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Imbalances and risks of the regional development of Ukraine’s economy under conditions of instability

  • M. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Abstract and Figures

Purpose. The research aims to detect main trends of regional development of Ukraine’s economy, and substantiate imbalances and risks, which must be taken into account in the formation of a new model of regional development of Ukraine and improving financial-economic resilience under conditions of modern turbulence. Methodology / approach. The general theoretical scientific methods, fundamental principles of regional economy, which are highlighted in the works of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists on spatial development. The following research methods were used to perform to fulfill the tasks: abstract-logical, comparative and correlation analysis, graphic visualization, statistical. Results. The research puts forward a rage of hypotheses: the regions with higher economic activity concentration develop faster; the regions oriented on technology-intensive economic activity types and with high innovation activity level have higher chances for economic growth; economic growth can result in growing interregional inequalities and imbalances in a long run; economically powerful regions are more resilient to financial and economic crises. Their verification shows that the economic development of Ukrainian regions is determined by factors other than initial economic capacity. Ukrainian regions are hardly developing according to the recognized global development principles. Their economic success is ensured by orientation on the agricultural output (usually low-margin) rather than technology-intensive economic activities and dynamic innovative activity. Interregional comparisons of business environment condition and economic growth of Ukrainian regions prove that the regions-leaders by economic growth paces are characterized by the relatively higher quality of entrepreneurial climate. Moreover, recently, they have been improving their positions in regional doing business rankings. Meanwhile, the largest group of Ukrainian regions, which still have positive rates of economic development, is the outsider in terms of both the business climate quality and loss of ranking positions. The most difficult situation with entrepreneurship environment is in Zaporizhzhia, Poltava, and Kherson oblasts. Therefore, the regions that used to be oriented on large enterprises of the industrial sector have not managed to reorient themselves on the support of entrepreneurship and stimulation of entrepreneurial activity. However, a positive sign is a significant improvement of Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts positions in the rankings. Originality / scientific novelty. Based on the studying of regional development trends under crisis conditions of financial-economic turbulence, the research outlines current risks of regional economic growth, including the risk of further loss of economic capacity of Ukraine and its regions to achieve resilient growth, the risk of delayed effect of economic growth slowdown in a short-term period, the risk of growing economic development imbalances of Ukrainian regions. Practical value / implications. The value of the study lies in the use of identified trends and risks in building a new methodology of state regional policy and updating tools to stimulate economic development of Ukraine, which will increase the stability of the economy under conditions of financial and economic turbulence.
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Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal
Vol. 8, No. 3, 2022 81 ISSN 2414-584X
JEL: О10, O18, R11, R13, Q10
Iryna Storonyanska1, Aleksandra Nowakowska2, Liliya Benovska1, Andriy Dub1
1State Institution “Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy
of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2University of Lodz
Purpose. The research aims to detect main trends of regional development of Ukraines
economy, and substantiate imbalances and risks, which must be taken into account in the formation
of a new model of regional development of Ukraine and improving financial-economic resilience
under conditions of modern turbulence.
Methodology / approach. The general theoretical scientific methods, fundamental principles
of regional economy, which are highlighted in the works of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists on
spatial development. The following research methods were used to perform to fulfill the tasks:
abstract-logical, comparative and correlation analysis, graphic visualization, statistical.
Results. The research puts forward a rage of hypotheses: the regions with higher economic
activity concentration develop faster; the regions oriented on technology-intensive economic
activity types and with high innovation activity level have higher chances for economic growth;
economic growth can result in growing interregional inequalities and imbalances in a long run;
economically powerful regions are more resilient to financial and economic crises. Their
verification shows that the economic development of Ukrainian regions is determined by factors
other than initial economic capacity. Ukrainian regions are hardly developing according to the
recognized global development principles. Their economic success is ensured by orientation on the
agricultural output (usually low-margin) rather than technology-intensive economic activities and
dynamic innovative activity. Interregional comparisons of business environment condition and
economic growth of Ukrainian regions prove that the regions-leaders by economic growth paces
are characterized by the relatively higher quality of entrepreneurial climate. Moreover, recently,
they have been improving their positions in regional doing business rankings. Meanwhile, the
largest group of Ukrainian regions, which still have positive rates of economic development, is the
outsider in terms of both the business climate quality and loss of ranking positions. The most
difficult situation with entrepreneurship environment is in Zaporizhzhia, Poltava, and Kherson
oblasts. Therefore, the regions that used to be oriented on large enterprises of the industrial sector
have not managed to reorient themselves on the support of entrepreneurship and stimulation of
entrepreneurial activity. However, a positive sign is a significant improvement of Zaporizhzhia and
Dnipropetrovsk oblasts positions in the rankings.
Originality / scientific novelty. Based on the studying of regional development trends under
crisis conditions of financial-economic turbulence, the research outlines current risks of regional
economic growth, including the risk of further loss of economic capacity of Ukraine and its regions
to achieve resilient growth, the risk of delayed effect of economic growth slowdown in a short-term
period, the risk of growing economic development imbalances of Ukrainian regions.
Practical value / implications. The value of the study lies in the use of identified trends and
risks in building a new methodology of state regional policy and updating tools to stimulate
Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal
Vol. 8, No. 3, 2022 82 ISSN 2414-584X
economic development of Ukraine, which will increase the stability of the economy under
conditions of financial and economic turbulence.
Key words: regional development, economic growth, risks, trends, new regional development
Introduction and review of literature. Until recently, the existing model of
regional development in Ukraine, formed under conditions of implementation of
Soviet policy of productive forces placement, was characterized by a high
concentration of industrial capacity in some oblasts and gradual increase of their
economic power. These regions produced the main share of GRP, export, and budget
revenues in the country. In contrast to them, traditionally agricultural regions were
considered to be low-competitive under conditions of active development of
technology-intensive production. Moreover, the labor-surplus western regions
became the source of workforce for entire Europe. The lack of timely reforming of
the inherited economic structure of regions and efficient regional policy in new
economic conditions has caused the loss of substantial capacity to improve and
develop the Ukrainian economy and further increase the economic activity
concentration in a range of cities (namely, in the capital) and regions, leading to
growing interregional and intraregional imbalances.
Such territorial distribution of economic capacity in Ukraine, interregional
disintegration of economy, and gradual exclusion of a range of areas from the
country’s economic space have intensified the confrontation between the economic
center and periphery, urban and rural areas, and budget donors and recipients.
Therefore, the Soviet model of regional development was predictably doomed as
unable to secure economic growth by spreading the economic development impulses
and maintain the integrity of the country’s economic space. It is worth mentioning
that the disadvantages of such a regional development model and risks of lack of
understanding of the importance of the spatial factor of economic growth and role of
regional policy in perspective were addressed by Ukrainian researchers in detail [18].
The 2008 financial crisis was the catalyzer for management inefficiency of
regional development, while the occupation of Crimea by Russia and military actions
in some areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts were the main factor of destabilization
of regional development processes causing economic decline due to the loss of
control over some part of the territory and its economic capacity. It is worth
mentioning that weak regional policy in Ukraine, in particular, in terms of impact on
social integrity/cohesion of Ukrainian society, disregard of economic and social
features of these oblasts’ development, lack of adequate domestic policy measures in
response to long-term soft integration of areas bordering Ukraine with the Russian
“influence area”, along with the gaps in external policy towards neighboring
countries, have mapped the preconditions for Russian military aggression.
