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Cortical lesions, central vein sign, and paramagnetic rim lesions in multiple sclerosis: Emerging machine learning techniques and future avenues


Abstract and Figures

The current diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis (MS) lack specificity, and this may lead to misdiagnosis, which remains an issue in present-day clinical practice. In addition, conventional biomarkers only moderately correlate with MS disease progression. Recently, some MS lesional imaging biomarkers such as cortical lesions (CL), the central vein sign (CVS), and paramagnetic rim lesions (PRL), visible in specialized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences, have shown higher specificity in differential diagnosis. Moreover, studies have shown that CL and PRL are potential prognostic biomarkers, the former correlating with cognitive impairments and the latter with early disability progression. As machine learning-based methods have achieved extraordinary performance in the assessment of conventional imaging biomarkers, such as white matter lesion segmentation, several automated or semi-automated methods have been proposed as well for CL, PRL, and CVS. In the present review, we first introduce these MS biomarkers and their imaging methods. Subsequently, we describe the corresponding machine learning-based methods that were proposed to tackle these clinical questions, putting them into context with respect to the challenges they are facing, including non-standardized MRI protocols, limited datasets, and moderate inter-rater variability. We conclude by presenting the current limitations that prevent their broader deployment and suggesting future research directions.
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NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
Available online 24 September 2022
2213-1582/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Cortical lesions, central vein sign, and paramagnetic rim lesions in multiple
sclerosis: Emerging machine learning techniques and future avenues
Francesco La Rosa
, Maxence Wynen
, Omar Al-Louzi
, Erin S Beck
Till Huelnhagen
, Pietro Maggi
, Jean-Philippe Thiran
, Tobias Kober
, Russell
T Shinohara
, Pascal Sati
, Daniel S Reich
, Cristina Granziera
, Martina Absinta
Meritxell Bach Cuadra
Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS5), Ecole Polytechnique F´
erale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Switzerland
Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
ICTeam, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Louvain Inammation Imaging Lab (NIL), Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS), UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium
Radiology Department, Lausanne University and University Hospital, Switzerland
Translational Neuroradiology Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Department of Neurology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare AG, Lausanne, Switzerland
Department of Neurology, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Universit´
e catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Neurology, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analysis (CBICA), Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Penn Statistics in Imaging and Visualization Endeavor (PennSIVE), Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Translational Imaging in Neurology (ThINk) Basel, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Basel and University of Basel,
Neurologic Clinic and Policlinic, MS Center and Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel (RC2NB), University Hospital Basel and
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
The current diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis (MS) lack specicity, and this may lead to misdiagnosis, which remains an issue in present-day clinical practice.
In addition, conventional biomarkers only moderately correlate with MS disease progression. Recently, some MS lesional imaging biomarkers such as cortical lesions
(CL), the central vein sign (CVS), and paramagnetic rim lesions (PRL), visible in specialized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences, have shown higher
specicity in differential diagnosis. Moreover, studies have shown that CL and PRL are potential prognostic biomarkers, the former correlating with cognitive
impairments and the latter with early disability progression. As machine learning-based methods have achieved extraordinary performance in the assessment of
conventional imaging biomarkers, such as white matter lesion segmentation, several automated or semi-automated methods have been proposed as well for CL, PRL,
and CVS. In the present review, we rst introduce these MS biomarkers and their imaging methods. Subsequently, we describe the corresponding machine learning-
based methods that were proposed to tackle these clinical questions, putting them into context with respect to the challenges they are facing, including non-
standardized MRI protocols, limited datasets, and moderate inter-rater variability. We conclude by presenting the current limitations that prevent their broader
deployment and suggesting future research directions.
Abbreviations: MS, multiple sclerosis; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; DL, deep learning; ML, machine learning; CL, cortical lesions; PRL, paramagnetic rim
lesions; CVS, central vein sign; WML, white matter lesions; FLAIR, uid-attenuated inversion recovery; MPRAGE, magnetization prepared rapid gradient-echo; GM,
gray matter; WM, white matter; PSIR, phase-sensitive inversion recovery; DIR, double inversion recovery; MP2RAGE, magnetization-prepared 2 rapid gradient
echoes; SELs, Slowly evolving/expanding lesions; CNN, convolutional neural network; XAI, explainable AI; PV, partial volume.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.
E-mail address: (F. La Rosa).
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Received 13 December 2021; Received in revised form 9 September 2022; Accepted 16 September 2022
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
1. Introduction
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inammatory disease and a
common cause of neurological disability in young adults (Reich et al.,
2018). Its hallmark is demyelinated white matter lesions (WML) forming
in the central nervous system (Reich et al., 2018). These lesions are
assessed in-vivo with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is the
imaging technique of choice to diagnose MS and monitor the disease
over time (Hemond and Bakshi, 2018). The current MRI diagnostic
criteria (McDonald criteria) are based on the dissemination in space and
time of such lesions (Thompson et al., 2018). Moreover, the quanti-
cation of the total lesion volume is important to determine ongoing
disease activity and monitor treatment effect over time (Giorgio et al.,
2014). Recommended MRI techniques include T2 and T1-weighted
inversion recovery sequences, such as uid-attenuated inversion re-
covery (FLAIR), and magnetization prepared rapid gradient-echo
(MPRAGE) (Wattjes et al., 2021). At common clinical magnetic elds
(1.5 T and 3 T), the use of gadolinium-based contrast agents is useful to
evaluate patients suspected of MS and monitor disease activity causing
breakdown of the bloodbrain barrier (Filippi et al., 2019).
As the manual detection of WML is time-consuming and prone to
inter-rater variability (Hagens et al., 2019), a myriad of automated or
semi-automated approaches have been developed to facilitate this task
o et al., 2012). These methods were initially based primarily on
MRI intensity features and probabilistic atlases (Llad´
o et al., 2012),
whereas, more recently, the vast majority use deep learning (DL) ap-
proaches (Zeng et al., 2020), without prior feature extraction. Sub-
stantial effort is now being made towards reproducibility of the results
and open science (Vrenken et al., 2021). Several grand challenges have
been organized (Carass et al., 2017; Commowick et al., 2018; Commo-
wick et al., 2021), in which DL-based methods have achieved the best
performance, approaching or sometimes even outperforming human
readers (Carass et al., 2017; Commowick et al., 2021). WML segmen-
tation methods have been reviewed recently (Zeng et al., 2020; Kaur
et al., 2021); the present review thus focuses on machine learning
techniques tailored for lesional biomarkers specic to MS that require
advanced MRI techniques and have the potential to improve MS diag-
nosis and prognosis.
One major drawback of the current MS diagnostic criteria is their
lack of specicity, as they were proposed to identify patients with a high
likelihood of MS rather than distinguish MS from other conditions
(Thompson et al., 2018). The lack of specicity of these criteria may lead
to misdiagnosis, which remains a persistent problem of MS (Solomon
et al., 2019). Multi-center studies have shown a misdiagnosis rate of
18% (Kaisey et al., 2019), often associated with atypical clinical or
imaging ndings. Improving the diagnostic specicity would prevent
harmful consequences for patients (Solomon et al., 2016) and allow
clinicians to prescribe the appropriate treatment earlier. In addition,
although clinical relapses are often associated with the appearance of
new WML, the overall WML burden, which is the most common MRI
biomarker examined in clinical routine, is only moderately correlated
with disability and poorly predicts transition to progressive disease
(Barkhof, 2002). For all these reasons, there is a need for additional
biomarkers that are highly specic to MS or correlate with disease
Quantitative MRI, such as relaxometry, myelin imaging, or diffusion
MR, provides information related to the microstructural composition
and organization of tissues. In MS, quantitative MRI techniques com-
plement conventional MRI techniques by providing insights into disease
mechanisms (Granziera et al., 2021). For instance, diffusion tensor im-
aging and microstructure models of diffusion can help better understand
the MS lesion heterogeneity (myelin and axonal damage). Voxel-wise
analysis methods allow exploring group-wise differences without the
need for prior lesion segmentation (Thaler et al., 2021;16(2):
e0245844.). On the contrary, classication methods in this context have
been used to cluster different lesion types based on prior lesion
segmentation and derived scalar measurements from diffusion-based
measurements (FA, MD, NODDI parameters, etc) averaged at the
lesion level (Lu et al., 2021; Oladosu et al., 2021; Ye et al., 2020; Mar-
tínez-Heras et al., 2020). Further studies, however, are still needed to
verify the possible use of these quantitative features for patient
Recently, advances in MR technology, such as the development of
specialized sequences, acceleration of protocols, and the proliferation of
ultra-high eld MRI, have allowed the imaging of pathologically specic
MS lesional biomarkers (Cortese et al., 2019; Ineichen et al., 2021).
These include cortical lesions (CL), the central vein sign (CVS), and
paramagnetic rim lesions (PRL). Studies have shown that CL and PRL are
potential prognostic biomarkers: CL are associated with cognitive im-
pairments, while patients with PRL experience an earlier progression in
disability (Calabrese et al., 2010; Absinta et al., 2019). Furthermore, the
CVS and PRL have proven to be effective for differentiating MS from
mimicking diseases (Ontaneda et al., 2021; Sati et al., 2016; Clarke et al.,
2020; Maggi et al., 2020). All three biomarkers, however, require
dedicated MRI sequences at high (3 T) or ultra-high (7 T) magnetic
elds, and experienced raters for their manual assessment, which can be
very time-consuming. As done in the past for WML, various automated
or semi-automated methods, mostly based on machine learning (ML),
have been developed to facilitate the three aforementioned biomarkers
assessment (see Table 1). Compared to their WML counterparts, how-
ever, they face additional challenges, including non-standardized im-
aging protocols, moderate inter-rater variability when determining
ground truth annotations, and smaller datasets. Automated assessment
could improve standardization and facilitate large-scale assessment in
clinical routine of the aforementioned biomarkers, with clear benets in
terms of MS diagnosis and prognosis.
In this review, we rst briey describe these advanced imaging
biomarkers and their imaging requirements and then focus on image
processing techniques tailored for their automated segmentation and
classication. We conclude with a discussion on current limitations and
future lines of research to boost the development of ML approaches in
this area and encourage their adoption in MS research and clinical
2. Cortical lesions, paramagnetic lesions, and central vein sign
In this section, we present a brief description of CL, CVS, and PRL,
and their respective imaging protocols. In addition to the CVS and PRL,
which have emerged as promising MS biomarkers in recent years, we
also included CL which, although included in the MS diagnostic criteria,
are not yet commonly analyzed in clinical practice. For the sake of
completeness, a short description of slowly expanding lesions (SELs) is
also provided, although these have not been assessed with ML-based
approaches yet.
Cortical lesions (CL) - Cortical lesions are a type of MS lesions that
involve, at least partially, the cortex and have been classied into three
main categories (Calabrese et al., 2010) (see Fig. 1): leukocortical le-
sions are located at the interface between WM and gray matter (GM)
(type I), intracortical lesions are purely in the cortex and do not reach
the pial surface (type II), and subpial lesions touch the subpial surface of
the brain (type III) and sometimes extend all the way to the white matter
(type IV). Cortical demyelination in MS has long been recognized in
pathology studies, but only in the last two decades have dedicated se-
quences on high- and ultra-high eld scanners provided in-vivo evidence
of cortical damage (Calabrese et al., 2010). Cortical lesions are clinically
interestingfor several reasons. First, they have been observed in the
early stages of the disease and in all of the major MS phenotypes (Kidd
et al., 1999). Second, they are associated with disability (Harrison et al.,
2015; Nielsen et al., 2013; Calabrese et al., 2012) and in some studies,
their number was associated with cognitive disability more strongly
than the number of WML (Harrison et al., 2015; Favaretto et al., 2016).
