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Salmonella enteritis Spondylitis with Brucella melitensis Infection: A Rare Case of Mixed Infections of Spine

Taylor & Francis
Infection and Drug Resistance

Abstract and Figures

Background As a widespread back condition in orthopedics, spondylitis is rarely caused by Salmonella. Here, we report a rare case of spondylitis caused by Salmonella enteritis associated with Brucella melitensis. Case Presentation Salmonella septicemia was initially diagnosed in a 27-year-old woman with high fever and low back pain, but her symptoms did not improve after 3 days of antibiotic treatment. The patient was then referred to our hospital’s Department of Infectious Diseases. This patient had mild anemia. There were no positive results for tuberculosis antibody and Rose Bengal plate agglutination (RBPT). When the patient’s symptoms did not improve after diagnostic anti-tuberculosis treatment, he was transferred to our Orthopaedics department for lumbar posterior lesion removal, decompression, internal fixation, cage implantation, and bone grafting fusion under general anesthesia. Following the operation, a postoperative specimen culture and a real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time-PCR) indicated Salmonella enteritis with Brucella melitensis (B. melitensis) infection. The symptoms improved and inflammatory markers returned to normal after 2 weeks of treatment with levofloxacin, rifampicin, and doxycycline. Conclusion Anaemic patients with immunocompromised conditions should be given special attention in the diagnosis of Salmonella spondylitis. Surgery should be considered if antibiotic therapy fails to identify the pathogen that is infecting the patient with infectious spondylitis.
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Salmonella enteritis Spondylitis with Brucella
melitensis Infection: A Rare Case of Mixed
Infections of Spine
WenSheng Zhang*, Jie Wang *, Yao Zhang, Rui Ma, Qiang Zhang
Department of Orthopedics, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100015, People’s Republic of China
*These authors contributed equally to this work
Correspondence: Qiang Zhang, Email
Background: As a widespread back condition in orthopedics, spondylitis is rarely caused by Salmonella. Here, we report a rare case
of spondylitis caused by Salmonella enteritis associated with Brucella melitensis.
Case Presentation: Salmonella septicemia was initially diagnosed in a 27-year-old woman with high fever and low back pain, but
her symptoms did not improve after 3 days of antibiotic treatment. The patient was then referred to our hospital’s Department of
Infectious Diseases. This patient had mild anemia. There were no positive results for tuberculosis antibody and Rose Bengal plate
agglutination (RBPT). When the patient’s symptoms did not improve after diagnostic anti-tuberculosis treatment, he was transferred to
our Orthopaedics department for lumbar posterior lesion removal, decompression, internal xation, cage implantation, and bone
grafting fusion under general anesthesia. Following the operation, a postoperative specimen culture and a real-time polymerase chain
reaction (real-time-PCR) indicated Salmonella enteritis with Brucella melitensis (B. melitensis) infection. The symptoms improved and
inammatory markers returned to normal after 2 weeks of treatment with levooxacin, rifampicin, and doxycycline.
Conclusion: Anaemic patients with immunocompromised conditions should be given special attention in the diagnosis of Salmonella
spondylitis. Surgery should be considered if antibiotic therapy fails to identify the pathogen that is infecting the patient with infectious
Keywords: Salmonella, brucellosis, spondylitis, mixed infection
Salmonella is a gram-negative intracellular bacterium. Enteritis is usually caused by Salmonella enteritis, which lives in the
intestines of humans and animals. For patients with underlying diseases or factors suppressing their resistance to infection, it may
occasionally affect extraintestinal organs, like the brain, thyroid, and musculoskeletal system.
Salmonella-related spondylitis
accounts for 0.45% of osteomyelitis cases.
Immunocompromised patients, especially those with sickle cell disease, are prone to
Salmonella enteritis osteomyelitis.
Multiple organs can be affected by Brucellosis; osteoarticular involvement is the most
common brucellosis complication, manifesting as spondylitis, arthritis, sacroiliitis, discitis, osteomyelitis, tenosynovitis, and
bursitis, involvement of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae can lead to symptoms such as lumbar and thoracic spondylitis and
In this report, we describe the rarity of Salmonella enteritis spondylitis complicated by B. melitensis infection. No
previous literature has described this co-infection.
