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The message of research on orgone through water - a challenge to established science



Unconventional water research with its versatile and convincing results poses an ever-increasing challenge for contemporary established natural sciences. A strong challenge is that at least some of the observed phenomena belong to an as-yet unidentified substance or field that may, to some extent, correspond to the concept of the ether that played a long and conspicuous role in the history of natural science. Following the experiments started by Reich and continued by Correas and James DeMeo, we confirmed their findings via several physicochemical experiments involving different waters and solutions. The investigation implemented so far shows that we should seriously take the assumption of an unidentified substance (field). Further clever experiments should be carried out to confirm or falsify the hypothesis.
The message of research on orgone through water
a challenge to established science
Tribute to James DeMeo, Ph.D.
The 15th Annual Water Conference
Bad Soden, Germany,
October 13-16, 2022
Prof. dr. Igor Jerman, PhD in Biology
Linda Ogrizek, PhD student
Vesna Periček Krapež, PhD student
BION Institute
Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU
Daily raising evidence of so-called anomalous
water behavior, stemming mostly, although not
exclusively, from unconventional water research
Can this mysterious behavior of
water represent a possible doorway
to the unknown aspects of nature?
At least partially
explainable water
anomalies by
conventional science
(see Martin Chaplin …)
unexplainable by means
of present-day
mainstream water
A challenge stemming from uncoventional water science
A possible explanations
of unconventional
water phenomena
An (ultra)weak
manifestation of
conventionally known
fields (Coherent domains?)
An unconventional manifestation
of the known fields or matter
(like EZ water; long-range, long-lasting
water clusters; torsion EM field or
scalar EM fields, )
An as yet scientifically unrecognized field/matter, working
through a subtle interaction with ordinary fields or matter, in the
history of science mainly named the ether.
While all three possibilities may be correct simultaneously,
in this presentation, we will concentrate on the third one.
Presentation scheme
Brief historical overview of the ether concept
Ether (od, orgone, subtle field, biofield)
research and the main findings
Ether (orgone) research in our (BION)
Laboratory for water research
one of the
signs for the
Brief historical overview of the ether concept
In the development of the western philosophical-scientific
thought, we may trace this subtle field/matter concept from the
Greeks‘ time on, under the names of quintessence (the fifth
element, Aristotle) or the ether (aether).
According to Isaac Newton (1643-1727), the ether
presents an extreme fluid with a density that depends
on the local density of matter and the strength of the
local gravitational field. He did not know whether the
ether was composed of particles or not; if it contained
particles, they must have been extremely small, even
smaller than the particles of light.
It was something primordial and exceeding
our ordinary experiential world.
and 2000+ years later
and in the 19th century
Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
Ether (or aether) was seen as a subtle medium for
propagation of electromagnetic (EM) forces.
William Thompson (lord Kelvin; 1824-1907)
Continued Faraday‘s work and modelled EM forces as
etheric vortices. Ether was seen as a plenum.
James Clerk Maxwell (1791-1867)
He saw that electromagnetic ether and luminiferous ether
were one and the same entity. He considered light as an
electromagnetic vibration in the ether.
Ether as the medium of electromagnetic waves transmission
still the 19th century
William Crookes (1832 -1919)
He was a renowned British chemist and physicist: a
pioneer of vacuum tubes, inventing the one named
after him in 1875. It represents a fundamental
discovery that changed chemistry and physics. He
discovered the element thallium in 1861 and
described the spectrum of helium in 1865.
Ether as the primordial substance of matter: Crooke‘s protyle
In 1886 he revived the term protyle (Aristotle) to refer to an original
primal matter in an unorganized state before the evolution of chemical
elements. He suggested that this substance would not be hydrogen but
perhaps half or a quarter of hydrogen. He considered this state of
primordial matter as intangible and that it could not be perceived by
the senses.
still the 19th century
Karl Ludwig von Reichenbach (1788 1869)
He was a famous and talented chemist who studied
the effects of various substances on the human
nervous system and, through systematic scientific
research, discovered the force associated with
electricity, magnetism, and heat. He described it as
vital energy or force and called it odic force or od.
Ether as the integrative and formative vital energy
He assumed that it comes from most substances, that it permeates
living beings, and that different people perceive it with different
sensitivities. In the prestigious scientific journal Annalen der Chemie
und Physik, he published a courageous article Researches on Magnetism,
Electricity, Heat, and Light in their Relations to Vital Forces. His
experiments involved psychics and psychokinetic persons.
