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A Development of Aerobic Gymnastics Flexibility Test for the National Development Category: A Construct of Content Validity and Reliability Approach

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10(5): 886-893, 2022
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100503
A Development of Aerobic Gymnastics Flexibility Test
for the National Development Category: A Construct of
Content Validity and Reliability Approach
Ratna Budiarti1,*, Siswantoyo1, Endang Rini Sukamti1, Christina Fajar Sriwahyuniati1, Ari Iswanto1,
Rozita Abdul Latif2, Sutoro3, Yulvia Miftachurochmah1
1Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
2Faculty of Sport Science and Recreation, University Technology MARA, Negeri Seremban Campus, Malaysia
3Faculty of Sport Science, Cenderawasih University, Indonesia
Received June 22, 2022; Revised August 30, 2022; Accepted September 19, 2022
Cite This Paper in the Following Citation Styles
(a): [1] Ratna Budiarti, Siswantoyo, Endang Rini Sukamti, Christina Fajar Sriwahyuniati, Ari Iswanto, Rozita Abdul
Latif, Sutoro, Yulvia Miftachurochmah , "A Development of Aerobic Gymnastics Flexibility Test for the National
Development Category: A Construct of Content Validity and Reliability Approach," International Journal of Human
Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 886 - 893, 2022. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100503.
(b): Ratna Budiarti, Siswantoyo, Endang Rini Sukamti, Christina Fajar Sriwahyuniati, Ari Iswanto, Rozita Abdul Latif,
Sutoro, Yulvia Miftachurochmah (2022). A Development of Aerobic Gymnastics Flexibility Test for the National
Development Category: A Construct of Content Validity and Reliability Approach. International Journal of Human
Movement and Sports Sciences, 10(5), 886 - 893. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100503.
Copyright©2022 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Background: Test instrument for flexibility
is indispensable in several sports in the national
development category, including aerobic gymnastics.
However, the fact shows that no aerobic gymnastic
flexibility test instrument is yet in the national
development category. Purpose: This study aimed to
examine the validity and reliability of the aerobic
gymnastic flexibility test in the national development
category. Design/ methodology/ approach: This research is
a research & development supported by qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The data collection was carried
out with the Delphi technique, involving ten experts. The
data analysis used Aiken’s to test the validity and
Cronbach alpha and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients
(ICC) to test the reliability between raters. Results: The
results show that the value of all items’ Aiken’s coefficient
was above 0.70, so it can be said that all items were valid.
With the Cronbach’s Alpha value showed 0.919 and ICC
showed 0.911, and each rater consistency was 0.507, it can
be said that the instrument was very reliable. Conclusion:
Therefore, it can be concluded that aerobic gymnastic
flexibility test instrument in the national development
category has high content validity and an excellent
agreement between raters, with the consistency of each
rater also quite well. For the test instrument to be much
more precise, it is suggested to conduct empirical validity
tests and reliably test-retests for athletes or non-athletes of
the Age Group 1 category for 12-14 years old and Age
Group 2 for 15-17 years old.
Keywords Flexibility Test, Aerobic Gymnastics,
National Development
1. Introduction
Aerobic gymnastics is a sport with complex and
high-intensity movement skills, with patterns that refer to
music [1,2]. Aerobic gymnastics belongs to the discipline
of sports that are carried out with maximum intensity, with
a competition duration setting of 1 minute 30 seconds with
a time tolerance of ± 5 seconds [3]. Aerobic gymnastics
requires good physical abilities to achieve maximum
achievements in every appearance [4]. The physical
elements used in this sport are very complex, with almost
all components of the bio-motor involved. One of the main
physical components that support the performance of
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10(5): 886-893, 2022 887
aerobic gymnastics athletes is flexibility [58].