Case Presentation
A 27-year-old female with a maximum body temperature of 40.4°C developed low back pain and percussive pain in the renal area
about 3 weeks ago. Cotrimoxazole was sensitive to bovine Salmonella enteritis in blood cultures obtained at Beijing Wangjing
Hospital (Beijing, China). A combination of antibiotics etimicin sulfate (300mg po qd), cefoxitin (2g po q12h) and cotrimoxazole
(4g po qd) was administered. In spite of 3 days of treatment, her symptoms did not improve, so she sought further treatment at our
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Open Access Full Text Article
Received: 10 August 2022
Accepted: 2 November 2022
Published: 7 November 2022
hospital. Previously, the patient had been healthy and did not have any signicant medical or surgical history. In addition to eating
burgers from unknown vendors before fever, she had no history of epidemic areas, livestock, contact with cattle, sheep, or habit of
consuming unpasteurized milk, tuberculosis, smoking, intravenous drug use, or any other HIV infection factors.
At admission, the body temperature was 38.4°C. During the physical examination, there were palpable pains in the spinous
processes of the lumbar 4 and 5 vertebrae, lumbar forced positions, lumbar back pain, and limited lumbar exion. Neither inguinal
nor axillary lymph nodes were found, nor was there any evidence of hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory tests were as follows:
hemoglobin (Hb) 96 g/L, red blood cell count (RBC) 2.84×10
/L, serum ferritin 12μg/L, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) was
74.6 fL, mean corpuscular hemoglobin content (MCH) was 23.8 pg, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
was 302g/L, white blood cell (WBC) 8.05×10
/L accompanied by neutrophil elevation, platelet 344×10
/L, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) 117mm/h, C-reactive protein (CRP) 75.7mg/L, albumin 34.3g/L, fasting blood glucose 5.6 mmol/L,
HIV antibody negative, complement C3 1290mg/L, complement C4 330 mg/L, IgM 1.04 mg/L, IgG 9.66 mg/L, IgA 1.09 mg/L.
In the absence of tuberculosis antibodies, the RBPT and acid-fast staining of the sputum smear were also negative, and the chest
X-ray was normal. The blood culture was also free of bacteria and fungi after 5 days.
The L4/5 vertebral space was narrowed on the preoperative X-ray (Figure 1A and B). Preoperative CT showed the
intervertebral disc of L4/5 and adjacent vertebral body were heavily damaged with dense pores (Figure 1C and D).
Preoperative sagittal MRI showed vertebral body and intervertebral disc lesions with low signal on T1-weighted imaging
(T1WI), high signal on T2-weighted imaging (T2WI), and high signal on fat-suppressed T2-weighted imaging (FS-T2WI),
which was signicantly enhanced after enhancement (Figure 1E–H). Coronal and transverse MRI showed vertebral body damage
of L4 and L5 complicated by intervertebral disc damage of L4/5 (Figure 1I–L).
The patient’s symptoms did not improve after diagnostic anti-tuberculosis treatment at the Department of Infectious Diseases
of our hospital. As a result, he was transferred to Department of Orthopedics for surgical treatment. Preliminary diagnosis is
suppurative spondylitis, although brucellosis spondylitis and spinal tuberculosis cannot be ruled out. Following general anesthe-
sia, lumbar posterior lesion removal, decompression, internal xation, cage implantation, and bone graft fusion were performed
(Figure 2A–D). Real-time PCR of the nucleus pulposus samples showed that there was B. melitensis (Figure 3).
Figure 1 Radiological studies before operation. Plain radiograph showed narrowing of lumbar space 4–5 (A and B). CT showed dense pore-like destruction of the 4–5
lumbar vertebrae and intervertebral discs (C and D). Sagittal MRI showed vertebral and intervertebral disc lesions with low signal in T1, high signal in T2, and high signal in
fat compression image, which was signicantly enhanced after enhancement (EH). Coronal MRI demonstrates a large, marked paravertebral abscess with unclear margins
and enhancement (I and J). Axial MRI showed destruction of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs, and signicant strengthening of psoas after enhancement (K and L).
