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Techno-Economic Analysis of an Integrated Bio-Refinery for the Production of Biofuels and Value-Added Chemicals from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches


Abstract and Figures

Lignocellulose-rich empty fruit bunches (EFBs) have high potential as feedstock for second-generation biofuel and biochemical production without compromising food security. Nevertheless, the major challenge of valorizing lignocellulose-rich EFB is its high pretreatment cost. In this study, the preliminary techno-economic feasibility of expanding an existing pellet production plant into an integrated bio-refinery plant to produce xylitol and bioethanol was investigated as a strategy to diversify the high production cost and leverage the high selling price of biofuel and biochemicals. The EFB feedstock was split into a pellet production stream and a xylitol and bioethanol production stream. Different economic performance metrics were used to compare the profitability at different splitting ratios of xylitol and bioethanol to pellet production. The analysis showed that an EFB splitting ratio below 40% for pellet production was economically feasible. A sensitivity analysis showed that xylitol price had the most significant impact on the economic performance metrics. Another case study on the coproduction of pellet and xylitol versus that of pellet and bioethanol concluded that cellulosic bioethanol production is yet to be market-ready, requiring a minimum selling price above the current market price to be feasible at 16% of the minimum acceptable return rate.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Lim, K.L.; Wong, W.Y.;
James Rubinsin, N.; Loh, S.K.; Lim,
M.T. Techno-Economic Analysis of an
Integrated Bio-Refinery for the
Production of Biofuels and
Value-Added Chemicals from Oil
Palm Empty Fruit Bunches. Processes
2022,10, 1965.
Academic Editors: Shicheng Zhang,
Javier Remon, Gang Luo,
Abdul-Sattar Nizami,
Andrzej Bialowiec and Yan Shi
Received: 31 July 2022
Accepted: 20 September 2022
Published: 29 September 2022
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Techno-Economic Analysis of an Integrated Bio-Refinery for the
Production of Biofuels and Value-Added Chemicals from Oil
Palm Empty Fruit Bunches
Kean Long Lim 1, * , Wai Yin Wong 1, Nowilin James Rubinsin 1, Soh Kheang Loh 2and Mook Tzeng Lim 3,4
1Fuel Cell Institute, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia
Energy and Environment Unit, Engineering and Processing Division, Malaysian Palm Oil Board, 6, Persiaran
Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi, Kajang 43000, Selangor, Malaysia
3TNB Research Sdn. Bhd., Kajang 43000, Selangor, Malaysia
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying, INTI International
University, Nilai 71800, Negri Sembilan, Malaysia
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +60-3-8911-8494; Fax: +60-3-8911-8530
Lignocellulose-rich empty fruit bunches (EFBs) have high potential as feedstock for second-
generation biofuel and biochemical production without compromising food security. Nevertheless,
the major challenge of valorizing lignocellulose-rich EFB is its high pretreatment cost. In this study,
the preliminary techno-economic feasibility of expanding an existing pellet production plant into
an integrated bio-refinery plant to produce xylitol and bioethanol was investigated as a strategy to
diversify the high production cost and leverage the high selling price of biofuel and biochemicals. The
EFB feedstock was split into a pellet production stream and a xylitol and bioethanol production stream.
Different economic performance metrics were used to compare the profitability at different splitting
ratios of xylitol and bioethanol to pellet production. The analysis showed that an EFB splitting ratio
below 40% for pellet production was economically feasible. A sensitivity analysis showed that xylitol
price had the most significant impact on the economic performance metrics. Another case study on
the coproduction of pellet and xylitol versus that of pellet and bioethanol concluded that cellulosic
bioethanol production is yet to be market-ready, requiring a minimum selling price above the current
market price to be feasible at 16% of the minimum acceptable return rate.
Keywords: empty fruit bunches; pellet; xylitol; bioethanol; integrated process
1. Introduction
Malaysia is currently the world’s second-largest palm oil producer after Indonesia.
As in 2019, 5.90 Mha of land in Malaysia is covered with oil palms, 46.9% of which is in
peninsular Malaysia, and the remaining 26.1% and 26.9% are in Sabah and Sarawak, re-
spectively [
]. With the rapid expansion of the palm oil industry in Malaysia, sustainability
issues related to oil palm have accelerated in recent years [
], especially environmental
issues associated with the palm oil industry. These issues have increased the urgency for the
industry to find a balance between environmental and economic sustainability. One of the
many options is to convert the excessive biomass leftover from the palm oil mills, especially
the empty fruit bunches (EFBs), into value-added biomass and generate revenue from the
waste [
]. EFBs are the remaining parts after oil palm fruitlets are stripped from fresh
fruit bunches (FFBs) [4,5]. According to Hamzah et al. [6], the amount of EFB produced is
estimated to be 22% of the FFB (in wet weight), which is the largest proportion of oil palm
plantation solid waste. Based on the FFB yield data from MPOB (2019) [
], it is estimated
that the average total amount of EFB produced from 2017 to 2019 is 22.42 million tons
annually. EFB is considered a waste that needs to be continuously removed to avoid piling
at the site because it can lead to methane emissions that contribute to air pollution and
Processes 2022,10, 1965.
Processes 2022,10, 1965 2 of 20
negative health impacts [
]. Conventionally, EFB is used as a mulch or organic fertilizer
in oil palm plantations because of its high alkali content or fuel in the boiler to reduce diesel
consumption [
]. However, feeding EFB directly into the boiler without removing its al-
kali content contributes to slagging and fouling, which will eventually reduce the operation
efficiency of the boiler [
]. In addition, EFB is a lignocellulosic material that can potentially
be utilized to produce high-value-added products such as biofuel, biochemical materials,
industrial sugar, and biofertilizer. If the potential is unlocked and fully exploited, the palm
oil industry will be one step closer to sustainable development and circular economy [13].
There were several studies related to the valorization of EFB to fuel (pellets, briquettes,
bioethanol) and value-added products (charcoal, long fibers, biochemical) as a promising
and sustainable alternative to the replacement of fossil fuels and chemical products [
The lignocellulose composition of EFB consists of 36–43% cellulose, 15–25% hemicellulose,
and 22–34% lignin [
], as well as approximately 4% ash or mineral content [
] that
contains compounds such as K
O, P
and SiO
, which can be a suitable source for pellet,
biofertilizer, xylitol and bioethanol production. Instead of burning EFB as a fuel directly,
processing EFB into pellets by increasing its lignin content and removing its mineral content
improves the calorific value [
]. Renewable solid fuel for power generation is in high
demand in Europe, Japan, Korea, and China. Currently, an industrial establishment in
Malaysia has the capacity to produce 1000 to 3000 tons of pellets monthly [
], but the
average annual global growth of pellet demand is of 960,000 tons/year [
]. This huge
supply–demand mismatch offers an opportunity for EFB pellets to fill in the supply gap
because of their cost competitiveness, low moisture content, high calorific value, and low
smoke and fume generation during combustion [
]. Cellulosic bioethanol is considered a
second-generation (2G) biofuel produced from the cellulose component of EFB. 2G biofuel
has gained considerable demand because it offers an alternative to minimize possible
conflicts between fuel and food security [
]. However, cellulosic bioethanol is inherently
more challenging to produce than sugar- or starch-based bioethanol and more costly than
fossil-based ethanol. Hence, it is necessary to produce valuable biochemicals such as
xylitol simultaneously with 2G cellulosic bioethanol to improve the overall feasibility of
the production process [
]. EFB with a substantially high amount of polymeric xylan
(hemicellulose) is a suitable xylose source for xylitol production. Xylitol is a highly sought
value-added product in the food and pharmaceutical industries. It can only be extracted
from plant biomass [
]. The global demand for xylitol is approximately 125,000 tons,
with an average market price of 5000 to 20,000 USD/ton, and xylitol is mostly used as
a substitute for sugar because of its lower caloric content but with a similar sweetening
power [32].
