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This paper presents the learning strategy and the environment for Ontology Learning (OL) relations discovery task for the scientific publications domain by adjusting Deep Belief Network (DBN). The adjusted DBN is called Relu Dropout DBN (Re-DDBN). This paper elaborates on the adjusted Re-DDBN configuration, its structure, hyper-parameters, and functions. In addition, the adjusted Re-DDBN was compared with traditional DBN and other comparative models (e.g., Support vector machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB)) for ontology semantic relations discovery. The outcomes revealed that the adjusted Re-DDBN displayed the best performance when compared to the other models. The SemEval-2018 task 7 dataset was applied in this study.
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Hodeidah University, Hodeidah , Yemen.
PRESENTED BY: Fatima N. AL-Aswadi
Research Problem
Configuring Learning Strategy
Deep Belief Network (DBN)
Adjusted DBN (Relu Dropout DBN)
Experiments & Results
Identifying Concepts & Relations
Concepts &
Relations Discovery is considered the Backbone task of any Ontology Learning
Many applications are based on ontology
Semantic Searching
Decision-Support Systems
Automated Fraud Detection
Question-Answering Systems
Relations are the taxonomic or non-taxonomic (semantic) connections between
extracted concepts that form the facts and rules of specific domain.
Relations discovery task aims to extract the relationships among selected concepts.
Relations discovery techniques are combination of Natural Language Processing
(NLP) and Machine Learning (ML).
Extracting only taxonomic relation (or very limited relations), or based on large
predefined patterns, which have very low recall result such as in (A. El-Kilany et
al.,2017;Gillani Andleeb, 2015; L. Bergelid, 2018;Sureshkumar & Zayaraz, 2015; J.
Zhang et al., 2016; J. Wang et al., 2018;Zhong et al., 2016).
Proposed solution:
Develop efficient automatic method includes dual stages :
adjusting and configuring the appropriate learning
strategy to can automatically detect or learn relations
developing relations extraction and classification
technique based on the established learning strategy
This paper contribution
Upcoming contribution
A stack of Restricted
Boltzmann machines
The learning algorithm of
DBN has dual stages:
pre-training and fine-
RBM is a symmetrical graph
(each visible node is
connected with each hidden
node) and consists of two
layers (visible and hidden)
Each layer in the DBNs has a
double role, it serves as the
hidden layer to the nodes that
come before and as the visible
layer to the nodes that come
Input Layer
Output Layer
Input Layer
Output Layer
Input Layer
Output Layer
Without Dropout With Dropout
Inactive unit
Active unit
=1 
=1 , if = 1
0 , other else = 0
Traditional Adjusted (Re-DDBN)
Relu (Rectified Linear)
Hyper-parameter Value/Type
Hidden Layers 3
Neurons/nodes 800,600,500
Hidden Layers Activation Relu
Output Layers Activation Softmax
learning rate 0.2,0.3
Batch size Small dataset: 100~180
Large dataset: 180~270
epochs 50~80
Dropout 0.4
Optimization algorithm SGD
Hundreds of scenarios and
experiments have been
conducted to determine the
hyper-parameters’ values
SemEval-2018 task 7 is a collection of two corpora, ACLRelAcS and ACL RD-TEC
2.0, within the computational linguistics domain. They are based on the ACL
Anthology Reference Corpus (a digital archive of published papers in both journals
and conferences for NLP and computational linguistics domain).
It is divided into two sizes; the small fraction had 800 samples and the large part
contained 1800 samples.
Different percentages of
dropout applied for Re-DDBN
and the outcomes revealed
that 40% dropout (=0.4) had the
best results for both small
and large sampling.