Third, longitudinal studies have linked them with disease progression
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
(Treaba et al., 2019; Mainero et al., 2015; Scalfari et al., 2018; Calabrese
et al., 2013). Fourth, subpial cortical demyelination is highly specic to
MS (Junker et al., 2020); CL have been observed in patients with
radiologically isolated syndrome (Giorgio et al., 2011), but not in pa-
tients with neuromyelitis optica (Sinnecker et al., 2012). Since 2017, CL
have been included in the MS diagnostic criteria (Thompson et al.,
2018), but their visualization from routine MRI sequences remains
difcult. For instance, a postmortem study showed that 3D FLAIR at 3 T
could detect about 41% of leukocortical lesions and only 5% of intra-
cortical and subpial lesions (Geurts et al., 2005). This supports the need
for specialized MRI techniques (see Fig. 2) such as the phase-sensitive
inversion recovery (PSIR), double inversion recovery (DIR), and
magnetization-prepared 2 rapid gradient echoes (MP2RAGE) (Filippi
et al., 2019; Müller et al., 2022). However, these sequences are still
relatively insensitive to CL at 1.5 T and 3 T (Müller et al., 2022; Kilsdonk
et al., 2016; Beck et al., 2020). Ultra-high eld MRI, with its higher
signal-to-noise ratio and increased susceptibility effects, has proven to
be a powerful tool for increasing the sensitivity to CL, especially for
intracortical and subpial lesions (Madsen et al., 2021; Beck et al., 2022;
Maranzano et al., 2019). Even with the most sensitive methods, how-
ever, CL are small and often subtle, making manual segmentation
extremely time consuming and subject to relatively low inter-rater
reliability (Harrison et al., 2015; Faizy et al., 2017).
Central vein sign (CVS) - Recently, studies have suggested that an
MRI-detectable central vein inside MS lesions might be evidence of
pathological processes specic to MS (see Fig. 3) (Maggi et al., 2018;
Solomon et al., 2016). This marker, referred to as the central vein sign,
has gained attention in recent years, as it could help to differentiate MS
from mimicking diseases (Sati et al., 2016; Sinnecker et al., 2019; Ciotti
et al., 2022; Sparacia et al., 2018; Tranfa et al., 2022). Small cerebral
veins can be detected with susceptibility-based MRI sequences, taking
advantage of the magnetic properties of venous blood that is rich in
deoxyhemoglobin (Haacke et al., 2009; Mittal et al., 2009). The CVS can
be reliably observed across different T2* sequences at 3 T, although the
sensitivity depends on the sequence considered (Samaraweera et al.,
2017). To obtain the best detection sensitivity for the CVS, optimized
MRI acquisitions have been proposed (T2*-weighted acquired with 3D-
segmented echo-planar-imaging or T2*w 3D-EPI (Sati et al., 2014),
combined T2-FLAIR and T2*, also called FLAIR* (Sati et al., 2012), and
susceptibility-based sequence, called SWAN-Venule (Gait´
an et al.,
2020). These sequences were shown to provide superior CVS detection
compared to clinical acquisitions at 1.5 T and 3 T (Castellaro et al., 2020;
Suh et al., 2019). Single-center and multi-center retrospective studies
imaging patients with clinically established diagnoses have demon-
strated a signicantly higher proportion of CVS-positive white matter
lesions (%CVS +) in MS (mean pooled incidence: 79%, 95% CI:
6887%) (Suh et al., 2019) as compared to other neurological disorders
mimicking MS (mean pooled incidence: 38%, 95% CI: 1863%) (Suh
et al., 2019) such as cerebral small vessel disease (Campion et al., 2017),
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) (Cortese et al., 2018),
inammatory vasculopathies (Maggi et al., 2018), and migraine (Solo-
mon et al., 2016). To distinguish MS from other neurological conditions,
different CVS-based criteria have been proposed to date, some based on
the percentage of perivenular lesions (from 35% to 60%) and others
simply on the CVS lesion count (3-lesion or 6-lesion rule) (Maggi et al.,
2018; Tallantyre et al., 2011; Mistry et al., 2016; Solomon et al., 2018).
From a diagnostic perspective, retrospective studies have shown excel-
lent diagnostic discrimination by applying the ‘40% rule (Tallantyre
et al., 2011) with sensitivity =91% [95% CI, 82%-97%] and specicity
=96% [95% CI, 88%-100%]) (Castellaro et al., 2020). However,
applying percentage-based criteria requires manual exclusion of lesions
that are conuent or have multiple or eccentric veins, and performing
the CVS evaluation on all the remaining lesions present in patients
brains, which is a time-consuming process difcult to accomplish in
clinical practice.
Paramagnetic rim lesions (PRL) - Recent pathology studies have
Table 1
Summary of the methods proposed for the automated or semi-automated analysis of cortical lesions, the central vein sign, and paramagnetic rim lesions. The task is
abbreviated as follows: segmentation (S), classication (C). If not specied, all sequences were 3D. Other abbreviations: k-nearest neighbors algorithm (K-NN),
convolutional neural network (CNN), partial volume (PV).
Biomarker Authors (year) Method Task MRI sequences (magnetic eld
Dataset size
(n. of sites)
Tardif,C. L., et al. (Tardif et al., 2010)
Laminar prole shape analysis S Quantitative high-resolution
scan (3 T)
1 post mortem brain
scan (1)
Fartaria, M.J., et al. (Fartaria et al.,
2016) (2016)
DIR (3 T)
39 MS patients (1) No
Fartaria, M.J., et al. (Fartaria et al.,
2017) (2017)
K-NN with partial volume
DIR (3 T)
39 MS patients (1) No
Fartaria, M.J., et al. (Fartaria et al.,
PV estimation and topological
S MP2RAGE (7 T) 25 MS patients (2) No
La Rosa, F., et al. (La Rosa et al., 2020)
CNN S FLAIR, MP2RAGE (3T) 90 MS patients (2) Yes
La Rosa, F., et al. (La Rosa et al., 2020)
CNN S and
MP2RAGE, 2D T2*-w GRE,
T2*w 3D-EPI (7T)
60 MS patients (1) Yes
La Rosa, F., et al
(2022) (La Rosa et al., 2022)
MP2RAGE, 2D T2*-w GRE,
T2*w 3D-EPI (7T)
80 MS patients (2) Yes
Paramagnetic rim
Barquero, G., et al. (Barquero et al.,
2020) (2020)
CNN C FLAIR, T2*w 3D-EPI (3T) 124 MS patients (2) No
Lou, C., et al. (Lou et al., 2021) (2021) Random forest classier C FLAIR, T1-w, T2*w 3D-EPI (3T) 20 MS patients (1) Yes
Zhang, H. et al. (2022) (Zhang et al.,
Residual network and
radiomic features
C FLAIR, QSM (3T) 172 MS patients (1) No
Central vein sign Maggi, P., Fartaria, MJ, et al. (Maggi
et al., 2020) (2020)
CNN C T2*w 3D-EPI, FLAIR (3T) 42 MS patients, 33 mimics,
5 others (3)
Dworkin, J. D., et al. (Dworkin et al.,
Probabilistic method C T2*w 3D-EPI, FLAIR (3T) 16 MS patients, 15 MS
mimics (1)
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
demonstrated that about 30% of chronic demyelinated lesions are
pathologically characterized by perilesional accumulation of iron-laden
microglia and macrophages, showing evidence of smouldering demye-
lination and axonal loss around an inactive hypocellular core (see Fig. 4)
(Frischer et al., 2015; Luchetti et al., 2018). This type of MS lesion has
been dened as chronic active/smouldering lesions. Due to their pe-
ripheral paramagnetic iron rim, these lesions can be depicted using in-
vivo susceptibility-based MRI techniques (T2*-weighted magnitude,
phase images, and quantitative susceptibility mapping, QSM) at both 3 T
and 7 T (Absinta et al., 2018; Absinta et al., 2016), and are therefore
termed paramagnetic rim lesions(PRL).
Direct comparison among different MRI sequences and post-
processing techniques for PRL detection is still limited. A recent study
(Huang et al., 2022) has compared QSM and high-pass-ltered (HPF)
phase imaging for identifying PRL. Of 2062 MS lesions detected in 80
patients, 9.1% were identied as PRL in both QSM and HPF phase, 9.8%
were PRL only in HPF phase, and the rest were rim negative. QSM-
identied PRL showed stronger association with clinical disability
compared to those detected by HPF phase imaging.
Overall, in vivo studies have shown that about 50% of relapsing and
about 60% of progressive MS patients have at least one PRL (Absinta
et al., 2019; Maggi et al., 2020). Of clinical relevance, PRL accrual has
been recently linked to a more aggressive disease course and disability
accumulation at a younger age and/or shorter disease duration (Absinta
et al., 2019). Reasons for such association directly rely on a few typical
features of these lesions: PRL are destructive (Absinta et al., 2016; Kolb
et al., 2021), they do not remyelinate (Absinta et al., 2016), and they can
expand over time, (Absinta et al., 2019) demyelinating the surrounding
tissue and injuring axons, as corroborated by the elevation of serum
neurolament light chain in patients with PRL who are not forming new
white matter lesions (Maggi et al., 2021). The recent discovery that the
paramagnetic rim can signicantly shrink or disappear (Absinta et al.,
2021; Dal-Bianco et al., 2021) holds promise regarding its potential use
as an outcome measure in clinical trials designed to halt the chronic
inammation at the lesion edge. In addition to their prognostic role, PRL
appear specic to MS, as they have been rarely detected in patients with
other neurological conditions (52% of MS vs 7% of non-MS in a multi-
center study of 438 individuals) (Maggi et al., 2020). PRL have the
promise of becoming a clinically relevant biomarker to both improve MS
diagnosis and monitor treatment efcacy over time.
Overall, there are not yet imaging guidelines for the visual detection
of PRL which requires specic training and remains challenging and
time-consuming. The development of ML-based approaches, described
in the next section, may help alleviate these issues and facilitate PRL
Slowly evolving/expanding lesions (SELs) A different computa-
tional approach, designed to detect in vivo longitudinal volumetric
lesional changes not associated with gadolinium enhancement, iden-
ties the so-called slowly evolving/expanding lesionsor SELs. Linear
and radial lesion expansion is computed as a function of the Jacobian
determinant of the non-linear deformation eld between baseline and
follow up scans (linearity assessment requires a minimum of 3 scans)
(Elliott et al., 2019). Advantages of this approach relate to the use of
retrospective conventional T1-weighted and T2-weighted scans. re-
analysis of the ORATORIO
clinical trial found reduced rate of T1-
SELs expansion in progressive patients treated with ocrelizumab vs
placebo (Elliott et al., 2019). A recent study showed that SELs are in-
dependent predictors of EDSS worsening after a median follow up of 9
years (Preziosa et al., 2022). The neuropathological correlate of SELs is
currently not yet determined and preliminary data showed only modest
correlation with PRL (Elliott et al., 2021).
Overall, CL, PRL, and CVS have the potential to considerably
Fig. 1. Representative examples of the three main types of CL. From left to right: 3 T MP2RAGE (0.75 mm isometric), 7 T MP2RAGE (0.5 mm isometric), 7 T T2*-EPI
(0.5 mm isometric) and 7 T T2*-GRE (0.5 mm isometric). CL, including leukocortical, intracortical, and subpial subtypes, are seen better at 7 T due to higher signal-
to-noise ratios, allowing higher resolution scans, and increased susceptibility effects. The 7 T MP2RAGE image shown was obtained as the average of 4 acquisitions.