Although the demand for these products is high worldwide, the recalcitrant structure
of lignocellulose in EFB is the bottleneck to yield high amounts of bioproducts [
Therefore, multiple pretreatment steps are required to fractionate the complex structure,
increase the EFB porosity, reduce cellulose’s crystallinity, solubilize hemicellulose, and mod-
ify the lignin structure [
]. These pretreatment methods include physical, biological,
and chemical processes to condition the EFB before feeding to the pellet and biochemi-
cal production. The physical method aims to reduce the particle size and crystallinity of
biomass by milling, grinding, or chipping. Further processing of biomass is easier and more
effective. Biological methods use microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria to degrade
lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. Biological methods are usually cost-effective, have low
energy requirements, and are environmentally friendly. No chemical waste is generated,
but the degradation process is slow. Either acid or alkali is often used to treat biomass
in chemical treatment [
]. A combination of physical and chemical methods has also
been used to reduce the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass. The most commonly used
physicochemical methods are liquid hot water, steam explosion, microwave pretreatment,
and ozonolysis treatment [
]. Most of these physicochemical methods are conducted
at a high temperature and pressure to accelerate biomass degradation. Still, these methods
are less efficient because they can cause severe degradation of the EFB components [43].
Processes 2022,10, 1965 3 of 20
There were three main processes in producing EFB pellets: moisture removal, compo-
sition adjustment (lignin increment and ash reduction), and pellet densification. Removal
of high alkali content in EFB, such as K and Na, in the form of ash, is a crucial step to
produce premium-grade pellets for boiler applications. The ash deposition of EFB can
be removed with washing treatment. This washing process’s effluent contains essential
nutrients for plant growth and can be a suitable source of N-P-K fertilizers [
]. In addition,
EFB contains highly hydrophilic hemicellulose and has approximately 67% moisture. It
requires a high intensity of drying and hemicellulose removal to be used as fuel in the
boilers. The removal of hemicellulose content increases the lignin percentage, which has a
high calorific or heating value [
]. Pretreatment processes such as torrefaction, steam
explosion, and hydrothermal treatment are commercial thermal treatment techniques to
improve the calorific value [
]. Torrefaction is a heat treatment process to carbonize EFB
and increase its C/O ratios [
]. Torrefaction also reduces the moisture content of EFB.
It reduces the mass by almost half, enhancing the transportability and prolonging the
storage duration of pellets [
]. Steam explosion uses high-temperature saturated steam to
penetrate through the cell wall structure at high pressure and solubilize hemicellulose [
Upon instantaneous controlled pressure drop, the cell wall expands adiabatically and
undergoes explosive decompression, making cellulose more accessible [
]. Hydrothermal
treatment (HTT), also known as wet torrefaction, is another pretreatment process suitable
for biomass with high moisture content, with a typical treatment temperature of 150 to
350 C [
]. Both Ahda et al. [
] and Novianti et al. [
] have shown that the HTT process
upgrades the EFB into more stable, hydrophobic, and more lignin-containing feedstock
with lower mineral content. While pretreatment of EFB in pellet production improves the
fiber’s quality, the loose EFB fiber is usually bulky and low in density. The densification
process can increase the energy potential of the biomass. There are two densification meth-
ods: screw press and piston press. Pellets produced through this process can be used in
direct combustion for energy generation [28].
In a coproduction of bioethanol and xylitol, EFB is first chemically pretreated with
dilute acid or alkali to extract cellulose from EFB [
] to produce hydrolyzed hemicellulose
or xylose [
]. Acid hydrolysis pretreatment is commonly used because it can hydrolyze
hemicellulose, which has a lower degree of polymerization and amorphous structure,
much faster than cellulose. The pretreatment process was able to increase the cellulose
content from 41% to 72% [
]. The most commonly used acid is diluted sulfuric acid at
a concentration below 4% (w/w) [
]. Other mineral acids, such as hydrochloric, nitric, and
phosphoric acids, can be used, but sulfuric acid results in an efficient process, lower cost,
and shorter reaction time [57].
For bioethanol production, the cellulose-rich hydrolysate undergoes subsequent hy-
drolysis in either biological method through enzymatic hydrolysis or chemical method
through acid hydrolysis. The enzymatic hydrolysis method is preferable because it is
cost-effective and produces a higher sugar content than acid hydrolysis [
]. Enzymatic
hydrolysis degrades cellulose into simple sugar by cellulolytic enzymes, which require
an optimal temperature between 45 and 55
C and a pH range of 4–5 [
]. Ghazali and
Makhtar [
] used cellulase enzymes produced from the fungus Trichoderma reesei to in-
crease glucose yield. The enzymes produced a constant maximum yield of 2.5 g/L at an
enzyme to substrate ratio of 0.05 (0.5 g enzyme/10 g EFB) at 50
C and pH 5. Zhai et al. [
reported that the sugar yield was improved from 30.5% to 66.9% by increasing the enzyme
dose from 10 to 60 FPU/g EFB at 50
C and pH 4.8. Both studies have indicated that optimal
enzymatic hydrolysis conditions, such as temperature, pH, and substrate concentration, are
essential in improving sugar yield [
]. Other fungi can be used to produce enzymes, but
Trichoderma reesei is the most commonly used fungus in industrial enzymatic processes [
The sugar from enzymatic hydrolysis is fermented with yeast to produce bioethanol. The
most frequently used yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae because it can provide a high ethanol
yield [
]. Sugar can be fermented into ethanol by two processes: separate hydrolysis
and fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). For
Processes 2022,10, 1965 4 of 20
an SHF system, both operating conditions of hydrolysis and fermentation are operated
independently at different optimal conditions. Using this method, the optimization and
control of the process conditions, such as the temperature and pH of the hydrolysis and
fermentation, can be performed effectively [
]. In contrast, SSF system performs better
than SHF, where SSF has a shorter processing time, lower cost, and higher bioethanol yield.
Nevertheless, it is challenging to obtain optimum pH and temperature conditions for both
saccharification and fermentation in the SSF system. Dahnum et al. [
] showed that SSF
has a shorter processing time of 72 h than SHF in producing bioethanol at a temperature of
C and pH of 4.8. Similarly, Sukhang et al. [
] concluded that SSF provided a higher
bioethanol yield of 0.281 g/g EFB than SHF, with a yield of 0.258 g/g EFB at a temperature
of 36.94
C and pH of 4.5. Both studies implied that the optimal temperature for both
enzyme and yeast activity was in the range of 32
C to 39.8
C, while the pH was acidic in
the range of 4.0–5.0 [59].
For xylitol production, the hydrolyzed hemicellulose (xylose) from the pretreatment
is further converted to xylitol via chemical (hydrogenation) or biological (fermentation)
routes [
]. In the chemical route, xylitol production consists of three stages after the
pretreatment stage: xylose purification, catalytic hydrogenation, and xylitol purification.
Xylose purification is essential to obtain a high concentration of xylose, reduce unwanted
side products and deactivate the acid catalyst used [
]. The hydrogenation step occurs
in the presence of the Raney-nickel catalyst. This catalyst is widely used in industry
because it offers a high yield of 80% to 95% xylitol and conversion efficiency of 98% [
Then, the produced xylitol is purified with filtration or ion exchange to recover xylitol at
higher purity. At the industrial level, the chemical route is commonly used [
], but
the drawbacks are high separation and purification costs, high energy consumption, and
environmental impacts, such as toxic catalysts and high-pressure hydrogen gas [
]. The
biological route has recently become more attractive because the process is sustainable and
has a lower cost than the chemical route. Yeast that belongs to the genus Candida sp. [
] can
convert xylose into xylitol with a yield of up to 90% [
]. Another report from Tamburini
et al. [
] showed that the genus Candida sp. can produce xylitol at a maximum yield of
86.84% at 32
C, 80 g/L xylose and pH 2.5. Nevertheless, the biological route’s limitations
are the expensive separation process of xylitol from the fermentation broth and the toxicity
effects of xylitol to yeast [
]. Kresnowati et al. [
] proposed using ultrafiltration
membrane technology to obtain high xylitol concentrations from fermentation broths. The
proposed method has the potential for energy savings and higher purity, but the fouling
problems need to be addressed.
