. The camera supported 2× optical zoom, 10×
digital zoom at most, and optical image stabilization. Since a
couple of leaves with several diseases may appear in one
photograph, a 300×300 pixels clipping frame was predefined for
separating the principal part of each leaf. Pictures saved as JPG
formats were manually clipped into 300×300 pixels images, and
actual complex backgrounds (from the field) were retained
wherever possible. The dataset contained maize leaf health status
and other three diseases of gray leaf spot, common rust, and
northern leaf blight, comprising 4 categories and 1189 images in
total, while approximately 10% of images were acquired from
search engines to enlarge the dataset. Table 1 lists the local maize
dataset details and Figure 2 shows sample images.
Table 1 Local maize dataset details
Gray leaf spot
Common rust
Northern leaf blight
4 categories
a. Gray leaf spot
b. Common rust
c. Northern leaf blight
d. Health
Figure 2 Local maize dataset sample images
Each dataset was split training and test sets (ratio 4:1
respectively)[26]. Training set image resolution was adopted as the
network entry size (224×224 pixels) or (299×299 pixels) in the
following entrance of CNNs. Training images were enhanced
online through numerical normalization, rotation (20° or 40°
randomly), translation (horizontal or vertical), scaling, flipping (up
and down, left and right), and cross-cutting, which can make the
model more generalizable and robust.
2.2 Convolutional neural networks
Convolutional neural networks are pipeline multi-processing
layer network models, comprising multiple convolutions (C),
pooling (P), and fully connected (FC) layers generally. Deeper
CNN architectures tend to extract better features, reduce loss levels,
and improve fit, which also require more training data and
computing resources. 12 different CNN models were trained on
the Plant Village dataset and their performances for disease
identification were compared. VGG16 and VGG19[27], ResNet[28],
InceptionV3[29], InceptionResNetV2[30], DenseNet121,
DenseNet169, and DenseNet201[31] were divided into a set of deep
CNNs; whereas Xception[32], MobileNet[33], MobileNetV2[34], and
ShuffleNet[35] were divided into a set of lightweight CNNs.
2.2.1 Dropout
Complex feedforward neural networks can cause overfitting
when trained on small datasets. Dropout[36] helps prevent
overfitting by reducing joint feature detector actions, improving
overall CNN performance. In this study, dropout parameter = 0.5,
i.e., each training batch ignores 50% of the feature detectors (we set
50% hidden layer node value=0), reducing interdependence
between feature detectors (hidden layer nodes) to ensure local
feature independence and enhance generalization.
2.2.2 Hyperparameters
The experiment was accomplished in 2 sections: deep learning
on Plant Village and transfer learning on maize dataset, thus
hyperparameters were introduced respectively.
In both sections, “Callback” functions were applied to enhance
the efficiency of training, namely “Early Stopping” and “Learning
Rate Scheduler”. The training began with a relatively big learning
rate (LR) at first, and a metric (the accuracy or the loss value) was
monitored at every step of every epoch. If the training proceeded
rationally and smoothly, the LR would keep its value. Otherwise,
a decay rate would minish the LR, and change the pace of training
to reach convergence efficiently. However, the mechanism would
not run endlessly. If the training hadn’t improved over a patience
number of epochs even if the LR reached its least value, the
training would be faced with a risk of overfitting and fluctuation.
Then the training would be stopped and the best model weights
would be saved.
In the first section, all CNNs trained on the Plant Village
dataset shared the same hyperparameters: Learning rate (LR)=
0.001 with 0.000001 threshold. LR decay was set within 5 epoch
patience, then LR would become half of the original when
cross-entropy loss reduced slowly. Early stopping was
implemented, and the epoch where loss converged to the minimum
was recorded (Epoch convergent). Maximum epochs = 100
epochs. Preliminary trials determined maximum batch size for a
single training = 32. Therefore, one epoch was completed after
1538 steps if all 49 193 images in the training set were included.
The training process in every batch is not used as a reference, but
the recording of accuracy and loss value after each round of epoch.
We used the RMSprop optimizer.
In the second section, LR would begin at a smaller value, that
is 0.0001 with 0.000001 threshold. LR decay was set within 3
epoch patience, other parameters remained unchanged. Therefore,
one epoch was completed after 30 steps if all 951 images in the
training set were included.
2.3 Transfer learning
A two-staged model-based transfer learning approach was
applied in this study. Conventional transfer learning trains the
CNN in the source domain and fine-tunes it in the target domain,
solving overfitting and instability due to insufficient training data.