Flexibility is an important issue as a parameter for
performance in aerobic gymnastics [2,9,10], and has
always been considered as the ability to perform the
broadest possible movement in the wiggle room of the
joints and is supported by and depends on the elasticity of
muscles, tendons, and ligaments without resulting in injury
[11]. Flexibility refers to the intrinsic nature of body tissues
that determine the maximum range of motion of the joints
without causing injury [12]. Muscle elasticity can be
improved through stretching exercises and training that
involves the strength component. However, this physical
component of flexibility is often ignored by coaches. The
coaches do not remind or provide an understanding of the
importance of flexibility movements, which results in
many players or athletes do not do this exercise well. This
situation is worsened by the too complicated training
model the coaches use to train their athletes.
In aerobic gymnastics, flexibility is used to perform
basic and advanced movements to embellish movements
where the flexibility and beauty factors are essential in
aerobic gymnastics assessment. It is because flexibility
plays a vital role in achieving victory in aerobic gymnastic
competitions [13]. Flexibility can be measured using
instruments with functions to identify, assess, and evaluate.
As an inseparable whole, assessment and evaluation are
critical to be carried out in sports achievements such in
aerobic gymnastics [14]. Training is said to be good if the
assessment tools are also good. Likewise, a good
assessment will encourage athletes to train more [15].
Aerobic gymnastics has three categories: National
Development for 9-11 years old, Age Group 1 for 12-14
years old, and Age Group 2 for 15-17 years old [16]. Thus,
it is necessary to have aerobic gymnastics coaching from
an early age to get optimal achievements. In this coaching,
a measuring instrument is crucial to identify children’s
talents that suit the characteristics of the sport and the
athletes or any other potential instrument users.
A flexibility test is needed to improve the flexibility
aspect of aerobic gymnastics. Based on the literature, there
are only general field-based flexibility tests such as
sit-and-reach test; hip flexion test, static flexibility test
ankle, and trunk flexion test [1719]. The previous tests are
suitable for knowing the initial ability. Far from this point,
very few in-depth studies related to flexibility tests had
been developed, especially for aerobic gymnastics in the
national development category that suits the athlete needs
and the characteristics of aerobic gymnastic sports.
The development of an aerobic gymnastic flexibility test
in the national development category is still rare. Specific
flexibility test constructs are primarily found in rhythmic
gymnastics [20,21]. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a
flexibility test with a validity and reliability approach to the
construction in the national development category
according to the athlete needs in aerobic gymnastics sports
and its characteristics. In this study, researchers developed
the flexibility test construction on aerobic gymnastics for
the national development category with children aged 9-11
Validity has several types, namely, the validity of
criteria, the validity of the construct, and the validity of the
contents [22,23]. In this study, validity and reliability
measured the content validity and the aerobic gymnastic
flexibility test reliability in the national development
category that the researchers have designed. Content
validity can be used to refer to the extent to which the
content of the measuring instrument is considered capable
of measuring things that represent the entirety of the
material to be evaluated [2427]. At the same time,
reliability is the level of accuracy of a measuring
instrument in a measurement procedure [28].
2. Materials and Methods
This research applied research and development
methods supported by qualitative and quantitative
approaches to make it able to examine further [2931]. The
study involved nationally licensed gymnastics aerobic
coaches, three physical condition experts, and three
primary school GYM teachers. The expert sports teacher in
this study aimed to evaluate and measure athletes’ ability in
cases of the constructiveness of this flexibility test. Later,
the test can also be used as an identification tool for
non-athlete talent such as elementary school students.
The data analysis on the construct validity of the
flexibility test used the content validity. The study used
four steps to validate the content. First, the authors
gathered relevant research resources and conducted
participatory observational studies as an introduction
development. Second, the seven experts conducted a
product assessment using the Delphi technique to get a
consensus from the expert based on the questionnaire
results with an assessment scale of 1-5 [32]. The third step
is to analyze the data obtained in quantitative terms from
the assessment of ten experts using Aiken’s V formula
At the same time, the researchers used advice from 10
experts to analyze the data qualitatively. The researchers
used 10 raters, category numbers 1-5, and a 5% confidence
level to conclude from the calculation results of Aiken’s V
based on the V table. The result is declared valid if the V
count is greater than the V of the table, of which V of the
table is 0.70 [33].
