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Profiling abundance, size, and shell utilization patterns of Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius, 1787) (Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae) in protected and highly frequented beaches in Puerto Rico


Abstract and Figures

The coastal Caribbean is a well-known harbor for biodiversity, yet it is mainly valued for its ample resources and services. Economic interests typically supersede conservation efforts, introducing anthropogenic-related factors such as noise, chemical pollution, and geographical disturbances into the littoral zone, where ecological diversity is abundant. Although human activity is known to be detrimental to biodiversity across habitats, the effect of conservation measures that limit anthropogenic activity on coastal populations remains understudied. To measure the benefit of conservation in the littoral environment, we sampled populations of the hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius, 1787) of highly frequented (non-protected) and protected beaches in northern Puerto Rico. We profiled 1,119 individuals by using transects, describing their size and shell utilization patterns during winter and summer. The C. clypeatus population was larger (P < 0.0001 during both seasons) and more abundant (P = 0.0006 during winter, P < 0.0038 during summer) in the protected beach than in the non-protected beach, with no effect of season. Shell utilization patterns were more consistent in the protected beach, likely due to the greater availability of gastropod shells. These results suggest that the conservation measures implemented in the protected beach promote the survival, reproduction, and growth of hermit crabs in the location. Expansion of protected habitats through governmental and civilian efforts should enhance the conservation of the biodiversity of protected areas.
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Journal of Crustacean Biology, 2022, 42, 1–9
Advance access publication 24 September 2022
Research Article
The Crustacean Society
© e Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of e Crustacean Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.
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Received 24 January 2022; Accepted 2 September 2022
Proling abundance, size, and shell utilization paerns
of Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius, 1787) (Decapoda:
Anomura: Coenobitidae) in protected and highly
frequented beaches in Puerto Rico
Francisco J.Torre s -To rres , Ana D.González-Colón*, Paola N.Negrón-Moreno*,
Naishka C.Rivera-Rosado, EnriqueCruz-Reyesand María I.De Jesús-Burgos
University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, Cayey, Puerto Rico 00736
*Equal contribution.
Correspondence: F.J. Torres-Torres; e-mail: franciscoj and M.I. De Jesús-Burgos; e-mail:
e coastal Caribbean is a well-known harbor for biodiversity, yet it is mainly valued for its ample resources and services. Economic interests typically
supersede conservation eorts, introducing anthropogenic-related factors such as noise, chemical pollution, and geographical disturbances into the
lioral zone, where ecological diversity is abundant. Although human activity is known to be detrimental to biodiversity across habitats, the eect of
conservation measures that limit anthropogenic activity on coastal populations remains understudied. To measure the benet of conservation in the lit-
toral environment, we sampled populations of the hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius, 1787) of highly frequented (non-protected) and protected
beaches in northern Puerto Rico. We proled 1,119 individuals by using transects, describing their size and shell utilization paerns during winter and
summer. e C. clypeatus population was larger (P < 0.0001 during both seasons) and more abundant (P = 0.0006 during winter, P < 0.0038 during
summer) in the protected beach than in the non-protected beach, with no eect of season. Shell utilization paerns were more consistent in the protected
beach, likely due to the greater availability of gastropod shells. ese results suggest that the conservation measures implemented in the protected beach
promote the survival, reproduction, and growth of hermit crabs in the location. Expansion of protected habitats through governmental and civilian
eorts should enhance the conservation of the biodiversity of protected areas.
KEY WORDS: anthropogenic factors, conservation, Crustacea, natural reserves, West Indies
An outstanding characteristic of the coastal regions of the
Caribbean region is its rich biological diversity (Beatley, 1991;
Anadon-Irizarry et al., 2012). In particular, the lioral zone har-
bors several unique animal species, including molluscs, echino-
derms, and crustaceans (Göltenboth et al., 2006). e economic
value of the lioral zone, however, aracts anthropogenic activ-
ity through tourism and urbanization, the eects of which may
threaten the integrity of coastal ecosystems (Chan & Blumstein,
2011; Ke et al., 2011). e destruction of the ecosystem, replace-
ment by structures, and disruption by chemical and noise pol-
lution may disturb the behavior of various animal species in
urbanized coastal regions (Beatley, 1991; Neves & Bemvenuti,
2006; Dauvin, 2008; Pine et al., 2016). Anthropogenic-related
factors increase energy expenditure when searching for food,
shelter (Stillman & Goss-Custard, 2002), and mates (Butler &
Maruska, 2020), impacting tness and decreasing population
density. Increasing the number and area of protected habitats
or natural reserves is a viable strategy to regulate urban develop-
ment and preserve biodiversity (Beatley, 1991; Ke et al., 2011).
