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Geographic information systems-based land suitability assessment for switchgrass cultivation in marginal lands: a case study for İzmir-Turkey

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Abstract and Figures

Energy crop cultivation is considered the main factor in the rapid increase in the share of biomass energy in the future global energy supply. However, the most critical issue for the cultivation of energy crops will be establishing sustainable energy cropping systems and protecting agricultural areas devoted to food and feed crops. Therefore, the present study aims to identify key criteria for energy crop cultivation areas and to develop a Geographic information systems (GISs)- and multi-criteria evaluation model (MCE)-based methodology. This study employs a GIS-based MCE technique, including fuzzy standardization, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and weighted overlay for analyzing land suitability to switchgrass cultivation for the case study in İzmir-Turkey. The criteria identified in this study include climatic parameters, soil characteristics, topography, and land restrictions for land-use compatibility. Climate data were employed by TerrSet’s Crop Climate Suitability Model to determine the climatic suitability of switchgrass in the city. Subsequently, an assessment model of land suitability for switchgrass cultivation was developed by integrating AHP in the ArcGIS environment. Here, the highest specific weight was attained for climatic suitability (0.22), and the lowest was found for elevation (0.094). Significantly, 69.4% (40,725 ha) of the potential cultivation area was moderately suitable and higher, and 30.5% (17,896 ha) was low suitable for switchgrass cultivation. Therefore, it was concluded that the applied methodology could be a practical approach for sustainable biofuels production and environmental protection and can be employed for different energy crops and regions. Graphical abstract
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Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2023) 25:781–797
Geographic information systems‑based land suitability assessment
forswitchgrass cultivation inmarginal lands: acase study
FulyaAydın‑Kandemir1 · HasanSarptaş1
Received: 2 February 2022 / Accepted: 10 October 2022 / Published online: 22 October 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022
Energy crop cultivation is considered the main factor in the rapid increase in the share of biomass energy in the future global
energy supply. However, the most critical issue for the cultivation of energy crops will be establishing sustainable energy
cropping systems and protecting agricultural areas devoted to food and feed crops. Therefore, the present study aims to iden-
tify key criteria for energy crop cultivation areas and to develop a Geographic information systems (GISs)- and multi-criteria
evaluation model (MCE)-based methodology. This study employs a GIS-based MCE technique, including fuzzy standardiza-
tion, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and weighted overlay for analyzing land suitability to switchgrass cultivation for the
case study in İzmir-Turkey. The criteria identified in this study include climatic parameters, soil characteristics, topography,
and land restrictions for land-use compatibility. Climate data were employed by TerrSet’s Crop Climate Suitability Model
to determine the climatic suitability of switchgrass in the city. Subsequently, an assessment model of land suitability for
switchgrass cultivation was developed by integrating AHP in the ArcGIS environment. Here, the highest specific weight
was attained for climatic suitability (0.22), and the lowest was found for elevation (0.094). Significantly, 69.4% (40,725ha)
of the potential cultivation area was moderately suitable and higher, and 30.5% (17,896ha) was low suitable for switchgrass
cultivation. Therefore, it was concluded that the applied methodology could be a practical approach for sustainable biofuels
production and environmental protection and can be employed for different energy crops and regions.
Graphical abstract
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Dari hasil overlay ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kota Kupang memiliki potensi yang cukup baik untuk pengembangan lahan pertanian, terutama di wilayah timur dan utara kota. Namun, perlu juga diperhatikan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kesesuaian lahan pertanian, seperti ketersediaan air, kualitas tanah, iklim, vegetasi, dan sosial-ekonomi [24]. ...
Meningkatnya alih fungsi lahan di Kupang mengakibatkan kawasan pertanian di Kupang semakin menurun. Pemetaan kesesuaian lahan pertanian merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengetahui potensi lahan pertanian di suatu wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis kesesuaian lahan pertanian di Kota Kupang dengan menggunakan Geographic Infomation System (GIS). Metode yang digunakan adalah scoring dan overlay, parameter yang digunakan adalah kemiringan lereng, jenis tanah, dan curah hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kecamatan Alak, Mualafa, dan Kota Raja memiliki nilai kesesuaian lahan pertanian tertinggi yaitu 77,42%. Kecamatan Kota Lama memiliki nilai kesesuaian lahan pertanian rendah. Kota Kupang memiliki potensi yang cukup baik untuk pengembangan lahan pertanian, namun perlu memperhatikan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kesesuaian lahan pertanian disamping itu untuk lahan yang tidak sesuai bisa menggunakan varietas tanaman yang toleran dengan kondisi di lapangan dan membuat sistem irigasi yang efektif dan efisien.