Finally, the last step is the data analysis technique for the
reliability test of the flexibility test instrument developed
by the researchers using Cronbach’s Alpha [34] and
Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) [35] with the help
of SPSS application version 25. The conclusion for the
reliability test using Cronbach’s Alpha is that with n=10,
the table’s R-value at a significant level of 5% is 0. 632.
The ICC is based on the categorization of the following
formula [35]:
888 A Development of Aerobic Gymnastics Flexibility Test for the National Development Category:
A Construct of Content Validity and Reliability Approach
Table 1. ICC Val u e Category
ICC Value Interpretation
0.00 - 0.50 Poor Reliability
0.51 - 0.75 Moderate Reliability
0.760.90 Good Reliability
0.911.00 Excellent Reliability
Figure 1. Flexibility Test Construction
3. Result
Based on the literature review of several documents such
as relevant articles, journals, and textbooks, the
construction of the aerobic gymnastic flexibility test for the
national development category can be seen in figure 1.
3.1. Aerobic Gymnastic Te s t Construction in National
Development Category
Tes t Implementation Instructions
a. The athlete stands upright, positioning his/her back to
the image of the bow.
b. After the cue “yes,” the child bends down, palms stick
to the floor, and hands and feet stick as close as
c. Lift one of the legs as maximum as the athlete can.
d. Conduct the test twice.
e. Record the best degree value.
Tools needed
a. A giant image of the bow.
b. Paper and pen for taking notes.
The greater the degree obtained, the higher the score will
be. The scoring table is presented as follows:
Table 2. Range of aerobic gymnastic flexibility test scores
Range of Values
Value Degree
0 0-20
1 21-40
2 41-60
3 61-80
4 81-100
5 101-120
6 121-140
7 141-160
8 161-180
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10(5): 886-893, 2022 889
Table 3. The analysis results of the Aiken Formula
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Item 12
Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S Score S
A 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3
B 4 3 4 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
C 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3
D 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3
E 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
F 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
G 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3
H 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
I 4 3 4 3 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
J 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
∑s 30 35 34 30 35 30 30 36 40 40 30 36
V 0.75 0.88 0.85 0.75 0.88 0.75 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.90
890 A Development of Aerobic Gymnastics Flexibility Test for the National Development Category:
A Construct of Content Validity and Reliability Approach
3.2. Content Validity
Based on table 3, item 1 shows the value of the
Coefficient of Aiken’s V of 0.75; item 2 indicates the value
of the coefficient of Aiken’s V of 0.88; item 3 indicates the
value of the coefficient of Aiken’s V of 0.85; item 4
indicates the value of the coefficient of Aiken’s V is 0.75;
item 5 shows the value of the Aiken’s V coefficient of 0.88;
item 6 shows the value of the Aiken’s V coefficient of 0.75;
item 7 shows the value of the Aiken’s V coefficient of 0.75;
item 8 indicates the value of the coefficient Aiken’s V of
0.90; items 9 and 10 show the value of the Aiken’s
coefficient V of 1.00; item 11 indicates the value of the
Coefficient of Aiken’s V of 0.75; and item 12 indicates the
value of the coefficient of Aiken’s V of 0.90. Thus, it can
be concluded that the value of Aiken’s coefficient V in the
flexibility test on the whole item is declared valid since the
calculated V is greater than the table V (0.70)
3.3. Reliability
The results of the reliability test between raters using
Cronbach’s Alpha are presented in table 4 as follows:
Table 4. Cronbach alpha analysis result
N R-table (5%) Cronbach Alpha Status
10 0.632 0.919 Reliable
The reliability test using Cronbach’s Alpha obtained an
r-table of 0.632 and the Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.919.
Therefore, the result is reliable when the C value of
Cronbach’s Alpha is greater than the r-table. Thus, the
aerobic gymnastic flexibility test instrument for the
national development category is declared reliable.