More empirical data on the population of coastal organisms
occupying the understudied lioral zone is necessary to beer
understand the eects of urbanization and promote local legisla-
tion for coastal conservation.
e Caribbean hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus (Fabricius,
1787), is a semi-terrestrial decapod crustacean that inhabits the
supralioral zone of tropical regions, including the Bahamas
(Morrison & Spiller, 2006), Jamaica (Warner, 1969), and Puerto
Rico (Nieves-Rivera & Williams, 2003). A variety of factors
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related to human presence, such as chemical contamination and
physical disturbances, adversely alter the population dynamics
of hermit crabs and other animals of the lioral zone (Schlacher
et al., 2016). Previous studies have reported that the marine
hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus, 1758) is slower and
more hesitant to change from a suboptimal to an optimal shell
when exposed to reduced sea water pH, indicating the poten-
tial vulnerability of resource assessment and decision-making
to environmental stressors (de la Haye et al., 2011). Another
environmental stressor, sound pollution, was also found to alter
social behavior in P. bernhardus, depending on the size of the shell
occupied (Tidau & Bria, 2019). Ryan et al., (2012) showed that
short bursts of elevated levels of sound had a detrimental eect
on the response of C. clypeatus to predators. Roberts (2021)
characterized chirp events in Coenobita compressus (H. Milne
Edwards, 1837), which occurred during shell ghts and in the
presence of conspecics. Despite these ndings, dierences in
the population dynamics of coastal organisms, such as C. clypea-
tus, in protected and non-protected environments are yet to be
We used the transect method to compare dierences in the
paerns of abundance, size, and shell utilization by C. clypeatus
in a non-protected, highly frequented beach and in a protected
natural reserve on the northern coast of Puerto Rico. We hypoth-
esized that C. clypeatus is less abundant and smaller in size in the
non-protected beach in comparison to a protected beach. Our
goal is that the presented data will promote local legislation to
preserve the coastal region and increase the size and number of
protected coastal areas. Furthermore, our research may establish
C. clypeatus as a local bioindicator (Holt & Miller, 2010) to study
the eects of regulations in the lioral zone.
Study site
We selected two study sites in the northern coast of the main
island of the Puerto Rican archipelago. Both sites have a similar
topography, vegetation, tidal activity, and weather conditions,
but with dierences in anthropogenic activity (Fig. 1). e ana-
lyzed beaches were Puerto Nuevo in Vega Baja (18.490103º
N, –66.3945295º W), a non-protected and highly frequented
beach, and Hacienda La Esperanza in Manatí (18.4808763º
N, –66.5196964º W), the largest natural reserve of its type in
northern Puerto Rico. e two study sites are approximately
13.52 km apart. Both beaches include subtidal environments
populated by seagrass meadows and aeolianite rock formations.
e beaches also share similar land vegetation (grasses, vines,
Coccoloba uvifera, Calophyllum antillarum). Puerto Nuevo and
La Esperanza beaches, nevertheless, dier in the anthropo-
genic eects along the study sites, where the former is located
near a commercial and residential area, as well as a main road,
whereas the laer is located farther from less densely populated
urban areas. We dened a non-protected beach as an area with
constant anthropogenic activity and minimal regulation medi-
ated by governmental or non-governmental organizations. In
contrast, we dene a protected beach as an area where ecolog-
ical features are preserved, and anthropogenic activity is regu-
lated by governmental or non-governmental organizations. e
implementation of conservation measures in La Esperanza is
managed and monitored by the non-prot organization, Para la
Naturaleza (hps://
e eld studies were conducted in cycles and were com-
pleted in the morning over two consecutive days in each beach.
Annual dierences in tide levels, as well as lioral dynamics may
vary per season within the same studied beach. Beach-visitation
paerns were also likely to dier due to seasonal variations in
weather and anthropogenic activity. For these reasons, eld stud-
ies were conducted during January (winter) and July (summer).
Transect sampling
e broadest ecological diversity of the lioral area can be found
in the supralioral zone, which is dened by the onset of coastal
vegetation on the shore inward (Peters & Lodge, 2009). We used
the transect and quadrats method (see Bertness, 1981) to assess
hermit crab abundance, size, and shell utilization paerns, in the
supralioral zones of the studied beaches. Five transects, each 5
m long, were laid parallel to each other and 5 m apart from each
other. Each transect was composed of ve 1 m2 × 1 m2 quadrats.
Transects were positioned perpendicular to the shoreline and
began within the supralioral zone. Hermit crabs were counted
and analyzed from odd quadrats at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, and
12:00 noon. Hermit crab individuals were retained aer each
period of quadrat sampling until all transects were completed to
avoid recounting individuals. Crabs were relocated and distrib-
uted within the studied site following data collection.
Measurements of crab size and percentage of shell
e major chela of hermit crab individuals was measured in the
eld as a morphological character to estimate size with minimal
disturbance (see Colón-Piñeiro et al., 2021; Morrison & Spiller,
2006). We measured the length of the major chela with calipers ±
0.01mm. To evaluate shell utilization paerns, we photographed
the occupied gastropod shell to identify the species. e hermit
crab’s dry body weight was estimated from a linear regression
correlating dry body weight and chela length: Y= 0.231+2.995
* x, where Y = dry body weight and x = measured chela length in
mm (Morrison & Spiller, 2006). e percentage of shell occupa-
tion per season was calculated by dividing the number of hermit
crabs that occupied the shell of a particular species of gastropod,
over the total number of hermit crabs proled in both the highly
frequented and protected beach, during winter or summer.
Statistical analysis
A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare
crab abundance dierences in the non-protected and protected
beaches (Fig. 2). A mixed-eects two-way ANOVA was used to
compare dierences between chela length and dry body weight
measurements in the non-protected and protected beaches (Fig.
3). Post-hoc Šídák’s tests were used when there was a main eect
of beach type or an interaction between beach type and season
(Figs. 2, 3).