... Because it tolerates a wide range of environmental conditions such as drought, heat, and poor soil conditions and provides reasonable yield with low fertilizer and water inputs compared to conventional crops (Yucel et al., 2022). Features of the C 4 photosynthetic pathway, high CO 2 fixation potential into sugar, remarkable biologic productivity in a short growth period, tolerance to heat and soil water deficit, and high adaptability to a wide range of environments suggest that sorghum is one of the most promising future crop for stressful environmental conditions (Aydın-Kandemir and Sarptaş, 2022). Sweet sorghum also reported as a low vulnerable crop to climate change when sustainable cropping methods applied in semi-arid tropics (MacCarthy et al., 2021). ...
Recycling renewable energy waste, nutrient-rich biomass ash, via composting for biofuel crop fertilization is feasible for integrating waste and crop production to close the nutrient loop and mitigate greenhouse gaseous emissions. The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate the nutrient-rich compost on energy crop production, energy yield, and carbon input to the soil via the root under two different agroclimatic conditions. Compost treatments exhibited superior biomass growth in both sweet sorghum cultivars landrace and Gulseker in both regions. The effect was more potent in the temperate region (Sakarya) due to evenly precipitation during the entire plant growth period. On the other hand, biomass ash compost treatments induced higher Brix values in a region with high solar energy and hot and dry (Bitlis). However, the maximum juice yield (2387 L ha − 1) and juice ethanol yield (1583 L ha − 1) were obtained from the Sakarya region with cultivar Gulseker due to its high cane yield (68.76 t ha − 1). The energy yield of sweet sorghum bagasse ranged from 92 to 282 GJ ha − 1 , and the maximum value was obtained from compost treatment in Sakarya regions. Compost also promoted an increase in the carbon content of root tissue, and sweet sorghum can bind around 1250 kg ha − 1 recalcitrant forms of carbon to the soil via root tissue. Overall results indicate beneficial effects of compost on plant growth, biomass fuel, and root carbon storage in the soil, which could help waste management and agriculture together towards biofuel production with a more circular economy.
Günümüzde yoğun bir şekilde iklim değişikliğinin etkileri yaşanmaya başlamıştır ve devam da edecektir. İklim değişikliğinden birçok sektörün etkileneceği tahmin edilmektedir. Bu sektörlerin başında tarım sektörü gelmektedir. Trakya Bölgesi Türkiye’de buğday, kanola ve ayçiçek üretimine katkısı olan önemli bölgelerimizden biridir. Dolayısı ile iklim değişikliğiyle birlikte öngörülemeyen durumlar ortaya çıktığında, tarım ve gıda sektöründe önemli bir yer tutan bu üç bitkinin iklim değişikliğine karşı gelecekte yetiştirilme alanlarının nasıl değişeceğinin doğru bir şekilde belirlenebilmesi çok önemlidir. Öncelikle iklimin nasıl değişeceğinin hassas bir şekilde tahmin edilmesi ve sonrasında planlamalar yapılarak, nasıl önlemler alınması gerektiğinin ortaya konulması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, iklim değişikliğinin Trakya Bölgesi’nde yetiştiriciliği yapılan buğday, kanola ve ayçiçeği bitkilerinin coğrafi dağılımlarının gelecekte iklim değişiminden nasıl etkileneceğini, bitki uygunluk modeli kullanarak tahmin etmektir. Bu amaçla, Trakya Bölgesi’nde öncelikle günümüz (1950-2000) dönemi için buğday, kanola ve ayçiçeği bitkilerinde DIVA-GIS programı içinde yer alan Ecocrop modülü kullanılarak uygunluk belirlenmiş, sonrasında ise gelecek dönem yani 2050’ler için HADGEM2_ES model RCP4.5 ve RCP8.5 senaryo sonuçları doğrultusunda bu üç bitkide yine Ecocrop modülü kullanılarak uygunluk tahmini yapılmıştır. Günümüz ve gelecek dönem uygunluk sonuçları birbirleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, TR21 Trakya Bölgesi’nde 2050’lerde HADGEM2_ES model RCP4.5 ve RCP8.5 senaryolarında buğdayda günümüze göre uygun, çok uygun ve mükemmel alanların yerini genellikle uygun değil, çok marjinal, marjinal alanların alacağı, bu olumsuz durumun RCP8.5’de daha fazla oluşacağı; kanolada günümüze göre uygun ve çok uygun alanların yerini 2050’lerde genellikle uygun ve mükemmel alanların alacağı, bu olumlu durumun RCP4.5 senaryosunda daha fazla oluşacağı; ayçiçeğinde ise günümüzde mükemmel olan alanların gelecekte değişmeyeceği tahmin edilmiştir. Üreticilerin, karar vericilerin ve uygulayıcıların planlamalarını yaparken, bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda geleceğe yön vermesi önerilmiştir.