And what about the 20th century?
Ether as a medium for spreading the EM waves was
abbandoned (foremost in Einstein‘s special theory of
Ether as a subtle matter composing atoms was
disbanded at least by experiments performed by Ernest
Rutherford and later by quantum mechanics.
Ether in terms of a vital energy of life experienced a
mortal blow by the development of biochemistry and later
by neo-Darwinism and the discovery of DNA.
Ether (od, orgone, subtle field, biofield) research
and the main findings
Through thorough tests on sensitive persons,
Reichenbach determined the properties of
physically unknown radiation od
that should come from the Sun.
There is a difference between the N and S magnetic poles;
the od radiation is also seen around humans;
is supposed to change with gender, age, etc., disappearing
at death;
should change the nearby electric field or a magnet.
This radiation can be absorbed by metals.
Wires can carry it, but slowly!
It was not possible to measure the radiation with any
physical method known at the time (19th century).
In the East, we may see high similarities between the vital force
concept of Reichenbach and the concepts of prana (Hinduistic
thought) and qi (Chinese thought).
Prana is also supposed to
originate from the Sun.
In addition to neo-vitalism and some forms of
organicism, both in the biology realm, the
most prominent baton bearer of the ether
concept in the first half of the 20th century
was Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957).
Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian medical doctor, sexologist, sociologist and social
reformist, psychiatrist, and a respected psychoanalyst for much of his life; the author
of several influential books. Devoted to help people out from desperate social, family
and emotional conditions after WW-1, towards happier and more productive lives; he
stood for the sexual education of adolescents, legalization of contraception, abortion,
divorce; a charismatic lecturer; he wanted to connect Freudian psychoanalysis with
Marxism. FDA sent him in prison for two years, where he died of heart failure. From
1956 to 1960 many of his writings and his equipment were seized and destroyed by
FDA officials. In the 21st century some considered this wholesale destruction to be
one of the most blatant examples of censorship in USA history.
In distinction to Reichenbach, he also started researching orgone in a
physical way and even presented his findings to Einstein.
He came to similar findings as Reichenbach but named the vital
energy orgone.
According to Reich, orgone should:
function as a primordial cosmic energy;
be ether-like material life-energy;
fill cosmos and Earth atmosphere;
work in the direction of negative entropy => increasing order
instead of diminisihing it;
originate from the Sun;
have mutual affinity to water;
Orgone charges up water;
it is slowly conducted via wires;
it pulsates in the atmosphere and builds clouds.
He also identified a form of orgone that worked in an entropic way and
destroyed life. He named it DOR (Deadly Orgone), and connected it
with radioactive radiation.
In the 1940s, he designed and built special devices for collecting
orgone, which he called orgone accumulators (ORAC).
He also designed devices
called cloudbusters that could
restore normal weather
(raining in a draught).
ORACs consists of alternating layers of metals and
insulators with a high dielectric constant. He has done a lot
of research in ORACs and managed to successfully treat
cancer and other diseases.
According to DeMeo, the ORAC is a unique structure,
without precedent in science or engineering, and in fact
has only slight resemblance to the usual Faraday cage.
In the second half of the previous century and the present,
thorough research on the ether (subtle field) has been
developing in a steadily increasing manner.
Freeman Widener Cope (1930-1982) was a very productive,
promising, and brilliant American biophysicist who tragically
ended his life because of his subtle substance research. Based on
Julian Schwinger‘s magnetic model of matter (an alternative to the
quark model), he performed numerous highly inventive
experiments and crafted theoretical models based on the research.
Many Russian scientists, like Gurwich, Kirlian, Kozyrev, Shipov, Akimov
(a comprehensive review in Serge Kernbach: Unconventional research in
USSR and Russia: short overview, 2013).
The „ether“ (orgone, subtle field, biofield, morphogenetic
field) research in the 2nd half of the 20th and 21th century …
Unconventional phenomena researh that may tackle the
ether (subtle field, biofield, morphogenetic field) in the
20th and 21th century …
Piccardi, Rothen, Ehrenhaft, Sheldrake, Popp, Bearden, Aspden,
Nordenstrom, Tiller, Eccless, Prioré, Volkamer, Bischof, Radin,
Meijer, Rubik, Muhesam, Hubacher, Kernbach, Gun Woong,
Korotkov, Voeikov, Rein, Fuchs …
Different research models and terminology, however, pointing in
the same basic direction.