We performed linear regressions to visualize slopes between
beach types and seasons, as well as to make an initial probe of
the relationship between chela length (mm) and shell aper-
ture length (mm). Because chela length (mm) has a positive
Downloaded from by guest on 29 October 2022
relationship with dry body weight (g) and serves as a proxy for
crab size, we explored whether chela length would also correlate
positively with shell aperture length. Linear regression analyses
were used (Fig. 4, Table 1).
To evaluate the relationship of shell aperture length with
chela length, beach type, and season, we performed a general-
ized linear model (GLM). To establish which predictive variable
had the higher correlation, we calculated the percent of variation
Figure 1. Study site topography is similar between Puerto Nuevo (18.490103º; -66.3945295º W; Google Earth,
data=CigiJgokCZ4W3asvgDJAEU6lvKmgfDJAGbRsMeqnmFDAISgze6pNmlDA) (A) and La Esperanza (18.4808763º N, –66.5196964º
W; Google Earth, hps://,-66.39811953,6.56378605a,2444.42792695d,35y,-0h,0t,0r) (B). Google ©
Maxar Technologies Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO TerraMetric.
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explained by each variable included in the model, dividing the
regression sum of squares for each predictive variable by the total
sum of squares (Acevedo-Charry & Aide, 2019; Colón-Piñeiro
et al., 2021). GLM analysis summary is included in Table 2.
To verify whether the number of gastropod-shell types var-
ied signicantly between the studied beaches, we performed a
Chi-square test of independence comparing the frequency of the
most occupied shells during both winter and summer seasons.
Dierences were considered statistically signicant when proba-
bility values were  0.05.
A two-way ANOVA revealed a signicant eect of beach type on
the number of crabs collected in each transect (F(1,18) = 26.42, P
< 0.0001). We found no eect of season nor interaction between
season and beach type on the number of crabs collected in each
transect (F(1,18) = 0.003039, P = 0.9566, F(1,18) = 0.2015, P =
0.659, respectively). Šídák’s multiple comparisons test revealed
that more crabs were collected on average in each transect at
the protected beach compared to the non-protected, highly fre-
quented beach for both the winter and summer seasons (t(36) =
3.983, P = 0.0006, t(36) = 3.354, P < 0.0038, respectively) (Fig. 2).
e total number of crabs identied during winter and summer
was 101 and 126 in the non-protected beach, 462 and 430 in the
protected beach, respectively.
A mixed-eects two-way ANOVA revealed a signicant
eect of beach type (F(1,1115) = 338.1, P < 0.0001) on chela
length in the two types of beaches analyzed. No eect of season
(F(1,1115) = 0.4026, P = 0.5259) or season versus beach (F(1,1115) =
1.780, P = 0.1824) was detected. Šídák’s multiple comparisons
test revealed that crabs collected from the protected beach are
larger, as measured by chela length, compared to those from the
non-protected beach for both the winter and summer seasons
(t(1115) = 11.41, P < 0.0001, t(1115) = 14.34, P < 0.0001, respec-
tively) (Fig. 3A). Since dry body weights were not measured in
the eld, we used the formula (Y = 0.231+2.995 * x) (Morrison
& Spiller, 2006) to estimate the crabs’ dry body weight. Similarly,
mixed-eects two-way ANOVA revealed a signicant eect of
beach type (F(1,1115) = 338.1, P < 0.0001). No eect of season
(F(1,1115) = 0.4026, P = 0.5259) or season versus beach (F(1,1115)
= 1.780, P = 0.1824) was detected. Šídák’s multiple compar-
isons test also revealed that crabs collected from the protected
beach have a higher dry body weight compared to those from the
non-protected beach for both seasons (t(1115) = 11.41, P < 0.0001,
t(1115) = 14.34, P < 0.0001, respectively) (Fig. 3B). Since dry body
weight estimates were calculated using the formula of Morrison
& Spiller (2006), which uses chela length as the explanatory
variable, the statistics obtained from the mixed-eects two-way
ANOVA and Šídák’s multiple comparisons test are the same.
Overall, these ndings suggest that both dry body weight and
major chela length are accurate estimates of crab size.
Linear regression analyses of the relationship between chela
length and shell-aperture length revealed that in both the pro-
tected and non-protected beach, regardless of season, there
is a signicant and positive relationship between the two vari-
ables (Table 1). We used a generalized linear model (GLM) to
assess the statistical signicance of major chela length, location,
and season as predictors for shell aperture length. e GLM
test revealed that chela length is the most important predictive
variable in the model, predicting most of the variance (76%) in
shell-aperture length (Table 2).
To assess shell-occupation patterns in the field, each shell
was photographed, and the gastropod identified. During
winter, hermit crabs in the non-protected beach utilized
24 genera of gastropod shells, of which 11 were unique to
Puerto Nuevo. In the protected beach, hermit crabs occu-
pied 36 different genera of gastropods, and of these, 24 were
only found in La Esperanza. During summer, hermit crabs
of the non-protected beach utilized 23 genera of gastropods,
where only three were unique to Puerto Nuevo. In the pro-
tected beach, 39 different gastropod genera were occupied
by crabs, and 19 of these shells were only documented in La
Esperanza. Shell occupation was measured in percentage of
occupation of each identified gastropod shell observed per
season (Supplementary material Tables S1, S2), for winter
and summer, respectively. Measuring the frequency of shell
use by beach type, the most used shells in the non-protected
beach during winter were the land snail Bulimulus guadalupen-
sis (Bruguière, 1789) (18.8%), the tessellated nerite Nerita
tessellata (Gmelin, 1791) (11.9%), and the green star shell
Astraea tuber (Linnaeus, 1767) (9.9%). During summer, the
most used shells in the non-protected beach were the glossy
dove shell Nitidella nitida (Lamarck, 1822) (34.1%), N. tes-
sellata (9.5%), and A. tuber (6.4%). The most used shells in
the protected beach during winter were A. tuber (34.9 %),
N. tessellata (11.5 %), and the beaded periwinkle Tect ar iu s
muricatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (7.6 %), and following the same
Figure 2. e abundance of Coenobita clypeatus according to the
beach type and season.
