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Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.



When it comes to the issue of terror and terrorism, the Turkish State very comfortably labels whoever is not in line with Turkey’s interest and strategy. Moreover, almost all Western states are outspokenly suggesting that they do understand Turkish concern about its national security and its struggle for counter terrorism actions. However, the other side of the coin is very rarely looked at. This article argues that the Turkish State is promoting terror through supporting the Islamist fundamentalist organisations inside and outside Turkey. The aid and support of the Turkistan Islamic party is one of the cases that Turkey has its hand in it.
June 2022
Volume: 2, No: 1, pp. 101 112
ISSN: 2754-8791 (Print) ISSN: 2754-8805 (Online)
The Commentaries
All rights reserved © 2022 Transnational Press London
Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of
the Turkistan Islamic Party
Seevan Saeed
Executive summary
When it comes to the issue of terror and
terrorism, the Turkish State very comfortably
labels whoever is not in line with Turkey’s
interest and strategy. Moreover, almost all
Western states are outspokenly suggesting that
they do understand Turkish concern about its
national security and its struggle for counter
terrorism actions. However, the other side of the
coin is very rarely looked at. This article argues
that the Turkish State is promoting terror
through supporting the Islamist fundamentalist
organisations inside and outside Turkey. The
aid and support of the Turkistan Islamic
Party- Xinjiang, is one of the cases that
Turkey has its hand in it.
Turkey plays a crucial role in
contemporary geopolitical events.
As an actor between west and east in the world, it has an important
geostrategic condition in the regional events in different places such
as Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan and Iraq. The legacy of state and
Seevan Saeed, Associate Professor in Middle East Politics, Shaanxi Normal University, China.
Cengiz GUNES
The Commentaries is an initiative by
the EUTCC.
Prof Kariane WESTRHEIM,
University of Bergen, Norway
Prof Michael GUNTER,
Tennessee Technological University,
AKAD, Germany
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Cambridge University, UK
Estella SCHMID, Peace in Kurdistan
Campaign, UK
102 Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.
acting as a multi facet entity could be noticed in both Iranian and
Turkish states for a long time in the region. Therefore, both Iran and
Turkey in the region have been in a long term, complicated and
multi-dimensional competition across the centuries. While they are
using similar methods and strategic plans for achieving their goals
and dreams, often they are going through several complexities in
terms of collaborations and confrontations. Moreover, while Iran
and Turkey competing against each other and going through making
several allies in the region and internationally, they on the other hand
have similar friends and foes. Russia and China are considered as
friends of Iran. The majority of the Western countries (NATO
Members) and often both Russia and China alongside several smaller
countries in the region such as Qatar, Pakistan and Malaysia could be
(on and off) considered as Turkish state friends. However, none of
the mentioned countries above could be full friends or foes to each
or any of the two main regional powers that we are mentioning now.
Turkey, in particular, has a long-term experience in terms of
managing state actions. It is characterised by strategically planning
for achieving the goals and bringing the dreams of the nation into
reality. It has dreams to regain the glory of the past. It has plans for
expansion and conquering more territories and imposing its
hegemony in the region. AKP’s ‘Crazy Plan’ is aiming at achieving
several goals by 2023, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of
the Modern Turkish Republic.
In this article, I try to show some of
the related plans of the Turkish state in terms of using and exploiting
terrorism and the trick of convection and supporting Islamist Jihadist
Extremism to support its goals and aims. Particularly, I would like to
focus on the relations between the Turkish state and Turkic armed
groups and individuals, and their families that are currently present
in Turkey and used as part of the Turkish strategy in the current
crises in Syria, Libya and Nagorno Karabakh.
James Helicke, Outdoing Panama: Turkish ‘Crazy’ Plan to Build an Istanbul Canal. Online: Origin;
Current Events in Historical perspective. Accessed on 15-08/2022. article/
Saeed 103
It is interesting that the Turkish notion of terror is used for different
purposes. On the one hand, Turkish state institutions have adopted
a very broad definition of terrorism that increasingly covers peaceful
acts of dissidence and further limits political freedoms.
On the other
hand, when it comes to supporting its proxy groups, the meaning of
terror could be changed dramatically. This report argues and tries to
examine the relations specifically between Turkish State and
extremist groups including Turkistan Islamic Party (formerly named
East Turkistan Islamic Movement or ETIM) that have recently been
developed not only on the scale of using them in Nagorno Karabakh,
Syria and Libya, but to recruit them and feed them for the next phase
of the chaos in case of using them against China as a factor of
economic or diplomatic deals with China.