To this list, we may add the unconventional water research
community gathered in Water Conferences lead by Prof. Gerald
Pollack (some of them are also mentioned above, and besides
them, we can also list a large group of Italian physical scientists,
the group around Elia ...).
Other „ether“ (orgone, subtle field, biofield, morphogenetic
field) research in the 20th and 21th century …
To follow the line of ether research started
by Reichenbach and Reich, we must name
the so-called aetherometry research led by
Canadian researchers Paolo and Alexandra
They repeated many experiments started by Kirlian, Tesla, and
Reich and performed new ones. They constructed a special
theory of the ether that disagrees with conventional physics.
They wrote numerous articles and books.
Perhaps the most loyal follower of this line was the fighter for
the new science, James DeMeo, who passed away in April of
this year.
James DeMeo
(1949 2022)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Dedicated his life to orgone scientific research, PhD geographer
Continued Reich‘s work - Orgon Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
many scientific measurements and experiments
The defender and guardian of Reich's scientific research legacy and
his reputation; education, lectures, books
Orgone Accumulator Handbook
Head of several desert greening projects with the orgone
cloudbuster (
), 1979 through 1999 (presented at the 10th
Water Conference, Varna, 2015): USA (Kansas, Arizona), Israel,
Namibia, Eritrea; major drought-breaking and widespread persisting
rainfall effects were produced & documented; remarkable successes;
no official interest
He was a popular guestof various academic blacklists devoted to
so-called pseudoscience.
Expert for almost forgotten scientists of the previous century that
came to valuable experimental findings in unconventional science.
We wish him to rest
in peace and joy
DeMeo made countless experiments in the ORAC,
including the wok on organisms and UV spectroscopy.
Dedicated and hard worker; with a deep hope
and a noble goal to help humanity with orgone
technology; thorough in his research, generous
and willing to help in scientific communication.
But being at a fringe of establishment was a
hard labour
Unfortunately, our plans to redo some orgone
experiments with him in his lab in the beautiful
forest setting of Ashland fell through. ...
Last year, our ether research was given a new impetus
by DeMeo's published findings in the Water Journal.
UV absorption of a well-water
sample is influenced by charging
inside an orgone accumulator.
DeMeo J (2011), Water as a
Resonant Medium for Unusual
External Environmental Factors,
, 3:1-47.
Changing Shapes and Increasing Intensity of
ORAC-Charged Distilled Water Spectral
Absorption Minus Control Water, over six days
in early September 2012.When this
experiment was allowed to run for even
longer periods, the results continued to show
an increase in absorption intensity of the
ORAC-charged sample.
DeMeo J (2018), Anomalous Living
Spectrographic Changes in Water Structures:
Explorations in New Territory,
, 10:41-81.
Examples of James DeMeo‘s findigs
Some of his published
experiments with UV
spectroscopy in ORAC
Ether (orgone) research
in our (BION) Laboratory for water research
We expanded the range of water experiments carried out by other
researchers with the physicochemical measurements.
Water probes were
exposed to ORAC,
exposed to ORAC but
rested for a week in the
BION lab (memory
placed in the ORAC‘s
vicinity (near ORAC
control groups of flasks
exposed to ordinary lab
BION experiments of water exposed to ORAC
Three physicochemical methods:
Conductivity (χ)
Oxidation-reduction potential
(ORP) electrical tension
Methodology of ORAC exposed water research
Six different waters
or aqueous solutions
Experimental (water exposure) situations
within orgone
(marked as
near orgone
(marked as
near ORAC)
in the BION
ORAC exposure control near
intended for memory
effect research
(previously exposed) or
for control (previously
Pilot UV/VIS spectroscopy
N = 6;
exposure time: 4 months
Pilot research of differential (exposed vs. control) UV/VIS
absorption of water exposed in orgone accumulator
N = 6;
exposure time: 4 months
Pilot research of differential (exposed vs. control) UV/VIS
absorption of water exposed in orgone accumulator
Conductivity of water
N = 18; exposure time: 1 3 weeks
Conductivity of distilled water exposed
in ORAC, memory effect and controls
near ORAC
ORAC memory
near ORAC control
Conductivity of tap water exposed in
ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 18; exposure time: 1 3 weeks