In this paper, a closer source domain to the target domain was
applied to obtain better performance. Challenges lay in that the
source domain dataset was collected under lab conditions while the
target domain dataset was shot in the field, indicating an impact on
performance. Besides, in order not to destroy the ability of the
previous layers of the network to extract features, pre-trained
models needed to be fine-tuned temperately. And the target
domain was a small-scale dataset thus overfitting could easily
190 September, 2022 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 15 No. 5
occur. Therefore, the transfer learning employed two training
strategies: layer-freezing (LF), freezing all layers’ parameters and
initializing the classifier layer randomly; or fine-tuning (FT),
defrosting part of the intermediate layer close to the classifier layer
gradually and initializing them all. Moreover, training set images
in the self-built maize disease dataset were enhanced online. The
current applied both strategies to verify identification efficiency
and accuracy. Figure 3 shows the proposed process.
Figure 3 Leaf disease identification process
2.4 Hardware and software
The platform employed for this study was a deep learning
workstation equipped with Intel® Core™ i9-9900K 16 CPU @
3.6 GHz processor, RTX 3090 24G memory graphics card, 32 GB
RAM, 2.5 TB HDD, graphics card driver version 455.45.01,
CUDA version 11.1, and CUDNN version 8005. The operating
system was 64 bit Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and programming was
implemented using Python 3.7.9 and Keras 2.4.3 under the
TensorFlow-GPU framework.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Pre-trained model performances
Table 3 shows pre-trained model performances. ResNet and
InceptionResNetV2 test accuracy was superior to other models,
achieving 99.48% and 99.31% respectively; whereas InceptionV3,
MobileNet, and MobileNetV2 achieved 98.82%, 98.69%, and
98.00% respectively, and the remaining rest networks ranged from
96% to 98%.
Table 3 Baseline CNN model performances
ResNet, MobileNet, and MobileNetV2 losses were also
smaller, achieving 0.0183, 0.0492, and 0.0814, respectively,
whereas the other considered other networks were between 0.1 and
0.21. All model test accuracies exceeded 96%, indicating the
excellent CNN performance on a sufficient training dataset.
Ferentinos et al.[37] trained CNN models on a large self-constructed
dataset, including 25 plants, 58 categories, and 87 848 images in
total, achieving the highest accuracy for classic CNN = 99.53%.
Therefore, sufficient training data is critical for optimal
performance. More complex networks can theoretically extract
features better[38] but require more training data, hence DenseNet
achieved the best accuracy in contrast to the present study[37].
In this study, the Test accuracy for the proposed deep CNN
ranged from 96.76% to 99.48% and convergence occurred within
30 epochs on average; whereas test accuracy for lightweight
CNNs=96.08% to 98.69% and convergence<25 iterations. This
small test accuracy difference will ensure the lightweight network
is easier to train.
Table 4 shows the model scales and related parameters.
Under the premise that the accuracy is higher than 98% or the loss
value is not greater than 0.1, MobileNet and MobileNetV2
employed relatively small parameter values=28.9 and 34.4,
respectively, whereas ResNet, InceptionV3, and
InceptionResNetV2 employed 12.5, 88.9, and 104.7, respectively.
ResNet and MobileNet network models were relatively small, 144
and 208 MB, respectively, outperforming all other models.
Figure 4 shows training accuracy and loss changes for ResNet and
MobileNet during training.
Table 4 ResNet and MobileNet training accuracy and loss
No. parameters
Model size/MB
Input size (pixel)
September, 2022 Ma Z, et al. Maize leaf disease identification using deep transfer convolutional neural networks Vol. 15 No. 5 191
Figure 4 ResNet and MobileNet training processes
Consequently, ResNet and MobileNet have relatively small
parameters and model sizes while providing high identification
performances, and hence are more suitable to be mounted on
mobile agricultural equipment. Therefore, after removing the
bottom FC layer, these pre-trained models were retained for
transfer learning in the next stage.
3.2 Feature extraction
Transfer learning requires a new FC layer for pre-trained
models. Figures 5 and 6 show MobileNet and ResNet network
structure diagrams for transfer learning training, respectively, with
the numbers at the bottom in the shape format of the output for
each layer. All convolutional layers included batch normalization
(BN) and ReLU activation layers.
MobileNet and ResNet features were extracted before the
second stage of transfer learning. Feature maps from the
intermediate layer output can be obtained by importing three
different disease images from the local maize disease dataset into
the network. Figure 7 shows feature samples for gray leaf spots,
northern leaf blight, and common rust in MobileNet. The number
of channels selected = 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, and 20.
Figure 5 MobileNet internal layer features (a) original image; feature images from (b) convolution, (c) BN,
and (d) ReLU6 layers; feature images from (e) depthwise convolution, (f) BN, and (g) ReLU6 layers
Figure 6 shows feature graphs from the 23rd channel within
block 1. Comparing the original image with the feature image,
the 23rd feature image can not only resist influence from complex
backgrounds but can also classify lesion areas more accurately.