The results of the interrater agreement test or interrater
reliability using Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC)
are presented in table 5.
Based on table 5, the average agreement between raters
is 0.911, while for each person, the rater consistency is
0.507. The results of the ICC value according to [35] fall
into the category of excellent reliability. Therefore, it can
be concluded that the agreement between the raters is very
strong, and each assessor has sufficient consistency well.
4. Discussion
This study focused on test instruments developed for
aerobic gymnastics in the national development category to
measure the flexibility of aerobic gymnastics in the
national development category. The researchers have
adjusted the instrument based on the characteristics of
sports and the athlete.
The physical component is one of the essential elements
for gymnasts to achieve maximum achievement [36].
Aerobic gymnastics is a sport that needs a good physical
condition to produce effective and efficient movements
[37]. Flexibility is one of the dominant physical aspects of
aerobic gymnastics. Flexibility is the body’s ability to
perform the broadest possible movement in the space of the
joints movement and is supported by and depends on the
elasticity of muscles, tendons, and ligaments without injury
Flexibility is the extent of movement of one joint or
several joints [39]. One of the unique characteristics of the
gymnast is that it has good flexibility in almost all its joints,
which results in a gymnast being able to perform bent,
kissing the knees, splits, and so on. The low flexibility
results in not being able to perform those movements well.
Flexibility consists of static flexibility, determined by the
size of the range of motion of one joint or several joints,
and dynamic flexibility, which is a person’s ability to move
at high speed. Therefore, the movement of flexibility is a
crucial point in aerobic gymnastics. This is supported by
several kinds of literature stating that performing
movements quickly and flexibly is a necessary multifactor
movement that serves to improve motor skills and posture
stability, not easily injured, and contributes to the
improvement of sports performance [40-42].
Gymnasts are individuals who are required to have an
excellent physical condition in order to win the
competition. A person’s success in winning a race does not
come solely from innate talent. Gymnasts should practice
hard with the right program and good evaluation.
Table 5. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient analysis result
95% Confidence Interval F Test with True Value 0
Lower Bound Upper Bound Value df1 df2 Sig
Single Measures .507a .303 .763 12.296 11 99 .000
Average Measures .911c .813 .970 12.296 11 99 .000
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10(5): 886-893, 2022 891
Gymnasts have different characteristics, from gymnasts
at the level of children, adolescents, adults, and
professional gymnasts. The coach must apply the correct
approach to improve the achievements of his protégés to
know their characteristics. For example, for measurement
and evaluation, the coach must be able to determine the test
instruments used to evaluate the abilities of athletes and
their students correctly. In this study, it was prioritized for
gymnasts aged 9-11 years in the national development
category. Therefore, testing is needed to follow the
characteristics of the national development category to
improve their skills and motivation. Thus a test is required
that corresponds to the characteristics of each branch and
the characteristics of the child [43,44].
Based on the Aikens analysis used to measure the
validity of the contents, the following results were obtained:
item (1), gymnastic aerobic flexibility test is appropriate
for children in the national development category with a V
value of 0.75; item (2), the size has been appropriate in the
aerobic gymnastics category of national development with
a value of V 0.88; item (3), the altitude between degrees
has corresponded to the value of V 0.85; item (4), the
equipment used motivates the gymnast category national
development with a value of V 0.75; item (5), this
instrument multiplies the number of repeats of the test that
have been completed with a value of V 0.88; item (6), the
test procedure has corresponded to the value of V 0.75;
item (7), the easy test instrument understood by gymnasts
category national development with a value of V 0.75; item
(8), the test instrument can be used for the measurement of
flexibility with a value of V 0.90; item (9), the flexibility
test which has already developed fictitious speciation with
a value of V 1.00; item (10), accuracy of the concept of
measurement and appraisal with a value of V 1.00; item
(11), range of values of the designed flexibility test has
been suitable with the V value of 0.75; and item (12), this
test model can help the coaches and teachers to identify
aerobic gymnastics talents in the national development
category with a value V 0.90. According to the Aikens
table [33], if V counts greater than V, the table (0.70) is
declared valid. Thus, it can be concluded that the value of
Aiken’s coefficient V on the construct of the flexibility test
on the entire item is valid and worthy of use.