The dream of Turkey
The Turkish State still lives in a sort of illusion of the glory of the
past that can be manifested through the concept of Neo
Ottomanism. The dream of the Turkish state is to bring back and
rearrange the state based on the pillars of Turkishness and the glory
and superiority of the Turks and Turkic world again (Pan-
. For that, the Turkish state would take every opportunity
to get closer to that dream. Turkey could be considered as a medium
power that has a long legacy of the Ottoman Empire in ruling the
wide areas and managing a multi-faceted array of conflicts and
interests. I would precisely refer to three dates that are crucial for the
Turkish state as the main discourse of the mission and plan for the
future of the Turkish and Turkic nations.
First of all, the year 2023 will be the 100th anniversary of the
establishment of the Turkish republic in 1923. Secondly, the year
3 Nazil Ozekici and Hasret Dikici Bilgin (2022) Turkey’s broad definition of terrorism does nothing to
halt radicalisation. Online: Open democracy; Accessed on 16/08/2022. democracy.
4 Pan- Turanism, also known as pan-Turanianism, or simply Turan, is a nationalist cultural and political
movement proclaiming the need for close cooperation or political unification between (culturally,
linguistically or ethnically related) peoples who are belong to Turkic ethnic groups and nations.
104 Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.
2053 will be the 600th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople
(Istanbul) to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. And thirdly, the year 2071
will be the 1,000th anniversary of the 1071 Manzikert (Malazgirt)
battle, during which Turkic tribes from Central Asia defeated the
Greek Byzantine forces in the Byzantine city of Manzikert. Very
briefly we can argue that these three dates and the missions behind
these dates could drive the machine of Turkish strategy and goals.
In the first phase, the ideal behind the year 2023, is to turn Turkey
into one of the most important actors in the global power balance
and a determinant country that works to gain hegemony in the
region. Turkey is aiming at gaining the lands of the territories of the
“National pact”, “Misaki Milli” which is at least northern Iraq and
northern Syria (predominantly Kurdish inhabitants) within its
current borders.
Moreover, Turkey wants to impose its hegemony
on the lands and governments in the vast geographical regions from
Morocco to Afghanistan.
In the second phase of the mission, the year 2053 would be the date
that the establishment of the Turkish or Turkic United States (Pan-
Turanism) similar to the model of the United States of America and
the European Union would be completed.
The majority of the lands
of nowadays eastern and central Europe would be part of this
forthcoming body. Moreover, the strategic depth and effective role
of Turkish foreign policy are not restricted to the Middle East only.
According to the plan, the very vast geography from the Balkans to
the Caucasus, and from Africa to Central Asia would be parts of the
territories of the Turkic United States. In other words, all the
countries that have historical and cultural bonds with the glory of the
Ottoman empire will be part of that entity. Thus, in 2053, the great
5 Uzay Bulut (2019). What does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current Policies in Syria?
6 Uzay Bulut (2019). What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current Policies in Syria?
Saeed 105
Turkic United States will have a place in the new world order as the
fourth centre of power − alongside China, Russia and the USA.
In the third phase of the mission, the year 2071, would be the date
that the Turkic nations would reach the dominating level of the
Ottomans and Seljuks. This means that the ambition of 2071 would
be the state that has united the Islamic world and that has become
number one in the world with its social structure, economy and
politics. It should then be the country that rules the world. The
dream of the Turkic nations is the year 2071 should be planned as a
year in which its world domination and global sovereignty will be
established. This is the dream of Turkey. However, the challenges
and obstacles in front of that dream are not less than the
opportunities to achieving it.
The Challenges of Turkey
Turkey aims at representing the Sunni Muslim communities in the
world. As mentioned above, the legacy of the Ottoman Empire made
it an illusion for Turkey to regain all the lost territories and rule the
world. However, the challenges and obstacles, in reality, are a lot
greater than the dream and illusion of Turkey. Internally there are
several huge challenges in front of the Turkish state to pursue its
ambitious dreams. Fragile economics and polarities of politics in
Turkey have always made the plans and decisions not work well. On
the other hand, the power of Mafia and drug-dealer bands is hugely
embodied within the state organs including the police and
intelligence arms.
The terminology of “Deep State” and “Cartel
7 Youssra El Badmoussi (2021). Did China Buy Turkey s Silence on the Uyghur Muslims?
8 Uzay Bulut (2019). What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current policies in Syria?
9 Hot Pursuit (2021) Turkish State-Mafia Allegations Revive Memories of Susurluk Scandal. Online;
Ahval Newspaper. Accessed on 16/08/2022.