According to the Malaysia National Biomass Strategy 2020 [
], pellet production is
identified as a low entry point to generate wealth from biomass because of its technological
maturity, relatively low capital investment, and short payback time. Expansion investment
to produce 2G biofuels and biochemicals has a higher risk; however, the potential value
creation is up to 5 times the revenue of pellets per dry ton of solid biomass input. In
the long term, valorizing EFB biomass will minimize waste and recover more valuable
products that will increase the profitability of the investment. More effort is required
to remove the barriers of unfavorable high processing costs and low profitability of final
products [
], Therefore, a techno-economic feasibility study of an integrated bio-refinery
to produce pellets, xylitol, and bioethanol was developed and evaluated in this work. The
aim is to identify the process that is profitable with the production of these three products.
If the higher-value biochemicals global market materializes earlier, EFB can be swiftly
diverted to these biochemicals’ production. In this work, a pilot scale pretreatment plant
in Malaysia was used as a case study to investigate the potential to expand the products
to pellets, biofertilizer, xylitol, and bioethanol. The respective products’ market demand,
technological production, and economic potential are investigated as well.
Processes 2022,10, 1965 5 of 20
2. Methodology
The following section describes the methodology required to develop the analysis.
Figure 1shows the flow of techno-economic analysis of the bio-refinery plant starting
from developing the process flow diagram until evaluating the economic performance
metrics of different scenarios. The first step was to develop the process flow diagram
(PFD) of a bio-refinery to produce pellet, xylitol and bioethanol from empty fruit bunches,
where feed-in streams, output streams, conversion factor, process flow, unit operations and
its corresponding operating conditions were identified. The law of mass conservation is
still applicable even though there are chemical reactions and physical transformations of
feedstock. Thereafter, materials balance was performed by accounting for the materials
entering and leaving the system. With the mass balance information, the total capital
investment (TCI), total production cost (TPC) and revenue were estimated. The net present
value (NPV), return on investment (ROI), payback period (PBP) and internal rate of return
(IRR) were calculated from the cash flow analysis based on the predefined scenarios. It
should be noted that both TCI and TPC were only preliminary estimations due to the
limited data available. However, the estimations will not affect the overall analysis at
different scenarios because the comparisons were made on the same ground.
Processes 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 21
products to pellets, biofertilizer, xylitol, and bioethanol. The respective products market
demand, technological production, and economic potential are investigated as well.
2. Methodology
The following section describes the methodology required to develop the analysis.
Figure 1 shows the flow of techno-economic analysis of the bio-refinery plant starting
from developing the process flow diagram until evaluating the economic performance
metrics of different scenarios. The first step was to develop the process flow diagram
(PFD) of a bio-refinery to produce pellet, xylitol and bioethanol from empty fruit bunches,
where feed-in streams, output streams, conversion factor, process flow, unit operations
and its corresponding operating conditions were identified. The law of mass conservation
is still applicable even though there are chemical reactions and physical transformations
of feedstock. Thereafter, materials balance was performed by accounting for the materials
entering and leaving the system. With the mass balance information, the total capital in-
vestment (TCI), total production cost (TPC) and revenue were estimated. The net present
value (NPV), return on investment (ROI), payback period (PBP) and internal rate of return
(IRR) were calculated from the cash flow analysis based on the predefined scenarios. It
should be noted that both TCI and TPC were only preliminary estimations due to the
limited data available. However, the estimations will not affect the overall analysis at dif-
ferent scenarios because the comparisons were made on the same ground.
Figure 1. Methodology of techno-economic analysis.
2.1. Process Design Description
The bio-refinery was designed based on an EFB feedstock capacity of 126,720
tons/year with an actual annual operation of 5280 h (330 days, based on the existing pellet
production plant) to produce three main products: pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol. The pro-
cess flow diagram of the bio-refinery is shown in Figure 2. The detail process description
is described in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 below. The EFB feedstock was split into two
streams, one for pellet production and the other for xylitol and bioethanol. In this study,
the profitability of the coproduction of these three products was investigated based on the
splitting ratio between these two streams. Table 1 shows an example of the material bal-
ance of the bio-refinery at 30% EFB fed into the pellet production plant.
Figure 1. Methodology of techno-economic analysis.
2.1. Process Design Description
The bio-refinery was designed based on an EFB feedstock capacity of 126,720 tons/year
with an actual annual operation of 5280 h (330 days, based on the existing pellet production
plant) to produce three main products: pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol. The process flow
diagram of the bio-refinery is shown in Figure 2. The detail process description is described
in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 below. The EFB feedstock was split into two streams, one for
pellet production and the other for xylitol and bioethanol. In this study, the profitability
of the coproduction of these three products was investigated based on the splitting ratio
between these two streams. Table 1shows an example of the material balance of the
bio-refinery at 30% EFB fed into the pellet production plant.
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Processes 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 21
Table 1. Overall Mass Balance Summaries at a 30% EFB Splitting Ratio to Pellet Production.
Materials Consumption or Yield (ton/day)
EFB (dry) 384.00
Water (H2O) 5776.40
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 27.46
Ozone (O3) 8 × 103
Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) 20.31
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 31.21
Enzyme 0.88
Yeast 12.54
Total 6252.79
Out Delignification residue 122.17
Water (H2O) 5786.27
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 0.58
Depleted ozone (O3) 8 × 103
Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) 37.31
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 31.21
Spent enzyme 0.88
Spent yeast 12.54
Xylose 0.96
Glucose 29.17
Xylitol 72.75
Bioethanol 43.75
Pellet 100.80
Dust 10.86
Fertilizer 3.54
Total 6252.79
Figure 2. Process flow diagram of the proposed integrated bio-refinery.
Figure 2. Process flow diagram of the proposed integrated bio-refinery.
Table 1. Overall Mass Balance Summaries at a 30% EFB Splitting Ratio to Pellet Production.
Materials Consumption or Yield (ton/day)
EFB (dry) 384.00
Water (H2O) 5776.40
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 27.46
Ozone (O3)8×103
Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) 20.31
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 31.21
Enzyme 0.88
Yeast 12.54
Total 6252.79
Out Delignification residue 122.17
Water (H2O) 5786.27
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 0.58
Depleted ozone (O3)8×103
Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) 37.31
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 31.21
Spent enzyme 0.88
Spent yeast 12.54
Xylose 0.96
Glucose 29.17
Xylitol 72.75
Bioethanol 43.75
Pellet 100.80
Dust 10.86
Fertilizer 3.54
Total 6252.79
Processes 2022,10, 1965 7 of 20
2.1.1. Pellet Production Plant
The EFB feed for pellet production is pretreated with solvents consists of dilute sulfuric
acid (H
) (0.5% w/w), ozone (O
) (6.92
%w/w) and water (H
O) (10 ton/ton
of EFB) in the pretreatment reactor (R-101) at 180
C and 1 bar [
]. The pretreatment
process is aiming to exposing its cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin fraction and reducing
the amount of ash content in the EFB [
]. Table 2shows the EFB compositions before
and after the pretreatment. The pretreated EFB is then dried (D-101) at temperature of
C and pressure of 1 bar, which has a moisture content of approximately 50 wt% [
The dried EFB is then fed into the pelletization chamber (P-101) to produce pellet at 75
and at a maximum compression pressure of 200 MPa [
]. About 87.5% of raw EFB is
converted into pellet form and the remaining is dust [
]. Meanwhile, the effluent from the
pretreatment reactor (R-101) contains of 3.08% dissolved solids [
] is fed into the activated
carbon adsorption (A-101) at 25
C to separate solubilized N, P and K nutrient [
]. The
solvent is recycled back to be used in the pretreatment stage while the remaining solid is
removed as fertilizer.
Table 2. Overall Mass Balance Summaries at a 30% EFB Splitting Ratio to Pellet Production [74,80].