Ahmad et al.[39] concluded performance on laboratory data was
superior to field data regardless of network type, and complex
backgrounds can reduce identification accuracy. Chen et al.[40]
confirmed these conclusions for maize disease identification.
Therefore, removing background interference will have significant
impact on identification accuracy.
192 September, 2022 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 15 No. 5
Figure 7 shows feature maps from the same three images as
above in ResNet. The feature maps show sensitivity towards
northern leaf blight and common rust, and the highlighted area
indicates the lesion area. Most blade texture differences are also
noted. However, edge outlines and considerable background remains
in the feature map, which will impact disease identification.
Figure 6 Features from Channel No.23 MobileNet Block 1
a. Features in Block0_cnv1 layer b. Features in Block0_res_module layer
Figure 7 ResNet internal layer feature maps
3.3 Transfer learning model performances
The pre-trained ResNet and MobileNet weights were loaded
and performed transfer learning training on the local maize disease
dataset. Four new models were derived depending on the
different training strategies, layer-freezing (LF) or fine-tuning (FT):
R-LF, R-FT, M-LF, and M-FT. Figure 8 compares accuracy and
September, 2022 Ma Z, et al. Maize leaf disease identification using deep transfer convolutional neural networks Vol. 15 No. 5 193
loss for these four models, and Table 5 lists training and test set
performances, including early accuracy and loss after the first
training epoch.
Figure 8 Training process for ResNet and MobileNet models with
layer-freezing (LF) and fine-tuning (FT) training strategies: R-LF,
R-FT, M-LF, and M-FT
Table 5 ResNet and MobileNet transfer learning performance
All transfer models achieved test accuracy 96%.
Fine-tuning strategy models performed better than LF models with
0.95% and 2.19% improvement for ResNet and MobileNet,
respectively. Fine-tuning models also reduced losses by 0.0098
and 0.0893 compared with LF models. M-LF achieved the best
test accuracy=99.11%. Thus, transfer learning provided good
identification performance. The general outcome is consistent
with Too et al.[41], who migrated pre-trained ImageNet models onto
the Plant Village dataset, achieving accuracy >90% for all models
except VGG16, whereas DenseNet and ResNet performed better
and converged more easily. In contrast, the present study used the
Plant Village dataset as the source rather than target domain.
Plant Village is smaller capacity than ImageNet (1.28 million
images tagged training sets, 1 thousand categories), hence
deep-CNN fails to show significantly better performance, and Plant
Village was more similar to the local maize disease dataset, hence
improving accuracy.
On the other hand, LF effectively reduced training epochs at
the expense of accuracy, reducing overall hardware resource
requirements compared with FT. Transfer learning accuracy
79% and loss 1.3 after the first epoch, with FT achieving better
initial accuracy and loss than LF. Thus, transfer learning training
required less initial learning rate and patience with greater decay
rate, hence improving training efficiency compared with training
from scratch.
Figure 9 shows confusion matrices for the four model’s disease
identification performances. Gray leaf spot and northern leaf
blight slightly misidentify each other, and common rust may be
misidentified as gray spot, but gray spot does not tend to be
misclassified as rust. ResNet and MobileNet were the superior
pre-trained models on Plant Village, and also achieved outstanding
performance on the local maize leaf disease dataset collected in the
field. MobileNet achieved the best performance after FT (M-FT),
with test accuracy = 99.11%, 2.19% higher than the original model.
In contrast, R-FT test accuracy = 98.77%, 0.95% improvement.
a. M-LF
b. M-FT
c. R-LF
d. R-FT
Note: Label 0 to 3 refers to gray leaf spot, common rust, northern leaf blight and healthy leaves respectively; Test set predictions made by
models are in the 4×4 grid and larger values are assigned darker colors.
Figure 9 Confusion matrices for R-LF, R-FT, M-LF, and M-FT models
Table 6 lists the comparison with current state-of-the-art
methods of recent researches on plant disease identification, where
P.V. is short for “Plant Village” dataset and TL is short for
“Transfer Learning”.
Along with the shrinking scale of dataset, more training
strategies and innovative modifications to models are applied, and
194 September, 2022 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 15 No. 5
transfer learning becomes a common practice. Large scale dataset
with conventional deep CNNs promises an extra high accuracy,
which indicates sufficient samples are of the essence when
networks have the capacity to extract deep features. Among the
studies listed above, this paper proves the effectiveness of transfer
learning from Plant Village with its high accuracy and supplies the
solution to the dataset size problem. Moreover, fine-tuned
MobileNet is guaranteed to be deployed on mobile terminal devices
in real field scenario tasks, which is expected to be a direction of
future development.
