Conference PaperPDF Available

A Lightweight Encryption Scheme for IoT Devices in the Fog


Abstract and Figures

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the collection of everyday smart devices which connect to the Cloud, often through Fog nodes, to transmit and receive information. These everyday devices are distinct from traditional computers because they typically have notable constraints on their RAM, flash memory, and computational power. Due to these constraints, we believe that many of the proposed encryption schemes are too heavyweight to be employed in the IoT. In this paper we present a lightweight, flexible encryption scheme that relies on the one-way information loss property of a secure hash function. Our scheme imposes minimal computational and storage requirements, and imposes no non-negligible burdens on the encrypting device, except for the hash itself. We find that the encryption algorithm is particularly lightweight, and holds up strongly in terms of its speed and memory efficiency. KeywordsIoTEncryptionHashFogSecurityPrivacy
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Devices in the Fog
Matthew Chun1(B
), Stefan Weber2, and Hitesh Tewari2
1Amherst College, Amherst, MA, USA
2Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Abstract. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the collection of everyday
smart devices which connect to the Cloud, often through Fog nodes,
to transmit and receive information. These everyday devices are dis-
tinct from traditional computers because they typically have notable
constraints on their RAM, flash memory, and computational power. Due
to these constraints, we believe that many of the proposed encryption
schemes are too heavyweight to be employed in the IoT. In this paper
we present a lightweight, flexible encryption scheme that relies on the
one-way information loss property of a secure hash function. Our scheme
imposes minimal computational and storage requirements, and imposes
no non-negligible burdens on the encrypting device, except for the hash
itself. We find that the encryption algorithm is particularly lightweight,
and holds up strongly in terms of its speed and memory eciency.
Keywords: IoT ·Encryption ·Hash ·Fog ·Security ·Privacy
In this paper, we present an encryption protocol intended specifically for deploy-
ment into IoT devices with constrained resources. Possible applications for this
encryption scheme include trac lights, parking meters, homemade electronics,
and other small smart appliances. Our encryption scheme uses a secure hash
function to create keys. The primary benefit for choosing to base our scheme on
a secure hash function is that it causes the hash function, often with well-known
quantities such as encryption/decryption eciency and RAM requirements, to
dominate the encryption and decryption process. Furthermore, as new secure
hash functions continue to be created, the framework presented with this simple
encryption scheme can see an improvement in performance simply by replac-
ing our provided example hash function with newer and more ecient ones.
Hash functions can also be chosen for more or less security to balance against
their required computational resources - meaning that an encryption framework
using a hash function may be a lucrative option for a manufacturer that wants
to fine-tune its encryption needs to precisely balance against the availability
!The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
K. Arai (Ed.): FTC 2022, LNNS 560, pp. 147–161, 2023.
148 M. Chun et al.
of computational resources. Though encryption protocols always provide confi-
dentiality to a user’s data, our encryption protocol also provides in-built data
integrity and authenticity.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. First, we examine exist-
ing encryption schemes that have been proposed for IoT environments and
motivating innovations for our protocol. We then provide an overview of our
system, detailing the network configuration within which our IoT devices are
located, the key generation process, the data packet format we employ, and
finally the encryption mechanism. We substantiate that the encryption protocol
maintains confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity against standard crypto-
graphic attacks. We also substantiate that the encryption framework is as min-
imal and lightweight as possible. We then provide the reader with experimental
data displaying the eciency of our encryption protocol, measured using a vari-
ety of Arduino-compatible devices. We analyze the experimental data and close
with a few concluding remarks.
2 Related Work
There are numerous papers in the literature that survey the security risks to the
IoT [13]. Risks such as battery draining, hardware trojans, malicious software
updates, eavesdropping, denial-of-service, routing attacks, etc. are just some of
the areas that have been identified. These surveys also highlight the various
approaches that researchers have employed in relation to developing lightweight
cryptographic solutions for location privacy, authentication and encryption of
data [4,5]. Many of the proposals make use of symmetric key encryption algo-
rithms such as AES [6]. Others make use of asymmetric key algorithms such
as RSA for encryption, authentication and non-repudiation. While some make
use of a combination of symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms [7]. A num-
ber of schemes have also been proposed based on attribute-based encryption
(ABE) techniques [8]. Others make use of more cutting edge algorithms such
as homomorphic encryption. While some advocate the use of secure hardware
such as smart cards. Some schemes even propose ooading highly consuming
cryptographic primitives to third parties [9].