Chemical Composition Percentage (wt%, Dry Basis)
Raw EFB Pretreated EFB
Cellulose 45.2% 80.8%
Hemicellulose 29.5% 6.0%
Lignin 23.6% 13.0%
Ash 1.7% 0.3%
2.1.2. Xylitol and Bioethanol Production Plant
The EFB feed for xylitol and bioethanol production is pretreated with dilute acid in
the acid hydrolysis reactor (R-102) with H
(1.25% w/v) and water at 120
C and at
a solid-liquid ratio of 1:8 [
]. At these reaction conditions, 93% of hemicellulose is
converted into soluble xylose, whereas the remaining insoluble hemicellulose, cellulose
and lignin are separated as feedstock for bioethanol production. The xylose fraction
thereafter is dosed with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)
) in neutralization reactor (N-101) to
neutralize the H
at 130
C [
]. The amount of Ca(OH)
consumed is 0.77 ton/ton
of H
used in the acid hydrolysis process [
]. The neutralized xylose is sent to
the evaporator (E-101) to remove the moisture content at 121
C and then to the activated
carbon adsorption unit (
) at 25
C to remove calcium sulfate (CaSO
) (1.25 ton/ton
of Ca(OH)
) formed during the neutralization process [
]. Xylose is then fermented
with Candida guiliermondii yeast (0.17 ton/ton xylose) in fermentation reactor (R-103) to
produce xylitol at 30
C with a yield of 98.7% [
]. The fermented liquid containing xylitol
is filtered (F-101) to remove the yeast. The xylitol is then purified using ion-exchange
chromatography (I-101) at 25
C and crystallized with a crystallizer (C-101) and 40
C to
obtain xylitol in the form of solid crystal [75].
The cellulose and lignin-rich solid phase that leaves the acid hydrolysis reactor (
is further processed for bioethanol production. The solid is first treated with 2% (w/v)
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution in the delignification reactor (R-104) at a solid-liquid
ratio of 1:20 and at 120
C [
]. The treatment aims to remove lignin and other components
from cellulose. Delignification process is an important step to liberate cellulose and hemi-
cellulose from their complex with lignin, so that these compounds can undergo hydrolysis
to produce fermentable sugars. The effluent that is in the form of black liquor, contain-
ing hemicellulose, ash, NaOH and water, is removed from the delignification reactor as
waste. The cellulose-containing stream is fed into enzymatic hydrolysis reactor (R-105) to
further degrade into glucose at temperature of 45 C [75]. Trichoderma reesei cellulase with
a consumption rate of 0.02 ton/ton of ethanol is used as the enzyme [
]. The hydrolysis
process produces 60% of glucose-rich hydrolysate [
]. The glucose is then separated from
Processes 2022,10, 1965 8 of 20
the solid residue containing unreacted cellulose and enzyme in the filter unit (F-101). The
glucose is fermented to produce ethanol in fermentation reactor (R-105) at 30
C, using
Zymomonas mobilis
yeast with a consumption rate of 0.0004 ton/ton of ethanol [
]. This
process converts 60% of glucose into bioethanol [
]. The bioethanol-containing stream is
separated from the solid residue containing the yeast in the filter unit (F-102) and the unre-
acted glucose or stillage using distillation column (D-101) at 78.15
C [
]. The bioethanol is
finally dehydrated with rectification column to remove excess water (D-102) at 78.15
C [
2.2. Estimation of Total Capital Investment (TCI) and Total Production Cost (TPC)
The total capital investment (TCI) of the bio-refinery was estimated using the power
law or exponential method and Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI), as shown
in Equations (1) and (2), respectively.
C1=Cost of the reference plant at capacity of S1;
C2=Cost of the plant at desired capacity of S2;
n=Scale exponent or cost-capacity factor.
The cost of the plant at the desired capacity
is the result of multiplication between
the reference plant cost
and the capacity ratio of the new capacity
to the reported
, to the power of sizing exponent
. The
value of 0.6 was used in this
preliminary study because a typical chemical plant typically follows the six-tenths rule [
TC Ip,x,b=
TC Ip,x,b=Total capital cost of the bio-refinery;
C2=Cost of the plant at desired capacity;
CEPCInew =Chemical engineering cost price index at present year;
CEPCIinstall =Chemical engineering cost price index at reference year.
As shown in Equation (2), the cost of the desired plant capacity
is then scaled
to the desired time value of TCI using the CEPCI, which is a dimensionless number to
estimate the capital cost from the past year to the year 2020. The total capital investment
of all three products,
TC Ip,x,b
, is the summation of all three TCI estimated individually
from their respective CEPCI at its respective year. The reference capital, capacity and
of pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol production plant used for this study are listed
in Table 3. All CEPCI values were obtained from chemengonline [
], where the
of year 2020 is 588.06.
Table 3. Total capital investment of individual pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol production plant.
Products Cost of the Reference
Plant, C1(Million USD)
Production Capacity,
S1(Ton/Year) CEPCIinstall Value Ref.
Pellet 14.05 110,880 CEPCI (2018):
603.10 [74]
Xylitol 220.06 30,624 CEPCI (2016):
541.70 [88]
40.58 9966 CEPCI (2016):
556.80 [82]
Processes 2022,10, 1965 9 of 20
It should be noted that the TCI is estimated based on order of magnitude with limited
information, hence the accuracy range is rather wide. Nonetheless, such simplified method
allows us to estimate the cost quickly at a different EFB splitting ratio to pellet production.
The total production cost (TPC) is the total cost incurred for the production of a
particular amount of products. The TPC consists of two components, namely cost of
and general expenses,
, as shown in Equation (3). The
COM consists of the variable cost of production,
, fixed cost of production,
, and plant overhead,
, as shown in Equation (4). Sinnott and Towler [
have suggested the percentage shares of each component in Equations (3) and (4); these
percentage shares are listed in Table 4. The cost of raw materials is listed in Table 5.
Table 4. Summary of percentage shares of TPC [89,90].
Total Production Cost (TPC) Percentages Share
1. Variable cost (VCOP) 66% of TPC
(a) Operating labor 10% of VCOP
(b) Utility 10% of VCOP
(c) Patents and royalties 6% of VCOP
(d) Direct supervisory and clerical labor 4% of VCOP
(e) Maintenance and repair 4% of VCOP
(f) Operating supplies 4% of VCOP
(g) Laboratory charges 4% of VCOP
2. Fixed cost (FCOP) 10% of TPC
(a) Local taxes 2% of FCOP
(b) Insurance 2% of FCOP
(c) Financial cost (interest) 3% of FCOP
(d) Rent 3% of FCOP
3. Plant overhead cost 9% of TPC
4. General expenses (GE) 15% of TPC
(a) Administrative expenses 5% of GE
(b) Distribution and marketing expenses 10% of GE
(c) Research and development expenses 5% of GE
Table 5. Cost of raw materials.
Raw Material Cost (USD/Ton) Ref.
EFB 6 [14]
Sulfuric acid 41 [74]
Enzyme 6310 [84]
Yeast 5700 [84]
Calcium hydroxide 75 [88]
Sodium hydroxide 98 [75]
Water 0.63 [91]
2.3. Calculation of Economic Performance Metrics
There are a few tools that can be used to evaluate the economic feasibility of an
investment; some take the time value of money (TVM) into consideration, and others
do not. Example tools for the former are NPV and IRR, whereas the latter are PBP and
ROI. The tools that do not take TVM into consideration are relatively less complicated
and straightforward to use, thus providing a rapid assessment of the viability of a project.
However, if the duration length of investment is long, then the tools with TVM provide a
more realistic analysis. Eventually, all these tools analyze the cash flow with or without
discounted factors from various perspectives to provide a decision-making value for
Processes 2022,10, 1965 10 of 20
investors to consider. To begin with, this study considered the project has a life expectancy
of 20 years, a 100% TCI was spent in year 0, and the minimum acceptable rate of return
(MARR) was set at 16%, which indicates the level of risk of the investment. The level of
risk is low because the pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol are considered biorefineries with new
capacity with the established corporate market position [
]. The prevailing corporate tax
rate was set at 24% in reference to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. Although asset
depreciation has no direct impact on cash flow, it changes the tax liabilities. Herewith, the
straight-line annual depreciation method was used to estimate the asset depreciation.