106 Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.
can serve our argument in this regard. Both formal officials
and power stake holders often go through conflict and cooperation
in the process of ruling the complicities of politics. Yet, none of them
can be the only character to have the final and only decision for any
event. Nonetheless, the dream of Turkey is to become a leader of the
Islamic world with the Turkic characterisation supremacy under the
theory of Turk-Islam Synthesis, “Turk-Islam sentezi,
and “Pan-
Another big-actually it could be the biggest- obstacle in front of the
Turkish dream is the Kurdish question.
The Kurds in the Middle
East have already risen and their social and political rights (perhaps
including their own nation-state) are only a matter of time. The
Kurds (especially those Kurds who are inspired by Abdullah Ocalan
and his Revolutionary Ideology) are the main obstacle in front of the
Turkish dream. As mentioned above, the year 2023 is the year that
Turkey must control both Northern Iraq and Syria and put it back
within its borders. That is why we can see daily atrocities,
bombardment and military attacks from Turkey against both
Kurdish populated areas in Iraq and Syria. However, the Kurds are
strongly and with new technics working on building their own
entities and resisting in front of the Turkish military campaigns. This
means that the first phase of the Turkish dream almost failed.
Iran is another big obstacle in front of Turkey. Due to the Sunni-
Shia long term conflicts, both Iran and Turkey have big trends of
power and hegemony in the region. Iran doesn’t easily let Turkey be
10 Benjamin, Lessing The Logic of Violence in Criminal War: Cartel State Conflict in Mexico, Colombia
and Brazil. University of California, BerkeleyProQuest Dissertations Publishing,2012.3527063.
11 Akin, A and Karasapan, O. (1988) “The Turkish Islamic Synthesis.,” Middle East Report 153
(July/August 1988). Accessed on 30/June/2022.
12 Uzay Bulut (2019). What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current Policies in Syria?
13 Henri Berkey and Dienc Kadioglu (2011) The Turkish Constitution and the Kurdish Question.
Online; Carnegie; Accessed on 15/08/2022)
14 Uzay Bulut (2019). What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current policies in Syria?
Saeed 107
the first and biggest player in the region. While the majority of
territories and political players in both Iraq and Syria are loyal to Iran,
Iran started to win the game with most of the Arab states that are
not happy with Turkish expansionist dreams. Recently, Saudi Arabia
and Iran started negotiating and understanding each other. Egypt and
the UAE, as two main players in the Arab world, are both against
Turkey and its hegemonic dreams.
More importantly, the newly risen China as a global power doesn’t
fully trust Turkey to manage the game between Russia and the USA.
Therefore, China treats Turkey as a corridor to its Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI) projects. However, the misbehaviour of Turkey,
especially in relation to the Uyghur Chinese citizens, is making China
trust Turkey less.
We can talk about this point in the next sections.
Promoting Terror and its Ramifications
While Turkey claims that it is a democratic state and complies with
international law and the European Human Rights Criteria, it is in
practice doing everything to achieve its expansionist dreams
regardless of human rights, while also breaching both European and
international law. Obviously, in recent years and especially after the
Arab spring in 2011’ Turkey has been involved with supporting
extremist groups in the region. Indeed, Turkey has become a hub for
gathering and serving Islamic terrorist groups across the world.
Turkey nowadays, there are groups from Chechnya-Russia,
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and indeed, a Uyghur group
that is called the Turkistan Islamic Party.
There are hundreds of
clear pieces of evidence that Turkey
supported ISIS and Al-Qaeda
15 Michale Daventry (2021) Turkey Could Send its Uyghurs Back to China at Any Moment.
16 Amberin Zaman (2021) Turkey's scapegoating of McGurk rooted in revisionism. Online Almonitor.
Accessed on 15/08/2022.
17 Youssra El Badmoussi (2021). Did China Buy Turkey s Silence on the Uyghur Muslims?
18 The Young TV (2015) Turkish Government Caught Helping ISIS. Youtube. Accessed on
108 Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.
organisations. Turkey gave arms to them and treated their injured
individuals in the Turkish hospitals across the border from Syria.
Moreover, recruiting and transferring mercenaries to Libya and to
Azerbaijan is clearly evidenced in the last few years.
I would argue
that the main aim of supporting radical Islamic groups is an
expansion of Turkey’s hegemony and getting closer to its dream of
controlling the vast majority of the region.