Accuracy of Re-DDBN for Different Dropout Percentages
Traditional DBN: such as used in (H. Wang, 2015; Zhong et al., 2016)(Sigmoid +DBN)
Re-DBN: such as used in (Dai et al., 2017)(Relu +DBN)
Sig-DDBN: such as used in (J. Huang & Guan, 2021) (Sigmoid +Dropout +DBN)
Multinomial NB: same as used in (Sureshkumar & Zayaraz, 2015)
Linear SVM: same as used in (Bergelid, 2018)
Re-DDBN: Adjusted model (Relu +Dropout +DBN)
Hundreds of scenarios and experiments respectively were conducted to select the hyper-parameters for
these variations of DBN.
The comparative experiments was conducted 10 times with 3-
fold cross-validation (=30) for each model to obtain the results.
The results were calculated using the macro function of k-fold
DL/ ML Model Hidden Layers
Activation With/without
Dropout Samples size Accuracy
Re-DBN Relu without Small 0.4310±0. 0701
Re-DDBN Relu with Small 0.4620±0.0805
Traditional DBN Sigmoid without Small 0.4093±0.0690
Sig-DDBN Sigmoid with Small 0.4227±0.0498
Re-DBN Relu without Large 0.4575±0.1632
Re-DDBN Relu with Large 0.5244±0.1407
Traditional DBN Sigmoid without Large 0.4070±0.1305
Sig-DDBN Sigmoid with Large 0.4106±0.1026
SVM Linear -- Small 0.4428±0.1379
SVM Linear -- Large 0.5058±0.0839
NB Multinomial -- Small 0.4563±0.0690
NB Multinomial -- Large 0.4868±0.0839
Comparison of the Developed Re-DDBN, Traditional DBN, Re-DBN, Sig-DDBN, SVM, and NB for Small
and Large Samples
Re-DDBN obtained the best accuracy result among the comparative models in small
and large samples.
The second highest accuracy was obtained by linear SVM for large samples and by
multinomial NB for small samples.
The sigmoid function showed weaker accuracy result than other models due to the
vanishing problem.
As for the imbalanced, noisy dataset and low characteristic dimensions of samples,
the adjusted model (Re-DDBN) performs better than other comparative models.
A Re-DDBN model, which uses a dropout strategy and Relu activation function, is proposed in this
study to establish the learning strategy for relations discovery.
The adjusted model, Re-DDBN, outperformed the traditional model DBN and other comparative
The upcoming paper shall present the development of relations extraction and classification
techniques for OL based on the Re-DDBN model.
In future work, we will conduct the comparison of using Relu functions with and without batch
normalization with applying the dropout strategy or applying without it.
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Fatima N.
Yo n g
Ph.D. candidate in School of
Computer Sciences at Universiti
Sains Malaysia (USM).Also,
research assistant and instructor
in the Computer Sciences
Department, at Hodeidah
Associate Professor in the
School of Computer
Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia (USM).
Senior lecturer in the School
of Computer Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia
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With the widespread growth of data on the Web, the need for efficient methods to get and arrange valuable information from these big noisy data is increased. The knowledge graph (KG) is a way to represent and organize the data in a more efficient and easy way to modify, use, and understand. Recently, KG has become a new hotspot topic in academic and business research; it is used in many applications such as intelligent question-answering (QA), recommender systems, map navigation, etc. There has been a tendency to construct KG in different languages such as English, Chinese, Persian, or Arabic. Constructing KG faces many challenges and obstacles, especially constructing Arabic Knowledge Graph (AKG) due to the sparse Arabic data in online encyclopedias and academic research, as well as the lack of tools that can process the proprietary nature of the Arabic language effectively, besides other challenges. This research aims to review and discuss KG construction best practices (systems, phases, problems, and challenges) with highlighting the Arabic perspective. Besides, it elaborates a classification of the AKG challenges and investigates the potential solutions and opportunities that might define the key future research directions of constructing AKG.