The large-scale Russian invasion of February 24, 2022 led to the economic,
social and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, new challenges, risks and problems: at
least 12 million people have left their homes, 3.5 million refugees (who, thanks to
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Vol. 8, No. 3, 2022 83 ISSN 2414-584X
various EU support programs, have a chance to stay 1.53 years or even not to return
to Ukraine), 8 million internally displaced persons [9] (ie loss of human capital and
large-scale redistribution of labor resources within the country), threats to food
security and financial stability of the country, shutdown of small and medium
business and big enterprises in the war zone, destruction critical infrastructure and
housing, the blockade of seaports (as a result, reduction of key export positions), loss
of income and livelihoods of households, etc. significantly complicate the livelihood,
survival and development of all regions and territorial communities, both those in the
rear and those that in the combat zone or frontline territories. Of course, it will be the
most important factor in reforming the model of spatial development in Ukraine in
the war and post-war period.
The purpose of the article to detect main trends of regional development of
Ukraines economy, and substantiate imbalances and risks, which must be taken into
account in the formation of a new model of regional development of Ukraine and
improving financial-economic resilience under conditions of modern turbulence.
Results and discussion. Economic growth is the key quantitative feature of
regional development since it is the only one able to ensure resource growth in the
long run and thus human wellbeing increase. However, evaluation of the
contemporary economic history of Ukraine shows that the Ukrainian economy has
not reached the level of 1991 for the last 30 years. In 2020, Ukrainian GDP was only
about 60 % of the 1990 GDP. During this time, neighboring countries have doubled
and even tripled their GDPs. It is worth mentioning that the Ukrainian economy faced
shock situations at least twice: in 2008 due to global financial crisis and 2014 due
to domestic disorganization and external aggression that caused deep decline: the
decline in 2008 was 15.1 % (i.e. the largest in the world) and in 20142015 15.8 %
in two years (Figure 1) [10].
Figure 1. The dynamics of GDP (PPP) in Ukraine and the share of agriculture,
Source: calculated by the author based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
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The abovementioned economic crises in the Ukrainian economy were
accompanied by pessimistic structural changes in the economy declining share of
processing industry and growing share of agriculture in the country’s GDP. By the
end of 2020, they amounted to 10.5 % and 9.3 %, respectively. The structural
degradation of the economy caused the loss of its reproduction properties and
determined the downward trend rather than only the crises faced by Ukraine and the
world [11].
At the background of the intense increase of technology-intensive production in
the global economy, Ukraine has turned into the exporter of low-margin goods,
including agricultural, in the last decades. The importance of agriculture in the
Ukrainian economy has been growing in the last 10 years: agriculture plays a key role
in the modern Ukrainian economy, securing 9 % of GDP, 18 % of employment of
economic entities, and 6 % of tax revenues. The share of agriculture in Ukrainian
export exceeds 40 % (Figure 2). The most essential changes in the share of
agriculture in GDP/export were observed in the years of economic crises, which
indicates a relative resilience of the industry to crisis phenomena: agriculture falls
much less than other industries in economic crisis.
Figure 2. Dynamics of Ukrainian export and share of agriculture, 20072020
Source: calculated by the author based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
The above-mentioned trends inevitably affected the economies of regions and
have become the preconditions of structural changes and spatial redesigning of
economic activity processes in Ukraine. How progressive is such a transformation,
and does it correspond to global trends in spatial development?
Modern economic science proves the existence of a range of economic growth
patterns on a regional level, the main of which are the following: the regions with
higher economic activity concentration develop faster; the regions oriented on
technology-intensive economic activity types and with high innovation activity level
have higher chances for economic growth; economic growth can result in growing
interregional inequalities and imbalances in a long run; economically powerful
regions are more resilient to financial and economic crises.
A range of current studies of regional development processes [1217] address
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the analysis of some of the mentioned aspects, yet, we will try to analyze these
patterns in a more comprehensive manner with regard to securing the economic
growth of Ukraine. Since Gross Regional Product (GRP) is the main resulting
indicator of measuring economic growth on a regional level, we estimate the
dependence between GRP annual average growth paces and GRP per capita in the
initial period (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The dependence between GRP annual average growth paces
(20102020) and GRP per capita in 2010*
Note. *Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts were excluded from calculations as their economic
dynamics was mostly stipulated by Russian military aggression.
Source: calculated by the author based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
The results of calculations for 20102020 detect a group of Ukrainian regions
demonstrating negative annual average economic growth paces in the analyzed
decade. Unexpectedly, it is a group of most economically powerful regions
Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia oblasts. It is worth mentioning
that as of 2020, these four regions produced about the fourth part of Ukrainian GRP!
Meanwhile, we can speak about a gradual loss of their economic capacity (GRP
annual average growth paces of these regions are below 100 %).
All other Ukrainian regions had growth paces over 100 % at worse initial
conditions (GRP per capita lower than in the mentioned four regions (excluding Kyiv
oblast)). Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia oblasts had the highest growth paces (over 3 %
annually), with GRP per capita in 2010 below the average national rate.
Therefore, the economic development of Ukrainian regions is determined by
factors different from initial economic capacity, while the ten-year trends of regional
economic growth do not verify the thesis about high development paces of
economically more powerful regions.
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The causes of this situation should be clarified when examining the structure of
regions’ economies in Ukraine and the technological effectiveness of output in the
region. Evaluation of structural transformations in regional dimension allows
speaking about spatial features of these processes development.
The reasons for this situation should be clarified when considering the structure
of the regions’ economies in Ukraine and the technological effectiveness of output in
the region. Evaluation of structural transformations in regional dimension allows
speaking about spatial features of these processes development.
Surprisingly, a comparison of the dynamics of GRP annual average growth
paces and the share of high- and medium-tech products in regions’ output in 2010
2020 indicates the reverse relationship between these indicators (Figure 4).
Therefore, growing economic capacity due to high- and medium-tech output rather
than low-tech one has been the peculiar feature of Ukrainian regions for the last
decade. These processes are clearly reflected in the declining share of the processing
industry in the total Gross Value Added (GVA) of the regions in 20142020.
Figure 4. The dynamics of GRP annual average growth paces and the share of
high- and medium-tech products in regional output, 20102020
Source: calculated by the author based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
In fact, there is a situation when regions oriented on production and export of
low-tech products, including agricultural, develop faster. Analysis of the dependence
between GRP annual average growth paces and agricultural output in the regions in
20102020 allows making the following conclusions (Figure 5):
- all Ukrainian regions without exceptions have increased agricultural output in
the last decade;
- regions leading by GRP growth are the leaders in terms of growth in
agricultural output (Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi oblasts). Meanwhile, they
simultaneously increase their capacities both in crop and livestock production;
- general dynamics of economic growth in Ukraine is determined by the
development of such regions as Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, and Poltava
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oblasts (these regions concentrate over the fourth part of GRP produced in Ukraine).