Table 6 Comparison with current state-of-the-art methods of diseases identification
a[37] (2018)
Expanded P.V. (87848)
Training from scratch
b[41] (2018)
TL (ImageNet)
c[42] (2019)
Local (46135)
Background removal; Dataset expansion
d[21] (2020)
Maize (3852, P.V.);
Local (rice&maize, 500 &466 each)
TL (ImageNet); Augmentation
e[43] (2020)
Local (maize, 466)
TL (Plant Village); Attention mechanism
f [44] (2021)
Local (coconut, 1564)
TL (ImageNet); Segmentation
InceptionResNetV2, MobileNet
81.48%, 82.10%
Local (maize, 1192)
TL (Plant Village); Augmentation
In this section, transfer learning was an efficient method and
provided high-precision outcomes. MobileNet was more robust to
interference from complex backgrounds than ResNet, which may
explain why MobileNet achieved better identification performance
on the local dataset.
4 Conclusions
Deep-transfer learning method was validly effective especially
when the dataset was on small scale, and transfer learning
improved initial model performance and training efficiency,
illustrated by fine-tuned MobileNet achieving the best performance.
This study provides a theoretical foundation for mobile collection
terminal maize disease identification with deep-transfer learning
method, which establishes the foundation for further practical
development of models and enrichment of data set.
This work was financially supported by the Science and
Technology Innovation 2030-"New Generation of Artificial
Intelligence" Major Project (Grant No. 2021ZD0110904), the
Central Government to Support the Reform and Development Fund
of Heilongjiang Local Universities (Grant No. 2020GSP15) and
Key R&D plan of Heilongjiang Province (Grant No.
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... An end-toend DL model for categorizing maize leaf diseases was reported in 2022 by Amin et al. [6]. Their results were consistent with those of Ma et al. [7,8], who concentrated on foliar disease zones on maize leaves and deep transfer CNN diagnosis of maize leaf disease. The following year, Setiawan et al. ...
... An end-to-end DL model for categorizing maize leaf diseases was reported in 2022 by Amin et al. [6]. Their results were consistent with those of Ma et al. [7,8], who concentrated on foliar disease zones on maize leaves and deep transfer CNN diagnosis of maize leaf disease. The following year, Setiawan et al. ...
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Agriculture is pivotal in Bangladesh, with maize being a central crop. However, leafdiseases significantly threaten its productivity. This study introduces deep learning models forenhanced disease detection in maize. We developed an unique datasets of 4800 maize leaf images,categorized into four health conditions: Healthy, Common Rust, Gray Leaf Spot, and Blight. Theseimages underwent extensive Pre-processing and data augmentation to improve robustness. Weexplored various deep learning models, including ResNet50GAP, DenseNet121, VGG19, and acustom Sequential model. DenseNet121 and VGG19 showed exceptional performance, achievingaccuracies of 99.22% and 99.44% respectively. Our research is novel due to the integration of transferlearning and image augmentation, enhancing the models’ generalization capabilities. A hybrid modelcombining ResNet50 and VGG16 features achieved a remarkable 99.65% accuracy, validating ourapproach. Our results indicate that deep learning can significantly impact agricultural diagnostics,offering new research directions and applications. This study highlights the potential artificialintelligence in advancing agricultural practices and food security in Bangladesh, emphasizing theneed for model interpretability to build trust in machine learning solutions. (PDF) Advanced Deep Learning Models for Corn Leaf Disease Classification: A Field Study in Bangladesh †. Available from: [accessed Dec 19 2023].
... Model Convergence Efficiency Evaluation. Based on previous work 36,37 , the convergence efficiency is measured based on the number of training cycles (epochs) required for the model to achieve the detection precision of the predetermined training. This metric reflects the speed and efficiency of model training and is crucial for the practical application and optimization of the algorithm. ...
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One of the challenges in training graph neural networks (GNNs) applied to human-object interaction (HOI) is the computational complexity associated with updating and aggregating the information of all connected nodes in dense graph data, which results in a long training time and poor convergence efficiency. In particular, the parallel multi-head graph attention network (PMGAT), a graph neural network model, has achieved promising results in HOI detection by capturing the interactive associations between keypoints through local feature modules and multi-head graph attention mechanisms. However, to address the challenge of computational complexity, this study proposes a graph sampling-based dynamic edge strategy called GraphSADES to improve the PMGAT. GraphSADES reduces computational complexity by dynamically sampling a subset of edges during the training process while maintaining the precision of the original model. Initially, an object-centered complete graph is constructed, node updates are performed to obtain the initial attention coefficients, and importance coefficients are computed. Subsequently, a dynamic edge sampling strategy is adopted to reduce the computational complexity by randomly selecting a subset of edges for updating and aggregating the information in each training step. Through experimental comparative analysis, GraphSADES-PMGAT maintains the precision of the PMGAT model, and the models are trained using ResNet-50 and ViT-B/16 as backbone networks. On the dataset, HICO-DET, Floating Point Operations (FLOPs) for computational complexity are decreased by 40.12% and 39.89%, and the training time is decreased by 14.20% and 12.02%, respectively, and the convergence efficiency is the earliest to converge after 180 epochs. On the V-COCO dataset, under the same backbone network condition as HICO-DET, FLOPs decreased by 39.81% and 39.56%, training time decreased by 10.26% and 16.91%, respectively, and the convergence efficiency was the earliest to converge after 165 epochs. Specifically, GraphSADES-PMGAT maintains comparable precision while reducing FLOPs, resulting in a shorter training time and improved convergence efficiency compared to the PMGAT model. This work opens up new possibilities for achieving efficient human-object interaction detection.