NPV, as shown in Equation (5), is the measure of profitability based on the total present
value of a time series of cash flows,
, at any time period (n) in years from the present
time with an interest rate of i. The interest rate was assumed to be the same as MARR [
This method converts the cash flow in the future to present values for comparison. A
positive NPV indicates a viable investment. A greater and positive NPV indicates the
project is competitive.
The IRR calculation is complementary to the NPV calculation, where it measures the
discounted annual rate of return and provides a safety investment margin. The IRR is the
interest rate at which NPV is equal to zero, as shown in Equation (6).
(1+IRR)n=0, (6)
The PBP is a profitability measure in terms of the length of time to recover the cost of
investment. The limitation of the PBP method is that the cash flows beyond the breakeven
year are no longer relevant; thus, it is not able to capture the long-term profitability of
the investment. The PBP calculation used for this study was based on uneven cash flows,
as shown in Equation (7). The PBP was calculated by adding the final year, n, that has a
negative cumulative cash flow with the fraction of the absolute value of cumulative cash
flow, CC Fnat nyear to the cash flow, CFn,at n+ 1 year.
ROI is a simple measure of the economic performance of the money that has been
invested. The ROI is expressed as a percentage of the ratio between net profits,
the TCI as in Equation (8).
ROI (%) = NPavg
TCI ×100 (8)
The profitability of the bio-refinery can be determined after the NPV, PBP, ROI, and
IRR have been calculated. Table 6summarizes the profitability indicators to decide whether
the investment is acceptable or not. A positive NPV indicates that the earnings of the
bio-refinery exceed the costs, and therefore, the bio-refinery is considered economically
viable. Table 7shows the selling price of pellet, fertilizer, xylitol, and bioethanol. The
desired PBP of the investments should be under 5 years to be attractive [
]. The ROI and
IRR should be more than the MARR set in this study to be profitable. The higher the ROI
and IRR, the greater the returns exceed the capital cost [88].
Processes 2022,10, 1965 11 of 20
Table 6. Profitability indicators of the bio-refinery.
Performance Criteria Comments Ref.
Acceptable if in positive value
Acceptable if in a short period
of time [88]
ROI Higher than the MARR [92]
IRR Higher than the MARR [88]
Table 7. Selling price of products.
Product Cost (USD/ton) Ref.
Pellet 90 [95]
Xylitol 5500 [96]
Bioethanol 963 [92]
Fertilizer 300 [97]
3. Results and Discussion
To examine the economic feasibility of the bio-refinery, three scenarios are evaluated
in different settings. The scenario analysis is simulated based on the assumption that
an existing pellet production plant’s expansion produces higher-value products: xylitol
and bioethanol.
Scenario 1: Economic analysis at different EFB splitting ratios to pellet production and
xylitol and bioethanol production. In this scenario, the effect of EFB splitting ratios on the
economic performance metrics is calculated to analyze the production process’s viability.
Scenario 2: Sensitivity analysis at different EFB and product prices based on an EFB
splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production and 70% to xylitol and bioethanol production.
The purpose of the sensitivity analysis is to address the price fluctuations of EFB feedstock
cost and market selling price of the pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol.
Scenario 3: Economic analysis of the coproduction of pellet with xylitol or pellet
with bioethanol. The purpose of this analysis is to investigate whether the coproduction
of pellets with xylitol or pellets with bioethanol is more economically feasible than the
baseline scenario.
3.1. Profitability Analysis of Scenario 1
Figure 3shows the profitability analysis of Scenario 1 at different EFB splitting ratios
for pellet production and xylitol and bioethanol production, with a minimum acceptable
return rate (MARR) of 16% and a 20-year life span. Both splitting ratios of 0% and 100%
indicated that all EFB feedstock was fed into the production stream of xylitol/bioethanol
and pellet, respectively. The splitting ratio of 0% had the highest net present value (NPV) of
129 million USD. Nevertheless, the NPV dropped drastically with the increase in the EFB
splitting ratio to pellet production. In fact, the NPV plunged below zero at a splitting ratio
of 80% and beyond and recovered slightly to the value of approximately 8 million USD
at 100% EFB for pellet production only. In other words, for any EFB splitting ratio below
80%, the production of these three products is still feasible. The main reason for reducing
NPV with the increase in EFB splitting ratio is the high total capital investment (TCI) and
total production cost (TPC) of both xylitol and bioethanol processes that are not able to
recover from revenue generation. It should be noted that xylitol products are the primary
contributor to overall revenue because of their high market price of 5500 USD/ton [
As more EFB was diverted to the production of pellets, xylitol and bioethanol’s capacity
was subsequently reduced, which reduced the overall revenue. For every 10% increment
in pellet production, the revenue is reduced by 19 million USD annually on average. By
estimating from the slope in Figure 4, the reduction rate of revenue was much higher than
TCI and TPC. The recovery of NPV to a positive value at 100% EFB for pellet production is
Processes 2022,10, 1965 12 of 20
due to the exclusion of TCI and TPC of xylitol and bioethanol, which require expensive
enzymes and yeast for production.
Processes 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21
production is due to the exclusion of TCI and TPC of xylitol and bioethanol, which require
expensive enzymes and yeast for production.
Figure 3. Economic profitability analysis at different EFB splitting ratios to pellet production.
Figure 4. Changes in TCI, TPC, and annual revenue (at full capacity) at different EFB splitting ratios
to pellet production.
On the other hand, the payback period (PBP) is an indicator of the length of time
needed for the initial investment to break even or recover the investment cost; thus, a
shorter PBP is preferred over a longer PBP. In this analysis, the payback period showed a
Figure 3. Economic profitability analysis at different EFB splitting ratios to pellet production.
Processes 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21
production is due to the exclusion of TCI and TPC of xylitol and bioethanol, which require
expensive enzymes and yeast for production.
Figure 3. Economic profitability analysis at different EFB splitting ratios to pellet production.
Figure 4. Changes in TCI, TPC, and annual revenue (at full capacity) at different EFB splitting ratios
to pellet production.
On the other hand, the payback period (PBP) is an indicator of the length of time
needed for the initial investment to break even or recover the investment cost; thus, a
shorter PBP is preferred over a longer PBP. In this analysis, the payback period showed a
Figure 4.
Changes in TCI, TPC, and annual revenue (at full capacity) at different EFB splitting ratios
to pellet production.
On the other hand, the payback period (PBP) is an indicator of the length of time
needed for the initial investment to break even or recover the investment cost; thus, a
shorter PBP is preferred over a longer PBP. In this analysis, the payback period showed a
Processes 2022,10, 1965 13 of 20
reversed trend of NPV, where the length of PBP increased gradually from 4.5 years (0% EFB
splitting ratio) to 6.9 years (90% EFB splitting ratio) and decreased to 4.1 years at a 100%
EFB splitting ratio. Typically, a PBP of less than or approximately five years is favorable [
Therefore, an EFB splitting ratio below 40% is justifiable. Similar to the NPV analysis, the
TCI and TPC for pellet production only were 96% and 94% lower than those of xylitol
and bioethanol production only, respectively. If all three products are to be considered
in the production, TCI and TPC contributions by xylitol and bioethanol production will
be significant. The unit operations involved in pellet production only consisted of a
pretreatment reactor, dryer, and pelletization mill as the main process equipment. Those
were less complex and less costly than the unit operations involved in xylitol and bioethanol
production only, which consisted of a hydrolysis and fermentation reactor, activated carbon
adsorption column, and distillation column. Moreover, the raw materials for xylitol and
bioethanol production also involved the use of expensive enzymes (6310 USD/ton) [
and yeast (5700 USD/ton) [
], as well as large amounts of sodium hydroxide and water,
which have also contributed to a higher TPC.
Both return on investment (ROI) and internal return rate (IRR) values showed a
similar reduction trend of NPV from the EFB splitting ratios from 0% to 90% but rebounded
strongly to an ROI value of 23% and an IRR value of 25%, higher than that at the EFB
splitting ratio of 0%. The difference between ROI and IRR is that IRR takes into account the
time value of money by assuming the NPV equals 0 at the end of the 20-year life span; hence,
the IRR values are slightly higher than the ROI values, which are in the range of 2% to 3%.