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With the large volume of unstructured data that increases constantly on the web, the motivation of representing the knowledge in this data in the machine-understandable form is increased. Ontology is one of the major cornerstones of representing the information in a more meaningful way on the semantic Web. The current ontology repositories are quite limited either for their scope or for currentness. In addition, the current ontology extraction systems have many shortcomings and drawbacks, such as using a small dataset, depending on a large amount predefined patterns to extract semantic relations, and extracting a very few types of relations. The aim of this paper is to introduce a proposal of automatically extracting semantic concepts and relations from scientific publications. This paper introduces a novel relevance measurement for concepts, and it suggests new types of semantic relations. Also, it points out of using deep learning (DL) models for semantic relation extraction.
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With the extensive growth of data that has been joined with the thriving development of the Internet in this century, finding or getting valuable information and knowledge from these huge noisy data became harder. The Concept of Knowledge Graph (KG) is one of the concepts that has come into the public view as a result of this development. In addition, with that thriving development especially in the last two decades, the need to process and extract valuable information in a more efficient way is increased. KG presents a common framework for knowledge representation, based on the analysis and extraction of entities and relationships. Techniques for KG construction can extract information from either structured, unstructured or even semistructured data sources, and finally organize the information into knowledge, represented in a graph. This paper presents a characterization of different types of KGs along with their construction approaches. It reviews the existing academia, industry and expert KG systems and discusses in detail about the features of it. A systematic review methodology has been followed to conduct the review. Several databases (Scopus, GS, WoS) and journals (SWJ, Applied Ontology, JWS) are analysed to collect the relevant study and filtered by using inclusion and exclusion criteria. This review includes the state-of-the-art, literature review, characterization of KGs, and the knowledge extraction techniques of KGs. In addition, this paper overviews the current KG applications, problems, and challenges as well as discuss the perspective of future research. The main aim of this paper is to analyse all existing KGs with their features, techniques, applications, problems, and challenges. To the best of our knowledge, such a characterization table among these most commonly used KGs has not been presented earlier.
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A non-destructive identification method was developed here based on dropout deep belief network in multi-spectral data of ancient ceramic. A fractional differential algorithm was proposed to enhance the spectral details by making use of the difference between the first and second-order differential pre-process spectral data. An unsupervised multi-layer restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) was employed to extract some high-level features during pre-training. Some weight and bias values trained by RBM were used to initialize a back propagation (BP) neural network. The RBM deep belief network was fine-tuned by the BP neural network to promote the initiative performance of network training, which helped to overcome local optimal limitation of the network due to the random initializing weight parameter. The dropout strategy has been put forward into the RBM network to solve the over-fitting of small sample spectral data. The experimental results show that the proposed method has excellent recognition performance of the ceramics by comparisons with some other ones.
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The explosive growth of textual data on the web coupled with the increase on demand for ontologies to promote the semantic web, have made the automatic ontology construction from the text a very promising research area. Ontology learning (OL) from text is a process that aims to (semi-) automatically extract and represent the knowledge from text in machine-readable form. Ontology is considered one of the main cornerstones of representing the knowledge in a more meaningful way on the semantic web. Usage of ontologies has proven to be beneficial and efficient in different applications (e.g. information retrieval, information extraction, and question answering). Nevertheless, manually construction of ontologies is time-consuming as well extremely laborious and costly process. In recent years, many approaches and systems that try to automate the construction of ontologies have been developed. This paper reviews various approaches, systems, and challenges of automatic ontology construction from the text. In addition, it also discusses ways the ontology construction process could be enhanced in the future by presenting techniques from shallow learning to deep learning (DL).