We believe that the above approaches are still too heavyweight in terms
of computational and communication costs, for them to be of any practical
use in IoT and Fog environments. In [10], the authors benchmark various hash
algorithms on the ATtiny45 8-bit RISC microcontroller. The study shows that
the lightweight hash algorithms outperform traditional hashing algorithms in
terms of RAM memory and code size. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, a
scheme similar to the one based on hash functions that we present in this paper
has not been previously proposed for deployment in the IoT.
In [11], the authors propose a very minimal encryption scheme using hashes
that bears similarities to our current work. However, we believe the authors’
proposed variations on their scheme do not substantially increase its security. In
contrast, we have added in-built authenticity and integrity while retaining the
Lightweight IoT Encryption 149
minimalist and ecient nature of their scheme. In [12] the authors propose a
hash algorithm specifically designed for the IoT, providing a collision-free secure
hash option for encryption protocols. It is because of innovations such as these
that we wish to propose an encryption protocol whose eciency and security is
controlled by the hash it uses. It is also because of innovations such as these that
we strongly believe in the future of cryptographic hashing as a widespread tool
for IoT encryption.
3 System Overview
We draw upon our knowledge of hash functions, computer networks, and their
packet formats, in order to design a lightweight encryption scheme for the IoT.
Our scheme makes use of a single, secure hashing algorithm, from which we
can derive the key material. We make use of the fast XOR function to gener-
ate the ciphertext, and employ a well-known packet format technique to ensure
the integrity of the data packets exchanged between the various entities in the
system. Our protocol sidesteps the requirement for a secure channel to be estab-
lished in order to exchange the key material.
Fig. 1. Coexistence of IoT, fog and cloud environments
Figure 1depicts a typical network configuration for our proposed system,
where IoT devices are connected to the Cloud via Fog nodes. Fog computing
[13] is a new paradigm that extends the Cloud to the network edge. Fog nodes
allow for storage, processing and retrieval of data to take place close to where
it may be required, as opposed to storing it deep inside the network core. For
example, it is faster and more ecient to store and process the telemetry data
from vehicles in Fog nodes located close to the highway where they are travelling,
as opposed to sending the data all the way to a Cloud server, and the subsequent
retrieval of the data from the Cloud by another vehicle after a relatively short
interval of time.
150 M. Chun et al.
3.1 Lightweight Encryption Protocol
For our protocol, we are using an arbitrary 32-byte hash function (H). How-
ever, any hash function can be used in this framework, so long as it maps
{0,1}32 !→ {0,1}32 or {0,1}64 !→ {0,1}64. Because our messages are fixed length
by default, we do not require the hashes to map from {0,1}nfor any nless than
the dimension of the codomain. Additionally, the hash function should have
confusion and diusion properties that are considered suciently secure for the
application the encryption protocol is to be installed onto.
For this breakdown, consider two communicating parties, such as an IoT
device and a Fog node. Suppose one of the parties is about to encrypt and send
refer to the sender as Sand the receiver as R. Our protocol creates unique keys
for each encryption by hashing a copy of a pre-deployed 27-byte shared secret key
(SK) concatenated with a small 5-byte counter (CTR) that increments upon
each use. The hash operation produces a 32-byte key that can be concatenated
with itself to create a 64-byte key, which SXORs with the message (M)to
produce the encrypted message (EncM).
It is imperative that both SK and CTR be stored in non-volatile memory,
as they are created before deployment, not at encryption time.
Key Setup: We first embed the 27-byte shared secret SK into both parties
prior to deployment of the IoT device into the Fog. Then, Screates a 27-byte
copy of SK known as SK", stored as a local variable, which will be the object
Shashes during encryption, so SK itself is never lost. We then concatenate a
5-byte (40-bit) counter CTR to SK"that starts at 000 ...001 and increments
each time data is encrypted or decrypted. We denote this concatenated product
as (SK"#CTR).
Message Setup: The message Msent from Sto Rmust be sent in the following
64-byte format:
M=55bytes data #1byte length #8bytes integrity check (1)
This integrity check value must be equal to the first 8-bytes of SK,andwill
be checked to ensure integrity and authenticity upon decryption. The length
communicates to Rhow many of the first 55-bytes contain data, and how many
of those bytes are padding.
Encryption: To initiate the encrypti o n p r o cess, Sincrements its counter
CTRS.Ittheninputs(SK"#CTRS) into the hash function Hand concate-
nates the output with a copy of itself to produce a 64-byte quantity as depicted
in Eq. 2:
Lightweight IoT Encryption 151
The sender Sthen computes a bitwise XOR between (2) and Mto produce
the encrypted message (EncM), which will be transmitted to R.