The ROI and IRR were less favorable for the coproduction of xylitol and bioethanol than for
pellet production only because the TCI and TPC of xylitol and bioethanol production were
much more costly than those of pellet production. The ROI and IRR were then compared to
MARR. It was found that the ROI and IRR of EFB splitting ratios below 40% and 70% were
above 16%, respectively, which indicated that the investment was feasible and acceptable.
Comparing these four economic performance metrics, several possible production
combinations were considerable, depending on the investor’s interest and the demand for
the products. For example, suppose the investor has an existing pellet production plant and
would like to diversify some of the EFB feedstock to xylitol and bioethanol production. In
that case, it is recommended that the EFB splitting to the existing pellet production should
be 40% or less. The ROI and IRR of these options may seem lower than those of the existing
pellet production plant. The NPV, which is the time value of money of cumulative cash
flow, is at least one order of magnitude greater than that of the existing pellet production
plant. Nonetheless, the tradeoff would be a slightly longer PBP as well as a higher TCI
and TPC.
3.2. Profitability Analysis of Scenario 2
While the TCI requires a large lump sum at the beginning of the investment, it is
usually a one-off contribution and is not affected by the global market supply chain. Both
TPC and revenue contributed by the feedstock price and product selling price play a more
important role during the operation lifetime. To understand the effect of the feedstock price
and product selling price on the economic analysis, we performed a sensitivity analysis
using the EFB splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production as a basis, where the corresponding
prices and economic performance metrics are listed in Table 8.
Figure 5shows the changes in economic performance metrics (NPV, PBP, ROI, and IRR)
with EFB feedstock and product prices. Figure 5A shows that the feedstock price did not
significantly impact the economic performance metrics. The price changes in EFB feedstock
only affect the TPC. With a savings of 33% of the feedstock price (4 USD/ton), the NPV
was improved by 5%, the PBP was reduced by less than 1%, and the ROI and IRR were
improved by approximately 1%. In contrast, if the feedstock price was increased by 33%
(8 USD/ton) and by 67% (10 USD/ton), the NPV was reduced by 5% and 10%, respectively.
PBP length was increased slightly by 1% to 2%, while the ROI and IRR were reduced by less
than 3%. In fact, an EFB price of 10 USD/ton still generated a positive NPV value, a PBP
Processes 2022,10, 1965 14 of 20
period of 5 years was still acceptable, and both the ROI and IRR were still more significant
than the MARR. The sensitivity analysis concluded that the contribution of EFB feedstock
price to the total production cost is less significant.
Table 8.
Baseline parameters and economic performance metrics at an EFB splitting ratio of 30% to
pellet production.
Parameters Baseline Data
NPV (Million USD) 67.67
PBP (years) 4.92
ROI (%) 17.51%
IRR (%) 20.31%
EFB Price (USD/ton) 6
Xylitol Price (USD/ton) 5500
Bioethanol Price (USD/ton) 963
Pellet Price (USD/ton) 90
Processes 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 21
IRR (%) 20.31%
EFB Price (USD/ton) 6
Xylitol Price (USD/ton) 5500
Bioethanol Price (USD/ton) 963
Pellet Price (USD/ton) 90
Figure 5 shows the changes in economic performance metrics (NPV, PBP, ROI, and
IRR) with EFB feedstock and product prices. Figure 5A shows that the feedstock price did
not significantly impact the economic performance metrics. The price changes in EFB feed-
stock only affect the TPC. With a savings of 33% of the feedstock price (4 USD/ton), the
NPV was improved by 5%, the PBP was reduced by less than 1%, and the ROI and IRR
were improved by approximately 1%. In contrast, if the feedstock price was increased by
33% (8 USD/ton) and by 67% (10 USD/ton), the NPV was reduced by 5% and 10%, respec-
tively. PBP length was increased slightly by 1% to 2%, while the ROI and IRR were re-
duced by less than 3%. In fact, an EFB price of 10 USD/ton still generated a positive NPV
value, a PBP period of 5 years was still acceptable, and both the ROI and IRR were still
more significant than the MARR. The sensitivity analysis concluded that the contribution
of EFB feedstock price to the total production cost is less significant.
Figure 5. Sensitivity analysis of price changes in (A) EFB; (B) pellet; (C) bioethanol; and (D) xylitol
at the basis of EFB splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production and MARR of 16%.
Figure 5.
Sensitivity analysis of price changes in (
) EFB; (
) pellet; (
) bioethanol; and (
) xylitol at
the basis of EFB splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production and MARR of 16%.
As shown in Figure 5B, the changes in the pellet price also indicate a relatively low
impact on the economic performance metrics. When the pellet price (90 USD/ton) was
Processes 2022,10, 1965 15 of 20
increased by 30%, the NPV, ROI, and IRR were increased by 5%, 1.4%, and 1.1%, respectively,
while the PBP was reduced by less than 1%. Conversely, when the pellet’s price was reduced
by 30%, the NPV, ROI, IRR, and PBP showed their corresponding opposite values. The
small changes in the economic performance metrics were partly due to the pellet’s selling
price being much lower than that of the other two products; hence, the contribution to the
changes in revenue was negligible.
The changes in bioethanol price have a greater impact on the economic performance
metrics, as shown in Figure 5C. An increase of 30% in bioethanol’s price improved the NPV,
ROI, and IRR by 25%, 6.5%, and 5.0%, respectively, and reduced the PBP by approximately
4.2%. A positive increase in the price of bioethanol is highly desirable to offset the expensive
raw materials used in production, such as enzymes and yeast, and the large quantity of
sodium hydroxide and water consumption in the delignification process.
The changes in xylitol price have the most significant effect on the economic perfor-
mance metrics, as shown in Figure 5D. An increase in xylitol’s price by 30% increased the
NPV by 237%, improved the ROI and IRR by 62% and 45%, respectively, and shortened
the PBP by 28%. Nevertheless, xylitol’s lower boundary price could not be lower than
4802 USD/ton, approximately 12% lower than the benchmark price of 5500 USD/ton, to
maintain a positive NPV. A 12% reduction in xylitol price shrank NPV, ROI, and IRR by
95%, 24.8%, and 20.0%, respectively, and increased the PBP by 20.8%.
In summary, there are three factors that contribute to an attractive economic perfor-
mance: TCI, TPC, and revenue generation. Pricing sensitivity analysis has addressed the
contributions of TPC and revenue generation to the economic performance metrics. It has
been shown that the feasibility of coproduction of all three products (pellet, bioethanol,
and xylitol) is highly dependent on the selling price of xylitol, which offers little room for
price competition. Alternatively, one should forgo one of the products to further mitigate
the risk and reduce TCI. This leads to the next scenario analysis, which is the coproduction
of pellets with xylitol and the coproduction of pellets with bioethanol.
3.3. Profitability Analysis of Scenario 3
In Scenario 3, the economic performances of the coproduction of pellet with xylitol
and coproduction of pellet with bioethanol were compared with the coproduction of pellet
with xylitol and bioethanol on the basis of an EFB splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production
at a MARR of 16%. The results are presented in Figure 6. Only the coproduction of pellet
and xylitol is a feasible solution compared to the coproduction of pellet and bioethanol. On
the other hand, the NPV of coproduction of pellets with xylitol was increased by 31%, while
the PBP was reduced slightly to less than 4.5 years. The ROI and IRR of this combination
were improved to 20% and 23%, respectively, above the MARR of 16%.
The coproduction of pellets and bioethanol was a no-go option due to its expensive pre-
treatment process, low bioethanol yield, and selling price of bioethanol, which contributed
to a negative NPV (Figure 6). From the simulation, the price of ethanol was required to be at
least 1882 USD/ton to achieve a MARR of 16% or 1538 USD/ton at a lower MARR of 10%.