... Agronomy 2024, 14, 500 2 of 13 yellow wilt, and other diseases of cotton by meta-deep learning and the accuracy was 98.53%. Ma et al. [12] proposed a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) model that can be deployed on mobile terminals to accurately recognize gray leaf spot, common rust, and northern leaf blight of maize with 99.11% recognition accuracy. However, supervised deep learning relies heavily on manual labeling, so we had to find a more efficient solution. ...
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Accurate identification of plant diseases is a critical task in agricultural production. The existing deep learning crop disease recognition methods require a large number of labeled images for training, limiting the implementation of large-scale detection. To overcome this limitation, this study explores the application of self-supervised learning (SSL) in plant disease recognition. We propose a new model that combines a masked autoencoder (MAE) and a convolutional block attention module (CBAM) to alleviate the harsh requirements of large amounts of labeled data. The performance of the model was validated on the CCMT dataset and our collected dataset. The results show that the improved model achieves an accuracy of 95.35% and 99.61%, recall of 96.2% and 98.51%, and F1 values of 95.52% and 98.62% on the CCMT dataset and our collected dataset, respectively. Compared with ResNet50, ViT, and MAE, the accuracies on the CCMT dataset improved by 1.2%, 0.7%, and 0.8%, respectively, and the accuracy of our collected dataset improved by 1.3%, 1.6%, and 0.6%, respectively. Through experiments on 21 leaf diseases (early blight, late blight, leaf blight, leaf spot, etc.) of five crops, namely, potato, maize, tomato, cashew, and cassava, our model achieved accurate and rapid detection of plant disease categories. This study provides a reference for research work and engineering applications in crop disease detection.
... They conducted experiments on the Plant Village dataset using the algorithm they studied, achieving a pest detection rate of 99.11 %. The experimental outcomes indicated that their proposed algorithm could accurately identify pests on corn leaves, making a huge contribution to agricultural research [9]. Because it is difficult to label small target data sets, researchers have proposed some weak supervised learning methods, such as unsupervised target generation and self-supervised learning, to reduce the dependence on a large number of labeled data. ...
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With the upgrading of aviation space technology, the amount of information contained in remote sensing images in the aviation is gradually increasing, and the detection technology based on small targets has developed. For lightweight small targets, pixels per unit area contain more information than large targets, and their area is too small, which is easily overlooked by conventional detection models. To enhance the attention of such algorithms, this study first introduces a Control Bus Attention Mechanism (CBAM) in the fifth generation You Only Look Once (YOLOv5) algorithm to increase the algorithm’s attention to small targets and generate optimization algorithms. Then convolutional neural network is used to mark feature pixels of the optimization algorithm, eliminate redundant information, and generate fusion algorithm, which is used to generate redundant information with high similarity when the optimization algorithm surveys pixel blocks. The novelty of this study lies in using CBAM to improve YOLOv5 algorithm. CBAM module can extract important features from images by adaptively learning the channel and spatial attention of feature maps. By weighting the channel and spatial attention of the feature map, the network can pay more attention to important features and suppress irrelevant background information. This attention mechanism can help the network better capture the characteristics of small targets and improve the accuracy and robustness of detection. Embedding CBAM module into YOLOv5 detection network can enhance the network's perception of small targets. CBAM module can improve the expressive ability and feature extraction ability of the network without increasing the complexity of the network. By introducing CBAM module, YOLOv5 can better capture the characteristics of small targets in aerial remote sensing images, and improve the detection accuracy and recall rate. Finally, the proposed fusion algorithm is used for experiments on the Tiny-Person dataset and compared with the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations of You Only Look Once. When the fusion algorithm tests the target, the classification accuracy of Sea-person is 39 %, the classification accuracy of Earth-person is 31 %, and the probability of being predicted as the background is 56 % and 67 %, respectively. And the overall accuracy of this algorithm is 0.987, which is the best among the four algorithms. The experimental results show that the fusion algorithm proposed in the study has precise positioning for lightweight small targets and can achieve good application results in aerial remote sensing images.
