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Moving anchors: Dynamics of Ground Reaction Forces in freely behaving Drosophila melanogaster larvae revealed by deformable optical resonators



Core Questions: What are the ground reaction forces generated by larvae during movement? How do larvae mitigate excess friction from denticles? How do larvae overcome reaction forces to prevent interference of progression?
Jonathan H. Booth1,2,3, Andrew Meek1,2, Nils M. Kronenberg1,2, Stefan R. Pulver3*, Malte C. Gather1,2*
1) Centre of Biophotonics, SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom.
2) Humboldt Centre for Nano- and Biophotonics, Institute for Physical Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany.
3) School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews, Fife, United Kingdom.
* Denotes equal contribution &
This work was supported by EPSRC Doctoral Training grant (EP/L505079/1), a European
Research Council Grant to MCG (640012) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation via
the Humboldt Award. We would like to extend thanks to Dr. Marcus Bischoff and Prof.
Francoise Payre for technical advice.
Wavelength Alternating Resonance Pressure Microscopy Spatiotemporal Ground Reaction Force Dynamics of Peristaltic Waves
Bilateralism Anchors Conclusions
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Protopodial Deployment Dynamics
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Larvae exhibit transient substrate
interactions during turning
associated with anchoring to
mitigate instability induced from
bilateral contractions.
(representative of 3 bilateralisms)
As well as peristalses, larvae can produce bilateral asymmetric
contractions to turn their head.
This raises the question of how animals prevent rolling via instability as
a consequence of these behaviours.
This is characterised
by low force but large
contact area
suggestive of body
mass re-organisation
TP engage to provide a transient terminal
segment allowing subsequent movement,
preventing reaction forces from impeding the
initial impetus for progression.
During ST, the protopodia plants and produces
a transient force disproportionate to the contact
area, akin to anchoring.
During SI, protopodia retract into a
sequestration pocket, but not before producing
a disproportionate force relative to the contact
area akin to vaulting.
Core Questions:
What are the ground
reaction forces generated by
larvae during movement?
How do larvae mitigate
excess friction from
How do larvae overcome
reaction forces to prevent
interference of progression?
 
Protopodia also plant across the
left and right axes, unfolding over
time rather than all at once.
Soft bodied animals solve complex motor problems by controlling how their bodies contract
and interact with their substrates in order to give rise to movement. Measurements of ground
reaction forces (GRFs) in multiple species have revealed general principles of substrate
interactions [1], especially those which were not readily apparent by simple observation.
However, so far, the severely low spatio-temporal resolution of GRF measurement
technologies has limited progress. What progress has been made has proven inspirational to
the developing field of biomimetic robotics [2].
We have developed a non-contact technique based on Elastic Resonator Interference Stress
Microscopy (ERISM) [3] and Wavelength Alternating Resonance Pressure (WARP)
microscopy, allowing widefield, video-rate GRF measurement [4] and high spatial resolution [5]
at the substrate interface without probing the animal.
We apply this technique to study the substrate interaction in Drosophila melanogaster larvae.
Drosophila larvae have large cuticular processes, bespeckled with actin protrusions
called denticles (right). We refer to these structures as protopodia, due to their
superficial similarity to myopodia in nemertine worms.
These animals move by a series of contractions called peristaltic waves, for which the
neurophysiology is beginning to be well understood [6]. However, the biomechanics
underlying such behaviours remains understudied, with little literature discussing the
GRFs produced by these animals [7].
Drosophila larvae must interact with their substrate in an intricate manner to overcome
the friction created by denticles in an energetically viable manner. They must also
anchor parts of their body while others are in motion in order to prevent reaction forces
from interfering with forward progress. To our knowledge, how such interaction is
accomplished is unknown until now.
1. Lin, H. and Trimmer, B., 2010. The substrate as a skeleton: ground reaction forces from a soft-bodied legged animal. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213(7), pp.1133-1142.
2. Kim, S., Laschi, C., & Trimmer, B. (2013). Soft robotics: a bioinspired evolution in robotics. Trends in Biotechnology, 31(5), 287294.
3. Kronenberg, N. M., Liehm, P., Steude, A., Knipper, J. A., Borger, J. G., Scarcelli, G., Franze, K., Powis, S. J., & Gather, M. C. (2017). Long-term imaging of cellular forces with high
precision by elastic resonator interference stress microscopy. Nature Cell Biology. 19, pp 864872.
4. Meek, A. T., Kronenberg, N. M., Morton, A., Liehm, P., Murawski, J., Dalaka, E., Booth, J. H., Powis, S. J., & Gather, M. C. (2021). Real-time imaging of cellular forces using optical
interference. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3552
5. Dalaka, E., Kronenberg, N. M., Liehm, P., Segall, J. E., Prystowsky, M. B., & Gather, M. C. (2020). Direct measurement of vertical forces shows correlation between mechanical activity
and proteolytic ability of invadopodia. Science Advances, 6(11), eaax6912.
WARP allows video-rate force
map calculation with micrometre
spatial resolution, nanonewton
force sensitivity and millisecond
temporal resolution in freely
behaving Drosophila larvae.