A phase 3, randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
improve the specicity of MS diagnosis (Junker et al., 2020; Maggi et al.,
2018; Maggi et al., 2018). Moreover, studies have shown that CL, PRL,
and SELs can be useful to assess prognosis (Calabrese et al., 2012;
Absinta et al., 2016). Their manual assessment, however, particularly
for CL, is both time-consuming and prone to inter-rater variability. As for
conventional WML, some automated or semi-automated methods have
been proposed to accelerate this task (Fartaria et al., 2017; Fartaria
et al., 2019; La Rosa et al., 2020; La Rosa et al., 2020; Fartaria et al.,
2016; Tardif et al., 2010; Barquero et al., 2020; Lou et al., 2021; Maggi
et al., 2020; Dworkin et al., 2018). In the next section, we describe the
challenges these approaches have been facing and how these differ from
the segmentation of WML.
2.1. Added challenges for CL, PRL, and CVS assessment
Compared to conventional imaging biomarkers, the visual
Fig. 2. examples of CL seen in different MRI contrasts at 3 T. From left to right: MP2RAGE, DIR, PSIR, IR-SWIET, T2*. Red arrows point to leukocortical lesions and
blue arrows to subpial lesions. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 3. A central vein running through a lesion visible in the three planes (zoomed-in boxes) in a 3D FLAIR* obtained combining FLAIR and T2*-EPI acquisitions at 3
T. Resampling was applied to the magnied images for visualization purposes. FLAIR, T2*-EPI and FLAIR* are the MRI contrasts that have been used by ML ap-
proaches for CVS detection. Refer to the supplementary material for additional examples of the CVS on different susceptibility-weighted imaging sequences.
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assessment of CL, PRL and CVS present some additional challenges.
Imaging and assessment guidelines- The rst obstacle is repre-
sented by the lack of consensus guidelines for imaging protocols.
Although efforts have been made to standardize the use of MRI in
clinical practice for conventional biomarkers (Wattjes et al., 2021),
guidelines are still in a preliminary stage for CL, PRL, and the CVS. CL
were included in the MS diagnostic criteria in 2017 (Thompson et al.,
2018), but, currently, there is no single gold standard sequence at 3 T for
their detection in a clinical setting. PSIR, DIR, and MP2RAGE are all
recommended by an international consensus (Filippi et al., 2019).
However, these contrasts remain primarily acquired in research settings
and are not yet widely used in clinical routine. Moreover, although 7 T
MRI is increasingly used to detect CL, no guidelines have been presented
yet to standardize their imaging sequences and their identication.
Regarding the CVS, in a 2016 consensus statement, the North
American Imaging in MS Cooperative (NAIMS) proposed a standard
radiological denition and suggested specic MRI acquisitions (Sati
et al., 2016). Following these recommendations, recent studies have
shown that high-resolution T2*w 3D-EPI or FLAIR* improve the detec-
tion of the CVS compared to clinical acquisitions (Castellaro et al., 2020;
Suh et al., 2019). Nevertheless, a standardized clinical protocol for CVS
detection is still missing. Among the three aforementioned biomarkers,
PRL is probably the one at the earliest stages. Although recent studies
support the feasibility of its assessment on clinical scans and its utility in
improving the diagnosis and prognosis of MS (Maggi et al., 2020), there
are currently no international guidelines for its denition nor a stan-
dardized MRI protocol for its analysis. Several different imaging mo-
dalities have been used for the PRL assessment, including phase 3D-EPI,
susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), QSM, and multi-echo T2* GRE at
both 3 T and 7 T (Absinta et al., 2018; Absinta et al., 2016). However,
there is a paucity of studies that have systematically compared the
sensitivity of these acquisition techniques for PRL detection, especially
when implemented at different eld strengths.
These evolving or unclear criteria for CL, the CVS, and PRL, wide
variety of imaging settings, and lack of clear guidelines for standardized
protocols clearly jeopardize the development and wide use of these
biomarkers and of targeted ML techniques.
Expert assessment - Even for experts, the task of segmenting CL,
detecting the CVS, or classifying PRL is intrinsically more challenging
than segmenting WML. CL are generally smaller in size and more
affected by partial volume (PV) effects, compared to WML. The cortex is
convoluted, so lesion shape is not as regular as in WM, and traditional
methods of radiological evaluation (scrolling through an image stack)
are less effective in this context. The detection of the CVS requires
susceptibility-based MRI and its exclusion criteria need to be carefully
considered when performing its assessment (Sati et al., 2016).
Susceptibility-based images used to detect PRL present variability in the
susceptibility signal and several artifacts, therefore experienced raters
are needed. Moreover, as these three biomarkers have been so far mainly
studied in research settings, clinicians do not commonly see them in
clinical practice and might need specic training and dedicated time to
perform a proper assessment.
2.2. Machine learning specic challenges
From a ML perspective, the automated segmentation or classication
of CL, PRL, and the CVS faces new challenges as compared to their WML
Limited datasets - An additional limitation, particularly for super-
vised DL-based approaches, is the scarcity and limited size of datasets in
which these biomarkers were manually annotated. For their assessment,
CL, CVS, and PRL all require advanced MRI sequences at high or ultra-
Fig. 4. (A) Representative paramagnetic rim lesion seen on a 3 T T2*-weighted seg-EPI magnitude and unwrapped ltered phase in the three orthogonal planes
(zoomed-in red boxes, the rim is indicated with red arrows). The central vein (yellow arrows) is also clearly visible within the lesion. (B) Representative periven-
tricular MS lesion with a paramagnetic rim. Paramagnetic rims are visible on both unwrapped phase and QSM-reconstructed images (white arrows). (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
high magnetic eld and experienced raters, and this makes it difcult to
have large multi-site datasets. Although national MS registries exist in
most countries, the data sharing of MRI in MS is still limited and often
includes only conventional sequences (Vrenken et al., 2021). Moreover,
the CVS or the rim-shape in PRL are visible only on a few slices per
lesion, reducing, even more, the data available to train a supervised
Inter-rater variability - The lack of standardization for both the
denition and imaging of these biomarkers contributes to a modest
inter-rater variability. Barquero et al. (Barquero et al., 2020) showed
that, in a cohort of 124 MS patients, approximately 38% of PRL needed a
consensus review from two raters classifying PRL independently (Cohen
k of 0.73). Absinta et al. observed similar inter-rater agreement between
three experts at 3 T (Fleiss coefcient of 0.71), with somewhat higher
intra-rater reliability (Cohen k of 0.77) (Absinta et al., 2018). Similar
values were reported at 7 T for the same set of patients, whereas the
agreement between 3 T and 7 T annotations was substantial (Cohen k of
0.78). In a similar way, the inter-rater agreement was shown to be
moderate for the segmentation of CL (Harrison et al., 2015; Nielsen
et al., 2012; Geurts et al., 2011) and high, but not perfect, for the CVS
(Cohen k of 0.9) (Maggi et al., 2020; Kau et al., 2013). Imaging quality
and motion artifacts are other factors to consider as they can result in
inconspicuity of all three biomarkers and, therefore, contribute to poor
inter-rater agreement. Overall, the inter-rater variability represents an
additional challenge for the development of automated approaches, as
there might be large inconsistencies in the annotations of the training or
testing set due to different raters performing the manual assessment.
3. Methods
Despite the recent discovery of the CVS and PRL and the above-
mentioned challenges, a few groups have already attempted to sup-
port their analysis with automated or semi-automated ML methods. To
these two novel biomarkers, we add also CL, which, although studied for
several years, have only recently been assessed automatically. As there
are no ML-based approaches to assess SELs yet, the prospect of analyzing
this additional biomarker with ML is presented in the Discussion section.
Overall, many fewer methods have been proposed for the assessment of
CL, PRL, and the CVS compared to WML. In what follows, we briey
describe these state-of-the-art techniques by grouping them according to
the biomarker they assess. A summary of the main characteristics for
each method is presented in Table 1, and a scheme of the MRI sequences
used to detect these three biomarkers at both 3 T and 7 T is shown in
Fig. 5.
3.1. Cortical lesions
ML-based methods automatically segmenting CL have been explored
with both 3 T and 7 T MRI. The rst work (Tardif et al., 2010) present in
the literature considered a postmortem MS brain imaged at 3 T with
different sequences (T1, T2, and relative proton density) at high reso-
lution (0.35 mm isotropic) (Tardif et al. (2012)). Tardif et al. (Tardif
et al., 2010) proposed to rst identify the cortical and white matter
surfaces, then extract laminar proles between the two tissues, and
nally apply a k-means classier to the prole intensity and shape fea-
tures to parcellate the cortex and detect lesions. Although showing
promising results on one postmortem MS brain, this method was never
validated with larger cohorts nor in-vivo data. A few years later, Fartaria
et al. (Fartaria et al., 2016) proposed the rst automated method for the
segmentation of both WM and cortical lesions. In their study, they
analyzed a cohort of 39 early-stage MS patients and considered both
conventional (FLAIR, MPRAGE) and advanced (MP2RAGE, DIR) MRI
sequences at 3 T. In a nutshell, their method consisted of co-registering
the different MRI contrasts, leveraging prior tissue probability maps
from existing brain atlases of healthy subjects, and nally classifying
each voxel either as being a lesion or healthy tissue with a k-nearest
neighbor (k-NN) algorithm. Additionally, as post-processing, all lesions
smaller than 3.6 µL were discarded, and a region-growing algorithm was
applied to improve the lesion delineation. Results were promising,
showing a CL detection rate of 62% when advanced imaging (FLAIR,
Fig. 5. Scheme showing the main MRI sequences used for detecting each biomarker at both 3 T and 7 T.
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MP2RAGE, and DIR) was included. An extension of this segmentation
framework with a Bayesian partial volume (PV) estimation method was
presented by the same authors (Fartaria et al., 2017). They argued that
CL, being generally small and located at the interface between WM and
GM, suffer from strong PV effects. The addition of this PV model indeed
improved the delineation of CL in terms of both total lesion volume
estimation and dice coefcient (Fartaria et al., 2017).
The same research group also proposed a different segmentation
method for WML and CL using only 7 T MP2RAGE images (called
MSLAST: Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Analysis at Seven Tesla) (Fartaria
et al., 2019). MSLAST computes tissue concentration maps with a PV
algorithm and unies them based on topological constraints. A
connected-components analysis is then performed on gray matter and
cerebrospinal uid maps, and small components are classied as MS
lesions. This method was evaluated with 25 MS patientsscans from two
research centers and reached a 58% patient-wise CL detection rate
(when 6
L was considered as minimum lesion volume) with a false
positive rate of 40%. Moreover, it showed promising scan-rescan
repeatability within the same session, with a mean total lesion volume
difference (WML and CL combined) of 0.29 mL (mean total lesion vol-
ume 5.52 mL), vs 0.13 mL for the manual segmentations. More recently,
DL-based approaches have been presented as well (La Rosa et al., 2020;
La Rosa et al., 2020). In the rst study, La Rosa et al. proposed a
framework for the automated segmentation of WML and CL at 3 T using
FLAIR and MP2RAGE (La Rosa et al., 2020). Their method extracts 3D
patches of 88x88x88 voxels from the two MRI contrasts and feeds them
to a convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN, inspired by the U-
Net, has an encoder and decoder path, each one with three resolution
levels. Evaluated on two datasets acquired in different centers, for a total
of 90 MS patients, the framework showed competitive performance,
with a CL detection rate of 76% and a false positive rate of 29%.