EncM=M(H(SK"#CTRS)#H(SK"#CTRS)) (3)
Since servers and Fog nodes communicate with many devices in parallel, if R
is a server or Fog node, Stransmits the following Tuple to the receiver instead
of just EncM:
Tuple =(I D, EncM)(4)
where ID is a node identifier, a MAC Address, or any other unique identifier of
the sender sent in plaintext. By transmitting ID,Rcan determine which SK
and CTR value s to use, as only one of R’s counters will be synchronized with S.
Decryption: The receiving device receives EncMgiven by (3). It first incre-
ments its own counter CTRRand tries to computes the original message.
M=EncM(H(SK"#CTRR)#H(SK"#CTRR)) (5)
Upon decrypting EncM,thedevicechecksifthe8-byteintegritycheckinM
is equal to the first 8 bytes of SK. If they are not equal, the message is discarded
and CTRRis decremented. This check ensures detection of active attacks to the
messages, while demonstrating authenticity of the sender via knowledge of the
shared secret SK. Due to the “avalanche eect” of a secure hash, changing even
a single bit will cause the integrity check to fail. Because SK is never deployed
outside either device, an illegitimate party would only be able to send a correctly
decrypted illegitimate message if they find a security exploit in the hash, or if
they brute force the system with a 1/264 chance of bypassing the integrity check.
If there is expected to be simultaneous messages in transit, there could be
problems for encryption and decryption. Suppose CTRR=CTRS=Xfor
some X, and both devices send each other an encrypted message at the same
time. Then, CTRR=CTRS=X+1 while the message is midway, and
both will attempt to decrypt at CTRR=CTRS=X+2. Since the protocol
requires a mismatch of CTRRand CTRSat decryption time, we could fix this
by simply storing two separate counters for encryption and decryption. Instead,
suppose both systems have a counter ECTR incrementing upon encryption and
a counter DCTR incrementing upon decryption. Then, ECTRS=DCTRR
and ECTRR=DCTRS(except when a message is in transit). Now, since send-
ing and receiving messages increment separate counters, a simultaneous attempt
to send a message will not cause the counters to match before decryption is exe-
In this section, we aim to demonstrate either security equivalence or superior-
ity of our simple encryption scheme over other similar hypothetical hash-based
encryption protocols.
152 M. Chun et al.
4.1 Hashing the Secret Key Instead of a Copy
While this may lower the system’s SRAM requirement, hashing SK would cause
previously used keys to be no longer accessible by any of the communicating
parties. Thus, if an encrypted message from an IoT device Swere to fail to be
delivered to its server R, we would have SKS=H(SKR), and the keys would
be desynchronized.
To fix desynchronization in our protocol, the server Rcould simply test a
range of values ahead of its current CTRR. If none of them decrypt, it can
conclude the message was illegitimate and reset back to CTRRto await a legit-
imate message. However, it cannot reset back to its key value at CTRRif the
original value of SK is lost upon hashing it. So if the protocol hashed SK
instead of a copy, there would be no way for Rto resynchronize itself in the
SKS=H(SKR) scenario, and no way to communicate to Sthat it is desyn-
chronized. Thus, Rwould have to send data until it has hashed more times than
S. But a server seldom sends more data to an IoT device than vice versa, and
therefore SKS=H(SKR) would be an unrecoverable situation caused by a
single packet loss.
Additionally, even when working correctly, Rwould not be able to verify
authenticity of a message, since the original shared secret used to encrypt the
message would be destroyed upon being hashed.
4.2 Using Multiple Hash Functions
Suppose you implement a scheme that employs multiple hash functions, and
decides which one to use before hashing (SK"#CTRS). Then, if any of the
hash functions are vulnerable to a passive attack, a fraction of the keys may
be deduced by an outsider. Once an outsider can deduce some of the keys, the
outsider knows SK and can compute the value of all the keys. Thus, the multiple
hash scheme would only be as secure as its least secure hash. For this reason, we
elect to use a single, trustworthy hash function to encrypt all the keys.
4.3 Additional Manipulation of the Input
Because the hash itself is known to be secure, generation of the secret material
used as an input does not need to be any more unpredictable than a counter
attached to a shared secret. If there exists an active attack against H, then a
more unpredictable input in Hwould not change an outsider’s ability to attack
the data integrity. Similarly, if there exists a passive attack against H,anoutsider
would still be able to compute the contents of the original message unless the
input to His itself ciphertext. Because using two dierent encryption protocols
to encrypt a single file would be much more heavyweight, we consider this an
impractical option for the IoT.