The ramification of Turkish expansion and its ambitions to control
the resources of the region would put Turkey into a crossroad at least
in the near future. The rice of China in the region and especially the
BRI project would certainly have an impact on Turkey and its
geopolitical status in the region. In this regard, Turkey not only has
an economic deal with China. It is in fact, the issue of supporting
terrorism and especially supporting the Turkistan Islamic Party. This
would have a serious ramifications on the future of Turkey-China
Arguably, the Turkish state and almost every single
national figures and political leaders and parties in Turkey, (apart
from the pro-Kurdish political party HDP) have clearly and proudly
shown their full support to their “so-called Uyghur Turkic
This means that the notion of supporting the case of
Xinjiang is not only the will of Erdogan or the AKP ruling Party. It
is indeed a nationalist and ultra-nationalist notion and policy of the
Turkish state and Turkish nationalist movement that is deeply
embodied within the mind and feelings of the vast majority of the
The crossroad that Turkey will be on, and the pathway that it will
finally achieve, would be the policy that is based on the dream of
19 Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (2022) Turkish Neo-Ottoman Expansionism in Iraq:
Dangers and Consequences International Community's Stance Can Prevent Destabilisation of the
Middle East. Report by the KDCU: June 2022.
20 Bold Medya (2021) Berat Al Bayrak Randevu Vardi. Sedat Pekerin Yeni Aciklama. https://www.
21 Ulusal Kanal (2019) Türkiye Uygur konusunda Çin'in yanında,
22 Yurttas TV (2021) Meral Akşener kürsüde ağladı! "Elinde iman metre ile gezenler bu zulme sessiz
23 Yurttas TV (2021) Meral Akşener kürsüde ağladı! "Elinde iman metre ile gezenler bu zulme sessiz
Saeed 109
Turkic expansion to control the world. Therefore, China has no
choice but deeply understand that fact and try to limit Turkey within
its current range rather than letting it grow bigger and stronger. The
policy that the Western countries (EU and the USA) is pursuing
towards Turkey is to use Turkey as a member of NATO against
Russian hegemony and of course Chinese projects from now on. But
they will never let Turkey become a bigger power than what it is now.
Thus, China would rethink when it comes to the deal with Turkey.
Bringing Turkey out of the range of the Western powers cannot
happen that soon unless Turkey will be fully ignored by the Western
powers due to their difficulties and failures of their strategies in the
region. We can easily see that the USA has failed in Afghanistan and
almost all countries that have been occupied by the USA since the
start of the War on Terror in 2001. We cannot see even one USA
successful story in the region. Thus, whether China likes it or not, it
has no choice but to expose its policy and start acting differently in
the region.
In this regard, the treatment of Turkey would be different from what
the Western powers have done so far. I’m not in the position of
suggesting any plan to China at this stage. But I can show the nature
of the Turkish ambition and Turkic expansion that directly has an
impact on the BRI and its internal case of Xinjiang province.
What Turkey want to do with and against China in this case?
Based on the statements and discourse with Turkish officials, one
can conclude that Turkey wants to have sustainable economic
relations with China. However, Turkey wants to promote, fund, train
and support fundamental groups including Turkistan Islamic Party
and use them as mercenaries in Syria and wherever else Turkey needs
Arguably, Turkey wants to grow them up, and prepare them
for the next phase of its expansion dream. This is not a claim. It is
the aim that has been confirmed by almost all the important figures
24 Bayram Balci (2019) The Uyghur Tragedy: An Embarrassment for Turkey.
110 Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.
within the state and the big figures within the deep state.
in the Turkish National Assembly (TBMM) there was even a push
for erecting active legislation to recognise the situation in Xinjiang as
genocide. However, due to the lack of zeal and the political tactics of
the ruling AKP and Erdogan’s new partner, the MHP Party and
especially its leader, Devlet Bahceli, pursuing the legal procedure in
the TBMM was postponed.
That doesn’t mean, the case has
become less important for Turkish politics and Pan-Turanist
agendas. It is only a temporary tactical policy of the AKP and
Erdogan due to economic crises and relying on China’s projects and
economic support to Turkey.
It is argued that historically, culturally, and linguistically, the Uyghurs
share deep linkages with the Turkic ethnic groups in the broader
Central and West Asian region. Turkey has long served as a shelter
destination for the Uyghur refugees who claim Chinese authorities
are targeting them. There is an estimation that the Uyghur diaspora
population in Turkey now counts between 50,000 to 60,000
individuals. Moreover, there are about 5,000 well-equipped
individuals and their families that have resided inside the Syrian
border in the province of Aleppo and in both Idlib and Afrin cities
since the Turkish occupation took place in 2016 and 2018.