In a second study, the same group proposed a similar approach, this
time tailored exclusively for the detection of CL using multi-contrast 7 T
MRI (La Rosa et al., 2020). The contrasts considered were MP2RAGE,
T2*-weighted GRE, and T2*-w 3D-EPI. A cohort of 60 patients was
analyzed with a total of over 2000CL manually segmented by two ex-
perts. The CNN architecture proposed was similar to the one just
described, but with a modied output. In addition to the CL segmenta-
tion, the CNN provided a classication into two types (leukocortical and
intracortical/subpial lesions) and a separate branch with a simple tissue
segmentation in WM/GM. CL were correctly classied into the two types
by the network with an accuracy of 86%. Setting a minimum lesion size
of 0.75
L, it achieved a CL detection rate of 67% with, however, a quite
high false positive rate of 42% (see Fig. 6). Importantly, about 24% of
these false positives were retrospectively judged as CL or possible CL by
an expert (La Rosa et al., 2020).
In a following publication (La Rosa et al., 2022), this method was
further improved and evaluated on a multi-site dataset. Its main modi-
cations included an added resolution level in the CNN architecture, a
larger 3D patch input size of 96x96x96 voxels, and the use of the focal
loss for training. Finally, a domain adaptation approach was applied to
verify the performance on external datasets. On 20 MRI scans of patients
imaged in a different center, this method achieved superior performance
(CL detection rate of 71%) compared to MSLAST (48%) when setting a
minimum lesion size of 6
3.2. The central vein sign
As of today, two automated ML methods for the classication of MS
lesions as CVS+(MS lesions showing the presence of the CVS) or CVS-
(MS lesions without the CVS) have been proposed in the literature
(Maggi et al., 2020; Dworkin et al., 2018). Both approaches were
developed and evaluated only with 3 T MRI. Dworkin et al. (Dworkin
et al., 2018) proposed a probabilistic method based on the Frangi ves-
selness lter (Frangi et al., 1496). They rst perform an automated WML
segmentation using T1 and FLAIR 3D MRI volumes acquired at 3 T
(Valcarcel et al., 2018; Valcarcel et al., 2018) and obtain a map of the
veins by applying the vesselness lter to a T2*w 3D EPI image. Conuent
lesions are then separated, and lesion centers are detected by textural
analysis (Dworkin et al., 2019). Periventricular lesions are discarded as
suggested by consensus guidelines (Sati et al., 2016), and a permutation
algorithm is applied to verify whether veins occur at the lesionscenters
more often than would be expected due to random chance. Finally, to
account for scan motion, the single lesion CVS +probabilities are
weighted by the noise in their T2*-w 3D-EPI intensities and averaging
across the total number of lesions, a patient-wise CVS value is obtained.
This method was evaluated on a cohort of 31 adults, of whom 16 had
MS. When considering a 40% cutoff rule, the method yielded a sensi-
tivity of 0.94 and a specicity of 0.67 on a patient-wise classication
level. The performance of the method on a lesion-wise level was not
assessed. Although still far from experts performance, this was a rst
attempt to automatize the CVS assessment and encouraged further
Maggi, Fartaria et al. (Maggi et al., 2020) introduced an optimized
CNN for the automated CVS assessment, called CVSnet. CVSnet is
inspired by the VGGnet (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) but composed
of only three convolutional layers followed by rectied linear unit
(ReLU) activations. Dropout was applied in each layer, and then two
fully-connected layers of size 32 and 2, respectively, were added to
provide the output. The authors selected 3D patches of size 21x21x21
voxels as input for the network, where each patch was centered on an MS
lesion and FLAIR* was the only MRI contrast used. Moreover, an
ensemble of 10 networks with the same architecture was trained and the
probability outputs were averaged to provide the nal prediction. This
study considered a cohort of 80 patients imaged at three different sites,
of whom 42 had MS, 35 an MS-mimic, and 5 an unknown diagnosis. On
the test set, CVSnet reached a lesion-wise sensitivity, specicity, and
accuracy of 0.83, 0.75, and 0.79, respectively. On a patient-wise level,
Fig. 6. Three representative axial slices from one MS patient showing the CL
segmentation results of an automated CL segmentation method (La Rosa et al.,
2020). 7 T MP2RAGE (left column) and CL mask (right column) showing true
positives (green), false negatives (red), and false positives (blue) of the auto-
mated approach with respect to the CL manual segmentation. (For interpreta-
tion of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
using a 50% cut-off, CVSnet achieved a sensitivity, specicity, and ac-
curacy of 0.89, 0.92, and 0.90, respectively, outperforming the vessel-
ness lter (Frangi et al., 1496) and approaching expert performance.
However, as argued by the authors, these results are not directly com-
parable with those of Dworkin at al. (Dworkin et al., 2018), as the
CVSnet considered different exclusion criteria to pre/select the lesions,
and the initial lesion segmentation was performed manually.
3.3. Paramagnetic rim lesions
To our knowledge, only three methods have been proposed so far for
the detection of rim-like features and classication of PRL (Barquero
et al., 2020; Lou et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022). All three methods
considered 3 T MRI sequences, whereas 7 T imaging has not yet been
explored for the automated assessment of PRL. Barquero et al. (2020)
introduced a DL-based approach (called RimNet) for the semi-
automated classication of PRL, which considered 3D FLAIR and
T2*w 3D-EPI and phase 3D-EPI images. RimNets architecture is inspired
by the VGGnet (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) and composed of two
parallel CNN (one for either FLAIR or T2*w 3D-EPI image and one for
the phase 3D-EPI image), where each CNN is made of three convolu-
tional layers followed by a max-pooling operation. 3D patches of size
28x28x28 (centered around each MS lesion) are fed to each branch, and
both high-level and low-level feature maps are concatenated. An auto-
mated lesion segmentation based on FLAIR and MPRAGE/MP2RAGE (La
Rosa et al., 2020; La Rosa et al., 2019) was modied by an expert to split
conuent lesions. The performance of RimNet was assessed on a cohort
of 124 adults with MS who underwent 3 T MRI at two different sites with
two scanners from the same vendor. Two experts annotated PRL inde-
pendently and reached consensus in a joint session (462 PRL in total).
The proposed multimodal approach based on FLAIR and phase 3D-EPI
image achieves lesion-wise sensitivity and specicity of 0.70 and 0.95,
respectively. When considering a previously identied clinical threshold
of 4 PRL (Oladosu et al., 2021) for classifying patients as chronic
activeand non-chronic active, RimNet reaches an accuracy of 0.90
and an F1-score of 0.84. These values are within 5% of the single ex-
pertsmetrics, suggesting that RimNet could be a valuable tool in sup-
porting the PRL analysis. The main drawback of RimNet, however, is
that the method is not fully automated, as conuent lesions were split
manually by an expert.
Lou et al. (Lou et al., 2021), on the other hand, proposed a fully
automated ML method for PRL assessment. They considered a cohort of
20 subjects with MS imaged with 3D FLAIR, 3D MPRAGE, and T2*-w
3D-EPI and phase 3D-EPI images. One neurologist inspected the T2*
magnitude and unwrapped phase images and annotated PRL (113 PRL
over the entire cohort). The automated pipeline, after some pre-
processing steps that included lesion segmentation (Valcarcel et al.,
2018; Valcarcel et al., 2018), lesion center detection (Dworkin et al.,
2019), and lesion labeling, consisted of extracting 44 different lesion-
wise radiomic features. A random forest classier was then tted on
these features, and its ability to classify PRL was evaluated on a test set
of 4 patients. Sensitivity and specicity of 0.75 and 0.81, respectively,
were achieved. Although fully automated, this study has three limita-
tions. First, the extremely small testing dataset (4 patients only with 47
PRL), annotated by a single expert, does not guarantee the generaliza-
tion of the proposed method. Second, all patients analyzed had at least
one PRL, and this might add a bias to the trained model. Finally, as
acknowledged by the authors, about 65% of misclassied lesions were
conuent, highlighting the need for a better solution to address these
Inspired by these two previous works, Zhang et al. introduced QSM-
RimNet (Zhang et al., 2022), a QSM-based approach that combines a
two-branch feature extraction network and a synthetic minority over-
sampling technique. QSM-RimNet receives as input 3D patches of size
32x32x16 voxels where a masking out of non-lesional area is applied.
One branch of the network employs residual blocks to extract
convolutional features from QSM and FLAIR images, whereas the second
consists in a fully-connected network that processes previously obtained
radiomic features. Convolutional and radiomic features are concate-
nated and a minority oversampling network is used to alleviate the issue
of class imbalance. Finally, a probability of being a PRL is assigned to
each lesion. QSM-RimNet was evaluated with a stratied 5-folds cross-
validation over 172 MS patients with a total of 177 PRL. Compared to
RimNet and the automated approach of Lou et al., it outperformed both
methods achieving a lesion-wise sensitivity and specicity of 0.68 and
0.99, respectively, although the differences were not statistically sig-
nicant. Ablation studies showed that fusing convolutional and radio-
mic features improves the PRL identication (Zhang et al., 2022). Of
note, QSM-Rimnet is not fully-automated as during training and evalu-
ation it relies on manual corrections by experts of both PRL and
conuent lesions. Similarly to RimNet, this strong limitation currently
prevents its wider deployment and applicability.
Overall, two methods have tackled the PRL detection problem
considering mainly the T2*-w 3D-EPI sequence and one method has
focused on the QSM. Thus, none of the three frameworks has investi-
gated the effect of differences in SWI and QSM processing on ML-based
tools performance and this important aspect should be explored in
future studies.
4. Discussion
The methods described in the present review tackle challenging and
clinically relevant problems. Automated and reliable solutions for
detecting, classifying, and segmenting CL, PRL, and CVS are needed to
improve the standardization of these biomarkers and facilitate their
assessment in clinical routine. As of today, however, these methods are
still in an early stage and are slightly less sensitive than WML segmen-
tation approaches.
Nevertheless, such tools would provide obvious advantages, either as
stand-alone or adjunctive approaches as all three biomarkers are dif-
cult and time-consuming to analyze using conventional radiological
workows. In these particular cases, manual reading is so involved that
automated methods might actually boost the biomarkers widespread
adoption. First, they can substantially reduce analysis time, as compared
to a manual rating. Maggi, Fartaria et al., for instance, showed that
CVSNet was 600-fold faster on the test set compared to the manual
assessment (4 s vs 40 min) when considering a 50% CVS +lesions
criteria to distinguish MS from MS mimics (Maggi et al., 2020). A lower
time gain, however, would be expected if CVS +lesion-count criteria,
such as the 3-lesion and 6-lesion, were to be considered. Reduced
analysis time can be predicted also for PRL and CL assessment. In La
Rosa et al. (La Rosa et al., 2020), for instance, the automated CL seg-
mentation of one subject is computed on average in 20 s. Although a
direct comparison with the manual labeling was not reported, seg-
menting CL manually is known to be a much more time-consuming
process. A second main advantage of automated ML methods is their
ability to base their decision on 3D multi-contrast MRI analyzed
simultaneously. This stands in contrast to expert reviews, which typi-
cally involve comparison of 2D slices across several contrast mecha-
nisms in a variety of planes and are thus inherently limited in the
amount of information that can be readily gleaned.
4.1. Common trends
Some common trends can be observed in most of the proposed
pipelines. The large majority of the methods are supervised, relying on
expert annotations. Regarding the DL-based approaches, they all used
patch-based 3D CNN, exploiting the 3D intrinsic information, and often
considered more than one MRI contrast simultaneously. In addition, a
shared tendency consists of the use of relatively shallow architectures,
with a limited number of trainable parameters, due to the lack of large
datasets (La Rosa et al., 2020; La Rosa et al., 2020; Barquero et al., 2020;
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
Maggi et al., 2020). Combining this with extensive data augmentation
techniques can help when datasets are small and unbalanced. Alterna-
tively, other groups have tackled the problem of overtting by proposing
approaches based on classical ML techniques, such as k-NN (Fartaria
et al., 2017; Fartaria et al., 2016) or random forest classier (Commo-
wick et al., 2018). In these studies, either intensity-based, radiomic, or
probabilistic features are extracted and then fed to the respective clas-
sier. Overall, their current performance is inferior compared to their
DL-based counterparts.