Their negative trend stipulates the negative GRP growth rate in Ukraine overall. GRP
decline in these regions is accompanied by the growth of agricultural output, yet it
does not cover the loss of industrial capacity.
Figure 5. The dependence between GRP annual average growth paces and
agricultural output in the regions in 20122020
Source: calculated by the author based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
Therefore, Ukrainian regions are not developing according to generally
recognized global development principles their economic success is secured by
orientation on agricultural output (usually low-margin one) rather than high-tech
types of economic activity and intense innovative activity. Does this development
strategy stand a chance of success in the long term?
Speaking about the perspective, the flow of direct investment (equity) in the
economies of regions should be intensified. The following are the trends that have
been dominating in the regions leading by economic development paces (Vinnytsia,
Zhytomyr, Kirovohrad oblasts) in recent years: the positive net inflow of foreign
direct investment (against the backdrop of negative rate in Ukraine as a whole) and
substantial increase in foreign investment in manufacturing, in particular, processing
industry (against the backdrop of lower investment in agriculture) [19]. It is worth
emphasizing that at the current stage, economic growth in these regions has not
transformed into positive social effects: employment and income level remain lower
here than average national rates, same as the parameters’ growth paces.
The dynamics of interregional imbalances by main economic parameters is one
of the criteria for the efficiency of regional development processes. Being a quite
large country by area, Ukraine has always been characterized by significant
interregional imbalances of regional economic capacities. The analysis of
asymmetries shows the increasing interregional differentiation from 2.7 % of annual
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average growth by foreign direct investment (equity) per capita in the analyzed
period to 34.0 % by capital investment per capita.
The economic behavior of Ukrainian regions and their resilience in the 2014
2015 and 2020 crises will be analyzed in detail as they had a very spatially
heterogeneous impact on regional economic dynamics. The comparison of GRP
growth dynamics in these periods (Figure 6) proves that different regions showed
different dynamics due to the different nature of these crises.
Figure 6. Comparison of GRP growth paces in crisis periods: 20142015 (a)
and 2020 (b)
Source: calculated by the authors based on the data from
The 20142015 crisis turned out to be the most difficult for regions that border
Russian Federation and those traditionally oriented on Russian Federation in external
trade. Meanwhile, western and central oblasts felt the crisis impact much less. Yet,
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the destructive impact of the crisis has resulted in a significant outflow of labor and
financial capital, physical destruction of production and social infrastructure in some
regions (that border with Russia), and a growing demographic burden in other
Ukrainian regions.
General economic destabilization in Ukraine and the world in 2020, suspension
of operations of some industries and companies, and declining mobility of the
population and businesses caused the GDP decline in Ukraine by 4 %. Economic
growth of regions in 2020 compared to the previous year was characterized by
positive dynamics of retail turnover despite the quarantine restrictions in retail trade
and negative dynamics of real wages, unemployment, industrial and agricultural
output. At the same time, Ukrainian regions demonstrated quite heterogeneous and
sometimes contradictory trends.
The 2020 crisis had completely different origins. The western regions of
Ukraine were the first to face restrictions as the pandemic had reached them first and
the number of patients was growing the fastest in the first-second quarter of 2020.
Yet, it is worth mentioning that Lviv oblast was one of three regions (along with
Sumy and Luhansk) demonstrating positive economic growth paces in 2020.
Interestingly, such leaders by economic and, in particular, industrial capacity as
Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv oblasts have turned out to be very vulnerable in
economic crises.
The analysis of economic development trends in Ukrainian regions in
coronavirus crisis shows that the impact of the COVID-19 is territorially
differentiated and its various risks are largely stipulated by objective economic and
spatial features of regional development. Different regions demonstrate differentiated
resilience levels in crises caused by objective and subjective factors. Meanwhile,
there are no reasons to speak about the higher resilience level of economically more
powerful regions.
The creation of a favorable business climate as an unconditional precondition
for ensuring the resilient economic growth of the country and its regions has been
among the priorities in the 30 years of Ukraine’s development as an independent
country. Most of the reforms permanently implemented in the country are directed at
the achievement of this goal. The general dynamics of Ukraine’s position in global
economic rankings
shows that the reforms implemented in Ukraine have already
largely resulted in an improved business climate in the country. Yet, the achieved
results haven’t converted into consistent dynamics of economic growth and an
increasing level of Ukraine’s competitiveness in the global economy. Therefore, it is
early to talk about the efficiency of these reforms and the creation of an environment
in Ukraine that would promote to entrepreneurship and investment inflow in the
economy. Main problems in development of entrepreneurial environment include low
level of economic entities’ intellectual property and assets protection, inefficient
Doing Business, Economic Freedom Index, The Global Competitiveness Index [19; 20; 21].
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judicial system in Ukraine, low financial and investment freedom of business, lack of
access to credit resources to launch and conduct the entrepreneurial activity, etc. It
has led to the loss of industrial and energy capacity, low level of infrastructure
development, low labor productivity, and extremely low efficiency of most economic
and political institutes.
To detect regional peculiarities of the quality of the business environment in
Ukraine, we use the results of the research conducted by the Better Regulation
Delivery Office
titled Regional Doing Business, which shows the study of doing
business conditions in regions and cities of Ukraine. The Regional Doing Business
are calculated as a total of points the regions get by six components:
starting a business, paying local taxes, registering a land plot, getting electricity,
dealing with construction permits, and e-services
. The evaluation was conducted
following the adapted methodology of the World Bank based on the survey of
entrepreneurs from all regions of Ukraine [21].
The analysis of Regional Doing Business 2020 components (Table 1)
demonstrates the positive changes in all regions of Ukraine by registering a company
(from 64 to 80 points of 100 possible) and registering a land plot and getting
electricity (yet, with regard to the last two components, entrepreneurs in a range of
regions do not see the problems in these domains). The most difficult situation in the
regions is with paying local taxes and e-services. Entrepreneurs in almost every
region marked the functioning of these domains as unsatisfactory. The “Payment of
local taxes” component measures the burden on businesses from local taxes and the
transparency of data on these taxes (information on the websites of local councils).
Entrepreneurs rating of this component as unsatisfactory may indicate that local
councils are trying to set maximum local tax rates to fill local budgets, which affects
the local business climate.
It is worth assessing the relationship between the quality of business
environment in Ukrainian regions and GRP growth paces as the resulting indicator of
economic activity. The assessment (Figure 7) allocates four groups of regions:
- high GRP growth paces high business environment quality (H H). The
group includes the leaders by growth paces Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Volyn oblasts,
Kyiv, etc. It shows that their development is accompanied by improved local business
climate (or vice versa, favorable business climate secures higher annual average
economic growth paces of these regions). However, there are only 8 such regions! It
is worth mentioning that most of them have improved their positions compared to
- high GRP growth paces low business environment quality (H L). The group
of regions is the most numerous. The positive growth paces in the oblasts of the
Better Regulation Delivery Office an independent expert and analytical center funded by international
donors, in the first place, European Union under the FORBIZ project and EU4Business initiative.
Doing Business Regional 2020.
A region can score maximum of 100 points by each component. So, the maximum possible number of points is 600.
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group are by no means ensured by an improved entrepreneurial environment.