The reliability testing of every aspect of the aerobic
gymnastic flexibility test instrument was measured using
Cronbach’s Alpha, showing the results of 0.919.
Cronbach’s Alpha is a measure of reliability that ranges in
value from zero to 100. According to [45], the minimum
Cronbach’s Alpha reliability level value is 0.70. if the
value of Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.7, then the aspects of the
aerobic gymnastic flexibility test instrument of the national
development category are very reliable. The degree of
reliability can also be seen from the r-table value, for which
the value of Cronbach’s Alpha must be greater than the
value of the r-table. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha
value was 0.919, while the r-table was 0.632.
Meanwhile, to test the reliability between raters
(agreement between raters) and the consistency of each
rater, this study used Intraclass Correlation Coefficients
(ICC) analysis because the number of raters is more than
two. In other words, some raters assess the construction of
the flexibility test instrument for aerobic gymnastics
through the rating instrument. The ICC analysis has shown
that the average agreement between raters is 0.911, while
for one person, the consistency rater is 0.507. According to
Portney and Watkins [35], when the category of the value
of the agreement between the raters is above 0.00-0.50, it is
declared as poor agreement; when the value is above
0.51-0.75, it is declared as moderate agreement; when the
value is above 0.76-0.90, it is declared as good agreement;
and when the ICC value is 0.91-1.00, it is declared as very
good (excellent). Based on the ICC results (table 5), it can
be concluded that the agreement between the raters is very
strong, and each rater has a reasonably good consistency
(moderate reliability). Therefore, the construction of the
test was considered feasible to measure the aerobic
flexibility of the gymnastics of the national development
category. This developed test is an adapted or specified test
with techniques in aerobic gymnastics because this test is
similar to the movement of the technique at the time of the
Lastly, from the results and discussion based on
qualitative and quantitative approaches, it can be said that
the aerobic gymnastic flexibility test instrument in the
national development category has high content validity
and the average agreement between raters is very good
with consistency of each rater is also quite good.
5. Conclusions
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded
that the construct of the aerobic gymnastic flexibility test in
the national development category is considered valid and
reliable. Therefore, this instrument can be used to measure
the flexibility of athletes and non-athlete aerobic
gymnastics. It is recommended to conduct empirical
validity tests and reliably retest tests for athletes or
non-athletes of the Age Group 1 category for 12-14 years
old and Age Group 2 for 15-17 years old to make this test
instrument more precise.
The researcher would like to thank all participants of this
study and Yogyakarta State University for supporting this
research so that it could run smoothly and be completed.
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... This research aimed to continue the one conducted by Budiarti [29], who developed the aerobic gymnastics flexibility test model for the national development category. ...
... The description above shows that it is essential to test the level of effectiveness and prove that the test model developed by Budiarti [29] can be used to evaluate and analyze flexibility in aerobic gymnastics in the national development category. ...
... The operational test in this study was carried out by training aerobic gymnastics athletes in the national development category in 16 meetings. Furthermore, the instrument used during the pre-test and post-test was the test model developed by Budiarti [29]. ...