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Salmonella enteritis was detected in intraoperative pus secretions 7 days after surgery, and the pathological Giemsa
staining of intraoperative tissues (nucleus pulposus, endplate cartilage) showed Brucella contamination (Figure 4). Due
to the long-term use of antibiotics, a stool smear revealed possible yeast growth. The patient was nally diagnosed with
mixed spinal infection of Salmonella enteritis and B. melitensis. Afterwards, she was prescribed levooxacin, rifampicin,
and doxycycline. Antifungal uconazole was administered orally. Oral ferrous sulfate tablets for the treatment of iron
deciency anemia. Two weeks after treatment, the patient was no longer experiencing fever or sweating, and was able to
perform daily activities using a lumbar brace, CRP returned to normal and ESR (39mm/h) was signicantly lower than
before, Hb 112g/L and RBC 3.84×10
/L, MCV 91.4 fL, MCH 30.2 pg, MCHC 326. A 6-month treatment course of
levooxacin, rifampicin, and doxycycline was continued after the patient was discharged. A follow-up 2 years later
revealed normal CRP and ESR, Hb 119 g/L, and RBC 3.95×10
/L; X-ray showed a good position of internal xation
(Figure 5A and B); CT showed well fusion of L4 and L5 vertebral body, suggesting the formation of new bone in L4/5
disc space (Figure 5C–F); MRI demonstrated a good repair of the lesion (Figure 5G–J).
Figure 2 Intraoperatively, patients were treated with streptomycin to treat infection (A). Surgical specimens (B). Postoperative plain radiographs showed that the L4/5
vertebral space height was restored and the internal xation was rm (C and D).
Figure 3 Brucella melitensis was detected by real-time PCR, real-time PCR showed that the DNA content of Brucella melitensis (dotted red line) increased in 30 cycles. The
ordinate represents the uorescence intensity, the abscissa represents the number of PRC cycles, the blue realization represents the baseline level, and the red realization
represents the positive reference.
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Discussion and Conclusions
Spinal infection is classied as specic infection (B. melitensis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, syphilis, fungi) and non-
specic infection (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus pneumo-
niae, etc).
There has been an increase in Salmonella-induced spondylitis in recent years.
Spondylitis caused by
Salmonella enteritis and B. melitensis has not been reported to date. An unusual mixed infection characterizes this
Infections in the gastrointestinal tract are usually caused by Salmonella enteritis, a gram-negative bacterium.
Microorganisms in contaminated water and food can cause Salmonella enteritis infection. There are usually conservative
treatments available for symptoms of acute infections, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Salmonella
enteritis, however, can persist in host cells and cause chronic infections. Those suffering from anemia (especially sickle
Figure 4 In postoperative pathology, Brucella (red circle) was positive for Giemsa staining (A). Mycobacterium tuberculosis was negative for acid-fast staining of the
intervertebral disc of L4/5 (B).
Figure 5 Radiological studies 2 years after discharge. Plain radiographs showed no abnormal changes in the xed position of L4–L5 vertebral segments (A and B). No
abnormalities on CT and MRI (CJ).
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cell anemia), systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes, and those receiving immunosuppressive medications are more
likely to contract Salmonella enteritis spondylitis.
In patients with low immunity, Salmonella enteritis can cause extraintestinal infections; non-typhoid salmonellosis does not
always present with gastrointestinal symptoms, especially in patients with low immunity, because diarrhea is a defense
mechanism that depends on a normal immune response.
Spinal tuberculosis and Salmonella spondylitis are easily confused
—It has been shown that fever, a higher white blood cell count, CRP, alkaline phosphatase, and a higher proportion of neutrophils
are all indications of suppurative spondylitis; the symptoms and signs of spinal tuberculosis are less obvious than those of
Salmonella spondylitis.
It is possible to distinguish tuberculous spondylitis from suppurative spondylitis with MRI—There
are often paraspinal abnormalities, paraspinal abscesses with thin and smooth walls involving thoracic vertebrae in tuberculous
A blood culture is essential for diagnosing spinal infections, but only 20% to 60% of the patients have a positive
culture, the gold standard for diagnosis is percutaneous biopsy, culture of the lesion site, and histopathological examination.
Salmonella osteomyelitis is commonly treated with chloramphenicol, third-generation cephalosporins, and uoroqui-
nolones, although there are no standard antimicrobial treatment guidelines, antibiotic treatment should be continued for at
least 6 weeks to avoid recurrence and failure.