Moreover, most regions in the group are outsiders by its quality and the loss of
positions in the rankings; Table 1
Rankings of Ukrainian regions by Regional Doing Business2020
2020 to
Starting a
Source: developed based on Regional Doing Business 2020,
- low GRP growth paces high business environment quality (L H). The
analysis shows that the group includes only 1 oblast Dnipropetrovsk. In 2020,
Dnipropetrovsk oblast was ranked 9th by the ease of doing business, having improved
its rank by 3 positions. Therefore, the region is gradually creating a favorable
business environment by developing small and medium businesses but currently,
their activity does not allow covering industrial capacity losses;
- low GRP growth paces low business environment quality (L L). The group
includes three leaders by economic capacity Zaporizhzhia, Poltava and Kharkiv
oblasts. Their economies have been characterized by the loss of positions in the last
decade. Meanwhile, low positions by the quality of business environment show that
these regions used to be oriented on large companies of the industrial sector and
haven’t managed to reorient on the support of business and entrepreneurship activity
stimulation. Yet, it is worth emphasizing the positive dynamics of improving the
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quality of the business environment in Zaporizhzhia oblast. It contributed to the rise
in the rankings by 10 positions in 2020.
Figure 7. Dependence between GRP growth paces and the quality of business
environment in Ukrainian regions
Source: calculated by the authors based on the data
The economic theory defines a wide range of indicators of the business
environment efficiency as the key precondition of ensuring economic growth, a
substantial share of which are interrelated. The national expenditures as a percentage
of the country’s GDP constitute one of the most comprehensive indicators that allow
evaluating the share of economy redistributed through the state budget. The higher is
the share, the higher is the level of government intervention in businesses.
Meanwhile, the optimal values of the indicator that secure the best economic growth
are determined for different groups. Taking into account the level of the institutional
environment development in Ukraine, 0.330.35 are the values of national
expenditures to the country’s GDP ratio recommended for our country [24]. Although
the level of the indicator has reduced about 50 % of the 2014 GDP to approximately
40 % of 2019 (and increased in the crisis 2020) in recent years in Ukraine, it is still
far from optimal values.
The level of the shadow economy is an equally important indicator of the quality
of the business environment. Shadow economy, including the VAT minimization
schemes, grey import, smuggling, the schemes of non-payment of taxes when
exploiting agricultural lands, etc., significantly distort competition and lead to
shortfalls in the revenues to the state budget of 250300 billion UAH a year [25].
Moreover, the poor entrepreneurial climate has already caused the monopolization of
entire sectors of the Ukrainian economy, creating threats for economic growth of the
country and its regions. It is possible due to inefficient policy in this direction. The
government has moved away from the problems of economic monopolization and
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Vol. 8, No. 3, 2022 93 ISSN 2414-584X
evaluation of the impact some monopolies have on the country’s security.
Furthermore, the share of governmental banks that dominate in the banking sector
with a share of over 50 % has been growing lately.
Negative regional development trends in instability caused by the coronavirus
are accompanied by the deteriorating business climate in the regions and unstable
entrepreneurship activity. The main trends affecting economic growth of the regions
include falling economic activity of businesses, intensification of tax avoidance in a
large business, growing institutional turbulence of business climate, growing volumes
of paid personal income tax and single tax under conditions of falling business
income, foreign investment outflow, the decline in official and unofficial
employment, and growing national expenditures to GDP ratio, which shows the
increase in regulatory government intervention in the economy.
Conclusions. The conclusions give the ground to speak about the development
of a new regional development model in Ukraine, which is defined by the following
trends and risks:
- regional transformation of Ukrainian economy: regions traditionally
concentrating the industrial capacity and producing more than a third part of the
country’s GRP have turned out to be on the sidelines of competition Donetsk and
Luhansk oblasts due to the loss of a substantial share of their territories in the course
of Russian military aggression and Dnipropetrovsk (-10 %), Kharkiv (-4 %), and
Zaporizhzhia (-3 %) oblasts due to the gradual loss of industrial competitiveness and
inability to develop the favorable business environment. Meanwhile, the new leaders
have emerged (by the economic capacity growth paces) Zhytomyr (+35% in the last
decade), Vinnytsia (+32%), Kirovohrad (+21%), and Ternopil (+23%) oblasts, which
are growing due to agricultural development. It generates the risk of growing
misbalances in the economic development of Ukrainian regions and requires the
development of new approaches to their regulation;
- interregional comparisons of the business environment condition and economic
growth of Ukrainian regions show that the regions leading by economic growth paces
are characterized by the comparatively higher quality of business climate. Moreover,
they have lately improved their positions in regional doing business rankings.
Meanwhile, the most numerous group of Ukrainian regions managing to keep the
positive growth paces are the outsiders by both the business climate quality and the
loss of ranking positions. The most complicated is the situation with industrial
regions like Zaporizhzhia, Poltava and Kharkiv oblasts. Therefore, the regions that
used to be oriented on large enterprises of the industrial sector have not managed to
reorient themselves on the support of entrepreneurship and stimulation of business
activity. Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts have substantially improved their
positions in the rankings;
- the 2020 economic crisis caused by the expansion of the coronavirus
pandemics became another blow (after the 20082009 and 20142015 crises) for
Ukraine’s economic system, which has been demonstrating the clear orientation on
deindustrialization, production and export of the low-margin agricultural output, and
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Vol. 8, No. 3, 2022 94 ISSN 2414-584X
loss of technological and innovative capacity in the last decade. Ukrainian regions are
hardly developing according to the recognized global development principles. Their
economic success is ensured by orientation on the agricultural output (usually with
low value added) rather than technology-intensive economic activities and dynamic
innovative activity. These conditions are supplemented by a delay in the
implementation of radical reforms (namely, regarding the of intellectual property and
assets protection, inefficient judicial system in Ukraine, growing level of financial
and investment freedom of business and access to credit resources to launch and
conduct the entrepreneurial activity, etc.) directed at the development of a qualitative
institutional environment for business make the risk of further loss of economic
capacity to achieve sustainable growth by Ukraine and its regions increasingly
The creation of a new model of economic development in Ukraine, based on
endogenous development mechanisms and territorial capital, may be the answer to
these trends and challenges. The pillars of this approach are creativity and
entrepreneurship, intellectual and relational capital, territorial ties and identity. The
crux is to harness the wealth and diversity of unique factors that are the basis for
building a regional environment of innovation and entrepreneurship and territorially
embedded smart specializations. A key challenge in this approach is to awaken the
dormant potential inherent in local and regional communities and create new
economic value [26]. In endogenous development, external financial resources and
the development of hard (technical) infrastructure are important, but at the same
time insufficient to unlock the dynamics of sustainable economic development. The
success factor is the use of intangible resources and the mobilization of synergy
mechanisms in regional development processes.
The diagnosed trends and threats call for a new regional policy model and
updated set of tools to provide the economic development of Ukrainian regions to
improve financial-economic resilience under conditions of modern turbulence. This
model should be based on strong self-governance and financial self-reliance and a
bottom-up and community-based approach. It should be based on regional
partnership and co-management, on the one hand, and the co-responsibility of self-
governing communities for the development of their own region, on the other.