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Background: Kata is a series of moves competed in karate that require agility in its movements. Purpose: This research aimed to determine the validity and reliability of karate agility test in kata category. Method: This was a developmental research. The data were collected using the Delphi technique, involving 7 experts and test-retest. The participants were 20 karate aged at least 20 years old who have practiced karate for 6 years and have won regional competitions. This was to determine the test of empirical validity and reliability. The content validity was calculated using the Aiken formula, the empirical validity was calculated using Pearson Product Moment, while the reliability was calculated using the Cronbach Alpha. Results: The results showed that the karate agility test in kata category had high validity and reliability. The Aiken results were as follows: Item (1) size has fit the karate in kata category with a value of V 0.85; Item (2) distance between cones has fit with a value of V 0.80; Item (3) equipment has fit with a value of V 0.80; Item (4) number of test repetitions has fit with a value of V 0.80; Item (5) test procedure has fit with a value of V 0.80; Item (6) safe instrument has fit with a value of V 0.85; Item (7) agility has fit with a value of V 0.85; Item (8) score taking has fit with a value of V 0.80. The results of Pearson product moment r-table were 0.444, r-count (test 1) was 0.927, r-count (test 2) was 0.903, significance was 0.000 < 0.05. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the agility test can be used to measure the karate agility in kata category.
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This study aims to find the validity and reliability of the agility test with the dribbling and passing of soccer players. Data collection uses the Delphi technique with 5 experts and also test-retest. Twenty football players aged 13-14 years who had been training for one year in junior school soccer classes were used in this study to seek empirical validity and the reliability of the test. Analysis of content validity data uses the Aiken V formula, empiric validity uses Pearson Product Moment and Reliability uses Cronbach's Alpha. The results showed that the agility test with dribble and passing showed a high value of validity and reliability. The Aiken value on the Agility indicator according to the soccer gets a value of 0.87, the indicator of the level of difficulty following the soccer gets a value of 0.93, the component herding following the soccer gets a value of 0.87, the component of the bait component according to the soccer gets a value of 0.87, the distance indicator for dribbling is following the value of 0.87, the distance indicator between cones is in the value of 0.93, the distance indicator for baiting is in the amount of 0.87, the Instrument indicator safe to do is getting the value of 1.00, the indicator for short and clear language is in the value of 0.93. The results of the Pearson Product Moment data analysis results obtained 0.991. The Cronbach's Alpha score is 0.995. It can be concluded that the agility test with dribble and passing can be used to measure the agility of soccer players.
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Flexibility is understood as the range of motion of a joint. Specifically, structured stretching exercises are used to improve flexibility. Exercising stretching is commonly practiced before any athletic activity takes place. To avoid sport injury, the range of motion is maintained, and muscle strength requires regular flexibility training. The present study, on the whole, reviews the respective literature sources. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to uphold the types and nature of stretching that produces the flexibility required for the performance of games and sports. Researchers collected scientific evidence through online databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, Google Advance Search and also searched sensibly via offline sources: recognized journals, articles, books, theses, and related literatures. After analyzing the stretching and flexibility in detail the authors suggested some specific stretchings that centered not just on flexibility but also on strength, balance and core stability. Through the discussion, the muscle is reported to be stretched properly, the underlying joints are made more flexible, and the range of motion is increased.
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The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. The search was conducted on PubMed, WOS, Scopus, Sport Discus and Google Scholar databases, and included studies in English and Spanish that assessed flexibility in gymnasts and were published between January 2005 and March 2020. Twenty-seven manuscripts were selected, rhythmic and women’s artistic gymnastics being the most frequently studied disciplines. Flexibility was most commonly assessed in the hip and shoulder joints. Within the wide variety of tests performed, the most commonly used ones were the split, shoulder flexibility, bridge and sit-and-reach tests. Linear measurements were usually used, followed by the angular ones. In conclusion, in spite of flexibility being a determining capacity in gymnastic disciplines, several studies did not provide information on the validity of their results. Further studies including validated tests applied to larger samples and using longitudinal approaches are needed, with the aim to confirm test predictive validity and to allow for greater generalisation. Keywords: Range of movement; Gymnastics; Flexibility tests.