Lightweight IoT Encryption 153
Assume that the secret key was placed in both devices securely, and that an
outsider cannot find the secret key through any manipulation of the hardware
of the IoT device. Also assume that one of the communicating devices is an IoT
device, and the other is a server or a Fog node with more available computational
resources. We will assume that an outsider can read, manipulate, reroute, and
delete messages as they travel to the intended recipient. We also assume that an
outsider can send their own, illegitimate messages to either device. For the rest
of this paper, we will be using the BLAKE2s hash (from the BLAKE2 hashes)
as our choice of hash function.
5.1 Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Passive Attack
An MITM interceptor would only be privy to the encrypted message. Since they
do not know the secret key, they cannot compute the decrypted message. Due to
the well-known security of the BLAKE2 hashes, they cannot compute SK from
knowledge of just the hashes and the current CTR value [14].
5.2 Message Modification Attack
Modification of the encrypted data would cause the BLAKE2s hash to map the
data packet to a dierent and unpredictable 32-byte string upon decryption.
Due to the fact that our protocol has 8-bytes (64-bits) for the integrity check,
the chance of the integrity check failing is 1/264, or once in every 1.8×1019
5.3 Replay Attack
An interceptor which observes the delivery of a legitimate message cannot ille-
gitimately send as many copies of that message to the receiver as they desire.
Because the counter increments for each encryption and decryption, each encryp-
tion requires a dierent and unique key to decrypt. And since a change in CTR
causes an unpredictable and large change in the hash function’s output, an out-
sider could not replay messages to the receiver. An outsider can only imperson-
ate a legitimate sender if the outsider knows the secret key, which could then be
appended with the correct counter value to be decrypted.
5.4 Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack
A repeated active message-modification attack on transmitted messages will
cause a stream of data to all be correctly interpreted as compromised data.
Assuming the server or Fog node is configured to anticipate legitimate messages
periodically from the IoT devices, it can detect when a DoS attack is happening
with certain devices that have not sent a legitimate message in an unusually
large amount of time. Because an outsider cannot impersonate a legitimate mes-
sage, DoS attacks can be easily detected and addressed on a temporally periodic
154 M. Chun et al.
5.5 Counter Desynchronization Attack
An outsider may attempt to permanently deny service and communication
between the devices by deleting a message en route, causing the counters to
desynchronize. This could easily be detected and diagnosed, as discussed in
Sect. 5.4, because it would cause a device to be unable to interpret legitimate
messages. As a way to oset the service delay caused by this attack, decryption
done by the server can check within a range of the current counter value to
attempt to resynchronize.
However, the larger the range the server might check, the more chances an
illegitimate message may be decrypted correctly and pass the integrity check.
But even with a range of 5,000,000, accounting for the possibility that an outsider
has tampered with 265 MB of data before the server has had a chance to react,
an outsider would still have only a 1/(2.7×1013 )chanceofpassinganintegrity
check under any of those 5,000,000 keys. So long as the range chosen is very
small compared to 264, testing ahead for counter desynchronization should not
compromise the security of the system. Note that the server should only check
counter values above its current value, so as not to resynchronize to a value
that’s already been used and create a vulnerability to a replay attack.
While we are aware of methods to ensure synchronization that are compu-
tationally simpler (such as sending plaintext CTR values p rot ected by a MAC
to the receiver), we are not aware of a simpler method that gives no additional
burdens to the IoT device. Since we assume the server is much more computa-
tionally powerful than the IoT device, we place the burden of resynchronization
solely onto it.
5.6 Length Extension Attack
The BLAKE2 hashes are immune to length extension attacks [14]. Choosing a
hash that is immune to such attacks is necessary for sucient security.
6 Memory Requirements
Using the BLAKE2s hash (107-bytes) and a 32-byte secret key requires 139-bytes
of global variable storage. If there is expected to be simultaneous messages in
transit, then there would be an additional 5-byte DCTR required, increasing
the global variable storage requirement to 144-bytes.
SK", a copy of the shared secret and its appropriate counter, is also created
in volatile memory to be hashed. This would have the same memory size as
the secret key. Hence, the minimum and maximum memory requirements of our
scheme are as shown in Eqs.6and 7:
size(H)+2size(SK #CTR) (6)
size(H)+2size(SK #CTR)+size(CTR)(7)
Lightweight IoT Encryption 155
In our case, this means 139-bytes (or 144-bytes) are required to store the
global variables, and up to 32-bytes at a time to store the local variables, for
a total of 171–176 bytes. This accounts for all the SRAM usage except for
local variables created to control loops. If a keystream of some length were
computed ahead of time, each key would require 32-bytes of memory, and the
computation for encryption and decryption would be negligible in terms of
both required memory and computation speed, as it would be a simple XOR.