In addition, some common pre-processing steps can also be identi-
ed. First, some methods use intensity normalization techniques, either
based on entire 3D volumes (Lou et al., 2021; Dworkin et al., 2018;
Fartaria et al., 2017; Fartaria et al., 2019; La Rosa et al., 2020; La Rosa
et al., 2020) or on single patches (Barquero et al., 2020; Maggi et al.,
2020). Second, the approaches using multiple MRI contrasts always
register all images to the same space (Lou et al., 2021; Fartaria et al.,
2017; Fartaria et al., 2019; La Rosa et al., 2020; La Rosa et al., 2020).
Registration errors might affect the methods performance. Finally, a
shared pre-processing step in all approaches for the CVS or PRL assess-
ment is the prior WML segmentation, obtained either manually (Maggi
et al., 2020) or with an automated tool (Barquero et al., 2020; Lou et al.,
2021; Dworkin et al., 2018). In both cases, this can be a source of error
that negatively affects the subsequent biomarkers classication
4.2. Current limitations
Currently, a major limitation hinders the deployment of the above-
described methods to the clinic: the methods proposed were trained
and evaluated on small datasets acquired from one or at most two
centers. Moreover, the MRI protocols used were often similar and not
representative of the current diversity of images acquired in the clinics,
including different processing, scans affected by noise and artifacts or
protocols missing certain modalities. Therefore, the automated ML
methodsrobustness on larger datasets and different scanners, especially
from multiple vendors, remains to be proven. This limitation is
emphasized by the current lack of standardized acquisition protocols
which increases the diversity of the MRI sequences considered for the
same biomarkers. This also represents a major hurdle for potential
regulatory approval of such methods. As regulatory approval is neces-
sary for widespread adoption in the clinics, which is, in turn, the pre-
requisite for the availability of large datasets, this is currently a circular
dependency issue.
In addition, the achieved performance levels of the automated ML
methods are still inferior compared to the human experts. Considering
the high inter-rater variability and the limited amount of data available,
there is also a considerable risk of having methods that perform well on
data annotated by a single expert and not as well with annotations from
other raters. To mitigate this issue, several methods have already
considered consensus annotations from two or more experts (La Rosa
et al., 2020; Barquero et al., 2020; Maggi et al., 2020). Regarding CL, no
automated method presented in the literature was compared, on the
same dataset, with the experts inter-rater variability, thus a proper
evaluation is not possible. With respect to CVS, Maggi, Fartaria et al.
(Maggi et al., 2020) compared the performance of CVSnet with the
consensus of two experts. Following the 50% rule,CVSnet achieved on
the testing set a classication accuracy of 79%, whereas the experts
reached 100% accuracy in differentiating MS and mimic diseases. In a
similar way, Barquero et al. (Barquero et al., 2020) compared RimNets
performance with those of two experts in classifying PRL. In a lesion-
wise analysis, RimNet achieved a sensitivity of 71% and a negative
predictive value of 96%, approaching the experts, who reached 78% and
98%, respectively.
Another main limitation is represented by the fact that some methods
presented are not fully automated. CVSnet (Maggi et al., 2020), for
instance, used manually annotated MS lesion masks in which lesions
were excluded based on the NAIMS criteria (Sati et al., 2016), whereas
in the pipeline proposed by Dworkin et al. (Dworkin et al., 2018), scans
affected by noise were discarded following a manual rating. Similarly,
RimNet (Barquero et al., 2020) exploits lesion masks where conuent
lesions have been previously split into single units by an expert. In
contrast, all methods described to date for CL segmentation or detection
are fully automated (Fartaria et al., 2017; La Rosa et al., 2020; La Rosa
et al., 2020; Fartaria et al., 2016). Another persistent issue in the auto-
mated analysis of the CVS and PRL is the presence of conuent lesions.
Large, periventricular white matter lesions which include several single
units pose additional challenges as the current methods classify each
lesion singularly (Lou et al., 2021; Dworkin et al., 2018), and some of
them extract 3D patches centered on the lesion of interest (Barquero
et al., 2020; Maggi et al., 2020). In RimNet (Barquero et al., 2020), for
instance, an expert manually split conuent lesions, whereas Lou et al.
observed a consistent drop in performance in PRL classication in the
presence of conuent lesions (Lou et al., 2021). Although methods to
automatically split conuent lesions have been proposed (Dworkin
et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021), further developments are needed in
order to properly apply these in the presence of the CVS or PRL.
Finally, for every automated tool the regulatory environment re-
mains a critical barrier, as up to date less than 90 AI/ML-based medical
devices or algorithms have been approved by the US Food & Drugs
Administration (FDA). This challenge, however, is not unique to the
three biomarkers considered (Pinto et al., 2020) but shared also by
automated approaches segmenting WML or estimating brain atrophy.
4.3. Future research avenues
Standardization of the biomarkers assessment- The rst two
necessary steps toward the improvement of the above-referred ap-
proaches are the validation of the biomarkers specic criteria and
standardization of the relative MRI protocols. CL have been recently
included in the MS diagnostic criteria (Thompson et al., 2018), however,
a consensus on imaging and on their denition is still missing. In a
similar way, PRL urgently need a consensus denition and standardized
clinical protocols, whereas the initial criteria proposed for the CVS (Sati
et al., 2016) need to be updated in light of the latest studies. This would
clarify the automated methodsgoals, which so far have been extremely
dependent on specic expert labeling of each dataset or on the specic
criteria adopted.
Standardization and extensive validation of the automated
methods - Currently, it is difcult to compare the performance of
automated ML methods considering different criteria (such as the min-
imum lesion size) and being evaluated on private datasets. In the future,
the generalization of the proposed methods should be validated on large,
multi-site datasets with standardized metrics. For this purpose, we urge
research groups to organize grand challenges and release publicly
available datasets with manual annotations of CL, PRL, and CVS. As
already proved for several other tasks in medical imaging (Antonelli
et al., 2021), including for WML segmentation (Carass et al., 2017;
Commowick et al., 2018), such open data initiatives boost on the one
hand the development of state-of-the-art methods, and on the other
hand, help set benchmarks for a fair assessment. Only 5 of the 12
methods covered in this review are publicly available. In order to extend
their usage and foster a culture of open science, research groups should
make their code publicly available and possibly provide Docker (Docker,
2014)/Singularity (Kurtzer et al., 2017) images to facilitate their eval-
uation. Moreover, as successfully done for WML segmentation (Valverde
et al., 2019), domain-adaptation techniques should also be explored in
order to improve robustness of the automated ML methods to noise,
artifacts, and different protocols. So far, all three biomarkers have been
primarily studied at 3 T and 7 T, and therefore robust methods able to
work with images acquired at both magnetic eld strengths would be
very valuable. Machine learning algorithms could exploit 7 T enhanced
spatial resolution and tissue contrast by domain adaptation techniques
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
to improve their performance on 3 T imaging, which will continue to be
the main tool for clinicians as well as for clinical research and trials for
the foreseeable future. Although it would be highly desirable to have
methods that work also at the most accessible eld strength of 1.5 T, this
seems currently unlikely as the sensitivity to these biomarkers is eld-
Transfer learning - Considering the scarcity of large, annotated
datasets, an additional strategy that should be explored consists of
transfer learning. Sharing of neural network weights between research
groups could foster interdisciplinary applicability of CNN trained on
relatively large datasets towards different purposes, such as CL, PRL, and
CVS, by ne-tuning the trained models in smaller datasets. Potential
advantages would include a shorter training time and robust feature
extraction across different MRI device manufacturers or different pulse
sequence acquisition parameters (Valverde et al., 2021).
Longitudinal assessment - Another possible research direction is an
expansion of the current methods to analyze longitudinal data. To the
best of our knowledge, only one study has tackled the automated lon-
gitudinal assessment of CL at 3 T (Fartaria et al., 2019), whereas PRL
evolution over time has not yet been assessed with automated ap-
proaches. CL are known to play a major role in disease progression
(Mainero et al., 2015) and considerable changes in their volume were
observed in longitudinal studies (Calabrese et al., 2008; Faizy et al.,
2019). Of similar interest, PRL and slowly-evolving lesions (SELs) vol-
ume assessment over time is a plausible future clinical measure of
treatment response (Absinta et al., 2021; Dal-Bianco et al., 2021; Elliott
et al., 2019; Elliott et al., 2019). Therefore, automated longitudinal
assessment of both CL and PRL could be of high relevance. Regarding
SELs, longitudinal WML segmentation approaches (Llad´
o et al., 2012)
could be adapted to track their evolution in a fully-automated way. This
would facilitate their assessment as currently, following an automated
cross-sectional WML segmentation, the lesion masks at each timepoint
are manually reviewed (Elliott et al., 2019).
Joint assessment of multiple biomarkers- To date, all the methods
proposed tackled the assessment of a single lesional biomarker, although
in the case of CL some methods consider WML as well (Fartaria et al.,
2019; La Rosa et al., 2020; Fartaria et al., 2016). Future work may aim at
automatically analyzing multiple biomarkers in a unied framework
(eg. with the same input images and algorithm) as this would be
extremely useful for research purposes or in clinics. Moreover, ML-based
algorithms have the potential to be useful also for prediction purposes. A
few automated methods based either on MRI (Tousignant et al., 2021;
Marzullo et al., 2019; Roca et al., 2020), optical coherence tomography
(Montolío et al., 2021), or clinical information (Pinto et al., 2020) have
already been presented to predict MS progression. Specically to the
biomarkers considered in the present review, Treaba et al. have pro-
posed a ML approach for the regression of both CL and PRL, in the same
cohort of patients, with disability progression (Treaba et al., 2021;3(3):
fcab134.). In this prospective, longitudinal study, the authors analyzed
brain scans of 100 MS patients using 7 T susceptibility-sensitive MRI in
which CL and PRL were segmented manually. Although the study had
some limitations, including the fact that the disability progression was
assessed only by the EDSS and only one ML-based method (gradient
boosting algorithm, XGBoost) was tested, it showed that 7 T MRI and the
combination of different biomarkers are promising in predicting MS
disability progression. Future studies should aim to combine the auto-
mated assessment of multiple biomarkers with clinical information and
other relevant markers to predict clinical outcomes or treatment effect.
Explainable AI - As discussed in this paper, ML methods combined
with specialized MRI sequences could play a fundamental role in sup-
porting the diagnosis of, and prognostication in, MS. However, the
complexity of DL algorithms hinders their interpretation, which has led
some to consider these methods as black boxes.The lack of an obvious
connection between biology, pathophysiology, and features revealed by
DL might diminish clinicians condence in these algorithms, again
hindering the adoption of such tools in clinical research and healthcare.
Explainable AI (XAI) methods are needed as to on one side provide
uncertainty estimates regarding the output provided and on the other
side transparency on the decisions taken by the DL-models. By
explainability, we refer to a set of domain features such as pixels of an
image or human-understandable high-level attributes that contribute to
the output decision of the model and its internal working. To our
knowledge, there are only two groups that have investigated XAI in MS.