... To verify the advantages of the MTPI condition proposed in this paper, three methods of deep learning transfer training of three types (including 10 studies) were referenced for comparative discussion. Their transfer learning process could be transformed to TPI conditions for discussion, for example, M. Zhen [41], A.O. Agbaje [42], Y. J. Wang [44], A. Abbas [50], and J. Chen [14] froze all layers except for the output layer classification for transfer; thus, this type of method (method one) was transformed to TPI conditions equivalent to the TP = −1 condition. In contrast to the above, method two, applied by A. Abdalla [51], K. ...
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Deep learning networks might require re-training for different datasets, consuming significant manual labeling and training time. Transfer learning uses little new data and training time to enable pre-trained network segmentation in relevant scenarios (e.g., different vegetation images in rainy and dry seasons); however, existing transfer learning methods lack systematicity and controllability. So, an MTPI method (Maximum Transfer Potential Index method) was proposed to find the optimal conditions in data and feature quantity for transfer learning (MTPI conditions) in this study. The four pre-trained deep networks (Seg-Net (Semantic Segmentation Networks), FCN (Fully Convolutional Networks), Mobile net v2, and Res-Net 50 (Residual Network)) using the rainy season dataset showed that Res-Net 50 had the best accuracy with 93.58% and an WIoU (weight Intersection over Union) of 88.14%, most worthy to transfer training in vegetation segmentation. By obtaining each layer’s TPI performance (Transfer Potential Index) of the pre-trained Res-Net 50, the MTPI method results show that the 1000-TDS and 37-TP were estimated as the best training speed with the smallest dataset and a small error risk. The MTPI transfer learning results show 91.56% accuracy and 84.86% WIoU with 90% new dataset reduction and 90% iteration reduction, which is informative for deep networks in segmentation tasks between complex vegetation scenes.
... Many researchers have sought to apply the Transformer to the computer field, but due to its unique encoding and decoding system, it is very difficult to apply the Transformer to the computer field. Some scientists associate convolutional neural networks [26] with transformers by expanding the number of channels and space while also attempting to replace traditional convolutional network structures with attention mechanisms. Cordonnier et al. [27] used attention modules to replace traditional convolution, which was far less effective in terms of experimental results than convolutional neural networks. ...
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Tea diseases are one of the main causes of tea yield reduction, and the use of computer vision for classification and diagnosis is an effective means of tea disease management. However, the random location of lesions, high symptom similarity, and complex background make the recognition and classification of tea images difficult. Therefore, this paper proposes a tea disease IterationVIT diagnosis model that integrates a convolution and iterative transformer. The convolution consists of a superimposed bottleneck layer for extracting the local features of tea leaves. The iterative algorithm incorporates the attention mechanism and bilinear interpolation operation to obtain disease location information by continuously updating the region of interest in location information. The transformer module uses a multi-head attention mechanism for global feature extraction. A total of 3544 images of red leaf spot, algal leaf spot, bird’s eye disease, gray wilt, white spot, anthracnose, brown wilt, and healthy tea leaves collected under natural light were used as samples and input into the IterationVIT model for training. The results show that when the patch size is 16, the model performed better with an IterationVIT classification accuracy of 98% and F1 measure of 96.5%, which is superior to mainstream methods such as VIT, Efficient, Shuffle, Mobile, Vgg, etc. In order to verify the robustness of the model, the original images of the test set were blurred, noise- was added and highlighted, and then the images were input into the IterationVIT model. The classification accuracy still reached over 80%. When 60% of the training set was randomly selected, the classification accuracy of the IterationVIT model test set was 8% higher than that of mainstream models, with the ability to analyze fewer samples. Model generalizability was performed using three sets of plant leaf public datasets, and the experimental results were all able to achieve comparable levels of generalizability to the data in this paper. Finally, this paper visualized and interpreted the model using the CAM method to obtain the pixel-level thermal map of tea diseases, and the results show that the established IterationVIT model can accurately capture the location of diseases, which further verifies the effectiveness of the model.
... Some multispectral cameras or thermal imagers can also be assembled in special card slots and integrated into the phenotype robots or other platforms on phenotype or UAV platforms. Thus, users can finish all the necessary tasks across these interfaces using preset parameters [26,[38][39][40] . ...
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The continuous development of robot technology has made phenotype detection robots a key for extracting and analyzing phenotyping data in agriculture and forestry. The different applications of agricultural robots and phenotype detection robots were discussed in this article. Further, the structural characteristics and information interaction modes of the current phenotype detection robots were summarized from the viewpoint of agriculture and forestry. The publications with keywords related to clustering distribution were analyzed and the currently available phenotype robots were classified. Additionally, a conclusion on the design criteria and evaluation system of plant phenotype detection robots was summarized and obtained, and the challenges and future development direction were proposed, which can provide a reference for the design and applications of agriculture and forestry robots. © 2023, Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. All rights reserved.