The keys could easily be stored in non-volatile memory until use. Because of
the reasons given in Sect. 4.1, we believe the minimum SRAM requirement
for a hash-based encryption protocol should be no less than the calculated
size(H)+2size(SK #CTR).
6.1 Measurement Methodology
We measured the same encryption schemes for both memory and eciency. For
our 32-byte hashes. We chose to test AES, Speck, and SpeckTiny, a variant
of Speck that reduces memory requirements at the cost of performance speed.
Notably, among the AES variations we chose to test, we know AES256-EAX to
have serious vulnerabilities [15]. All XTS schemes tested are used in their Single
Key mode, and Speck256Tiny will henceforth be referred to as “SpeckTiny.”
To measure runtime SRAM usage, we printed the SRAM usage at the begin-
ning of the Arduino’s setup function and during each of the necessary operations
(encrypt, decrypt, setKey, and addAuthData) as applicable. Reported is the
SRAM usage of the most resource-intensive operation of the ones listed above.
It is calculated by taking the dierence between the SRAM usage before and
during an operation.
Idle SRAM usage is the SRAM memory required to simply construct the
encryption protocol and initialize it. It includes the necessary variables used for
computing the ciphertext. It is calculated by printing the SRAM usage directly
after constructing the object. However, 150-bytes are used for the setup() and
loop() built-in functions in Arduino, and 153-bytes to import any of the libraries.
To account f o r o nly the we i g ht o f t h e p r o t o cols, we s ubtract this extra memory
usage. The total SRAM requirement is the amount of SRAM that needs to be
allocated for the protocol. It is calculated as the sum of the Runtime SRAM
and Idle SRAM Measurements. All the code used to assess the memory costs of
these protocols is available at
6.2 Measurement Results
Table 1shows the SRAM requirements per encryption scheme. Because Arduino
devices naturally store all the program’s created objects in its embedded SRAM
[16], measuring the memory costs solely on the Arduino’s SRAM gives a clear
indication of memory requirements for deployment into an IoT device. From
Table 1, we see that our hash-based protocol is exceptionally lightweight in terms
156 M. Chun et al.
of its memory requirement. Among the other encryption protocols, we see that
all modes of SpeckTiny and AES256-CTR also are particularly lightweight.
Tabl e 1 . SRAM requirements per encryption scheme (in bytes)
Encryption Scheme Runtime Usage Idle Usage Total Usage
Proposed 39 137 176
AES256-GCM 304 442 746
Speck256-GCM 394 464 858
SpeckTiny-GCM 160 224 384
AES256-EAX 284 426 710
Speck256-EAX 378 448 826
SpeckTiny-EAX 138 208 346
AES256-CTR 2 361 363
XTS-AES256 331 339 670
XTS-Speck256 361 361 722
XTS-SpeckTiny 121 121 242
All the code used to test the protocol’s eciency is also available at https://
library was used to port this protocol onto the devices, and all the experiments
comparing our protocol with other protocols was done using its provided example
7.1 Performance Test Methodology
We coded our proposed scheme in C++ using the Arduino IDE and ran the
code on the devices below. We used the Arduino Crypto 0.4.0 library for access
to the code. To compare performance speeds with other schemes, we used the
example code provided by the Crypto library. Since hash functions normally take
inputs of any length and hash them to a fixed size, the code for a hash used in
the protocol can be modified to always anticipate inputs of a fixed, 64-byte size
which may slightly increase program eciency. Doing this small modification for
BLAKE2s yielded no non-negligible benefit.
7.2 Performance Test Results
We tested our protocol on the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1, the Arduino Zero, and
the Arduino Nano. The Kaluga has a high amount of available computational
resources, the Nano has a significantly low amount, and the Arduino Zero has a
moderate supply.
Lightweight IoT Encryption 157
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1: Table 2shows the performance on a ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1
with a 2.4 GHz Clock, 128 Kb Flash, and 320 Kb SRAM. Figure 2compares the
combined encryption and decryption time between encryption schemes on the
ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1. In both, we can see that the proposed protocol encrypts
faster than any other protocol. Thus, the proposed protocol is the most ecient
in terms of both speed and memory on the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1.