Conductivity of diluted spring water exposed
in ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 18; exposure time: 1 3 weeks
near ORAC control
(memory :
p < 0.012
Conductivity of sodium bicarbonate solution
exposed in ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 8; exposure time: 8 days; 1 mM NaHCO3
memory :
near ORAC
p < 0.007
p < 0.019
Conductivity of sodium bicarbonate & hydrogen peroxide
solution exposed in ORAC, memoryeffect and controls
N = 8; exposure time: 8 days; 1 mM NaHCO3, 0.36 mM H2O2
near ORAC
vs. all)
N = 20; exposure time = 12 days; 4 mM NaHCO3, 0.41 mM H2O2
no difference observed
ORP (electrical tension) of sodium bicarbonate plus
hydrogen peroxide solution exposed in ORAC vs.control
Endogenous electrical tension of
water measurements
Oxidation reduction potential (ORP)
ORP (electrical tension) of different waters
exposed in ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 18; exposure time: 1 3 weeks
Distiled water
memory control
near ORAC control
Tap water Diluted
spring water
ORP (electrical tension) of sodium bicarbonate solution
(+ H2O2) exposed in ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 8; exposure time: 8 days; 1 mM NaHCO3, 0.36 mM H2O2
(memory :
all others)
near ORAC control
p < 0.078 Friedman:
p < 0.001
N = 20; exposure time = 12 days; 4 mM NaHCO3, 0.41 mM H2O2
ORP (electrical tension) of sodium bicarbonate plus
hydrogen peroxide solution exposed in ORAC vs.control
ORAC control
pH measurements
acidic neutral alkaline
all others)
pH =7
pH of distilled water exposed in ORAC,
memory effect and controls
N = 18; exposure time: 1 3 weeks
memory control
near ORAC
memory control
near ORAC control
pH of tap water and diluted spring water
exposed in ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 18; exposure time: 1 3 weeks
tap water diluted spring water
Effect (tap
ORAC vs. all
pH =7
memory control
near ORAC control
ORAC vs.
pH =7
pH of sodium bicarbonate solution (+ H2O2)
exposed in ORAC, memory effect and controls
N = 8; exposure time: 8 days; 1 mM NaHCO3, 0.36 mM H2O2
N = 20; exposure time = 12 days ; 4 mM NaHCO3, 0.41 mM H2O2
pH = 7
pH of sodium bicarbonate plus hydrogen
peroxide solution exposed in ORAC vs.control
Orgone accumulator seems to condense a substance (field)
interfers with water and is absorbed by it,
The ORAC-exposed water can express the „ether“ by an
appropriate system of physicochemical measurements and
UV/VIS spectroscopy.
The exposed water seems to retain the ether“ – a memory
effect, although sometimes the results may diverge from the
original exposure.
Even when exposed in the same ORAC, different aqueous
solutions may express the "ether" differently.
A nearby effect (local influence?) of waters/solutions intended
to function as control placed near the ORAC may be noticed.
Basic conclusions and questions
Conductivity increases => ordering water effect
Raising conductivity is known from autothyxotropic
phenomenon of aged water and homeopathically treated
water: Negentropic nature of orgone claimed also by other
pH is pushed towards 7 => buffering effect
ORP increases => voltage rise
The effect was also observed in homeopathically treated
aqueous solutions.
Voltage rise was observed also by other researchers in ORAC
via the electroscope (air not water): Reich, DeMeo, Correa.
UV absorption increases
Phenomenon found also in DeMeo experiments, as well as in
some homeopathic solutions.
Specific conclusions and questions
The results from the BION Water research laboratory strongly
support similar research of either orgonized water,
homeopathically treated water, or water exposed to weak
radiation from specially designed objects.
It stands to reason that in all this research, we may observe
various phenomena caused by one and the same fundamental
substance/ field/radiation (see also DeMeo, Water Journal, 2011).
The multitude of diverse phenomena observed in the ORAC by
Reich, DeMeo, Correas, and our team, strongly support the new
substance/field hypothesis.
Future unconventional ORAC-exposed water research and
theoretical modeling should test this hypothesis, supplementing
the valuable research work begun by Reich and continued by
James DeMeo.
Is the culprit of our findings the alleged
Thanks for
your attention!
We thank predecessors on whose giant
shoulders this research has been made
Further thanks to Sašo Šegula, who
kindly made his ORAC available for
research, Dr. Robert Leskovar for helping
with the historical review of ether
concepts, Dr. Luka Jan for his empirical
UV/VIS spectroscopy help, and to Mateja
Senica for all her invisible support
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