This is consistent with Do et al. [
] on the limitation of bioethanol production from EFB. To
further confirm bioethanol production’s economic feasibility from EFB as a lignocellulosic
source, a scenario of total conversion from EFB to bioethanol was further conducted. With
the bioethanol production of 0.16 ton/ton of EFB, the production is only feasible with a
bioethanol market price of 1758 USD/ton. This is in accord with the techno-economic
analysis performed by Dávila et al. [
], which indicated that even with heat integration
in the process that further reduced the production cost by 43%, the production price was
still higher than the market price. This reflects the energy-intensive process with the heavy
use of chemicals aside from the expensive enzymes for the purification and conversion
involved in bioethanol production. This result also reflects that commercial production of
bioethanol from lignocellulosic raw materials alone has not been widely implemented [
Processes 2022,10, 1965 16 of 20
Processes 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 21
Figure 6. Economic profitability analysis of coproduction of pellet with xylitol and bioethanol, pellet
with xylitol, and pellet with bioethanol at EFB splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production and MARR
of 16%.
The coproduction of pellets and bioethanol was a no-go option due to its expensive
pretreatment process, low bioethanol yield, and selling price of bioethanol, which contrib-
uted to a negative NPV (Figure 6). From the simulation, the price of ethanol was required
to be at least 1882 USD/ton to achieve a MARR of 16% or 1538 USD/ton at a lower MARR
of 10%. This is consistent with Do et al. [98] on the limitation of bioethanol production
from EFB. To further confirm bioethanol production’s economic feasibility from EFB as a
lignocellulosic source, a scenario of total conversion from EFB to bioethanol was further
conducted. With the bioethanol production of 0.16 ton/ton of EFB, the production is only
feasible with a bioethanol market price of 1758 USD/ton. This is in accord with the techno-
economic analysis performed by Dávila et al. [75], which indicated that even with heat
integration in the process that further reduced the production cost by 43%, the production
price was still higher than the market price. This reflects the energy-intensive process with
the heavy use of chemicals aside from the expensive enzymes for the purification and
conversion involved in bioethanol production. This result also reflects that commercial
production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic raw materials alone has not been widely
implemented [30].
4. Conclusions
In this study, three scenarios were evaluated to determine the profitability of a bio-
refinery producing pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol. The bio-refinery was found to be prof-
itable at an EFB splitting ratio of below 40% for pellet production, resulting in a positive
NPV, PBP lower than five years, and ROI and IRR higher than the MARR value of 16%.
The results also showed that it is possible to produce both pellets and xylitol, which re-
sulted in a higher NPV, shorter PBP, and higher ROI and IRR than the baseline scenario.
The selling price of ethanol from either coproduction of pellets and bioethanol or bioeth-
anol alone is still less competitive entering the market. Still, the coproduction of bioetha-
nol with xylitol is feasible with a higher NPV than coproduction with pellets. Neverthe-
less, this work has successfully demonstrated that the valorization of EFB to high-value
products is feasible.
Figure 6.
Economic profitability analysis of coproduction of pellet with xylitol and bioethanol, pellet
with xylitol, and pellet with bioethanol at EFB splitting ratio of 30% to pellet production and MARR
of 16%.
4. Conclusions
In this study, three scenarios were evaluated to determine the profitability of a bio-
refinery producing pellet, xylitol, and bioethanol. The bio-refinery was found to be prof-
itable at an EFB splitting ratio of below 40% for pellet production, resulting in a positive
NPV, PBP lower than five years, and ROI and IRR higher than the MARR value of 16%. The
results also showed that it is possible to produce both pellets and xylitol, which resulted in
a higher NPV, shorter PBP, and higher ROI and IRR than the baseline scenario. The selling
price of ethanol from either coproduction of pellets and bioethanol or bioethanol alone is
still less competitive entering the market. Still, the coproduction of bioethanol with xylitol
is feasible with a higher NPV than coproduction with pellets. Nevertheless, this work has
successfully demonstrated that the valorization of EFB to high-value products is feasible.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, K.L.L. and W.Y.W.; methodology, K.L.L. and W.Y.W.;
S.K.L. and M.T.L.; formal analysis, N.J.R. and K.L.L.; investigation, K.L.L. and W.Y.W.; resources,
S.K.L. and M.T.L.; writing—original draft preparation, N.J.R.; writing—review and editing, K.L.L.
and W.Y.W.; supervision, K.L.L. and W.Y.W.; funding acquisition, K.L.L. and M.T.L. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was funded by TNB Research Sdn. Bhd., grant number TNBR/SF0348/2019
and by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, grant number GP-2019-K017662 and PP-SELFUEL-2022.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
We would like to thank for the administrative support from UKM Pakarunding
Sdn. Bhd.
Conflicts of Interest:
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study, in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
Processes 2022,10, 1965 17 of 20
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... In a study reported in the literature [13], three scenarios were evaluated to determine the profitability of a biorefinery producing xylitol and bioethanol from lignocellulose-rich empty fruit bunches as feedstock. A techno-economic analysis of an integrated biorefinery for converting poplar wood into xylitol, formic acid, and jet fuel is available in the literature [14]. ...
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This is the ReadMe file of a SuperPro Designer example that analyzes the production of xylitol via fermentation using Brewer's Spent Grain (BSG) as a feedstock. The process begins with the pretreatment of BSG to release xylose and arabinose. The fermentation step employs yeast (Debaryomyces hansenii), which converts xylose to xylitol and arabinose to arabitol. The downstream section begins with cell mass removal, followed by product purification using activated carbon and ion-exchange columns. Subsequently, the product solution is concentrated in a multi-effect evaporator before undergoing further purification in a simulated moving-bed chromatography column, which separates arabitol from xylitol. The xylitol-rich extract is concentrated and then crystallized in two continuous crystallizers. The crystals are separated and washed using basket centrifuges and then dried in a rotary drum dryer. In total, 14,200 metric tons of crystalline xylitol are produced annually.
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The extracted olive pomace (EOP) is an industrial lignocellulosic by-product of olive pomace oil extraction, currently mainly used for energy production through combustion. In this work, the hemicellulosic fraction of EOP was selectively hydrolyzed by diluted acid hydrolysis to obtain pentose-rich hydrolysates that can potentially be upgraded by Debaryomyces hansenii, targeting xylitol production. The monosaccharides and degradation by-products released along the pre-treatment were quantified and several detoxification methods for the removal of potentially toxic compounds were evaluated, including pH adjustment to 5.5, the use of anion-exchange resins, adsorption into activated charcoal, concentration by evaporation, and membrane techniques, i.e., nanofiltration. The latter approach was shown to be the best method allowing the full removal of furfural, 41% of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, 54% of acetic acid, and 67% of the phenolic compounds present in the hydrolysate. The effects of the supplementation of both non-detoxified and detoxified hydrolysates were also assessed. The non-detoxified hydrolysate, under aerobic conditions, supported the yeast growth and xylitol production at low levels. Supplementation with the low-cost corn steep liquor of the nanofiltration detoxified hydrolysate showed a higher xylitol yield (0.57 g/g) compared to the non-detoxified hydrolysate. The highest xylitol productivity was found in hydrolysate detoxified with anionic resins (0.30 g/L·h), which was 80% higher than in the non-detoxified culture medium. Overall, the results showed that EOP dilute acid hydrolysates can efficiently be used for xylitol production by D. hansenii if detoxification, and supplementation, even with low-cost supplements, are performed.
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The recycling and utilization of biomass and organic wastes have emerged as effective strategies for saving energy and resources [...]
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Softwoods represent a significant fraction of the available lignocellulosic biomass for conversion into a variety of bio-based products. Its inherent recalcitrance, however, makes its successful utilization an ongoing challenge. In the current work the research efforts for the fractionation and utilization of softwood biomass with the organosolv process are reviewed. A short introduction into the specific challenges of softwood utilization, the development of the biorefinery concept, as well as the initial efforts for the development of organosolv as a pulping method is also provided for better understanding of the related research framework. The effect of organosolv pretreatment at various conditions, in the fractionation efficiency of wood components, enzymatic hydrolysis and bioethanol production yields is then discussed. Specific attention is given in the effect of the pretreated biomass properties such as residual lignin on enzymatic hydrolysis. Finally, the valorization of organosolv lignin via the production of biofuels, chemicals, and materials is also described.
