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Application of the Nucleo STM32 module in teaching microprocessor techniques in automatic control



The paper presents the possibilities of using the Nucleo STM32F746 module as part of the microprocessor systems course during didactic classes in the field of automation and robotics. The components of the laboratory set and the STM32CubeIDE integrated development environment were discussed. The possibility of using the sets to illustrate the tasks like automatic determination of characteristics, FIR and IIR signal filtration and the implementation of the automatic control system has been shown.
PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 98 NR 10/202222 245
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Division of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems
ORCID: 1. 0000-0001-6035-7325; 2. 0000-0001-8673-4037, 3. 0000-0002-3156-0639
Application of the Nucleo STM32 module
in teaching microprocessor techniques in automatic control
Abstract. The paper presents the possibilities of using the Nucleo STM32F746 module as part of the microprocessor systems course during didactic
classes in the field of automation and robotics. The components of the laboratory set and the STM32CubeIDE integrated development environment
were discussed. The possibility of using the sets to illustrate the tasks like automatic determination of characteristics, FIR and IIR signal filtration and
the implementation of the automatic control system has been shown.
Streszczenie. W artykule przestawiono możliwości użycia modułu Nucleo STM32F746 w ramach przedmiotu systemy mikroprocesorowe podczas
zajęć dydaktycznych dla kierunku automatyka i robotyka. Omówiono elementy składowe zestawu laboratoryjnego oraz zintegrowane środowisko
programistyczne STM32CubeIDE. Pokazano możliwości wykorzystania zestawów do ilustracji zagadnień automatycznego wyznaczania
charakterystyk, filtracji sygnałów FIR i IIR oraz realizacji układu regulacji automatycznej. (Zastosowanie modułu Nucleo STM32 w nauczaniu
technik mikroprocesorowych w automatyce)
Keywords: STM32, Nucleo, microcontroller, automatic control system.
Słowa kluczowe: STM32, Nucleo, mikrokontroler, układ regulacji automatycznej.
Manufacturers of microcontrollers offer relatively
inexpensive experimental modules that facilitate
familiarization with the functionality of a given
microcontroller and its programming techniques. Currently,
one of the popular solutions are the modules of the Arduino
family, in which the Arduino UNO with the ATmega328P
microcontroller is the most popular [1]. This solution allows
to quickly make a prototype of a simple control system, or
even a simple digital signal processing (DSP) system [2],
but the full use of the microcontroller is quite limited due to
the concept of the so-called Arduino bootloader and
because of the relatively simple IDE programming
environment without the possibility of debugging.
Due to the above limitations, a better solution are
experimental modules prepared by the company ST, which
has developed a number of modules called Discovery and
Nucleo for its microcontrollers. Discovery modules, apart
from the microcontroller, contain additional electronic
components [3]. An exemplary module is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig.1. Discovery STM32F429 and Nucleo STM32F746
Nucleo modules, designed in 32, 64 and 144 formats
(which is related to the number of I / O pins) typically do not
have any additional electronic components apart from the
microcontroller itself, and therefore their price is lower. A
characteristic feature of Nucleo is the ST-LINK / V2-1
programmer / debugger, which can be detached (broken
off) from the base board. These modules have connectors
with derived signals, including connectors of the Arduino
UNO standard. For Nucleo modules, PCB covers (so-called
shields) can be prepared, which may contain additional I / O
elements [4].
Techniques of using and programming STM32
microcontrollers are well presented in numerous tutorials
prepared by the ST company and manuals, including Polish
ones [5, 6, 7, 8].
Elements of the laboratory kit
For didactic activities, the Nucleo STM32F746 [9]
(Fig. 1) module can be used. The microcontroller is based
on the ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M7 CPU core with a floating
point unit (FPU), has 1MB Flash memory and 320kB SRAM
memory and is equipped with a number of serial interfaces
(including I2C, UART, SPI), and, what is important from the
point of view of learning about DSP issues, both 12-bit
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and 12-bit digital-to-
analog converters (DACs).
Programming the Nucleo module can be performed
using the free STM32CubeIDE environment (Fig. 2), which,
using the STM32CubeMX graphic interface, supports the
configuration of the pins, individual devices of the
microcontroller and clocks (Fig. 3), enabling generation of
the initialization code.