Tabl e 2 . Performance on ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1
Encryption Scheme Encryption Time
Decryption Time
Key Setup
Time (µs)
Proposed 0.39 0.39 N/A
AES256-GCM 2.6 2.6 41
Speck256-GCM 1.8 1.8 25
SpeckTiny-GCM 2.2 2.2 29
AES256-EAX 2.7 2.7 44
Speck256-EAX 1.0 1.0 28
SpeckTiny-EAX 1.9 1.9 31
AES256-CTR 1.4 1.4 N/A
XTS-AES256 1.3 1.3 0.7
XTS-Speck256 0.5 0.5 11
XTS-SpeckTiny 0.9 0.1 1
Fig. 2. Combined time to encrypt and decrypt per scheme on ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1
Arduino Zero: Table 3shows the performance on the Ardiuno Zero with a
48 MHz Clock, 256 Kb Flash, and 32 Kb SRAM. Figure 3compares the combined
encryption and decryption time between encryption schemes on the Arduino
Zero. In both, we can see that the proposed protocol encrypts faster than any
other protocol on the Arduino Zero. Thus, the proposed protocol is also the most
ecient in terms of both speed and memory on the Arduino Zero.
158 M. Chun et al.
Tabl e 3 . Performance on Arduino Zero
Encryption Scheme Encryption Time
Decryption Time
Key Setup
Time (µs)
Proposed 3.6 3.6N/A
AES256-GCM 30.3 30.3 573
Speck256-GCM 19.2 19.2 213
SpeckTiny-GCM 24.3 24.3 291
AES256-EAX 29.6 29.6 579
Speck256-EAX 7.4 7.4 228
SpeckTiny-EAX 17.9 17.9 309
AES256-CTR 15.2 15.2N/A
XTS-AES256 14.8 27.3 96
XTS-Speck256 3.7 4.2 100
XTS-SpeckTiny 9.0 0.8 11
Fig. 3. Combined time to encrypt and decrypt per scheme on Arduino Zero
Arduino Nano: Ta b l e 4shows the performance on a Arduino Nano with a
16MHz Clock, 32Kb Flash, and 2Kb SRAM. Figure 4compares the combined
encryption and decryption time between encryption schemes on the Arduino
Nano. In both, we can see that the proposed protocol is not the fastest method
of encryption. AES256-CTR, XTS-Speck256, XTS-SpeckTiny, and Speck-EAX
encrypt faster than the proposed scheme. However, the proposed scheme is still
the most lightweight scheme in terms of memory requirements. Considering both
memory requirements and performance eciency, a developer would likely con-
clude that the proposed scheme, AES256-CTR, and XTS-SpeckTiny would be
the most lightweight and suitable encryption protocols for an appliance built o
of the Arduino Nano.
Lightweight IoT Encryption 159
Tabl e 4 . Performance on Arduino Nano
Encryption Scheme Encryption Time
Decryption Time
Key Setup
Time (µs)
Proposed 66.5 66.5N/A
AES256-GCM 126.7 126.2 1834
Speck256-GCM 87.3 86.8 644
SpeckTiny-GCM 113.5 113.0 1223
AES256-EAX 103.7 103.7 1886
Speck256-EAX 25.0 25.0 695
SpeckTiny-EAX 77.3 77.3 1274
AES256-CTR 52.4 52.4N/A
XTS-AES256 52.4 98.7 207
XTS-Speck256 13 13.5 276
XTS-SpeckTiny 39.2 2.9 18
Fig. 4. Combined time to encrypt and decrypt per scheme on Arduino Nano
7.3 Discussion
From the performance tests, we can see the proposed hash encryption protocol is
faster than all other encryption schemes, except on the Arduino Nano. Addition-
ally, in terms of memory and computational speed, our lightweight encryption
protocol most closely compares to AES256-CTR.
It is clear from the data tested on the Arduino Nano that even an extremely
minimal hash-based encryption scheme is less ecient on some devices than
alternatives such as AES256-CTR, or XTS-SpeckTiny. But even being less e-
cient on the Arduino Nano, our proposed scheme has a smaller memory require-
ment and is consistently ecient on other devices.
This encryption proposal was made with eciency and performance in mind.
Unlike more heavyweight encryption candidates such as AES-GCM, this protocol
is not IND-CCA2 secure, and it gains computational resources for that cost
in theoretical security. Still, we believe that the cost to illegitimately decrypt
160 M. Chun et al.
transmitted data from an IoT device using our protocol will far outweigh the
value of the data itself. Because of this, we believe this protocol to be a very
suitable candidate for general IoT encryption.