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Growing popularity of biomass power generation process is connected to its label of green and cheap renewable energy. As the second-largest producer of crude palm oil, Malaysia has abundance of biomass residues from palm oil industries and other renewable organic matters which can be converted to bio-chemicals to generate electricity. However, despite institutional arrangements, policy frameworks, funding mechanisms and incentives to support the growth of the biomass industry, there are several risks which may prone to reduce efficiency of biopower boiler especially empty fruit bunch as the fuels that cannot be ignored. Boiler is one of the primary equipment of power generation plants, in a significant role in converting biofuel to electricity. With increasing numbers of potentials of biomass as raw materials for renewable energy uses, new risks may be found. Yet there has been very little research into these risks and how to prevent them. Lack of understanding of modern risk identification methods, such as HAZOP, with the biopower industry is one of the reasons for the industry’s slow growth. An industry evolves through life cycle stages and at each stage presents risk factors such as overheating, oxygen corrosion and clinker. This paper identifies several key risks associated with EFB fired biopower boiler in Malaysia. The overview of risks not only provide a perspective from which an industry’s viability can be evaluated but also help the operators to better understand key risks and improve boiler capacity as well as plan their risk mitigation strategies more effectively.
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Oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) is one of promising biomass feedstock for green production of biochemical and biofuel. The OPEFB contains valuable sugar polymers such as cellulose and hemicellulose. Enzymatic hydrolysis of both constituents is an eco-friendly conversion process to release monomeric sugars such as glucose and xylose used for fermentation substrates. Xylose, a dominant sugar in hemicellulose, can be biologically converted to xylitol, a low-calorie sugar for food and pharmaceutical applications. Meanwhile, glucose from cellulose hydrolysis can be fermented to bioethanol. Moreover, numerous studies also have reported the use of the pretreated OPEFB as a solid medium for the production of the lignocellulose-degrading enzyme. The current research, however, only focuses on one specific product. An integrated process to produce those products is the best alternative to minimize waste disposal and to increase the value of OPEFB. Thus, this review elaborates on the most possible technologies for the integrated production of cellulase, xylitol, and bioethanol as well as the possible challenges in process development.
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This study was aimed to understand the feasibility of banana and water hyacinth leaves and also applicable technology for xylitol along with the integrated production of bioethanol. The cellulosic fraction and hemicellulosic sugars from the individual agro-wastes were obtained separately by acid treatment. The hydrolysate obtained by enzymatic saccharification of cellulosic fraction of individual agro-waste were fermented to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whereas the detoxified hemicellulosic sugars to xylitol by un-adapted, adapted and immobilized cells of Candida tropicalis The maximum ethanol produced was 6.18 and 8.1 g L⁻¹ utilizing enzymatic hydrolysates of water hyacinth and banana leaves respectively. However, maximum xylitol was produced by immobilized cells of adapted Candida tropicalis utilizing detoxified acid hydrolysate of water hyacinth and banana leaves: 13.1 and 11.2 g L⁻¹ respectively, followed by the free cells. Hence utilization of these agro-wastes for the purpose allows the agricultural waste management and also finds applications in industries favoring co-production of xylitol and ethanol.
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Despite the uptrend recorded for crude palm oil (CPO) production, yields and exports in general, and an improved overall pe1formance in the last quarter of 2019, the low export price for most part of the year could not steer the industry away from a decline (4%) in the total export revenue. Sustainable endeavours continue to dominate the palm oil research scene and rightfully so especially when the industry isfaced with multi-dimensional challenges. With land expansion being marginal, the importance of good agricultural practice and soil health cannot be relegated as a means towards narrowing yield gaps asidefrom improving the oil palm's genetic potential. The industry's pursuit for circular economy has also led to the ad option of key technologies at every level of the process value chain with zero waste as the ultimate goal. Apart from driving sustainability, the industry has also d oubled its efforts in ensuring that palm oil is safe. It is evident that the natural properties of the palm oil make it a healthier and versatile choice for food and its derivatives, respectively. However, its processing methods though need further scrutiny and transformation to allay concerns of its safety. M oving towards a greener and cleaner future, environment-centric policies have helped accelerate the ad option of bio-based materials fuelling palm oil's divergence further into the chemical and energy sectors. To advance the industry's commitment towards sustainability, the M alaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (M SPO) certification was made mandatory embedded as a national policy. With it becoming effective from 1 January 2020, it is anticipated that demand for certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) will soar and for those who heed the content of the M SPO will come to realise that sustainability lies beyond forests. In general, 2019 was indeed a challenging year for the palm oil industry as a whole, however, this could be deemed a blessing in disguise as the industry has not only risen to the occasion but has proven to be aforce to be reckoned with.
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The hardest obstacle to make use of lignocellulosic biomass by using green technology is the existence of lignin. It can hinder enzyme reactions with cellulose or hemicellulose as a substrate. Oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFBs) consist of hemicellulose with xylan as the main component. Xylitol production via fermentation could use this xylan since it can be converted into xylose. Several pre-treatment processes were explored to increase the sugar recovery from lignocellulosic biomass. Considering that hemicellulose is more susceptible to heat than cellulose, the hydrothermal process was applied to OPEFB before it was hydrolyzed enzymatically. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature, solid loading, and pre-treatment time on the OPEFB hydrothermal process. The xylose concentration in OPEFB hydrolysate was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results indicated that temperature was more important than pre-treatment time and solid loading for OPEFB sugar recovery. The optimum temperature, solid loading, and pre-treatment time for maximum xylose recovery from pre-treated OPEFB were 165 °C, 7%, and 60 min, respectively, giving a xylose recovery of 0.061 g/g of pre-treated OPEFB (35% of OPEFB xylan was recovered).
This paper presents an overview of bio-refinery concept in Malaysia emphasing on diversifying and maximizing the value of palm oil biomass feedstock to produce bio-based chemicals that demonstrated strong market growth. The oil palm mills and plantations contributes to large amounts of biomasss such as oil palm fronds (OPF), oil palm trunks (OPT) and empty fruit bunches (EFB) which are sources of renewable energy. A majority of these lignocellulosic palm oil byproducts are not effectively utilized and some parts of the biomass are utilized as biofertilizers and solid biofuels. Thus, the potential of palm oil biomass should be explored by diversifying the consumption of these biomass to produce high value added chemicals and biofuels which can generate additional revenue for the country. A number of technologies; namely biochemical conversion, pyrolysis etc. have been established to convert such biomass into a wide spectrum of biobased commodities such as biodiesel, succinic acid, lactic acid, bioethanol and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). This article comprehensively reviews the potential of high value added products generated from palm oil biomass via different bio-refinery approach with special attention on the biochemical conversion process followed by their development stage towards full commercial scale. Limitations and challenges in each process were also discussed in detail.
Energy industry in Malaysia is one of critical sector that plays a major role in contributing the nation economic and industrial growth. A forecasting model is required to be developed to provide the oil demand forecast in transportation sector. This research analyses different forecasting models including Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to predict the future oil demand in transportation sector in Malaysia. In order to select the best forecasting model, the model validation is done using the error analysis techniques. Based on the model validation result, it is found that the Artificial Neural Network (Multivariate) model gives the least error in all the error analysis techniques. The model forecast that the oil demand in transportation sector in Malaysia for the year 2020, 2025 and 2030 would be 559.44, 581.779 and 609.941 kg of oil equivalent respectively.
Merits for a circular economy framework program that process/convert all organic wastes from palm oil mill into specific blends of Bio-Organic Fertilizers (“BOF”) and re-deployed back to the surrounding communities/plantations as long term soil remediation’s endeavors. This kind of circular economic program represents a very significant improvement in the reduction of pollutants from the usual waste treatment processes and has inherent economic values (besides environmental values) that compel the stake holders to adopt and maintain. Application of appropriate bio-organic fertilizers as integral supplements in addition to chemical fertilizers (in reduced amount), would form the basis of a sustainable plantation management practice that promotes better plant health, higher fruits yield and prolong productive lifespan of the biological assets. Principals of a circular economy framework that embrace an economically efficient investment model for long-term value creation, address various environmental, social, and governance issues within specific targeted industries’ supply chains, should be considered by any potential Public Private Partnership initiative towards sustainability intensifications.