Surgical indications of Salmonella spondylitis include neurological
impairment, large intraspinal and paraspinal abscesses, extensive bone destruction and spinal instability.
Around 500,000 cases of brucellosis spondylitis occur each year worldwide, making it the most common zoonotic
disease; infection occurs mainly through contact with animals or through consumption of unpasteurized milk and fresh
Brucellosis spondylitis is a nonspecic disease that causes fevers, night sweats, fatigue, and is mainly found in
northern provinces of China.
It is difcult to differentiate from spinal tuberculosis based on these non-specic
symptoms. Thus, brucellosis spondylitis is often misdiagnosed as spinal tuberculosis in areas with low brucellosis
incidence. There are many subtle differences between the two diseases: intermittent high fever of brucellosis spondylitis
is more common than low fever of spinal tuberculosis; patients with spinal tuberculosis were more likely to experience
vertebral body destruction, kyphosis, paraspinal abscess, and spinal cord compression.
The RBPT is mainly used for
Brucella infection screening.
Presently, blood culture is the gold standard for diagnosing brucellosis, but positive
detection rate in chronic bacteremia is low.
As compared with other detection techniques, PCR is highly sensitive and
specic for identifying Brucella species from peripheral blood and other tissues.
In the acute phase of Brucellosis, rifampicin and doxycycline are the most commonly used drugs. The clinical treatment
of brucellosis in China is mainly a triple-drug regimen, and enduring drug treatment for more than 3 months can reduce the
risk of recurrence.
When drug treatment does not seem to be working, surgical intervention may be necessary for
patients with brucellosis spondylitis. The surgical treatment has been demonstrated in clinical studies to be effective in
removing lesions, relieving pain, improving local blood ow to lesions, maintaining and rebuilding spinal stability, reducing
complications, promoting early rehabilitation and cure of lesions, and improving clinical outcomes.
Anemia, a risk factor for Salmonella, was moderate in our case. As we speculated, the patient probably had
Salmonella enteritis and B. melitensis infection through the digestive tract after eating a burger from an unidentied
vendor prior to the fever. After antibiotic treatment, the patient’s symptoms were not relieved, and the preoperative
laboratory examination was unable to identify the infection bacteria. The infectious bacteria were nally identied
through surgery and laboratory tests. Our case is characterized by the following points: 1) Salmonella enteritis
spondylitis complicated by B. melitensis infection is extremely rare; 2) This patient had no obvious gastrointestinal
symptoms; 3) All preoperative tests were negative, and pathogens were not detected; 4) Due to atypical manifestations,
the patient was originally misdiagnosed as having spinal tuberculosis.
As a result, patients with spondylitis who are clinically immunocompromised should be cautious of Salmonella
infections. In spite of the fact that Brucellosis spondylitis often complicates with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, when the
diagnosis is unclear and conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical intervention should be considered as soon as
Patient Consent and Ethics Statement
The patient provided informed consent for publication of this study and accompanying images. The Ethics Committee of
the Beijing Ditan Hospital of Capital Medical University approved the study.
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Author Contributions
All authors made a signicant contribution to the work reported, whether that is in the conception, study design,
execution, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas; took part in drafting, revising or critically
reviewing the article; gave nal approval of the version to be published; have agreed on the journal to which the article
has been submitted; and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
This work received no funding.
The authors have no conicts of interest to declare in this work.
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... The laboratory test results (increased inflammatory indicators such as CRP and ESR) are similar to some infections commonly seen, such as Brucella infection. 11 Therefore, the diagnosis of SEA should be based on the patient's comprehensive conditions, combining clinical symptoms, laboratory examination results, imaging examination results, blood culture, bacterial culture, tissue culture, etc. ...
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The incidence of a spinal epidural abscess (SEA), which can cause serious neurological complications, is low; however, the incidence of SEA caused by Streptococcus is even lower, most of which are reported in the thoracolumbar spine and lumbosacral segment. We reported a case of cervical SEA caused by Streptococcus constellatus infection, resulting in paralysis of the patient. The acute onset of SEA in a 44-year-old male led to decreased upper limb muscle strength, lower limb paralysis, and loss of bowel and bladder function, and imaging and blood tests suggested pyogenic spondylitis. Emergency decompression surgery and antibiotic therapy were given, the patient gradually recovered, and the muscle strength of the lower limbs gradually improved. This case report suggests the importance of early decompressive surgery and effective antibiotic therapy.