Fig.2. STM32CubeIDE environment
246 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 98 NR 10/2022
Fig.3. Graphical configuration of clocks in the STM32CubeMX
In addition to the Nucleo module, during the laboratory
classes, additional modules and electronic components are
necessary, for example: the BH1750 light intensity sensor,
the BMP280 pressure and temperature sensor, the LM358
and LM386 operational amplifiers, 16 × 2 LCD displays with
an I2C converter, as well as auxiliary elements such as a
breadboard, rotary encoder, potentiometers, LED etc.
The first few laboratory classes are devoted to the basic
issues of programming techniques in the STM32CubeIDE
environment, data acquisition, control (e.g. PWM
generation) as well as archiving and visualization of
An interesting possibility of the STM32CubeIDE
environment is the ability to analyze energy consumption
using the Power Consumption Calculator (Fig. 4), which
allows to accurately assess the energy demand of individual
microcontroller devices and shows which of them can be
turned off for savings.
Fig.4. An example of analysis using the Power Consumption
The ability to use the laboratory set and the environment is
important in the following classes related to the
implementation of measurement and control systems,
digital signal processing algorithms and the preparation of
the didactic automatic control system. Examples of
laboratory exercises of such systems are presented in the
following chapters.
Determination of the photoresistor characteristics
The BH1750 light intensity sensor enables
measurements in the range of 1 - 65535 lx, and gives the
possibility of a determination of photoresistor sensitivity
characteristic. The block diagram of the measurement
system is shown in Fig. 5. The reference measurement,
carried out by the BH1750, is sent to the microcontroller via
the I2C interface. The tested photoresistor, in a divider
circuit with a resistor, e.g. 10 kΩ, is connected to the ADC
and should be placed close to the BH1750 module (Fig. 6).
The lighting intensity is changed by means of a white LED
controlled by a PWM signal. The measurement result, ADC
in relation to the lux value, can be observed using Serial
Wire Viewer in the STM32CubeIDE environment or sent via
UART to other visualization programs.
Fig.5. Block diagram of a system for determining the characteristics
of a photoresistor
Fig.6. BH1750 module and photoresistor illuminated with white LED
Implementation of digital filtration
Another issue discussed in the class is the presentation
of digital signal processing [10, 11]. As mentioned earlier,
the STM32F746 microcontroller has analog-to-digital and
digital-to-analog converters, which allows to easily build a
DSP system, the general concept of which is shown in
Fig. 7.
Fig.7. General concept of a digital signal processing system using
the Nucleo STM32F746
For the generation of analog test signals, a PC sound
card and software for generating sinusoidal signals (for
example can be
used. The voltage range from the sound card (± 1V) should
be adapted to the ADC input voltage range of the analog-to-
digital converter (voltage 0-3.3V). The LM358 op-amp can
be applied for this purpose. Figure 8 shows the schematic
and simulation of the input amplifier operation in the LT
Spice environment.
ADC Photoresistor
± 1
PA 3
(PA_4) RC filter
0-3.3 V
PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 98 NR 10/2022 247
Fig.8. An example of an input amplifier simulation made with the
use of LT Spice software
FIR or IIR digital filtration is programmed using the
STM32F746 microcontroller. An important element is the
correct setting of the ADC and DAC, including the correct
sampling rate.
The output signal from the DAC has the character of a
step function and a reconstructive filter is needed [12].
Observation of the analog signal can be done with an
oscilloscope, and if it is not available, an alternative is
computer sound card with oscilloscope visualization
software. Such solution has limitations related to the
frequency band (typically range up to 20 kHz), but it is
sufficient for teaching. An example of such software is
shown in Fig. 9, and its additional advantage is the FFT
analysis function.
During the course, students implement and analyze the
operation of the following filters:
an averaging filter,
a band-pass filter,
IIR filters designed using impulse invariant or
bilinear transforms.