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Climate change is one of the most important problems that needs to be dealt with in Türkiye and worldwide. One of the sectors that will be most affected by climate change is the agriculture sector. For this reason, it is very important to adapt to changing climatic conditions, take the necessary precautions, and ensure sustainability in the agricultural sector today. The land suitability for spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) cultivation, a vegetable that is rich in nutrients, has never been investigated in Türkiye. Therefore, it is important to investigate the suitability of spinach cultivation areas in Türkiye in the case of possible climatic changes in future years. The most important original value of this research is that three separate climate change prediction models were used, as opposed to using only a single climate change prediction model, to determine the land suitability for spinach cultivation. The aim of this study is to determine the land suitability for spinach in line with possible climate change prediction models and scenarios in Türkiye and its evaluation by comparing it with the current model. To achieve this goal, HADGEM2_ES, CNRM_CM5, and MPI_ESM_LR climate models and RCP 4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios were used, and land suitability was determined and evaluated with the help of Ecocrop integrated into DIVA-GIS for spinach in Türkiye currently and in the 2050s. The results found that there will be decreases in suitable, very suitable, and excellent areas for spinach cultivation and increases in not-suited, very marginal, and marginal areas. Considering the possible temperature and precipitation changes, it has been observed that the areas in which spinach can be grown in Türkiye in the 2050s will be negatively affected by climate change due to the increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation in general, and solutions are proposed in this study to ensure sustainability.
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Marginal land has received wide attention for its potential to produce bioenergy feedstocks while minimizing diversion of productive agricultural land from food crop production. However, there has been no consensus in the literature on how to define or identify land that is marginal for food crops and beneficial for bioenergy crops. Studies have used different definitions to quantify the amount of such land available; these have largely been based on assumed biophysical thresholds for soil quality and productivity that are unchanging over space and time. We discuss the limitations of these definitions and the rationale for considering economic returns and environmental outcomes in classifying land as marginal. We then propose the concept of “socially” marginal which is defined as land that is earning close to zero returns after accounting for the monetized costs of environmental externalities generated. We discuss a broad set of criteria for classifying land as socially marginal for food crops and suitable for bioenergy crops; with these criteria, this classification depends on spatially varying and time‐varying factors, such as climate and market conditions and policy incentives. While there are challenges related to identifying this marginal land, satellite and other large‐scale datasets increasingly enable such analysis at a fine spatial resolution. We also discuss reasons why landowners might choose not to convert bioenergy‐suitable land to bioenergy crops, and thus the need for policy incentives to support conversion of land that is socially beneficial for bioenergy crop production.
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Understanding how the world's flora and fauna will respond to bioenergy expansion is critical. This issue is particularly pronounced considering bioenergy's potential role as a driver of land‐use change, the variety of production crops being considered and currently used for biomass, and the diversity of ecosystems that can potentially supply land for bioenergy across the planet. We conducted 2 global meta‐analyses to determine how 8 of the most commonly used bioenergy crops may affect site‐level biodiversity. One search was directed at finding data on biodiversity in different production land uses and the other at extracting energy‐yield estimates of potential bioenergy crops. We used linear mixed‐effect models to test whether effects on biodiversity varied with different individual bioenergy crop species, estimated energy yield, first‐ or second‐generation crops, type of reference ecosystem considered, and magnitude of vertical change in habitat structure between any given crop and the reference ecosystem. Species diversity and abundance were generally lower in crops considered for bioenergy relative to the natural ecosystems they may replace. First‐generation crops, derived from oils, sugars, and starches, tended to have greater effects than second‐generation crops, derived from lignocellulose, woody crops, or residues. Crop yield had nonlinear effects on abundance and, to a lesser extent, overall biodiversity; biodiversity effects were driven by negative yield effects for birds but not other taxa. Our results emphasize that replacing natural ecosystems with bioenergy crops across the planet will largely be detrimental for biodiversity, with first generation and high‐yield crops having the strongest negative effects. We argue that meeting energy goals with bioenergy using existing marginal lands or biomass extraction within existing production landscapes may provide more biodiversity‐friendly alternatives than conversion of natural ecosystems for biofuel production.