Figure 3. Major chela size (A) and body weight (B) of Coenobita
clypeatus by beach type and season.
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Figure 4. Linear relationship between chela length (mm) and shell aperture length (mm) of Coenobita clypeatus by beach and season.
Table 1. Linear regression analyses of the relationship between the chela length and aperture length of occupied gastropod shells by the C.
clypeatus population of conserved and non-conserved beaches.
Beach type Season DFn, DFd Intercept Slope R2 P
Highly Frequented Winter 1, 99 1.574 1.025 0.9283 < 0.001
Highly Frequented Summer 1, 124 0.4785 0.9254 0.9115 < 0.001
Protected Winter 1, 460 2.736 0.8010 0.5814 < 0.001
Protected Summer 1, 428 1.881 0.8300 0.7250 < 0.001
Table 2. Generalized linear-model analysis of the eects of chela length, beach type, season, and the interaction between beach type and season
on the aperture length of shells occupied by C. clypeatus populations in non-conserved and conserved beaches.
Estimate + SE Pr(> |t|) % Variance explained
Intercept 1.64955±0.15351 < 0.001 NA
Chela 0.85848±0.01619 < 0.001 76.31%
Beach 0.91986±0.17997 < 0.001 0.004%
Season 0.64446±0.10962 < 0.001 1.35%
Beach * Season 0.85175±0.24411 < 0.001 0.23%
Residuals 21.72%
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pattern, A. tuber (28.8%), N. tessellata (12.1%), and T. muri -
catus (7.7%) during summer.
e Chi-square test of independence indicated signicant dif-
ferences in the frequency of identied shells between the pro-
tected and non-protected beaches during winter (P > 0.0001)
and summer (P > 0.0001). During winter, shells of A. tuber and
N. tessellata were less abundant than expected in the non-pro-
tected beach, and fewer shells of A. tuber and more of B. guadalu-
pensis than expected were identied in the non-protected beach
during summer. More shells of B. guadalupensis than expected
were also identied in the non-protected beach but less abun-
dant than expected in the protected beach during summer. e
expected frequencies of shell occupancy were based on the
residuals (< –5 and > 5) from the Chi-square test. e most
frequently occupied shells during winter (Fig. 5A) and summer
(Fig. 5B) are also shown.
ere is global concern over the eects that the increase in urban-
ization and other anthropogenic-related factors have on biodi-
versity (Roy et al., 2003; Worm et al., 2006; Alonso et al., 2008;
McDonald et al., 2008; Morris, 2010). To promote thoughtful
and eective legislation that protects biodiversity, empirical
data that evidence the negative consequences of anthropogenic
activity on animal abundance in the lioral zone are particularly
required in the Caribbean. We used C. clypeatus as a bioindica-
tor to assess dierences in populations in relation to the conser-
vation status of particular areas because of the ubiquity of the
species across the coasts of Puerto Rico and its susceptibility to
disturbed-environment cues (Nieves-Rivera & Williams, 2003;
Ryan et al., 2012). Although Puerto Nuevo has been recog-
nized as a Blue Flag beach (hps://blue, a certication
reserved for beaches that meet environmental safety and quality
standards, our results show that there are signicantly fewer and
smaller hermit crabs with more varied shell use between seasons
in this highly frequented beach when compared to the protected
beach. ese results may be due to the dierences in regulatory
systems that control anthropogenic activity in the beaches, sug-
gesting that conservation measures have a positive impact on the
population dynamics of animals in the lioral zone.
Coenobita clypeatus was more than twice as abundant in the
protected beach than in the highly frequented, non-protected
beach during both seasons (Fig. 2). Dierences in its abun-
dance may reect migration to other lioral regions induced
by the species’ inability to properly adapt to anthropogenic
disturbances. e status of Puerto Nuevo as a Blue Flag beach
(hps:// marks it as a popular tourist
araction, with up to 15,000 beachgoers a month visiting during
the tourist season. Studies have shown that marine and non-
aquatic vertebrates, such as the harbor porpoise, Phocoena phoc-
oena (Linnaeus, 1758) and the northern saw-whet owl, Aegolius
acadicus (Gmelin, 1788) change routes and location due to
acoustic pollutants (Kastelein et al., 2013; Dyndo et al., 2015;
Mason et al., 2016; Mamo et al., 2018). Decapod crustaceans are
not exempt from the eect of acoustic disturbance. Wale et al.,
(2013) showed that the ability of the brachyuran crab, Carcinus
maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) to evade predators is disrupted by boat
noise. Another study showed that the withdrawal response of C.
clypeatus, a defensive anti-predator behavior, is sensitive to pro-
longed innocuous sound exposure (Stahlman et al., 2011). is
eect was referred to by Chan et al. (2010) as the distracted prey
hypothesis, which states that the limited aentional resources an
animal possesses are occupied by anthropogenic noise, increas-
ing predation risk. e distracted prey hypothesis, as well as
migration towards unaected regions, could apply to local C.
clypeatus and other lioral animals, and may partially explain the
reduced number of hermit crabs in the non-protected beach.