Fig.9. Oscilloscope using a PC sound card
The averaging filter (e.g. of length N = 5) is relatively
simple to implement and allows to get acquainted with the
signal attenuation process. Fig. 10 shows the frequency
response of the filter, which can be plotted with the freqz
command in Matlab or Octave-Online. A practical
assessment of the filter's operation can be made using a
generator and an oscilloscope. The input signal is reset for
two zeros, for example for 1600 Hz and 3200 Hz, assuming
a sampling rate of 8000 samples / second. Additionally, the
student can observe the phenomenon of aliasing.
In the next step, the student becomes familiar with the
design of FIR filters with given characteristics. The filter
coefficients can be determined by software, for example the
FDA Tool from the Matlab package [13]. On the Internet it is
also possible to find pages that allow automatic
determination of filter coefficients, an example is shown in
Fig. 11.
Fig.10. The frequency response of a filter of length N = 5 obtained
with the freqz command
Fig. 11. An example of designing a FIR filter on the page http://t-
The implementation of IIR filters consists in transforming the
transmittance of the analog filter to the form of the
transmittance of the digital filter, and then writing the
difference equation and its software. The impulse invariant
or bilinear transform are used to convert the analog
transmittance. Due to the nature of these transformations,
the obtained digital transmittances are different and the
frequency characteristics are also different [10].
Automatic control system
An interesting exercise, combining elements of the control
theory and the practical use of a microprocessor system, is
the construction and programming of a demonstration PID
temperature control system. The block diagram is shown in
Fig. 12.
Fig.12. Block diagram of the temperature control system
The student's task is to prepare a hardware and software
project that stabilizes the temperature with a specific
deviation (e.g. at the level of 5% or less of the control range
value). In addition, it is required to set a reference value by
means of serial communication or a rotary encoder as well
as the ability to observe the current value measured with
the STM Studio or Telemetry Viewer software and LED or
LCD display. An example of a controller circuit is shown in
Fig. 13. For temperature measurement, the DS18B20 or
Rotary encoder
BMP280 Resistor
I2C LCD 16x2
Transistor Power
5 V / 0.2 A
248 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 98 NR 10/2022
BMP280 sensors can be applied, which are characterized
by a relatively high measurement accuracy.
Fig.13. An example of a temperature controller system
Initial analysis of the system operation and
parameterization can be performed using the Matlab
environment based on the tutorial [14]. The Curve Fitting
Tool (Fig. 14) is helpful to determine the parameters of the
object from the step response, and the selection of the
controller settings is conveniently performed with the PID
Tuner tool (Fig. 15).
Fig.14. Determination of transmittance parameters using the Curve
Fitting Tool
Fig.15. Selection of controller settings by means of PID Tuner
As mentioned before, the stabilized temperature
measurement result can be observed using Serial Wire
Viewer in the STM32CubeIDE environment or sent via
UART to other visualization programs.
The STM32CubeIDE development environment facilitates
the preparation of a project for Nucleo and Discovery
prototype modules, and also allows to observe the real-time
operation of the designed systems and combine theory with
practice. The cost of the devices allows the student to use
the proposed solutions also outside laboratory classes at
home during a distance learning.
The presented, selected information on the
implementation of laboratory classes shows that at a
relatively low cost, it is possible to organize an introductory
course on signal control processing. The environment
should be supplemented with additional programs (both
paid and free alternative) enabling quick prototyping and
preparation of automatic control parameters.
This research was funded partly by the 2022 subvention
and partly with the SMART4ALL EU Horizon 2020 project,
Grant Agreement No 872614.
Authors: Tomasz Marciniak PhD, E-mail:, Kacper Podbucki MSc, , E-mail:, Jakub Suder MSc, E-mail:, Poznan University of Technology,
Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Division of Signal
Processing and Electronic Systems, ul. Jana Pawła II 24, 60-965
Poznań, Poland.
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... STM32 processors are commonly utilized in embedded systems and provide a variety of features and capabilities appropriate for a wide range of applications. It based on the ARM 32-bit Cortex-M7 CPU core with a floating point unit (FPU), has 1MB Flash memory and 320kB SRAM memory, and is equipped with a number of serial interfaces (including I2C, UART, SPI), as well as both 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) [77]- [78]. In [75] a project was developed generate various tone using Timer 0 peripheral of Pic18F4550 controller, the [74] was developed an optimized DC/DC conversion system using PID controller and implement it in PIC18F4550 con-troller, and [76] designed a system using PIC18F4550 for temperature monitoring and light intensity control. ...