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For patients with pyogenic spondylodiscitis, medical therapy with antibiotics is the first line of treatment. Response to antibiotics can be assessed by improvement of symptoms, reduction in inflammatory markers, and radiological evidence of infection resolution with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We report a case of a 60-year-old man who presented with intermittent fever and persistent back pain. He was initially treated with an intravenous antibiotic for sepsis secondary to Salmonella enteritidis bacteremia. His spine MRI showed compression of the T10 vertebra with vertebral abnormality suggestive of metastases. He showed no clinical improvement after a course of intravenous antibiotics. Following that, debridement and spinal instrumentation of the thoracic vertebra were done in single-stage surgery.
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Background Vertebral osteomyelitis is rare. Finding the right etiological agent is important to administer antibiotic regimen accordingly. The occurrence of this disease in endemic countries raises the susceptibility of a more common infection such as tuberculosis and pyogenic bacteria. Salmonella spp. infection is also common in endemic countries; however, extra-intestinal manifestation is very rare. Methods We present an extremely rare case of salmonella vertebral osteomyelitis (SVO) in the upper thoracic vertebrae of a 64-year-old patient with history of cardiac surgery and other pre-existing comorbidities. SVO was treated by antibiotics, surgical debridement and spinal stabilization. Results Three weeks after surgery and intravenous antibiotics, the patient recovered and was discharged without fever and back pain, with excellent motoric improvement. Conclusion Salmonella infection must be considered to be one of possible etiological agents in patients with suggestive spondylitis in emerging countries, especially in those with comorbidities.
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The aim of this systematic review was to characterize the clinical features of adults with Salmonella osteomyelitis and summarize diagnosis and treatment methods to provide guidance for clinicians. This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We conducted a literature search in the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases. Article screening and data extraction were performed by two reviewers individually. All the included studies were independently evaluated by two reviewers using the Methodological Index for Non‐Randomized Studies (MINORS) criteria. A total of 67 articles published between 1970 and 2019 were selected, which include 69 patients with an average age of 47.5 years (range, 18–79).The majority of cases (47.76%) occurred in immunocompetent adults without common risk factors. Aspiration and biopsy cultures were all positive in Salmonella osteomyelitis patients who underwent aspiration or biopsy. All infections were monomicrobial, and a total of 12 different serotypes were identified. The three most commonly reported Salmonella serotypes were Salmonella typhi (19 cases), Salmonella typhimurium (12 cases), and Salmonella enteritidis (11 cases). Only 12 of the 67 cases in our data (17.91%) had diarrhea symptoms, and 44 of the 67 cases (65.67%) had fever symptoms. Fifty‐nine of the 67 cases (88.06%) had local inflammatory manifestations, such as erythema, swelling, and tenderness in the affected area. The commonly reported involved sites were the vertebrae, femur, and tibia. Antibiotic therapy alone was utilized in 30 cases, and 24 patients (80.00%) were eventually cured. In total, 75.68% of patients achieved satisfactory results after treatment with surgery and antibiotics. Third‐generation cephalosporins were most commonly utilized, and antibiotic treatment was administered for an average of 11.3 weeks (95% CI, 8.31–14.37 weeks). Salmonella osteomyelitis should be considered in patients without any common risk factors. Aspiration or biopsy can facilitate the identification of pathogens to guide antibiotic choice. Empirical therapy with a third‐generation cephalosporin is recommended until the susceptibility of the strain is determined. Results of the meta‐analysis.
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Background: Spondylitis is a very common back problem in orthopedics, but is rarely caused by Salmonella enteritidis. We herein reported an uncommon case of thoracic spondylitis caused by Salmonella enteritidis. Case presentation: A 68-year-old man with high fever was diagnosed as salmonella septicemia initially. His condition was improved after antibacterial treatment. But the symptom of pyrexia was recurred after some days. He was then diagnosed with thoracic spondylitis caused by salmonella enteritidis. After that, he was put on strict antibiotic treatment, and underwent intervertebral lesion debridement, partial rib resection, intervertebral bone fusion and pedicle screw internal fixation. Subsequently, the patient had a significant relief in pain, temperature remained normal, and had no severe complications. Conclusions: Special attention should be paid to systemic pain and remain cautious to the occurrence of osteomyelitis in patients with Salmonella septicemia. Moreover, the treatment time for using sensitive antibiotics should be sufficient. Surgical treatment should be considered if strict conservative treatment is failed.