The first step in this direction was taken with the territorial-administrative
reform of the country in 2020. It reinvigorated thinking about regional small
homelands and gave impetus to the creation of new development capacities of
Ukrainian regions. This bottom-up model of development and regional policy-
making appears to be a promising approach for Ukraine, tested in the regional
economic transformation of the Central and Eastern European countries Member
States of the European Union.
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Стиль – ДСТУ:
Storonyanska I., Nowakowska A., Benovska L., Dub A. Imbalances and risks of
the regional development of Ukraine’s economy under conditions of instability.
Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2022. Vol. 8. No. 3. Pp. 8197.
Style APA:
Storonyanska, I., Nowakowska, A., Benovska, L., & Dub, A. (2022).
Imbalances and risks of the regional development of Ukraine’s economy under
conditions of instability. Agricultural and Resource Economics, 8(3), 8197.
... This has affected the population's income, employment opportunities, and the state's ability to invest in human capital. However, the most negative demographic consequences have been the deaths and displacement of people (Storonyanska et al. 2022), (International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2022). ...
... It affects both the quality component and the organizational process of human capital formation negatively. Ukraine has also suffered significant losses in the field of scientific research, as the active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine have destroyed the property and buildings of many scientific institutions and research infrastructure; including unique scientific equipment and facilities, research laboratories (Storonyanska et al. 2022). ...
"The key resource and driving force of the economy at this stage of society’s development is a person and his or her labor force, which is defined by modern economists as human capital. Given the current war, there is a significant risk of losing and deteriorating the expertise of specialists who have been trained in Ukraine. The article aims to identify the prerequisites, factors, and peculiarities of the situation concerning the preservation of human capital in Ukraine in the context of Russia’s military aggression. In the course of the research, analytical and bibliographic method was employed to study the scientific literature on the formation, change, and preservation of human capital in the country. Induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process data. Moreover, the authors conducted an online survey using a questionnaire to identify the most important issues related to changes in the quality and quantity of human capital in the state during the war. Following the results of the study, the main theoretical aspects of the problem of the formation and preservation of human capital were identified. Moreover, the opinion of demographic scientists and specialists of state and local authorities working with migrants and internally displaced persons on key aspects of this issue was studied."
... Важливе методологічне значення мають виявлені групою авторів [13] зв'язки між специфікою місцевої політики й окремими соціально-демографічними та соціально-економічними чинниками розвитку громад. Дослідженнями українських учених [14][15][16][17], які проводились на етапі утворення громад, встановлено головні детермінанти їх спроможності, що забезпечують успішне функціонування на основі спільності цілей, завдань та інтересів. Методикою формування спроможних територіальних громад, затвердженою постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 24 січня 2020 р. № 34, основними критеріями такої спроможності запропоновано вважати: чисельність населення та площу її території; чисельність учнів, що здобувають освіту в закладах загальної середньої освіти на території громади; індекс податкоспроможності бюджету громади; частку місцевих податків та зборів у доходах бюджету територіальної громади. ...
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Мета. Метою статті є визначення пріоритетних напрямів і можливостей усунення обмежень під час формування спроможних територіальних громад у воєнний період шляхом імплементації розробленої моделі, орієнтованої на диверсифікацію інструментів фінансової, організаційної та соціальної спроможності. Методологія / методика / підхід. У статті використано загальнонаукові методи дослідження для систематизації здобутих результатів; метод узагальнень і критичного аналізу – для оцінювання результативності децентралізації системи управління з погляду відповідності завданням формування спроможних територіальних громад; економіко-статистичного аналізу – для виявлення тенденцій розвитку громад довоєнного й воєнного періодів; метод порівняльного аналізу – для виявлення відмінностей у показниках соціально-економічного розвитку різних типів громад; графічного аналізу – для візуалізації результатів оцінки дотаційності територіальних громад з погляду їхньої людності та залежності обсягу реверсної дотації від чисельності населення громад-міст обласного значення; метод аналогій і сценарного моделювання – для обґрунтування пріоритетних напрямів формування спроможних громад в умовах воєнного періоду. Результати. Здійснено оцінювання основних результатів децентралізації управління з погляду впливу на спроможність територіальних громад у довоєнний і воєнний періоди. Виявлено зміни в динаміці спроможності громад воєнного часу та перешкоди на шляху її зміцнення. Визначено, що на тлі успішного виконання завдань децентралізації управління залишились проблемні аспекти розвитку громад, зокрема їх надмірна диференціація за основними показниками соціально-економічного розвитку, передовсім їхньою людністю та щільністю населення; збереження високої питомої ваги громад із дотаційними бюджетами; повільні темпи зниження асиметрії розвитку між міськими та сільськими громадами. Виявлено неоднозначність інструментів впливу на спроможність територіальних громад, насамперед механізму горизонтального вирівнювання бюджетів, який ґрунтується на балансі базової та реверсної дотацій. З використанням аналізу основних показників соціально-економічного розвитку обстежених громад установлено емпіричну залежність, згідно з якою зростання загальної чисельності населення зумовлює відповідне скорочення кількості дотаційних територіальних спільнот певного регіону. Визначено основні напрями підвищення фінансової та організаційної спроможності громад. Оригінальність / наукова новизна. Запропоновано пріоритетні напрями зміцнення спроможності територіальних громад України в умовах воєнного часу, які враховують проблемне поле їхнього розвитку, наявні обмеження та ризики, а також запит самих громад на стійкий розвиток. Виявлено тенденції довоєнного розвитку територіальних громад та зміни воєнного періоду з погляду можливостей зміцнення їхнього потенціалу в економічній і соціальній сферах. Запропоновано стратегічні напрями та інструменти зростання спроможності громад різних типів з урахуванням їхніх відмінностей за основними показниками соціально-економічного розвитку, передовсім людністю та щільністю населення. Доведено необхідність концептуально нового підходу до оцінювання потенціалу спроможності територіальних громад, що ґрунтується на критеріях конкурентоспроможності та визначає основні джерела її досягнення. Практична цінність / значущість. Результати дослідження мають практичну значущість для регіональних управлінських структур, органів місцевого самоврядування, утворених у результаті реформування територіальної організації влади, а також обласних державних адміністрацій у сприянні формуванню спроможних громад, їх стійкому розвитку на засадах самоврядності, інклюзивності, комплементарності інтересів взаємозалежних сторін.
... Additionally, regional government administrations, in collaboration with local selfgoverning bodies and based on recommendations from the Ministry of Defense, identify municipal healthcare institutions that can be involved in providing medical care. Scientific institutions specializing in medical sciences provide consultative and scientific-methodological support to healthcare facilities offering medical assistance during the war (Storonyanska et al., 2022), (Beckley, 2018), (Pastukhov et al., 2022). ...
The most significant value of society is the life and health of the people. Therefore, the main goal of the healthcare system is to ensure the continuity of medical services for the population. Organizing the healthcare sector within the community during the war presents an unprecedented challenge for government authorities and local self-governance. The article aims to define the peculiarities of organizing healthcare institutions under martial law in the country, highlighting key factors that influence the field of medicine and directions for optimizing the activities of medical establishments. The research employed various philosophical methods for analysis and information study, including dialectical, metaphysical, synergistic, and intuitive methods. Besides, the authors used systemic analysis, synthesis, and abstraction. At the same time, such particular scientific methods as formal-logical (dogmatic), comparative, sociological, hermeneutical, instrumental, axiological, and a synthesis of institutional and axiological approaches were used. The research results identified crucial theoretical aspects regarding the operation of healthcare institutions during the war. The article also examines scholars' viewpoints on the key problems of medical institutions during hostilities.