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Plant diseases and pests are important factors determining the yield and quality of plants. Plant diseases and pests identification can be carried out by means of digital image processing. In recent years, deep learning has made breakthroughs in the field of digital image processing, far superior to traditional methods. How to use deep learning technology to study plant diseases and pests identification has become a research issue of great concern to researchers. This review provides a definition of plant diseases and pests detection problem, puts forward a comparison with traditional plant diseases and pests detection methods. According to the difference of network structure, this study outlines the research on plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning in recent years from three aspects of classification network, detection network and segmentation network, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are summarized. Common datasets are introduced, and the performance of existing studies is compared. On this basis, this study discusses possible challenges in practical applications of plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning. In addition, possible solutions and research ideas are proposed for the challenges, and several suggestions are given. Finally, this study gives the analysis and prospect of the future trend of plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning.
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Deep learning is thought of as a promising mean to identify maize diseases. However, the drawback of deep learning is the huge sample data and low accuracy. In this paper, we proposed a multi-scale convolutional global pooling neural network to improve the accuracy of maize diseases identification. Firstly, on the basis of the AlexNet model, a convolutional layer and new Inception module are added to enhance the ability of AlexNet features extraction. Then, in order to avoid the over-fitting problem caused by too many parameters, we use the global pooling layer to replace the original fully-connected layer. Besides, we also adopt the transfer learning method to solve the over-fitting problem caused by insufficient sample data. The improved model can reduce over-fitting and epochs to enhance the performance of maize diseases recognition. From the considerable experimental results, we can conclude that the proposed model has better performance compared with convolutional neural network models VGGNet-16, DenseNet, ResNet-50 and AlexNet in recognition accuracy.
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The identification and diagnosis of crop leaf disease is of great significance to improve the quality of crop cultivation. Compared with the traditional manual diagnosis method, the automatic identification of crop leaf disease based on computer vision technology has high efficiency and no subjective judgment error. But the traditional image processing technology is affected by different illumination conditions, cross shading. The algorithm’s robustness is affected. Because deep learning dose not need to set learning features manually, which greatly improves the recognition efficiency. In this paper, the two-channel Convolutional Neural Network was constructed based on VGG and ResNet. Taking the maize leaf diseases as research objects, the maize leaf disease data set has been constructed and preprocessed. And the structure and characteristics of AlexNet, VGG and ResNet are introduced respectively. By adjusting the parameters of the two-channel Convolutional Neural Network, the accuracy of identifying the maize leaf disease type in the validation set can reach 98.33%, while the VGG model can reach 93.33%. The classification results on three types of maize leaf diseases show that the two-channel Convolutional Neural Network has a better performance than the single AlexNet model. Three kinds of leaf disease data sets (big spot, gray leaf spot and rust ) are downloaded from the “kaggle”platform.
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Crop diseases have a devastating effect on agricultural production, and serious diseases can lead to harvest failure entirely. Recent developments in deep learning have greatly improved the accuracy of image identification. In this study, we investigated the transfer learning of deep convolutional neural networks and modified the network structure to improve the learning capability of plant lesion characteristics. The MobileNet with squeeze‐and‐excitation (SE) block was selected in our approach. Integrating the merits of both, the pre‐trained MobileNet and SE block were fused to form a new network, which we termed the SE‐MobileNet, and was used to identify the plant diseases. In particular, the transfer learning was performed twice to obtain the optimum model. The first phase trained the model for the extended layers while the bottom convolution layers were frozen with the pre‐trained weights on ImageNet; by loading the model trained in the first phase, the second phase retrained the model using the target dataset. The proposed procedure provides a significant increase in efficiency relative to other state‐of‐the‐art methods. It reaches an average accuracy of 99.78% in the public dataset with clear backdrops. Even under multiple classes and heterogeneous background conditions, the average accuracy realises 99.33% for identifying the rice disease types. The experimental findings show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed procedure.
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Automated identification of plant diseases is very important for crop protection. Most automated approaches aim to build classification models based on leaf or fruit images. These approaches usually require the collection and annotation of many images, which is difficult and costly process especially in the case of new or rare diseases. Therefore, in this study, we developed and evaluated several methods for identifying plant diseases with little data. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used due to their superior ability to transfer learning. Three CNN architectures (ResNet18, ResNet34, and ResNet50) were used to build two baseline models, a Triplet network and a deep adversarial Metric Learning (DAML) approach. These approaches were trained from a large source domain dataset and then tuned to identify new diseases from few images, ranging from 5 to 50 images per disease. The proposed approaches were also evaluated in the case of identifying the disease and plant species together or only if the disease was identified, regardless of the affected plant. The evaluation results demonstrated that a baseline model trained with a large set of source field images can be adapted to classify new diseases from a small number of images. It can also take advantage of the availability of a larger number of images. In addition, by comparing it with metric learning methods, we found that baseline model has better transferability when the source domain images differ from the target domain images significantly or are captured in different conditions. It achieved an accuracy of 99% when the shift from source domain to target domain was small and 81% when that shift was large and outperformed all other competitive approaches.