Future work could involve the implementation of an HMAC, or other means
to increase security of the scheme. Such security upgrades would of course war-
rant new tests on low-computing power devices, to assess viability in the IoT.
In this paper we have outlined a scheme that makes use of secure hash functions
to implement a flexible, lightweight, and ecient encryption scheme for IoT
devices. We believe this framework relying entirely on a secure hash function is
suitable for many small devices where computational resources are a premium.
While we observed that not all IoT devices are most ecient with such a hash-
based encryption scheme, we believe there is a substantial range of small devices
which would prefer this encryption setup. Due to its ease to implement and
test, we believe it will also be very easy to assess how useful our protocol is
for any particular device that may want it. Also, due to its performance and
security being entirely dominated by the properties of the hash itself, we believe
that innovation in the search for better hash functions will lead to even more
lightweight and secure encryption with this same framework.
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Majority of the devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) are deployed in an environment that is susceptible to cyber‐attacks. Due to the resource‐constraint nature of IoT, it is very hard to meet the security challenges that arise due to the deployment of IoT devices in the unsecure environment. In this context, the authentication of IoT devices is one of the core challenges. Many protocols have been designed to address and overcome the security issues that stem from the authentication failure. However, many of these protocols are designed using the complex cryptographic techniques that may not be supported by IoT devices. In this paper, we propose a lightweight and secure mutual authentication scheme for resource constraint IoT devices. The proposed scheme is robust against cyber‐attacks, such as impersonation, modification, session key disclosure, and eavesdropping attacks. The security of the proposed scheme is formally tested using the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications tool and found the scheme to be secure in the Dolev‐Yao attack model. Moreover, the performance features such as communication overhead, computation time, and the turnaround time of the proposed scheme are evaluated and compared with the recent schemes of same category, where the proposed scheme shows a balance of performance without compromising the security features. In this paper, we present a novel authentication scheme based on X‐OR operations and hash functions. The proposed scheme offers mutual authentication between the entities. The scheme generates session key for secure post‐authentication communication. The scheme is secure against well‐known cyber‐attacks, such as eavesdropping, impersonation, modification attack, replay attack, and man‐in‐the‐middle attack. The security of the proposed scheme is formally tested using the AVISPA tool in Dolev‐Yao threat model.
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The security issue impacting the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm has recently attracted significant attention from the research community. To this end, several surveys were put forward addressing various IoT-centric topics including intrusion detection systems, threat modeling and emerging technologies. In contrast, in this work, we exclusively focus on the ever-evolving IoT vulnerabilities. In this context, we initially provide a comprehensive classification of state-of-the-art surveys, which address various dimensions of the IoT paradigm. This aims at facilitating IoT research endeavors by amalgamating, comparing and contrasting dispersed research contributions. Subsequently, we provide a unique taxonomy, which sheds the light on IoT vulnerabilities, their attack vectors, impacts on numerous security objectives, attacks which exploit such vulnerabilities, corresponding remediation methodologies and currently offered operational cyber security capabilities to infer and monitor such weaknesses. This aims at providing the reader with a multidimensional research perspective related to IoT vulnerabilities, including their technical details and consequences, which is postulated to be leveraged for remediation objectives. Additionally, motivated by the lack of empirical (and malicious) data related to the IoT paradigm, this work also presents a first look on Internet-scale IoT exploitations by drawing upon more than 1.2 GB of macroscopic, passive measurements' data. This aims at practically highlighting the severity of the IoT problem, while providing operational situational awareness capabilities, which undoubtedly would aid in the mitigation task, at large. Insightful findings, inferences and outcomes in addition to open challenges and research problems are also disclosed in this work, which we hope would pave the way for future research endeavors addressing theoretical and empirical aspects related to the imperative topic of IoT security.
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While our conventional cryptography methods, such for AES (encryption), SHA-256 (hashing) and RSA/Elliptic Curve (signing), work well on systems which have reasonable processing power and memory capabilities, these do not scale well into a world with embedded systems and sensor networks. Thus, lightweight cryptography methods are proposed to overcome many of the problems of conventional cryptography. This includes constraints related to physical size, processing requirements, memory limitation and energy drain. This paper outlines many of the techniques that are defined as replacements for conventional cryptography within an Internet of things space and discuss some trends in the design of lightweight algorithms.