Figure 5. Ten most utilized gastropod shells by Coenobita clypeatus by season and beach type.
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Another potential factor inuencing the abundance and size
of C. clypeatus is a reduced availability of gastropod shells in the
lioral zone. Shells play a pivotal role in the survival and social
and reproductive behaviors of hermit crabs. e abdominal
region lacks the protective exoskeleton of the cephalothorax,
and shells protect the vulnerable abdominal region from desic-
cation, predation, and abrasion (i.e., Szabó, 2012). Molting and
subsequent growth are chiey dependent on the internal volume
of the shell, which crabs obtain via scavenging or shell exchange
(Elwood, 2022). e clutch size of a female hermit crab is also
dependent on the size of the occupied shell (Conover, 1978;
Bertness, 1981; Hazle, 1981). Due to the value of this resource,
hermit crabs have evolved to thoroughly examine each shell
encountered, selecting a shell that corresponds to their general
size in order to maximize their individual tness (Hazle, 1981;
Szabó, 2012).
Shell selection is an example of a decision-making process
that is aected by external factors (Reese, 1963; Conover, 1978;
Bertness, 1981; Hazle, 1981; McClintock, 1985; Lewis &
Rotjan, 2009; Rotjan et al., 2010). e shell utilization data indi-
cates that the type of shells used by C. clypeatus in the protected
beach does not vary substantially between seasons, favoring the
green star shell (A. tuber), a preference that was also observed
in Puerto Rico by Colón-Piñeiro et al. (2021). Hermit crabs of
the highly frequented beach, conversely, showed greater varia-
tion in the type of shell used in both seasons sampled. Although
natural dierences in the abundance and species of gastropods
in the studied beaches may impact shell occupation in C. clypea-
tus (Colón-Piñeiro et al., 2021), the studied beaches are similar
environments, containing aeolianite rock formations and sea-
grass meadows, as well as comparable tidal activity and land veg-
etation. e observed dierences in shell utilization paerns are
thus less likely to be due to natural variation in distribution of
gastropod species in each area. Given these observations, along
with those of other studies (Lange et al., 2013; Bloch & Klingbeil,
2016), it is instead probable that gastropod populations and
shell availability are impacted by human activity, inuencing
shell utilization, and subsequently, the potential abundance and
size of C. clypeatus.
Analysis of major chela length as a general indicator of size
(Morrison & Spiller, 2006; Colón-Piñeiro et al., 2021) demon-
strated that hermit crabs at the non-protected and highly fre-
quented beach are signicantly smaller than those in the protected
beach. e proportions of the shells occupied by C. clypeatus as
measured by the shell aperture length (mm) scaled positively
with hermit crab size, as measured by chela length (mm). ese
results are supported by Colón-Piñeiro et al. (2021) showing a
positive relationship between shell proportions and crab size.
is is not surprising considering that shell aperture length is
a quality assessed by C. clypeatus to appropriately select a shell
that meets the necessary dimensions to protect from desiccation
and predation (Szabó, 2012). As hermit crabs have evolved to be
entirely dependent on the shells available, this trait has the draw-
back of needing a constant supply of shells of increasing size,
which crabs must continually scavenge and evaluate (Morrison
& Spiller, 2006). Fewer larger shells available per beach are there-
fore a limiting growth factor for animals inhabiting both sampled
beaches. Gastropods and their shells are frequently collected for
their gastronomic and aesthetic value, limiting their availability
in the beach (Roy et al., 2003). Gastropods such as Ciarium
pica, Astraea tuber, and Nerita tessellata grow to medium and
large sizes and are oen collected for consumption, a practice
that goes unregulated in the non-protected beach. is indirect
anthropogenic interaction should be evaluated in future studies,
as these may contribute to the reduced size and abundance of
hermit crabs from highly frequented beaches when compared to
those of the protected beaches.
e impact of anthropogenic factors on coastal areas, and
the interactions between humans and the lioral zone, are com-
plex and far-reaching. Although hermit crabs and humans have
been shown to be capable of forming mutualistic relationships
(Barnes, 2001), the potential benet of increased anthropogenic
activity in the non-protected lioral zone is not reected by our
ndings. e C. clypeatus prole generated herein suggests that
the protected beach harbors more optimal conditions for the
hermit crab population than the highly frequented beach. is
may be due to the variety of factors and anthropogenic activi-
ties that threaten the ecological integrity of the coastal region,
which is minimized in protected beaches (Ke et al., 2011).
Determining the specic anthropogenic factors inducing the
observed dierences in the C. clypeatus population, was beyond
the scope of our study. Potential anthropogenic-related factors
may include but are not limited to pollution, overexploitation of
resources, introduction of invasive species, governmental man-
agement issues, and even human perception of coastal ecosys-
tems (Beatley, 1991; Suchanek, 1994; Lande, 1998; Reid et al.,
2005; Forster et al., 2011). Although any of these factors could
adversely alter the population dynamics of animals in the lioral
zone, pollution is known to be a signicant contributor to bio-
diversity loss, specically in coastal regions (Wafar et al., 2011).