This article has been withdrawn: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal ( This article has been withdrawn as part of the withdrawal of the Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials Science, Technology and Engineering (ICMSTE2K21). Subsequent to acceptance of these Proceedings papers by the responsible Guest Editors, Dr S. Sakthivel, Dr S. Karthikeyan and Dr I. A. Palani, several serious concerns arose regarding the integrity and veracity of the conference organisation and peer-review process. After a thorough investigation, the peer-review process was confirmed to fall beneath the high standards expected by Materials Today: Proceedings. The veracity of the conference also remains subject to serious doubt and therefore the entire Proceedings has been withdrawn in order to correct the scholarly record.
The coconut palm plantation industry relies heavily on expert advice to identify and treat infections. Computer vision in deep learning technology opened up an avenue in the agriculture domain to find a solution. This study focuses on the development of an end-to-end framework to detect stem bleeding disease, leaf blight disease, and pest infection by Red palm weevil in coconut trees by applying image processing and deep learning technology. A set of hand-collected images of healthy and unhealthy coconut tree images were segmented by employing popular segmentation algorithms to easily locate the abnormal boundaries. The custom-designed deep 2D-Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is trained to predict diseases and pest infections. Also, the state of the art Keras pre-trained CNN models VGG16, VGG19, InceptionV3, DenseNet201, MobileNet, Xception, InceptionResNetV2, and NASNetMobile were fine-tuned to classify the images either as infected or as healthy through the inductive transfer learning method. The empirical study ascertains that k-means clustering segmentation was more effective than the Thresholding and Watershed segmentation methods. Furthermore, InceptionResNetV2 and MobileNet obtained a classification accuracy of 81.48% and 82.10%, respectively, and Cohen’s Kappa values of 0.77 and 0.74, respectively. The hand-designed CNN model achieved 96.94% validation accuracy with a Kappa value of 0.91. The MobileNet model and customized 2D-CNN model were deployed in the web application through the micro-web framework Flask to automatically detect the coconut tree disease or pest infection.
Rice is one of the most important crops in the world, and most people consume rice as a staple food, especially in Asian countries. Various rice plant diseases have a negative effect on crop yields. If proper detection is not taken, they can spread and lead to a significant decline in agricultural productions. In severe cases, they may even cause no grain harvest entirely, thus having a devastating impact on food security. The deep learning-based CNN methods have become the standard methods to address most of the technical challenges related to image identification and classification. In this study, to enhance the learning capability for minute lesion features, we chose the MobileNet-V2 pre-trained on ImageNet as the backbone network and added the attention mechanism to learn the importance of inter-channel relationship and spatial points for input features. In the meantime, the loss function was optimized and the transfer learning was performed twice for model training. The proposed procedure presents a superior performance relative to other state-of-the-art methods. It achieves an average identification accuracy of 99.67% on the public dataset. Even under complicated backdrop conditions, the average accuracy reaches 98.48% for identifying rice plant diseases. Experimental findings demonstrate the validity of the proposed procedure, and it is accomplished efficiently for rice disease identification.
Crop disease has a negative impact on food security. If diverse crop diseases are not identified in time, they can spread and influence the quality, quantity, and production of grain. Severe crop diseases can even result in complete failure of the harvest. Recent developments in deep learning, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have exhibited impressive performance in both image recognition and classification. In this study, we propose a novel network architecture, namely Mobile‐DANet, to identify maize crop diseases. Based on DenseNet, we retained the structure of the transition layers and used the depthwise separable convolution in dense blocks instead of the traditional convolution layers, and then embedded the attention module to learn the importance of interchannel relationship and spatial points for input features. In addition, transfer learning was used in model training. By this means, we improved the accuracy of the model while saving more computational power than deep CNNs. This model achieved an average accuracy of 98.50% on the open maize data set, and even with complicated backdrop conditions, Mobile‐DANet realized an average accuracy of 95.86% for identifying maize crop diseases on a local data set. The experimental findings show the effectiveness and feasibility of the Mobile‐DANet. Our data set is available at‐disease‐identification. The proposed procedure accomplished identification tasks on both the open and local maize image data sets, and achieved excellent performance compared with other state‐of‐the‐art methods.