More explicitly, in 2015, Reuters published a report on the question
of Turkic-Uyghur refugees, noting that Turkish diplomats have even
delivered travel papers and Turkish passports to help the Uyghurs
escape Chinese territory. China’s distrust is directly linked to the
question of Turkish passports. In 2015, China accused Turkish
diplomats in Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur of issuing passports to
Uyghurs, helping them to join the war in Syria.
This is really crucial
if this allegation by Reuters is true and if the Turkish embassy in
25 Bayram Balci (2019) The Uyghur Tragedy: An Embarrassment for Turkey.
26 Bayram Balci (2019) The Uyghur Tragedy: An Embarrassment for Turkey.
27 Michale Duchatel (2019) China’s Foreign Fighters Problem. 2019/01/
28 Michale Duchatel (2019) China’s Foreign Fighters Problem.
Saeed 111
China has ever been involved in such an issue. Publicly and with the
encouragement of the state and nationalist movements, in February
2019, through a stern governmental statement, Turkey criticised
Beijing for violating the fundamental human rights of Uyghur Turks
and other Muslim communities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous
Region. This somehow stimulated public satisfaction as Turkey is
one of the few countries in the Islamic world to have publicly
condemned China for its actions. Indeed, when Erdogan and other
figures of the Turkish state come to China and directly address
Chinese officials, they would deny all this. However, one must deeply
understand that the notion of Pan-Turanism expansion is directly
behind the move of the Turkish state in the case of Uyghurs and
against China.
On the other hand, the Turkish state still wants to sustain its relations
with China, at least for the time being, and due to the current
economic hardship and political difficulties of Turkey with the
Western powers. While Turkey at this stage does not promote
choosing one side over another, Sino-Turkish ties have steadily
grown stronger in recent years. Today, on the great scales of
cynicism, Turkish-Uyghur camaraderie is largely outweighed by
political, security and economic considerations between Turkey and
Therefore, relations between the two countries have
intensified in a variety of domains, primarily economy,
transportation, commerce, and tourism, with a trading volume of
around $24 billion in 2020. However, that doesn’t mean the Turkish
dream is left alone and ignored. China would always think of that as
a serious matter.
With regards to Turkish strategy toward the case of Xinjiang, we can
briefly suggest that Turkey wants to use this case for three different
purposes. Firstly, it is used for its internal political and national
purposes. Every single political party uses this case for showing its
29 Bayram Balci (2019) The Uyghur Tragedy: An Embarrassment for Turkey.
112 Promoting Terror by the Turkish State: The Case of the Turkistan Islamic Party.
strong affiliation to the Turkish and Turkic dreams and expansion
strategy. Every state figure and deep state stakeholders including the
big mafia are sharing this value that one day their Pan-Turanist dream
must come true and all Turkic lands will be free from the enemy. In
this regard, China is considered as an enemy.
The second purpose with which Turkey has a big problem is the
Kurdish question. Therefore, Turkey often discuss it with every
other state to confirm the matter of territorial integrity of the
countries. Since the Kurds are almost 25% of Turkey’s population or
more than 20 million people, (in contrary to the Uyghur people in
China who are a very little tiny minority), Turkey is always afraid of
the secession of the Kurds to establish their own state in the Middle
East. Thus, China can take this weak point of Turkey into
consideration when it comes to the deal on the Xinjiang case. That
is why the formal Turkish agenda is to promote Turkish-Chinese
relations including territorial integrity matters. The third and the
most crucial purpose of Turkey is to feed, grow up and recruit those
groups that could be used in the next stage in all Turkic lands such
as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and of course in the Chinese
territory of Xinjiang. In fact, the aim of Turkey with regards to the
case of Xinjiang is circling around these three purposes. But the
Turkish strategic plan is always on the table and considered as the
main policy to reach the dreams of 2023, 2053 and finally 2071.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current policies in Syria?
  • Uzay Bulut
Uzay Bulut (2019). What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve by Its Current policies in Syria?
The Turkish Constitution and the Kurdish Question. Online; Carnegie
  • Henri Berkey
  • Dienc Kadioglu
Henri Berkey and Dienc Kadioglu (2011) The Turkish Constitution and the Kurdish Question. Online; Carnegie; Accessed on 15/08/2022)