Exposure to common coastal contaminants, such as heavy met-
als, adversely aects the social behavior and reproduction of
hermit crabs, which in turn impacts abundance (Aghabozorgi
Nafchi & Chamani, 2019). e eects of copper exposure in
the ghting behavior of P. bernhardus (White et al., 2013), and
the cardiac and respiratory function of the brachyuran crab,
Carcinus maenas have been described (Mh, 1984). Tributyltin,
a historically common antifouling agent, provokes morphologi-
cal disruption of the ovaries in female Clibanarius viatus (Bosc,
1801) (Sant’Anna et al., 2012). e negative ecological impact
that anthropogenic factors impose on the behavior of coastal
organisms, not only threatens biodiversity, but also impacts their
sustainability and capability to meet human resource demands
(Worm et al., 2006). Immediate action, in the form of increased
conservation measures, must be taken to limit the noxious con-
sequences of anthropogenic activities in the lioral zone and
prevent further biodiversity loss (Alonso et al., 2008).
Anadon-Irizarry et al., (2012) identied key biodiversity
areas along Caribbean coastlines, including the coastal regions
of Puerto Rico. Expansion of protected areas, such as natural
reserves, can help to protect biodiversity and benet the local
population via the sustainable use of natural resources (Burgess
et al., 2017; van Schalkwyk et al., 2019). Proper conservation
methods also require a robust catalog of the local ora and fauna.
ese eorts typically focus on vertebrate and plant species
so a broader number of taxa must be considered to eectively
preserve biodiversity. Conservation measures, such as those
implemented in the Hacienda La Esperanza, provide optimal
Downloaded from by guest on 29 October 2022
conditions to hermit crab populations. Our study has shown that
C. clypeatus can serve as a useful model organism to study the
benets of conservation measures in lioral organisms. ese
ndings, along with further research, should encourage legis-
lative measures to expand the area and number of lioral pro-
tected areas to mitigate the impact of anthropogenic activity for
the protection of coastal biodiversity.
Supplementary material is available at Journal of Crustacean
Biology online.
Table S1. Gastropod shells utilized by Coenobita clypeatus
in the protected (La Esperanza) and highly frequented beach
(Puerto Nuevo) during late winter.
Table S2. Gastropod shells utilized by Coenobita clypeatus
in the protected (La Esperanza) and highly frequented beach
(Puerto Nuevo) during summer
We thank the Centers for Research Excellence in Science and
Technology (CREST) Puerto Rico Center for Environmental
Neuroscience (PRCEN) for supporting the research (grant:
National Sciences Foundation (NSF) Human Resource
Development (HRD) 1736019). Special thanks to Dr. Vivian
Mestey, who mentored the authors in shell identication. We
also extend our gratitude to the Institute of Interdisciplinary
Research of the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, and the
anonymous reviewers for their valuable contributions. We thank
the undergraduate students who contributed to the project:
Wilfredo Torres-Rivera, Aidimar Rodríguez-Fuentes, Emanuel
Zayas-Díaz, Victoria Blaioa-Vázquez, Ariana Figueroa-
González, Natalia Rivera-Rolón, Krystal M. Santiago-Colón,
Gabriel J. Cruz-Rodríguez, and María I. González-De Jesús.
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... Further work can evaluate factors that influence crab population, and we suspect that Coiba present high large densities of hermit crabs, as compared to other sites in the pacific side of Panama. For instance, hermit crabs' seasonal migrations (Nieves-Rivera and Williams Jr 2003;Lindquist et al. 2009) and anthropogenic disturbance in touristic sites (Torres-Torres et al. 2022) generate population fluctuations that could influence ants' efficiency as seed dispersers and consequently plants' fitness. ...
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Seed dispersal by ants plays a major role globally in plant dynamics for many angiosperms and can be influenced by multiple factors. One of those factors is competition between ants and other organisms for gaining access to seeds. A habitat with high abundance of potential competitors for ants is forests in marine coast ecosystem, where there is a high abundance of terrestrial crabs that functionally act as seed predators. In a coastal forest on Coiba Island, Panama, we measured seed removal rates at increasing intervals from the coast towards the interior of the forest, representing a decreasing gradient in ant–crab competition. We found that seed removal was dominated by hermit crabs near the coast, and while ants moved more seeds as the distance from the coast increased. We expect that this differential removal should generate varying levels of seed predation and seedling establishment, with crabs acting mainly as seed and seedling predators. This study provides insights into how ant–crab dynamics may play a role in maintaining the vegetation gradients in coastal ecosystems.
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Hermit crabs have an intimate relationship with gastropod shells and show numerous activities by which they locate, select, and change shells in different contexts. They gather information about new shells and update information about their existing shells. This involves integration of different sensory modalities, memory-formation, and comparison of the overall value of each shell. Crabs also fight to get shells from other crabs, and again they gather information about the shell qualities and the opponent. Attacking crabs monitor their fight performance, and defenders are influenced by attacker activities, and both crabs are influenced by the gain or loss that might be made by swapping shells. Swapping shells involves the defender being naked for a short period. Leaving a shell also occurs if the shell is experimentally fixed in place or buried in sand or if small electric shocks are applied to the abdomen, and the quality of the current shell is traded-off against escaping possible asphyxiation or the aversive shocks. Hermit crabs show remarkable abilities, involving future planning, with respect to recognizing the shape and size of shells, and how they limit their passage through environmental obstructions. They also assess if shells might become available and wait for that to happen. Groups of crabs arrange themselves in size order so that orderly transfer of shells might occur down a line of crabs. These observations are discussed in the light of complex perceptual and cognitive abilities, and the possibility of sentience and awareness is discussed.