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The mismatch between the actual requirements and what is actually implemented in a given land could be avoided through land suitability evaluation through its contribution in identifying the inherent land potentials and constraints. This study aims to assess suitability for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) crop by integrating geographic information system (GIS), fuzzy set models and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methods. Soil, climate and topographic characteristics were considered in the study. As evidenced from the model output, 29,534 ha (30.54%), 34,984.74 ha (36.17%), 17,455 ha (18.05%), 14,744.61 ha (15.24%) of the area is moderately suitable, marginally suitable, currently not suitable and permanently not suitable for sorghum crop production respectively. Slope gradient, altitude, temperature, length of growing period, available water capacity, mean weight diameter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and soil organic carbon contents were found the main limiting factors constraining cultivation of that crop in the area. Organic and inorganic fertilizer application, tillage and soil and water management activities are needed to boost the productivity of the area.
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The Earth is in an era, when the natural balance has been deteriorated by the human and the adverse effects have been increased by these deteriorations. The adverse effects of global climate change have no limitations, and if these effects are overlooked by the human, they shall spread to all areas rapidly. The plants, which are so important for all living creatures, shall be faced with deaths, migrations or adaptation challenges in the future because of the climate change-originated geographical alteration on the variables such as air temperature and precipitation. These reasons make essential the estimations of geographical distribution of plants in the future. In the study, the geographic-climatic suitability of maize, safflower, canola (rape), cotton, wheat and switchgrass was projected for 2070, and the current and future conditions were compared. The applied steps in the study are; (1) the climatic data - obtained from Worldclim as current and 2070-projected data, (2) the identification of essential temperature and precipitation intervals for crops’ growth from EcoCrop, (3) application of the Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM)’s sub-model “Crop Climatic Suitability Modeling (CCSM)” in TerrSet, a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing software by Clark Labs, and finally (4) generation of the climatic suitability maps for each crop for current and future. With this study, the climate-based geographic suitability of plants was evaluated for Turkey where is dominated by Mediterranean climate pattern as 41.1% in Köppen Climate Classification. In the study, the projected areal suitability of maize, switchgrass and cotton shall not change significantly according to current conditions. Safflower’s and canola’s areal suitability shall expand and displace, respectively. Here, the major loser in areal suitability shall be wheat in Turkey. The methodology may aid for planners and land managers to understand changes in climatic suitability of plants from present to future.
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We created a new dataset of spatially interpolated monthly climate data for global land areas at a very high spatial resolution (approximately 1 km 2). We included monthly temperature (minimum, maximum and average), precipitation, solar radiation, vapour pressure and wind speed, aggregated across a target temporal range of 1970–2000, using data from between 9000 and 60 000 weather stations. Weather station data were interpolated using thin-plate splines with covariates including elevation, distance to the coast and three satellite-derived covariates: maximum and minimum land surface temperature as well as cloud cover, obtained with the MODIS satellite platform. Interpolation was done for 23 regions of varying size depending on station density. Satellite data improved prediction accuracy for temperature variables 5–15% (0.07–0.17 ∘ C), particularly for areas with a low station density, although prediction error remained high in such regions for all climate variables. Contributions of satellite covariates were mostly negligible for the other variables, although their importance varied by region. In contrast to the common approach to use a single model formulation for the entire world, we constructed the final product by selecting the best performing model for each region and variable. Global cross-validation correlations were ≥ 0.99 for temperature and humidity, 0.86 for precipitation and 0.76 for wind speed. The fact that most of our climate surface estimates were only marginally improved by use of satellite covariates highlights the importance having a dense, high-quality network of climate station data.