... Varnalii et al. (2018), Iefimova et al. (2020), and Kozachenko et al. (2017) describe how to measure and predict the levels of economic security of the national economy and Ukraine's regions. Storonianska et al. (2022) present the current situation in Ukraine's regions and propose several hypotheses: regions with higher economic activity concentration develop faster, technology-intensive regions with high innovation activity levels have higher chances of economic growth, economic growth can lead to growing interregional inequalities and imbalances in the long run, and economically powerful regions are more resilient to financial and economic crises. ...
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The increase in the unevenness of indicators of regional socio-economic development in Ukraine is causing changes in regional economic security, in addition to the deterioration of national welfare. Therefore, there is a need to develop new theoretical and practical approaches for assessing such disparities and forecasting their dynamics. In this article, a toolkit for modelling crises and catastrophes in disparities of regional development is presented, using the example of Ukraine. The purpose of this study is to create models that assess the crisis dynamics in regional disparities in Ukraine, in order to develop tools for ensuring economic security in the region. To achieve this purpose, the following tasks have been identified: to evaluate convergent-divergent processes and the long-term interaction of regional disparity indicators; to simulate possible crises and catastrophes in various spheres of socio-economic development of regions according to the levels of their disparities; and to demonstrate the mutual dependence between disparities of the regions and levels of their economic security. The result of the crisis dynamic assessment is a set of predictive models of possible catastrophes that may occur in Ukraine's regions. This allows for obtaining reliable results for the qualitative analysis of stability factors of disparities in the socio-economic system, accounting for different time intervals that determine the peculiarities of the country's development. The array of constructed models is an effective tool for researching crisis processes in the dynamics of disparity indicators, as they allow for identifying and more thoroughly investigating non-linear cyclical processes in regional economic development, as well as predicting changes in levels of economic security. Such a toolkit allows for the development of a strategy for balanced regional and country development, and for ensuring regional economic security.
The article aims to provide a forecast model of socioeconomic development which can be applied to society and economy undergoing transformations. Industry is a key element of the country's economy. According to the trends of statistical indicators of many countries, their industries develop inharmoniously, with temporary deviations in the volume and elements of production, which were influenced by the factors of the business environment. As for the industrial complex of Ukraine, it has structural and quantitative deformations. However, changes are not always identical to what is happening in developed countries in terms of the trend and frequency of changes. However, the industry of Ukraine occupies a key role in the country's economy and includes more than a third of fixed assets and employed population in the economy. The level of economic development of the country is determined by the development of industry, which is the largest component of social production. A faithfully adopted management strategy for the development of industrial production, its optimal amount and constituent elements, the demanded amount of product sales will determine the possibility of obtaining financial results for all production participants, which confirms the importance of researching the activities of industrial enterprises.
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The article summarizes and systematizes the theoretical aspects of the formation of local self-government, taking into account the European experience of implementing administrative and territorial reform, outlines the range of problems that arose in the process of decentralization reform in Ukraine during 2015-2021, identifies the positive and negative consequences of local selfgovernment reform in Ukraine. A significant number of communities do not have the resources to perform new functions, the transfer of certain functions to the local level is not always appropriate, there is a need to consider the possibility of "recentralization" of certain powers from the local level to a higher one. The district level of local self-government was almost leveled and it cannot represent the common interests of communities. At the legislative level, there is no clearly defined division of powers between local self-government bodies and executive bodies. This creates a threat of "creeping" centralization of resources, when the government can transfer certain powers to the local level without financial support.
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The reform of local self-government in Ukraine led to the expansion of the powers of territorial communities and an increase in their financial resources. There was a problem of correspondence of powers and financial resources. The methodology for assessing the capacity of territorial communities was not developed during the years of the decentralization reform. The article proposes a set of measures aimed at increasing the self-sufficiency of territorial communities in terms of determining their powers and size, improving the mechanism of horizontal budget equalization, redistribution of taxes between the central government and local self-government, taking into account European experience, increasing the share of non-targeted transfers, developing standards for the provision of public services.
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The implementation of local self-government reform in Ukraine is accompanied by a number of risks. The article considers the following as the main risks: differentiation of communities according to the level of their own incomes, lack of a clear distribution of powers, imbalance between powers and resources, insufficient self-sufficiency of communities, dependence on inter-budgetary transfers, imbalance of budget equalization mechanisms, low level of qualification of community leaders, insufficient control over on the part of the state, contradictions between local and state interests, corruption, lobbying for the distribution of interbudgetary transfers, blind copying of the experience of developed countries. These risks are mostly interrelated and should be considered as a whole. The ambiguity of the manifestation of positive results and risks of decentralization in different countries is largely due to the influence of many factors and relations within the socio-economic systems of the national, subnational and local levels. This leads to a very cautious copying of the experience of other states and requires an in-depth analysis of opportunities and potential threats during decentralization within each country, to comprehensively take into account socioeconomic and political factors, as well as factors of an objective and subjective nature. Leveling the above-mentioned risks requires improvement of legislative regulation mechanisms and financial equalization tools.
The experience of the new regional policy of the EU and its implementation in the domestic economy is important for Ukraine, which, on the one hand, is facing the unprecedented challenge of the war with Russia and its destructive influence on the economy and infrastructure, and, on the other hand, under these conditions has received the status of a candidate for EU membership, and has thus taken an important step towards EU membership. The purpose of the article is to research new approaches to the formation of the regional policy of Ukraine and the directions of its convergence with the regional policy of the EU. The article defines the directions of convergence of regional policies of the EU and Ukraine, namely: synchronization of development planning periods, stimulation of development of functional types of territories, common principles of regional policy formation, etc. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of regional development tools in Ukraine are analyzed, including regional development strategies, regional development agencies, typology of territories, the system of financial equalization of territorial development, etc. The peculiarities of the development of the domestic regional policy related to its implicitness, the shift of the emphasis from the regional to the local level, and the reduction of the resource and institutional capacity of the regions are outlined. The main challenges and risks of Ukraine’s regional policy caused by the war, reforms, and peculiarities of national and regional administration are defined and directions for their leveling are outlined. The article emphasizes that the prospects for the development of territories in Ukraine should be planned taking into account structural changes in the economy, business relocation, changes in the structure of population resettlement, changes in logistics chains, the permanent threat of the neighborhood with the Russian Federation, etc. The primary tasks should be the following: making changes in the strategic documents of the state and regions, creating a fund for the restoration of territories, changing the approaches to financing regional projects, and strengthening cost equalization.