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The Internet of things (IoT) has recently become an important research topic because it integrates various sensors and objects to communicate directly with one another without human intervention. The requirements for the large-scale deployment of the IoT are rapidly increasing with a major security concern. This study focuses on the state-of-the-art IoT security threats and vulnerabilities by conducting an extensive survey of existing works in the area of IoT security. The taxonomy of the current security threats in the contexts of application, architecture, and communication is presented. This study also compares possible security threats in the IoT. We discuss the IoT security scenario and provide an analysis of the possible attacks. Open research issues and security implementation challenges in IoT security are described as well. This study aims to serve as a useful manual of existing security threats and vulnerabilities of the IoT heterogeneous environment and proposes possible solutions for improving the IoT security architecture.
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The inherent characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as limited storage and computational power, require a new platform to efficiently process data. The concept of fog computing has been introduced as a technology to bridge the gap between remote data centers and IoT devices. Fog computing enables a wide range of benefits, including enhanced security, decreased bandwidth, and reduced latency. These benefits make the fog an appropriate paradigm for many IoT services in various applications such as connected vehicles and smart grids. Nevertheless, fog devices (located at the edge of the Internet) obviously face many security and privacy threats, much the same as those faced by traditional data centers. In this article, the authors discuss the security and privacy issues in IoT environments and propose a mechanism that employs fog to improve the distribution of certificate revocation information among IoT devices for security enhancement. They also present potential research directions aimed at using fog computing to enhance the security and privacy issues in IoT environments.
The Internet of things (IoT) has recently become an important research topic because it integrates various sensors and objects to communicate directly with one another without human intervention. The requirements for the large-scale deployment of the IoT are rapidly increasing with a major security concern. This study focuses on the state-of-the-art IoT security threats and vulnerabilities by conducting an extensive survey of existing works in the area of IoT security. The taxonomy of the current security threats in the contexts of application, architecture, and communication is presented. This study also compares possible security threats in the IoT. We discuss the IoT security scenario and provide an analysis of the possible attacks. Open research issues and security implementation challenges in IoT security are described as well. This study aims to serve as a useful manual of existing security threats and vulnerabilities of the IoT heterogeneous environment and proposes possible solutions for improving the IoT security architecture.
Internet of Things (IoT), also referred to as the Internet of Objects, is envisioned as a transformative approach for providing numerous services. Compact smart devices constitute an essential part of IoT. They range widely in use, size, energy capacity, and computation power. However, the integration of these smart things into the standard Internet introduces several security challenges because the majority of Internet technologies and communication protocols were not designed to support IoT. Moreover, commercialization of IoT has led to public security concerns, including personal privacy issues, threat of cyber attacks, and organized crime. In order to provide a guideline for those who want to investigate IoT security and contribute to its improvement, this survey attempts to provide a comprehensive list of vulnerabilities and countermeasures against them on the edge-side layer of IoT, which consists of three levels: (i) edge nodes, (ii) communication, and (iii) edge computing. To achieve this goal, we first briefly describe three widely-known IoT reference models and define security in the context of IoT. Second, we discuss the possible applications of IoT and potential motivations of the attackers who target this new paradigm. Third, we discuss different attacks and threats. Fourth, we describe possible countermeasures against these attacks. Finally, we introduce two emerging security challenges not yet explained in detail in previous literature.
Conference Paper
The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to be the next big revolution of the World Wide Web. It has a very wide range of applications, ranging from smart cities, smart homes, monitoring radiation levels in nuclear plants, animal tracking, health surveillance and a lot more. When nodes in wireless sensor networks are monitored through internet it becomes a part of Internet of Things. This brings in a lot of concerns related to security, privacy, standardization, power management. This paper aims at enhancing security in smart home systems. Devices like thermostat, air conditioners, doors and lighting systems are connected with each other and the internet through the internet of things technologies. Encryption and hash algorithms are proposed in this paper through which devices in the IoT can securely send messages between them. Encryption algorithm is used to ensure confidentiality as the attackers cannot interpret the cipher text that is sent. In order to ensure integrity (cipher text is not changed) hash algorithm is used.
Conference Paper
EAX′ (or EAX-prime) is an authenticated encryption (AE) specified by ANSI C12.22 as a standard security function for Smart Grid. EAX′ is based on EAX proposed by Bellare, Rogaway, and Wagner. While EAX has a proof of security based on the pseudorandomness of the internal blockcipher, no published security result is known for EAX′. This paper studies the security of EAX′ and shows that there is a sharp distinction in security of EAX′ depending on the input length. EAX′ encryption takes two inputs, called cleartext and plaintext, and we present various efficient attacks against EAX′ using single-block cleartext and plaintext. At the same time we prove that if cleartexts are always longer than one block, it is provably secure based on the pseudorandomness of the blockcipher.