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This is the Supplementary information of the paper published in Oikos "Recovery of amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal diversity during secondary forest succession in the tropics"
Technical Report
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Como base para la definición de una estrategia de conservación de la biodiversidad, el presente ejercicio de Planificación Ecorregional para la Conservación in situ de la Biodiversidad Marino y Costera de Caribe y Pacífico continental colombiano representa el inicio de una serie de esfuerzos dirigidos a cumplir con los compromisos adquiridos en la COP-7 (Kuala Lumpur, Malasia) del Convenio de Diversidad Biológica (CDB) de 2004, donde se espera que para 2012 se tenga un sistema representativo, efectivo y completo de áreas marinas protegidas a nivel regional y nacional, eficazmente gestionado y ecológicamente representativo, las cuales colectivamente entre otras cosas, por conducto de una red mundial, contribuyen al logro de los tres objetivos del CDB y a la meta de 2010 de reducir significativamente la tasa actual de pérdida de la diversidad biológica en los planos mundial, regional, nacional y subnacional y a la reducción de la pobreza, apoyando así los objetivos del Plan Estratégico del Convenio, el Plan de Aplicación de la Cumbre de Desarrollo Sostenible y las metas de desarrollo del milenio. La identificación de sitios prioritarios de conservación en el Caribe y Pacífico continental colombiano (escala 1:250.000) es uno de los primeros insumos para cumplir con los objetivos anteriores. Cabe anotar que paralelamente a este ejercicio, se llevó a cabo un proceso similar de Planificación Ecorregional en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO), que incluyó a la costa Pacífico de Colombia, Panamá y Costa Rica, cuyos resultados fueron analizados para generar un portafolio único para el Pacífico continental colombiano, que es el presentado en éste documento. El producto del ejercicio para Caribe y Pacífico es insumo importante para el desarrollo del análisis de vacíos de representatividad de la biodiversidad marina y costera de Colombia.
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In tropical regions, many studies have focused on how vegetation and ecosystem processes recover following the abandonment of anthropogenic activities, but less attention has been given to the recovery patterns of vertebrates. Here we conduct a meta‐analysis (n = 147 studies) of amphibian, reptile, bird, and mammal recovery during tropical secondary forest succession (i.e. natural regeneration). For each taxonomic group, we compared changes in species richness and compositional similarity during natural secondary succession to reference forests (mature or old growth forest). In addition, we evaluated the response of forest specialists and the change in bird and mammal functional groups during natural secondary succession in the tropical moist forest biome. Overall, species richness of all groups reached levels of the reference forests during natural secondary succession, but this was not the case for species compositional similarity. The delay in recovery of forest specialists may be the reason for the delay in recovery of species compositional similarity. Overall, vertebrate recovery increased with successional stage, but other potential predictors of diversity recovery, such as, the geographical setting (amphibian and reptile species compositional similarity recovered more rapidly on islands), rainfall (mammal species richness and compositional similarity recovered faster in regions of low rainfall), and the landscape context (amphibian, reptile and mammal species compositional similarity recovered faster in regions with more forest patches) influenced vertebrate recovery. These results demonstrate the important role of secondary forests in providing habitat for many vertebrates, but the slow recovery of species compositional similarity, forest specialists, and some functional groups (e.g. insectivorous birds) highlighted the challenge of secondary forest persistence, and strongly argues for the continued protection of old growth/mature forest as habitat for forest specialists and as sources for secondary forest sites. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Despite the diversity of sound production in crustacea, sounds produced by the land hermit crabs (Coenobitidae) are not well understood. Here, sound and substrate-borne vibration production by the tropical species Coenobita compressus was characterized in relation to shell architecture and social context. Sound production rates were compared between group and solitary conditions. Chirps were measurable in the air (peak frequency 800-8400 Hz) and within the sediment (40-1120 Hz). On average, chirp pulses were 0.08 s, spaced 0.41-0.92 s apart, and had trains composed of 4-6 pulses. There were significant correlations between the shell architecture and chirp vibroacoustics. Notably, a correlation between the substrate-borne peak frequency and shell wall thickness was found, indicating that the shell remodeling process which crabs undertake (shell wall thinning) impacts the vibroacoustics of the chirps. Chirp production was significantly linked to sociality during increased individual proximity and shell contests; hence, the function is hypothesized to be intraspecific communication relative to personal space and defense. Although there have been anecdotal observations of chirping in the Coenobitidae, this paper provides a full characterization of C. compressus, which produces chirps in two sensory modes, indicating the potential of being a seismic signaler.