Eitel et al. (Eitel et al., 2019) explored explainability to reveal relevant
voxel-wise locations that a trained CNN uses for distinguishing between
a normal and MS brain MRI. They found that diagnostic success relied on
the appearance of both lesions and non-lesional tissue (thalamus). Nair
et al.Nair et al. (2020) studied the uncertainty of DL-based lesion seg-
mentation to quantify the AI model reliability. Interestingly, their results
showed that discarding lesions with high estimated uncertainty from the
output segmentation would improve the performance of the model.
These two pioneering approaches strengthen the idea that explainability
and uncertainty measures can reliably provide new insights into how DL
models for MS work and potentially improve them and increase their
Overall, we believe that developing explainable AI tools is crucial in
the ML MS research roadmap and would have an impact at both meth-
odological and clinical levels. First, explainable DL in MS would provide
new insights into model decisions and help identify any bias. Second, the
inclusion of uncertainty and explainability will help in increasing the
condence of clinicians considering their use, as well as improve the
quality of decision making and ultimately the clinical impact. Finally,
they may foster a better understanding of MS progression by generating
biologically interpretable measures of inammation and degeneration.
5. Conclusions
To summarize, automated or semi-automated ML-based approaches
aiming to segment and classify CL, CVS, and PRL are still in an early
stage. Nevertheless, these pioneering methods have the potential to
provide standardized identication of the biomarkers and facilitate their
large-scale assessment in clinical routines. Automated or semi-
automated tools could considerably reduce the current amount of time
and effort needed for a manual assessment. To date, however, some
limitations still hinder a broader adoption of these tools. First, there is a
general need for consensus criteria and standardized clinical protocols
for all three aforementioned biomarkers. Further, a major barrier to the
automated methods deployment is their lack of validation on multi-
center datasets acquired with different protocols. Future work should
focus on improving the robustness of the automated methods, extending
their framework with longitudinal data, and including interpretable
measures into their decisions. Finally, we encourage research groups to
organize grand challenges and release publicly available datasets. This
would boost the development of new methods and provide benchmarks
for a fair and standardized comparison that is currently lacking.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Francesco La Rosa: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing, Visualization. Maxence Wynen: Method-
ology, Visualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation,
Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Omar Al-Louzi:
Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing. Erin S Beck: Methodology,
Validation, Resources, Data curation, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing, Visualization. Till Huelnhagen: Resources, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing, Visualization. Pietro Maggi:
Resources, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing, Visual-
ization. Jean-Philippe Thiran: Investigation, Supervision, Project
administration, Funding acquisition. Tobias Kober: Investigation,
Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Russell T
F. La Rosa et al.
NeuroImage: Clinical 36 (2022) 103205
Shinohara: Validation, Investigation, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing. Pascal Sati: Validation, Investigation, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing. Daniel S Reich: Validation,
Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing. Cristina Granziera: Validation, Resources,
Writing original draft. Martina Absinta: Validation, Formal analysis,
Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing original draft, Writing
review & editing, Visualization. Meritxell Bach Cuadra: Conceptu-
alization, Methodology, Validation, Investigation, Resources, Writing
original draft, Writing review & editing, Supervision, Project admin-
istration, Funding acquisition.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The University Hospital Basel (USB), as the employer of C.G., has
received the following fees which were used exclusively for research
support: (i) advisory board and consultancy fees from Actelion,
Genzyme-Sano, Novartis, GeNeuro and Roche; (ii) speaker feesfrom
Genzyme-Sano, Novartis, GeNeuro and Roche; (iii) research support
from Siemens, GeNeuro, Roche. M.A. has received consultancy fees from
GSK and Sano-Genzyme. P.M. has received support from Biogen and
Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc Fonds de Recherche Clinique. D.S.R.
has received research support from Abata, Sano-Genzyme, and Vertex.
The other authors have no known competing nancial interests or per-
sonal relationships that could have appeared to inuence the work re-
ported in this paper.
Data availability
No data was used for the research described in the article.
F.L.R. is supported by the Swiss National Foundation (SNF) Postdoc
Mobility Fellowship (P500PB_206833), the European Unions Horizon
2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-
Curie project TRABIT (agreement No 765148) and the Novartis Foun-
dation for Medical-Biological Research (#21A032). M.W. is supported
by a Swiss government excellence scholarship (#2021.0087). O.A. is
supported by a National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) - American
Brain Foundation Clinician Scientist Development Award (FAN-
180732163). E.S.B. is supported by a Career Transition Fellowship
from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. P.S., O.A., E.S.B., and D.S.
R. are supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. R.T.S. is partially supported by
R01NS060910, R01MH112847, R01MH123550, U01NS116776, and
R01NS112274 from the National Institutes of Health. The content is
solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily repre-
sent the ofcial views of the National Institutes of Health. M.A. is sup-
ported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation (Marilyn Hilton Bridging
Award for Physician-Scientists, grant #17313), the International Pro-
gressive MS alliance, the Roche Foundation for Independent Research,
the Cariplo Foundation (grant #1677), and the FRRB Early Career
Award (grant#1750327).
We acknowledge access to the facilities and expertise of the CIBM
Center for Biomedical Imaging, a Swiss research center of excellence
founded and supported by Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Uni-
versity of Lausanne (UNIL), Ecole Polytechnique fed´
erale de Lausanne
(EPFL), University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Geneva University Hospitals
(HUG). We thank Thomas Yu for proofreading the manuscript.
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... Among them, the central vein sign (CVS), cortical lesion (CL), and paramagnetic rim lesion (PRL) have gained attention in the past 2 decades. 6 These markers can be visualized using specialized MRI techniques and have demonstrated high specificity for MS. [6][7][8][9] While the CVS reflects the perivenular development of inflammatory demyelination in white matter, PRLs indicate perilesional chronic inflammation and specifically the accumulation of iron-laden microglia/macrophages at the lesion edge after acute inflammation resolves. ...
... 6 These markers can be visualized using specialized MRI techniques and have demonstrated high specificity for MS. [6][7][8][9] While the CVS reflects the perivenular development of inflammatory demyelination in white matter, PRLs indicate perilesional chronic inflammation and specifically the accumulation of iron-laden microglia/macrophages at the lesion edge after acute inflammation resolves. 10,11 CLs-focal abnormalities completely within the cortex or spanning both the cortex and the underlying white matter-are also a distinctive feature of MS. 12,13 Even if CLs have already been included in the last revision of McDonald criteria, 2 they are difficult to detect with conventional MRI protocols and are better identified with specialized MRI techniques. ...
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Background and objectives: The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) can be challenging in clinical practice because MS presentation can be atypical and mimicked by other diseases. We evaluated the diagnostic performance, alone or in combination, of the central vein sign (CVS), paramagnetic rim lesion (PRL), and cortical lesion (CL), as well as their association with clinical outcomes. Methods: In this multicenter observational study, we first conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the CVS (proportion of CVS-positive lesions or simplified determination of CVS in 3/6 lesions-Select3*/Select6*), PRL, and CL in MS and non-MS cases on 3T-MRI brain images, including 3D T2-FLAIR, T2*-echo-planar imaging magnitude and phase, double inversion recovery, and magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo image sequences. Then, we longitudinally analyzed the progression independent of relapse and MRI activity (PIRA) in MS cases over the 2 years after study entry. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to test diagnostic performance and regression models to predict diagnosis and clinical outcomes. Results: The presence of ≥41% CVS-positive lesions/≥1 CL/≥1 PRL (optimal cutoffs) had 96%/90%/93% specificity, 97%/84%/60% sensitivity, and 0.99/0.90/0.77 area under the curve (AUC), respectively, to distinguish MS (n = 185) from non-MS (n = 100) cases. The Select3*/Select6* algorithms showed 93%/95% specificity, 97%/89% sensitivity, and 0.95/0.92 AUC. The combination of CVS, CL, and PRL improved the diagnostic performance, especially when Select3*/Select6* were used (93%/94% specificity, 98%/96% sensitivity, 0.99/0.98 AUC; p = 0.002/p < 0.001). In MS cases (n = 185), both CL and PRL were associated with higher MS disability and severity. Longitudinal analysis (n = 61) showed that MS cases with >4 PRL at baseline were more likely to experience PIRA at 2-year follow-up (odds ratio 17.0, 95% confidence interval: 2.1-138.5; p = 0.008), whereas no association was observed between other baseline MRI measures and PIRA, including the number of CL. Discussion: The combination of CVS, CL, and PRL can improve MS differential diagnosis. CL and PRL also correlated with clinical measures of poor prognosis, with PRL being a predictor of disability accrual independent of clinical/MRI activity.
... In addition, MS clinicians may have access to a variety of other validated or investigational tools to assess for the disease and monitor for activity and complications including longitudinal neuro-performance measures, serum and CSF biomarkers, imaging biomarkers, electrodiagnostic data, neuropsychological assessments, patient reported outcomes, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). [9][10][11][12][13][14] When considering longitudinal care, this can frequently lead to a significant number of data points available for a single person. For clinicians, the interpretation and significance of each individual data point may be challenging, and certain patterns may not be perceived readily without using sophisticated models. ...
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In this paper, we analyse the different advances in artificial intelligence (AI) approaches in multiple sclerosis (MS). AI applications in MS range across investigation of disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. A subset of AI, Machine learning (ML) models analyse various data sources, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), genetic, and clinical data, to distinguish MS from other conditions, predict disease progression, and personalize treatment strategies. Additionally, AI models have been extensively applied to lesion segmentation, identification of biomarkers, and prediction of outcomes, disease monitoring, and management. Despite the big promises of AI solutions, model interpretability and transparency remain critical for gaining clinician and patient trust in these methods. The future of AI in MS holds potential for open data initiatives that could feed ML models and increasing generalizability, the implementation of federated learning solutions for training the models addressing data sharing issues, and generative AI approaches to address challenges in model interpretability, and transparency. In conclusion, AI presents an opportunity to advance our understanding and management of MS. AI promises to aid clinicians in MS diagnosis and prognosis improving patient outcomes and quality of life, however ensuring the interpretability and transparency of AI-generated results is going to be key for facilitating the integration of AI into clinical practice.
... В настоящее время ведётся активный поиск усовершенствования его диагностики [1-3]. Актуальность данного вопроса постоянно возрастает, что обусловлено как ростом выявляемых случаев, так и неизбежной инвалидизацией пациентов в долгосрочной перспективе [4]. ...
Background . Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune demyelinating disease, which is characterized by the inevitable disability of patients in the long term, which determines the relevance of this problem. Currently, active improvements are being made in the methods of diagnosing multiple sclerosis, which include the use of the central vein sign in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a neuroimaging biomarker of MS with high sensitivity and specificity. Aim of study . Determination of the possibility of assessing the central vein sign (CVS) according to MRI data as a potential diagnostic biomarker of MS. Object and methods. An open single-center prospective study of brain MR data was conducted in 55 patients with a verified diagnosis of MS (EDSS 1.0-6.5) aged 19 to 72 years. MR-images were obtained on a tomograph with a magnetic field induction force of 3.0 T. Patients underwent MRI of the brain according to the standard protocol: T2-VI, FLAIR, T1-VI (before and after administration of contrast agent), SWI. A comprehensive statistical analysis and evaluation of the obtained MRI data was performed using the Statistica 12 program. Result. During the evaluation of MR-tomograms, all patients with a verified diagnosis in the foci of MS were found to have CVS. In 14.5 % of patients, CVS was detected in 10-30 % of foci, in 61.8 % of patients in 30-60 %, in 23.6 % of patients, from 60 to 95 % was detected. Accordingly, 52.7 % of patients overcame the threshold value of 45 % required for the differential diagnosis of MS from other conditions. Conclusion. The use of CVS in MRI helps to solve the problem of differential diagnosis of MS from other demyelinating diseases when using its threshold criterion – the percentage of foci containing central veins.