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Brucellosis is a common global zoonotic disease, which is responsible for a range of clinical manifestations. Fever, sweating and musculoskeletal pains are observed in most patients. The most frequent complication of brucellosis is osteoarticular involvement, with 10% to 85% of patients affected. The sacroiliac (up to 80%) and spinal joints (up to 54%) are the most common affected sites. Spondylitis and spondylodiscitis are the most frequent complications of brucellar spinal involvement. Peripheral arthritis, osteomyelitis, discitis, bursitis and tenosynovitis are other osteoarticular manifestations, but with a lower prevalence. Spinal brucellosis has two forms: focal and diffuse. Epidural abscess is a rare complication of spinal brucellosis but can lead to permanent neurological deficits or even death if not treated promptly. Spondylodiscitis is the most severe form of osteoarticular involvement by brucellosis, and can have single- or multi-focal involvement. Early and appropriate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is important in order to have a successful management of the patients with osteoarticular brucellosis. Brucellosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis for sciatic and back pain, especially in endemic regions. Patients with septic arthritis living in endemic areas also need to be evaluated in terms of brucellosis. Physical examination, laboratory tests and imaging techniques are needed to diagnose the disease. Radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and bone scintigraphy are imaging techniques for the diagnosis of osteoarticular brucellosis. MRI is helpful to differentiate between pyogenic spondylitis and brucellar spondylitis. Drug medications (antibiotics) and surgery are the only two options for the treatment and cure of osteoarticular brucellosis.
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Introduction: Brucellar spondylodiscitis is a frequent and serious complication of brucellosis. The aim of this study is to describe the brucellosis patients with spondylodiscitis and the predictive factors related to spondylodiscitis in brucellosis. Methodology: Laboratory-confirmed brucellosis patients from a low- to medium-endemic region were enrolled in the study and distributed into two groups. Group I consisted of patients with spondylodiscitis and Group II patients had no complications. Both groups were compared for predictive factors of spondylodiscitis. Results: A total of 219 patients with active brucellosis were included in the study. We determined at least one complication in 91 (41.6%) patients. The most frequent complication was spondylodiscitis [n = 59 patients (26.9 %)]. In univariate analysis, age, time from symptom onset to diagnosis, presence of low back pain, increased levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and alkaline phosphatases were the most significant predictive factors for spondylodiscitis among brucellosis cases. Presence of headache and thrombocytopenia were less frequent in patients with spondylodiscitis when compared to patients without complications (p = 0.024, p = 0.006 respectively). In multivariate analysis, old age (odds ratio [OR] 1,063; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.026-1.101; p < 0.001), prolonged time between symptoms onset before diagnosis (OR 1.008; 95% CI 1.001-1.016; p = 0.031), and presence of low back pain (OR 12.886; 95% CI 3.978-41.739; p < 0.001) were indepedently associated with an increased risk of spondylodiscitis. Conclusions: Spondylodiscitis is the most frequent complication of systemic brucellosis. Patients with low back pain, older age, and longer duration of symptoms should be considered as candidates of potential spondylodiscitis in brucellosis.
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Rationale: Salmonella osteomyelitis is an uncommon complication of salmonella infection, especially the salmonella vertebral osteomyelitis (SVO). Patient concerns: We reported a case of a 29-year-old female who presented with serious lower back pain and severe limitation of motion for 50 days with no obvious inducements. She once had a fever up to 39.5°C. Physical examination only revealed limited motion of lower back without neurological complications. The laboratory results revealed no specificity. MRI of the lumbar spine revealed a spondylodiscitis at L4-L5. She underwent anterior lateral approach debridement and percutaneous posterior instrumentation. Diagnoses: Tissue and abscess culture grew showed Salmonella Potsdam infection. Interventions: With susceptibility testing guidance, the patient was treated with intravenous levofloxacin and ceftazidime for a period of 3 weeks and another 3-week oral antibiotics therapy. Outcomes: The patient recovered well with no neurological deficits during the follow-up time. Lessons: SVO is really rare and it alerts us the importance to consider uncommon pathogens in the differential diagnosis in which the etiological evidences are crucial of healthy individuals.