Individuals of the terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita clypeatus Fabricius, 1787 use different gastropod shells for shelter during their life span. Availability of shells affects population traits, including density and size structure, influencing their fitness and survival. Locality and human presence can induce variation in the diversity and size of gastropod shells, influencing available shells for hermit crabs. We assessed how the diversity, size, and abundance of the occupied species of gastropod shells affect the density and demography of C. clypeatus in two marine protected areas (MPA) with different recreational use in Puerto Rico, Manatí (high) and Mona Island (low). We also evaluated the relationship between three shell traits (length, width, and aperture length) and the length of the crab chela as a size proxy. We did not find differences in the sex ratio. The density and median chela sizes were higher in crabs from Manatí. In Mona, however, they reached larger sizes. The diversity of occupied shell species was higher in Manatí than in Mona. Dimensions of occupied shells differed between genera and between study sites, and they scaled positively with hermit crab size. Differences in shells diversity, sizes, and abundance between MPAs might cause differences in density and demography of C. clypeatus. We only found large shells of Cittarium pica (Linnaeus, 1758), the only species occupied by larger individuals, occupied by hermit crabs in Mona. The low abundance of C. pica shells in Manatí might have affected the size of hermit crabs in this locality. Our in situ findings suggest that hermit crabs need larger shells to reach larger sizes as previously shown, and that location and the degree of human intervention might influence the availability of gastropod shells. Our study is the first attempt to characterize the demography and gastropod shells used by hermit crabs in Puerto Rico.
Human-generated noise pollution is of global concern, as designated by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2011, Burden of disease from environmental noise: Quantification of healthy life years lost in Europe. Increases in shipping, sonar use, pile driving, and more have all contributed to a rise in ambient underwater sound levels. Unfortunately, continuous low-intensity sounds, like shipping noise, are pervasive in shallow-shore environments where many social species live and correspond to the frequency ranges at which many fishes produce and detect acoustic stimuli. Noise has the potential to alter the sender's production of the signal, mask the signal itself (if acoustic), or change the receiver's physiology. We hypothesized that continuous tonal noise would impair social interactions and communication. To test this, we used highly social African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni, to examine inter- and intrasexual interactions that occurred in a control or noisy environment (pure tones of 100–2000 Hz). During reproductive interactions, we found that males changed the location of their courtship behaviours. Instead of producing courtship quivers (and associated sounds) immediately next to gravid females, males produced these behaviours inside their spawning shelter. This change in location decreases the likelihood of the female detecting it. Also detrimental to acoustic communication, we found that noise-exposed gravid females had lower hearing sensitivity at 100–200 Hz, a major component of male courtship sounds. In addition, males changed their visual displays during male–male territorial interactions such that they spent more time with their eyebar displayed, suggesting an increase in visual signalling. Together, these data indicate that noise may impact all three components of social communication: signal production, signal reception and the signal itself, and highlights a possible cross-modal impact of noise on visual signalling. Subtle changes to social behaviours and communication, rather than dramatic effects such as injury or mortality, are important to evaluating sublethal impacts of noise on reproductive success and species survival.
Biosphere reserves (BRs) are areas of high biodiversity value that promote conservation and sustainable development. BRs consist of core, buffer, and transition zones. Buffer zones are where human and ecological activities overlap, and are key functional spaces that can have important complementarity value. We test this using ground-living arthropods in the highly biodiverse Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve in South Africa. We use generalized dissimilarity modelling to describe the compositional dissimilarity of assemblages as a function of environmental correlates between pairs of survey sites. Transformed spatial predictors were used as surrogates for biodiversity to assess complementarity. Important correlates of arthropod species turnover were related to mesoclimate, fire history, and geology. Buffer areas had important complementary value. Current habitat transformation across core and buffer zones does not change this, as results were the same when removing all transformed areas from the analyses. Important areas in buffer zones that increased local representativeness coincided with areas of increased intra-annual temperature variability. Orchards in transformed areas also influenced arthropod diversity in adjacent natural vegetation by < 1 km from orchard edges. This edge effect influenced both core and buffer sites due to the lack of a continuous buffer, indicating that the buffer zone is important for protecting the core. As fire management is an important correlate of arthropod turnover here, the complementary value of the buffer zone can have a strong temporal dimension. Given the important complementary value of the buffer zone, conservation management should not be restricted to core areas only, especially when maximising local representativeness
Noise is a form of human-induced rapid environmental change, and mounting evidence suggests that it can affect the sensory environment and consequently the decision-making ability of animals. However, while the effects of anthropogenic noise on individual organisms in the context of movement patterns, foraging and predation risk have been reported, relatively little is known about how noise impacts groups and intraspecific interactions. Here we investigated the effects of anthropogenic noise on grouping preference (i.e. being with conspecifics or alone) in the European hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus. Hermit crabs live in empty gastropod shells and frequently fight with each other to gain an optimal-fitting shell. Thus, crabs' grouping preference may depend on the optimality of their own shell and thus on their motivation to gain another. To test the effect of shell size and its interaction with noise exposure on grouping preferences, crabs were housed in either suboptimal or optimal shells before being exposed to playbacks of either ship noise or an ambient sound (control) and given the choice to group with one or five conspecifics or to remain alone in a neutral zone. Crabs occupying suboptimal shells had a longer latency to enter the zone with a single crab than crabs in optimal shells. This difference was only seen in the ambient sound treatment, disappearing completely under ship noise. Under ambient sound, crabs in optimal shells spent most of their time close to a single crab, while crabs in suboptimal shells showed no clear preference. However, exposure to ship noise reversed the effect of shell quality on grouping preference. Our results demonstrate that exposure to anthropogenic noise can alter not only individual behaviour but also social behaviour.