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Flexibility refers to the intrinsic properties of body tissues that determine maximal joint range of motion without causing injury. For many years, flexibility has been classified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a major component of physical fitness. The notion flexibility is important for fitness has also led to the idea static stretching should be prescribed to improve flexibility. The current paper proposes flexibility be retired as a major component of physical fitness, and consequently, stretching be de-emphasized as a standard component of exercise prescriptions for most populations. First, I show flexibility has little predictive or concurrent validity with health and performance outcomes (e.g., mortality, falls, occupational performance) in apparently healthy individuals, particularly when viewed in light of the other major components of fitness (i.e., body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, muscle strength). Second, I explain that if flexibility requires improvement, this does not necessitate a prescription of stretching in most populations. Flexibility can be maintained or improved by exercise modalities that cause more robust health benefits than stretching (e.g., resistance training). Retirement of flexibility as a major component of physical fitness will simplify fitness batteries; save time and resources dedicated to flexibility instruction, measurement, and evaluation; and prevent erroneous conclusions about fitness status when interpreting flexibility scores. De-emphasis of stretching in exercise prescriptions will ensure stretching does not negatively impact other exercise and does not take away from time that could be allocated to training activities that have more robust health and performance benefits.
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Objective: The mixed methods appraisal tool (MMAT) was developed for critically appraising different study designs. This study aimed to improve the content validity of three of the five categories of studies in the MMAT by identifying relevant methodological criteria for appraising the quality of qualitative, survey, and mixed methods studies. Study design and setting: First, we performed a literature review to identify critical appraisal tools and extract methodological criteria. Second, we conducted a two-round modified e-Delphi technique. We asked three method-specific panels of experts to rate the relevance of each criterion on a five-point Likert scale. Results: A total of 383 criteria were extracted from 18 critical appraisal tools and a literature review on the quality of mixed methods studies, and 60 were retained. In the first and second rounds of the e-Delphi, 73 and 56 experts participated, respectively. Consensus was reached for six qualitative criteria, eight survey criteria, and seven mixed methods criteria. These results led to modifications of eight of the 11 MMAT (version 2011) criteria. Specifically, we reformulated two criteria, replaced four, and removed two. Moreover, we added six new criteria. Conclusion: Results of this study led to improve the content validity of this tool, revise it, and propose a new version (MMAT version 2018).
A competitive composition in rhythmic gymnastics is a small performance that has its own storyline. That is what judges E1 and E2 evaluate. Judges’ penalties for unsatisfactory artistry can be up to 5 or 6 points. In the works of scientists, the issues of artistry education for 7-8-year-old gymnasts are hardly ever addressed. To develop a methodology for the development of artistic abilities of 7-8-year-old female gymnasts. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; questionnaire (survey of coaches); pedagogical observation, experiment, testing: expert assessments; mathematical statistics. The study involved 20 7-8-year-old female gymnasts who have engaged in rhythmic gymnastics for 2 to 3 year and have category 2 qualification. An analysis of scientific and methodological literature shows the need to intensify research into the development of the aesthetic component in the training of female athletes in rhythmic gymnastics. On the basis of our questionnaire, it has been determined that it is necessary to develop artistic abilities of young female gymnasts by using elements of facial gymnastics, performance and improvisation. Introduction of a methodology for shaping the artistic abilities of female gymnasts in the educational and training process of the experimental group subsequently led to an increase in the female gymnasts’ marks for their competitive routine by 1.3 ± 0.12 points (p <0.05). The improvement rate in artistry in the experimental group was 18.4%, and in the control group 8% (p <0.05).
The Philippines has the potential to excel in this field because an athlete's height is not a requirement compared to other sports like swimming, basketball, and the likes. This is qualitative research specifically employs a single case study to explore the narratives of the young aerobic gymnasts in the Municipality of Malay, Aklan. This study utilizes online interviews, observation, and data reviews in gathering the data while Yin's (2003) approached was utilized in the analysis of data. Themes emerged from stories of the participants like Personal Skills and Motivations of Young Aerobic Gymnasts is Foundational in Winning the Competition, Present DepEd Curriculum Lacks Content in Aerobic Gymnastics and Parents, School, Government, and Business Sector Support are Significant Factors for a Gymnast to Succeed. The output of the study is a proposed new Model of Young Aerobic Gymnastics Development.