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Background . Brucellosis has a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and it may last several days or even several years; however, it is often misdiagnosed and therefore may cause inadequate therapy and prolonged illness. Previous studies about meta-analysis of manifestations of brucellosis reported in English lacked the data published in Chinese, which did not provide details about the contact history, laboratory tests, and misdiagnosis. We undertake a meta-analysis of clinical manifestations of human brucellosis in China to identify those gaps in the literature. We have searched published articles in electronic databases up to December 2016 identified as relating to clinical features of human brucellosis in China. 68 studies were included in the analysis. The main clinical manifestations were fever, fatigue, arthralgia, and muscle pain (87%, 63%, 62%, and 56%, resp.). There are significant differences between adults and children. Rash, respiratory and cardiac complications, and orchitis/epididymitis were more prevalent in children patients. The common complications of brucellosis were hepatitis, followed by osteoarthritis, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system dysfunction, hemophagocytic syndrome, and orchitis/epididymitis in male. In the nonpastoral areas, brucellosis has a high ratio of misdiagnosis. Our analysis provides further evidence for the accurate diagnosis, particularly in assessing severe, debilitating sequelae of this infection.
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Introduction: Brucellosis is a zoonotic endemic disease in Lebanon. It is caused by direct transmission of Brucella from contaminated animal products to humans. If left untreated brucellosis might lead to several complications and a chronic disease state. The prompt diagnosis of brucellosis has the ability to limit the progression of the disease, especially if the correct treatment is administered for the adequate amount of time. The aim of this study is to determine the optimal diagnostic tool and to assess Brucella burden in Lebanon. Methodology: This retrospective study was performed by reviewing the medical charts of 46 brucellosis patients from three Lebanese hospitals. Brucellosis diagnostic tests were compared and sensitivity of each test was calculated, as well as, the level of agreement with other standard diagnostic tools. Data retrieved were analyzed for relevance and statistical significance using the statistical package for social sciences version 23. Results: Sensitivity results of the diagnostic tests were: Rose Bengal test (RBT) 94.7%, blood culture 65.6%, standard agglutination test (SAT) melitensis 95.1% and SAT abortus 97.6%. The level of agreement between RBT and SAT melitensis as well as abortus is 98% and 90.18%, respectively. While the level of agreement between Blood culture and SAT melitensis as well as abortus is 66.88% and 64.5%, respectively. Discussion: Culture techniques require further optimization in order to find the best diagnostic tool for brucellosis. Meanwhile, Blood Rose Bengal test held a significant potential for identifying Brucella infection in a highly sensitive, cost effective and time saving manner.
Non-typhoidal Salmonella usually manifests as a self-limited acute gastroenteritis but may also cause severe invasive infections almost exclusively among children or immunosuppressed patients. A previously healthy 22-year-old man developed high fever with coma, multiple organ failure and shock. He had visited another hospital complaining of fever 2 days previously and was diagnosed with a common cold. No obvious site of infection was identified by radiology and a rapid test for influenza A virus was positive, indicating possible influenza-associated encephalopathy. However, blood as well as CSF culture yielded Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis. Therefore, the patient was considered to be suffering from bacterial meningitis with septic shock concomitant with influenza infection. Antiviral drugs and therapy for septic shock were initiated. He stabilized relatively quickly and his mental status dramatically improved. The patient denied preceding gastrointestinal symptoms, but mentioned that he received positive fecal Salmonella species culture results without medical intervention about 3 months previously. His laboratory values showed marked improvement but his elevated inflammatory markers and fever were sustained. On the 17th day of hospitalization, he complained of back pain and MRI showed lumbar vertebral osteomyelitis. This case indicates that (i) invasive Salmonella infection can be developed even in previously healthy adults; (ii) chronic carriage of Salmonella is a predisposing factor to development of invasive infections, and influenza infection may contribute to such "breakthrough infections"; (iii) attention to manifestation of metastatic extra-intestinal foci even after resolution of sepsis is necessary.