The main purpose of this article is to analyze and research the main tools of management accounting functioning, identify trends of their future development and optimize processes improving its information content for managers based on the changes that are taking place in the current conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The analysis of the features of economic processes was carried out using the principles of dialectics, which allowed to classify the effects of the crisis processes of the Ukrainian economy. The classification of the effects of the crisis processes of the Ukrainian economy associated with the introduction of martial law is carried out and their impact on the development of management accounting tools was shown. The main functions of management accounting, which characterize the depressive phenomena of the economy and have a direct impact on its functioning, are highlighted. Based on the highlighted functions, we have adjusted the objects and tasks facing management accounting during martial law. The conceptual anti-crisis model of management accounting was formed, its functional variability determines the set of objects of management accounting, which is mainly associated with the need to manage the parameters of strategic anti-crisis development of the economic entity, as well as monitoring and control of its detailed microenvironment under martial law. The results of the study have important practical value for managers of enterprises that are affected by crisis phenomena caused by rapid negative changes in the external environment.
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An essential determinant of the economic growth of regions and amalgamated hromada is budgetary security, the weakening of which causes the strengthening of financial imbalances of territories and the emergence of budget risks and threats in different time lags. The paper aims to assess budgetary security of regions and amalgamated hromada in Ukraine in an unstable economy. The assessment of budgetary security and risks of areas and amalgamated hromada is carried out based on a multidimensional statistical analysis of budget indicators, calculation of the aggregate indicator of budget risks, and the level of budgetary security by a multiplicative method. The study sample included the regions of Ukraine and 22 amalgamated hromada in terms of cities of regional significance, urban, township, and rural territorial assemblies, which are represented by different areas in Ukraine. According to the assessment, Poltava, Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Mykolaiv oblasts are characterized by a low level of budget risks, which indicates high budget stability. On the other hand, the strengthening of budget imbalances, deterioration of the strength of local budgets, in particular in 2019–2020 in urban amalgamated hromada (Druzhbivska and Malovyskivska (6-8 points)); in village areas (Malynivska (5 points), Steblivska (7-7 points)); in rural amalgamated hromada (Chmyrivska (8-7 points)). The study results can serve as an analytical basis in the practice of local governments in the development and justification of regional and local budget policies, the nature of inter-budgetary relations, the formation of regional development strategies, etc. AcknowledgmentsThe study has been conducted within the framework of Applied Research “Financial determinants of the provision of economic growth in the regions and Amalgamated hromada based on the behavioral economy” with the support of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (M. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Grant Reg. No. 2020.02/0215, 2020–2022).
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In the last two years, Ukraine and the world have been living in economic instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has fundamentally changed the trends in global and domestic economies, public and local finance. This study aims to estimate the trends of economic development of Ukrainian regions in the coronavirus crisis and their impact on the local budgets’ tax revenues generation. Main findings show the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the development of Ukrainian regions is territorially differentiated. It is determined that in quarantine restrictions, the regions were developing under the impact of behavioral and institutional factors. Although a range of enterprises terminated their activities and there was a decline in income from business activities in 2020, the tax revenues of local budgets increased. The growth of tax revenues was accompanied by decreasing interbudgetary transfers and growing expenditures on containing the spread of pandemics and supporting healthcare. Reduced transfers to local budgets from the public budget affected the funding of investment programs of regional development. The abovementioned effects of falling business activity and consumer expenditures of the population along with falling investment can be considered the delayed effects of economic activity curtailment in the short-term period. An intensive increase of public investment that stipulates projects co-funding from budget funds and resources of businesses and establishment of cooperation between public, regional, and local levels of government should become among the primary steps to overcome the negative trends.
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Assessment of the socio-economic and environmental development of regions is one of the main tasks of regional policy, especially in the context of the decentralization reform in Ukraine. Biased and unsubstantiated assessment can disorient management bodies and significantly reduce efficiency and effectiveness of management, which leads to negative consequences. The paper aims to assess the development of Ukrainian regions based on the result-oriented approach. The analysis of available methodical approaches to the assessment has shown that they have significant conceptual flaws and do not provide a reasonable and transparent assessment. The proposed methodical approaches are as follows: the use of a model of sustainable development and assessments in the social, economic and environmental fields; transition from an integral indicator to a limited range of key indicators (results); use of additional indicators that complement the main ones; calculation of the rating of a region in the world; determination of the trend of changes in key indicators over the past 10 years; qualitative assessment of the regions’ state based on thresholds. Based on the proposed approach, the socio-economic and environmental development of Odesa region is assessed. AcknowledgmentsThis publication was prepared within the framework of the scientific project “Organizational and economic mechanism of increasing productivity of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine” at the expense of the budget program “Support of priority areas of scientific research development” (КПКВК6541230).
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Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the spatial features of the social-economic development of territorial communities in the context of administrative and financial decentralization. Methodology / approach. The method of system analysis is used in the work – to research the spheres of central-peripheral interactions at the level of territorial communities; method of comparative analysis – to identify trends in the formation and development of interactions between the center and the periphery in communities and the factors that determine them; abstract-logical method – for the formation of theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions from the research; method of graphic visualization, which allows providing a clear presentation of the results of the analysis; sociological survey of chairmen of local councils of territorial communities of Lviv region – to determine the state of development of central-peripheral interactions in their communities. The key role of territorial and systemic approaches to the analysis of core-peripheral interactions in territorial communities is emphasized, which made it expedient to form a research method based on taking into account the conditions for the development of a particular environment and existing spatial restrictions. Results. The article identifies the features of the formation of core-peripheral interactions in the territorial communities of rural areas. It is focused on the formation of derivative core-peripheral interactions that arise in the territorial communities created during the implementation of administrative-territorial reform. On the basis of a systematic and comprehensive analysis, the existing and hidden core-peripheral dependencies were identified and the features of the mutual influence of the centers of the united territorial communities of the rural areas of the Lviv region on the socio-economic development of the community territory were revealed. The problems and risks of the development of the territory of the community are substantiated in the context of the mutual influence of a derivative nature. Originality / scientific novelty. A scientific approach to the identification of central-peripheral interactions in territorial communities was developed, which allows identifying the spatial effects of social, economic, managerial interactions of the center and the periphery within the community. A scientific-and-methodological approach to the assessment of central-peripheral interactions was developed, which provides for the selection of community groups according to certain criteria (community type (town / township / village), community composition, location in the region) and their diagnosis in areas: analysis of strategic documents of local council on the development of central-peripheral interactions in a community; analysis of the management structure of the local council, representation of peripheral communities, compliance of the composition and structure of the governing body with the goals of community development; analysis of budget support for infrastructure development; research of employment opportunities in the community. The application of the approach will reveal the patterns of formation of central-peripheral interactions at the level of territorial communities. Practical value / implications. The results of the study make it possible to have a more comprehensive assessment of the state of the formation of central-peripheral interactions in territorial communities, contribute to the identification of risks of social conflict between different groups in the community and to form recommendations for their activation. The results are recommended for consideration by local governments when preparing proposals for socio-economic development and ensuring the financial capacity of local communities.