... This pathological process is generalized throughout the entire central nervous system and detectable in both white and grey matter lesions [24,25]. Though research and clinical practice have traditionally focused on white matter lesions (WMLs), it is now widely recognized that cortical damage is a significant aspect of the disease [24,26], as different studies indicate that cortical lesions (CLs) exhibit a stronger correlation with the severity of cognitive and physical disabilities compared to WMLs, and CLs have also been incorporated in the 2017 McDonald criteria [27,28]. Four types of cortical lesions have been described: leukocortical, intracortical, subpial, and subpial extending the entire width of the cortex (types 1-4, respectively) [29]. ...
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Brain and spinal cord imaging plays a pivotal role in aiding clinicians with the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis. Nevertheless, the significance of magnetic resonance imaging in MS extends beyond its clinical utility. Advanced imaging modalities have facilitated the in vivo detection of various components of MS pathogenesis, and, in recent years, MRI biomarkers have been utilized to assess the response of patients with relapsing–remitting MS to the available treatments. Similarly, MRI indicators of neurodegeneration demonstrate potential as primary and secondary endpoints in clinical trials targeting progressive phenotypes. This review aims to provide an overview of the latest advancements in brain and spinal cord neuroimaging in MS.
... 71 However, with the recent definition of "new" demyelinating entities, such as neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease (MOGAD), there is an increasing need for a more precise description of lesion shapes and the use of new MRI biomarkers with a better representation of the pathological substrate of MS, such as central vein sign, cortical lesions and paramagnetic rim lesions. [72][73][74][75] The primary goal in the follow-up and control of MS patients is to achieve the status of no evidence of disease activity (NEDA), which essentially consists of the absence of clinical symptoms or progression, new or expanding T2-FLAIR demyelinating lesions, and no new T1-gadolinium enhanced lesions. 76 This highlights the need for a precise lesion count in MRI readings. ...
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Radiology has a number of characteristics that make it an especially suitable medical discipline for early artificial intelligence (AI) adoption. These include having a well-established digital workflow, standardized protocols for image storage, and numerous well-defined interpretive activities. The more than 200 commercial radiologic AI-based products recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to assist radiologists in a number of narrow image-analysis tasks such as image enhancement, workflow triage, and quantification, corroborate this observation. However, in order to leverage AI to boost efficacy and efficiency, and to overcome substantial obstacles to widespread successful clinical use of these products, radiologists should become familiarized with the emerging applications in their particular areas of expertise. In light of this, in this article we survey the existing literature on the application of AI-based techniques in neuroradiology, focusing on conditions such as vascular diseases, epilepsy, and demyelinating and neurodegenerative conditions. We also introduce some of the algorithms behind the applications, briefly discuss a few of the challenges of generalization in the use of AI models in neuroradiology, and skate over the most relevant commercially available solutions adopted in clinical practice. If well designed, AI algorithms have the potential to radically improve radiology, strengthening image analysis, enhancing the value of quantitative imaging techniques, and mitigating diagnostic errors.
... Consequently, PRS demonstrates the presence of gliosis around a chronically active lesion, and therefore a smoldering lesion in the setting of disease progression [114]. PRS has a typical appearance on T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images and it is highly associated with increased disability in MS patients [115]. PRS, together with CVS, is also being examined as a candidate imaging biomarker for MS. ...
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The development and further optimization of the diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis (MS) emphasize the establishment of an early and accurate diagnosis. So far, numerous studies have revealed the significance of early treatment administration for MS and its association with slower disease progression and better late outcomes of the disease with regards to disability accumulation. However, according to current research results, both neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative processes may exist prior to symptom initiation. Despite the fact that a significant proportion of individuals with radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) progress to MS, currently, there is no available treatment approved for RIS. Therefore, our idea of “early treatment administration” might be already late in some cases. In order to detect the individuals who will progress to MS, we need accurate biomarkers. In this review, we present notable research results regarding the underlying pathology of MS, as well as several potentially useful laboratory and neuroimaging biomarkers for the identification of high-risk individuals with RIS for developing MS. This review aims to raise clinicians’ awareness regarding “subclinical” MS, enrich their understanding of MS pathology, and familiarize them with several potential biomarkers that are currently under investigation and might be used in clinical practice in the future for the identification of individuals with RIS at high risk for conversion to definite MS.
... docx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 segmentation tasks respectively, is poised to capture the attention of the data science community towards these clinical issues. Algorithms might evolve to classify lesions without reliance on contrast agents, although the current identification of PRLs mandates thorough image scrutiny and phase imaging, not yet part of standard MS MRI protocols [12]. Integrating techniques that are already established in clinical practice, such as 3DT1TFE MRI, could set a foundation for comparison against more advanced techniques like 3D DIR. ...
In light of extensive work that has created a wide range of techniques for predicting the course of multiple sclerosis (MS) disease, this paper attempts to provide an overview of these approaches and put forth an alternative way to predict the disease progression. For this purpose, the existing methods for estimating and predicting the course of the disease have been categorized into clinical, radiological, biological, and computational or artificial intelligence-based markers. Weighing the weaknesses and strengths of these prognostic groups is a profound method that is yet in need and works directly at the level of diseased connectivity. Therefore, we propose using the computational models in combination with established connectomes as a predictive tool for MS disease trajectories. The fundamental conduction-based Hodgkin-Huxley model emerged as promising from examining these studies. The advantage of the Hodgkin-Huxley model is that certain properties of connectomes, such as neuronal connection weights, spatial distances, and adjustments of signal transmission rates, can be taken into account. It is precisely these properties that are particularly altered in MS and that have strong implications for processing, transmission, and interactions of neuronal signaling patterns. The Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) equations as a point-neuron model are used for signal propagation inside a small network. The objective is to change the conduction parameter of the neuron model, replicate the changes in myelin properties in MS and observe the dynamics of the signal propagation across the network. The model is initially validated for different lengths, conduction values, and connection weights through three nodal connections. Later, these individual factors are incorporated into a small network and simulated to mimic the condition of MS. The signal propagation pattern is observed after inducing changes in conduction parameters at certain nodes in the network and compared against a control model pattern obtained before the changes are applied to the network. The signal propagation pattern varies as expected by adapting to the input conditions. Similarly, when the model is applied to a connectome, the pattern changes could give an insight into disease progression. This approach has opened up a new path to explore the progression of the disease in MS. The work is in its preliminary state, but with a future vision to apply this method in a connectome, providing a better clinical tool.
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International challenges have become the de facto standard for comparative assessment of image analysis algorithms. Although segmentation is the most widely investigated medical image processing task, the various challenges have been organized to focus only on specific clinical tasks. We organized the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD)—a biomedical image analysis challenge, in which algorithms compete in a multitude of both tasks and modalities to investigate the hypothesis that a method capable of performing well on multiple tasks will generalize well to a previously unseen task and potentially outperform a custom-designed solution. MSD results confirmed this hypothesis, moreover, MSD winner continued generalizing well to a wide range of other clinical problems for the next two years. Three main conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms generalize well when retrained on unseen tasks; (2) consistent algorithmic performance across multiple tasks is a strong surrogate of algorithmic generalizability; (3) the training of accurate AI segmentation models is now commoditized to scientists that are not versed in AI model training. International challenges have become the de facto standard for comparative assessment of image analysis algorithms. Here, the authors present the results of a biomedical image segmentation challenge, showing that a method capable of performing well on multiple tasks will generalize well to a previously unseen task.
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Objective: Cortical lesions are common in multiple sclerosis (MS), but their visualization is challenging on conventional magnetic resonance imaging. The uniform image derived from magnetization prepared 2 rapid acquisition gradient echoes (MP2RAGEuni) detects cortical lesions with a similar rate as the criterion standard sequence, double inversion recovery. Fluid and white matter suppression (FLAWS) provides multiple reconstructed contrasts acquired during a single acquisition. These contrasts include FLAWS minimum image (FLAWSmin), which provides an exquisite sensitivity to the gray matter signal and therefore may facilitate cortical lesion identification, as well as high contrast FLAWS (FLAWShco), which gives a contrast that is similar to one of MP2RAGEuni. In this study, we compared the manual detection rate of cortical lesions on MP2RAGEuni, FLAWSmin, and FLAWShco in MS patients. Furthermore, we assessed whether the combined detection rate on FLAWSmin and FLAWShco was superior to MP2RAGEuni for cortical lesions identification. Last, we compared quantitative T1 maps (qT1) provided by both MP2RAGE and FLAWS in MS lesions. Materials and methods: We included 30 relapsing-remitting MS patients who underwent MP2RAGE and FLAWS magnetic resonance imaging with isotropic spatial resolution of 1 mm at 3 T. Cortical lesions were manually segmented by consensus of 3 trained raters and classified as intracortical or leukocortical lesions on (1) MP2RAGE uniform/flat images, (2) FLAWSmin, and (3) FLAWShco. In addition, segmented lesions on FLAWSmin and FLAWShco were merged to produce a union lesion map (FLAWSmin + hco). Number and volume of all cortical, intracortical, and leukocortical lesions were compared among MP2RAGEuni, FLAWSmin, and FLAWShco using Friedman test and between MP2RAGEuni and FLAWSmin + hco using Wilcoxon signed rank test. The FLAWS T1 maps were then compared with the reference MP2RAGE T1 maps using relative differences in percentage. In an exploratory analysis, individual cortical lesion counts of the 3 raters were compared, and interrater variability was quantified using Fleiss ϰ. Results: In total, 633 segmentations were made on the 3 contrasts, corresponding to 355 cortical lesions. The median number and volume of single cortical, intracortical, and leukocortical lesions were comparable among MP2RAGEuni, FLAWSmin, and FLAWShco. In patients with cortical lesions (22/30), median cumulative lesion volume was larger on FLAWSmin (587 μL; IQR, 1405 μL) than on MP2RAGEuni (490 μL; IQR, 990 μL; P = 0.04), whereas there was no difference between FLAWSmin and FLAWShco, or FLAWShco and MP2RAGEuni. FLAWSmin + hco showed significantly greater numbers of cortical (median, 4.5; IQR, 15) and leukocortical (median, 3.5; IQR, 12) lesions than MP2RAGEuni (median, 3; IQR, 10; median, 2.5; IQR, 7; both P < 0.001). Interrater agreement was moderate on MP2RAGEuni (ϰ = 0.582) and FLAWShco (ϰ = 0.584), but substantial on FLAWSmin (ϰ = 0.614). qT1 in lesions was similar between MP2RAGE and FLAWS. Conclusions: Cortical lesions identification in FLAWSmin and FLAWShco was comparable to MP2RAGEuni. The combination of FLAWSmin and FLAWShco allowed to identify a higher number of cortical lesions than MP2RAGEuni, whereas qT1 maps did not differ between the 2 acquisition schemes.