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Machine processable data that narrate digital/non-digital resources are termed as metadata. Different metadata standards exist for describing various types of digital objects. Several researches have reported on how to address issues related to accessing of metadata resources. Most studies on metadata involve cultural heritage domain, and this is an indication of the importance of this domain in metadata research and development. Research on metadata in cultural heritage mainly revolves around three fundamental issues: (1) lack of quality in metadata contents in most of the cases, (2) difficulty in accessing metadata contents due largely to limited user’s knowledge on the content of the metadata, and (3) heterogeneity of the data at the level of schemas which makes the access even more difficult. The lack of quality in metadata makes it difficult for the users to retrieve and explore information that satisfies their needs. So, in order to make its contents more accessible, enhancing the metadata content is required, especially for cultural heritage collections which consist of digital objects (structured documents) described by a variety of metadata schemas. This paper presents issues and challenges in enhancing access to metadata by reviewing the existing approaches in metadata environment with a particular emphasis on cultural heritage collections. In this paper, firstly, we look at the classification of metadata which is divided into two categories namely data retrieval and information retrieval. Then, we present the analysis, findings and suggestions on how to address issues in enhancing access to metadata contents especially in cultural heritage collections. A detailed comparison is given between information retrieval and data retrieval, and it focuses on the applicability of one approach over the other. A framework that aims to improve the effectiveness of retrieval when searching metadata is also proposed and tested. The proposed framework consists of approaches and methods that are expected to enhance access to metadata especially in cultural heritage collections and be useful for those with limited knowledge on cultural heritage. The experiments were conducted on CHiC2013 which is a collection on cultural heritage. The results show a considerable enhancement over other IR approaches that use the expansion methods.
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The prime textual sources used for ontology learning are a domain corpus and dynamic large text from web pages. The first source is limited and possibly outdated, while the second is uncertain. To overcome these shortcomings, a novel ontology learning methodology is proposed to utilize the different sources of text such as a corpus, web pages and the massive probabilistic knowledge base, Probase, for an effective automated construction of ontology. Specifically, to discover taxonomical relations among the concept of the ontology, a new web page based two-level semantic query formation methodology using the lexical syntactic patterns (LSP) and a novel scoring measure: Fitness built on Probase are proposed. Also, a syntactic and statistical measure called COS (Co-occurrence Strength) scoring, and Domain and Range-NTRD (Non-Taxonomical Relation Discovery) algorithms are proposed to accurately identify non-taxonomical relations(NTR) among concepts, using evidence from the corpus and web pages.
Ontologies enable the sharing and reusing of knowledge, allowing the interoperation and combination of information systems. Automatic ontological relation extraction from text is an important factor for representing documents and their contents in a useful computerized manner. This paper proposes a model for automatic ontology extraction from Arabic text by parsing sentences and extracting part of speech (POS). Then, the proposed rule-based model is applied to extract the triple attributes of a sentence (subject, predicate, and object) from the parsing tree. Finally, the semantic relations can be used to extract new triples inferred from the initially extracted triples. The results were evaluated using two methods: the first method was based on a comparison with manual extraction because there is no standard method for measuring Arabic triple extraction; the second method is based on translating the dataset into English and comparing the output results using the Stanford dependencies extraction web tool. The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 73.6% for Arabic triple extraction and a 35% increase in overall triples owing to new inferred triples. However, when the dataset was translated into English and tested by the Stanford dependencies extraction web tool, the accuracy was 71.8% without inferred triples.
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) of insulating oil can provide an important basis for transformer fault diagnosis. To improve diagnosis accuracy, this paper presents a new transformer fault diagnosis method based on deep belief networks (DBN). By analyzing the relationship between the gases dissolved in transformer oil and fault types, the Non­code ratios of the gases are determined as the characterizing parameter of the DBN model. DBN adopts multi-layer and multi-dimension mapping to extract more detailed differences of fault types. In this process, the diagnosis parameters are pre-trained. A back-propagation algorithm adjusts them with the labels of the samples and optimizes the parameters. To verify the effect of the proposed method, the diagnostic DBN model is constructed and tested using various oil chromatographic datasets collected from the State Grid Corporation of China and previous publications. The performances of the DBN diagnosis model are analyzed by different characterizing parameters, different training datasets and sample datasets. In addition, the influence of discharge and overheating multiple faults on the diagnosis model is studied. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with that derived from support vector machine (SVM), back-propagation neural network (BPNN) and ratio methods respectively. The results show that the proposed method significantly improves the accuracy of power transformer fault diagnosis.