We found that Drosophila larvae
move by a dynamic pattern of
protopodial contact and release
Allowing anchorage and
movement with low friction!
Mode Calculation
Interference Mapping Cotangent Map Calculation
6. Hunter, I., Coulson, B., Zarin, A. A., & Baines, R. A. (2021). The Drosophila Larval Locomotor Circuit Provides a Model to
Understand Neural Circuit Development and Function. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 15.
7. Khare, S. M., Awasthi, A., Venkataraman, V., & Koushika, S. P. (2015). Colored polydimethylsiloxane micropillar arrays for
high throughput measurements of forces applied by genetic model organisms. Biomicrofluidics, 9(1), 14111.
Protopodia exert forces disproportionate to the
contact area during swing initiation (SI; blue)
and swing termination of a wave (ST; red).
(single trial but representative of n=5)
The SI force and contact area is often
less than the ST force and area. Each
protopodia exerts around 1-8 µN
SI peaks depended
on wave duration for
the posterior abdomen,
but ST peaks did not
vary with wave
duration. (n=5)
Posterior 
(TP) not previously known as
locomotor appendages act as
transient terminal
The ST and SI peaks are not homogenously distributed across the
protopodia, instead the locus of peak force is medial.
Protopodia plant in aheel-toe process, akin to feet. (n=5)
250 µm
100 µm
200 µm
200 µm 100 µm
100 µm
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Lambda Phi
100 µm
Scan for video
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Scan for video
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stance swing stance stanceswing
stance swing stance stanceswing
stance swing stance swing
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Important dynamic processes in mechanobiology remain elusive due to a lack of tools to image the small cellular forces at play with sufficient speed and throughput. Here, we introduce a fast, interference-based force imaging method that uses the illumination of an elastic deformable microcavity with two rapidly alternating wavelengths to map forces. We show real-time acquisition and processing of data, obtain images of mechanical activity while scanning across a cell culture, and investigate sub-second fluctuations of the piconewton forces exerted by macrophage podosomes. We also demonstrate force imaging of beating neonatal cardiomyocytes at 100 fps which reveals mechanical aspects of spontaneous oscillatory contraction waves in between the main contraction cycles. These examples illustrate the wider potential of our technique for monitoring cellular forces with high throughput and excellent temporal resolution.
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Animals exploit soft structures to move effectively in complex natural environments. These capabilities have inspired robotic engineers to incorporate soft technologies into their designs. The goal is to endow robots with new, bioinspired capabilities that permit adaptive, flexible interactions with unpredictable environments. Here, we review emerging soft-bodied robotic systems, and in particular recent developments inspired by soft-bodied animals. Incorporating soft technologies can potentially reduce the mechanical and algorithmic complexity involved in robot design. Incorporating soft technologies will also expedite the evolution of robots that can safely interact with humans and natural environments. Finally, soft robotics technology can be combined with tissue engineering to create hybrid systems for medical applications.
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The measurement of forces generated during locomotion is essential for the development of accurate mechanical models of animal movements. However, animals that lack a stiff skeleton tend to dissipate locomotor forces in large tissue deformation and most have complex or poorly defined substrate contacts. Under these conditions, measuring propulsive and supportive forces is very difficult. One group that is an exception to this problem is lepidopteran larvae which, despite lacking a rigid skeleton, have well-developed limbs (the prolegs) that can be used for climbing in complex branched structures and on a variety of surfaces. Caterpillars therefore are excellent for examining the relationship between soft body deformation and substrate reaction forces during locomotion. In this study, we devised a method to measure the ground reaction forces (GRFs) at multiple contact points during crawling by the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta). Most abdominal prolegs bear similar body weight during their stance phase. Interestingly, forward reaction forces did not come from pushing off the substrate. Instead, most positive reaction forces came from anterior abdominal prolegs loaded in tension while posterior legs produced drag in most instances. The counteracting GRFs effectively stretch the animal axially during the second stage of a crawl cycle. These findings help in understanding how a terrestrial soft-bodied animal can interact with its substrate to control deformation without hydraulic actuation. The results also provide insights into the behavioral and mechanistic constraints leading to the evolution of diverse proleg arrangements in different species of caterpillar.
Cellular forces are crucial for many biological processes but current methods to image them have limitations with respect to data analysis, resolution and throughput. Here, we present a robust approach to measure mechanical cell–substrate interactions in diverse biological systems by interferometrically detecting deformations of an elastic micro-cavity. Elastic resonator interference stress microscopy (ERISM) yields stress maps with exceptional precision and large dynamic range (2 nm displacement resolution over a >1 μm range, translating into 1 pN force sensitivity). This enables investigation of minute vertical stresses (<1 Pa) involved in podosome protrusion, protein-specific cell–substrate interaction and amoeboid migration through spatial confinement in real time. ERISM requires no zero-force reference and avoids phototoxic effects, which facilitates force monitoring over multiple days and at high frame rates and eliminates the need to detach cells after measurements. This allows observation of slow processes such as differentiation and further investigation of cells, for example, by immunostaining.