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Manually segmenting multiple sclerosis (MS) cortical lesions (CL) is extremely time‐consuming, and past studies have shown only moderate inter‐rater reliability. To accelerate this task, we developed a deep learning‐based framework (CLAIMS: Cortical Lesion Artificial Intelligence‐based assessment in Multiple Sclerosis) for the automated detection and classification of MS CL with 7T MRI. Two 7T datasets, acquired at different sites, were considered. The first consisted of 60 scans that include 0.5mm isotropic MP2RAGE acquired 4 times (MP2RAGEx4), 0.7mm MP2RAGE, 0.5mm T2*‐weighted GRE, and 0.5mm T2*‐weighted EPI. The second dataset consisted of 20 scans including only 0.75x0.75x0.9 mm MP2RAGE. CLAIMS was first evaluated using 6‐fold cross‐validation with single and multi‐contrast 0.5mm MRI input. Second, performance of the model was tested on 0.7mm MP2RAGE images after training with either 0.5mm MP2RAGEx4, 0.7mm MP2RAGE, or alternating the two. Third, its generalizability was evaluated on the second external dataset and compared with a state‐of‐the‐art technique based on partial volume estimation and topological constraints (MSLAST). CLAIMS trained only with MP2RAGEx4 achieved comparable results to the multi‐contrast model, reaching a CL true positive rate of 74% with a false positive rate of 30%. Detection rate was excellent for leukocortical and subpial lesions (83%, and 70%, respectively), whereas it reached 53% for intracortical lesions. The correlation between disability measures and CL count was similar for manual and CLAIMS lesion counts. Applying a domain‐scanner adaptation approach and testing CLAIMS on the second dataset, the performance was superior to MSLAST when considering a minimum lesion volume of 6μL (lesion‐wise detection rate of 71% vs 48%). The proposed framework outperforms previous state‐of‐the‐art methods for automated CL detection across scanners and protocols. In the future, CLAIMS may be useful to support clinical decisions at 7T MRI, especially in the field of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis patients.
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Manually segmenting multiple sclerosis (MS) cortical lesions (CL) is extremely time-consuming, and past studies have shown only moderate inter-rater reliability. To accelerate this task, we developed a deep learning-based framework (CLAIMS: Cortical Lesion Artificial Intelligence-based assessment in Multiple Sclerosis) for the automated detection and classification of MS CL with 7T MRI. Two 7T datasets, acquired at different sites, were considered. The first consisted of 60 scans that include 0.5mm isotropic MP2RAGE acquired 4 times (MP2RAGEx4), 0.7mm MP2RAGE, 0.5mm T2*-weighted GRE, and 0.5mm T2*-weighted EPI. The second dataset consisted of 20 scans including only 0.75×0.75×0.9 mm MP2RAGE. CLAIMS was first evaluated using 6-fold cross-validation with single and multi-contrast 0.5mm MRI input. Second, performance of the model was tested on 0.7mm MP2RAGE images after training with either 0.5mm MP2RAGEx4, 0.7mm MP2RAGE, or alternating the two. Third, its generalizability was evaluated on the second external dataset and compared with a state-of-the-art technique based on partial volume estimation and topological constraints (MSLAST). CLAIMS trained only with MP2RAGEx4 achieved comparable results to the multi-contrast model, reaching a CL true positive rate of 74% with a false positive rate of 30%. Detection rate was excellent for leukocortical and subpial lesions (83%, and 70%, respectively), whereas it reached 53% for intracortical lesions. The correlation between disability measures and CL count was similar for manual and CLAIMS lesion counts. Applying a domain-scanner adaptation approach and testing CLAIMS on the second dataset, the performance was superior to MSLAST when considering a minimum lesion volume of 6μL (lesion-wise detection rate of 71% vs 48%). The proposed framework outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods for automated CL detection across scanners and protocols. In the future, CLAIMS may be useful to support clinical decisions at 7T MRI, especially in the field of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis patients.
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Background and Purpose Chronic active multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions are characterized by a paramagnetic rim at the edge of the lesion and are associated with increased disability in patients. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an MRI technique that is sensitive to chronic active lesions, termed rim+ lesions on the QSM. We present QSMRim-Net, a data imbalance-aware deep neural network that fuses lesion-level radiomic and convolutional image features for automated identification of rim+ lesions on QSM. Methods QSM and T2-weighted-Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (T2-FLAIR) MRI of the brain were collected at 3T for 172 MS patients. Rim+ lesions were manually annotated by two human experts, followed by consensus from a third expert, for a total of 177 rim+ and 3,986 rim negative (rim-) lesions. Our automated rim+ detection algorithm, QSMRim-Net, consists of a two-branch feature extraction network and a synthetic minority oversampling network to classify rim+ lesions. The first network branch is for image feature extraction from the QSM and T2-FLAIR, and the second network branch is a fully connected network for QSM lesion-level radiomic feature extraction. The oversampling network is designed to increase classification performance with imbalanced data. Results On a lesion-level, in a five-fold cross validation framework, the proposed QSMRim-Net detected rim+ lesions with a partial area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (pROC AUC) of 0.760, where clinically relevant false positive rates of less than 0.1 were considered. The method attained an area under the precision recall curve (PR AUC) of 0.704. QSMRim-Net out-performed other state-of-the-art methods applied to the QSM on both pROC AUC and PR AUC. On a subject-level, comparing the predicted rim+ lesion count and the human expert annotated count, QSMRim-Net achieved the lowest mean square error of 0.98 and the highest correlation of 0.89 (95% CI: 0.86, 0.92). Conclusion This study develops a novel automated deep neural network for rim+ MS lesion identification using T2-FLAIR and QSM images.
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Background and objectives: Chronic active lesions contribute to multiple sclerosis (MS) severity, but their association with long-term disease progression has not been evaluated yet. White matter (WM) lesions showing linear expansion over time on serial T1- and T2-weighted scans (i.e., slowly expanding lesions [SELs]) have been proposed as a marker of chronic inflammation. In this study, we assessed whether SEL burden and microstructural abnormalities were associated with Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score worsening and secondary progressive (SP) conversion at 9.1-year follow-up in patients with relapsing-remitting (RR) MS. Methods: In 52 patients with RRMS, SELs were identified among WM lesions by linearly fitting the Jacobian of the nonlinear deformation field between time points obtained combining 3T brain T1- and T2-weighted scans acquired at baseline and months 6, 12, and 24. Logistic regression analysis was applied to investigate the associations of SEL number, volume, magnetization transfer ratio (MTR), and T1-weighted signal intensity with disability worsening (i.e., EDSS score increase) and SP conversion after a median follow-up of 9.1 years. Results: At follow-up, 20/52 (38%) patients with MS showed EDSS score worsening; 13/52 (25%) showed SP conversion. A higher baseline EDSS score (for each point higher: OR = 3.15 [95% CI = 1.61; 8.38], p = 0.003), a higher proportion of SELs among baseline lesions (for each % increase: OR = 1.22 [1.04; 1.58], p = 0.04), and lower baseline MTR values of SELs (for each % higher: OR = 0.66 [0.41; 0.92], p = 0.033) were significant independent predictors of EDSS score worsening at follow-up (C-index = 0.892). A higher baseline EDSS score (for each point higher: OR = 6.37 [1.98; 20.53], p = 0.002) and lower baseline MTR values of SELs (for each % higher: OR = 0.48 [0.25; 0.89], p = 0.02) independently predicted SPMS conversion (C-index = 0.947). Discussion: The proportion of SELs is associated with MS progression after 9 years. More severe SEL microstructural abnormalities independently predict EDSS score worsening and SPMS conversion. The quantification of SEL burden and damage using T1-, T2-weighted, and MTR sequences may identify patients with RRMS at a higher risk of long-term disability progression and SPMS conversion. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class III evidence that in patients with RRMS starting treatment with natalizumab or fingolimod, the proportion of SELs on brain MRI was associated with EDSS score worsening and SPMS conversion at 9-year follow-up.
Background and purpose: To compare quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and high-pass-filtered (HPF) phase imaging for (1) identifying chronic active rim lesions with more myelin damage and (2) distinguishing patients with increased clinical disability in multiple sclerosis. Methods: Eighty patients were scanned with QSM for paramagnetic rim detection and Fast Acquisition with Spiral Trajectory and T2prep for myelin water fraction (MWF). Chronic lesions were classified based on the presence/absence of rim on HPF and QSM images. A lesion-level linear mixed-effects model with MWF as the outcome was used to compare myelin damage among the lesion groups. A multiple patient-level linear regression model was fit to establish the association between Expanded Disease Status Scale (EDSS) and the log of the number of rim lesions. Results: Of 2062 lesions, 188 (9.1%) were HPF rim+/QSM rim+, 203 (9.8%) were HPF rim+/QSM rim-, and the remainder had no rim. In the linear mixed-effects model, HPF rim+/QSM rim+ lesions had significantly lower MWF than both HPF rim+/QSM rim- (p < .001) and HPF rim-/QSM rim- (p < .001) lesions, while the MWF difference between HPF rim+/QSM rim- and HPF rim-/QSM rim- lesions was not statistically significant (p = .130). Holding all other factors constant, the log number of QSM rim+ lesion was associated with EDSS increase (p = .044). The association between the log number of HPF rim+ lesions and EDSS was not statistically significant (p = .206). Conclusions: QSM identifies paramagnetic rim lesions that on average have more myelin damage and stronger association with clinical disability than those detected by phase imaging.
Background Dramatic improvements in visualization of cortical (especially subpial) multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions allow assessment of impact on clinical course. Objective Characterize cortical lesions by 7 tesla (T) T 2 * -/T 1 -weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); determine relationship with other MS pathology and contribution to disability. Methods Sixty-four adults with MS (45 relapsing–remitting/19 progressive) underwent 3 T brain/spine MRI, 7 T brain MRI, and clinical testing. Results Cortical lesions were found in 94% (progressive: median 56/range 2–203; relapsing–remitting: 15/0–168; p = 0.004). Lesion distribution across 50 cortical regions was nonuniform ( p = 0.006), with highest lesion burden in supplementary motor cortex and highest prevalence in superior frontal gyrus. Leukocortical and white matter lesion volumes were strongly correlated ( r = 0.58, p < 0.0001), while subpial and white matter lesion volumes were moderately correlated ( r = 0.30, p = 0.002). Leukocortical ( p = 0.02) but not subpial lesions ( p = 0.40) were correlated with paramagnetic rim lesions; both were correlated with spinal cord lesions ( p = 0.01). Cortical lesion volumes (total and subtypes) were correlated with expanded disability status scale, 25-foot timed walk, nine-hole peg test, and symbol digit modality test scores. Conclusion Cortical lesions are highly prevalent and are associated with disability and progressive disease. Subpial lesion burden is not strongly correlated with white matter lesions, suggesting differences in inflammation and repair mechanisms.
Objectives: Although the use of specific MRI criteria has significantly increased the diagnostic accuracy of multiple sclerosis (MS), reaching a correct neuroradiological diagnosis remains a challenging task, and therefore the search for new imaging biomarkers is crucial. This study aims to evaluate the incidence of one of the emerging neuroradiological signs highly suggestive of MS, the central vein sign (CVS), using data from Fabry disease (FD) patients as an index of microvascular disorder that could mimic MS. Methods: In this retrospective study, after the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, MRI scans of 36 FD patients and 73 relapsing-remitting (RR) MS patients were evaluated. Among the RRMS participants, 32 subjects with a disease duration inferior to 5 years (early MS) were also analyzed. For all subjects, a Fazekas score (FS) was recorded, excluding patients with FS = 0. Different neuroradiological signs, including CVS, were evaluated on FLAIR T2-weighted and spoiled gradient recalled echo sequences. Results: Among all the recorded neuroradiological signs, the most striking difference was found for the CVS, with a detectable prevalence of 78.1% (57/73) in RRMS and of 71.4% (25/32) in early MS patients, while this sign was absent in FD (0/36). Conclusions: Our results confirm the high incidence of CVS in MS, also in the early phases of the disease, while it seems to be absent in conditions with a different etiology. These results corroborate the possible role of CVS as a useful neuroradiological sign highly suggestive of MS. Key points: • The search for new imaging biomarkers is crucial to achieve a correct neuroradiological diagnosis of MS. • The CVS shows an incidence superior to 70% in MS patients, even in the early phases of the disease, while it appears to be absent in FD. • These findings further corroborate the possible future central role of CVS in distinguishing between MS and its mimickers.