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This edition updates a narrative that has been at the forefront of soil science for more than a century. The first edition, published in 1909, was largely a guide to good soil management for farmers in the glaciated regions of New York State in the northeastern U.S. Since then, it has evolved to provide a globally relevant framework for an integrated understanding of the diversity of soils, the soil system and its role in the ecology of planet Earth. The 15th edition is the first to feature full-color illustrations and photographs throughout. These new and refined full color figures and illustrations help make the study of soils more efficient, engaging, and intellectually satisfying. Every chapter has been thoroughly updated with the latest advances, concepts, and applications. Hundreds of new key references have been added. The 15th edition, like preceding editions, has greatly benefited from innumerable suggestions, ideas, and corrections contributed by soil scientists, instructors, and students from around the world. Dr. Nyle Brady, although long in retirement and recently deceased, remains as co-author in recognition of the fact that his vision, wisdom and inspiration continue to permeate the entire book. This edition,1082 pages in length, includes in-depth discussions on such topics of cutting edge soil science as the pedosphere concept, new insights into humus and soil carbon accumulation, subaqueous soils, soil effects on human health, principles and practice of organic farming, urban and human engineered soils, cycling and plant use of silicon, inner- and outer-sphere complexes, radioactive soil contamination, new understandings of the nitrogen cycle, cation saturation and ratios, acid sulfate soils, water-saving irrigation techniques, hydraulic redistribution, cover crop effects on soil health, soil food-web ecology, disease suppressive soils, soil microbial genomics, indicators of soil quality, soil ecosystem services, biochar, soil interactions with global climate change, digital soil maps, and many others. In response to their popularity in recent editions, I have also added many new boxes that present either fascinating examples and applications or technical details and calculations. These boxes both highlight material of special interest and allow the logical thread of the regular text to flow smoothly without digression or interruption. For students: This book provides both an exciting, accessible introduction to the world of soils as well as a reliable, comprehensive reference that you will want to keep for your professional bookshelf. What you learn from its pages will be of enormous practical value in equipping you to meet the many natural-resource challenges of the 21st century. The book demonstrates how the soil system provides many opportunities to see practical applications for principles from such sciences as biology, chemistry, physics, and geology. Throughout, the text highlights the countless interactions between soils and other components of forest, range, agricultural, wetland, and constructed ecosystems. As the global economy expands exponentially societies face new challenges with managing their natural resources. Soil as a fundamental natural resource is critical to sustained economic growth and the prosperity of people in all parts of the world. To achieve balanced growth with a sustainable economy while improving environmental quality, it will be necessary to have a deep understanding of soils, including their properties, functions, ecological roles and management. I have tried to write this textbook in a way designed to engage inquisitive minds and challenge them to understand soils and actively do their part as environmental and agricultural scientists, in the interest of ensuring a prosperous and healthy future for humanity on planet Earth. It is my sincere hope that this book, previous editions of which have served so many generations of soil students and scientists, will continue to help future generations of soil scientists to benefit from a global ecological view of soils.
This chapter describes the use of algae biomass as a sustainable feedstock for biofuel. The brief historical perspective follows different biofuel options from algae. The start to finish process of liquid biofuel from algae involved is presented: (1) algae strain selection (different algae type), (2) algae cultivation (algae growth systems—photobioreactors, open raceways, and fermenters), (3) biomass harvesting, and (4) algae oil extraction (mechanical, chemical—transesterification, enzymatic, supercritical fluid, etc.). The challenges in upscaling of algal biofuel operations from bench to commercial scales are described in the end, followed by the life-cycle analysis and economic and environmental effects.
The optimization of spatial planning in order to identify the most suitable places for the installation of wind farms is one of the most difficult problems mainly due to the need of identification and calculation of a variety of qualitative and quantitative parameters as well as their effect on the final solution. Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods (MCDM) are commonly used in order to solve this problem and are combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to spatially represent the results from the application of the MCDM methodology. This paper presents a methodology which is based on the combination of a MCDM methodology called Analytical Hierarch Process (AHP) and GIS in order to determine the most suitable locations for wind farms installation. The calculated locations are then ranked using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) in order to rank the locations based on installation suitability. The application of this methodology can help decision makers to easily overcome conflicting parameters and propose optimal solutions which are acceptable from citizens and stake holders while at the same time are economical and environmental friendly.
In this chapter, we will explain the fundamentals of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The reader is referred to the original Saaty’s (2012) discussion of AHP or to Brunnelli’s (2015) for a theoretical introduction to the method. In this book, AHP concepts will be explained from a practical point of view, using examples for greater clarity.
Biomass is the most widely used renewable energy source in the world today. It is used mostly in solid form and, to a lesser extent, in the form of liquid fuels and gas. The utilization of biomass for energy production has increased at only a modest rate in modern times. Biomass is the major source of energy in rural Turkey. Biomass is used to meet a variety of energy needs, including generating electricity, heating homes, fueling vehicles and providing process heat for industrial facilities. Biomass potential includes wood, animal and plant wastes. Among the biomass energy sources, fuel wood seems to be the most interesting because its share of the total energy production of Turkey is high at 14%. The total biomass energy potential of Turkey is about 33 million tons of oil equivalents (Mtoe). The amount of usable biomass potential of Turkey is approximately 17 Mtoe. The electrical production potential from usable bioenergy sources are 73 MW in 2010 and corporate income and represent more than 280,000 jobs. This study shows that there is important biomass energy potential for climate change mitigation and energy sustainability in Turkey.