... STM32 processors are commonly utilized in embedded systems and provide a variety of features and capabilities appropriate for a wide range of applications. It based on the ARM 32-bit Cortex-M7 CPU core with a floating point unit (FPU), has 1MB Flash memory and 320kB SRAM memory, and is equipped with a number of serial interfaces (including I2C, UART, SPI), as well as both 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) [77,78]. M32 32 ( Figure.14) is a microcontroller designed by STMicroelectronics, a nal semiconductor company. ...
Full-text available
Utilizing electric vehicles (EVs) in place of conventional vehicles is now necessary to lower carbon dioxide emissions, provide clean energy, and lessen environmental pollution. Numerous researchers are trying to figure out how to make these electric vehicles better in order to address this. Electric motors and batteries are necessary parts of electric cars. As such, the development of these vehicles was associated with the development of these two entities. This review lists all of the sophisticated electric machines, their control schemes, and the embedded systems that are utilized to put these schemes into practice. Due to this review, we determined out, the induction motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor have been demonstrated to be the most efficient and suitable alternative for propulsion drive in electric vehicles. Furthermore, because torque and speed can be controlled simultaneously with minimal noise and ripples, the FOC approach continues to be the ideal control method. This evaluation offers comprehensive information regarding the application of various control measures. Whereas the model-based design technique made it easier for engineers to program, validate, and fine-tune the system's controllers before deploying it in the field, STM32 and DSP320F28379 are the best embedded systems for implementation because of their low cost and compatibility with the SIMULINK environment.
Conference Paper
The paper analyzes the preparation of software for acoustic signal classification with machine learning techniques for microcontrollers. The design process was tested for three types of devices: Nordic Thingy:53, and Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Lite. The classifier training process was carried out using the Edge Impulse platform. Experimental studies were carried out for the process of classifying sound signals generated by the vacuum cleaner motor. The results of the training and the model test were presented for different configurations.
The paper presents an analysis of the realization of digital signal processing algorithms with the use of STM32F4 microcontrollers. Various programming techniques have been demonstrated focusing on the implementation of FIR filters and FFT calculations based on Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard. During the tests we use STM32F407 Discovery module with WM5102 Wolfson Audio Card. The speed of algorithms and the accuracy of calculations were checked. The quality of digital filters were tested using LMS adaptive filter or Analog Discovery 2 device.
This paper describes three step response-based system identification methods of increasing complexity, together with a range of exercises that will enhance student understanding of this area in an engaging and practical way. For illustration purposes and practicality, it is assumed that the model to be identified is of the first-order plus dead time type. The first method uses a popular graphical technique, which is easy to understand and apply, but inaccurate when the response data are not ideal. The second uses the Nelder–Mead simplex method, which is a more powerful technique and has the added benefit of introducing undergraduate students to the concepts of numerical optimisation. The third uses an integral equation algorithm. The latter two methods, which can be readily extended to other model structures and input types, are also demonstrated using experimental data obtained from a tank level control system.
The paper presents selected aspects of teaching digital signal processing (DSP) with the use of modules with a microcontroller, which allow to illustrate the operation of DSP algorithms in the real time. The popular Arduino Uno module with the ATmega328P microcontroller has been supplemented with an analog-digital converter to build a full signal processing system. Laboratory instructions and software were prepared to present basic operations of digital signal generation, filtering and discrete Fourier transformation calculations using direct techniques, FFT, and the Goertzel algorithm.
  • M Szumski
Szumski M., Mikrokontrolery STM32 w systemach sterowania i regulacji, BTC, (2018)
  • A Kurczyk
Kurczyk A., Mikrokontrolery STM32 dla początkujących, BTC (2019)
  • K Paprocki
Paprocki K., Mikrokontrolery STM32 w praktyce, BTC (2009)
  • C Ünsalan
  • M E Yücel
  • H D Gürhan
Ünsalan C., Yücel M. E., Gürhan H. D., Digital Signal Processing using Arm Cortex-M based Microcontrollers Theory and Practice, Arm Education Media (2018)