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Мета. Метою статті є ідентифікація та аналіз негативних тенденцій, обґрунтування практичних рекомендацій щодо удосконалення регіональної політики забезпечення збереження людського ресурсу засобами регулювання зовнішньої міграції молоді сільських територій Карпатського регіону України. Методологія / методика / підхід. Методологічною основою дослідження стали загальнонаукові (графічний, структурний аналіз) та спеціальні (соціологічний, інтегральне оцінювання, кореляційний аналіз) методи наукового пізнання. Соціологічне дослідження проведено ДУ “Інститут регіональних досліджень імені М. І. Долішнього НАН України”) у вересні-жовтні 2019 р. Об’єкт дослідження – студенти випускних курсів закладів вищої освіти, закладів загальної професійно-технічної освіти та учні випускних класів закладів загальної середньої освіти Карпатського регіону (1200 осіб). Авторський підхід до побудови інтегрального індексу середовища міграційної активності населення передбачав реалізацію алгоритму, базисом якого виступало нормування показників (стимуляторів і дестимуляторів), визначення ваг показників і груп показників за допомогою побудови матриці кореляційних порівнянь, розрахунок багатовимірних величин у формі зважених групових індексів. Результати. У статті із застосуванням соціологічного дослідження виявлено характеристики зовнішньої міграційної активності молоді сільських територій Карпатського регіону України. Зроблено висновки щодо проблемних аспектів міграції молоді та її впливу на розвиток сільських територій. Розраховано інтегральні індекси “виштовхування” населення України та Львівської області, що дозволило констатувати вищий рівень «агресивності» середовища для міграції населення в Карпатському регіоні в порівнянні із середнім у країні. Обґрунтовано рекомендації щодо інструментів регулювання міграції молоді на сільських територіях для збереження людського потенціалу їхнього розвитку. Оригінальність / наукова новизна. Розроблено нову методику розрахунку інтегрального індекса середовища міграційної активності населення (за п’ятьма групами показників: демографічна стабільність і стан здоров’я населення; охоплення населення освітніми послугами; стан ринку праці та зайнятості; рівень життя населення; економічний розвиток країни), а також удосконалено підхід до оцінки взаємозв’язку середовища “виштовхування” та міграційної активності населення. Практична цінність / значущість. Обґрунтовано інструменти регіональної політики забезпечення збереження людського ресурсу засобами регулювання зовнішньої міграції молоді сільських територій (за групами: організаційні, економічні, інституційні) для їх впровадження регіональними органами влади.
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This paper is intended to theoretically examine the premises of the regional development paradigm. It discusses key conceptual categories and the logical structure of the idea to highlight comparative differences between the traditional and territorial understanding of space and its impact on economic development. Further considerations focus on the interpretation of derivative notions such as territorial capital, territorialisation of economic development, and development policy. The applied research method consists of a critical analysis of the literature on the subject, supplemented with an analysis of reports and expert opinions prepared for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission. Recent decades have witnessed an in-depth reinterpretation of the meaning of space in economic development processes. The term “territory” is no longer identified with a static location and a simple accumulation of resources. It is interpreted as a place that is dynamic in terms of time and space and that has emerged from interactions and network relationships with its own informal institutions and specific resources, which facilitate the attainment of improved economic efficiency. It is also perceived as a dynamic organisational structure that reduces uncertainty and risk and as a place where resources are generated and accumulated, and within which knowledge, innovation, and skills are transferred. Place-based development produces a specific system of relationships and a creative social and economic framework that can be adapted to changes by creating new resources and development opportunities.
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Construction complex development influence on region social and economic security is studied, taking into account Ukrainian housing stock development main indicators peculiarities and general population housing provision in the regions. Region construction complex development influence on region social and economic security level has been investigated based on correlation-regression analysis. It is emphasized that regional inter-sectoral complexes, in particular, construction, are influence subject to many factors, threats and dangers for the socio-economic life of the region and need to function safely. Region social and economic security assessing methodical principles, taking into account construction complex development criteria, have been proposed, and made it possible to form indicators system using the integral method and their threshold values, taking into account the complex hierarchical links with region social and economic development in particular and the state as a whole.
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Despite the significant duration of decentralisation processes, no clear model of redistribution of resources, areas of responsibility and control at the national, regional and local levels has been introduced in Ukraine. Basic theoretical concepts prove that administrative and financial decentralisation is a complex and ambiguous process for the development of the country’s economy. Along with the positive results, there are some risks of deepening the irregularities of development, complications in the implementation of macroeconomic policies, increasing corruption, etc. Theoretical and empirical researches of decentralisation processes in the world allow us to identify trends such as the absence of a direct link between the level of the country’s development and the degree of administrative and financial decentralisation; the focus and motives for decentralisation processes are different in different countries; elimination of macroeconomic imbalances is often accompanied by the processes of recentralisation. The level of decentralisation of power and public finances in Ukraine is characterised by a high degree of centralisation of public finances. The decentralisation processes prove to be fragmented with a high risk of deepening territorial social and economic differentiation.
Topicality. The study of the development mechanisms of regional economic systems is an urgent task in connection with the reform of decentralization in Ukraine, which creates new opportunities for economic development of territories. The relevance of this study is determined by: the State Strategy for Regional Development 2021-2027 (Strategic Objectives � 1-3) [1], the Concept of Local Government Reform [2], the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030 [3]. In particular, these documents emphasize [1] the need to build competitive regions and functional areas by involving all actors in development and overcoming the inequality of socio-economic development of regions. Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to determine the conceptual foundations and methodological principles of building and increasing the capacity of economic systems of territorial communities in Ukraine, as well as the formation of mechanisms for implementing relevant principles of forming and ensuring effective functioning of regional economic systems. Research results. The basic principles according to which the regional economy should develop are revealed. The problem of regional economic systems (RES) management from the point of view of network management is considered. The hypothesis of a new economic system is put forward. The connection of the institutional basis of RES with the goals of sustainable development is shown. The institutional basis for ensuring the effective development of regional economic systems in the context of local government reform is substantiated and the current principles are formulated, according to which territorial economic systems should function in accordance with the requirements of national and European regulations. Hypotheses about the need to supplement the existing list of principles of functioning of regional economic systems with the principles of structural and institutional support of their development are proved. The mechanisms of realization of the principles of functioning of regional economic systems in modern conditions are substantiated, which include instruments: tax, credit, financial-budgetary, organizational-infrastructural, property-legal. Measures are proposed to ensure effective economic cooperation of communities. Conclusion. The successful functioning of communities depends primarily on the activities of regional economic systems. The joint implementation of economic projects by communities is most conducive to their cooperation in all areas. The activities of the regional economic system must comply with the principle of structure and the principle of economic cohesion (economic solidarity). In the long run, these principles should lead to the emergence of a new solidarity-based economic paradigm.
The article reveals important territorial aspects of sustainable development of infrastructure enterprises from information and administrative component on the example of local territories (communities) of the Donetsk region in Ukraine. A point-rating evaluation of the territorial dimension for sustainable development of infrastructure enterprises in the Donetsk communities carry out on the parameters, which focus on a set of statistical data in the context of the economic, social and environmental components. The authors built a three-dimensional model of the evaluation results in a Cartesian coordinate system, which made it possible to identify a direct relationship between the sustainable development components of infrastructure enterprises as well as its information and administrative support. It concluded to strengthen the sustainable development components in the local measurement as well as it substantiated and noted to form a special roadmap for ensuring high-quality information and administrative support for the sustainable development planning of infrastructure enterprises.